Novosibirsk State Technical University work program. in the discipline "electromagnetic compatibility of power electronics devices"

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University




Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical equipment
Direction of preparation: 180201 "Systems of electric power and ship automation"
Training profile: 180201.01 "Electric power systems"

Qualification (degree) of the graduate: marine engineer

Form of study: full-time

Saint Petersburg


1. The place of discipline in the structure of the PEP HPE.

The discipline "Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical equipment" refers to the disciplines of specialization DS.0 and is one of the main disciplines in the training of specialists in profile 180201.01 "Electric power systems" within the framework of direction 180201 - "Electric power and ship automation systems"

The number of the discipline according to the curriculum is DS.5.0.

The discipline gives students a fairly complete picture of the theory and practical activities in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

The study of the discipline is based on students' knowledge of higher mathematics, electrical engineering, electric power systems, measuring complexes, ship automation systems.

For the active consolidation of knowledge and the acquisition of skills for their practical application, classroom practical exercises and laboratory work are provided.

The knowledge, skills and abilities gained during its study will be used in graduation design, in practical professional activity.

Studying and successful certification in this discipline, along with other disciplines, are necessary for mastering other special disciplines, passing educational and industrial practices.
2. Goals and objectives disciplines

Subject disciplines are

aim discipline is:

Formation of the necessary amount of knowledge among students regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC);

The formation of students' concepts and knowledge regarding methodological foundations electromagnetic compatibility, methods and means of ensuring EMC on ships;

tasks teaching discipline related to its content are:

Study of sources and parameters of interference on ships

Study of the propagation of interference from sources to receptors;

Study of the susceptibility of equipment to interference;

Study of methods and means of providing EMC and their practical development;

Studying the requirements of the Rules of Classification Organizations and other specialized regulatory documents in the field of EMC;

Mastering the test procedures for immunity to interference;

Familiarization and practical development of methods and means of measuring interference.
3. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of competencies necessary for a marine engineer.

As a result of mastering the content of the discipline, the student must:


Sources of interference and possible values ​​of interference parameters on ships;

Features of the propagation of interference from sources to receptors;

Parameters of equipment susceptibility to interference;

Interference suppression methods and means

Methods and means of protection against interference;

Requirements of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and regulatory documents on EMC;

Methods and means of testing for immunity to interference;

Methods and means of measuring interference.

be able to:

Use the Rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and other regulatory documents regulating the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility;

Solve problems of predicting interference from the main sources

Evaluate the change in the parameters of interference during propagation;

Make decisions on ensuring electromagnetic compatibility;

Determine the composition of the test equipment required for testing;

Conduct basic immunity tests and measure interference levels.


Methods for calculating the parameters of interference generated on board;

Methods for calculating the change in the parameters of interference during propagation;

Methods for conducting tests for electromagnetic compatibility.
4. Scope of discipline and types academic work in accordance with the curriculum

Type of study work

Total hours



Classroom activities (total)




Lectures (L)



Practical exercises (PZ)



Seminars (C)

Laboratory work (LR)



Of which in interactive forms



Independent work (SR) (total)




Course project (work) (KP), (KR)

Settlement and graphic works (RGR)

Abstract (P)

Other types of independent work



Type of intermediate certification (test, exam)


Total labor intensity, hours



Total labor intensity, credit units

5.1. The content of the discipline and the distribution of hours

No. p / p.

Name and number of the discipline section







Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical equipment







The problem of electromagnetic compatibility






Occurrence of interference in ship electrical power systems








Propagation of interference on ships








Influence of interference on ship's electronic and electrical equipment








Reducing interference levels








Protecting equipment from interference








Certification and standardization








Testing of technical means for immunity to interference








Measurement of interference parameters







5.2. Sections of the discipline and interdisciplinary links with the provided

(subsequent) disciplines

Name of the provided (subsequent) disciplines

No. of sections of this discipline, necessary for the study of the provided (subsequent) disciplines











electric drive






Design of electric power systems






6.1 Lectures

Section 1. The problem of electromagnetic compatibility - 2 hours.

Overview of accidents and damage due to EMC violations. Basic terms and definitions. Communication with other general engineering and special disciplines. Course objectives.
Section 2 Occurrence of interference in ship electrical power systems .- 8 ocloc'k.

Topic 2.1. Impulse interference during switching in the network - 2 hours.

Switching resistive loads and capacitive circuits. Model for calculating impulse noise when loads are switched on. Features of the inclusion of three-phase loads and circuits. Single-phase short to the body.

Topic 2.2. Interference in the operation of some electricity consumers - 2 hours.

Shutdown of inductive circuits. Operation of fluorescent lamps. Operation of DC machines. Operation of radio equipment.

Topic 2.3. Interference during operation of semiconductor power converters - 2 hours.

Distortions of sinusoidal voltage and current in EES with powerful semiconductor converters. Determination of harmonics in the ship's network. Methods of calculation.

Topic 2.4. Characteristics of interference on ships - 2 hours.

Probabilistic characteristics of impulse noise. electrostatic discharge. Parameters of high energy external noise.

Section 3. Propagation of interference on ships .- 8 ocloc'k.

Topic 3.1. Propagation of interference through the ship's cable network - 2 hours.

Noise propagation along the wave channel. Reflection and refraction of waves R pressure and current. Multiple reflections. Methods of calculation. Three wire line.

Topic 3.2. Propagation of interference through the elements of the EES - 2 hours.

EPS elements on the path of conductive interference propagation. Propagation of interference through network filters. Noise propagation through transformers.

Topic 3.3. Propagation of interference by radiation - 2 hours.

Theory of electromagnetism. Field sources. Propagation of electromagnetic waves. The theory of electromagnetic field shielding.

Topic 3.4. Propagation of interference through electromagnetic connections in the cable route - 2 hours.

Ways of propagation of interference on ships. Electrical (capacitive) connection. Magnetic (inductive) connection. Electrical and magnetic coupling in shielded cables.
Chapter. 4. - Influence of interference on ship's electronic and electrical equipment. - 4 hours.

Topic 4.1. Noise immunity of elements electronic devices– 2 hours.

Noise immunity of digital and analog elements.

Topic 4.2. The mechanism of interference penetration to susceptible nodes and components of the vehicle - 2 hours.

Interference paths. Levels of noise immunity. Digital and analog equipment. Noise immunity of measuring devices. Electrical equipment.
Section 5. Reducing the levels of interference in the electric power system. - 6 hours.

Topic 5.1. General Approach to Interference Suppression – 2 hours.

Principles of interference suppression. Algorithm for carrying out work on interference suppression. Examples of the implementation of the algorithm.

Topic 5.2. Reducing interference during operation of power semiconductor converters - 2 hours.

Choice of conversion schemes. Electrical means of interference suppression. Design means to reduce the level of conducted interference

Subject 5.3. Reducing impulse noise in the electrical network – 2 hours.

Reduction of voltages caused by switching and lightning discharge. Separation of power sources and interference receptors. Means of interference suppression.
Section 6. Protection of equipment from interference - 6 hours.

Topic 6.1. General Approach to Anti-Interference and Improved Noise Immunity – 2 hours.

Features of the design of equipment and systems.

Topic 6.2. Protection for the power port and for the I / O port - 2 hours.

Interference transformers. Network and input filters. Protection against powerful impulse noise. Balancing and galvanic isolation. Selection and laying of cables. Features of the input circuits of technical means

Topic 6.3. Case and ground port protection - 2 hours.

Electromagnetic field protection. ESD Protection
Section 7. Certification and standardization in the field of EMC of electronic and electrical equipment 6 hours.
Topic 7.1. Certification systems and standardization organizations in the field of electromagnetic compatibility - 2 hours.

certification systems. European EMC Directive. Technical regulation. IEC and its EMC committees. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Topic 7.2. EMC requirements - 2 hours.

Fundamental documents and requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility of ship equipment. International, regional and national standards.

The main issues in providing EMC for ship equipment. EMC work planning.
Section 8. Testing of technical means for resistance to interference - 6 hours.

Topic 8.1. Test equipment - 2 hours.

Simulation of interference during immunity tests. Schemes of the main noise simulators.

Topic 8.2. Conducting tests of equipment for resistance to interference - 2 hours.

General requirements for the organization of tests. Tests for resistance to electrostatic discharge. Tests for immunity to electromagnetic and magnetic fields. Conducted Immunity Tests

Topic 8.3. Determination of the parameters of electromagnetic coupling of circuits and the effectiveness of anti-jamming equipment - 2 hours.

Tests of filters, voltage limiters, arresters, anti-jamming transformers, information circuits.
Section 9. Measurement of interference parameters - 5 hours.

Topic 9.1. Measuring instruments in the field of electromagnetic compatibility - 2 hours.

Radio interference meters, spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, specialized devices.

Topic 9.2. Measurement of conducted radio interference - 2 hours.

Measurement conditions. Preparation for measurements. Procedure for measuring unbalanced interference voltages with mains dummy, measuring with voltage probes, current probes, absorbing clamps. Measurement of harmonics and flicker. Measurement of voltages and currents in the time domain.

Topic 9.3. Measurement of electromagnetic fields - 2 hours.

Radiated interference measurement procedure. Open area. Alternative Methods measurements. Measurement uncertainty.

6.2 Practical exercises

PZ 1. Occurrence of impulse interference in ship EPS - 2 hours.

The parameters of impulse noise are determined when loads are switched on.
PZ 2. Impulse interference when disconnecting an inductive load - 2 hours.

The parameters of impulse noise are determined when the inductor is disconnected from the AC and DC mains, the effectiveness of the noise suppression means is determined,
PZ 3. Distortions of the sinusoidal voltage in the electric power system during the operation of semiconductor converters– 2 hours.

The parameters of distortion of the sinusoidal voltage in the EPS are calculated for various modes of operation of semiconductor converters and various composition of the EPS.
PZ 4. Propagation of impulse noise along the ship's cable - 2 hours.

The parameters of propagation of impulse noise along the cable, the coefficients of reflection and refraction of voltage waves in the nodes and at the load are determined, the method of propagating waves is used.
PZ 5. Propagation of impulse noise through the elements of the secondary power source - 2 hours.

The coefficients of introduced interference attenuation for noise protection means are calculated. The parameters of impulse noise are determined when propagating through a transformer, filters.

PZ 6. Susceptibility electronic circuits to impulse noise - 2 hours.

The parameters of the susceptibility of electronic circuits are studied, the levels of noise immunity of various elements are compared.
PZ 7. Testing equipment for electromagnetic compatibility - 5 hours.

The requirements for electromagnetic compatibility of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, the basic standards that establish methods for measuring interference and testing equipment are being studied.

6.3 Labs

LZ 1. Occurrence of impulse interference in ship EPS - 2 hours.

The content of the laboratory work: the process of the occurrence of impulse noise when switching on loads in the ship's electric power system is studied, the parameters of impulse noise and the network parameters necessary for calculating the noise are determined. The processes under study and the concepts used are discussed in sections 1, 2 lecture course.
LZ 2. Impulse interference when disconnecting an inductive load - 2 hours.

The content of the laboratory work: the regularities of the occurrence of impulse noise when the inductor is disconnected from the AC and DC mains are studied, the effectiveness of the means of interference suppression is determined, the skills of measuring parameters are acquired random processes. The processes under study and the concepts used are discussed in sections 1, 2, 5 lecture course.

LZ 3. Distortions of the sinusoidal voltage in the electric power system during the operation of the thyristor rectifier - 2 hours.

The content of the laboratory work: the regularities of the occurrence of impulse noise and distortion of the sinusoidal voltage in the EPS in various modes of operation of the thyristor rectifier are studied, skills are acquired in measuring the non-sinusoidality of the voltage and periodic impulse noise. The processes under study and the concepts used are discussed in sections 2, 3, 5 lecture course.

LZ 4. Propagation of impulse noise along the ship's cable - 2 hours.

The content of the laboratory work: the propagation of impulse noise along the cable, the reflection and refraction of voltage waves in the nodes and on the load are studied, skills are acquired in working with a pulse reflectometer. The processes under study and the concepts used are discussed in sections 3, 4 lecture course.
LZ 5. Propagation of impulse noise through the elements of the secondary power source - 2 hours.

LZ 6. Susceptibility of electronic circuits to impulse noise - 2 hours.

The content of the laboratory work: We study the susceptibility of electronic circuits built on the basis of transistors, thyristors and microcircuits to impulse noise in input circuits and power circuits. The processes under study and the concepts used are discussed in sections 4, 6 lecture course
LZ 7. Testing equipment for electromagnetic compatibility - 5 hours.

Lab Content: EMC requirements, interference simulation, interference immunity testing, and interference emission measurement are studied. Skills in testing and measuring are acquired. Test procedures, test equipment, measurement procedures are covered in sections 6, 7, 8, 9 lecture course
6.4 Seminars

Seminars not included

6.5. Course projects (works)

Coursework not included
6.6. Hometasks

Homework is not included
7. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline
a) Basic literature:

1. Vorshevsky A.A., Galperin V.E. Electromagnetic compatibility of ship technical means. Textbook, SPbGMTU.-SPb., 2010.

2. Vorshevsky A.A. Electromagnetic compatibility in ship power systems. Guidelines for laboratory work. Izd LKI, 1996.
b) Further reading:

  1. Vorshevsky A.A., Galperin V.E. Electromagnetic compatibility of ship technical means. Textbook, SPbGMTU.-SPb., 2006
2. Vilesov D.V., Vorshevsky A.A., Galperin V.E., Sukhorukov S.A. Occurrence and propagation of impulse interference in ship power systems. Tutorial. Ed. LKI, 1987.

3. Vilesov D.V., Vorshevsky A.A., Galperin V.E., Sukhorukov S.A. Ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of ship electrical equipment. Tutorial. Ed. LKI, 1988.

4. Vilesov D.V., Vorshevsky A.A., Galperin V.E., Sukhorukov S.A. Measurements and tests in the field of electromagnetic compatibility. Tutorial. Ed. LKI, 1989.
c) Literature for independent work of students:

  1. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Rules for the classification and construction of sea vessels. T.1., 2003, RMRS.

  2. Publications on the site

G) Software

1. Software from the library of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Equipment of Ships.

2. Modeling program "RANDPU" for calculating impulse noise on a personal computer (author Vorshevsky A.A.).

3. Educational multimedia program "IMMUNITY TESTS" for a personal computer (author Vorshevsky A.A.).
e) Databases, information and reference and search systems

Not provided.
8. Logistics of discipline

1. Library of the university (educational and scientific funds).

2. Cathedral library containing standards, guidelines on registration of settlement and graphic works.

3. Testing laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility, accredited by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

4. Educational laboratory of the department with equipment for laboratory work.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, the direction of training provides for widespread use in educational process active and interactive forms of conducting classes in combination with extracurricular work in order to form and develop the professional skills of students.

The proportion of classes conducted in interactive forms is determined by the main goal (mission) of the program, the peculiarity of the contingent of students and the content, and in general, in the educational process, it makes up at least 20% of classroom classes.

For the current control of independent work, control tasks performed by students during the semester are used.

The program was considered at a meeting of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Equipment of Ships




INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS (IRE) ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Direction of specialty: 210601 Radio-electronic systems and complexes

Training specialization:Radio-electronic information transmission systems

Qualification (degree) of the graduate: specialist

Full-time form of education





C3 professional

Part of the loop:

· own methods for solving problems of analysis and calculation of the characteristics of electrical circuits (PC-4);

Collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information on the subject of research, use the achievements of domestic and foreign science, engineering and technology (PC-6);

carry out an analysis of the state of scientific and technical problems, determine goals and carry out the formulation of design tasks (PC-8)

· To carry out the control of observance of ecological safety ;

· assess the level of damage to other radio-electronic means of the level and nature of out-of-band interfering electromagnetic radiation created by the designed means;

· take into account domestic and international regulatory documents in the field of electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means.

The tasks of the discipline are:

· to acquaint students with the processes and sources that create unintentional interference in the design of radio-electronic equipment and in the sharing of on-air radio frequency resources by means of various purposes;

· provide information on the standards of radio emissions that create unintentional interference with other radio-electronic means, on methods for reducing them to an acceptable level, and on system and design solutions that make it possible to meet the established requirements;

to teach how to make and justify specific technical solutions, taking into account the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility in the subsequent development and use of electronic equipment


The discipline refers to the variable part (optional discipline) of the professional cycle of the main educational program for training specialists in the direction of the specialist: 210601 Radio-electronic systems and complexes. Specialization of training: ___________________

Antenna systems and devices

The discipline is based on the following disciplines: "Electrodynamics", "Electrodynamics and propagation of radio waves", "Formation of radio signals", "Technical electrodynamics", "Microwave devices and antennas", "Fundamentals of design and production technology of radio electronic means"

The knowledge gained by mastering the discipline is necessary for the completion of the graduation project.


Independent work includes preparation for tests and tests, as well as preparation for tests.


For the current monitoring of progress are used different kinds tests and examinations.

Certification by discipline - differentiated test. Admission to the test is carried out upon receipt of grades 5, 4 or 3 on all control work of three sections of the discipline. If one of the practical exercises or receiving at least one unsatisfactory mark on control works, the corresponding test retaken to the teacher in this section after the end of lectures.

The grade for mastering the discipline on a scale of 5, 4 or 3 is determined as the arithmetic mean of the results of the oral answer on a differentiated test on a ticket, which includes 2 or 3 questions from different parts course. If at least one of the questions is unsatisfactory, then an unsatisfactory total mark is given for mastering the discipline.

An examination score for the 10th semester is included in the Diploma Supplement.


7.1. Literature:

a) basic literature:

1. Pokrovsky of electromagnetic compatibility in the designs of radio-electronic equipment. –M.: MPEI, 2001.

2. Belov of electromagnetic compatibility in radio transmitting devices. -M.: MEI Publishing House, 2011.

3. , Permyakov electromagnetic compatibility and antennas. - M.: Ed. House MPEI, 2006.

4. Management of the radio frequency spectrum and electromagnetic compatibility of radio systems / ed. . –M., ECO-TRENDS, 2006.

b) additional literature:

5. Generation of Oscillations and Formation of Radio Signals, Ed. And. –M.: Ed. House MPEI, 2008.

6. Collection of working materials on international regulation planning and use of the radio frequency spectrum” in 4 volumes. - M.: NPF "Geyser", 2004.

The program was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training specialists 210601 "Radio-electronic systems and complexes" for the specialization of training: "Radio-electronic information transmission systems"


candidate of technical sciences, professor

d.t.s. Professor

d.f.m. n. Professor


Director of IRE

Ph.D. assistant professor


Head Department of Formation of Oscillations and Signals

d.t.s. Professor

Head Department of Radio Receiving Devices

d.t.s. Professor

And about. head Department of Antenna Devices and Radio Wave Propagation

d.f.m. n. Professor




____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Direction of specialty: 210601 Radio-electronic systems and complexesTraining specialization:Radar systems and complexesQualification (degree) of the graduate: specialistFull-time form of education




Cycle: C3 professional
Part of the loop: variable, including elective disciplines
disciplines according to the curriculum: IRE; 3.2.07
Hours (total) according to the curriculum: 108
Labor intensity in credit units: 3 10 semester
Lectures 36 hour 10 semester
Practical lessons 18 hour 10 semester
Laboratory works Not provided
Calculation tasks, abstracts Not provided
The volume of independent work according to the curriculum (total) 54 hour
Exam 12 10 semester
Course projects (works) Not provided

Moscow - 2011


The purpose of the discipline is study of the requirements and methods for ensuring the internal and external electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic equipment for various purposes for subsequent use in the creation and use of radio electronic equipment. Upon completion of the development of this discipline, the student will have the ability to:
    own a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it (OK-1); consider modern tendencies development of electronics, measuring and computer technology, information technologies in their professional activities (PC-3); own methods for solving problems of analysis and calculation of the characteristics of electrical circuits (PC-4); collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information on research topics, use the achievements of domestic and foreign science, engineering and technology (PC-6); carry out state analysis scientific and technical problems, define goals and carry out the setting of design tasks (PC-8) monitor compliance with environmental safety; assess the level of damage to other radio-electronic means of the level and nature of out-of-band interfering electromagnetic radiation created by the designed means; take into account domestic and international regulatory documents in the field of electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic equipment.
The tasks of the discipline are:
    to acquaint students with the processes and sources that create unintentional interference in the design of radio-electronic equipment and in the sharing of on-air radio frequency resources by means of various purposes; provide information on the standards of radio emissions that create unintentional interference with other radio electronic means, on methods for reducing them to an acceptable level, and on system and design solutions that make it possible to meet the established requirements; to teach how to make and justify specific technical solutions, taking into account the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility in the subsequent development and use of electronic equipment 2. THE PLACE OF DISCIPLINE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE EEP HPE
The discipline refers to the variable part (optional discipline) of the professional cycle of the main educational program for training specialists in the direction of the specialist: 210601 Radio-electronic systems and complexes. Training specialization: Antenna systems and devices The discipline is based on the following disciplines: "Electrodynamics", "Electrodynamics and propagation of radio waves", "Formation of radio signals", "Technical electrodynamics", "Microwave devices and antennas", "Fundamentals of design and production technology of radio electronic means" The knowledge gained by mastering the discipline is necessary for the completion of the graduation project. 3. RESULTS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE As a result of mastering the academic discipline, students should demonstrate the following educational outcomes: Know:
    the main sources of scientific and technical information to substantiate the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic equipment (PK-6); the causes of radiation that create unintentional interference with other radio electronic equipment (PK-24); structural and circuit design solutions that reduce the level of unintentional interfering radiation and interference to an acceptable level (PC-9); sources of scientific and technical information (journals, Internet sites) on the technology of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility requirements (PC-3).
Be able to:
    independently understand the normative methods for calculating the levels and parameters of interfering communications, interference and radiation and apply them to simultaneously fulfill the established requirements and solve the problem (PC-8); use programs for calculating the parameters and characteristics of equipment while ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (PC-4); search, analyze scientific and technical information and select the necessary components to meet the requirements of electro-magnetic compatibility; analyze information about new technologies for ensuring electromagnetic compatibility requirements (PC-14).
    terminology in the field of regulation and technical solutions for ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic equipment (PC-3); the skills of searching for information about the parameters and characteristics of the component base used to ensure the requirements of the electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic equipment (PC-6, PC-15); information on the technical parameters of the components of devices used to ensure the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic equipment (PC-6, PC-15); skills in applying the information received in the calculation of parameters characterizing unintentional interfering electromagnetic effects (PC-6, PC-15)
4. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE DISCIPLINE4.1 Structure of the discipline The total labor intensity of the discipline is 3 credits, 108 hours.

Section of discipline.

Intermediate Attestation Form
(by semesters)

Total hours per section

Types of academic work, including independent work students and
labor intensity (in hours)

Forms of current progress control

(by sections)

Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in the designs of radio-electronic means Test
Interference filtering Test
Sources and levels of interfering emissions in radio transmitting devices Test
Mutual interference when amplifying the power of several signals in a common frequency band Test
Electromagnetic environment in the radio reception area Test
The role of antenna devices in the formation of the electromagnetic environment and the provision of EMC. Test
Organizational measures to ensure EMC. Radio Regulations. ITU Recommendations Test

4.2.1. Lectures:

1. Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in the designs of radio-electronic means

2. Filtering intrasystem interference

Filtering of intrasystem interference (principles of filtering interference penetrating through wires, the required level of filtering of intrasystem interference, calculation of filters of the simplest types, design of filters of intrasystem interference).

3. Sources and levels of interfering radiation in radio transmitting devices

Classification of components of interfering emissions of a radio transmitting device. Minimization of radiation at harmonics, the use of push-pull circuits. Reducing the level of modulation emissions in the frequency bands adjacent to the selected one. The use of modulation types with a compact spectrum in a radio transmitter: smoothing of the manipulation fronts, the use of signals with frequency modulation and a continuous phase. Reducing the level of radiation at subharmonics and combination frequencies. Station, industrial and noise components of interfering radiation. Frequency masks in compliance with electromagnetic compatibility standards. Normalization of ultrawideband signals.

4. Mutual interference when amplifying the power of several signals in a common frequency band

Intermodulation and crosstalk distortion when amplifying the power of RF signals with frequency division of channels. Resolution of the contradiction between energy efficiency and the level of intermodulation distortion in the joint amplification of the power of several bandpass signals. The phenomena of AM/AM and AM/FM conversion in microwave power amplifiers. Methods for linearizing the amplitude characteristics of microwave power amplifiers. Ensuring the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility in power amplifiers with linearization.

5. Electromagnetic environment in the radio reception area

RF spectrum as natural resource. Interference. Sources of interference of natural origin: atmospheric, cosmic, radiation from the Earth's surface. Interference of artificial origin. Linear and non-linear interference propagation channels. Influence of radio wave propagation conditions on signal and interference parameters, formation of electromagnetic environment at the receiving point. Calculation of interference and noise power at the receiver input.

6. The role of antenna devices in the formation of EMO and providing EMC .

4.4. Settlement tasks: Calculation tasks are not provided.

4.5. Course projects and term papers:course project ( course work) is not provided.


Lecture classes are conducted in the form of lectures with presentations. Practical lessons provide for the solution of a calculation problem on a specific topic and independent performance of control work. Independent work includes preparation for tests and tests, as well as preparation for tests.6. EVALUATION TOOLS FOR CURRENT CONTROL OF PERFORMANCE, INTERIM CERTIFICATION ON THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE Various types of tests and examinations are used for the current monitoring of progress. Certification by discipline - differentiated test. Admission to the test is carried out upon receipt of grades 5, 4 or 3 for all tests of the three sections of the discipline. In case of missing one of the practical classes or receiving at least one unsatisfactory mark on the control work, the corresponding control work is retaken by the teacher in this section after the end of the lectures. The grade for mastering the discipline on a scale of 5, 4 or 3 is determined as the arithmetic mean of the results of the oral answer on a differentiated test on a ticket, including 2 or 3 questions from different parts of the course, rounded to the nearest integer. If at least one of the questions is unsatisfactory, then an unsatisfactory total mark is given for mastering the discipline. An examination score for the 10th semester is included in the Diploma Supplement. 7. EDUCATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL AND INFORMATION SUPPORT OF THE DISCIPLINE7.1. Literature:a) basic literature:
    Pokrovsky F.N. Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in the designs of radio-electronic equipment. –M.: MPEI, 2001. Belov L.A. Ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in radio transmitting devices. -M.: MEI Publishing House, 2011. Bodrov V.V., Isakov M.V., Permyakov V.A. External electromagnetic compatibility and antennas. -M.: Ed. house MPEI, 2006. Control of the radio frequency spectrum and electromagnetic compatibility of radio systems / ed. M.A. Bykhovsky. –M., ECO-TRENDS, 2006.
b) additional literature:
    Generation of Oscillations and Formation of Radio Signals / ed. V. N. Kuleshova and N. N. Udalova. –M.: Ed. house MPEI, 2008. Collection of working materials on international regulation of planning and use of the radio frequency spectrum” in 4 volumes. -M.: NPF "Geyser", 2004. Gevorkyan V.M. Electromagnetic compatibility of information systems. –M.: MPEI Publishing House. Part 1 - 2006, part 2 - 2007.
8. LOGISTICS OF THE DISCIPLINE To ensure the development of the discipline, it is necessary to have a classroom equipped with multimedia tools for presenting lecture presentations and demonstration laboratory works. THE PROGRAM IS MADE BY: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Belov L.A. d.t.s. Professor Pokrovsky F.N. Professor Permyakov V.A. "AGREED" Director of IRE Ph.D. Associate Professor Zamolodchikov V.N. "APPROVE": Head Department of Formation of Oscillations and Signals, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Udalov N.N. Head Department of Radio Receiving Devices, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Grebenko Yu.A. And about. head Department of Antenna Devices and Radio Wave Propagation, Ph.D. Professor Permyakov V.A.