Civil aviation pilot training institutes. Air training

Pilot is a specialist who has all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to control aircraft. Airplanes and helicopters can serve as the latter. The words “pilot” and “pilot” are almost synonymous, but are used in slightly different contexts: pilots are usually called those who fly civil aircraft, and pilots are those who work in the military industry. There is also a specialization of a test pilot who tests new air vehicles. In any case, the profession belongs to the category of "man-technique". The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description: who is a pilot?

The safety, health and life of passengers and crew of the aircraft (or the safety of cargo) depends on the pilot. This is a very big responsibility, and it is rarely assigned to only one person. As a rule, there are two pilots on the vessel, and a commander, navigator, and flight engineer may also be present on it. In emergency situations, pilots can seek help from air traffic controllers on the ground. This is a profession that requires excellent physical and psychological health.

Features of the profession

It is not unreasonable to believe that a pilot is not so much a profession as a vocation. To successfully fulfill the duties of a pilot, constant concentration, regular study (as more and more new models of aircraft, helicopters and related equipment appear on the market), as well as attention to one’s health and condition, even after hours. The main scope of work that applicants for the vacancy of a pilot must master is as follows:

  • Operation of aviation complexes that meets safety requirements (in peacetime and wartime).
  • Usage automated systems and computer technologies in the control of aircraft.
  • Interaction with services providing aircraft flights.
  • Adoption and implementation of managerial decisions under time pressure and in critical situations.
  • Assessment of the level of flight safety, making a decision on the possibility / impossibility of its completion.
  • Performance of adjustment and testing of aviation complexes.
  • Perform setup and adjustment of on-board equipment.
  • Completion of supporting documents.
  • Organization of work of aviation personnel.

It may seem that the answer to the question of who a pilot is can be answered with one simple phrase: the one who is responsible for the flight of an aircraft from point A to point B. However, in practice, both the preparation for this flight, and its implementation, and the successful completion dependent on a huge number of factors. In order to correctly recognize and take them into account, to make optimal decisions in every second of working time, it is necessary to have profound knowledge and impressive experience.

Pros and cons of being a pilot


  1. Prestigious profession (and the height of its status is equally high anywhere in the world).
  2. High level of income.
  3. demand in the labor market.
  4. Full social package.
  5. As a rule, early retirement age.


  1. Great responsibility.
  2. Strict requirements (both for admission to educational institutions and for employment).
  3. The need to constantly maintain their health.
  4. Frequent absence, difficulty in maintaining relationships with family and friends.

Important Personal Qualities

As has been repeatedly noted, for the pilot has great importance physical and psychological state. Representatives of this profession should not have any chronic diseases, problems with vision, hearing, vestibular apparatus and other sensory systems. Pilots regularly undergo a medical examination, and if any ailments appear, they may simply not be allowed to fly.

In addition, responsibility, emotional stability, the ability to concentrate, a high reaction rate, the ability to quickly switch attention, the absence of fear of heights and confined spaces, certain communication and leadership skills, and analytical thinking are important for such specialists.

pilot training

There are two main options for where to get the profession of a pilot: it can be either colleges or universities. So, in colleges, you can pay attention to the specialty "Testing of aircraft" (code 24.02.03). In higher educational institutions that provide pilot training, the most suitable specialties are "Flight operation and the use of aviation systems" (code 25.05.05), "Aircraft control systems" (code 24.05.06) and "Operation of aircraft and organization of air movement” (code 25.05.05).

A certificate is enough for admission to a secondary school (the competition is held according to the average score), and to study at a university as a pilot, you must pass the Unified State Examination in Russian, mathematics and physics or computer science. The training of this responsible and difficult profession, in any case, will last at least 5 years (even when entering a college). Moreover, when studying at a university in correspondence or evening form, it will take 6 years to master the profession of a pilot, and when entering a secondary school after the 9th grade - 4 months more.



This specialization is quite complex and responsible, so there are no easy and quick courses where it would take only a few months to study as a pilot. There are courses, for example, at the Aeroflot flight school: they last two years and are suitable only for candidates with a higher technical education, and it is highly desirable - aviation.

The best universities for pilots

  1. SPbGUGA
  2. SPbGUAP
  3. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

Place of work

Pilots work for public and private airlines, they can be personal pilots of private aircraft, they can be engaged in test flights at enterprises involved in the development and production of helicopters and aircraft.

pilot salary

As a rule, pilots receive a high wages even when working in state aviation companies. For even higher incomes, they can exceed the monthly departure allowance, but such excesses are subject to restrictions, and it is not recommended to do this constantly due to the need for a good rest.

Salary as of 24.02.2020

Russia 30000—42300 ₽

Moscow 20000—55000 ₽


The career of a pilot begins with work on commercial routes, in small companies, light aviation. As soon as he gains at least a couple of years of experience and enough flying hours, he can get a job in a more serious company. Over time, the pilot may become the chief pilot, crew commander, or take one of the leading positions in the airline itself.

The profession of a pilot is one of the most romantic. Therefore, more and more young people are interested in how to become a pilot.

To get a dream profession and learn from scratch, you need to be physically prepared, have excellent mental abilities and have a stable psyche.

How to become a civil aviation pilot in Russia

Becoming a civil aviation pilot is impossible in one step. This procedure requires consistent training, obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge. To learn to fly, you need to undergo serious training.

First you need to study at a university or academy. There the student is provided with theoretical knowledge.

Future pilots will learn about the structure of the aircraft, about the rules of its operation, about aviation medicine.

After graduation, the student receives a certificate of commercial pilot category. This category allows commercial flights.

Thus, to become a civil aviation pilot, you need:

  1. Study at an academy or university.
  2. Successfully pass the theoretical and practical exams.
  3. Pass a medical examination. You need to be in perfect health.
  4. Fly a certain number of hours.

At first, it will be possible to work only as a co-pilot. But as you gain experience, the possibilities will increase.

How to become a military pilot

Obtaining the profession of a military pilot is about the same. First you need to take lessons in a special educational institution, then get practical skills.

After passing practical training the student is given a referral to military unit where he can sign a contract and get to work.

Many want to fly a fighter. But this will require serious training. This job is not for lazy people.

Characteristics of the profession - what it does, functions and responsibilities

The profession implies management various types aircraft.

Helicopters are also included in this concept. To become a helicopter pilot, you also need a certificate.

The specialty combines several positions:

  • commander;
  • second pilot;
  • flight engineer;
  • navigator.

Pilot Responsibilities:

  • piloting;
  • landing;
  • instrument control.

Also, do not forget that the pilot of passenger aircraft is responsible for the lives of people.

Health requirements for civil aviation pilots

The health of pilots, even future ones, must be perfect. If there is a military ID, it must be with category "A".

Note: a future pilot can be expelled even during training if his health deteriorates.

Also one of the important questions is how old the pilot should be. Under the law, you can fly from 18 to 65 years.

Personal qualities and skills of future pilots

The most important skills that pilots must possess relate to aircraft.

Experts need to know the features of the structure and specifications aircraft entrusted to them, as well as be able to control them.

Knowledge of English is not required, but would be a plus. It opens up additional possibilities. With English, the pilot will be able to work on international flights.

Equally important are the personal qualities of the pilot:

  • responsibility;
  • stress resistance;
  • instant reaction;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • ability to analyze;
  • the makings of a leader;
  • perseverance;
  • determination;
  • attentiveness.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to fill out a lot of documents.

Where civil aviation pilots are trained in Russia

In total, there are 3 universities in Russia where future pilots study:

  • University of Civil Aviation in St. Petersburg;
  • Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation;
  • Aviation Institute in Moscow.

The rest of the institutions that train pilots are branches.

How many years to study to be an airplane pilot

The length of study depends on the institution. In universities it is 5 years.

In some schools you can study for 3 years. Training in courses and special schools pilots takes about 3 months.

However, do not forget that the process does not end there. Of course, you can work as an amateur, but if you want to improve the category, you will still need to study and practice a lot.

How to enter the pilot - subjects and exams

Russian language and mathematics are compulsory subjects for passing after school. To enter the pilot, as an additional subject, you need to take physics.

Can a girl become a pilot

Flying is also of interest to girls. However, some schools only accept males.

That's why the possibility of studying at a school or university depends on the specific educational institution.

If it is not possible to enter, you can start studying in courses. Although in most cases the possibility of admission of a girl depends on her knowledge and personal qualities.

Where Can an Aircraft Pilot Work?

Employment depends on the category that the pilot has.

To get settled in large companies, you need to get the category "linear pilot". The main rule is that the more experience, the greater the opportunity to get into a prestigious company, for example, Aeroflot.

What is the salary of a pilot in Russia

The average salary of a pilot in Russia is about 100,000 rubles a month. This figure can reach up to 200,000 rubles.

For military pilots, the salary depends on the complexity of the flights, and for civilians, on the prestige of the airline.

Career growth and development prospects

There are good opportunities in the profession for career development. However, do not forget about the competition. How better place, the higher it is.

There can be up to 10 applicants for one position in a prestigious company. But if the pilot has a real desire and desire to develop, he will receive a well-deserved position.

You need to be active already during the training, because some airlines cooperate with academies.

Outstanding students can get the opportunity to study at special training centers at the expense of the airline.

Is it worth studying to be an airplane pilot - the pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • demand;
  • high salary;
  • the ability to travel and get paid for it;
  • early retirement.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • frequent absence from home;
  • constant medical examinations and no guarantee that the next one will be passed;
  • strong emotional stress.

It is worth going to learn to be a pilot for those who are really ready for difficult learning and continuous improvement of their skills. This is not a profession in which you can work halfway. The profession of a pilot involves constant testing and verification.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation has started training pilots for civil aviation since 2018. Moscow State Technical University civil aviation (MSTU GA) in accordance with the Development Strategy for 2016-2030. plans in 2018 to open a new direction of training under the undergraduate program "Flight Operation of Civil Aircraft". MSTU GA today has all the necessary licenses and permits to start training pilots. Theoretical classes will be held on the basis of the university on their own educational programs which the first two years of training will largely coincide with the training programs for air traffic controllers. To provide simulator and flight practice, the university will use the training facilities of a reputable foreign educational institution.

Where can I get training as a civil aviation pilot in Russia?

Bugaeva Personally, it was difficult for me to get into this institute. I passed in the “second wave”, and there were health problems at admission: I have flat feet.

The surgeon did not want to let me through, sent me to do an x-ray of the foot. Basically, applicants have vision problems and a deviated septum: because of this, most often they are not allowed to enter.
A severe concussion in the past can also cause rejection. At first glance, a deviated septum is not a problem.
However, at high altitude, the pressure on all organs increases (it is not by chance that the ears are blocked there), and with a curvature, you will not be able to breathe through your nose. That is, you won’t be able to breathe properly at work at all.

Studying at UIGA, in general, seems to me satisfactory. Since the beginning of training, about 60 people have already been expelled from us due to poor progress.

Cost of education

For those who dream of working in the sky, there are two ways - a flight school and a school for private pilots. The control of aircraft belongs to the section "technical operation", which means to receive higher education optional - a secondary special is enough.


Nevertheless, educational institutions impose strict requirements on applicants, which not all applicants meet. For example, before entering, you need to undergo a mandatory medical examination, just like a real pilot before concluding an employment contract or contract (we are not joking), and check the level of physical fitness.

The standards depend on age and gender, the program includes sprinting and long distance running, pull-ups or push-ups, jumps and exercises for the abdominal muscles. The medical flight expert commission (VLEK) assesses the state of not only physical, but also mental health.

Initial training of amateur pilots at the stork flight school

In total, to complete the course, you need to “flow” at least 40 hours. One of the main advantages of the pilot's profession is high wages.


The co-pilot receives an average of 150 thousand rubles. per month, and the first - from 300 thousand rubles, and you can become one already at the age of 26-27, having two thousand hours of flight practice as a co-pilot. In addition, pilots will get a lot of nice bonuses: 70 vacation days a year, corporate air tickets for themselves and their families, and housing if they have to work in another city.

Aeroflot, for example, promises pilots a salary of up to 400,000 rubles. per month (the crew commander - the owner of the highest qualification of a commercial pilot can count on such a salary), as well as social package(up to 300 thousand rubles per pilot annually).

How to become a passenger plane pilot

Only those whom she recognizes fit can become students. Psychological testing means a lot: if two applicants have the same grades in the certificate, the commission will make a choice in favor of the one who passed it better.

Students should not forget about health even after admission: if it worsens during training, the case may end in expulsion. The absolute advantage of state flight schools is the opportunity to study for free.

After completing the course, their graduates are awarded the qualification of a commercial pilot (the second of three possible: a private pilot, a commercial pilot and a line pilot), while private flying schools can only offer a qualification of a private pilot. It will not allow you to find a job in your specialty, but will, in fact, allow you to learn how to fly an airplane.

However, studying in private school it is expensive: the theoretical course will cost 45 thousand rubles.

Aeroflot Flight School: training center

Interestingly, in this test, the questions are repeated several times: only the wording changes. After the test, you need to go through a medical-flight expert commission, which very carefully checks your health, and then pass the physical standards: pull-ups, running 100 and 1000 meters. and mathematics). The advantages of studying at UIGA are state support (uniform, meals, hostel with an additional payment of only 700 rubles per year), an interesting program and excellent practice. The downside for someone, perhaps, is the difficulty in studying, but this is required by the profession, so I do not consider this a disadvantage. Many guys are expelled due to poor progress in aerodynamics, navigation, meteorology, but if you try, everything will be fine.

Aeromag Flight School Aerodrome Kolomna

Read more] If you want to learn how to fly an airplane on your own and start training as a private pilot, Aeromag flight school, located not far from Moscow, is open for you. Learning how to fly an airplane and becoming a pilot is actually very simple, no more difficult than learning to drive a car! Earn a Private Pilot License (PPL) with our C-172S Glass Cockpit Pilot School or learn a new type of C-172S aircraft. After that, you will be able to fly all over Russia! With the introduction of a notification system for flights, it is enough to inform the dispatcher of your route via the Internet one hour before departure. AEC "Aeromag" was founded in January 2011 under the most experienced aviation club of the same name in Russia, leading its history since 1934. AUC closely cooperates with the Sasovo Hero Soviet Union Tarana G.A.
Accordingly, saving on the cost of training will not allow you to get a full experience of negotiations with dispatchers. Is it possible to credit the existing flight time? Most of the cost of training is formed due to the need to fly off the practical program, to gain flight experience. There are times when a trainee already has a flight time and wants to credit it so as not to pay twice for hours already flown. Unfortunately, most often such a raid will not be credited. Military aviation and DOSAAF (ROSTO) Plaque received while serving in armed forces Russian Federation cannot be counted towards civil aviation pilot training programs. Any evidence of state aviation (i.e. military) is not recognized in civil aviation. Therefore, in addition to military pilots, those who flew in the DOSAAF / ROSTO system cannot count their flight time and certificates, because. it is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense.
We can practice on two types of aircraft: Diamond DA 40 (initial training aircraft) and Diamond DA 42 (final aircraft). On the DA 40, cadets mainly learn how to fly: take off, land and visual flights. Everyone must fly 100 hours on it. On DA 42 flights are carried out on instruments and air routes to neighboring cities - Samara, Kazan, Penza, Saransk and Cheboksary. You need to fly 50 hours on it. The period for which you fly this number of hours depends on the instructor and on the time of year: there were guys who “flew off” the original plane in two months. And on the DA 42, the raid is always fast, since the flights are carried out both day and night. In addition, this aircraft is not so dependent on the weather. Usually swoop right amount hours can be for a month and a half. The flight schedule is made by the instructor.

Training for a civil aviation pilot in Moscow price

You should not overpay for those ratings that will not be useful to you in the near future. They will be available later. Organization of training In flying clubs, where training is the main activity, prices are lower due to economies of scale and streamlined business processes.

In an flying club with a couple of aircraft and instructors, training will cost much more (which is what we are seeing in Russia). Also, the cost of training depends on what the instructors are.

In the United States, it is common practice to hire newly graduated pilots as instructors, who were still learning themselves a month ago. In such schools, the cost of education is much lower, but the quality is appropriate. Remoteness of the airfield from a large city The more remote the airfield from a large city, the cheaper the training, as a rule. At the same time, the airfield is often located in uncontrolled airspace.

A commercial pilot license is about 4.6 times more expensive. Airline pilot license is about 6 times more expensive than PPL, about 30% more expensive than CPL.

The integrated ATPL course involves obtaining a "frozen" license. This means that at the end of the program you will have approximately 250 hours of flying time.

And for the ATPL license to take effect, 1500 flight hours are required. Accordingly, you will need to get a job as a commercial pilot or pay an additional 1250 hours to gain the missing flight time.

It is not necessary to immediately take an integrated course from zero to ATPL. You can learn gradually over several years. First PPL, then approvals for flights on multi-engine aircraft and instrument flights. Then CPL, ATPL. It will be more expensive than an integrated course, but you don’t need to immediately allocate a large amount and break away from family and work for a year.
Words cannot express what I experienced during my first training flight: euphoria, joy and anxiety at the same time. If we talk about practical training, then here, if you combine practice with studies at the institute, it is not easy to get used to the regime: getting up at 4:00, leaving at 5:00, in the afternoon you arrive from the airfield squeezed like a lemon, and you still need to restore the missed lectures and prepare for tomorrow. After all, you need to prepare for every flight day. And I also had extra classes By English language. There was little free time - that's the main difficulty. But these are, in fact, trifles. After all, after graduating from the university, I will immediately be able to get a job in an airline in my specialty, although there I will need to undergo retraining on a new type of aircraft, which lasts about a year. Alexander Molostov, 4th year student of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation. Air Marshal B.P.

Every year the volume of air transportation in the world increases. Accordingly, the industry's need for young qualified personnel is also growing. The profession "aircraft commander" is traditionally the highest paid in our country after the sea captain. The journalist of the portal figured out what needs to be done to conquer the sky and the leadership of the airline.

Aviator and pilotIt is the same?

At first glance, the concepts are similar: representatives of both professions fly aircraft. Only the pilot sits at the helm of a military aircraft, and the pilot - a civilian one. They also have different training methods: for pilots, everything is much more complicated. We are also interested in the fate of the pilots.

Before you go to study as a pilot, it is important to soberly assess your physical fitness and state of health - it should be like astronauts. Throughout their career, pilots regularly undergo a medical examination, and if deviations are detected, they are immediately removed from flights. No less important are personal qualities, without which there is nothing to do in aviation - responsibility, perseverance, confidence in oneself and in one's actions, leadership qualities, and the ability to make quick decisions. Before admission, the medical flight expert commission (VLEK) conducts a series of psychological tests and decides whether the applicant is fit or not. If these points are in order, you can proceed to the choice of an educational institution.

Where to go to study to be a pilot?

Today, the profession of "flight operation of aircraft" in Russia is taught in two universities and three flight schools. Upon graduation, you will receive a state diploma and a commercial pilot certificate.

1. Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Air Chief Marshal B.P. Bugaeva (UI GA),

City: Ulyanovsk
Study period: 5 years

The largest aviation university in Russia with the longest history was founded in 1935. It trains specialists in the direction of "aircraft operation and air traffic management" and bachelors in the direction of "flight operation of civil aircraft (co-pilot)". There is an airfield complex with 79 DA 40 NG and DA 42 NG aircraft, as well as a center with Airbus-320, Boeing-737, SSJ-100, Tu-204 aircraft simulators.

Its branches, the Sasovo and Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight Schools, also train pilots.

2. Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School (SLU GA),

City: Sasovo, Ryazan region

The school was opened in 1943; in total, more than 20 thousand pilots of domestic civil aviation and more than 1 thousand pilots of foreign airlines graduated from its walls. Training flights are carried out on 39 An-2, Yak-18T 36-series aircraft, Cessna-172S, L-410 UVP E-20, L-410 UVP E.

3. Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School (KKLU GA),

City: Krasny Kut, Saratov region
Duration of study: 2 years 10 months

The school has been leading its history since 1940 and has trained more than 27 thousand pilots during this time. The air training aircraft fleet includes 5 Yak-18T aircraft (36th series), 61 An-2 aircraft, 14 Cessna-172 light aircraft, 12 Diamond DA 40 NG aircraft and 2 twin-engine LET L410UVP-E aircraft.

4. St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation (SPbGU GA),

City: St. Petersburg
Study period: 5 years

Since 1955, the university has managed to graduate over 50 thousand specialists. Simulator and aircraft flights are performed in full compliance with ICAO requirements, which provide for the study and flights on a single-engine aircraft (Cessna-172S / R or Diamond DA 40 NG) and on a twin-engine aircraft (Diamond DA 42 NG). In total, the fleet of training aircraft has more than 100 units.

And its branch:

5. Branch of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation - Buguruslan Civil Aviation Flight School (BLU GA),

City: Buguruslan, Orenburg region
Duration of study: 2 years 10 months

Established in 1940, the school has today been given the status of a college. You can practice at seven airfields and 52 Diamond DA 42 NG and Diamond DA 40 NG aircraft.

Theoretically, if there is a higher or average technical education you can undergo professional retraining in non-state aviation training centers (ATC) and get the profession of a commercial pilot in about a year. However, with such a certificate, it will be extremely difficult to get a job with an airline.

And girls are taken as pilots?

More recently, it was out of the question for a woman in Russia to be admitted to the Academy of Civil Aviation for a flight specialty. However, in 2007, a resident of Yekaterinburg, a law student, Ksenia Borisova, sued the educational institution for discrimination and won the case. So today, girls can also safely enter the pilots, and not only civil aviation: this year, the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots first adopted not just guys.

What is required for admission?

First: obtain the conclusion of the medical-flight expert commission (VLEK GA) on fitness for training and a card for passing a psychological examination. To do this, you must have one hundred percent vision and hearing, the absence of color blindness, normal pressure and blood sugar/cholesterol levels, no serious physical or neurological diseases type diabetes, heart disease, psychosis or drug addiction.

To pass VLEK you need to prepare:
- test results (for HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, RW, for group and Rh factor) and certificates from psycho-neurological, narcological and dermatological and venereal dispensaries with a stamp or the entry “Not registered”;
- X-ray of the accessory cavities of the nose (with a curved septum will not be taken);
- an electroencephalogram of the brain with a description (this is how a tendency to epilepsy is detected).

You will also need to pass physical standards (running: 1 km - no more than 3 minutes 30 seconds, 100 meters - 13.4 seconds, pull-ups - from 9 times) and pass a lot of psychological tests.

Second: provide in admission committee package of documents.

Third: fill out an application for admission, an application form and a curriculum vitae.

Fourth: pass exams in mathematics, Russian language, physics. Sometimes they add English and computer science.

How much will the training cost?

For those who entered the budget, the state provides full maintenance: uniforms, meals, a hostel, a scholarship, the necessary flight hours.

Cadets of paid groups supply themselves. The educational institution determines the cost of education independently. According to the Kommersant newspaper, at the flight school this figure will be approximately 2-3 million rubles, including a flight module of 150 hours. And for the training of a commercial pilot for a foreign aircraft at a university, you will have to pay about 8 million rubles,
