I welcome everyone!

I ask you to respond to all those who are weakened by Mineral Waters.

The fact is that I am an avid lover of drinking Mineral Waters. I drink them every day during the day in small sips, I also drink them at night when my mouth dries up, One and a half with mineral water always stands on the floor next to my sofa.

Previously, Mineral Water often helped me VERY much by saving me from Gastritis and Stomach Ulcers. It brings great relief to the stomach in such cases.

But at the same time, Mineral Water contains mineral Salts and therefore there is a danger that Mineral Water can provoke Diarrhea…

In general, I am tormented by thoughts, maybe my Diarrhea is directly related to the fact that I endlessly drink Mineralka every day instead of ordinary drinking water ???

I drink Narzan, Essentuki 2-4, Karachinskaya, Itkul, Verkh Katunskaya, all of them with a bland unsalted taste.

(I always shake all the carbon dioxide out of the bottle)

I ask to unsubscribe those who know a lot about this problem with drinking mineral water.

I would like to write about another of my Theories about the origin of intestinal diseases:

There was one thought that Mineralnye Vody are at great depths. It can be said that mineral water is ancient water. And perhaps it contains Microbes (ancient pathogenic microbes) that are so strong that our Immune system and intestinal mucosa cannot cope with them and this causes diseases of the Mucosa ...

This is all just an untested theory.
Another theory: a similar mechanism of infection with Ancient pathogenic microbes can occur through the use of Mumiyo inside or tablets containing Mel ... (although Mumiyo perfectly treats the gastrointestinal tract)