Can a child take fish oil. The use of "fish oil" for children: benefits and harms, manufacturers, features of instructions for use, reviews

For many people who grew up in the former USSR, fish oil is associated with an unappetizing oily substance that everyone was forced to eat without exception. And only at a conscious age, many begin to understand that its use for a child is important not only for appetite, but also for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

And this is not surprising, because in the composition of one capsule of the drug there are a number of nutrients:

  • Retinol (vitamin A). Thanks to this supplement, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves. The cells of the epidermis are renewed faster, the nutrients are better absorbed by the deep layers of the skin. And the skin is less exposed negative impact direct ultraviolet rays, so that the risk of developing cancer is reduced.
  • Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). It is given to a child from an early age to prevent deformation of bone tissue and the development of rickets. Having received the required dose of vitamin D, the body absorbs calcium and phosphorus better. It is on these components that the state of the musculoskeletal system of the infant depends, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the peripheral areas.
  • A complex of trace elements (iron, selenium, phosphorus, bromine, iodine, magnesium, calcium). They complement each other. For children of different ages, their tasks are somewhat different. Babies need an element for intensive growth and development of all functional systems. At primary school age, a complex of trace elements helps to quickly adapt to intellectual and emotional stress. In a child over 12 years of age, the components normalize the activity of the endocrine system, ensuring timely puberty.
  • A complex of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. For babies from 2 to 5 years old, it helps to increase the body's resistance to viral infections, improves oxygen transport to working tissues and organs. Guys school age helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, lower blood cholesterol levels. The latter may increase due to an exorbitant passion for fast food and other junk food, which provokes indigestion and the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels with age.

Doctor's comment. Many parents are convinced in the old fashioned way that fish oil is shown to children solely because it increases appetite. At an early age (up to about the third grade) this happens. However, in the future, the question of overweight arises sharply. In today's children, it is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and abuse harmful products(fatty, fried, smoked, sweets and fast food). Children's vitamins based on omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can work wonders. One of their functions is to burn saturated fat, which leads to normal body weight.

Pros and cons of eating fish oil

Doctors emphasize that fish oil in capsular form is more useful and causes fewer side effects than in pure form.

  • The pros and cons of taking fish oil for babies are described below.

For newborns, fish oil is useful because it contributes to the intensive development of all systems and organs. First of all, it is important to protect the baby from viruses and bacteria. Fatty acids activate the activity of protective immune cells. And the substance also improves the mineralization of bones, so that they become more durable.

However, there are some pitfalls. Not all kids are strong young age the doctor may prescribe a drug. Immune and digestive system are still being formed, so even a minimal dose can provoke indigestion, the appearance of a rash on the skin, and others. allergic reactions. In this case, taking fish oil should be stopped immediately. IN last resort it can be prescribed to the mother, but used exclusively in capsules, since in its pure form its components can affect the composition of milk, which will lead to an allergic reaction in the child.

  • The pros and cons of using fish oil for schoolchildren are described below.

Fish oil is indicated for schoolchildren to improve memory, concentration, accelerate growth, normalize digestion, sleep, and increase efficiency.

However, any dosage of the drug is contraindicated if the child suffers from diseases of the digestive system, especially in an acute form (diseases of the stomach, liver and cholelithiasis and kidney stones and kidney failure, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis in the acute stage).

Indications for use

Fish dishes that increase the amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have a positive effect on the body. To fully provide it with everything you need, every day you need to eat at least 350-400 g of fish.

This may not be achievable for various reasons, so fish oil syrup or capsules should be in your first aid kit. First of all, if:

  • the baby was born prematurely;
  • with mother during interesting position or after the birth of the crumbs, anemia was diagnosed;
  • the baby is predisposed to the development of rickets (vitamin D deficiency leads to bone tissue deformation, destructive disorders in different parts of the spine);
  • the child lags behind in development from peers;
  • the child has been diagnosed with disorders of neuropsychic development; the baby is overly active;
  • the child is often disturbed by convulsions;
  • at primary school age, it is difficult for children to memorize new information, to concentrate on something long time;
  • the baby has a low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • the child often gets sick, including due to beriberi (lack of vitamins);
  • the baby is recovering from burns and wounds, surgical operations;
  • the child is suffering from skin diseases(dermatitis of various forms with rashes, peeling and itching).

Features of the use of fish oil at different ages

Which fish oil for children is chosen by parents and doctors (taking into account age):

  • liquid fish oil is used from infancy (about a month) - 3 drops twice a day. Gradually, the daily norm of the substance increases, so that by the year the kids take a teaspoon twice a day;
  • from the age of two, the norm changes, and the child drinks two teaspoons in the morning and evening;
  • fish oil capsules are prescribed from the age of three. The daily rate is determined depending on the amount of substance in one capsule;
  • from the age of seven, the drug is taken in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

For children on breastfeeding The daily rate is determined only by the doctor. Sometimes it is not necessary to give the supplement directly to the baby. Instead of a child, the mother takes it in capsules so that the composition of the milk does not change. You can give the baby a drug in the form of syrup no earlier than a month after birth.

Criteria for drug selection

Experts insist that pure fish oil should not be used for children if the packaging indicates that it was extracted from the liver of sea fish. In this form, it can contain many toxic substances, so the harm from the supplement may be more than good.

The same goes for the method of obtaining fat. Some manufacturers use cold pressing. It is also unacceptable, since all the poisons and toxins that have entered the fish pass into the food supplement.

The type of fish is just as important. Fat extracted from the liver of the shark family is not recommended. Such fish feed mainly on corpses, so all the end products of decomposition, including toxins, are stored in the liver.

Today, the best fish oil supplements are products from Finland and Norway. Finnish and Norwegian versions are cleaner from an environmental point of view, since northern seas practically not polluted by petroleum products.

But the fat obtained from the fish inhabitants of the seas near Japan and the equatorial part of Africa, on the contrary, does not the best option due to the unfavorable environmental situation in the regions.

As for the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of release, they are as follows:

  • In liquid form, fat contains a high concentration of tocopherol (vitamin E). This is not always good for the child. This component is not intended to improve the properties of the drug at all. It is added to neutralize Negative consequences contact of fat with open air.
  • Capsule supplements are more convenient to use. They do not adversely affect breast milk if the mother takes such a drug. But they may contain dyes and preservatives. It is better to choose capsules with a fish gelatin shell. Thanks to this shell beneficial features drugs last longer.
  • Chewable lozenges are suitable for children from the age of three. Many manufacturers give them different flavors, so that children take them with pleasure. But every food additive can contain harmful impurities. When choosing a drug, this must be taken into account.

The packaging should indicate whether there are quality certificates for such a product, and what its purpose is (medical or food). The concentration of fatty acids in the supplement should not be lower than 15%.

The expiration date must be indicated on the packaging. If it comes out, liquid fish oil can become less homogeneous and start to smell bad.

Overview of the best pharmacy products

  • Moller Kalanmaksaoljy (Finland). It is presented in a liquid form with a fruity taste. Sold in bottles of 250 ml. It is prescribed from 6 months of age, 5 ml per day.
  • Minisun Omega-3 fats and vitamin D (Finland). Produced in the form of fruit-flavored marmalades, 600 mg of fish oil and 400 IU of vitamin D3 per lozenge. Assign for two-year-old children 1 candy per day.
  • Triomega Kids (Finland). Presented in fruit-flavored capsules. You need to take 2-3 pieces per day for children of five years.
  • Solgar in the form of goldfish. They produce fat from tuna. The advantage of the Solgar supplement is that it contains neither sugar, nor salt, nor starch. The substance is shown from the age of four, 2 lozenges per day.
  • "Doppelhertz". The method of application depends on age. From 7 to 12 years - 1 capsule 1 time per day; from 12 years and older - 1 capsule 2-3 times a day during or after. Take for 30 days.

Instructions for use

It is best to take the supplement with food. Tablets can be swallowed, chewed or washed down. In liquid form, it is permissible to add the drug to salads as part of the dressing.

The duration of the intake and the dose of the nutritional supplement depend on the manufacturer, since one lozenge may contain different concentrations of fatty acids. How to give the drug:

  • babies up to a year are added to food 3 drops 2 times a day, and from the age of one year the portion is increased by 3-4 times;
  • from the age of two, the child is used 2 teaspoons 2 times a day during meals;
  • in capsules up to a year, give 1 capsule (300 mg of the substance) per day;
  • after a year you can take 2-3 capsules;
  • starting from the age of three - up to 1300-1500 mg.


The nutritional supplement is excluded if the child suffers from:

  • food intolerance to fish products;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholelithiasis, liver pathology);
  • hypervitaminosis (overabundance) of vitamins D or A;
  • diabetes;
  • severe injuries, reduced blood pressure, poor blood clotting.

If the child does not have all of the above diseases, the intake of a nutritional supplement in any form should be agreed with the doctor.

Side effects, overdose

It is not worth taking the drug on an empty stomach, as it has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility (may cause diarrhea).

An overdose is most often diagnosed with the use of preparations from liver fat. Despite a number of useful functions, this supplement contains too many vitamins. Too much of them can lead to indigestion.

In the presence of diseases of the digestive system in a chronic form, an exacerbation may begin.

In some cases, children begin to smell bad from the mouth.

Rules for storing fish oil

Store the supplement at room temperature in a dry place away from light. It must be used within 24 months.

Pharmaceutical drug analogues

You can replenish the reserves of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with the help of food. Among them: ground flax seeds and flaxseed and chia oil, fatty fish (mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring, tuna, haddock, trout), seafood, mustard oil, spinach, seaweed.

Before using any form of the drug, you should consult your doctor. For the best effect, you need to take the supplement in courses. The minimum duration is 30 days, the maximum is 40-50 days. After that, a break is made for 2-3 months, and then you can start another course.

More information Learn more about fish oil in the video below.

Fish oil is a natural substance obtained from the liver of cod fish. Why should you drink it? It contains components such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and the most valuable component for human health - omega-3 fatty acids. Very useful is vitamin A, which is found in fish oil in large quantities. It is indispensable for women, because first of all it has a charitable effect on hair, nails and skin. Vitamin D, in turn, transports calcium and phosphorus to the cells of the body.

This element is necessary for the body, as it is responsible for the health of teeth, bones and the activity of the nervous system.

As for polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are indispensable for our body. The fact is that the body itself is not able to produce this substance, but the body must receive it. Therefore, fish oil is of particular value for human health.

Benefits for children

Surely, most of us remember this unpleasant, one might say, disgusting taste of fish oil since childhood, for many, taking such capsules (or in liquid form) was a test. But in our time, you can no longer torment yourself, since fish oil is available in capsules that are odorless and have an unpleasant taste. It is very useful for children, one gram contains a large number of vitamins A and D, as well as calcium, iron, bromine, iodine, manganese, magnesium and chlorine.

The positive effect on the human body is known all over the world:

  1. First of all, the benefit of fish is that it is used for prevention of rickets in children. Today, this disease is common among children aged 2 months to 2 years. The fact is that the body lacks vitamin D, a lack of which causes problems with cell growth. Fish oil contains a large amount of this vitamin, which ensures normal bone growth, strengthens the immune system and prevents muscle weakness.
  2. It is also recommended to give to school-age children, because thanks to polyunsaturated acids improves brain function. These acids form and develop brain tissue and stimulate intellectual development.
  3. In many Western countries omega-3 fats are added to common foods such as diet foods, butter, margarine. The fact is that polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil contribute to the production of prostaglandins, which in turn increase immunity and help the body cope with infections and have anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Regular use will help children deal with stress and aggression, as it promotes the production of serotonin, as it is known to be the hormone of happiness.

How to take children

You can start giving to children from four week old 3-5 drops twice a day. Over time, the dose is increased to 1 teaspoon per day. If the child is one year old, then he can safely be given 1 teaspoon of fish oil per day, from two years old - 1-2 teaspoons, from three years old - one dessert spoon, and from seven years old - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. day.

Best taken with food, but fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, lake trout and herring are best. Doctors found that the daily intake of fish for a child should not exceed 350 grams.

Also found in the form of an oil, it is used to treat damaged areas of the body, such as burns and wounds.

fish oil for joints

The joints of each person need fats, since with a lack of this substance, the articular tissues lose their elasticity, as a result, this leads to tissue rupture. Also, these fats are a joint lubricant, they cover the rubbing cartilage surfaces and reduce their wear. The most important omega-3 fats are found in fish, so people who live by the sea and eat fish never suffer from joint pain. In the event that you are faced with this problem, then fish oil is best taken in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs for a quick recovery.

To prevent this disease, it is recommended to eat salmon, tuna or trout at least twice a week. If you do not really like fish or you do not have time to cook it, then you can safely take fish oil in the form of capsules, they are practically odorless and tasteless.

How to take adults?

It happens, both in liquid form and in capsules, in capsules it is better to take in accordance with the instructions on the package. Of course, it is best to consume this product in liquid form, as it is a more natural product. The dosage of fish oil is determined by the doctor depending on the disease and many other factors. It is strictly forbidden to give to children without consulting a doctor.

The main thing to remember is that you need to take it not once, as this will not bring any result. It should be used in courses, usually one course lasts from 1 to 3 months. This drug should be stored in a cool, dark place, especially liquid form drug.

If you are taking fish oil for disease prevention, then 15 ml of this product per day will suffice. Do not forget that fish should be consumed during meals, but not before and after it.

Video about medicinal properties

A growing child's body needs the maximum number vitamins, minerals, organic acids, fats and other nutrients and does not always get them from food. Often, parents introduce natural preparations into the diet of crumbs, designed to compensate for the lack of trace elements, namely fish oil. You can buy it for children in a pharmacy. It is important to know how to choose a supplement, at what age you can give your baby, in what quantities, what benefits it will bring, and also take into account contraindications.

Children's fish oil is sold in liquid form (in drops), as well as in capsules, chewable form, lozenges, etc. They extract the substance from the liver and muscle tissue oily marine fish, often cod.

This product has a yellowish tint and a sharp specific smell, but thanks to modern methods of purification and processing of preparations, the substance has a neutral taste.

Fish oil is useful for a developing organism, because it contains many important substances. However, it is important to correctly accept it and take into account the existing limitations. The main beneficial properties of the substance for the child:

  • the presence of polyunsaturated fats Omega-3 helps to accelerate the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, etc.;
  • vitamin D favorably affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation of the child's skeleton and the development of bone tissues;
  • vitamin A has a positive effect on vision, as well as on the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • fish oil is an antioxidant, it removes toxins and toxins, helps to build muscles;
  • consumption of the substance allows you to strengthen the nervous system, improve the functioning of the kidneys;
  • in the composition of fish oil there are components that improve brain activity, and also affect the formation of cells, which prevents mental retardation and developmental anomalies;
  • Omega-3 strengthens cardiovascular system as well as immunity.

The consumption of fish oil in a reasonable dosage improves intellectual activity, helps relieve fatigue and overexertion. The substance protects against the negative effects of stress. It also prevents inflammatory processes, the appearance of cholesterol plaques, and reduces the risk of obesity. It has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Indications for use

Fish oil is useful, but before giving them to babies, you should consult a doctor. The drug is not always useful at an early age. Only a pediatrician can talk about the need for use and the benefits for the baby based on the available tests and the results of the examination of the crumbs. Doctors prescribe the supplement for children with:

  • lag in growth and development;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • hyperactive states;
  • decrease in the immune forces of the body;
  • disorders of the organs of vision;
  • sleep disorders;
  • allergies;
  • dryness of the skin;
  • recovery after surgery.

Doctor Komarovsky E. O. advises parents to focus on the individual needs of the child and their desires. If the mother considers it necessary to introduce fish oil into the diet, then you can add it to baby food, but after consulting with the pediatrician.

The drug is used to prevent rickets and accelerate the overgrowth of the fontanel, if bone not matured by age. But the doctor must calculate the dosage for young children. The pediatrician individually sets the form of release of the substance and the duration of the course. Often, fish oil is prescribed for formula-fed babies, because there are no polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition of the mixtures. You can add Omega-3 to a bottle of baby food.

Contraindications and side effects

You can take a drug based on fish oil or give it to a child only after reading the instructions in detail. Pay special attention to contraindications. If the baby is allergic to fish and seafood, then fish oil can harm a small body. The substance is forbidden to be taken by children with:

  • kidney failure;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • chronic pathologies of the liver;
  • ulcers and diseases of the digestive tract;
  • active form of tuberculosis.

Caution should be given to children who are under one year of age. Overdose may cause constipation or diarrhea. Often there are dyspeptic manifestations (regurgitation). To avoid this, the drug is added to food.

If you exceed the daily allowance, the baby may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • cry.

As soon as you stop taking the drug, the negative symptoms will disappear. Fish oil is not recommended for children in the first months of life. An excess of vitamins and minerals will lead to an accelerated overgrowth of the fontanel, which will provoke health problems in the future.

How to choose the best option

It happens that parents do not know which fish oil is better to choose for children. To buy good drug, it is necessary to follow several simple rules and criteria:

  • Release form. Capsules or lozenges are suitable for children older than a year, the baby will better absorb the droplets.
  • Manufacturer. Trusted brands should be preferred.
  • Package. The bottle should be made of dark glass, there should be no air between the cork and the fat.
  • Best before date. Be sure to look when the substance is packaged. Choose a "fresh" product.
  • The presence of flavors and dyes. Try to choose a product with a minimum amount of additives.

You can not give the baby adult fish oil. First, the dosage will be different. Secondly, in order to reduce costs, manufacturers can use low-quality raw materials, which will affect the health of the child.

Store fish oil in the refrigerator. Usually, the shelf life does not exceed 3 months. But to find out exactly how long after opening you can use fish oil is better from the manufacturer's instructions.

Manufacturers on the market

When choosing fish oil for a child, we prefer only the best brands. Well-known companies use only high-quality raw materials and processing methods. Fish oil is able to accumulate heavy metals and toxic substances, so it is not recommended to buy a product from a country in the South-Eastern region.

Proven manufacturers use the method of low-temperature cleaning and processing of the substance. This allows you to save a maximum of useful properties, because when heated, they are destroyed. Most often children buy fish oil:

  • "Kusalochka" - chewable lozenges, Russia;
  • "Rybka" - capsules, Russia;
  • "Magic Fish" - liquid form, RF;
  • "BIOkontur" - liquid and capsule, RF;
  • "Meller" - liquid, Norway;
  • "Finnish fish oil" - capsules and drops, Finland.

Every parent wants to give their child the best. It is important to be guided by the principles of reasonableness and necessity. Love your children, and they will grow up not only physically, but also emotionally healthy people.

To compensate for vitamin deficiency, improve lipid metabolism in the diet and strengthen the body, fish oil is taken in the form of oil or capsules, a course of about a month. The use of a biologically active food supplement is indicated for children, it helps to avoid rickets, regulate metabolism, promote growth and development. Familiarize yourself with the indications, contraindications and dosage of fat intake.

Fish oil - instructions for use

In pharmacology, this type of fat is understood as a complex of vitamins of animal origin, aimed at normalizing fat metabolism:

  • The drug contains vitamins, omega-3 acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic) which have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, hypolipidemic properties. The latter is due to the normalization of lipoprotein content, changes in the properties of skin cell membranes, increased activity of membrane receptors, and normalization of metabolism.
  • The antiplatelet effect is associated with a change in the composition of the fatty components of cell membranes, platelets, which reduces the content of arachidonic polyunsaturated acid in them, affects the synthesis of thromboxane and other substances that enhance aggregation.
  • The vasodilator property of the drug is due to the effect on the synthesis of prostaglandins, which regulate vascular tone, and contribute to weight loss.

The benefits of fish oil capsules are due to its pharmacokinetics:

  1. Fatty acids enter the body in the form of triacylglycerols, are hydrolyzed in the body by lipase enzymes of the pancreas and small intestine, and penetrate into the intestinal epithelium in the form of free formations.
  2. After oxidation, they turn into chylomicrons, which act on the systemic circulation through lymphatic regulation.
  3. Due to the destruction of chylomicrons by enzymes, essential fatty acids are released that directly act on the membranes of body cells.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available in two formats: capsules of 500, 250, 300 or 800 mg and purified oil:

  • The first are transparent elastic soft oval gelatin capsules with a seam, light yellow color. Inside is an oily transparent yellow liquid with a slight fishy smell. Capsules are packed in 10 pieces in blister packs made of PVC or aluminum, in a cardboard box there are from 5 to 10 blisters.
  • The second option for the production of capsules of a natural product is packaging in a package of 100 pieces.

The purified liquid form oil is sold in dark brown glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml. The composition of fish oil in capsules and vials:

What is useful fish oil

High and A are the benefits of fish oil for children and adults, so it should be included in the diet. The beneficial properties of a product of natural origin, in addition to the fact that it improves immunity, are the following factors:

  • improved growth and reproduction muscle mass, skin cells, mucous membranes, visual pigments;
  • elimination of dry skin, hair, stratification of nails;
  • decrease in nervous excitability, tendency to cramps of the calf muscles;
  • improving the penetration of calcium and phosphorus into cells;
  • preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, reducing the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, improving blood circulation, nutrition of brain tissues, reducing thrombus formation, inflammatory processes;
  • reducing the risk of diabetes;
  • burning fats, harmful substances in the process of losing weight, weight loss;
  • improvement of brain activity, learning ability, prevention of senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease;
  • protection against stress, depression due to the production of the hormone serotonin.

Indications for use

In complex therapy, the drug is used to treat tuberculosis of the joints, rickets, anemia, night blindness, rheumatoid arthritis, prostate cancer, blood pressure failures, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, psoriasis. Indications for use are the prevention of hypovitaminosis A and D, a source of additional intake of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (in pure form are found in sea ​​fish, cod liver).

How to drink fish oil

The drug in capsules and refined oil format is taken orally, orally. It is preferable to use the medication after a meal for better absorption and drink it with warm or cool water. It is not recommended to keep the product in the mouth for a long time, the capsules should be swallowed immediately. How much to take the drug at a time depends on the doctor's prescriptions, the frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day. The course of application lasts about a month.

Refined oil

1 gram of the drug contains vitamin A in the amount of 350-1000 IU and 50-100 IU of vitamin D, and 1 ml contains 320-927 IU of vitamin A and 45.85-92.7 IU of vitamin D. The oily substance is taken orally with meals . Dosing regimen depends on age:

  • a child from three months - half a teaspoon per day;
  • from a year - a teaspoon (5 ml);
  • from two years - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • 3-6 years - a dessert spoon (10 ml);
  • over 7 years old and adults - a tablespoon (15 ml).

Fish oil capsules

Capsulated fish oil format is taken orally with food. The daily dose depends on age:

  • 3-7 years - three times one capsule of 300 mg;
  • 7-14 years - three times two capsules of 300 mg or one 500 mg;
  • from 14 years old - three times three capsules 300 mg (twice two 500 mg, twice one 800 mg);
  • the course of admission lasts a month, repeated is prescribed by the attending physician.

special instructions

Instructions for the use of fish oil contain a section of special instructions, excerpts from which are given below:

  • it is not recommended to use the drug additionally with products with a high concentration of vitamins A and D in order to avoid overdose;
  • long courses of high doses can lead to chronic hypervitaminosis;
  • prophylactic use may lead to vitamin overdose, increased risk in patients childhood;
  • before using fish oil or with the development of uncharacteristic symptoms, you need to consult a specialist or pediatrician;
  • the agent does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore it can be used when driving vehicles or complex mechanisms.

During pregnancy

It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor. This is due to the fact that there is no information on the effect active substances on the fetus and their penetration into milk during breastfeeding. Due to the antithrombotic effect, the appointment of fat or liver of fish during pregnancy is possible only after assessing the ratio of risk to the child and benefit to the mother.

Fish oil for children

It is allowed to take refined oil for children from three months, in capsule format - from three years. You need to start drinking fish oil with 3-5 drops twice a day, gradually increasing the volume to half a teaspoon. It is recommended to repeat the monthly course twice or thrice a year.

Interaction with other drugs

When combining cod fish oil with other drugs, the following effects may develop:

  • decrease in vitamin D activity with concomitant use of anticonvulsants, barbiturates;
  • increased risk of hypervitaminosis A in combination with estrogens;
  • decrease in the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids;
  • weakening the absorption of calcium, benzodiazepines, increased risk of hypercalcemia;
  • decreased absorption of vitamin A when taken with neomycins, colestyramines, mineral oil;
  • increased likelihood of a toxic effect of isotretinoin;
  • increased risk of developing intracranial hypertension when taken with tetracycline;
  • increased action of cardiac glycosides, increased risk of arrhythmias;
  • an increase in the concentration of vitamins A, D in the blood during prolonged therapy with aluminum and magnesium-containing antacids;
  • increased absorption of phosphorus-containing agents.

Side effects and overdose

The recommended doses of the drug do not cause adverse reactions. Rarely, allergic reactions, decreased blood clotting. Cases of overdose are also not registered. Prolonged use of high doses may cause drowsiness, lethargy, headache in adults, fever, increased sweating, vomiting, skin rash in children. The treatment is symptomatic, the drug is withdrawn and the intake of dietary components with calcium is limited.


According to the instructions for use, the following contraindications of a natural medicine are distinguished, in which it is forbidden to drink it:

  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • chronic pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypercalciuria, idiopathic hypercalcemia;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • hypervitaminosis A, D;
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • acute course of inflammatory skin diseases;
  • sarcoidosis, granulomatosis, hypersensitivity to components;
  • with caution in pregnancy, hypothyroidism, alcoholism, organic heart disease, stomach and duodenal ulcers, heart failure, atherosclerosis.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is released without a prescription. It is stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life is two years.


There are no analogues for fat, because all preparations based on it have almost the same composition. There are the following varieties medicines with omega-3 acids:

  • Doppelgerz Active Omega-3;
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate Solgar;
  • Vitaminized fish oil, with oils;
  • Fish oil for children's body Goldfish.

fish oil price

Buy a drug for healthy eating can be ordered online or through a regular pharmacy. The cost depends on the form of release, the number of capsules, the volume of the bottle, nutritional supplements. Approximate prices:


Price when buying online, rubles

Price on the pharmacy shelf, rubles

Capsules 100 pcs.

With sea buckthorn oil 100 capsules

With valerian, motherwort

With garlic oil

With rosehip oil

Bottle 50 ml

