Development of professional competencies among students in the organization of design and research activities. Fundamentals of organizing research work in the field of education Management of research activities of students in sports


1.1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of research activities of students.

1.2. Research activity of students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" in the system vocational training.

1.3. Model of the system for organizing research activities of future mathematicians, system programmers.

Conclusions on the first chapter.

Chapter 2

2.1. Tasks, structure and methodology of the pedagogical experiment.

2.2. Methodology for organizing research activities of students in the course "System and applied software».

2.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of work on the organization of research activities of students.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Recommended list of dissertations

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  • Formation of the readiness of future teachers for research activities in the process of studying computer science and mathematics at the university 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bystrenina, Irina Evgenievna

  • Teaching and research activities of students as a factor in the professionalization of the training of a future teacher of mathematics in a pedagogical university 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Denisova, Galina Viktorovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Organization of research activities of university students in the process of professional training"

Relevance of the topic. At present, in the period of scientific and technological progress, which has caused significant changes in all spheres of human activity, including in the field of education, when the processes of democratization and humanization penetrate the education system, create an opportunity for the maximum development of each individual, his individual characteristics, the purpose of professional training is transformed and filled with new content. The dominant goal of modern education is the formation of a personality capable of independent knowledge, self-determination and creative self-development.

Scientific and technological progress is accompanied by a constant accumulation of new information, therefore, at all times, and especially now, society needs specialists who are able to navigate independently in the flow of changing information, who are able to compare, analyze, find best options solutions, i.e. carry out investigations. Only such people, and not mere performers, will be able to raise the production process to a high level. Achieving a qualitatively new state of society largely depends on the inclusion of each person in the activity of its transformation. Already during the period of study at the university, future specialists must be placed in an active position of the subject of activity, in which he could show independence, initiative and creativity, and the educational activities of students should be organized in such a way that it is a means of their professional development. One of the ways to solve this problem is the organization of research activities of students.

The legal documents governing the activities of universities (the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation, etc.) repeatedly pointed out the need to improve the system of research work of students.

Thus, in the “Federal Program for the Development of Education”, among the main directions for the development of higher professional education are named: providing conditions for the development of personality and creativity students, individualization of forms, methods and systems of education, including on the basis of variable educational programs of higher professional education; improvement of research and scientific and technical activities of higher educational institutions and other organizations of the education system based on the development of scientific schools in priority areas of science and technology; development of measures for the wide involvement of students in research work (187). These provisions were enshrined in the Government Decree "On the further development of higher education and improving the quality of training" (130). This obliges higher education teachers to turn to such forms and methods of teaching that would allow organizing the process of developing research skills and creative thinking of students.

More N.I. Pirogov believed that the main task of higher education is "the development of students' talent, independent activity of the mind and true love for science" (139, pp. 215-216). In the current practice of traditional university education, the student most often acts as an object of pedagogical influence, the realization of his creative potential is expected only in the future. professional activity. Quite often, students acquire knowledge about the sequence, techniques and methods of research spontaneously, unsystematically. Therefore, the transition from reproductive methods of teaching to research methods with a high degree of independence, which ensure the effective formation of professional knowledge, encourage the development of cognitive activity, create conditions for the realization and improvement of the personality, the use of research skills of students in real learning activities, is very relevant. P.A. Nizamov notes that "the process of learning at a university will achieve the goals and objectives that it faces if it is based on independent, research activities of students and thus develops their creative abilities" (124, p. 77).

The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the research activities of students are disclosed in the works of S.I. Arkhangelsky, V.I. Andreeva, Yu.K. Babansky, V.V. Davydova, S.I. Zinoviev, V.A. Krutetsky and others.

There are many areas of research in this area.

The specifics of research activities of students, forms and types of cooperation between teachers and students are considered by L.I. Aksenov, B.I. Sazonov, N.V. Sychkov; place and role scientific research in system higher education identified by L.A. Gorbunova; psychological and pedagogical factors of success in research and development work were identified by L.F. Avdeeva; research work of students as an element of training of future specialists is considered by Z.F. Esareva, N.M. Yakovlev; pedagogical conditions for the relationship between educational and scientific research activities of students were identified by V.N. Namazov; the social functions of SRW and the experience of developing a comprehensive planning of research activities of students were analyzed by L.G. Kvitkina; historical problems of student research are identified by M.V. Kovaleva; scientific activity of higher educational institutions, its types and specificity is considered by Yu.V. Vasiliev, G.A. Zasobina, N.V. Volkov; E.P. Elyutin, I.Ya. Lerner, P.I. Pidkasisty, V.A. With l asthenia; P.Yu. Romanova, V.P. Ushachev; questions of the development of the research culture of the teacher are disclosed by T.E. Klimova.

Therefore, it can be argued that at present there are certain prerequisites for studying the problem of organizing research activities of students:

1) social - the need of society for specialists capable of independence, initiative and creativity, for transformative activities, professional mobility;

2) theoretical - a set of questions of the theory of pedagogy and psychology on the organization of research activities and the formation of research skills of students in the learning process has been developed;

3) practical - a certain experience in organizing research activities of students in various universities has been accumulated.

At first glance, the problem of research activity of students has been developed enough, but this is only in general, pedagogical terms. There are quite a few gaps in the organization of research activities within specific academic disciplines. It is possible to distinguish a significant number of dissertation research only in the field of mathematics (V.V. Nikolaeva, G.V. Denisova, V.T. Zavorueva, A.M. Radkov, V.A. Gusev, etc.) and disciplines of the pedagogical cycle (N.S. Amelina, G.P. Khramova, N.M. Yakovleva, etc.). The methodology for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the process of studying other disciplines is developed rather poorly (physics, biology, astronomy) or not developed at all. At present, during the period of active development of computer technology and information technology, the issue of the need to organize research activities of students within the framework of computer science disciplines is especially acute.

Despite the presence of a significant number of publications devoted to the problem of research activity of students, in the existing theory and practice of education, the issues of organizing the research activity of future specialists studying in university specialties (not pedagogical), in particular, future mathematicians, system programmers, are insufficiently developed.

Thus, a contradiction has been revealed between the requirements for the personality and activities of a specialist in the conditions of modern society and the actual level of readiness of graduates of higher educational institutions to perform their professional functions. In addition, the need to organize research activities of students within the disciplines of computer science to improve the effectiveness of professional training was identified. All this determined the research problem: the development of didactic foundations for the organization of research activities of students in the process of professional training in order to increase its effectiveness for specialists in applied mathematics and computer science.

The importance and relevance of the problem under consideration, its insufficient theoretical and practical development determined the choice of the research topic - "Organization of research activities of university students in the process of professional training."

The purpose of the study is to build a system for organizing research activities of students aimed at increasing the effectiveness of professional training.

The object of the study is the professional training of students of non-humanitarian faculties of the university.

The subject of the study is the research activity of students of non-humanitarian faculties of the university in the process of studying computer science.

The noted limitation of the volume of the object and subject of research is associated with the specifics of the student population, on the basis of which the formative experiment was carried out.

The key idea of ​​the study is reflected in the hypothesis that the organization of research activities of university students in the process of their professional training acquires the character of an effectively operating system if the following set of pedagogical conditions is implemented:

1) organization of "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activities;

2) the formation of the value attitude of students to research activities;

3) the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines.

In accordance with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks are defined:

1. To study the state of the problem in organizing the research activities of students and determine the theoretical and methodological approaches to its effective solution.

2. Theoretically substantiate the structure and components of students' research activity, determine its role and place in the system of professional training of future specialists in applied mathematics and informatics.

3. Develop a model of the system for organizing research activities of students and introduce it into teaching practice.

4. Determine the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students.

5. To develop a methodology for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the process of studying computer science disciplines.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is:

Theory of the system approach (V.G. Afanasiev, I.V. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin) and its provisions in the solution pedagogical problems(Yu.K. Babansky, V.P. Bespalko, T.A. Ilyina, V.A. Slastenin and others);

Provisions of the activity approach (B.G. Ananiev, JI.C. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, M.S. Kagan, N.V. Kuzmina, A.N. Leontiev, C.JI. Rubinshtein);

Ideas of a person-centered approach (V.A. Belikov, E.P. Belozertsev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.V. Kiryakova, V.V. Kraevsky, V.Ya. Lyaudis, V.V. Serikov, I.S. . Yakimanskaya and others);

Ideas for organizing the pedagogical process from the standpoint of modular (M.I. Makhmutov, D. Russell, N.M. Yakovleva, etc.) and technological (V.M. Klarin, G.K. Selevko, etc.) approaches;

Theory of vocational education (S.Ya. Batyshev, A.P. Belyaeva, A.G. Gostev, E.A. Klimov, V.M. Raspopov, A.N. Sergeev, etc.).

To achieve the goal, test the hypothesis and solve the tasks set, a set of interrelated methods was used, presented below in accordance with the stages of the study.

Experimental base and research stages. Experimental work on the problem of dissertation research was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Magnitogorsk state university(MaGU) and the Sibay Institute of the Bashkir State University (BSU).

The study was conducted from 2000 to 2006 in three stages.

The first stage (2000-2001) - definition of the research problem and identification of its relevance; study, generalization and systematization of information on the research problem in the philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; analysis of the state of research activities of students at the university and, in particular, at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; study and analysis of normative documents, curricula and state educational standards. This made it possible to develop and refine the conceptual apparatus of the study, formulate a working hypothesis, outline goals, objectives, research methods, and conduct a stating experiment. At this stage, the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis, systematization, generalization); empirical (observation, questioning, testing, conversation, fixing the results, organization and conduct of the experiment); methods of mathematical statistics.

The second stage (2002-2004) - search for ways, methods and techniques for organizing the research activities of students studying in the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; development of a system for organizing research activities of future mathematicians, system programmers and its model; determination of a complex of pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students; determination of the structure and content of the formative experiment; implementation of the experiment; development of methods for organizing educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and applied software", "Workshop on a computer". The main methods of the second stage: theoretical (systematization, generalization, modeling); empirical (observation, questioning, testing, recording results, experiment); methods of mathematical statistics.

The third stage (2005-2006) - continuation of experimental work to test the effectiveness of the system developed by us for organizing research activities of students; qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results; systematization and generalization of the results of theoretical and experimental research; dissertation preparation. Based on the results of the dissertation research, methodological guidelines for organizing research activities of students in the process of studying general professional disciplines were prepared and introduced into the educational process. The main methods of the third stage of the study: theoretical (systematization, generalization); empirical (conducting an experiment, analyzing the results); methods of mathematical statistics and information technology (identification of statistical dependencies, computer data processing, graphical display of results).

The scientific novelty of the research is that:

1) built and theoretically substantiated the system of organization of research activities of students in accordance with the objectives of education, formulated on the basis of the requirements for the training of specialists;

2) a set of pedagogical conditions has been identified and experimentally verified, which ensures the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of future specialists in applied mathematics and computer science;

3) a technique has been developed that allows transferring a student to a subjective position, which is achieved by using problem-based learning, a system of tasks of various levels of complexity, and choosing an individual learning strategy.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

1) the essential characteristics and content of the concept of "organization of research activities of students" are clarified;

2) the structure and components of the system for organizing research activities of students are theoretically substantiated;

3) a stage-by-stage organization of educational and research activities of students in the system of vocational training has been developed and justified.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that:

1) the program of the special course "Introduction to research activity" was developed, the purpose of which is to form a creative personality with elementary skills of independent research work; the study of this special course is expected in all university specialties of the non-humanitarian faculties of the university;

2) a methodology for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and applied software" and "Workshop on a computer" has been developed, presented in educational and methodical complexes(UMK) in these disciplines;

3) guidelines for the organization of research activities of students have been developed and published, which are used in the educational process at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering of the Moscow State University and at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the Sibai Institute (branch) of the Bashkir State University, and can also be used when preparing students of those specialties for which the state educational standard provides for the study of the C programming language.

The research materials can be used in the practice of vocational education institutions.

The reliability and validity of the results of the study is ensured by a set of selected methodological positions; application of a complex of scientific methods adequate to the subject and objectives of the study; the representativeness of the sample of surveyed students; repeatability of results at different stages of the experiment and confirmation of the research hypothesis; quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data; implementation of the research results in the educational practice of higher educational institutions.

The main provisions for defense:

1) a model of the system for organizing research activities of students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", represented by interconnected modules: theoretical and methodological, professionally oriented, organizational and technological and control-: but-adjusting;

2) a set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students: a) the organization of "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activity; b) formation of students' value attitude to research activities; c) the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines.

3) methodology for organizing educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and applied software", "Workshop on a computer".

Approbation and implementation of the research results were carried out through: publications in the press; reports at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy, the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering, MaSU; speeches at methodological seminars of graduate students and applicants of the Magnitogorsk State University, at the annual scientific and practical conferences of teachers of the MaSU (from 2000 to 2005). The research materials were presented at the international scientific and practical conferences "Actual problems of informatics and information technologies" (Tambov, 2005), "Psychology and pedagogy of modern education in Russia" (Penza, 2006), at the All-Russian scientific practical conference "Fundamental sciences and education" (Biysk, 2006). The main provisions, conclusions and recommendations of the study, which are of theoretical and applied importance, are contained in publications. The dissertation research materials were tested at the Magnitogorsk State University and the Sibai Institute of the Bashkir State University.

Dissertation structure. The dissertation work consists *of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The dissertation contains 17 tables, 6 diagrams and 8 histograms;

Similar theses in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", 13.00.08 VAK code

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  • Organization of research activities in informatics when creating an E-portfolio 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Korshunova, Vera Vladimirovna

  • Preparing Future Teachers of Mathematics for the Formation of Research Activities of Schoolchildren: On the Example of an Algebra Course 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Geibuka, Svetlana Vasilievna

  • Formation of research competencies in teaching mathematics to future bachelors of pedagogical education using the information and communication environment 2013, candidate of pedagogical sciences Skornyakova, Anna Yurievna

  • Formation of research competence of future radiophysicists in teaching mathematics based on interdisciplinary integration 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Semenova, Galina Mikhailovna

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of vocational education", Zlydneva, Tatyana Pavlovna


Experimental work was built taking into account a number of principles that have a significant impact on the results of the study of pedagogical phenomena: the principle of scientific character, the principle of objectivity, the principle of humanization of the pedagogical experiment, the principle of efficiency. The peculiarity of the experimental work was that it proceeded in the natural conditions of the integral pedagogical process of the university, which determined the natural experiment as the leading method. This made it possible to combine the pedagogical process and its research, research and implementation of its results in the pedagogical process.

As a result of the experiment, the tasks were solved and the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The results of the ascertaining experiment indicate that the organization of research activities of students at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is not carried out efficiently enough, therefore it is necessary to develop a system for organizing students' research activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their professional training.

2. Of paramount importance for increasing the effectiveness of professional training is the organization of research activities of students within the framework of academic disciplines - the systematic, continuous, purposeful formation of students' research skills and abilities in lectures and practical classes.

3. The developed methodology for organizing research activities of students in the process of studying the disciplines of computer science, using a gradual increase in the degree of independence of the work of students and the level of complexity of the proposed tasks, contributes to the fact that students more successfully master educational and research activities.

4. The formative experiment showed that students' mastery of educational and research activities is more successful when implementing a set of pedagogical conditions: 1) organizing "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activity; 2) the formation of the value attitude of students to research activities; 3) the competence of the teacher in the organization of IDS within the framework of the study of specific disciplines.

5. The features of the identified conditions are: 1) implementation in relation to the system of organizing research activities of students; 2) implementation in a complex; 3) universal character.

6. The developed and tested set of pedagogical conditions is necessary and sufficient for the transition of students from more low level mastering educational and research activities to a higher level: from search to activity-research, then to active-creative.

7. As criteria for mastering educational and research activities by students, the following are distinguished: the degree of formation of motivation for educational and research activities; the degree of formation of the system of knowledge about research activities; the degree of formation of educational and research skills; the degree of formation of reflection.

8. The developed diagnostic program for tracking the degree of students' mastery of educational and research activities makes it possible to obtain visual results of the experiment. When evaluating these results, the reliability and validity is ensured by the selected mathematical methods for processing experimental data.

9. The results obtained confirm our hypothesis, according to which the organization of research activities of university students in the process of their professional training acquires the character of an effectively operating system if the proposed set of pedagogical conditions is implemented.


At present, the growing need of society for specialist researchers requires the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for its implementation. On present stage professional training should be carried out in such a way as to put the student in an active position as a subject of activity, since paramount importance is attached to the formation of a personality capable of independent cognition, self-determination and creative self-development. It is research activity, which is the most effective form of realization of students' creative activity, that contributes to increasing the efficiency of professional training of specialists.

The analysis of scientific literature and pedagogical practice showed that the problem of organizing research activities of students requires further resolution, that in the conditions of a modern educational institution it is necessary to search for new ways and means to increase the efficiency of this process.

This dissertation research is devoted to the development of a system for organizing the research activities of university students in the process of professional training and the identification of pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of IDS.

Summarizing the theoretical and experimental results of the study, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. The relevance of the problem of organizing research activities of students is due to the socio-economic transformations of society, the significance of the problem for pedagogical practice, personal significance for future specialists and its insufficient development in pedagogical theory.

2. The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of research activities of students in order to increase the effectiveness of professional training have been studied, and the need to solve this problem from the standpoint of a systemic, activity-based and student-oriented approach has been substantiated. A systematic approach allows us to consider various aspects of the object or process being studied, which allowed us to single out three interrelated systems in our study: the system of professional training, the system for organizing research activities of students, and the system of educational and research tasks. The student-centered approach considers the personality as a goal, subject and result of the educational process, and the activity approach lies directly at the basis of the organization of students' research activities.

3. A regularity between the effectiveness of specialist training and the organization of students' research activities has been revealed - the ability to implement IDS undeniably leads to an increase in the effectiveness of professional training, which made it possible to determine two groups of principles: the principles of organizing students' research activities (goal setting, professional orientation, integrativity, didactic isomorphism, continuity, systematic, consistent, mandatory, manageable, complementary) and the principles of professional training (modularity, consistency, fundamentality).

4. The role and place of research activities of students in the system of professional training of future mathematicians and system programmers are determined from a professional and pedagogical point of view. Primary importance is given to educational and research activities in the process of studying general professional disciplines, in particular, computer science disciplines.

5. The structure and components of the system for organizing research activities of students of the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" are theoretically substantiated. Having determined the most effective forms and methods of organizing IDS, we assigned a special role to problem-based learning.

6. A stage-by-stage organization of educational and research activities of students has been developed and justified, including the stages of professional training (professional-adaptive, professional-developing, professional-asserting) and the stages of organizing educational and research activities (motivational, theoretical, active, creative)

7. A structural-content model of the system for organizing research activities of students has been built, which is focused on a specific goal - increasing the effectiveness of professional training, developing the student's personality. The composition of the model, which ensures the achievement of this goal, includes four modules: theoretical and methodological (basic methodological approaches, principles, pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of IDS), professionally oriented (modules and stages of professional training), organizational and technological (stages of organizing educational and research activity of students, methods of teaching and learning, forms of educational activity) and control and adjustment (predicted results, levels of mastery of educational and research activities). The model describes the dynamics of students mastering educational and research activities at the search, activity-research and active-creative levels.

8. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the organization of research activities of students are identified and substantiated: the organization of "subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activity; formation of students' value attitude to research activities; the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines. Diagnostics of the results of the study proved that the system of organization of research activity of students functions most effectively when implementing a set of pedagogical conditions.

9. Possibilities of the system of educational and research tasks with different levels of complexity as a means of forming students' research skills have been explored. There are three levels of complexity in the system of tasks: reproductive tasks, reproductive research and research tasks. Tasks of the research level are ranked according to their own levels of complexity: search, heuristic, creative. Using a student-oriented approach, depending on the individual abilities and needs of the student, several options for implementing the system of educational and research tasks are provided.

10. A methodology has been developed for organizing the educational and research activities of students in the subject courses "System and Applied Software" and "Workshop on a Computer", which is reflected in educational and methodological complexes (EMC) for these disciplines. The methodology is based on the possibility of transferring a student to a subjective position, which is achieved by: a) using problem-based learning; b) providing freedom to choose an individual learning strategy; c) stimulating the student to enter a reflective position.

11. To obtain objective information about the level of students' mastery of educational and research activities, a set of criteria has been identified: the degree of formation of motivation for educational and research activities; the degree of formation of the system of knowledge about research activities; the degree of formation of educational and research skills; the degree of formation of reflection. The main diagnostic criterion is the promotion of students to a higher level of mastery of educational and research activities.

The experimental work carried out proved the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for organizing the research activities of students in the framework of the study of specific academic disciplines. In the process of introducing the developed system for organizing research activities of students and implementing a selected set of pedagogical conditions at Magnitogorsk State University and the Sibai Institute (branch) of Bashkir State University, experimental work ensured a sufficient level of mastery of educational and research activities by university students, as evidenced by the results of our study.

This study and the results obtained during the experiment allow us to conclude that the goal has been achieved and, in general, confirmed the hypothesis put forward, according to which the organization of research activities of university students in the process of their professional training acquires the character of an effectively operating system if a complex of pedagogical conditions is implemented: 1) organization " subject-subject" interaction in the "teacher-student" system in the process of research activities; 2) the formation of the value attitude of students to research activities; 3) the competence of the teacher in the organization of research activities of students in the study of specific disciplines.

In the dissertation research, results were obtained that have theoretical and practical significance and can be used in the practice of vocational education institutions.

At the same time, not all aspects of the problem of organization of research activities of students have been studied by us in full. Determining the prospect of research, we highlight the following areas: conducting special work with teachers to orient them to purposeful activities to organize research within the framework of subject courses; organization of research activities of students in the process of mastering new information technologies at later stages of professional training (vocational development and professional approval), in particular, within the framework of industrial practice; providing the educational process with relevant literature, reflecting the theoretical and methodological issues of the problem under study.

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198. Yudin E.G. System approach and principle of activity / E.G. Yudin. -M.: Nauka, 1978.-391 p.

199. Yutsavichene P.A. Theory and practice of modular education / P.A. Yutsavi-chene. Kaunas: Shviesa, 1989. - 272 p.

200. Yadov V.A. Methodology and technique of sociological research / V.A. Poisons. Tartu, 1969. - 217 p.

201. Yakimanskaya I.S. Developmental education / I.S. Yakimanskaya. M.: Pedagogy, 1979.- 144 p.

202. Yakovlev I.P. Integration processes in higher school / I.P. Yakovlev. JI.: Publishing house of the Leningrad University, 1980. - 115 p.

203. Yakovleva N.M. Theory and practice of preparing the future teacher for the creative solution of educational problems: dis. . Dr. ped. Sciences / N.M. Yakovlev. Chelyabinsk, 1992. - 403 p.

204. Cohen J.E. Size, age and productivity of scientific and technical research groups / J.E. Cohen // Sientometrics. Amsterdam; Budapest, 1991. - Vol. 20.-№3.-P. 395-416.

205. Karle J. The role of motivation in scientific research / J. Karle // Interdisciplinary science rev. L., 1988. - Vol. 13. - No. 1. - P. 18-26.

206. Meyer K.A. Correlates of external support: A model for faculty research development / K.A. Meyer // SRAJ. Chicago, 1991. - Vol. 23. - No. 2. -P. 23-33.

207. Thematic plan of the special course "Introduction to research activities"

208. Theoretical foundations of scientific research.

210. Scientific research: essence and structure.

211. Methodological components of scientific research.13.1. Purpose and objectives of the study.13.2. Object and subject of scientific research.13.3. Research hypothesis: concept, types, methods of construction.13.4. Novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

212. Methods of scientific research.

213. Dialectical methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, concretization, systematization, classification, analogy, induction, deduction.

214. Theoretical methods of scientific research 22.1. Theoretical analysis of the research problem.22.2. Analysis of scientific literature.22.3. Modeling the object of study.

215. Empirical methods of scientific research.23.1. Observational methods.23.2. Diagnostic methods: survey (conversation, interviewing, questioning, testing, rating). 23.3. Experiment.

216. Mathematical and statistical methods for processing results.

217. Forms of teaching and research and research activities of students.

218. Creating and editing tables

219. Create a simple table in a document in two ways.

220. Drawing tables. Draw a simple table in your document.

221. Fill in the table with data, demonstrate alignment methods.

222. Possibilities of table formatting. Show row selection, column selection, nonadjacent cell selection.

223. Style the table with borders and fill.

224. Design a table using AutoFormat.

225. Show how you can set the size of cells, columns, rows, tables.

226. Place the table in the center of the page (define all ways to move the table).

227. Changing the orientation of the text in the table.

228. Y. Sorting data in a table. Demonstrate with an example.

229. Use in tables of formulas. Show with an example.

230. How can Excel and Word tables be combined?

231. Supplement the reporting table "Text editor Microsoft Word" with new data. Identify their relationship with the capabilities of the text editor studied in previous labs.

232. M. Make a table "Schedule of group classes" taking into account the "red" and "blue" weeks. Apply different table layouts.

233. Test on the topic "Microsoft Word"

234. Microsoft Word is: a) a graphics editor; b) text editor; c) table editor.

235. Which pictographic panel is responsible for the type of text? a) standard; b) drawing; c) formatting.

236. Commands for opening and saving files are in the menu item: a) file; b) insert; c) service.

237. To mark the end of a paragraph, use the key: a) Enter; b) Shift + Enter; c) Ctrl+Shift+Del.

238. To select an entire paragraph, you need to: a) double-click on it with the mouse; b) click with the mouse while pressing the Ctrl key; c) click the mouse while pressing the Alt key.

239. What command puts the selected text fragment into the buffer without deleting it? a) copy; b) cut out; c) insert.

240. Which of the markers of the horizontal coordinate ruler serves to set the indent of the red line? a) upper; b) lower left; c) lower right.

241. You can place a drawing in a document using the menu item: a) view; b) service; c) insert.

242. Is it true that the composition of the toolbar cannot be changed by the user? a) no, it's not true b) yes, that's right.

243. Is there a difference in the execution of an operation depending on how it is called: using the main menu, hot keys, or context-sensitive menu? a) no; b) there is.

244. What does the little triangle near the menu bar mean? a) that this line includes one more menu; b) that activating this line displays a dialog box; c) that activating this line causes a certain operation to be performed.

245. How can you not switch from one document loaded into the Word program to another? a) using the Window menu; b) place the mouse cursor on any visible place in the window of the desired document and press the left mouse button; c) using the File menu.

246. How can I load an existing document into Word? a) using the Window menu; b) using the File menu; c) using the Insert menu.

247. Do the words underlined with a red wavy line always contain an error? a) yes, there is a mistake in all the underlined words; b) no, the system underlines all unknown words.

248. Choose the wrong way to copy data from the following: a) moving the text around the screen with the mouse; b) using the Edit menu; c) using the Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar.

249. With the help of what function is it possible to view a document in a "real" form? a) web page mode; b) reading mode; c) preview.

250. The mode of automatic input of a fragment of texts is: a) auto-replacement; b) auto-input; c) autotext.

251. How many types of alignment exist? a) two; b) three; at four.

252. Which key does not work in the formula editor? a) Shift; b) space; c) Ctrl.

253. In what mode is only the content of the document presented without the requisite design elements? a) markup mode; b) structure mode; c) normal mode.

254. What key combination cancels the last action? a)Ctrl+Z b) Ctrl+G; c) Ctrl + L.

255. How to open the drawing panel? a) View / Toolbar / Image settings; b) View / Toolbar / Drawing; c) Format / Toolbar / Drawing.

256. How to use the keyboard to call Help? a)Ctrl+F2; b) F2; b)F1;d) Shift+Fl.

257. Correct answers: 1-6, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a, 5-6, 6-a, 7-a, 8-c, 9-a, 10-a, 11-a, 12 -a, 13-a, 14-c, 15-6, 16-6, 17-d, 18-a, 19-c, 20-c, 21-c, 22-6, 23-c, 24-c , 25-a, 26-6,27-c.

258. Evaluation criterion: each correct answer 1 point; 23-27 points - "excellent", 17-22 points - "good", 10-16 points - "satisfactory", 0-9 points - "unsatisfactory".

259. Questionnaire for students We ask you to take part in the study, the purpose of which is to improve the teaching and research activities of students in the system of professional training of future specialists.

260. The following abbreviations are accepted in the questionnaire: UID educational and research activities, NID - research activities.1. Specialty 2. Group

261. What attracts you in your future profession? a) modernity; b) the opportunity to do what you love; c) the possibility of continuous self-improvement; d) other (what exactly?)

262. How do you assess your abilities for future professional activity? a) I have the ability; b) there are few abilities; d) no ability; e) find it difficult to answer.

264. Do you consider teaching or research activities during your studies at the university to be the leading one? Mark respectively with the letters "U" or "I": 1 course 2 course 3 course 4 course 5 course

265. Your attitude to research activities: a) positive; b) more positive than negative; c) indifferent; d) more negative than positive; e) negative; e) I don't know.

266. In your opinion, student participation in educational and research activities in informatics: a) is mandatory; 6) desirable; c) not needed.

267. In what course did you become interested in research activities? When was interest lost or weakened?

268. Do you participate (participated) during the period of study at the university in educational and research activities (yes, no); in research activities (yes, no)? If “yes”, then from what course: UID, NID?

269. Forms of UID or NID Disciplines

270. Algebra Geometry Math. analysis Physics Numerical methods Workshop on a computer Sist. and appl. Software Informatics Program languages and MT Databases

271. Solving problems of a research nature

272. Doing homework with elements of research

273. Research laboratory work

274. Educational and research workshop1. Abstracts 1. Coursework

275. Research during work experience1. Graduate work

276. UID under the guidance of a teacher1. Circle

277. Teaching and research group

278. Student scientific conference1. Institute Olympiad 1. Other (what exactly?)

279. Mark the most interesting form of research activity for you with the letter “I”, and the form that, in your opinion, has the greatest impact on the level of professional training, with the letter “P”.

280. Are you satisfied with the quality of the organization of research activities of students at the faculty? a) yes; b) more likely yes than no; c) rather no than yes; d) no.

281. The results of your research activities: a) abstract; b) report at the lesson; c) report at a scientific conference; d) preparation of work for the competition; e) article; f) term paper with research elements; f) diploma work; g) other (what exactly?)

282. What impact does academic achievement have on research activities? a) significant; b) insignificant; c) does not affect; d) I don't know.

283. What impact does research activity have on academic performance? a) significant; b) insignificant; c) does not affect; d) I don't know.

284. Helps (helped) did the UID or NID performed by you in educational activities? a) yes; b) no; c) to a small extent; d) I don't know.

285. Does the UID or NID that you perform affect your professional training? a) yes; b) no; c) to a small extent; d) I don't know.

286. V Questionnaire for teachers

287. We ask you to take part in the survey, the purpose of which is to improve the educational and research activities of students.

288. Please indicate the name of the discipline you teach and answer the questions.1. Questions Answer options

289. Yes Rather “yes” than “no” Rather “no” than “yes” No1 2 3 4 5 6

290. Are students motivated to participate in research activities?

291. Do students have a need for self-researching of research activity?

292. Do students understand the importance of research activities in their professional development?

293. Are students willingly involved in the implementation of educational and research tasks?

294. Are you satisfied with the quality of the organization of research activities of students at the faculty?

295. Do you feel the need to apply the research method to study the discipline you teach?

296. Are you interested in developing students' research skills and abilities within a particular course?

297. Can students fully realize their research potential in the process of studying at a university?

298. Do students have theoretical knowledge that contributes to the formation of research skills?

299. Do you have theoretical knowledge about the essence, structure, stages of research work?1

300. Do you use effective pedagogical technologies in the educational process that contribute to the formation of students' teaching and research skills?

301. Can students plan their own research activities?

302. Can students adequately assess their capabilities when performing educational and research assignments?

303. Can students be self-critical about their research activities and evaluate the results?

304. Can students develop research skills while studying narrow professional disciplines?

305. Do students develop research skills while studying your discipline?

306. Is it necessary to improve the teaching methods of your subject in order to increase the effectiveness of professional training?

307. Are you able to organize the research activities of students within the discipline you teach?

308. Do you have the ability to turn your subject into a means of shaping the student's personality, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development?

309. Is the teacher's personality-oriented control over the performance of tasks necessary?

310. Does the level of professional training of a teacher influence the possibility of organizing research activities of students in the framework of studying specific disciplines?

311. Does the formation of research skills and abilities of students depend on the teaching style of the teacher?

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for review and obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors related to the imperfection of recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.


The author considers the organization and carrying out of research activity trained in educational institutions of the system of average vocational training.

The main result of the students' research activity is an intellectual product that establishes the truth based on the results of the research procedure and is presented in a standard form (report, project, research work, electronic presentation), as well as the formation and education of a person who owns research technology at the level of competence. This development is aimed at achieving such a result.

Implementation of the research method in the educational process educational institution contributes to the development and formation of personal growth of students and the formation of such qualitative intellectual characteristics as:

1. striving for creative interpretation in the performance of individual and collective learning tasks,

2. the desire and ability of the student to think independently,

3. the ability to navigate in a new situation for oneself, to find one's own approach to solving a problem and ways of obtaining knowledge,

4. the ability to critically evaluate the judgments of others,

5. development of the ability to argue one's point of view, to formulate and clearly express thoughts,

6. the ability to identify the main and secondary causes of conflicting situations,

7. expanding horizons,

8. the ability to systematize and generalize the material and knowledge.

Systematically organized research activities contribute to the expansion of the information space in an educational institution and the gradual formation of a scientific community with its own traditions in an educational institution.

Research activity is a type of independent active analytical activity of students in the systematic study of any issue or in practice. actual problem beyond the educational process.

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the issues of professional self-determination and self-knowledge of young people. The labor market, especially today in a period of economic instability, is waiting for new specialists who will come to work in companies, organize small and medium-sized businesses, and continue the implementation of an innovative approach in science. A narrowly professional employee with a standard, stereotyped type of thinking no longer meets the requirements of modernity. Russian society we need highly moral, well-educated, enterprising people with a creative type of thinking, who can independently make responsible decisions and predict them possible consequences; people capable of cooperation, active innovation

activity, characterized by mobility and constructive approach to problem solving.

Today, no one doubts that how our graduate will enter his future profession, how ready he will be for a creative life, whether he will have a need for self-improvement depends on his success. After all, work and life itself often encourage modern man look for and find solutions to non-standard production and everyday problems, the regulation of which requires new knowledge and skills, and you can get them in the process of cognition (to know, that is, to know the origin, essence of things). However, modern education It's not just the transfer of knowledge. Its main goal is to develop the creative abilities of students, to involve them in active participation in research activities, because. this is one of the conditions for the formation of personal readiness for further education.

Therefore, the development of students' creative initiative, independence in search and cognitive activities is one of the effective ways to improve the quality of youth training, their professional self-determination, and this is the main idea of ​​the research teaching method.

When conducting research, the work of students should be built according to the logic of conducting classical scientific research, using all the methods and techniques that are characteristic of the activities of scientists.

The organization of conducting research activities in an educational institution of the system of secondary vocational education has the following goals:

1. activate cognitive interest students;

2. to develop their abilities for independent thinking and analytical activity;

3. activate the intellectual potential of each student.

The general objectives of the research method of teaching are to increase the level of motivation for learning, to expand ideas about science with the help of intra-subject and inter-subject connections, to expand the general outlook of students, and to reveal their creative potential.

As well as the tasks of the research method of teaching:

1. teach students:

Approach the theoretical material from the position of the researcher.

Search, find and use normative, educational, monographic literature, practice materials, statistical data, questionnaires (if necessary, compose them yourself), Internet resources to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Receive your own experimental material,

Choose a research topic that is significant both for yourself and for an educational institution, a group of people, a particular region or even a country.

2. educate:

Feeling of self-confidence

Tolerance in dialogue with opponents,

The culture of communication.

3. develop skill:

Identify, analyze and critically evaluate leading research ideas,

Determine the areas of practical application of the acquired knowledge,

Summarize, describe and literary formalize the results obtained during the study,

Creative approach to solving problems, complex, problematic situations,

At the end of the research work, formulate conclusions and recommendations,

Competently present and justify the results of searches and their observations.

4. fasten the skill:

Work with computer programs: Movie maker, Power Point, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Paint.

5. provide an opportunity:

Speak publicly, convey your point of view to the audience, substantiate it, hold a debate, interest the audience, convince your ideas of the usefulness and weightiness.


The inclusion of research activities of students in the educational process of a secondary vocational educational institution is proposed as an integration of the classroom system and additional education with the priority of additional education, in the conditions of which there is no rigid framework of the program and the time allotted for the development of each section and topic, but there is freedom to choose topics, issues, content of the study and time for its implementation.

Research activity is a technology of additional education, since it has two features that are mandatory for additional education:

A flexible educational program, built in accordance with the specifics of the task being performed, the inclinations and abilities of a particular student;

The possibility of individual forms of work of a teacher with students: group, individual lessons, consultations, field events, seminars and conferences.


Depending on the number of people involved in research activities, work on one study can be carried out:

1. by a student individually - this is effective in terms of organizing independent search activities, taking into account his personal interests, providing an opportunity to realize his creative potential, the need to achieve success and self-affirmation.

2. in pairs or groups - this form of work has less developmental opportunities for each participant, but it is good at the beginning of research activities, when individual students experience a feeling of insecurity. When forming a group, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each in the distribution of their responsibilities, and joint work will teach young people to cooperate in their efforts in the process of jointly solving complex creative problems, and will help to master the art of communication and business cooperation.

Also, several students or several groups of students can work independently on the same topic at the same time. This will create an atmosphere of healthy competition in which students will be more enthusiastic in selecting and studying material on the topic, conducting research, analyzing and organizing search results, and with pleasure presenting projects to their opponents. Their experience will play an important role in the evaluation of other works, as they will have complete information on the topic.


I am not a source of knowledge.

I am the source of the desire to know.

Research activity is an independent creative process of searching

ka and the assimilation of new knowledge by students, but, despite this, it must necessarily take place under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Educational research from the teacher's point of view is a means of development, training and education, which allows students to develop and develop specific research skills and abilities.

The process of research itself allows the teacher, together with the students, to relive the inspiration of creativity again and again, turning the educational space into a productive creative environment.

In supervising the conduct of the study, the teacher should perform the following functions:

1. Planning is the design of the structure, the main stages of work, the scope of the study, the timing of their implementation.

2. Analysis of the mental, intellectual activity of students and identification of the reasons that impede the implementation of the plan;

3. Forecasting the effectiveness of research work, the possibilities and areas of its practical application, the acquisition of new knowledge;

4. Control and examination, i.e. timely assessment of each stage of work, adjustment of actions;

5. Innovation - encouraging students to search for new technologies, methods, techniques that would allow them to achieve results with the least loss of strength and means.

The development of communication, i.e. the ability of students to interact with information carriers, to teach them to discuss constructively.

In addition, the teacher needs to ensure that students are interested in working on research - motivation that will serve as an unfailing source of energy for independent work and creative activity. To form and develop students' motivation for research activities, the teacher can:

At the start, it is pedagogically competent to make an immersion in the study, to interest the problem, the desire to solve it, to develop specific recommendations,

It is attractive to present the perspective of the practical and social benefits of work,

Using the desire for self-realization, competition, to create in students a maximum of positive emotions associated with research activities (joy, surprise, curiosity, sympathy, success),

To increase the educational activity of students, cultivating and shaping students' self-confidence, self-confidence,

Set up students for a free creative search and manifestation of intuition,

Stimulate the desire for an independent choice of goals, objectives and means of their solution, combined with responsibility for the decisions made.

On the other hand, the teacher must:

Show tolerance for the mistakes of the participants in the research activity, which they make when trying to find their own solution,

Show tolerance for the inability of students to formulate, justify and (or) defend their position; conduct friendly communication

With attention and encouragement, they treat the thoughts, hypotheses expressed by students.

To perform these functions, the teacher must:

Freely navigate the news of science, show constant interest in them,

Own individual tactics of pedagogical activity, which will encourage students to openly express their own ideas, thoughts, assumptions,

To be a diversified, erudite personality with a broad outlook, open to new experience,

To strive for self-realization, to search for new solutions to scientific and pedagogical problems ahead of time, to be distinguished by a rationalization approach to work,

Own different ways, including extraordinary ones, the study of complex situations, knowledge and development of the world around us, to acquaint students with them,

Know how to properly manage study time

Know the techniques of self-management and methods of influencing students.


When conducting research activities, students should use as a basis the model and methodology of research developed and adopted in the field of science over the past few centuries. This model is characterized by the presence of several stages that are present in any scientific research, regardless of the subject area in which it develops. At the same time, the development of research activity is normalized by the traditions developed by the scientific community, taking into account the specifics of educational research.

So, the stages of the research work are:

1. definition of the research topic.

The theme is born from the idea. It’s good if the idea appears among the students themselves, but if not, then the teacher can captivate, interest the participants in the research activity with their ideas, offering them for research, and most often this happens (when students just start research activity, because in order to prepare their idea a high degree of generalization of the vision of reality is required, which will gradually form among students). The idea should relate to a specific object and subject - this is a kind of picture of future work. The planned plan can be realized only when it is considered in a certain system of knowledge, social phenomenon, economic problem, etc. The idea (idea) should be such that it would be expedient to consider, consistently study, analyze step by step, delving deeper into its various aspects. Then the tasks are comprehended and only after that the topic is formulated.

When choosing and defining a topic great importance has its social, cultural, ecological, economic, etc. significance. In the process of students working on the topic, it is desirable for the teacher to organize visits to excursions, social events, consult, help in carrying out serious work with various sources of information.

In research work, you can try to resolve the contradictions that have arisen, to get to the bottom of the truth. Here are the most common contradictions with which you can decide on the topic of research:

Between the known and the unknown (it is necessary to determine what knowledge is lacking in order to solve the problem, i.e. to determine the boundary of knowledge and ignorance);

Between habitual and unusual consideration of the subject;

Between acquired knowledge and their application in new practical conditions;

Between scientific and worldly knowledge;

Between fantasy and reality;

Between theory and practice.

The discovery of contradictions, their recognition as difficulties, must be accompanied by the emergence of interest.

The criteria for selecting a topic for research are:

Its theoretical, practical significance, significance for the student's personal development,

Compliance with the cognitive abilities of students,

The presence of a controversial, controversial or problematic nature of the material,

Availability of material on the basis of which it will be possible to organize a study.

The research topic is fixed in the title of the research work.

2. formulation of the purpose of the study, definition of the object, subject, setting tasks. The goal is the end result that the student wants to achieve in the course of the study.

It will help to determine what kind of knowledge the student needs to receive in the course of work on the study. To help students formulate a goal, you need to invite them to independently answer the questions: “What do I want to do in the process of research myself?” or “Why am I going to do research?” The answer will be the goal.

The goal must be realistic, expedient, relevant and achieved within the specific time allotted for it. It must also be clear and justified. To understand whether the goal is justified, the student needs to answer the question: “What will I do and why is this necessary?”

Research objectives are a system of research questions, the answer to which gradually ensures the achievement of the research goal. They are divided into main ones, focused on identifying the essence of the problem, and additional ones, relating to certain aspects of the topic. Research objectives are formulated in a systematic way according to the rules of logic. The number of tasks depends on the problem under study, the degree of its study, the purpose of the work, the potential of the researcher, his ability to penetrate deep into the issue.

To determine the objectives, you can use the question: “In what ways do I want to go to the intended goal?”

The formulation of tasks is a responsible procedure, because one or another of their formulation will oblige to the construction of all subsequent sections (paragraphs) of the research work corresponding to this formulation.

It is important to remember that research objectives should be age-appropriate and within the nearest development students - interest in work and feasibility largely determine success. At the same time, the participants in the study should not be limited by personal interests, but should learn to see the problems and interests of others.

The object of research is a specific fragment of reality where there is a problem that will be subjected to direct research. The definition of the object is based on the formulation of the topic, analysis and the degree of its study, the goal and objectives of the study.

The choice of methods for collecting information will depend on the definition of the object of study. The subject of research is the most significant properties of the object under study, the analysis of which is especially significant for solving research problems.

The definition of the subject is influenced by the real properties of the object, the researcher's knowledge of these properties, the target setting, and the objectives of the study.

3. formulation of hypotheses.

Students, with the help of a teacher, must formulate a research hypothesis, which will later serve as a guide in the search for the necessary information. There may be several hypotheses.

A research hypothesis is an assumption, the truth of which must either be proved or disproved. This is a kind of predictive assessment of the expected solution of research problems. In quantitative terms, there can be no less hypotheses than tasks. As a rule, there are much more of them, because. Several hypotheses are developed for one task. The more hypotheses and the more accurately they correspond to the tasks, the richer the research will be.

In the formulation of the hypothesis, the question will help: “What do I want to get in the course of the study?” or "What would happen if......"

4. determination of methods for collecting and processing data in support of the hypotheses put forward.

In order to determine the most effective methods for collecting and processing data on a research problem, it is better to use elements of a collaborative learning methodology. (A student who already has experience in conducting research can carry out this activity alone.) Work in this case should be carried out in small groups (3-4 people each). Students and teacher should determine the research methods (study of primary sources, questionnaires, interviews, etc.) and coordinate them. When choosing the optimal research methods, the student must answer the question: “How to achieve the desired result? In what ways?

Methods of educational research are divided into general and special. General methods should be used throughout the research process and in a wide variety of sciences. Special Methods- in certain areas of scientific knowledge (for example, history, mathematics).

General methods of scientific knowledge are divided into three large groups:

Methods of empirical research;

Methods of theoretical and empirical research;

Methods of theoretical research.

Empirical Research Methods:





Observation is the simplest method based on the work of the senses. As a rule, it acts as one of the elements in the composition of other methods. Observation in the aggregate of empirical statements gives the student primary information about the world, about objects, people and phenomena.

Comparison allows you to establish the similarity and difference between objects and phenomena of reality. As a result of comparison, a common thing is established that is repeated in objects, which allows the researcher to make generalizations and identify common features, patterns, and laws. To do this, there are two rules of productive comparison:

1 - objects should be compared between which there may be a commonality;

2 - for the knowledge of objects, their comparison should be carried out according to the most important, essential features.

Measurement is the procedure for determining the numerical value of some quantity by means of a unit of measure. Measurement provides accurate, quantified information about the surrounding reality. At the same time, the accuracy of the measurement depends on the diligence of the researcher, on the methods used, and on the available measuring instruments.

An experiment is an intervention in the natural conditions of the existence of objects and phenomena or the reproduction of certain aspects of objects and phenomena in specially created conditions in order to study them without complicating the process of accompanying circumstances. Any experiment can be carried out directly with the object or with its

a substitute - a model (if it is impossible to apply the experiment to the object). Benefits of the experiment:

1. the study of the object becomes possible almost perfectly;

2. study of the object is possible in special conditions;

3. study can be repeated.

Methods of theoretical and empirical research:





Abstraction - a mental distraction from non-essential properties, connections, relationships with the simultaneous selection of the sides of objects of interest to the researcher. The result of abstraction is abstraction, an example of which is the concepts that people use in science (terms) and in everyday life.

Analysis and synthesis - the division of the whole into its constituent elements and the combination of the constituent parts into a new whole. Analysis allows you to select the elements that make up the object, the cause-and-effect relationships between them, identify individual properties of the parts and, thereby, penetrate deeper into the depth of the object. Synthesis allows the researcher to see a new natural (knowledge of the theory) construction of the object and to suggest, to predict its new state.

The deductive method allows you to draw a conclusion about a certain element of a set based on knowledge of the properties of this set. For example: “All metals are malleable. Copper is a metal. Therefore, copper is malleable.”

The inductive method allows, on the basis of knowledge about a part of objects of one class, to draw a conclusion about the class as a whole. For example: “Very few Management students study diligently. Consequently, most future managers will not become professionals with a degree.”

Modeling - building an analogue of an object for studying and conducting an experiment. Using models allows you to apply experimental method to objects, direct operation with which is difficult or impossible. Therefore, modeling is widely used in science and acts as a separate method. For example, a focus group is an analogue model of a community, while a cost-effectiveness formula is a mathematical model of cost-effectiveness.

Methods of theoretical research: the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete. This method is a process of cognition, according to which thinking ascends from the concrete in reality to the abstract in thinking and from it to the concrete in thinking. First, a specific object is divided into parts, described using concepts, turning into a set of abstractions, definitions. Then definitions and abstractions are combined into a specific object, but already in the head of the researcher, in his thinking.

The selection of research methods is carried out on the basis of several factors. General scientific methods are selected based on the characteristics of the research problem and the chosen methodology. Special methods are selected on the basis of the characteristics of the object under study and the subject of study, as well as the tasks set.

In any case, the selection of methods for a particular study is based on the specifics of the phenomenon or process being studied.

Also, the teacher needs to discuss with students the ways and sources of obtaining information.

formations, methods of its processing.

Approaches can be different:

You can give all groups the opportunity to collect information on all hypotheses in order to further integrate it and collect the most convincing evidence. This is usually done in cases where the subject of research is not so voluminous, but requires careful selection of data, their comparison;

It is possible to give each group of students the task of finding evidence in support of only one of the hypotheses put forward.

Each group, after discussing the methodology for obtaining and processing information in a narrow circle, will submit its opinion for general discussion. The teacher should actively participate in the discussion and, if necessary, correct and direct the thoughts of the research participants in the right direction, offer additional sources of information.

5. collecting information and studying the theory on the research topic.

At this stage, students will work independently or work in small groups. Their tasks:

With the help of bibliographic reference books, catalogs of libraries, Internet resources to find maximum amount sources on the research topic (textbooks, study guides, articles, abstracts, monographs, journals, practice materials, Internet resources);

Study these sources.

The teacher should give students the following recommendations for working with sources:

Before reading chapters and paragraphs, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the table of contents, annotation, and introduction;

The same source must be accessed several times. When studying a book (chapter), article, etc., for the first time, you should not immediately make extracts and notes, but you need to read the entire book (or chapter), marking pages and paragraphs on a piece of paper that contain the material of interest. With subsequent references to this source, it will not be necessary to re-read the entire work. You can limit yourself to re-examining the previously marked pages;

When reading, you must carefully follow the thought of the author;

After reading the source, it is useful to think about which own thoughts are confirmed and which knowledge has become new,

If there are difficulties while reading the source, you should try to figure it out on your own (with the help of other sources, dictionaries) and only in case of failure ask the teacher for help.

Present a literature review to the teacher-leader, teachers of related disciplines and other students of the group in a different form, which was agreed upon in advance. The presentation of a literature review by students is a brief description by the author of the study of what is currently known about the phenomenon under study. In the review, the student must show that they are familiar with the field of study from several sources.

When students working on a study present the collected data, the team should analyze it for validity, sufficiency, and evidence-based capacity. It is good if a group of students and a teacher ask questions to the author of the study based on the materials presented. This will allow him to look at the problem under study from different angles, thereby delve deeper, and subsequently develop it, see the existing gaps in the development of the issue under study.

6. drawing up a detailed research plan.

After collecting information and carefully studying the theory, you need to start drawing up a detailed research plan, and the deeper it is worked out, the easier and more convenient it will be to conduct the study itself.

In order to draw up a plan, you need to answer the question: “In what sequence do you need to act in order to gain knowledge about research?” You also need to determine which methods can be used, and then arrange them in order.

Drawing up a plan is an important stage of work and must be taken seriously.

7. processing of research results, their discussion.

It is not always necessary to present all the data obtained in the work, therefore, only the essential should be selected from the collected and studied material. When processing the selected results, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that they are compared with each other and with literary sources.

To process the collected data, it is better to use various methods (for example, it is convenient to process statistical data using spreadsheets, diagramming, determine dependencies by entering theses in a separate notebook and comparing them, etc.).

8. testing hypotheses.

If the presented data satisfied the group and the teacher-leader, then the next stage of the study begins - testing the hypotheses put forward. The problem and hypotheses are again presented to the whole group of students. They will help to select only those hypotheses that have enough evidence to support it. In some cases, for example, in research in the natural sciences, only theoretical data is not enough to prove the hypotheses put forward, and their experimental verification, possibly multiple, is required.

9. preparation of generalizations and conclusions.

The conclusions should correspond to the goals, objectives and hypotheses of the study, be the answer to the questions posed in them.

To help the student reflect on the implications of the research for practice, the student should be asked to answer the question, “What specific shortcomings can be corrected by the results of the research?”

10. registration of research work.

After receiving the results of the study, they need to be formalized for further presentation.

11. presentation of the work.

The types of presentation of the work performed can be: an article in the wall newspaper of the educational institution, on the Internet site, in another newspaper, magazine; presentation of work at a conference organized in a study group, an educational institution, a conference of a regional, state or international level, at a network conference, the creation of a video film, an electronic presentation, etc.).

Any research, no matter in what field of science it is carried out, has a similar structure. Such a chain is an integral part of the research activity, the norm of its implementation.


At the initial phase of the research activity, any level of results achieved by students is worthy of a positive assessment. And then, as you join, gain experience and improve the quality of work, the requirements need to be increased.

Often in the conditions of conferences and competitions one can meet the requirements of practical significance, applicability of the research findings. Due to this, this species activity is called research, but the activity carried out by students of secondary vocational education, especially at the first stages, differs significantly from scientific, being rather educational research. Therefore, the leader of student research work and the organizers of such conferences should shift the goals of work on research to personal development students.

The main task in science is to obtain an objectively new result that was not known before. And in study study main should be:

The development of the personality of the student, the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge, i.e. which are new and significant to him,

The acquisition of a functional research skill as a universal way of mastering reality,

Activation of the student's personal position.

This means that a student's research work may not be of great practical or theoretical significance, but it is worthy of high appreciation if the student, performing it, has grown significantly compared to himself yesterday, with his fellow students, has mastered the method of searching, selecting and analyzing information, has acquired the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions based on what has been studied.

And when evaluating the research work performed by a student (a group of students), it is necessary to pay attention to these aspects. As well as the criteria for evaluating the study can be:

1. in case of absentee tour:

Relevance, originality of the research idea, the level of hypotheses built,

The originality of the methods proposed for solving the problem, ways out of the controversial situation studied in the work,

The level of familiarity with the current state of the issue (the presence of an analysis of alternative views);

The presence of a literary review in the work - brief description what is known about the phenomenon under study; depth of study of literature,

Originality, value and completeness of the collected material,

The logic of evidence structuring,

Demonstration of knowledge beyond the scope of the college curriculum,

Socially useful orientation of the research,

The degree of independence of work,

Spelling and punctuation literacy of the author,

Language and style of presentation

Research, creative nature of the study,

Completeness, depth, comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the topic,

Conclusion balanced with introduction,

Compliance with the design of research work standards; design aesthetics.

2. during the full-time round (defense, presentation of research work):

Knowledge of scientific concepts, terminology on the topic,

The logic of the presentation of the material, the persuasiveness of reasoning,

research skill,

The use of knowledge outside the program studied at the college, the research, creative nature of the work,

Originality and value of the presented material,

The visibility of the presentation of the results of the work, the creative approach in preparing the presentation,

The originality of the proposed conclusions, ideas, the socially useful orientation of the study, the applied value of the results obtained,

The level of proficiency in oratory, communicative culture.

The student's research activity should become the most important means of ensuring its development and improvement. In this regard, it is necessary to create conditions for research in various areas of science in an educational institution, which make it possible to qualitatively change the nature of the educational process.

In this regard, the teacher is called upon to be a coordinator of students' activities, a link between them and culture, ensuring the student's entry into culture and self-determination.

The author hopes that these methodological recommendations will help teachers and students to join the research methodology of teaching and, as a result, develop their thinking, acquire a stable ability to search, analyze information and creatively use the acquired knowledge.

Key words: research activity, form of organization of research, stages of research work, criteria for evaluating research work.

Keywords: research activity, the form of the organization of carrying out of research, stages of performance of research work, criteria of an estimation of research works.


1. Brekalov V.G., Terekhova N.Yu., Klenin A.I. Information model for choosing a strategy for the development of the educational process // European Social Science Journal. - 2013. - No. 9–3 (36). – P. 61–68.

2. Brekalov V.G., Terekhova N.Yu., Klenin A.I. Solving the problems of forecasting and strategic planning of higher educational institutions // European Social Science Journal. - 2014. - No. 4–2 (43). – P. 31–34.

3. Tsibizova T.Yu. Integration of Science and Education as an Element of the System of Continuous Professional Education // Integration of Education. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 25–29.

4. Tsibizova T.Yu. Conceptual foundations of research activities of students in the system of continuous education: Ph.D. dis. … Dr. ped. Sciences / Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education. - M., 2013. - 41 p.

At the present stage post-industrial society the role of research activities of students in the system of continuous education is growing as the most important factor in the training of highly qualified personnel. The article is devoted to the principles of organizing research activities in the system of continuous education. It is determined that the main principles are: the principle of integration, the principle of continuity, the principle of variability.

Among the primary tasks of the development of socially significant subsystems of society, the development of a system of lifelong education, including professional education, is a priority task aimed at developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern pedagogical theory. Obviously, the solution to this problem should be based on the integration of science, education and production and be consistent with the stages of training research and scientific and technical personnel, which implies the integration of pre-university, university and postgraduate training. The development of conceptual foundations for the organization of research activities in the integrated system "school - university - science - production" is especially important, since it is research activity that forms the basis of a creative, research, socially active personality capable of solving innovative problems in various fields of science, engineering and technology in the future .

Research activity is an integral part of the educational and educational process, contributing to: the development of individual abilities of the individual, the expansion of differentiated learning, ensuring that the level of education meets the requirements of scientific and technological progress, as a condition for the implementation of all external and internal motives, research and cognitive needs of the individual at any age.

Thus, the organization of research activities in the system of continuous education should be constant, systematic, aimed at the phased training in the methods of research (research work), the requirements for its implementation and design, the correctness of presentation and protection, which develops in students the ability, desire, need and desire for science, design, research, creativity.

The most effective approach here is the cross-cutting program "schoolchild - student - specialist", which allows starting education in the system of pre-university training, continuing during the student's studies at the university and graduating a research-oriented specialist capable of research work with integrative skills formed in the process of education. knowledge.

The task of research activities in the system of continuous professional education is to educate future young scientists and specialists so that, having received a profession and entered life, our country will receive purposeful and energetic specialists capable of creating high technologies, new technology, fundamental scientific developments and replenish the ranks of the teaching staff and highly qualified personnel for the economy, science, education and industry of Russia. It corresponds to the essence modern requirements to education, consistent with the trend of strengthening the importance of research activities of students in general education school, university, system of scientific education.

Analysis of the theory and practice of implementing research activities in the educational process of the system of continuous education allows us to note that, taking into account the profound changes taking place in the socio-cultural, economic, industrial, scientific and other areas of the life of a post-industrial society, the optimization of research activities of students at all levels and levels of education is one of the main priority strategies for life and professional adaptation.

Solving the problem of development of research activities of students in the system of continuous education, the following principles of organization of research activities are defined: the principle of integration; the principle of succession; principle of variation.

The principle of integration is understood as the interconnection of all components of research activity, the integration of science, education, production, as a way of forming, obtaining and acquiring integrative knowledge.

The process of integration in the system of continuous education is the unification into a single whole of previously disparate parts and elements of this system on the basis of their interdependence and complementarity. Since the essence of the integration process is consistent with the qualitative transformations within each element included in the system, then from this position, integration implies the interconnection of all components of the learning process of research, education, modern production and science in an integral system of continuous education.

Hence, the principle of integration is considered in several aspects:

● in terms of the content of research activities, it is an element of learning integrated into the educational process of the system of continuous education;

● in terms of organization of research activities - this principle establishes the relationship of all components of research activities, its types, forms, methods, methods;

● in terms of the implementation of research activities - indicates the need to integrate science, education, production; in terms of results, the principle of integration indicates the formation of acquired integrated knowledge.

In the process of research, the following integrated knowledge obtained as a result of research activities was revealed:

● interdisciplinary (interdisciplinary) integration;

● integration of science and production (professional activity);

● integration of science and education (pedagogical activity);

● integration of education and production (professional activity);

● integration as a factor of personality development.

The principle of continuity is understood as a connection between the types of research activities carried out in the process of developing the educational level of students associated with the development and acquisition of scientific knowledge, research and sociocultural experience, general and professional education.

Continuity as a process presupposes the interconnection of types of research activities, taking into account their subordination in this system, which is ensured by the “vector” orientation of educational programs of research activities. The consequence of this is the motivational-value trajectory of the development of the individual in the development and acquisition of scientific knowledge, research and socio-cultural experience, general and professional education. Continuity as a result provides a variety of types of research activities implemented in institutional and non-institutional structures of education along all educational lines and organizational and structural components of the system of continuous education, ensuring the need and sufficiency of variable educational trajectories of a person, not limited either in time or in the form of education.

The principle of variability is understood as the possibility of choosing the types of research activities, forms of its organization, educational programs, professional educational trajectory that ensures the self-realization of each student in accordance with personal preferences, peculiarities of thinking, interests. Educational research programs should be developed on the basis of the principle of variability for each category of students, providing the opportunity for self-realization, the choice of the type and direction of research activity in accordance with personal preferences, peculiarities of thinking and interests of the student. The variety of educational programs of research activities create conditions for the development of personality, independent creativity, the variability of the possibility of "expanding" and "replenishing" knowledge, a variety of professional educational trajectories.

These principles of organizing research activity make it possible to solve the main tasks of research activity, which are to identify students capable of one or another type of creativity, develop and strengthen motivation for choosing a profession and further education, improve the quality of training specialists, and form educational trajectories throughout life by organization and support of research, intellectual and creative activities in the educational process of the system of continuous education.

Bibliographic link

Tsibizova T.Yu. PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZING RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN THE SYSTEM OF LIFELONG EDUCATION // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2015. - No. 10-1. - S. 20-22;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" 1

The article analyzes the pedagogical conditions for the organization of educational and research activities of students. The transition of an educational institution to modern conditions to work on the Federal State Educational Standards of SVE put forward the problem of developing a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of research skills and abilities of college students. From the standpoint of modern requirements, the main goal of the SVE system has become not only the training of mid-level specialists, but also the creation of conditions for the development of a creatively active person who can implement research functions in professional activities. The organization of research activities stimulates students to solve professional problems, which meets the requirements of training a modern specialist in the presence of pedagogical conditions: the need for continuous improvement of pedagogical skills; taking into account the individual characteristics of students when choosing a research topic; development and use of didactic support for effective research activities; implementation of the interaction between the teacher and the student.

organization of educational and research activities of students of secondary vocational education

pedagogical conditions

2. Andreev V. I. Heuristic programming of educational and research activities [Text] / V. I. Andreev. - M .: Higher. school, 1981. - 240 p.

3. Anisimov F. Development of secondary vocational education in the context of education modernization [Text] / F. Anisimov // Secondary vocational education. - 2002. - No. 4 - P. 8.

4. Borytko N. M. In the space of educational activity [Text] / N. M. Borytko. - Volgograd: Change, 2001.

5. Vorovshchikov S. G. Educational and cognitive competence of high school students: composition, structure, activity component [Text]: monograph / S. G. Vorovshchikov. - M.: APKiPPRO, 2006. - 160 p.

6. Galperin P. Ya. Mental action as the basis for the formation of thought and image [Text] / P. Ya. Galperin // Questions of Philosophy. - 1957. - No. 6. - S. 58–69.

7. Davydov V. V. Problems of developmental education [Text] / V. V. Davydov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986. – 280 p.

8. Danilov M. A. Theoretical foundations for teaching and educating cognitive activity and independence of students [Text] / M. A. Danilov // Uchenye zapiski Kazan. state ped. in-ta. - Issue. 102. Topical issues at school. - Kazan: KSPI, 1972. - S. 3-23.

9. Dmitrenko E. A. The problem of introducing first-year students to research activities in a teacher training university [Text]: a collection of articles / E. A. Dmitrenko // Topical issues of psychology and pedagogy: students in scientific search. - Kirov, 2003. - S. 31–32.

10. Kalmykova Z. I. Pedagogy of humanism [Text] / Z. I. Kalmykova. - M.: Knowledge, 1990. - 320 p.

11. Kozlova L. P. Research work as a means of forming the creative abilities of students of a professional College of Education[Text]: Dis. … cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / L.P. Kozlova. - Bryansk, 2000. - 148 p.

12. Leontovich A. V. Research activities of students [Text]: collection of articles / A. V. Leontovich, Ph.D. psychol. n. - M.: MGDD (Yu) T, 2002. - 110 p.

13. Lerner I. Ya. Developing education from didactic positions [Text] / I. Ya. Lerner // Pedagogy. - 1998. - No. 2. - P. 84.

14. Nikitina N. N. Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical activity [Text]: textbook. allowance for students. medium institutions. prof. education / N. N. Nikitina, O. M. Zheleznyakova, M. A. Petukhov - M., 2002. - P. 64.

15. Obukhov A. S. Research activity as a possible way for a teenager to enter the space of culture: Development of research activities of students [Text]: methodical collection / A. S. Obukhov. - M.: People's education, 2001. - S. 48-63.

16. Pavlova I. V. Some factors that determine the effectiveness of the formation of research experience [Text]: a collection of articles / I. V. Pavlova // Research activities of students in the modern educational space. - M., 2006. - S. 262-265.

17. Pidkasisty P.I. Independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren in teaching [Text] / P.I. Pidkasisty. - M.: Pedagogy, 1980. - 240 p.

18. Semenova N. A. Formation of research skills of schoolchildren [Text]: Dis. … cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / N. A. Semenova. - Tomsk, 2007. - 204 p.

The development of research activities of students is one of the main directions of modernization of the system of secondary vocational education.

Secondary vocational education differs from general education in clarity in the definition educational outcome, which is a reflection of the social order. Education in the context of the implementation of advanced professional education should be of a prognostic nature and form the personality traits that a graduate will need in the future.

The transition of an educational institution in modern conditions to work according to the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education put forward the problem of developing a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of research skills and abilities of college students.

To substantiate the pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of professional interests, we must clarify what we understand as such. There are different points of view in the scientific literature. The most reasonable, in our opinion, are the definitions given by N. M. Borytko and V. I. Andreev.

Under pedagogical conditions, N. M. Borytko considers a set of external circumstances that influence the course of the pedagogical process, consciously constructed by the teacher, suggesting the achievement of a certain result.

V. I. Andreev argues that pedagogical conditions are the result of content, methods or techniques, as well as organizational forms of learning to achieve goals.

Consequently, under the pedagogical conditions we understand the totality of the circumstances of the educational process, the implementation of which depends on professional activity. Pedagogical conditions are thus a necessary component of the process of professional training of students and were taken into account when building the educational process.

Considering the content of pedagogical conditions, it is necessary to pay attention to the works of V.I. Andreev, I.Ya. Lerner, P.I. The authors define creative activity as a constant search for new ways to solve emerging problems, continuous improvement of the style, methods and techniques of activity, as well as the ability to find the basis for their relationship.

N. A. Semenova believes that a teacher who organizes research activities should contribute to the creation of a creative environment and have special knowledge in the field of organizing research activities. In the process of involving students in research activities, the teacher should actively manage this process.

E. A. Kozlova presented a description of the optimal conditions for organizing a research environment: a variety of types of creative activity and for the development of students' creative abilities, a creative teacher working in a creative teaching team is needed.

Most of the authors in the studies do not indicate that the teacher needs to constantly improve his skills in the field of research. However, the most important pedagogical condition for organizing research activities of students of institutions of secondary vocational education should be an educational space for teachers who involve students in research activities, within which a professional association of like-minded people, including social partners, will be formed.

P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, Z. I. Kalmykova in their works consider the individual differences of students when they are involved in the cognitive process. Scientists agree in their views and consider the idea of ​​the need to take into account individual characteristics in the organization of research activities as another of the pedagogical conditions.

A number of scientists believe that when organizing research activities, it is necessary to take into account the cognitive interest of students.

N. A. Semenova supplements the pedagogical conditions with such provisions as cooperation and co-creation in the process of research activities of a teacher, student and social partner.

A. V. Leontovich describes the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the organization of educational and research activities of students:

  • gradual inclusion of students in educational and research activities through various forms of classroom and extracurricular work, taking into account social partnership;
  • continuous improvement of the level of pedagogical management of educational and research activities of students;
  • organization of educational and practical cooperation of students, teachers, social partners.

E. A. Dmitrenko offers other pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development and organization of research activities of college students in the educational process with the involvement of leaders or consultants:

  • a high level of scientific creativity and pedagogical skills of teachers-supervisors of student research;
  • increasing the level of knowledge and intellectual initiative of students; the use of non-traditional methods in teaching;
  • introduction of technology of research training into the educational process;
  • special courses or circles, electives on the basics of research activities;
  • consultations on subjects with university professors, taking them into account, the teacher will be able to develop a specific program of action, which will be a guideline for developing students' abilities for teaching and research activities.

N. N. Nikitina, O. M. Zheleznyakova, M. A. Petukhov, I. V. Pavlova describe pedagogical conditions that reflect the high level of scientific creativity and pedagogical skills of teachers - leaders of students' research activities.

The pedagogical skills of teachers - leaders, are increasingly determined by a complex of gnostic, design, constructive, communicative and organizational abilities, which allows the teacher to effectively manage the cognitive activity of students.

In addition, the basis for the success of the implementation of research activities of students is the internal motivation and interest in the research problem of the teacher himself.

According to A. S. Obukhov, a teacher must be in a state of scientific research in order to act as a bearer of experience in organizing research work. It is the teacher-researcher who creates the conditions for the formation of the internal motivation of the student, solves any problem creatively, uses a research approach.

Therefore, according to A. S. Obukhov, the most important thing for a teacher is not to pave and work out the path in his pedagogical activity, but to fix it. Another pedagogical condition that the author describes is the increase in the level of knowledge and intellectual initiative of students. This condition can be realized in the process of active work of students in the scientific community, which may have a name, emblem, motto, its own structure, office or laboratory.

One of the main conditions is the use of non-traditional teaching methods, which contributes to the formation of research experience. In the organization of the educational process, the leading role belongs to problem-based learning, which, being an independent learning technology, is at the same time the basis of all developing and creative technologies.

The condition for the introduction of research learning technologies into the educational process through the introduction of a special course on the basics of research activities and the organization of individual and group consultations on subjects with university professors.

On the basis of pedagogical experience, the achievements of researchers were supplemented and their own views on the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the qualitative organization of research activities of college students were presented.

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the fact of constant self-improvement in this area of ​​activity, for this we proposed to create an existing educational space for teachers on theoretical and practical issues of organizing research activities with students, which will contribute to their professional growth.

This space can be seminars, courses, laboratories that will unite teachers and students in a creative union. For implementation given condition a regulatory framework is needed that provides a legal field for activity, namely, the “Regulations” on holding seminars, courses or laboratories.

Secondly, the methodological support of the process of organizing the research activities of students and teachers of the college is one of the most important pedagogical conditions for organizing this process. Methodological support includes a set of materials: a program, teaching aids for a teacher, methodological literature for a teacher and a student, handouts and presentation materials.

Thirdly, one of the most important pedagogical conditions, in our opinion, in the organization of research activities of students is the implementation of the interaction between the teacher and the student, that is, personal relationships based on acceptance of each other and involving an orientation towards the individual uniqueness of each.

Teachers build interaction with students, involving them in research activities, creating creative environment, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, involving all participants in the educational process, including social partners, in co-creation and cooperation. Effective forms of interaction between a teacher and a student, in our opinion, are scientific and practical conferences, discussions, forums, poster defenses, presentations of the results or experience.

Thus, we have defined the following pedagogical conditions for the organization of research activities of students of institutions of secondary vocational education: the need for continuous improvement of pedagogical skills; taking into account the individual characteristics of students when choosing a research topic; development and use of didactic support for effective research activities; implementation of the interaction between the teacher and the student. Research activities make it possible to ensure a conscious and deep assimilation of educational material, to individualize the training of specialists, to develop such qualities as competence, independence, a creative approach to business, as well as to form in students the ability to continuously learn, updating their knowledge, and to acquire research skills.


Alexandrova Natalya Sergeevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Science and Postgraduate Studies of the Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute, Kirov.

Pomelov Vladimir Borisovich, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Vyatka State University for the Humanities, Kirov.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


Currently, Russian society is paying more and more attention to the issues of professional self-determination and self-knowledge of young people. The labor market, especially today in the period of another economic instability and endless sanctions from Western countries, is waiting for new specialists who will not only come to work in public and private companies, but will also be able to carry out innovative transformations in the production process. A narrowly professional employee with a standard, stereotyped type of thinking no longer meets the requirements of modernity. Russian society needs highly moral, well-educated, enterprising people with a creative type of thinking, who can independently make responsible decisions and predict their possible consequences; people capable of cooperation, active innovation, mobility and constructive approach to problem solving.

In the last decade, state bodies have been paying more and more attention to the priority development of not higher, but secondary vocational education.

Secondary specialized educational institutions include a technical school and a college.

The technical school implements the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education at the basic level.

The college implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic and advanced levels.

The main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education can be mastered by various forms training, differing in the volume of classroom studies and the organization of the educational process: full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence forms. The normative terms of training in educational programs of secondary vocational education are established by the state educational standard of secondary vocational education. As a rule, training lasts 3-4 years. If necessary, the terms of study for specific educational programs of secondary vocational education can be increased in comparison with the standard terms of study. The decision to increase the duration of training is made by the state authority or local government in charge of the secondary specialized educational institution. For persons with initial vocational education of the appropriate profile, secondary vocational or higher vocational education, or another sufficient level of previous training and (or) abilities, training is allowed under reduced or accelerated educational programs of secondary vocational education, the procedure for the implementation of which is established by the federal education authority.

The introduction of federal standards of the third generation confronts the above educational institutions secondary vocational education a number of problems in fulfilling their requirements, among which it is necessary to single out the problem of choosing methods and teaching technologies that ensure the process of forming students' professional competencies. Despite the wide variety of teaching methods and technologies recommended for the formation of professional competencies of students, to date, the issue of optimizing their use in educational practice has not yet been resolved, adequately to the competence-based approach to training specialists.

Research work is a system of events that introduces creative activity, promotes the development of initiative, individual interests of students, which increases students' interest in learning, introducing them to independent creative activity. The result of such work is to increase the level of training of future specialists in the relevant field. Elements of research activities for students of colleges and technical schools should be introduced gradually, becoming more complex from course to course through various types independent work.

As noted in the field of secondary vocational education, scientific activity is becoming a popular component in the educational process, a necessary means of increasing motivation for learning, a deeper interest in the specialty and profession, and, as a result, good professional training.

The scientific activity of students should be accompanied by the development of students' creative initiative, independence in search and cognitive activities. In accordance with this, it is one of the effective ways to improve the quality of youth training, its professional self-determination, and this is the main idea of ​​the research method of teaching.

The research work of students, which goes beyond the educational process, is a special type of pedagogical activity that has a number of significant differences from the main traditional methods of teaching compulsory disciplines. One of the main methodological approaches in organizing research work is the teacher's ability to turn students' research activities into an effective tool for developing their creative abilities.

In addition, in order for students to become research activities, the teacher must solve a number of problems in the formation of a creative impulse in the mind of the student, and then teach him the principles, methods, forms and methods of scientific research, the basics of professional knowledge and scientific knowledge, give the student the opportunity to self-actualize through problem solving scientific nature on an individual topic.

In view of the foregoing, the results of a survey conducted by one of the researchers among teachers of SVE seem very interesting to us.

To the question "Do you use research activities in your work with students?" 58% of teachers answered positively, 42% - negatively (Fig. 1, a). Such a large percentage of positive answers can be explained by the fact that it is easier for the teacher (just in case) to say the word “Yes” than “No”. In fact, the percentage of teachers who use elements of research work in their activities is much lower.





Figure 1. Results of a survey of teachers of secondary vocational education

To the question “What prevents you from engaging in research activities with students?” 9% of SVE teachers answered “I just don’t want to”, 62% of SVE teachers do not know the work process itself, 9% are afraid that students will not cope with scientific activities and 18% are afraid that they themselves will not be able to cope (Fig. 1, b) .

To the question “What problems can research activities solve?” 65% of teachers answered “Contributes creative development personality of the student”, 20% expect the professional and qualification growth of the teacher-researcher, 10% hope for an increase in the status of the educational institution, and 5% for the possibility of obtaining qualitatively new knowledge (Fig. 1, c).

To the question "What difficulties do you face in organizing research activities?" 44% of vocational school teachers complained about the lack of free time, 44% lack knowledge on the organization of research activities, and 12% are concerned about the high workload of students (Fig. 1, d).

Thus, the following conclusion can be drawn from the results of this survey: SVE teachers lack knowledge and recommendations on organizing research work in SVE institutions. Analysis of the results of the above survey made it possible to supplement the goals and objectives of this work.

In general, the inclusion of research activities of students in the educational process of a secondary vocational educational institution is possible as an integration of the classroom system and additional education with the priority of additional education, in which there are no rigid frameworks for the program and time allotted for mastering each section and topic, but there is freedom of choice topics, problems, content of the study and time for its implementation.

When conducting research, the work of students should be based on the logic of conducting classical scientific research, using all the methods and techniques that are characteristic of the activities of scientists.

The organization of conducting research activities in an educational institution of the system of secondary vocational education has the following goals:

1. activate the cognitive interest of students;

2. develop their abilities for independent, mental and analytical activities;

3. activate the intellectual potential of each student.

The general objectives of the research method of teaching are to increase the level of motivation for learning, to expand ideas about science with the help of intra-subject and inter-subject connections, to expand the general outlook of students, and to reveal their creative potential.

The tasks of the research method of teaching also include the following:

1. Teach students:

– approach the theoretical material from the perspective of a researcher;

- search, find and use normative, educational, monographic literature, practice materials, statistical data, questionnaires (if necessary, compose them yourself), Internet resources to obtain the necessary knowledge;

– receive your own experimental material;

- choose a research topic that is significant both for yourself and for an educational institution, a group of people, a separate region or even a country.

2. Nurture:

- a sense of self-confidence;

- tolerance in dialogue with opponents;

- a culture of communication.

3. Develop skill:

- identify, analyze and critically evaluate the leading ideas of the study;

- to determine the areas of practical application of the acquired knowledge;

- to summarize, describe and literary formalize the results obtained during the study;

- a creative approach to solving problems, complex, problematic situations;

- at the end of the research work, formulate conclusions and recommendations;

- competently state and justify the results of searches and their observations.

4. Fix skill:

- work with various computer programs.

5. Provide an opportunity:

- to speak publicly, convey your point of view to the audience, substantiate it, hold a debate, interest the audience, convince the benefits and weight of your ideas.

To achieve the above goals and solve the above problems, a college (technical school) teacher must himself present the principles of conducting scientific work, the rules for processing research results, etc. The problem is that college teachers, communicating at their professional level, i.e. at the level of secondary professional institutions, as well as at the level of industrial enterprises, they do not know these principles, which, due to the specifics of their application, are more typical for higher educational institutions and research institutes.

In view of the foregoing, the purpose of this work was to develop general principles for conducting scientific work for teachers of colleges and technical schools in relation to their working conditions, with the substantiation of a mathematical apparatus that makes it possible to compare the capabilities of SVE institutions in their scientific research.

The objectives of this work were the following.

1. Development of general principles for conducting scientific work by teachers of SVE;

3. Development of a mathematical apparatus that allows comparing the capabilities of SVE institutions in their scientific research.

4. Development of a model regulation on the research work of teachers in institutions of secondary vocational education.


When organizing research activities in an educational institution of the SVE system, SVE teachers will form the following competencies (Fig. 2):

Figure 2. Formation of competencies of teachers of vocational education in their scientific activities

One of the problems hindering the organization of research activities in colleges (technical schools) is the lack of a person responsible for conducting research work in the staff list.

Figure 3. Structural and functional model of the organization of the educational process in the institution of secondary vocational education

The structural and functional model of a secondary specialized educational institution is created taking into account its (institution) type, specifics and tasks facing the educational institution in order to effectively and efficiently fulfill the state and social order (Fig. 3). The existing model should correspond to the functional tasks of the educational institution.

Taking into account the topic of this work, in the structure of the college and technical school, we propose to introduce the position of deputy director for research work. At the same time, it seems appropriate to combine this position with the position of Deputy Director for Academic Affairs (Fig. 3, highlighted in red).

As noted above, in order to successfully conduct research work in colleges and technical schools, an SVE teacher must represent the structure of students' research activities in the conditions of SVE, and also know general principles conducting scientific work in relation to the conditions of their work.

The following model of research activities of students in vocational schools was proposed in the work (Fig. 4):

Figure 4. Model of the structure of research activities students in the conditions of secondary vocational education

In accordance with this model, in technical schools and colleges, for the successful implementation of research work by teachers of SVE, in our opinion, the following principles of scientific work should be implemented (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Research principles

1. The principle of voluntary participation.

The teacher must be ready to perform scientific work. He must understand the purpose of its implementation and the tasks that will be assigned to him by the supervisor. The teacher must understand for himself the difficulties that may arise in his way when performing scientific research, and must also be prepared for possible financial expenses (sometimes very significant). With this in mind, a teacher can be obliged to engage in scientific activities, as is sometimes found in higher educational institutions, but if the teacher is not ready to voluntarily engage in science, then there will be little sense from the so-called "obligation".

2. The principle of the opportunity to participate in conferences.

When performing scientific research, the teacher must necessarily participate in scientific conferences. At the same time, such participation is necessary not only for the purpose of exchanging experience, but also for the purpose of obtaining useful advice from experts in the relevant fields of scientific research. A feature of this principle is that these should not be so-called "remote" conferences, the purpose of which is sometimes only to receive materials for publication in print or electronic form in a collection of papers, but real conferences with real presentations and discussion of the results. However, at present, to participate in such real conferences, it is necessary to spend a certain amount of money (at least for travel to another city or region and for hotel accommodation). In addition, publication in the proceedings of the conference may also be paid. Therefore, the administration of SVE institutions should be prepared to compensate the costs of participation in the conference for teachers participating in scientific research.

The considered principle closely interacts with another principle, namely:

3. The principle of the possibility of publishing the results of the study.

To publish a scientific article means to transfer the information contained in it for distribution. It must undergo editorial and publishing processing, be appropriately designed, have output information and be published in print or electronic form.

4. The principle of free choice of research topic.

For the successful completion of the research, it is important that the topic is close to the researcher. However, practice has shown that this state of affairs is observed mainly when working on a doctoral dissertation, which, again, often serves as a continuation of a candidate's work. Therefore, most often the research topic is issued by the head of scientific work. In the same case. when there is no immediate supervisor, the topic of the work is chosen by the researcher independently. At the same time, it is important for the researcher to assess the prospects of the chosen direction of work, and if the direction is not promising, the researcher can freely change it.

The professional and other interests of the teacher have a huge influence on the free choice of the topic.

5. The principle of professional orientation.

It is desirable that the direction of scientific activity coincides with the direction of the disciplines taught by the teacher, or at least with the general direction of the college (technical school). This principle is explained by the fact that the implementation of scientific activity involves consultations with specialists in this field not only during conferences, but also between them, and it is more convenient to receive such consultations only if like-minded people and professionals in the field of interest to him are concentrated around the researcher.

6. The principle of connection with production.

For the successful implementation of the study, it is important that the topic under consideration is important to production. Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet period, the connection between science and production was broken. If in Soviet times industrial enterprises were actually obliged to give part of their profits “for science” to research institutes and universities, at present, research is often carried out at their own expense. In fairness, it should be noted that in the last decade the system of grants has been actively developing (for example, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR), but this does not solve the problem of the lack of connection with production. The topic of scientific research should be not only relevant, but also in demand in the future by production if it is successfully implemented. It is highly desirable that the researcher, before starting his work, should carry out work to identify the problems and tasks facing production in the area of ​​interest to him, and the topic itself, the purpose and objectives of the study should be formulated so that in the future there is a chance to get from production to perform this work. not only certain sums of money, but also a platform for performing experimental research. In the latter, a teacher of secondary vocational education can be greatly assisted by the existing (and not yet completely destroyed) system for students to undergo practical training at work. In view of the constant contact of teachers of secondary vocational education with the management of production, as well as with former graduates of colleges (technical schools), it is quite possible to organize experimental research in production on the topic of research, even in our difficult time.

7. The principle of implementation in the educational process.

Even if a scientific research has been successfully completed, after its completion, the problem of implementing the research results into the educational process and production often arises. If a researcher (including a teacher of secondary vocational education) has developed a topic directly related to his professional activities, then such an introduction at least into the educational process usually does not cause difficulties. As for the implementation of research results in production, here, as noted above, in recent years there have traditionally been difficulties that have to be resolved with management (often at the highest level).

In general, in our opinion, the implementation of the principles of research work that we have cited in the institutions of secondary vocational education will raise this type of work to the proper level.

When performing scientific research, the teacher of SVE should be aware that at present all publications are divided according to a number of criteria. In particular, these are urgent and non-urgent publications, paid and free, in peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed journals, included or not included in international or Russian citation databases, etc.

Urgent publications are usually necessary if a researcher needs to provide the imprint of his article in a short time. This is usually typical before the annual certification of students in graduate school, as well as before the publication of the dissertation abstract. In the vast majority of cases, the term of publication of the article is not so important for scientists.

The paid publication of scientific papers is a trend of recent years, according to which a certain amount of money must be paid for the publication of one's article. At present (2016), on average, it is necessary to pay 150–170 rubles for the publication of one page of a text in a journal that is not at least included in the Russian citation databases. For participation in the conference with the publication in the collection of papers, also not included in the citation database, it is necessary to pay 200-300 rubles already. If a journal (or a collection of conference proceedings) belongs to the category of peer-reviewed and included in the citation database, then often the editors set a minimum number of pages of published text (for example, 3–4 pages). In this case, the price for publication can be from 1000 rubles. Journals included in the list of VAK can request 1,500–10,000 rubles for the publication of one article. For publication in journals included in international citation databases (Web of Science, Scopus), you often have to pay 30,000–40,000 rubles, although publications in such journals are free, and these amounts go to the accounts of intermediary firms that care about speeding up the process passage of the article.

There are many opportunities for free publication of a scientific article, but you should spend a little time searching for relevant journals. In particular, you should pay attention to advertising of new journals, as well as search for conferences held by higher education institutions.

It is advisable for SVE teachers and researchers to publish in journals included at least in Russian citation databases (RSCI, Russian Science Citation Index) and simultaneously reflected in scientific libraries (for example, in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU). It is undesirable (although acceptable) to publish in journals and collections of papers that are not included in the citation bases. Publications in journals included in the HAC list are highly valued in the scientific community, while teachers should keep in mind that such a list is updated with a certain frequency. It is very difficult (especially for novice researchers) to publish in journals included in international citation databases (Web of Science, Scopus), but it is necessary to strive for this.

As a recommendation for teachers of open source software, it should be noted that, in our opinion, the issuance of certificates by journals confirming the fact of the publication of an article is intended only to extort money from researchers. These certificates currently have no significance for further scientific activity.

Separately, mention should be made of the Hirsch index and the DOI identifier. The h-index is a quantitative characteristic of a scientist's productivity based on the number of his publications and the number of citations of these publications. The h-index shows how the activity of this researcher is noticeable to other scientists in this scientific field and what impact it has on the development of the direction.

Digital object identifier DOI (Digital object identifier) ​​is a modern standard for designating the provision of information on the Internet, used by all major international scientific organizations and publishing houses. When a scientific paper is assigned a DOI identifier, its title, abstract, and keywords used in it are sent to the global public scientific database, as a result of which the work becomes searchable by keywords by scientists around the world. This fact significantly increases the likelihood of citing the work in authoritative international sources.

In addition, there is a citation index - this is an indicator of the "significance" of the works of a scientist accepted in the scientific world. The citation index is the number of references to a scientist's publications in peer-reviewed scientific periodicals. Thus, the presence in educational organizations (in particular, technical schools and colleges) of scientists with a high citation index may indicate the effectiveness and efficiency of the activity of the corresponding organization in the field of science.

Of the latest innovations, increasingly required in the publication of scientific articles, it is necessary to note the requirement to provide a report on anti-plagiarism. Plagiarism is a well-known concept, it usually means the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of someone else's work or part of it. The beginning of the systemic fight against plagiarism can be called 2013–2015, when the Ministry of Education and Science obliged all higher educational institutions to post qualification, course, diploma, doctoral, candidate and dissertation papers of each student and graduate student in the public domain on their websites . Currently, researchers submitting their papers (in particular, dissertations) for verification should be aware that the examination of dissertations for originality takes place in two stages (Fig. 6). At the first stage, the expert determines whether the document sent for verification meets the formal criteria and uploads the text file to the Antiplagiat.RGB system. The results of checking the loaded document are generated in the form of a report that includes a table with an automatically generated list of sources from the RSL EDB collection, ranked by the volume of text matches found in the document, from largest to smallest. Ultimately, the results of the expert analysis are reflected in the conclusion drawn up on the letterhead of the Russian State Library, signed by the expert and the head of the RSL, sealed with the official seal.

Figure 6. Scheme of work on the project "Anti-plagiarism.RGB"

However, the above scheme is used at the present stage of the development of Russian science only for dissertations. To publish articles, it is enough to check on a public service (for example, Internet service "Anti-plagiarism" offers its users a set of services that together implement the technology of checking text documents for borrowings. Another, no less important area of ​​using the system is the analysis of scientific papers: articles, dissertations, monographs. As the main document analysis tool, the Anti-Plagiarism system offers a complete report on checking for borrowings, containing a ranked list of detected sources of borrowings and the full text of the document being checked, in which borrowed text fragments are highlighted in a special way. The full report contains functionality that allows you to explore and qualify each borrowed piece of text.

In view of the foregoing, teachers of open source software should be aware that when publishing a scientific article and, if necessary, submitting a report on anti-plagiarism, the minimum originality value of the article should be 80-85%.

In general, the design of the results of research work is the final stage of scientific research and includes the analysis and synthesis of data from information sources (literature, the Internet, etc.), the preparation of an analytical review, the analysis and synthesis of own factual data, the interpretation of the results obtained and comparing them with literature data, identifying existing patterns, preparing a conclusion and reporting document.

The most common form of the result of scientific activity is a scientific article, which can be prepared both after certain stages of the research topic have been completed, and after its completion. A scientific article is a scientific work limited in scope, which sets out a reasoned system of the author's views on a particular issue. The most important requirements for a scientific article: the relevance of the issue raised in it, the depth of the phenomena, events and facts covered, the specificity and validity of generalizations and conclusions. The value of the work is determined by its content, the presence of new facts and the ideas and assumptions expressed by the author.

According to the volume, goals and objectives, the nature of the presentation of the material, scientific articles are divided into abstracts (1–2 typewritten pages), analytical scientific reviews (10–20 typewritten pages, depending on the requirements of the journal editors), problematic and experimental articles.

Abstracts of reports play the role of preliminary publication of the results of the study and serve mainly to establish the priority of its authors. They briefly describe the purpose and objectives of the study, materials and methods, the results and conclusions. However, given the small volume of abstracts, their inclusion in the list of works is not welcome, so it is advisable for SVE teachers to avoid publishing the results of their research using this type of scientific publication.

More valuable in scientific terms is a scientific article. It details the goals and objectives of the study, materials and methods, the results obtained and their discussion, and provides a conclusion and conclusions. In a scientific article, illustrative material (tables, figures, graphs) is desirable, and a list of references is practically mandatory.

Specialists who have been working on the same problem for several years publish scientific reviews (in general, this is the same scientific article, only a large volume: up to 30-40 pages), which summarizes world experience on a particular topic with a critical assessment of it (analytical review). ) or in the form of a consistent statement of facts. The problematic article also aims to generalize world experience on a specific problem, however, it contains the author’s personal opinion to a greater extent, presents specific research materials, and in the conclusion shows ways to solve the problem.

More high level presentation and generalization of research results differs monograph. In a monograph (from the Greek “monos” – one, single, and “grapho” – I write), a certain problem is comprehensively investigated and, as a rule, the author’s (authors’) own long-term observations are given. It should be noted that the root basis of the term "monos" refers not to the number of authors (there may be several), but to the features of the presentation and content of scientific work. The author of the monograph must be a widely erudite scientist or specialist, well versed in the domestic and foreign literature on a certain topic, have their own original research in this area, have sufficient experience in the literary design of scientific works and have a good literary style of presenting scientific facts. It should be noted, however, that recently so-called "collective monographs" have become widespread, in which the results of research are published, albeit in similar, but still different areas of research. With this in mind, teachers of SVE, in our opinion, should avoid publishing the results of their work in such publications.

The process of preparing a manuscript of a scientific article begins with the formulation of the general idea of ​​the publication and its working title. The title of the article should briefly reflect its main content, general idea and correspond to the results and conclusions. The title of an article is not only a formal sign of a scientific publication, according to which an information search is carried out in the future. It largely determines the content framework of a scientific publication. Correction of the title very often occurs after the completion of the manuscript of the article, taking into account the comments of the reviewer or in the process of processing the manuscript in the editorial office of the journal.

The following elements of the article after the title are the names of the authors. The sequence of authors' surnames in the publication is determined by the team of authors. And although the copyright for a publication does not depend on the order of authors, the first author has some advantages when citing a work (especially if there are more than three authors in the article). It should be noted here that recently the editorial offices of many scientific journals do not accept materials with more than three authors for publication. This situation is justified by the fact that often an article is prepared by one or two authors, and the rest are included in the “authors” according to their position (for example, the immediate administrative head of the real authors of the article) or for some other reasons (for example, financial: if the publication of the article is paid , then it is much easier to distribute the amount payable to four or five people than to two or three). Therefore, teachers of SVE institutions involved in science, it is advisable to warn about caution with the inclusion in the authors of the article of persons who have nothing to do with it, since, in view of the foregoing, in recent years, the Higher Attestation Commission and expert commissions for the defense of dissertations give preference to the so-called "mono-author" publications.

In general, the structure of a scientific publication (for example, articles, as the most massive) consists of the following elements.

In the introduction of a scientific publication, the idea of ​​the work is substantiated, the information obtained by other authors is summarized, and unsolved problems are indicated. The aims and objectives of this study are outlined below. From the introduction, the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the work should be visible.

In the section "Materials and methods of research" the object and subject of research are considered. Here, the methodology for setting up the experiment can be described in detail. As for research methods, if they are standard and well known, then a reference to the source is sufficient.

The next section of the scientific article - "Results and Discussion" - contains an analysis of the results obtained by the author, presented in a certain sequence. This is the main section of a scientific article. It includes the necessary illustrative material (tables, figures, graphs, diagrams, photomicrographs, etc.). Illustrative material should not overload the article, and its description should not be its repetition. Each fact stated should be discussed from the point of view of "what does it mean?" and compared with the results obtained by other authors.

The article ends with a conclusion and (or) conclusions, which briefly summarize the main content of the research and systematize the facts obtained.

An important component of any scientific article is the list of references.

The list of references should contain all sources (literary, Internet, etc.) used in the article. Currently, there is GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 "Bibliographic reference", although many journals still use GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules”, differing in the rules for the design of links. In addition, many journals actually use their own system of references, which is convenient for the editor of a particular journal. Therefore, as a recommendation to teachers of SVE, it should be noted that when making bibliographic references in a scientific work, one should use the system that is used in the journal where the article will be published.

It should be remembered that a scientific article is not a monograph, and the list of references should be limited both by chronological framework (publications of the last 5–8 years, and only if necessary, references to earlier works are allowed) and by their number (in original articles it is desirable to quote no more than 15–20 sources, and in scientific reviews - up to 50–80). You should not artificially inflate the list of references just to show your erudition and support your conclusions with references. At the same time, it should be noted that articles without a bibliography at all are considered bad form for researchers.

Authors of scientific papers should remember that their manuscripts will often be reviewed, especially when sent to "serious" scientific journals. The reviewer must evaluate the work according to the following criteria: relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work, the adequacy of the research methods used, the adequacy of the statistical methods used to evaluate the results, the correspondence of the conclusions (conclusions) to the results obtained, the style of presentation of the work, the correct design of tables, graphs, the legitimacy the use of one or another classification system and terminology, etc.

Special attention should be paid to the authors of scientific papers on the need to use in their work the International System of Units of Measurement (SI), which has been in force in our country since 1960, but has not yet been used by individual authors. To be fair, it should be noted that the share of the blame for not using the SI system in scientific articles lies with the editors of scientific journals.

In general, it should be emphasized that in the process of preparing a manuscript for publication, the author of a scientific article must constantly take into account the following:

- focus on the intended readership;

- strictly adhere to a certain style of presentation of the material;

- anticipate possible comments of prospective reviewers and opponents;

– adhere to the rules for preparing a manuscript adopted in the edition of the journal (or publishing house) in which it is supposed to be published.


To identify the theoretical and practical scientific potential of the teaching staff of colleges and technical schools, it is necessary to develop a mathematical apparatus that allows you to impartially compare the capabilities of SVE institutions in their research. To do this, we propose to introduce an appropriate complex indicator:

Where , , … , - coefficients that take into account the qualification, age and other characteristics of the teaching staff of colleges and technical schools.

The number of teachers with the highest and first categories is important for the successful implementation of scientific activity. Taking into account the fact that teachers of secondary vocational education strive to improve (or confirm with a certain frequency) their category (i.e., the percentage of teachers with the highest and first categories may change), then to assess the "theoretical" scientific potential of the teaching staff of colleges (technical schools), we propose enter category accounting factor

where - the number of teachers of secondary vocational education with the highest and first categories; – the total number of teachers of secondary vocational education.

Special attention should be paid to teachers with academic degrees of candidates or doctors of science. Currently, teachers with the above degrees for a number of reasons (low wage, lack of additional payments for an academic degree, "non-prestigious" work in colleges / technical schools, the need to work with students of "transitional" age, supervising, etc.) are reluctant to work in SVE institutions. However, professors with Ph.D. and Ph.D. degrees sometimes come to work in colleges/technical schools (eg teachers who are retired; for the purpose of a part-time job; living near a particular educational institution, etc.). In general, it seems to us that teachers of secondary vocational education with academic degrees of candidates and doctors of science should become the “engines” of scientific activity in the corresponding technical schools (colleges). Therefore, the organization of scientific activity in SVE institutions should definitely fall on the shoulders of these representatives of scientific schools, whose achievements have already been recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (HAC under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) .

To assess the existing scientific potential of the teaching staff of colleges (technical schools), we propose to introduce a coefficient for accounting for teachers with academic degrees. At the same time, we propose to separately take into account the scientific potential of SVE institutions, depending on the number of working teachers with candidate or doctoral degrees:

where - the number of teachers of secondary vocational education with a Ph.D. degree; – the number of teachers of secondary vocational education with a PhD degree.

In the formula we propose, it is precisely this sequence of teachers with a scientific degree (candidate and only then a doctor) that is used, since, according to the results of monitoring the educational level of teachers in SVE institutions, teachers with PhDs work more often in colleges (technical schools).

The coefficients of experience in carrying out scientific activities deserve special consideration.and , having different "weight" values ​​for teachers of vocational education with a degree of candidate or doctor of science. In our opinion, the experience factor, while the initial (regardless of the profile of the SVE institution) values ​​of the coefficients should be taken = 2, a = 1. whether the scientific specialty (in accordance with the Nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers) corresponds to the teacher of the general orientation of the college (technical school).

In our opinion, the age structure of teachers of secondary vocational education is of great importance. Traditionally, young and relatively young people are more willing to engage in research activities, striving to increase their educational and scientific potential, as well as taking care of their career growth. Therefore, in order to assess the age potential of the teaching staff of colleges (technical schools), we propose to introduce a coefficient for taking into account the age of teachers

where - the age coefficient of teachers of secondary vocational education, taken depending on the corresponding age category; - the number of teachers of SVE of the corresponding age category.

We propose the division of teachers of technical schools (colleges) into the following age categories (Table 1):

Table 1 - Age categories of teachers of technical schools (colleges)

Up to 25 years old

St. 25

up to 35 years

St. 35

up to 50 years

St. 50 years




The mathematical apparatus proposed by us undoubtedly requires improvement. Such improvement should be based on a statistical analysis of the teaching staff of institutions of secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation. The system of influencing coefficients , , … , must be expanded, the values ​​of smaller coefficients must be specified.

Nevertheless, as an example, we will give the results of a comparison of the capabilities of some institutions of the SVE of the Voronezh region in the implementation of their scientific research.

The objects of study were the Railway College - the Voronezh branch of MIIT, the Electromechanical College - the Voronezh branch of MIIT and the Voronezh Polytechnic College.

In accordance with the above methodology, a number of indicators were determined. In particular, for the railway college - the Voronezh branch of MIIT for total strength full-time teaching staff (82 people, 100% with higher education) 57.3% are teachers with the highest category; 34.2% are teachers with the first category and 8.5% are teachers without a category.

For the Electromechanical College - Voronezh branch of MIIT for the total number of full-time teaching staff (64 people, 100% with higher education) 43.8% are teachers with the highest category; 9.4% are teachers with the first category and 46.8% are teachers without a category.

For the Voronezh Polytechnic College, for the total number of full-time teaching staff (54 people, 100% with higher education), 51.8% are teachers with the highest category; 27.9% are teachers with the first category and 20.3% are teachers without a category.

The results of the comparison are shown in fig. 7-10 and in table. 2.

Figure 7. Distribution of categories among teachers

Railway College - Voronezh branch of MIIT

Figure 8. Distribution of categories among teachers

Electromechanical College - Voronezh branch of MIIT

Figure 9. Distribution of categories among teachers

Voronezh Polytechnic College

Table 2 - Results of a study of the potential of some institutions of the SVE of the Voronezh region in the implementation of their scientific research

No. pp


SPO institutions


















Complex indicator




Figure 10. Findings from the capacity survey of selected institutions

SPO of the Voronezh region in the implementation of their scientific research

The results of comparing the capabilities of some institutions of secondary vocational education in the Voronezh region in the implementation of their scientific research revealed that it is important for the scientific potential of colleges and technical schools to have persons with academic degrees on the staff, as well as a large number of teachers with the highest and first categories.


The introduction of federal standards of the third generation poses a number of problems for secondary vocational educational institutions in meeting their requirements.

One of the modern and innovative teaching methods that ensure the process of forming students' professional competencies is the use in the educational process and in extracurricular activities elements of research work.

One of the main methodological approaches in organizing research work is the teacher's ability to turn students' research activities into an effective tool for developing their creative abilities.

As the results of a survey of teachers of secondary vocational education show, the most significant problem in the organization of research in colleges (technical schools) is the lack of knowledge and recommendations on the organization of research work in institutions of secondary vocational education.

In order to successfully conduct research work in colleges and technical schools, a teacher of SVE must represent the structure of research activities of students in the conditions of SVE, as well as know the general principles of conducting research work in relation to their working conditions.

The results of research work and their design is the final stage of scientific research and includes the analysis and synthesis of data from information sources (literature, the Internet, etc.), the preparation of an analytical review, the analysis and synthesis of own factual data, the interpretation of the results obtained and comparing them with literature data, identifying existing patterns, preparing a conclusion and a reporting document.

To identify the theoretical and practical scientific potential of the teaching staff of colleges and technical schools, in this work it was proposed to use a comprehensive indicator that allows you to impartially compare the capabilities of SVE institutions in their research. The results of comparing the capabilities of some institutions of secondary vocational education in the Voronezh region in the implementation of their scientific research revealed that it is important for the scientific potential of colleges and technical schools to have persons with academic degrees on the staff, as well as a large number of teachers with the highest and first categories.

The Model Regulations on the research work of teachers of vocational vocational education developed in this study, as well as the implementation of the principles of conducting research in vocational schools given in this study, will, in our opinion, raise the considered type of work to the proper level.

Taking into account the above provisions on the need to check works for anti-plagiarism, the corresponding report is provided in Appendix 2.

Annex 1





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Date of introduction: "___" ___________20


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1. General Provisions

5. Summing up the results of the research work of teachers

1. General Provisions

1.1 This provision has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation", the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Laws and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the SPO institution.

1.2 The Federal State Educational Standard assumes that teachers conduct mandatory research (hereinafter referred to as R&D) work.

1.3 Research and development of teachers of secondary vocational education contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching in order to improve the quality of training specialists in ongoing educational programs of secondary vocational education.

1.4 The tasks of R&D in the establishment of free software are:

- increasing the level of professional skills of teachers of the technical school;

- orientation of teachers to effective innovative educational technologies;

– comprehensive in-depth analysis complete system training and education;

- use of a research approach in one's own professional activity;

- the use of scientific reasoning in the analysis and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;

- development of the creative and scientific potential of the teaching staff of the SVE institution.

1.5 The leadership of the research work of teachers is carried out by the deputy director for educational and methodological work and research work. The structure of management and conduct of research in the institution of secondary vocational education includes: a methodological council (hereinafter referred to as MS), subject cycle commissions (hereinafter referred to as PCC).

1.6 R&D is planned annually, taking into account the objectives of the institution of secondary vocational education, the objectives of the PCC and the individual needs and requests of the teacher.

1.7 Research and development of SVE teachers is the property of the entire teaching staff of the SVE institution.

2. The content and directions of research of teachers

vocational institutions

2.1.1 The essence of the research work of teachers is the individual and collective interaction of teachers-researchers in order to ensure the training of specialists at the level of modern qualification requirements, the effective use of the educational, scientific, technical and innovative potential of the SVE institution for its socio-economic and material and technical development.

2.1.2 The criteria for research work of teachers of the SVE institution are:

- relevance;

- scientific novelty;

- argumentation and evidence;

- practical demand.

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2.2 Tasks of research work for teachers of the SVE institution

The main objectives of the research work carried out in the institution of secondary vocational education:

– conducting topical scientific research;

– enrichment of the educational process with the results of modern scientific research;

- practical acquaintance of students and teachers of the SVE institution with the organization of scientific research and their involvement in the implementation of research work;

- improving the scientific qualifications of teachers of the institution of secondary vocational education;

– cooperation with scientific publications of the country.

3. Organization of research work of teachers in the institution of secondary vocational education

3.1 R&D can be carried out by individual teachers of SVE and creative groups consisting of teachers of secondary vocational education, students of secondary vocational education, university professors, university students.

On electronic and / or paper media, individual research cards of teachers of secondary vocational education are issued. Individual cards reflect the following information:

– participation of the teacher of secondary vocational education in the organization and management of the research work of students (plan and result);

- the scope of research interests of the teacher of secondary vocational education;

– self-education of the SPO teacher (forms, terms).

The work planned by the teacher is reflected in the individual card at the beginning of the academic year. The issued cards are considered at the meeting of the PCC. During the academic year, individual cards are filled in by the teacher.

3.3 The Chairman of the PCC enters generalized data on the planned directions, content and forms of R&D of teachers of secondary vocational education into the work plan of the PCC. The MS approves the directions, content and forms, the schedule for monitoring the implementation of research and development of teachers of secondary vocational education and reporting forms.

3.4 During the academic year, the chairmen of the PCC implement various forms of intermediate control (individual work with teachers of secondary vocational education, consulting, review of the implementation of individual research plans at the meetings of the PCC, MS, analytical reports, etc.). Forms and terms of intermediate control over the implementation of individual research plans of teachers are included in the general work plan of the PCC and methodological work.

3.5 The methodological service, together with the chairmen of the PCC, during the academic year organizes seminars, master classes, pedagogical readings on organizing and conducting research for teachers.

4. Methodical day of teachers

4.1 Pedagogical workers Institutions of secondary vocational education may be provided with a methodical day, subject to the amount of study load that does not violate the educational regime of the institution of secondary vocational education and does not create an overload of students.

4.2 Methodical day is not an additional day off.

4.3 The goals and objectives of providing a methodological day are to create favorable conditions for the implementation of research, in particular:

- creating the necessary conditions for improving the theoretical training of teachers of secondary vocational education by studying scientific literature and other sources of information;

– creation of the necessary conditions for improving the skills of teachers of secondary vocational education by attending scientific conferences and other events dedicated to acquaintance with advanced scientific research.

4.4 On the methodical day, the teacher is engaged in:

– study of legislative acts and normative documents on the issues of scientific research;

- work on thematic planning scientific research;

– study of advanced scientific experience;

- acquaintance with the latest scientific literature and other sources of information.

4.5 The teacher on his methodical day is obliged to be present and / or participate in the work of all pre-planned activities in the SVE institution and outside it, and also, if necessary, replace sick teachers.

5. Summing up the results of research work of teachers of secondary vocational education

5.1 At the end of the academic year, it is planned to hold a meeting of the PCC, at which teachers' reports on the research carried out during the academic year are heard and completed individual research cards of teachers of secondary vocational education are submitted.

This meeting is held with the obligatory participation of a methodologist, in addition, deputy directors can take part in it.

5.2 The Chairman of the PCC records the results achieved by the teachers and prepares an analytical report on the R&D of teachers, which reflects:

– goals and objectives of the PCC in the field of R&D;

- the nature of the organization of research to achieve the goals;

– research results;

– analysis of the results indicating the difference between the planned and reporting indicators, as well as the reasons and proposals for eliminating shortcomings;

- further plans and prospects.

Analytical reports are agreed with the methodologist and heard at a meeting of the MS, during which the results of the research work of teachers of the SVE institution for the academic year are summed up and the tasks for further improvement of the R&D of teachers of the SVE institution are determined.

5.3 Works of teachers after their approval by the MS are subject to mandatory publication in print media.

5.4 Individual research maps of teachers (electronic and paper versions) are stored at the PCC, research works (electronic and paper versions) are entered into the database of the methodological service and stored in the information and methodological center.

5.5 The results of the intermediate and final control of the research work of teachers are reflected in the documents for the certification of teachers, are taken into account when rewarding and rewarding teachers vocational institutions

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