Informatization of modern education is Means of informatization of education

One of the priority areas of informatization modern society is the process of informatization of education. Informatization in the field of education is accompanied by the introduction of information and communication technologies in subject areas, the professional activities of teachers and the organization of management of the educational process.

Informatization of education inevitably leads to the transformation of all components educational system. In order for this transformation to be expressed in the improvement of forms and methods of training and education, it is necessary not only to supply educational institutions with modern equipment and software, electronic means of educational and educational purposes, but also to organize special training for employees of the education system in the field of creating and using information technology in everyday professional activity.

In the modern sense, information technology education (ITO) is pedagogical technology using special ways, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video, computers, telecommunications networks) for working with information.

Thus, ITO should be understood as an application of information technologies to create new opportunities for transferring knowledge, perception of knowledge, assessing the quality of education and, of course, the comprehensive development of the student's personality in the course of the educational process. And the main goal of informatization of education is "to prepare students for full and effective participation in everyday, social and professional areas of life in the information society." The concept of informatization of education Russian Federation: Problems of informatization of higher education. - M., 1998. - S. 57.

Systematic research in the field of application of information technologies in education has been conducted for more than forty years. The education system has always been very open to the introduction of information technologies into the educational process, based on software products of the most general purpose. Various software systems are successfully used in educational institutions - both relatively affordable (text and graphic editors, tools for working with tables and preparing computer presentations), and complex, sometimes highly specialized (programming and database management systems, packages of symbolic mathematics and statistical processing) .

At present, innovations in education are based on the use of methods and means of informatics, ICT capabilities, which allow solving educational problems more efficiently and with better quality, develop the student's personality, his creative, social and communication skills in order to successfully adapt to the conditions of life in information society.

Informatization of education is the process of providing the education sector with methodology and practice for the development and optimal use of modern ICT tools focused on the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education.

We list the most important goals of the process of informatization of education and consider them in more detail.

  • 1. Implementation of the social order of modern society.
  • 2. Development of the student's personality.
  • 3. Intensification, improvement of the efficiency and quality of the educational process at all levels of the education system.

Informatization of education both as a process and as a field of scientific knowledge is aimed at solving a complex of tasks and problems. Let us single out the main tasks facing the education system.

  • 1. Development of new methods and organizational forms of education.
  • 2. Creation educational and methodical complexes new generation.
  • 3. Development and implementation of automated control systems in an educational institution, filling databases and data banks with scientific and pedagogical information for the implementation of information interaction between employees of the education system.
  • 4. Filling and use of the distributed information resource of the Internet for educational purposes.

Unfortunately, very often informatization of education means the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into the educational process. This is, indeed, the most important area of ​​informatization of education, which has a decisive influence on improving the quality of training of schoolchildren. However, when studying the informatization of education, it is important to understand that the educational process itself is the main, but far from the only area of ​​activity of the modern school, in which various information technologies are currently being massively introduced. technological aspects of working with computer tools to teaching the correct content formation, selection and appropriate use of educational electronic publications and resources, to the system informatization of education.

One might get the impression that the use of ICT tools is always justified in all areas educational activities. Of course, this is true in many cases. At the same time, informatization of education has a number of negative aspects.

The use of information resources published on the Internet often leads to negative consequences. Most often, when using such ICT tools, the principle of saving forces inherent in all living things works: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports and problem solving from school textbooks borrowed from the Internet have become a familiar fact at school today, which does not contribute to increasing the effectiveness of teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Stages of informatization of education

Retrospective analysis of the process of introduction and use of computer equipment and computer technologies in educational process made it possible to distinguish three stages of informatization of education (conditionally called electronization, computerization and informatization of the educational process).

The first stage of informatization of education (electronization) was characterized by the widespread introduction of electronic means and computer technology into the process of preparing students, first in technical specialties (late 50s - early 60s), and then humanitarian specialties (late 60s - early 70s). ) and involved learning the basics of algorithmization and programming, elements of the algebra of logic, mathematical modeling on a computer.

Such an approach provided for the formation of an algorithmic style of thinking in students, mastering some programming languages, mastering the skills of working on a computer with the help of computational logic algorithms. The relatively low performance of computers of that time, the lack of easy-to-use, intuitive for the average user (not a programmer) and user-friendly software tools did not contribute to the widespread use of computer technology in the field of humanitarian education.

The second stage of informatization of education (computerization) (from the mid-70s to the 90s) is associated with the emergence of more powerful computers, software with a friendly interface, and is characterized primarily by the use of human-computer dialog interaction. Students as subjects of the educational process for the first time got the opportunity, working on a computer, to interact with models - "substitutes" for real objects and, most importantly, to control the objects of study. Computer educational technologies made it possible to study various (chemical, physical, social, pedagogical, etc.) processes and phenomena on the basis of modeling. Computer technology began to act as powerful tool learning as part of automated systems of varying degrees of intelligence. In the field of education, more and more are used automated systems learning, knowledge control and management of the educational process.

The third, modern, stage of informatization of education is characterized by the use of powerful personal computers, high-speed high-capacity drives, new information and telecommunication technologies, multimedia technologies and virtual reality, as well as a philosophical understanding of the ongoing process of informatization and its social consequences.

Benefits of using ICT in education over traditional teaching

E.I. Mashbitz considers the following to be a set of significant advantages of using a computer in teaching over traditional classes:

1. information Technology significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. The use of color, graphics, sound, all modern video equipment allows you to recreate the real environment of the activity.

2. The computer can significantly increase students' motivation for learning. Motivation is increased by applying adequate rewards for correct problem solving.

3. ICT involve students in the learning process, contributing to the widest disclosure of their abilities, enhancing mental activity.

4. The use of ICT in the educational process increases the possibility of setting educational tasks and managing the process of their solution. Computers make it possible to build and analyze models of various objects, situations, and phenomena.

5. ICTs make it possible to qualitatively change the control of students' activities, while providing flexibility in the management of the educational process.

6. The computer contributes to the formation of reflection in students. The training program enables students to visualize the result of their actions, determine the stage in solving the problem at which the error was made, and correct it.

The main directions of using ICT in the educational process

Let's try to systematize where and how it is expedient to use information technologies in education, given that modern computers allow integrating texts, graphics, sound, animation, video clips, high-quality photographs, rather large volumes of full-screen video, the quality of which is not inferior to television, within one program:

1) when presenting new material - knowledge visualization (demo - encyclopedic programs; Power Point presentation program);

2) carrying out virtual laboratory work using training programs such as "Physicon", "Live Geometry";

3) consolidation of the material presented (training - a variety of training programs, laboratory work);

4) system of control and verification (testing with evaluation, control programs);

5) independent work of students (training programs such as "Tutor", encyclopedias, developing programs);

6) with the possibility of abandoning the class-lesson system: conducting integrated lessons according to the project method, the result of which will be the creation of Web pages, the holding of teleconferences, the use of modern Internet technologies;

7) training specific abilities of the student (attention, memory, thinking, etc.).

Programmed learning is understood as a controlled assimilation of educational material with the help of a learning device (computer, programmed textbook, movie simulator, etc.). The programmed educational material is a series of relatively small portions of educational information (frames, files, steps) presented in a certain logical sequence.

The work of Skinner, Crowder and other research educators gave impetus to the development of three different types of learning programs (LT): linear, branched and adaptive, with the help of which the process of programmed learning is built in a modern school.

Linear EP is a training program in which all educational material is divided into a sequence of semantic units ("portions") that logically cover the entire subject. These "portions" should be small enough so that the student makes as few mistakes as possible. At the end of each "portion" control tasks are performed, however, the order in which the "portions" are studied does not depend on the results of these tasks.

A branched EP differs from a linear one in that the student, in the event of an incorrect answer when performing control tasks, can be provided with additional information that will allow him to complete the control task.

The construction of an adaptive LE is based on the hypothesis that a certain number of errors are necessary for successful learning, i.e. if the student does everything without errors, then the learning effect will be less. The number of errors made is used as follows;

a) if the percentage of errors falls below a certain level, then the degree of learning difficulty automatically increases;

6) when the percentage of errors increases above a certain level, the degree of difficulty automatically decreases.

The most important tasks of informatization of education

1) improving the quality of training of specialists based on the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

2) the use of active teaching methods, increasing the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

3) integration of various types of educational activities (educational, research, etc.);

4) adaptation of information technologies of education to the individual characteristics of the student;

5) development of new information technologies for training that contribute to the activation cognitive activity student and increasing motivation to master the means and methods of informatics for effective use in professional activities;

6) ensuring continuity and continuity in training;

7) development of information technologies distance learning;

8) improvement of the software and methodological support of the educational process;

9) the introduction of information technologies of education in the process of special professional training of specialists in various fields.

One of the most important tasks of informatization of education is the formation of an information culture of a specialist, the level of formation of which is determined, firstly, by knowledge about information, information processes, models and technologies; secondly, the skills and abilities to apply the means and methods of processing and analyzing information in various types activities; thirdly, the ability to use modern information technologies in professional (educational) activities; fourthly, the ideological vision of the surrounding world as an open information system.

Trends in the development of informatization of education

Currently, the following trends are manifested in the development of the process of informatization of education:

1) system formation continuing education as a universal form of activity aimed at the constant development of the individual throughout life;

2) creation of a single information educational space;

3) active introduction of new means and methods of training focused on the use of information technologies;

4) synthesis of means and methods of traditional and computer education;

5) creation of a system of advanced education.

The content of the teacher's activity also changes; the teacher ceases to be just a "loudspeaker" of knowledge, becomes a developer new technology training, which, on the one hand, increases his creative activity, and on the other hand, requires a high level of technological and methodological preparedness. A new direction of the teacher's activity has appeared - the development of information technologies for teaching and software and methodological educational complexes.

In your hands is the first textbook on informatization of education. The authors are sure that the content of this book, as well as the content of the entire field of "Informatization of education" requires improvement and clarification as information technologies develop and new ideas appear in pedagogy.

Before talking about the features of informatization of modern society and its sphere of education, it is important to understand the historical background of informatization.

The historical process of informatization of society is accurately described with the help of a sequence of information revolutions associated with the emergence of new technologies for their time.

Information revolution consists in changing the methods and tools for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information, leading to an increase in the amount of information available to the active part of the population.

There are six such revolutions.

First Information Revolution is the emergence of language and articulate human speech.

Second Information Revolution associated with the invention of writing. This invention made it possible not only to ensure the safety of information already accumulated by human society, but also to increase its reliability, to create conditions for a wider dissemination of information than before.

The Third Information Revolution originated in the 15th century with the invention of printing, which many consider to be one of the first information technologies. The emergence and development of print media such as newspapers and magazines was the result of the third information revolution.

Fourth Information Revolution started in the nineteenth century. Then such means of transmission and dissemination of information as the telegraph, telephone, radio and television were invented.

Fifth Information Revolution occurred in the middle of the 20th century, when mankind began to actively use computer technology. The use of computers for processing scientific information has radically changed the ability of a person to actively and efficient processing information. For the first time, in the entire history of the development of civilization, a person received a highly effective tool for increasing the productivity of intellectual labor.

Today we are witnessing sixth information revolution associated with the emergence of global telecommunications computer networks and their integration with multimedia and virtual reality technologies.

Six revolutions have changed society. On the face of the development and dissemination of information and information technology, which allows us to talk about the presence of informatization processes. Informatization has a revolutionary impact on all spheres of society, radically changes the living conditions and activities of people, their culture, stereotype of behavior, way of thinking.

The obvious progress in the field of information technology has led to the appearance of the term "information society" in scientific and popular science publications. Some scientists understand information society as the main product of production in which knowledge is. The use of such an indicator as the amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind as a criterion for assigning the status of an information society to a society is justified, since according to some estimates, since the beginning of our era, the first doubling of knowledge accumulated by mankind occurred by 1750, the second by the beginning of the 20th century, the third by 1950 year. Since 1950, the total amount of knowledge in the world has doubled every 10 years, since 1970 every 5 years, and since 1991 every year. This means that today the amount of knowledge in the world has increased by more than 250 thousand times.

The history of the formation of the information society contains the history of the emergence and development of new types of human activity related to informatization. Behind last years in society there are specialized professional groups people associated with the maintenance of computer equipment and information processing processes (operators, programmers, system analysts, designers, etc.), the provision of advisory, scientific information and other services of this kind. Obviously, the emergence of new scientific and professional areas requires a specialized system of personnel training, in which not only the content, but also the methods and means of training must correspond to the realities of the corresponding stage of informatization of society.

The tasks of informatization of society and all its spheres, which include education, are given increased attention by the state. The need for a systematic state approach to the process of development of informatization of society began to be realized in the early 90s of the last century. So, for example, back in 1990, the "Concept of informatization of society" was developed and adopted, and the concept of "informatization" began to be increasingly used both in scientific and socio-political terminology, gradually replacing the concept of "computerization".

A relatively broad definition of the concept of "informatization" was given in his publications by Academician A.P. Ershov. He wrote that " informatization is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full use of reliable, comprehensive and timely knowledge in all socially significant types of human activity. At the same time, A.P. Ershov emphasized that information is becoming "a strategic resource of society as a whole, largely determining its ability to develop successfully." At the same time, according to UNESCO, informatization- this is a large-scale application of methods and means of collecting, storing and disseminating information that ensures the systematization of existing and the formation of new knowledge, and their use by society for current management and further improvement and development.

Obviously, on the one hand, both of these definitions do not contradict each other, and, on the other hand, they determine, among other things, the informatization of the education sector, which is one of the areas of human activity. Thus, the concept of "informatization of education" can be introduced by adapting these two definitions.

Informatization of education is a field of scientific and practical human activity aimed at the use of technologies and means of collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information, which ensures the systematization of existing and the formation of new knowledge in the field of education in order to achieve the psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education.

The introduction of information technologies in various areas of the modern education system is becoming increasingly large-scale and complex.

It is important to understand that the informatization of education ensures the achievement of two strategic goals. The first of them is to increase the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the use of information and telecommunication technologies. The second is to improve the quality of training of specialists with a new type of thinking that meets the requirements of the information society.

Historically, the informatization of education is carried out in two main directions - controlled and unmanaged.

Managed informatization of education has the character of an organized process and is supported material resources. It is based on well-founded generally recognized concepts and programs.

Unmanaged informatization of education is implemented from below at the initiative of the education system employees and covers the most relevant areas of educational activity and subject areas.

Informatization of education in practice is impossible without the use of specially designed computer hardware and software, which are called means of informatization of education.

Means of informatization of education called computer hardware and software, as well as their content, used to achieve the goals of informatization of education

The use of only means of informatization of education is not enough for the full use of information and telecommunication technologies in education. In practice, such means must necessarily be supplemented by the ideological base of informatization of education, as well as the activities of specialists in various fields of knowledge, whose participation is necessary to achieve the goals of informatization.

Informatization of education, regardless of the direction of its implementation, is a wide, multifaceted area of ​​human activity that affects the functioning of the entire education system, and, without exaggeration, the life of the whole society as a whole.

The informatization of education makes it necessary to revise the traditional informatics training courses, methods, technologies and means of informatization used in teaching other disciplines. Using the methods and means of informatics, the future specialist must learn to get answers to questions about what information resources are available, where they are located, how they can be accessed and how they can be used to improve the efficiency of their professional activities.

A special task is the informatization of the activities of each school, a single university, college or institute.

Informatization of a particular educational institution is a set of measures aimed at the use of information technology tools to improve the efficiency of information processing processes in all, without exception, activities of a modern educational institution.

Unfortunately, very often informatization of education means the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into the educational process. This is, indeed, the most important direction of informatization of education, which has a decisive influence on improving the quality of training of specialists. However, when studying the informatization of education, it is important to understand that the actual educational process is the main, but far from the only area of ​​activity of educational institutions, in which various information technologies are currently being massively introduced.

In particular, special approaches and means of informatization of education are necessary for the informatization of control and measurement of learning outcomes. Suffice it to recall that the processes associated with determining the qualifications of specialists, the selection and formation of a contingent of university students are becoming more and more computerized.

An integral part of the activity of almost every educational institution is the conduct of scientific and scientific-methodical research. It is well known that the use of information and telecommunication technologies allows not only to qualitatively raise their level, but also contributes to improving the professionalism of graduates.

Information technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren and students. Very often, this area, traditionally not attracting due attention from teachers and students, becomes a higher priority provided that education is fully informatized.

Majority educational institutions experiencing serious difficulties in managing various directions educational activities. This is caused by lack of time, overload of teachers and administration of schools and universities, frequent changes in the regulatory framework in the field of education, lack of centralized information provision, expansion of the range of specialties, the need to conduct their own planning and financial activities, the difficulty of attracting highly qualified specialists to educational institutions, and many other.

The use of information technology contributes to the improvement of administrative activities, support for management and scientific research, expanding the scope of the learning process, increasing the effectiveness of students' personal activities. This is not accidental, since the procedure for managing the educational process (planning, organizing, accounting for the implementation of educational work, analyzing the quality and effectiveness of the educational process) is characterized by a high degree of labor intensity, repetition of the same type of actions, a large amount of information, and a high degree of risk of making mistakes.

Informatization of education includes the scientific foundations for the creation, examination and application of information and telecommunication technologies for educational purposes. There are still many unsolved problems in this area. These include the tasks of the adequacy of such means to the realities of the educational process, increasing the level of scientificity, semantic and stylistic culture of the content of informatization tools, the need for interface, technological and information communication between individual means of informatization of education involved in different areas of schools and universities.

Another direction of informatization of education is the training of qualified specialists in the development and application of technologies and means of informatization of education.

In addition to all this, the informatization of education can also be fully attributed to the methods of using informatization tools in full-time and distance learning, the features of the functioning of virtual educational institutions, the problems of using information technology in the interaction of schools and universities with parents and the public, and much, much more.

And, finally, we must not forget that the informatization of education is also an academic discipline, which is part of the system of training and retraining of teachers. This discipline has quite broad goals, including:

1. Familiarization of teachers with the positive and negative aspects of the use of information and telecommunication technologies in education;

2. Formation of ideas about the role and place of informatization of education in the information society;

3. Formation of ideas about the species composition and areas of effective application of technical means of informatization of education;

4. Formation of ideas about the species composition and areas of effective application in the field of education of technologies for creating, processing, presenting, storing and transmitting information;

5. Acquaintance with the general methods of informatization, adequate to the needs of the educational process, control and measurement of learning outcomes, extracurricular, research and organizational and managerial activities of educational institutions;

6.Formation of knowledge about the requirements for the means of informatization of education, the basic principles and methods for assessing their quality;

7. Teaching teachers the strategy of practical use of informatization tools in the field of education, in general, and in a specific area of ​​professional activity, in particular;

8. Development of sustainable motivation among teachers to participate in the formation and implementation of information educational environment;

9. Teaching the emerging language of informatization of education;

10. Providing teachers with an additional opportunity to explain to students the role and place of information technology in modern world;

11. Alignment of the possibilities of different teachers in the field of using informatization tools in their professional activities.

The formulated goals largely determine the content of teaching informatization of education and, consequently, the structure and main content of this book.

important distinctive feature modern stage development of society is its informatization. Starting in the 70s of the last century, the process of informatization of society in recent years has acquired a truly global character. At present, this process has covered not only all developed countries of the world community, but also many developing countries. Under the influence of informatization, cardinal changes are taking place in all spheres of life and professional activity of people: in the economy, science, education, culture, health care, and the domestic sphere. These changes are so large-scale and profound, and their impact on the life of society is so significant that it is quite reasonable to talk about the formation of a fundamentally new information environment on our planet - an automated infosphere.

The dominant trend in the further development of modern civilization is the transition from an industrial to an information society, in which information resources and scientific knowledge will become the objects and results of the work of the vast majority of the employed population. It has been scientifically proven that informatization of education is one of the essential conditions successful development of the processes of informatization of society, since it is in the field of education that those people are trained and educated who not only form a new information environment of society, but who also have to live and work in this new environment.

The first steps in the field of informatization of education were made in our country in 1985, when an exceptionally important government decision was made to send several thousand of the first Soviet personal computers to the field of education and to introduce a general course in the basics of informatics and computer technology in secondary schools. A new concept of "computer literacy" began to enter the public consciousness. It meant mastering the skills of solving problems with the help of a computer, as well as understanding the basic ideas of computer science and the role of information technology in the development of society.

The Concept emphasized that the informatization of education is “the process of preparing a person for a full life in the conditions of the information society”. At the same time, it was pointed out that the informatization of education is not only a consequence, but also a stimulus for the development of new information technologies, that it contributes to the accelerated socio-economic development of society as a whole.

The Concept rightly noted that the informatization of education is a long process, which is associated not only with the development of the necessary material and technical base of the education system. Its main problems are connected with the preparation of educational and methodological complexes of a new generation and the formation of a fundamentally new culture of pedagogical work.

The process of informatization of education in Russia is developing in the following four main areas:

1. Equipment educational institutions modern means of information and telecommunication technologies (ICT) and their use as a new pedagogical tool that can significantly improve the efficiency of the educational process. Starting with the development and fragmentary introduction of computers into traditional academic disciplines, ICT tools began to develop and offer teachers new tools and organizational forms of educational work, which later began to be used everywhere and today are able to support almost all stages of the educational process.

2. The use of modern ICT tools, information telecommunications and databases for information support of the educational process, providing the possibility of remote access for teachers and students to scientific and educational information, both in their own country and in other countries of the world community.

3. The development and wider distribution of distance learning, which allows to significantly expand the scope and depth of the use of information and educational space.

4. Revision and radical change in the content of education at all its levels, due to the rapid development of the process of informatization of society. These changes today are guided not only by the increasing general education and vocational training students in the field of informatics, but also to develop a qualitatively new model of preparing people for life and work in the post-industrial information society, the formation of completely new personal qualities and skills necessary for these conditions.

Analysis of the above directions of development of the process of informatization of education shows that its rational organization in the interests of further scientific, technical, socio-economic and spiritual development society is the most complex and highly relevant scientific, organizational and social problem. To solve this problem, coordinated and constant interaction between specialists in education and science is necessary, as well as effective support for this interaction from the state authorities and local governments.

In Russia today there is a certain understanding of the fundamental, scientific and social significance of this problem. Evidence of this is the creation of scientific public organization— The Academy of Informatization of Education, the International Academy of Open Education and other organizations that contribute to the development and improvement of this area.

The currently available domestic and Foreign experience Informatization of the educational environment convincingly indicates that it can significantly improve the efficiency of the educational process. Informatization of education creates good prerequisites for the widespread introduction of new technologies into pedagogical practice. methodological developments aimed at intensifying the educational process, the implementation of innovative ideas of the educational process.

True, it is appropriate here to recall the truthful words of the scientist and teacher V.F. Vzyatyshev, a man who devoted his whole life to the problem of computerization, who once said: “How many bitter words I heard about the dangers of computerization of education. What color my face was covered when the gray-haired Teachers reproached me for doing design automation: “Students are already so bad at thinking, and your computers will take away their last mind! How many kind warnings from foreign professors I heard that we should not get carried away with computers in education, not repeat their mistakes! We complain, but the process goes on! Today it is clear: the process of universal informatization (and development of the Internet) cannot be stopped. You need to live and work with him, write articles and write letters.

At the same time, the best results can be obtained in those educational institutions where A complex approach to the problem of informatization, and the process itself extends to all stages of preparation and implementation of the pedagogical process. Examples of the practical implementation of such an approach in the Russian system higher education can serve the Moscow state institute Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Penza State University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), Modern Humanitarian Institute, etc.

One of actual problems development of informatization of the education sector is to provide its information support with the necessary scientific and educational-methodical information. In recent years, the demand for such information in the field of education has been steadily increasing. All this forces teachers and students of universities and colleges to increasingly turn to public libraries to find the information they need, as well as to resort to the services of automated information systems, to information resources on the Internet.

The development of this area of ​​information support for the education sector in Russia seems to be extremely important and relevant today, since the current level of this support, for a number of reasons, is one or two orders of magnitude lower than in developed countries. As a result of financial restrictions, the level of staffing of educational institutions in Russia has significantly decreased in recent years and today no longer meets modern requirements.

In addition, the circulation of scientific and popular science literature has sharply decreased, which is becoming practically inaccessible for many educational institutions. That is why today many teachers, students and graduate students of universities know little about the latter. scientific achievements in the field of global studies, synergetics, noospherology, biology, subquantum physics, information theory, new approaches to solving economic, social and environmental problems.

The strategic direction of solving this problem is the creation in the country of territorially distributed automated information systems, specially focused on solving the problems of providing information to the education system with the necessary scientific, technical and educational and methodological information. The first steps in this direction are already being taken.

For example, several comprehensive programs are currently being implemented in Russia, including:

State scientific and technical program "Federal Information Fund";

Interdepartmental program "Creation of a national network of computer telecommunications for science and higher education";

Interdepartmental program "Russian Digital Libraries";

Interdepartmental project "Network integration of information resources of leading libraries and information funds of Russia";

- "Creation of a single information and educational space";

- Electronic Russia, etc.;

The implementation of these programs is aimed at creating a modern information, educational and telecommunications environment for science and education.

Another important area of ​​informatization of education is the development of funds of certified computer training programs recommended for use in the field of education. Today in Russia, such a fund has been created and is being actively used, the main tasks of which are to promote and introduce new information technologies in the teaching of general subjects and the management of the educational process. Currently, this fund already contains several thousand certified software for educational purposes that meet the requirements of Russian educational standards. The list of these tools is regularly published in the special catalog "Computer Curriculum", which is published by the Institute of Informatization of Education of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Exceptionally acute for the education system today is the problem of replication and delivery to educational organizations various kinds of manuals, textbooks and educational software products. This problem can be largely solved by using new technologies for information service of educational institutions. Today, this problem is being solved in Russia in two ways: by using the capabilities of the Internet, and also by organizing a continental satellite television and computer network "TV-inform". Within the framework of this network, a special network “Inform-Education” has been created and is currently operating, based on the transmission of computer information as part of the television signal of the all-Russian television.

Informatization of education has become a condition for the emergence and development of a distance learning system.

Humanity is rapidly entering a fundamentally new information age for it. All components of people's way of life are changing significantly.

The world is changing rapidly, and so are the requirements for the education system. Today, it should be guided by the needs of society that will appear in 10-15 years. A holistic system improvement strategy is needed general education in the context of global informatization processes in all spheres of society.

Purpose and principles of informatization of the education system

The strategic goal is to prepare children and youth for a full life in the information society by improving the quality of education through the formation of a unified information and educational environment and the intensive introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

The conceptual principles of informatization of education are:

· the principle of priority - the informatization of education should become a priority area of ​​state policy in the field of informatization, which will be expressed in enhanced resource provision;

the principle of consistency - the process of informatization should ensure a change in the system properties of the system;

the principle of guided development - since the real processes of introducing information and communication technologies into the education system will develop due to internal and external factors, the goal of managing the informatization of education is to direct, correct the objectively ongoing processes of self-development;

The principle of taking into account the limited resources - since the resources of the educational system are limited, the management of informatization of education involves optimal choice and combination of resources;

· the principle of cultural conformity - the informatization of education should be based on taking into account national and cultural characteristics, way of life, value orientations and norms of behavior of the population.

The main idea of ​​the project "Informatization of the education system"- this is the creation of conditions for the systematic introduction and active use of ICT in the work of the school. The schools participating in the project will move to a new level of using ICT in the educational process, will begin to actively use modern digital educational resources. They will create conditions for the creativity of teachers, active independent work students, flexible organization of teaching and learning processes. The mass school model that has developed in our country is focused primarily on the unification of the educational process. The 20th century information technology on which it is built required the use of a closed instructional architecture.

The setting of new educational tasks related to overcoming the Toffler crisis requires a transition to an open educational architecture. This is impossible without changing the technological basis of general education. The educational system informatization project will create conditions for the appropriate transformation. In the project's boundaries:

Qualitatively new educational and methodological materials are being developed (component 1);

· the existing system of retraining and current methodological support of teachers is being transformed (component 2);

Interschool methodological centers are being created (component 3), which ensure the gradual transformation of the municipal methodological service and the introduction of new teaching materials into practice school work.

The second component of the project (training of teachers) includes:

retraining of employees of the education administration of the pilot regions (at the regional and municipal levels), who develop and implement regional and municipal plans for the transformation of the school,

retraining of members of the basic (project) school teams that develop and implement informatization plans for their school,

retraining of subject teams of teachers who will teach schoolchildren based on a new generation of digital educational materials for six subject areas,

creation of new models for training future teachers, preparing them for work using the digital teaching materials,

· development of a system for managing the quality of training, retraining and advanced training of teachers in the field of informatization of education, using a universal (unified) system of curricula and modular training courses, which ensures the fixation, preservation and dissemination of the results obtained during the project to the entire education system.

An analysis of the state of affairs in the field of informatization, carried out during the preparation of the project, revealed an acute shortage of specialists capable of creating practically effective digital educational resources and competently using them in practice. For the success of the school informatization program, it is necessary to significantly develop the domestic potential in the development and effective use of new generation digital educational materials. To this end, the second component provides for measures to additional training specialists in the field of pedagogical design, preparation and publication of the necessary educational and information materials, extensive training and information for teachers in the field of pedagogical design.

Throughout the Russian Federation will be available as educational materials new generation for the work of schoolchildren and teacher training, so advice on the use of these materials. A corps of methodologists will be formed who will be able to provide the necessary support to teachers even after the completion of the project. The basis for retraining and subsequent methodological support for teachers will be interschool methodological centers (component 3). The peculiarity of the proposed training programs is that they are based on the concepts of the competence-based approach. The training of teachers includes not only the transfer of relevant knowledge and skills during a series of successive training workshops, but also the practical use of these knowledge and skills by teachers in the real educational process, their constant consulting support, the formation (including using the Internet) of network groups methodological support for teachers. As a result, not only the professional development of teachers should take place, but also practical changes in the practice of educational work in schools and vocational schools should appear, experience and materials should be disseminated to carry out a similar transformation in schools in other regions of the country.

The structure of mass retraining of teachers includes five main processes:

· Formation among teachers of interest in the use of ICT in the educational process even before the teacher is included in the training. This training is a voluntary work of a teacher who wants to take part in solving the most controversial and acute problems of modern education, to receive greater satisfaction from his work.

· Familiarization of teachers with the appropriate methods of pedagogical work using ICT and specially designed teaching and methodological materials. This work is carried out within the framework of specially organized workshops. The content of the workshop is determined in accordance with the target group of trainees. The main emphasis is on supporting the further independent work of teachers. For example, when getting acquainted with ICT, it is not so much the basic methods of work that are demonstrated, but the use of documentation, training programs, wizards and tips for self-mastery of the relevant software and hardware .

· Operational support, creation of a “collaboration environment” for trained teachers: formation of small network (including via the Internet) self-help groups, constant support of the work of such groups during the academic year by a methodologist who trained teachers.

Analysis of results practical work and reflection of the teacher's self-development processes. The work is carried out within the workshops and contributes to the consolidation and development of methods of professional self-development of teachers. It is an obligatory component of each of the workshops, along with acquaintance with the experience of advanced schools and teachers, pedagogical and supporting information technologies. In the course of this work, a "growing from below" association of teachers is also stimulated and supported, where each teacher feels the support of colleagues, strives and has a real opportunity to achieve the highest levels of pedagogical excellence.

Organizational retraining of teachers is carried out in the form of short-term seminars (workshops), which are held 2-3 times a year, as well as methodically and consultatively supported practical work of teachers in the classroom between these seminars. The introductory seminar is preceded by an “introductory test”, which helps to get to know the cadets, determine their learning styles and specific needs, which should be taken into account in the retraining process (familiarity with pedagogical techniques, computer proficiency, type of intelligence, etc.). (Intensive seminar is focused on 6-12 days of classes and is held before the start of the academic year). Having successfully completed the introductory seminar, the teacher returns to practical work at school, receiving the necessary methodological support. The methodologist who participated in the seminar is responsible for it. Where there are technical conditions, this work can be organized using the Internet. Self-help network groups should facilitate the application of acquired knowledge, help create an environment for the formation of a professional community.

An integral part of the methodological support are seminars held in two sessions: in the middle of the academic year and at the end of it. The first part of the main seminar takes place during the winter holidays, as an intensive five-day cycle of classes. The content of the seminar includes a detailed analysis of the work in the classroom in the first half of the year (reflection, analysis of successful cases), consideration of the features of conducting classes in the second half of the year. At this seminar, participants also go through a cycle of various compulsory classes. The main result of the seminar is an individual class work plan for the second half of the year. The second part of the main seminar is held at the end of the academic year. The content of the classes includes the analysis of work in the second half of the year and the planning of classes for the next academic year. At this seminar, participants go through a cycle of various compulsory classes. Participants conclude the seminar with a report on the results of the academic year and a work plan for the next academic year. As a result, all participants who have completed the main training cycle, which includes three seminars and one academic year of simulated practical work at school, receive the appropriate certificates. If desired, the teacher can (and should) modify the new methods of work at his disposal. For those teachers who want to improve in this direction, the next stage of retraining is offered.

The workshop of teachers is organized at the end of the second academic year. The workshop program includes an analysis of work done in the past academic year (reflection, analysis of successful cases of modification and design of modules) and a number of required courses. The workshop ends with the preparation by teachers of individual educational projects for implementation in the coming academic year. Successful completion of the Teachers' Workshop serves as the basis for the appropriate certification of teachers who have passed the advanced training cycle, which consists of a main cycle and a teacher's workshop, preceded by one additional academic year of simulated practical work in the school.

After three years of practical work, teachers can receive special training and become trainers in the use of ICT in academic work. The program of the seminar of methodologists (Methodological seminar) provides for the participation of a cadet as an assistant in the work of a teacher training seminar (assistance to a working methodologist, reflection of work). After an internship as a methodologist during the academic year (conducting seminars, supporting participants via a computer network), a cadet who successfully completes the seminar receives a certificate of a teacher-methodologist with the right to participate in teacher training.

An obligatory component of the network support for teachers are:

Exchange of video fragments of their achievements (lessons, student conferences, etc.) between the teachers participating in the work;

Regular preparation of online methodological bulletins, as well as the periodic release of integrated "paper" publications.

Permanent network support, as an integral part of the mass training of teachers, is an element of the management system for meaningful transformations in the work of the school.

Problems and contradictions of informatization of the general education system

An assessment of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Education, an analysis of the educational situation show that, despite the significant results of informatization of the general education system, there are problems that need to be resolved:

1. The sectoral nature of informatization in Russia, the inconsistency of actions in various sectors significantly complicates and reduces the effectiveness of the measures taken.

2. Lack of systematic organization and coordination of the informatization process.

3. Informatization processes are more spontaneous, there is no clear coordination and coordination of management actions at different levels. The pace and level of informatization depend on the competence of the heads of educational institutions and education authorities.

4. Insufficient development of legal and regulatory support for the process of informatization.

5. The absence of a republican component in the content of the school course of computer science, control over the quality of education of students in computer science.

6. Weak development of information channels for the operational management of education; insufficient equipment of educational institutions with modern educational computer programs.

7. Inefficient use of available computer technology in educational process.

8. Insufficient development of mechanisms to stimulate the work of teachers of informatics and teachers using ICT.

The presence of a wide range of problems indicates the contradictions that have developed in the system of general education:

Between the priority of informatization and isolation and sectoral nature of informatization of education;

Between diversity existing funds educational technologies, a high level of computer equipment and inefficient use of available information resources in the educational process; shortage of qualified personnel in the field of ICT;

Between the need for widespread use of ICT, a high level of need for distance education and the lack of formation of an information educational environment that would allow this need to be realized;

Between the wide implementation of republican and municipal programs and projects of informatization of education and the lack of development of mechanisms for managing the integrated informatization of education systems, criteria for determining the effectiveness of the use of ICT, mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency and social influence informatization programs.

Potentially, the informatization of the general education system can provide an increase in the level of education quality, efficiency and informational attractiveness of the activities of educational institutions. However, such a breakthrough requires a clear strategy for the informatization of education, consistent and coordinated actions in this area.
