How to spend the perfect Christmas together? New Year holidays together: how unusual to meet them? Spend a pleasant evening with your loved one at Christmas.

02.01.2015 | 1548

Christmas is, unlike the New Year, a quiet family holiday, which you often want to celebrate with just the two of you. We have prepared for you some tips on how to make Christmas with your loved one truly unforgettable.

Where to start preparing?

The very first and most important thing you should do is discuss with your significant other how you both would like to spend this day. If you ignore this moment, it is likely that your loved one will invite someone to visit, or vice versa, will gather with you to visit friends. And the point is not that he does not want to stay with you alone - he simply does not know about your plans. Therefore, to avoid such an awkward situation, let your lover know in advance that you want to celebrate Christmas only with him.

If your wishes coincided, it's time to discuss the festive menu. If you are believers, then Christmas for you is the moment of the end of fasting, so food can be varied and tasty. And even if you are far from religion, then Christmas, nevertheless, suggests a good festive table.

What to cook?

But when compiling the menu, you need to take into account that there will be only two of you, so five salads, three hot dishes and two desserts are hardly needed. Yes, and spending the eve of the holiday in the kitchen is not the most pleasant experience. Therefore, limit yourself to two or three of your favorite dishes. Pamper yourself and your loved one with what you do not allow yourself to Everyday life. And do not forget about the traditional Christmas dish - kutya.

The Christmas table is not only dishes, but also serving appropriate for the celebration. Choose an elegant tablecloth, arrange beautiful dishes, light candles. The table can be decorated with figurines of angels, stars, napkins with thematic drawings. Take care of the decoration of the room. It is better not to turn on the light in the room, instead you can place candles everywhere and light festive garlands.

What outfit to choose?

The choice of attire must be approached very carefully. At the celebration of Christmas, your favorite soft robe or insanely comfortable sweatpants will be out of place. And the image of the fatal beauty may also seem somewhat inappropriate for this holiday.

Instead, give preference to a delicate dress in pastel shades, apply light shimmering makeup. Don't forget to make sure that your lover is also dressed in accordance with the holiday dress code.

Things to do?

When the main preparatory activities are completed, it's time to think about the holiday program. Just eating at a beautiful table and going to bed is boring and doesn't capture the spirit of Christmas at all. Instead, remember the carefree days of childhood and go caroling. This occupation only at first seems to be something ridiculous for an adult. But one has only to see first surprise, and then sincere joy in response to your songs and poems, as this feeling will disappear. Plus, this fun Christmas tradition will let you finally get to know your neighbors.

If carol entertainment does not suit you, take your loved one and go to the city ice rink. Where there are a lot of people, music plays and a beautiful Christmas tree glows with colorful lights. And be sure to take a thermos of mulled wine with you. Teach each other to skate, fall and rise together, warm up with spiced wine and have fun.

Well, for those who think going to the skating rink is no less extreme than caroling, we suggest staying at home, wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and watching a good Christmas movie.

After all, the most important thing is that on this holiday you feel the warmth and love of your loved ones and be absolutely happy.


The homely smell of pine needles and festive dishes, colorful garlands, carols: all this action takes place on a magical holiday called Christmas , which is awaited with great impatience by believers all over the world.

About Christmas world traditions, about how to spend Christmas what signs should be observed to attract prosperity and happiness to the house, will be discussed further.

Holiday Christmas

This holiday, on the eve of which they celebrate Christmas Eve, waiting for people in almost 200 countries with great impatience. And this is not surprising, because Nativity- one of the biggest holidays in Christianity.

The holiday originates from pagan times. According to tradition, on Christmas Eve, food cannot be eaten until the first star.

Catholics celebrate Christmas Eve on December 24, while Orthodox people celebrate Christmas Eve on 6th January. The word Christmas Eve comes from "sochevo" (means grains of wheat, which are soaked with juice from seeds).

The celebration begins with the rising of the evening dawn, which, according to legend, announces to the world the birth of the Son of God.

In modern times, the original meaning of Christmas is gradually being lost, but the main thing remains: the holiday is celebrated Houses, and at the same time, the family gathers at the festive table, celebrating Christmas in peace and love for each other.

Christmas traditions

According to legend, the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary is at the heart of Christmas.

This holiday is the most solemn, accompanied by three services for believers - at midnight, at dawn and in the afternoon. According to Christian tradition, the birth of Christ was able to save human souls and give eternal life to every believer.

This is one of the few holidays that closely intertwine folk and church traditions. There is still an interesting tradition caroling.

On the evening of January 6th and in the morning of January 7th children go from house to house, filling the floor with grains of barley and wheat. Children also sing carols, wishing the owners prosperity and peace. The hosts, in turn, give the children coins and sweets, which, according to legend, bring good luck for the whole year.

The tradition of the Christmas table, where it should be twelve courses by the number of Jesus' disciples.

In Russian-speaking countries it is brewed uzvar- a drink made from dried fruits and berries, symbolizing a happy and prosperous life. In addition, at Christmas it is customary to bake pies (or a pie), one of which is filled with a coin. The one who finds it will be lucky all the coming year.

Christmas in the Czech Republic

Baked carp, tsukrovi sugar cookies and potato salad are must-haves on the Christmas table for conservative Czechs. The Czechs never invite guests to the Christmas table, because this is a purely family holiday for them.

Under the Czech holiday table should be a head of garlic. Christmas divination is also a must for them.

Christmas in Poland

For Christmas dinner in Poland, Lenten dishes are certainly prepared. Before a festive dinner, Poles break round cakes called "oblatni" and wish each other good luck, happiness and health.

Christmas in Germany

In Germany, they give each other the so-called Christmas star - this is the plant "euphorbia", which in its shape resembles a star. It is traditional for Germans to give clover in a pot to invite good luck into the house, and to serve a gingerbread pig or chimney sweeps (squid in their own ink) at the Christmas table.

Christmas in Croatia

Croatians traditionally put candles in the center of the Christmas table, which they decorate with garlands. And on the table there must be small cookies in powdered sugar in the shape of red hearts.

Christmas in Bulgaria

The tradition of the Bulgarians is the modeling of the scenes of the birth of Christ from bread crumbs.

Christmas in Sweden

In Sweden, Christmas is called Yul, and they prepare for it 2-3 weeks in advance: they traditionally bake cookies, bread and brew beer. The Swedes believe in the healing properties of these products on Christmas Eve.

Christmas in Finland

Finns always sprinkle straw on the floor, while unmarried girls sleep on this straw on Christmas night so that they dream of their future betrothed.

Christmas in the Baltic countries

Many old rituals and traditions have been preserved in the Baltic countries.

IN Estonia, for example, according to a centuries-old tradition, citizens wear wreaths at this time.

Lithuanian Christmas dinner is traditionally made up of fish dishes. Wherein the best place at the table remains for a possible unexpected guest.

People have always been engaged in fortune-telling at Christmas time during Christmas time. Christmas time is a holiday from December 24 to January 6, which is considered a time for divination. And it doesn't matter if you believe in divination or not, but this is a tradition among many Christians.

Regardless of what traditions You will meet the bright holiday of Christmas, know that it brings peace and love. On this day, you need to think about your place in life and how to become better.

Signs for Christmas

From time immemorial, the celebration of Christmas has been inseparable from various beliefs and signs, according to which it was possible to predict the weather, bring good luck, prosperity and prosperity to the house. Main omens for christmas consider below.

  • Our ancestors believed that a snowstorm on Christmas Eve would bring early spring.
  • Warm and clear weather at Christmas - to a cold spring.
  • The young month at Christmas is financially unlucky.
  • Frosted trees at Christmas indicate a good harvest of grain, while a starry sky is a sign that there will be a rich harvest of legumes.
  • Meeting Christmas in casual clothes brings misfortune.
  • New acquisitions for the Christmas holidays - to well-being.
  • A family round dance around the New Year tree, which is traditionally removed on January 19 (that is, on Epiphany), will bring family happiness and health.
  • Accepted in new year's eve to attract joy and wealth, open the window at exactly midnight and light candles, and this should be done by the head of the family.
  • Well-fed pets for Christmas are good luck.

But! There are signs that promise trouble and evil in the new year.

  • Hunting at Christmas is unfortunate.
  • Sewing for Christmas - to the blindness of one of the family.
  • Doing housework - to illness.

Believe or not believe in omens for christmas- a purely personal matter, but in any case, on this bright holiday, you must be open, kind, sympathetic, and then luck will definitely look into your house.

Christmas, especially last years has become one of my favorite holidays. And - the most family. Relatives and friends, members of the same family, regardless of its size, try to get together this evening, give each other gifts and their warmth. That is why it is important to know how to celebrate Christmas so that it does not become just another festive feast in a series of rather long and, what to hide, a little tedious winter holidays.

How to celebrate Christmas interesting

It is good if the family has certain traditions that are associated with Christmas. Some consider it obligatory for themselves to visit the church that evening, others limit themselves to a festive family dinner. In any case, this holiday is distinguished by a special quiet solemnity, so you should not arrange stormy festive festivities on Christmas.

No, this does not mean that you should not have fun, just for fun there will be next days, and the Christmas Eve evening itself should be spent peacefully, not forgetting its holy essence and the fact that the Christmas fast is not yet over.

Helpful Hints

How to celebrate Christmas if you have a child? Try to unobtrusively explain to the baby the essence of this holiday. This can be done when you decorate the house together.

Buy new candles and hang a star on the tree that you can make yourself from a sheet of foil. Explain to the child its meaning, and at the same time explain why it is customary to give gifts at Christmas. You can watch one of the cartoons dedicated to Christmas together or read one of the fairy tales to him. For example, Hans Christian Andersen has a wonderful and sad tale called "The Little Match Girl". Or you can choose any other story.

Entertainment for everyone

You can invite the child to draw and draw a picture dedicated to the story of the Savior's Birth. Show him similar pictures in books and ask which one he likes best and why. Of course, this should only be done if you consider your family to be a believer.

If you are an atheist, then you can choose how you will have fun this evening. You can sit at the festive table, and then go outside with the whole family in order to play snowballs together or go skiing. You can arrange a small fireworks display. And, of course, be sure to give each other gifts, regardless of whether you believe in God or not. Indeed, in essence, gifts personify the love and attention to loved ones that we lack so much in everyday life.

How to celebrate Christmas with your family

On such a solemn and bright holiday as Christmas, I especially want to. To be near close and dear people. Therefore, when thinking about how to celebrate Christmas, try to remember those with whom you quarreled and have not yet had time to make peace. Christmas is the perfect occasion to correct this mistake.

Preparing for Christmas

In preparation for the festive evening, put things in order in the house, do a general cleaning, since it is customary to celebrate Christmas in complete cleanliness. Decorate your home with Christmas symbols.

This is not only a decorated Christmas tree, which you probably have had since the New Year, but also new candles, as well as various figurines made of paper and other materials based on the famous biblical story. And the invariable attribute of this holiday is the Christmas star, which can be cut out of foil or glued from shiny paper and hung on the Christmas tree.

The table is set in a special way on this day. Before laying the tablecloth, they put a little straw on it, at least a few pieces of straw. This is a symbol of this holiday, because Christ was born in a cave and the sheep's manger filled with straw served as his first cradle. Then the table is covered with a tablecloth, preferably not only clean, but absolutely white, and most importantly - new. In general, Christmas is the day when it is desirable to decorate the room with some kind of new thing, for example, new curtains.

According to custom, on this evening, which is called Christmas Eve, there should be exactly 12 dishes on the table, and preferably lenten ones. After all, according to Orthodox customs, Christmas Eve is the last evening of the Christmas fast.

This evening got its name from a special dish that is customary to cook today. This sochivo is a special type of porridge cooked from soaked cereals mixed with honey and nuts. But alcohol is not accepted on the table this evening, it is better to replace it with compote or jelly. Meat dishes and snacks are usually served the next day.

Interesting traditions

Of course, speaking about how to celebrate Christmas, one cannot fail to mention the custom of giving gifts to your loved ones. It is better to take care of this in advance. Some gifts can be prepared with your own hands, while others can be bought in a store, but only they must be chosen with love and a desire to please your loved ones. A gift formally bought at the last moment is not for Christmas.

If Christmas Eve is a bright and quiet evening, then the coming Christmas is usually celebrated cheerfully, with noise, laughter and carols. Think about how you will present gifts to your guests. Or you can go caroling yourself, choosing special texts for this in a book or on the Internet.

The long weekend that falls on New Year's Eve and the following Christmas allows you to have a good rest. How to celebrate Christmas and spend the Christmas holidays, what is the best thing to do at this time? After all, you can even relax in different ways. Of course, each person has their own ideas about rest. Someone prefers to just lie on the couch and watch TV, overeating on tasty treats, while someone cannot imagine a vacation without traveling and acquiring new experiences.

How to celebrate Christmas in a heartfelt and not boring way

Christmas stands alone in the series of New Year's weekends and holidays and is loved by many no less than the traditional New Year. How to celebrate Christmas so that it does not become another thoughtlessly spent weekend and nothing more? For those who consider themselves to be church-going Orthodox, this question is not worth it, while the rest, of whom the vast majority can travel a little on the Internet and find out what traditions exist on this matter. Of course, many of them have already gone into the irretrievable past, but it is quite possible to adapt others to modern realities. We want to help you figure it out.

Celebration Secrets

How to celebrate Christmas? Firstly, it has always been customary to celebrate it in a carefully cleaned and cleaned house. Often, new dishes and tablecloths were purchased especially for Christmas, and in addition, it was customary to wear unworn clothes for the holiday.

This can be a great excuse for spring cleaning after a long weekend. Agree that after the New Year, it's time to put the house in order. And the coming Christmas will inspire you for this hard and not so fun work. But after her, when the apartment shines with cleanliness, she will be ready to meet the upcoming holiday.

After cleaning, it's time to go shopping and get something new. Especially since Christmas sales are still going on in stores. New beautiful plates on the table will come in handy, as well as elegant curtains in the kitchen or in the room. And of course, you should not forget about yourself. Remember - it is customary to celebrate Christmas in a new dress? So why not keep the tradition alive? At the same time, you can take care of pet and get him a new collar.

Traditions and customs

Believers sit down at the festive table only after the appearance of the first star in the sky. Before that, they do not touch the dishes. By the way, on Christmas Eve the table must be fast and consist of 12 dishes. After dinner, it is customary to go to church for the Christmas service. And only after returning from the church can meat dishes be served on the table. On January 7, in the morning, the Christmas Liturgy is served in the church, at which the incredibly beautiful Christmas Orthodox canon sounds - "Christ is born."

Another fun tradition is to bake a special Christmas cake and hide a coin in it. It is believed that the one who finds it in his piece will be very lucky this year. Like it or not - try it yourself. By the way, today, unlike Christmas Eve, you can already go on a visit.

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New Year- family celebration. Each of us has a moment when we want to spend this celebration not in a noisy company of friends or relatives, but alone with a loved one. It is very important that this desire be mutual - then the holiday promises to be pleasant!

But, how to celebrate the New Year, so as not to spoil everything at the last moment? How to give joy to yourself and your soul mate? Celebrating at home has its advantages:

  • Cozy and familiar environment;
  • Everything is subject to your desires;
  • Budget option, tThe level of celebration depends only on you;
  • Together you can afford much more than in a company;
  • No special outfits, hair or makeup required.

If all the preparations for the holiday are shifted to you, then the tips and interesting ideas from our article will help your organization of the New Year.

You will need:

Get in the Christmas spirit together

Be sure to prepare for the holiday together! New Year's mood appears in the process of decorating and creating a festive atmosphere. If you do everything yourself (decorate the Christmas tree, the apartment, cook everything without your partner), then your half may not have a sense of involvement in this joyful action. In any case, plan everything so that at this moment you are alone.

Start preparing a week in advance, or maybe a month in advance. Walk through the Christmas markets, choose and friends. Pack nicely. Let them play their favorite New Year's songs at home. The main thing is that you do everything together!

Exchange gifts

Gifts are an obligatory attribute of the New Year. You need to figure out how to deliver.

  • You can hide a thing in your clothes and play "hot-cold". It will spice it up 🙂
  • You can hide the gift within the apartment and give the sweetheart a drawn card or a message where the location of the “treasure” is encrypted.
  • Hide the gift, but do not give a clear cipher where it is. Give your loved one tips. You can hang them throughout the apartment or indicate in each of them how to find the next one. The goal of the latter will be the gift itself!

Holiday script

Throw a pajama party

Down with formal suits and tables. Climb into bed with pre-bought treats and watch Christmas movies and lights all night long!

romantic setting

Just imagine: the smell of cinnamon, tangerines, the muffled and flickering light of candles, a bubble bath ... You can organize such a festive evening. The intimate atmosphere of the celebration will for a long time emerge in the imagination of a loved one with a desire to repeat.

Party by nationality

Choose the right country. This may be the place where you would like to go together. Decorate the apartment and prepare dishes based on its traditions, find the appropriate costumes. This is a great alternative to the usual standard holiday!

You will find more ideas in our article on how interesting it is to mark New.

Apartment decoration

Fairy lights

They create an atmosphere of fabulousness and celebration! Let the garland hang from the ceiling, on the walls, on the windows. Christmas mood should creep into every corner of your home!

Don't forget the tree

Let her stand in the center of the room. Put coniferous branches in a vase that fill the room with the aroma of the forest. Decorate with toys, rain - let everything shine and shine! Try to get around the banal ways of decorating a Christmas tree. Better pick one.

Snowflakes on the windows

You can also hang them on the windows! Or draw a New Year's composition on glass with special paints. Rejoice yourself and give a festive mood to people passing by your house. Interesting ideas, you will find if you follow the link.

Make a Miracle Orange

Stick dried clove buds into an orange, which will create a pleasant aroma throughout the house.

Don't Forget Gift Socks

Hang them around the apartment, arrange New Year's figurines, hang rain, decorate the apartment with bright balls.

Play Christmas songs in the background. They will give you the right mood.

Create an original menu

On New Year's Eve for two, it is enough to cook a few “crown” dishes.

An approximate menu, which will be enough for two people, while it will look solemn.

  1. The famous Olivier salad. On our website you will find 1001.
  2. If you want something exotic, try making sushi. Instructions are also on the website.
  3. Men, as a rule, are “meat” gourmets. You can make meat cuts.
  4. Some light salad. For example, chicken with pineapple and cheese.
  5. Canapes with red caviar are suitable for snacks.
  6. Do not forget about the sweets on the table, where without them in romantic affairs. Make a fruit cut or fruit salad. You can make a curd dessert or make one.
  7. For alcoholic drinks, give preference to a bottle of red wine or traditional champagne. You will definitely not want to sleep from him, but you will create a romantic mood by 100%.

And the most important thing. Try to cook enough food to last only on New Year's Eve. Do not eat up the dishes prepared last year in the New Year 🙂

Prepare an unusual surprise for your soul mate

Add passion and fire to the celebration - dance for your man. Prepare a belly dance or striptease - these very beautiful and sensual dances will remain bright moments in your memory.

You can also organize a Christmas photo shoot the day before together. Before the holiday, do not open and do not look at the photo. On New Year's Eve, you can see them for the first time. Believe me, it will be full of pleasant emotions, there will be something to laugh at and something to remember.

Competitions for two

Think in advance what you will do after the President's speech and the chiming clock, so that during the celebration you will not get confused and not get bored.

  1. Play something. It can be Board games, cards (for more interest, add an intimate background) and "original" prizes or the fulfillment of any desire.
  2. Write on pieces of paper what you expect from the coming year. Let everyone write down their dreams and hopes. Hide the notes until the next New Year. Then it will be possible to check whether everything came true.
  3. Start a dance marathon! Turn on the music and dance. No restrictions on genre and style - it's just your evening. For interest, you can write the names of dances on pieces of paper, pull them out in turn and perform the selected dance.
  4. If there is karaoke, start singing. The main thing is not musical talent, but a fun pastime as a duet.

The best way to end the New Year's Eve

  • Record wishes and congratulations on video next year. On next holiday you will be able to nostalgic and reconsider, as noted together!
  • Congratulate your family. You can call, or you can take a bag of gifts prepared in advance and rush to give them.
  • Launch fireworks! This will be a bright final note of your celebration.

Having fun, dancing, and exchanging gifts with each other, it remains only to fall asleep together in an embrace in the morning and wake up already in the New Year. Happy New Year to you!

Christmas holidays are not far off. It's time to think about how to spend them brightly and unforgettable!

The aroma of Christmas dishes, the amazing smell of green needles, bright garlands - this indicates the onset of Christmas, which everyone is waiting for with great impatience! This magical religious holiday has become a favorite with people all over the world. Christmas is a family celebration that gathers all relatives around the table. They exchange gifts and give the warmth of the soul to each other. That is why it is important to take care of how to spend Christmas.

For a friendly company

In Rus', it was customary, starting from Christmas Eve, to go caroling and guessing. If you are going to a youth company, choose a couple of types of fortune-telling. Popular are:

  • on wax - the candle should be melted and the wax should be dripped into a plate of water. The resulting figures need to be deciphered, judging by what they look like;
  • on the ashes - a crumpled sheet of paper is lowered onto a dish, moved to the wall. They set it on fire and wait for it to burn completely. A lit candle is placed nearby so that the shadow is reflected on the wall. It is also easy to decipher them, for example: a stroller - there will be a child soon, a heart - you will meet love, etc.

You can offer your friends more such entertainment. Arrange on the table items corresponding to professions:

  • pen - teacher,
  • disk programmer,
  • book - writer,
  • syringe - doctor, etc.

Close the eyes of the fortuneteller, and let him choose any item on the table. He will predict to him the profession of a betrothed.

Another fun idea is caroling. Dress up the whole company in bright things, wigs and maxi that hide your face. Approaching the threshold, sing carols to the owners, wishing health, peace, prosperity. In return, ask for sweets, fruits, a kiss, a hug!

Romance for two

Couples in love tend to spend Christmas together. Many people prefer to just be at home in a cozy environment. In this case, prepare fragrant mulled wine, turn on your favorite Christmas movie and wrap yourself in a soft blanket. Love to read? Open the story "Gifts of the Magi". This is a wonderful story about lovers who prepared gifts for the holiday.

Dreaming of celebrating a holiday away from home? Call your soul mate to the forest for breakfast or dinner. Prepare a thermos of hot tea and delicious treats. Ask your friends to prepare the place for your arrival. Order a magical photo session as a gift.

Are you afraid of frost? Get a tour to Serbia to get acquainted with local traditions. In this country, Christmas is also celebrated from 6 to 7 January. It is customary for Serbs to burn oak branches right in front of the church before the start of the liturgy. They prepare a huge chessnica pie, which is enjoyed on all Belgrade streets.

Fans of extreme travel should pay attention to trips to Goa and Bali. In these places, they adore Russian tourists who celebrate Christmas with noise and fun. For them, cities are specially dressed up, Christmas trees are made from bamboo, coconuts and other tropical plants. Our tourists cook kutya with fruit, spend their holidays carefree and enjoy pleasant communication.

Family celebration

If you are a supporter of home celebration, best solution there will be a celebration in the cozy circle of their relatives. Watch Christmas movies. Do you want to be the organizer of the event? come up with interesting scenario, call your friends with kids. Prepare surprises and original contests for adults and kids.

Recently it has become fashionable to go to the villages for Christmas. Even if you don’t have friends and relatives, you can rent a cozy house, decorate it with Christmas wreaths, paper angels, stars and delicate snowflakes. Take ready meals with you and organize a real feast for the whole world! After it, you can offer outdoor games, carols, skiing, dancing and singing until the morning.

Whatever the holiday of Christmas, may it become joyful, kind and cheerful for you. The main thing on this wonderful day is to give warmth and care to others!
