Tikhomirov l f development of logical thinking. Problems of studying verbal and logical thinking of children of primary school age

Annotation. The article presents the problems of studying the verbal and logical thinking of younger children school age; types of thinking are revealed; The features of verbal-logical thinking of children of primary school age, components and general mechanisms of the process of verbal-logical thinking are shown.
Keywords: thinking, types of thinking, verbal-logical thinking, primary school age, components of thinking, mechanisms of the process of verbal-logical thinking.

Thinking, like perception, memory, imagination, is a form of human cognition. Like any cognitive process, thinking is a reflection of reality. But unlike perception, thinking is a reflection not only of objects and phenomena that directly affect our senses.

Thinking allows a person to identify in cognizable objects not only their individual properties and aspects, which can be established with the help of feelings, but also the relationships and patterns of connections between this and the properties and aspects. Thus, with the help of thinking, a person cognizes general properties and relationships, and identifies among these properties the essential ones that determine the nature of objects. This allows a person to foresee the results of observed events, phenomena, and his own actions. (O.K. Tikhomirov).

From the point of view of psychology, thinking is “a specially conditioned, inextricably linked with speech, mental process of searching and discovering something essentially new, a process of indirect and generalized reflection of reality in the course of its analysis and synthesis.” (O.K. Tikhomirov).

In philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy, the following three types of thinking are distinguished: 1) visual-effective, 2) visual-figurative, 3) verbal-logical.

Visual-effective thinking is the first type of thinking that arises in a child in the very early childhood. With the help of this type of thinking, the child solves certain cognitive problems by actually transforming the situation, by performing motor actions.

In preschool age, the child gradually develops the second type of thinking - visual-figurative, when the child begins to operate with sensory images and ideas, thereby revealing the properties and relationships of objects of knowledge hidden from observation.

And already in older preschool age, the child begins to develop verbal and logical thinking. It is characterized by the fact that it occurs in the form of abstract concepts and reasoning.

These three types of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical) should be developed to one degree or another in every schoolchild, therefore the problem of the development of thinking occupies a special place in the research of many scientists.

The problem of verbal-logical thinking has long attracted the attention of teachers and psychologists. From various methodological positions, scientists have tried to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of this type of thinking. A significant role in the development of the theory of verbal-logical thinking was played by domestic psychologists: L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev, O.K. Tikhomirov, P.Ya. Galperin, A, A. Lyublinskaya, B.G. Ananyev et al.

S.L. Rubinstein considers verbal-logical thinking from the point of view of operational structures, where mental operations are highlighted, with the help of which essential features of the mechanism of logic are revealed. Such operations are analysis, synthesis, identification and discrimination. S.L. Rubinstein proved that logical operations can be carried out at several levels (on the objects themselves, on their properties and on their relationships). It is this multi-level stage that allows us to study the mechanism of logical thinking, he emphasized. (S.L. Rubinstein).

Under the leadership of B.G. Ananyev conducted a study of the structure of logical thinking of adults. In particular, he identified complex chains of psychophysiological correlations between perceptual, anemic, verbal-logical, psychomotor and psychovegetative functions (B.G. Ananyev).

These chains of psychophysiological correlations are constantly developing and transforming under the influence of human mental activity. Consequently, by changing one of the correlation chains, you can regulate the entire structure of logical thinking. As shown in a number of studies by A.N. Leontyev, P.Ya. Galperin and others, the same logical problem in content can be solved primarily based on an image or verbal-discursive expression of thought with their constant mutual transitions. In verbal-logical thinking, the very movement of thought and finding a solution to a problem is carried out in the form of a chain of interconnected thoughts, their transformation, and the receipt of new ones. On this basis, these studies propose to divide the logic of the thought process into two types: verbal and figurative, each of which is subject to its own laws of functioning. If verbal logic is characterized by the replacement of some judgments by others, certain laws for constructing inferences, then figurative logic has its own figurative specificity (P.Ya. Galperin).

Logical thinking is, like any other type of thinking, a complexly structured process. In this regard, the question arises about its components or components.

The most fully studied of these components are logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification. All these operations “are different aspects of the main operation of thinking - “mediation,” i.e., the disclosure of increasingly significant objective connections and relationships.”

Having examined the features of verbal-logical thinking, we must emphasize that it operates mainly not with visual images, but with words: the word is the source material for it, the operational unit, in their combination the results of the thought process are recorded. This means that verbal statements formulated in the form of definitions, detailed judgments and inferences are used here. In logical thinking, random connections are excluded, and only logical connections are used to solve mental problems. Therefore, the thought process in a logical form proceeds smoothly, as if unfolded, in the form of a logical conclusion to a peculiar mental picture. Therefore, to characterize verbal-discursive forms of thinking, indicators such as analyticity, syntheticity, and impulsiveness are often used.

The mechanisms of verbal-logical thinking are also studied in the works of A.N. Leontyev. Using the method of guiding tasks, the author came to the experimental conclusion that the process of logical thinking undergoes a number of stages of its development: reproduced, synthesized, regulated and programmed. Characterizing each stage of the process of logical thinking A.N. Leontyev took into account the characteristics of the subjects’ activities: 1) the degree of development of abilities for voluntary reproduction, 2) the degree of awareness of actions, 3) the volume of logical activity, 4) the speed of logical actions, 5) the nature of logical errors (D. A. Leontyev).

Thus, the study of the mechanism of verbal-logical thinking by Leontiev A.N. comes down to revealing the criteria for the quality of this type of thinking.

Of particular interest to our work are the studies of O.K. Tikhomirov. In connection with the need to clarify the course and conditionality of the process of verbal-logical thinking, the researcher analyzes the very course of logical thinking. In his opinion, the process of this type of thinking includes: a goal, conditions, a search unfolded over time, and a result. O.K. Tikhomirov considers verbal-logical thinking as an information process. When analyzing verbal-logical thinking and its structure, he identifies the main elements: 1) The certainty of the conditions of the task, 2) the logic of the characteristics being tested and the informativeness of the search facts. The first element, according to the scientist, can act as a stimulus for expanding the search. The second element is the objective information content of the search facts. The researcher notes that not only the content of these elements is important, but also their meanings, i.e. the way they perform. Verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the author as a mental process of processing information leading to the results of search acts (cited by).

Verbal and logical thinking is formed gradually. During the course of training, one masters the techniques of mental activity, acquires the ability to act “in the mind” and analyze the process of one’s own reasoning.

In many ways, the formation of such voluntary, controlled thinking is facilitated by tasks that encourage reflection (V.I. Dolgova).

In the process of solving educational problems, such operations of verbal and logical thinking as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification are formed.

Analysis as a mental action involves decomposing the whole into parts, isolating by comparing the general and the particular, distinguishing between the essential and the inessential in objects and phenomena.

Mastery of analysis begins with the ability to identify various properties and characteristics in objects and phenomena. As you know, any subject can be viewed from different points of view. Depending on this, one or another feature or properties of the object come to the fore. The ability to identify properties comes with great difficulty. And this is understandable, because concrete thinking must do the difficult work of abstracting a property from an object.

In parallel with mastering the technique of isolating properties by comparing different objects (phenomena), it is necessary to derive the concept of general and distinctive (particular), essential and non-essential features, using such thinking operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. The inability to identify the general and the essential can seriously hamper the learning process. The ability to highlight the essential contributes to the formation of another skill - to be distracted from unimportant details. This action is given with no less difficulty than highlighting the essential.

Verbal-logical thinking is based on the laws of language construction that connect words into complex systems that make it possible to make judgments, into complex logical systems, mastery of which allows a person to perform logical inference operations.

The basic unit of language is the word, which makes it possible to analyze objects, highlight essential properties in them, and classify objects into a certain category. The word, being a means of abstraction and generalization, reflects the deep connections and relationships behind the objects of the external world.

The word makes it possible to analyze an object, highlight essential properties in it and classify it into well-defined categories. Moreover, each word is complex in its meaning, and consists of both visual-figurative and abstract-generalizing components, this allows a person to choose one of the possible meanings of the word, using it either in a specific, figurative, or in an abstract and generalizing meaning ( A.F. Anufriev).

Verbal-logical thinking is a type of thinking that helps a child analyze, compare phenomena, objects, situations, evaluating an object, situation, phenomenon. All operations of verbal-logical thinking are closely interconnected and their full formation is possible only in a complex. Only their interdependent development contributes to the development of verbal and logical thinking as a whole. Techniques of logical analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification are necessary for both children with developmental delays and normally developing preschoolers; without mastering them, the child’s full development does not occur.

Based on the material obtained, it is possible to formulate some provisions about the general mechanisms of the process of verbal-logical thinking: 1) the source material for verbal-logical thinking is the word, 2) the logical process proceeds on the basis of understanding verbal formulas, ideas, concepts, 3) the development of logic begins with considering the relationship between a problem and its logical solution. The understanding of these relationships is derived mainly from the base of previous thoughts, 4) the speed of logical thinking depends on the degree of activity of the individual. Activity is understood as a certain “I”, whose activity is subordinated to a specific task.

These provisions allow us to move on to characterizing the mechanisms and features of children’s verbal and logical thinking. preschool age.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that from the first days of a child’s life, the social situation has a significant influence on the nature of his behavior. He noted that already at the early stages of the development of mental actions, the child is guided by the speech of an adult.

It is known that long before the development of coherent speech, a child exhibits rationality in his actions. Using this fact has important For correct understanding mental activity of a person, to clarify differences in the process of development of a child’s verbal and logical thinking. In posing this question L.S. Vygotsky put forward a thesis about the different roots of thinking and speech. He believed that in the process of child development there is a pre-linguistic phase in the development of thinking and a pre-intellectual phase in the development of speech. He pointed out significant changes in the primary stages of a child’s mental activity under the influence of speech (L.S. Vygotsky).

A special place in psychology is occupied by the theory of the development of verbal-logical thinking put forward by J. Piaget. He made an attempt to explain the variety of manifestations of children's thoughts, to give a general concept of a child's verbal and logical thinking. Revealing the question of the relationship between thinking and speech, Piaget formulates the principle of the formation of internalized mental structures from external speech actions. He believes that the main task of psychology is detailed description the process of gradual internalization of external objective actions: “The path along which our research should go,” writes the scientist, “is completely determined: first we need to determine the relationship of intellect with speech, then study the formation of operations in the child’s thinking and his socialization” (J. Piaget).

S.L. Rubinstein considered the early forms of verbal-logical thinking as more intelligently operating with verbal formulations. It (intellectual activity), he wrote, is based on their speech and is expressed in more or less meaningful, targeted evidence. The scientist defines the child’s first mental actions as “expedient verbal and nonverbal actions aimed at solving logical problem(S.L. Rubinstein).

The problem of the relationship between thinking and speech is presented in the works of A.R. Luria and is directly related to his theory of higher mental functions. O emphasized that speech is not only a means of communication and a tool of thinking, but also a means of controlling human behavior (first in the form of external speech, then internal) (A.R. Luria).

A.A. Lyublinskaya, studying the early forms of a child’s thinking, reveals the nature of action and its changes, the role of speech in the mental activity of children of different ages. Analyzing the statements of schoolchildren, A.A. Lyublinskaya identifies two speech forms. She notes that these forms perform different functions in children’s activities: 1) “speech-game” includes the child’s emotional attitude to the situation, 2) “speech-question” is aimed at establishing new connections and relationships that have not yet been realized by the child. The author believes that the logical function is mainly contained in the second speech form.

Verbal design, notes A.A. Lublinskaya, depends on the nature of the task. The inclusion of speech is usually limited to the designation of an action, the achievement of a logical goal, given the availability of the task itself. By solving problems that are familiar to them in content and conditions, preschool children can make correct logical judgments and draw relatively correct conclusions (inferences) (L.A. Lyublinskaya).

Logical thinking is most clearly manifested in preschoolers when they establish various connections that exist between mental functions (V.I. Dolgova). Earlier than others, the child establishes functional connections (purpose, use of objects) and later, reveals the connections of space and time in their semantic meaning.

The development of children’s verbal and logical thinking requires special targeted training of teachers for the implementation innovative technologies in the education of children of primary school age.


The peculiarities of logical thinking of children of primary school age appear in any mental tasks they perform. Already at this age, they perform operations such as comparison, generalization, classification, search for cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions and inferences. Highly organized, systematic mental activity of children shapes the child’s mind and his cognitive activity.

  1. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. Development of logical thinking in children. - Yaroslavl: Gringo, 2012. - 240 p.
  2. Rubinshtein S.L. About thinking and ways of its research. - M.: Education, 2010. - 147 p.
  3. Ananyev B.G. Sensory-perceptual organization of man. - M.: Nauka, 2010. - 24 p.
  4. Galperin P.Ya. Introduction to Psychology. - M.: Norma, 2010. - 150 p.
  5. Leontyev D. A. Psychology of meaning: nature, structure and dynamics of semantic reality. 2nd correction Edition. - M.: Smysl, 2013.-488 p.
  6. Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical educational psychologist. - M.: AST, 2011. - 527 p.
  7. Dolgova V.I., Arkaeva N.I., Kapitanets E.G. Innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies in primary school/ monograph. - M.: Pero Publishing House, 2015. - 200 p.
  8. Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. - M.: Norma, 2011. - 272 p.
  9. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech. - M.: Education, 2010. - 350 p.
  10. Piaget J. Speech and thinking of a child. - St. Petersburg: 2010. - 250 p.
  11. Rubinshtein S.L. General psychology. - M.: Education, 2011. - 705 p.
  12. Luria A.R. Language and consciousness. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2013. - 416 p.
  13. Lyublinskaya L.A. Mental development junior schoolchildren in the learning process. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 224 p.
  14. Dolgova V.I., Kapitanets E.G. Correction and development of attention of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities - Chelyabinsk: ATOKSO, 2010 - 117 p.
  15. Dolgova V.I. Development of an innovative personality culture // United Science Magazine. - 2009. - No. 15, November (special issue). - P. 5-20.
  16. Dolgova V.I. From the experience of studying the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative technologies by university graduates // In the collection: PHYSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES: THEORETICAL TRENDS AND APPLIED STUDIES / EDUCATION AS THE BASIS OF THE HUMANITY EVOLUTION IN CONDITIONS OF THE INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT OF THE SOCIETY DOMINATION Materials digest of the LI International Research and Practice Conference and I stage of the Championship in physical, mathematical and chemical sciences (London, May 21 - May 26, 2013)/ Materials digest of the LII International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in pedagogical sciences ( London, May 21 -May 26, 2013). Chief editor - Pavlov V. V.. - London, 2013. - pp. 92-94.

Tikhomirova Larisa Fedorovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

In 1979, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine of Yaroslavl State Medical University, specializing in treatment and prevention. In 1989 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. From 1990 to 1998, she worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology and Medical Problems in Education at the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers.

In 1993, she was awarded the academic title of associate professor in this department. From 1998 to 2000, she worked as vice-rector for scientific and methodological work at the Yaroslavl Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers. From 1999 to 2000, she underwent professional retraining at the State Educational Institution of the Yaroslavl Region, the Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers in social pedagogy - family psychology. In 2001 she entered doctoral studies at the department social management Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky, at the same time taught classes with students, working at the Department of Social Pedagogy as an assistant professor.

In 2004, L.F. Tikhomirova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Elected by competition for the position of professor at the Department of Social Pedagogy of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky. Tikhomirova L.F. has more than 100 published scientific papers.

Books (5)

Logics. Children 5-7 years old

The tasks, exercises and games presented in this manual will help develop the thinking of children of senior preschool age, teach them to identify essential features of objects, compare by essential and non-essential features, generalize and classify objects.

The manual is intended for preschool teachers educational institutions, teachers, parents. Will provide significant assistance in preparing children for school.

Mathematics in primary school. Educational games, tasks, exercises

An elementary school teacher faces an important task: not only to introduce children to the basics of science, but also to instill interest in academic subjects and develop the cognitive abilities of young students. This fully applies to mathematics.

This manual contains exercises and didactic games, promoting a more conscious and in-depth assimilation of programmatic mathematical materials and the development of thinking, memory, and attention in younger schoolchildren.

Development of a student’s intellectual abilities

The manual contains materials on diagnosing the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren, as well as tasks and exercises for their development. The use of trainings and games will make this process more emotionally enjoyable, and, consequently, more effective.

Member of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

1. Tikhomirova Larisa Fedorovna. May 8, 1956, Russia, Primorsky Territory, Grodekovsky district, village. Grodekovo. Graduated from Yaroslavl State medical school, years of study 1973-1979, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head. Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky.

3. Monographs.

L.F. Tikhomirova, A.V. Basov Healthy lifestyle and health. Yaroslavl. Verkhne-Volzhskoe Publishing House, 1989.-160 p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. Development of children's logical thinking ( tutorial). Yaroslavl: Gringo LLP, 1995.- 240 p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. Exercises for every day. Health lessons for children 5-8 years old (a manual for parents and teachers). Federal book publishing program of Russia. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.- 144 p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. “Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy.” Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2004.-240 p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. How to form a student healthy image life (textbook). Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.-192p.

L.F. Tikhomirova, V.A. Margazin et al. Guide to sports medicine (textbook with the stamp of the ministry). S.-Pb.: Spetslit, 2011.-500 p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. “School is a territory of health.” Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2011.-136 p.

L.F. Tikhomirov. “Prerequisites for health-saving pedagogy.” Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2012.-160 p.

4. Candidate’s thesis defended in 1989 “Social and hygienic study of the health status and morbidity of medical workers in connection with their working and living conditions.”

Doctoral dissertation defended in 2004 “Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy.”

5. AWARDED: In 1993 - the badge “Excellence in Education”.

In 2000 - badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education”.

In 2006 - a diploma from the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky.

In 2004, Laureate of the Governor of the Yaroslavl Region “For Merit in the Sphere of Education” Award.

In 2006 - Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Administration of the Yaroslavl Region.

In 2010 - Diploma of the Laureate of the Governor's Prize in the field of education as part of a team of authors for scientific and practical development " A complex approach to the formation of a health-preserving environment at special (correctional) boarding school No. 82.”

Editor-in-Chief of the regional magazine “Our Children: Training, Education, Development, Health”, published since 2003.

Scientific publications:

1. Prevalence of bad habits among doctors (article) Printed Actual problems drunkenness and alcoholism. - Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1985.-P.27-29 3p. -

2. Features of morbidity with temporary disability of medical workers (article) Printed Healthcare of the Russian Federation. - 1986. –

No. 2. - P.26-28 3p. -

3. The influence of alcohol consumption on the incidence of illness with temporary disability (article) Printed Clinical examination of the entire population of the RSFSR. - Moscow, 1986. - P. 175-176 2 p. -

4. Issues of organizing and improving the quality of provision medical care healthcare workers (article) Printed Healthcare of the Russian Federation. - 1987. –

No. 8. - P.10-12 3p. -

5. Some issues of lifestyle and attitude of medical workers towards their health (article) Printed Health and medical service population of the Non-Black Earth Region. - Yaroslavl, YSMI, 1987. - pp. 32-35.

6. On the possibilities of intensifying work in healthcare through the introduction of operational methods for assessing the risk of morbidity (article) Manuscript Deposited in VNIIMI No. 12885 03.3.87.- Yaroslavl, 1987.-8 p. 8s./ 6s. Basov A.V.

7. On the issue of studying the complex influence of social and hygienic factors on the morbidity of health workers (article) Printed Objectives of postgraduate training of healthcare executives. - Kazan, 1987. -P.162-164 3s./2s. Basov A.V.,

Kamenshchikova A.N.

8. Forecasting the risk of alcoholism among students of medical universities (article) Printed Comprehensive social and hygienic research. -Moscow, 1988. - P.192-196. 5s./3s. Basov A.V.

Zaporozhchenko V.G.

9. Some issues of studying the lifestyle of medical workers (article) Printed Healthcare of the Russian Federation. - 1988. –

No. 2.- P.28-30 3 p. -

10. Social and hygienic study of the health status and morbidity of medical workers in connection with their working and living conditions (abstract) Printed Abstract of thesis. Ph.D. honey. Sci. - Moscow, 1988. -24s. 24s. -

11. Social and hygienic study of the health status and morbidity of medical workers in connection with their working and living conditions (dissertation) Manuscript Dissertation. Ph.D. honey. Sciences. - Yaroslavl, 1988. - 400 p. 400s. -

12. Some methodological issues in studying the lifestyle of medical students (article) Printed Issues in studying the state of health and the organization of medical services. assistance to youth in various regions of the country. - Moscow, 1988. - P.103-104 2p./1p. Basov A.V.

13. Lifestyle and health (monograph) Printed Upper Volga book publishing house. - Yaroslavl, 1989.-128 p. 128s./44s. Basov A.V.

Zaporozhchenko V.G.

14. On some results of sociological research among medical workers (article) Printed Healthcare of the Russian Federation. - 1989. –

No. 4. - P.11-14 4 p. -

15. Social and hygienic approach to assessing the risk of morbidity among medical workers (article) Printed Labor and health of medical workers. workers. - Moscow, 1989. - P.73-77 5p./4p. Brezgin V.D.

16. Using the anamnestic method to study the health status of doctors (article) Printed Health and medical care of the population of the Non-Black Earth Region. – Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1989. - P.101-107 7p. -

17. About the bad habits of paramedical workers (article) Printed Nurse. - 1990. –

No. 3. - P.12-14 3s./2s. Basov A.V.

18. Risk factors for major rheumatic diseases at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant (article) Printed Abstracts of reports for the final conference “Young Scientists in Healthcare”. - Orenburg, 1990 2p./1p. Ershova O.B.

19. Social pedagogy in the activities of an inspector for the protection of children’s rights (article) Printed Protecting the rights of children. - Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1991. - P. 10 1 p./0.5 p. Basov A.V.

20. About some factors contributing to the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents (article) Printed Current problems social psychology. -Kostroma, 1992. - Part 2. -P.11-12 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

21. On the issue of the methodology of a person-oriented approach in working with teaching staff(thesis) Printed Personally-oriented training in the system of advanced training for education workers. - St. Petersburg, Moscow, 1993, Part 2. - P.115-116 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

22. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of socialization and delinquent behavior of vocational school students (thesis) Printed Problems of the sociology of vocational education of workers. – St. Petersburg, 1994. - P.122-125 4 p./3 p. Basov A.V.

23. The health of students and the health of teachers (article) Printed Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical. seminar. – St. Petersburg, 1994. - P.35-36 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

24. New approaches to solving the problems of certification and retraining of primary-level teachers (article) Printed Primary School. - 1994. - No. 3.-P.22-23 2p./1p. Basov A.V.

25. Concept for the development of the city medical and pedagogical school (scientific development) Printed Yaroslavl, IPK, 1995.-7p. 7s./2s. Basov A.V. and etc.

26. On some results of studying the problems of beginning teachers (article) Printed Personal development and the formation of individuality - Yaroslavl, 1996. - P.234-236 3p. -

27. The role and place of the school’s valeology service in the prevention of maladjustment during the transition of students to secondary education (article) Printed Problems of ped. valeology.-SPb., 1997.- P. 59-61 3p. -

28. The role and place of the education system in the formation of anti-drug traditions among young people (thesis) Printed Traditions, customs, customs of the peoples of Russia. - St. Petersburg, 1997.-P.69-73 5p./3p. Basov A.V.

29. Valueological knowledge for every teacher (article) Printed Ped. education in modern conditions. – Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 1997. - P.279-281 3p. -

30. On the readiness of rural school students to study at the secondary level (article). -1998. - No. 1. - P.107-110 4s./3s. Basov A.V.

31. Valeology as a tool for the mental and physical well-being of participants in the pedagogical process (thesis) Printed Society, education, people. - Yaroslavl: YSPU Publishing House, 1998.-Part 1.-P.125-128 4p. -

32. On uniform requirements for programs for the health of children studying in educational institutions of the region (article) Printed Innovative processes for protecting the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House IPK RO, 1998. - P.4-6 3s./2s. Basov A.V.

33. Valeological examination of curricula, programs, pedagogical technologies(article) Printed Innovative processes to protect the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House IPK RO, 1998. - P. 17-20 4 p. -

34. Activities of educational institutions of the Yaroslavl region aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children (article) Printed Innovative processes to protect the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House IPK RO, 1998. - P.29-30 2s./1s. Basov A.V.

35. Valeological approaches to lesson analysis (article) Printed Innovative processes to protect the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House IPK RO, 1998. - P.50-53 4p. -

36. The main directions of work of the kindergarten - valeology center (article) Printed Innovative processes to protect the health of children and adolescents in educational institutions of the region. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House IPK RO, 1998. - P. 63-64 2p./1p. Bakhanova O.L.

37. Risk factors for somatic morbidity in schoolchildren (article) Printed Psychological well-being of participants in the educational process. - Yaroslavl: Resource Center, 1998. - P.166-168 3p. -

38 Using the construct method in the study of attitudes of adolescents and young people regarding alcohol consumption and smoking (article) Printed Bulletin of the IPK of educators. - Yaroslavl, 1999.-P.82-96 15p./10p. Tikhomirova E.A.

39. Health and variety programs in the activities of preschool institutions (article) Printed Bulletin of the IPK of educational workers. - Yaroslavl, 1999.-P.72-75 4p. -

40. The need for valeological examination of pedagogical technologies (article) Printed Modern technologies for teaching science and mathematics disciplines in rural schools.-Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 2000.-P.22-25 4p. -

41. Ways to develop a system of advanced training for educators (article) Printed Advanced training for teachers. personnel.- Yaroslavl: YIRO, 2000.- P.17-20 4p./3p. Kalistratova N.V.

42. Principles and conditions for the activities of educational institutions to preserve, strengthen and develop children’s health (article) Printed Advanced training for teachers. personnel.- Yaroslavl: YIRO, 2000.- P. 124-129 6p. -

43. On the need for valeological analysis of new pedagogical technologies (article) Printed Bulletin of the IPK of Education Workers. - Yaroslavl, 2000.-P.99-102 4p. -

44. The quality of medical care provided to rural schoolchildren (article) Printed Development of the personality of a rural schoolchild. – Yaroslavl: YaGPU, 2000. - P. 46-47 2p. -

45. State and main trends in the health of children and adolescents (article)

No. 1. - P. 4-6. 3s. -

46. ​​On the attitude of preschool children to their health (article)

47. Physical development– one of the indicators of children’s health (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

48. Analysis of the lesson from the point of view of its impact on the health of students (article)

Printed Health of our children.- 2002.-

No. 1. - P.18-20.

49. Requirements for “Health” programs of educational institutions (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

No. 1.- P.17-18.

2s./1s. Basov A.V.

50. Quality of medical care provided to schoolchildren in educational institutions (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

No. 1. - P.26-27.

2s./1s. Basov A.V.

51. Anxious child (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002.-

No. 1. - P.24-25.

2s./1s. Basov A.V.

52. Program of classes with parents

on preserving and strengthening the health of children (program) Printed Health of our children.- 2002.-

No. 1. – P. 31. 1p. -

53. Therapeutic pedagogy as a condition for the socialization of children with disabilities(article)

Printed Psychological and pedagogical support for the child. – Yaroslavl: YaGPU, 2002. - P. 142-145.

54. Analysis of the activities of institutions in the Yaroslavl region to preserve the health of children (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

No. 2. - P.17-18.

2s./1s. Basov A.V.

children's health (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

No. 2. – pp. 22-24.

56. How to conduct an examination of curricula, curricula, pedagogical technologies with

from the point of view of their influence on children's health (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

No. 2. - pp. 12-14.

Printed Health of our children. - 2002. –

No. 3. – pp. 18-20.

58. Health of teachers

59. Expert approach is the basis of health-saving pedagogy

(article) newsletter. - 2002. - No. 4. –

60. Features of teaching children in a small rural school. Requirements for the selection of educational technologies

(article) Printed The health of our children. - 2002. –

61. Activities of the city center for psychological, medical and social support, diagnostics and counseling of schoolchildren on the formation of health-saving behavior (article)

Printed Health of our children. - 2002.-№4. - P.6-9. 4s./3s. Gogolev Yu.V.

62 We teach a child to take care of himself

(article) Printed The health of our children. - 2002. - No. 4. - P.23.

63. Variable programs in the activities of preschool educational institutions

Printed Health of our children. - 2003. -№1. - P.6-8.

64. How to prevent flat feet in children (article) Printed Health of our children. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 14 1p. -

65. Health-saving pedagogy

(article) Printed Our children: training, education, development, health. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.28-29.

66. Activities of teachers to preserve and strengthen the health of children (article)

Printed Our children: training, education, development, health. - 2003. - No. 2. - P.26.

1s./0.5s. Basov A.V.

67. Strengthening the health of participants in the educational process

(article) Printed Our children: training, education, development, health. - 2003. - No. 3. - P.23-25.

3s./2s. Gogolev Yu.V.

68. Methodological changes in school as part of the implementation of the ideas of health-saving pedagogy (article)

Printed Our children: training, education, development, health. - 2003. - No. 4. - P.21-22.

69. Expert approach to health-preserving activities of a teacher (article)

Printed School technologies.- 2003.-

No. 3.- pp. 191-194. 5s. -

70. Healthy teacher – healthy children (article)

Printed Public Education. - 2003. - No. 5. - P. 71-75.

71. Possibilities for preserving the health of students in a modern secondary school (article) Printed Conceptual

approaches and organizational

methodological foundations

inclusion of schoolchildren

to a healthy lifestyle. -

Yaroslavl.-2003.- P.24-34.

12s./10s. Nikolaeva T.N.

72 Existential approach to organizing health-preserving activities of teachers (thesis) Printed Improving educational

educational work

in the process of modernization

general education. -

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House, 2003.-

pp. 101-104 4 p. -

73. Existential approach to teachers’ implementation of the function of preserving children’s health (article) Printed Social contacts children:

Materials of the international

Symposium /Ed.

M.I. Rozhkova. – Yaroslavl:

Publishing house YAGPU, 2003.- P.177-183. 6s. -

74. Formation in children and adolescents negative attitude To bad habits(article) Print Public health

and disease prevention.

2003.-№2.-P.39-44 6p. -

75. Prevention of some forms of deviant behavior in children (article) Printed Our children: training,

education, development,

health.-2004.-No.3.-P.5-6. 2s. -

76 Preparation of social educators for the implementation of health-preserving activities (article) Printed) Modernization of education:

Experience and research.-

Yaroslavl: Publishing house YAGPU im.

K.D. Ushinsky, 2004.-

pp. 202-206 4 p.

77. Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy (Monograph) Printed Monograph / Ed.

M.I. Rozhkova.- Yaroslavl:

YaGPU, 2004.- 240 p. 240s. -

78/ Theoretical and methodological foundations of health-saving pedagogy (Author's abstract) Printed Abstract of thesis. doctors ped.

Sciences.- Yaroslavl, 2004.-44p. 44s. -

79. A home for a child should be safe (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,

health.- 2005.-№4.-S. 23-24 4s. -

80. About the results of the International scientific conference“Psychological and socio-pedagogical support for children and youth” (article) Printed Our children: training,

education, development,

health.- 2005.-No. 4.-P.13 2 p. -

81. On the need for socio-pedagogical and psychological support for the process of forming a value-based attitude towards their health in orphans (article) Printed Psychological

and socio-pedagogical

accompanying children and

youth. Materials

international scientific

conferences. Yaroslavl,

Publishing house YAGPU im.

K.D. Ushinsky, 2005-

pp. 154-155. 4s. -

82. Preparing students of a pedagogical university to implement the function of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren (article) Printed Psychological and




process. - Yaroslavl, Publishing House

YSPU, 2005.- pp. 167-171 5p. -

83. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of students (concept) Printed Concept of educational

activities of YSPU

them. K.D. Ushinsky.-

Yaroslavl, - 2005.- P.44-45 2p. -

84. Preparing students of a pedagogical university for the implementation of health-preserving functions and

socio-pedagogical support (article) Printed Educational effectiveness:

history and modernity.

Materials from the 60th

International scientific


Yaroslavl.-2006.- P.142-147 6p. -

85. Forming an attitude towards their health in preschool children (article) Printed Kindergarten from A to Z.-

2006.-№4.-S. 40-48 9s. -

86. Accounting for individual and age characteristics minors in the prevention of use psychoactive substances, organization of work with parents (article) Printed Integrated approach to

prevention of use

pp. 16-24 9 p. -

87. Can parents become active participants in the process of preventing the use of psychoactive substances by children and adolescents?

(article) Print An integrated approach to

prevention of use

psychoactive substances by minors.

Collection of seminar materials. Yaroslavl, 2006.-

pp. 25-35. 11s./9s. Gogolev Yu.V.

88. Expert approach to the implementation of the ideas of health-saving pedagogy in a preschool institution (article) Printed Theoretical and applied

aspects of modern

preschool education.

Materials of the international

scientific and practical

conference.- Yaroslavl,

Publishing house YAGPU. 2006.- P.23-26 8p. -

Do parents know how to help a child in case of addiction to psychoactive substances (article) Printed Our children: training,

education, development,

health.-2006.-No. 1-2.-

P.37-39. 4s./3s. Gogolev Yu.V.

90. Health-saving technologies in the educational process of the gymnasium (article) Printed Our children: training,

education, development,

health.-2006.-No. 1-2.-

P.39-45. 6s./4s. Razumovskaya E.Yu.

91. Health-saving technologies in the activities of educational institutions (article) Printed Our children: training,

education, development,

health.-2006.-No. 3-4.-

P.28-32. 4s. -

92 Main directions for preventing the use of psychoactive substances by minors in educational institutions (article) Printed Issues of prevention

offenses: state,

problems, prospects. - Yaroslavl, 2006.-P.83-87 5p. Gogolev Yu.V.

93. Health-saving technologies in the activities of specialized educational institutions (article) Printed Special pedagogical

child development tools with



health. Materials

conference "Readings

Ushinsky." - Yaroslavl:

Publishing house YAGPU im.

K.D. Ushinsky, 2006.-

pp. 17-24. 7s. -

94. Health-saving pedagogy (article) Printed Concepts of leading scientists

Institute of Pedagogy and

psychology YSPU.-


Publishing house YAGPU, 2006.- P.134-145 11 p. -

95. Legal comprehensive education for parents

(conceptual approaches) (article) Printed Concepts of leading scientists

Institute of Pedagogy and

psychology YSPU.-


Publishing house YAGPU, 2006.- P.206-214 9p./7p. Gogolev Yu.V.


96. Subjective inclusion of students in the health-saving process (article) Printed Self-development ideas

personalities in additional


Conf. Proceedings

Yaroslavl: IRO, 2006.-

pp. 26-34 9 p. -

97. Subjective inclusion of students in the process of preserving and strengthening health is one of the leading requirements of health-preserving pedagogy (article) Printed Formation of human success: strategy and tactics:

reading materials

K.D. Ushinsky at 2 o'clock.

Part 2. Yaroslavl:

Publishing house YAGPU, 2007.

pp. 265-272. 8s. -

98. Organizational and methodological basis for working with families in socially dangerous situations, in municipal area(article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,


99. Features of addictive behavior in children with delay mental development(article) Printed Medical-psychological

pedagogical work with

children with

limited opportunities

health – Yaroslavl:

Publishing house YAGPU im. K.D.

Ushinsky, 2007. –P.76-85 10 p.

100. Prevention of addictive behavior in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Pedagogical support

work with youth.

Scientific and practical materials. conf.

Publishing house YAGPU, 2008.- P.258-260 3p.

101. Integration of children with disabilities in society (article) Printed Current problems

education and society.

Scientific and practical materials. conf.

Yaroslavl, 2008.-P.99-102 4p.

102. Attitude to health in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Special correctional

developmental technologies in working with children with disabilities

limited opportunities

health.- Ped. readings to them

K. D. Ushinsky.-

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House.- 2008.-

P.135-143. 9s.

103. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for future teachers in the process of their training (article) Printed Man as a subject

education in modern

psychological and pedagogical

theory and practice.-

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House,

2008.- P.280-282 3p.

104. Health-saving technologies in the gymnasium (article) Printed Our children: training,

Education, development,

Health.-2008.-No. 1.P.24-26 5p. Kartashova G.N.


105. The role of the family in developing a child’s correct attitude towards health (article) Printed Our children: education,

education, development,

health.- Yaroslavl, 2008.-

106. The effectiveness of activities to promote a healthy lifestyle for adolescents raised in orphanages (article) Printed Training of specialists

on working with youth.

Problems and ways to solve them.

Internet materials –

Conf. Yaroslavl: Publishing House

YSPU, 2009.-P. 156-165. 10s.

107. Implementation of the ideas of health-saving pedagogy in the activities of specialized educational institutions (article) Printed Special education:

problems and prospects.

Conf. Proceedings Readings

Ushinsky. Yaroslavl:

Publishing house YAGPU. - 2009.

108. Formation of attitudes towards health in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Education of children with intellectual disabilities


health opportunities.

Scientific and practical materials. Conf.

Yaroslavl, Remder, 2009.-

pp. 107-116 10 p.

109. Problems of health conservation and ways to solve them (article) Printed Problems of rural schools.

Ways to solve them.

Materials scientific-practical. Conf.

Yaroslavl, YAGPU Publishing House,

2009.- pp. 288-292 5p.

110. Preserving and strengthening the health of students is the main requirement for the choice of technologies for a small rural school (article) Printed Problems of a rural school.

Ways to solve them.

Materials scientific-practical. Conf.

Yaroslavl, YAGPU Publishing House,

2009.- pp. 325-329 5p.

111. Implementation of the block-modular principle in the program of distance training courses in correctional pedagogy and psychology (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Vestnik.-2009-No. 4.-S. 102-

106 8 Simanovsky A.E.

112. Health-saving technologies in primary school (article) Printed Our children: training,

Education, development,

Health.-2009.No.4.-P.22-24 6 Panicheva O.I.

113 Concept of activity and development of the City Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support (concept) Printed Yarosavl: Publishing House


Education City Hall

Yaroslavl, 2010.-80 p. 80s. Gogolev Yu.V. et al.

114 What to do if a child is lazy

(article) Printed Our children: training, education, development, health. - Yaroslavl, -

2010.-№1.-S. 26-28 6s.

115 On the issue of preventing addictive behavior in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities (article)

Printed Current issues


prevention / YAGMA, 2010.-

P.78-84. 6s. Smirnov V.E.

116. The concept of developing a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren (article)

Printed Current issues


prevention / YAGMA, 2010.-

P.105-114. 10 s.

117. Rehabilitation of street children in the municipal area (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Bulletin.-2010.No.3.- P. 93-96 8p. Lebedeva T.S.

118. Intrafamily cruelty

(article) Printed Our children: education,

Education, development,

health.-2010.-No.3.-P.17-19 4p. Lebedeva T.S.

119. Construction of a correctional and developmental health-preserving environment of a special educational institution (article)

children with disabilities

health opportunities

Text: Proceedings of the conference.

"Readings of Ushinsky." -

Yaroslavl: Publishing house YAGPU im.

Ushinsky, 2010.-P.154-164 10 p. Makshantseva E.N.

Savateeva A.L.

Tishinova E.N.

120. Improving the process of preparing students to work with children with intellectual disabilities

Printed Improving Help

children with disabilities

health opportunities

Text: Proceedings of the conference.

"Readings of Ushinsky." -

Yaroslavl: Publishing house YAGPU im.

Ushinsky, 2010.-S.S.117-122 6 p.

121. Conditions for the formation of a rehabilitation space for street children in a municipal area (article)

Printed Personnel training in the context of modernization of education

Text: Materials

conf. "Readings of Ushinsky"

Part 1.-Yaroslavl: Publishing house

YSPU, 2010.- P.50-57 8p.

Lebedeva T.S.

122. Formation of schoolchildren’s need for sports and a healthy lifestyle (article) Printed Personnel training in the context of modernization of education

Text: Materials

conf. "Readings of Ushinsky"

Part 1.-Yaroslavl: Publishing house

YSPU, 2010.- P.120-126 8p. Glaktionov A.V.,

Kovaleva N.V.

123. Mistakes of family education (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2010.-No.4.-P.12-14 6p.

124. Psychological and pedagogical support and identification of a gifted child in secondary school(article)

Printed Accompaniment of the gifted

in regional


space: materials

Conf.-Yaroslavl: GOU YaO

IRO.-2011.-P.46-49 6p.

125. Main directions of drug addiction prevention among youth (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Bulletin.- T 2.- 2011.- No. 1.-

pp. 49-54 7p. Kaykova L.V.

Evstafieva A.V.

126. Analysis of the effectiveness of the formation of a rehabilitation space for street children (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Bulletin.- T 2.- 2011.- No. 1.-

pp. 59-63 6 p. Lebedeva T.S.

127. Development of educational and cognitive competencies of junior schoolchildren in project activities(article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


P.104-109. 5s. Burykina N.M.

128. Formation of a health-preserving environment educational complex“School-garden” (article)

Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Vestnik.-T.2.-2011-No. 3.

P.41-44 6 p. Morozova S.B.

129. Social and psychological prerequisites for student success (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


242-247 10 p. Kaykova L.V.

Evstafieva A.V.

130. Formation of economic competence of junior schoolchildren (article)

Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical


P.45-48 6 p. I.L. Egorova

131. Existential approach to the implementation by teachers of the function of maintaining health

Students (article) Printed Yaroslavl Pedagogical

Vestnik.-T.2.-2011-No. 4 6 p.

132. An integrated approach to the formation of a health-preserving environment special boarding school(article)

Printed Sat.Improvement

helping children

with limited

health options:

Conf. Proceedings "Readings


Publishing house YAGPU im.

K.D. Ushinsky.-2011.-

133. Correction of self-esteem in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011-№1.-S. 29-31. 6s. Serova N.V.

134. The effectiveness of creating a rehabilitation space for street children (article)

Printed Improvement


Activities in conditions

Transition to new

educational standards

Conf. Proceedings Readings

Ushinsky.-Part 1.-

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House.-

2011.-P.50-56 7p. Lebedeva T.S.

135. Formation of a health-preserving environment in the educational complex (article)

Printed Improvement


Activities in conditions

Transition to new

educational standards

Conf. Proceedings Readings

Ushinsky.-Part 1.-

Yaroslavl: YAGPU Publishing House.-

2011.-P 117-124 8p. Morozova S.B.

136. School - the territory of health (monograph) Printed Yaroslavl, YSPU Publishing House,

2011.- 134 p. 134 p.

137. What you should know about the mistakes of family education (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.- No. 2.-

138. Identification and psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children in secondary schools (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-No.3.-P.7-10 8p.

139. Family education and the formation of a child’s correct attitude towards health (article)

Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-No.4.-P.7-12 12p.

140. Family education of children with intellectual disabilities (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-No.5.-P.23-26 10p.

141. Organization of remote

Advanced training courses in special pedagogy and psychology (article) Printed Materialy VII Mezinarodni vedecko-

prakticka conference “Zpravy”

vedecke ideje - 2011”

4с Simanovsky

142. Interaction of specialists in the process of training and education of children with disabilities (article) Printed Our children: education,

training, development,

health.-2011.-№6 4p.

143. Development of leadership talent of adolescents and high school students in the process of participation in the activities of the “Time Horizons” club (Gymnasium No. 1, Uglich) (article) Printed Development of social

giftedness of children and

youth. Materials


scientific-practical Conf.

Yaroslavl, 2011.P.112-116 5p. Razumovskaya E.E.

144. Conceptual approaches to the formation of a health-preserving environment in an educational institution (article)

Print Formation and implementation of environmental policy

at the regional level.

Materials from the All-Russian

scientific-practical conf. Yaroslavl,

Publishing house YSPU, 2011.-

145. Maintaining health and developing a healthy lifestyle among students (article) Printed Implementation




general standards

education in


located in rural

locality: Collection


scientific and practical


Stepanova T.A.,

Bayborodova L.V.,

Gruzdeva M.V. Yaroslavl,

Publishing house YAGPU, 2012.-P.123-

146. Management of the process of preserving and strengthening the health of children in correctional schools (article) Printed Yaroslavl pedagogical.

Bulletin Volume 2.

(Psychological and pedagogical sciences) –

2012.-№2.- P. 32-37. 8s. Sukhodolskaya L.V.

147. Social and pedagogical approach to assessing the risk of morbidity among schoolchildren (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

Volume 2. Psychological

Ped. Sciences.- 2012. - No. 3. 10 p.

148. Monitoring the health of students in the health conservation process management system in correctional school(article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

Volume 2. Psychological

Ped. Sciences.- 2012.-No. 4. 8 p. Sukhodolskaya

149. The use of information and communication technologies in combination with health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process of a compensatory preschool educational institution

(article) Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

Volume 2. Psychological

Ped. Sciences.- 2012. - No. 4. 10 p. Romashkina E.N.

150. Analysis of the effectiveness of improving the health of children with musculoskeletal disorders in a preschool educational institution (article) Printed Yaroslavl pedagogical. Herald.-

Biological Sciences.-2012.-No. 4. 8s. Zasukhina O.M.

151. Formation of schoolchildren’s need for sports and a healthy lifestyle (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. Herald.-

Biological Sciences.-2012.-No. 4. 8s. Kovaleva N.V.

152. Improving the training of oligophrenopedagogues in modern conditions

(article) Collection of scientific works

Ped. readings by Ushinsky. 10s.

153. Results of a study of the readiness of students of defectology specialties and defectologists to carry out health-preserving and health-forming activities (article)

Printed Materialy VIII miedzynaroodowej

naukowi-praktycznej konferencji

“ Dynamika naukowych

Badan – 2012.” 6s. Simanovsky

154. Improving the training of specialists in the social sphere to carry out health-preserving and health-forming activities (article)

Printed Yaroslavl ped. messenger

(special issue) Psychologist-pedologist.

Science. 2012.- No. 5. 10s.

2. Teaching aids

155 Morbidity of medical workers with temporary disability and ways to reduce it (methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State Medical Institute, 1986.- 9 p. 9s./6s. Brezgin V.D.

156. Main directions for preventing drunkenness among medical workers (methodological recommendations) Printed Moscow, 1988.- 13 p. 13s./10s. Basov A.V. Melnikov V.F. Zaporozhchenko V.G.

157. Social and hygienic approach to the formation of risk groups using computers among workers in some industries National economy(methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl: YAGMI, 1988.- 56 p. 56s./15s. Brezgin V.D.

Bekaeva L.V.

Belov A.V. and etc.

158. Lifestyle of healthcare workers (medical, professional activity) (methodological letter) Printed Information and methodological letter. - Moscow, 1988. - 13 p. 13s./10s. Brezgin V.D.

159. Software module “Forecasting the probability of diseases among medical workers” (methodological recommendations) Printed Information leaflet No. 9-89r. - Yaroslavl, 1989.-4p. 4s./3s. Brezgin V.D. Bekaeva L.V.

160. Anxiety in school-age children (methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1991.- 28 p. 28s./20s. Basov A.V.

161. Materials for assessing the readiness of students to study at secondary level (methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1992.-30p. 30s./20s. Basov A.V.

162. Development of logical thinking of students (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1993.-62p. 62s./50s. Basov A.V.

163. Development of logical thinking of students (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 1993.-55 p. 55s./45s. Basov A.V.

164. Development of logical thinking of children (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Gringo LLP, 1995.- 240 p. 240s./200s Basov A.V.

165. Development of cognitive abilities of children (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1996.- 240 p. 240s. -

166. Development of intellectual abilities of a schoolchild (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1996.- 240 p. 240s. -

167. Health and healthy lifestyle (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK PiRRO, 1997.- 73 p. 73s./65s. Basov A.V.

168. Forming in children the correct attitude towards their health (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK Pirro, 1997.-180 p. 180s. -

169. Exercises for every day: logic for preschoolers (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1997.- 240 p. 240s. -

170. Selection of students for classes with in-depth study of humanities (methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK PiRRO, 1998.-24p. 24s. -

171. Exercises for every day: logic for younger schoolchildren (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1998.-210 p. 210s. -

172. Monitoring the health of schoolchildren (methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl: GAC, 1998.- 27 p. 27s./20s. Selevko G.K.

173. Exercises for every day: developing the attention and imagination of preschoolers (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1999. - 250 p. 250s. -

174. Activities of educational institutions to protect and promote children’s health (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl: IPK RO, 2000. -112 p. 112s.

175. Formation and development of a child’s intellectual abilities. Preschoolers. (textbook) Printed M.: Rolf, 2000.-144 p. 144s.

176. Formation and development of a child’s intellectual abilities. Junior schoolchildren. (textbook) Printed M.: Rolf, 2000.-160 p. 160s.

177. Logic. Children 5-7 years old (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.- 160 p. 160s.

178. Memory. Children 5-7 years old (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000.- 144 p. 144s.

179. Cognitive abilities. Children 5-7 years old. (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2000.- 144 p. 144s.

180. Logic. Children 7-10 years old (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.- 150 p. 150s.

181. Formation and development of intellectual abilities. Younger teenagers 10-14 years old. (textbook) Printed Moscow, Rolf, 2001.- 160 p. 160s.

182. Teaching children to think logically (textbook) Printed Encyclopedia of the development and education of preschool children.-

Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.- 155 – 205 p. 50s.

183. Exercises for every day. Health lessons for children 5-8 years old (a manual for parents and teachers).

Printed Federal Book Publishing Program of Russia. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.- 144 p.

184. Schoolchildren about a healthy lifestyle. (tutorial).

Printed Federal Book Publishing Program of Russia. - Yaroslavl: Remder, 2003. - 92 p. 92s. -

185. Exercises for every day: Development of cognitive abilities in younger schoolchildren (a manual for teachers and parents) Printed Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2004.- 120 p. 120s. -

186. Therapeutic pedagogy (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl, 2006.- 48 p. 48s. -

187. I open the world. Development of children's cognitive abilities (textbook) Printed Ekaterinburg: U-Faktoriya.-2006.-240p. 240s. -

188. Development of intellectual abilities of schoolchildren (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.- 160 p. 160s. -

189. Exercises for every day. Logic for preschoolers (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.- 144. 144 p. -

190. Exercises for every day. Logic for junior schoolchildren (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.- 144. 144 p. -

191. How to form a healthy lifestyle in a schoolchild (textbook) Printed Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2007.-192p. 192p. -

192. Preparation and defense of final qualifying works (educational and methodological recommendations) Printed Yaroslavl, YSPU Publishing House, 2008.- 51 p. 51s./ 30s. Makeeva T.V.

193. Psychological aspects of physical culture and sports (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl: YSPU Publishing House, - 2008. - 55 p. 55s./45s. Margazin V.A. et al.

194. Hygiene programs

education of children and adolescents with disabilities (methodological recommendations)

Print Education, correction of developmental disorders and social

adaptation of children with


health opportunities.-

Yaroslavl, 2008.- 117-130 p. 15s./10s. Makshantseva E.N.,

Savateeva A.L.

195. Health-saving technologies in the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions (classes, groups) (methodological recommendations) Print Education, correction of developmental disorders and social

adaptation of children with


health opportunities.-

Yaroslavl, 2008.- 132-148 p. 18s./12s. Makshantseva E.N.,

Savateeva A.L

196. Pedagogical practice of students in the specialty “Oligophrenopedagogy” (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl, YSPU Publishing House, 2009.- 60 p. 60s./20s. Zavertkina L.V. Burykina N.M.

197. Preparation and defense of final qualification work. For students of the specialty “Oligophrenopedagogy”. (educational manual) Printed Yaroslavl, YAGPU Publishing House. - 2009.-57p. 57s./40s. Zavertkina L.V.

198. Education of persons with disabilities: theory and practice of developing a professional development program for teachers of rural schools (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky, 2009.-61p. 61s./20s. Simanovsky A.E.

Novotortseva N.V.

199. Final state certification in oligophrenopedagogy (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky, 2010.- 35 p. 35 s./20 s. Kalugin M.A.

200. Deviation as a social and pedagogical problem. Causes, problems and prevention of deviant behavior (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky, 2010.- 99 p. 99s./40s. Burykina N.M.

201. Health-saving technologies in the activities of special (correctional educational institutions (educational and methodological manual) Printed Yaroslavl: Publishing House Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, 2010.- 71 p. 71 p.

202. Organization independent work students of advanced training courses conducted in the form of remote streaming seminars

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify maximum amount possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Collection of exercises

Part I


Chelyabinsk, 2013

Collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking
in computer science lessons" /
Yu.A. Filatova, N.G. Volkova – ChPK No. 1, 2013.-33 p.

The success of primary school students' education directly depends on the development of their logical thinking. It should become a constant concern of parents, educators and teachers. Teachers, using specially designed exercises in computer science lessons, will be able to successfully develop the logical thinking of schoolchildren.

The proposed collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking in computer science lessons” includes entertaining material: riddles, charades, anagrams, puzzles, rebuses and other interesting tasks, with methodological recommendations on their use.

This collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking in computer science lessons” was successfully tested in computer science lessons when working with third-grade students on the topics “Compare and generalize,” “Be smart,” “Mirror images,” “Create algorithms.”

It is advisable for computer science teachers to use it when third-grade students study the following topics: “Algorithms”, “Objects”, “Logical Reasoning”, “Truth of Statements”, “Analogy”.

Compiled by: Filatova Yu.A.


Preface 4

ChapterI . Algorithmic studies 5

Lesson 1. “Let’s get to know each other better” 6

Lesson 2. “Journey with the algorithm” 8

Lesson 3. “Searching for lost information” 10

Lesson 4. “Ahead with the flow” 12

Lesson 5. “Merry leapfrog” 13

Lesson 6. “Isn’t it time for us to take a break?” 14

Lesson 7. “It’s time to say goodbye” 15

Answers to the sectionI 16

ChapterII . Objects 17

Lesson 8. “Here are new friends” 18

Lesson 9. “Lay out and show” 20

Lesson 10. “What is it called?” 21

Lesson 11. “Find commonalities” 22

Lesson 12. “Who has what” 23

Lesson 13. “Let's start with the tail” 24

Lesson 14. “Funny puzzles” 25

Answers to the sectionII 26

Final test 29

Bibliography 31


According to L.S. Vygotsky, the delay in the development of logical thinking and concept formation in children stems directly from the fact that they have not yet sufficiently mastered the language of logical thinking and concept formation. The school helps students acquire this language. From the teacher primary classes First of all, it depends on the formation of students’ ability to learn.

The developmental activities included in the collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking in computer science lessons” are by no means identical to traditional tasks in computer science lessons, during which the student masters some new knowledge or skills. The point of the presented exercises is that computer science teachers, relying on the students’ existing abilities, have the opportunity to improve their thinking and advance their logical development.

For the successful education of primary school students, their understanding educational material The teacher needs to form three components of thinking:

    high level elementary mental operations;

    high level of activity, manifested in the production large quantity various hypotheses, ideas, several options for solving a problem;

    high level of organization and focus.

If the set tasks for the development of logical thinking of elementary school students become a priority for the teacher, then the process of further assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by students will be more successful.

Chapter I. Algorithmic studies

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate to students that the outcome of an algorithm is determined by the order of certain actions.

Types of exercises used in the section:

    determining the influence of the order of actions on the result;

    drawing up algorithms;

    usage in various ways to record one algorithm;

    analysis of real situations;

    analysis of algorithms and their step-by-step execution, comparison, comparison;






    mirror images.

Lesson 1. “Let’s get to know each other better”

Before starting a lesson with students using this collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking in computer science lessons,” you need to tell the following story:

Guys, yesterday we received a letter in the mail from the wise Algorithm, who loves our school very much. In the letter he said that he wanted to come and visit us and stay for a while. Will we meet him as expected?

I warn you in advance, if you do not want our Algorithm to be offended, then you will need to complete all of its exercises that it has prepared.

And here he is!

And here are the first tasks!

Guys, I was in such a hurry to see you today and by mistake I mixed everything up! I hope you can help me break down a few exercises and put everything in its place!

Exercise 1.

Number the steps of the “Snowman” drawings. In what order will you put them?

Exercise 2.

Look at the picture and think, is everything numbered correctly? If not, then fix it.

Lesson 2. “Journey with the algorithm”

Exercise 1.

Read the task that the Algorithm has prepared and write the answer. Just be careful, the Algorithm likes to joke.

On each birch there are 2 branches, on each branch there are three

apple How many apples are there on the tree?


Exercise 2.

Use arrows to indicate the path to the top.

Exercise 3.

solve the puzzle and install correct order words

1, 2, 3, 4

1, 2, 3, 4


Did you know that...

Laboratory studies have shown that bees are able to choose the optimal route. After localizing the flowers placed in different places, the bee makes a flight and returns back in such a way that the final path turns out to be the shortest. Thus, these insects effectively cope with the classic “traveling salesman problem” from computer science, which modern computers, depending on the number of points, can spend more than one day solving.

Lesson 3. " Finding lost information»

Exercise 1.

It is necessary to complete the drawing cell by cell.

Exercise 2.

"Lost Signs"

I made beads from different numbers,

And in those circles where there are no numbers,

Arrange the pros and cons

To give this answer.

Exercise 3.

Think, find the error in the diagram and correct it.

A father and two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. It can support either a father or two sons on the water. How can a father and two sons cross to the other side?


First child

Father and child

Exercise 4.

Collect the words.

Here are parts of words. The algorithm scattered them in different directions. Your task: return parts of words to their usual places by connecting them with arrows. The words must be related to computer science. Be careful, connect the parts of the right side with the parts of the left using a ruler






country house






Lesson 4. " Go with the flow»

Exercise 1.

Olympic Games originated in Sparta?

Help the algorithm get to the store. Answer each question “Yes” or “No” and move to the next cell.

There are 12 months in a year

Is a hobby an animal?

The main part of the computer is the mouse?


Is the computer designed for gaming?

Exercise 2.

Think and answer.


Olya is more fun than Andrey. Andrey is more fun than Alik. Who's the most fun?


Exercise 3.

Guys, the algorithm came up with a difficult task. And he wants you to solve it. You need to swap the letters and write the correct answers opposite.

Lesson 5. “Merry leapfrog”

Exercise 1.

The essence of the tasks is to discover a word that connects two other words, so that the end of one word becomes the beginning of another, for example: po???tra - polustra






Exercise 2.

Guess who has which ball?

Sasha, Masha, Tanya and Vanya were each given a balloon. The car's ball is not the smallest, but smaller than Sasha and Vanya's. Sasha’s ball is no smaller than Vanya’s.

Exercise 3.

Draw red, yellow and green circles in the boxes so that there are no identical circles in each row and column.

Lesson 6. " Isn't it time for us to take a break?»

Exercise 1.

Today Algorithm came to visit us and brought with him charades that he himself invented. And now he wants you to solve them.

The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book the whole thing will be found,

And they are in every line.

My first syllable is a preposition,

In the second we will live all summer,

And the whole is from us and you

He's been waiting for an answer for a long time.



You will find my first syllable then,

When the water boils in the cauldron,

Pronoun - second syllable,

But in general, the school table is yours.


Exercise 2.

Four figures show the numbers 1 to 4 along with their mirror images:

What will the next drawing be?



Exercise 3.

Think and answer.

Alla, Vera and Galya knitted. Two girls knitted hats, and one knitted mittens. Alla and Vera knitted different things, Vera and Galya did the same. What did each girl knit? _______________________________

Lesson 7. “It’s time to say goodbye”

Guys, it's time to say goodbye to the Algorithm. It's time for him to leave. But lastly, he left us an interesting task. We need to solve the crossword puzzle and write the correct answers into it.



1 .Amazing carriage!

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he

He holds them with his hands.

3. Who stole Thumbelina from the toad?

4. Mother will love her daughter -

Here's your first word.

If the letters are rearranged,

It's probably a mountain.

8. Two boys played checkers for four hours. How long did each boy play?

2 . At first Katya had five pencils, then two more were added to them. How many pencils does Katya have?

5. Sasha is stronger than Vera. Faith is stronger than Lisa. Who is the weakest?

6 . There were five fuel tanks in the warehouse, six tons each. Fuel was released from two tanks. How many tanks are left?

7. Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in total?

First section answers:

Second lesson, ex. 3: The book is a source of knowledge;

Third lesson, ex. 4: Task, mouse, monitor, lesson, model, rebus;

Fourth lesson, ex. 2: Tolya

3: Computer, Processor, Mouse, Keyboard, Algorithm;

Fifth lesson, ex. 1. chocolate bag, corner, LOTOKAR, customary, butt;

Lesson six, ex. 1: Letters, luck, desk;

3: Vera - mittens, Alla and Galya - hats;

Seventh lesson: 1. Trolleybus 2. Seven 3. Beetle 4. Rock 5. Lisa 6. Five 7. Eight 8. Four

Chapter II


The purpose of this section is to teach students to find commonality in component parts, to name common features from one class of objects.

Type of tasks:

    Logical series;

    The words are antonyms;

    Changing the order of letters;

    General in the sentence;


    Search for the main thing;

    Distinctive properties;

    Riddle poems.

Lesson 8. “Here are new acquaintances”

Guys, our Algorithm has gone home. But I have good news! He told his friends about our school. And they decided that they would also like to visit us.

And here they are!

New and interesting tasks from wizards again!

Exercise 1.

In front of you is a block of numbers. Your task is to underline THREE numbers in each row that add up to the one at the end of the row.

10 6 5 9 8 7 11 15

10 2 3 7 9 12 8 4

9 6 11 20 14 7 8 23

6 18 20 11 19 4 30 5

10 9 12 7 3 1 15 6

Exercise 2.

You are asked to change only one letter in each word so that you get a new one - the name of an animal, for example, shield - whale.

Slave – Iraq –

Forest – Lyra –

Mouth – Lie –

Volya – Rus' –

Tribute - Torment -

Shelter – Soda –

Roar – Crust –

Ode – Crown –

Lesson 9. " Lay it out and show it»

Exercise 1.

Find the extra word and underline it:

A) Table, crucian carp, winter, TV

B) Winter, table, horse, drop

C) Mirror, book, sea, wheel

Exercise 2.

Instead of ellipses, insert words opposite in meaning to those highlighted (antonyms).

I'll say the word: high!

And you will answer: !

I'll say the word: far!

And you will answer!

I'll tell you a word: coward!

You will answer: !

Now Start I will say,

Well, answer: !

Exercise 3.

You have been given words, but vowels have been lost in each of them, try to restore them.

Lesson 10. " What is it called?

Exercise 1.

Guess the charade and write the correct answer.

My first three letters are pronounced,

When the enemy is attracted to mice,

The second three letters are brought into the house

At Christmas, when they especially want

Please the children. And the whole thing is eaten!


Exercise 2.

Guess which word should be put in place of the gaps so that together with the letters next to each other, new words are formed.


Yo T

b z a






Sh Yo




Lesson 11. “Find commonalities”

Exercise 1.

Find the hidden names.

    This lobster is tasteless and so are the apples. Nanny, give me some fresh ones - in orange jelly. ________, __________, __________

    My friend and my true joy! Bring some hot peppers from the summer market, please! ________, ______, _______, _______

    I forged iron on a clear day. And these things are not difficult - it’s easy to get started. ________, __________, __________, __________

    The May light doesn’t bother me either, but I feel bad because of the early night. _______, ________, __________

    Everyone knows your advice, but I can’t catch the insidious fry now, I’ll tell you honestly. ________, __________, __________, __________

Exercise 2.

Determine the pattern of arrangement of numbers in each row and complete it.


Exercise 2.

Look through the rows, and in each one, underline the word that differs from all the others in some way.

    Stove, candle, duck, sheep 2. Scream, scream, croak, crow

3. Krum, Brook, Friend, Shmyak 4. Fish, cancer, eel, scorpio

5.Night, daughter, rye, mouse 6.Ears, head, legs, shoulders

Fun change!

A spoon is usually used for eating. But it can still be used as a musical instrument.

Second section answers:

Lesson 9, ex. 3: peony, aria, fan, snake, marvel, movie;

Tenth 10, exercise. 1: Kissel;

2: Floor, Goal, Sweat

3: Kolya;

Lesson 11, ex. eleven. Maria, Zhenya, Eva;

2. Kira, Yana, Igor, Egor;

3. Valya, Zoya, Maxim, Oleg;

4. Tim, Sveta, Ira;

5. Seva, Yakov, Alexey, Nora.

Lesson 14. Work makes the heart happy;

Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.


The development of thinking in elementary school is an extremely delicate matter, requiring a careful balance between logic and intuition, words and visual images, conscious and subconscious. Obviously, a traditional textbook with a series of similar exercises and dry explanations for them is not suitable for these purposes, even if these exercises are of a “developmental nature.”

The purpose of the collection is:

    Using the collection as an additional source of knowledge;

    Development of thinking through interesting tasks.

The collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking in computer science lessons” is not difficult to use. All information is presented in an accessible form. Answers are attached to each task.

First of all, it must be said that the collection of exercises “Developing logical thinking in computer science lessons” is divided into two sections, each with seven lessons. At each lesson, the student can complete from two to four exercises on the topics “Let’s get to know each other better,” “Traveling with the Algorithm,” “Searching for lost information,” “Ahead with the flow,” “Isn’t it time for us to take a break?”, “Fun leapfrog” , “It’s time to say goodbye”, “Here are new acquaintances”, “What is it called?”, “Lay it out and show it”, “Find something in common”, “Who has what”, “Let’s start from the tail”, “Funny puzzles” .– See the section “Magical help”;

!!! - Be careful;


It should be noted that in the workbook symbols arranged like a ladder, but not signed. Students sign them together with the teacher. After the guys finish signing the notebook, you can go and see if all the guys guessed that the first two symbols are signed on the right side, and the last two on the left. For yourself, you need to note the guys who did not cope with this task and take note of them so that you can pay attention to them in future work.

Final test

    Complete the actions. Enter the result.

    Think of a single digit number...;

    Add 5...;

    Add the results of actions 1 and 2...;

    Subtract 4...;

    Add 10...;

    Subtract twice the intended number...;

Did you get 11? If not, check that each action was performed correctly.

    What actions and in what order must be performed to solve this example: 37 * 3 + 28: (17 – 3) = ...?

List these steps in the correct order:

If the word is a noun in nominative case, then it answers the questions...

    Misha lives 15 meters from the school, Katya lives 7 meters further than Dima, and Dima lives 30 meters from Misha. Who lives furthest from school?

    I am the antonym of the word summer, dressed in a snowy fur coat,

Although I love frost myself, because I...

* 7. Every time on his birthday, Sasha’s parents gave him a book. In 1996, Sasha turned twelve years old, and he received the fourth book as a gift from his parents. In what year, in what month and on what date was Sasha born?

* 8. Draw a happy, sad and surprised smiley face in the boxes so that there are no identical smiley faces in each row and column.

* 9. It is necessary to swap the letters and write the correct answers opposite.

1) O D R O A G. . .

2) O G R D O

3) O R O D G O

4) O D R A G A

* 10. A fire broke out in the jungle. Bagheera must carry a kitten, a fox and a mouse to save them from the fire. In what order will she carry them, given that the kitten and little ladder are hunting for mice?


    Agafonova, I.N. Learning to think / I.N. Agafonova. – St. Petersburg: “MiM-Express”, 1996 – 96 p.

    Anufriev, A.F. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children / A.F. Anufriev, S.N. Kostromina. – M.: Publishing house “Os-89”, 2009. – 272 p.

    Vinokurova, N.K. Let's think together / N.K. Vinokurova. – M.: ROST, Skrin, 1998. – 128 p.

    Nikolskaya, I.L. Gymnastics for the mind / I.L. Nikolskaya, L.I. Tigranova. – M.: Education: Educational literature, 1997. – 208 p.

    Pautova, A.G. Informatics and ICT: A set of computer programs for the textbook: 2nd grade: Methodological manual / A.G. Pautova. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2009. – 72 p.

    Pautova, A.G. Informatics: A set of computer programs for the textbook: 3rd grade: Methodological manual / A.G. Pautova. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2007. – 100 p.

    Tikhomirova, L.F. Exercises for every day: logic for primary schoolchildren / L.F. Tikhomirov. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy, K: Academy Holding, 2000. – 208 p.

    Tikhomirova, L.F. Basov, A.V. Development of logical thinking in children / L. F. Tikhomirova, A. V. Basov. – Yaroslavl: Gringo LLP, 1995. – 240 p.

    Tonkikh, A.P. Logic games and problems in mathematics lessons / A.P. Tonkikh, T.P. Kravtsov, E.A. Lysenko, D.A. Stogova, S.V. Goloshchapova. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1997. – 240 p.
