The Maggi diet is an effective weight loss for all ages. Maggi diet - effective weight loss for all ages 4 week Maggi diet

The Magic Diet in 4 weeks, the menu of which is based on protein consumption, is an effective weight loss system.

The diet always includes eggs or fermented milk products. All components of the regime are specially selected to activate metabolism.

Diet of Magic in 4 weeks. The menu is presented in our article

The diet acquired this name in honor of its creator, the head of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher. The diet does not include fasting and sets minimal restrictions on the amount of food consumed.

The dietary system is based on a number of rules:

  • following mode without deviations;
  • forbidden make changes to the menu, use other products or replace the specified dishes with others;
  • daily It is recommended to drink up to 3 liters of water;
  • in the diet menu Magic for 4 weeks is allowed to include tea without sweeteners;
  • forbidden starve;
  • decrease Vegetables will help you feel hungry;
  • allowed in dishes include onions or garlic, but it is better to avoid seasonings;
  • cooking vegetable crops are performed without the use of broth after cooking meat;
  • if you are preparing a salad, then it does not include oil or other dressing.

When do you start losing weight on the Maggi diet?

The first results of the dietary system appear at the end of the first week, when weight loss reaches from 0.8 to 2 kg daily. By the end of it, the maximum loss is 7 kg.

Important! Weight loss in the first week occurs due to the loss of fluid from the body.

In the second week, fat deposits are burned, and weight loss reaches 0.3 kg per day. Weight loss is no longer happening so quickly. At this stage, volumes disappear and the skin becomes more toned.

In the middle of the diet regime, volumes and weight come to a stable state as the body adapts to the updated regime. After a few days, the process of getting rid of excess kilograms will be restored. As a result, excess weight loss will be up to 20 kg.

How often can you go on the Maggi diet?

The entire diet is allowed only once a year. This system is based on protein foods, so it has its drawbacks. Carbohydrate deficiency causes a decrease in immunity, mental and physical activity.

Maggi egg diet menu for 4 weeks:

The Magic Diet for 4 weeks, the menu of which is based on eggs, has another name - egg. The diet is designed so that the body receives a supply of useful elements and vitamins, the lack of which is characteristic of protein foods.

Menu 1 week

At first, the body needs time to adapt to the updated regime. If there is no indication of the number of components, then there are no restrictions on its use.

From citrus fruits, you can choose orange or grapefruit. Sliced ​​vegetables are prepared from carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers. After processing, zucchini, peas, and beans are used.

According to the system, every morning begins with the following products:

This breakfast helps activate your metabolism and reduce the feeling of year before the next meal. The egg will be a source of protein, while the citrus will increase blood glucose levels. You can drink a cup of coffee or tea in the morning.

Lunch time Evening time
1st daynon-sugar fruitsmeat
2nd daychicken meat1 citrus

vegetable slicing

1 piece of dry bread

3rd day1 piece of dry bread

low fat cheese

4th daynon-sugar fruitsraw vegetables
5th dayprocessed vegetables1 citrus

vegetable mix

some boiled fish

6th daynon-sugar fruitsvegetable mix
7th daychicken

processed vegetables

processed vegetables

Menu 2 weeks

During the second week, you need to actively add eggs to your diet.

Daily breakfast:

Dinner Dinner
1st dayvegetable mix2 eggs

vegetable mix

1 citrus fruit

2nd dayvegetable mix2 eggs

1 citrus fruit

3rd daycucumbersSame as dinner the previous day
4th day2 eggs

low fat salted cheese

processed vegetables

2 eggs
5th daycooked fish2 eggs
6th daycooked meatfruit slices
7th daytomatoes

processed vegetables


processed vegetables

Menu 3 weeks

The daily menu is based on one type of product. There are no restrictions on their use throughout the day.

The menu is built according to the following principle:

  • Day 1: no sugary fruits;
  • Day 2: vegetable crops before or after treatment, with the exception of potato dishes;
  • Day 3: fruits and vegetables;
  • 4th day: fish, vegetables without processing or after cooking;
  • Day 5: boiled or fried meat (chicken), processed vegetables;
  • Days 6 and 7: no sugary fruits.

Menu 4 weeks

For the fourth week, the daily norm is given. You should distribute their use throughout the day yourself. Additionally, you can eat one citrus fruit, two cucumbers and two tomatoes every day.

Products for the Magic diet menu for week 4

1st daysome chicken or meat

can of canned tuna

2nd day200 g fried or boiled meat

slice of dry bread

3rd daycottage cheese

processed vegetables

slice of dry bread

4th dayChicken

slice of dry bread

5th dayvegetable slicing
6th dayboiled chicken

100 g cottage cheese

slice of dry bread

7th daycottage cheese

canned tuna

processed vegetables

slice of dry bread

Maggi curd diet menu for 4 weeks

The cottage cheese diet has a similar protein content as the egg diet. Cottage cheese is quickly digested, and its protein components begin to act immediately after eating this product.

Important! Cottage cheese helps improve the functioning of the digestive system.

The Magic Diet for 4 weeks, the menu is based on cottage cheese and other products used for the egg diet. The diet includes low-fat product. You should choose only fresh cottage cheese to avoid future digestive problems.

Menu 1 week

Every morning starts with breakfast:

The rest of the time, meals include cottage cheese instead of eggs. The remaining components remain the same.

Menu 2 weeks

Every morning you need to have breakfast in the same way as in the first week.

Food for 2 weeks is taken from the standard diet menu. Eating eggs should be replaced with cottage cheese.

Menu 3 weeks

For week 3, products are selected based on the following diet:

Menu 4 weeks

An addition to the diet is cottage cheese, which is added to the menu according to the following order:

  • Wednesday: 0.4 kg;
  • Saturday: in any necessary volume;
  • Sunday: 0.4 kg.

Logging off and maintaining weight

The diet is stopped gradually. You need to add high-calorie foods consistently; overeating is strictly prohibited.

After the diet regimen, you should adhere to a balanced diet with a small amount of calories. It is best to limit your intake of fried and spicy foods, foods high in fat, confectionery, alcohol, sugar.

To consolidate the result, you can repeat the diet of the first week of the diet. This will ensure the normal functioning of the body in the future.

Regarding diet violations and breakdowns

The Maggi diet is demanding in terms of following the nutritional order. This applies to the sequence of dishes and types of products.

It is important to know! If the Magic diet has been violated for 4 weeks, the menu is followed again.

The most serious violation is the inclusion in the menu of products not provided for by the system: sweets, carbonated drinks, flour products. The diet is considered violated when using oil, spices, hot seasonings.

If a certain product does not evoke positive emotions, then you can cross it off the list. However, the use of other products is prohibited. It is not recommended to cut your diet and leave only a few dishes. The diet is designed in such a way as to ensure weight loss through a combination of certain components.

Physical exercise

Active physical activity strengthens muscles and helps burn excess fat. Physical activity can be obtained in the gym, while jogging, going to the pool, or cycling.

It is better to exercise for a long period of time at low intensity. On the first day of the diet, you should perform simple physical exercise. Gradually the time and intensity of training increases.

Another option to provide physical activity on the body is the refusal of the elevator. If it is not possible to play sports, then it is enough to take a walk every day before going to bed.

If you have problems with blood pressure and internal organs It is better to abandon the diet regimen. Magic diet menu for 4 weeksnot suitable for teenagers, women during pregnancy, or if breastfeeding.

A special diet reduces blood sugar, which is dangerous for diabetes and heart disease. Another consequence is fatigue and fatigue.

Maggi diet is effective way lose weight.

Her distinctive feature is compliance with the established order and the choice of certain food products. This regimen lasts 4 weeks and is based on the consumption of eggs or cottage cheese.

Diet of Magic in 4 weeks. Menu in this video:

Useful video about the Magic diet for 4 weeks and menu:

The Maggi diet, or, in other words, the egg diet, which belongs to the category of the protein nutrition system, is considered popular among women of different ages. With this diet you can lose 10-20 kg in 4 weeks depending on the person’s initial weight.

It is very comfortable to follow this nutritional system, because no need to starve or count calories. In addition, the products that are recommended to be eaten are quite affordable.

Diet principle

The basic principle of the Maggi protein diet is that food products are selected in certain combinations and sequences, which activate the body. chemical reactions, which contribute to the burning of fat mass and the removal of toxins and waste.

In the classic version of the Maggi diet, you need to eat a lot of eggs, but there is also a cottage cheese variation of this food system, which is chosen by vegetarians and people who simply love cottage cheese.

And in order to be 100% sure whether this method is right for you, we offer contraindications, pros and cons of this nutrition system in the article “Discover the secret of the Maggi diet.”

The essence of this diet is to responsibly follow a special menu for 4 weeks, developed taking into account the compatibility of certain products. Otherwise, having eaten forbidden food, a person losing weight risks stopping the fat burning process for 1-2 days.

Maggi diet - menu for 4 weeks in the table

Now we will analyze the Maggi egg diet menu, which was originally scheduled for 4 weeks. Those who have already tried this option and want to experiment with something new, see the menu for the curd version of this diet in the article “Maggi Curd Diet”. In general, the recipes for the Maggi diet are simple, and therefore suitable for those who have a busy daily routine.
The first week is the restructuring of the body to a new diet.

On the 2nd week of the Maggi egg diet, breakfasts are the same as on the 1st.

The Maggi diet in the third week is almost vegetarian, since you are allowed to eat only on Thursday and Friday meat products, and on all other days - fruits and vegetables.

You can read detailed reviews of this diet with comments from a nutritionist in the article “Maggi Diet - Discussion and Reviews,” which will be especially useful for those who have decided to try this nutrition system for the first time.

Quitting the diet

An important feature of almost all diets is the correct way out from it to avoid intoxication.

Thus, the Maggi diet with a written menu for every day is an effective way to lose weight. Carefully thought out combination of food products using this method will allow you to achieve the desired results in a short time. Maggi diet recipes are simple, mostly boiled and raw foods. Follow the rules, and the desired slim figure will become not a dream, but a reality!

Have you tried such a diet? If yes, were you able to achieve the desired results and maintain them in the future? Share your opinion in the comments.

Introducing effective diet Maggi with detailed menu on every day. The table of products, reviews and menus for every day will help you appreciate the Maggi diet for weight loss, and also make right choice in her favor.

Maggi diet is protein diet lasting 4 weeks, designed to minimize the amount of carbohydrates consumed and get rid of excess weight. This diet is also called egg diet, since this product has a special place in the diet. There is an opinion that a chicken egg is a heavy food rich in cholesterol. This statement is a myth; moreover, a menu based on this product can quickly rid the body of extra pounds.

Features of the Maggi diet

The Maggi diet is one of the most popular weight loss systems. The results that can be achieved with it depend on your individual characteristics. On average, representatives of the fairer sex manage to lose from 8 to 12 kg. However, some people manage to lose up to 25 kg. The result largely depends on how disciplined you are with your diet.

As mentioned earlier, the Maggi diet is a protein diet, and its use implies
almost complete refusal of carbohydrates. This means that you can safely consume meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy products and, of course, chicken eggs.

The latter are one of the most important elements of the diet. It is not surprising, because eggs are a real treasure trove of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, especially during a diet. It is necessary to boil eggs in a bag, so they are quickly absorbed by the body, while retaining all the beneficial microelements.

The Maggi diet requires adaptation of the body and a complete restructuring of its diet, which is very difficult to do at first. Therefore, you need to follow a number of rules in order not only to achieve maximum results, but also to harm your health.

Nutrition rules during a diet

There are two types of Maggi diet: curd and egg. As you guessed from the name, one involves exclusively compiling your menu based on chicken eggs, the other is based on low-fat cottage cheese. However, for both diets there are a number of equivalent rules that must be followed:

  • Prepare your body for a change in diet. If you immediately start following a diet, it will be a lot of stress for your body, in addition, you can develop various kinds of gastrointestinal and intestinal disorders. It is necessary to gradually reduce the daily intake of carbohydrates and fats, and then switch to a protein diet;
  • Three meals a day. Take three meals a day, accustom your body to discipline and a new regime;
  • Dinner 3 hours before bedtime. It's okay if you had dinner after 18:00. The main thing is to do this at least 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Drinking regime. As with any diet, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Your daily intake should be 2 liters. In addition, coffee and tea can be drunk without restrictions between meals;
  • Strict adherence to the diet. Do not change the order of meals and foods. The diet in this regard is very strict and does not allow for adjustments;
  • Eliminate fats from your diet. If carbohydrate consumption needs to be minimized, then animal fats should be excluded from the diet as much as possible. Use Omega-3 fatty acids instead;
  • Use seasonings. Onions, garlic and other natural spices will save you from a bland diet;
  • Physical activity. Don't forget about at least a little physical activity. This will help keep the body in good shape and reduce excess weight;

Follow these rules, and the result will not take long to arrive!

Detailed Product Table

This table contains full list products, permitted for use. Keep it at hand, it will help you create a competent and varied menu:

Product Description
Vegetables/greensYou can make up your diet from any vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beans, etc. Moreover, frozen vegetable mixtures are allowed for consumption.

Acceptable cooking methods: steamed, boiled, stewed, in the oven, whipped (smoothies), eaten raw. Avoid frying and using vegetable oil.

FruitsBe sure to add to your menu: grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, cherries, persimmons, kiwi, apples, kiwi. You should only exclude high-calorie fruits (see below).
Sour milkCheese up to 20% fat and cottage cheese up to 9% fat. Starting from week 4, you can add yogurt and kefir to the menu.
Fish, seafoodShrimp and low-fat fish varieties are allowed for consumption: haddock, salmon, pollock, sole, etc.
Bird, eggChicken (skinless), turkey, eggs. The use of by-products is allowed: minced meat, cutlets, etc.
MeatAny lean meats are allowed.

Cooking methods: boiling, baking. You can use spices from the list of permitted ones.

BreadIt is allowed to consume no more than 30 g per day of bread or bran during the diet.
SeasoningsPepper, salt, onion, garlic, ginger, sugar-free soy sauce, seasonings (no sugar or starch), gelatin, lemon, balsamic vinegar.
DrinkTea and coffee without sugar. Water.
SweetSugar substitutes in minimal quantities, sugar-free lollipops (no more than 1 per week).

We also present to you a list prohibited to eat foods during the Maggi diet:

  • Canned foods;
  • Sweets - honey, sweets, jam, fructose, sorbitol;
  • Potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans);
  • Roast;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Mutton;
  • Flour;
  • Milk (including tea and coffee with milk);
  • Fruits: bananas, avocados, grapes, mangoes, figs, high-calorie dried fruits;
  • Any oil and fats;
  • Alcohol (no more than 2 glasses of red or white wine are allowed during the entire diet).

Menu for every day: 4 weeks

First week Second week Third week Fourth week

The first week of the Maggi diet is the most difficult. At this time, it will be most difficult for the body to adapt to the new diet.

Breakfast during the first week remains the same: grapefruit + 2 eggs
Day Dinner Dinner
1 1 type of fruitLean meat or minced meat
2 Boiled chicken without skin2 eggs, toast, fresh vegetables, grapefruit
3 Low-fat cheese, toast, tomatoesLow-fat minced meat
4 1 type of fruitLean meat, fresh vegetables
5 2 eggs, boiled vegetablesSteamed fish, fresh vegetables, grapefruit
6 1 type of fruitLean meat or minced meat, fresh vegetables
7 Boiled skinless chicken, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruitBoiled vegetables

Note: You can replace the grapefruit with an apple.

By the second week of the diet, the body begins to get used to the new diet. From now on, eggs are being introduced more actively into the menu.

Breakfast is the same as in the first week: grapefruit and 2 eggs
Day Dinner Dinner
1 Minced meat, fresh vegetablesFresh vegetables, 2 eggs, grapefruit
2 Lean meat, fresh vegetablesGrapefruit, 2 eggs
3 Lean meat, cucumbersGrapefruit, 2 eggs
4 Cheese (no more than 17% fat), 2 eggs, steamed vegetablesGrapefruit, 2 eggs
5 Steamed fish2 boiled eggs
6 Low-fat minced meat, tomatoes and grapefruitFruits from the table of allowed
7 Boiled chicken, steamed vegetables, fresh tomato, grapefruitSteamed chicken breast, vegetables, grapefruit

Two weeks is enough for the body to adapt to the new diet and begin to actively lose extra pounds. Starting from the third week, the body needs a new shake-up, which will contribute to intense weight loss. At this stage, food is distributed by day, not by meal.

Day Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
1 Any fruit from the table of permitted fruits
2 Any vegetables from the table of allowed
3 Steamed vegetables, fruits from the table of allowed
4 Steamed fish, fresh vegetables
5 Lean meat, fresh vegetables
6 Fruits from the list of permitted
7 1 type of fruit from the table of allowed

The Maggi diet is coming to its logical conclusion, next in line the last week. The list of products must be evenly distributed throughout each day.

Day Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
1 Lean meat, 3-4 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, 1 piece of toast, 1 can of tuna WITHOUT oil, grapefruit
2 Up to 200 g of lean minced meat, 3-4 fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, 1 fruit from the table of permitted
3 Up to 200 g of cheese or cottage cheese, steamed vegetables, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 piece of toast, grapefruit
4 Half boiled chicken (small, without skin), 1 cucumber, 3 fresh tomatoes, 1 toast, grapefruit
5 2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce, grapefruit
6 2 steamed chicken breasts, 120 g cheese or cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 toast, grapefruit
7 Up to 100 g of feta cheese or cottage cheese, 1 can of tuna WITHOUT oil, 2 fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, grapefruit, steamed vegetables, 1 toast

The Maggi diet differs from other diets in its strictness, so you need to strictly follow the designated menu to achieve maximum results. If you deviate from the diet for at least a day, then you need to start it from the very beginning.

Quitting the diet

Leaving the diet should be just as smooth as starting to follow it. Otherwise, you can create artificial stress for the body, develop gastrointestinal disorders, and even regain the pounds you lost with difficulty. You should gradually add carbohydrates to your diet in small portions.

It is also worth noting that many representatives of the fair sex become so accustomed to the Maggi diet menu in 4 weeks that they continue to use it. There is nothing wrong with this, however, in this case, you should diversify your diet as much as possible so that the body receives the required amount of beneficial microelements from food. The diet still creates a calorie and carbohydrate deficit, and after achieving the desired result, this indicator needs to be normalized, especially in the presence of high physical activity.

Maggi diet recipes


  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Dill and parsley - 2 sprigs each;
  • Mineral water- 50 ml.


  1. Wash vegetables and herbs thoroughly;
  2. Cut the cucumbers into small slices and finely chop the greens;
  3. Add chopped ingredients to blender, pour mineral water and beat until smooth;
  4. Refrigerate before serving. The dish is ready!


  • Salmon steak - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • Soy sauce to taste;


  1. Squeeze lemon juice into a saucer and add soy sauce to it;
  2. Pour the resulting sauce over the steaks and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes;
  3. Wrap each steak in foil and steam for 20 minutes;
  4. Serve with boiled vegetables from the list of permitted ones. Bon appetit!

Baked chicken breast


  • Chicken fillet- 500 g;
  • Basil, dill and cilantro to taste;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Pepper mixture - 1/2 tsp;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.


  1. Peel the garlic and squeeze it through a press;
  2. Chop the greens very finely;
  3. Mix the resulting ingredients with a mixture of peppers and lemon juice;
  4. Make small cuts in the chicken fillet, where you place the mixture. Rub the rest of the mixture onto the chicken breast;
  5. Place the fillet on a baking sheet, place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes;
  6. Serve with fresh herbs and vegetables from the list of permitted ones.


  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.;;
  • Eggplants (young) - 2 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper- 2 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Parsley to taste;
  • Vegetable broth - 250 ml;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Wash the eggplants and tomatoes thoroughly. Without peeling, cut into small slices of 1-2 cm;
  2. Peel the peppers and onion and cut into small half rings;
  3. Place the resulting vegetables in layers in a saucepan, adding salt layer by layer. Leave the top layer of tomatoes;
  4. Add chopped parsley, pressed garlic, pepper and 250 ml to the vegetables. vegetable broth;
  5. Place the saucepan on low flame and simmer for 2-2.5 hours. Bon appetit!
78 votes

Among those who want to lose weight and lose excess weight, the Maggi diet, which is also called the egg or curd diet, has become popular. It owes its name to its creator, and not to the bouillon cubes that were once popular among housewives. Today she has managed to prove herself and is loved by women.

In the TOP of the most effective nutritional systems, pride of place is occupied by the Maggi diet, the menu of which is designed for 4 weeks. It involves eating foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Women who adhered to this nutrition strategy claim that during this time they managed to lose from 10 to 25 kg, the result is directly related to the initial weight. Nutritionists have developed two versions of the protein nutrition system: cottage cheese and egg (classic).

The peculiarity is that there is no need to starve yourself to achieve the goal, because the daily diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs. The menu is designed in such a way that metabolic processes are accelerated and excess calories are burned, while the weight loss process occurs intensively.

The main component of this diet is the consumption of chicken eggs. Skeptics believe that so many eggs are quite dangerous, but nutritionists have dispelled the myth that eggs increase cholesterol. This product provides the body with 13 vitamins, minerals, lecithin and 1.5 g of saturated fat.

The effectiveness of the Maggi diet

When deciding to adhere to any nutritional system, a woman should know what result she can expect. An excellent motivation are the numbers that nutritionists not only promise, but also voice real women who have gone through the process of losing weight.

So, if you stick to this diet, you can expect the following results:

  • After 7 days you can lose 2-3 kg.
  • After 2 weeks, you will see minus 5 kg on the scales.
  • After 3 weeks protein nutrition- up to 8 kg.
  • On the 4th week the results are on average 10-12 kg.

This is a great incentive to stick with it. strict diet. If the weight does not decrease, then the reason may be more serious health problems: metabolic and hormonal imbalance.

Main rules

There are two options for the nutrition system, but in order for them to bring the expected result, you need to follow not only a strict menu, but also a number of rules:

  • Eat no less and no more than 3 times a day. Snacks are allowed, but at least a couple of hours after the meal.
  • You can have dinner at any time, the main thing is no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • You need to drink 2 liters daily. purified water, plus tea, coffee.
  • You cannot change the places of lunch and breakfast on your own.
  • If for some reason (allergy, for example) a product is excluded from the diet, there is no need to introduce others at your discretion instead.
  • The cooking process is important: bake in the oven, cook in a slow cooker or boil.
  • Dishes can be salted and peppered; only onion and garlic can be added as seasonings. The use of other spices, flavor enhancers, oils and fats is prohibited.
  • Physical activity, at least walking in the morning and before bed.

It will also be important to properly prepare for the diet, because if there are not enough fruits, vegetables and herbs in the usual diet, digestive disorders and gastrointestinal problems are possible already in the first days of following the diet. Therefore, the body needs to be prepared in a week or two for the upcoming test.

Authorized Products

This diet does not involve fasting and the list of foods that can and even should be eaten is quite extensive:

  • Any vegetables (even frozen), steamed, boiled, baked, eat raw, in the form of a smoothie, but do not fry in oil. Also any greens.
  • Almost all fruits, berries, and especially citrus fruits.
  • Fermented products: cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content), cheese (up to 20%), yogurt, kefir.
  • Eggs.
  • Seafood: haddock, hake, pollock and other lean fish.
  • Poultry, beef, offal, steamed, oven-baked or boiled.
  • A couple of slices of bread (no more than 30 g per day) made from rye or whole grain flour.
  • Among the seasonings, spices and herbs allowed are salt, pepper, onion, garlic, soy sauce, lemon juice..
  • For sweets, you can use sweeteners (agave syrup, stevia).
  • Drinks: tea, coffee.

The choice of products allows you to create a varied and complete menu.

Taboo products

When following the Maggi diet, you will need to categorically exclude the following from your diet:

· Canning (corn, eggplant caviar, etc.).

· Any fried foods.

· All sweets - jams, preserves, sweets, cookies, fructose.

· Eliminate milk, even dry milk.

· Potatoes and legumes should be excluded from vegetables.

· Fruits include bananas, avocados, figs, mangoes, grapes and dried fruits.

· Any mushrooms.

· Alcoholic drinks.

Benefits of the diet

This power system has become popular all over the world because it has a lot of significant advantages:

· It is not a rigid power supply system.

· There are no age contraindications.

· It is distinguished by a sustainable result; the lost kilograms no longer come back.

· There is no need to count the calorie content of your daily diet.

· Cooking does not take much time.

· If the consumption rate of a product is not indicated for a specific meal, then you can eat it as much as you like.

· Accept vitamin complexes there is no need, because along with the products the body receives everything it needs.

Disadvantages of the diet

Despite the many advantages, the Maggi diet has some disadvantages:

· Strict menu and diet. This is not entirely convenient for those who work and do not have the opportunity to eat at a strictly defined time.

· Lots of eggs. Those who are prone to allergic reactions need to be especially careful here.

Menu for 1 week of the Maggi diet

This is an effective way to combat excess weight without harming your body. We offer a menu table for 4 weeks of the Maggi diet. The first days are the most difficult for many; it is during this period that the same breakfasts are expected, consisting of half an orange or grapefruit (can be changed) and 1-2 hard-boiled chicken eggs.

Day of the weekDinnerDinner
1 AppleFresh vegetable salad with herbs, dressed with yogurt, toast with a slice of cheese
2 Beef steak, sliced ​​cucumber and tomatoBoiled chicken meat, green smoothie
3 Cottage cheese with fruit.Turkey meat baked in the oven, seasonal vegetables
4 Cup of coffee, 2 eggs and spinachFresh cabbage salad with sour cream, a piece of boiled chicken
5 Fruit salad dressed with yogurtFish salad, celery, tea
6 2 eggs, spinach, cup of teaMeat and vegetables on the grill
7 Chicken fillet baked with vegetablesLarge beef steak, vegetable slices

Menu for week 2

In the second week, every morning begins with the same menu as the previous one. But the diet for lunch and dinner changes a little.

Menu for week 3

Breakfasts for the first two weeks are cancelled. Now you are allowed to consume only foods from the list in any quantity every day, and you need to divide them into meals at your own discretion. You cannot add other products to your daily menu.

So, foods allowed by day:

1. Any fruits and eggs.

2. Vegetables in the form of salads and boiled.

3. Fruits and vegetables in the form of salads and boiled.

4. Steamed or stewed fish, one vegetable in any form.

5. Cooked vegetables and poultry in any form.

6. Any fruit to choose from.

Egg Maggi Diet

As in the previous week, there is no egg breakfast, and all products are distributed at will into 3 meals.

1. 250 g of chicken meat in any form, 2 slices of bread, cucumber and tomato (500 g), orange.

2. Boiled meat (200 g), also three medium-sized tomatoes and cucumbers, a choice of fruit, a piece of bread.

3. 200 g of boiled vegetables, cottage cheese (100 g), sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers, grapefruit.

4. 300 g of baked poultry, grapefruit and any fruit of your choice, a slice of bread, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

5. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, an orange, a portion of vegetable salad (300g).

6. 300 g chicken breast, no more than 150 g of cheese, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, a glass of curdled milk, a slice of bread and an orange.

7. 100 g of cottage cheese, an orange, two cucumbers and tomatoes, 300 g of boiled vegetables, a couple of pieces rye bread, grapefruit.

Curd diet

An excellent alternative to the egg diet is the Maggi cottage cheese diet for 4 weeks. It is not particularly different from the classic version, the only thing is that instead of eggs you need to use cottage cheese with a low fat content.

So, for the first 14 days, breakfast will be the same - 150-200 g of cottage cheese and fruits from the permitted list. The menu for weeks 3 and 4 should be divided independently into meals.

Recipes for the Maggi diet

You can add variety to your daily diet not only by choosing different foods, but also by methods of preparing them. We offer a couple of simple and delicious recipes.

1. Omelette with vegetables

We steam our favorite vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, etc.) in a slow cooker. Then beat 2 eggs with tbsp. water, spices and a pinch of salt. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and steam for 15 minutes.

2. Cottage cheese with greens

Press 1 clove of garlic using a press, finely chop the onion and herbs. Mix with 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can eat it with toast and fresh vegetables.

3. Vegetable salad

Finely chop cucumbers, tomatoes and bell pepper. Chop the lettuce leaves, add a couple of cloves of garlic, salt and season with lemon juice.

4. Green smoothie

Take 2 cucumbers, a bunch of parsley and 50 ml of water. Finely chop the greens and chop the cucumber using a blender. Mix everything with water and refrigerate the smoothie before drinking.

5. Eggplant with garlic

Cut a couple of eggplants in half and bake in the oven for 1 hour. Before serving, rub them with garlic and cut into pieces.


The high-protein Maggi diet has a number of contraindications:

· People with problems with joints and kidneys, due to excess uric salts.

· For gout, arthrosis and arthritis.

· Pregnant and lactating women.

· People with gastrointestinal problems.

· Those who do not consume a lot of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet should also be careful.

It is also worth noting that it is not provided for more than 4 weeks. In addition, it does not need to be repeated in a circle. The Maggi diet menu reviews indicate that it is not at all difficult to adhere to, and as a result, stable weight. But for this, the correct way out of the diet is very important.

How to get off the Maggi diet

To avoid intoxication and consolidate the results obtained, the correct exit from the diet is very important. So how do you get out of this food system?

  1. After the written menu, it is recommended to do a raw food day, i.e. eat a lot of fruits and vegetables separately without heat treatment. For lunch you need to eat 150 g of seeds or nuts.
  2. Gradually add foods containing carbohydrates and fats (porridge, pasta, meat, baked goods).
  3. In the first week, follow the drinking regime.
  4. Continue to lead an active lifestyle.
  5. Instead of sweets and baked goods, it is better to eat dried fruits and candied fruits.
  6. Try to minimize your consumption of fried foods.

Menu written by nutritionists for 4 weeks of the Maggi egg diet - effective method lose weight without harming the body. It is thanks to a thoughtful combination of products that you can achieve the long-awaited result in a short time.

The Maggi diet is balanced, effective and therefore popular. Its main protein product is eggs, but for those who are concerned about the level of bad cholesterol in their blood, there is an alternative. The ideal option was compiled based on the best protein product of cottage cheese— the Maggi cottage cheese diet with a detailed menu for 4 weeks will give anyone the opportunity to lose weight without hunger, tasty and safely. The use of this nutritional system is not harmful to health; normal weight is maintained for a long time even after completing the diet, since the developed food culture remains and harmful products disappear from the diet forever.

Principles and basic rules of Maggi with cottage cheese

The cottage cheese version of the famous diet has several main points:

  • Maggi diet easily turns into cottage cheese, if you replace one product with another at the rate of 1 egg = 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • no need to count portion sizes and calories, they can be changed at will, unless the quantity is specifically stated;
  • the amount of fat also plays a role - The curd version of the Maggi diet involves the consumption of cottage cheese with 2-3.8% fat content;
  • The diet should always be impeccable- all meals are taken exactly on time, without deviations or indulgences;
  • the simplicity of preparation will please even the most notorious lazy people - Diet meals are easy to prepare(steamed, baked, boiled), fruits and cottage cheese do not necessarily need to be cooked;
  • Very it's important to drink a lot! While on a diet, you should drink more drinking water than usual (from 2 liters per day);
  • there are taboos that must always be taken into account: You cannot rearrange foods from the table (especially eating meat for breakfast), replace them with similar ones. Eating foods on a schedule triggers metabolic reactions in a certain order, leading to rapid detoxification and fat burning, enrichment with vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. A diet that has been disrupted or interrupted even for a short time is started again;
  • move more - in parallel with the diet good physical activity not very intense (walks in the forest), since the diet is low in carbohydrates, but you should not become sedentary either.
  • you can't partake! This diet is carried out once or twice a year, not more often - it puts a strain on the kidneys.

Foods allowed by the diet

In principle, the curd version of the Maggi diet is quite diverse, since you can do a lot of things:

  • cottage cheese, lean meats, eggs, poultry - for protein saturation;
  • fruits (with the exception of bananas, mangoes, grapes, dates, figs) increase the metabolic rate;
  • vegetables (potatoes are prohibited);
  • cucumbers and greens are additional products; they are eaten two hours after the main meal.
  • coffee (one cup without milk), tea - at any time.

The Maggi cottage cheese diet “allows” some foods that are usually prohibited for those losing weight - onions, garlic, salt, pepper - but little by little. But alcohol, vegetable and animal fats and sugar are undesirable!

Who is not allowed to diet?

Nutritionists say that this way of eating is not suitable for everyone.

  • people with chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys;
  • those with high blood pressure;
  • women and men with food allergies (citrus or dairy);
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The first two or three days, when the amount of carbohydrates in food sharply decreases, you often feel weak and dizzy. For healthy people this is normal and goes away over time. Patients should stop the diet.

Getting ready to lose weight correctly

Diets are a test for the body, so it must be healthy to withstand the load. Consult your doctor, he will tell you whether you can eat according to the Maggi system and how best to do it.

Before you start, consider how you will reduce your health risks. Here are the 2 most universal methods:

  1. During the entire diet, take vitamin supplements that contain a full range of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. In advance (2-3 days in advance), reduce the amount of fatty, refined foods - this way the body will experience less shock.

Menu with options for every day

Breakfasts are quite monotonous, do not change during the first two weeks: any fruit allowed + 200 g of cottage cheese.

1 Week

The first 7 days are the most difficult - you need to get used to both the regime and the food set. Thirst may increase due to the abundance of protein in the diet.

Day 1

  • lunch: apples, melon or other fruits;
  • dinner: 200 grams of beef, carrots or other vegetables or lettuce.

Day 2

  • lunch: chicken meat (boiled breast) without skin;
  • dinner: boiled, baked fish, vegetables or lettuce, a piece of bread (dry in the oven or toaster), grapefruit (orange).

Day 3

  • lunch: cottage cheese, one piece of dried bread, tomatoes, as much as you want;
  • dinner: stewed or baked zucchini, eggplant, squash or other vegetables, boiled beef.

Day 4

  • lunch: one type of fruit (pears, plums, apples) until full;
  • dinner: baked, boiled meat, vegetables (beets, carrots, fresh green peas).

Day 5

  • lunch: any amount of raw vegetables (fresh peas, carrot salad, seasoned soy sauce), two eggs;
  • dinner: vegetables (can be in the form of a salad with low-fat dressing), fish baked in foil or a special bag, any citrus fruits (one piece).

Day 6

  • lunch: fruit of your choice, one type (peaches, plums, pineapples);
  • dinner: any meat prepared in a dietary manner, raw vegetables or lettuce.

Day 7

  • lunch: chicken (turkey, etc.), remove the skin, vegetables (you can vegetable soup on water), tomato salad with green onions and dill, one citrus (grapefruit);
  • dinner: thermally processed vegetables, as much as needed until full (for example, boiled beet salad with garlic).

2 week

Usually by this time they begin to get used to this diet. And the first plumb lines are very pleasing - sometimes the scales show minus 5 kg in the first week!

Day 1

  • lunch: cottage cheese, as much as you want, raw vegetables (cabbage, carrots, etc.);
  • dinner: shrimp or steamed fish, seasoned with spices, vegetables (for example, carrots, zucchini), citrus fruits, one piece.

Day 2

  • lunch: vegetables boiled with salt, baked with spices or vegetable soup NOT in meat broth, meat boiled or baked in foil with spices to taste;
  • dinner: cottage cheese less than 3.8% fat, any unsweetened fruit (pineapple).

Day 3

  • lunch: steamed or boiled meat, raw vegetables (carrots, beets) in the form of a salad with garlic;
  • dinner: low-fat cottage cheese and fruit are enough to fill you up.

Day 4

  • lunch: cottage cheese or cheese with a fat content of less than 17% (for example, Oltermani, “Russian”, “Fitness”, Dietary, low-fat feta cheese, “Svalya”), as much as you want, your favorite vegetables, not thermally processed, can be in the form of a salad with soy refueling;
  • dinner: meat (fish), cooked with spices for taste, vegetables.

Day 5

  • lunch: pollock or sole (better than other types of fish), fresh vegetables;
  • dinner: fruit and curd mixture.

Day 6

  • lunch: meat cooked with spices, with tomatoes, one orange for dessert;
  • dinner: selected fruit in the form of freshly squeezed juice or just like that.

Day 7

  • lunch: chicken (can be with garlic and other seasonings), tomato salad, other boiled vegetables (canned are not allowed), orange or grapefruit;
  • dinner: repeat the lunch menu.

The menu for the first 2 weeks is written according to meals; for the second half of the diet, you decide what, how much and when to eat yourself, or you can eat when you are hungry.

3 week

Starting from the third week, you can drink half a glass of low-fat kefir on an empty stomach.

Everything else is already familiar:

  • Monday: unsweetened fruits (plums, watermelons, melons - choose one) in any quantity until full.
  • Tuesday: vegetables processed in any way, excluding frying.
  • Wednesday: take Tuesday's diet, add fresh fruit.
  • Thursday: fish (or seafood if desired), as many vegetables as you like.
  • Friday: fresh vegetables and meat (you can stew with meat, do not add butter).
  • Saturday: pears, melons, plums or other, eat until full.
  • Sunday: eat as on Saturday, you can change the fruit.

4 week

The fourth week repeats the third, only the quantity of each product is limited:

  1. chicken or beef meat up to 200 g, tomatoes - 3 pieces and cucumbers - 2, fruits, rye toast, canned tuna without oil 1 jar.
  2. the same without fish and poultry (you can leave the beef).
  3. cottage cheese 400 g, cucumbers and tomatoes in the same quantity, boiled vegetables (green beans, zucchini, zucchini), fresh fruit, yeast-free or rye toast.
  4. chicken breast up to 500 g, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, one toast, fruit optional.
  5. fresh or baked fruits and vegetables, 2 boiled eggs.
  6. a little cottage cheese, one glass of curdled milk, chicken, one piece of toast, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, fruit salad.
  7. 400 g of cottage cheese, baked vegetables, 2 cucumbers and a tomato, tuna (canned) in its own juice or in oil, which must be drained, one piece of toast from rye or unleavened bread.

How to end the diet

The end of dietary restrictions does not mean that you need to immediately turn to baked goods and sugar. Over the course of a month, the body became accustomed to a certain composition of food. Continue in the same spirit.

Don't put yourself under stress due to a sudden change in your diet:

  1. add pasta and cereals gradually;
  2. eat slowly, little by little, but more often, up to 5 meals a day;
  3. if you want something sweet, in the first half of the day allow yourself marshmallows, marshmallows, dark chocolate, or prepare the dessert yourself, then it will not contain excess sugar, flavorings and other harmful ingredients;
  4. if there is a lot of excess weight, increase the diet time by another month (the first two weeks + two fourth weeks).

Results and reviews

A scrupulous four-week adherence to the curd “magic” menu for every day helps to lose up to 10 kilograms. Often they lose twenty kilograms, in exceptional cases - up to thirty. Reviews and results vary due to differences in metabolic rate and initial amount of excess weight.

Get on the scale once a week, but usually noticeable weight loss occurs between 1 and 2 weeks.
