How to make separate passages from a two-room Khrushchev. Redevelopment of Khrushchev into two adjacent rooms: possible options and the best interior solutions

Living in houses with a standard project of apartments is a common occurrence throughout Russia. And the most common of them is "Khrushchev", famous for its small kitchen, low ceilings and rooms that look more like cages. The implementation of redevelopment is a real opportunity to improve your home, make it modern and more comfortable. Redevelopment of 1 room Khrushchev 55 photos of design ideas on our website.

The problem that arises immediately before the start of redevelopment is the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch apartments. Still, whatever one may say, you can’t raise the ceilings, and you can’t make a room any more. But, as always, there is a way! It consists in the demolition of partitions and the release of a single large space.

The design of a one-room apartment is a redevelopment of Khrushchev, in most cases the space of the kitchen and the largest room are combined, but the unification should not be complete. For the best dezoning, an arch, a bar counter is suitable. But, if complete unification could not be avoided, the space can be divided by different floor coverings, wall colors, and furniture arrangement. Redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchev 30 sq m photo below:

The wall of a small room can be moved so that only a double bed can fit. It will only be a place to relax, and the main pastime will be carried out in a large spacious room, enlarged even more by moving the wall of the smaller room. This option is ideal for one or two people who do not have children.

Redevelopment of 1 room Khrushchev - the appearance of a child determines the arrangement of a separate room for him.

  • This can be achieved by converting the "study" into a children's bedroom.
  • Due to the "alienation" of a small space of the bedroom (if the area allows) or a large room, enlarged by the kitchen, corridor and one or more rooms.
  • It is rational to combine the toilet with the bathroom by installing a shower cabin instead of a bulky bathtub.
  • In this case, a washing machine and furniture for household items can be placed in the bathroom.
  • To transfer plumbing fixtures, it may be necessary to partially or completely transfer water and sewer pipes.

Redevelopment of a one-room apartment Khrushchev photo:

In no case should you break load-bearing walls, the definition of which is not always possible even for a professional, ventilation systems, gas pipes. In this case, you will come to the aid of a special organization that has a license to conduct this kind of examination. Spontaneous redevelopment quite often ends in failure and threatens with the collapse of the structures of residential premises and the death of people.

Overhaul of a one-room apartment Khrushchev

Are you planning a major apartment renovation? Then stock up not only with funds, but also with patience! Of course, if you chose a major overhaul of the apartment on, then you probably planned not only a radical change in the entire style of the living space, but also the introduction of creative and non-standard solutions in the entire design architecture. Starting the redevelopment of the apartment, the invited designer will be obliged to offer an original project, which will take into account all the new requirements of the customer (yours).

When organizing a major overhaul in a residential area, it will be necessary to cope with a large amount of work and carry out a complete replacement of the communications (internal) existing in the apartment. This is not only a system of power supply, water supply and sewerage, but also heating, as well as air conditioning. Construction tenders will help to carry out a high-quality overhaul in your apartment, which are designed not only to provide highly qualified specialists, but also prices acceptable to you for the level of repair or construction work carried out. Redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchev 30 sq m photo:

This is of fundamental importance for the repair of old apartments, where it is planned to replace windows and doors (entrance and interior doors). Of course, any major repairs are carried out on high level, where the latest technologies are used and the most suitable building materials are purchased. Here you can not do without plastering walls, floor screed, wall decoration, designing architectural difficult decisions where modern forms in the interior should be concise and well thought out.

The design of a one-room apartment is a redevelopment of Khrushchev - many customers love the styling of walls, and therefore they order not only original arches and niches, but also unusually shaped columns or even original window decoration. Especially in demand are stylistic solutions in the creative design of apartments.


To carry out a major overhaul of your apartment, you will need to have a lot of patience, and first carefully calculate all the costs. A balanced approach to everything, including the quality of work, as well as the professional selection of materials, will allow you to avoid unnecessary waste, not only Money, but also to comply with contractual obligations and that it is very important to meet the previously agreed deadlines for the delivery of the object.

Therefore, it is advisable not only to correctly draw up an estimate and decide on a fixed amount that will be used to purchase all building materials and pay workers, but also to conclude an agreement with the contractor, thereby limiting him in spending on repair work.

It is very important to control the process of purchased materials and to carry out daily control in compliance with the deadlines, thereby showing weak spots. Redevelopment of a 1-room Khrushchev apartment photo:

Our bureau will develop a redevelopment project in Khrushchev of any series and help in coordination!

Khrushchev demolition program last years was actually frozen, so they will remain part of the urban landscape for a long time. The problem of redevelopment of apartments in Khrushchev is quite acute, since, as you know, they are cramped and inconvenient.

There are three types of this type of residential buildings:

By the way, not all Khrushchevs are five-story, as is commonly believed. For example, the widespread II-18 series can have 8, 9 and even 12 floors, it is also found in brick. Many brick Khrushchevs often have 4, 6 or other floors.

Khrushchev construction

Regardless of the building material, all Khrushchev houses are structurally similar: two facade walls and one longitudinal in the center of the house serve as load-bearing walls, while the end walls and some transverse ones are stiffening diaphragms. Most of the interior walls are lightweight partitions that can be dismantled without compromising the power circuit of the building. This circumstance greatly facilitates the redevelopment in Khrushchev in comparison with more modern standard houses, which have more load-bearing walls in the dimensions of the apartment.

The exceptions are some series of large-block Khrushchev houses, such as II-18 and its modernization I-209, where there are transverse load-bearing walls - for example, between the kitchen and the room in a 1-room apartment, or between living rooms in a 2-room apartment. Moreover, these interior walls in these series may contain ventilation ducts (main or auxiliary). An example is a one-room apartment in Khrushchev I209, where there is ventilation in the wall between the room and the kitchen, which does not allow punching an opening in this wall. At the same time, the facade walls in these two series are self-supporting, resting on a separate foundation.

An example of a floor plan for a standard Khrushchev series 1-510:

Khrushchev redevelopment options

So, since in most of the houses considered in the article there are few internal load-bearing walls, redevelopment with the dismantling or transfer of interior partitions does not require a technical opinion from the author of the house. A fairly simple project. However, if load-bearing walls are present and affected, the TZK will be necessary, as well as a redevelopment project with section on strengthening openings.

Do not forget that even if your redevelopment concerns only openings in non-load-bearing partitions, it will not be possible to do without an approval procedure, since any change in the configuration of the premises requires obtaining permission from housing inspection and registration of new BTI documents.

For example, you have planned a redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev into a three-room one, and you just need to divide one of the rooms into 2 parts. Why is this project needed? We explain. This planning decision must comply with building and sanitary standards. This means that the appropriate minimum dimensions of the rooms must be respected, as well as providing them with natural light. Therefore, the housing inspection staff must approve the redevelopment project with a light-transmitting partition and the explication after the redevelopment.

However, the options for redevelopment of Khrushchev houses, as a rule, are not limited only to demolition or installation of non-bearing partitions between rooms. Quite often, owners want to combine or expand the bathroom and bathroom. In this situation, the development of project documentation is also necessary. This is due to the need to lay waterproofing, which means a change in the construction of the floors, which, according to the redevelopment law, requires a project. Also, do not forget about the execution of acts of hidden work during the repair of Khrushchev with redevelopment of "wet areas".

When redevelopment of a bathroom and a bathroom in Khrushchev, their expansion can only be carried out on the area of ​​​​non-residential premises (corridor, wardrobe, pantry). Increasing "wet zones" at the expense of a kitchen or a room is prohibited by regulations, although if there is a basement or a store under your apartment, you can do this.

As for the redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev, there are also certain restrictions. For example, it cannot be transferred to the place of a bathroom or bathroom, as well as to the place of a living room (as in any other apartment building in Moscow). In addition, kitchens in five-story buildings are most often gasified, which means that they are forbidden to be combined with a room without a door in the opening or without a sliding partition in place of the dismantled curtain wall. Below we present a seriesphoto of redevelopment projectswith examples of such barriers.

If the need to install a slidingpartitions between kitchen and living roomyou are not satisfied thenwill have to coordinate with Mosgaz the replacement of the stove with an electric one.The same applies to the redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchev into a studio. As you know, a studio apartment does not have a wall between the kitchen and the room; the presence of a gas stove will not allow such repairs to be carried out. But if in such a one-room apartment you replace the stove with an electric one, then you can quite arrange a small kitchen niche in the hallway.

Redevelopment of Khrushchev photo

Consider typical examples of Khrushchev redevelopment.

Redevelopment of one-room Khrushchev series 1-511:

Here we see plans before and after the redevelopment of a one-room apartment in a brick five-story building. What was done? The gasified kitchen was combined with the room - instead of the demolished partition, a sliding one was installed, as required by housing legislation. The kitchen has also been extended to include a bathroom and a hallway, increasing its area by 1 meter. The bathroom and bathroom were combined and expanded into a corridor.

The project of redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev:

This 2-room apartment in a block Khrushchev house has undergone the following changes. The kitchen and the room were combined with a sliding partition mounted on the opening due to the presence of a gas stove. The existing opening in the load-bearing wall between the rooms was closed with a partition, and a new opening was made in the area of ​​the corridor. A combined bathroom was also made, some partitions were dismantled (with the installation of new ones) and a built-in wardrobe.

Plans, Khrushchev redevelopment project 2 rooms:

Redevelopment of a 3-room apartment in a panel Khrushchev of the 1mg-600 series:

Another fairly typical redevelopment project for a three-room Khrushchev. It included the unification of the kitchen and the room and the expansion of the combined bathroom into the corridor.

At the dawn of mass housing construction new technology construction of houses according to serial standard projects has become a breakthrough, allowing short time provide housing for many people who previously huddled in barracks and communal apartments. At that time, no one paid attention to the uncomfortable layouts and tightness of the premises. However, now the priorities have changed, and many residents of Khrushchev want to somehow improve their housing, bringing it closer to modern standards.

As a rule, redevelopment of an apartment in Khrushchev affects the most uncomfortable rooms - kitchen, bathroom, bathroom and corridor. All these rooms are usually so small that quite often there is a need to combine them with each other.

I must say that the redevelopment of the Khrushchev apartment in this regard is facilitated by the fact that most of the walls in it are non-load-bearing partitions, and this opens up almost unlimited possibilities in terms of making changes to the configuration of the premises - from new doorways to redevelopment of Khrushchev into a studio. The foregoing applies primarily to panel and brick Khrushchev houses.

Khrushchev series 1-511, photo:

Restrictions on redevelopment in Khrushchev

For example, a moment complicating redevelopment of the kitchen in Khrushchev by combining it with one of the living rooms, is the presence of a gas stove . Electric stoves in such houses are a rarity. That's why unite in them a kitchen and a room without a tightly closing door, or installing a sliding partition, is prohibited . This prohibition is contained, in particular, in paragraphs 11.17 and 11.18 of Appendix 1 of PPM No. 508 in edition 840, and applies not only to Khrushchev, but also to any other residential apartment buildings with a gasified kitchen .

Redevelopment of a bathroom in Khrushchev is usually carried out by combining it with a bathroom, as well as expanding the resulting room into a corridor. Event data affect floor construction , as they must be accompanied by the laying of waterproofing, which in turn requires the development of a redevelopment project.

At bathroom and toilet extension remember to do this permitted only at the expense of adjacent non-residential premises , i.e. hallway or closet. Therefore, it is desirable to clarify whether, according to the BTI documents, the section of the corridor adjacent to the bathroom and the bathroom, in fact, does not belong to the living room.

  • In addition, one should also take into account SNiP requirements prohibiting the expansion of "wet spots" at the expense of the kitchen and vice versa, as well as locating these premises above the living rooms of neighbors from below .

Khrushchev redevelopment project

On repair sites, you can find many photos of completed Khrushchev redevelopment projects. However do not confuse a design project with a full-fledged project documentation for redevelopment. Their main difference is that the design project is intended only to visualize the appearance of your living space after repair. The redevelopment project serves to legitimize the redevelopment in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

It includes all the calculations that are necessary to comply with a specific repair building, sanitary and fire safety standards. It is the project that will be needed to coordinate the redevelopment in the housing inspection. You can order the development of such a project in an organization that has a certificate of admission to the SRO.

In some cases, in addition to developing a project for the redevelopment of Khrushchev, it may be necessary to conduct a technical survey and issue a TZK. For example, when you touch a load-bearing wall (in block Khrushchevs they are often found in the dimensions of apartments), or move a gas stove a considerable distance. An examination and conclusion are ordered, as a rule, from the author of the project at home. For most Khrushchevs, this is GUP MNIITEP.

Photo Khrushchev series II-05:

Coordination of redevelopment in Khrushchev

Many apartment owners, not wanting to get involved in unnecessary paperwork, do the work without permission, at their own peril and risk. This is fundamentally wrong, as it is a violation of housing law, which requires coordination of any changes in the BTI floor plan with the Moscow Housing Inspectorate . This applies not only to cases where load-bearing walls are affected, and communications. Demolition of interior partitions is also considered redevelopment and requires approval. .

You will need to collect a package of documents, according to the list established by PPM No. 508 in edition 840, and also contact design organization for the development of documentation for your odnushka, dvushka or treshka in Khrushchev. The most logical thing is to entrust all these actions to professionalswho will do everything for you, including the delivery of the hung redevelopment of the housing inspection commission.

Examples of our design work on the redevelopment of apartments in Khrushchev

3 room apartment in panel Khrushchev series 1-515

Dismantling the partition between the kitchen and the room and installing sliding doors in its place. Combining the toilet and bathroom and joining them with a corridor leading to the kitchen. Dismantling of interior partitions and installation of new ones, as well as soundproofing the wall in a large room. Three built-in wardrobes were also made - two in the hallway and one in the room.

Khrushchev redevelopment project, 2 rooms, 1-511:

Transfer of a gas stove, arrangement of a combined bathroom, demolition of a built-in wardrobe and installation of a large wardrobe in the room.

“People are like people. They love money, but it has always been ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... the housing problem only spoiled them ... ”(M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita).

At the end of the 50s of the last century, residents of cities began to move from communal apartments to separate apartments, which today are contemptuously called "Khrushchevs". Yes, they do not differ in quality, large area (the kitchens in them are within 6 m²) and convenience, but it must be recalled that at one time it was a breakthrough. After all, the norm per inhabitant of Moscow was 4 m² of area, people huddled in communal apartments with a shared kitchen and bathroom. It is worth revisiting the film "Pokrovsky Gates", in which the characters discuss in one of the scenes the upcoming move to new (separate!) Apartments.

The first line for the production of such houses was purchased in France. By the way, everything major countries built similar houses. In the USSR, houses of this type stopped building only with the beginning of perestroika in 1985, having managed to build almost 300 million m² by this time.

Here are a few layouts of "Khrushchev" (it is interesting that our people came up with an unofficial name for each):

This layout of the apartment, nicknamed the "book", has a total area of ​​41 m², adjoining rooms and is considered one of the most unfortunate.

The layout, nicknamed "tram". The total area of ​​the apartment is 48 m², the rooms are adjacent, however, when redevelopment, they can be divided fairly painlessly.

His nickname (“mini-improved”) apartment layout with total area 44.6 m² deserved the fact that it practically repeats the layouts in 9-storey buildings. The designers have already drawn some conclusions. The rooms are isolated, but the size of the kitchen is confusing. However, when redevelopment, the kitchen can be expanded to 8 m²

Such a layout of an apartment with a total area of ​​​​46 m² is quite rare. Nicknamed "vest" or "butterfly", the wings of which resemble two identical symmetrically located rooms. Both have a decent area and are isolated. The problem with this layout is the inability to expand the kitchen area without invading one of the rooms. Expanding the kitchen by combining a bathroom is a rather controversial decision, because the resulting minimum additional area is not worth the cost of redevelopment.

Redevelopment of "Khrushchev". Where to start?

From legal educational program. You should not think that, being the owner of housing, the owner has the right to do whatever he wants with this housing. The law imposes liability on homeowners, which is enshrined in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Very important! The Housing Code defines the redevelopment and reorganization of residential premises. The first term is a change in the configuration of a dwelling. By law, all changes must be made to the technical passport of the apartment. The second is the installation, replacement or transfer of engineering networks, sanitary, electrical and other equipment. And also with the introduction of changes in the technical passport of the residential premises. In the best (for you) case, when selling, exchanging an apartment, you still have to make changes to the registration certificate. You can “run into” a fine and an order to return everything to its original form. The list of possible troubles with unauthorized redevelopment does not end there, and the consequences for the homeowner can be much more sad.

The procedure for obtaining permission for redevelopment is the subject of a separate article. If your plans do not include the demolition of load-bearing structures and the transfer of the kitchen to the place of the living room, obtaining permission is not very difficult. The undoubted advantage of "Khrushchev" is that the internal walls in them are mostly non-bearing and, after obtaining permission, they can be demolished, new doorways can be arranged, etc. This greatly expands the possibilities for redevelopment of such apartments. Such actions relate to the so-called simple redevelopment, they are easier to agree on and in order to obtain permission it is not necessary to develop a project, it is enough to apply the planned changes to the floor plan received at the BTI.

Redevelopment options for a two-room Khrushchev

The main problems of Khrushchev apartments are the small area of ​​​​the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, one of the rooms and low ceilings. These problems are designed to solve the redevelopment of the apartment.

The most radical option is to remove all non-load-bearing walls (except for the bathroom and bathroom) and zone one large room with various light partitions and design techniques. The result can be a very nice and comfortable studio apartment. However, this option is far from suitable for every family; many need isolated rooms. In addition, according to the law, one room in the apartment must remain residential.

Noteworthy are the options for combining a living room and a kitchen or a bedroom and a living room into one room. Everything here will depend on the composition of the family and the need to allocate isolated rooms to family members.

Kitchen-living room design:

Bedroom-living room design:

In addition to the redevelopment option with a combination of two rooms or a living room with a kitchen, you can combine a bathroom with a bathroom. Here are examples of the design of a combined bathroom and the placement of plumbing fixtures:

Let's return to the possible options for redevelopment of Khrushchev. Let's take a look at the book option. The main problem is the passage room.

The redevelopment made it possible to make both rooms isolated. The price is a reduction in the already small area of ​​​​the second room. However, many will be willing to pay the price.

The kitchen area with such a layout can only be increased by combining the kitchen with the room. There are no other options.

But if it is not possible to add a few additional square meters to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you can visually increase it. There are many tricks that will help expand a small room visually:

  • The most important is color. The use of light pastel colors visually expands the room. Any bright and saturated colors will “compress” it.
  • A small floral print on the wallpaper also helps visually expand the room.
  • The ceiling should be light, preferably as close as possible in color to white. You can use stretch ceilings.
  • A multi-level plasterboard ceiling with additional lighting will “raise” the height of the room.
  • Flooring - light or colored in the color scheme that is chosen for the room. Colored flooring visually "spreads" the walls and "raises" the ceiling.
  • Furniture should not be the main character in the room, it should not be emphasized. It is good if the furniture is chosen to match the walls and curtains.
  • Mirrors will make the room brighter - they will reflect daylight and artificial light. But it is necessary to observe the measure in their use for interior decoration.

Here are examples of small rooms that don't seem like that:

Visually increase the room and properly selected wallpaper. They "work" a little differently than classic design techniques:

The redevelopment of a 2-room apartment with the offensive nickname "tram" allows you to make both rooms isolated. When you look at the original plan of such an apartment, you really remember the words of the tram conductor: “Do not stop in the aisle, go to the end of the car!”.

The obvious disadvantage of such an apartment layout is the inability to expand the kitchen without combining it with the room. And this is not always possible.

There will be losses in space, but they are partly compensated by a spacious closet, for which there is a place in the space between the rooms.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “stripped down” room remaining after the redevelopment remains quite comfortable.

In order to visually expand the room, we use design techniques already familiar to us:

Redevelopment of the "mini-improvement" will significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen. After redevelopment, the kitchen area will be 8 m². This is achieved by dismantling the pantry (the pantry will be successfully replaced by a modern closet) and transferring the bathroom to its place, the place of which, in turn, is occupied by the bathroom:

The main problem with these buildings is small kitchen area and therefore for large families Khrushchevs are uncomfortable. Many owners of apartments in these developments are forced to put up with discomfort, because they are sure that the only solution to their problem can be complex repair work with the demolition of partitions, and it is necessary to collect documentation to legitimize the redevelopment, as well as coordinate repair work with neighbors. In this article, we will talk about how to turn a small apartment into a comfortable place to live.

Redevelopment of Khrushchev (2 adjoining rooms): preparation options

Redevelopment of Khrushchev into 2 adjacent rooms is not redecorating but a serious process that requires a responsible approach. Before proceeding directly to the very change in the configuration of the apartment, it is important to take care of coordinating the redevelopment. It is necessary to draw up an exact plan with all the details.

Advice! Many residents, having decided on redevelopment, consider it unnecessary to legitimize it. This is a big mistake, because without the approval of the documentation for any changes in the layout of the apartment, in addition to justified complaints from neighbors, you may encounter problems during the sale of the apartment.

It is also worth noting that without a preliminary examination, even experienced builders will not be able to accurately distinguish between load-bearing walls that hold the weight of floors, and self-supporting ones. That is why, having started serious changes in the structure of the apartment, it is worth inviting professionals for examination who will evaluate and offer profitable redesign options.

Depending on the complexity of the work being done, the number of documents can increase significantly.

Khrushchev redevelopment options for 2 adjacent rooms

Each family member needs personal space, which is why for their comfort it is necessary to turn an adjacent apartment into a separate one. The main advantage of Khrushchev houses is that in most cases they have load-bearing walls only between apartments, and only partitions are located in the premises themselves. This allows you to demolish barriers, expanding the space.

Combine rooms with each other with the help of. This gives quick and easy access to each of the rooms. This increases the size of the already existing corridor. In the newly formed room, you can build a dressing room in which the things of the whole family will be stored, which will save space in the living rooms.

A room for adults must be arranged in a room with access to, which can be turned into. This configuration provides additional space, especially since a comfortable recreation area can be arranged on the loggia.

Redevelopment of Khrushchev into 2 rooms, the options and photos of which make it possible to choose the most interesting plan, also takes into account changes in the structure of the bathroom. Often in Khrushchev it is separate. For big family this can be a plus, but to increase the space it is worth thinking about. If necessary, you can divide the zones in such a bathroom using.

Selective combination of rooms

You can solve the problem of lack of space using the classic combination of rooms. At the same time, for the convenience of the residents of the apartment, some rooms are still separated and represent functional areas. A typical housing structure with such a plan looks like this:

  • The entrance hall is combined with. First of all, this significantly expands the area, while combining two rooms with one functional purpose. With help, you can save space for . The balcony should be located in this room, which will visually enlarge the living room, while creating a new place to relax. If the balcony is made warm, then it can become an excellent loggia for meeting guests at any time of the year.
  • Combining a toilet and a bathroom solves several problems at once. Often, recumbent bathtubs are installed in Khrushchev, which is impractical given the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. First of all, it is worth installing either a shower area. Such a zone is good because it takes up very little space. It, unlike booths, does not have additional platforms, but is fenced with plastic or glass plates. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and its furniture allows, then washing machine can be installed in this room freeing up space in the bathroom.
  • As for separate rooms in a combined layout, this must be a bedroom and, if desired, a kitchen. in terms of its functionality, it is intended primarily for recreation, so it is important to take care of its reliable insulation. Such a planning decision will be a godsend for a family with a baby, as it will protect the baby from external noise. As for the kitchen, it should be isolated in order to prevent odors in the living room and other rooms.

To the aid of any layout will come a modern multifunctional furniture, which will provide the missing Khrushchev space.

How to visually expand the space?

Obviously, large-scale changes in the plan of the apartment entail a lot of construction work, and consequently, high costs.

Advice! In order for an expensive redevelopment to be carried out efficiently, it is worth seeking the help of professionals.
