Extracurricular activities 5. Plan of educational work

Knowledge Day.

1 class.

Prepared by: Bortnik Tatyana Nikolaevna

Primary school teacher

MOU secondary school No. 5 of Yegoryevsk


Organize a festive start learning activities for first graders;

Set the necessary emotional mood;

Arouse interest in school;

Start forming a class and parent team.

(slide number 1)

TEACHER:- Hello, our dear children, mothers and fathers, grandparents!

I congratulate all those present on this wonderful holiday.

And I want to convey the most sincere congratulations to our heroes of the occasion - my kind and mischievous, but obedient students.

Look around - this is our class in which we will study. It is clean, bright and beautiful. This is how your parents made it.

Guys, let's say to them: "Thank you!" and we will try to keep it the same for a whole year.

And now the first bell will ring. (slide number 2)

I am your first teacher. My name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. And now it's time to get to know each other better. Each of you will now give your first and last name.

(children stand up and imagine). That's where we met.

I asked some guys to learn poetry by today. Let's listen to them.

1st student.

Farewell, beautiful country!

Preschool country!

I'm going to a new country

What is everyone's name?

2nd student

What are you, friend?

Yes, this is a school

A country that everyone is familiar with:

And mom and dad, and friends ...

And it will be well known to us.

3rd student

And here we are in a hurry to the first class,

Holding hands tightly.

So I want to know soon

With whom will we sit at our desks?

4th student

And what is the teacher's name?

Who can you play with?

About this to tell

To their own households.

5th student

Alas, I do not know how to start.

But at school, of course

I will solve my problem.

6th student

What is six and five.

If you fold your hands,

It might not be enough.

7th student

I want to go to school

On wings I fly there.

8th student

I like the parties there

And globes and maps

9th student

And boards and crayons

And school calls.

10th student

And so that we do not whimper,

There will be holidays.

11th student

We will try very hard

And get fives.

Smarties, smarties

We want to become.

12th student.

We have a lot to do

To be proud of us

And glorify the school

By their names.

14th student.

And so that their teachers

Don't let us down

And in the future of their children

Bring here

15th student.

You can't even imagine

What door will open for us now.

What discoveries will be here!

What events will happen!

(slide number 3)And it's time for us to go to an amazing country of knowledge and we will travel by train. You will not find this country on any map or on any globe. This country will be opened to you with the help of teachers. It depends on you yourself who you become Knowers or Dunnos. All inhabitants of this country bear the honorary title of "Disciples".

Now you will turn from ordinary boys and girls into students.

(Children close their eyes, and the teacher says the words)

1,2,3 - you are now students!

You must now learn

Don't yawn and don't be lazy

Answer 4 and 5 in class!

Now open your eyes. This is how you become students.

(slide number 4) And today we have a guest at the party.

And what will you call me his name now ... .

The wooden man

On water and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere the nose sticks its long

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

(slide number 5)

Yes, our beloved Pinocchio will also go to the land of knowledge. You can open the door with a magic key, but it is not easy to get to it. Before you need to complete a few tasks. Do you know everything the guys know

before entering 1st grade? Will the guys get the key to knowledge? Then go!

(slide number 6) Return lost items to their owners:

Monkey - banana Hare - carrot

Fox - rooster Dog - bone

Hedgehog - mushroom.

(slide number 7) What do these letters have in common?

Ah, oh, y, s, e, uh, me, yo, yu, and.

(slide number 8) Insert a letter into a word:

k.shka ok

Lka zdochka.


(slide number 9 - 10) Oral counting

- Help Pinocchio to solve examples.

(slide number 11 - 18) Call it in one word.

(Furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, vehicles, clothes, toys, animals).

(slide number 19) Name the fairy tale.

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.

Who read this book

Knows a girl - a baby. (Thumbelina).

(slide number 20)

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears).

(slide number 21)

There is no river, no pond,

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

(slide number 22)

He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

Good doctor ... (Aibolit).

(slide number 23)

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

She's hard in the sun

Tears shed, poor thing. (Snow Maiden).

(slide number 25)


Helped to find Pinocchio's golden key from the door of knowledge. (key)

Yes, you are now students of the 1st grade of school No. 5. And what do we need for the lessons, let's guess.

1. (slide 26 ) "Guess the Riddles"

2. (slide no.27 ) "Collect a portfolio"


1. A month or two ago we went to kindergarten.

They sang a lot, ate a lot, they really wanted to grow up.

2. Hello school! We are with flowers

First time going to class

And autumn eyes

The sun is looking at us.

3. The uniform is new dressed, white shirt,

Look at me: what a first-grader I am!

4. Finally, dreams have come true, ahead is study!

Everywhere bright flowers this day is special!

5. They escorted me to school,

Grandma sighed.

She says she has lost her life!

6. I woke up at night

I must have been ten times!

It seemed to me constantly

I'm late for class.

7. We are all called kids,

Mothers are somewhere near us

Eleven years will pass

We will become an adult people.

8. To learn a business, you need to work hard

We are taught everything at school,

And teaching is a joke, right?

9. We will work at school,

There will be no time to be bored

Let's try to learn

On "4" and on "5".

10. My mother braided my braids,

I wove white bows.

I went to kindergarten yesterday

Went to first grade!

11. I have books in my portfolio,

I have a bouquet in my hands

All the familiar boys

Surprised looking after.

12. Why am I cheerful

And dressed like a parade?

I'm going to school today

This is not kindergarten for you.

13. The school year has begun,

The clock ticked.

I have one question

- “Is the holidays coming soon?”

14. Twos in our diaries

We won't let you get through

Promises first class

Try all year.

15. School is a glorious school house, it will be good for us in it.

On the steps every year to knowledge we will begin the approach.

Teacher: -So our first acquaintance with the country of Knowledge took place.

And from tomorrow you will be its inhabitants.

Good luck to you and good luck to you the country of Knowledge!

Wishes from parents:

Yesterday only you were told "baby".

Sometimes called "prankster" ...

Today you are already sitting at the desk,

Everyone calls you - "first grader"!

Serious. Diligent. Come on, student!

ABC. Behind the page is a page.

And how many wonderful books are around

Great job to learn!

And I want to wish you guys a great study.

May each of you meet many good and true friends at school.

Let the school become your home, where everyone will be warm and comfortable.

Grow kind, honest and fair.

Teacher: You all passed the tests and proved that you are ready for initiation into disciples.

I ask everyone to stand up, guys, and get ready to take the solemn Oath of the schoolboy.

I read the text of the oath, and you repeat the word " I swear!


I swear to everyone to try to be healthy.

Go to our school regularly.


And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent!


I swear that I will try hard

No more fighting with my friends!


I swear to be a child brought up

Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.


I swear to become the pride of parents and teachers.


And if I break my oath,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I won't play on the computer.


I will always be perfect as a child

And I will never forget my vow!

I swear

And now the parents take an oath !

Oath of parents

I swear (whether I'm a mother or a father) to always say to the child: "Well done!" I SWEAR!

Get up without groans, wash and shave,

And to school to lead Pervochka his.


I swear to leave in due time.

And don't be late for class.


I swear in the study of the child not to "build".

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.


For deuces I swear not to scold him.

And do lessons to help him.


And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth,

Then I promise my baby

Feed daily boiled condensed milk.


- "Merinda" and "Kollu" always buy,

And always give in to the requests of the child.


Then I'll be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my vow!



Dear parents!

Your child is in first grade today.

I congratulate you on this wonderful event.

I believe that school years will become both for your child and for you a wonderful time, will bring you joy, happiness, good luck.

I am glad that it is your children who will be with me for 4 years, will give me the joy of communicating with them. Together with you we will raise the future Man.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Starotoryalskaya middle comprehensive school» Novotoryalsky district of the Republic of Mari El

Scenario of an extracurricular event
for students in grades 5-11
"All About School Life"

Developed by: Toroshchina Tatyana Nikolaevna,
social teacher

Explanatory note. During this event, students and teachers of the school get acquainted with some aspects of school life in the MBOU "Starotoryalskaya secondary school" in an infotainment form. The results of a survey of school students were taken as a basis. The material is also posted on the website

Purpose: to familiarize students and teachers with the results of the survey of schoolchildren in an entertaining way.

- creating a positive emotional attitude of students to the school;
- familiarization with the rules of conduct at school;
- expanding the horizons of students.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation.

This event requires a preliminary survey of students and summing up the results of the survey.
All about school life
1. Do you like going to school?
2. Imagine that you are starting a lesson. You have the option to choose your classroom. Which office would you go to?
3. Do you have cell phone numbers for teachers? Mark whose numbers you have.
4. Imagine that you have a very serious problem at school. Which teacher would you approach for help?
5. Your favorite meal in the school cafeteria.
6. Your least favorite meal in the school cafeteria.
7. Imagine that you could choose to teach all subjects to one teacher (as in primary school). Which teacher will you choose?
8. Do you have a friend at school?
9. Imagine that you can choose to study at school just one subject. What subject will you choose?
10. Imagine that they announced a tournament in fighting without rules among the teachers of the district. Which of the teachers, in your opinion, will be able to adequately defend the honor of the school in this tournament? (choose one teacher and one teacher)
11. Imagine that they announced the competition "Miss and Mr. Elegance" among the teachers of the district. Which of the teachers, in your opinion, will be able to adequately defend the honor of the school in this competition? (choose one teacher and one teacher)
12. Imagine that the school announced the contest "Just good man". Which student do you think is worthy of this title? Write his first and last name.
The results of the survey are summarized. The results are drawn up in a presentation and using photographs of the winners and persons who took 2nd, 3rd places.

Event progress.
1 leader. Hello! On the air - the first school television. We are starting the infotainment program "All about school life." (Slide 1. Photo of the school.)
2 leader. Today you will learn a lot of interesting things. The heroes of our program will be the teachers and children of our school. We want every person in our school to be aware of all the details of school life. And not only as a spectator, but also as an active participant in it. Serious and boring news is not for us - we want to make interesting and funny stories.
1 leader. And first we will tell you the parable "The best school."

2 leader. Parents chose for their son the best teacher. In the morning, the grandfather took his grandson to school. When the grandfather and grandson entered the yard, they were surrounded by children.
“What a funny old man,” one boy laughed.
Children screamed and jumped around the grandfather and grandson. The bell rang and the children ran away.
Grandfather resolutely took his grandson by the hand and went out into the street.
“Hooray, I won’t go to school,” the boy was delighted.
“You will go, but not to this one,” the grandfather answered angrily. “I myself will find you the best school and the best teacher.
The grandfather took his grandson to his house, and he went to look for the best teacher.
Seeing some school, the grandfather went into the yard and waited for the teacher to let the children go for a break. In some schools the children ignored the old man, in others they teased him. The grandfather silently turned and walked away. At last he entered the tiny courtyard of a small school and wearily
leaned against the fence. The bell rang and the children poured out into the yard.
- Grandpa, are you sick, bring water? - a voice was heard.
“We have a bench in the yard, sit down, please,” one boy suggested.
Do you want me to call the teacher? another child asked.
Soon a young teacher came out into the yard.
Grandfather greeted and said:
— Finally I found the best school for my grandson.
— You are mistaken, grandfather, our school is not the best. She is small and tight.
The old man did not argue. He agreed on everything with the teacher and left.
In the evening, the boy's mother asked his grandfather:
Father, you are illiterate. Why do you think you have found a better teacher?
“They recognize teachers by their students,” the grandfather answered.
1 leader. Here is such a story. What do you think about our school?
2 leader. In the program of school television, we want to introduce you to a survey of students from our school. The survey was conducted among students from 5 to 11 grades. 55 people took part in the survey.
1 leader. Well, what have we learned?
2 leader. And we found out that out of 55 students, 48 ​​students like to go to school. This is 89%. So we have good school(slide 2. Graph).
1 leader. Do you know that now in Russia, according to the Ministry of Education, there are 47,089 schools (slide 3. Data on the slide).
2 leader. The smallest school in Russia is located in the village of Raslovo-Monastyrskoye, Yaroslavl Region. It has only 4 students.
1 leader. The smallest school in the world is located in a mountainous Chinese village, not far from the city of Longzhin. One girl from a very poor family was unable to start attending an advanced school with the others. For her sake alone, the leadership of the RONO did not close the old school until the little villager received a secondary education. So in the Guinness Book of Records appeared the smallest school in the world.
2 leader. Basically, our kids enjoy going to school. And what office in our school, according to the guys, is the most favorite, the most comfortable and convenient?
1 leader. According to the survey, the winner in the nomination "The most favorite room" was the chemistry room. Head of the Cabinet (full name)! (slide 4. Photo.).
2 leader. In second place is the math class. Head of the Cabinet (full name)! (slide 5. Photo).
1 host. In third place is the physics room. Head of the Cabinet (full name)! (slide 6. Photo.).
2 leader. Let's move on to the next topic. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our school life. You will learn how to protect your phone from theft and some rules of mobile etiquette from the commercial (a video filmed with the participation of school students is shown).
1 leader. The telephone is a means of communication. And which of the teachers, let's say, is the most telephone-accessible? Whose phone number is the most popular among the students of our school? And so, the most popular phone number of a teacher among students is (full name)! (slide 7. Photo.) 26 students can call him at any time.
2 leader. The second most popular is the phone number (full name)! (slide 8. Photo.).
1 leader. In third place are the phone numbers of two teachers - (full name)! (slide 9. Photo.).
2 leader. An interesting topic for discussion is the school cafeteria. A very popular place. They even composed a ditty:
Everyone runs to the dining room
The norm is fulfilled.
But they don’t go to the gym,
Barely hobble.
1 presenter.According to the results of the survey, the most favorite dish of students in the school cafeteria was mashed potatoes with sausage (slide 10).
- 2 leading. Do you know that the most expensive potato in the world of the La Bonnot variety costs 20,000 rubles per kilogram. It grows on the small French island of Nurmoitier in the Atlantic Ocean. Potato fields are fertilized exclusively with seaweed. All work on planting and harvesting is carried out only by hand. Only about 100 tons of this root crop are harvested per year. This potato is in high demand in high-end restaurants. (slide 11).
1 presenter. According to the survey, the most disliked dish in the school cafeteria was milk soup. (slide 12).
- 2 leading. But in vain. There are many interesting things to be said about milk. Half a liter of cow's milk replenishes from 50 to 70% of the body's daily need for calcium, which is necessary for building the skeleton and teeth.
1 presenter. But mouse milk is the most expensive milk in the world. Its cost exceeds 825,000 rubles per liter. To obtain one liter of such milk, about 4,000 mice need to be milked. Mouse milk is used in medicine. Female mice synthesize human protein in milk - lactoferrin, which is used in the production of unique pharmacological preparations. Medicines containing mouse milk improve the process of hematopoiesis after blood transfusion. According to Igor Goldman, the director of the mouse farm, obtaining mouse milk is one of the stages of a global experiment, the goal
2 leader. School life consists of victories and defeats, sorrows and joys.
What if a very serious problem arose? Then which of the teachers will the guys approach for help? And so, the winner in the nomination "The most responsive teacher" was (full name). (slide 13. Photo.).
1 presenter. In second place, according to the survey, was (full name) (slide 14. Photo.).
2 leader. The third place belongs to (full name) (slide 15. Photo.). Most of the students surveyed at our school count on the help of these teachers.
1 leader. The students also chose a teacher - a generalist. Children's answers to the question: “Imagine that you can choose one teacher to teach all subjects. Who will you choose? helped us find our favorite teacher. And so, the winner in the nomination "The most beloved teacher" was (full name) (slide 16. Photo.). He was chosen by 22 students.
2 leader. In the second place of honor - (full name) (slide 17. Photo.).
1 host. Irreplaceable (full name) - in third place (slide 18. Photo.).
If only one subject could be chosen for schooling. What do our students choose? (Slide 19. Graph.). According to the results of the survey, mathematics (algebra) became the most favorite subject.
1 host. In second place - Russian,
in third place is biology.
1 presenter. And now about sports (slide 20. Photo by F. Emelianenko). In our school, children love skiing, basketball, and football. We have very good results in these species. But today we want to tell you about strong man, the idol of many boys. It's about Fedor Emelianenko. This is the Champion of Russia in judo, the Champion of Russia in sambo. At the age of 25, he became the world champion in fights without rules (2001). Fedor Emelianenko was born in 1976 in the city of Rubizhne, Luhansk region, into a working-class family. His father was an electrician and his mother a crane operator. For the first time, Fedor began to join martial arts at the age of ten - he began attending the judo and sambo sections. The coaches of the children's section remember Fedor as a child who does not particularly stand out, but with a built-in desire to win and incredible perseverance. These qualities helped him achieve a lot in life. Today it is a very popular athlete with a worldwide reputation.
2 leader. Since we are talking about fights without rules, then our school has its own heroes. During the survey, the guys expressed confidence that they would adequately defend the honor of the school at fictitious competitions in ultimate fighting among teachers of the district (full name)! (slide 21. Photo.). This is the winner in the nomination "The most combative teacher."
1 presenter. In the nomination "The most combative teacher" she won (full name Photo.) (slide 21).
2 leader. We decided not to risk one ..., and to support the team of the school for fighting without rules, they also included ..., who took 2nd place and is popular in all nominations (full name) (she is in third place) (slide 22. Photo.) .
1 presenter. The winner in the nomination "Miss Elegance" was (full name) (slide 23. Photo.).
2 leader. “Mr. elegance”, according to the results of voting, became (full name) (slide 24. Photo.).
1 presenter. We have one more side of school life left to discuss - this is friendship between students. The good news is that the question “Do you have a friend at school?” “yes” was answered by all respondents. And how to win friends? How to learn to like people? We will give you some advice from Dale Carnegie, a well-known American specialist in the field of human relations. Communicating with people
- Remember that the name of a person is the most important sound for him. Address people by name. Dale Carnegie discovered that a person is more interested in him given name than the names of all other people put together.
- 2 leading. Smile! After all, a smile costs nothing, but gives a lot. It lasts one moment, but it remains in memory for a long time.
- 1 leader. Be genuinely interested in other people. Congratulate them on their birthdays. When answering phone calls, pronounce the word "Hello" in such a tone that the interlocutor understands how glad you are for his call.
- 2 leading. Be a good listener. If you only talk about yourself and not listen to anyone, then you will be avoided. Keep in mind that your interlocutor is more interested in him, his problems and desires than you and your problems. His own tooth worries him more than forty earthquakes in Africa. Keep this in mind every time you have a conversation with someone.
- 1 presenter. Talk about what your interlocutor is interested in. The surest way to the heart of an interlocutor is a conversation with him on a topic that he knows best. Ask about his hobbies and favorite topic of conversation.
- 2 leading. Inspire your interlocutor with the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely. Every person considers himself significant! Each person believes that he is superior to others in some way. And if you let him know that you recognize his important role in his little world and recognize it sincerely, then you will easily find the key to the heart of this person.
1 leader. These are very simple rules.
2 leader. We all chose just a good person among the students of our school. 34 students (out of 55 surveyed) claimed the title of "Just a good person".
1 presenter. And so, prizes to the studio! See, it pays to be good!
2 leader. The winner in the nomination “Just a good person” among the students of our school was (full name), a student of grade 10 (slide 25. Photo.).
1 leader. The second place, according to the results of voting, was taken by (full name), a student of the 6th grade. (slide 26. Photo.).
2 leader. The third place was awarded to two students at once. They received the same number of votes. These are (full name) (grade 10) and (full name), a student in grade 11. (slide 27. Photo.).
1 presenter. On this sweet chocolate note, we end our event. All the best! (slide 28. Thank you for your attention!).


Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 1" p.Khanymey

for 2015/2016 academic year

2015/2016 academic year

Civil and military-patriotic

Spiritual and moral, artistic and aesthetic upbringing


Physical education, sports and recreation

Self-government at school and in the classroom

Social, general cultural, labor professional

general intellectual

Psychological and pedagogical activity

The work of children's associations, studios and sports sections

Main activities


School-wide, village, district, district events

Cool things, events

Activities for interaction with the socio-psychological service and educational institutions settlement

Working with parents

September (Civil Protection and Child Safety Month)

- "Knowledge Day". Feast of the first call.

- « All-Russian lesson Mira» -

Team competition "Train of safety"

Campaign "Letter to the driver"

Game "Election Campaign 2015-2016"

Opening of a sports hockey complex 04.09

All-Russian action"I give you my heart"

School inspector days

Mass cross-country competitions (according to the program of the All-Russian Day of Running "Cross of the Nation - 2015")

Class hour "Ready for work and defense"(01.09)

Conversation with parents "First time in fifth grade"

Class hour "Learning to cooperate"

Parent-teacher meetings dedicated to the beginning of the academic year "Adaptation of students". Psychodiagnostic minimum of 5th grade students


Class hour "175th anniversary of the birth of P.I. Tchaikovsky».

Conversation "Beware the road"


Lessons dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

the 70th anniversary of the start of the Nuremberg trials;(21.09)

Conversation "On the dangers of foul language"

Conversation “Charter of the school. The rights and obligations of the student "

Adaptation games in 5th grade.

October (legal knowledge month)

All-Russian lesson on the safety of schoolchildren on the Internet

Solemn line dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Russian Emergencies Ministry(04.10.)

“We know everything about the Motherland” quiz-presentation

self-government day

Autumn holiday "Meetings at the autumn oak"

Festive concert of students for school teachers "My teacher is my idol".

Participation in the regional action:

"Legal propaganda".

School Inspector's Day

Psychodiagnostic minimum of 5th grade students

"Keys to Success!" - educational game for active schools

Class hour "Memory pantry of knowledge"(05.10)

Participation in the festive concert of students for teachers of the school "My teacher is my idol" (04.10)

Class hour on the theme of the profession(12.10)


Class hour "On Guard of the Motherland"(19.10)

Preparing for the autumn holiday

Involving parents in the autumn holiday

Class hour "Services for helping children in difficult life situations";(26.10.)

Participation in the educational game "Key to Success" MBOU DO DDT

November (decade of ecology and PCP)

Flash mob "Stand up!"

- Week of Tolerance at School

“My offspring, please take my example” quiz game

Sport's event dedicated to the use, alcohol and smoking

Action "I choose sport as an alternative to drug use."

Mother's Day Event

National Unity Day.

Thematic conversation (09.11).

Class hour: "Good and evil signs of life",

"Tolerance means tolerance"(16.11.)


« Smoking is voluntary slavery. Child health class (23.11).

All-Russian vocabulary lesson. Birthday of the great Russian lexicographer Vladimir Dahl.

Mother's Day event.

Inviting parents to participate in the holiday "My mother is the best in the world"


Solemn line dedicated to the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.

Charity event "With an open mind".

Preparing for the New Year holidays

New Year holidays

Participation in the activities of the campaign "Scarlet Ribbon - a Symbol of Hope", timed to coincide with the World AIDS Day.

"History far and near" local lore tour of Yamal. MKUK "Library of the village of Khanymei"

Class hour "Learning to be cultured" (14.12 )


Office decoration for the New Year.

"From the history of New Year and Christmas" Presentation Competition(21.12)

Involving parents in the presentation competition« From the history of the New Year and Christmas»

"Fire it right." A conversation about fire safety.

Safety briefings during the winter holidays (28.12)

"Clean house", cleaning in the classroom


Competition for the best number of amateur performances at the awards ceremony based on the results of competitions for the New Year and Christmas.

"Kolyada has come - open the gate." Class hour about the traditions of Orthodox Christmas (11.01).


Conversation "Do good to others for good";


"Why do we say that?"Role-playing game (25.01)

February (month of military-patriotic education)

Military-sports game "It's hard in learning - it's easy in battle."

ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland(24.02).

Action "Sending to the Yamal soldier".

School Inspector's Day

“I fall, Russia, to your beauty” Presentation creative works (01.02)

Thematic conversation "About valor, about exploits, about glory"(08.02)

Parent meeting.

"On the Meaning homework in the educational activities of the student "


"Landing". Role-playing game-congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day(15.02).

Involving parents in the event "Landing"

Intellectual game "Vsevedy"


March (career guidance month)

- Festive concert for the International Women's Day "Spring drops".(07.03)

- Participation in the regional action:

"Legal propaganda". Week of legal education, prevention of juvenile delinquency.

-Chemical Addiction Prevention Week bad habits

Block of events "This many-sided world of relationships"

School Inspector's Day

"Extraordinary Ring".Congratulation on International Women's Day. (07.03)

Role behavior in business communication.

Involving parents in the event "Unusual Ring"

Class hour "Who should we be, what should we be?"(14.03).

Excursions to the enterprises of the village


"Visiting Shrovetide".Journey to Shrove Tuesday.(21.03.)

Involving parents in the event "Visiting Shrovetide"

Practical lesson on the topic: "Learn to see the beauty in a person"(28.03.)


Campaign "Being healthy is great" for the International Health Day

Patriotic song competition (cool choirs)

« Health formula. Proper nutrition is a pledge of health. Round table(04.04)

Health Day (02.04)

Involving parents in Health Day.

Class hour "Across the expanses of the Universe", dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.(11.04)

Events dedicated to Cosmonautics Day( 12.04)


Let's save the earth. Earth Day event(18.04)

"Rate the class."(25.04)


Events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War 1941-1945:

Results of the academic year "Starfall - 2015"

Regional action "Heirs", dedicated to the Day of children's public organizations.

Solemn line dedicated to the end of the school year.

Action "Take care of nature" (a trip to the forest together with parents)

School Saturday.

General cleaning.

Class hour on the theme "Heroes of the Russian Land"(02.05.)

Family. Family traditions

Thematic conversation.(16.05)

Inviting parents to participate in the event “Family. Family traditions"

Results of the academic year


"Open Mic".Class hour dedicated to the study of the class team. (23.05.)

Class hour "The school year is over."(30.05.)


Leisure activities

moral education

cognitive activity

Health saving activities

Social adaptation activities

Communicative activity

Labor education

Creative activity

Social ped. - event social service

Ped.-psych. - event of a teacher-psychologist

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the laws of healthy eating; to convince them of the necessity and importance of observing a diet; teach children to choose the most useful products for a healthy, rational diet.

Equipment: food pyramid poster, healthy eating poster, fruit drawings, sheets of paper, pencils, presentation (Application).

Lesson progress

1. Motivation and updating of knowledge.slide 1


Greetings to all who found the time
And he came to school for a holiday of health.
Let winter smile at us through the window,
But in the classroom we have a cozy and light.

We grow up here, we mature here.
And, of course, we put on weight.
We are always healthy, friendly with charging,
We need sports with physical education, as we need air.

And with them order, comfort, cleanliness.
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself.
We protect our health from an early age,
It will save us from pain and trouble.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests. I'm glad to see you on our class hour dedicated to healthy eating. Each of us is given only one amazing opportunity to live our lives on planet Earth. And how to live your life, each person decides in his own way. slide 2.3

What is the most valuable thing in a person's life? (Health) slide 4

Health has been and remains the most important part of human life. An example of this is the Russian heroes and beauties described in fairy tales. slide 5

2. Conversation about the culinary of Ancient Rus'.

- What do you think the heroes ate to be strong, and the girls - beautiful, with long thick braids, clean ruddy face and clear eyes

- In Russian folk tales, proverbs, sayings, the names of products found on the table are often mentioned. Listen to excerpts from several fairy tales, name them, and then we will name the products from these works: slide 6

  • “I saw Emel in the hole in the pike, contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand. - Here ear it will be sweet!” (“By pike command”).
  • “Navaryla porridge, smeared it on a plate, treats a crane ... (“The Fox and the Crane”)
  • “The furnace will flood, prepare everything, buy, Testicle he bakes and peels himself.” (“The tale of the priest and his worker Balda”).
  • “- Eat my simple jelly with milk! - My father and cream do not eat ... ”(“ Geese-swans ”).
  • "I, Kolobok, Kolobok, on sour cream mixed yes in oil fried...” (“Kolobok”).
  • “And I was there honey-beer drank ... ”(The end of many fairy tales).

What foods are mentioned in these passages?

- What is an ear? Fish soup.

– What is honey-beer? An intoxicating drink made from boiled honey.
What is a kolobok?

Koloboks are small round breads or thick cakes. They were usually baked from leftover flour from pies or breads. Therefore, the grandmother and chalk “in the bottom of the barrel” in order to sweep up the remnants of flour.

- On holidays, they baked pies with various fillings: with fish, chicken, beef, cabbage, mushrooms, berries. Remember the Russian proverb: "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies." How do you understand its meaning?

What kind of food was it? Where did she come from? From the garden, garden, field, forest.

- How was the meal? (meal)?

- During the meal in the past, they sat decorously. They didn't talk at the table. During dinner, it was impossible to get up, even if an older or honored guest entered. They bowed to him, sitting at the table, and continued to eat slowly.

3. Conversation on diet. Slide 7

- To maintain health, the student must follow a diet and use foods rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals for cooking.

Doctor Healthy Food advises: to eat right, you need two conditions: moderation and variety. What does moderation mean?

- Ancient people own the wise words: "We eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat." Slide 8

Overeating is very harmful, the stomach and intestines do not have time to digest everything. What does diversity mean?

No product gives all nutrients which are necessary to maintain good health. Some products give the body energy to move, think well, not get tired (honey, buckwheat, oatmeal, raisins, oil). Others help build the body and make it stronger (cottage cheese, fish, eggs, meat, nuts). And the third - fruits and vegetables (berries, greens, cabbage, carrots, bananas), contain many vitamins and minerals, which help the body grow and develop.

Look at the food pyramid. Slide 9

It's a food pyramid aims to demonstrate a healthy and balanced diet.

Want to build it for yourself? No problem.

First you need to draw an isosceles triangle on a piece of paper, which is the basis for building this pyramid. The whole structure rests on the base, which is the largest brick.

Two smaller bricks should be “laid” on it, etc., the pyramid should be crowned with one small triangle.

What do these six unequal bricks mean, you ask? We will talk about this now.

The largest brick represents the grain sector. If you are mistaken about the fact that vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamins, then we will try to convince you.

These are whole grain products that form the base of the food pyramid, they do not contain "empty" carbohydrates, such as white bread, muffins, cakes.

But vegetables and fruits are located on the basis of our structure, and they represent two separate groups, that is, the second and third bricks. It is important to include vegetables and fruits that are bright yellow, orange and red in your diet.

They contain water-soluble beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A.

The fourth is the meat brick, this means that your menu must contain lean meats, poultry, fish, cottage cheese. If you do not have enough time to cook fresh fish, you can replace it with canned fish, such as tuna or salmon in its own juice.

The fifth brick is dairy, dairy products will help support immunity.

But the consumption of foods containing a lot of animal fats, which are a source of hidden fat, such as cheeses, sour cream, ice cream, mayonnaise, fatty sauces, try to limit.

Sixth brick considered fat-containing, but by no means fatty.
This sector includes fat-containing products, which include nuts, animals and vegetable oils, the latter are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the heart.

This group also includes butter but its consumption should be limited.

It should also be remembered that all of the listed elements of the pyramid should be your daily diet.

4. Riddles and proverbs about fruits and vegetables. Slide 10

Explain how you understand the proverb: "Vegetables are the pantry of health." Remember the riddles about vegetables and fruits.

How to put on a hundred shirts -
Crunched on the teeth.

Grandfather is sitting - dressed in a fur coat.
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.

red maiden
Sitting in the dark
And the scythe is on the street.

The red tail is rooted into the ground, and the green tail is outside.

No windows, no doors
Full of people.

green calf
tied with a rope,
Lies on its side and matures, gets fat.

Pink cheeks, white nose
I sit in the dark all day
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun.

golden head
Lie down to rest.
Big, heavy
The head is big
golden head
Only the neck is thin.

5. A conversation about modern kitchen appliances.

- What magical items quickly set the table with various, tasty and healthy dishes? In fairy tales, there is an image of a self-assembly tablecloth, which will quickly prepare a lot of delicious meals. Would you like to have a self-assembled tablecloth? We also have assistants - these are modern kitchen appliances that help us cook healthy meals tasty and quickly. slide 11

What kitchen equipment do you know? What can be cooked with it? slide 12.13

On the cards, quickly and correctly find the name of the dish and the kitchen equipment with which it is prepared.

For example: grater - salad, meat grinder - cutlets, stove - soup, kettle - tea, coffee grinder - coffee, dough mixer - pancakes, toaster - sandwiches, oven - cheesecakes, mixer - cream, bread machine - bread, dough, double boiler ...

6. The game "Guessing"

What is the most valuable product for children? (Milk)

Do you know what products can be made from milk?

Let's play: name the dairy products, your friend is another dairy product, etc. The name of the same product cannot be repeated twice. Whoever remembers wins more titles dairy products.

And to remember some products, preparations from milk, the text on the board will help you: Slide 14

If milk is left for a day in a warm place, it will turn sour and form - ...

If sour milk is slightly heated, a dense white clot will stand out from it - ...

If you put milk in a hot oven and hold it there for two hours, you get - ...

If you put sour milk in a hot oven, you get - ...

6. Conducting the experiment. (Give a homework assignment if it is not possible to do it in class)

- At home, you had to conduct an experiment to determine the fat content of food?

Take small portions of different foods: a piece of bread, an apple, sausages, etc. Put the cut part on a piece of paper. Watch in 10-15 minutes. If the product is greasy, a greasy stain remains on the paper.

Doctor Healthy Food gives us advice:

- refrain from fatty foods,

- beware of very spicy and salty,

- thousands of sweets, but one health.

7. The game “What destroys health, what strengthens?” slide 15, 16

Choose the foods that are eaten in the country of Zdorovyachkov.

Healthy foods Unhealthy Foods
Fish pepsi
Kefir Fanta
Hercules Chips
Sunflower oil Fat meat
Carrot Cakes
Onion Snickers
Cabbage Chocolate candies
Apples, pears and... Salo and...

8. Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate badly” Slide 17

- Now listen to Mikhalkov's poem and answer the question, what is this poem about? Why did Yulechka eat badly?

9. Golden rules of nutrition:Slide 18

a) Most importantly, don't overeat.

b) Eat at the same time simple, freshly prepared food that is easy to digest and meets the needs of the body.

c) chew food thoroughly, do not rush to swallow.

d) before eating, do 5-6 breathing exercises belly, mentally thanking everyone who took part in the creation of the products from which the food is prepared.

10. Bottom line. Slide 19

- What kind of food do they like to eat in the country of Zdorovyachkov?
