Method of monographic description. Special methods for studying the economics of enterprises


UDC 152.3 T.Ts. Tudupova


An analysis of the possibilities of using the monographic method in studying the orientation of the personality of a teenager is given. The characteristics of adolescents with different personality orientations are given.

Keywords: personality orientation, monographic method, adolescence, life-meaning and value orientations.


The possibilities of monographic method application in a student of adolescent’s are analyzed. The characteristics of adolescents with different personal orientations are shown.

Keywords: orientation of personality, monographic method, adolescence, orientations of life meaning and value orientations.

There are two general methods of studying personality: nomothetic and monographic (or idiographic). The first method is more often used to obtain general patterns regarding the structure of personality; it makes it possible to use quantitative indicators processed using variational statistics. Of course, this method is distinguished by its objectivity. At the same time, it is impossible to limit oneself to the nomothetic method in the study of personality, since it is impossible to understand personality if there is no qualitative analysis and there are no indicators of the dynamics of certain personality traits. And it is quite difficult to ensure the reliability of psychological diagnostics, especially prognosis, using the nomothetic method. Hence the need to apply the monographic method arises. In contrast to the nomothetic method, this method is designed for a comprehensive study of a particular personality, what it has in common with other personalities and what is special, individual; a study that provides not just sections of the personality, but also its dynamics in connection with the conditions in which it is formed.

The first to whom the merit of carrying out and scientifically based propaganda of this method belongs is A.F. Lazursky. Although he did not use the terms "idiographic" or "monographic" method, in his books "Classification of Personalities" and "School Characteristics" he gave concrete and striking examples of the psychological study of individual personality.

V. Stern developed a psychographic method for studying personality, resulting in a psychogram of personality and based on a monographic approach. The author of one of the well-known personality theories, G. Allport, was also a supporter of the idiographic method. Without denying the nomo-thetic method, he criticized its limitations and insufficient suitability for understanding the uniqueness of the individuality of the individual and the inability to understand the full depth of human individuality.

While recognizing the undoubted advantages of the monographic method, its disadvantages should also be noted. First of all, this is a laborious method, it takes a lot of time to study the personality of one person. At the same time, the laboriousness of the monographic method is compensated by its effectiveness. In our opinion, the monographic method is especially effective in studying the orientation of a teenager's personality. The study of individual-personal characteristics of the orientation of the personality of adolescents, their motives, interests, inclinations, their meaningful life orientations will help the researcher to approach each subject in a differentiated way. Such a study is carried out, as a rule, empirically. The monographic method, along with other research methods,

contributes to the identification of one or another orientation of the personality, which predetermines its development and formation. The observation and verbal questioning used in the monographic method enable the researcher to form a definite opinion about the direction of the adolescent's personality.

It should also be noted that there is a certain complexity in the application of a monographic study. It requires a certain qualification of the researcher, so the success of a monographic study largely depends on his professionalism and personal qualities, on the psychological culture, the ability to properly approach the teenager whose personality is being studied. In addition, a modern monographic study of personality should include data from all kinds of personality measurements, which are expressed in numerical values. So, when studying the orientation of personality experimental studies, carried out with the help of tests, questionnaires, questionnaires, scales, etc., provide the general background on which more in-depth monographic studies are built, mainly aimed at studying the most interesting, striking cases that stand out for their indicators. The task of a monographic study of personality orientation is to highlight character traits, the most pronounced in terms of their content. In addition, the complexity of applying the monographic method of studying personality lies in the fact that it is difficult to choose the necessary from the large amount of material available. This material, of course, must be well analyzed from such an angle that the structure of the personality trait being studied is clearly shown, so that typical and individual personality traits are singled out.

Despite the difference in plans of analysis in the study of personality, all approaches to solving the problem of personality that have developed in domestic science are singled out as main characteristic personality and its orientation. At the same time, this characteristic is revealed in different concepts in different ways: “dynamic tendency” (S.L. Rubinshtein), “sense-forming motive” (A.N. Leontiev), “dominant attitude” (V.N. Myasishchev), “main life orientation” (B.G. Ananiev), “dynamic organization of the essential forces of a person” (A.S. Prangishvili), etc. But no matter how this characteristic is revealed, in all these approaches it is given leading importance.

The most generalized theory of personality orientation, in our opinion, is the concept of relations by V.N. Myasishchev. Having defined the psychological relations of the individual as an integral system of individual, selective, conscious connections of the individual with various aspects of reality, V.N. Myasishchev formulated one of the most important provisions of the theory of personality in Russian psychology: the system of objective social relations, in which every person is included from the time of his birth to death, forms his subjective attitudes to all aspects of reality. And this system of a person's relationship to the world around him and to himself is always the most specific characteristic of a person.

L.I. Bozhovich characterizes the orientation of the personality as a system of leading motives. In our opinion, the problem of motives and their role in shaping the personality of a growing person received the most promising development in her concept. From her point of view, motives are a special kind of stimuli of human behavior that arise from the “internal position” and make it up. The internal position is made up of how the child, on the basis of his previous experience, his capabilities, his earlier needs and aspirations, relates to the objective position that he currently occupies in life. And what position does he want to occupy. According to L.I. Bozhovich, the deepest and most fundamental is the characteristic of orientation from the point of view of a person's relationship to himself and society. Depending on what motivates a person - motives of personal interest or motives related to the interests of other people, all other features of his personality are built: interests, character traits, aspirations, experiences. Moreover, not only the complex of characteristics characteristic of this person qualities, but internal structure every quality he possesses. If we understand the attitude as a certain content of the subjective goals and tasks of the individual, reflecting the assimilation of social ideology by him, then the internal position of the individual cannot be explained by any separate motive. It develops under the influence of a system of motives.

In most works on personality orientation, the main attention is paid to the study of such fundamental types of personality as prosocial orientation (orientation towards other people), purely personal orientation (orientation towards oneself) and business orientation (orientation towards a task, business). These types of orientation are distinguished by such domestic psychologists as L.I. Bozhovich, T.E. Konnikova, V.E. Chudnovsky and others.

The objective of our study was to use the monographic method in studying the characteristics of the personality orientation of adolescents, which can manifest themselves in a special, individual for each student, hierarchy of motives. In the monographic study of personality, such experimental methods were used as a personal orientation questionnaire by V. Smekala and M. Kuchera to determine the orientation of the personality; test of value orientations by M. Rokeach (modified by D.A. Leontiev), test of meaningful life orientations by D.A. Leontiev, the questionnaire “On the meaning of life” by V.E. Chudnovsky, Kuhn-McPartland test "Who am I?". Along with these methods, individual adolescents were monitored according to a specially developed program. The complex method also combined consistent writing of essays, conversations with their authors and biographical data of each of them. The results of the study reflect the originality of individual variants of the process of becoming a personality orientation. The characteristics of individual adolescents given below indicate that in a monographic study of the orientation of the personality, individual traits in all their originality most clearly emerge.

Xenia A. (15 years old). Her behavior is distinguished by the predominance of motives of a purely personal orientation, motives of her own well-being, the desire for personal superiority, prestige. She is more often busy with herself, with her feelings and experiences, and is not inclined to respond to the needs of the people around her. IN joint activities inclined to satisfy their own claims, regardless of the interests of other people. Her educational activity distinguished by the predominance of prestigious motives. So, in her essay, she notes that she is “used to be among the best”, “I don’t want to be worse than others”, and also “it’s nice to receive approval”. In characterological terms, Ksenia is distinguished by introversion, rivalry, introspection, egocentrism. Analyzing the concept of the meaning of life (a questionnaire developed by V.E. Chudnovsky was used as a tool), she clearly differentiates the meaning of life as a concept and as a meaning. own life. The subject reveals the concept of the meaning of life in general view“the goal you strive for all your life”, “landmark in life”. Concretizing the meaning of her own life, she notes that "the main thing is material independence and security, position in society." The highest, dominant, level of the hierarchy of values-goals in the subject were: materially secure life, creativity, freedom, career. The average, preferred level was also made up of values ​​such as an interesting job, love, having friends, an active active life. At the lowest level of the hierarchy were such values ​​as a happy family life, entertainment, life wisdom.

Timur B. (15 years old) is characterized as a supportive teenager a good relationship with people. Shows great interest when it comes to collective activities. The prosocial orientation of his personality is found in the desire to act in the interests of other people, his class team, to act together with others. Cooperative relations take the first place in importance. Characterologically different desire for friendship and sympathy, lack of autonomy. Waiting for care from others, warmth, love, understanding. Does not have aggressive and conflict tendencies. The motivation of the teaching is distinguished by altruistic attitudes: "I want to have knowledge in order to be useful to society." The highest, dominant, level of the hierarchy of values-goals was made up of such values ​​as compassion, having true friends, love, public acceptance. At the middle level were such terminal values ​​as freedom, materially secure life, self-confidence, harmony, happy family life, career. lowest level values ​​were creativity, life wisdom, entertainment, active active life. It should be noted the great completeness of the semantic field of the subject: "to become useful people, have friends who understand you, love you; education; mutual assistance". Notes that the presence of the meaning of life has great importance for a person: "life without meaning is not interesting", "the meaning is to leave something good behind, not to live only for yourself."

Ayuna V. (14 years old), 9th grade student. The structure of her personality orientation is dominated by business motives aimed at self-expression, self-esteem in studies, the desire for self-improvement and self-development. Differs in activity, independence, determination, perseverance, sober outlook on life. Does not need anyone's help, strives to achieve the set goals and objectives, to direct passion for the process of activity. Curious, shows a strong interest in learning. In his essay, he notes “I want to be developed and cultured”, “I like to learn new things”, “I want to continue my education, prepare for my chosen profession”. He sees the meaning of life in cognition, in getting an education (cognitive meanings):

"My meaning of life is this moment is to grow up to be a smart and developed person so that my parents do not feel ashamed of my level of development and education. Among the dominant values-goals, such as an interesting job, an active active life, life wisdom, and a career predominate. It should be noted that the relationship between business motives and personal interests is clearly visible in the orientation of the subject's personality.

Such, in a schematic form, is the content of the characteristics of adolescents, who are distinguished by their originality and unique orientation of their personality. The given characteristics show that in the course of a monographic study, the individual features of the personality's orientation in all their originality are most clearly outlined. The monographic method provides an excellent opportunity to study the inner world of the individual, its orientation, allows you to evaluate the motives, goals and values. Working with the monographic method, the researcher can comprehensively study a specific personality, what it has not only in common with other personalities, but also special, individual. Undoubtedly, the monographic method significantly enriches the tools used by the researcher and allows obtaining objective and reliable information about the direction of the adolescent's personality.


1. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M., 1968.

2. Lazursky A.F. Classification of personalities // Selected works on psychology. - M., 1997. - S. 5-266.

3. Lazursky A.F. School characteristics // Selected works on psychology. - M., 1997. - S. 267-411.

4. Leontiev D.A. Methodology for the study of value orientations. - M., 1992.

5. Myasishchev V.N. Social Psychology and relationship psychology. - M., 1965.

6. Allport G. Formation of personality: selected works. - M., 2002.

7. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. - SPb., 1999.

8. Tudupova T.Ts. Ethnopsychology of personality orientation. - Ulan-Ude, 2002.

9. Chudnovsky V.E. The meaning of life and destiny. - M., 1997.

10. Stern V. Differential psychology and its methodological foundations. - M., 1998. - 335 p.

Tudupova Tuyana Tsibanovna - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology of Buryatsky state university. Email: [email protected]

Tudupova Tuyana Tsibanovna - candidate of psychology, associate professor, head of age and pedagogical psychology department of Buryat State University. Email: [email protected]

UDC 159.928.22 T.A. Klimontova


The article is devoted to a graphical technique aimed at studying the picture of the world. The initial theoretical provisions used in the development of the methodology are highlighted, the procedure for conducting and processing the results is described, and the results of its testing on samples of intellectually gifted students with obvious hidden form giftedness and ordinary high school students.

Keywords: picture of the world, intellectual endowment.


The article is dedicated to graphic methods, directed on world picture studying. The basic theoretical concepts of this method are unlit. The results of its approbation on a sample of intellectually gifted pupils with explicit, implicit giftedness, and no gifted senior pupils have been presented.

Keywords: world picture, intellectual giftedness.

At present, the study of the picture of the world, its formation in ontogenesis, as well as the relationship with behavior and activity, belongs to the circle of those fundamental psychological problems that do not lose their relevance. The study of the problem posed has a pronounced theoretical significance and opens up prospects for solving a number of applied tasks psychological science. With the expressed interest of scientists in this subject area, we have to state

Economic research is based on specific methods that determine the content and sequence of actions of a researcher; while distinguishing general scientific And specific research methods. The former are more widely used. These include methods of scientific abstraction, inductive, deductive, comparative analysis, experimental and some others. The specific research methods of the science "Enterprise Economics" include statistical and economic, monographic, settlement and constructive, balance, economic and mathematical.

Method scientific abstraction consists in abstraction in the process of cognition from external phenomena, non-essential aspects and the allocation of common, essential features, in the cognition of the essence of phenomena. Although the abstract idea of ​​the phenomenon will be less complete, but it allows a deeper understanding of the most important, essential in it. Abstraction underlies the formation of economic laws, concepts, categories.

Method induction involves the formulation of a general conclusion on the basis of individual facts, that is, the reasoning is from the particular to the general, from facts to theory. Method deduction, on the contrary, it is based on the transition from the general to the particular and the individual. Taken together, these methods make it possible to put forward scientific hypotheses - assumptions necessary to explain a phenomenon that require experimental verification and theoretical justification in order to become a reliable scientific theory.

Method comparative analysis consists in comparing private and general economic indicators in order to identify the best results. Any entrepreneur is obliged to compare his costs with the costs of competitors, to compare alternatives its activities. The well-known method of cost-benefit research is also essentially based on the benchmarking method.

Experiment, which is the main method in the natural sciences, is also widely used to study economic phenomena. It allows you to identify the influence of various factors on the phenomenon under study, the patterns of its development, to check the validity of hypotheses.

Statistical and economic method is a set of techniques used to comprehensively characterize social phenomena through the processing of massive digital data. The main ones are grouping, calculation of average and relative values, graphic representation of economic indicators, index analysis.

Grouping provides for the division of the studied set of enterprises or other objects into groups according to essential features in order to study the characteristic types of enterprises, emerging structural changes, and patterns of their development. The analysis of mean values ​​makes it possible to determine the typical values ​​of varying characteristics and to measure the degree of their fluctuation around the mean level. Relative values ​​are needed to analyze the structure and dynamics of the development of the phenomena under study, to compare the indicators of objects of the same type, etc. The graphical representation of economic laws makes it possible to visualize their most significant aspects.

Monographic method involves careful study individual objects, which are quite typical for a given set of enterprises or are distinguished by high economic results. This allows you to identify the best practices that apply in them and develop recommendations for everyone else.

Settlement and constructive the method allows to develop scientifically based solutions to a particular problem for the future. He substantiates the most rational and realistic Possible Solution question.

Balance the method is used to coordinate and interconnect all indicators that reflect the essence of the phenomenon or process being studied. It is needed, in particular, when developing plans to ensure their balance in various parameters.

Economic and mathematical methods are very diverse and are divided into two large groups - statistical (including regression analysis) and mathematical modeling, which is widely used to optimize the structure of agricultural production, the choice of optimal development options. The processing of statistical data using regression analysis allows you to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the final results, and express this influence in mathematical form.

. Economic knowledge of the laws and patterns of development of enterprises is a very complex process and requires a certain methodology and research methods

. Methodology - the doctrine of the totality of the basic principles, methods of cognition and transformation of reality

. The method of science is a set of means, methods and techniques of research, a method characteristic of it for penetrating into the content of what is being studied.. The method of enterprise economics is determined by the content and characteristics of its subject as a science, requirements and tasks. If the subject of science answers the question of what is being studied, then the method is how it is studied.

. The basis of the study of science "Economics of Enterprises" is based on the dialectical method. This means that scientists, studying economic phenomena and processes, use dialectical principles, categories and laws, according to which all aspects of the life of society, as single organism considered in interaction, interconnection and development in development.

. The application of the principle of interrelation and development of the phenomena of objective reality means that economic phenomena should not be considered in isolation, in isolation from specific historical circumstances, but comprehensively - in the interaction of economic connection and development. For example, it is necessary to analyze the level of development of productive forces and the rational use of resources in agricultural enterprises in conjunction with other sectors of the national economy, their enterprises, and the development of the production of certain types of resources.

. Analyzing economic relations and phenomena, one must also note that they are interconnected with political, legal, demographic, ideological and social relations, natural and technical phenomena.

. Phenomena should not be considered in a state of rest, but in a state of continuous movement, and this process should be understood as a gradual ascending line from the lowest to the highest, in the transition from quantity to a new quality, from listing one phenomenon to negation.


. It is impossible to study the economics of enterprises without knowledge of practice, constant links with it. It means not descriptive or empirical knowledge of the practical aspects of production, - the scientific substantiation of the practice, the prospects for the development of the enterprise, and the identification of regular trends are gaining importance. This approach allows the introduction of Ajuwata into practice everything new and advanced. Justifying and disseminating best practices of management, you need to notice the differences in the conditions of use natural resources in different regions, that is, the comparability of the respective conditions is rather uncertain.

. The use of factual material plays an important role and allows the use of various methods. In order to improve the expression of the results of economic thinking and to facilitate it, every economist can use four main alternative types:

- expression in a word - when there is no need to conduct in-depth research using various scientific methods, reducing the cost of production, all other things being equal, will ensure an increase in the profits of enterprises

- an arithmetic illustration shows the dependence of demand on price: if the price decreases, the product will be sold and consumed more, and vice versa;

- geometric equivalent - this is an expression of information regarding changes in the price of goods, crop yields, animal productivity, graphically;

- algebraic expression - the use of mathematics in economics, i.e. mathematical modeling of an economic phenomenon, situation or process to study a certain aspect

its development

IN process scientific knowledge economic phenomena are widely used elements of the dialectical method - analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction

. Analysis is the dismemberment of an object, subject or economic relations between them into its constituent parts and elements, studying in a solitary state and clarifying the connections between them.(fig. 16)

. Rice 16 elements of the dialectical method of research

. Synthesis-combining (mentally), individual elements together

Analysis and synthesis is widely used in the study of the structure of phenomena that are observed - production costs, production assets of enterprises, gross production, sowing structure, etc. A peculiar expression of analysis and synthesis is the method of statistical groupings: the statistical population is divided into groups , and conclusions are drawn on the basis of the totality.

. Induction is getting a general conclusion based on single facts, i.e. from research facts to the nature of objects

Induction plays an important role in the use of such an element of the dialectical method of research as the ascent from the concrete to the abstract. So, when exchanging one commodity for another, it turns out that they have something in common, but it is necessary to reduce them to something third. This common is the cost of labor for the production of goods. The use of such an element does not require the study of the entire set of individual facts and phenomena, since this process is endless.

. Deduction involves the movement of research from the general to

separate and singular. It plays an important role in the use of such an element of the dialectical method of research as the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. For example, clarifying the category "Additional value" makes it possible, using the deductive method, to identify such specific forms of profit as entrepreneurial income, trading profit, interest, land rent.

Induction and deduction as elements of the dialectical method of research are complementary. The results of their application - theories, economic principles and generalizations, methods, recommendations - are used by me to develop economic policy.

. The historical element of the dialectical method of cognition involves the study of a specific development process, real phenomena in their historical sequence, and logical - a way of knowing the economic system, its individual elements in the period of reaching the full maturity of the most forms

. These two elements are used in certain historical studies and can serve as the basis for deep theoretical conclusions.

. In the study of specific phenomena and processes, in addition to the described elements of the dialectical method of cognition, other methods and techniques are also common in the economy of enterprises.

. The method of comparison is the very method of cognition. It is used to compare the economic efficiency of various activities, production technology. Such calculations can be used to compare the standard in them and the actual costs, followed by clarification of the reasons for their disagreement. The comparison method is used for economic assessment in the dynamics of indicators - the level of gross output, the level of profitability, and labor productivity.

. Studying mass phenomena, processes, facts and showing trends and patterns of their development, they use the economic-statistical method. It allows you to find out the quantitative influence of individual factors on a change in pre-sliding


. Economic-mathematical method used in optimization in production planning, both for the enterprise as a whole and for forecasting individual elements economic development(optimization of the machine and tractor fleet, optimization of fodder production, etc.). Mathematical modeling and algebraic representation of the results obtained in the economy of agricultural enterprises are used when, based on the initial information, using a computer, the optimal quantitative expressions of the predicted indicators are determined. When applying mathematics, it should be remembered that we are not talking about replacing economic research methods with mathematical ones, but about improving the mathematical apparatus and expanding the material base of economic methods.

. balance method are widely used for balances of material, cost and labor resources in the management of the enterprise's economy. It allows you to provide quantitative proportions regarding the need and availability of resource villages, as well as to link the available resources with their use, to identify the proportions and relationships that are formed in the production processa.

. Monographic method allows you to study best practices, identify advanced and progressive methods economic activity enterprises, analyze the reasons for the decline of the enterprise and justify measures aimed at its further development. Monographic study and description of individual issues, phenomena, best practices and its generalization contributes to the identification of everything new and progressive in the economy of the enterprise.

. Calculation and constructive method common in forecasting and planning production and economic development processes. It provides for the development of several options for solving a specific economic problem of an enterprise, their evaluation with an even choice of the best of them.

. experimental method allows you to check in practice the correctness of theoretical provisions, the degree of effectiveness of new levers economic regulation enterprise economics. The use of this method is seen as a practical step towards testing theoretically meaningful problems. It can be used to confirm the correctness of theoretical developments, refine them or refute them. The limitation of the application of this method is connected with the complexity of creating conditions for comparison, the danger of causing harm, therefore, theoretical developments must be accurate and real in the envisaged.

. Abstract-logical method used in all hundred actions to solve economic problems. According to his employer * formulated categories, concepts, economic theories and hypotheses, conclusions and recommendations. Here, abstraction and the logic of thinking come to the fore.

So, the method of enterprise economics as a science is a comprehensive and interconnected study of the economic situation in order to study the relationship between people in the process of production activity by means of interpreting information in various scientific ways.

Special methods of scientific research include monographic research, empirical, linguistic, design and many others of the kind. Let's consider them in more detail.

monographic method.

The name of this method is associated with the term "monograph" widely used in the scientific world, the origin of which, in turn, should be sought in two Greek words monos and grapho. Monos in translation means one, the only one, the meaning of the word grapho is writing. Thus, based on etymology, the term "monograph" can be interpreted as "a description of one". As a rule, a monograph is the result scientific work. It differs from other forms in the depth and integrity of the consideration of the problem.

When conducting scientific research, sometimes it is allowed to mix the concepts of "monographic method" and "method of monographic research".

The monographic method itself - it is also called the method of studying an individual case - is predominantly descriptive. The method consists in the fact that an economic phenomenon or a problem (a group of problems) is carefully and comprehensively investigated (analyzed) on one, but representative object, typological features are distinguished in it, after which a hypothetical conclusion is made that the emerging trends in the development of the analyzed object have place and on other similar objects. This method is characterized by the focus of the researcher on the study of individual problems, the integrity of the consideration of the analyzed facts, the unity of the structure research activities, fundamentality and generality, theoretical orientation of the content. In general, the monographic method is embodied in a set of techniques, in specific methodological techniques. For example, in such as reductionism, organicism, integratism.

Reductionism, as already indicated in paragraph 1.7, involves the division of the complex socio-economic phenomenon under study into simpler components and the study of their nature and properties separately from each other. It is assumed that by summing the properties of these parts, one can obtain knowledge of the properties of the original whole. For example, the control process can be split into the following components: control object (influence), control object, functions performed. Based on the sum of their properties, a conclusion is made about the properties of the entire control structure.

Organicism, in contrast to reductionism, denies the possibility of reducing the complex to the simple: the properties of the whole are determined on the basis of considering the same whole without splitting it into parts and establishing the sum of its parts. Organicism as a method is used in qualitative descriptions of an integrative whole, its integral properties. For example, a management process can be represented as an integrative whole. Its main components are organizational structure management, accounting and control, planning, organization of activities, motivation. By defining and characterizing the essential parameters of these phenomena without dividing them into component components, researchers thereby achieve the implementation of the organic method.

Integratism is a kind of reductionism in reverse. Its essence lies in the fact that scientific research is conducted in the direction from the simple, elementary to the ever-increasing complexity of the organization (phenomenon, process) and, ultimately, to systems. In other words, systems approach(see about it in paragraph 1.7), among other things, is a comprehensive methodological approach to the organization of scientific research. And all the methods listed above, as well as those that will be discussed below, in each individual scientific research must be united on systemic (holistic) principles, complement each other not mechanically (making up a simple sum), but dialectically, i.e. including taking into account the contradictory interactions of these methods, the results obtained, etc.

IN difference from the monographic method monographic research method is based on the study and analysis of the results of research indicated in scientific work problems that were previously carried out by other scientists and practitioners. It involves the dissertation work not only with paper media, but also with manuscripts, as well as with electronic and digital media containing data related to the research problem (see paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3).


Questioning, like observation, is one of the most common research methods in psychology. Questionnaires are usually conducted using observational data, which (along with data obtained using other research methods) are used in the design of questionnaires.

There are three main types of questionnaires used in psychology:

1. Questionnaires made up of direct questions and aimed at identifying perceived qualities of the subjects.

2. Questionnaires of a selective type, where the subjects are offered several ready-made answers for each question of the questionnaire; The task of the subjects is to choose the most appropriate answer.

3. Questionnaires - scales; when answering the questions of questionnaires - scales, the subject must not only choose the most correct of the ready-made answers, but analyze (evaluate in points) the correctness of the proposed answers.

The indisputable advantage of the questionnaire method is the rapid receipt of mass material, which makes it possible to trace a number of general changes depending on the nature of the educational process, etc. The disadvantage of the questionnaire method is that it allows, as a rule, to reveal only the topmost layer of factors: materials, using questionnaires and questionnaires (composed of direct questions to the subjects), cannot give the researcher an idea of ​​many patterns and causal dependencies related to psychology. Questioning is a means of first orientation, a means of preliminary intelligence. To compensate for the noted shortcomings of the survey, the use of this method should be combined with the use of more meaningful research methods, as well as repeated surveys, masking the true objectives of the surveys from the subjects, etc.


Conversation is a method of studying human behavior that is specific to psychology, since in other natural sciences communication between the subject and the object of research is impossible. A dialogue between two people, during which one person reveals the psychological characteristics of the other, is called the method of conversation. Psychologists of various schools and trends widely use it in their research.

The conversation is included as an additional method in the structure of the experiment at the first stage, when the researcher collects primary information about the subject, gives him instructions, motivates, etc., and at the last stage - in the form of a post-experimental interview. Researchers distinguish between a clinical conversation, an integral part of the "clinical method", and a purposeful face-to-face interview - an interview.

Compliance with all the necessary conditions for conducting a conversation, including the collection of preliminary information about the subjects, makes this method very effective tool psychological research. Therefore, it is desirable that the interview be conducted taking into account the data obtained using methods such as observation and questionnaires. In this case, its purpose may include verification of preliminary conclusions arising from the results of psychological analysis and obtained using these methods of primary orientation in the studied psychological characteristics test subjects.

Monographic method

This research method cannot be embodied in any one technique. It is a synthetic method and is concretized in the aggregate of a wide variety of non-experimental (and sometimes experimental) methods. The monographic method is used, as a rule, for a deep, thorough, longitudinal study of the age and individual characteristics of individual subjects with the fixation of their behavior, activities and relationships with others in all major areas of life. At the same time, researchers seek, based on the study of specific cases, to identify the general patterns of the structure and development of certain mental formations.

However, usually in psychological research, not one method is used, but a whole set of methods. various methods that mutually control and complement each other.
