Application of feed fishmeal in agriculture. Production of fishmeal by direct drying. Use in crop production.

Fishmeal obtained by direct drying is characterized by high quality, especially when the raw material is dried under vacuum. The disadvantage of this scheme is that the finished product is obtained with a high fat content in the flour, and the fat oxidizes during storage. As studies by L.N. Egorova, V.I. Trescheva and others have shown, the quality of fat is well preserved when antioxidants, such as ionol, are added to flour.

The method proposed by VNIRO for stabilizing feed fishmeal with high fat content by introducing 0.1% butyloxytoluene (BOT) into it provides animal weight gain, which in monetary terms is 2-3 times higher than the costs associated with introducing an antioxidant into fatty meal.

Production of flour from lean raw materials

The production of fishmeal by direct drying from lean raw materials is carried out in installations operating primarily under vacuum, without preliminary cooking and pressing. In vacuum drying units, during the boiling process, raw materials are sterilized and bones are softened. The production of fishmeal by this method is carried out at different temperatures depending on the composition of the raw material and requires careful control and strict adherence to the established regime. The consumption of raw materials and the yield of finished products in the production of fish and crab feed meal and fat by direct drying on ship installations is given in Table. thirty.

* (The rate of consumption of raw materials per unit of production refers to the flour yield.)

Loading of raw materials and unloading of product in installations operating according to this scheme are carried out periodically. The drying process must be carried out intensively, since prolonged heat treatment leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of the product as a result of fat oxidation.

Vacuum drying units. In Fig. 37 shows a ship-type vacuum drying installation, consisting of two drying drums. Drying is carried out in two cycles. This prevents the formation of a superficial crust and ensures normal drying. To completely stop the access of air inside the apparatus, seals are installed in the bearings supporting the stirrer axis. The material to be dried is heated by steam through a steam jacket. The material to be dried is loaded into the cylinder through the loading hatch; the hatch is tightly closed, steam is released into the steam jacket and at the same time the wet-air pump is turned on, creating a vacuum in the dryer. First, drying is carried out under vacuum in the upper drum until complete boiling and partial removal of moisture, preventing the formation of lumps.

After removing a significant part of the water from the material, when the adhesive solution is not yet too thick, the discharge hole is opened and the material is transferred to the lower cylinder. In the lower cylinder, drying is carried out with a one-way flow of the material being dried.

The loaded material enters an inclined auger, with the help of which it slowly rises up and, upon reaching the loading hatch, is again poured into the lower drying cylinder. This ensures continuous movement of the material, periodic cooling and prevention of the formation of lumps. The agitators inside drying drums have angled blades that slowly move the material to be dried along the barrel to the opposite end, where it reenters the auger. From the auger, the material is transferred again into the same drying drum. The continuous work process ensures that a dry semi-finished product is obtained, suitable for further processing in extraction plants, where fat is extracted from it and fishmeal is produced.

Production of flour from fatty raw materials

Obtaining fishmeal from fatty raw materials direct drying under vacuum is carried out according to the scheme developed by Giprorybprom and VNIRO and tested under production conditions at the N. Ostrovsky BMRT.

In Progress type vacuum drying units, drying begins with boiling and sterilization of raw materials. This process is carried out at high temperature with a pressure inside the apparatus of up to 1.5 atm and is accompanied by an abundant release of glue broths, the concentration of which depends on the properties of the feedstock. When sterilizing, for example, raw sea bass waste, more concentrated glue broths are obtained than when sterilizing raw cod waste.

As a result of drying, the glue broths thicken and bind the dried mass into lumps. When mixing the contents with a stirrer, the lumps in the drum turn into pellets, are enveloped on top by the fat released during cooking and, in their semi-raw form, cannot be dried. In the new regime, sterilization is excluded. It has been established that perch fatty raw materials are quite easily boiled at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C, even without preliminary crushing. When the temperature at the beginning of the process is maintained above 80°C, pellets are formed. This circumstance must be taken into account and ensure that the temperature at the beginning of the drying process is not higher than 80°C.

When processing fatty raw materials with signs of autolysis, sterilization is carried out in the middle of drying, since by that time more than 60% of the moisture will have been removed from the raw materials and the residual moisture will no longer be able to release glue broths.

Technology system , shown in Fig. 38, provides for the supply of fatty raw materials to the receiving hopper, where it accumulates for portion loading of the drying drum (2.5 T). At the same time, make sure that the drains in the bunker ensure the removal of water. Periodic loading of raw materials from the raw material hopper into the drying drum is carried out using a screw laid along the bottom of the raw material hopper. Before starting the unloading auger, warm up the drying drum.

To do this, open the valve for supplying steam to the drum jacket and the valve for releasing condensate through the bypass condensate pipeline; warming up is carried out for 15 - 20 min at a steam pressure in the supply line of 1.5 at. As soon as the pressure in the drum jacket is brought to 0.5 at, close the valve and subsequently, during the entire drying process, the condensate is directed only through the drain with the valves open. During the drying period, the installation is disconnected from the raw material bunker by a damper.

Drying is carried out under vacuum without pre-cooking the raw materials. Creating a vacuum in the drying drum is carried out by starting up the condensation unit, then the vacuum pump. To do this, first open the valves on the suction and discharge sides of the warm water pump, then the supply valve cold water and immediately start the warm water pump. First 80 min drying is carried out under vacuum 300 - 400 mm rt. st. at a steam pressure in the supply line of 1.5 at, while maintaining the tap water pressure at the condenser inlet at 1 - 2 at.

In this mode, the temperature of the juice steam gradually increases to 80 ° C and is then maintained at this level. Particular care is taken to ensure that the vacuum does not decrease and the drying temperature does not increase in order to avoid excessive release of existing adhesives from the raw materials, which leads to the formation of damp lumps and pellets in the dryer. The vacuum and drying temperature are regulated using air valves installed on the juice steam pipeline and the air line of the vacuum pumps.

In the first drying phase for 80 min moisture is released from the raw material quite intensively, therefore, at this stage of drying, the drying drum is heated only through a steam jacket. When moving to the second stage of drying, simultaneously increase the pressure of the heating steam on the line to 2 - 3 at and the vacuum is adjusted to 400 - 500 mm rt. st.

From the moment of transition to the second phase, drying continues for 3 h. The completion of the drying process is characterized by a decrease in the ammeter reading from 65 - 60 to 40 - 35 at, self-leveling of the heating steam pressure readings on the steam jacket pressure gauge with the pressure gauge reading on the supply steam line.

The drying material is unloaded from the drum in the following sequence. First, the heating steam is shut off, then the stirrer, vacuum pump and condensation unit are turned on, after which the unloading hatch is opened and the stirrer is started to reverse. The complete unloading cycle of the drying drum does not exceed 10 min.

The dried product is pressed immediately after being unloaded from the drum, while it has not yet cooled down.

After pressing the pulp, the product usually contains 8 to 10% moisture.

Work on hydraulic presses is carried out in the following sequence. First, close the compaction line with the valve, then open the valve high pressure, after which the hydraulic pump is turned on. The valve is closed at this time. When the piston is at a distance of 8 cm from the upper edge of the zeer, turn off the hydraulic pump, place a perforated plate and a napkin on the piston platform. Turn on the horizontal and vertical augers for feeding the dried product to the press, fill the free volume of the dry product with it, cover the top of the dried product with a napkin, cover it with a perforated plate, and then with a napkin, and only after that open the valve and lower the press piston (by 8 cm). The free space formed in the upper part of the zeer is again filled with dried food in the same sequence until the press zeer is filled to its entire height.

To increase the loading of the zeer, the dried product is compacted, for which the entire charge of the press is covered with a thick metal plate (plate), the valve is closed and the compaction valve is opened. The hydraulic pump is turned on again, and the four-way valve is turned to the “tamping” position. In this position, the rammer piston moves down, compacts the dried product and thereby frees up space in the zeer for additional loading of dried product. Reach: pressure about 100 at The four-way valve is switched to the reverse position, the free volume of the zeer is loaded again and pressing begins. First 10 - 20 min The pressing process is carried out at a pressure of 250 at, and then move to the third pressure stage. Pressing is carried out 30 - 60 min when the pressure is already 450 at.

To obtain finished commercial products, fishmeal briquettes undergo primary coarse crushing, then grinding in conventional hammer-type mills. The resulting fish meal is fed by a special bucket elevator to magnetic separators to remove ferroimpurities, and then to a loading device for filling closed paper bags with flour.

The best containers for are six-layer paper 78 long cm, width 42 cm with diameter (GOST 2227 - 65), capacity 24 kg .

The use of this scheme for obtaining finished commercial products and mechanized packaging of fishmeal reduces the weight of one container by more than three times, facilitates the work of RMU operators, completely eliminates the operations of sewing (tying) bags, increases the utilization rate of the hold capacity and increases the economic effect of the production of fishmeal and fat.

Gives good results fat processing diagram (Fig. 39), created on BMRT 441, through which fat from the press is sent for sludge into fat-heating boilers. It is drained from the boilers one by one, and the fat from one boiler is poured into the fat tank, while in the second boiler the fat settles until the first boiler is refilled.

Of great interest are installations that provide obtaining feed meal in the so-called fluidized bed, based on direct impact high temperature air-gas mixture for raw materials. The installation, developed by the Technical Institute of Thermophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR for the production of flour in a fluidized bed (Fig. 40), consists of a screw feeder with a variable speed, a working chamber in which there are three zones (a zone for preliminary grinding of raw materials and two zones for joint grinding and drying ). A rotor passes through the chamber, on which cutters are fixed, rotating at different increasing speeds in each zone (in the first zone, the rotation speed of the cutters is allowed up to 9 m/sec, in the second 25 m/sec and in the third 36 m/sec).

The inlet part of the working chamber is connected to a chamber furnace, and the outlet part is connected to a centrifugal separator and a cyclone. This entire system operates under vacuum, which is created by a fan.

The installation works as follows. The raw material flows in a continuous flow into the feeder, which transfers it to the pre-crushing zone of the working chamber. In this zone, the raw material is subjected to coarse crushing, after which it passes into the zone of combined grinding and heat treatment. At the same time, the coolant generated during the combustion of solar oil enters this zone in a direct flow.

When the raw material enters the spray funnel, it is instantly crushed by the blows of the cutters and in a dispersed state is mixed with the coolant, turning into a two-phase dispersed system. Thanks to the creation of a huge surface of interaction between the solid phase and the gaseous medium, instantaneous evaporation of moisture is ensured.

The rate of moisture removal from the product with such rapid interaction of the coolant depends on the intensity of the formation of a film layer on the surface of the product particle. The formation of a thin shell layer prevents the free escape of water vapor from the particle until excess pressure arises inside it. As soon as the stress of the surface shell of a particle exceeds the tensile strength, the particle explodes, creating a new surface, and then complete or necessary moisture transfer from the product particles is ensured (the drying process is accelerated).

The dispersion of the crushed raw materials practically becomes equal to the dispersion of the finished product and the intensity of drying increases sharply.

Rice. 40. Technological diagram for the production of fishmeal in a “fluidized bed” of direct drying: 1 - feeder-dispenser body; 2 - feeder-dispenser conveyor; 3 - activator; 4 - knife drum; 5 - screw conveyor; 6 - microdoser; 7 - frame of the combustion part; 8 - fuel equipment; 9 - firebox; 10 - chopper body; 11 - chopper rotor; 12 - chopper cooling fan; 14 - battery of cyclones; 15 - fan; 16 - sluice gate; 17 - reversing auger; 18 - vertical auger; 19 - drive station; 20 - holder; 21 - magnetic separator; 22 - control cabinet; 23 - fuel tank

It has been established that the dispersion of crushed raw materials approaches the dispersion of the finished product as a result of imparting the following peripheral speed ω to the cutting edges of the incisors:

Where D- diameter of the rotor along the cutting edges;

P- number of rotor revolutions.

The crushed and dried raw materials from the working chamber are supplied by pneumatic transport in a waste coolant flow to a centrifugal separator, where the separation of dried particles occurs. Small particles in the form of a finished product enter the cyclones, settle and enter the bunker, and large particles from the centrifugal separator are returned in a closed cycle to the working chamber for grinding.

The finished product has a moisture content of no higher than 10%, particle size from 0.1 to 3 mm , the temperature of the coolant at the entrance to the working chamber is in the range from 700 to 1000°C. The exhaust gas at the exit from the working chamber has a temperature of 120 - 150°C.

The coolant flow rate is 1.6 m 3 on 1 kg raw materials, and the volume of waste gases does not exceed 3.5 m 3 on 1 kg raw materials. During operation, electricity is consumed to drive the rotor 9 kW, exhaust fan - 10 kW fan - 7 kW and feeder - 0.6 kW.

The technology adopted for this installation provides dosed supply of raw materials, removal of metal and other inclusions from raw materials, grinding, removal of surface moisture from raw material particles with hot air, pressing, introduction of an antioxidant, joint grinding and drying of raw materials in a dispersed state, separation of the dry product from the coolant, cooling and removal of ferroimpurities from the resulting dry product, as well as packaging, weighing and packaging of fishmeal.

All processes for the production of fishmeal in this installation take place in certain technological regulations according to a given program. mm e automatic control. The raw material to be processed enters the receiving hopper, from where it flows through a feeder-doser in a continuous flow onto the belt and then into the grinder. To remove metal and other foreign inclusions, there is a separator chamber in the lower part of the feeder-doser, in which the pulp contents are separated due to the difference in specific gravity.

Metal impurities are deposited in fresh water, and the raw material is fed by conveyor scrapers to a knife drum for preliminary crushing into pieces no larger than 100 mm, then with a screw into the receiving neck of the chopper.

Removal of surface moisture from raw materials is carried out in two steps - by supplying hot air into the casing of the knife drum and squeezing the raw materials in the conical part of the feed auger. The pressed raw materials are moved by a screw to the receiving neck of the grinder, then pushed by a screw feeder to the knife heads of the first grinding zone. A certain dose of antioxidant from a microdoser enters the receiving neck along with the raw material.

Drying is carried out under vacuum in the cyclone - working chamber - furnace system, created by a special fan (supplying coolant into the working chamber simultaneously with the raw material in the form of a mixture of combustion products liquid fuel and air).

In the working chamber, the drying process occurs simultaneously with the grinding process. In this case, the crushed raw material moves along the chamber by the coolant flow, sequentially passing through the first, second and third zones of the chamber, where it is subjected to repeated grinding and forced removal of moisture.

In the process of turbulent interaction of the coolant with finely ground raw materials, a two-phase disperse system, in which the solid phase has a huge surface of direct interaction with the coolant, which ensures accelerated removal of moisture and obtaining a standard dry product.

The dry product is discharged by a coolant flow through a pipeline into two paired cyclones, in which the dry particles settle. The coolant, after passing through the cyclones, is removed into the atmosphere through a fan, and the finished product, through airlocks, prefabricated and vertical screws, is supplied cooled to packaging.

Recently, airlift dryers have begun to be used, designed to dehydrate wet fish particles transported through a vertical drying chamber by a stream of hot air, the temperature of which can be relatively high, but does not cause the product to burn.

The technological scheme for the production of fishmeal and oil by the centrifugal method without pressing, based on heating the equipment with flue gases (instead of steam), is presented in Fig. 41.

This scheme ensures the grinding of raw materials to a dispersed state and the separation of the boiled mass into solid and liquid phases, excluding pressing.

Raw materials enter the crusher 1 with a wide loading opening, which makes it possible to grind large fish with hard bones into a homogeneous mass to a dispersed state, which can be easily transferred to the feeding tank 2 , equipped with level regulators. From the nutrient tank, the crushed raw materials are supplied to the cooking apparatus for boiling 3 , from where by pump 4 fed into a horizontal centrifuge and solids separator 5 , replacing the press in these installations. The resulting fat-containing liquid is heated in a heat exchanger 6 , after which it is fed into a self-discharging separator 7 equipped with an automatic mechanism. A dense mass with a moisture content of 60 - 65% is fed from a horizontal centrifuge by a screw into the dryer 8 , then ground in a hammer mill 9 . Flue gas generator 10 ensures the supply of heat generated as a result of oil combustion in the furnace to the boiler and dryer. Exhaust flue gases enter the heater through a special ventilation system 11 , where the air supplied for production purposes is heated. The installation includes a cyclone 12 for collecting flour dust, equipped with a fan 13 for supplying exhaust air for deodorization. Control technological process carried out automatically 14 .

The flue gases produced in the furnace are forced by a fan through the boiler and dryer. The boiler and dryer are made in the form of horizontally rotating cylinders with longitudinal pipes, inside which flue gases pass, while maintaining the necessary temperature regime boiling the raw material and drying it (Fig. 42).

The pipes at both ends are flared so that the supplied flue gases do not come into direct contact with the material being boiled and dried. The rotating drums of the boiler and dryer are enclosed in a jacket, which has inlet and outlet openings for flue gases. The heated pipes of the boiler and dryer are equipped with flat steel scrapers, the width of which is less than the diameter of the pipes. When the drum rotates, the scrapers also rotate inside the pipes and at the same time automatically remove soot from the surface, thereby ensuring normal heat exchange. The rotor is closed in such a way that the possibility of outside cold air entering the flue gases that heat the boiler and dryer is practically eliminated.

The boiler and drying drum rotate at a speed of 3 - 3.5 about/ min using a worm gear.

The feed conveyor of such a fat-flour plant has a drive with a stepped speed, which can be set depending on the type of raw material being processed and the productivity of the plant.

This fat-milling plant produces light-colored fishmeal with low fat content and high protein content. The design of the installation equipment, the layout and use of the necessary devices, including automatic control of production processes, are made taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology.

The production of fish meal and oil by the centrifugal method ensures: continuity of the process and the ability to work on different raw materials by type, size and grade; obtaining fishmeal with a low fat content, regardless of the freshness and fat content of the processed raw materials; carrying out thermal processes for the production of fishmeal and oil by heating with flue gases at low flow rates fresh water for processing fat by separation; use of equipment with low operating costs for this process.

Fish flour plants of the Centrifish system are combined into lines with a capacity of 600, 450, 300 and 150 T per day for raw materials. Each line with a capacity of 300 T per day is equipped with two powerful dryers and the necessary set of fat and flour equipment. These plants, as well as direct drying plants, ensure full utilization of raw materials and the production of whole feed meal. They operate on flue gases obtained from burning oil in generators of a special design. The main indicators of the Centrifish system installations are given in table. 31.

Technological scheme for the production of fishmeal and fat on continuously operating aggregated fat-meal installations of the Tor system from the Don-Tor company, used in domestic industry and operating according to a predetermined program mm e with automatic control and regulation of production processes, shown in Fig. 43.

mm e: 1 - bunker for raw materials; 2 - bunker auger; 3 - digester; 4 - press; 5 - pulp crushers; b - drying drum; 7 - magnetic separator; 8 - drying auger; 9 - mill; 10 - cyclone; 11 - automatic scales with a sewing machine; 12 - press broth reservoir; 13 - vibrating sieve; 14 - tank (second) for press broth; 15 - Alfa Laval centrifuge; 16 - pump, glue water and sludge; 17 - fat pump; 18 - fan; 19 - cyclone">
Rice. 43. Aggregated installation of the Don-Tor company, operating and controlled automatically according to a given program mm e: 1 - bunker for raw materials; 2- bunker auger; 3 - digester; 4 - press; 5 - pulp crushers; b - drying drum; 7 - magnetic separator; 8 - eu-shank auger; 9 - mill; 10 - cyclone; 11 - automatic scales with a sewing machine; 12 - press broth reservoir; 13 - vibrating sieve; 14 - tank (second) for press broth; 15 - Alfa Laval centrifuge; 16 - pump, glue water and sludge; 17 - fat pump; 18 - fan; 19 - cyclone

The raw materials sent for processing enter the fish cutter, which consists of a welded quadrangular body in which there are fixed combs of rectangular knives. The movable insert knives of the massive rotor pass through the grooves of the fixed knives. The rotor makes 1430 about/ min , drive power 5.5 kW. The crushed raw material enters the auger hopper, from where it is sent for boiling into a continuously operating boiler. The loading funnel of the boiler has a capacitive level sensor, which indicates the level of filling of the boiler with raw materials and automatically regulates the flow of raw materials into the boiler. The hollow screw of the boiler is driven by an electric motor with a power of 9.67 kW through a speed variator and gearbox.

The boiled mass of fish is automatically transferred to a screw press, the cast iron press grids of which have conical holes with a diameter of 15/12 mm. Inside the gratings there are stainless steel linings with perforations with a diameter of 2 mm . The press is driven by an electric motor with a power of 5.5 kW through a variator and a two-stage gearbox. The speed is adjusted automatically.

In the transition pipe from the boiler to the press there are sensors - one of them serves to maintain the required level of boiled mass, the other to measure the temperature of the boiled mass entering the press.

The issue of grinding the pulp coming out of the press has been successfully resolved. For this purpose, a hammer crusher with a massive disk rotor on which hammers are hinged, breaking up clods of pulp before entering the drying drum. The crusher is driven by an individual electric motor with a power of 1.3 kW.

The dryer body has a steam jacket into which steam is supplied under pressure 3 - 4 at. Heating steam is also supplied to the tubular rotor of the drying drum, equipped with spiral and scraper blades, with the help of which the dried material moves along the drum to the discharge window. The rotor of the drying drum is driven by an electric motor with a power of 5.5 kW through a gearbox and chain transmission.

Through a regulating gate at the end of the drying drum, the dried product is thrown by special rotor blades into an inclined discharge auger for transfer to a magnetic separator. The auger body is enclosed in a jacket through which flow is supplied. sea ​​water for cooling dried bread.

The auger drive consists of a planetary gearbox and an electric motor with a power of 0.5 kW located in the upper part of the screw directly below the magnetic separator. The dried product, having passed the magnetic separator, enters in a uniform flow into the mill with hammers hinged on the rotor.

The resulting flour passes through a special sieve of the mill into a common tray with the fan. From the pallet, flour along with air is removed by a high-pressure fan into a cyclone for separating flour from air, weighing and packaging.

The mill and fan are a single unit on one shaft with a 4 kW drive. The drive motor makes 2200 about/ min , and the mill rotor and fan impeller 4500 about/ min .

The shaft on which the rotor and impeller are located rotates in roller bearings. The remaining mechanisms of the drying drum, boiler, screws and screw press rotate in plain bearings. From the pallet, flour along with air is sucked by a fan and fed into a cyclone, where it is deposited and sent to the receiving hopper of an automatic scale. The weight of a portion of flour can be adjusted from 20 to 100 kg. The scales are equipped with a recording counting mechanism and a manual lever clamp for attaching kraft bags. Thus, accounting of finished products is fully automated.

The press broth from the press is drained by gravity into an open tank with a capacity of 0.09 m 3, equipped with a lower level float sensor and a pump for supplying broth to the separator.

The vibration separator is a vibrating sieve with a built-in electric motor with a power of 0.37 kW. Separated solid particles protein- bone tissue in a continuous flow are returned to the drying drum, and the broth is discharged into a closed tank with a capacity of 0.06 m 3 where it is heated with live steam to 85°C and processed in a batch separator to separate fat.

During the drying process, water vapor from the dryer is removed into the atmosphere through a special cyclone. The cyclone is equipped with a hermetically sealed container to catch dried particles carried away with the steam.

The collector and filter are fixed together with the cyclone and are periodically cleaned.

The technological process is regulated and controlled from a common panel installed next to the boiler and press. A pressure gauge measuring the steam pressure in the supply line and thermometers measuring the temperature of the boiled mass and vapors sucked from the drying drum are located on a common panel. The panel includes a mnemonic diagram and toggle switches for turning on all motors of the fat and flour installation.

Aggregated fat-making plants of domestic production of the VNIEKIProdmash system have a capacity of 30 - 35 and 60 - 70 tons per day of raw materials. The main grease-making equipment is combined into two independent blocks. The first block includes a boiler and a dryer, the second block includes a vacuum evaporation unit for producing concentrated broth.

The raw material enters the fish cutting machine, where it is crushed, then into a hopper with a dosing screw and into a boiler. The raw materials are cooked with both silent and live steam. The boiled mass from the boiler goes into a twin-screw press to separate the broth from the pulp (up to a moisture content of 50%).

The pressed mass, loosened by a special device, is fed into a dryer with highly developed heating surfaces of the body and shaft, heated by deep steam. Moisture evaporating from the material being dried is removed by a fan with a cyclone.

The product, dried to standard humidity, is poured from the lower outlet of the dryer onto the platform of a vibrating conveyor, which delivers it in a uniform layer to the platform (bottom) with built-in permanent magnets to remove ferroimpurities from the dryer. The fan of the mill installation sucks the dried milk through a special hose into the crushing drum of the mechanism.

Fishmeal with an air flow through a pipeline enters two upper cyclones with a sluice gate. From the second cyclone, through the flow, the product is packaged in kraft bags. In pneumatic transport, flour is cooled to a temperature of 30°C with cold air.

The broth from the press is pumped into a horizontal sedimentation centrifuge to separate suspended protein. Solids enter the dryer through openings in the top of the dryer. The broth is pumped into the clarified broth compartment, where it is heated to a temperature of 20 - 28 ° C and enters the separator for fat separation. The resulting fat is pumped into a tank (separate for fat), where it is heated to a temperature of 85 - 95°C and sent to a fat separator for final cleaning.

The skim broth from the first (dirt) separator is pumped into the tank into the skim broth compartment, where it is heated and pumped into a two-stage evaporation unit.

The resulting concentrated broth is pumped through a special pipeline into the loosened pulp and mixed with it. The mixture obtained in this way goes into the dryer.

For the reason that today there are difficulties in doing business with foreign partners in agriculture, domestic production began to actively develop. This is a huge chance for our entrepreneurs to launch successful factories producing in-demand products.

If you want to engage in some type of activity, you can consider purchasing the necessary equipment for the production of fishmeal in order to supply this product to farmland.

Fishmeal itself is considered a valuable component for large quantity a variety of feed used for raising poultry and livestock. This ingredient is added in sufficient quantities to the main animal feed to provide it with many nutritional components in order to promote healthy growth.

Features of the chosen direction

In our country there are very few enterprises that produce fishmeal. The reason lies in the difficulties of obtaining the necessary raw materials for production. But this was before problems with foreign companies began, since previously all deliveries were directed specifically to them. Now it’s not at all difficult to make several agreements with suppliers in order to ensure an uninterrupted flow of raw materials for production. And taking into account the little competition, this will allow you to quickly set up your own profitable business.

Also note that almost half of these products are immediately sent abroad. And this leads to the fact that our people who decide to buy such flour must pay much more for a foreign product created by our own producers. And if there is a manufacturer on the market with a low cost per product, then all farmers will be very happy to purchase such a product from him. So the effectiveness of such a business is obvious.

The profitability of such a business is obtained due to the high cost of the product itself, due to its valuable properties. If you offer fishmeal to farmers who have not encountered it before, you can note such positive qualities as:

  • presence of protein;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • microelements;
  • lots of vitamins.

On initial stage In order to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment, it is best to consider a business plan for the production of fishmeal with the opening of a small enterprise. This will eliminate line downtime and finished products sitting in the warehouse.

Product manufacturing process

As you already understood from the name of the product itself, the whole process will revolve around fish raw materials. But you don’t need to think that only carcasses are used for production. This can be fish offal, bones and other various waste from fishing enterprises.

Taking into account the good cost of the finished product, many fish factories even set up their own small workshops for the production of flour, so that they can make additional profit and at the same time make waste-free production.

As for the fishmeal production process itself, the whole stage consists of the following points:

  1. Raw materials are cleaned from various debris, such as dirt, for example.
  2. Grinding is carried out.
  3. This whole mixture is boiled.
  4. Grind into minced meat.
  5. Dehydrated.
  6. Drying.
  7. Grind into flour.
  8. Packed.

We also note that in the end result, fishmeal is not the only product that comes out of the conveyor. When the dehydration process occurs, such a valuable product as fat is obtained. It can also be sold to farms as an animal feed additive.

Workshop equipment

This cost usually includes the following components, which also need to be included in the fishmeal business plan:

  • chopper;
  • bins for raw materials in in different forms(unprocessed raw materials, minced meat and finished products);
  • drying tank;
  • packaging

You can, of course, save a little by not buying a filling machine, doing this operation with your own hands and using a dispenser for this. But you will have to hire staff, because the process itself requires a lot of labor and time. If you want to save on equipment, then you can consider purchasing the Chinese version, which is much cheaper than domestic and foreign offers.

Choosing a workshop room

To set up production, you will need an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, or better yet 200. This room will contain not only equipment, but also a warehouse with rooms for working personnel.

The main thing is to note that the product is not considered food, so there are no special points regarding the requirements for its content for the supervisory authorities to have complaints against you. The main thing is that the room has good ventilation, sewerage, electricity and water, and the like. But to ensure that the finished product does not lose its presentation during storage in a warehouse, you will have to seriously consider the issue of storage conditions.

Profitability of fishmeal production

Provided that you were able to establish sales, this type of business will soon begin to generate good income. It is best to consider the option of concluding contracts for the supply of finished products in bulk. But this can be achieved if you can establish yourself as a reliable partner who provides consistently high-quality products, because wholesale buyers can only work with trusted entrepreneurs.

In any case, the popularity and demand for this product is at high level, and selling it should not be a problem. But it is best to initially rely on local residents who are located near your enterprise, and only then enter a wider market and increase production.

On average, the cost of fishmeal on the wholesale market today is 50 rubles per 1 kg. And the production cost of 1 kg is approximately 20 rubles. If we consider the option that it is necessary to spend about 1,500,000 rubles on the purchase of all equipment and other expenses, then these investments will pay off in about 1 season of the plant’s operation. But this issue should be approached correctly.

Similar materials

The invention is intended for use in feed production, for the preparation of fish feed meal from low-value fish raw materials. The method includes grinding raw materials in a fish cutter, processing the crushed raw materials with a solution of acetic or citric acid concentration of 0.1-5.0%, cooking of the raw material, which is carried out in two stages at a temperature in the range of 60-95 o C. Next, the mass is centrifuged, then sent for drying, the separated broth is sent for further processing. Treatment of raw materials crushed in a fish slicer with acid, acetic or citric, causes compaction muscle tissue small fat-containing fish, which, in turn, contributes to better separation of fish oil from the press broth during centrifugation of the boiled mass. The resulting feed meal has a higher protein content and reduced fat, which makes it of higher quality. It is intended for use in fish farming for feeding fry, for example, salmon fish.

The invention relates to the fishing industry, in particular to methods for producing fishmeal mainly from low-value fish raw materials. Fish meal is made from various raw materials: fish and waste from fish processing for food products, pre-pressed fish broths, shrimp raw materials, etc. Depending on the raw material used various ways making flour. There is a known method for producing feed flour in direct drying plants, in which, after drying, a pressing operation is performed, and then the compressed raw materials are ground and cleaned from metal impurities. A centrifuge-drying method for producing feed meal is also known (see Instructions for the production of feed meal. 99 - In the collection of VNIRO "Technological instructions for processing fish". T.2 - M.: Kolos, 1994). This method involves the following operations: grinding raw materials, cooking, centrifuging, drying, cooling and packaging. Fish feed meal in accordance with GOST 2116-82 must have the following content: the mass fraction of crude protein in fish meal is not less than 50%, the mass fraction of fat is not more than 10%. The lower the fat content in the flour, the better the quality of the feed flour. When producing feed meal for fish farming, for example, it is recommended to use raw materials with a fat mass fraction of no more than 4% in order to obtain meal with the lowest fat content. Consequently, the operation of separating fat during the production of fish meal has the greatest impact on the quality of the resulting product. Known methods for making flour include additional processing of products to reduce fat content. There is a known method for the production of fish feed meal for poultry farming, in which the raw materials (fresh and frozen sardines, horse mackerel, mackerel, herring, anchovy) are processed in acidic environment, after which a centrifugation operation is performed (see RF Patent No. 1836030, A 23 K 1/10 dated January 23, 1991). IN this method the raw material is subject to separation to obtain separate fractions of bone and meat tissue, and exposure to an acidic environment is carried out for each fraction separately. The quality of the resulting product, and therefore its price, also depends on the protein content in flour; with increasing protein content, it increases the nutritional value flour. The main problem that was solved during the development of the proposed method was the use of low-value fish raw materials to obtain high-quality flour with a high protein content and low fat content. The inventive method relates to centrifuge-drying methods and includes the above operations. The difference between the proposed method is that before the cooking operation, the crushed raw materials are treated with a solution of acetic or citric acid with a concentration of 0.1 - 5.0%, then the cooking is carried out at a temperature in the range of 60-95 o C. In this case, the initial cooking is carried out at a temperature of 60 -70 o C followed by exposure for 10-15 minutes. Then the temperature is increased by 20-25 o C, followed by holding the mass for 10-15 minutes. The proposed method allows you to obtain feed flour with high performance(fat and protein content) exceeding those recommended by GOST 2116-82 “Food meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceans and invertebrates. Specifications ", from more fat-containing raw materials, such as capelin or small herring (fat content in raw materials is 12-18%). Treatment of raw materials crushed in a fish slicer with acid, acetic or citric, causes compaction of the muscle tissue of small fat-containing fish, which, in turn, promotes better separation of fish oil from the press broth during centrifugation of the boiled mass. The concentration of the acid solution from 0.1 to 5% makes it possible to process the mass, consisting of a soft bone structure and a muscle structure of weak consistency, to a state suitable for the centrifugation operation. Heat treatment raw materials in two stages in the temperature range from 60 o C to 95 o C allows for a gentle cooking mode, which is very important when using fish with a delicate consistency.This prevents the formation of a mushy mass from which water is poorly separated, and contributes to the implementation of the most effective mode centrifugation. Brief exposure of acid-treated raw materials to high temperature also allows for more efficient separation of the press broth, which contains a significant amount of fish oil. This, in turn, ensures a reduction in the amount of fish oil in the final product - flour. Thus, the claimed set of essential features ensures the achievement of a different technical result, namely the production of high-quality, high-protein fish meal from low-value raw materials that have a high fat content, such as capelin and small herring. An analysis of the sources identified during the search for information showed that the claimed set of essential features is unknown from the prior art, which confirms that the proposed solution meets the “novelty” criterion. Since the claimed set of essential features makes it possible to obtain a new technical result, different from what is provided by known methods, it can be argued that the claimed technical solution meets the criterion of “inventive step”. The proposed technical solution is technically feasible (industrially applicable), which is confirmed by the information below. The essence of the proposed method is as follows. After defrosting, the starting raw material is crushed to pieces no larger than 3 cm. In the case of using small fish, capelin or small herring, the raw materials can be used without grinding. Then the raw materials are irrigated with a solution of acetic or citric acid. The concentration and amount of acid is determined based on the type and volume of raw materials being processed. The processing time with the acid solution is also determined by the amount of fish being processed. Heat treatment of raw materials is carried out first at a temperature of 60-70 o C with a subsequent increase to 95 o C. In this case, the raw materials are kept for a short time of 10-15 minutes after the first cooking, as well as after increasing the temperature. Next, the processed mass is fed to a centrifuge; conventional equipment used in fisheries is used. After centrifugation, the pulp is sent for drying, and the separated broth is sent for further processing, the solution is sent to reuse. The finished products are packaged. Example 1. When producing fish feed meal from 425 kg of capelin, the raw materials were kept for 30 minutes in 1200 liters of solution acetic acid 0.5% concentration. After the auger-strainer, the mass was sent for cooking, while heat treatment was carried out in two stages: stage 1 - heating to 65 o C and cooking for 10 minutes; Stage 2 - heating the boiled mass to 85 o C and holding at this temperature for 15 minutes. The finished product yield was 80.7 kg of feed flour. The composition of the resulting feed meal: proteins - 70.8%, fish oil - 6.4%, moisture - 7.3%. Example 2. When producing fish feed meal from 470 kg of Atlantic herring, which actively feeds on calanus, the herring was kept for 45 minutes in 1000 liters of 0.1% acetic acid solution. Heat treatment in two stages: stage 1 - heating to 70 o C and cooking for 5 minutes; Stage 2 - heating to 90 o C and holding for 10 minutes. The yield of fishmeal is 87 kg. Composition of fish meal: protein - 70.5%, fat - 6.0%, moisture - 8.1%. The proposed method provides an increased yield of finished products. The resulting feed meal has a higher protein content and a reduced fat content, which makes it of higher quality. Feed meal with such fat and protein content is intended for use in fish farming for feeding fry, for example salmon fish, if its shelf life does not exceed that permitted for these purposes. With a long shelf life, such flour is used in pig farms in the North. The proposed method is easy to implement and does not require development. additional equipment. Acetic or citric acid is approved for use in the food industry. Expanding the range of species of raw materials for the production of fishmeal makes it possible to solve an important national economic problem - the breeding of valuable fish species, such as salmon.


A method for producing fish feed meal, including grinding the raw material in a fish cutting machine, treating it with acetic or citric acid, cooking, centrifuging the boiled mass, drying and packaging, characterized in that before cooking the crushed raw material is treated with a solution of acetic or citric acid with a concentration of 0.1-5 ,0%, cooking is carried out in two stages at a temperature in the range of 60-95 o C.

Agriculture is the main industry where fishmeal is used. As a valuable component of compound feeds, it nutrients, vitamins and microelements help accelerate the growth and development of pigs, cows and birds. For gardeners and vegetable gardeners, fertilizer made from waste soft tissues, bones and shells of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans serves as an indispensable assistant in the cultivation of various crops.

Fishmeal is a source of huge amounts of vitamins and minerals

Qualitative and quantitative composition

Fish meal is a substance in the form of powder or granules obtained by drying and grinding waste from fish processing, as well as from residues from the cutting of marine mammals and seafood. From six tons of muscles, bones and adipose tissue, about one ton of finished product is obtained, the quality of which depends on the composition of the raw materials. Usually this is anchovy, pollock, flounder, herring, mackerel, sardine, meat of whales, pinnipeds and crustaceans. Flour with a fat mass fraction of more than 8% necessarily contains stabilizing additives of the antioxidant ethoxyquin.

In fact, fishmeal is the remains of fish and other fish, ground into flour. sea ​​creatures

Products manufactured in Russian Federation, must comply with the requirements of GOST 2116–2000 “Food meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceans and invertebrates.” For research, samples are taken from several batches with different production times. This allows you to identify violations before they go on sale.

The chemical composition of the product is given in the table:

The main indicator of the quality of fish bone meal is fat content. The correct balance of fats in the body stimulates the production of antibodies that fight pathogenic microbes. Proteins are sources of easily digestible protein, which is 95% digestible. Flour includes proteins and amino acids, is rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and successfully complements plant-based components in animal feed.

Calcium is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, phosphorus accelerates growth, iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland. Vitamin A is involved in redox processes during the formation of new cells. B vitamins are responsible for the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system, Vitamin D promotes the absorption of phosphorus. A number of amino acids, such as cystine, methionine, lysine and threonine, are involved in the construction muscle fibers. Polyunsaturated acids are responsible for the production of progesterone, which has a beneficial effect on reproductive abilities.

Product production technology

The production of fishmeal is one of the important areas of fish processing in national economy. Every year the world produces from 5 to 7 million tons of these necessary products, which is produced in one of two main ways:

  1. Commercial. The process is carried out directly on the ship from the caught catch. Unfrozen fish and waste from its cutting are taken. The raw materials are not the most selective, but the quality of such a product is much higher, since the composition does not contain chemical additives. The main disadvantage is that the finished flour contains from 2 to 5% sand impurities that get caught in the net.
  2. Coastal. Fish caught and frozen during fishing are processed in special factories on land. This is more effective in terms of average daily processing of raw materials, but the main disadvantage is the presence of foreign chemical components. The maximum possible protein content is about 70%, but in reality these values ​​are rare.

There are a couple of known ways to produce fishmeal: processing fish waste directly on the ship and processing on land

The manufacturing technology has not undergone significant changes over the years and is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cleaning the fish mass from debris and dirt. Special devices are used to remove metal impurities.
  2. Grinding of raw materials. Fish cutters and crushers of various designs make it easier to separate fat and water. The resulting fragments are easily exposed to high temperatures.
  3. Cooking. Crushed raw materials are loaded into heated drums equipped with mixing blades and processed for about 30 minutes until a viscous semi-liquid mass is obtained.
  4. Pressing. The use of devices of various designs allows you to separate the boiled composition into fat, water and protein components. The result is a pulp with a moisture content of about 50%, and the fat-containing liquid is collected to obtain fish oil.

For quite a long time, the process and technology of fishmeal production have not changed.
  1. Drying. There are two possible ways to remove moisture from pulp: fire and steam. In the first case, the resulting flour becomes black, because the protein burns out under the influence of flue gases. When processing with hot steam, more high quality: protein reserves are practically not lost, but the process itself is associated with energy consumption and increases the cost of production.
  2. Grinding dried minced meat. The mass is ground in rotary crushers and sifted. The size of the grains depends on humidity.
  3. Packaging in containers. Electronic or mechanical scales are used for weighing, and bags made of fabric, polypropylene, multi-layer paper, jute fiber, bags made of polymer materials or special containers are used for packaging.

The production technology is simple, but it is problematic to implement it at home, because special equipment is required: presses, dryers, conveyors, crushers. This affects the quality and cost of the finished product.

Global Market Overview

Flour is produced in varying quantities by almost all countries that have sea or ocean borders. Her appearance and the quality depends on the type of fauna in a particular fishing area. For example, Chile uses horse mackerel and anchovy as raw materials, and Japan uses sardines. Peru, Mauritania, Thailand and Morocco are considered the world's largest producers.

First place in the ranking belongs to Peru. But when trying to analyze why the amount of flour products produced annually in this country (more than a million tons) exceeds the volume of live fish caught, a number of questions arise about the use of chemical additives. In second place is Mauritania, which, when processing various varieties of fish, achieves a protein content of 62 to 67%.

Fishmeal is produced in all countries where there is access to the sea or ocean

Imported flour is expensive, so Russian farmers are increasingly inclined to purchase products from domestic producers. Its price is lower, and its quality is practically not inferior to its Chilean and Peruvian counterparts.

Application for livestock needs

The product of processing fish waste is widely used in various sectors of agriculture. Its use in fur farming helps improve the consumer qualities of rabbit and nutria fur. Fish feed meal has proven itself well on farms raising pigs, cows, chickens, quails and other birds.

When feeding animals pay attention to the following features of the product:

  1. Compound. Real flour contains calcium, phosphorus and salt. The presence of feathers, meat and bone waste, soybean meal, and urea makes it useless to follow the recommended dosages.
  2. Freshness. When stored in hot, unventilated warehouses or in the open sun, fat oxidation occurs, as evidenced by the smell of rancid old lard. This product is prohibited for consumption because it causes irreversible changes in the digestive organs and ends in death.

When used in poultry farming, fishmeal allows chicks to grow quickly, gain weight, and also supports immunity. In the diet of chickens, the additive ranges from 5 to 10%, for adult birds - from 2 to 5%. Chickens lay eggs more often and digest food better, and the eggs become more nutritious. Healthy broilers gain weight well. It is important to balance the diet and sharply reduce the amount of additives 2 weeks before slaughter, otherwise chicken meat and eggs will acquire a specific taste and smell.

Fishmeal is a necessary component of feed in livestock farming, influencing the proper and complete development of livestock and poultry.

The effect of use in pig farming is expressed in improving the appetite and immunity of the livestock. For piglets, dietary supplements from 5 to 15% are recommended, for adults - from 2 to 4%. In sows, the birth rate and survival rate of offspring increases, boars become more productive, and piglets with gilts develop faster and gain weight. Fresh fish waste is also used as feed, and 2 months before slaughter it is excluded from the menu.

Fish bone meal is beneficial for cattle at all stages of development. The share in the feed of calves and young animals ranges from 3 to 7%, for adult animals - from 1 to 3%. Daily supplements to the diet of pregnant cows increase fertility, improve the health of offspring, improve the quality of milk, and calves grow well. Meat breeds quickly develop and gain weight, have blooming health and good digestion. Stud bulls are fertile and hardy, have strong immunity. 2 months before slaughter, the use of the additive is stopped.

Domestic cats and dogs readily consume fishmeal as part of ready-made food mixtures, with dosage instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. A beneficial effect on immunity and development, strengthening bones and muscles, improving the quality of wool is achieved due to the high content of fats, vitamins and amino acids.

Use in crop production

The use of fishmeal in gardens has a beneficial effect on the composition of the soil, helps to increase productivity and improve the quality of vegetables and fruits. Fertilizer enhances cellular metabolic processes, and during the growing season replenishes losses of nitrogen and phosphorus. It is also possible to apply one or two weeks after the end of harvesting, then the powder or granules are evenly scattered over the area before digging.

It is believed that meal from fish bones contains more phosphorus, and from soft parts - nitrogen. All useful components will remain in the soil until spring and will feed the crops when planted next year. The properties of flour are enhanced when used together with wood ash and nitroammophos. This fertilizer is useful for nightshade crops, the yield of which immediately responds to the lack of phosphorus in the soil.

Fishmeal is also used in crop production as a soil fertilizer.

When using fish bone meal for feeding various garden crops are guided by simple rules:

  1. Potato. Fertilizer is applied to the soil a week before the planned planting of seed. Consumption is 100 g per 1 sq. meter of territory.
  2. Tomatoes. During the process of planting seedlings, up to 40 g of flour is placed in each hole. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add bird droppings.
  3. Fruit or ornamental trees. Fertilizing is used for adult plants once every 3 years and at a dosage of up to 200 g of fertilizer per 1 square meter. meter of the surface of the tree trunk circle.
  4. Berries. In early spring, add 100 g of flour per 1 square meter. meter of plantation, and when transplanting bushes and propagating by cuttings, the consumption is reduced to 50 g per hole. Additionally, bird droppings are used.
  5. Bulbous plants and flowers. Fertilized in spring period at the rate of 50 g flour per 1 sq. meter of soil. Perennials respond well to such fertilizing, and when planting annual crops, it is applied under digging.

It is necessary to observe the correct proportions of fertilizer for certain types of plants

Fertilizer based on fish bone meal is well suited for loosening black soil, loam and calcareous soils. The indication for use is a lack of phosphorus and calcium compounds. Therefore, before fertilizing, a soil analysis is performed to determine the level of acidity and composition of macroelements.

Excess useful substances is contraindicated in the same way as a deficiency, and negatively affects the quality and quantity of the harvest. On clayey and swampy soils, as well as in sandy soil conditions, flour is poorly absorbed by the root system of plants, and its use is useless.

Basic storage rules

Stacks of bags or containers with fish-bone meal are kept in well-ventilated areas that have been treated for pests. Storage areas are protected from sunlight, the negative effects of moisture and heat. Storage periods are recommended by manufacturers and are:

  • 1 year - for products with fat content less than 14%;
  • 6 months - for flour containing more than 14% fat and no more than 8% water.

As storage time increases, product characteristics deteriorate. So, in a month under normal conditions the amount of protein decreases by 12%. When maintaining negative temperatures, protein losses are minimal, but the stability of the powder is significantly reduced. Crude fat is oxidized, its mass fraction is reduced by a third, and this is the main reason for the loss of product quality.

To properly store fishmeal, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and monitor the humidity in the room

In storage rooms, optimal air humidity should be maintained from 60 to 70%. In damp, unventilated warehouses, flour is actively saturated with water vapor, and in excessively dry warehouses, on the contrary, it releases them. At high humidity and temperature, vitamins are destroyed, and as a result of the interaction of components, free fatty acids, peroxide compounds and ammonia are released. These unwanted chemical reactions turn healthy flour into harmful and even dangerous substance, therefore the product is not subject to long-term storage.

The agricultural sector, due to complicated relations with foreign partners, is actively developing today. And this gives excellent chances for entrepreneurs to develop in this direction, launching production enterprises to produce products that are in demand here. And if you have decided to open a business in this particular niche, then you should think about buying equipment for the production of fishmeal and starting to supply the market with a valuable component for fishmeal. Fishmeal is one of the most valuable (and therefore expensive) components in every feed for livestock and poultry. The powder obtained during processing is mixed with the bulk of the feed to give it special nutritional properties.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 1,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

And despite the fact that the process of obtaining finished products, thanks to fully automated equipment, is quite simple, an entrepreneur should work out a business plan for the production of fishmeal. This way, it will be much easier to conduct your business in the future, taking into account the costs of doing business and the income received. What is worth considering here?

Prospects and problems of the direction

There are very few enterprises in Russia that produce fishmeal. And this is mainly due to difficulties in the supply of raw materials. The fact is that a large amount of it is sent abroad. And here there is only one way out - to conclude agreements for regular supplies of raw materials sufficient for processing with several suppliers at once. And then, if there is minimal competition in the market, you can launch a fairly profitable business.

A third of the fishmeal produced in Russia is sold to foreign clients. And it turns out that our compatriots, overpaying a significant amount, buy Russian products abroad. And many farmers will be happy to purchase it from a local manufacturer. A huge sales market is the main advantage of this direction.

The production of fish meal is considered a profitable business due to the fairly high price of this additive. And this is due to the properties that it possesses. And by offering finished products to your potential clients, you can appeal precisely to their value for animals.

The composition of fishmeal is as follows:

  • protein,
  • unsaturated fatty acids,
  • vitamins,
  • microelements.

To reduce the costs of starting an enterprise and minimize financial risks, it is better if a small-capacity enterprise is organized. Thus, the mini line will not be idle due to interruptions in the supply of raw materials, and the manufactured products will not sit in warehouses.

Fishmeal production technology

A mini fishmeal production plant will process fish raw materials within its walls. And this can be not only whole carcasses, but also waste from fish processing plants - bones, skin, offal.

Considering that it is possible to process even fishmeal, many fish factories equip a separate workshop with special equipment in order to receive additional income from the sale of a valuable additive for animal feed. It turns out that fish processing enterprises can become completely waste-free.

The technology for producing fishmeal is as follows:

  • Cleaning raw materials from foreign matter (garbage, dirt).
  • Grinding of raw materials.
  • Cooking of raw fish.
  • Grinding cooked raw materials into minced meat.
  • Dehydration of minced fish.
  • Drying minced fish.
  • Final grinding of the resulting product into flour.
  • Packaging fishmeal in containers.

And fish feed meal is not the only product that can be obtained during the processing of raw materials. After dehydrating the minced fish, water and fat remain in the tanks. It is the second component that is valuable - it can also be sold to farmers as a useful additive to feed. But here's getting medical fish fat It’s unlikely to work within the walls of a mini-workshop, since it will require another production line for cleaning the technical product.

Workshop technical equipment

This industry is actively developing today, and therefore there are many types of machines and devices on the market for obtaining a quality product. And the price of equipment for the production of fishmeal will depend on its productivity and degree of configuration. On average, a small workshop can be fully equipped with machines for 800,000-1,500,000 rubles.

Production line for the production of fishmeal and technical fish oil

The complete fishmeal production line is equipped with the following machines:

  • Bunkers for raw materials, minced meat and finished products.
  • Chopper.
  • Drying tank.
  • Packing machine.

To reduce the cost of technical equipment of the plant, you can purchase a line without a filling machine, and carry out the work manually using dispensers. But this method is very labor-intensive, and the process of obtaining the finished product will take more time. If you want to save money, it is better to buy equipment for fishmeal made in China - it costs much less than the same Russian or European machines.

Requirements for production premises

To accommodate a small power line, you will need a separate building with an area of ​​100-200 m2. Not only the workshop itself will be located here, but also warehouses for storing finished products and rooms for staff.

The output we will receive is not a food product, so the supervisory authorities will not impose particularly stringent requirements on the production workshop. But there must be ventilation, water, electricity, and sewerage. But special attention should be paid to the temperature and humidity levels in the finished product warehouse, since if flour is stored in improper conditions, it may lose its properties and presentation.

Profitability of the planned business

Selling fishmeal, if sales channels are well established, will very soon begin to bring high income to the entrepreneur. And agreements for the wholesale sale of the finished product can contribute to this. But large clients prefer to cooperate with trusted manufacturers, and therefore, at the very beginning of their activities, it is better to certify the products obtained within the walls of the plant.

The use of fishmeal is quite widespread - there should be no problems with sales. But it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately enter the regional sales market - at first you should rely on local buyers.

Average wholesale price of fishmeal Russian market is ≈35-60 rub./kg. At the same time, the cost of production is significantly lower - 15-40 rubles / kg. And even taking into account the fact that it will take an entrepreneur at least 1,500,000 rubles to start a business. (equipment of the workshop, purchase of raw materials, preparation of the premises for work), all costs with such a high cost of manufactured products can be recouped literally in 1 season.
