The concept of social adaptation of persons with disabilities. Social adaptation of young people with disabilities

Sociocultural adaptation of children

with disabilities

Sociocultural adaptation is one of the most relevant and popular areas of social practice. A high humanitarian orientation, social spiritual support for vulnerable segments of the population, concern for the social and cultural development of children with disabilities, their introduction to the riches of universal human culture, to amateur crafts and creativity have always been characteristic of the advanced strata of Russian society.

Of all the problems that prevent the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of society, the problem of sociocultural adaptation is the most acute. Sociocultural adaptation is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon characterized by constant transformations. The sociocultural adaptation of a child with disabilities occurs in three links: personality, society, culture, where the requirements and expectations of the social environment for the personality of an “atypical” child are constantly coordinated. Children with disabilities will use the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of sociocultural adaptation to meet the needs of life, which will help them become full-fledged members of society.

For children with disabilities, sociocultural adaptation has important in further integration into society and life in general.

The implementation of the main types and forms of entry of a child with disabilities into society is carried out within the framework of five adaptation centers (the first - sociocultural interaction within the parental family; the second - with the immediate family environment; the third - within the framework of a preschool educational institution, in the courtyard of the house; the fourth - within the walls of the secondary school). general education institutions, as well as in cultural and sports institutions; fifth - in the post-school period).

The success of adaptation practices is directly related to the characteristics of the sociocultural macro- and microenvironment, and to the specifics of state sociocultural policy. Thanks to the functioning of the institutions of family and education, it is possible for a child to achieve an adaptation standard, the level of which can be determined according to the developed criterion system of an individual’s readiness for adaptation and his social integration.

The essence of sociocultural adaptation of persons with disabilities is associated, first of all, with their “inclusion” into society, into ordinary interpersonal relationships, due to the expansion of rights and opportunities to participate in all types and forms of sociocultural life.

The main object of sociocultural adaptation and support are socially weakened and socially unprotected groups of the population, primarily children with disabilities. A significant part of these children are united by their initiative International organization health care (WHO) concept of social disability associated with impairments or limitations in life. The term “social failure” or “maladaptation” means a violation or significant limitation in a person of his usual life activities due to old age, congenital or acquired disability, illness, injury or disorder, as a result of which the usual contacts with the environment are lost, corresponding age, life functions and roles. A derived concept from it is socio-cultural deficiency, which is associated with a partial or complete inability to perform socio-cultural functions considered normal for individuals of this age, gender and a number of other socio-demographic characteristics.

As practice shows, a decent lifestyle for children with problems of physical and mental development cannot be guaranteed by taking only adequate measures of medical or psychological intervention. To reach a level of socio-cultural competence that would allow this part of the population to enter into ordinary social contacts and interaction, ─ this is the goal that unites and civil institutions, and children with disabilities themselves.

In a narrower sense, sociocultural adaptation of a child with disabilities means targeted, personal assistance, joint identification with him of his own spiritual goals, interests and needs, ways and means of overcoming obstacles. The search and mobilization of all the reserves and capabilities available to the child himself will ultimately help him adapt and function normally in the surrounding socio-cultural environment, learning, communication, and creativity.

The problem of adaptation is closely related to the problem of health – illness. This continuum is integral to the life path of the individual. Multifunctionality and multidirectionality of the life path determine the interrelation of somatic processes (attitude to one’s physicality, one’s health), personal (attitude to oneself as an individual, attitude to one’s behavior, mood, thoughts, defense mechanisms), and social (communication, attitude to situations And social institutions, activity) functioning.

Sociocultural adaptation involves optimizing the interaction of a child with disabilities and his family with the sociocultural environment, which is one of the most important factors and conditions for development.

The sociocultural environment acts as a determining factor in the realization of his needs and requests, and is the most important condition for revealing the essence of the child. However, a child masters sociocultural norms and values ​​only through his own experience, communication, direct contact, and thanks to his activity.

The process of sociocultural adaptation is ensured by a system of social protection measures aimed at creating conditions for the individual for his full or partial legal, political, economic, social, cultural independence and equal opportunities with other citizens to participate in public life and development of society.

However, social structures are faced with the task of increasing activity among families raising children with disabilities, because often children are isolated from society by the parents themselves. Here it is necessary to improve the culture towards disabled people not only of society as a whole, but also of disabled people themselves and their families.

The system of sociocultural adaptation should contribute to the formation of an active life position in families with disabilities in general.

Thus, the sociocultural adaptation of children with disabilities should be considered in two aspects. On the one hand, it can be represented as a specific means of culture and art, recommended for a child with disabilities in an individual rehabilitation program to restore or compensate for impaired or lost functions. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that familiarization with cultural values, participation in general cultural and leisure activities along with all members of society contribute to an increase in emotional tone, social communications, and social inclusion of persons with disabilities, which is of a general rehabilitation nature.


1. Ilyichev D. Rehabilitation of children with disabilities // Social work. - 2003. - No. 2.- P. 46

2. Comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people. Ed. T.V. Zozuli. – M., 2005.

3. Smirnova E.R. Family of an atypical child: Sociocultural aspects. – Saratov, 1996.

4. Shpak L.L. Sociocultural adaptation: essence, direction, mechanisms of implementation. - Kemerovo, 1992.

K.I. Tesler



The solution to the problem of social adaptation and accessibility of the urban environment for people with disabilities through the creation of public rehabilitation centers that combine health, educational, sports, cultural, social, scientific, technical and production functions is considered.

Keywords: public rehabilitation centers, public environment, social adaptation, disabled people, low-mobility group of the population (MPG).

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, 10.3% of the total number of Russian citizens are disabled. In the total number of people with abnormal development, the blind and visually impaired are 5 (of which 85.3 are visually impaired), 10.81 are deaf and hard of hearing, 73.9 are mentally retarded, 2.57 are with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, and 2.57 are severely disabled. speech disorders - 3.5, with other disorders - 4.2%. However, it is worth noting that the percentage of disability detection directly depends on the degree technical development specific region of the country. So, for example, the percentage of disabled people per capita in large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg significantly exceeds the identified percentage in the cities of Eastern Siberia and in Far East. Level up medical care and diagnosing diseases at early stages leads not only to an increase in the number of cases of disability prevented or to a decrease unfavorable factors, but also to an increase in the percentage of identified patients. This is evidenced by statistics: the percentage of disabled people in countries with the most developed healthcare systems, such as Finland, France and the UK, exceeded 25% of the total population of the country. In Russia, about 15 million people, not counting visitors, are disabled. This figure indicates the importance of one of the factors determining the quality of architectural and planning solutions, the possibility of access to the building for all groups of the population, including people with disabilities.

The current state of statistics makes us think not only about providing the necessary living conditions, but also about the possibility of socialization and employment of people with disabilities. In this situation, along with ethical and moral principles, economic processes also begin to operate. This significant segment of the population must be employed, otherwise its subsidized position will be a significant economic burden for the state.

IN modern conditions Economic factors are far from significant in their importance. last place. If we consider this problem in more detail, it can be noted that an unemployed person receiving disability benefits not only does not bring income to the state in the form of payroll taxes, but is also significantly limited in his consumption ability, which in turn affects the commodity market. Of course, all kinds of subsidies and benefits intended for people with limited mobility cannot

© Tesler K.I., 2012

be canceled even with full employment, however, these funds can be spent more expediently, which will contribute to the rapid development of science and technology in this area.

If we look at this problem from the other side, then the inadequacy of measures taken to ensure accessibility of the urban environment entails the exclusion of almost 10% of the country's population from social and economic processes. It is also worth noting the loss of part of the tourism market.

The process of adaptation of Russian cities for MGN actually began with the introduction of SNiP 35-01-2001. “Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility” and SP series. According to these documents, it became necessary to design and build new, as well as reconstruct existing buildings, taking into account the provision of living conditions for MGN, equal to the conditions of other categories of the population. However, individual buildings that meet all accessibility conditions can be compared to islands in the endless ocean of the urban environment. At the same time, issues of transport accessibility from one building to another have not yet been resolved. Even in Moscow, MGN (M4) can only get from the Kremlin to the Novodevichy Convent by using a social taxi. On this moment only 9 out of 185 Moscow metro stations are equipped with lifts for the disabled. For example, in Vienna, where 600 thousand people live, 2 thousand lifts are installed.

An accessible environment is an environment in which any person, regardless of his condition, physical capabilities and other limitations, has the opportunity to have unimpeded access to any social, public, transport and other urban infrastructure, and can also move freely along any chosen route. At the same time, in addition to people with disabilities (disabled people in wheelchairs, people with musculoskeletal disorders, people with visual impairments and people with hearing impairments), there is another category of the population that also needs a “barrier-free” environment. These are people with disabilities who have difficulty moving independently and orienting themselves in space (elderly people, pregnant women, people with young children and other people who, due to a permanent or temporary physical disability, are forced to use aids and devices for their movement). And if the share of disabled people in modern society is about 10%, then together with other people with limited mobility this figure, according to various statistics, is 25... 30% (depending on the demographic structure of the population). Therefore, any measures to create a publicly accessible space are vital for 10% of the population, useful for 30%, and convenient for 100%. The widespread creation of a continuous barrier-free environment leads to the solution of many social problems big city. The concept of the formation of urban space should be built on this principle. The solutions developed must meet the needs of the urban population, be it an adult, a child, a pregnant woman, a cyclist or a wheelchair user.

An effective rehabilitation system for people with disabilities is based on the following principles: integration into society, consolidation of efforts, complexity and accessibility, humanity and morality, priority of family support, stimulation of one’s own activity, permanent employment of people with disabilities, a combination of traditions and innovations. Creating an environment surrounding a disabled person, taking into account these principles and using modern technologies will ensure a qualitatively new level of rehabilitation, achieve productivity and clarity of functioning of the social rehabilitation system.

To solve rehabilitation problems, 19 rehabilitation centers and 69 social rehabilitation departments are already operating in Moscow, using in their activities

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advanced methods, including timely prevention, early diagnosis, qualified medical care and modern technical means of rehabilitation. It is assumed that in an inclusive environment, people with disabilities are more quickly included in the social life of society, establish communications more easily, and are capable of working. The social adaptation of disabled people directly depends on their ability to move independently, work, meet life’s needs, receive education and work specialties, communicate and relax. The quality of the adaptation process directly depends on the availability of all these capabilities. Very important element in this process is sport, which allows people with disabilities to open up even more and integrate into external environment, achieving unimaginable success, winning international awards. Also, do not forget about work activity, which allows you not only to develop professionally, but also to be independent both physically and materially.

To solve this problem, a targeted reconstruction of individual routes and neighborhoods is required to ensure the accessibility of the MGN. Thus, by creating “accessibility centers” according to a specially developed project, combining health, educational, sports, cultural, social, scientific, technical and production functions, significant results can be achieved in the foreseeable future.

An example of such everyday routes of movement of MGN can be the path of a blind person from his place of residence to his place of work, study, treatment, rehabilitation and back. The visually disabled are the most vulnerable of all groups of disabled people. The most important role in his orientation in the urban environment is played by hearing; thanks to hearing, the possibility of remote perception of the surrounding world is preserved. However, in a large city, this possibility is significantly limited due to increased background noise. Therefore, the creation of centers for rehabilitation, communication, training and work of people with visual impairments is one of the priorities in this area. Such public rehabilitation centers need to be created on routes already mastered by disabled people of this group, such as the path taken by MGN from the treatment center to diagnosis or rehabilitation.

The basis for such centers should be a rehabilitation institution in which patients undergo rehabilitation treatment. This functional block can be considered the core of the center around which the entire functional scheme of the complex is built. The most effective rehabilitation centers are those that work with several medical institutions. This not only makes it possible to ensure their stable, uniform loading, but also significantly reduces financial costs for personnel and equipment. As practice has shown, in such centers the least workload falls on the diagnostic department, which has the most expensive equipment. Based on this, it is necessary to build an architectural and planning solution for the complex, highlighting a central diagnostic and laboratory block, around which the ward buildings of the rehabilitation center will be located, and their number should ensure that this block is fully loaded. Also, in some cases, it is advisable to locate a general or specialized clinic block in conjunction with diagnostics. Depending on the territorial location, the structure of the public rehabilitation center is supplemented by day hospital departments or sanatorium-and-boarding-type buildings.

Being a structure-forming block, the rehabilitation center forms around itself a group of auxiliary blocks, such as shopping, hotel,

residential, industrial, public recreational, sports, office or research. Such a merger helps to increase the profitability of the center by attracting additional consumers to each of the blocks. But in addition to economic benefits, there is perhaps the most important aspect - the creation of a unified comfortable environment that satisfies almost all the everyday needs of people with disabilities. The creation of such comfortable zones should significantly improve the standard of living of disabled people and serve their full socialization and adaptation to modern life. With this layout, the center provides the opportunity for MGN to refuse daily movement around the city, which is not yet fully consistent with their capabilities, while at the same time not limiting their mobility in any way.

By creating similar “equal opportunity centers” connected by adapted routes public transport, it is possible to achieve the creation of a modern, thoughtful, streamlined, accessible environment throughout the city, which in turn will have a positive impact on the social adaptation of MGN.


1. Materials of the collection “Russian Statistical Yearbook” of the Federal State Statistics Service for 2011. Access mode: Date of access: 04/16/12.

2. Materials from the website Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation. Access mode: Date of access: 6.06.12.

3. Semenova S.A., Shreiber A.A. Comprehensive assessment of the urban environment taking into account the needs of people with limited mobility and people with disabilities // Architecture and urban planning.

2011. No. 5 (37). pp. 73-78.

4. Korobeynikova A.A., Tesler K.I. Principles of creating a publicly accessible environment in large cities using the example of Moscow // Sat. reports of the intra-university conference on the results of student research work 2011/2012. pp. 71-74.

5. Gerhard Loeschcke, Lothar Marx, Daniela Pourat. Barrierefries Bauen. Band 1/ ©2011 BeuthVerlagGmbH Berlin-Wien-Zurich. 296 p.

6. Kicherova M.N. Social rehabilitation of disabled people in the West Siberian region, main approaches, ways of development: dissertation. ...cand. social Sci. Tyumen, 2009. 199 p.

7. Stepanov V.K. Specialized training and treatment centers. M.: Stroyizdat, 1987. 200 p.

8. PhilippMeuser, Christoph Schirmer. New Hospital Buildings in Germany Volume 1: General Hospitals and Health Centers / © 2006 by DOM publishers. 304 p.

Received by the editors in July 2012.

About the author: Tesler Kirill Igorevich - candidate of architecture, senior lecturer at the Department of Building Design, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Moscow, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, 26, tesler.k@ .

For citation: Tesler K.I. Social adaptation of persons with disabilities through the creation of public rehabilitation centers // Bulletin of MGSU

2012. No. 10. P. 51-55.


Despite the ever improving living conditions and the quality of medical care, the percentage of disabled people in the society is now as high as it was in the past. Social adaptation and accessibility of the urban environment for people with disabilities remains the most important problem of contemporary architecture.

/SSW 1997-0935. Vestnik MGSU. 2012. No. 10

The solution is to establish public rehabilitation centers that perform recreational, educational, sports, cultural, social, technological and production functions. This solution is most needed for blind and visually impaired people, because they experience particular problems in traveling in the urban environment. Establishment of the barrier-free environment can solve the problem of socialization of disabled people, because it contemplates all functional processes that they need. Integration of various functional units within public rehabilitation centers helps improve the living conditions of disabled people, and at the same time it contributes to the profitability of these centers as a whole and provides the necessary impetus boosting the development of techniques and technologies required for low mobility groups of people.

Key words: public rehabilitation centers, friendly urban environment, social adaptation, people with disabilities.

1. Materials of the "2011 Statistical Yearbook of Russia" composed by the Federal State Statistics Service]. Available at: Date of access: 04/16/12.

2. Materials of the website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Available at: Date of access: 6.06.12.

3. Semenova S.A., Shreyber A.A. Kompleksnaya otsenka gorodskoy sredy s uchetom potrebnostey malomobil "nykh grupp naseleniya i invalidov. Arkhitektura i gradostroitel"stvo. 2011, no. 5(37), pp. 73-78.

4. Korobeynikova A.A., Tesler K.I. Printsipy sozdaniya obshchedostupnoy sredy v bol"shikh gorodakh na primere g. Moskvy. Collected reports of the university conference covering the research projects implemented by students in 2011/2012, pp. 71-74.

5. Gerhard Loeschcke, Lothar Marx, Daniela Pourat. Barrier-free Construction. 2011, BeuthVerlagGmbH Berlin-Wien-Zurich, vol. 1,296 p.

6. Kicherova M.N. Sotsial"naya reabilitatsiya invalidov v Zapadnosibirskom regione: osnovnye podkhody, puti razvitiya. Tyumen, 2009, 199 p.

7. Stepanov V.K. Spetsializirovannye uchebno-lechebnye tsentry. Moscow, Stroyizdat Publ., 1987, 200 p.

8. Philipp Meuser, Christoph Schirmer. New Hospital Buildings in Germany. Vol. 1. General Hospitals and Health Centers. DOM Publ., 2006, 304 p.

Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; [email protected].

For citation: Tesler K.I. Sotsial"naya adaptatsiya lits s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami posredstvom sozdaniya obshchestvenno-reabilitatsionnykh tsentrov. Vestnik MGSU. 2012, no. 10, pp. 51-55.

Life is a path, and manbuilder of this path"


Meaning of life- this is a movement to the east, beyond the horizon, this is an unattainable phenomenon. Task: to strive to achieve - this is the meaning of life. Great wisdom: when a person can enter into the process of life and move forward.

A goal in life is something fundamentally achievable.

Many people confuse the concepts of “purpose of life” and “meaning of life”. Achieving the goal of life is not the meaning of life. Often, having achieved a goal, a person faces hopelessness, a precipice. There are two tragedies in life:

1. When a person set a goal and did not achieve it

2. When you set a goal and realized it.

But sometimes we don’t pay attention to this.

Example: I) young man: the goal is an apartment, he worked a lot, earned an apartment, “washed” it. The result is an alcoholic.

There is emptiness behind the goal. This is a condition of apparent death. We must learn to refocus.

The state program of rehabilitation and adaptation for disabled people includes:

1.In self-realization.

2.In material support.

3.In employment.

4. On the move.

5.In communication.

6.In comfortable living conditions.

7. In restoring impaired abilities.

8.In socio-psychological adaptation.

9. In the opportunity to gain knowledge.

10.Free access to cultural, social and community facilities.

Needs of people with disabilities in different spheres of life

Education of people with disabilities.

If you want to succeed in this life, to enjoy it, for yourself, for your loved ones, you must, first of all, think about what your capabilities are. And your opportunities increase when you can manage your health."

L.A. Boqueria

Under education in the Law of the Russian Federation On education is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of an individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels established by the state (educational qualifications).

The right to education is the most important socio-cultural human right, enshrined and guaranteed, first of all, by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as other normative legal acts.

Realization of the right to education is a prerequisite for successful socialization of a person. Receiving a quality education is a guarantee of further employment, participation in political life society, realization of personal, economic and other rights.

According to Part 1 of Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation– a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure decent life and the free development of a person, whose tasks are to support the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens (Part 2 of Article 7).

Protection of human rights, including the right to education, is guaranteed by the state (Article 45), in the Russian Federation There is a ban on the publication of laws that abolish or diminish the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (Article 55). The Constitution of the Russian Federation places the health of citizens under state protection (Article 41).

IN Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that everyone has the right to education. Guaranteed universal access and free pre-school, basic general and secondary education vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises.

Everyone has the right, on a competitive basis, to receive free higher education in a state or municipal educational institution and at the enterprise.

One of the conditions for full social participation for a disabled person is to receive

general And vocational education, acquisition of a competitive and prestigious profession.

The creation of conditions for disabled people to receive general and vocational education is enshrined in the federal laws “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” (1995), “On Education” (1996), “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (1996), as well as in regulatory documents of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. Publicly accessible and free education for persons with disabilities is confirmed by the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2001.

According to these laws and regulations the state must ensure that disabled people receive general education, primary and secondary vocational and higher education. In addition, it is envisaged to create special conditions adequate to the health status of disabled people and provide a number of benefits in the field of education. For example, disabled people of groups I and II for training in specialties recommended by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, subject to passing entrance exams, are accepted without competition into state secondary and higher vocational educational institutions, as well as for training courses in various professions; they have the right to free education at advanced training and retraining courses; students are provided with special services free of charge or on preferential terms teaching aids, can use the services of sign language interpreters, etc.

Priority modern research problems of functioning of persons with disabilities (HH) and the possibilities of their inclusion is to develop the foundations of their positive socialization, based on the intersection of three processes: rehabilitation, compensation, social adaptation. According to A.R. Luria, “a person cannot “close” for repairs,” therefore all three processes are fused together, and they should be considered as an open dynamic system, the result of the successful action of which is the positive socialization of the personality of a person with disabilities.

Compensation - this is the process of compensation for missing or impaired functions based on the restructuring of intact or partially impaired ones. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the defect creates incentives for the development of compensatory processes in development and behavior (replacing, building on, leveling). The assessment of the degree of defectiveness or normality of the individual as a whole depends on the outcome of social compensation. In the modern understanding, the essence and processes of compensation for impaired or delayed development are a complex interaction of social and biological factors, the system-forming ones being human activity and social relationships. Taking into account the systemic nature of the structure of the psyche, compensation is realized at the following levels:

1) biological/bodily: predominantly automatic and unconscious compensatory processes;

2) psychological: the ability to adequately assess one’s capabilities and set realistic goals and objectives, form and maintain a positive attitude towards oneself;

3) socio-psychological: interpersonal relationships of persons with disabilities with environment, built on the principles of social partnership, tolerance, emotional support and understanding. These are the main conditions for unlocking their resource capabilities, strengthening self-confidence, restoring a positive attitude towards oneself, awareness of need, understanding one’s own independence and autonomy;

4) social: state policy towards persons with disabilities, legislative provision of certain guarantees, stereotypical attitudes towards persons with disabilities and their consequences.

In humans, compensation processes consist, first of all, in the formation of methods of action and assimilation of social experience in conditions of conscious, purposeful activity; The leading role here is played by consciousness, conditioned by social relations. Thus, compensation in a person is associated with the development of all aspects of the personality, that is, with the psychological level - a central way for a person to restore impaired functions.

Psychological compensation is a process aimed at achieving or restoring a sense of internal stability and self-acceptance in connection with the experience of failure in various aspects of life.

L.S. Vygotsky identified several lines of compensatory character development: real compensation - a reaction to more or less realistically taken into account difficulties; fictitious- installation of alertness, suspicion, suspiciousness - as a protection against difficulties that arise; flight into illness- turning weakness into strength by cultivating a disease in oneself, which gives the right to demand increased attention to oneself. IN modern interpretations compensation is the opposition of failure in one area to success in another (“but”, “instead”); overcompensation - increasing efforts in the area of ​​insolvency (“overcoming”); The optimal form of compensation is the complementarity of the above methods. The highest form of compensation is behavior aimed at achieving a goal: balancing life ambitions and the level of aspirations with the level of one’s abilities in unfavorable conditions limited health and life opportunities.

Socio-psychological level compensation is carried out in the sphere of interpersonal relations of persons with disabilities with their immediate environment. The most important environmental factor of this compensation is social support in the form of information that leads a person to the belief that he is loved, valued, cared for, and that he is a member of a social network and has mutual obligations with it. The feeling of socio-psychological well-being is associated with three main pillars of life: family, profession and immediate environment outside the family: here a person realizes the awareness of his involvement and independence.

By interacting with the social environment, a person becomes socialized: he assimilates social experience and transforms it into his values, orientations, and attitudes. In the context of personal health, a number of significant socialization parameters can be identified (Table 1).

Table 1

Conditions and personal prerequisites for positive socialization

Conditions/criteria for assessing a person’s mental and personal health

Personality Characteristics Necessary for Positive Socialization

Reacting to another as an equal

The ability to change one's value orientations

A reaction to the fact of the existence of norms in relations between people, that is, the identification of these norms and the desire to follow them

Focus not on specific requirements, but on understanding universal moral norms

The nature of experiencing one's relative dependence on other people

The ability to find a balance between your values ​​and external demands

The process and result of socialization - consequences internal contradiction between a person’s identification with society and his isolation. A person who has adapted to society and is unable to resist it is a victim of socialization; an unadapted person is the same victim, a deviant. Let us also note that the variability of the social environment can turn previously formed socialization and social adaptation into failure, and its success is largely ensured by the extent to which a person has learned to navigate unforeseen social situations.

Social level compensation is associated with the macro-social scale of human existence: this is the state policy towards persons with disabilities, including educational and professional; legislation; the nature of the attitude towards people with disabilities in the sphere of ordinary mass consciousness, depending on the confessional, ethnocultural and historical traditions of society, on the education system and the media.

The attitude of society towards persons with disabilities, mainly their immediate environment, is determined by specific interactions mediated by the presence of one or another developmental disorder. Such a person depends much more than an ordinary person on emotional and social relations environment. According to L.S. Vygotsky, every biological defect primarily affects relationships with people and is realized as a social abnormality of behavior that rebuilds the individual’s relationships.

Rehabilitation - this is a complex multi-level education, a system of state, socio-economic, medical, professional, pedagogical, psychological and other activities aimed at preventing the development of pathological processes leading to temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, at the effective and early return of sick and disabled people (children and adults) into society. The result of the rehabilitation effect is the formation of an active attitude towards health problems and the restoration of a positive attitude towards life, towards family, society and towards oneself.

The effectiveness of the rehabilitation process depends largely on the degree of its involvement in the needs and interests, ideals and values, essence and existence of the person in need of rehabilitation. We can say that if a person’s personality is the object of rehabilitation influence, then its active creativity turns it into a subject of rehabilitation. The most important task of a psychologist in working with people with disabilities is to create the prerequisites for personal growth, to develop the ability to positively perceive oneself and life.

Within the framework of the sociological concept of vital forces, it is argued that their implementation depends not only on the opportunities provided by society, but also on individual personal characteristics, based primarily on the spiritual values ​​and attitudes of a person. The level of development of vital forces, the degree of self-realization of an individual in various spheres of life is expressed in the form of satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with one’s capacity, health, psychological state, surrounding micro- and macro-environment, income received, inclusion in social infrastructure, etc. . All this causes differences in the level of education, lifestyle, professional base, and the possibility of choosing life strategies between social groups.

Psychological rehabilitation is focused on the reorganization and optimization of the socio-psychological existence of the individual, bringing a person’s capabilities into line with his needs and values. Rehabilitation is aimed not at the disorder itself, but at the personality of a person with one or another disorder, at restoring its full existence in society, at overcoming social consequences illness or developmental deficiency.

From a psychological point of view, the drama of disability is in the conflict of full-fledged human needs with limited possibilities for their implementation. Rehabilitation is aimed at maximally overcoming and resolving this conflict state; otherwise, a gradual deformation of the personality of a person with disabilities is possible. Main target psychological rehabilitation - prevent the transformation of a disabled person’s personality into a disabled person.

Versatile functional deficiency, arising as a consequence of a primary health disorder, leads, first of all, to dissociability, deviations in the “social field”:

  • · to violations of social perception - adequate perception of other people with their advantages, disadvantages, problems. At the same time, one’s own personality, including the internal picture of an illness or defect, is presented distortedly, and the inadequacy of one’s own attitudes is not felt;
  • · to contradictions between the value relations of a person with disabilities and the requirements of the environment, leading to a narrowing of opportunities due to subjectively inflated expectations and requirements;
  • · to the absence or suppression of socially significant motivations, distortion of values, the reasons for which are a lack of individual experience associated with illness or dysontogenesis, a lack of skills and knowledge, as well as negative experiences of activity and communication.

Rehabilitation is the restoration of lost abilities and fitness. Congenital or early acquired disorders of health, physical or mental development determine the absence of a period of normal development, as well as the initial maladjustment. In relation to disabled people, the term has been used since childhood habilitation. Literally translated from Latin habilitation- the acquisition of the ability to do something, that is, we are not talking about the return of the ability, but about its initial formation. The essence of socio-psychological habilitation of children and adolescents is the formation of a personality with such qualities and properties that would allow not only integration into labor activity, but also to establish productive relationships with other people. This can be achieved only on the basis of socio-psychological adaptation and harmonization of the child’s personality. Systematization of the functions of socio-psychological adaptation and criteria for personality harmonization (Table 2) allows us to see their internal connections and mutual influence.

table 2

Criteria for personality harmonization in the processsocio-psychological adaptation

Functions of socio-psychological adaptation

Harmonization criteria


Achieving optimal balance in the dynamic system “personality - social environment”

Achievement acceptable level inner honesty

Manifestation and development of creative potential and abilities of the individual

High level of self-esteem of self-strength

Increasing the social activity of the individual, regulating communication and relationships

Self-leadership ability

Formation of emotionally comfortable positions

Developing the ability to emotionally accept oneself


Positive assessment of one’s self according to the criteria of spirituality and internal wealth of the individual

Self-knowledge and self-correction

Harmonious relationship between the real self and the ideal self

Personal protection

Adequate action of self-support and self-protection mechanisms

Improving operational efficiency

Reducing the frequency of occurrence of negative emotions towards one’s own self

and no need for self-justification

Increasing stability and cohesion of the social environment

Reducing the level of emotional tension and anxiety

Maintaining Mental Health

The basis of the victimological concept of sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people is the concept of adaptation barriers that arise as a result of a deficit of social, emotional and cognitive competence, blocking the social adaptation of persons with disabilities and the possibility of their full social functioning. Analysis of the literature has shown: victimization of persons with disabilities is a complex systemic phenomenon in which there is a fixed, inflexible construction of relationships with oneself and others based on the action of the alienation mechanism, attempts to resolve difficult life situation in inadequate ways, that is, unproductive (defensive) adaptation to life. Therefore the content psychological assistance for persons with disabilities does not involve the correction of deficiencies, but the search for hidden resources for personal development: reliance on one’s own capabilities and the creation on this basis of psychological, social and pedagogical conditions for reconstructing the image of the world, the image of the self and building productive connections with yourself, other people, the world as a whole.

Positive socialization of persons with disabilities involves the formation of such a quality as adaptability, understood as the ability to independently achieve relative balance in relationships with oneself and others in both favorable and difficult life situations.

Here it is important to differentiate the mechanisms of compensation and adaptation that provide the body with a reserve of “strength” in case of sudden adverse changes in the external and internal environment. The presence of the adaptation effect makes these mechanisms similar to each other, but the differences are as follows:

  • · adaptation begins to function when the balance between a person and the environment is disrupted by changes in the environment, and to restore it, a person needs to change something in himself, to abandon his previous state;
  • · compensatory processes begin in a situation of imbalance due to changes in the person himself, and to restore balance the person must partially or completely return to the original state.

Let us formulate conclusions. The basis for the positive socialization of persons with disabilities is the interaction and interpenetration of the processes of psychological compensation, rehabilitation and socio-psychological adaptation. The trinity of these processes makes it possible to make maximum use of external (inclusive infrastructure and culture) and internal (vitality, socio-psychological competence, psychological sovereignty, communicative attitudes, etc.) resources of persons with disabilities to achieve their independence, independence, and effective social functioning.

Svetlana Teterina

Social adaptation of children with disabilities


World "special" The child is interesting and timid.

World "special" the child is ugly and beautiful.

Clumsy, sometimes strange, good-natured and open

World "special" child. Sometimes he scares us.

Why is he aggressive? Why is it so closed?

Why is he so scared? Why doesn't he speak?

World "special" child - he is closed from the eyes of strangers.

World "special" Only his own children are allowed in!

The problem of including people in the real life of society is relevant all over the world. One of the main tasks of training and education children with intellectual disabilities is the optimal development of potential opportunities their cognitive activity and the individual in general, preparation and inclusion in the environment as full members of society. Problems social adaptation mentally retarded students are resolved in last years more and more difficult, although its goals and objectives have always been taken into account when determining the essence of correctional educational work with mentally retarded children. Orphanhood as social the phenomenon has existed as long as human society and is an integral element of civilization. Providing assistance to children left without parental care is the most important area social state policy.

Recently in pedagogy to characterize children with congenital developmental defects, the term “special” children has become widespread.

Children with children with disabilities, state health which prevents the development of educational programs outside special conditions of training and education. The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined, first of all, by the fact that it includes children with various disabilities development: impairments of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence. Thus, the most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the psyche and health of every child.

When working with children with disabilities, one of the most important conditions for me, as a class teacher, is the understanding that these children need a special individual approach, different from the framework of a standard comprehensive school. Children with disabilities do not adapt to the rules and conditions of society, but are included in life on their own terms, which society accepts and takes into account.

Existing socially– pedagogical education strategy children, located in orphanages and boarding schools, can be assessed as a strategy for replacing parental care with state care. Character traits given strategies: the state takes care of creating the necessary living conditions during the period of the child’s stay in a boarding school and at the stage of graduation; the state provides benefits that ensure opportunity obtaining professional education at any level; V government institutions An attempt is made to recreate the psychological atmosphere at home.

The goal of my work with children with disabilities is to organize assistance to children on the basis of comprehensive activities for their education and personal development as a whole.

At our boarding school, children with disabilities not isolated from others children, but are integrated into the general educational environment.

We strive to create psychological, material and technical conditions so that the training of such children were comfortable. This helps in solving the following tasks:

Creating conditions for adaptation and socialization of children with disabilities;

Education children with disabilities social skills;

Formation of a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities;

Reduced anxiety levels children with developmental disabilities;

Forming awareness of one’s own emotions and respect for the feelings of other people.

successful adaptation and socialization of children with limited health conditions contributes to extracurricular activities, which include myself: work class teacher, teacher, group work, physical education health, organization of recreation and leisure.

The children are most interested in games. Play is important for development children and is the most favorite activity. Outdoor play helps to liberate and unites children, teaches organization by following the rules. Intellectual games contribute to the development of mental abilities, cognitive processes are included in the work. Therefore, we try to organize playful moments with children during classes as often as possible, we involve them in school-wide sports competitions, games, relay races, so that the children feel like full members of the school student team, and also receive moral satisfaction from communicating with their peers.

One of the important links is manual labor. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for solving problems personal development children: fine motor skills of the hands and the emotional sphere of the child develop, the level of anxiety decreases, spatial thinking develops, initiative, mental activity, independence, and curiosity are formed.

primary goal: introducing a child to the world of art and development creativity. The result of such creativity was a lot of crafts made by the hands of children with disabilities. Moreover, if at the initial stage it was difficult for children to master methods of working with cardboard, plasticine, paper, pieces of fabric, then in the process of learning the students mastered various technicians: this is working with fabric, creating clothes, crafts. During the lessons the following are solved: tasks:

Development and correction of basic types of movements;

Development and correction of mental functions and components of activity, improvement of psychomotor skills;

Development of the ability to navigate in space.

In addition, the structure of the lesson turn on:

Creative tasks aimed at developing imagination and children's fantasy;

Complex games of various mobility and different directions;

Relaxation exercises that help relieve muscle and emotional tension at the end of the session.

When organizing educational work, we do not separate children having disabilities. And this gives its positive results: increases the level of development and socialization some and shapes the philanthropy of others. Unlike educational process, which limited within the curriculum and programs, the educational process is organized according to a unified school plan, which allows children with different abilities and possibilities. Holidays, competitions, competitions, games, etc., held at the boarding school provide opportunity everyone to participate and succeed.

Thanks to such work and such activities, children do not feel like outcasts in modern society.

Thus, our boarding school does everything possible so that children with disabilities received decent education and development.

Socialization of children with disabilities presupposes not only a certain level of their labor adaptation, but also opportunity navigate the surrounding life, observing certain rules and norms of behavior.
