Work in an elementary school according to federal state standards. FGOS in elementary school

From the experience of working as a primary school teacher. Experience of successful development of Federal State Educational Standards: problems, solutions, results.

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinsk secondary school" Kursk region
Target: analysis of work on the implementation of new educational standards of the second generation.
Tasks: reveal the results of work on the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO, show the “pros” and “cons” in the training and education of schoolchildren.
Description: The introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards is a complex and multifaceted process designed for the long term. We are at the beginning of the journey and we know that from the idea to its implementation many doubts, misconceptions, traps and failures await us, as well as many discoveries, achievements, triumphs and victories. This gives us strength, and we move forward - persistently, confidently, weighing and checking each next step. It turns out that business activity is subject to strict cyclical laws. Their knowledge allows you to organize your time and rationally distribute forces to achieve your goals. By applying these laws in practice, each of us has the opportunity to make our lives more harmonious, predictable and successful.
My article is intended for primary school teachers, managers methodological associations teachers, for head teachers of educational educational work.

“The native land, its history is the basis on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can take place.” D. Likhachev
Society is only capable of setting and solving large-scale national problems when it has general system moral guidelines. And there are these guidelines where they preserve respect for the native language, for the original culture and original cultural values, for the memory of their ancestors, for every page of our national history. Currently modern Russian society gripped by a crisis of spiritual traditional values, a decline in moral principles, a decline in the general culture of the population, the patriotic feelings of the younger generation, and the loss of its traditional spiritual and moral origins. There is a process of moral degradation of the individual, contributing to the manifestation of various forms of anti- social behavior.
At the end of the 90s, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev wrote: "We have plans economic development, plans for getting out of the economic crisis, but there are not even proposals to create a plan for getting out of the cultural backwardness in which our country has found itself over the past 82 years. We are threatened with spiritual savagery and a sense of loneliness in a country that has one of the greatest cultures in the world.”
In one of the messages (2012) of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the following was noted:“We need to return the school’s unconditional value. This means updating the content of education, while preserving, of course, our traditions and advantages, ... not to forget about the enormous importance of the quality of teaching the Russian language, history, literature, the foundations of secular ethics and traditional religions. These objects have a special role: they form the personality. The formation of the personality and the fate of the young man largely depends on whether the student meets a talented teacher who is passionate about his work.”
On modern stage What changes, first of all, is the idea of ​​man himself as a bearer of spirituality, his capabilities, interests, and needs. Is born new type person: free, self-sufficient, creatively oriented, open, humane, capable of sociocultural integration.
The Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation has been developed, tested and approved - fundamentally new for national school a document that focuses on achieving not only substantive educational results, but above all, on the formation of the personality of students, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity, ensuring success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education. New requirements have been put forward for the results, structure and conditions of the educational process.
The new standard is an innovative innovation that requires serious thought. After all, any innovation is aimed primarily at changes in order to obtain some new, better result. Federal State Educational Standard is a revolution, since there has been a change in educational paradigms (goals):instead of transferring a sum of knowledge - the development of the student’s personality based on mastering methods of action. The standard is not a content standard, but a standard of results - goal-oriented, activity-based, developing, setting the way of life of the school. The Federal State Educational Standard is an evolution, since the ideas of developmental education have long been developed by Russian teachers. The standard - as an agreement in the form of certain norms between the school, family, society and the state - must respond to the following four questions:
Why teach?
What to teach?
How to teach?
By what means do you teach?

The essence and goal of new education is the actual development of a person’s general, generic abilities, his mastery of universal methods of activity and thinking.
A person of the 21st century must be able to:
-focus on knowledge and use new technologies;
-actively strive to expand your life horizon;
- use your time rationally and be able to design your future;
-be financially literate;
-lead a healthy and safe lifestyle.
Currently in Russia there is a development new system education focused on entering the global educational space. Education should ensure the formation of the political culture of democratic Russia - the preparation of a generation of free, wealthy, critically thinking, self-confident people.
Methodological basis development and implementation of the federal state educational standard of general education is the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education. The concept represents a value-normative basis for the interaction of educational institutions with other subjects of socialization - family, public organizations, religious associations, institutions additional education, culture and sports, means mass media. The purpose of this interaction is to jointly provide conditions for the spiritual and moral development and education of students. School is the only social institution, through which all Russian citizens pass. Personal values, of course, are primarily formed in the family, but the most systematic, consistent and profound spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the individual occurs in the field of education, therefore it is at school that not only the intellectual, but also the spiritual and cultural life of the student should be concentrated. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Non-Educational Education, a new subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” has been added to the curriculum. The world of spiritual values ​​cannot be imposed on a child. These values ​​are acquired through their mental efforts. In the process of training and education, moral knowledge becomes a felt experience, and a full-fledged personality is formed. Spiritual culture is one of the basic components of the personality structure, along with moral, communicative, aesthetic, labor and physical culture. Our children are the heirs of a rich culture - the foundation of Russian civilization, which dates back more than a thousand years. Studying the Orthodox tradition in the context of additional education will allow the student to feel the connection between generations, see the beauty and uniqueness of the national culture, and understand what makes it unique. Childhood, as the holy fathers and, in particular, St. John Chrysostom teach us, is characterized by a craving and love for holiness, which disappears over the years under the influence of various passions. If we, teachers, miss in our practice childhood, the age of pure and sincere faith, then subsequently a person is, in principle, doomed to a dull existence - in his life there will be everything except God, which means nothing good. That is why it is so important to turn with your children to the treasury of the Orthodox faith, namely the Gospel, the lives of the saints, and educate your students using their examples.
The concept of spiritual and moral development and education determines the nature of the modern national educational ideal, the goals and objectives of the spiritual and moral development and education of children and youth, the system of basic national values ​​on the basis of which the spiritual and moral consolidation of the multinational people of the Russian Federation is possible, the basic social and pedagogical conditions and principles of spiritual and moral development and education of students.
Modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.
The main content of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization are basic national values. We keep these values ​​in cultural and family traditions, passed on from generation to generation. Relying on these values ​​helps a person resist destructive influences.
What are our traditional sources of morality?
This is Russia, our multinational people and civil society, family, work, art, science, religion, nature, humanity.
Basic national values ​​underlie the holistic space of spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren, i.e., the way of school life that determines the classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students.
Distinctive feature The second generation standard is to include a section “Extracurricular activities” in the curriculum of a general education institution: “Children should be involved in research projects, creative activities, sporting events, during which they learn to invent, understand and master new things...”
Today, it is gratifying that the Ministry of Education gives the school the opportunity to decide for itself the issue of methods of organization and content. extracurricular activities. In my opinion, effective solution– is the creation and organization of the work of scientific societies of students, which allow them to realize personally oriented approach, pedagogy of cooperation, support for gifted children, building an individual trajectory of personal development.
A scientific society of students “Step into Science” has been created and operates at our school.

Research and design works are presented both at school, attracting other children, and in competitions various levels.

Extracurricular activities cannot be carried out without a networked educational space, without cooperation with institutions of additional education, culture, and public organizations. A lot can be said about the role of the library in spiritual and moral education. It is impossible to educate a person without books, so the library should become a central place for educating, first of all, a moral, creative person.
Ecological holiday "The Earth is our common home" (Year of Environmental Protection - 2013)

Lesson-trip in the children's library
"On the origins of Slavic writing" (Year of Culture 2014)

Reporting concert for parents "Wreath from Fairy Tales" (extracurricular activity "Amateur Club "Harlequin")

The new standard has already been in effect for 6 years (since September 1, 2011), introduced as usual in all educational institutions that have state accreditation and are ready to ensure the conditions and fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The first six years of work are behind us - four years in primary school and two in basic school.
How did it all begin?
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the nature of pedagogical activity. The fundamentals of education implemented in primary school require teachers to be able to teach children how to acquire knowledge, shape the learning activities and thinking of schoolchildren. And the profession of a teacher itself requires continuous improvement, both in the subject area and in mastery of teaching methods, forms, and technologies.
Modern teacher is a teacher who possesses a number of intellectual and pedagogical competencies, who knows how to fantasize and synthesize, compare and classify, generalize and specify, abstract, fantasize, and think critically.
Also A.I. Solzhenitsyn noted in one of his works, that “we must start not with children, but with teachers, because school teachers should be a selected part of the nation, called to this: they are entrusted with our entire future.” Remembering the wisdom of the ancient Greeks, who said that spirituality must be cultivated like a plowman cultivates the land, the school can and should act as an initiator and conductor of moral principles, planting the seed of spirituality in the soul of the child. It is at school that not only the intellectual, but also the civil, spiritual and cultural life of the student should be concentrated. The personality of the teacher himself plays an important role in spiritual and moral education. “his position and image: emotionality, responsibility, pedagogical love, pedagogical optimism.” A. S. Makarenko
The teacher, being the bearer of traditional spiritual and cultural values, ensures continuity in the study of subjects of spiritual and moral content. As before, school is an adaptive environment for a child, the moral atmosphere of which will determine his value orientations. That is why, when solving the problems of education, the school must rely on the rational and moral in a person, help each student determine the value foundations of his own life, and gain a sense of responsibility for preserving the moral foundations of society. Child school age most receptive to emotional, value, spiritual and moral development, and civic education. At the same time, deficiencies in development and upbringing during this period of life are difficult to compensate for in subsequent years. What is experienced and learned in childhood is characterized by great psychological stability. In this case, of particular importance next friend after each other, age transitions from childhood to adolescence, and then to adolescence.
“Restructuring of needs and motivations, reassessment of values, - claimed L.S. Vygotsky, “is the main point in the transition from age to age.”
Speaking about the moral example of a teacher, we should remember A. Disterweg, who believed that “Everywhere the value of a school is equal to the value of its teacher.” The morality of the teacher, the moral standards that guide him in his professional activity and life, his attitude to his teaching work, to students, colleagues - all this is of paramount importance for the spiritual and moral development and education of students. No educational programs will be effective if the teacher is not always the main example of moral and civil personal behavior for students.
The modern pedagogical situation is characterized by diversity and dynamism, and the teacher must skillfully adapt to continuously occurring changes in the content of teaching. A special role in the process of professional self-development of a teacher is played by his readiness for the new, advanced. If previously, when preparing for a lesson, the teacher used a strictly structured outline of the lesson, used a textbook and guidelines, then now the lesson plan is a script that gives him freedom in choosing forms, methods and techniques of teaching. In addition to the textbook and methodological recommendations, the teacher uses Internet resources and materials from colleagues.
The role of the teacher in the classroom has radically changed: he is the organizer of children's educational activities in searching and processing information, generalizing methods of action, and setting educational tasks.
We now do not give new knowledge to students in a ready-made form, do not repeat the task several times, do not comment on the students’ answers and do not correct them (the children themselves do this).

Independent activity of students takes up more than half of the lesson time; the forms of work are mainly group and/or individual.

Educational environment is now created by students: children produce educational material and give presentations. To see a child in the process of education, he must be opened, turned towards himself, and included in the activity. A person engages in any activity only when he needs it, when he has certain motives for performing it. Motivation creates favorable conditions for personal self-realization in conditions modern education. The use of non-traditional forms of learning: competitions, excursions, travel, performances, various means of art, games, publishing newspapers, and group work enlivens the lesson and contributes to the development of interest in learning. Using problematic situations gives the effect of surprise and the desire to understand the problem. This is due to the innate desire of the individual for harmony.
“You can only learn what you love.” John Goethe
A culture of communication, a humane attitude, trust in students, a variety of activities and full-blooded life in the classroom, and a sense of humor raise the child’s self-esteem and create a situation of success. A situation of success is an effective stimulus for cognitive activity. To stimulate, a higher assessment is needed, which leads children to a contradiction - “am I really like that.” The correct way out of this contradiction depends on the skill of the teacher and knowledge of child psychology. Parents of students now have the opportunity to participate in the educational process. Communication between teachers and parents of schoolchildren can also be carried out using the Internet.
Thus, the conditions for the effectiveness of a teacher’s work are professional competence, scientific, theoretical and methodological training, the ability to identify the causes of the student’s difficulties and provide him with the necessary information assistance, direct the discussion to analysis and search for new knowledge, predict the student’s actions and his development in general, link control and diagnostic actions with an analysis of the student’s development trajectory and the goals of working with him, plan his activities and teach planning to the student, find and evaluate the positive in the child even in his wrong actions.

The implementation of the Federal State Education Standard involves the use of a system-activity approach and person-oriented educational technologies, contributing to the actualization of students’ own activities in solving behavioral, ethical and aesthetic problems in spiritual and moral practice. Implementation of the activity approach – most important feature new standard.
The main result of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO development of the child’s personality based on universal educational activities.
Requirements for results mastering the basic educational program includes:
-formation of a supporting system of knowledge, subject-specific and universal methods of action that provide the opportunity to continue education in primary school;
-developing the ability to learn – the ability to self-organize in order to solve educational problems;
-individual progress in key areas personal development– emotional, cognitive, self-regulation.
In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e., the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.
In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of ways a student acts (as well as related skills). academic work), ensuring independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.
Forming and developing UUD means:
1. Teach how to perform educational tasks based on a method of action, thinking, communication, based on a sample (standard).
2. Convey the very method of performing a meta-subject action.
3.Teach how to embed this method into educational activities and, if necessary, develop it.
Portrait of a primary school graduate:
- Curious, interested, actively exploring the world.
- Able to learn, capable of organizing his own activities.
- Loving his native land and his country.
- Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society, the history and culture of each nation.
- Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner, respecting his own and others’ opinions.
- Ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions.
- Understands and follows the basics of a healthy and safe lifestyle.
Second generation standards are one of the most important educational topics today.
Having worked in an elementary school for more than 30 years, I can say with confidence that the school provides a general education, which is very important and significant, but it is additional education in extracurricular activities that contributes to the development of the individual, the discovery of his abilities, early career guidance and spiritual and moral education. Simple arithmetic calculations show that a student is free from school for at least 150 days a year. But a child is never free from himself. And we, adults, do not have the right to deprive a child of the opportunity to choose an environment where he can express himself and master the ways of intelligent life. It is enough for the teacher to think through a system for choosing a task to his liking, to identify the child’s preferences, and he can develop his abilities in a variety of directions, and do this right at school, without dooming the child and his parents to look for additional services on the side.
The first results of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard showed that, in general, the conceptual ideas underlying the education and development of schoolchildren are in demand in educational institutions.
Speech at a seminar for primary school teachers

1. All teachers working according to new educational standards have been trained and are proficient in modern educational technologies, have experience in the development and implementation of innovative projects and programs. All this should be considered an important positive condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
2. It should be noted the positive dynamics of the use by primary school teachers in educational practice of educational and methodological developments and materials focused on new generation standards: tests, didactic materials, control and measuring instruments. Awareness of the need for teachers to switch to developmental education systems.
3. Teachers’ use of modern educational technologies when working with primary school students.
4. Orientation of primary school teachers towards organizing a health-preserving environment.
5.Possibility professional communication teachers and sharing their experience with colleagues, including on the Internet (creating personal websites!).
6.Positive attitude of parents towards the implementation of extracurricular activities.
7. Awareness by school and society of the importance of changes in the conditions of modernization.
Problems of teaching according to the New Educational Standards
Summing up the results of the first years of work, one cannot help but mention the main problems in the transition to new educational standards in primary schools.
Are common:
- the majority of the population does not have a priority for higher values, positioned in the second generation Federal State Educational Standard as key results of training and education, such as work, health, etc.;
-high degree of intolerance between social groups– subcultures of rich/poor, Russian/migrants, etc.;
-weak involvement of parents and the public in the management of the educational process;
-lack of mastery of forms of interaction and project activities in elementary school, collective planning skills;
-lack of skills in developing targeted programs, interdepartmental programs, subprograms as part of the educational program.
-unstructured network (interactions) of educational, cultural, and sports institutions;
-low degree of “sociocultural infrastructure” (museums, tourist routes, recreation areas);
-lack of rates for tutors, teacher-organizers, counselors, and psychologists.
-lack of priority for educational activities (in most elementary school educational complexes);
-low percentage of children and parents who read; lack of priority of the Russian language in the educational program of the educational institution;
- the lack of knowledge by the majority of teachers of the skills of forming regulatory learning skills in students;
-lack of mastery of project activity methods (social design) aimed at junior schoolchildren;
-lack of cooperation skills in teaching among most teachers (passion for frontal forms of work).
Analyzing the work on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, it can be noted that the need of teachers for new knowledge is constantly growing. This is evidenced by their self-education, mastery of new technologies, participation in creative seminars, round tables, and discussions. There is a high level of creative activity among teachers: sharing work experience, speaking at pedagogical councils, and helping each other.
Yet in practice, teachers struggle.
Issues of control and evaluation activities cause problems .
The changes that have occurred in the primary education system (especially in goal setting) are not reflected in control and evaluation activities: the object of control and evaluation quite often continues to be only knowledge, abilities and skills, not because the teacher does not want to change, but because it is DIFFICULT to change . The results obtained during control and assessment activities are used by teachers in most cases only for assigning grades and do not serve as the basis for carrying out differentiated work aimed at strengthening the developmental potential of education and eliminating the problems of certain groups of students. Insufficient attention is paid to assessing the individual progress of each student; there are no reliable methods linking the level of readiness for learning and the results of subsequent assessment procedures. Control and assessment activities still remain the field of activity of only the teacher; students have not become subjects of control and assessment activities, and without the active participation of younger schoolchildren in control and assessment activities, it would be unlawful to talk about the successful development of their educational activities, because monitoring and evaluation are essential components of this activity. There is a need for clear coordination of the goals of primary education and the objects of control and evaluation activities, therefore, the most important requirement for preparing and ensuring the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is constant scientific and methodological support, including consultation of all participants in this process.
Objects of control:
- achieving the requirements of the standard, while the focus should be on meta-subject and subject results, and when assessing the achievement of the latter, the center should be not only knowledge as such, but also its application in standard and non-standard situations, mastery of certain methods of action;
- mastery of components of educational activity, including self-control and self-esteem;
-mastery of an age-appropriate range of universal learning activities;
-individual creative achievements of students;
-promotion in the development of certain personal characteristics, such as the willingness to cooperate with other people, critical thinking, taking responsibility for one’s own decisions, actions and deeds to oneself and others.
To date, there are not enough testing and measuring materials, proposed by the authors of the educational complex, which also creates problems in developing a system for assessing the results of both educational and extracurricular work with children.
The content of existing textbooks and sample curricula still largely duplicate the content of the 2004 Standard, therefore, teachers had to correlate their content with the requirements for the results of the implementation of the basic educational program specified in the new standards.
Not all schools, much less classrooms, have computers , not to mention interactive whiteboards and media projectors.
The health indicators of our first-graders are causing concern.
Children with the 1st health group - 61.2%, with the 2nd and 3rd health groups - 38.4% of children.
According to the results of speech therapy studies, 23% of children have speech problems.
A negative indicator is overwork, excitability, and deterioration in health under such workload, both for the teacher and the child.
The main negative point in a teacher’s activity is the increase in documentation .
Inconsistency between Federal State Educational Standards and Sanpin causes misunderstanding of routine issues among the school administration: when to organize a dynamic break, is it necessary to take a break between class and extracurricular activities, if the dynamic break was after the 2nd lesson, alternating class and extracurricular activities...
The Federal State Educational Standard recommended 5 areas for organizing extracurricular activities,
which must be implemented:
-general cultural
-sports and health
-general intellectual
Other directions may be additionally implemented.
In my opinion, the amount of extracurricular activities should be related to the individual characteristics of the child. In large schools, where there are parallels, this issue can be resolved, but in rural schools, if all parents want, for example, a modeling club, but the child has no desire to do it, you have to agree with the opinion of the majority. In addition, parents are wary of extracurricular activities and the school administration has a very difficult time fulfilling the social order.
Extracurricular activities have expanded the possibility of applying knowledge acquired in class in practical and creative activity children.
The benefits of extracurricular activities :
1.Free educational services.
2. Convenient schedule.
3.Development of individual abilities and horizons.
4. Communication with peers in different groups, in different situations.
Disadvantages of extracurricular activities:
1. Large load on the child.
2.Lack of equipment for conducting classes.
3. There are overlaps in the schedule when attending extracurricular activities at school and in additional education institutions.
4. Inability to satisfy all requests of children and their parents (legal representatives).
5. A system for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of extracurricular activities has not been developed.
Parents have different attitudes towards the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards :
the results of the parent survey (the survey was conducted anonymously) showed that 82.3% are familiar with the 2nd generation standards; partially familiar - 17.7%, none not familiar.
The majority of parents note that their children did not experience any difficulties during the transition to new educational standards - 52.3%; difficulties in getting used to a new environment - 12.6%; difficulties associated with a heavy workload - 18.1%, difficulties with studying subjects - 17%.
About half of parents say that they are satisfied with everything in extracurricular activities - 48.2%; 21.3% spoke out that extracurricular activities should be carried out at the child’s choice; 25.1% spoke about the need to reduce extracurricular activities and transfer these hours to the study of basic subjects.
So that children spend more time outdoors -7.8%, on improving children's nutrition in schools at the expense of the state -23,5%.
Excerpts from parent survey questionnaires:
“Everything is fine, thank you!”
“Spend more time on math – children don’t know how to think logically.”
“Our schools are 70% unprepared to provide extracurricular activities! There is no additional space, no playrooms or recreation rooms.”
“Children will be forced to give up classes in the dance club, since after school extracurricular activities they are not physically able to handle it. They have almost 8 hour days at school!”
“My child also has such important points, like classes with a speech therapist, and this also requires additional time, which is not enough.”
“According to the new standards, parents must pay more attention to their children’s studies, and perhaps not all fathers and mothers like this. We understand that the future of the younger generation largely depends on parents and their participation in the fate and education of the child. And school is a guide, an assistant, a mentor, a friend.”
“I see both pros and cons of innovation. Among the disadvantages is the too high pace of gaining knowledge. In my opinion, it is too early to actively study foreign languages ​​and computer science in the second grade. Children often spend time preparing homework until late at night. What are these health-saving technologies? Or why were grades canceled in first grade? The child needs encouragement. The educational and methodological complex “Primary School of the 21st Century” introduces children to the traditions and culture of their great country. The program is aimed at nurturing in children such qualities as kindness, responsibility, the ability to empathize and provide assistance in difficult times. It develops among schoolchildren an interest in studying the Motherland, its nature, history, cultivating such an important quality in our time as patriotism.”
“It turns out that the main task of the school is to teach children to learn, to be able to independently find knowledge on the Internet, reference books, and textbooks. I am one hundred percent convinced that school, especially primary school, must first of all give knowledge, lay the foundation, as they did in the Soviet school, which gave the country a huge number of great scientists, talented engineers, doctors and teachers. Today, elementary school students have a mess in their heads. A lot is given to them to learn on their own, but it turns out that, without a solid foundation, they cannot understand what is required of them. Parents have to sit for hours at lessons and act as a teacher.
I am convinced: the façade of a house can be made different, but there must always be a foundation.”

“A good past is positively dangerous if it makes us satisfied with the present, and therefore unprepared for the future.” Charles W. Eliot
Indeed, modern school is no longer what it used to be. Many people want to maintain traditional teaching methods. This is especially important for elementary schools. The school needs to learn to organically combine all teaching methods. Students are gradually being weaned off copybooks, and printed publications are being replaced with electronic textbooks. I believe that computers cannot replace notebooks and textbooks for first-graders. Undoubtedly, it is very important to introduce innovations into the school curriculum, but traditional methods should not be forgotten either. The school must develop and keep up with the times in order to produce worthy students - specialists in demand in the future.
“You can give computers to children only when they receive a powerful base of mental operations,”- wrote in his article ( school teacher Dmitry Verin-Galitsky. He also believes that copybooks should not be abolished, since they develop motor skills, which contribute to the development mental activity.
I completely agree with him. Traditional teaching methods should not be abandoned. Moreover, it is necessary to reintroduce calligraphy, otherwise in grades 4-5 children write in such scribbles that they themselves cannot figure it out, let alone their teachers. In addition, fine motor skills, which are developed by copywriting and penmanship lessons, teach you to think in a completely different way. At the middle level of school, we are faced with the fact that children do not know how to draw some basic conclusions, no, they cannot even retell a simple text, answering a specific question becomes a problem for them. And by the 10th-11th grade, literature lessons become completely overwhelming, because there you have to think, draw conclusions, analyze and speak. But our children, for the most part, do not know how to speak clearly and coherently. But all this is laid down in elementary school. Fine motor skills directly related to the development of the child’s inner speech. And internal speech is the basis of external speech, i.e. pronounceable. The better the child’s fingers are developed, the smaller movements they can perform, the more rich, figurative and syntactically correct speech will be formed.
The upbringing of a person, the formation of the properties of a spiritually developed personality, love for one’s country, the need to create and improve is the most important condition successful development of Russia.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote:“We don’t tell teachers to do this or that way; we tell them: study the laws of those phenomena that you want to control, and act in accordance with these laws and the circumstances in which you want to apply them.”
I am optimistic about the future. After all, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said these words: “Teaching is an art, therefore perfection is unattainable, and improvement is endless.”

In order to move forward, it is important to regularly evaluate results achieved.
Dear colleagues, control your work yourself! Reviewing what was planned and actually completed will allow you to analyze the efforts made and adjust your plans taking into account resources and circumstances. Perhaps you will see new horizons and prospects.
Positive planning and good luck in achieving your goals!
Thank you for your attention!
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8. Melnikova E.L., Technology of problem-based learning // School 2100. Educational program and ways of its implementation. - Issue 3. - M.: Balass, 1999. – p. 85-93
9. Osipova N.V. Indicators of the formation of universal educational actions of students / N. V. Osipova, I. A. Golovinskaya, S. V. Bryukhanova // Primary school management. - 2010. - No. 10. - P. 26-33.
10.Pesnyaeva N.A. Formation of universal educational actions in educational dialogue / N. A. Pesnyaeva // Primary school management. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 15-22.
11. Planned results of primary general education / Ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2010. - 120 p. : ill. - (Second generation standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-023809-0.
12.What are universal educational actions and why are they needed / O. A. Karabanova // Municipal education: innovations and experiment. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 11-12.

With the introduction of new standards in Russian schools, the place of extracurricular activities has radically changed, since it received the status of an almost equal member of the educational process along with the classical curriculum. In addition, it became mandatory, which emphasized its importance in the new educational concept. One of the main tasks that extracurricular work at school was designed to solve was the opportunity to open access to additional forms of education to primary school children who, for various reasons, could not attend sports, music, and art schools. In addition, it is the extracurricular process that makes it possible to implement the notorious individual approach to the child, giving him the right to choose classes according to the content and form of delivery, taking into account his desires and interests.

Organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings.


Regulatory Issues

  • Federal state standard Education in paragraph 16 considers extracurricular activities as a full part of the educational process along with the mandatory curriculum.

Extracurricular activities are all types of educational work that are not carried out in the form of a lesson.

  • A methodological guide indicating the goals, content and algorithm for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities is the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2015 No. 09–3564 “On extracurricular activities and the implementation of additional general education programs.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 N 373 “On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education” establishes the total number of hours of extracurricular activities at the primary education level at up to 1,350 hours.
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2015 No. 81 “On introducing amendments No. 3 to SanPiN–10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and maintenance in general education organizations” regulates the maximum permissible weekly load.

Please note that 10 hours is the maximum permissible weekly workload; unfortunately, the lower limit is not indicated, so local parents may encounter a situation where educational institution plans extracurricular activities, focusing on the maximum level of workload, referring to the requirements of the new standard. At the same time, the letter clearly states that the school itself determines and regulates the volume of hours allocated for extracurricular activities in accordance with the characteristics and requirements of the general education program, taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of the educational organization, as well as the amount of funding, using both educational and vacation time.

To create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of students, all areas of extracurricular work should be reflected in the school’s basic general education program, and it is important to note that the participants educational activities, which are students, teaching staff, as well as parents as legal representatives of children, retain the right to choose directions and forms of work.

Extracurricular activities are mandatory for an educational organization and are implemented in the interests of the harmonious and comprehensive development of the student’s personality.

Please note that an exception may be made for some categories of students and they may benefit from selective or complete exemption from compulsory attendance at extracurricular activities.

  • In accordance with paragraph 7 of part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”
  • Children attending additional educational institutions, for example, sports, music, art schools, in this case, in these areas the child may not be present at extracurricular activities. The class teacher develops an individual route for the student’s extracurricular activities, after which a local act or, more simply put, an agreement is drawn up between the parents (legal representatives) of the child and the school administration represented by the director.
  • The student’s health condition, which requires a special diet or control of general educational workload. In such a situation, release is issued upon the application of the parents addressed to the school director and medical certificates confirming the child’s need for a special approach to the organization educational process.

Sample application addressed to the school principal.

  • To the director ________ No.


    I, ____________________________________________________________, parent _______________________________________________, student(s)

    The class, taking into account the child’s opinion, chose the following activities as extracurricular activities for the 2016–2017 school year:


    Also, my child has already made his free choice of the type of extracurricular activity in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, and attends


  • In accordance with parts 1 and 3 of Article 44 of Federal Law N 273-FZ, parents of a minor have a preferential right to education and upbringing and are obliged to ensure the intellectual, moral and physical development of the child.

Thus, the student or his parents (legal representatives) retain the right to consider the programs offered by the school and choose directions and forms of extracurricular activities based on their requests.

If the school administration ignores the student’s legal right to make a choice and insists on compulsory attendance at all extracurricular activities, i.e., violates the legal rights and interests of the child, parents can contact the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for clarification.

Directions and forms of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities are implemented by the educational organization along key vectors of student personality development:

  • general intellectual;
  • general cultural;
  • spiritual and moral;
  • social;
  • sports and recreation.

The forms of extracurricular work should differ from the classroom-lesson form of organizing the educational process. The most popular forms of extracurricular activities:

  • excursions;
  • cool watch;
  • electives and club work;
  • round tables and scientific sections;
  • role-playing and business games;
  • Olympiads, quizzes and competitions;
  • exhibitions and concerts;
  • sports competitions and “Health Days”;
  • holidays and theatrical performances;
  • visiting the theater and art exhibitions;
  • socially useful activities;
  • social projects, for example, within the framework of environmental education.

According to the scale of the form extracurricular activities divided:

  • Individual - the main goal is for the child to master the skills of self-organization and self-control, this can be the development of an individual project, the preparation of a story, a report, an amateur performance, design, etc. The possibility of using extracurricular activities for a more detailed consideration and consolidation of individual program points when studying general education items.
  • Club - visiting clubs and sections of interest, revealing and improving the intellectual and creative potential of students.
  • Mass traditional school events aimed at the moral and civic-patriotic education of students (Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, calendar national holidays).

Tasks and ways of implementing extracurricular activities in primary school

The main tasks that extracurricular activities are designed to solve:

  • improve the conditions for the development of the child’s personality by expanding and enriching the standard range of programs and forms of work;
  • effectively distribute the teaching load, taking into account the individual intellectual and creative needs of students;
  • contribute to the child’s favorable passage through the stage of adaptation to school life;
  • provide remedial assistance to children experiencing learning difficulties.

Ways to carry out extracurricular activities:

  • a variable part of the basic curriculum (20%) in the format of modules, special courses, and extracurricular activities;
  • system of extracurricular education of the school, based on additional programs, which are developed by school teachers on the basis of original or sample programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and approved by order of the director;
  • work of additional education institutions, such as sports, music, art schools;
  • activities of extended day groups;
  • activities of a teacher-organizer, a teacher-psychologist, a social teacher;
  • classroom management (socially useful activities, excursions, competitions, projects).

Extracurricular educational process is subject to a separate work plan approved by the school management and agreed upon with parents (in the form of a survey), according to which a schedule of classes is developed, evenly distributed during the work week or on Saturdays. Classes have a pronounced individual focus, since when choosing forms of delivery, it is recommended to rely on modern innovative technologies, such as student project activities, research, experiment, etc.

An example of the selection of extracurricular activity programs for grades 1–2.

Directions of personality development Name of work program Number of hours per week Class Total
Sports and recreationABC of health
Outdoor games
Rhythmic mosaic
3 hours1st and 2nd grades6 hours
Spiritual and moralThe road of goodness
We are patriots
School etiquette
Me and the world
2 hours1st and 2nd grades4 hours
SocialPsychology and us1 hour.1st and 2nd grades2 hours
General intellectualDevelopment of cognitive abilities1 hour1 class
Entertaining computer science 2nd grade
Computer Science in Games
1 hour2nd grade
Entertaining English1 hour1 class
General culturalMuseum in your classroom
From game to performance
Nature and the artist
The magic of creativity
2 hours

1 hour
1 hour

1,2 class

2nd grade
1 class

Total 20:00

An algorithm for implementing an individual approach in choosing priority areas and forms of extracurricular activities for a child.

  • Stage 1. Parent meeting, the purpose of which is to present programs in all areas of extracurricular activities.
  • Stage 2. The school psychologist diagnoses (tests) the level of intellectual and psychological readiness of students for systematic learning, as well as the child’s individual abilities and inclinations.
  • Stage 3. Consultations with parents based on the results of the test study, provision of recommendations from a psychologist, individual discussion of the optimal development program for the child.
  • Stage 4. Based on the recommendations of a psychologist and study of programs, parents make a voluntary, conscious choice of the volume and content of extracurricular work for their child.

To eliminate possible overloads, an individual plan for extracurricular activities is drawn up taking into account the sections and clubs that the child attends outside of class. secondary school. The teacher has an electronic version of the extracurricular work schedule for each student and can make the necessary adjustments. Parents of students also have an individual route sheet for their child, so they have complete information about the whereabouts of the child during the day.

An example of an individual route for a primary school student.

Days of the week/directions
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
General intellectual My first
13.45 - 14.25
General culturalStudio theater
13.45 - 14.20
Studio theater
13.00 - 13.35
Spiritual and moralYoung journalist
13.00 - 13.35
Our native land
13.45 - 14.20
Sports and recreation FOC "Karate"
FOC "Karate"
FOC "Karate"

Parents are also given a kind of “homework”, i.e., recommendations for family education of the child in different directions, taking into account the individual interests or needs of their son or daughter, for example, visiting art museums, exhibitions, cycling, family reading, watching children's educational programs. gears, documentaries. Control is carried out through conversations and observation of the child.

At scheduled parent-teacher meetings, the teacher conducts a survey to monitor the level of parents’ satisfaction with the quality of teaching and the results of extracurricular activities. A similar survey is carried out among children, the forms and areas of work that arouse the greatest interest among students are clarified. Based on the final findings, the teacher makes changes to the planning of extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are recorded in a special journal, which contains information about the teacher, composition of students, time, form and content of classes. If educational organization cannot implement extracurricular activities due to understaffing, then you can attract the help of parents, use the opportunities of sports, music or art schools. Extracurricular work can also be carried out within school summer playgrounds or thematic shifts for children during the holidays, and can also be combined with the work of an extended day group, but in this case their schedules should not coincide.

Controls extracurricular activities carried out by class teachers and school teachers, the head teacher for educational work or the head teacher for additional education, and he, in turn, is accountable to the school director.

Report forms:

  • A report that includes a teacher’s work plan indicating hours, topics, forms, content and results of classes or events; individual route sheet for the child’s extracurricular activities; journal of extracurricular activities.
  • Report of the teacher-organizer, teacher-psychologist, social teacher indicating the activities and results of the work carried out.
  • Open classes, reporting concerts, exhibitions of works, presentations of all teachers participating in the extracurricular process.

Benefits for extracurricular work

As part of the modern concept of education, sets of textbooks and additional aids were developed for extracurricular activities on L.V.’s developmental education systems. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov, a set of textbooks “School of the XXI century” edited by academician N.F. Vinogradova, set of textbooks “Harmony”. The manuals are independent textbooks for elective subjects (“Theater”, “Economics in Fairy Tales”, etc.), as well as additional materials for extracurricular reading and workbooks for individual work in the disciplines of the basic curriculum (a book for reading on the subject “The World around us”). The set of manuals is not mandatory; the teacher himself decides on the advisability of using them.

The team of authors proceeded from the humanistic belief that every child can achieve academic success if the necessary conditions are created. The main thing is to implement an individual approach to the child’s personality based on his life experience. The concept of a child’s life experience includes not only the characteristics of developmental psychology, but also a worldview that is formed under the influence of the surrounding natural and social environment. Such an environment could be a modern city with a fast pace of life and a developed information infrastructure, or it could be a village in the outback, corresponding to a calm, often patriarchal way of life in natural natural conditions. According to the authors' idea, every child should feel that the textbook was written personally for him, so that he could find answers to his questions in a language that he understands.

Description of several manuals on extracurricular activities for 2nd grade (textbooks, workbooks).

Polyakova A.M. Transformations of words, Russian language in crosswords and puzzles.
1–4 grade
The book contains task cards on the main topics of the Russian language course in elementary school. The game form, varied language material, and non-standard formulation of questions allow children to test themselves: their knowledge, intelligence, attention, determination, and the teacher to diversify the teaching of the subject.
Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V.
World of lines. Workbook
Prepares younger schoolchildren to study geometry at the main level of school. This workbook introduces primary schoolchildren to lines viewed on a plane and in space. Interesting creative tasks aimed at developing logical thinking, formation of initial knowledge and skills in geometry. The notebook can be used for independent work at home, as well as in school.
Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V.
Plane and space. Workbook.
Children gain an understanding of such concepts as planar and three-dimensional figures, learn to work with developments, and develop spatial thinking. Interesting creative tasks are aimed at developing logic, developing basic knowledge and skills in geometry.
Smirnova T.V.
Amazing adventures of Anya in the country of Chills. A book to read. The world
In a fascinating fairy-tale form, the book tells about the amazing journey of a little girl, teaches how to overcome unforeseen life situations, not to lose heart, not to be deterred by difficulties, to be able to be friends... Secrets of medicinal herbs, healing properties plants, folk wisdom, signs - all this is simply woven into the plot outline of the fairy tale. The book can be used for extracurricular reading lessons in primary school.
Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. TechnologyStudents work with a variety of materials; textbook assignments vary in difficulty level. The book consists of four thematic blocks - “Natural World”, “Do-It-Yourself Gift”, “World fairy-tale heroes", "Cozy Home", within which there are the following sections: "Sculpting", "Applique", "Mosaic", "Origami", "Weaving", "Modeling and designing from geometric shapes", "Sewing and embroidery", "Volume modeling and design".
Smirnova T.V. Belka and company. Economics for children in fairy tales and gamesThe basic concepts of economics are revealed in the form of fairy tales that are accessible to children's education. They are used to consolidate and assimilate the material. game tasks, riddles and tasks.
Generalova I.A.
A textbook for additional education in the elective course “Theater”, developed within the framework of the Educational system “School 2100”, is focused on development creativity child through introducing him to the world of theater.
Prosnyakova T.N. Butterflies. Encyclopedia of applied creativity technologiesThe book offers interesting natural science information, fairy tales, and riddles about butterflies in a fun way. But the main thing is that it tells and shows how children can realize their images in various techniques (appliqué, mosaic, modeling, weaving, origami, etc.) from a variety of materials.
Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. WorkbookThe manual is designed specifically for dialogue with a child and allows not only to teach observation and experimentation, but also contains a full range of research activities- from defining the problem to presenting and defending the results obtained.
Prosnyakova T.N. Magic secrets. WorkbookDuring classes, children learn new techniques for working with paper: tearing, corrugating various geometric shapes, rolling paper into a ball and twisting it into a rope, learn new weaving techniques, and perform compositions using the origami technique from squares and circles.

Photo gallery of extracurricular activities for 2nd grade

Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. Technology Prosnyakova T.N. Magic secrets. Workbook Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook by Generalov I.A. Theater Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V. Density and space Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V. World of lines Polyakov A.M. Transformations of words Smirnova T.V. The amazing adventures of Anya in the country of Chills Smirnova T.V. Belka and company. Economics for children in fairy tales and games Prosnyakova T.N. Butterflies. Encyclopedia of applied creativity technologies

Determining the results of extracurricular activities

Evaluation of the results of extracurricular activities is not recorded in the journal, since the results of extracurricular activities are not subject to mandatory and systematic control. The implementation of student development programs is aimed at achieving the three stages that the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO guides.

  • The first stage involves children acquiring knowledge about acceptable norms of social behavior, the structure of society, and developing students’ understanding of everyday reality and the world around them. social relations between people. The relationship with teachers, who in the eyes of children are an authoritative source of social knowledge, is of great importance; it is important that the teacher’s personality is respected by students. Only in such conditions is it possible for the student to adopt the life experience of the teacher.
  • The second stage determines the level of understanding of the significance of basic moral and spiritual values, which are the semantic core of the life of society, such as family, the value of human life, peace and stability, love of the Fatherland, respect for work, respect for nature, etc. For the pupil to achieve At the second stage, it is important to create a friendly social environment, built on the principles of solidarity and mutual understanding, the priority of democratic relations, and respect for the interests of the child. It is at school that a child receives his first serious experience of social adaptation; at this age, his self-esteem and picture of the world are formed, therefore it is extremely important that he receives a full-fledged experience that allows him to form the qualities of a worthy personality.
  • The third stage raises one to the level of independent and responsible social action. The child goes beyond school life into the big social world, faces new challenges, learns to overcome new problems, solve problems of self-realization and self-determination, and finding his place in society.

An effective method for assessing a student’s achievements can be the “Portfolio” technique, which involves creating an individual folder with characteristics of personal character traits, indicating the interests and inclinations, and creative success of each child. Such a portfolio may include sections “My Hobbies”, “My Projects”, “Family”, “Friends”, “What I Am”, “Travel”, “My Achievements”. An interesting and revealing collection of works will be that will clearly demonstrate the progress of the child’s skills and mastery in one or another type of cognitive or artistic activity, search work, and can become a source of pride and inspiration. Note that the student himself takes part in the selection of materials that will compose his report, teachers and parents only help him, thus laying the much-needed foundations. adult life skills of self-analysis, objective perception of the results of one’s efforts and adequate self-esteem.

Diagnostics are carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year for each area and include the following list of criteria:

  • The degree of personal participation and activity in school affairs.
  • General level of behavioral culture and good manners.
  • Assessment of the degree of adequacy of self-esteem.
  • Level of openness and sociability.
  • Assessment of the level of physical and psychomotor development.
  • Development of thinking, skills of mental operations of observation, synthesis and analysis, comparison, ability to highlight the main thing.
  • Development of creative imagination, aesthetic perception of the world.

During the research process, the author’s testing methods are used:

  • method V.V. Sinyavsky to identify organizational skills;
  • A. Kriulina’s test for the development of interaction skills;
  • game methods (game “Leader”);
  • sociometric methods for assessing the psychological climate of the class.

Extracurricular activity programs developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

School teachers develop extracurricular activity programs based on original programs or other exemplary programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, then the programs are approved by order of the school director.

A set of programs developed by the educational and methodological center “School 2100”:

  1. “I will be a real reader” (authors E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Chindilova).
  2. “I discover knowledge” (authors E.L. Melnikova, I.V. Kuznetsova).
  3. “Learning to evaluate myself” (authors D.D. Danilov, I.V. Kuznetsova, E.V. Sizova).
  4. “I’ll find out everything, I can do everything” (authors A.V. Goryachev, N.I. Iglina).
  5. “Theater” (author I.A. Generalova).
  6. “Rhetoric” (authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.V. Ladyzhenskaya and others)

Programs of the educational and methodological complex ( learning programs, methodological recommendations, textbooks, workbooks for independent and additional work) “Promising Primary School”:

  • “The Museum in Your Class” is a course in museum pedagogy that will prepare the child for the skills of independent perception and analysis of a work of art (image in the form of a reproduction).
  • Scientific experimentation clubs “We and the world" - awakening interest in research activities.
  • “Calculation and Design Bureau” - implements the tasks of getting acquainted with the laws of the surrounding world using mathematical tools (schemes, drawings, design from different materials). “What’s inside volcanoes?”, “Is there a lot of salt in sea ​​water?”, “How far is it to Mars?”
  • “Journey to the Computer Valley” - development of modern projects based on information technologies. “Who am I?”, “Family tree”, “Funny letters”.
  • "Nature native land" - acquaintance with the natural world of our small homeland.
  • “World of Ecology” - the formation of environmental consciousness, the use of interdisciplinary connections.
  • “City of Masters” is a complex of creative laboratories, mastering the skills of modeling, origami, design, learning the basics of design.

Key points:

  • the relationship between the classroom and non-classroom parts of the program as a variable;
  • expansion of the basic level;
  • it is possible to develop other programs by school teachers, but with a focus on the content of the teaching and learning complex of the “Prospective Elementary School”.

“City of Masters” program.

1 class2nd grade3rd grade4th grade
Toy library workshop2 3 3 2
Modeling workshop5 4 2 3
Floristry workshop4 5
Father Frost's Workshop6 4 4 4
Ideas collection workshop8 10 3 7
Origami workshop4 4
Design workshop and
4 4 3
Puppet theater workshop 5
Design workshop 11 5
Isothread workshop 3
Soft toy workshop 4
Magic Web Workshop 5
Paper-making workshop 4
Total:33 34 34 34

An example of sets of manuals developed by a team of authors of the educational complex “Perspective School” (R.G. Churakova, N.A. Churakova, N.M. Lavrova, O.A. Zakharova, A.G. Pautova, T.M. Ragozina, etc.) d.)

This set of manuals can be used in literary or mathematical circle classes, for independent work of students of the whole class, as well as in individual work in order to consolidate and deepen the educational material of the general education program, and prepare for olympiads and competitions.

Literary reading grade 3
Reader, ed. ON THE. Churakova
The goal is to awaken interest in understanding the world around us through reading, to introduce exotic plants and animals. Illustrations, tasks and questions for texts contribute to the formation of a culture of meaningful reading.
Literary reading. 3rd grade. Notebook No. 1Acquaintance with the history and genre differences of fables, the aesthetic nature of the comic, and the peculiarities of the poetic worldview. Studying the genre of the story, practical skills in describing the character of the main character of the fairy tale. By selecting and demonstrating works of art, listening to music, reading stories and fairy tales, an understanding of the integrity of the world of artistic culture is established.
Literary reading. 3rd grade. Notebook No. 2Included in the educational complex “Literary Reading”, it includes questions that develop attention, analytical thinking, the ability to draw independent conclusions, instill the skills of perceiving text as a useful and interesting source of information, and teach how to work with text.
Mathematics. 2nd grade. Notebook No. 1Trains the ability to perform addition and subtraction operations within a hundred, teaches a short method of writing a problem, and introduces the arithmetic operation of multiplication. "Multiplication tables."
Mathematics. 2nd grade. Notebook No. 2Designed for individual work in order to consolidate skills, develops the ability to add, subtract, and multiply.
Mathematics. 2nd grade. Notebook No. 3It is aimed at developing practical skills in arithmetic operations of subtraction and addition, multiplication and division of single-digit numbers, and provides initial geometric concepts.
Mathematics. 2nd grade. School Olympiad.Notebook for extracurricular activities.
Included are tasks for mathematical Olympiads, clubs, and individual forms of work with gifted students.
Mathematics. 2nd grade. Practical problemsNotebook
Teaches how to work with diagrams, tables, measurements, and constructions. Recommended for use on extracurricular activities and in preparation for Olympiads of various levels.

Photo gallery of teaching aids for extracurricular activities of the educational complex “Prospective School”

T.A. Baykova Russian language O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Zakharova Mathematics in questions and tasks O.V. Zakharova Mathematics in practical tasks R.G. Churakova Mathematics. School Olympiad O.A. Zakharova Practical problems in mathematics

Examples of classes in areas of extracurricular activities

The game “On the Path of Goodness” (based on the plot of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen”) - spiritual and moral direction

Goal: formation of ethical ideas, awareness of the significance of the moral qualities of the individual, understanding of the importance of confirming good words and wishes for good deeds.

  • formation of communication skills, development of correct perception of reality life situation, adequate assessment and response;
  • promote a sense of friendly participation, support and mutual assistance, teach to value friendship and cherish warm relationships;
  • cultivate tolerant relationships with each other, built on respect and mercy and the desire to help others, do good deeds;
  • involvement in the world of universal human values.

Event plan:

  • Guess the hero. The teacher describes the character in the fairy tale and asks the children to say his name.
  • Each team is given a set of cards with the names of the heroes who need to be characterized.
  • The children are asked to look at illustrations depicting scenes from life, and are asked to sort them according to the principle of good or bad and explain their decision.
  • The next stage of the game will require the children to connect fragments of proverbs or aphorisms about good and evil according to their meaning.
  • Children will have to write a wish on a postcard to their family, friends, teacher or fairy-tale character.

Video: Class hour for 4th grade “We are different - this is our wealth” - social direction

“Opening a children's cafe” - research direction, 2nd grade

Goal: development of children's initiative, creative imagination and modeling skills.

  • developing the ability to set a task, plan activities, dividing them into stages;
  • training in organizing teamwork in a group;
  • development of attention, thinking, ability to reason, compare, see the reason for what is happening;
  • improving intellectual and communication skills, awakening creative potential and research activity.
  • The guys received an important and interesting task to design a cafe where children from all over the city could have fun celebrating holidays. The teacher precedes the assignment with a story in which the context is a problem that the children must independently identify and formulate.
  • The planning stage is designed in the form of a game of cards that must be placed in correct sequence(the issue of renting land, concluding contracts for the right to build, building materials, equipment, team of builders, design, advertising, etc.).
  • Children are given large sheets Whatman paper and pictures of furniture, flowers, dishes, interiors, etc. The guys model their cafe cheerfully and cheerfully, accompanied by energetic music, and then present their stage of work.

Video: Class hour on the topic “Conflict” - social direction

“Healthy eating” project-presentation of the course “The ABC of Health”, 2nd grade - health direction

Purpose: to provide an understanding of the principles and rules of healthy eating.

  • develop the skills of attentive perception of the interlocutor’s speech, the ability to listen to the teacher or classmates;
  • promote the acquisition of experience of self-esteem and self-analysis, free initiative and responsible behavior;
  • develop the ability to conduct a conversation correctly, listen, engage in dialogue in a timely manner, keep the thread of the conversation, follow logic;
  • learn to plan your actions, adjust preliminary plans depending on the situation, control your behavior and emotional reaction, and look for effective ways to overcome difficulties that arise.


  • The teacher reads a letter from Carlson, in which he says that he is extremely ill and asks the guys to help him become cheerful and cheerful again.
  • Determining the causes of a literary character’s illness, discussing the problem poor nutrition and lifestyle.
  • Recommendations for Carlson for a speedy recovery: daily routine, healthy eating, physical activity, hygiene, etc.
  • Guessing riddles, holding a discussion about unhealthy and healthy cuisine.
  • Summing up, systematizing and generalizing the experience gained.

Video: Club “Technical Modeling” - a general intellectual direction

“Open space and architecture” - general cultural direction

Goal: to give an idea of ​​this type of art such as architecture, to master the skills of artistic drawing techniques using cardboard.

  • explore the concept open space and architecture;
  • learn to depict the nature of their native places;
  • master search skills for working with information;
  • learn to express your opinion about works of art, show an emotional reaction;
  • analyze the reasons for success or failure in achieving a goal;
  • soberly evaluate your actions and make timely adjustments to plans, taking into account previously made mistakes.

Assignment: draw a picture on the theme “My favorite corner of nature.”

Game scenario:

  • An exhibition of children's works in various genres of art is being prepared.
  • "Who is bigger?". The children must carefully analyze the exhibited works and correctly determine their genre (natural, rural, urban, architectural landscape, open space). The name of each term is accompanied by a demonstration of the corresponding slide.
  • Work with explanatory dictionaries, the teacher asks to find the word architecture.
  • Discussion of future work, conversation around the theme of landscape, thinking over a suitable name for your drawing.
  • Children begin to create. Using the thickest brushes, we paint the surface of the sheet, conveying the horizon line separating sky and earth. The teacher suggests experimenting with using cardboard as a drawing tool, for example, a wide strip of cardboard will help to depict a house with a slight movement of the hand, while narrower strips will be useful for drawing a window, doors or fence. Finally, with thin brushes we finish drawing the details of the landscape.

Homework: draw a sea or mountain landscape.

Video: Lesson of the “Little Genius” circle, solving inventive problems - general intellectual direction

Unfortunately, many parents perceive electives, class hours, gaming techniques and children's creative projects as a secondary and burdensome burden on the child. However, it is worth noting that it is the student’s activity outside the traditional form of the lesson that liberates and opens up new horizons of knowledge and experimentation for the child, interests and captivates, inspires confidence and helps him successfully realize himself, find his self, allows school to escape the routine of the daily monotony of monotonously changing each other. friend lessons. Let's hope that this promising innovation will nevertheless successfully overcome the period of misunderstanding and, thanks to the enthusiasm and skill of teachers, will take root in Russian schools, to the delight of children and their parents.

06/21/2012 Thursday

How to coordinate the work of an extended day group and extracurricular activities? Does a child have to attend all ten hours of extracurricular activities? How can monitoring of the physical development of schoolchildren be organized in the “Health” program? How to organize extracurricular activities in a rural school if there are no specialists? To these and other questions teaching staff schools in the Yaroslavl region, the head of the department for the development of general and additional education of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl region, Alevtina Valentinovna REPINA, is responsible.

1. How to coordinate the work of an extended day group and extracurricular activities?

— Classes for extracurricular activities can be held on Saturdays (one option), or during the week according to a separate schedule. The job description of the head of an after-school group may include accompanying children to classes. The work schedule of the extended day group is drawn up separately, taking into account breaks for extracurricular activities.

2. Should extracurricular activities be carried out at strictly defined times (for example, from 13.00 to 15.00) or not?

— Extracurricular activities are carried out according to the class schedule approved by the head of the institution. The time is determined by the institution in agreement with the parents, since parents meet and see off children in the first grade.

3. Is it necessary for a child to attend all 10 hours of extracurricular activities? And is it possible that he will not participate in it at all due to family reasons?

— If the child attends classes in specialized institutions additional education for children (music school, sports school), then in these areas he may not attend extracurricular activities at school. An individual route for the child is drawn up, taking into account visits to other institutions and taking into account all directions identified in extracurricular activities. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents must be familiar with the results that must be achieved when the child leaves primary school. These results can only be obtained through the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities. The refusal may be due to the child’s health (for example, high loads, a special diet, etc.). The refusal must be made in writing and given reasons.

4. Is it possible to involve specialists from additional education institutions in organizing extracurricular activities for students, and under what conditions?

— Specialists of additional education are not only possible, but also necessary to be involved in organizing extracurricular activities on a contractual basis or on a combination basis. Payment is made by the school.

5. Should all 5 areas of extracurricular activities be presented in the curriculum, or is it enough to choose 1-2, but in more hours?

— All areas of extracurricular activities must be presented in the basic educational program of the institution. The institution creates conditions for the development of the child, the choice is up to the participants in the educational process.

6. Can traditional school activities be combined into programs and offered (credit to students) as after-school activities?

— Traditional school events belong to the system of educational work of the institution. They may or may not be. Classes as part of extracurricular activities are included in the institution’s schedule and are mandatory for teachers. The classes are not of a mass nature, but when organizing and developing, take into account the individual characteristics of children, and are organized using new technologies (project activities, research, etc.).

7. How to solve the problem of employment for all students in the afternoon (there are not enough school resources)?

— On a contractual basis with institutions of additional education for children, either at the expense of their own rates or at the expense of the rates of additional education institutions. It is possible to involve specialists from youth and children's public organizations.

8. Will there be additional funding for extracurricular activities?

— Financing of 10 hours of extracurricular activities is defined in the standard per student. The standard was calculated taking into account 10 hours.

9. The “Health” program involves monitoring physical development. There are no medical workers on staff. Who will do this?

— Depending on what is meant by monitoring physical development? If this corresponds to height and weight for age, then these data are obtained from pediatricians (if there are no medical workers at the school), the health group is also determined by pediatricians. If this is fulfilling the norms in class physical culture, then physical education teachers. There should be a student health diary where summary data is entered, but with the consent of the parents. The project is being developed. The introduction of a student health passport is currently problematic, since issues with staffing units have not been resolved, there are problems of interdepartmental interaction, and the protection of personal data.

10. Will the educational institution be funded for organizing extracurricular activities if there are 4 students in a class?

- Will. This is defined in the regulation.

11. Is it planned to allocate additional funds specifically for equipping primary school classrooms in accordance with the requirements (for training sessions and organizing extracurricular activities)?

— It will. The standard per student provides funds for the material and technical equipment of the educational process. The institution determines funding priorities.

12. Details of extracurricular activities: 10 hours voluntary or mandatory for each student; 10 hours are required for each student or for the class as a whole; Will payment for these hours be made using new documents or as payment for hours BEFORE?

— Financing is provided by the class kit. Payment per hour is made based on the cost of an hour of club work at the institution.

13. Is the class teacher required to lead any clubs?

- Is not obliged to. He has other responsibilities.

14. What will the class teacher do after classes?

- IN job description It is possible to arrange for students to be accompanied to classes.

15. How can you record 10 hours of extracurricular activities? Who will do this?

— Each teacher records them in special journals. Control can be exercised by the director, deputy director for educational work, for educational work.

16. How to plan and organize extracurricular activities in a rural school in the absence of specialists?

— Through the efforts of teachers, library workers, visiting cultural specialists, and additional education institutions. Creation of different age groups.

17. How to solve problems of extracurricular activities with children who come and go on school buses (i.e. live quite far from school)?

— First of all, resolve the issue of feeding children together with parents and change the school bus schedule.

Nabieva S.Kh.

1st category teacher

MBOU "ASOSH No. 2 with corner. studied dept. items" Aktanysh district

Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school (from work experience).

The introduction of federal state educational standards for general education of a new generation (hereinafter referred to as FSES) is one of the most important transformations in the general education system, dictated by the need to prepare graduates for life.

Analyzing the teaching materials recommended by the Federal State Educational Standard for educational institutions for use in the educational process, of all those proposed educational and methodological complexes And educational systems, the teachers of our school chose the educational complex “Perspective” to implement the Federal State Educational Standard. The educational complex “Perspective” and the system-activity approach that underlies it fully complies with all the requirements laid down in the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

My activities are based on a system-activity approach to teaching using innovative technologies because Schoolchildren’s own educational activities are an important component of the system-activity approach.

An integral part of the core of the standard is UUD. Students' mastery of universal learning activities creates the opportunity for independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn. The main thing in the lesson is cooperation, mutual understanding arises between all participants, efficiency and motivation to learn increases. It is necessary to work in this direction from the first day of school. The student himself must become an “architect and builder” of the educational process.

And how this work is structured by the teacher depends academic achievements students. Already in the 1st grade, in my lessons, I teach children to set a goal, draw up a plan for achieving it, search for a solution, reflect on the results of their activities, exercise self-control and give an independent assessment of their work in the lesson. Reflection was an integral part of all lessons in the classroom. To evaluate their work in conditions without marking instruction in the lesson, children used the so-called “traffic lights”, “showing stars of success” cards, emoticons with phrases written on a stand in the classroom. I suggest children also evaluate their work using the “magic tape”, where they mark the quality of their work according to the following criteria: K - beauty, P - correctness, B - speed. Then we discuss this in pairs, analyze it in a group, and adjust the rating (in red). Each time, children evaluate their work more objectively.

When completing control tasks, each child receives an educational card for self-assessment, where red means “I did it!”; yellow – “You need to be careful!”; green – “We must try!”; blue - “We need to train!” After completing the control tasks, the children gradually colored their drawings and drew appropriate conclusions. Thus, a modern student, based on a systemic activity approach, must learn to teach and evaluate himself.

An important element formation of UUD is the orientation of junior schoolchildren in information and communication technologies.

In grade 1 - drawings, crafts, in grade 2 - mini-essays, baby books, in grades 3-4 - crosswords, essays, didactic games, presentations, crafts.

I pay much attention to the integrated approach to teaching, which involves the active use of knowledge gained from studying one subject in lessons in other subjects. For example: in a literacy lesson we study the sound (o), the letters O, o. We are working on the word “autumn” ". Further, this work continues in the lesson of the surrounding world on the topic "Seasons". In the music lesson - listening to works. In the art lesson - we draw autumn. In the technology lesson - we carry out plot appliqué. As a result, we make a collective project depicting autumn in all its diversity. I widely use the project and research method, widely presented in the new standards, in my practice. Projects vary in form, theme, content. In the 1st grade academic year, my first-graders presented their projects in the form of oral presentations, drawings, layouts, posters, newspapers ,on the topic: “The Forest and Its Inhabitants”, “My Family”, “My Friends”. We worked on the collective project “Animals of the World”, “The Ant Kingdom”.

In my work I pay great attention to generalization, comparison, and conclusions. I never give knowledge in a ready-made form. I think through the task system very carefully. I don’t ask small questions. Therefore, when developing a system of tasks for a lesson, I focus, for example, in mathematics not on recognizing and naming spatial figures, but on the ability to find them in the world around them. In lessons about the world around me, I focus children not so much on mastering specific knowledge, how much to work with information, diagrams, tables. Already in the 1st grade, I learn to navigate the textbook (on the spread, in the table of contents, in the dictionary). We learn to perform various roles in the group (leader, performer) critic.

Thus, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, lessons should be structured according to a completely different scheme. It is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the child’s motivation to understand the world around him, to demonstrate that schoolwork is not about obtaining knowledge abstract from life, but, on the contrary, is a necessary preparation for life. The student must become a living participant in the educational process.

In conclusion, I want to say that a lot depends on the desire and character of the teacher. If a teacher is open to everything new and is not afraid of change, then he will undoubtedly take his first confident steps in the new conditions of implementing the Federal State Educational Standards.
