Stalingrad house named after the sergeant. Winning Quiz

Know, Soviet people, that you are descendants of fearless warriors!
Know, Soviet people, that the blood of great heroes flows in you,
Those who gave their lives for their homeland without thinking about the benefits!
Know and honor, Soviet people, the exploits of our grandfathers and fathers!

An inconspicuous house of pre-war Stalingrad, which was destined to become one of the symbols of perseverance, heroism, and military feat - Pavlov's house.

“...On September 26, a group of reconnaissance officers of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment under the command of Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov and a platoon of Lieutenant N.E. Zabolotny 13th Guards rifle division took up defense in 2 residential buildings on January 9 Square. Subsequently, these houses went down in history Battle of Stalingrad like “Pavlov’s house” and “Zabolotny’s house”...".

During the days of the Battle of Stalingrad, the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of Colonel I.P. held the defense on the January 9 Square. Elina.

The commander of the 3rd battalion, Captain A.E. Zhukov received the task of conducting an operation to seize two residential buildings. For this purpose, two groups were created under the command of Sergeant Pavlov and Lieutenant Zabolotny, who successfully completed the task assigned to them.

The house, captured by Lieutenant Zabolotny’s fighters, could not withstand the enemy’s onslaught - the advancing German invaders blew up the building along with the Soviet soldiers defending it.

Sergeant Pavlov’s group managed to survive, they held out in the House of the Regional Consumer Union for three days, after which reinforcements under the command of Lieutenant Afanasyev arrived to their aid, delivering ammunition and weapons.

The building of the Regional Potrebsoyuz became one of the most important strongholds in the defense system of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment and the entire 13th Guards Rifle Division...

Before the war, it was a 4-story residential building for workers of the regional consumer union. It was considered one of the prestigious houses of Stalingrad: it was surrounded by the elite House of Signalmen and the House of NKVD Workers. Industrial specialists and party workers lived in Pavlov’s house. Pavlov's house was built so that a straight, flat road led from it to the Volga. This fact played an important role during the Battle of Stalingrad.

In mid-September 1942, during the battles on January 9 Square, Pavlov’s house became one of two four-story buildings that it was decided to turn into strongholds, since from here it was possible to observe and fire at the enemy-occupied part of the city to the west up to 1 km, and on north and south are even further. It was for this house that the most fierce battles took place.

September 22, 1942 Sergeant Yakov Pavlov’s company approached the house and entrenched itself in it - at that time only four people remained alive. Soon - on the third day - reinforcements arrived: a machine-gun platoon under the command of Lieutenant I.F. Afanasyev, who, as a senior in rank, led the defense of the house. But, nevertheless, for the artillerymen the house was named after the person who first settled in it. So the house became Pavlov's house.

With the help of sappers, the defense of Pavlov's house was improved - the approaches to it were mined, a trench was dug to communicate with the command located in the Mill building, and a telephone with the call sign "Mayak" was installed in the basement of the house. A garrison of 25 men held their position for 58 days, repelling endless attacks from vastly superior enemy forces. On Paulus's personal map this house was marked as a fortress.

“A small group, defending one house, destroyed more enemy soldiers than the Nazis lost during the capture of Paris,” noted Army 62 commander Vasily Chuikov.

Pavlov's house was defended by fighters of 10 nationalities - Georgian Masiashvili and Ukrainian Lushchenko, Jew Litsman and Tatar Ramazanov, Abkhaz Sukba and Uzbek Turgunov. So Pavlov's House became a real stronghold of friendship between peoples during the Great Patriotic War. All heroes were awarded government awards, and Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, who was wounded during the storming of the “milk house” and then sent to the hospital, was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.

The second house on January 9 Square was occupied by a platoon of Lieutenant N. E. Zabolotny. But at the end of September 1942, German artillery completely destroyed this house, and almost the entire platoon and Lieutenant Zabolotny himself died under its ruins.

Pavlov's House:

Defenders of Stalingrad near Pavlov's House

Zabolotny's house:

Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov:

From me.

I think it is important to filter the information from this video material, throwing historical lies aside.

TVC is a Western broadcasting company operating in Russian telecommunications spaces. As always, such structures, telling about the exploits of our grandparents during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, will definitely add a spoon "psychological tar" into history "barrel of honey" heroic battles of the Red Army for our great Soviet Motherland.

Remember that any information, even a feat, emotionally negatively colored, involuntarily leaves a negative aftertaste in a person when perceived.

Thus, our psychological enemy gradually convinces us that “The Nazis were people too” and it doesn’t matter to them that they considered themselves superhumans and us subhumans, with all the ensuing consequences. and it doesn’t matter to them that there are no historical cases of atrocities by Red Army soldiers, but the atrocities of the Nazis are known to all of humanity and were presented to the Nuremberg court. Some say that “if Hitler had captured us, we would now be drinking Bavarian beer and eating Bavarian sausages”, and it doesn’t matter to them that only every fourth Belarusian was killed by the Nazis, which exists, which provides for the disposal (extermination) of excess Slavs and the enslavement of the survivors, “Stalin is a tyrant and a murderer like Hitler”, but it doesn’t matter to them that Stalin defended the multinational Soviet people from destruction and enslavement, and it was Hitler who invaded the territory of the USSR, destroying cities, villages, Soviet citizens... Does anyone know of a case where a Nazi soldier or officer shouted “For Germany!” For Hitler! rushed to the embrasure of a Soviet pillbox, covering with his body a machine gun spewing deadly fire, in order to save his colleagues and complete a combat mission? When will we stop believing the lies of Western experts? Psychological warfare and learn to identify the “fly in the psychological ointment” in our historical heroic “honey”?

After the war, the square where it was located Pavlov's House, was named Defense Square. A semicircular colonnade was built near Pavlov’s house by the architect I. E. Fialko. It was planned to build a monument to a soldier of Stalingrad in front of the house, but the memory of the soldier’s feat was immortalized. In 1965, according to the design of sculptors P.L. Malkova and A.V. Golovanov, a memorial wall-monument was built on the end wall of the house from the side of the square in honor of the military feat of the defenders of Stalingrad. The inscription on it reads:

“This house at the end of September 1942 was occupied by Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov and his comrades A. P. Aleksandrov, V. S. Glushchenko, N. Ya. Chernogolov. During September-November 1942, the house was heroically defended by soldiers of the 3rd th battalion of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Order of Lenin Rifle Division: Aleksandrov A.P., Afanasyev I.F., Bondarenko M.S., Voronov I.V., Glushchenko V.S., Gridin T. I., Dovzhenko P. I., Ivashchenko A. I., Kiselev V. M., Mosiashvili N. G., Murzaev T., Pavlov Ya. F., Ramazanov F. 3., Saraev V. K., Svirin I. T., Sobgaida A. A., Torgunov K., Turdyev M., Khait I. Ya., Chernogolov N. Ya., Chernyshchenko A. N., Shapovalov A. E., Yakimenko G. I.”

Defenders of Pavlov's house:

Data on the number of defenders range from 24 to 31. (The name of the Unknown Soldier, who defended the House of Soldiers' Glory, was once claimed by about 50 people.) There were also more than thirty civilians in the basements, some were seriously injured as a result of the fires that broke out after German artillery attacks and bombings. Pavlov's house was defended by military personnel of different nationalities:


job title

Armament Nationality

reconnaissance group



gun- Russian

reconnaissance group




manual Ukrainian

reconnaissance group


Alexander P.

Red Army soldier

manual Russian

reconnaissance group



Red Army soldier

manual Russian





garrison commander

heavy Russian





junior lieutenant
mortar squad commander

mortar Russian






mortar Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



Art. sergeant
machine gun commander

machine gun Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



gun- Jew

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



heavy Ukrainian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



Red Army soldier

manual Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.


Red Army soldier

manual Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.


Red Army soldier

heavy Ukrainian


armor piercers


Art. sergeant
armor piercing squad commander

PTR Ukrainian


armor piercers





PTR Tatar


armor piercers




Red Army soldier

PTR Ukrainian


armor piercers


Red Army soldier

PTR Kazakh


armor piercers


Red Army soldier

PTR Tajik


armor piercers



Red Army soldier

PTR Uzbek

machine gunner


Red Army soldier

gun- Russian

machine gunner


Red Army soldier

gun- Georgian

machine gunner


Red Army soldier

gun- Russian

machine gunner



Red Army soldier

gun- Russian
24 Khokholov


Red Army soldier

rifle Kalmyk

Among the defenders of the garrison, who were not constantly in the building, but only periodically, it is worth noting the sniper sergeant Chekhov Anatoly Ivanovich and medical instructor Maria Stepanovna Ulyanova, who took up arms during German attacks.

In the memoirs of A.S. Chuyanov, the following are still listed as defenders of the house: Stepanoshvili (Georgian), Sukba (Abkhazian). In his book, the spelling of some surnames is also different: Sabgaida (Ukrainian), Murzuev (Kazakh). -1 -2

Rodimtsev with the heroic garrison "Pavlov's House".

Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov(October 4, 1917 - September 28, 1981) - hero of the Battle of Stalingrad, commander of a group of fighters who, in the fall of 1942, defended a four-story residential building on Lenin Square (Pavlov's House) in the center of Stalingrad. This house and its defenders became a symbol of the heroic defense of the city on the Volga. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945).

Yakov Pavlov was born in the village of Krestovaya, graduated from elementary school, worked in agriculture. In 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army. He met the Great Patriotic War in combat units in the Kovel region, as part of the troops of the Southwestern Front.

In 1942, Pavlov was sent to the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th guards division General A.I. Rodimtseva. He took part in defensive battles on the approaches to Stalingrad. In July-August 1942, Senior Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov was reorganized in the city of Kamyshin, where he was appointed commander of the machine gun squad of the 7th company. In September 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, he carried out reconnaissance missions.

On the evening of September 27, 1942, Pavlov received a combat mission from the company commander, Lieutenant Naumov, to reconnoiter the situation in a 4-story building overlooking the central square of Stalingrad - January 9th Square. This building occupied an important tactical position. With three fighters (Chernogolov, Glushchenko and Aleksandrov) he knocked the Germans out of the building and completely captured it. Soon the group received reinforcements, ammunition and telephone communications. Together with the platoon of Lieutenant I. Afanasyev, the number of defenders increased to 26 people. It was not immediately possible to dig a trench and evacuate civilians hiding in the basements of the house.

The Germans constantly attacked the building with artillery and aerial bombs. But Pavlov avoided heavy losses and for almost two months did not allow the enemy to break through to the Volga.

On November 19, 1942, the troops of the Stalingrad Front launched a counteroffensive. On November 25, during the attack, Pavlov was wounded in the leg, lay in the hospital, then was a gunner and commander of the reconnaissance section in the artillery units of the 3rd Ukrainian and 2nd Belorussian Fronts, in which he reached Stettin. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star and many medals.

June 17, 1945 to junior lieutenant Yakov Pavlov was assigned title of Hero of the Soviet Union (medal No. 6775). Pavlov was demobilized from the Soviet Army in August 1946.

After demobilization, he worked in the city of Valdai, Novgorod region, was the third secretary of the district committee, and graduated from the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee. Three times he was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR from the Novgorod region. After the war, he was also awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution.

He repeatedly came to Stalingrad (now Volgograd), met with residents of the city who survived the war and restored it from ruins. In 1980, Y. F. Pavlov was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd.”

In Veliky Novgorod, in a boarding school named after him for orphans and children left without parental care, there is a Pavlov Museum (Derevyanitsy microdistrict, Beregovaya Street, building 44).

Ya.F. Pavlov was buried on the Alley of Heroes of the Western Cemetery of Veliky Novgorod.

Glushchenko Vasily Sergeevich
, corporal, member of the reconnaissance group that captured Pavlov's House.

At the end of October 1942, the squad of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov was ordered to knock out the enemy who had settled there from the four-story House of Specialists and hold the object until reinforcements arrived. There was a daring battle with an enemy clearly superior in numbers. Due to the desperate onslaught and courage of a handful of Soviet soldiers, the Nazis decided that they were being attacked by a large unit. But there were only a few attackers: Sergeant Pavlov, privates Alexandrov, Chernogolov and Stavropol collective farmer, infantryman Vasily Glushchenko. On the fourth or fifth day, small reinforcements arrived, and the garrison of Pavlov’s House, which held an unprecedented defense of just one building for 58 days, went down in history great battle on the Volga. They fought to the death; the enemy never managed to knock them out of the fortified house.

After the war, Vasily Glushchenko settled with us in Maryinskaya. On the 30th anniversary of the Victory, Hero of the Soviet Union Yakov Pavlov himself came to the village to meet him. Some of the old-timers still remember this. They remember how, straightening his mustache with a slight movement, Vasily Sergeevich said:

“There were, however, rarely moments of calm. And then a sort of barking voice was heard from their German hiding places:

“Rus, give up.”

I answer them as best I can:

“Don’t make a mistake, you fascist bastard! It's not just Russians here. If I start listing everyone, you’ll die without listening.”

Indeed, the defenders of Pavlov’s House included representatives of many nationalities. Ukrainians, Georgians, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Jews, and Tatars fought hand in hand with the Russians. They were workers before the war and during the war, in general, they remained essentially the same workers: they fought as they worked.

Until his death, Glushchenko kept a letter from twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Vasily Chuikov. Years after the war, the famous commander personally greeted and thanked the soldier:

“Dear Vasily Sergeevich, friend at the front, hero of the Stalingrad epic! Your feat is written in golden letters in history. HousePavlova, which you bravely defended for all 58 days, remained an unconquered fortress... Thank you, soldier and comrade.”

This year marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Glushchenko. In honor of this date, a memorial evening was held at the Maryinsky House of Culture. The chairman of the Council of Veterans of the village, Lev Sokolov, told the audience, among whom there were many students from the village school, about the Battle of Stalingrad itself. And the history teacher and head of the village museum, Alexander Yaroshenko, introduced us to the biography of our heroic fellow countryman.Guests of the meeting saw photographs of Vasily Glushchenko, including front-line ones.

Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev(1916 - August 17, 1975) - lieutenant, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad. He led the defense of Pavlov's House.

Born in the village of Voronezhskaya, Ust-Labinsk district, Krasnodar region. Russian.

October 2, 1942, during street fighting in Stalingrad, Lieutenant Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev led the defense of one of the houses (five days before, the house was occupied by the reconnaissance group of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov. Later this house would become known as Pavlov's House. The defense of the house lasted 58 days.

Despite the continuous attacks of the Nazis and air bombing, the garrison of the house held its facility until the general offensive of the Soviet troops began.

November 4, 1942 Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev led his fighters on the offensive across the January 9 Square. By 11 o'clock the guards took possession of one of the houses on the square, repelling four enemy attacks. In this battle, Lieutenant Afanasyev was shell-shocked (with loss of hearing and speech) and sent to the hospital. On January 17, 1943, in a battle for the factory part of the city, he was again wounded.

By order of the 13th Guards Infantry Division No.: 17/n dated: 02.22.1943, the commander of the machine gun platoon of the 42nd Guards Infantry Regiment of the 13th Guards Infantry Division of the Guard, Lieutenant Afanasyev, was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the fact that in the battles for Stalingrad near the village of Red October, together with his platoon, he destroyed about 150 enemy soldiers and officers, killing 18 soldiers with fire from personal weapons, and blocked 4 dugouts, allowing the infantry to carry out a counterattack.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, he took part in the battles on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge, near Kiev, Berlin and ended the war in Prague.

By order of the 111th Tank Brigade No. 6 dated: July 23, 1943, the commander of the bullet platoon of the rifle company of the 111th Tank Brigade of the Guard, Lieutenant Afanasyev, was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the fact that, while repelling an enemy counterattack, he destroyed his platoon with fire from heavy machine guns up to 3 enemy platoons, personally suppressing one enemy mortar from a machine gun.

By order of the 111th Tank Brigade No.: 17/n dated: 01/15/1944, Guard Lieutenant Afanasyev was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the fact that in the battle for the village of Chenovichi, with machine gun fire from his platoon, he destroyed up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers, while Afanasyev himself killed about 40 soldiers, replacing a wounded machine gunner.

By order of the 25th Tank Corps: 9/n dated: 05/09/1944, the party organizer of the machine gun battalion of the 111th Tank Brigade of the Guard, Lieutenant Afanasyev, was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, for the dedication and courage shown during the performance of his direct duties as a party organizer, aimed to maintain the morale of the battalion soldiers.

By order of PTRB 173 25th tank division Senior Lieutenant Afanasyev was awarded the medal “For the Liberation of Prague.”

By order of the commander of the 25th Tank Division, Senior Lieutenant Afanasyev was awarded the medal “For the Capture of Berlin.”

By order of the 230th azsp of the 53rd Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front No.: 3/1074 dated: 10/07/1946, Senior Lieutenant Afanasyev was awarded the medal “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.”

As a result of a contusion received during the war in 1951, Ivan Afanasyev lost his sight, which was partially restored after operations.

Afanasyev settled in Stalingrad after the war. Despite his vision problems, he managed to write memoirs and also correspond with other defenders of Pavlov's House.

On October 15, 1967, at the opening of the monument to the ensemble on Mamayev Kurgan, together with Konstantin Nedorubov, they accompanied a torch with an eternal flame from the Square of Fallen Fighters to Mamayev Kurgan. And in 1970, together with Konstantin Nedorubov and Vasily Zaitsev, he laid a capsule with a message to descendants (which will be opened on May 9, 2045, on the centenary of the Victory).

Died Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev August 17, 1975, and was buried in the central cemetery of Volgograd. However, in his will he indicated that he would like to rest with other fighters on Mamayev Kurgan. In 2013, he was reburied at the Mamayev Kurgan memorial cemetery. A memorial plaque was installed on his grave.

Chernyshenko Alexey Nikiforovich took part in the defense of Pavlov's House and commanded a mortar squad.Junior Lieutenant Alexey Nikiforovich Chernyshenko was born and lived in the village of Shipunovo, Altai Territory, and from there in 1941 at the age of 18 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army and went to the front.

Alexey Nikiforovich Chernyshenko died a heroic death in 1942 in one of the battles for Stalingrad and was buried in a mass grave in the city of Stalingrad.

Sergeant Khait Idel Yakovlevich born in the village of Khashchevatoye, Odessa region in 1914. The Gaivoronsky RVK was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Red Army soldier, rifleman, 273rd rifle regiment, 270th rifle division.

Khait Idel Yakovlevich died heroically on November 25, 1942, on the last 58th day of the defense of “Pavlov’s house” in Stalingrad.

Khait Idel Yakovlevich was buried in a mass grave near the Volga, not far from the Gergart mill, located next to Pavlov’s house in the city of Stalingrad.

Red Army soldier Ivan Timofeevich Svirin. The war tore Ivan Timofeevich away from his peaceful profession. Before the war, he worked on a collective farm in the village. Mikhailovka, Kharabalinsky district. From there he went to the front. There was a wife and four children left at home.

As it becomes clear from the documents, Ivan Timofeevich was a machine gunner in the garrison of Pavlov’s House. He, along with everyone else, repelled enemy attacks, went to the rifle company command post with combat reports, equipped positions for firing points, and stood on duty. In terms of age, Ivan Timofeevich was the oldest, then he was 42 years old. He had years behind him civil war. Often, in between battles, he talked with newcomers, helping them understand much of what was happening in the garrison.

In January 1943, he died in the battles for the workers' village "Red October". In the Svirins’ house, books telling about the heroes of the immortal garrison are kept as a memory of their husband and father.

Sobgaida Andrey Alekseevich born in 1914 in the village. Politotdelskoye, Nikolaev district, Stalingrad region. At the age of 27 he went to the front. He already had several months of front-line life behind him; he took part in the battles near Kharkov. He was wounded and was treated at the Kamyshin hospital. The fighter Sobgayda was given only two days to visit his family.

In the morning I was already on my way. On the way to burning Stalingrad. There were battles here for every meter of land, for every house.

Sobgaida Andrei Alekseevich was one of the defenders of Pavlov’s house. In one of the defensive ones, Andrei was wounded. Only he did not leave the garrison, he tried to help his comrades. Together with other fighters, he dug trenches from the house to the mill. The last, most fierce attack was repulsed in mid-November. Company commander Naumov was killed, many were wounded, including Pavlov. There's an offensive ahead. In one of the offensive battles, Andrei Alekseevich Sobgaida died.

Corporal, armor piercer Ramazanov Faizrahman Zulbukarovich, born in 1906. Born in Astrakhan.

Ramazanov Faizrahman Zulbukarovich participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, including the defense of Pavlov’s house, liberated Hungary and took Berlin.

He was seriously wounded, but luckily he survived. He was awarded the Order of Military Glory, medals “For Stalingrad”, “For Kharkov”, “For Balaton” and other awards.

One of the best snipers of the 13th Guards Sergeant fired at the enemy from Pavlov's House Anatoly Ivanovich Chekhov, who destroyed more than 200 Nazis.

General Rodimtsev, right on the front line, awarded nineteen-year-old Anatoly Chekhov the Order of the Red Banner.

The Nazis managed to destroy one of the walls of the house. To which the fighters joked:

“We have three more walls. A house is like a house, only with a little ventilation.”

Gridin Terenty Illarionovich born on May 15, 1910 in the village of Blizhneosinovsky of the Second Don District of the Don Army Region.

In 1933 he graduated from the Nizhne-Chirsky Agricultural College. Worked as an agronomist.

Drafted into the Red Army on March 24, 1942. Kaganovich district military registration and enlistment office (now Surovikinsky) and was sent to the Astrakhan Military School. Afterwards he was assigned to the 13th Guards Rifle Division.

After securing the Red Army soldiers in Pavlov’s house, mortar men arrived there with junior lieutenant A.N. Chernyshenko, among them T.I. Gridin.

The collections of the Surovikino Museum of History and Local Lore contain a copy of the book “House of Soldier’s Glory”, on the title page of which the author made a dedicatory inscription:

“To my combat friend from the Stalingrad battles T.I. To Gridin from the commander and author, May 9, 1971, Afanasyev.”

Terenty Illarionovich read the book with a pencil in his hands and underlined the most striking episodes and made notes in the margins. For example:

“I was with the mortar men in the house at a time when the 8th company of the 3rd battalion was still in the military trade building” (p. 46)

“As a result of the explosion, the entire western end wall of our House of Soldier’s Glory collapsed. At this time, our company commander was standing in the basement window. With a strong explosion of a heavy shell, I was concussed, hit in the head with rubble and tore off the door to the basement” (p. 54).

“We witnessed how the military trade building turned into a pile of ruins. During the day there was an L-shaped house, and in the morning only smoke came from the ruins” (p. 57).

“The mortar men were in the House led by Senior Sergeant Gridin, and at that time they sent us the commander of a platoon of company mortars, Comrade Alexey Chernyshenko, a young Siberian who had just graduated from 10th grade and command school” (p. 60).

On December 2, 1942, Gridin T.I. was seriously wounded in the right arm and sent to the hospital. After being seriously wounded, he did not take part in hostilities.

After the war, Terenty Illarionovich lived in the city of Surovikino, Volgograd region, worked at a plant protection station as an agronomist, maintained active correspondence with his comrades in arms, and came to the city of Volgograd to meet with fellow soldiers.

Died Gridin Terenty Illarionovich April 23, 1987, buried in Surovikino.

Art. Red Army sergeant, machine gun commander Voronov Ilya Vasilievich. The Stalingrad epic of machine gunner Voronov began like this. After being seriously wounded on the Don coast in May 1942, Ilya Voronov fought off doctors as best he could who tried to send him to the warm rear for further treatment, away from the battles. In September, from the hospital evacuated to Astrakhan, untreated soldiers, among whom was twenty-year-old Ilya, went to fight in the burning Stalingrad. Machine gunners were worth their weight in gold, and even more so aces like Voronov, who treated thirty-kilogram Maxims like toys.

Guard Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, who was tasked by the command of the 3rd Battalion of the 42nd Infantry Regiment of the 13th Guards Division with holding the most important strategic facility with access to the Volga - Pavlov's house, requested Voronov for help.

The peasant son Ilya Voronov - about ninety meters tall, with fists of pounds - could choose the best position for his machine gun to attack, and the most inconspicuous place to dig in and wait out, if the combat situation required it. He was not only the commander of the machine gun crew, the assistant platoon commander, but also a real ringleader. Voronov taught his machine gunners the song “Forward, we are Dashing Stalinists” and was the lead singer himself.

“Yasha, if it gets difficult, I’m at the mill,” he told Pavlov before he went to the house.

At this time, Voronov’s machine gun was working at the same mill, which still stands in Volgograd as a destroyed reminder of the Battle of Stalingrad.

“Send me Voronov,” Pavlov asked and demanded from his command.

And in the end the battalion commander called Voronov and ordered:

"You are going to Pavlov's house."

“At first I didn’t understand: which house? – recalls Ilya Vasilyevich.

– This house was then officially called the House of Specialists. It turns out that the messenger is “to blame”. Yasha told him:

“Tell Voronov to come to Pavlov’s house.”

And the messenger said to the commanders:

"To Pavlov's house." That’s how it went from then on.”

“Well, now we can fight,” Pavlov hugged Voronov, who had finally arrived.

Few people know that when the house was in the hands of the Nazis, 34 civilians remained in it and suffered full grief.

Having captured the house, the Germans abused the people: they beat the elderly and raped the women. And when Sergeant Pavlov and his comrades drove out the invaders, they told him this:

“If you leave us here, we will not forgive you.”

They couldn’t leave this house after such words! This is tantamount to betrayal. How then to look into the eyes of children who have become almost family. One of the elders, ten-year-old Vanya, brought cartridges, water, and helped bandage the soldiers.

And one day Voronov came into one of the rooms, and there a naked woman was sitting and wrapping a baby in her dress.

“Why naked? Why are you embarrassing my fighters? – machine gunner Ilya Voronov was surprised.

“I have nothing to swaddle my child with,” the woman answered. “Get dressed, I’ll be there in a minute,” answered the machine gunner.

And he brought the woman new replacement footcloths for diapers.

After many, many years, that child turned, according to Ilya Vasilyevich, into beautiful woman. She set the table and welcomed the defenders of Pavlov’s House into her Volgograd apartment. She knew very well that she was alive because machine gunner Voronov, sergeants Pavlov and Ramazanov, private Glushchenko gave her rations to her mother, and they themselves climbed to the wheat warehouse located between the house and the mill. There were problems with food and ammunition: the command would send 10-12 boats, but only two or three would arrive. So the soldiers chewed the wheat they had obtained under fire. For water they made their way to the Volga, overflowing with oil from reservoirs bombed by the Nazis. Then the water was filtered six times through rags and foot wraps. But she still smelled of kerosene. They drank themselves and cleaned it for the machine gun.

The Nazis did everything they could to take this house: they fired at it with machine guns, bombed it with planes, and threw grenades at it. And ours rose as if from the ashes: they “patched” the broken windows and doorways with bags of earth - and answered. They didn’t sleep for several days – and that’s why the Nazis lost count. They imagined that in the house there was not a wounded platoon, but almost a regiment.

The moment came when the Nazis could not stand it. “Hey, Rus, how many of you are there?” - came from the fascist loudspeaker, which was installed a few meters from Pavlov’s house.

“A full battalion and more,” answered the Pavlovtsians.

When the general offensive began, five remained alive in the dilapidated house.

They lasted 58 days! What are the components of heroism? Sergeant Voronov knows them. For example, the Nazis shot a simple Russian girl in the arm and sent her to ours for information about the location of units, and took her mother hostage. Heroism consisted of fearlessness: when you stuck out of the house almost up to your waist and poured fire on the Nazis, taking revenge for breaking a fragile Russian girl, forcing her to choose at the age of ten: life or the Motherland, mother or liberating soldiers.

This is how the defense of Pavlov’s House ended for Voronov.

“Once, during a battle in the center of the city, an enemy grenade fell at my feet,” the veteran said. “I quickly threw it back, but then another one exploded, and I was wounded in the face and stomach. I didn’t feel any pain and continued to fight, wiping the blood that was pouring into my eyes. During the next enemy counterattack, I was wounded again, but I was in such an angry passion that, even when the cartridges ran out, I tore rings out of grenades with my teeth and threw them towards the Fritz. When the nurse crawled up, while bandaging him, she counted more than twenty shrapnel and machine-gun wounds on the body.

I spent no less than 15 and a half months in hospital beds and underwent dozens of operations. He returned to Glinka’s native village in 1944, and his mother and sisters live in a dugout. It was as if pincers were squeezing my heart: I had to rebuild the village, build a house for the family, but he was on one leg. Harnessed. He worked as a storekeeper, a dairy farm manager, a security guard at a grain farm, so much so that some couldn’t keep up even on two legs. He didn’t let anyone off the hook.

After the war, Ilya Vasilyevich cried only once, in 1981. A telegram came from Nizhny from Pavlov’s son:

"Dad is dead".

Natalya Alexandrovna is the daughter of the legendary commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Division A.I. Rodimtseva - in her book about the war and about her father, wrote about the Russian soldier Ilya Voronov:

“This man is a diamond of the highest standard.”

For three years now he has not gone to the city on the Volga. When I was younger, I went there every year. I sat at the same table with Marshal Chuikov, and he repeated:

“If it weren’t for you, the defenders of the house, it’s still unknown how the war would have turned out.”

Afanasyev I. F., Voronov I. V., Ulyanova M. S.

LADICHENKO (ULYANOVA) Maria Stepanovna “Chizhik”.

"IN all 58 days of defense of Pavlov's House from the first to last day Masha, a gentle and skillful nurse, was part of our garrison. And if the enemy was advancing?.. Masha took a machine gun and grenades, stood nearby, fought and shouted:

“Beat the filthy fascists, guys, the enemy!”

L. I. SAVELIEV. "PAVLOV'S HOUSE". A true story about Soldier's glory:

“... the fascists started another “concert” and now everyone is at the firing points. There was Naumov, who brought the artillerymen to the house... medical instructor Chizhik - company commander, prudently took her with him when he was equipping the expedition for the cannon... everyone was sure that when needed, Chizhik would definitely be nearby... Chizhik hurried - medical instructor Marusya Ulyanova, who provided first aid to Dronov help... But most of all the guests and fellow soldiers were the platoon commander Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev, ... and Maria Stepanovna Ulyanova-Ladychenko - after all, she also lives in Volgograd. For her friends at the front, that’s how she remained: MARUSYA – CHISHIK.” (pp. 136-138, 144, 206).

"STALINGRAD. 1942-1943. The Battle of Stalingrad in Documents." Moscow.1995. P. 412. VSMP funds, folder No. 198, inv. No. 9846, original:


...Ulyanova Maria Stepanovna, an employee of the Red October plant, is considered to be in the 42nd rifle regiment of the 13th Guards. with the best nurse. Under any fire, she calmly performs her duties. She was recently awarded the medal "For Courage".…

Head of the political department of the 62nd Army, Brigade Commissar Vasiliev. TsAMO, f. 48, op. 486, d. 35, l. 319a-321. (pp. 321-323. KP).

Ulyanova Maria Stepanovna: Medal for Courage fund 33 inventory 686044 file 1200 l. 2 I am sending a piece of the award order:

"14. Medical instructor of the 3rd rifle battalion of the Red Army Guard, Maria Stepanovna ULYANOVA, for the fact that in the battles for Stalingrad from November 22 to 26, 1942, she carried 15 wounded soldiers and commanders and 15 rifles from the battlefield and provided first aid to 20 wounded commanders and soldiers. Born in 1919, Russian member of the Komsomol, in the Patriotic War since December 1941, has 2 wounds, in the spacecraft since 1941..., has no awards...".

Volgograd Regional Committee of the CPSU, Institute of Military History of the USSR Ministry of Defense. "THE HISTORICAL FEAT OF STALINGRAD". Moscow. 1985. P. 219:

“IN THE legendary house of Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, TOGETHER WITH HIS DEFENDERS, FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF THE FIGHTS, Maria ULYANOVA was present, providing medical care to many warriors."

In the Museum of the HISTORY of the KIROV DISTRICT there is a record about Maria Stepanovna LADICHENKO (ULYANOVA), a participant in the Great Patriotic War and the Battle of Stalingrad, a participant in the battles of the legendary garrison of the House of Soldiers' Glory ("House of Pavlov"):

“Ulyanova had three combat medals:

- “For courage”;

- “For the defense of Stalingrad”;

— “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Battle path Gary Badmaevich Khokholov started in 1941. 1941 - when the war began, Garya worked at a fish canning factory:

“...I had armor, and all my comrades went to the front. Well, I think everyone is fighting, and I’ll catch crucians?

Before I had time to leave Kalmykia, I was turned back - I wasn’t suitable for health reasons. On the second attempt, I finally broke through to the front,” the veteran later recalled.

IN 1 942, an 18-year-old boy, Garya joins the army. He ends up in the training battalion of the 139th Infantry Division, located in the Astrakhan region (Kharabali). I managed to train as a mortar operator for 1.5 months. Untrained recruits are sent on a 5-day forced march (on foot at night) and young mortar cadets find themselves on the left bank of the Volga.

Meanwhile, fierce battles are taking place in the very center of Stalingrad. For more than two months, soldiers of the 42nd Regiment of the 13th Guards Division have been holding back the enemy onslaught. Stone buildings - the House of Sergeant Ya. Pavlov, the House of Lieutenant N. Zabolotny and mill No. 4 - were turned into strongholds. "No step back!"- Following this order and the dictates of the soul, the guards did not want to retreat.

Pavlov's House or, as many today call it, the House of Soldier's Glory had a favorable, dominant position in this area (the territory occupied by the enemy was well covered). That is why the commander of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment I.P. Elin orders the commander of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, Captain A.E. Zhukov to seize the house and turn it into a stronghold. Soldiers of the 7th Infantry Company, commanded by Senior Lieutenant I.P., were sent to carry out this task. Naumov. At the end of September 1942, this house was captured by Sergeant Ya.F. Pavlov with his squad (3 soldiers).

At the same time:

“On September 20 we crossed the Volga...” - recording made with a simple pencil in the hand of G. Khokholov himself on 1 sheet of a Red Army book.

On the third day of Pavlov’s stay there with his comrades, reinforcements arrived at the House: a machine-gun platoon of 7 people, led by Lieutenant I.F. Afanasyev, a group of armor-piercing soldiers of 6 people under the command of Senior Sergeant A.A. Sabgaydy, four mortarmen under the command of Lieutenant A.N. Chernushenko and three machine gunners. I.F. was appointed commander of the group. Afanasiev.

In the book “The Guardsmen Fought to the Death,” General A.I. Rodimtsev recalls:

“As a joke, Afanasyev called his assault group an international brigade. If the machine gunners represented only three nationalities - Russians, Ukrainians and Uzbeks, then an even more complex national family was represented by the armor-piercing units of the A.A. Subguides."

It was in this group that G. Khokholov was included.This is how Khokholov himself describes his appearance in the battalion.

“On the night of September 20, we crossed on a barge to the burning city. And immediately into battle. Then they stopped. They took us into the basement of some house. The smokehouse was burning and by its light they wrote down names. I spoke Russian poorly, but I still have a Red Army book with the personal signature of Company Commander-7 I.I. Naumova: 13th Guards Rifle Division, 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment, 3rd Guards Rifle Regiment, 7th Rifle Company, date: September 20, 1942. After a short clerical procedure, we were taken further - here bullets were already whistling, rockets were flashing, the front line was felt... About twenty of us had gathered. The platoon commander explained that the city is almost entirely owned by the Germans, but we will stay in this house.”

From the memoirs of G. Khokholov:

“I remember endless fascist attacks: German planes circled over the house, artillery, mortar and machine gun fire did not subside. The Germans stormed the house several times a day. For the rest of my life I remembered the smell of burning, limestone dust that corroded my eyes. And also the piercing autumn wind and burnt wheat, which he chewed to satisfy his hunger.”

In Alexander Samsonov’s book “The Battle of Stalingrad” there are the following lines:

“The famous division sniper A.I. often came to Pavlov’s House. Chekhov fired well at the enemy from the attic.”

And Khokholov in his letter tells how Chekhov taught him the art of sniper in a besieged house. The lessons, apparently, were not in vain. Proof of this is the entry in the Red Army soldier’s book, especially dear to the veteran:

“Awarded with the award “Excellent Sniper”.

The date of presentation - November 7, 1942 - clearly indicates that Khokholov first used his marksmanship skills in defending the house that later became famous.

In one of his last interviews, the veteran said:

“One day the company commander handed me sniper rifle and ordered to shoot at the gas tanks of enemy cars and drivers, but not to give themselves away. He took up his post on the northwest side of the house. A second soldier was on duty at another observation post. I stretched a wire to it to keep the connection in this way. When one of us took a break, the other took aim at the enemy. One of us had to be killed. I'm alive. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what the Ukrainian guy’s name was.”

The brave Soviet soldiers held out for 58 days and nights. They left the building on November 24, when the regiment launched a counteroffensive.November 21-24 were the bloodiest battles in the defense of Stalingrad.Morning of November 25 - attack on the enemy. In the battle, G. Khokholov was wounded and crawled to cover. At night, the wounded are carried to the Volga to be transported to the other side. Here's how he remembers it:

“The last battle was early in the morning of November 25th. Comroty spent the night with us and explained the task. He was the first to attack - he jumped out the window and shouted:

“Follow me, forward!”

The Germans opened dense mortar fire. A few steps from the house, I was hit in the legs by a machine gun, and I fell like a sheaf. It felt like a lot of our people were killed.

We, the wounded, were carried out to the Volga. But the crossing did not work - broken ice was flowing along the river. No one bandaged us, I experienced terrible agony for five days. I thought this was the end. And only in hospital EG-3638 in the city of Ershov Saratov region I believed in my salvation.”

After a hospital in the Saratov city of Ershov, Khokholov ends up in the 15th airborne division, in which it takes part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge. In the terrible battles on the Kursk Bulge, 8 thousand people fought, of which 400 people survived. Garya Khokholov received a second wound in these battles. A bomb explodes next to him and he receives severe injuries to both arms and legs. The unconscious soldier was sent by train to the Chita region, to the Transbaikal-Petrovsky hospital. And inIn 1943, after treatment with a certificate of 2nd group disability on 2 crutches, he returned home to restore his post-war homeland.

Kamolzhon Turgunov was called up to the front at the end of 1941, where he mastered the specialty of anti-tank rifle shooter (armor-piercing gunner). After the Battle of Stalingrad, he took part in the liberation of Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, and Hungary.

He celebrated victory in Magdeburg, Germany. Returning home with two wounds, he worked as a tractor driver on his native collective farm in the village of Bardankul, Turakurgan district, Namangan region, where he lived with his family - his wife and 16 children. A documentary film is dedicated to him in Uzbekistan "Long way home", filmed by the country's famous cameraman and director Davran Salimov.

On March 17, 2015, the last defender of the Pavlov House, Kamoljon Turgunov, passed away at the age of 92 in Namangan.

Pavlov's house became a symbol of not only military, but also labor valor. It was from the restoration of this house - and Pavlov's House became the first house of the restored Stalingrad - the famous Cherkasovsky movement began to restore the city in his free time. Women's team of construction workers A.M. Cherkasova restored Pavlov’s house immediately after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, in 1943-44 (the beginning of restoration is considered to be June 9, 1943).

The Cherkasov movement quickly expanded among the masses: at the end of 1943, over 820 Cherkasov brigades were working in Stalingrad, in 1944 - 1192 brigades, in 1945 - 1227 brigades. This is evidenced by the memorial wall-monument, opened on May 4, 1985 on the end wall of the house from Sovetskaya Street. Authors: architect V. E. Maslyaev and sculptor V. G. Fetisov. The inscription on the memorial wall reads:

“In this house, feats of arms and labor merged together”.

Quiz “Victory Day!”

In whose office did Germany announce to our ambassador the start of war with the Soviet Union?

(In the office of Ribbentrop, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nazi Germany.)

Name the Soviet politician who on June 22, 1941 spoke on the radio with the words: “Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!”

(Molotov V.M.)

What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank "IS"?

(Joseph Stalin.)

How does the abbreviation “KV” stand for - the name of the Soviet heavy tank during the Great Patriotic War?

(Klim Voroshilov, military leader, statesman Soviet Union.)

Name the Belarusian city near which, on July 14, 1941, our army first used Katyusha rockets.

During the Great Patriotic War, the BM-13 installation was called “Katyusha”, but what was the name of the “PPSh” assault rifle (try to guess)?


Before World War II, most mortars in European armies were 81.4 mm in caliber. How did Soviet designers justify the proposal to develop domestic 82 mm mortars?

(This mortar will be able to fire captured mines, and enemy mortars will not be able to use its shells.)

The “tiger” that the Russians hunted with a grenade is... Who?

(The tank is German.)

What is the animal name of the German T-V tank, used since 1943 in the 2nd World War?


During the Great Patriotic War, our front-line soldiers called the SU-152 (later ISU-152) self-propelled artillery mount “St. John’s wort.” For what?

(Because they penetrated the armor of German Tiger tanks.)

Molotov cocktails used by the Russians during World War II were often labeled. What was written on them?

(Instructions for use.)

Command "Air!" during the Great Patriotic War meant exactly this. What?

(Alarm, an enemy plane has appeared.)

What a rear Ural city during the Great Patriotic War was better known under the name "Tankograd"?

(Chelyabinsk, Southern Urals. The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant produced the famous T-34 tanks.)

The most famous letter from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War is... Which one?

(“Wait for me, and I will return...”, poem by K. Simonov.)

When was there a parade on Red Square in Moscow that started not at 10, but at 9 a.m. and lasted only about half an hour?

This Russian city- the hero bravely defended himself both in the Time of Troubles, and from Napoleon’s troops, and in 1941. Name it.


In the history of World War II, this “coniferous” city of the Soviet Union became the first city from which the Germans were expelled. Name it.

(Yelnya, Smolensk region.)

Which battle of the Great Patriotic War came first: Kursk or Stalingrad?


The panorama museum building of which battle was erected on the site of the historical landing of the 13th Infantry Division of General Rodimtsev?

(Battle of Stalingrad.)

Name the Soviet city after which the square in Paris is named, in memory of the great victory over fascism?


What is the name of the sergeant called the Stalingrad house, which Soviet soldiers defended for several months?

(Pavlov's House.)

The Military Encyclopedia calls Kulikovo, Poltava and this one “Fields of Military Glory of Russia”, where the largest oncoming tank battle in World War II took place. What is the name of this field?

(Prokhorovskoye, Belgorod region of the Russian Federation.)

Name the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops?

(Battle of Kursk.)

Name our famous spy, whose information for Joseph Stalin was decisive for victory at the Kursk Bulge.

(Kim Philby.)

This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name.

(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - “Tanya”, partisan, intelligence officer.)

Olga Berggolts wrote about the heroic defense of which Soviet city in 1942 in her poems?

(Leningrad. “February Diary”, “Leningrad Poem”, both 1942.)

Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops?

(Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.)

Everyone knows about the kitten Vasily from Lizyukov Street, but who is this famous street in Voronezh named after?

(In honor of General A.I. Lizyukov, commander of the tank army that liberated Voronezh from the Nazis. Hero of the Soviet Union, died a heroic death.)

Voronezh residents erected a monument that was dismantled in Vilnius. After all, this general liberated both Voronezh and the Baltic states from the Nazis. Name the military leader.

(Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich, army general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Now in Voronezh there is a square named after Chernyakhovsky.)

The marshal of which troops was Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union?

(Aviation Marshal. During the Great Patriotic War he served in fighter aviation, was a squadron commander, deputy regiment commander. Participated in 120 air battles, in which he shot down 62 enemy aircraft.)

During the Great Patriotic War, a column of Germans was still able to walk through the streets of Moscow. What kind of column was this?

(Column of German prisoners of war.)

During a night attack on which German city, Soviet troops used 140 searchlights, which blinded the enemy troops?

(To Berlin.)

Who commanded the First Belorussian Front during the capture of Berlin?

(Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

May 9 is marked by the liberation of Prague. And this most important event happened a day earlier, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst. Which?

(Signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany.)

Name the capitals of three states located on the Danube and liberated by the Soviet Army from the fascist occupiers?

(Budapest - Hungary, Bucharest - Romania, Vienna - Austria.)

In which country and in which city is the famous monument “Alyosha” erected in honor of the Russian soldiers who died during the liberation of the country from the Nazis?

(In Bulgaria, in Plovdiv.)

(Victory parade.)

The culmination of the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 was the march of 200 standard bearers throwing fascist banners onto a special platform at the foot of the Mausoleum. What element of the standard bearers' uniform was burned along with this platform after the parade?


How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

How many fireworks were fired in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

(354 fireworks in honor of victories Armed Forces.)

In July 1945, at this conference, the Soviet Union confirmed its agreement to enter the war with Japan. The last stage of World War II has begun. What kind of conference was this?

(Potsdam Conference, near Berlin.)

In which city in Germany did the trial of the main fascist criminals take place?

(Nuremberg. Nuremberg trial at the International Military Tribunal.)

The highest peak of the Tien Shan was named in 1946 in honor of the end of the Great Patriotic War. How?

(Pobeda Peak, 7439 m.)

Name the sum of the serial numbers of the months of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War.

(11, because it was June and May.)

(Since 1965.)

To the 60th anniversary of the Victory on Poklonnaya Hill A monument depicting four soldiers has been erected in Moscow. What does each of them symbolize?

(Allied army. These are figures of Soviet, French, American and English soldiers.)

Which order was the first Soviet award established during the Great Patriotic War?

(Order of the Patriotic War.)

The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to military personnel, partisans and counterintelligence officers for valor in battle, destruction of enemy equipment, and successful attacks. And the pilots received the order automatically: they only had to do exactly that twice. What?

(Knock down an enemy plane.)

Who became the first holder of the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, established in 1942?

(Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

What was the name of the highest military commander's order during the Great Patriotic War?

(Order of Victory.)

Which Soviet military leader, besides Stalin and Zhukov, was twice a holder of the Order of Victory?

(Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky)

Which medal, besides the Ushakov medal, was established in 1944 to reward members of the navy?

(Nakhimov Medal.)

What award from the Great Patriotic War is called the highest “soldier’s” order?

(Order of Glory.)

Twice Heroes of Russia (and previously the Soviet Union) are required to erect monuments during their lifetime in their homeland. What are the Heroes of Russia supposed to establish once?

(They are supposed to have memorial plaques installed.)

During the Great Patriotic War, units, ships, formations and associations of the Soviet Armed Forces were awarded precisely these titles for valor and courage. Which?

(Ranks of the Guards.)

What are the three Russian cities on the famous Kursk Bulge? By Decree of President V.V. Putin received the newly introduced honorary title “City of Military Glory” on the eve of the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the Great Victory (May 2007)?

(Oryol, Belgorod, Kursk.)

At the end of the lesson there is a verse:

At the obelisk

The spruce froze on guard,

The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.

Years go by. In an alarming hum

The war is far away.

But here, at the edges of the obelisk,

Bowing my head in silence,

We hear the roar of tanks close

And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.

We see them - Russian soldiers,

That in that distant terrible hour

They paid with their lives

For bright happiness for us...

1 Business card of the institution in Appendix No. 1

2 Scenario class hour in Appendix No. 2

3 Extracurricular activity plan in Appendix No. 3

Literary quiz for May 9 with answers “I remember! I'm proud!" for the younger one school age.

Author: Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinsk secondary school" Kursk region
Description of material: This material can be used by teachers primary school and literature teachers at the secondary level in extracurricular reading lessons, at extracurricular activities dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.
Target: formation of a sense of patriotism and active citizenship, general cultural competence through perception fiction.
1. Instill in children a love for their Motherland, for their Fatherland.
2. Foster a sense of pride in the heroic history of our country.
3. Expand children’s understanding of the Great Patriotic War and the courage of the Soviet people.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, watching documentaries, competitive reading of poems about the war, collecting information about fellow countrymen...


1.What anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is our country celebrating this year?
(70th anniversary of the Great Victory)

2. How many years did the Great Patriotic War last? (4 years)
3.What war was the Great Patriotic War part of?
(Part of World War 2)
4.What is the name of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War?(Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin)

5.What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes? (Brest Fortress - hero fortress)

6. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last? (30 days)
7.“Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat – Moscow is behind us.” Who owns these famous words?(Political instructor V.G. Klochkov)

8. To whom was the monument erected 85 km from Moscow (west direction, Minskoe highway)? (To the Panfilov heroes)

9.What is the name of the sergeant’s house, which Soviet soldiers defended for several months? (Pavlov's House)

10. How many days did the decisive battle for Stalingrad last? (200 days)

11. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War and World War II took place during: Battle of Kursk.
(A tank battle took place in the area of ​​the village of Prokhorovka, Belgorod Region, on July 12, 1943. Up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled guns took part on both sides. For the 50th anniversary of the Victory, the Prokhorovskoye Field museum-reserve was opened, by visiting which you can see the Belfry monuments , “Bell of Unity”, Church of Peter and Paul.)

12. Name the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops?(Battle of Kursk.)

13. This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name.
(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - “Tanya”, partisan, intelligence officer.)

14.Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops? (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.)

15.On the ice of which lake did the “Road of Life”, laid to supply besieged Leningrad, run? (Ladozhskoe)

16.Which of these domestic tanks became a legend of World War II?
(Tank T-34)

17.What were called “Katyushas” during the Great Patriotic War?(Rocket launchers)

18. In which city can you visit Mamayev Kurgan, on which the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is located? (Volgograd)

19.What is the name of the heroine of the poem by M. Aliger, who owns the words:
“Citizens, don’t stand, don’t look,
I am alive, my voice is heard.
Kill them, poison them, burn them,
I will die, but the truth will win!

(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, 1942, posthumously. Student of the 201st high school Moscow voluntarily joined the partisan detachment, a scout, was executed by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo, Moscow region)
20.Which of the commanders-in-chief of the Great Patriotic War was four times Hero of the Soviet Union? (G.K. Zhukov)

21.What major battle ended the Great Patriotic War?
(Battle of Berlin)

22.When was the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin?
(April 30, 1945)
23.What was the name of the parade that took place on Red Square on June 24, 1945?
(Victory parade)

24. Name the major battles of the Great Patriotic War?
(Defense of Brest, Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad, Kursk Bulge, Battle of Berlin)

25.Name the Hero Cities.(There are 12 of them and the Brest Fortress)

Happy Great Victory!!!

For those unfamiliar with the history of the Great Patriotic War, a standard four-story residential building located in the center of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) at 39 Sovetskaya Street will seem like an unremarkable building. However, it was he who became a symbol of the inflexibility and unparalleled courage of soldiers and officers of the Red Army during the difficult years of Hitler’s invasion.

Pavlov's House in Volgograd - history and photographs.

Two elite houses, each with four entrances, were built in Stalingrad according to the design of the architect S. Voloshinov in the mid-30s of the 20th century. They were called the House of Sovkontrol and the House of the Regional Potrebsoyuz. Between them there was a railway line leading to the mill. The building of the Regional Potrebsoyuz was intended to house the families of party workers and engineering and technical specialists from heavy industry enterprises. The house was notable for the fact that a straight, wide road led from it to the Volga.

During the Great Patriotic War, the defense of the central part of Stalingrad was led by the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment under the command of Colonel Elin. Both buildings of Voloshinov were of great strategic importance, so the command instructed Captain Zhukov to organize their capture and establish defensive points there. The assault groups were led by Sergeant Pavlov and Lieutenant Zabolotny. They successfully completed the task and on September 22, 1942, gained a foothold in the captured houses, despite the fact that at that time there were only 4 people left in Pavlov’s group.

At the end of September, as a result of hurricane fire from German artillery, the building defended by Lieutenant Zabolotny was completely destroyed, and all the defenders died under its rubble.

The last bastion of defense remained, which was headed by Lieutenant Afanasyev, who arrived with reinforcements. Sergeant Pavlov Yakov Fedotovich himself was wounded and sent to the rear. Despite the fact that the defense of this stronghold was commanded by another person, the building forever received the name “Pavlov’s House”, or “House of Soldier’s Glory”.

The soldiers who came to the rescue delivered machine guns, mortars, anti-tank rifles and ammunition, and sappers organized mining of the approaches to the building, thus turning a simple residential building into an insurmountable barrier for the enemy. The third floor was used as an observation post, so the enemy was always met with a barrage of fire through the loopholes made in the walls. The attacks followed one after another, but not once did the Nazis manage to even get close to Pavlov’s house in Stalingrad.

A trench led to the Gerhardt mill building, in which the command was located. Along it, ammunition and food were delivered to the garrison, wounded soldiers were brought out, and a communication line was laid. And today the destroyed mill stands in the city of Volgograd as a sad and eerie giant, reminiscent of those terrible times soaked in the blood of Soviet soldiers.

There is still no exact data on the number of defenders of the fortified house. It is believed that they numbered between 24 and 31 people. The defense of this building is an example of the friendship of the peoples of the Soviet Union. It didn’t matter where the fighters were from, from Georgia or Abkhazia, Ukraine or Uzbekistan, here the Tatar fought alongside the Russian and the Jew. In total, the defenders included representatives of 11 nationalities. All of them were awarded high military awards, and Sergeant Pavlov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Among the defenders of the impregnable house was medical instructor Maria Ulyanova, who during Hitler’s attacks put aside her first aid kit and picked up a machine gun. A frequent “guest” in the garrison was the sniper Chekhov, who found a convenient position here and struck the enemy.

The heroic defense of Pavlov's house in Volgograd lasted 58 long days and nights. During this time, the defenders lost only 3 people killed. The number of deaths on the German side, according to Marshal Chuikov, exceeded the losses suffered by the enemy during the capture of Paris.

After the liberation of Stalingrad from the Nazi invaders, the restoration of the destroyed city began. One of the first houses that ordinary townspeople restored in their free time was the legendary Pavlov House. This voluntary movement arose thanks to a team of builders led by A. M. Cherkasova. The initiative was taken up by other work teams, and by the end of 1945, more than 1,220 repair teams were working in Stalingrad. To perpetuate this labor feat on the wall facing Sovetskaya Street, on May 4, 1985, a memorial was opened in the form of the remains of the destroyed brick wall, on which is inscribed “We will rebuild your native Stalingrad.” And the inscription of bronze letters, mounted in the masonry, glorifies both feats of the Soviet people - military and labor.

After the end of the Second World War, a semicircular colonnade was erected near one of the ends of the house and an obelisk was erected depicting a collective image of the city’s defender.

And on the wall facing Lenin Square, they fixed a memorial plaque on which the names of the soldiers who participated in the defense of this house are listed. Not far from Pavlov's fortress house there is a museum of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Interesting facts about Pavlov's house in Volgograd:

  • On the personal operational map of Colonel Friedrich Paulus, commander of the Wehrmacht troops in the Battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov’s impregnable house had symbol"fortress".
  • During the defense, about 30 civilians hid in the basements of the Pavlov House, many of whom were wounded during constant shelling or suffered burns due to frequent fires. All of them were gradually evacuated to a safer place.
  • In the panorama depicting the defeat of the Nazi group at Stalingrad, there is a model of Pavlov's House.
  • Lieutenant Afanasyev, who led the defense, was seriously wounded in early December 1942, but soon returned to duty and was wounded again. He took part in the Battle of Kursk, in the liberation of Kyiv and fought near Berlin. The concussion suffered was not in vain, and in 1951 Afanasyev became blind. At this time, he dictated the text of the subsequently published book “House of Soldier's Glory.”
  • At the beginning of 1980, Yakov Pavlov became an Honorary Citizen of Volgograd.
  • On March 2015, Kamolzhon Turgunov, the last of the heroes who defended the impregnable fortress house, died in Uzbekistan.


1 .

2 . Name the Soviet politician who on June 22, 1941 spoke on the radio with the words: “Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!” (Molotov V.M.)

3 . What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank "IS"? (AND osif WITH talin.)

4. What does the abbreviation “KV” stand for? the name of the Soviet heavy tank during the Great Patriotic War?

(TO lim IN

5. Name the Belarusian city near which, on July 14, 1941, our army first used Katyusha rockets. (Orsha.)

6. During the Great Patriotic War, the BM-13 installation was called “Katyusha”, but what was the name of the “PPSh” assault rifle (try to guess)? (“Dads.”)

7. Before World War II, most mortars in European armies were 81.4 mm in caliber. How they justified Soviet designers proposal to develop domestic mortars with a caliber of 82 mm?

8. The “tiger” that the Russians hunted with a grenade is... Who? (The tank is German.)

9. What is the animal name of the German T-V tank, used since 1943 in the 2nd World War? ("Panther".)

10. During the Great Patriotic War, our front-line soldiers called the SU-152 (later ISU-152) self-propelled artillery mount “St. John’s wort.” For what?

11. Molotov cocktails used by the Russians during World War II were often labeled. What was written on them? (Instructions for use.)

12. Command "Air!" during the Great Patriotic War meant exactly this. What?

13. Which rear Ural city was better known under the name “Tankograd” during the Great Patriotic War?

14. The most famous letter from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War is... Which one?


15. When was there a parade on Red Square in Moscow that started not at 10, but at 9 a.m. and lasted only about half an hour?

16. This Russian hero city bravely defended itself during the Time of Troubles, and from Napoleon’s troops, and in 1941. Name it. (Smolensk)

17 . In the history of World War II, this “coniferous” city of the Soviet Union became the first city from which the Germans were expelled. Name it. (Yelnya, Smolensk region.)

18 .Which battle of the Great Patriotic War came first: Kursk or Stalingrad?


19. The panorama museum building of which battle was erected on the site of the historical landing of the 13th Infantry Division of General Rodimtsev? (Battle of Stalingrad.)

20. Name the Soviet city after which the square in Paris is named, in memory of the great victory over fascism? (Stalingrad.)

21 . What is the name of the sergeant called the Stalingrad house, which Soviet soldiers defended for several months? (Pavlov's House.)

22. The Military Encyclopedia calls Kulikovo, Poltava and this one “Fields of Military Glory of Russia”, where the largest oncoming tank battle in World War II took place. What is the name of this field?

23. Name the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops? (Battle of Kursk.)

24. Name our famous spy, whose information for Joseph Stalin was decisive for victory at the Kursk Bulge. (Kim Philby.)

25. This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name.

(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

26 . Olga Berggolts wrote about the heroic defense of which Soviet city in 1942 in her poems?

27. Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops?

28. Everyone knows about the kitten Vasily from Lizyukov Street, but who is this famous street in Voronezh named after?

29. Voronezh residents erected a monument that was dismantled in Vilnius. After all, this general liberated both Voronezh and the Baltic states from the Nazis. Name the military leader.

30. The marshal of which troops was Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union?

31. During the Great Patriotic War, a column of Germans was still able to walk through the streets of Moscow. What kind of column was this?

32. During a night attack on which German city, Soviet troops used 140 searchlights, which blinded the enemy troops? (To Berlin.)

33. Who commanded the First Belorussian Front during the capture of Berlin?

(Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

34 . May 9 is marked by the liberation of Prague. And this most important event happened a day earlier, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst. Which?

35. Name the capitals of three states located on the Danube and liberated by the Soviet Army from the fascist occupiers?

(BudapestHungary, BucharestRomania, ViennaAustria.)

36. In which country and in which city is the famous monument “Alyosha” erected in honor of the Russian soldiers who died during the liberation of the country from the Nazis? (In Bulgaria, in Plovdiv.)

(Victory parade.)

38 . The culmination of the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 was the march of 200 standard bearers throwing fascist banners onto a special platform at the foot of the Mausoleum. What element of the standard bearers' uniform was burned along with this platform after the parade? (Gloves.)

39. How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

40. How many fireworks were fired in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

41. In July 1945, at this conference, the Soviet Union confirmed its agreement to enter the war with Japan. The last stage of World War II has begun. What kind of conference was this?

42. In which city in Germany did the trial of the main fascist criminals take place?

43. The highest peak of the Tien Shan was named in 1946 in honor of the end of the Great Patriotic War. How? (Pobeda Peak, 7439 m.)

44. Name the sum of the serial numbers of the months of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War.

45 . When did Victory Day – May 9 – become a day off in our country? (Since 1965.)

46. ​​For the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a monument depicting four soldiers was erected on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. What does each of them symbolize?

47. Which order was the first Soviet award established during the Great Patriotic War?

(Order of the Patriotic War.)

48. The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to military personnel, partisans and counterintelligence officers for valor in battle, destruction of enemy equipment, and successful attacks. And the pilots received the order automatically: they only had to do exactly that twice. What? (Knock down an enemy plane.)

49. Who became the first holder of the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, established in 1942?

(Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

50. What was the name of the highest military commander's order during the Great Patriotic War? (Order of Victory.)

51. Which Soviet military leader, besides Stalin and Zhukov, was twice a holder of the Order of Victory?

52 . Which medal, besides the Ushakov medal, was established in 1944 to reward members of the navy? (Nakhimov Medal.)

53. What award from the Great Patriotic War is called the highest “soldier’s” order? (Order of Glory.)

54. Twice Heroes of Russia (and previously the Soviet Union) are required to erect monuments during their lifetime in their homeland. What are the Heroes of Russia supposed to establish once?

55. During the Great Patriotic War, units, ships, formations and associations of the Soviet Armed Forces were awarded precisely these titles for valor and courage. Which? (Ranks of the Guards.)

56. What are the three Russian cities on the famous Kursk Bulge? By Decree of President V.V. Putin received the newly introduced honorary title “City of Military Glory” on the eve of the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the Great Victory (May 2007)? (Oryol, Belgorod, Kursk.)

57. After which commander did the German invaders name one of their plans of conquest? A. Mamaia. B. Barbarossa. V. Tamerlan. G. Napoleon.

58. Against which country in Nazi Germany was the Barbarossa plan developed?

A. Poland. B. Greece. V. France. G. USSR.

59. In whose office did Germany announce to our ambassador the start of war with the Soviet Union?
A. Ribbentrop. B. Goebbels. V. Hitler. G. Borman.

60. Whose voice sounded on the All-Union Radio, announcing the beginning of the Great Patriotic War?

A. Stalin I.V. B. Molotova V.M. IN. Levitana Yu.B. G. Zhukova G.K.

(Announcer of the All-Union Radio.)

61. How many years passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? A. 5 years. B. 20 years old At 10. G. 25 years old. (1921 - 1941)

62. What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes?

A. Brest Fortress. B. Peter and Paul Fortress. V. Severomorskaya outpost.

63. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last?

A. 10 days. B. 30 days. B. 15 days. D. 90 days.

64. According to Hitler's plan, this should have arisen on the site of the capital of the Soviet people, Moscow. What? A. Desert B. Capital of new Germany. In the sea. G. Huge concentration camp.
65. Hitler decided to personally lead military operations on the eastern front. The directive stated that Moscow should be surrounded so that not a single resident could leave it; it was planned to flood and turn the city into a huge sea. What was the code name for this operation?

A. "Typhoon". B. "Storm". B. "Tsunami". G. “The Ninth Wave.”

66. What was the name of the fascist monstrous plan for the destruction of the Soviet and Slavic peoples, the plan for settling the European part of our country with German colonists and incorporating it into Germany?

A. "West". B. "Nord". V. "Ost". G. "Zuid".

67. On July 28, 1942, Stalin issued the famous Order No. 227. What did this order say?

A. “Not a step back!” B. “Let’s defend Mother Volga!”

V. “Death to the fascist occupiers!” G. “Only forward, only into the line of fire!”

68. Which Russian city temporarily became the second capital of our country in 1941 when the USSR government moved there? The current names of cities are given.

A. Ekaterinburg. B. Samara. V. Omsk. Voronezh.

69. Which Russian city became the first city in the history of World War II from which the Germans were expelled?

A. Yelets. B. Yeisk V. Yelnya. The city of Yeniseisk. (Smolensk region of the Russian Federation.)

70. During which battle of the Great Patriotic War did the battle for Mamayev Kurgan take place?

A. Kursk. B. Stalingrad. V. Moscow.

71. How many days did the decisive battle for Stalingrad last?

A. 30 days. B. 200 days B. 100 days. G . 300 days.

72. What is the name of the commander of Hitler's troops who surrendered at Stalingrad?

A. Otto. B. Mainstein IN. Paulus. G. Goering.

73. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat – Moscow is behind us.” Who owns these famous words?

A. Kutuzov M.I. B. Klochkova V.G. V. Matrosov A.M. Gastello N.F.

74. Which of these domestic tanks became a legend of the Second World War?

A. T-10. B. T-55. IN. T-34. G. T-62.

75. What was built in 1943 for the A. Tolstoy Prize, which he received for the novel “Walking Through Torment”?

A. Airplane. B. Airship B. Armored train. G. Tank.

76. What is the name of the designer under whose leadership it was designed? best tank World War II T-34.

A. Koshkin. B. Kalashnikov. V. Ilyushin. G. Tokarev.

77. Which of the following were called “Katyushas” during the Great Patriotic War?

A. Rocket launchers. B. Submarines. B. Bombers. G. Field kitchens.

78 . What name did the Soviet rocket gun get? volley fire during the Great Patriotic War?

A. Katyusha. B. Lyubasha. V. Nadyusha. G. Annushka.

79. Who was Mikhail Kalashnikov, the famous designer of automatic small arms, during the Great Patriotic War?

A. Tank commander. B. Chief of Staff. B. Captain of the ship. G. Squadron commander.

80. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War and World War II took place during:

A. Battle of Stalingrad. B. Berlin operation.

V. Battle of Kursk. D. Liberation of Prague.

81. The Battle of Kursk ended with the liberation of which city?

A. Kharkov. B. Smolensk. V. Kyiv. G. Pskova.

82 . On the ice of which lake did the “Road of Life”, laid to supply besieged Leningrad, run?

A. Ladozhskoe. B. Onega. V. Chudskoye. G. Pskovskoe.

A. Symphony No. 1. B. Symphony No. 7. B. Symphony No. 4. G. Symphony No. 8.

84. Why was the most famous medal of the Great Patriotic War awarded?

A. For bravery. B. For courage. B. For courage. G. For courage.

85. During the war, what were the names of the partisans who, behind enemy lines, took revenge on the fascist invaders for the treacherous attack on our country, for the terror, robberies and violence committed in the occupied territory?

A. Elusive Avengers. B. Young Guard. B. People's Avengers. G. Invisible front.

86. Name the heroine of the poem by M. Aliger, who owns the words:

“Citizens, don’t stand, don’t look,

Kill them, poison them, burn them,

I will die, but the truth will win!

A. Zoya Komodemyanskaya. B. Lyubov Shevtsova. V. Ulyana Gromova. G. Alexandra Kollontai.

87. Who wrote the most popular poem during the Great Patriotic War, “Wait for Me”?

A. Konstantin Simonov. B. Alexey Surkov.

V. Alexander Tvardovsky. G. Vasily Lebedev-Kumach.

88. What reserves in Grozny and Baku gave Hitler reason to believe that with the capture of these cities the war could be considered won?

A. Coal. B. Gold. B. Oil. G. Salt.

89. Who was Richard Sorge, who received the posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union?

A. Russian intelligence officer. V. Test pilot.

B. Commander of a partisan detachment. G. Tank designer.

90. Who Not attended the Yalta Conference in 1945?

A. Stalin. B. De Gaulle. V. Roosevelt. G. Churchill.

91. Where did the meeting between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill take place in February 1945, which finally determined the shape of the post-war world?

A. Vienna. B. Tehran. V. Yalta. G. The Hague.

92 . On which river did Soviet and American soldiers meet in 1945?

A. Elba. B. Rhine. V. Neman. G. Mississippi.

93. What phrase did the Nazis say when they surrendered?

A. “Goebbels screws!” B. “Borman skiff!” V. “Hitler is kaput!” G. “We are from Stirlitz!”

94. Name the pilot-cosmonaut who received his first title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1944.

A. Yuri Gagarin. B. Georgy Beregovoi. V. German Titov. G. Georgy Grechko.

95. In the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, there is state museum Hero of Mongolia and four times Hero of the Soviet Union. The Mongols value the talent of this commander no lower than the talent of Genghis Khan himself. And deservedly so. In 1939, he liberated Mongolia from the Japanese occupiers, and then saved it from the Nazis native land- our Russia. Who is this commander?

A. Budyonny. B. Voroshilov. V. Zhukov. G. Tukhachevsky.

96. Which of the following was four times Hero of the Soviet Union?

A.G.K. Zhukov. B.I.N. Kozhedub. V.S.M. Budyonny. G.A.I. Pokryshkin.

97. Who, on behalf of the Soviet Supreme High Command, accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany?

98. Which commander did the people award the honorary title of “Marshal of Victory”?

A. Malinovsky R.Ya. B. Konevu I.S. V. Zhukov G.K. G. Rokossovsky K.K.

99. Among the numerous awards of Marshal G.K. Zhukov and the Order of Suvorov, first degree, and the Order of Victory. And both have the same number. Which one?

A. No. 1. B. No. 3. V. No. 2. G. No. 4.

100. What new order for military leaders did artist A.I. work on sketches for? Kuznetsov in 1943? (A total of 30 orders were made. It took 5,400 diamonds and 9 kg of platinum to make them.)

A. Order of Glory. B. St. Petersburg. B. Order of Alexander Nevsky. G. Order "Victory".

101. When was the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin?

A. Rokossovsky K.K. B. Malinovsky R.Ya. V. Konev I.S. G. Voroshilov K.E.

103. Name the commander who hosted the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow on June 24, 1945?

A. Zhukov G.K. B. Budyonny S.M. V. Konev I.S. G. Voroshilov K.E.

104. Name the river, the name of which was given to the French air regiment "Normandy", which fought on the Soviet-German front.

A. Elba. B. Neman. V. Oder. G. Danube.

105. Which country was liberated by Soviet troops after the capture of Berlin in 1945? A. Czechoslovakia. B. Poland. V. Romania. G. Bulgaria.

106. In which city can you visit Mamayev Kurgan, on which the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is located?

A. Volgograd. B. St. Petersburg. V. Smolensk. G. Kursk.

107. Who was the main prosecutor from the USSR at the Nuremberg trials of the Nazis? A. Sheinin. B. Alexandrov. V. Rudenko. G. Vyshinsky.

108. How it ends catchphrase, still relevant today: “Reward...”?

A. Arrived on time. B. Found a hero. V. Ran away from a coward. G. I fell in love with the jacket.

109. The song “Victory Day” brought this composer well-deserved fame and recognition. Name it. A. Tukhmanov. B. Blanter. V. Solovyov-Sedoy. G. Tariverdiev.




1 . In whose office did Germany announce to our ambassador the start of war with the Soviet Union?

(In the office of Ribbentrop, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nazi Germany.)

2 . Name the Soviet politician who on June 22, 1941 spoke on the radio with the words: “Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!”(Molotov V.M.)

3 . What name and surname are encrypted in the name of the Soviet tank "IS"?(Joseph Stalin.)

4. What does the abbreviation “KV” stand for?the name of the Soviet heavy tank during the Great Patriotic War?

(K lim B Oroshilov, military leader, statesman of the Soviet Union.)

5. Name the Belarusian city near which, on July 14, 1941, our army first used Katyusha rockets.(Orsha.)

6. During the Great Patriotic War, the BM-13 installation was called “Katyusha”, but what was the name of the “PPSh” assault rifle (try to guess)?(“Dads.”)

7. Before World War II, most mortars in European armies were 81.4 mm in caliber. How did Soviet designers justify the proposal to develop domestic 82 mm mortars?

(This mortar will be able to fire captured mines, and enemy mortars will not be able to use its shells.)

8. The “tiger” that the Russians hunted with a grenade is... Who?(The tank is German.)

9. What is the animal name of the German T-V tank, used since 1943 in the 2nd World War?("Panther".)

10. During the Great Patriotic War, our front-line soldiers called the SU-152 (later ISU-152) self-propelled artillery mount “St. John’s wort.” For what?

(For the fact that they pierced the armor German tanks"Tigers".)

11. Molotov cocktails used by the Russians during World War II were often labeled. What was written on them?(Instructions for use.)

12. Command "Air!" during the Great Patriotic War meant exactly this. What?

(Alarm, an enemy plane has appeared.)

13. Which rear Ural city was better known under the name “Tankograd” during the Great Patriotic War?(Chelyabinsk, Southern Urals. The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant produced the famous T-34 tanks.)

14. The most famous letter from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War is... Which one?

(“Wait for me, and I will return...”, poem by K. Simonov.)

15. When was there a parade on Red Square in Moscow that started not at 10, but at 9 a.m. and lasted only about half an hour?

(November 7, 1941. Its participants went straight from this parade into battle, defending Moscow.)

16. This Russian hero city bravely defended itself during the Time of Troubles, and from Napoleon’s troops, and in 1941. Name it.(Smolensk)

17 . In the history of World War II, this “coniferous” city of the Soviet Union became the first city from which the Germans were expelled. Name it.(Yelnya, Smolensk region.)

18 .Which battle of the Great Patriotic War came first: Kursk or Stalingrad?


19. The panorama museum building of which battle was erected on the site of the historical landing of the 13th Infantry Division of General Rodimtsev?(Battle of Stalingrad.)

20. Name the Soviet city after which the square in Paris is named, in memory of the great victory over fascism?(Stalingrad.)

21 . What is the name of the sergeant called the Stalingrad house, which Soviet soldiers defended for several months?(Pavlov's House.)

22. The Military Encyclopedia calls Kulikovo, Poltava and this one “Fields of Military Glory of Russia”, where the largest oncoming tank battle in World War II took place. What is the name of this field?(Prokhorovskoye, Belgorod region of the Russian Federation.)

23. Name the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops?(Battle of Kursk.)

24. Name our famous spy, whose information for Joseph Stalin was decisive for victory at the Kursk Bulge.(Kim Philby.)

25. This young Russian woman was destined to become, albeit posthumously, the fourth woman Hero of the Soviet Union and the first in the Great Patriotic War. Say her name.

(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya– "Tanya", partisan, intelligence officer.)

26 . Olga Berggolts wrote about the heroic defense of which Soviet city in 1942 in her poems?(Leningrad. “February Diary”, “Leningrad Poem”, both 1942.)

27. Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops?(Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.)

28. Everyone knows about the kitten Vasily from Lizyukov Street, but who is this famous street in Voronezh named after?

(In honor of General A.I. Lizyukov, commander of the tank army that liberated Voronezh from the Nazis. Hero of the Soviet Union, died a heroic death.)

29. Voronezh residents erected a monument that was dismantled in Vilnius. After all, this general liberated both Voronezh and the Baltic states from the Nazis. Name the military leader.

(Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich, army general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Now in Voronezh there is a square named after Chernyakhovsky.)

30. The marshal of which troops was Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union?

(Aviation Marshal. During the Great Patriotic War he served in fighter aviation, was a squadron commander, deputy regiment commander. Participated in 120 air battles, in which he shot down 62 enemy aircraft.)

31. During the Great Patriotic War, a column of Germans was still able to walk through the streets of Moscow. What kind of column was this?(Column of German prisoners of war.)

32. During a night attack on which German city, Soviet troops used 140 searchlights, which blinded the enemy troops?(To Berlin.)

33. Who commanded the First Belorussian Front during the capture of Berlin?

(Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

34 . May 9 is marked by the liberation of Prague. And this most important event happened a day earlier, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst. Which?

(Signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany.)

35. Name the capitals of three states located on the Danube and liberated by the Soviet Army from the fascist occupiers?

(Budapest - Hungary, Bucharest– Romania, Vienna – Austria.)

36. In which country and in which city is the famous monument “Alyosha” erected in honor of the Russian soldiers who died during the liberation of the country from the Nazis?(In Bulgaria, in Plovdiv.)

37. What name was given to the parade that took place on Red Square on June 24, 1945?

(Victory parade.)

38 . The culmination of the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 was the march of 200 standard bearers throwing fascist banners onto a special platform at the foot of the Mausoleum. What element of the standard bearers' uniform was burned along with this platform after the parade?(Gloves.)

39. How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

(Three. November 7, 1941, May 1, 1945, June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade was held.)

40. How many fireworks were fired in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

(354 salutes in honor of the victories of the Armed Forces.)

41. In July 1945, at this conference, the Soviet Union confirmed its agreement to enter the war with Japan. The last stage of World War II has begun. What kind of conference was this?(Potsdam Conference, near Berlin.)

42. In which city in Germany did the trial of the main fascist criminals take place?

(Nuremberg. Nuremberg trials at the International Military Tribunal.)

43. The highest peak of the Tien Shan was named in 1946 in honor of the end of the Great Patriotic War. How?(Pobeda Peak, 7439 m.)

44. Name the sum of the serial numbers of the months of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War.(11, because it was June and May.)

45 . When did Victory Day – May 9 – become a day off in our country?(Since 1965.)

46. ​​For the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a monument depicting four soldiers was erected on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. What does each of them symbolize?

(Allied army. These are figures of Soviet, French, American and English soldiers.)

47. Which order was the first Soviet award established during the Great Patriotic War?

(Order of the Patriotic War.)

48. The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to military personnel, partisans and counterintelligence officers for valor in battle, destruction of enemy equipment, and successful attacks. And the pilots received the order automatically: they only had to do exactly that twice. What?(Knock down an enemy plane.)

49. Who became the first holder of the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, established in 1942?

(Marshal G.K. Zhukov.)

50. What was the name of the highest military commander's order during the Great Patriotic War?(Order of Victory.)

51. Which Soviet military leader, besides Stalin and Zhukov, was twice a holder of the Order of Victory?(Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky)

52 . Which medal, besides the Ushakov medal, was established in 1944 to reward members of the navy?(Nakhimov Medal.)

53. What award from the Great Patriotic War is called the highest “soldier’s” order?(Order of Glory.)

54. Twice Heroes of Russia (and previously the Soviet Union) are required to erect monuments during their lifetime in their homeland. What are the Heroes of Russia supposed to establish once?

(They are supposed to have memorial plaques installed.)

55. During the Great Patriotic War, units, ships, formations and associations of the Soviet Armed Forces were awarded precisely these titles for valor and courage. Which?(Ranks of the Guards.)

56. What are the three Russian cities on the famous Kursk Bulge? By Decree of President V.V. Putin received the newly introduced honorary title “City of Military Glory” on the eve of the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the Great Victory (May 2007)?(Oryol, Belgorod, Kursk.)

57. After which commander did the German invaders name one of their plans of conquest? A. Mamaia. B. Barbarossa. V. Tamerlan. G. Napoleon.

(The Barbarossa plan was developed in 1940. It provided for the lightning defeat of the main forces of the Red Army west of the Dnieper and Western Dvina rivers, and then access to the Arkhangelsk - Volga - Astrakhan line. The war was supposed to be won within 2-3 months. Implementation of the plan " Barbarossa" was thwarted by the heroic struggle of the peoples of the USSR.)

58. Against which country in Nazi Germany was the Barbarossa plan developed?

A. Poland. B. Greece. V. France. G. USSR.

59. In whose office did Germany announce to our ambassador the start of war with the Soviet Union?
A. Ribbentrop. B. Goebbels. V. Hitler. G. Borman.

(Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nazi Germany.)
60. Whose voice sounded on the All-Union Radio, announcing the beginning of the Great Patriotic War?

A. Stalin I.V. B. Molotova V.M. IN . Levitana Yu.B. G. Zhukova G.K.

(Announcer of the All-Union Radio.)

61. How many years passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? A. 5 years. B. 20 years old At 10. G. 25 years old.(1921 - 1941)

62. What was the name of the border outpost, which was one of the first to take the blow of the fascist hordes?

A. Brest Fortress. B. Peter and Paul Fortress. V. Severomorskaya outpost.

63. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last?

A. 10 days. B. 30 days . B. 15 days. D. 90 days.

(Brest Fortress is a hero fortress.)

64. According to Hitler's plan, this should have arisen on the site of the capital of the Soviet people, Moscow. What? A. Desert B. Capital of new Germany. In the sea. G. Huge concentration camp.
65. Hitler decided to personally lead military operations on the eastern front. The directive stated that Moscow should be surrounded so that not a single resident could leave it; it was planned to flood and turn the city into a huge sea. What was the code name for this operation?

A. "Typhoon". B. "Storm". B. "Tsunami". G. “The Ninth Wave.”

66. What was the name of the fascist monstrous plan for the destruction of the Soviet and Slavic peoples, the plan for settling the European part of our country with German colonists and incorporating it into Germany?

A. "West". B. "Nord". V. "Ost". G. "Zuid".

(“Ost” - “East”. According to this plan, the majority of the population of the Soviet Union was subject to physical destruction or resettlement beyond the Urals.)

67. On July 28, 1942, Stalin issued the famous Order No. 227. What did this order say?

A. “Not a step back!”B. “Let’s defend Mother Volga!”

V. “Death to the fascist occupiers!” G. “Only forward, only into the line of fire!”

68. Which Russian city temporarily became the second capital of our country in 1941 when the USSR government moved there? The current names of cities are given.

A. Ekaterinburg. B. Samara. V. Omsk. Voronezh.

69. Which Russian city became the first city in the history of World War II from which the Germans were expelled?

A. Yelets. B. Yeisk V. Yelnya. The city of Yeniseisk. (Smolensk region of the Russian Federation.)

70. During which battle of the Great Patriotic War did the battle for Mamayev Kurgan take place?

A. Kursk. B. Stalingrad. V. Moscow.

71. How many days did the decisive battle for Stalingrad last?

A. 30 days. B. 200 days C. 100 days. G . 300 days.

72. What is the name of the commander of Hitler's troops who surrendered at Stalingrad?

A. Otto. B. Mainstein V. Paulus. G. Goering.

73. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat – Moscow is behind us.” Who owns these famous words?

A. Kutuzov M.I. B. Klochkova V.G. V. Matrosov A.M. G. Gastello N.F.

74. Which of these domestic tanks became a legend of the Second World War?

A. T-10. B. T-55. V. T-34. G. T-62.

75. What was built in 1943 for the A. Tolstoy Prize, which he received for the novel “Walking Through Torment”?

A. Airplane. B. Airship B. Armored train. G. Tank. (T-34, nicknamed "Terrible".)

76. What is the name of the designer under whose leadership the best tank of World War II, the T-34, was designed?

A. Koshkin . B. Kalashnikov. V. Ilyushin. G. Tokarev.

77. Which of the following were called “Katyushas” during the Great Patriotic War?

A. Rocket launchers. B. Submarines. B. Bombers. G. Field kitchens.

78 . What name was given to the Soviet multiple rocket launcher during the Great Patriotic War?

A. Katyusha. B. Lyubasha. V. Nadyusha. G. Annushka.

79. Who was Mikhail Kalashnikov, the famous designer of automatic small arms, during the Great Patriotic War?

A. Tank commander.B. Chief of Staff. B. Captain of the ship. G. Squadron commander.

80. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War and World War II took place during:

A. Battle of Stalingrad. B. Berlin operation.

V. Battle of Kursk.D. Liberation of Prague.

(In the area of ​​the village of Prokhorovka, Belgorod Region, July 12, 1943. Up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled guns participated on both sides. For the 50th anniversary of the Victory, the Prokhorovskoe Field museum-reserve was opened. By visiting it, you can see the monuments “Belfry”, “Bell” Unity", the Church of Peter and Paul.)

81. The Battle of Kursk ended with the liberation of which city?

A. Kharkov. B. Smolensk. V. Kyiv. G. Pskova.

82 . On the ice of which lake did the “Road of Life”, laid to supply besieged Leningrad, run?

A. Ladozhskoe. B. Onega. V. Chudskoye. G. Pskovskoe.

83 . What is the number of the symphony written by Dmitry Shostakovich in besieged Leningrad?
A. Symphony No. 1.
B. Symphony No. 7. B. Symphony No. 4. G. Symphony No. 8.

(About this symphony, Alexey Tolstoy said: “... The Red Army created a formidable symphony of world victory. Shostakovich pressed his ear to the heart of the Motherland and played a song of triumph...”)
84. Why was the most famous medal of the Great Patriotic War awarded?

A. For bravery. B. For courage. B. For courage. G. For courage.

85. During the war, what were the names of the partisans who, behind enemy lines, took revenge on the fascist invaders for the treacherous attack on our country, for the terror, robberies and violence committed in the occupied territory?

A. Elusive Avengers.B. Young Guard.B. People's Avengers.G. Invisible front.

86. Name the heroine of the poem by M. Aliger, who owns the words:

“Citizens, don’t stand, don’t look,

Kill them, poison them, burn them,

I will die, but the truth will win!

A. Zoya Komodemyanskaya. B. Lyubov Shevtsova. V. Ulyana Gromova. G. Alexandra Kollontai.

(Partisan of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, 1942, posthumously. Student of the 201st secondary school in Moscow; voluntarily joined the partisan detachment, scout. Executed by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo, Moscow region.)
87. Who wrote the most popular poem during the Great Patriotic War, “Wait for Me”?

A. Konstantin Simonov.B. Alexey Surkov.

V. Alexander Tvardovsky. G. Vasily Lebedev-Kumach.

88. What reserves in Grozny and Baku gave Hitler reason to believe that with the capture of these cities the war could be considered won?

A. Coal. B. Gold. B. Oil. G. Salt.

89. Who was Richard Sorge, who received the posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union?

A. Russian intelligence officer. V. Test pilot.

B. Commander of a partisan detachment. G. Tank designer.

90. Who doesn't attended the Yalta Conference in 1945?

A. Stalin. B. De Gaulle. V. Roosevelt. G. Churchill.

91. Where did the meeting between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill take place in February 1945, which finally determined the shape of the post-war world?

A. Vienna. B. Tehran. V. Yalta. G. The Hague. (Crimean or Yalta Conference.)

92 . On which river did Soviet and American soldiers meet in 1945?

A. Elba. B. Rhine. V. Neman. G. Mississippi.

93. What phrase did the Nazis say when they surrendered?

A. “Goebbels screws!” B. “Borman skiff!”V. “Hitler is kaput!”G. “We are from Stirlitz!”

94. Name the pilot-cosmonaut who received his first title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1944.

A. Yuri Gagarin. B. Georgy Beregovoi. V. German Titov. G. Georgy Grechko.

(During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, an attack pilot and squadron commander made 185 combat missions.)

95. In the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, there is a state museum of the Hero of Mongolia and four times Hero of the Soviet Union. The Mongols value the talent of this commander no lower than the talent of Genghis Khan himself. And deservedly so. In 1939, he liberated Mongolia from the Japanese occupiers, and then saved his native land, our Russia, from the Nazis. Who is this commander?

A. Budyonny. B. Voroshilov. V. Zhukov. G. Tukhachevsky.

(In 1939, on the Khalkhin Gol River, the military leadership talent of G.K. Zhukov was fully revealed.)

96. Which of the following was four times Hero of the Soviet Union?

A.G.K. Zhukov. B.I.N. Kozhedub. V.S.M. Budyonny. G.A.I. Pokryshkin.

97. Who, on behalf of the Soviet Supreme High Command, accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany?

98. Which commander did the people award the honorary title of “Marshal of Victory”?

A. Malinovsky R.Ya. B. Konevu I.S. V. Zhukov G.K. G. Rokossovsky K.K.

99. Among the numerous awards of Marshal G.K. Zhukov and the Order of Suvorov, first degree, and the Order of Victory. And both have the same number. Which one?

A. No. 1. B. No. 3. V. No. 2. G. No. 4.

100. What new order for military leaders did artist A.I. work on sketches for? Kuznetsov in 1943? (A total of 30 orders were made. It took 5,400 diamonds and 9 kg of platinum to make them.)

A. Order of Glory. B. St. Petersburg. B. Order of Alexander Nevsky.G. Order "Victory".

101. When was the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin?

102. This commander was called the “Soviet Bagration.” Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Belarus - all the major victories of the war had his significant contribution. Strong, strong-willed and at the same time calm, he created an atmosphere of decency and mutual respect around himself. It was he who had the honor of commanding the Victory Parade in Moscow. Who is this commander?
A. Rokossovsky K.K.B. Malinovsky R.Ya. V. Konev I.S. G. Voroshilov K.E.

103. Name the commander who hosted the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow on June 24, 1945?

A. Zhukov G.K. B. Budyonny S.M. V. Konev I.S. G. Voroshilov K.E.

104. Name the river, the name of which was given to the French air regiment "Normandy", which fought on the Soviet-German front.

A. Elba. B. Neman . V. Oder. G. Danube.

105. Which country was liberated by Soviet troops after the capture of Berlin in 1945? A. Czechoslovakia. B. Poland. V. Romania. G. Bulgaria.

106. In which city can you visit Mamayev Kurgan, on which the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” is located?

A. Volgograd . B. St. Petersburg. V. Smolensk. G. Kursk.

107. Who was the main prosecutor from the USSR at the Nuremberg trials of the Nazis? A. Sheinin. B. Alexandrov. V. Rudenko. G. Vyshinsky.

(Roman Andreevich Rudenko, Prosecutor General of the USSR since 1953)

108. How does the catchphrase, still relevant today, end: “Reward...”?

A. Arrived on time. B. Found a hero. V. Ran away from a coward. G. I fell in love with the jacket.

109. The song “Victory Day” brought this composer well-deserved fame and recognition. Name it. A. Tukhmanov. B. Blanter. V. Solovyov-Sedoy. G. Tariverdiev.
