Transformation ascension does not help drugs. Symptoms of quantum transition, transmutation and ascension

But, when you know, you understand that an amazing new paradigm of life is ahead, then you should try to study and accept this process - "turning a caterpillar into a butterfly." Many ailments are not diseases (flu, colds), although the symptoms are similar. There is a restructuring, a transmutation of the body and physiology. Now many are "in a cocoon".

Here are some of the body transformation symptoms you may be feeling:


In ascension, the body grows like a growing child who sleeps more. The same thing happens in the process of ascension. Mankind believes that 6 or 8 hours of sleep is enough, and if there is a need for 9 or 12 hours, then something is wrong. A night's sleep can be up to 12 hours as the bodies require it due to biological growth and restructuring. Therefore, those making the ascension are advised to give their body what it needs, including more sleep than before entering the path of ascension. On weekends, you may need to spend the whole day in a state of drowsiness. The more you sleep, the faster and more imperceptibly for health the restructuring processes will take place.

In our modern civilization there is a medical diagnosis of "chronic fatigue syndrome" which is actually a symptom of ascension. When the body raises its vibration, it needs more "chi" (energy) to maintain consciousness in a given day, week, month. If you haven't learned how to type chi in shape, the result is a constant feeling of fatigue.

Another great way to combat chronic fatigue is the art of Tai Chi or Yoga. These arts, which were directly related to the ascension techniques of the distant past, teach how to gather energy and direct it in the body through specific stretches and/or movements. They are an excellent method of supporting your desire to ascend and relieving the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Leisurely walks in nature and rhythmic breathing, swimming in reservoirs, grounding practices are useful.

Running, sharp physical exercise and lifting weights to the point of exhaustion cause a tear muscle tissue, exacerbating aging and destruction of the body. I recommend you not a heavy load, but an easy walk or swim, which makes it possible to restore your contact with nature and its elements. Many of you live in cities, but even in the most densely populated places there are parks and squares where you can make contact with Mother Earth. I recommend that you come to such places, either to the ocean, rivers, lakes, mountains, to communicate with the natural kingdoms. Communication with Mother Earth will fill you with energy again.

In today's civilization, your employees, friends, and family take and take and take. They draw energy from ascenders to fuel their creative efforts and developments, while the ascending being generates chi for your own ascension. Express your intent: I intend to stop giving away my chi energy and free myself from any karma and contracts that make me relate to others in this way. Since the removal of karma occurs layer by layer during the ascension, the daily expression of this intention will remove the stereotypes of the current day from your field. You must again and again, every day, week and month, express the intention to ascend and be free from all contracts and mature karma. Each day brings a new layer, a new level, and this is true of planetary ascension as well.

Sharp and dull pains

With the change of each part of the bodily form, the old cellular structure dissolves, giving way to a new, crystalline one. For those who are particularly sensitive, this can cause considerable discomfort until enough of the form is transmuted, allowing the new vibration to take root in the overall structure renewing body. Bodily pains will be directly related to those areas of the etheric body in which there are blocks or stagnation. Walking and moving the kundalini helps to move blocks and relieve pain.

When the form is sufficiently raised to the new vibration, constant pain is a thing of the past. Until then, you are encouraged to use any herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, mud, mineral and salt baths, or massage that is needed to relieve pain. Know that this is all temporary and the body is simply preparing to hold the higher vibration "light" and thought form.

Viruses and Ascension

As cells transmute during ascension, viruses that may have remained latent throughout your life may emerge to be cleared out. Sometimes these viruses can also cause a short-term minor manifestation of the corresponding disease. I ask you not to panic when this happens, and to understand that everything will pass as soon as the current ascension phase that caused the specific manifestation of the disease is completely overcome.

At this time, I recommend that you support your immune system by consuming colloidal silver and gold, which kill viruses and bacteria in the body. Colloidal silver can be instilled into the eyes, ears, and nose, or inhaled to deal with infections that may occur there as a result of ascension. There are many herbs with antiviral and antibacterial properties that are beneficial to consume, among them Echinacea and Golden Seal.

Sometimes, when the virus enters the nervous system, it can cause the affected nerve to swell as a symptom of a pinched nerve. We repeat that this is a sign of ascension, which will pass in time. In addition, in some, the nervous system spontaneously ignites, which, according to signs, is similar to involuntary muscle contractions. Certain herbs may be helpful for these symptoms at this time, including Valerian Root, Oregano, Hops.

Night Sweats and Hot Flashes

Often during sleep, your consciousness does not restrict the movement of the kundalini, causing you to sweat at night. Sometimes the kundalini breaks out during the day, causing a feeling of hot flashes. Both are the result of the burning of karma, which is necessary at a particular moment. Know that this is a sign of ascension, don't be afraid or worry.

To changed chemical composition atmosphere is the easiest to adapt vegetable world, which is based on the processes of photosynthesis. Plants under the influence of photon energy will become larger and expand the range nutrients, necessary for a person, and which a person can program with his expanded consciousness to suit his needs. In general, nutrition (in the usual sense of the word) will lose its significance over time, because in the new conditions the energy exchange will be easier, and a person will learn to simply “turn on” to places of power, balancing his energy, life state with the surrounding nature.

Nutrition and diet

One of the features of ascension is the removal of toxic substances from the body.

I recommend that you eat any "live" food that contains chi and vitality. Live foods are fresh and freshly cooked foods, not canned, frozen, or packaged foods for long-term storage. The fresher the food, the more ascension chi your form will receive from it.

Cravings for fatty foods

When the form is rebuilt into a crystalline cellular structure, each cell receives a new lipid or fatty membrane, the basis of which is cholesterol. This fatty shell holds a higher vibration or frequency than the former proteinaceous cell wall. Cravings for high-fat foods are a natural manifestation of ascension, and we encourage you to indulge in this. However, I recommend using raw foods and, if possible, not processed at all.

Puffiness and cravings for salt

The crystalline cell contains more salt or sodium chloride than the old cell structure. As a result, at certain stages of ascension, you are strongly drawn to salt. As this salt goes into action, it will not cause high blood pressure or heart disease upon ascension. Potassium chloride is released at the same level as salt is absorbed. This often creates a situation where you are swollen, which is directly related to the chlorine/potassium imbalance. I advise you not to use diuretics at this time, but to drink plenty of water to flush potassium out of the system, and take a 45-minute bitter salt bath every night to flush excess potassium through the skin.

Protein cravings

The crystal structure also causes a change in amino acid chains. Some chains require the consumption of certain proteins not found in vegetables. During such periods, I advise you to eat some fresh fish, chicken or meat several times a week. Some digestive tracts find it difficult to digest denser meats, in which case fish is recommended. We advise you to eat freshly cooked meat, but not canned, frozen or cured. Fresh meat is full of energy, as well as nutrients necessary for the realization of a certain stage in the initial initiations. Eating a small amount of protein will make it easier to keep the soul grounding in shape and thus serve to maintain your energy level.

Body detoxification (forms)

During ascension, the body is constantly being cleansed and what is no longer needed is being removed from it, as well as the formation of a new structure that is paving the bridge to the united consciousness. Most of the excreted toxins are excreted through the sweat glands and pores of the skin, or through the kidneys, liver and digestive tract.

If you have a weak kidney, liver, or digestive tract, these stereotypes are worked out earlier in the initiation process to allow these organs to be strengthened and assist in the detoxification process. To help the body, flushing of the system may be necessary, which will allow these organs to activate their cleansing function. For flushing the kidneys and liver, there are many remedies and herbs that can be used to support these organs, and we recommend that ascenders use them when their inner guidance indicates.

One of the easiest methods to cleanse these 3 organs at the same time is to eat a watermelon every week for 6 weeks. If there are no watermelons, they can be replaced with an equal amount of grapes. Both grapes and watermelons dissolve fats accumulated in the liver and kidney ducts and gently cleanse the digestive tract, acting as a laxative in many cases. Some will require several months of this treatment, and I advise ascenders to use muscle testing or dowsing to determine the specific needs of their incarnation.

In addition, some fruits, such as papayas and pineapples, contain digestive enzymes that help break down old, dense cellular structures. I recommend that you eat fresh fruits and drink freshly squeezed juices instead of canned or bottled ones. These conditions are temporary, you just have to pay attention to what the body needs.

To purify the body, cleansing of the intestines and getting rid of smoking, which greatly pollutes the etheric body, are obligatory.

When a certain area of ​​the body is far behind in vibration and yet surrounded by higher frequency cells that have already been converted to crystalline, the divergence in vibration increases the rate of disintegration of the non-crystalline structure(!). Over time, and if you do not pay any attention to the presence of this kind of dissonance, the disintegrating structure will become malignant.

If the problem is big enough, it can have a devastating effect on the entire form. Therefore, ascension is a subtle task, and in advancing on the path, ascending initiates must facilitate the simultaneous ascension of all areas of form. No part can be left low in vibration for too long without creating more of a problem, which is known as sickness. Perhaps in this connection, initiates will become more aware of their problem areas and will periodically address them with conscious concentration and intent during meditation to ensure that each part of the form is reborn sufficiently to support the continuous ascent of the whole (the entire forms).

Some lightworkers who need to lift form from within are still using devices or medicines. Beloved ones, the whole purpose of ascension is that the initiate learns to inwardly (from within) create all that is needed. Sometimes, for a short time, the ascendant needs external ingredients or plants. However, the body must learn to create what it needs, and this ability is carried by the regenerative and self-sustaining form. If you are a God and Goddess in form, then you can change the form as you need it, and it does not require you to do anything outside of yourself.

Actions, learned to Love and Accept the world and people as they are. This process of transformation is now taking place in a much higher vibrational environment than before and has begun on a massive scale. AND depending on the level of consciousness at which a person is located and the purity of his bodies (both dense and subtle), the first serious stage of transformation for someone goes quite gently (or even outwardly unnoticeable), while for someone it is rather difficult and difficult . This process is greatly facilitated and accelerated by engaging in any spiritual, energetic, psychophysical, meditative practices, both ancient and modern.

Stages and stages of transmutation changes:

Stage I - Transmutation Transformation of the physical body:

a) purification of the physical body;

b) cleansing of organs;

c) regularity of food intake and intervals between meals;

e) getting rid of internal fats;

e) hardening.

Streams of Fiery Transmuting Energy, acting on the physical body at the first stage, will exert their influence on organs and systems that have deviations, performing recovery processes.

The physical body must go through three stages of the Transmutational Transformation before changing the code (both changing the physical and revealing the multidimensional, quantum):

I stage- restorative (purification-resurrection);

II stage- chemically transforming (transmutation);

III stage- replacement of the Code (resurrection-ascension).

As for the sequence of transmutation by various organs and systems, the following stages of the unfolding of the matrix of the New Human in the Physical Body will take place.

The first stage of the manifestation of the matrix on the physical body consists in the transformation (transmutation) of the hormonal system, brain structures and nervous systems s, down to the subatomic level. The restructuring of the hormonal and nervous systems will be accompanied by periodic pains in the area of ​​​​the endocrine glands and the corresponding ones (head, throat, heart, lower back, solar plexus, lower abdomen).

The following steps will follow:

Restructuring of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, hematopoiesis.

Restructuring of the digestive and excretory systems.

Reorganization of the respiratory system.

Restructuring of the heart (deep transformation).

Restructuring of the skeletal system.

The end of the restructuring of the physical body, which can be superimposed on the following stages, is accompanied by a cure for physical diseases. In addition, a person notices that he ceases to be exposed to negative environmental influences, ceases to respond to environmental pollution, climatic factors, pathogens, etc. .

One of the aspects of physical transformation is electrical transformation (evolution), associated with a change in the electrical, conducting system of the body. Human beings are largely electromagnetic in nature. The electromagnetic force is one of the most significant basic forces of nature in relation to the human life form. It has an important influence on the physical, emotional, mental and astral levels of the Soul. , change in the movement of currents and distribution of charges, structure and other characteristics of the field and energy saturation of the body.

In many ways, the electrical evolution of the human body already belongs to the second stage of transmutation:

1. A decrease in the amount of water in the body by 20% is a symptom of crystallization of water in the body, accompanied by a decrease in emotionality, crystallization of the body.

2. Electrical phenomena - a change in relations with electrical processes, devices, fields, phantom sensations, problems, a change in the nature of interaction with electronic equipment, computers.

3. New sexuality, waves of sexual energy as a result of the fixation of the Spirit in the body, the penetration of sexual energy, Kundalini energy into all manifestations of life.

II - stage - Transmutational Transformation of the Spiritual-Energy Structure:

1. Raising the spiritual level, changing the world outlook;

2. Change in energy structure - energy cleansing, cleansing of energy channels, cleansing of energy centers;

3. Changing the code part that affects the Immortal Self, holding (forming, centering) the aura.

Stage III - Assimilation in new states of the Transmutational Transformation from to the New Evolutionary Stage.

As for this stage, for the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth it is not yet relevant, and there is still little detailed information on it. You can determine the achievement of this stage, that is, the already completed transition to new ones, using the test to determine the stay in vibrations: If you no longer have any thoughts of fear, no illness, no dissonance or disharmony in your personal life, you have stopped aging, and you no longer affects environment then you have reached a state of fifth density vibration...

Another test to determine how to check the correspondence of the frequency of the physical body to the frequencies and radiations of the Earth at the present moment: if you can tolerate discharged pressure and ozonized air of high mountains well, or do not burn and have good health, being under the rays of the sun at noon - your body resonates with the planet's ascension process.

Signs of the stages of the transmutation process:

1. Opening of the centers, their ignition:

Emotional vulnerability, hypersensitivity;

Increased physical sensitivity, feeling pain from sensations;

Insatiable appetite, especially for boiled food;

Loss of interest in material things.

2. Ignition of the centers, organs, the whole body:

Feeling like after sunburn, the skin is flaky, bleeding from cuts, abrasions;

Irritation after clothing, especially synthetic;

Decreased appetite, preference for fruits, dairy products;

Severe headaches;

Decreased appetite (up to the ability for prolonged fasting).

3. Elimination of chronic diseases, transmutation and transformation of organs:

Feeling someone else's intervention;

Skin itching as in the healing of stitches;


4. Cell transmutation:

Stage 1

Reducing the amount of food to a minimum;

Flu symptoms (persistent runny nose, cough, headaches);

Neurological symptoms (paralysis, paresis, impaired coordination of movements);

Unexpected inflammation in the heat;

Tuberculosis (rapid form).

Stage 2

unusual sensations in the bones;

The head buzzes, stirs up, vomiting;

Increased body temperature in the heat, herpes;

Rapid changes in symptoms.

5. Create a new body:

A condition similar to pregnancy, signs of toxicosis (headaches, dizziness, unstable stools, etc.);

Deep fire in the body (a rise or feeling of a rise in temperature);

Decrease in body temperature to 35.0 C;

Hard protruding clot above the umbilicus;

Increase and further decrease in body weight.

Separate signs, symptoms of Transmutation, Ascension to higher planes and their meaning:

  1. Growing feelings that everything a person does is of little value to him. He sees how other people are completely absorbed - having material goods and the pursuit of human happiness: family, career, respect in society, fame, finally. And this duality pushes us to search for ourselves and the meaning of the existence of life.
  2. Feeling helpless before the incomprehensibility of the truth. A person understands that the further he goes in his search, the more he becomes confused. Whatever he tried on this road, and whatever he experienced in altered states of consciousness. Ups to the higher spheres, where he felt unity with the whole universe, are replaced by falls and depression.
  3. Stress - it feels like you are under the pressure of high energies like in a double boiler. You are going through a process of adjusting to the higher vibrations, and old beliefs and habits are also beginning to be pushed out. A variety of processes are literally seething inside you.
  4. Dizziness, "spatiality", absent-mindedness, incoordination, feeling of disorientation, especially during the full moon and during solar flares, not understanding where you are, loss of a sense of location. You are no longer in because you have begun to move into the higher worlds.
  5. Ringing in the ears is a violation of the relationship, the balance of male and female energy."Hearing" sounds or sequences of high frequency sounds. This may be accompanied by pressure in one ear or in both ears.
  6. Headaches are an expansion of energy against the background of limiting beliefs, limitations of the mind. Headaches can also signal the transformation of the brain at the energy and material levels. May manifest as non-localized pressure inside the head or pressure that rolls in waves. Heaviness and pain in the back of the head, crown of the head, between the eyebrows is possible - this is the "pressure" of the third eye and other, new chakras.
  7. Unusual (sacred) pains in various body parts, wandering pains, burning sensation, temporary numbness of the extremities, incomprehensible pains in the spine, neuralgia, rheumatic pains, nervous cramps, polyneuritis, pain in the solar plexus, nausea, vomiting - you are clearing and releasing old blocked energy, vibrating at the frequencies of the third dimension, while you are already on a higher vibration. Pain is a symptom of the dissolution of old misdirections of creative energy, as well as cell membranes and the formation of new ones. Unusual neuralgias can have the character of epidemics.
  8. Weakness in the limbs, general weakness, swelling of the limbs, lips, nose - lack of energy during intense transmutation.
  9. You will have days of incredible fatigue, causeless depression, irritability, inexplicable fear, tearfulness. Your body becomes less dense and undergoes intense restructuring. And this helplessness before the unknown makes a person de-energized. One day, a feeling of indifference to one's fate comes; all desires disappear, one of the last is attachment to.
  10. Fatigue ( night sleep up to 12 hours a day), a state of depression, de-energization, periods of deep sleep, chronic fatigue syndrome (lack of energy), vampirism (especially among loved ones). You take a break from everything that has accumulated and go through the process of integration, preparing at the same time for the next phase. These are signs of growth that requires a lot of energy. This is a state of searching, throwing, searching, loss of interest in the material. The outer world may not be in tune with you as a new being of higher vibrations. You don't feel good in it. In addition, you continue to release low frequency and dark energies and you "see through" them.
  11. Feeling of incomprehensible, periodically appearing swelling, swelling of the body, vagueness of its volumes. There is a process of creating a new body, moving to more subtle planes.
  12. Heartburn or tightness in the chest. Your Galactic Heart is Revealing!
  13. Clenching of jaws, gnashing of teeth - a strong resistance of the personality of its mission, its connection with the Higher Self.
  14. Strange electrical sensations in the body, energy jolts, pulsations, tingling, expansion, light, vibration of the body, waves, itching (especially during the full moon) - the disintegration of non-crystalline tissues. The energetic jolts you feel physically may even cause your body to move upward. Loss of attention and focus for a long period of time - a change in the electrical structure of the body.
  15. Sleep disturbances, waking up at 2 am and staying awake until 4 am. You are visited by such rich dreams that you cannot sleep for too long without a break. "Ordinary" people spend more time on the earthly plane, and right now you are evolving very quickly, adapting to new cycles of space.
  16. Vivid, dynamic dreams, sometimes with scenes of violence - you are freed from the burden of so many past lives at the level of low vibrations. And gradually your dreams will improve, and already now many people are talking about the beautiful dreams that they have. Some even dream while awake.
  17. Loss of sense of time. You can miss meetings or the right turn on the highway, be late, forget what day it is - this is also a process of adapting to new cycles.
  18. A kind of memory loss, memory lapses, a short-term blackout of consciousness - you remember well recent events and very vaguely your more distant past. You are not only in one dimension anymore, but you are constantly moving back and forth between dimensions (this is also part of the transition). In addition, your past is part of an obsolete old that is gone forever. To be here and now is the way of the New World.
  19. Loss of one's identity, periodic “falling out” of life, a feeling of unwillingness to do something (passivity, laziness, doing nothing), which irritates the active part of others. You are trying to lean on the old self, but it no longer exists. You no longer know who you see in the mirror! You are freed from your old traits and now embody more, revealing your simpler and more refined Divine essence. Are you okay! You are at rest, a kind of "reboot" of your system. Your body knows what it needs. Also, as you begin to achieve higher goals, "doing" and "achieving" will become less important to you, as the new energies will encourage you to take action, create, take care of yourself.
  20. Sudden desire to free up more space. You may want to get rid of your personal "treasures", feel the need to clean up everything old and redundant, give away your possessions and throw away furniture.
  21. Feeling "out of body". Sometimes it will seem that you are not even talking, but someone else. This is our natural survival defense mechanism when we are under a lot of stress, feeling hurt and out of control. Your body is going through so many changes right now, and you may not really want to be in it at this time. This is a kind of way to make the transition easier for yourself, but it will not last long and will soon pass.
  22. You "see" and "hear" some strange things, you can see through the veil, psychic abilities increase, the level of consciousness rises. Your vision may appear to be choppy and unsteady. Then you will feel that you need glasses, then some other whim will appear. Sometimes you are certain that you "saw" someone or something out of the corner of your eye. Your ability to "see" develops. As you transition, you will experience different dimensions according to your “setting”.
  23. Heightened sensitivity to everything that surrounds you. You will find it difficult to bear noisy gatherings of people, noisy and loud music, certain foods, TV, other people's voices, especially negative vibrations, crowds. You will quickly get tired and overexcited from everything around you. You are attuning to new worlds, so all this will gradually pass. Know that you are moving an enormous amount of energy.
  24. The low vibrations of the third dimension will become unbearable for you, which you will catch in conversations, relationships, social structures, some types of healing, etc. You will literally become "bad" from them. You have already moved to a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in tune with such low frequency factors. In particular, old habitual medicines, methods of therapy, especially physical therapy, will have an unexpected effect on you.
  25. Increased emotional sensitivity, mood swings and "mania", emotional ups and downs, frequent tears. Our emotions are a way to let go of old problems, and now we are freeing ourselves from a lot.
  26. Return of old habits that you think you have completely abandoned. Try not to judge yourself for it. To fully "ascend" you must come to terms with your old habits.
  27. Loss of desire to eat, changes in appetite and weight, changes in diet(preference for live food, craving for fatty foods cravings for salt, cravings for proteins, watermelons, pineapples, grapes). Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state. In addition, some part of yourself does not want to exist in this body anymore.
  28. There may be a need to "snack" often, which is associated with periods of sharp drop in blood sugar levels. There may be some weight gain as you will need a huge amount of fuel to sustain the Ascension process. Weight gain is a reaction to an excess of toxins (see next paragraph) released during purification, transmutation, to an excess of new energies, in addition, 2 additional organs appear for processing toxins the size of a liver in the diaphragm area, which leads to a change in the shape of the body - like Buddhas, pharaohs, pregnant women. The diaphragm descends, the size of the heart increases, the thymus grows, expands rib cage, which is especially noticeable in women, fat appears on the neck, shoulders, which is associated with the opening of new chakras. Weight gain when it is impossible to reduce it by any means is one of the typical symptoms.
  29. Increased salt intake, swelling - the formation of new crystalline cells.
  30. You will be completely unable to do some things. When you try to do ordinary things, this routine will be absolutely unbearable for you. The reason is the same as above.
  31. Change of priorities in a career or relationship. Often this happens when there are no "logical" reasons for this, but you feel the urge to change.
  32. The sudden disappearance of friends from your life, certain activities, and even a change of job and place of residence. You have already gone beyond who you used to be, and all these people and your old environment no longer match your new vibrations. Your plans can suddenly change at full speed and go in a completely different direction. Your Soul balances your energy. Usually you feel that going in a new direction is GREAT because your Soul understands more than you. It knocks you out of the "rut" of the usual decisions and vibrations.
  33. Detoxification of the body - strengthening the work of the excretory organs (skin, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract). It can manifest itself in increased skin pigmentation, a change in the smell and type of metabolic products.
  34. Increased skin pigmentation (red, yellow, orange...), spots can suddenly appear and then disappear, they itch a lot, the skin in these places flakes off, can thin out, become vulnerable - increased metabolism, cleansing the body, increasing the flow of fiery energy through the body.
  35. Change in the blood formula, indicators of the circulatory system(sometimes in the form of inexplicable jumps in individual indicators that doctors cannot explain and normalize - restructuring of the circulatory system.
  36. The desire to return Home, as if everything is OVER and you are no longer here. We return to ours. It's really OVER (but many of us stay to create New world). In addition, our old plans that prompted us to come here have already been fulfilled.
  37. Feeling like you are going crazy or developing some kind of mental illness short-term mental disorder. You may also feel like you are unable to concentrate in the way you are used to. You are going through multi-dimensional experiences and powerful opening very quickly. Now you have a lot of things available, but you are not used to it. Your awareness has grown a lot, the barriers have gone. This will all pass, and in the end you will feel as much at home as you have never felt before, because Home is now here.
  38. Anxiety and even panic, concern. Your ego is losing ground and is afraid. In addition, your entire system is overloaded. Something is happening to you that you don't understand. You also lose the behavioral patterns that you have developed in the world of the third dimension for survival. This can make you feel vulnerable and powerless. This too will pass and in the end you will feel a lot of love, confidence and unity.
  39. Spiritual Death or fleeting thoughts of suicide. Remember that in this way you are simply trying to give a three-dimensional explanation of what is happening to you.
  40. You are creating a situation that seems like your worst nightmare. Your Soul puts you in the conditions of “stretching”, in the direction of forming those properties that you lack, and, conversely, in the direction of “muting” those aspects that you have in excess. Just balancing your energies. Finding your way to inner peace in such conditions is the test that you yourself have prepared for yourself. This is YOUR journey and your Soul would not have organized it if you were not prepared. You are the person who must find his way, and you will find it.
  41. Excessive concern for the state of nature, ecology, etc. (pollution, death of animals, human diseases, aliens, dangerous technologies).
  42. Excessive need to know for example, excessive interest in news of all kinds, increased brain activity, heightened fears, fear of going crazy, fear of the future.
  43. Fever, sweat, nocturnal temperature flashes (without symptoms of diseases), hot flashes, pressure surges. These are symptoms of fiery fever. Cleansing, after which comes a state of lightness. The temperature leaves along with all impurities from the body and consciousness. After that, it can go down (see below). The cleaning mechanism is activated. This may be in the form high temperature. It occurs spontaneously for no apparent reason, almost every month and can exceed 41.0 C within 5-10 minutes. The temperature burns all the toxins in the body, everything, and most importantly, a person stops clinging to life, he doesn’t care anymore .
  44. Decrease in temperature to 35.0 C, cold, cold burning plasma around the body (blue, purple) - the second stage of cleaning after the stage of temperature increase. At this time, the physical body is practically not felt, even when a person lifts weights. The desire to take earthly food disappears, it becomes tasteless and alien. A transparent purity manifests itself in consciousness, as in a mountain lake during a calm. At this moment there is no fear, no love, no feelings at all, much less self-pity. A person begins to feel like an empty, transparent vessel, and all his quiet emotions are just reflections of the outside world on its walls.
  45. Viral diseases, or their signs, for example, flu symptoms, the manifestation of latent viruses (such as herpes) - signs of mutation (transmutation, fiery fever). May have the character of rapid epidemics.
  46. Feeling of "fast movement". You energetically do more in a shorter period of time! You can physically feel the "acceleration of energy". On Friday, you may think that a whole month has passed, not a week.

Goldshmidt E.S. based on various websites.

Many people want to change their lives.

But few people understand what a powerful process of transformation is launched as a result of such an intention.

In this article, we will look at the 4 levels of transformation at which it passes, what symptoms it comes with, and how to help yourself survive it.

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It is impossible, for example, to wake up in the morning and say: “I start life with a clean white sheet. I just close my eyes to everything that was in my life and start a new life.

Even if such an intention is expressed, it will not work for one simple reason - any trauma, any painful experience or event that once emotionally hooked us in childhood or in adulthood leaves its mark.

If such an event causes strong emotions, this is recorded in the subconscious and is a starting point. And in parallel, it is prescribed in cells, DNA, as a strong emotional event.

And if a similar situation arises in life, the body automatically goes into protection mode.

The path that we consciously walked does not matter at that moment, because subconscious reflexes come into play.

Learn how to stop living in the past from the material "".

Transformation is going deep within yourself and clearing out the traumatized, painful aspects of you.

If you go through a process of transformation, work through painful reactions to traumatic events when you remove them, these events do not disappear from your life, but go into the distant past.

Emotionally, they no longer cling to you, they become just a distant memory that does not affect your current life.

You are no longer acting on these automatic subconscious reactions.

You remember what it was, but it no longer emotionally hurts you and does not cause any painful experiences, sensations.

Rewrite the old destructive scenarios of your life for new ones - successful and prosperous: Master Class “”.

Imagine that we are simultaneously living many realities and timelines.

If we take the point of reference - moment of injury, then everything that was before that led to it and everything that happened after is one line of time.

From this point of reference, you move forward along one straight line, on which is the past, present and future.

If the trauma was in the past, then what do you reside in this moment- the consequences of this unresolved trauma.

Do you make a decision or feel an urgent need to heal trauma? go through a transformation, rewrite your emotional reaction.

It is clear that it is impossible to rewrite events that happened in the past.

But you can change your attitude, look at this situation, reconsider it from the point of view of the current worldview.

During this time, especially if the injury was inflicted many years ago, both the worldview and your attitude to life have changed.

And if you reconsider everything that happened from this point of view, the situation itself will not change, but your perception, your view of what happened, will completely different.

Once this is done, it appears second reference point.

And then already this time line on which you are located does not coincide with the straight line of time on which the injury was inflicted.

There we had a certain past that led to this trauma, the trauma itself, and everything that came after.

As soon as you rewrite this script, your attitude changes, you release the emotions locked in the body.

You are starting new time line which has a completely different future.

And since the time line is straight, so is the past. will be different.

Then we get a situation where there were some events in your life, but you remember them with difficulty, even if they were traumatic.

But not because you do not want to remember them, but because it is difficult for you to concentrate, to remember these moments.

The event itself becomes NOT IMPORTANT to you.

How to Prepare for Transformation

Transformation can be done on your own or through training.

If you start this process, be 100% ready for a deep dive into yourself and a review of all traumatic events.

Prepare for your perception to change. You completely and completely change your attitude and worldview.

If you have expressed your intention to participate in such a training, or if you want to go through the transformation yourself, be clearly aware that it easy to run, but if you are not ready to bring this process to a result, then it is better not to start it.

Otherwise, all the unprocessed situations that you have affected by this process will make themselves felt.

You pull on one thread, and after it, a whole bunch of problems, trials, injuries, difficulties that you had to go through are revealed.

Let's take a metaphor.

Imagine an aquarium with fish that have been there for a sufficient amount of time. The water is already muddy, at the bottom lies food, waste products.

When you start the process of transformation, it is like shaking the water in an aquarium, and the turbidity that settled on the walls, lay at the bottom, rises up.

You need to be ready for this. Nothing will be the same!

Before you find yourself in a new reality, you need to let go of everything that does not support you, cut off the tails that are pulled from the past.

4 levels of transformation and symptoms of its passage

Before embarking on the transformation process, know that it involves more than one issue.

It goes through many levels at once:

  1. Physics Level- physical body.
  2. Emotion level- emotional body.
  3. mental level thoughts, beliefs, habitual patterns of behavior.
  4. Spiritual Level- connection with the spirit.

Sometimes only one level is included. But most often the transformation process involves two or three levels at once.

Rarely are all four involved. But the revolution in consciousness, this quantum leap, takes place on several levels at once.

On the physical plane, chronic diseases are most often exacerbated, headaches, fever, and sudden pressure drops appear.

Perhaps the occurrence of symptoms of colds, flu. In fact, there is no disease.

In those places that are directly related to the injuries that you are working on, there will be pain.

If this process involves repressed emotions, unspoken words, the throat comes under direct attack. Hence the problems with the bronchi, tonsillitis.

If the emotional level is not worked out, then it comes up in the form:

  • Sudden mood swings, increased tearfulness in women.
    Increased irritability.
  • Immersion in states when you feel abandoned, betrayed, deceived.

Emotions locked in the body that have been stored there for many years come out with one goal - to be released. Therefore, do not lock up emotions.

This is an indication that there is a cleansing on an emotional level.

It is better to cry once than to swallow resentment, unspoken words. Because at this moment they go directly to the cells.

These trapped emotions subsequently lead to an internal explosion and inappropriate behavior.

To avoid this, use your throat center more often.

If the person with whom the conflict occurred is not in the mood for a peaceful conversation and for a discussion in the voice of the problems that have arisen, then write them down on paper. Throw it all out, don't keep it to yourself.

Go through 3 stages of emotional maturation to move from emotions to feelings.

If the transformation process affects the mental level - the level of thoughts, beliefs, in the head will appear insane amount of thoughts, which are no longer yours, but you do not understand where they come from.

This is an indicator that the process of transformation has affected the mental level.

Your beliefs may be questioned. You will begin to doubt whether I did the right thing, and whether there is any sense in this at all. Intrusive thoughts will appear.

Transformation on a spiritual level

Purification on a spiritual level is rare.

When you stop feeling connected with angels, mentors, you doubt whether you are going in the right direction, and whether it was necessary to do this at all.

There comes a deep inner disappointment in the help, in the path you are on.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, take extra care of yourself.

  • Set aside time for yourself to feel, experience this period.
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

If the transformation takes place on the physical level, take care of your physical body.

Give yourself more time for rest, good sleep, for those activities, hobbies that give you pleasure.

If these are emotions, allow yourself to feel them. But do not dive deep, realizing that there is a cleansing, recalibration of the emotional body.

If a feeling of abandonment or loneliness arises, accept that these emotions need to be lived so that they do not arise again in life.

mental level

We do not control what thoughts enter our head, but we have 100% control and control over what thoughts remain in our head.

If obsessive thoughts appear, memories from the past, beliefs in the correctness of the path are questioned, choose and decide which thought is worth digesting and which one should be focused on and which one should be skipped.

How to let go of intrusive thoughts: 2 exercises

Visualize or imagine that a thought or situation that you don't like appears.

Draw a bold red cross on it. This idea is no longer available.

When an intrusive thought comes up, say: "I've already thought about this idea".

This helps a lot to get away from the endless repetition of the same thoughts.

When the transformation process comes to an end, you, remembering your past situation, don't feel negative emotions.

Because all reactions, triggers, thoughts have already been worked out.

It was as if it was a part of your life, but so far away that there is only a slight memory that you can’t even dive into, because it no longer affects your life in any way.

This is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of work on yourself. If something in life has been worked out, it no longer causes any negative emotions.

It is recorded in memory files as a fact that it happened in your life.

But no emotions, including negative ones, no painful memories, it doesn't call.

This is what I call the term “clean work”.

This is a sign that you have COMPLETED the processing and put an end to the transformation.

Until next time :)

I urge you to be directors own life, and not be led on about the outdated traumatized subconscious reactions.

And may your mentors and Guardian Angels accompany you in this process!

Psychophysical symptoms of DNA transformation

1. Feeling as if you are in a pressure cooker of intense energy and, as a result, stress. Remember, in order to adjust to a higher vibration, you must eventually change. Old patterns of behavior and beliefs come to the surface in a conflicting form. Manage your behavior (self-control!) with the help of thought-orders. Tame your EGO, emotions, feelings...

2. Feeling disorientated, loss of sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore, but on the “fiery front line”! Both for body and spirit!

3. Unusual pain in different parts body. It is the previously blocked energies being released that vibrate in 3D as you vibrate in a higher dimension.

4. Waking up at night between 2 and 4 o'clock. A lot of things happen to us in dreams. “Space healers” work with our physical organs and subtle bodies during the night rest. Therefore, sometimes you may even need a break during these intense processes, and you wake up.

5. Forgetfulness. You notice behind you how some details fall out of your memory. And that's putting it mildly! The fact is that from time to time you are in the border zone, in more than one dimension, hanging out back and forth, and physical memory can simply be blocked at these moments.
In addition: The past is part of the old, and the old is gone forever.

6. Loss of identity. You are trying to access your past, but this is no longer possible. You can sometimes catch yourself feeling like you don't know who it is when you look at yourself in the mirror.

7. Experience "out of the body." You may feel as if someone is speaking for you, but it is not you. It is a natural survival defense mechanism when you are under stress. The body is under great pressure, and you are “in the moment” for a split second, as if leaving the body. So you don't have to experience what your body is going through right now. It lasts no more than a moment and passes.

8. Increased sensitivity to the environment. The crowd, the noise, the food, the cars, the TV, the loud voices - you can barely stand it all. You easily fall into a state of depression and, conversely, easily become overwhelmed and hyperexcited.
Your psyche is tuned to new, more subtle vibrations! Help yourself different ways relaxation!

9. Don't feel like doing anything? It's not laziness or depression. This is a 'reset' of your biocomputer. Don't force yourself. Your body knows what it needs. REST!

10. Intolerance to lower 3D vibrational phenomena, conversations, relationships, social structures, etc. They literally make you feel sick. You are growing, and no longer coincide with many and many of what surrounded you before and did not annoy you at all as now. It will fall off on its own, don't worry.

11. The sudden disappearance of some friends from your life, a change in habits, work, place of residence, diet ... You are spiritually rising, and these people no longer correspond to your vibrations. NEW will come soon and will be much better.

12. Days or periods of extreme fatigue. Your body loses density, thins out, undergoes intensive restructuring.

13. If you feel attacks low level blood sugar, eat more often. On the contrary, you may not want to eat at all.

14. Emotional destabilization, tearfulness ... All the emotions that you experienced before and accumulated in yourself come out. Rejoice! Don't hold back their exit!

15. Feeling that "the roof is going." It's OK. You open out-of-body experience and experience of other frequencies - that is, realities. Much has become available to you now. You're just not used to it. Your inner knowledge and intuition grows stronger and barriers disappear.

16. Anxiety and panic. Your EGO loses most of itself and is afraid. Your physiological system is under overload.

17. You are also losing the low vibration behaviors you have developed for yourself to survive in 3D. This can make you feel vulnerable and helpless. These patterns and patterns of behavior will soon be of no use to you at all. Just be patient and calm, wait.

18. Depression. The outside world does not match your needs and emotions. You are releasing the dark energies that were within you. Do not be afraid and do not prevent them from coming out, but try to transform them so that they do not harm others.

19. Dreams. Many people are aware that they experience unusually intense dreams.

20. Unexpected sweating and temperature fluctuations. Your body changes the “heating” system, cellular slags are burned, the remnants of the past are burned in your subtle fields.

21. Your plans suddenly change in the middle of the road and you start going in a completely different direction. Your soul is trying to balance your energy. Your soul knows more than you. Listen and trust your heart!

Many of those people who begin to radically change their lives, freeing themselves from the former limitations of consciousness, after some time begin to feel the symptoms of transformation. These can be allergic skin rashes, muscle pain, severe chills and fever, headaches, meteorological dependence ...

Do not be afraid, this is a good process, which means that you are freeing yourself from very uncomfortable, incompatible energies. The main property of these symptoms is undulation: sometimes it hurts a lot, sometimes it lets go; then knocks down, then "like a cucumber." If the symptoms proceed without "respite" - this is already a disease, that is, a serious and sustained immersion in negative emotions (and this means delusions) which is reflected in the body.

The degree of complexity of the transformation depends on several factors:

  • from the internal device (it is more difficult for sensitive natures)
  • on how much you “crushed” your freedom throughout your life (i.e. on the number of accumulated emotional blocks)
  • on the speed of the process - how fast do you want to go
  • from cosmic rays.

What should be done to live these states more comfortably?

In cases of acute and unusual discomfort AFTER some kind of awareness and study, it is to understand that you are not sick, and your body simply “catches up” with your consciousness and not frantically search for a “magic pill”. You need to deal with your resource on a regular basis.

The vital exercise "Grounding".

Do it regularly and believe within yourself that everything will pass. Walk as much as possible, no matter how bad you feel, look at the sky.

An excellent means of restoring the electro-magnetic balance of the body (and therefore emotions!) - salty foot baths. However primitive it may be, it is the most effective remedy. You put a candle in front of you, lower your feet into hot water, where you first need to put a decent handful of salt and you can drip a little eucalyptus or peppermint oil. And next to it is a ladle with cold water. And then a little hot water to pour.

Sit with a straight back and with the thought that everything flows into your legs. You feel how, simultaneously with the exhalation, heat passes through the spine and goes down, warming the pelvic region, as if you are sitting in a hot basin, then this hot energy flows under the knees and goes to the legs. And be sure to drain each leg with cold water at the end of this procedure. They poured it out with some water - they immediately put on a sock. And so for several days.

If you have physical strength, it is very good to take a whole salt bath. Not very hot, add a pack of ordinary rock salt to it and you can also have a little aroma oil that you feel comfortable with. And imagine that you are releasing black smoke like an octopus. You know, an octopus, when attacked, releases a cloud of inky liquid? So, imagine that you are lying in this bath, and all tension, all unnecessary, everything that interferes with love and understanding comes out of you. Lie down for 10 minutes, and then rinse off under a flowing shower, drain everything.

Nutrition at this time should be very light and in small portions. If you have a state of chills, burning, rashes, i.e. the energy of fire predominates, then a minimal sense of taste is necessary - exclude spicy, sour, salty. When feeling "dissolved" of oneself, on the contrary, a cup of hot chocolate or puree soup with a distinct taste can help.

You need to drink enough clean water. It's good if it is charged with Masaru Emoto's snowflakes. Scientists have proven that water remembers the crystal structure very well. And structured water is active water, and you can balance electrolyte processes with this water.

During this time, you cannot actively interact with people who annoy you. Find an opportunity to create a non-interference space for yourself at any cost. Allow everyone around you to behave as they want, and take care of yourself.
Most importantly, don't panic. Because if, in the presence of physical or emotional symptoms, you also panic, then the body is loaded a second time, and it happens like a storm in a teacup.

So, your salvation is breathing, fresh air, water, grounding, taking care of yourself and not judging anyone, first of all yourself.

In parallel with personal transformations, a massive transformation is taking place at the moment, the transformation of the physical fabric of being into a new quality.

There has never been a world in the Universe in which the physical fabric would be penetrated by God, penetrated by divine consciousness. And now, for the first time in history, we seem to be returning to the divine state, and our physical bodies are enveloped from the outside, pierced by the fire of the holy spirit. In scientific terms, this means that fundamentally new energies and laws are transmitted to the earth from the center of the galaxy, through the sun, for the first time. quantum physics began to spread not only to the microcosm, but also to ordinary life: the “observer” forms an event with his attitude, the power of thought has incomparably increased, the state of the substance of a living biological object depends on the mood.

The heavy energies of destructive programs accumulated over millennia (hatred of men for women, women for men, racial, class conflicts, fear of death, pain and hunger), which have formed over millennia on Earth, were recorded in the electromagnetic field of the planet, and therefore in our bodies . With each solar flare, these energies become incompatible with life and actively transform through our bodies. Therefore, those who have balanced personal problems can keenly feel the transformation of the planet itself.

What is expressed by symptoms of activation of the pineal gland - dizziness, jumps in excitability and prostration, "allergic" rhinitis and lacrimation, pain in unexpected places of the body.

The amazing miracle of man's creation in matter is that his physical body is simultaneously a cosmic body, and all our endocrine organs, all our systems that are directly connected with hormones, are portals to other dimensions. Therefore, at the time when your body is activated cosmic streams, the largest shock wave enters the organs that are responsible for hormonal supply, namely: numerous centers of the head (hypothalamus, pituitary gland), adrenal glands, ovaries, spleen, pancreas, liver, kidneys. Therefore, it turns out that physically we experience all sorts of unpleasant symptoms. But they are no longer associated with some of your personal lessons or mistakes, but simply with a strong movement of energies, which is unusual for the body.

The ongoing transformation is also supported by a high solar activity. The energies coming from the Sun now are the energies of love, the energies of harmonization. They are incompatible with the previous energies on the planet, and it is difficult for the body to adapt to them.

The question is why the majority of people do not get sick? Everyone gets sick, but in different ways. Those people who have not yet awakened are simply immune to high frequencies and their illnesses are more "common". If you have already begun to work with yourself, if you have begun to free your consciousness from stereotypes, if you have begun to try to look at people more wisely and kindly, if you have learned to forgive, then your cells radiate a completely different energy than the cells of that person who enjoys the gossip of neighbors. And your biology attracts high frequencies like a magnet. But because, I repeat, there are many old blocks and emotional suffering accumulated in all bodies, it is physically difficult for you.

The good news is that the power of self-programming increases in proportion to the arrival of new energies, therefore, by maintaining peace and trust in Life, you greatly facilitate the process of transformation and renewal of body cells.

The easiest way to experience uncomfortable states is to relax as much as possible and say: “Let everything flow in the most graceful and easy way. I allow all processes to proceed with the highest benefit for me and for everyone.

Remember that you are not alone. Each of us has a huge support team - a team of non-physical beings who are very interested in ensuring that everything is in order with our body, so that we are as balanced as possible. They will never allow anything known to be destructive to your body.

If you are very uncomfortable, ask for help from the guardian angels. They are just waiting for our requests, because we are all one. There are many variants of appeals, classical prayers, decrees. When we use the Power of the Spoken Word, we affect the cells of our body. You should not ask for “healing”, but calmness and faith, since only YOUR EMOTIONAL STATE CAN ALLeviate painful symptoms.

It is very important at the moment to love your body, to thank it. You must understand that the cells of the body are afraid because they receive such radiation for the first time.

Along with the intensification of the energy flow, there is also an increase in the sensitivity of our body, not only to external influences, but also to our thoughts. The body is intelligent, the smallest particles are intelligent, you can talk to everything, including the cells of the body. This information is not yet available in en masse, but the avant-garde direction of scientists already understands this. So just believe it and talk to your body. The effect is enormous when you say: "Dear body, calm down, we will get through this with you, let's breathe deeply."

You can persuade the cells of your body to perceive the current process not as shock therapy, but as intensive physical education, explain to them that there is no catastrophe, you just need to adapt to the new divine energies.
And get more rest - do not plan in such states of affairs, do not drive, allow yourself to sleep in the afternoon.

But we have entered an era when everything is much easier, you just have to make a choice and trust your nature.

The most important thing is to keep feeling that everything is okay with us, because every thought of anxiety and fear creates a dam that prevents the new energy from flowing through you easily.

Bless everything that happens to you and know that you are in the gentle hands of the Creator or Mother of the world. And since each of you carries a piece of God within you, deep down in your heart you know it all.

Love yourself, love your loved ones, love each other, give thanks to life, find every day a feeling of calm acceptance of everything that happens. Because only our focus, our directed attention facilitates the passage of new energies through us, including alleviating all kinds of symptoms.

And believe - you already have the right to live differently, easier and more magical, and life will definitely support you in this!
