When Jupiter enters Sagittarius. Jupiter in Sagittarius: who and in what will be lucky

Having entered the sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter provides a field of action for the embodiment of joint ideas, the development of common interests, which began in Libra and which were tested for strength in Scorpio. The contradictions of Scorpio in Sagittarius are removed, and it becomes possible to resolve any issues through international agreements. In this regard, assemblies are convened at the state level, meetings are organized at top level, important issues affecting the interests of many countries are resolved or revised, signed international treaties, laying the foundations international politics for the next twelve years.

The year when Jupiter moves through its own sign is a year of achievements, accomplishments, and the triumph of scientific and inventive thought. It is especially good for people who are seeking, goal-oriented; Jupiter opens many roads for them and provides great opportunities for moving forward. This is a time of conquest and expansion of the sphere of influence at all levels, including for businessmen who want to conquer new markets. This is the best time to resolve issues related to international cooperation. Unlike Mars, which acts assertively and unidirectionally, Jupiter acts in several directions at once, which provides it with more stable success.

At this time, the focus may be on other countries. This applies to both public and private interests. The state establishes international, economic, cultural and other ties. Everything related to transport, roads, education, culture, science, and increasing the prestige of the state is being developed. Ordinary people travel more actively and look for work abroad. The number of migrants to other countries is increasing.

Issues related to good education and learning foreign languages ​​are becoming important for everyone. The number of published books is increasing, more educational and translated literature, dictionaries, and reference books are appearing. The humanities are becoming fashionable. Various spiritual trends are becoming widespread, people are returning to the religion of their ancestors or joining new spiritual movements.

Negative aspects highlight not the best manifestations of Jupiter. This is arrogance in relation to the “lower strata”, increased self-esteem, tyranny, pretentiousness, a tendency to sensationalism, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, etc. The authorities and the people at this time are at the maximum distance from each other. The “tops” are engaged in praise and verbiage, the “bottoms” rebel, organize strikes, and try to attract international attention to the problems of their country. Major international scandals and lawsuits that receive worldwide publicity are possible. In the worst case scenario, Jupiter in Sagittarius can start a war.

The transit of Jupiter through Sagittarius from November 8 to December 2, 2019 is one of the main respectable transits of the year - the benefactor planet, also known as the “star of kings,” moves according to the sign of its abode once every 12 years.

The ingression of Jupiter into Sagittarius is a generally favorable factor, leading away from the skepticism, gloom and belligerence of Scorpio to the optimism, open-mindedness, and prospects of Sagittarius. However, Jupiter’s gifts will also depend on side conditions: the positions of other planets will become an additional background that will confirm or reduce the effectiveness of this transit. Three social planet during 2019 will be in their signs - Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Sagittarius can work like Swan, Cancer and Pike from Krylov’s famous fable.

Considering the triple conflict between Jupiter and Neptune, (in turn passing through its sign of Pisces), expectations of the harmonious influences of the benefactor may be blurred by too unrealistic plans and projects, or even a complete lack of logic and common sense, especially in January, June and September 2019. During these periods, the irrational forces of influence of the planets may dominate, and against the background of the modern reality of the world order, their inconsistency may fail.

However, under these conditions, the dignity and beneficial background of the largest and kindest planet in transit according to its sign, one way or another, will be manifested, and we have the right to expect happy changes and events, especially in the areas that Jupiter oversees - peacemaking and diplomacy, tourism and travel, higher and additional education, spiritual knowledge.

Interest and opportunities for obtaining additional education, starting a scientific, legal, and for some, teaching career are increasing. An internship or study in another country is very likely, and connections with foreign partners are becoming relevant. Jupiter's support may be timely for you in legal disputes, as well as in publishing.

This increases the likelihood of making a profit from inheritance cases, cash investments, repayment of debts (as well as compensation for losses), and dividends. In the symbolism of the horoscope houses, this position of the benefactor can also indicate the growth of joint property and financial income of your marriage partner.

The transit of Jupiter indicates the harmonization of marital relations, the prospects of finding a marriage partner (often of a different nationality). In the Gemini partner environment, authoritative personalities and profitable partnership offers appear. Transit promotes success in the areas of mediation and consultation.

They can count on improved working conditions and results, and favorable changes at their place of work. In such a year, Jupiter favors representatives of the fourth sign of the zodiac various types treatment and recovery.

Jupiter is preparing generous gifts - the harmonious influence of the benefactor will spread to the areas of personal life, love romance and creativity. Transit replenishes the joy of life, creates conditions for quality leisure and recreation, and expands the possibilities of having offspring.

During the transit of Jupiter, plans may be outlined and implemented to acquire or expand their own living space, purchase real estate or land plots. Many of you may be interested in family traditions and your pedigree, home improvement issues.

This position of a benefactor will clearly force you to move more and contact others - the necessary information can find you on its own. This is a favorable background in the areas of trade, study and family ties. During the year of Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius, your opportunity to purchase vehicles increases.

Transit favors the emergence of new sources of income, as well as increasing income in general and laying a material base for the future. This is a good time to invest Money for the future.

They will be gifted by their ruling planet with a surge of optimism and a maximum of opportunities, many of which come only once every 12 years - increased authority in the eyes of others, personal and career growth, important harmonious and radical changes in social and partner life.

The transit of Jupiter will help you realize your hidden talents, give you the opportunity to become familiar with the secret sciences, and often involve you more closely in spiritual life. Often at this stage, Capricorns have to resolve issues related to emigration and charity.

They may pin their hopes on the emergence of new authoritative friends, and with them new long-term plans, people who help you achieve your career goals. During this period, many of the representatives of your sign may join communities of like-minded people and begin a party career.

Career, social status and relationships with influential people- the sector of life in which they can succeed in 2019. It is likely that during this period your superiors will rely on you - you may receive new appointments and positions. However, beware of ill-conceived, risky projects this year.

Why is everyone waiting for transiting Jupiter to come into their First House? Because Jupiter is the most noble and generous planet in astrology. Jupiter in Sagittarius is especially favorable. The position gives the native a lot good qualities character, good strong social position and energy. When the giant is strong, it gives a person good income and the opportunity to travel.

The planet Jupiter in Sagittarius promises for men and women good career, but only if a person follows the principles of ethics - Dharma, in Sanskrit. In addition, Jupiter or Brihaspati is responsible for the birth of children in a personal horoscope.

Sagittarius is a fiery active sign, incredibly creative. Jupiter feels quite good in this element. The planet rules the 12th House and the 9th. This position gives a huge sense of self-importance. A person constantly craves attention and praise from others.

Jupiter has two Houses - in Pisces and in Sagittarius. In Gemini and Virgo, he is in exile, that is, he does not show his positive qualities at all. Jupiter is exalted in the sign Cancer.

In Sanskrit, Sagittarius is called Dhanu-Rashi. The sign is mutable and guides along the spiritual path. From the point of view of the Vedas, Rashi is also ruled by Jupiter and has the nature of pitta - fire. In the Vedic astrological tradition, Jupiter is called Guru (demigod occupying the highest position). He is the teacher of the demigods. Another name for Guru is Brihaspati.

It is Sagittarius who, from the entire zodiac circle, most strives for purushartha - compliance with the rules and norms in following the 4 earthly goals - dharma, artha, kama and moksha. He not only strives for it himself, but also tries to teach this to others.

The sign of Dhanu gives the native unprecedented vitality and activity. These people cannot sit at home doing nothing. They believe in a better future and try to bring this ideal time closer with their active actions. Under the influence of Brihaspati, strong, significant personalities are born, capable of diplomacy and able to be responsible for a large number of of people.

When the giant moves into Sagittarius

Our gas giant solar system There is exactly one year in one zodiac sign. From April 10, 2019, Jupiter will become retrograde for 4 months and move into Sagittarius, but only for 14 days. From April 24, the giant planet will move into Capricorn. While going through the retrograde loop, he will visit several signs before he finds himself back in Sagittarius. Calculations were carried out according to the Western astrological system.

This period is not very favorable. In political legal activities and in learning it brings delays and various difficulties. This happens every year. It is better to be aware of the beginning and end of the retrograde movement of this celestial body.

Jupiter moves into Sagittarius for the second time on August 11, 2019, then will move direct again.

Jupiter's power

According to Jyotish, Guru is the graha of expansion. Therefore, all Sagittarius, under the influence of the ruling planet, have an independent and easy-going character. A native with such a position of Jupiter will not be able to live normally with those who limit his freedom. Working in complete subordination or performing routine daily duties is also not their path.

These people experience boredom and dissatisfaction in life if they do not have students or followers. Jupiter gives the power to inspire and guide other people, as well as the power to believe in yourself and your business. Men and women who have natal chart Jupiter in Sagittarius is a born teacher, patron, and spiritual leader. Of course, a lot depends on the upbringing and individual views of the individual. If such a person does not consider himself a member of any orthodox system, he still has inner faith.

Jupiter in Sagittarius on the Ascendant

When the Guru is in the First House in the birth chart, especially in the first degrees - on the Ascendant, his influence on the behavior and appearance of a person will be very strong. This is one of the most favorable positions. Moreover, Jupiter is strong in the 9th and 11th Houses.

But let’s continue with the description of the native with Jupiter in Sagittarius on the ascendant. He is a tall man with a beautiful oval-shaped face. He dresses with taste. He has soft hair and large, expressive eyes. He tends to be full, since Jupiter always expands everything. When he's in the house physical body, then it expands, especially in the abdominal area.

By nature, these people are very sociable, kind, and merciful to the weaker. Their voice is loud, their laughter is sonorous and contagious. People always turn to them for help, and they are happy to help everyone.

Positive aspects of the situation

The astrological position of Jupiter in Sagittarius (like other celestial configurations) has its advantages and disadvantages. That is, he endows the ward with positive character qualities and negative ones. A person is endowed with the following positive qualities:

  1. He strives for justice everywhere and in everything.
  2. He is characterized by true humanism.
  3. Able to quickly adapt to any circumstances.
  4. Shows straightforwardness in communication.
  5. Always open to new acquaintances.
  6. He has a good outlook and knowledge on many issues.
  7. Takes care of others.
  8. Optimist.
  9. He does not like to lie, he behaves absolutely honestly towards his loved ones.

The ascendant and moon sign will also tell you a lot about your personality. The House, where the Guru is located in the natal chart, is also very important.

Negative sides

The other side of the coin is also present. The negative traits of a person with Jupiter in a fire sign are:

  • May show arrogance.
  • Too much of an idealist. They say about such people that they behave as if they are wearing rose-colored glasses.
  • Does not show practicality in everyday life.
  • Impulsive, prone to taking unnecessary risks.
  • Not inclined to make independent decisions, he plays for time in order to postpone resolving the issue.
  • Prone to nomadic life.

Should you enter into a close relationship with a person or keep him at a considerable distance from you? This needs to be decided after communicating with him. A horoscope may indicate certain aspects of personality, but you should not decide such important issues by relying on the recommendations of an astrologer. A person can “outgrow” his horoscope - become stronger, more elevated, reconsider and change his behavior. He can also follow the lead of his negative character traits without developing positive ones.

Women with natal Jupiter in fiery Sagittarius

Such women are noble, sympathetic and good-natured. They love to buy only high-quality things for themselves and their loved ones and give expensive gifts. When a woman has Jupiter in Sagittarius, she strives to constantly learn something new, read, study, and then share this information with other people. However, due to the desire for generalization, she does not always grasp the details of a new theory or a new approach to the study of sciences, does not delve into details, only tells general provisions.

These girls are incredibly popular among their friends. They are generous and moral, they will never respond to meanness or take revenge. They tend to communicate equally cheerfully with everyone. But they will boldly express all his shortcomings to a person’s face if they don’t like the interlocutor.

These girls are usually rich, fair, love to travel, learn about other cultures and customs. They have big plans: they dream of knowing everything, going everywhere, being fully realized and raising perfectly raised children.

Material benefits bestowed by Jupiter

For the zodiac signs with whom he intersects in life, a person with Jupiter in Sagittarius seems to be a real darling of fate. People with a different position of Jupiter in the natal chart are less lucky. When Brihaspati is in his home, he bestows all the blessings of life, good erudition, health, attractiveness and a lot of impressions while traveling around the world.

Someone is always in love with such people, because they concentrate both physical and intellectual attractiveness.

To earn the favor of the Guru, you need to serve people well in your past life. This is what Jyotish philosophy says.


What destiny is destined for people who have Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius in their horoscope? These individuals have a sense of justice, which is why they often go to law school. They are also capable of becoming good teachers, politicians. Having quite extensive knowledge and the desire to instruct everyone around them, Sagittarians intuitively go into pedagogy or the field international relations.

Enthusiasm and excellent health allow them to “stay in the saddle” until old age. At the same time, they are able to accumulate enough knowledge to pass on their experience to new generations. Women prefer the field of pedagogy, while Sagittarius men choose the path of lawyers, international judges or clergy. They can become excellent managers, auditors or financial geniuses.

Jupiter conjunct other planets

Planets and Houses cannot be considered separately. It is necessary to view all aspects between celestial bodies, as well as the interaction of planets in Houses with points of the lunar orbit.

In the native's horoscope, Jupiter may be in the same House with other planets. If they are located in a sector from 2 to 8 degrees (each planet has its own personal orb), then astrologers say that the planets are in conjunction. This leaves a certain imprint on the personality.

Let's consider how direct aspects of Jupiter in Sagittarius with other planets will affect a person:

  1. Jupiter conjunct Saturn. The native is more prone to solitude, which is somewhat strange for Jupiterians. Shows perseverance and stoicism, able to withstand any blows of fate.
  2. The sign of Sagittarius is Jupiter and Neptune a few degrees apart. This aspect means a strong attraction of the individual to issues of philosophy and religion. Perhaps a person will go to a theological academy and devote his whole life to the church.
  3. Conjunction of Jupiter. A person wants to be unique in everything. He will not choose an ordinary profession. He is drawn to explore everything, to learn new things. He is an excellent organizer and strategist, loves history, strives to understand the past and future.
  4. Pluto and Jupiter. This combination brings good luck in financial matters. Such a person does not waste money, plans a budget well, knows how to guide people, convince them of his ideas, and has a knack for psychology.
  5. Jupiter with Lilith. A person suffers from boredom, seeks dangerous adventures, strives for fame by any means.

Let us recall that Lilith and distant planets in Eastern astrology are not taken into account by the astrologer.

Parent characteristics

If Jupiter in Sagittarius in men is not aspected by Saturn or one of the nodes, then over time they make wonderful dads. These men do not immediately strive to tie the knot. In their youth they are flighty, like Geminis. They are usually attractive and charming, so they have no shortage of fans. When such a man finds his ideal woman, he stays with her forever.

The same applies to women. They also search for their ideal for a long time. When they feel that they have found their destiny, they become very caring and faithful wives. In any horoscope House, Jupiter in Sagittarius (a woman’s House can be filled with three or more planets) will always force her ward to first realize herself and then get married.

Jupiter is responsible for followers and children. In natality, such people have more than 1 child. Children may be from different partners, but the mother is always with them a good relationship. Sagittarius women according to Jupiter are definitely looking for a partner who would be a friend to both her and her child. This applies to those women who remarry.

Transiting Jupiter

During the transit of Jupiter through Sagittarius, horizons in all spheres of human activity expand as much as possible. People actively study foreign languages ​​and study. Businessmen expand their markets and earn more profits. The sign of Sagittarius promises many wonderful ideas and faith in the future.

If there is stagnation in life, Jupiter in Sagittarius can improve the situation and help a person believe in himself again.

At the international level, relations between countries are improving. The heads of state are trying to find mutual understanding and establish cooperation for many years. If Jupiter is damaged by aspect to Saturn, the results may be reversed.


If an astrologer told you that you have Jupiter in Sagittarius, how can you decipher this? What to expect from fate? This is a strong position of the planet. In the fire sign, the Guru promises a wonderful comfortable life, career success and the love of the public. Transiting Jupiter promises many “gifts” for everyone. But the planet, being in the 6th, 8th, 12th Houses, will not be able to show its best characteristics.

> Jupiter in Sagittarius

Let's turn our attention to the character of the individual, when Kindness + sincerity = religiosity.

Jupiter in Sagittarius according to the horoscope

If people born under the sign of Sagittarius in Jupiter develop only negative character traits, then at a certain time there will be obvious inclinations of dictatorship and tyranny, which will ultimately lead to great demands on the people around them. As a result, these people grow up to be very talkative and passionate, so they will argue with others on any issue, no matter how important the issue is. There is also such a trait as selfishness, because such people easily take advantage of others. But if you select and raise a child correctly, you will end up with a very kind and honest leader who will be an incredibly generous and sympathetic person. Such people love to soar in free flight, so they easily help defend the right of freedom for other people.

Jupiter in Sagittarius indicates that these people do not need the help of strangers and they are very sociable, he always wants to visit all distant countries and become fully acquainted with their culture, so in their free time they strive to fully become acquainted with philosophy, religion and politics . This category of people has the talent to carry out various activities that ultimately bring great benefits.

Jupiter in Sagittarius - human characteristics

Jupiter-born Sagittarians always strive to help others, even in these cases when they are simply being used. They also accept all offers, especially those that bring financial well-being and the opportunity to save up. Of course, at times there are also people who sincerely despise material well-being and receiving earthly goods; such an attitude leads to severe losses and financial instability, but over time, such an attitude leads to prosperous ideas, and ultimately prosperity. Such people have a very strong desire for independence and self-sufficiency, which is why there are frequent changes and changes in business.

Despite their deep moral convictions and the presence of spiritual values, people who were born while Sagittarius was in Jupiter often change their views not only on the whole world, but also on themselves. These people are also famous for having a strong love for children and nature, piety and a desire for justice, so their interests are not limited to anything specific. Sometimes Sagittarians tend to gambling, so their budget is often depleted, although their minds are naturally bright. Therefore, it is recommended to go into publishing, politics or raising children, because that is where success awaits you.

Positive and negative manifestations of Jupiter in Sagittarius

Sagittarius in Jupiter strives with all their vigor to subjugate not only own behavior, but also those around them, based on moral principles. Such people understand very well their true purpose in society, because they have an innate instinct, so his worldview fits very deeply and remarkably into the model of society, although in life such people never compromise their own principles.

All their ideas are very well perceived by the people around them, because they are so well represented by them that it is simply impossible not to accept and approve of them. There is also a great desire to occupy leadership positions in order to ultimately receive various honors, despite the unceremoniousness and arrogance. But the desire to get the necessary privileges only leads to the appearance of greed. Therefore, it is best for these people to be passionate servants of God and the church itself. Such people are often interested in the most unknown and therefore are in constant search, organizing various activities and most interesting activities in pedagogy.

Since Sagittarius in Jupiter are very gambling and therefore lose control over themselves, they tend to get into various troubles, but at the same time they are generous natures who are completely open to communication. Therefore, only the best are always around them. Also Sagittarius can completely resist strong spirit people, so they often take a neutral position in conflict situations. Therefore, the authorities can use such people for their own purposes, because otherwise they can enlist the support of many like-minded people and overthrow the existing political force. Such a person must do something active all his life in order to fully devote all his strength and energy. And if he began the fight for justice, then we can say with complete determination that he will bring it to a victorious end.

Communication with a person with Jupiter in Sagittarius

These people have great compassion for those around them, so they try to help them in every possible way, but to do this, sometimes they have to do the most thoughtless things and end up suffering themselves, because their loved ones betray them, not considering their cause important. If these people engage in diplomacy, they will definitely achieve success, because they very sensitively sense the right moment for the opportunity to negotiate and resolve an important issue for everyone’s benefit. Ultimately, they will be able to occupy leadership positions, climbing to the top of the career ladder.

Jupiter in Sagittarius has influenced the fact that such people are born optimistic and far-sighted individuals, although sometimes they can spend a little money on completely unnecessary things. In life, these people are a little restless and impatient, but thanks to their vital energy, they can fully enjoy life and have a lot of fun. Jupiter also made them loyal and sensitive friends, and their sense of humor will not leave anyone indifferent, and their soul is sincere and merciful. Due to the fact that these people were born under the influence of Jupiter, fate endowed them with an extraordinary gift of foresight and therefore they manage to look through all the problems many moves ahead and find the shortest ways to solve the problem with the slightest loss.

People born during the period when Jupiter in Sagittarius can rightfully be considered spiritual leaders and they can even be called teachers. They are also very interested in the philosophical and religious heritage from the beginning of time of all peoples. And this interest is not accidental, because they want to learn as much as possible about life and understand the full system of principles. Thanks to natural human consciousness, these people can fully adapt in the shortest possible time in any place and under various circumstances, and this circumstance causes a lot of admiration even among their opponents.

It is so inherent in nature that Sagittarius intuitively understand the essence of existence, so they always blindly believe in religious power and these people try to guide other people on the right path, for example, their beloved soul mates and, of course, children. And a common opinion in the family ensures them great success in any social activities. If on their way they meet people who do not support their principles at all, then Sagittarius will classify them as their enemies or ill-wishers. These people also have a very strong intolerance, but it disappears after listening to several different points of view. From the outside it seems that these people have studied almost all spheres of human activity in their lives, and even if they have to apply this knowledge, then in truth they know it.

We deserve happiness and here it is - the transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Incredible prospects open up before us for the whole year (until December 3, 2019), we can radically change our lives, achieve everything we have dreamed of for so long. This is an amazing time when you can’t waste a second and remember that luck favors the brave.

It is no coincidence that the project started on Astro7 at this very time. After all, our participants are tired of their old life and with the help of our experts, they rewrite it from scratch.

The influence of Jupiter on human life

In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of luck, success, generosity, and prosperity. He is responsible for development and abundance, his sphere of influence includes luck, happiness, power, social status. In mythology, Jupiter was considered the ruler of the heavens, a kind and fair patron. they call it the Planet of Great Happiness, and they say that the position of Jupiter in a person’s natal chart determines how much he is able to attract success, money and recognition. With a strong influence in the horoscope, a person is simply “doomed” to success.

But even if Jupiter appears in your horoscope only in passing, from November 8, 2018 to December 3, 2019 you will come under its influence. The fact is that during this period the planet will pass through its native zodiac sign - Sagittarius. The transit of Jupiter through this sign promises all signs of the zodiac, without exception, success, energy, drive, incredible prospects, and large-scale projects. Good luck awaits us all, advancement up the career and social ladder, prosperity, money.

What does the transit of Jupiter through the sign of Sagittarius promise?

Jupiter, as we have already said, is the planet of expansion and opportunity, and Sagittarius is an optimistic, restless and freedom-loving sign. As a result of this combination, opportunities open up for all of us to move forward, gain more freedom in achieving our goals, comprehend new things, and set our sights on what we had only dreamed of before. Sagittarius will make us determined optimists, it will inspire us to aim at anything, and Jupiter will make us lucky ones, for whom luck itself runs into our hands.

Under the influence of Jupiter in Sagittarius, we will want freedom - from restrictions, prejudices, circumstances and other blocks. We, like the symbol of this sign, the centaur, will want to “graze new pastures” - try ourselves in something new, discover horizons for ourselves, and engage in personal and professional growth. Such adventures at another time of the year, for example, in retrograde Pluto or Mars, would end in failure, but now you will have to try hard to run into failure.

Who will be lucky during this period and who will not?

The year when Jupiter moves through its own sign is, without exaggeration, a year of triumph. Everyone will be lucky in everything, but even at such a moment of general prosperity, there are those who will be the luckiest, and those for whom everything will not be so smooth.

Most lucky Sagittarius- they are already located towards constant movement forward, rarely satisfied with what they have here and now, and Jupiter will give them the energy and strength necessary for this. Sagittarius will be able to literally start living from scratch, bringing to life all those ambitious ideas that have long been gathering dust on a distant shelf. The transit will also have a strong influence on people in whose horoscope Jupiter is “marked,” for example, the Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Sagittarius or in conjunction with Jupiter.

However, just like in any barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, so here too. But this is not about the fact that someone will be unlucky, it’s just that not everyone will be able to take full advantage of the favorable influence of the planet if they do not cope with their weaknesses.

— Jupiter in Sagittarius does not favor lazy people who have no ambitions, plans and goals. At risk Taurus And Aquarius who like to procrastinate and often indulge their laziness.

— In the lower octave, the planet can make people too active, hot-tempered, adventurous, arrogant, they will go ahead, not taking into account the interests of other people and sweeping away everyone on the way - this is what you need to be most afraid of Aries And Scorpios. In the heat of passion, you can destroy everything.

— At risk are perfectionists who do not “see the forest for the trees”—the same Virgo, zodiac signs who prefer to build castles in the air and soar in the clouds - Fish, they can’t make a decision for a long time - Scales, timid and indecisive - Cancers.

“It won’t be of much help to those who are scattered and waste energy on a dozen things instead of setting priorities and moving towards one or two goals, for example, Gemini.

— It will not be easy for people who are not ready for change to achieve success, for example Capricorns, and avid conservatives - Taurus.

Leos you need to remain reasonable and rational, and not be fooled by flattery, so as not to fall into the trap of scammers.

Do's and Don'ts

What do we have to do:

Launch and actively promote projects

Build a career, move up the social ladder

Learn new things, improve professional qualifications

Know yourself, engage in personal growth, planning, prioritizing and setting goals for at least a year

Be visible, communicate, make useful contacts

Travel abroad, communicate with foreigners

What not to do:

Be lazy, have your head in the clouds

Be stubborn, conservative, pedantic

Obsessing over details without “seeing the forest for the trees”

Spray yourself on a dozen tasks instead of doing one or two

Be careless, get involved in adventures, deal with scammers

Be quick-tempered, arrogant and go ahead
