Mother-in-law Tszyu: “After Kostya left my daughter, she and her children had to move to a rented apartment. Kostya Tszyu: wife, children, personal life At the play "Divorce in Moscow"

Not so long ago a famous boxer Konstantin Tszyu officially divorced after 20 years of marriage. His new darling was a PR assistant Tatyana Averina. Looking at their happy faces, I would like to wish this couple an heir.

It was fate

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Kostya, everything is new in your life now... A new country. New love...

Konstantin Tszyu: Excuse me! What means " new country"? I was born here. Russia is the foundation on which Kostya Tszyu is built. I love Australia, but I never considered myself an emigrant, I constantly visited Russia. And I came back here for good for some reason.

- And the name of this reason is love ...

- Tatiana. (Laughs.) We met through mutual friends. A banal and absolutely random meeting that changed a lot in our lives. I believe in the word "fate"...

Tatyana Averina: So, I took it here. (Laughs.)

- Can a boxing champion be “taken away”?

Without desire, it is impossible. I cannot be forced to do anything. No amount of money can buy.

- Kostya, you have three children from your first marriage. How does the relationship with your sons and daughter develop after a divorce?

- WITH Nastenka spoke today. She finally called. It hasn't happened for a long time. Great! I enjoy it when the children themselves call.

My personal attitude towards children has not changed a single gram. Their attitude towards me? I think the divorce might have something to do with it. But I told them one thing: “There may come a time in life when you need me. One call from you and I'll be there." This faith in the father - it must remain with the children without fail. I will strictly follow my promise. I have no right to betray them. Never. (Asks wife.) Timokha when did you arrive? Last year. Nikita I was supposed to fly here, but it didn't work out because of my studies. He's in his last year of school. But I myself fly to Australia - just to see the children.

“Children must have faith in their father.” With sons Timothy and Nikita. Photo from the personal archive of Kostya Tszyu

"I don't lend"

- And how did you tell the children that you were breaking up with their mother?

- Well, how can I tell you ... Children are not stupid, they understand everything, they see everything themselves. I don't talk to them about this. When the time comes, I'll tell my story. Although, it seems to me, he said everything anyway ... I fell in love with a person.

- You know, looking at situations like yours, when a husband or wife leaves the family, I always ask myself the question: what is more decent - to continue living with your spouse because of children and a sense of duty, or sincerely succumb to feelings and create a new "cell of society"?

- I couldn't lie. He didn't cheat on his then-wife. When he met Tatyana, after some time he told the mother of the children: “That's it ...” He could not have done otherwise. But the divorce process... It wasn't that easy, everything had to be done through the courts. The registration process was completed only on December 3.

What new did Tatiana discover in you?

- I would have formulated this question in a different way: what did I find inside myself thanks to Tanya? Maybe the softness that I've always had...

- I know that Tatiana is now in charge of your projects ...

Commander, commander, yes. (Looks at his wife.) She also smiles!

- And how does Kostya Tszyu live when a woman controls him?

No, no, I'm still in charge. There is a word "lead". And there is "manage". These are different things. You see, it is important for me that there is a person next to me who will organize everything that I do not have time for myself. This is Tatyana. And to hire someone... I came across this case... And I saw meanness, hypocrisy, self-interest. By self-interest, I mean some kind of scoundrel ...

- Were you betrayed?

- A lot of. Therefore, I can say: I don’t trust almost anyone ... It was not just a friend, but a close friend. Entrance to the house. I trusted him with my bank accounts. The person had the right to sign, could open credit cards in my name ... And now you find out that you were "had", and for money ...

What did they do when they discovered it?

- Nothing, although I do not preach the principle "hit on the cheek - turn the other." No matter how hard it was for me, I did not want to take revenge and sink to his level. I will say more: I am the godfather of his children, and they have remained as close to me as they used to be. But since then I don't lend to anyone.

- Okay, let's not talk about sad things. I know that your eldest son Timofey Tszyu successfully fought several fights in Australia. Does at least one of the boys have the same abilities as you?

- Like me, no. For the simple reason that I was hungry. And they are not. There is such an expression in the West: "Hungry for success" - "Hungry for success." I fought for my life, literally and figuratively. The four of us - mom, dad, me and my sister - we lived in a small room, 16 square meters. Now I can’t even imagine how it was possible to fit in there purely physically - where they put the furniture, where they put winter and summer clothes - after all, they lived in the Urals. As soon as I turned 17, I was already a European champion. At the age of 15, he began to travel abroad. At the age of 18, they gave me my first apartment - 35 meters. And in Australia, I already had a house for about a thousand "squares" ... I got a lot and early, but at what cost? And I teach children: nothing is given just like that. When the middle one, Nikitka, was 9-10 years old, he said: “Dad, when I grow up, I will have a Bentley. - "Well done, son, you will probably work a lot?" “No, the car is already in the garage.” “This one is daddy.” He thought for a moment and said: “Okay, but I will have it too.” Let him be motivated to make money on such a car himself.

And my daughter ... Nastenka played the piano - tied up. I was engaged in gymnastics - I also tied it up. It’s more difficult for me with Nastya, she’s a girl, if she cries, she’s generally on guard.

With daughter. “It’s more difficult for me with Nastya than with boys, because she is a girl!” Photo from the personal archive of Kostya Tszyu

- Do women's tears scare you?

- If these are real tears, yes, they are frightening. But you women can cry very artistically. I realized this when I went to study at acting school. I really wanted to study art. Plus, I run the Culinary Duel program on Domashny - I determine who is the best hostess - mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. For me, acting and television is a certain challenge to myself.

- Kostya, doesn't it upset you that boxers are considered ...

- Close by? (Laughs.) Somehow Sasha Lebziak- the head coach of the Russian national boxing team - told me a joke: “Why do boxers drive fast? In order not to forget where they are going. And then he cursed: “Damn, I missed the turn!” (Laughs) We are not shy about jokes about boxers. I myself like to joke. About 3-4 years ago, Tanya and I went to a restaurant. I was hungry like a beast. I ordered meat. They brought it, I ate it in one second, wiped the plate very carefully. A waitress comes up, I look at her carefully: “And when will you bring me meat?” In all seriousness. She: "I ... already ..." - "Is it?" And I'm taking a theatrical break. But Tatyana "surrendered" me - with a smile and laughter. In general, I will try acting knowledge in life. (Laughs.)

Alexander Lebzyak and Konstantin Tszyu. Photo:

Kostya Tszyu is a well-known Russian-Australian boxer in the first welterweight category, who has achieved good results in the ring and today his name is known to many who are interested in sports and wrestling.

A serious and determined boxer, Konstantin, despite his brutal appearance, has been appearing in various media as “Kostya” for many years, because he wants to be closer to his fans, and in general he prefers simplicity in his personal life. In 2011, the athlete was included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Height, weight, age. How old is Kostya Tszyu

During his sports career, Konstantin was able to achieve notable heights, won many prizes, and has awards and prizes not only in Russia, but also overseas. He became the champion of the USSR three times, and twice the champion of Europe, so it is not surprising that among boxing fans today there is no person who would not know this person by sight.

Tszyu's popularity especially increased while waiting for the fight between Povetkin and Klitschko, as Kostya trained the boxer from Russia. At this time, more and more requests began to appear on the network about his achievements, and even height, weight, age. It is not difficult to find out how old Kostya Tszyu is. The 48-year-old boxer is actively training athletes today.

Biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu

Boxer was born on September 19, 1969 in Sverdlovsk region. From childhood, the boy was very mobile and energetic, like a spinning top, so in order to at least use the child’s energy somewhere, at the age of 10, his parents sent him to the boxing section. Kostya liked it there immediately. After studying for only six months, Kostya began to enter the ring, where he defeated older guys in sparring. For several years of such fights, the guy has already been invited to the allied youth team, where he participated in various regional and international competitions. At the same time, Tszyu enters the Engineering and Pedagogical Institute, but a year later he realizes that he does not want to study there further. Victories and defeats helped him gain experience and move forward, so Kostya realized that real sport would become his profession.

In 1988, Konstantin for the first time goes to serious competitions - he participates in Olympic Games in Seoul, where it reaches the quarterfinals in its category. However, Tszyu's real professional career as a boxer began in 1991, when he won the championship in Sydney. He also wins two gold medals in Seattle, and becomes the world champion.

During his career, he many times opposed the most titled athletes in the world, and now he is one himself. He played more than 250 fights, received worldwide recognition, and won many victories, and today he is a well-deserved coach.

The biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu throughout his life, thanks to the dedication and hard work of the boxer, developed very successfully. He was married twice, and lives with his second wife to this day.

Family and children of Kostya Tszyu

This guy achieved stunning success in sports himself. He was not helped by eminent parents or big finances. Kostya's parents were ordinary Soviet citizens. Father, Boris Timofeevich, was a worker in the metallurgical industry and worked at a factory, and his mother, Valentina Vladimirovna, worked as a nurse in a clinic. Korean surname Tszyu and pronounced Asian facial features went to the man from his grandfather.

Despite the fact that the boxer devoted his whole life to sports, he also realized himself as a father. At the sportsman big family, and the children of Kostya Tszyu from their first marriage, despite the divorce of their parents, often see their father.

Sons of Kostya Tszyu - Tim, Nikita and Vladimir

Boxer kids have enough a big difference aged. The eldest son Tim and the middle Nikita are the same weather, they were born in 1994 and 1995 in the athlete's first marriage to Natalya Anikina. The guys are very similar to their father and are already engaged in boxing. Perhaps someday we will hear their names among the champions. Recently, Tim Tszyu made his debut in the professional ring, and has already earned the attention and respect of the fans. Kostya Tszyu and his son Nikita often appear together in public.

In 2015, posts appeared in the media that Kostya became a father for the fourth time, his new wife gave birth to his first child. Younger son Bones, Vladimir, was born in February, today he is 2.5 years old.

The athlete hopes that the sons of Kostya Tszyu - Tim, Nikita and Vladimir will become worthy successors kind of boxers.

Daughters of Kostya Tszyu - Anastasia and Victoria

The boxer has five children. Eldest daughter Nastya was born in the athlete's first marriage to Natalya Anikina in 2002. After the divorce, she stayed with her mother, and today is a real helper for Natalia. Nastya is 15 years old, she studies in private school and plays sports.

The second daughter of Konstantin, Victoria, was born in the present marriage of the boxer with Tatyana Averina, in November 2016. Today the girl is a year old, and the parents are raising the child together. The famous boxer feels guilty for not taking much part in raising his children from his first marriage, so he helps his wife in every possible way, and walks with the baby with pleasure. Kostya Tszyu's daughters, Anastasia and Victoria, have a difference at the age of 14, but the father still hopes that they will be friends in the future.

The ex-wife of Kostya Tszyu - Natalya Anikina

Konstantin and Natalia met when the athlete was 24 years old. The girl was 3 years younger and immediately liked the boxer. After the beautiful courtship of Kostya, Natalya after a while realized that she wanted to connect her future life with him and the couple signed. Three children were born in this marriage, but only the first years were happy. Konstantin devoted all his time to sports, competitions and traveling, and the woman raised the children and ran the household alone.

So the couple began to move away, the relationship deteriorated, and at the end of 2013 it became known that they divorced after many years of marriage. The ex-wife of Kostya Tszyu, Natalya Anikina, lives in Australia today, and blames the boxer for finding a new woman and not trying to save the marriage, but perhaps this is for the best, because they have had families in the usual sense of the word for a long time did not have.

Kostya Tszyu's wife - Tatyana Averina

Tatyana and Kostya met when the athlete was still in the barque with his first wife. The relationship between the spouses did not go well, and when Tszyu was walking in a restaurant in the company of mutual friends, he noticed a pretty woman who he liked very much. That's how they met. Tatyana dated the boxer for 5 years until he left the family, and today they live together and raise two children.

Kostya Tszyu's wife, Tatyana Averina, manages all the family's finances, raises children and pays attention to her husband. In his interview, the boxer admitted that now he is truly happy.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kostya Tszyu

Konstantin lived for a long time in Australia, where his ex-wife and three children remained. Returning to his homeland, the athlete left ex-wife house and business, while he himself came to Russia and began to build his own new life. As the athlete himself admits, he did not have a midlife crisis. He just, like any person, wants to be happy, and a successful career alone is no longer enough for him.

Today, the boxer is a well-deserved coach, has many titles and awards, and Kostya Tszyu's Instagram and Wikipedia contain many of his achievements, prizes, and most importantly, victories.

Knockout in the 20th round - this is how you can call the divorce of the absolute world boxing champion Bones Tszyu with his wife Natalya after twenty years happy life. Kostya finally breaks ties with Australia, where not only his ex-wife will remain, but also three common children: 19-year-old Timothy, 15 year old Nikita and 11 year old daughter Nastya.

In fact, discord in the family was outlined two years ago. After Kostya ended his professional boxing career, it turned out to be more profitable to move to Russia, where he was known, loved and, of course, expected. At home, it was easier to set up a business, promote your own person in the media, and it was still more pleasant for Tszyu to live in a Russian-speaking environment.

Kostya Tszyu with his wife and three children in Moscow in 2008. Photo: RIA Novosti

But not only friends and partners were waiting for him here, but also numerous admirers, for whom Kostya was another rich athlete, and therefore a promising groom, even despite the presence of a wife and three children. “Nothing, it will move,” they thought, and they turned out to be right.

Natalya Tszyu was not going to give up without a fight and, following her husband, she tried to move to her homeland. But after some time spent in Moscow, the children could not stand it. Brought up in a prosperous, liberal and warm Australia, they could not stand life in Russian reality. The mother was forced to follow the lead of her own children and returned to the green continent.

Living in two cities is difficult. For two countries - almost impossible. What then to say about Kostya Tszyu, a man in the prime of life, who was offered to live on two continents. Okay, if it were Europe and Asia. Let even Europe and America, or in extreme cases - Africa. But Australia, to which it takes almost a whole day to fly with one or two transfers ... It was impossible.

After some time, Kostya's wife, it is not known through what channels, but she learned about her husband's infidelities. And in 2009, she was informed that Kostya had a serious romance while filming the then popular Ice Age show.

Kostya Tszyu with partner Maria Petrova during the Ice Age show. Photo: RIA Novosti

“I will never forgive him for cheating, but we will remain friends. I am grateful to Kostya for those 20 happy years that we lived together. Maybe in the future another man will appear next to me, who will be, if not a champion, but simply a good man”, — quotes Natalia Tszyu Life News.

According to her, the marriage broke up two years ago. But to legitimize the procedure for divorce, hands have reached only now. Officially, all papers will be issued on December 3, 2013 in Australia. Interestingly, Kostya will not even come to this procedure, but simply sign the papers and send them to Australia.

He also almost did not find time for his children and wife, whom he himself moved to Australia.

“I won’t take a penny of alimony from him. I am able to financially take care of the children. What they need now is not money, but attention. I would be glad if he could see them more often. Recently, her daughter turned 11 years old, and she cried that dad was not at her holiday. We calculated, and it turned out that Kostya was present only at her three birthdays, ”Life News continues to quote Natalia.

During the Ice Age, Kostya skated with the world and European champion Maria Petrova. But she did not become his chosen one. If you believe the rumors, then Tszyu can often be seen with a dark-haired girl of model appearance ...

Kostya Tszyu at the fight between Alexander Povetkin and Wladimir Klitschko with an unknown companion, whom news agencies confused with the wife of the boxer Natalya, 2013. Photo:

Kostya Tszyu gave candid interview about returning from Australia to Russia, a "difficult" divorce and showed his new lover. PHOTO

The world-famous boxer, a native of the Sverdlovsk region, Kostya Tszyu gave a long interview in which he frankly spoke about his divorce from his wife Natalya, moving from Australia to Russia.

According to Tszyu, now he is getting used to it again and learning to live in Russia. “I didn’t think I’d be back here, but I’m back and ready to start from scratch. I wanted this divorce for many months. I understood that it was necessary to streamline everything and bring it to the correct denominator. And now, finally, it has grown together, and I, Kostya Tszyu, should seem to revel in my freedom, absolute and unlimited. But something won't let you in... Something subconscious that you feel, but you can't define. A similar feeling came to me a few years ago when I was vacationing in my big house in Australia. In one that is difficult to dream of not only in my native Serov, Sverdlovsk region, but even in Moscow. Spacious rooms, tennis court, sauna, swimming pool, fountains… There are 7 toilets in one! The neighbors are wonderful. For example, Hollywood star Russell Crowe, whom I consulted in the film "Knockdown" - nicest person. And nature! Two steps away, the eternal ocean roars. I have everything: three wonderful children, a wife, titles that many boxers can only dream of ... I am the absolute champion and honored to be included in the top ten world boxing legends of all time. I even have a home constrictor! Because I wanted to be! Well, I’m sitting in my “palace” with seven toilets, watching TV, a boa constrictor is napping on me ... And everything seems to be fine, right, but something is wrong! - says the boxer.

According to him, he could not come to terms with the fact that he was turning into a quiet Australian pensioner. “I even hate weekends! I need to be busy with something, to move somewhere. I am a man of action. And there was one continuous day off, ”Tszyu is indignant.

The reason for moving to Russia for Tszyu was also a broken marriage with his wife Natalya, with whom he lived for more than 20 years. The boxer calls his losing fight with Ricky Hatton in 2005 partly the trigger for the breakup. “I lost. It's a terrible feeling when you win all the time, and then - once! - and you lose the ground under your feet. Everything that you have always been sure of does not work anymore, - says the athlete. - Then, after the defeat with Ricky Hatton, I needed the usual human support. But the children are busy with their own, Natasha has fallen headlong into another study and attempts to do business ... She is always learning something. He masters one specialty, then another ...

I tried to express my grievances, I was looking for a dialogue, but no one heard me. All my life I was number one for them, and then I became not even third or fourth ... Kostya Tszyu lost his first place at home.

Tszyu also talks about his wife and the way that has recently existed in their house. “There is no need to imagine that same 18-year-old girl, a hairdresser from the city of Serov, who touchingly jumped and clapped her hands at the sight of new boots or a leather jacket. who looked into my mouth because her own life 100% dependent on mine. That Natasha has not existed for a long time. Natasha Tszyu has a Porsche and a Bentley in her garage. Such a status lady. As we joke in the Urals - "the princess from the state district power station."

Here she is being interviewed by national Australian television. It says something about the communication between the two countries, they say, my husband Kostya became a liaison, blah blah ... A beautiful blouse, makeup, manicure, walks around the house in the frame - shows, and I click the remote control ... “What did you eat today? » I once asked the children. "Air!" - they answer. They ate air!

Everyone who is reading me now, dear girls, cut yourself on the nose - this should not happen to a woman who has a house and children. I am a peasant of the old school, from that generation that, coming in the evening, wants to see well-fed, neatly dressed children, to feel that they are welcome. Natasha is a great cook! But for some reason I didn't want to do it. The very feeling of home is gone. No, we have always been cleaned, special people polished according to the staffing table, but there was no comfort.

At that moment, I met Tatyana, quite by accident, in the company. She gave me her phone number, but I never thought that I would ever dial it. There was something in her ... A half-forgotten feeling of warmth, or something ... And I called. In truth, at that moment she was the only one who wanted to support me. There was affection. And how should a man behave, whom one calls, and the second pushes under the back? .. Probably, we are all primitive in this sense, ”says the boxer.

After the divorce, he left the house and all the property to the children and his ex-wife and flew to live in Moscow. “Many again twisted their fingers at their temples about this: “Fool!”. Maybe so. But it is even psychologically easier for me to start a new life with empty hands. And I have no doubt that I will be able to earn money again. The house, my house, which I planned and built with soul, they are now selling. Although I'm not sorry. He did not bring the happiness that was expected ... Natalia has already complained to the press about the high cost of living in Australia, which does not allow a single woman to maintain expensive real estate. And the former mother-in-law was upset in the press that Tszyu had evicted her daughter and grandchildren to a rented apartment. Firstly, Natasha "moved out" herself, she now rents out the house and put it up for sale. Secondly, her rented accommodation does not look like a rented corner in some Biryulyovo. The place is awesome! Three-bedroom apartment overlooking the bay… Yes, the ex shares a room with her daughter. So what? In a communal apartment in the city of Serov, I generally slept on a mattress under the table. And nothing, he didn’t die!” Tszyu says.

The athlete also spoke about his principles, which he will not break under any circumstances. It was these principles that led to the divorce. “Cigarettes, for example, I will not advertise even for $100 million. All my life I said: “This is bad. It is forbidden". And then suddenly I say: "Light up, guys." And with what face should I do this? .. For some reason, few people understand honesty now. When I got tired of living a double life and told my wife everything as it is, the first comments from friends and acquaintances were: “Fool!”. They said that a lot of people exist like this and no one has died yet. Well, let this bunch live like that, but I can’t, ”says the athlete.

When asked if he will have a wedding with his current girlfriend Tatyana, Kostya Tszyu answers evasively and says that the stamp in the passport does not matter to him.

In addition, the boxer spoke about his last visit to the Urals. “There was a youth tournament named after me. Looked at the rising shift. Purposeful boys! Such a warm feeling arises when you look at them, as if you looked back at your very young self, - says Tszyu. - I went to Serov, I haven't been there for a hundred years. It's a bit far after all ... From Yekaterinburg by car, about 4 hours at best, the roads, as they were disgusting, have remained so. Rode around the city. First of all, I went to the cemetery, where many of my friends are. He put flowers for everyone. I called everyone whose phones were. The people did not believe that I was in the city, but everyone came to meet. My great-aunt was especially surprised.”

Kostya Tszyu is a well-known Russian and Australian boxer who at one time achieved impressive success in and out of the ring. The international successes of this athlete are well known to everyone and everyone, and therefore today we, perhaps, will not focus in detail on his sports career and will try to talk about our today's hero as an ordinary person.

Childhood and family of Kostya Tszyu

Konstantin Borisovich Tszyu was born on September 19, 1969 in the small provincial town of Serov, located in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia. His parents were ordinary Soviet people and were quite far from professional sports. The father of a talented guy worked most of his life as a metallurgist, and his mother devoted herself to medicine.

As for Kostya himself, he was always a rather mobile and active child. Trying to put the guy’s energy into some kind of fruitful channel, already in 1979, Boris Tszyu took his son to the boxing section of one of the youth sports schools in the city of Serov. And soon I realized that I was not mistaken with the choice.

The first successes of Kostya Tszyu in boxing

A lively ten-year-old boy, after six months of sports, began to enter the ring and defeat older guys. A couple of years later, our today's hero was first attracted to the training of the national junior team of the USSR. Kostya Tszyu's career was slowly moving up. He became the winner of various regional and international competitions. He lost and won, and this path slowly led Kostya to the intended goal.

In 1985, our today's hero became the champion of the RSFSR among young men in his age category. Almost immediately after this, Kostya Tszyu began to appear from time to time at "adult" competitions.

The best fights of Kostya Tszyu

In 1989, Konstantin achieved his first major success in the main age group. During this period, he won the gold medals of the USSR championship and almost immediately after that he also triumphantly performed at the European Championship, where he again managed to reach the highest step of the podium. This was followed by a series of new victories. In 1990 and 1991, a talented athlete won the championship twice in a row Soviet Union and winner of several international competitions. In 1989, at the Moscow World Boxing Championship, Kostya Tszyu took third place among athletes in the weight up to 60 kilograms.

Kostya Tszyu and a student of Mike Tyson

And a year later he managed to take gold medals at the Goodwill Games in Seattle, USA. No less striking in the performance of the athlete was also the year 1991. It was then that Kostya Tszyu managed to put two gold medals of the European and world championships into his piggy bank.

Kostya Tszyu in Australia

A series of bright performances at various tournaments attracted the attention of the famous Australian coach Johnny Lewis to the Soviet athlete. It was he who subsequently convinced Konstantin to move to Australia to train and continue his sports career. Soon, the talented boxer accepted the Australian citizenship offered to him and began to frequently perform in exhibition fights around the world.

Throughout his professional career, Kostya Tszyu remained one of the strongest athletes on the planet in his weight category. Over the years, the Russian-Australian athlete had the opportunity to defeat such famous athletes as Jesse Leiha, Juan Laporte, Judah Zab, Cesar Chavez, Ismael Chavez. All these, as well as many other bright victories, brought Kostya Tszyu great fame and worldwide recognition in the boxing world. He became a real star in Australia, and then in his homeland.

The result of the career of boxer Kostya Tszyu

In total, during his career, Kostya Tszyu fought 282 fights, among which he managed to win 270 victories. This figure has always seemed quite impressive. Therefore, the inclusion of a boxer in the Fighting Hall of Fame, which took place in June 2011, did not come as a surprise to anyone.

Kostya Tszyu. Best knockouts

It is noteworthy that on the same day as Kostya Tszyu, Sylvester Stallone and Mexican champion Julio Cesar Chavez, whom the Australian boxer once had a chance to defeat, were also included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Kostya Dzyu after retirement

After completing his professional career, Kostya Tszyu began to coach. For his wards, he developed a special training system that allowed him to achieve special success in the ring. At the time of this writing, among the wards of Konstantin were such famous boxers as Denis Lebedev, Alexander Povetkin, Khabib Allahverdiev.

In parallel with this, our today's hero was engaged in conducting master classes for young athletes, and also opened a number of sports schools in Russia with his own money. Such measures, as conceived by the eminent boxer, should have been aimed at popularizing sports in the country.

In 2010, with the same goals, Kostya Tszyu also headed the editorial office of the first electronic martial arts magazine in Russia “Fight Magazine”, showing himself in principle new role. In parallel with all this, our today's hero also often appeared on television as a media person. Over the years, the athlete took part in such projects as “Kostya Tszyu. To be the first”, “Australian Top Model”, “Dancing with the Stars”, etc. In addition, Kostya Tszyu also played several cameo roles in the Australian TV series “Deal or Not”, “Home and Go” and some others.

Kostya Tszyu at present

The talented Australian-Russian boxer currently works as a trainer and editor. At the end of 2013, the funds mass media rumors began to appear that Kostya Tszyu was allegedly preparing to write his own autobiography. However, on this moment this information has not been officially confirmed.

Personal life of Kostya Tszyu

For twenty years, Kostya Tszyu was married to a woman named Natalya. Within the framework of this marital union, three children were born, each of whom subsequently, one way or another, connected his life with sports (boxing, football and gymnastics).

After the divorce, Konstantin said that the cooling of relations with his wife happened 12 years ago. Since then, they have not actually lived together, and he has had relationships with other women.

IN last years Kostya Tszyu is dating a woman named Tatyana. The lovers decided not to register the marriage, but the athlete does not deny the likelihood that they will have joint children.
