The probability of a random variable falling into an interval. Probability of a normally distributed random variable falling into a given interval

Probability of falling into a given interval of a normal random variable

It is already known that if a random variable X is given by the distribution density f (x), then the probability that X will take a value belonging to the interval (a, b) is as follows:

Let the random variable X be distributed according to the normal law. Then the probability that X will take a value belonging to the interval (a,b) is equal to

Let's transform this formula so that you can use ready-made tables. Let's introduce a new variable z = (x--а)/--s. Hence x = sz+a, dx = sdz. Let's find new limits of integration. If x= a, then z=(a-a)/--s; if x = b, then z = (b-a)/--s.

Thus we have

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Distribution: f(x)=b(3-x), b>0 Distribution boundaries 1
