Cleansing session with prayers. Cleansing the human energy shell with prayers

Often people are faced with the consequences of someone else's negative energy influence. To get rid of negativity, it is necessary to conduct a cleansing session with prayers and spells. Cleansing with prayers is an opportunity to calmly and safely perform an effective cleansing procedure by turning to the Guardian Angel or the Almighty. Words spoken with faith help and relieve worries, fears, and accumulated negative energy.

We cleanse the body daily. But in order to cleanse the aura and get rid of negativity at the energy level, it is necessary to perform certain rituals. In addition to cleansing the aura, it is recommended to periodically clean your own home and yard, since the unfavorable influence of the envious people and ill-wishers around us always leaves its mark.

As a result of the damage or evil eye sent, a person loses strength and begins to get sick. And it is not always possible to use medicine to help him get rid of his illnesses. Only sincere prayer and faith in the power of the Lord can help cleanse and heal. In addition to visiting church, confession and communion, you can perform certain rituals at home.

Strong prayers against induced damage and the evil eye

To regain your good spirits, get rid of negative program, it is necessary to cleanse the aura. The more negative things accumulate, the more often a person faces illness, depression or aggression. Cleaning is recommended twice a month to prevent strong accumulation of energetic dirt.

You need to wake up with the first rays of the sun. Pour holy water into a container and light a church candle. Looking at the rising sun, say the words of the prayer three times:

“Angel of the Lord, my protector, my keeper. Stand up for the protection of my spirit, let filth and evil spirits pass me by. May evil fate and human sin recede forever. May my soul not perish from the machinations of evil spirits, may the evil one never take possession of my soul. I will bow my head before the will of the Lord Almighty, in the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

To cleanse the aura, prayer is also used to Simeon the Receiver of God. You also need to light a candle and say a prayer over the holy water:

“God's saint, Simeon. I ask for your help, protect my sinful soul, grant it salvation. Protect from the evil one. May the merciful Lord give me his protection from the unclean, from evil eyes and envious ones, from evil words and thoughts, from the atrocities of others. Our Father, forgive all my sins. Amen".

Orthodox prayers that cleanse the home and soul

There is an effective ritual for cleansing your home of negative energy. It is performed on Maundy Thursday. It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the house, get rid of old things, unnecessary rubbish, and garbage. Next you need to take a bath or shower. When you swim, imagine that all negativity and illnesses are washed away from you along with the streams of water. Next, you need to light a church candle in front of the icons and read the prayer:

“At confession in church before the holy altar, people cleanse their souls. Water from clean sources washes away all dirt from the body. So let both my soul and body be cleansed on this Maundy Thursday, on this bright holiday, and I will wash away all the bad things. Let all evil, all resentment, disobedience, intemperance, devilish blasphemy, bad rumors, evil talk, demonic disputes go away. So let it be as I read it in the bright hour on a good day. Amen".

After this ritual, you need to go to the temple, confess and take communion. With the help of such a ritual, you can cleanse your aura and get rid of a negative karmic program. There is also an effective ritual for cleaning your home and yard. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a thick church candle. Take it in your right hand and set it on fire. Next, turn to face the entrance doors. Move slowly clockwise, read the Lord's Prayer, and clean all the rooms in turn. Stop near each corner and make the sign of the cross three times using a candle.

At the end you must return to where you started. Before the front door, also read the Lord’s Prayer and put out the candle flame with your fingers. It is important that at this time, while you perform the ritual, there is no one in the house. This applies to family members and pets. No one should interfere or distract. After you have cleaned your home, it is also important to perform certain rituals over the mirrors. You will need a new spark plug. Approach each mirror in turn, reading the Lord's Prayer, and move the candle. At the end of the prayer, cross the mirror surface three times. Perform the same actions on icons, photographs and other images that are on the walls. After completing the rituals, you need to collect all the candle stubs and throw them away at the nearest intersection.

Short prayers to cleanse the aura

To cleanse your aura, read the following prayer throughout the day:

“Sins will go away, the evil one will not touch you. A pure soul, open to the forces of light.”

Repeat for seven days. Then go to church, take Holy Communion and confess to the priest.

Cleansing ourselves with the help of spells

To eliminate negative energy, you can use conspiracies. The ritual is performed in the warm season. Fill a basin or any other container with water early in the morning, when the sun just appears below the horizon. Light a church candle, move it over the water and say:

“Helper water, you wash the shores and stones with your streams. You give life to plants and all living things. Help me, God's servant (name), cleanse myself of illnesses, sorrows, evil eyes and slander. Let my soul be strengthened, every cell of my body cleansed. Let it be so".

Pour all the water from the basin onto yourself. This ritual can be repeated a month later.

The ritual is also performed using the following attributes:

  • icon;
  • church candle;
  • a pack of rice;
  • new dishes.

Magical actions are performed during the waning moon. Get up early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun. Place rice on the stove and let it cook. Don't try it. When the porridge is cooked, pour it into two new plates. Place one in front of the icon, and the second in front of a lit candle. Then say these words:

“Holy Virgin Mary, bless. Protect my family from black eyes, from inevitable disaster. May all my loved ones not pay for the sins of their ancestors, may they not grieve. Let the heavy cross leave my entire family. So let it be as it is said.”

I'm going to make the sign of the cross three times. Let it sit on the table, then give the rice to stray dogs. The food that stood in front of the candle is divided among all family members.

If you cannot carry out rituals of cleansing your home or yourself on your own, it is recommended to turn to a professional magician or sorcerer.

The most detailed description: prayer cleansing session - for our readers and subscribers.

Cleansing with prayers is an opportunity to calmly and safely perform an effective cleansing procedure by turning to the Guardian Angel or the Almighty. Words spoken with faith help and relieve worries, fears, and accumulated negative energy.

Cleansing with prayers and spells

Every day, every person takes a shower to wash off the dirt that has accumulated during the day from the body. However, not many people think about the fact that periodically it is also necessary to carry out cleansing with prayers, cleansing one’s own soul, aura and karma. Since any disease is an imprint that remains from personal and other people’s thoughts, damage or evil eye ever caused.

In addition to the human soul, the aura of the house should also be periodically cleansed. Very often, damage is caused to a home in order to affect everyone living in the room. There are also cases when damage caused to one of the household members spreads to the energy of the living space and affects all relatives. Therefore, cleansing the soul should begin with cleansing the home.

To cleanse the house, you can invite a priest or do the ceremony yourself with the help of prayers. To do this, you need to arm yourself with church candles and clear your apartment of strangers. Negative influence various types you can remove it yourself strong prayer"Our Father".

How to perform the ritual?

To conduct a cleansing session with prayers and spells at home, you should pick up a candle and light it. Then stand facing the front door and walk along all the walls clockwise. At each corner you need to stop and cross the corner three times with a candle.

If there are corners in the house that are filled with furniture and there is no access to them, you can consecrate them from a distance. After the cleansing session with prayers, you need to return to the starting position, stand facing the front door. Experienced experts in this area advise reading the Lord’s Prayer again and extinguishing the candle with your fingers.

After cleaning the room, you should clean mirrors and mirror surfaces with prayers and spells. For this ritual you should take a new candle. When approaching each mirror, you need to read “Our Father” and cross the smooth surface three times. The same ritual must be done with icons, paintings and photographs that are on the walls of the house. After the cleansing ritual, the candle should be extinguished with your fingers and the remaining cinders should be thrown away.

Orthodox prayers

To carry out proper cleansing, it is necessary to use Orthodox prayers with the text for Christ, because they are the most powerful in the fight against damage and the evil eye. They should be read when you feel someone else’s envy or hatred, as well as in cases where the biofield has suffered from real black magic. For prevention purposes, cleansing with prayers is necessary. Orthodox prayers can create a powerful shield that will block the way to unkind rituals and negative energy.

Orthodox prayers include both texts that were written by the great ascetics of Piety and by real soldiers of Christ many years ago. A fresh opus written by our contemporaries will also be considered an Orthodox prayer.

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker enjoys special trust among Orthodox Christians, since with its help one can get rid of various slander and protect oneself from dark forces. Saint Nicholas is merciful and kind to every believer.

Cleansing through prayers must be approached with all seriousness. To do this, you should choose a quiet place where the person saying the prayer could retire. It is best to recite sacred texts in complete silence, so that no extraneous sounds distract from the ritual.

Reaching out for help Orthodox prayers In order to cleanse the aura, do not forget that prayer texts must be said in cycles. As a rule, 7 days in a row, after which 1 time per month to maintain the positive effect.

Prayers should be said several times a day. In order for the biofield to be completely saturated with positive energy and the expected effect to be achieved, it is recommended to say the prayer 7-8 times.

If a believer has a desire to cleanse the energy of his neighbor with the help of prayers, he needs to make sure how stable he is in his faith. It is allowed to pray for him without his knowledge, but if there is a desire to cleanse another person from damage, his presence is mandatory. Since the prayer text must be pronounced above his head.

Do not forget that while saying a prayer, you may feel a slight malaise, nausea or dizziness. Such symptoms indicate that the human biofield at this time is cleared of negative energy.

The karma of each person can be cleared by listening to the album, which was recorded by composer Lucien Chamballani and the white magician Vitaly Vedun. This collection contains prayers and spells to cleanse the aura, which will be useful to people suffering various diseases, evil eye and damage. This album is a fairly powerful and effective cleansing on a subtle level, which will help anyone who is tired of the social bustle to breathe in a breath of pure energy.

Listening to the album takes 27 minutes. This is one session. To completely cleanse yourself, you need to conduct three sessions, that is, listen to the compositions for three days in a row. In order to enhance the effect, experienced specialists recommend lighting a candle and looking at it during the session. If while listening to prayers a person begins to feel unwell, this is a kind of indicator that he has been damaged or has the evil eye.


With the help of regularly used Orthodox prayers and conspiracies, you can cleanse your biofield of various entities and demons, as well as put the energy of your home in order. However, we should not forget that the result will be positive only when the prayer text is aimed at a good deed, does not cause fear and contradictions in the person praying, and does not run counter to faith and morality.

Watch the clip: Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage. online, download

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Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage.

The purpose of the session is to expel low astral entities from the human body. It can also be used to cleanse rooms of negativity.

A prayer cleansing session is not an exorcism session.

it will have a much greater effect.

What is this? and what to do?

4. Live according to God's law.

Cleansing prayer session

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and how many were found

Be sure to read it to understand whether you need it.

In order not to fall into error, you should not consider this session a panacea for all troubles and misfortunes.

This is just an appeal to God. Your personal conversation with him.

We can say that this is the first step on the path of spiritual development.

You, turning to face him, ask him to give you the strength to move on.

And they will give you strength to grow spiritually.

And this is a new, completely different life.

First of all, you need to find a spiritual teacher.

Be baptized if you are not baptized.

Confess your sins and sin no more.

Attend divine services in the temple and observe fasts.

If you don’t do all this, your situation will become even worse than it was before you listened to this session.

This is a very powerful and effective cleansing on the subtle plane. Helps absolutely everyone. To enhance the effect of this session, it is recommended to light a candle and look at it while listening. You will spend only half an hour of your time, but you will receive relief, calmness and strength to continue living and rejoice with even greater intensity. Of course, this is not a miracle cure for all ailments, but it is a breath of pure energy and strength for a soul tired of the social bustle.

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Cleansing session with prayers and spells

Be sure to read it to understand whether you need it.

In order not to fall into error, you should not consider this session a panacea for all troubles and misfortunes.

This is just an appeal to God. Your personal conversation with him.

We can say that this is the first step on the path of spiritual development.

You, turning to face him, ask him to give you the strength to move on.

And they will give you strength to grow spiritually.

And this is a new, completely different life.

First of all, you need to find a spiritual teacher.

Be baptized if you are not baptized.

Confess your sins and sin no more.

Attend divine services in the temple and observe fasts.

If you don’t do all this, your situation will become even worse than it was before you listened to this session.

This is a very powerful and effective cleansing on the subtle plane. Helps absolutely everyone. To enhance the effect of this session, it is recommended to light a candle and look at it while listening. You will spend only half an hour of your time, but you will receive relief, calmness and strength to continue living and rejoice with even greater intensity. Of course, this is not a miracle cure for all ailments, but it is a breath of pure energy and strength for a soul tired of the social bustle. Prayer for the return of energies. Forgiveness. A very powerful prayer! Alive in help 40 times in a row PSALM 90 40 times. Strong prayer for children in front of the icon of the Mother of God (female voice). cleansing premises of negative energies and entities. Lucien Shamballani Vitaly Vedun - Cleansing with prayers. Orthodoxy. Prayer. Akathist to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Church. ✣ EVENING PRAYERS before bed – Have a blessed rest! Reiki healing music – harmonization of consciousness. ‘Merciful Father’ (song to the very heart). A strong protective prayer from enemies! (Psalm 26). ☦ Prayer against the evil eye, damage and disease ☦. Prayer - To punish enemies and offenders. (Curse of Judas). .

Cleansing prayer session

Odsłony: 2 465 785

Dodany: 2013-03-22 19:05:52

Author: Lucien Chamballani

Cleansing session with prayers and spells

Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage.

Bell ringing Space cleansing and healing

Bell ringing.Cleaning the house.Super quality.wmv.

To cleanse the house every day, prayer. From swearing, drunkenness, from ill-wishers.

Be sure to read it to understand whether you need it.

In order not to fall into error, you should not consider this session a panacea for all troubles and misfortunes.

This is just an appeal to God. Your personal conversation with him.

We can say that this is the first step on the path of spiritual development.

You, turning to face him, ask him to give you the strength to move on.

And they will give you strength to grow spiritually.

And this is a new, completely different life.

First of all, you need to find a spiritual teacher.

Be baptized if you are not baptized.

Confess your sins and sin no more.

Attend divine services in the temple and observe fasts.

If you don’t do all this, your situation will become even worse than it was before you listened to this session.

This is a very powerful and effective cleansing on the subtle plane. Helps absolutely everyone. To enhance the effect of this session, it is recommended to light a candle and look at it while listening. You will spend only half an hour of your time, but you will receive relief, calmness and strength to continue living and rejoice with even greater intensity. Of course, this is not a miracle cure for all ailments, but it is a breath of pure energy and strength for a soul tired of the social bustle.

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Cleansing prayer session

Be sure to read it to understand whether you need it.

In order not to fall into error, you should not consider this session a panacea for all troubles and misfortunes.

This is just an appeal to God. Your personal conversation with him.

We can say that this is the first step on the path of spiritual development.

You, turning to face him, ask him to give you the strength to move on.

And they will give you strength to grow spiritually.

And this is a new, completely different life.

First of all, you need to find a spiritual teacher.

Be baptized if you are not baptized.

Confess your sins and sin no more.

Attend divine services in the temple and observe fasts.

If you don’t do all this, your situation will become even worse than it was before you listened to this session.

This is a very powerful and effective cleansing on the subtle plane. Helps absolutely everyone. To enhance the effect of this session, it is recommended to light a candle and look at it while listening. You will spend only half an hour of your time, but you will receive relief, calmness and strength to continue living and rejoice with even greater intensity. Of course, this is not a miracle cure for all ailments, but it is a breath of pure energy and strength for a soul tired of the social bustle.

Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage.

Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage.

The purpose of the session is to expel low astral entities from the human body. It can also be used to cleanse rooms of negativity.

It is the negativity in our body or home that is the cause of all diseases.

A cleansing session with prayers is not an exorcism session.

For severe pain, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, troubles, depression, laziness, psychopathy, schizophrenia, and even alcohol poisoning, you can use the session.

The need to pray has already been scientifically proven and confirmed by the smartest people in the world.

What is the secret of prayer? why does it help? and how to do it correctly?

There are many questions and the answers to them are different.

The correct answers to all questions are in the Gospel in the New and Old Testaments.

This is the basic book necessary for human life.

If you want to live and be healthy, happy, and have success in any business, then

Every day we are faced with controversial situations, forced to make choices and

You cannot do without basic knowledge in life. For the last hundred years, we have been taught the wrong

Many shout the Apocalypse, but in the Gospel this is the approach of the Kingdom of God.

What is this? and what to do?

These questions have answers in the Law of God; everything is described in great detail and is clear.

1. Find a spiritual mentor.

2. Be baptized (If you are not baptized)

3. Confess and receive communion.

4. Live according to God's law.

5. Attend services in the Temple.

6. Make charitable donations.

7. Thank God for helping you solve your problems.

There is no need to fall into the delusion that you can get a chance from God as many times as you want.

Exorcism, proofreading, cleansing prayer. Exorcism of demons.

These prayers are an Orthodox proofreading or, in other words, an exorcism. I strongly advise you to be patient at least once and listen to the entire video.

Notice the next day how your life begins to change in better side.

If you liked it, don’t forget to “like” and subscribe to my channel. New videos are added regularly. God bless you!

Prayer against damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil.


I want to share with you the most powerful prayer against witchcraft and corruption that I have.

This is the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian. If the climate in the family has changed dramatically or illnesses are clinging one after another, for no apparent reason, when you know that they are casting a spell on you and your family or wishing harm, READ this prayer EVERY DAY, naming the names of those for whom you are asking, until there will be improvement. You can read over his head for a child. Adults read on their own.

You can recite this prayer over water and give it to the “spoiled.”

To read the prayer, make a video in full screen, click on the gear and select 720p HD quality for high-definition text.

If you liked it, don’t forget to “LIKE” and SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker changing fate in 40 days

Bell ringing Space cleansing and healing

Cleansing space and healing with bell ringing. Experience of healers.

Bell ringing.Cleaning the house.Super quality.wmv.

Bell ringing for cleansing the house download 125 tracks of the best bell ringing here:

find out about the miracles that happen on invisible spiritual planes when the bell rings.

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Prayer for the return of energies. Forgiveness. A very powerful prayer!

Prayer for the return of energies is a powerful work with forgiveness.

All negativity is removed. The vicious circle of unforgiveness and claims is broken, because all negative energies are first completely purified, passed through all kinds of filters, and only then in its purest form returns to the offender. Bringing relief, forgiveness and harmony to both sides in the relationship.

My article: “Lapel? Or maybe it would be better to harmonize relations?” Read here:

To cleanse the house every day, prayer. From swearing, drunkenness, from ill-wishers.

Torsunov lectures. Ask your question in the comments and receive an online video answer from Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov! When is a person happy? When he knows how to act, how to live, how to find a way out difficult situation. Knowledge is happiness. This channel was created to bring knowledge to people and make them happier. Subscribe to the channel: and get answers to all your life questions!

Listening to free online lectures by Oleg Torsunov, in which he talks about the relationship between a man and a woman, the daily routine, the causes of health problems and much more that worries every person who wants to become happy.

Watch the playlist, a selection of videos from lectures by Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov on laws happy life:

Prayer – To punish enemies and offenders. (Curse of Judas)

Watch this video in full screen, click on the gear and select 720 resolution for high definition.

Psalm 108. Vengeance on enemies.

Here I want to offer a prayer that can be called “revenge on enemies.” Not for protection from them, but to receive retribution for the evil inflicted by these enemies, when the strength to defend and endure is running out.

Among the so-called “Psalms of David” is Psalm 108, which was intended by the church to curse Judas for his betrayal of God. IN Orthodox Church previously it was used to impose a church curse on people who have committed serious crimes and whom justice cannot reach (where the law fails, God's retribution will reach).

If there are several enemies, then one person - one reading for him. These are not “weapons of mass destruction.”

God himself will determine how to punish the enemy who went against people, against the commandments of God.

You don't curse, you PRAY! The text says: “And I pray.” Everything is already stated in the Psalm. You don't need anything more than what is said there.

God himself will measure his punishment, and be grateful for it.

If you liked it, don’t forget to “like” and subscribe to my channel. New videos are added regularly. God bless you!

Cleansing with prayers is an opportunity to calmly and safely perform an effective cleansing procedure by turning to the Guardian Angel or the Almighty. Words spoken with faith help and relieve worries, fears, and accumulated negative energy.

Cleansing with prayers and spells

Every day, every person takes a shower to wash off the dirt that has accumulated during the day from the body. However, not many people think about the fact that periodically it is also necessary to carry out cleansing with prayers, cleansing one’s own soul, aura and karma. Since any disease is an imprint that remains from personal and other people’s thoughts, damage or evil eye ever caused.

In addition to the human soul, the aura of the house should also be periodically cleansed. Very often, damage is caused to a home in order to affect everyone living in the room. There are also cases when damage caused to one of the household members spreads to the energy of the living space and affects all relatives. Therefore, cleansing the soul should begin with cleansing the home.

To cleanse the house, you can invite a priest or do the ceremony yourself with the help of prayers. To do this, you need to arm yourself with church candles and clear your apartment of strangers. The negative influence of various types can be removed with the most powerful prayer, “Our Father.”

How to perform the ritual?

To conduct a cleansing session with prayers and spells at home, you should pick up a candle and light it. Then stand facing the front door and walk along all the walls clockwise. At each corner you need to stop and cross the corner three times with a candle.

If there are corners in the house that are filled with furniture and there is no access to them, you can consecrate them from a distance. After the cleansing session with prayers, you need to return to the starting position, stand facing the front door. Experienced experts in this area advise reading the Lord’s Prayer again and extinguishing the candle with your fingers.

After cleaning the room, you should clean mirrors and mirror surfaces with prayers and spells. For this ritual you should take a new candle. When approaching each mirror, you need to read “Our Father” and cross the smooth surface three times. The same ritual must be done with icons, paintings and photographs that are on the walls of the house. After the cleansing ritual, the candle should be extinguished with your fingers and the remaining cinders should be thrown away.

Orthodox prayers

To carry out proper cleansing, it is necessary to use Orthodox prayers with the text for Christ, because they are the most powerful in the fight against damage and the evil eye. They should be read when you feel someone else’s envy or hatred, as well as in cases where the biofield has suffered from real black magic. For prevention purposes, cleansing with prayers is necessary. Orthodox prayers can create a powerful shield that will block the way to unkind rituals and negative energy.

Orthodox prayers include both texts that were written by the great ascetics of Piety and by real soldiers of Christ many years ago. A fresh opus written by our contemporaries will also be considered an Orthodox prayer.

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker enjoys special trust among Orthodox Christians, since with its help one can get rid of various slander and protect oneself from dark forces. Saint Nicholas is merciful and kind to every believer.

Cleansing through prayer must be approached with the utmost seriousness. To do this, you should choose a quiet place where the person saying the prayer could retire. It is best to recite sacred texts in complete silence, so that no extraneous sounds distract from the ritual.

When resorting to Orthodox prayers to cleanse the aura, do not forget that prayer texts must be said in cycles. As a rule, 7 days in a row, after which 1 time per month to maintain the positive effect.

Prayers should be said several times a day. In order for the biofield to be completely saturated with positive energy and the expected effect to be achieved, it is recommended to say the prayer 7-8 times.

If a believer has a desire to cleanse the energy of his neighbor with the help of prayers, he needs to make sure how stable he is in his faith. It is allowed to pray for him without his knowledge, but if there is a desire to cleanse another person from damage, his presence is mandatory. Since the prayer text must be pronounced above his head.

Do not forget that while saying a prayer, you may feel a slight malaise, nausea or dizziness. Such symptoms indicate that the human biofield at this time is cleared of negative energy.

Cleansing session with prayers and spells

The karma of each person can be cleared by listening to the album, which was recorded by composer Lucien Chamballani and the white magician Vitaly Vedun. This collection contains prayers and conspiracies to cleanse the aura, which will be useful to people suffering from various diseases, evil eyes and damage. This album is a fairly powerful and effective cleansing on a subtle level, which will help anyone who is tired of the social bustle to breathe in a breath of pure energy.

Listening to the album takes 27 minutes. This is one session. To completely cleanse yourself, you need to conduct three sessions, that is, listen to the compositions for three days in a row. In order to enhance the effect, experienced specialists recommend lighting a candle and looking at it during the session. If while listening to prayers a person begins to feel unwell, this is a kind of indicator that he has been damaged or has the evil eye.


With the help of regularly used Orthodox prayers and conspiracies, you can cleanse your biofield of various entities and demons, as well as put the energy of your home in order. However, we should not forget that the result will be positive only when the prayer text is aimed at a good deed, does not cause fear and contradictions in the person praying, and does not run counter to faith and morality.

We will try to answer the question in detail: cleansing prayer and conspiracies on the site: the site is for our dear readers.

For many years, scientists have been trying to study the energetic effects on the human body of such phenomena as prayers, internal work, meditation, creative hobbies, and joyful experiences. Cleansing with prayers has only a positive and healing effect. When special devices are connected to a person during prayer work, they record the process of normalization of pulse, pressure, blood composition and other important parameters.

How to properly perform cleansing with prayers?

Cleansing with prayers must be carried out taking into account the established rules that were set out 1500 years ago. But now not all people understand their importance and meaning. Prayers should not just be read, but have meaning and create creation. That is, every person who wants to cleanse his own body must pray with his soul, feelings and emotions. Then, in the process of reading, an image of unity with the Higher Principles and God himself will be created.

When a person directly turns to God through prayer, he is completely cleansed of bad actions and thoughts. In this way, one can prepare for the perception of heavenly influence and subtle cosmic energy. Then cleansing prayers will be beneficial for a person. Grace and balance will be reborn in the heart.

Why is prayer needed?

Everyone knows that all diseases arise after stressful situations, which are increasingly occurring in Everyday life. Every day hundreds of people experience sensory experiences. In order to restore your health, you need to pay special attention to these emotions. Cleansing with prayers and asking God helps you relax and calm down. They are able to neutralize the negative impact, because the Mind works during reading. It sends impulses of health, well-being, healing and purification.

Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that if a person, while reading a prayer, was guided by such components as Mind, Life and Soul, then he underwent complete cleansing. In this way, you can get rid of damage and curses, improve and completely restore your own health. A large number of people were able to cleanse themselves of negative thoughts and illnesses forever.

The main mechanism of cleansing prayer

Cleansing with prayers helps to release and neutralize all negative potentials from the aura. It is very important that a person repents and goes through the process of reconciliation, then he will have an exclusively positive charge inside. Girls and children undergo a purification process, and men restore their own health.

The main feature of any prayer is its systematicity. It has been noted more than once that after regular morning rituals a person is given health and internal strength. Such days turn out well and become favorable for any endeavors. But don’t forget about evening cleansing prayers, which can neutralize possible stresses that arise during the day. Thanks to this simple ritual you can calm down nervous system, normalize physiological indicators and immerse yourself in a healthy night sleep.

The Importance of Proper Praying for Healing

Today, many people are constantly faced with various diseases and want to get rid of them completely. Correct prayer for healing will help cope with such problems. You should not think that the body itself can destroy diseases; such thinking does not correspond to the will of God. You need to read the Epistle of James and understand his writings to find answers to your questions.

The Bible says that healing a person is the will of God, so it is necessary not only to pray every day, but also to accept the Lord himself. In these scriptures you need to find places where there is a mention of healing from all kinds of diseases. They are read exclusively out loud, then these words will fall into the person’s heart. Such a prayer for healing will help the patient believe in his recovery.

If a person regularly attends church, but the illness does not recede, then it is necessary to think about the reasons. First of all, you should learn to correctly address the Lord and the saints and sincerely ask for healing. As an example, we can cite an appeal to Saint Matrona, who helps many people to heal: “O blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on earth, and with the grace given to you from above, exuding various miracles.”

The effect of conspiracies and their help to man

Cleansing with prayers and spells is the pronunciation of magic words and formulas so that a person can be healed of various ailments. The combinations and rhythm of pronunciation include certain vibrations that activate energy characteristics. When a person resorts to a conspiracy, then all spoken words are aimed directly at solving specific healing problems. This is how the human energy field is influenced.

Physical and energy body Each person has a special connection, so after a certain time you can notice a very visible result in the field of physiology. The disease will gradually recede, and the general condition will improve. People often report an increase in vitality and mental stability.

Cleansing and healing sessions from Vitaly Vedun

Today, Vitaly Vedun helps people with various illnesses by singing psalms and prayers. Cleansing with prayers is a kind of healing balm for a wounded soul. Every person who regularly listens to the singing of psalms will be able to come into contact with the main Orthodox prayers. Vitaly Vedun is a dedicated person who has enormous power, so he can give healing to all believers.

During the first sessions, uncomfortable sensations may appear, this natural process. The person’s condition will gradually return to normal after the end of the prayer.

How to cleanse yourself with prayers?

For each of us, taking an evening shower is a matter of course. Water helps to wash away dirt, dust, sweat, and almost always after this procedure a person feels light and good. And taking a shower is one example of the benefits of cleansing, in this case cleansing the body.

However, a standard shower does not help cleanse a person’s energy shell, in which various negative impacts and influences can accumulate. Cleansing with prayers is what will help. This ritual should be carried out several times a year for prevention, as well as in situations where you feel a bad influence on yourself, have become a victim of a love spell, damage, or the evil eye.

When is cleaning used?

There are a number of situations in which cleansing with prayerful words will not hurt a person; in some situations, it is simply necessary.

These situations include the following:

If you feel great, and diagnostic testing for identifying negative effects shows a negative result, then cleansing with prayers can be carried out for prevention. Why is that? Every day we meet different people, some of them treat us well, some not so much. And all people’s thoughts, wishes, envy can accumulate and negatively affect a person. Naturally, we are not talking about something strong here, but to continue a happy life, it is best to carry out cleansing.

  • Negative feelings.

    If you are not feeling quite well, and diagnostics using an egg or wax will help identify negative impacts does not show anything, you can perform a cleansing. After all, too small and weak influences may not be visible at the time of diagnosis, and if a person is very sensitive, then these influences can spoil his mood and interfere with achieving his goal.

  • The presence of damage, evil eye, curse.

    And, of course, if a ritual with an egg or wax has confirmed the presence of a love spell, damage, curse or evil eye on a person, he simply needs to be cleaned. Moreover, cleansing can be long-lasting if the impact was strong. In addition, if, say, you have a love spell, then other rituals may be required to remove the negative impact.

  • Prayer for Healing

    Nowadays, very often people are faced with the fact that they cannot completely get rid of a disease or illness. Just like you can’t learn to feel good, happy and satisfied with life. The Bible says that complete healing of a person is something that depends solely on the will of the Lord. That is why any cleansing involves turning to God and asking for help.

    However, if you regularly attend church, read prayers, but nothing changes in your life, then you need to think about the reasons. Maybe you are not sincere or not with with a pure heart read prayers and ask for help. In addition, you should pay attention to your lifestyle, attitude towards other people, purity of thoughts and desires.

    The Lord's Prayer is considered the most popular cleansing prayer that Orthodox people can use. To perform the ceremony you need to know it by heart. Magic words are read with lit church candles. As a rule, seven repetitions of prayer words are enough. This can be done early in the morning or late in the evening.

    Please note that for preventive purposes, the ceremony can be performed at any time, regardless of lunar calendar. However, if the negative impact has been confirmed by diagnostics, then it is best to remove it in the waning month, like any other rituals for deliverance.

    For preventive purposes, seven days of reading prayer may be sufficient. This is done every day, without missing a single day, and preferably at the same time. So, if you chose the morning hours, then throughout the entire period of the ritual, it is recommended to do this in the morning.

    Also, with the help of “Our Father” you can cleanse your home of negative influences. To do this, you need to pick up a lit church candle and with it, reading a prayer on each wall while you draw the candle around the perimeter, repeat the prayer once. These actions will help cleanse your home of negative influences, evil people and bad atmosphere.

    If at the time of performing the ritual you do not feel very well, then this is confirmation that the energy of you or your home is quite polluted. By bad sensations we mean yawning, coughing, hiccups, nausea, and so on.

    Prayer to the Saints

    This prayer helps in the fight against polluted energy and can be used both for preventive purposes and to get rid of negative influences (love spell, evil eye, damage, curse). It is read for one month, every day, at the same time.

    If you are performing a ritual for prevention, then five to seven days is enough.

    “I appeal to the Holy Martyrs, Messengers of God!

    With one request, with a prayer!

    From everything negative, from the dark, from the black

    Help me get rid of it.

    I’m not asking you to return everything bad to the people who sent it to me!

    And I ask you to help me cleanse myself, send illnesses and illnesses to nowhere,

    Send damage, evil eyes and curses into the abyss,

    Remove everything dark from me and send it into the abyss.

    As the Lord God taught to forgive and love everyone,

    So I forgive and love! I don't ask for anything else!

    Only about protection and support, so as not to deviate from the intended path,

    Don’t give in to temptations, don’t denigrate your soul!

    Trusting in the help and support of the Holy Helpers,

    I hope on God’s mercy, I ask for support!

    Prayer words are said seven times. After reading, you may feel lighter, but it is the negative feelings at the time of reading and after that that are evidence that all the bad things are coming out of you. The best option is to learn the prayer by heart and read it until you feel good and feel that you have gotten rid of the negative impact.

    Good afternoon. Tell me if I don’t know any prayers other than “Our Father”, I’m not baptized, can I clear the case by reading prayers online. Thank you.

    Hello. If you don't believe in God, then prayers won't help you.

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    Cleansing with prayers and spells

    Cleansing with prayers is an opportunity to calmly and safely perform an effective cleansing procedure by turning to the Guardian Angel or the Almighty. Words spoken with faith help and relieve worries, fears, and accumulated negative energy.

    Cleansing with prayers and spells

    Every day, every person takes a shower to wash off the dirt that has accumulated during the day from the body. However, not many people think about the fact that periodically it is also necessary to carry out cleansing with prayers, cleansing one’s own soul, aura and karma. Since any disease is an imprint that remains from personal and other people’s thoughts, damage or evil eye ever caused.

    In addition to the human soul, the aura of the house should also be periodically cleansed. Very often, damage is caused to a home in order to affect everyone living in the room. There are also cases when damage caused to one of the household members spreads to the energy of the living space and affects all relatives. Therefore, cleansing the soul should begin with cleansing the home.

    To cleanse the house, you can invite a priest or do the ceremony yourself with the help of prayers. To do this, you need to arm yourself with church candles and clear your apartment of strangers. The negative influence of various types can be removed with the most powerful prayer, “Our Father.”

    How to perform the ritual?

    To conduct a cleansing session with prayers and spells at home, you should pick up a candle and light it. Then stand facing the front door and walk along all the walls clockwise. At each corner you need to stop and cross the corner three times with a candle.

    If there are corners in the house that are filled with furniture and there is no access to them, you can consecrate them from a distance. After the cleansing session with prayers, you need to return to the starting position, stand facing the front door. Experienced experts in this area advise reading the Lord’s Prayer again and extinguishing the candle with your fingers.

    After cleaning the room, you should clean mirrors and mirror surfaces with prayers and spells. For this ritual you should take a new candle. When approaching each mirror, you need to read “Our Father” and cross the smooth surface three times. The same ritual must be done with icons, paintings and photographs that are on the walls of the house. After the cleansing ritual, the candle should be extinguished with your fingers and the remaining cinders should be thrown away.

    Orthodox prayers

    To carry out proper cleansing, it is necessary to use Orthodox prayers with the text for Christ, because they are the most powerful in the fight against damage and the evil eye. They should be read when you feel someone else’s envy or hatred, as well as in cases where the biofield has suffered from real black magic. For prevention purposes, cleansing with prayers is necessary. Orthodox prayers can create a powerful shield that will block the way to unkind rituals and negative energy.

    Orthodox prayers include both texts that were written by the great ascetics of Piety and by real soldiers of Christ many years ago. A fresh opus written by our contemporaries will also be considered an Orthodox prayer.

    The prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker enjoys special trust among Orthodox Christians, since with its help one can get rid of various slander and protect oneself from dark forces. Saint Nicholas is merciful and kind to every believer.

    Cleansing through prayers must be approached with all seriousness. To do this, you should choose a quiet place where the person saying the prayer could retire. It is best to recite sacred texts in complete silence, so that no extraneous sounds distract from the ritual.

    When resorting to Orthodox prayers to cleanse the aura, do not forget that prayer texts must be said in cycles. As a rule, 7 days in a row, after which 1 time per month to maintain the positive effect.

    Prayers should be said several times a day. In order for the biofield to be completely saturated with positive energy and the expected effect to be achieved, it is recommended to say the prayer 7-8 times.

    If a believer has a desire to cleanse the energy of his neighbor with the help of prayers, he needs to make sure how stable he is in his faith. It is allowed to pray for him without his knowledge, but if there is a desire to cleanse another person from damage, his presence is mandatory. Since the prayer text must be pronounced above his head.

    Do not forget that while saying a prayer, you may feel a slight malaise, nausea or dizziness. Such symptoms indicate that the human biofield at this time is cleared of negative energy.

    Cleansing session with prayers and spells

    The karma of each person can be cleared by listening to the album, which was recorded by composer Lucien Chamballani and the white magician Vitaly Vedun. This collection contains prayers and conspiracies to cleanse the aura, which will be useful to people suffering from various diseases, evil eyes and damage. This album is a fairly powerful and effective cleansing on a subtle level, which will help anyone who is tired of the social bustle to breathe in a breath of pure energy.

    Listening to the album takes 27 minutes. This is one session. To completely cleanse yourself, you need to conduct three sessions, that is, listen to the compositions for three days in a row. In order to enhance the effect, experienced specialists recommend lighting a candle and looking at it during the session. If while listening to prayers a person begins to feel unwell, this is a kind of indicator that he has been damaged or has the evil eye.


    With the help of regularly used Orthodox prayers and conspiracies, you can cleanse your biofield of various entities and demons, as well as put the energy of your home in order. However, we should not forget that the result will be positive only when the prayer text is aimed at a good deed, does not cause fear and contradictions in the person praying, and does not run counter to faith and morality.
