Mentoring in education and circle movement. "Children's mentoring as a way of individual support for a child in a difficult life situation Timely mentoring and support for students

To begin with, here are the two main goals of the declared national project:

    Ensuring global competitiveness Russian education, Russia's entry into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education.

    Education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality based on the spiritual and moral values ​​of peoples Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions.

The goals set will be implemented within the framework of ten projects: "Modern School", "Success of every child", "Support for families with children", "Digital educational environment”, “Teacher of the Future”, “Young Professionals”, “New Opportunities for Everyone”, “Social Activity”, “Export of Education” and “Social Elevators for Everyone”. It is envisaged (in the KPI) that by 2024 at least 70% of the teaching staff of educational institutions will be involved in various forms of mentoring and support.

The author of this book, based on many years of in-depth research, tells what will be the organizations of the future, built on completely different principles - integral, self-managed and evolutionary. It shows how such companies develop - both from scratch and evolving from existing organizations.

To understand who a mentor is at school and what his tasks are, let's turn to social characteristics: world-SPOD and world-VUCA. According to experts, for a long time we lived in the world of SPOD, which means Steady (steady), Predictable (predictable), Ordinary (simple), Definite (definite). Under these conditions, graduates of schools and universities knew their lives in advance. Now there has been a transition to the world of VUCA - that is, to the life of Volatility (unstable), Uncertainty (uncertainty), Complexity (complex), and Ambiguity (ambiguous). In these conditions, in addition to the usual contextual and subject skills, people urgently need existential skills. However, the surrounding reality is changing so quickly that people do not have enough time and resources to get to know their “I” on their own, look for personal goals, formulate dreams, without which success is impossible.

Following the trends, Russian schools are changing the model of work. So far, the 1.0 model is preserved, but is gradually becoming a thing of the past, in which the teacher broadcasts information, and the students memorize it and reproduce it at control points. We are already intimately familiar with the collaborative case learning model 2.0. Education tends to model 3.0, it provides for setting personal goals for each student and finding the most convenient way to test his knowledge.

Mentoring in this context is seen as a promising educational technology that allows you to transfer knowledge, form the necessary skills and awareness faster than traditional methods. The teacher in the role of a mentor not only relays knowledge, but also responds to the challenge of time.

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Individual mentoring

Individual mentoring is practiced, as a rule, with children in difficult life situations and other students who really need an individual approach. The organization appoints a curator from the education system (program manager), tandems are created around him: mentor + mentee. Communication takes place one on one, participation is voluntary. It is important that the tandem members feel comfortable working with each other. The mentoring cycle is usually 1 year from finding and training mentors. Period of work with a teenager: 9 months. If for some reason the tandem breaks up, the curator finds another mentor.

Group mentoring

A group of teenagers is formed around the teacher-mentor. Together they develop soft skills and go through self-determination. Work is being done on those values ​​in which both teenagers and the teacher see the meaning. Methodologists, parents, graduates, psychologists, subject teachers, teachers-organizers join the process as necessary.

Implementation stages

  1. The teacher helps students to realize the possibilities and needs, life goals, reveals the deficits of students and those barriers that prevent them from reaching their goals. life purpose. The educator inspires and motivates teenagers, helping to build faith in achieving goals, and also shows specific routes to achieve them.

  2. In the format of training sessions, master classes, solving cases and implementing projects, the teacher helps in the formation of soft skills.

    The effectiveness of participation in the mentoring program is assessed through an online questionnaire before / after.

Mentoring is a serious, responsible process, so the teacher's initial motivation plays a big role. Do not confuse mentoring with tutoring, mentoring and coaching, as they solve different problems.

Using the coaching approach and representative systems of students to manage the trajectory of the education of lyceum students.

Olga Alekseevna Umanets

teacher of biology and chemistry, head of the department of natural sciences, head of the scientific society of students of the lyceum "BRAIN", experience 22 years.

Place of work: Rostov region, Taganrog, GBOU RO "Taganrog Pedagogical Lyceum - boarding school"

Description of the current situation and the relevance of the practice: Children from educational institutions of municipalities enter the lyceum-boarding school Rostov region therefore, they have different levels of education and motivation to exercise learning activities. A problem arises: it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the educational process in the presence of different starting opportunities for students. Therefore, it is necessary to individualize learning, but at the same time increase motivation and teach children the skills of goal-setting and regulation of their educational route. At the moment, the applied practice allows us to maintain a positive psychological climate in the student team, everyone knows the purpose of the activity in the lesson, electives, self-study classes, each lyceum student studying in a specialized biological class has his own individual route to achieve the result, goals, which motivates them to make decisions about the quality of your education, the amount of time spent on this process, adjust your route of mastering the educational course

Subject of mentorship: The mentor helps students to set a personal goal, creates conditions for planning the educational process, control, correction, volitional self-regulation. At the same time, the readiness of students for self-development is formed, the educational environment is designed and constructed, which means that educational process is built taking into account the individual personal qualities of the student.

Tasks and functions of mentors: Organize students for coaching sessions, conduct diagnostics and process its results to determine the representative systems of lyceum students. Systematically determine the level of achievement of students in the subject and help mentors translate this information into visual. Advise students on the application of an individual learning style based on the characteristics of their leading representational systems. Engage assistants from mentees to counsel newly arrived students. 35% of the time is devoted to mentoring.

Requirements for mentors: Possession of the skills of psychological counseling, knowledge of the methodology for diagnosing the dominant perceptual modality of S. Efremtsev, the ability to use elements of coaching.

Requirements for mentors: Applies to students in grades 10-11 in specialized education and extracurricular activities.

Mechanisms for selecting mentors/mentees: Mentors are determined from among teachers who provide specialized training, as well as those who conduct extracurricular activities in the subject. Assistant mentors - from among the mentees who have mastered the elements of mentoring the most. Mentored - from among the students of specialized classes.

Mentoring mechanisms and tools:

Conducting an introductory lesson for the purpose of motivation and goal setting based on a coaching approach with the compilation of a wheel of achievement. The second lesson is diagnostics Efremtseva S. To understand your representative system, data processing and consultation on using the strengths and weaknesses of your learning style. Further classes as you pass a certain block of knowledge and / or diagnostics ( trial exam) to correct the formation line and maintain the level.

Mentor Motivation: The mentor receives the results of the training of lyceum students, which he can use when passing the certification for establishing a qualification category, to receive incentive bonuses. Efficiency of work increases, which provides psychological satisfaction from work for both the mentor and the mentors.

Mentor training: Conducting training seminars and coaching events with the teaching staff of the lyceum-boarding school as part of scientific and methodological work.

Normative base:

  1. The plan of scientific and methodological work of the Taganrog Pedagogical Boarding Lyceum for the 2017-2018 academic year, which reflects the conduct of methodological seminars on the implementation of mentoring using a coaching approach.

2. The work program of the additional education course "Solving biological problems" includes a section on mentoring using representative systems and a coaching approach.

3. The program of activities of the innovation platform on the topic: "Formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results in extracurricular activities students through the implementation of educational technologies.

Key indicators of practice: In the 2017-2018 academic year, 1 mentor works with 29-30 mentors. With an increase in the number of mentors, the number of mentors will correspond to the number of 10-11 grade students of the boarding school. During the two years of practice, 1 mentor carried out activities with 44 mentees, of which 4 people became mentor's assistants to work with new group members who arrived after the formation of groups.

Key success factors: Motivation of the teacher - mentor, responsibility, indifference to the results of training of lyceum students, interest in a positive result.

Characteristics of the personal qualities of a mentor: Professionally competent, responsible, respectful of students, considering them as individuals, interested in students and their success, dedicated to their profession, able to ask open questions, possessing the skills of psychological counseling, pedagogical tact, using the advantages of all modalities in the educational process, erudite.

Experience in mentoring:

The main thing for me as a mentor is to achieve the following goals: 1. To create conditions for a significant differentiation of the content of high school students' education, with wide and flexible opportunities for students to build individual educational programs.

  1. Contribute to the establishment of equal access to full-fledged education different categories students according to their individual inclinations and needs.

How to achieve such a result? It is necessary to start designing the educational space.

Having worked for several years in specialized classes, I have identified for myself the main points of stress, overcoming which you can achieve the desired result.

The first "point of tension" is the peculiarities of the work of specific students with information, i.e. need to understand how they think? How can you help students learn the material? What can be done so that they absorb what is happening in the classroom?

In this regard, I like to use the material on determining the learning style of K. D. Dyatlova “Formation of an individual learning style in biology lessons”, which describes both the methodology for determining the representative system and the methods of work of a teacher, a child in accordance with a certain style.

K. D. Dyatlova (Tested at the Nizhny Novgorod State University) recommends using the diagnosis of the dominant perceptual modality of S. Efremtsev (method of identifying the leading channel of perception).

Another "point of tension" is the level of formation of regulatory UUD, which ensure the organization of their learning activities by students. The basic material of in-depth study of biology requires intellectual, physical and even moral efforts from the guys in order to master it. How can I help them set a goal that is theirs and not mine? How to create conditions for planning this process, control, correction, volitional self-regulation?

The most effective, in my opinion, is the use of a coaching approach. At the same time, the readiness of students for self-development is formed, the educational environment is designed and constructed, which means that the educational process is built taking into account the individual personal qualities of the student.

Result: the teacher can build the learning process in a new way, focusing not on forcing students to master the mandatory methods and systems for solving problems, but on the free implementation of various approaches, including non-standard ones.

The first introductory lesson takes place necessarily with the use of a coaching approach, it is designed to show the children through the visualization of the level of mastering the program material how much they need to change their approach to learning or its correction, what problem this student is facing, and not all students in general. For example, you can use the wheel of knowledge of biology, dividing it into seven sectors, which corresponds to the seven blocks of knowledge tested at the exam in biology. We sign each block and the child himself determines the level of his knowledge of the section for each block. There is self-analysis.

Do not be afraid that children will overestimate their level or underestimate (there are fewer of them). This will be corrected after the first diagnostic work. Here, the student rated herself by indicating the percentage of mastering. And after the diagnostic work, the result is indicated in pencil. Wherein yellow she used to show where she increased or confirmed the original result.

In most cases, children adequately assess their knowledge. Working with the wheel, they have a natural question: "What to do?". And I already have an offer. I tell them that as part of their educational activities, I will help them improve their positions in five blocks, the main thing is systematic preparation for lessons. As a rule, visiting children do not know the two blocks "Man" and "Diversity of organisms". Here, the majority of lyceum students show nervousness, tk. they understand the scale of influence of undeveloped topics on the result of the exam, but they don’t know how to change the situation for the better. They involuntarily ask the question: “Can you help us?” It is very important that this is their initiative! My version: the system of additional education classes. Let's start planning together. What will we study in the 10th grade (human or plants, mushrooms and animals), and what in the 11th grade. I give them the right to choose so that part of the planning is based on their choice.

After the first diagnostic work, each mentee, with the help of a mentor, processes their results and applies new data, converting to a percentage, on the wheel, which gives them the opportunity to compare the desired and achieved result, which provides for the correction of the educational line, increasing efforts in one block and reducing in another or redistribute the load in a different way. Everyone finds his own version of the solution, which will suit him, which will be comfortable for him and which will be carried out at the speed that the mentee himself chooses in order to reach his planned level.

Such wheel adjustments take place after each diagnostic work based on the USE materials, after the completion of the study of the topics of the curriculum that correspond to the USE blocks. This approach ensures the success of the mentor-mentee tandem, because both have an idea where they should come and by what route.

At the second lesson, the obligatory part is the definition of modalities or leading representative systems of lyceum students using the diagnostics of S. Efremtsev. Diagnosis is not time-consuming, easy to process immediately with students. It is necessary to tell the mentee the importance of understanding the process of processing and broadcasting information, in this case knowledge. Usually this activity is easy and interesting for children, because they learn about themselves, about their friends, classmates... They are actively involved in the process of discussing the characteristics of the main systems (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), correlate these characteristics with their experience tools for success in the classroom and at home. The mentor at this lesson immediately notes in his journal opposite the name of the lyceum student his leading representative system.

Lost contact with many alumni – >

Creation of mentor pairs

B. Corporate involvement

D. Engagement of universities

Selection mechanisms:

Mentor training:


The key value of our project is assistance in the formation of more than 2 thousand career success stories of Russian schoolchildren and students.

Unfortunately, now more than 50% of students work outside their specialty, the competition for the most popular vacancies is from 50 to 200 students for 1 place, more than 40% leave the first job during the first 9 months.

International studies show that mentoring is one of the most effective tools for building a successful career.

24% of students are interested in mentoring (according to our survey, 35% of students consciously want to find a mentor, while only 11% believe that they can do it themselves)

In addition, in the project we solve the problems of three target audiences: students, mentors and educational institutions (schools and universities).

Students' problems (based on international and Russian experience and questionnaires from students who have registered on our website):

Undecided on the direction of career development;

There is no understanding of how to get into the dream company;

Unable to find experts in the industry of interest

Problems of mentors (based on questionnaires from mentors who have registered on our website):

The need for a mentor was not realized at student age, so there is a desire to help modern students who are faced with the same problem;

Lost contact with the alma-mater, who wants to help, including mentoring (an NES alumni poll showed that 22% of respondents are interested in becoming mentors);

Problems of schools and universities (based on communication with the administrations of MGIMO, NES, MIPT, PRUE, RCTU):

Lost contact with many graduates – > they are not involved in the community of university and school graduates, and do not help their university;

A small percentage of graduates from even leading universities get jobs in the best companies;

Students and schoolchildren need a more practice-oriented education.

Relevance of mentoring practice:

Student organizations (Student Unions, Scientific Student Societies, student clubs) are actively working in the university environment, which are mainly aimed at organizing conferences, master classes, thematic meetings for a large number of students with individual successful professionals. At the same time, many students lack personal consultation with a professional, the opportunity for a longer time (at least 3-4 meetings) to work out the necessary practical skills, to find answers to exciting questions.

Work with graduates is carried out through Alumni Associations (there are far from all universities) or personal acquaintances of the heads / teaching staff of universities. At the same time, after graduation, most of the graduates stop interacting with their alma mater due to the lack / insufficiency of engagement formats.

In this context, mentoring practice is a tool to address a number of issues facing various interest groups.

Thus, students will receive those practical knowledge and skills that cannot be obtained at a university, answer exciting questions about career development, goal setting, "life path" and others, strengthen faith in their abilities and opportunities for self-realization.

Graduates will be able to ensure the implementation of social needs for the development of society through the training of young professionals, as well as communication with graduates / community of their native university, strengthening faith in the future of the country.

The project will help universities in increasing student employment rates, increasing graduates' loyalty to the university (respectively, a greater willingness to participate in other university events / promotions / educational programs), improving the university brand, and developing new learning formats.

This project corresponds to one of the main tasks " Strategies for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020”, such as “development of human resources in the field of science, education, technology and innovation”, as well as such priority measures identified in the strategy as “adaptation of the education system in order to form the population from childhood with the knowledge and competencies necessary for an innovative society and innovative economy , skills and behaviors, as well as the formation of a system continuing education"and" restructuring of the higher education sector, focused on ... deepening the cooperation of universities with leading companies in the real sector of the economy and scientific organizations ... and developing a network organization of educational and research programs.

Also, the project solves the problem indicated in "K concept of long-term socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020”, such as “insufficient level of development of the national innovation system, coordination of education, science and business” through the implementation of the first direction of the concept “Development of human potential”, namely, “the transition from the system of mass education, characteristic of the industrial economy, to the necessary for creating an innovative social economy, continuous individualized education for all, the development of education, inextricably linked with world fundamental science, focused on the formation of a creative socially responsible personality, as well as through the implementation of such a priority of social and economic policy as innovative technologies in health care and education".

Project format (components of our ecosystem):

A. Integrated system of work with mentors and students

Selection of the best mentors and students/pupils,

Creation of mentor pairs

Accompanying mentoring couples at all stages of the mentoring process using their own methodology and materials, personal consultations and a feedback system, which makes the mentoring process as effective as possible for all its participants.

B. Building a community of project participants

We are also building a mentoring and student community where participants can exchange knowledge and acquire useful contacts.

B. Corporate involvement

Mentoring is free for students / schoolchildren, monetization will be through the sponsorship of corporations and grants from the state and non-profit organizations.

D. Engagement of universities

We are creating a new format of education, motivating teachers to become mentors for the most motivated students and schoolchildren, and universities and schools to more actively involve graduates in the educational support of their students

Selection mechanisms:

The participant fills out a questionnaire on the project website. If the key criteria are met, an interview takes place, within which various aspects of the questionnaire are clarified, and the motivation and competencies of the participant are better revealed.

During the beginning of the semester (February/September) there is a matching (pairing). If, after the first meeting of the mentoring couple, both parties (mentor / mentee) are satisfied and ready to continue working, the couple is considered formed and the process of monitoring the work of the couple begins.

Mentoring mechanisms and tools:

Personal meetings or telephone conversations with a mentor, SMART goals for a couple, creation of a learning environment (an initiative on the part of a mentor to involve a student in events / other activities of a professional community of interest), active listening, a map of goals and objectives, performing practical tasks on the subject of a professional direction , role models, reflection on completed questions / additional questions that allow you to answer what motivates, inspires, hinders, distracts, etc.

Mentor training:

Events for community members, including selected events for mentors, handouts (Manual, My Mentor Journal), information on the project website and social networks

Normative base of mentoring:

Guidance for mentor and mentee;

Interaction plan of the mentoring couple;

Key rules for the couple's interaction (including the issue of confidentiality) and mentoring agreement;

Information materials on the site;

Mentoring performance indicators:

Achievement of set goals within the framework of a mentoring couple (more than 11 successful stories),

Feedback from the participants (emotional state, feeling of satisfaction, willingness to continue communication)

Assessment of the level of satisfaction from the interaction (mentor and mentee)

Assessing the progress of the mentee by the mentor

Involvement in the community of mentors and students (two meetings were held with 30+ people).

Specific achievements include:

The student successfully passed the interview / got a job / published a scientific paper;

The student answered the disturbing questions;

The student has developed one or more of the required skills;


S. V. Sergeeva, S. S. Kalashnikova, and O. A. Voskrekasenko

The article reveals the essence, functions and main activities of a mentor in higher education. The necessity of his psychological and pedagogical support is substantiated in order to improve the quality professional activity for the education of students. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the model of psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of mentors and the conditions for its effective implementation in the educational process of a higher educational institution.

In article functions and the basic directions of activity of the instructor in the higher school reveal essence. Necessity of its psychologo-pedagogical support for the purpose of professional work improvement of quality on education of the trained is proved. The special attention in the article is given the characteristic of model of psychologo-pedagogical support of activity of instructors and conditions of its effective introduction in educational process of a higher educational institution.

Before the modern system vocational education there is an important task of developing the personality of a future specialist, which involves the disclosure of his creative potential and subjective properties. This task inevitably changes the key pedagogical positions in the implementation of the educational process in higher education. Such foundations as variability, democratization of relations between the subjects of education, value-semantic orientation, dialogism, co-creation of the subjects of the educational process are being developed.

A special role in the acquisition by students of interaction experience based on subject-subject relations in the process of professional education is assigned to the mentor of the academic group. Samples of the relations between the subjects of the educational process that develop in educational work have a significant impact on the formation of the personality of a future professional, form the social and professional position of future specialists. Being the subject of the educational process, the mentor occupies a central place in the system of relations "mentor - student". His influence on the upbringing of students is largely determined by the degree of his participation in solving the problems of each student individually and the student group as a whole.

In this regard, the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical training of mentors and the formation of their readiness for effective interaction with students in high school.

In modern reference and encyclopedic literature on pedagogy and psychology, concepts similar in meaning are presented: curator, mentor, tutor.

In the encyclopedic dictionary edited by B.A. Vvedensky, the concept of "mentor" is interpreted as a trustee, guardian, a person who is entrusted with monitoring, supervising the progress of a particular work or cycle of work.

In the dictionary of foreign words under the curator [from lat. si^or-trustee] is understood as a person who is entrusted with monitoring the progress of any work; and under the "tutor" [from Lat. Sheog - I observe, I care] - teacher-mentor. The authors of the dictionary explain that this kind of teacher is nominated from among experienced teachers. During school hours, he carries out teaching activities, and during extracurricular time - educational work with students.

In the pedagogical encyclopedia B.M. Bim-Bad gives the following definitions: “a curator is a teacher, an educator who oversees the learning of schoolchildren (students)”; “mentoring is the process of transferring experience and knowledge from older to younger members of society; form of relationship between teacher and student.

In the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov "a mentor is a teacher and educator, a leader"; curator is a person who supervises something.

The undertaken analysis of the concepts "mentor", "curator", "tutor" allows us to consider them as synonymous with the concept of "educator". We agree with the opinion of modern researchers in the field of pedagogy (V.A. Volchek and others), who rightly believe that a mentor is a professional educator, a spiritual mediator between society and a student in mastering the culture accumulated by mankind.

Before considering the problem of improving the psychological and pedagogical training of mentors and the formation of their readiness for effective interaction with students, it is advisable to dwell on the characteristics of the main functions and activities of a mentor in higher education.

Among the functions of a mentor, there are traditionally distinguished: cognitive-diagnostic, prognostic, organizational and educational, unifying and rallying, socio-pedagogical, coordinating, scientific and methodological, communicative, analytical-reflexive.

The cognitive-diagnostic function of a mentor is associated with the need to study, on the one hand, the characteristics of the development and behavior of students in order to implement an individual approach in the educational process, on the other hand, the psychological microclimate in the student group, the structure and level of development of the student team.

As a rule, the diagnosis is carried out by practical psychologists of the institution. However, such opportunities are not available in every university. Therefore, it is advisable to recommend diagnostic work for mentors of student groups. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct a series of training seminars in advance in order to train mentors in the basics of using diagnostic tools. As the latter, the following can be used: "Schmishek test" (on the presence of accentuated character traits), the test "House. Tree. Man”, “Anxiety Research” (C. Spielberg), Eysenck’s questionnaire (to identify personality traits), “Sociometry” (to identify leaders and outsiders in a group). Various kinds of pedagogical questionnaires, questionnaires help the mentor to organize work with students more effectively, help in overcoming difficulties.

The prognostic function consists in the mentor foreseeing the result of the intended educational impact, the consequences of the relationship that develops between teachers, pupils and parents, predicting the levels individual development students and stages of team formation, building a model of the educational subsystem of the group, corresponding to the educational system of the educational institution.

The organizational and educational function of the mentor of the student group is associated with the pressing problems of educating the personality of a future specialist, citizen, family man. In his activity, the mentor uses a rich set of pedagogical forms, methods, means. educational work with students.

The educational function of a mentor involves introducing students to the system of cultural traditions of the university, helping in solving collective personality-oriented creative affairs that are important for the group, introducing them to labor education, and activating creative potential each student and the group as a whole, introduces students to the education of the system of development of cultural values, spiritual and moral ideals, aesthetic culture, ethical morality and rules of etiquette, civil responsibility of future teachers.

The unifying and rallying function is aimed at the formation of a student team by the mentor. The implementation of this function can be carried out through the organization of a variety of activities that meet the actual needs of students (educational, research, communication, leisure, etc.); use of the pedagogical potential of the collective traditions of the educational institution, student self-government, public opinion etc.; organization of intergroup interaction both within and between faculties in areas (educational, research, leisure); assistance in resolving conflict situations, the formation of skills and abilities of conflict-free behavior; familiarization of first-year students with the traditions and organization of the educational process at the university, the rights and obligations of students, etc.

For the successful implementation of the unifying and rallying function by mentors, it is advisable to organize and implement their psychological support from specialists - psychologists and teachers. Its content can be teaching mentors the basics of conducting group cohesion training.

The socio-pedagogical function of the mentor involves the provision of pedagogical assistance by the mentor in social adaptation students (assimilation of social norms, attitudes of a given society, formation of value orientations and relations, mastery social roles etc.) through their inclusion in various types of socially significant activities (educational, labor, leisure, communication).

The coordinating function is associated with the need for the mentor to coordinate the pedagogical efforts (administration of the educational institution, faculty, community and parents) to solve educational problems and implement a unified approach to students. This function is aimed at organizing interaction with students' families, cooperation with social institutions, coordinating the educational efforts of teachers, and protecting the interests of students.

The scientific and methodological function involves the assistance of a mentor, together with a teacher, to introduce a student to research activities, thereby solving the problem of preparing a future specialist competitive in the labor market. Using in its arsenal a huge methodical complex, the mentor helps students in mastering the basics of organizational activity, as well as in self-education, self-education, self-organization and leisure activities.

In accordance with the communicative function, the mentor should contribute to the development of communication abilities, skills and abilities to resolve conflict situations, improve the culture of interpersonal interaction in the student environment, on the one hand, and in relationships with teachers, on the other.

The analytical-reflexive function involves the mentor's analysis and self-analysis of the educational work done with students (the level of achievement of goals and objectives; the implementation of functions in accordance with the leading principles underlying the activities of the mentor, as well as the main directions of the content of the activity; selected forms, methods and means of implementation pedagogical interaction; correspondence of the result to the set goals and objectives).

In accordance with the above functions, the following areas of activity of a mentor in a higher educational institution can be distinguished:

1. Acquaintance of students with the charter of the educational institution, internal regulations, the rights and obligations of the student, the traditions of the university, the organization and content of the educational process, etc.

2. Psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of first-year students to the educational process of the university.

3. Formation of the student team.

4. Assistance to the active student group in organizational work, in attracting students to research, community service and development various forms student government.

5. Creation of an atmosphere of friendly, trusting, creative relations between teachers and students.

6. Interaction with the head of the department, faculty, administration of the university on the problems of training and education in the student group, etc.

7. Interaction with parents of students on issues of education and upbringing.

The versatile nature of the activity requires a high level of professionalism from the mentor of the student group. However, its implementation in higher educational institutions, where mentors are often specialists who do not have enough functional duties psychological and pedagogical training, it seems difficult.

In order to improve the psychological and pedagogical training of mentors of the student group and develop their professionally significant skills and abilities in the Penza State Technological Academy (PSTA), the specialists of the Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education Department and the education department developed and introduced into the educational process of the educational institutions the project "Mentor of the student and student group in the PSTA". One of the key objectives of the project was the development and testing of the "Model of psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of mentors in institutions of continuing professional education." The expediency of covering institutions of continuing professional education was due to the specifics of the structure of the PSTA, which includes institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education. Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the developed model.

A model is understood as “a mentally represented or materially realized system that reproduces some of the essential properties of the original system in such a relation of substitution and similarity that its study serves as an indirect way of obtaining knowledge about the original” . In the process of modeling, we obtain new knowledge about an object by analogy inference. In this case, the basis of the conclusion is a model, that is, some known system of relations inherent in another object or abstract construction. This becomes possible due to the fact that the model: formally organizes and structures the available data; visualizes ideas about the structure of the object under study; makes it possible to move to the methods and techniques of data collection, to diagnostic procedures.

Structurally, the model traditionally includes the following components: target, content, operational-activity and evaluative-effective (V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Isaev, etc.). Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the developed model.

target component. The goal is to improve the quality of the professional activity of a mentor in educating students in institutions of continuing professional education.

The content component of the "Models of psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of mentors in institutions of continuing professional education" includes psychological, pedagogical and methodological training of mentors in organizing and implementing educational work with students of institutions of continuing professional education. It is represented by the program “Mentor Schools, class teacher and master of industrial training in the PSTA”, classes in which are carried out on the following topics:

1. The personality of the mentor, his communicative culture, self-education and self-diagnosis.

2. The purpose, tasks and content of the mentor's work in the study group.

3. Rights and obligations of students in an educational institution.

4. Psychological and pedagogical features of students of the 1st and 2nd courses.

5. The program and methods of studying the personality of students.

6. Student team and ways of its formation.

7. Organization of student self-government.

8. Planning of educational work in the study group.

9. Methods, forms and techniques of interaction between a mentor and students.

10. Methodology for organizing activities (project, collective creative, etc.) in the study group.

11. Methodology for studying the level of development of the team and interpersonal relations in it.

12. Methodology for organizing and conducting mentor hours with students.

13. Management of educational and research activities of students.

14. Forms and methods of interaction between the mentor and the parents of students and the administration of the educational institution.

The operational-activity component of the "Model" includes the forms, methods and means used in the process of psychological, pedagogical and methodological training of mentors.

The most effective forms of preparation are trainings, thematic seminars, lectures, discussions, conferences, round tables, role-playing and business games, individual and group consultations, immersions, creative weeks, workshops and studios.

The main methods of training mentors are active ( didactic games, analysis of specific situations, problem solving, algorithm training, brainstorming, etc.) and intensive methods (immersion method, socio-psychological training, etc.).

In the process of training mentors, it is advisable to use the technologies of collective interaction, adaptive and computer learning, pedagogical support technologies, information impact, individual and differentiated approach, etc.

Significant means in the process of training mentors are instrumental, visual, auditory, audiovisual means.

The evaluative and effective component is represented by criteria, indicators, levels and the result itself.

The main criteria for the quality of the professional activity of a mentor in educating students in institutions of continuing professional education are: motivational, emotional-volitional, cognitive-activity.

The motivational criterion includes the motives of mentors in organizing and implementing educational work with students and the orientation towards “cooperation” with other subjects of the educational process.

The emotional-volitional criterion reflects the nature of the attitude towards the emerging interaction with students in the process of forming their social and professional qualities, on the one hand, and the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties that arise during this interaction, on the other; the nature of emotional experiences associated with the process of educating students; interest and inclination to educational work as a kind of professional activity of a mentor.

The cognitive-activity criterion involves the awareness of professional goals and objectives for the implementation of the content of the mentor's activity; awareness of the need to master ZUN for the successful implementation of educational work in institutions of continuous professional education.

The main levels are: high, medium, sufficient, critical and low.

Effective implementation of the above model in the educational process of the university is possible under the following conditions:

1. Psychological:

Formation of motivational-value orientation of mentors to the implementation of professional activities;

Monitoring the activities of mentors;

Rendering psychological help mentors in the implementation of professional duties;

Organization and implementation of a mechanism to stimulate the activities of mentors;

Creation of a favorable psychological climate in an educational institution.

2. Pedagogical:

Professionalization of interaction between the subjects of the educational process;

Organization and implementation of the activities of the coordination center for interaction with mentors of institutions of continuing professional education;

Organization and activities of the seminar "School of a mentor, class teacher and master of industrial training in PSTA"; organization of the examination of the project "Mentor of the student group in the PSTA";

Providing pedagogical support to mentors in the implementation of their educational interaction with students.

3. Methodical:

Development of creative activity of mentors by including them in organizational and methodological and research activities;

Development and design of the mentor's journal;

Development of a program and systematic holding of seminars within the framework of the "School of a mentor, a class teacher and a master of industrial training in the PSTA";

Implementation of publications on the organization and implementation of the activities of mentors;

Preparation of handouts, etc.

4. Regulatory:

Preparation of legal support that regulates and regulates the activities of a mentor in institutions of continuing professional education (Regulations on the mentor of the academic group, regulations on the council of mentors in the subdivisions of the PSTA, regulations on the scientific and methodological council, etc.);

Improving the legal literacy of mentors.

Recognizing a mentor key figure in the educational process, the administration of the educational institution rightly seeks to ensure the appropriate status position of this very significant socio-professional group. An integrated indicator of the status of a mentor is his professional competence, due to systematic approach to the organization of psychological and pedagogical support and support in the process of fulfilling functional duties by the mentor. The “Model of psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of mentors in institutions of continuous professional education” developed by the authors of the article contributes to the effective implementation of the goals of organizing educational work in an educational institution. The quality of the formation of a future specialist who is competitive in the labor market largely depends on the professionalism of the mentor.

Bibliographic list

1. Encyclopedic Dictionary: in 3 volumes// Ed. B.A. Vvedensky. - M.: Publishing house "BSE", 1954. - S. 164.

2. Dictionary of foreign words. - 7th ed., revised. - M.: Russian language, 1986. - S.214.

3. Bim-Bad, B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary[Text] /B.M. Bim-Bad. - M., 2002. - S. 54.

4. Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language [Text] / S.I. Ozhegov. - M., 1984.- S. Z21

5. Isaev, I., Krolevetskaya E. Institute of curatorship: efficiency problems [Text] /I. Isaev, E. Krolevetskaya // Higher education in Russia. - 2007. - No. 10. - S. 90 - 9Z.

7. Borytko, N.M. Diagnostic activity of the teacher: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions [Text] / N.M. Borytko //ed. V.A. Slastenin, I.A. Kolesnikova. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2008. - 288 p.

Keywords: observer, psychological and pedagogical support of the mentor high school, models, conditions.

Keywords: supervisor, psyhologico-pedagogical accompaniment of the mentor's, high school, model, condition.

Kivalkina Svetlana Vladimirovna,

Chemistry teacher, MAOU Secondary School No. 5, Tomsk

Mentorship as a way to accompany and support young teachers

In the Law "On Education" Chapter 5 Article 55 ) says: “In the performance of professional duties teaching staff have the right to freedom of choice and use of teaching and upbringing methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks in accordance with educational program, approved by the educational institution, methods for assessing the knowledge of students, pupils ... ". How can a young teacher not get lost in this variety of programs, methods, and innovations? How to organize your work in accordance with new standards and requirements? How to keep up with the times, be mobile, flexible and successful in the profession? After all, it often happens that young teachers, having embarked on the path of teaching and, having not received proper support, abruptly change their lives, turning away from school.

To begin with, let's define: Who is this "young teacher"? This is a former student who studied at a university for 4–6 years and studied many scientific disciplines, methods, who completed teaching practice at a school or other educational institution. At first glance, it may seem that everything is fine, universities have produced a first-class specialist, but any person starting his professional career experiences difficulties and problems due to the lack of necessary experience. The formation of a teacher is more difficult, more difficult than for representatives of another profession, because pedagogical education does not guarantee success for a novice teacher. To become a teacher, classroom program knowledge is not enough. A. Makarenko wrote: “We need a synthesis of scientific knowledge, methodological skills and personal qualities of a teacher, skillful possession of pedagogical techniques and advanced pedagogical achievements.” In addition, teaching skills in many respects must be transferred from teacher to student.

Before moving on to a methodology that will help a young specialist in the pedagogical field adapt more successfully, I would like to consider the most common problems faced by new teachers. Firstly, this is the inability to accurately calculate the time in the lesson. A young teacher is not always able to time the study time, he can spend more time on checking homework or explaining new material, completely forgetting about time or other stages of the lesson. The stage of homework and summing up the lesson often remains “behind the scenes”, which are no less significant in the structure of the modern lesson. Secondly, the young teacher faces difficulties in explaining the material. This can be expressed in the fact that the teacher sometimes deviates from the topic of the lesson. Also, difficulties lie in wait in the choice of forms and methods of teaching. In addition, the lack of mutual understanding with colleagues has a rather negative impact on the emotional state of a young teacher, which directly affects his work in the classroom with students. And also interpersonal interactions with class students and with their parents turn out to be quite problematic due to the fact that the parent, being older than the teacher of his child, psychologically blocks the young teacher, does not listen to his opinion and advice.

Among the factors that influence the adaptation of young teachers, most researchers put first place emotional communication. And it is no accident, because the professional adaptation of a young teacher, especially in the first years of his work, is characterized by high emotional stress and even exhaustion, since both failures and the joy of the first independent steps are deeply experienced. That's far from complete list hardships that await the novice teacher. Therefore, it is very important that at the beginning of the professional path a young teacher feels the shoulder of a competent, experienced professional: a teacher-mentor.

Accompanying a young teacher through his professional path is a movement next to him, perhaps in front of him. The escort listens to the opinion and needs of the escort, helps and advises, but at the same time does not impose his own guidelines.

What are the mainfunctions mentor when accompanying a young teacher?

In his article E.R. Sevostyanova highlights the main functions of accompanying teachers. . Among the functions of scientific and methodological support, the following can be distinguished:

Educational function, which is focused on deepening the knowledge and developing the skills of specialists in the system of continuing education, necessary to improve their professional activities;

The consulting function involves providing assistance to the teacher about a specific problem by indicating possible ways to solve it or updating the additional abilities of a specialist;

The diagnostic function is aimed at identifying problem points in the teacher's activity;

The psychotherapeutic function helps the teacher to overcome different kind difficulties and barriers that impede the successful implementation of professional and educational activities;

The correction function is aimed at changing the model implemented by the specialist practical activities, as well as to correct professional mistakes;

The adaptive function ensures the alignment of the expectations and capabilities of the employee with the requirements of the professional environment and changing conditions labor activity;

Information function contributes to providing teachers with the necessary information on the main directions of development of education, programs, new pedagogical technologies;

The project function is associated with teacher training in expertise curricula and benefits, educational technologies;

The guiding function contributes to the establishment of humanistic relations between the teacher and the student;

Identification, study and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative pedagogical experience in education, its generalization and dissemination, creation of a system for stimulating creative initiative and professional growth of teachers;

Providing support to educators and leaders in innovation activities, organization and conduct of experimental work, expert evaluation of author's programs, manuals, curricula;

Implementation of editorial and publishing activities;

organization of joint work with research laboratories and universities in the course of experimental work.

During the introduction of new innovative technologies in the educational process, it is important that the teacher has time to adapt to them, accept them and be competent, working in new conditions.

Whatforms Is accompanying a young specialist acceptable in mentoring?

Let us turn to the "Regulations on the individual support of a young specialist in an educational institution", which indicates the following forms:

Individual educational route, which includes interviews with the deputy. director of NMR, methodologists or with a mentor of individual self-education of a teacher, keeping a diary of an individual educational route, speaking at meetings of the pedagogical council and / or methodical association holding open lessons, protection of methodological or didactic materials, writing articles for a professional journal, and more;

Classes at the Young Specialist School, organization of consultations on emerging issues with specialists (school administration, educational psychologists, lawyers, etc.);

Organized attendance and analysis of lessons;

Assistance in preparing for competitions, festivals, promotions held both at the school level and at the level of the city, region, country;

Organization of feedback "teacher - mentor - methodologist". It can be carried out in the following forms: individual and group interviews with teachers; providing a "free microphone" to young teachers at seminars, round tables, conferences held at the school; survey of young teachers.

These forms of support cannot be used when working with experienced teachers, they are specific, but this does not detract from their importance, since they are aimed at adapting a young specialist in a pedagogical society, solving problems that arise for any novice pedagogical worker.

Very often, the problems of young teachers arise with regard to the behavioral aspect. Counseling in situations of resolving interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in various systems of relations: teacher-teacher, teacher-student, teacher-parents, etc. Here, it is important for the teacher-mentor, in addition to his recommendations, to orient the young specialist towards contacting a school psychologist. The psychologist helps to relieve the emotional tension of the participants in the conflict, translate the discussion into a constructive direction, and then helps the opponents find acceptable ways to resolve the controversial situation.

The teacher-mentor develops a plan of work with a young specialist. The plan indicates: the main professional difficulties experienced by a young specialist, the purpose and objectives of professional interaction, stages of work, main directions, forms, methods and means of professional support.

Mentoring is the most significant factor in the process of professional adaptation of a young teacher, a specific technique that is a constant dialogue between an experienced teacher and a novice teacher. The organization of mentoring is of a phased nature and includes the formation and development of functional and personal (design, organizational, constructive, analytical) components of the teacher's activity. The teacher checks the level professional competence young teacher, determines the degree of his readiness to perform his functional duties.

Summing up, we can say that mentoring is an effective way to transfer the experience of mastery to young people. Moreover, the benefits of this process are two-sided: enrichment of the pedagogical experience of a young teacher and advanced training and professional excellence teacher-mentor. This is a valuable acquisition for the school, because with the growth of its teaching staff, educational institution improves the efficiency of its activities. And young enthusiasm, creativity, enthusiasm of young professionals is a help in this process.


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