Etiquette formulas of apology examples. Speech etiquette - successful interaction with people

The role of words for any communication is difficult to underestimate. Successful interaction with the environment often depends on a well-chosen phrase that is appropriate for a particular case. Speech etiquette regulates the use of expressions, terms, words for each situation. It contains established rules for polite conversation or writing. Etiquette in everyday speech activity contains a set of verbal clichés for greetings, farewells or acquaintances. Every person says them during the day. The term speech etiquette also refers to the rules for using the appropriate vocabulary and intonations. Development modern languages largely due to the rules of everyday use of words.

Compliance with speech etiquette contributes to a better understanding between interlocutors. In a conversation with a stranger, in a small talk for standard situations, it is enough to use one of the standard phrases. The culture of speech is regulated by the inappropriateness of etiquette to pronounce abusive, slang expressions at official meetings. Others simply will not take such an interlocutor seriously.

Any successful communication is determined by the duration, content of the speech, the way information is presented. Too long frequent remarks will tire the listener, and the scarcity of statements can offend, show a person’s isolation or disregard for those present. Different words can describe the phenomenon from a positive or negative side, accurately show or distort the essence of what is happening. The essence of what is said is always important: deceit, unreliability of statements affects the attitude towards the interlocutor.

The main purposes of modern speech etiquette:

  1. Promotes successful communication according to the current social group. Clear rules help to minimize negative reactions to what is said, quickly find the right words.
  2. Draws attention to the interlocutor, author, speaker the attention of the right audience.
  3. The role of speech etiquette is manifested as function indicating the purpose of the meeting, the social status of those present.
  4. Regulates necessary emotional environment activities or the degree of impact on others, causing certain reactions to words.
  5. Helps effectively show an attitude towards the interlocutor. Using specific words, you can express respect, disdain or sympathy for the addressee.

The situational relevance of speech is determined by the purpose of what was said, the environment in which communication takes place, the social group of those present, the reason for the meeting. The emotional coloring of any remark depends on the events taking place. Cursing or exaggerated scientific statements will look inappropriate for different conditions.

Types of speech etiquette

The norms of the existing speech etiquette differ for different ways of transmitting information. There are rules for telephone communication, personal meetings. In a telephone conversation, you need to take into account the duration, intonation, vocabulary, and in personal conversations, posture, gesticulation, and accompanying behavior are important. For business correspondence there is a special etiquette that takes into account the style, the choice of the desired font or the design of the text.

  • Business, official. Here it is customary to observe formalities, in the lexicon specialized terms, clericalisms are used. When negotiating, business correspondence, it is necessary to emphasize respect for the opponent.
  • Casual style speech etiquette is largely simplified, abbreviations are allowed, lexical errors, variations in the choice of the right words.
  • Familiar. Accepted only in the circle of close friends or family. The simplest style of communication, where restrictions are set only by the participants themselves.

Language and behavioral aids

Speech etiquette has different ways conveying the required information. There are certain means to give a conversation or letter an appropriate coloring for the occasion:

  1. Vocabulary. These can be both standard cliché expressions of sympathy, congratulations, greetings, as well as the deliberate use of scientific terms that correspond to the audience of slang expressions.
  2. Speech style. Construction of phrases in accordance with the case of the conversation.
  3. Intonation. The right tone of expression successfully helps to express emotions.
  4. Behavioral. Restrictions on certain actions in a conversation that contribute to respectful communication, the use of certain techniques that affect the public.
  5. Grammar. For example, a respectful attitude can be shown by calling the interlocutor in the plural.

The means of communication are not limited to words. In personal communication, people show their emotions, facial expressions, body position. Facial expression, polite bow can give the desired emotional coloring to the conversation. The most polite words spoken with a sour face on your face will only cause bewilderment, and a sincere smile can correct an oversight or mistake.

Speech etiquette formulas

A person learns the basic formulas of communication from childhood. These are standard clichés for expressing gratitude, greetings, farewells. These expressions are used according to etiquette in accordance with the occasion. Forms of speech etiquette are different for everyday and official communication. Respectful greeting "Hello!" universal, but "Hi!" can only be said to a well-known person.

In any communication, there are three stages of conversation, for which the corresponding formulas are adopted:

  1. Start. Greeting phrases will be appropriate here, depending on the time of day at which communication takes place and the formality of the meeting: “Hello!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Hello!”.
  2. Development. Phrases of approval, indignation, sympathy are used.
  3. Completion. For parting, the universal replicas “Goodbye!”, “See you!” or more familiar “Bye!”, “See you soon!”.

There are various formulas expressing emotions and attitudes towards what is happening. Spoken with the right intonation, they can support or correct the actions of the interlocutor. The ability to distinguish the subtleties of using the right words for etiquette comes with an increase in the level of education and culture.

There are various speech clichés for situations:

  • Sorrow. These are expressions of sadness due to tragic events, such as "Condolences."
  • Congratulations. The phrase depends on the occasion, you can say the universal "Congratulations!" , to mention the joyful event "Happy Anniversary!", "Happy New Year!", "Happy Birthday!".
  • support. They are pronounced to encourage the interlocutor in their endeavors - “You will succeed!”, “You can do it!”.
  • Approval or disagreement with actions or requests. “It’s impossible!”, “Forced to refuse”, “I agree”.
  • Insulting actions of the interlocutor."How dare you!"
  • . “Forgive me, please!”, “I apologize!”.
  • Requests.“Could you…” “Please…”
  • compliments. "You look wonderful!".

Speech etiquette of different social groups

The culture of behavior, verbal communication differ for different social circles or groups. In the company of people of the same profession or people of a certain status, a certain vocabulary or tonality of statements is adopted, which is different from everyday.

The criteria for speech etiquette are determined by the following characteristics:

  • Age. The words used, the manner of conducting a conversation among adolescents differ from the principles of communication of older people.
  • Level of education or upbringing. Depending on the knowledge acquired lexicon, awareness of the appropriateness of certain behavior.
  • Profession. The speech and etiquette of doctors and scientists is distinguished by the use of specialized terms, professional slang. Behavior is governed by certain ethics, which prohibit certain statements, disclosure of information, or criticism of colleagues.
  • National features and traditions.

Modern speech etiquette is also built on the principles of hierarchy. Relationships between a boss and a subordinate, people of different social levels, oblige to use certain words and expressions, to monitor their gestures, intonation.

Speech etiquette is the rules governing the use of language means and techniques. With the help of appropriate expressions, intonations, accompanying gestures, you can get the right reaction in the appropriate environment. Etiquette varies depending on social group or purpose of the meeting.

Pakhomova I.N. 1 , Ivanova A.S. 2 , Kolomiets V.A. 3 , Sipunova I.V. 4

1 Candidate of Philological Sciences, 2 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, 3.4 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language No. 4,

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow



This article discusses the use of wish and congratulation formulas in modern means mass media(media) and Internet communications. It is noted that the study of speech etiquette does not cease to be relevant due to its presence in various areas of human communication. Formulas of speech etiquette change, transform, new ones appear. The studied material shows that journalists often use colloquial forms, thereby showing freedom and ease in communication. Internet users, bringing virtual communication closer to oral colloquial speech, seek to increase the degree of effectiveness of the communicative act.

Keywords : wish, congratulations, speech etiquette, mass media, Internet.

Pakhomova I. N. 1 , Ivanova A. S. 2 , Kolomiets V. A. 3 , Sipunova I. V. 4

1 PhD in Philology, 2 PhD in Pedagogy, 3,4 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language № 4

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow



This article considers the use of wish and congratulation formulas in modern media (mass media) and Internet communication. It is noted that the study of speech etiquette does not cease to be relevant due to its presence in various spheres of human communication. Formulas of speech etiquette change, transform, new formulas appear. The studied material shows that journalists often use colloquial forms, thus showing freedom and ease in communication. Internet users approaching virtual communication to oral colloquial speech, strive to improve the effectiveness of the communicative act.

keywords: wish, congratulation, speech etiquette, mass media, Internet.

From the end of the 20th century the main influence on speech culture and Russian speech etiquette is exerted by the media, and not fiction. In the 21st century this influence is carried out, first of all, not through the print media, as it was quite recently, but through television and increasingly through the Internet

All changes taking place in society and, therefore, found their expression in communication, are reflected primarily in the media. The attention of researchers to the mass media and to the processes in their language is explained by the fact that the media still remain one of the most important social institutions that shape the language tastes of society and have a decisive influence on the norms of speech behavior, and therefore on the culture of society. According to O.B. Sirotinina, “... in relation to the codified and colloquial in modern media, there is a clear increase in the share of colloquial. This growth is a reaction to the previous officialdom, the result of the convergence of the journalist's speech with its addressee ... "

Nowadays, the Internet also plays a huge role in the life of almost every person. The number of Internet users is growing rapidly. Vinogradova T.Yu. notes that at present, humanity is increasingly confronted with a new linguistic personality - a person living in Internet communication. In this regard, not only the transformation of the consciousness of the individual takes place, but also the organization of a new network thinking.

Internet discourse is studied from different angles: the specificity of language means of electronic communication is studied, the information space is considered in the aspect of speech-genre differentiation, the relationship and mutual influence of language and society, language and culture are studied. Recently, the ethical aspect of electronic communication has increasingly come to the attention of linguists.

There is no doubt that such a new information space has a significant impact on the language situation that is taking shape in the modern information reality called the Internet. Today, we can quite confidently talk about the emergence of a new style - the style of Internet communication, characteristic features which can be considered hypertextuality, a written-oral form of communication (a new form of the existence of a language - conceptually oral, but realized in writing), as well as its spontaneity

In Internet communication, where communication takes place through texts, the choice of speech strategies and speech-behavioral tactics helps to achieve a certain ethical balance. In any genre of communication, etiquette communication should become the fundamental type of communicative interaction between those who communicate.

The study of speech etiquette does not cease to be relevant for scientific and methodological research, due to its presence in various spheres of human communication, as well as due to changes in sociocultural conditions, after which some speech formulas disappear, others appear, and others change.

This article discusses the speech acts "wish" and "congratulation" in the aspect of modern communication in the media and the Internet.

J. Searle, in his classification of speech acts, on the basis of the social parameter of politeness, distinguishes general type speech acts - expressives. Searle defines the illocutionary purpose of these acts as an expression of a psychological state, a psychological reaction of the speaker to the state of affairs or the behavior of the speech addressee. The expression of the psychological reaction of the speaker in Searle's classification is the leading feature of expressives as acts of social etiquette. These include the speech acts “wish” and “congratulation” studied in this work as units of speech interaction, set by external social factors.

The speech act of wishing is a polite speech action that is implemented by the speaker in order to express attention and sympathy towards the addressee and hope for well-being in the life of the addressee in the future and thereby comply with the norms of etiquette adopted in this society.

E.V. Vdovina notes that the speech act of “wishes” is a polite speech act that is implemented by the speaker in order to express attention and sympathy for the addressee and hope for well-being in the life of the addressee in the future, and thereby comply with the norms of etiquette adopted in this society.

Considering the speech act “wish” as a manifestation of social etiquette, it should be noted that the language means representing the speech act “wish” are not very diverse. This fact is explained by the strong formalization of the wish, which, in turn, allows the speaker in any situation, without hesitation, to fulfill the usual automatically.

Some parting formulas already contain the idea of ​​a wish: All the best (kind, best, best)! ; Be healthy)!

Wishes themselves often follow after parting. The most common of them are built according to the formula: Wish you, you) + n. In the genus n. or infinitive. For example: - I wish you good luck (success, happiness etc.)!; I want to pass the exam!

Such are the news from Moscow and the Moscow region. All the best!(news anchor, RTR TV channel)

Our release is now complete. All the best to you and see you soon!(sports news host, Match TV channel)

Now on television, when saying goodbye, presenters use such forms of wishes as:

This concludes our release. I wish you good news and good mood!(news presenter, REN TV channel)

Formula Happy (to you, you)! is colloquial, as a rule, it is a wish for well-being at parting or an independent form of friendly farewell. Currently, radio and television presenters freely use this formula:

Everyone is happy! Listen to "Auto Radio" (listener of the radio station "Auto Radio")

Alexander Mikhailin was our guest, a three-time world champion. Thank you for your attention. Happily!(host of a sports program, Match TV channel)

Currently, the DJ of one radio station uses the formula Happy to stay! as a farewell, thus demonstrating freedom and ease in communication to radio listeners:

Happy stay everyone! With you "Auto Radio" (DJ of the radio station "Auto Radio")

In the formula Good luck (to you, to you)! contains a wish for a happy coincidence for someone. This expression is also currently seen on television:

That's all. Anna Semyonova was with you. Good luck!(host of the pro news program, MUZ TV channel)

Farewell in the evening, at night, rather, immediately before bedtime, is carried out in the wish: Good night!; Good night! (less often). Today, hosts of nightly programs use this formula:

We wish you good luck. Good night!(program host, TVC channel)

Good night everybody!(host of night news, ORT TV channel)

One of the Internet users uses the form of greetings and wishes at the same time. Moreover, etiquette forms are colloquial in nature.

Hello and good night (one of the forum members)

On the Internet, there is also a greeting in the form of a wish. It can be assumed that this form appeared under the influence of the form: "Good night!", Which has long been used on television by leading night programs.

Good day everyone! An online store selling knives is for sale (one of the forum participants).

Thus, in the media, journalists and presenters of various programs quite often accompany the forms of farewell with various kinds of wishes. In this case, expressions are often colloquial. One of the Internet users uses the form of greeting and wishes at the same time. On one of the forums there is also a greeting in the form of a wish.

Communication in Internet forums is a kind of dialogic writing, which in itself is a clear evidence of the transformative impact the latest technologies in the field of verbal communication. Before the era of the Internet, linguists noted the existence of only monologue written speech (for example, the genre of the story, the genre of writing). Akishina A.A. and Formanovskaya N.I. note that the temporal-spatial distance and the written form suggest a special genre of writing and dictate the choice of certain language means that differ from the means of oral communication. The distance of the “interlocutors” in space excludes facial expressions, gestures, intonation, what can be called in a half-word, the possibility of asking again, situational reinforcement, therefore it implies (unlike oral communication) the comparative completeness of structures, deployment, sequence of presentation, that is, those features which are characteristic of monologue speech. However, a letter cannot be called a monologue in the full sense, since the presence of a specific addressee, and most importantly, his intended answer, also evokes dialogue forms of communication (greeting, farewell, wish, appeal, congratulations, etc.).

The speech act of congratulations is a polite speech action that is implemented by the speaker in order to express his sympathy and joy about the present event, corresponding to the interests of the addressee.

  1. C. Marten-Clif classifies the reasons for congratulations as follows: 1) "transitional" rituals (birthdays, religious and family holidays) 2) special successes of the addressee (successfully passed the exam) 3) happy events that occurred without the direct intervention or special efforts of the addressee .

Currently, Internet users often congratulate each other on various holidays. Let's give examples.

1) Happy Birthday:

- Our wonderful neighbor from the seven Drrr! Marina rinka happy birthday!!!

- Hooray-hooray!!! Attachments to congratulations!!!

– Happy jam day!!! Uryayaya!

- Congratulations J)) All the best and more.

- On behalf of the men of this forum, let me congratulate women / girls / girls on International Women's Day!

“Miss and Mrs, lady. Madame and mademoiselle, signorina and signora, donna, drylyan and frau, lady, lady and lady, happy holiday!

There is also a congratulation in the form of a toast:

- For lovely ladies!

3) congratulations on the birth of a son:

- Congratulations! Grow up healthy, strong, smart!

- Wow, congratulations!

- Oooh, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

It should also be noted that nowadays Internet users congratulate each other happy birthday forum

- Happy Anniversary!!! Long Summer!!!

- Happy Holidays everyone!!!

- Can we celebrate?! So to speak, with barbecue or a birthday cake?

Congratulations are often associated with the recipient's success in a particular area. Internet users thank, express a positive assessment of actions, simultaneously performing a speech act of praise, for example:

– Many thanks to the organizers of the forum (J You are great! Congratulations!

- Thank you for your hard work! They are not in vain!

Thus, the forum unites Internet users into a certain group, depending on their interests and preferences. As the material shows, communication on the forums is free, emotional and unconstrained. Forum participants use many individual, colloquial words and expressions when congratulating.

A new lifestyle requires the transformation of old language means of communication, or the introduction of new ones into it. So, for example, slang, becoming a common vocabulary among Internet users, brings virtual communication closer to the genre of oral colloquial speech. For example:

- BuhaaaaatJ)) or did you transfer it to the exit? J

It can be concluded that virtual communication, being in close connection with the traditional conversational style, to the greatest extent contributes to the emancipation of the interlocutors and increases the degree of effectiveness of the communicative act.

Journalists are also absolutely free to use colloquial forms of wishes, apparently to achieve close, trusting relationships with the addressee.

Bibliography /References

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Any communication is based on the use of certain rules that help it (communication) acquire the color of literacy, coherence, culture and intelligence. These rules include speech etiquette with its various formulas.

There are predetermined words, phrases or expressions that are constantly used in conversation. Such "blanks" are called formulas of speech etiquette. Regardless of the status of the interlocutor (boss or neighbor) and the duration of the conversation (just find out the way or chat for another hour), the conversation consists of three parts:

  1. Starting a conversation (greeting/acquaintance). A banal beginning is expected to be followed by a primitive conversation, and, on the contrary, an interesting beginning suggests an interesting conversation. Which formulas (phrases) you will choose for greeting depends on the interlocutor (his gender, age, status) and the situation. Speech etiquette does not strictly regulate greetings or introductions. In this case, examples of speech etiquette are quite diverse. When meeting, you can focus on the emotional side: “Hello, how glad I am to see you!”, Or you can say hello quite restrained and politely - an elementary “Good afternoon / evening!”. The greeting should be adequate to the situation, in the evening no one says: "Good morning." An appropriate greeting should be used depending on the gender or social status of the interlocutor. The most universal greeting is the neutral expression "Hello!" or "Greetings!". It is a polite and democratic form of greeting suitable for everyone.
  2. The main part (the very essence of the conversation). To gain a reputation as a good conversationalist, stick to the golden rule. It consists in a clear presentation of the topic: "He who thinks clearly, he clearly states." Which speech etiquette formulas you use depends on the goals of this conversation (request, offer, notification, order ...).
  3. The final part of the conversation (farewell). When saying goodbye, according to the rules of speech etiquette, you can either just say goodbye or arrange the next meeting. When saying goodbye, wishing health or “All the best” works great. But to say "Let's call!" not worth it if the interlocutors are more than sure that this will not happen. In this case, it would be better to just say "Goodbye."

The specifics of speech etiquette formulas

The forms of speech etiquette include words or phrases that are used by people in communication, taking into account the specific situation and national characteristics. It is known that each country has its own etiquette of communication, behavior and lifestyle in general. Therefore, if you are going on a trip, you should at least get a little acquainted with the culture of the country you are going to visit. Greeting, farewell, request, invitation, as well as other forms of speech etiquette, have many options. For example, when meeting a friend, you can easily say “Hello!”, And with an unfamiliar person, familiarity should not be allowed in any way.

Russian speech etiquette has specific communication formulas, since great importance and influence among Russians have national traditions and cultural heritage. For example, Russians shake hands when greeting each other (but it is customary for the French to kiss on the cheek). Also, it is not customary for Russians to talk about those present in the third person (he, she) - this is considered bad form, and sometimes an insult. There are few personal pronouns in our language, but their importance in Russian speech etiquette is very high. The choice between "you" or "you" is critical. Have you ever heard corrections like: “Refer to me on “You!”, Or “Don't “poke” me, please!”? With this remark, the interlocutor expresses dissatisfaction with the disrespectful attitude towards him. "You" is used to refer to close person, in an informal setting or when communication is familiar. But “You” is ideal in a formal setting, with strangers, with those who are older than you, when referring to the opposite sex. "You" is the simplest, easiest, and arguably most effective way to show respect.

Examples of speech etiquette formulas

Let's look at some examples of well-known forms of speech etiquette. For example, the speech etiquette of a request. The request, as a form of appeal, has its own requirements. It must be clearly stated in a delicate and affirmative form. For example: "It will not make it difficult for you to help me ...", "Do me a favor, ...", "I want to ask you about ...". Remember that you are asking the interlocutor, not he you. If you want to get a response to your request, state it as politely but confidently as possible. Believe me, the answer to the request, voiced in a simple accessible form, will not keep you waiting.

In conclusion, I would like to say that speech etiquette in our country is simply replete with a variety of words. There is only one rule - you need to clearly understand where, how and under what circumstances you can use certain words. There is a proverb: "Keep silent and pass for a smart one." If there is no complete confidence in the correctness of the use of certain words or phrases (especially in other countries), it is better to use generally accepted, often used universal phrases. This way you will always be on top.

We live in a beautiful country, among educated and intelligent people. To feel among them "one's own", you need to study the culture of communication and rules of conduct. Well, in society it’s clear, but do we need to apply the rules of speech etiquette, say at home? You know, yes! Even double! Being a literate, cultured, highly educated person is a way of life, not a mask put on for a couple of hours.

- I'm sorry!
Unfortunately, we often hear this form of address. Speech etiquette and communication culture- not very popular concepts in modern world. One will consider them too decorative or old-fashioned, the other will find it completely difficult to answer the question of what forms of speech etiquette are found in his daily life.

  • Content:

Meanwhile, the etiquette of speech communication plays a crucial role for the successful activity of a person in society, his personal and, building strong family and friendships.

The concept of speech etiquette

Speech etiquette is a system of requirements (rules, norms) that explain to us how to establish, maintain and break contact with another person in a certain situation. Norms of speech etiquette very diverse, each country has its own characteristics of the culture of communication.

  • speech etiquette - a system of rules

It may seem strange why you need to develop special rules of communication, and then stick to them or break them. And yet, speech etiquette is closely related to the practice of communication, its elements are present in every conversation. Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette will help you correctly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor, quickly reach mutual understanding with him.

Mastery speech etiquette requires knowledge in the field of various humanitarian disciplines: linguistics, psychology, cultural history and many others. For a more successful mastering of the skills of a culture of communication, such a concept is used as speech etiquette formulas.

Speech etiquette formulas

The basic formulas of speech etiquette are learned at an early age, when parents teach the child to say hello, say thank you, and ask for forgiveness for tricks. With age, a person learns more and more subtleties in communication, masters various styles of speech and behavior. The ability to correctly assess the situation, start and maintain a conversation with a stranger, correctly express one's thoughts, distinguishes a person of high culture, educated and intelligent.

Speech etiquette formulas are certain words, phrases and set expressions used for the three stages of conversation:

  • start a conversation (greeting/introduction)
  • main part
  • final part of the conversation

Starting a conversation and ending it

Any conversation, as a rule, begins with a greeting, it can be verbal and non-verbal. The sequence of greeting also matters, the younger one greets the elder first, the man - the woman, the young girl - the adult man, the junior - the senior. We list in the table the main forms of greeting the interlocutor:

IN end of conversation use formulas for ending communication, parting. These formulas are expressed in the form of wishes (all the best, all the best, goodbye), hopes for further meetings (see you tomorrow, I hope to see you soon, we'll call you), or doubts about further meetings (goodbye, do not remember dashingly).

The main part of the conversation

After the greeting, the conversation begins. Speech etiquette provides for three main types of situations in which various speech formulas of communication are used: solemn, mournful and work situations. The first phrases uttered after the greeting are called the beginning of the conversation. It is not uncommon for situations where the main part of the conversation consists only of the beginning and the end of the conversation following it.

  • speech etiquette formulas - set expressions

A solemn atmosphere, the approach of an important event suggest the use of speech turns in the form of an invitation or congratulations. At the same time, the situation can be both official and informal, and it depends on the situation which formulas of speech etiquette will be used in the conversation.

The mournful atmosphere in connection with the events that bring grief suggests condolences expressed emotionally, not on duty or dryly. In addition to condolences, the interlocutor often needs consolation or sympathy. Sympathy and consolation can take the form of empathy, confidence in a successful outcome, accompanied by advice.

In everyday life, the work environment also requires the use of speech etiquette formulas. Brilliant or, conversely, improper performance of assigned tasks can be a reason for or censure. When following orders, an employee may need advice, for which it will be necessary to ask a colleague. It also becomes necessary to approve someone else's proposal, give permission for execution or a reasoned refusal.

The request should be extremely polite in form (but without fawning) and understandable to the addressee, the request should be delicate. When making a request, it is advisable to avoid the negative form, use the affirmative one. Advice must be given non-categorically; addressing advice will be an incentive to action if it is given in a neutral, delicate form.

For the fulfillment of a request, the provision of a service, useful advice, it is customary to express gratitude to the interlocutor. Also important element in speech etiquette is compliment. It can be used at the beginning, middle and end of a conversation. Tactful and timely said, he lifts the mood of the interlocutor, disposes to a more open conversation. A compliment is useful and pleasant, but only if it is a sincere compliment, said with a natural emotional coloring.

Situations of speech etiquette

The key role in the culture of speech etiquette is played by the concept situation. Indeed, depending on the situation, our conversation can change significantly. In this case, communication situations can be characterized by a variety of circumstances, for example:

  • personalities of interlocutors
  • place
  • time
  • motive

The personalities of the interlocutors. Speech etiquette is focused primarily on the addressee - the person being addressed, but the personality of the speaker is also taken into account. Accounting for the personality of the interlocutors is implemented on the principle of two forms of address - to You and to You. The first form indicates the informal nature of communication, the second - respect and great formality in conversation.

Place of communication. Communication in a certain place may require the participant to have specific rules of speech etiquette established for this place. Such places can be: a business meeting, a social dinner, a theater, a youth party, a restroom, etc.

In the same way, depending on the topic of conversation, time, motive or purpose of communication, we use different conversational techniques. The topic of conversation can be joyful or sad events, the time of communication can be conducive to being brief or to a detailed conversation. Motives and goals are manifested in the need to show a sign of respect, express a benevolent attitude or gratitude to the interlocutor, make an offer, ask for a request or advice.

Any national speech etiquette imposes certain requirements on the representatives of their culture, and has its own characteristics. The very appearance of the concept of speech etiquette is associated with an ancient period in the history of languages, when each word was given special meaning, and there was a strong belief in the effect of the word on the surrounding reality. And the emergence of certain norms of speech etiquette is due to the desire of people to bring certain events to life.

But the speech etiquette of different nations is also characterized by some common features, with a difference only in the forms of implementation of the speech norms of etiquette. In each cultural and linguistic group there are formulas of greeting and farewell, respectful appeal to elders by age or position. In a closed society, a representative of a foreign culture, not familiar with the characteristics national speech etiquette, appears to be an uneducated, ill-mannered person. In a more open society, people are prepared for differences in the speech etiquette of different peoples; in such a society, imitation of a foreign culture of speech communication is often practiced.

Speech etiquette of our time

In the modern world, and even more so in the urban culture of the post-industrial and information society, the concept of a culture of speech communication is changing radically. The speed of changes taking place in modern times threatens the very traditional foundations of speech etiquette, based on ideas about the inviolability of the social hierarchy, religious and mythological beliefs.

Studying the norms speech etiquette in the modern world turns into a practical goal focused on achieving success in a particular act of communication: if necessary, attract attention, demonstrate respect, inspire confidence in the addressee, his sympathy, create a favorable climate for communication. However, the role of national speech etiquette remains important - knowledge of the characteristics of a foreign speech culture is a mandatory sign of fluency in a foreign language.

Russian speech etiquette in circulation

Main Feature Russian speech etiquette can be called its heterogeneous development throughout the existence of Russian statehood. Serious changes in the norms of Russian language etiquette took place at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The former monarchical system was distinguished by the division of society into estates from nobles to peasants, which determined the specifics of treatment in relation to the privileged estates - master, sir, gentleman. At the same time, there was no single appeal to representatives of the lower classes.

As a result of the revolution, the former estates were abolished. All appeals of the old system were replaced by two - a citizen and a comrade. The appeal of a citizen has acquired a negative connotation, it has become the norm in the use of prisoners, convicted persons, detainees in relation to representatives of law enforcement agencies. The address comrade, on the contrary, was fixed in the meaning of “friend”.

In the days of communism, only two types of address (and in fact, only one - comrade), formed a kind of cultural and speech vacuum, which was informally filled with such addresses as man, woman, uncle, aunt, boy, girl, etc. They remained and after the collapse of the USSR, but in modern society are perceived as familiarity, and indicate a low level of culture of the one who uses them.

In post-communist society, the old types of address gradually began to reappear: gentlemen, madam, mister, etc. As for the address comrade, it is legally enshrined as official address in power structures, armed forces, communist organizations, in the collectives of plants and factories.

In preparing the article, materials from the Online Encyclopedia Around the World and the RGIU Library were used.

The organization of any business event requires preliminary preparation on the part of its organizers. Sending an invitation to its participants in advance is required condition, the implementation of which ensures the presence of all interested persons and their participation in the planned program.

What should an invitation contain?

An official engagement allows you to inform all participants about what event will take place, and contains information on the basis of which the addressee can decide whether he is interested in this proposal, whether he is ready to come to the meeting.

As a rule, an official engagement is created for such events as: a conference, a meeting of partners, official receptions and holidays, exhibitions, interviews, business meetings for any specific occasion, round tables.

Despite the fact that in everyday life the invitation is most often received orally, in business communications a more acceptable form is to send a letter that differs in the composition of information from other types of written messages.

The main functions of the invitation letter:

  • inform about the event;
  • receive a response about consent or impossibility to participate from a specific addressee;
  • determine the exact number of persons who have confirmed participation.

The text of the invitation of officials to the event must contain several mandatory elements:

  1. date, time and place of the event with an accurate description of the route to help participants get to the place without assistance;
  2. the theme and program of the event with the definition of the time planned for each part;
  3. the role of the invitee: whether he will be an ordinary participant-listener or spectator, or he will be entrusted with the function of a speaker or organizer of the discussion;
  4. an indication of the type of dress code established for all participants;
  5. a request to provide feedback on the decision of the addressee to participate, instead of the phrase about the need to send a response, the letter R.S.V.P. can be used. - an abbreviation for Repondez sil vous plait, meaning a request to respond to a letter;
  6. contact details of the organizers;
  7. additional information, if necessary;
  8. maps and seating plans for guests during the event itself and the banquet.


Types of invitations can be distinguished on several grounds for classification.

According to the indication of the name of the invited person, they are divided into:

  • registered;
  • common to the group invited without individual appeal to each participant.

By event format:

  • official, which include not only receptions, but also conferences, round tables;
  • informal.

According to the purpose of the invitation are divided into:

  • private: celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and;
  • commercial: exhibitions, opening of shops, vernissages.

An invitation to an event must contain all the necessary information about how and where it will be held and how the invitee must confirm his participation to the organizers.

It can be personal, as in the example below:

It can also be issued without referring to a specific person.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner invitation must contain information about the reason for which the participants are gathering, and a request to notify the acceptance of the proposal.

Reception invitation, as a rule, is drawn up especially strictly and solemnly, on paper of the highest quality. In addition to a message about the time and place of the event, it may contain information about the format of the event, and, if necessary, a seating plan for guests.

invitation to belongs to the category of the least strict forms of invitations. Its main task is to organize a personal meeting of the applicant with a hiring specialist or the head of the department in which a new employee is selected.

Delivery methods

After all the invitations to the events have been prepared, it is necessary to decide in what ways it is better to deliver them to the addressees. The choice of delivery depends on the format and prestige of the event.

  • If this is an official reception, then it is better to hand most of the invitations personally into the hands of the invited persons.
  • Courier services can be used to organize the participation of invitees in commercial events.
  • It is permissible to send invitations by mail, while taking into account the period of time required for their delivery.
  • The most common and fast way deliver an invitation is sending by e-mail. However, for especially solemn events, this option is not recommended.

It is also important to remember: the rules of business etiquette determine the deadlines for sending letters, which are at least 2 weeks before the start of the event.

How to respond to an invitation

After receiving an invitation, you must inform the organizers of your decision to take part in the event or reject the offer.

The answer is provided in different ways, taking into account the format of the event. This may be a call to the inviting party using the contact numbers indicated in the invitation, sending an email or providing a written notice in cases where it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the business protocol.

When preparing a response, especially in case of refusal to take part in the event, it is important to formulate its reason. If there is no real reason, but you don’t want to go, then it’s better to refer to employment, since references, for example, to malaise or illness can turn into trouble, because the one who refused can be seen at another holiday, evening or banquet.

If the abbreviation R.S.V.P. is indicated on the invitation, then the answer must be provided by contact phone numbers or e-mail address indicated on the form. If the organizers in the text indicated that it is necessary to inform them only in case of refusal, then this is exactly what should be done.

If necessary, inform the organizers of unofficial private holidays about your participation, most often there is no requirement to comply with any conventions. As a rule, a simple call with information about whether the offer was accepted or rejected for any reason is sufficient.

The ability to create a high-quality invitation and accept it correctly allows the parties to demonstrate respect for each other, emphasize the value of contacts and the desire to maintain and develop further communication.
