Happiness e. What does it mean to be happy

The secret of happiness is in the contact of souls.

Happiness is there, you just need to look for it. Maybe happiness is sitting here in our garden, nestled between green leaves and fragrant tomatoes. Or maybe it’s enough just to open a couple of jars, get some interesting spices and melt butter in a frying pan. Or maybe happiness is in the eyes of a loved one, and you just need to look into them, turn on the music, join hands and dance. Happiness is not something that can be mastered. And of course, you don't have to chase after him.

Happiness comes from the ability to stop and see. See for real. Happiness is not somewhere else. It's right in front of you.

Now I will always live with you :)

Happiness can be found even in dark times if you do not forget to turn to the light.

Albus Dumbledore

Happiness is needed by everyone and in every home… Life, after all, it is given only once… Bright thoughts to you. May the sun always shine in your soul! :)


People are only as happy as they are free from comparisons and judgments.

Yesterday happiness came to me. It was dressed in autumn, it smelled of colorful rains and, for some reason, gingerbread. We sat in the kitchen, I treated him to hot tea, and it added petals of fallen stars dried in August to it. Then it sat on my windowsill and sang softly. It sang about the light, about the important, about the beloved, about what silently lives in the heart and makes the hands tender, it sang about the laughter of people, like a warm amber wind, and about the dew-wet paths leading to what everyone is looking for. . We spent the whole night together. It either sat on the shoulder like a bird, or lay on its knees like a soft purring cat. And in the morning it got ready to go, apologized, promised to look into the light, then threw a rainbow painted with children's dreams on its thin shoulders, and flew out the door. But I'm glad, because turning on the threshold, it told me that it was coming to you. Meet.

Cat on her knees, a pack of marmalade

Well, what do we, stupid, still need to be happy ?!

Well, what went for people with "happiness" for fun?

Personally, my happiness is a book, tea and a cat!

The main thing is to breathe correctly)

Breathe Happiness...

Breathe good...

“Well, what else can I tell you? ...Be happy!!!

Don't wait for happiness to come, step on it yourself ツ

The biggest challenge of your journey is to make one person happy every day. And that person is always you.

When I see that people rejoice at the smell of fresh pastries, rush home for dinner, fry potatoes or make dumplings together, I am convinced that the world is based on simple happiness.

It is a habit, a good habit - to strive every day to be happy!

There is something great in every minute. For example, happiness...

Wealth, like happiness, cannot be acquired directly. Both are by-products of serving people. Henry Ford

Happiness must be drunk fresh - it cannot be postponed!

And trouble can wait!

Romain Rolland

And happiness is to buy wallpaper, have a family, be patient.

And happiness is two in the kitchen, drinking tea and smearing jam on bread.

And happiness is not Rome and Cuba, not a bunch of clothes, not entertainment.

And happiness - too dear lips, a cozy house and tea with cookies.

Happiness is contagious. The happier you are, the happier those around you are.

The time for happiness is now.

Many are looking for happiness... But happiness can be found when you make someone else happy. The nature of love is not to take, but to give....

Happiness is when the house is light, cozy, warm, clean and calm. And so it is in the soul.

There are two ways to become happy: improve reality or lower expectations.

Being happy is very important, because it is in this state that we can easily create what we need.

Men need to know that if a woman is happy, her children, parents, husband, friends, dog and even cockroaches will be happy.

Happiness will come to everyone. And not necessarily on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Not necessarily in February or July. Not necessarily in good weather. But surely, all of a sudden...

Happiness is when everything that should happen happens.

Were you happy today?

Not yet.

Then hurry up. This day is ending!

There is as much happiness in life as you can see...

Happiness is more likely to enter the house where a good mood always reigns.

Happiness does not need to be sought - it must be.

Happiness is always closer than you think...


Happiness, it is in everything: in a sunny bunny, in the wind, in the grass, in the smell of cinnamon and apple, in cocoa under the covers on a cold evening; it is hidden in puppy dog ​​smell, in mother's calls, in salty sea ​​water, in the bright and clear sky (there it is limitless), in summer dawns, in school bags and written notebooks, in children's laughter, in the most cherished memories ... it is everywhere, you just need to look closely.


You ask yourself: “How can I be happy if I am unhappy?”. Indeed, you cannot command feelings, but you can command thoughts, words and deeds. Do something simple, give free rein to good thoughts, speak good words, hold on as if you are happy, even if you do not have an internal feeling of happiness.

Gradually, the inner joy of the soul will win, it will break through.

365 reflections of the Rebbe

Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect for you, it means that you have learned to see through imperfections.

Let everyone be sure to get a happy ticket to a happy life!

Only thoughts make a person unhappy or happy. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

I'm interested in excitement. I am interested in absolute merging with the cosmos at the everyday level. If I kiss, then I am not at that moment. If I sing a song, I am not at that moment. This is what interests me. I'm looking for where there's the least distraction. Where are the least bunnies around. I don't want to waste my energy. If we take the kissing analogy again, there are people who kiss and think - I still have to call this today, do this, this and this. And so uninteresting. If I do something, I want to be all there. I've come to the point where I want undiluted happiness.

Boris Grebenshchikov

Great happiness often grows out of a small seed of joy...

Happiness is not squeezed into a given framework, it is infinite, like the air we breathe.

Happiness is increased by sharing it with others.

There is as much happiness in life asyou can spot it.

As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. To catch small pleasures on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time.

You can be happy at any time of the year. Happiness is generally such a special fifth season that comes, not paying attention to dates, calendars and all that. It is like eternal spring, which is always with you, behind the thin glass wall of the greenhouse.

We pack our bags and move to Happiness...

And are you happy? At this particular moment, are you doing what you would like to do more than anything in the world? R. Bach

The great science of living happily is to live in the present.

You can't put off happiness for the future need to be happy now.

What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Do not go looking for them on the other side of the earth, you will return disappointed, upset, hopeless. Look for them on the other side of yourself, in the depths of your heart. Dalai Lama.

People are constantly inventing problems for themselves. Why not make yourself happy?

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you, it is a natural phenomenon. It's just like the air, just like the sky.

Happiness is contagious. How

the happier you are, the happier

those around you.

Happiness happens when you are in tune with your life, in such harmony that whatever you do is joyful.

Everyone has the right to be happy on their own terms.

Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have. It depends entirely on what you think.

Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others constantly look for it, and others find it everywhere.

Happiness does not like to get used to it, Happiness loves to be treasured...

All the happiness that exists in the world comes from wanting happiness for others. All the suffering that exists in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself.

To become happy, you need to get rid of everything superfluous. From unnecessary things, unnecessary fuss, and most importantly - from unnecessary thoughts.

It's wonderful to be someone's happiness! .. :)

The main thing is to feel happy, what the rest will say - it doesn't matter.

My highest happiness, my complete satisfaction, consists in reading, walking, dreaming, thinking. David Hume.

You don't need anything to be happy.

You need something to be unhappy.

Look, I'm perfectly happy. My happiness is a challenge. Wandering the streets, the squares, the embankments along the canal, absent-mindedly feeling damp lips through the holey soles, I proudly carry my inexplicable happiness. Centuries will roll by - schoolchildren will miss the history of our upheavals - everything will pass, everything will pass, but my happiness, dear friend, but my happiness will remain - in the wet reflection of the lantern, in the careful turn of the stone steps descending into the black waters of the canal, into the smile of a dancing couple, in everything that God surrounds so generously with human loneliness.

Life is given for happiness!

To be a happy person, you need to be able to achieve your goals while maintaining a good relationship with people, their reputation and without sacrificing inner harmony. Christophe Andre / psychiatrist, psychotherapist.

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small, quickly forgotten pleasures from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings.

A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to do everything, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple - it is the absence of tension.

In happy moments, smile from the bottom of your heart.

Everyone froze.

Time stopped.

Quiet. Happiness is coming ;)

The expectation of happy days is sometimes much better than these very days.

I always feel happy. You know why? Because I don't expect anything from anyone. Waiting is always a pain... Life is short... So love your life... Be happy... And smile... Listen before you speak... Think before you write... Before you write how to spend money, earn money... Before you pray, goodbye... Before you hurt, feel... Before you hate, love... Before you die, live!

William Shakespeare

I have committed the most terrible sin of all possible sins. I wasn't happy. Borges

Being unhappy is a habit. Being happy is also a habit. The choice is yours.

Sometimes we find it hard to be happy simply because we refuse to let go of what makes us sad.

Happy man- this is the one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future, and does not climb into someone else's life.

Happiness knocked on every door. It gave hope to all people: sad and cheerful, depressed and laughing, energetic and devoid of imagination. Happiness said: “Listen, look for me not around you, but inside yourself!”. Most people did not understand the language of happiness. They expected happiness to enter their lives with a drum roll, but happiness loves silence! It is hidden and manifests itself almost imperceptibly in the curves of life and in simple details every day...

I always feel happy.

You know why?

Because I don't expect anything from anyone.

Sometimes all you need to be happy is to stay at home, treat yourself to delicious treats and just spend the whole day in a warm bed.

If you want life to smile at you,
give her your good mood first

What is happiness? Each person has their own answer to this question. Absolute happiness for some is a calm family life, others seek their happiness in creativity, in hobbies, work. The opportunity to realize their abilities is what happiness is for many.

Happiness is a magical feeling that arises in a person who at this moment is overwhelmed with a sense of joy and sincere delight, he seems to glow from within. In a state of happiness, a person thinks positively, he does not accumulate negativity around him, he does not feel it.

What gives us the feeling of this very happiness? Many people think that happiness is in material well-being. People strive to earn more, to accumulate a certain amount of money, to reach the stage of their career they need. And what is their disappointment when, having achieved all the intended goals, they did not feel a sense of happiness. After all, happiness is not material, it cannot be held in your hands. It is a feeling deep in the heart.

Some may be perfectly happy living together in a one-room apartment. rented apartment even if their salaries are low. But some more affluent people can be deeply unhappy, lying on the beach of a luxury hotel. Even in mansions, unfortunate people can live who do not understand each other and constantly swear. What kind of feeling of happiness can we talk about in this case.

People often do not know themselves what they need to be happy. They earn huge capital, hoping that after reaching a certain point they will become happy with their condition, but in the end they are left with only disappointment. Happiness must be sought in the depths of your soul, you need to figure out why exactly you are doing everything, what is your ultimate goal. Perhaps you have everything to be happy right here and now.

What is not happiness?

  • - Money, apartments, cars - all this is not happiness. Things in themselves cannot be happiness. If most people understood this, they wouldn't spend most of their lives left with deep disappointment at the end.
  • - Sensual pleasures are also not true happiness. For example, sex, the pleasure of delicious food or alcohol, the joy of shopping - this is a momentary joy, but not a feeling of real happiness.
  • - Read a sea of ​​books, leaf through fashion magazines, filling your brain with information. This is exactly what some people do who want to know as much as possible in order to become happy. None of them have become such yet, it has been tested over the years. The more a person oversaturates himself with unnecessary information, the more unhappy he becomes. The level of intelligence of a person does not affect whether he will be happy or not. There are many smart and erudite people in the world who feel deeply unhappy. In search of happiness, you do not need to focus on your professionalism and erudition.
  • - As for talents, creative and talented people are also unhappy. Some people think that having talent is real happiness, but many famous and talented people, despite their qualities, are often deeply unhappy.

A few centuries ago, the sages argued that a person is happy when he agrees with himself and feels complete harmony. You need to learn to listen to your body and your mind. Understanding what you need to feel happy is the true meaning of life. No need to live with vain hopes and dreams, no need to allow fears to arise. A happy person is always calm, he can sensibly assess his problems and troubles, and does not get hung up on them. Worries and all fears for a happy person are not a problem, he appreciates every minute he lives, enjoys the beauty of the world around him.

If life for you is a black and white film, and in all events you see only negative things, then you should not hope that after acquiring some material thing you will become a happy person. Surrounding yourself with luxury is not the way out. The way out is to understand what makes you unhappy.

A person who is internally calm, easily gets out of the most difficult situations, he is not afraid of problems. You need to understand that money often solves many problems, but your feeling of happiness does not depend on these same problems. Remember, because around you, for sure, there are people who often smile, rejoice even in small things. And then there are people who are upset because of small troubles, they often have depression. And the worst thing happens when a person who does not feel happy seeks solace in alcohol or drugs.

What is the source of happiness?

If we consider all the joys that a person can experience, then they can be divided into four groups:

  • . Low joys. These are sources of joy that are considered petty and unworthy. For example, you can take someone else's thing and be glad that you got it just like that. Frame someone at work, getting their own benefit from it. These are the base sources of joy. This cannot be considered pure joy and the soul of a person will not be calm, he still knows that he is not doing well.
  • . Momentary sources of joy. This is short happiness. For example, receiving an award, a gift for no reason, a small win in the lottery. Such happiness does not last long, and it can hardly be called happiness.
  • . Long-term sources of joy. These sources include strong family relationships, the presence of good friends and the opportunity to communicate with them, the presence of a favorite job. When relatives and friends are alive and healthy, this is already a great happiness and a reason for daily joy. Happy is the person who spends his time on his favorite pastime, for example, on his favorite job, relatives and friends, an interesting hobby. There is no need to do things that kill a person, that is, they do not like him.
  • . Eternal sources of joy. These include self-respect, a sense of love and friendship. The person who is able to sincerely and truly love will definitely be happy in life. Such a person will disinterestedly share his happiness and love with others. He is satisfied with himself and those around him, he is calm and balanced, he does not get angry over trifles. He has a feeling of absolute harmony with himself and the world around him.

Summing up

A healthy person who has loved ones is already a happy person. He just needs to understand it. You don’t need to look for happiness somewhere, you just have to look at your life, it definitely has something that is enough to feel happiness.

Being kind, sympathetic, sensitive is happiness.

People belonging to the category of optimists cannot be unhappy either. They find everything in every situation positive side, do not get hung up on temporary problems and difficulties. Only worry about what you can change. For example, you can improve your relationship with your spouse, you can worry about it. But you are unlikely to be able to influence the weather or the political situation in the country, so you don’t need to think about it.

Look for joy in daily activities. You woke up, you have a roof over your head, you have the opportunity to eat tasty and full - this is already happiness. Just think that not everyone has such happiness. There is a loved one, albeit problematic and grouchy, but not everyone has such happiness.

Think about what you have, not about what you lack. Believe me, with this approach to life, soon you will have everything to be happy.

If you ask a person: “What is happiness?”, Everyone will answer in their own way. After all, the answer to this question is one of those things that define our individuality. Without exception, all people dream of being happy, but few people know what the secret of a happy life is. Perhaps there is no secret?

What is called happiness?

In order to understand what the secret of happiness is, you must first define this phenomenon. Answering the question of what happiness is (in your own words), we can say this: happiness is a special state of a person’s mood associated with experiencing at the present moment such feelings as joy, pride, peace and harmony.

When we say that a person is happy, we do not mean that he is saddened, upset, or puzzled by something. Such a person does not experience negative emotions. He does not suffer, does not get angry and does not experience problems. Therefore, the main condition for happiness is its limited time. A person can be absolutely happy now, but literally in a few minutes, having experienced a shock, he ceases to be so, because the elated state has been replaced by negativity.

Therefore, happiness does not depend at all on external causes, but directly depends on internal state person.

Happiness Criteria

Among psychologists, discussions about the criteria for happiness do not subside. But, nevertheless, the following main criteria can be distinguished:

  • enjoyment of life. It is much easier for an optimist person to treat everything that happens with a positive attitude, because he understands the significance of life, which means that he feels its fullness, enjoying it.
  • Favourite buisness. When a person does what brings him pleasure, it is always wonderful. If a person works for pleasure, this is doubly wonderful. As people say: Best Job It's a well-paid hobby."
  • Life is here and now. One of the conditions for happiness, as mentioned above, is the ability to feel the present moment, that is, limited time. A person who constantly makes plans, lives for tomorrow, deprives himself of the opportunity to truly enjoy the moment. The life of such a person is fleeting, it cannot be called happy.
  • The ability to make a choice. In social situations, we often drive ourselves into some kind of framework. Living in a society, this is normal, but we need to get rid of these chains that bind us in time and correctly. One of these chains is the choice that must be made in a given situation. In order to make life easier for yourself, you need to make decisions quickly, without focusing on trifles.
  • Love and support. Perhaps the most important criterion for happiness. Without love and without support from loved ones, we will never be able to gain self-confidence, determination, talents and other important things that are necessary in order to experience the fullness of life.
  • Lack of envy. Envying someone, we destroy ourselves from the inside. Happy people understand this. In order to get closer to happiness, you need to cultivate a sense of love for people. Happy people do not envy others, they rejoice for others.
  • purposefulness. If you do not have a goal, you do not know what to strive for and what to live for. Yes, happiness is the ability to live here and now, but it is very important to know what to live for. The goals we set for ourselves help us develop, they make us better.

What is not happiness?

Some people tend to live in illusions that they themselves create. This is especially true of those people who believe that happiness depends on material assets. Let's deal with what is not happiness:

  • Material things. As they say, the rich also cry. The presence of real estate, cars, yachts and other expensive things does not make a person happy.
  • Boundless pleasure. Regular sex tasty food, a trip abroad is something that resembles happiness, but is not it. Happiness should be called a special state of a person, while the listed pleasures affect the formation of this state only partially.
  • Information Possession. You can know everything in the world and still not be happy.
  • Talents and abilities. The fact that a person is talented does not make him happy. Talent can help you achieve success in some areas, but not in all areas. Abilities can bring money, success, but there are no such abilities that can bring love and understanding, that is, things necessary for happiness.

What do you need to do in order to be happy?

  • No need to compare yourself to other people. Remember that you are already a unique and inimitable person. If someone is more fortunate in something, this does not mean at all that this person is better than you. Nobody discounts luck. Soon you can experience it for yourself, and then the need to compare yourself with someone will disappear by itself.
  • Try to always set goals for yourself. Be purposeful and confident. When there is a goal, there are ways to achieve it, which means that you are in a state of struggle with your fortune. Reclaiming what she wants, you are in a state of psychological activity. While you are in this state, you will not be broken or scared.
  • You shouldn't regret the past. If the past does not let you go, and mistakes made a long time ago remind you of yourself, try to get rid of these thoughts. Switch your attention to other objects, do something new and interesting. One of the rules of life says: it is better to regret what you have done than what you have not done. Accept the situation with dignity and move on.
  • Learn to be responsible for your choices.
  • Do not accumulate resentment. Envy and hatred have an extremely negative impact on both life and human health. You need to be able to forgive the mistakes of others, then you will save yourself from spiritual emptiness.

These are little secrets that help every person to be a little happier.

Reading time 8 minutes

Everyone knows what happiness is, but few can explain what a person's happiness is. After all, being constantly in a state of pursuit of happiness, a person misses great opportunities here and now. In this article, we will make an attempt to explain to our readers what a person’s happiness depends on, and what it means to be happy. Let’s figure out what a person’s happiness depends on?

Happiness is a bad topic for writers. It is too pleased with itself ... It does not require comment. © R. Walser

What is happiness and what does it depend on

Happiness is not money, not a position, and even a failed relationship with a loved one. The one who names the rich or successful person happy, makes a huge mistake. After all, to determine whether a person is happy or not, only he himself can determine.

To be happy, you need to achieve your own satisfaction with your life, a positive assessment of the conditions of your life. This is a state in which a person feels the fullness, meaningfulness of his life, realizes his destiny and successfully fulfills it.

In other words, if a person is satisfied with the way he lives, he can call himself happy. And it is not wealth or achievements that makes him so, but only his attitude towards himself and the world around him. History knows many examples when people who have achieved unprecedented heights considered themselves deeply unhappy. And vice versa, a homeless person who is quite satisfied with his life and his life can be happy.

What determines human happiness is the subject of many psychological studies and works. To say unequivocally that the leading psychotherapists managed to reveal the secret of happiness and give a universal recipe for all people how to become satisfied with their lives would be premature and biased.

Many surveys, observations, are based on work with a certain contingent of people who have their own, subjective opinion about happiness. For some, this is a carefree and carefree life, others see happiness in being useful and needed by their loved ones, others believe that the happy are those who experience the triumph of victories, and who are carried in the arms of numerous admirers.

One can try to analyze some of the activities and conditions of a person's condition that most affect his happiness. At the same time, we should not forget that people can consider themselves happy only with a successful combination of the factors we have described.

Each of them by itself will not bring happiness:

  • happiness as the absence of experiences and suffering;
  • happiness as a positive assessment of success in working on oneself;
  • happiness as a struggle with destructive thoughts;
  • happiness as a successful personal life;
  • happiness and good health.

Your happiness depends on your success in working on yourself.

Each person who has decided to achieve his goals draws up a comprehensive program of work on himself. It looks like a list of goals, methods for achieving them, and an assessment of intermediate results. What determines the happiness of a person in this case is the joy from the goals achieved, and from the tasks completed.

The most important thing is that it does not depend on the areas in which a person receives the desired results, and with them positive emotions. The opinion of outsiders cannot influence this state, if a person is happy, then it simply does not interest him.

If someone decides to set a specific goal for himself, he should write on a piece of paper:

  • task;
  • the way it is implemented;
  • the result obtained;
  • results and conclusions.

Let's take an example. One person makes the following entry: “Master a new computer program, and use it to create an unusual interior design” - “Took specialized courses, study on my own for an hour a day” - “I managed to draw up a project that caused the praise of the manager, and I was paid a good reward "-" I achieved my goal! I'm happy!"

Here is the task of another person: “I want to learn how to bark like a dog” - “I will portray a dog in front of a mirror for an hour a day and imitate its barking” - “I did great, and now I can cheer and prank my friends in the company” “I’m happy, my friends had so much fun that now I decided to learn how to meow!”

The main thing in these examples is that both people became happy, although their tasks, goals and results of their implementation differed significantly in practical results. This is the answer to the question of what human happiness depends on.

Happiness is a constant struggle with destructive thoughts

Happiness depends, first of all, on the self-perception of a person. But what kind of positive state can we talk about if he lives like a prisoner of destructive thoughts that destroy him from the inside, and do not even give him an attempt to change his mood?

In the life of every person there are such periods when he begins to think about what he lives for, why he cannot achieve any results. He comes to the conclusion that, probably, he has such a fate, and it is not in his power to change anything. To the question of what a person's happiness depends on, he will not find the right answer.

It would seem that there is nothing terrible in this, these are just thoughts, and nothing more. But here the pitfall is hidden, because such a person loses the desire to change anything, start new life in other words, correct the situation. Having let everything take its course, he will never be able to call himself happy.

It so happened that he was led by his own harmful thoughts, and became indifferent to himself and his fate. Explaining to him what a person's happiness depends on will not be an easy task.

To be happy, you need to learn to control your thoughts. Many interesting and useful articles have been written about this, and the most important thing here is the desire to start this process, and as early as possible.

One of these ways to control thoughts is self-hypnosis. Repeat to yourself a simple phrase: “I deserve happiness, and everything is very good with me!”. In no case should you allow thoughts that you will not succeed, or, moreover, that you are a loser. In such cases, it is not even the thoughts themselves that will bring more harm, but their consequences. You will begin to approach each undertaking with confidence in failure, and it is not surprising that they will end unsuccessfully, and you will not understand what human happiness depends on.

It is very helpful to have meditation classes. It is not so easy to start them, but there is nothing particularly difficult in them either. You will learn to control your thoughts, you will be able to change your consciousness, and you will have a completely different attitude towards your life. You will realize that much in it does not deserve such close attention that you paid to it earlier, and you will understand what a person’s happiness depends on.

What is a child's happiness and what does it depend on

Children cannot make decisions on their own, they live under the constant control of their parents, and under their influence perceive the world. First of all, it depends on them whether their child will be happy, or will feel flawed, insecure, notorious.

IN childhood every word heard from adults is taken seriously and remembered for a lifetime. Some parents make the gravest mistake of telling their children that they must prove in their lives that they are worth something, otherwise they will remain "nobody" and "nothing." This approach is dangerous in that the child will have a destructive opinion that he is incapable, weak, a real "Nobody". Moreover, this belief can "linger" with him until his mature years. Do you think he can be truly happy?

If there are scandals in families, or showdowns, then children suffer from this, first of all. The child believes that he is the culprit of what is happening, and he begins to form first a guilt complex, and then an inferiority complex. Children perceive all situations differently than adults, and therefore their happiness depends primarily on the attitude of their parents towards them.

If a child is taught that he is capable, intelligent, that he is loved, that he is taken care of, then he will treat himself with sufficient self-respect, and become happy already in adult life is quite real. The happiness of a child is to feel needed, loved, desired. If all parents understood this, humanity would receive whole generations of happy people.

How happiness depends on health

If we talk about what a person’s happiness depends on, it’s worth talking about how the state of health affects it. It is not in vain that at all holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, it is customary for the heroes of the occasion to wish “happiness and health”.

A sick person, it would seem, cannot be happy by definition. Of course, if his illness is associated with constant monstrous pain, it would be superfluous to talk about happiness. Such people are most likely unhappy, because they live in incessant suffering.

If the state of health of a person is not so critical, then to be happy, or to remain in despondency and a state of detachment, is a matter of his choice. Many people who had incurable diseases felt truly happy. They rejoiced that they had lived their lives, fulfilling their destiny and achieving their goals.

Remember, happiness does not depend on whether you have some kind of disease or not. It depends on how you feel about her. If you set yourself up for the fact that you should live happy until your last breath, no matter what, any illness will be nothing for you. You will begin to enjoy every day you live.

Happiness depends on us, so if everything is in order with your health, you should lead a correct lifestyle in order to avoid problems with it in the future. Of course, a person cannot be insured against everything, but the likelihood of getting sick with a balanced diet and sports will be much lower. You will live with faith that you will not get sick, and that faith will accompany your happiness.

What is the happiness of man

People always blame the force of circumstances. I don't believe in the power of circumstances. In this world, success is achieved only by those who seek the conditions they need and, if they do not find them, create them themselves. © Bernard Shaw

What determines the happiness of a person who is engaged in self-development? It will directly depend not so much on his successes, but on their assessment by the person himself. There are so many of these people who have achieved significant achievements, but constantly look sad and despondent. They are dissatisfied with the results of their activities, it always seems to them that they have not done enough for their development. The trick is that, even achieving new goals, they still remain unhappy.

Happiness does not depend on career development but on how much a person perceives his progress forward. If his progress at work is accompanied by successful relationships with loved ones, for which he, in fact, tries, he will certainly be truly happy.

Trying to understand what a person's happiness depends on, many people focus on life circumstances. Often they say the phrase: "lucky!". They cannot or do not want to understand that luck and happiness are concepts that stand side by side, but are not at all synonymous.

There are very good tricks to attract good luck, and if you try to apply them in your life, you can notice how favorable circumstances become for you:

  • learn to think positively;
  • imagine even unlikely things, giving scope to your own imagination;
  • stop being annoyed, angry, and even more so to envy others.

You will understand that happiness does not depend on circumstances. If you give them too much attention, you will be their slave or victim. Convince yourself that you do not depend on the circumstances, but, on the contrary, they depend on you.

A happy person will remain happy no matter what happens. And under such people, those around them will begin to adapt themselves, thereby turning all circumstances into favorable ones.

He will serve as an example, infect with optimism, they will be drawn to him, they will want to listen to him. It would not be an exaggeration to say that happy people change this whole world for the better.

Summing up, it should be noted that happiness is a state of the inner world of every person, which cannot be identified with wealth, power, or position. It depends on ourselves, on our attitude to the world around us. No wonder they say that a person is the master of his own destiny, and the blacksmith of his own happiness.


Tatarkevich V., About S. and human perfection, per. With Polish, M., 1981.

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editors: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


a state of complete, supreme satisfaction, an absolute absence of desires, which is sought to be realized through reasonable and joint action (see. eudemonism).“The highest possible physical good in the world and the ultimate goal of our aspirations is happiness, under the objective condition of a person’s agreement with the laws of morality, this is to be happy” (Kant. Critique of judgment). In Schiller's poem Happiness we read:

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


experience of the fullness of being associated with self-fulfillment.

Initial the meaning of the word S. is luck, auspicious fate (cf. the etymology of this word: ancient Greek εὐδαιμονία, lit. - patronage of the gods, and also in Russian: "s-part", i.e. "part" , "fate", "share"), later expanded - it began to mean to the experience, the feeling of S., in contrast to eutychia, denoting the favorable circumstances and the favor of fate. S. turned out to be one of the main. principles of antiquity. worldview and a number of teachings of the new time (see Eudemonism, Epicureanism).

On the subjective side, S. always expresses the desire for experience, the thirst to feel, the ability to constantly exert mental strength. On the contrary, the idea of ​​the ideal of life as the absence of any experience (ataraxia, nirvana) indicates a weakening of the vital principle, deadness or fatigue (for the opposite of S. to the ideal of stoic equanimity, see Pushkin: "There is no happiness in the world, but there is also will" - "I thought: freedom and peace are a substitute for happiness. My God! How wrong I was, how punished ..."). The ability to S., as well as the ability to "prolonged suffering" (Camus), expresses the depth of the personality. S. as an upsurge of vitality and creativity. energy is a witness of fidelity to the truth of life. Creative related. spirit (being an uninterrupted creativity of life states, contributing to creative activity) S. is the opposite of that state of indifference and lethargy, which is so characteristic of stagnant internal. forces, depression human. potencies. How creative. S.'s element is the implementation of internal. freedom, the deepest personal "desire". Setting on the rejection of S. is a betrayal of the personality, drowning out the life-giving sources in oneself. Existence, turned into a debt, turns out to be an exhaustion and a profanation of life; refusal to experience being as meaning and good leads to ext. desolation. It is as a result of life juggling and a perverted mode of existence associated with the spiritual weakness of the individual that S. is replaced by an imperative, vital forces - by functioning, ext. strong-willed - by the hypnosis of business or the inertia of household chores.

The loss of the ability to S. is an indicator of the degradation of the personality, spiritual chaos, impotence to find the main line in life. The unfortunate is characteristic of neurasthenic. bohemians and for the spiritual philistinism, incapable of concentration of personality, of a lifestyle that is not concerned with guaranteeing a secure everyday life. Meshchansky spreads in materiality, in the possession of things ("petty-bourgeois happiness" is, meaning only a certain stamp of well-being). Separated from true meaning and personal dignity, S. turns into and loses its transformative, sublimating power. The psychology of consumerism has found its own in the concepts of hedonism and utilitarianism.

S. lives only in exchange, in transmission from one to another. It cannot be owned as a house or an estate, isolated from everyone. Dostoevsky wrote: “A highly developed personality, completely confident in its right to be a personality, no longer having any fear for itself, can do nothing and make another out of its personality, that is, there is no more use than to give it all to everyone, so that everyone else were exactly the same self-righteous and happy personalities" (Sobr. soch., vol. 4, 1956, p. 107). What exists in the communication of S. is itself, the bestowal of oneself, i.e. , therefore, S. is associated with Crimea, never, but always a person.

Since S. depends on the external world, on being external to the subject, it may also turn out to be unattainable. S. is impossible without all the forces of the soul finding application and expression for themselves, so that the personality has the opportunity to "spend" (see M. Tsvetaeva, in the journal: " New world", 1969, No 4, p. 195). The absence of a situation corresponding to the tension of the personality, and therefore necessary for its full self-expression, the lack of reciprocal understanding, separation creates a feeling of tragedy. Thus, S. suggests a readiness for suffering (in while for pleasure, coupled with possible displeasure, with petty annoyances does not require any courage). In the inescapability of longing, caused by one idea of ​​the loss of that one, chosen one that gives meaning to existence, this one is opposed to the meagerness of the rest of the life context: "... There is no adversity, but there is one ..." (Shakespeare V., Sonnets , M., 1963. p. 108).

Genuine S. embodies not only the idea of ​​the individual about life, but also, as it were, the idea of ​​the life of the individual (intrinsic personality, in contrast to the narcotic illusion - a surrogate of S). From this point of view, it is possible to completely overcome the tragic. despair as an implementation of internal. ideas in spite of the most unfavorable circumstances and through the sublimation of suffering.

The classics of Marxism criticized the individualistic. ideas about S., the desire for it in isolation from societies. purposes: namely the conscious service of the societies. progress, revolution the struggle for the reorganization of society, for a better future for all mankind, fill a person with that meaning and give him that deep satisfaction, without which the feeling of S. T., revolutionary is unthinkable. Marxism connects ideas about S. with struggle (see also K. Marx, in the book: K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 31, p. 492).

T. Marinina. Moscow.

Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .


HAPPINESS - a concept denoting the highest good as a complete, self-valuable, self-sufficient state of life; generally recognized ultimate subjective goal of human activity. As a word of a living language and a phenomenon of culture, happiness has many aspects. The Polish researcher V. Tatarkevich singled out four main meanings of the concept of happiness: 1) favor of fate, luck, successful life, luck; initially, apparently, such an understanding prevailed over other meanings, which was reflected in the etymology of the word (Proto-Slavic Sbcestbj goes back to the ancient Indian su “good” and from stb “part”, which meant “good lot”, according to the version - “joint part, share” ; ancient Greek ευδαιμονία literally meant the patronage of a good genius); 2) a state of intense joy; 3) possession of the highest goods, an overall positive balance of life; 4) feeling of satisfaction with life.

The philosophical and ethical analysis of happiness begins with the distinction in its content of two components fundamentally different in origin: a) that which depends on the subject himself, is determined by the measure of his own activity, and b) that which does not depend on him, is predetermined external conditions(circumstances, fate). That in happiness, which depends on a person, has received the name of virtue. It was in connection with the concept of happiness that human ideas about virtue were formed and its philosophical and ethical comprehension was carried out. In the course of answering the question, what is the perfection of a person, which leads to his happiness, the concept of moral perfection and moral (ethical) virtues was developed.

The correlation of virtue and happiness, more precisely, the role and place of moral virtues in the composition of the factors that form happiness, has become the central problem of ethics. The various solutions to this problem in the history of European ethics can be summarized in three main traditions.

The first tradition sees the moral virtues as a means to happiness, which acts as an end. Happiness, identified in one case with pleasure (an interpretation developed in hedonism), in another with benefit, success (utilitarianism), in the third with the absence of suffering and serenity of the soul (Epicurus), becomes the criterion and the highest sanction of individual human morality. This tradition was called Epicurean or actually Eudemonistic (see Eudemonism).

The second tradition, called the Stoic, sees happiness as a consequence of virtue. According to the Stoics, the moral perfection of a person does not depend on his fate, the specific circumstances of life, and coincides with the inner stamina arising from the mind; since the individual through the mind is connected with the cosmos as a whole, moral perfection in itself turns out to be happiness. According to this understanding, a person is happy not in the individual and special manifestations of his life, but in its generic essence, which coincides with the mind.

The third tradition, in relation to which the first two can be considered marginal, is synthetic. It was founded by Aristotle and can be named after him - Aristotelian; in modern times is most clearly represented by Hegel. According to this understanding, moral virtues are both the path to happiness and its most essential element. If in the Epicurean tradition happiness coincides with naturalness (in the perfection of its individually expressed human concreteness), and in the Stoic tradition it is identified with elevation to a reasonable and unperturbed attitude to the natural empiricism of individual life, then Aristogelism interprets happiness as a second nature, acting as a perfect activity, an active mind . Reasonably transformed nature has its own pleasures. This approach connects the problem of happiness with a specific analysis of human activities, thus opening up the possibility of creating a theory of happiness. In this case, questions about the happiness of the individual and the happiness of society (the state), as well as the proper human and higher (divine) levels of happiness, are essential.

The ethical teachings of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment proceeded from the image of a person whose main desire is the pursuit of happiness. In this general sense, they were all eudemonistic. The differences began with the specification of what happiness is and how it is achieved. According to eudemonistic teachings (in the proper sense of the word), a person achieves a happy state directly - to the extent that he is guided by his desire for happiness and tries to satisfy it most fully. According to representatives of other ethical schools, neither in the understanding of happiness, nor in the pursuit of it, one can be guided by a feeling of pleasure, the path to happiness may even involve the rejection of it. This second tradition, to which the Stoics, skeptics, and many religious thinkers belong, cannot, however, be considered anti-Eudemonistic. She also recognizes the primacy and essentiality of the desire for happiness, but at the same time believes that in reality happiness is something that is usually considered to be. Therefore, it should be distinguished from eudemonism in the narrow sense (as an ethical tradition, mainly associated with the name of Epicurus) in broad sense words as a kind of initial axiomatic setting of ethical theory. This, in particular, highlighting eudemonism in the broad sense of the word, is important for understanding the fundamental meaning of happiness in the system of moral concepts. Happiness is a fundamental category of human existence. In a sense, man himself can be defined as a being whose destiny is to be happy.

In the philosophical and ethical analysis of happiness, along with the problem of its relationship with virtue importance had questions about 1) whether happiness belongs to the sphere of goals or is a super-goal, an imperative, and 2) whether a person can be happy if those around him are unhappy. Happiness is the goal of activity, it is within the limits of human capabilities. But as soon as we imagine this state to be achieved, life in the form of consciously purposeful activity turns out to be exhausted. It turns out a paradoxical situation: happiness cannot be conceived as an achievable goal, but it is also impossible to conceive it as such. The way out of it is most often seen in the distinction various forms and levels of happiness - first of all, we are talking about the distinction between human and superhuman happiness. Already Aristotle singled out the first (highest) eudaimonia, associated with contemplative activity, dianoetic virtues (virtues of reason) and representing something rare, divine, and the second eudaimonia, which is available to all free people (citizens) and is associated with ethical virtues. He also uses two words - ευδαιμονία and μακαριτας, the difference between which subsequently acquired a terminological meaning (happiness and bliss).

Happiness lies in the feeling of satisfaction of the individual with the way his life as a whole develops. It does not follow from this, however, that happiness is subjective. It is not limited to individual pleasures, but represents them. harmonious combination, synthesis. Even as an emotional state, happiness, at least in part, is of a secondary nature and is conditioned by certain ideas about it that claim to be universally valid. This applies even more so to assessments in terms of happiness and unhappiness. Behind the subjective feeling and idea of ​​happiness there is always some kind of canon, an example of what happiness and a happy person are in themselves. In other words, in his desire for happiness, a person always proceeds from the fact that the same desire is inherent in other people. Moreover, the happiness of some individuals directly depends on the happiness of others. The whole question is how wide this circle of happiness feedbacks is. According to L. Feuerbach, eudemoism becomes an ethical principle as a desire for happiness for another. This means that the happiness of some individuals is connected with the happiness of others through moral relations between them, through the medium of a happy society. A happy person in a happy society is one of the typical and central themes of philosophical treatises on happiness.
