Making pomegranate juice at home. Pomegranate juice: preparation methods and storage options

Pomegranate is a very useful and tasty fruit. The etymology of its name directly indicates that it consists of many grains, its granular structure. This fruit is round, the skin is red, almost purple, and inside this exotic fruit are small grains of the same red color, which are surrounded by a pulp that is juicy, but slightly sour. Even in ancient times, the elements of this fruit: juice, seeds and peel - were used for various cosmetic procedures. Moreover, it is very useful. It contains many vitamins and useful substances, which are responsible for immunity and hemoglobin levels in human blood, and not only.

The only thing is that there are small bones in the pomegranate kernels, some people do not like it in pure form eat like an apple or an orange, for example. The cleaning of the pomegranate is also problematic. This is very tedious, inconvenient and dirty to do because the juice from the grains is splashed everywhere. But it’s impossible to completely refuse so much healthy and tasty fruit, so most people use pomegranate juice, and not the pomegranate itself. Pomegranate juice also contains all the useful substances, and it is much more convenient and pleasant to use it.

Of course, people buy pomegranate juice in stores most often, which doctors do not recommend, because juices from the store are full of preservatives, and most often they are very diluted with water. And this makes it clear to us that store-bought juice is not as useful as home-made juice. Therefore, it is necessary to make pomegranate juice, like any other, at home, and close it in jars for winter time to saturate your body with vitamins.

First you need to figure out how to squeeze juice from pomegranate kernels. By the way, before you start squeezing the juice, you need to wash the fruits well and dry them so that they are not wet or damp on the outside.

Firstly, you can prepare pomegranate juice at home in the old "grandfather" way, which does not require special tools. For this method, you will need the simplest items that are available in every home - a knife, fine gauze, a deep container, a rolling pin and rubber gloves. First you need to cut the pomegranate into two equal parts. After that, you need to take one half of this fruit, place it over the container with the grains down and lightly tap on it, on the skin, with a rolling pin. You will see that the grains will begin to fall into the bowl, and you will understand for yourself how hard you need to beat. Of course, this must be done until all the pomegranate seeds are in the bowl. The same must be done with the second half. Then you need to pour all the nucleoli to the single one into fine gauze and start squeezing the juice with gloved hands, of course. It's very easy and simple. But if a woman is doing this, then she may not have enough strength. In this case, you can ask the man in the house to take care of this matter.

Second, another easy way. For him, you need only two tools: a knife and a glass. Everything is extremely easy: you need to roll a clean pomegranate, pressing on it, on the table until it becomes completely soft. After that, a small hole is made in a soft pomegranate, and with this hole the pomegranate is placed on a glass. Concentrated juice drains itself, though not so quickly.

How to make pomegranate juice in a juicer?

A more modern way, for which it is necessary to have a citrus fruit juicer, a knife, a bowl and rubber gloves on the farm. With this method, you first need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for using a juicer, and the technique for obtaining pomegranate juice in this way is the same as for any other.

This juice, like any other, can be rolled into jars in different ways, with the addition of various ingredients. Let's turn to the most delicious recipes for making pomegranate juice for the winter.

pomegranate juice recipe

With this preparation, pomegranate juice will turn out to be natural and tart, it will retain the taste of pomegranate, and will resemble the fruit itself.


  • grenades 1kg
  • granulated sugar (liter of juice / 100 grams of sugar)

How to make pomegranate juice:

  1. take apart the fruits
  2. remove white film
  3. squeeze juice
  4. filter it and warm it up
  5. add granulated sugar
  6. pour into jars
  7. close

Pomegranate juice with honey

With this recipe, the beneficial properties of pomegranate increase, because another product is used that is very useful and vitamin - honey.


  • grenades 1 kg.
  • water 250 ml.
  • honey 400 grams

How to make pomegranate juice with honey:

  1. wash the pomegranates, remove the skin and pulp
  2. place pomegranate seeds in a deep enameled container (can be in a saucepan)
  3. squeezing juice with a wooden pusher
  4. strain through fine cheesecloth
  5. add honey
  6. place
  7. the cake must be put in another container, pour water into it, boil
  8. strain the pulp when it cools down
  9. bring the juice to a boil, but do not boil
  10. pour into jars
  11. roll up

Classic pomegranate juice

He, like the first, is prepared only with the use of sugar, but there are differences. Pomegranate seeds contain very useful substances for the body. If the first recipe ignores this fact, this one doesn't. And the pomegranate seeds are used completely, along with the seeds. Therefore, such juice will be richer in vitamins.


  • pomegranate 1 kg.
  • water 500 ml. (filtered or boiled)
  • granulated sugar to taste

Cooking instruction:

  1. the first thing to do is wash the grenades well under water
  2. after that, put clean pomegranates on a cutting board (the fruits do not need to be dried)
  3. then cut them into two halves
  4. then you need to lower them into a deep container with water and with clean hands in the water carefully remove the pomegranate seeds from the shell
  5. it is also necessary to clean the grains in the same way from the white film, membrane
  6. then collect the pop-up film with your hands and discard
  7. the peel must also be obtained, but not thrown away, but set aside, although it is not useful for making juice, it can be used to prepare infusions and decoctions for various ailments
  8. the seeds should be crushed, but this should not be done manually, but with a blender. Attention: it is unacceptable to grind the grains for too long, a few seconds are enough, otherwise the juice will not be saturated
  9. crushed grains must be filtered through a sieve to get rid of too hard particles of seeds
  10. the next step is the addition of granulated sugar, because the pomegranate itself is very sour (add sugar to taste, but the best option is a glass of sugar for 4 glasses of concentrated juice)
  11. mix it all up and add water (one pomegranate needs 250 ml of water)
  12. again move everything and bring to a boil, but do not boil
  13. pour juice into jars and close

The most delicious pomegranate juice recipe

Pomegranate juice can be closed not in its pure form, of course, but mixed with others, other fruits or berries. This is quite natural, because the fruits of different fruit plants may well be combined with each other. Moreover, they can complement the taste of each other with different notes. The taste may be richer or completely different, and the beneficial properties of the juice will remain unchanged. In this case, it is important to know which fruits go well in combination with pomegranate.


  • apple juice 1-1.5 liters.
  • pomegranate 1-1.5 l.
  • blackcurrant juice 1-1.5 liters.
  • lemon juice 100 ml.

All types of juices should be had in almost equal proportions. The exception is lemon, because it is very sour, you need to add it very little.

Cooking instruction:

  1. you need to start preparing all the juices
  2. apple juice. Apples need to be washed and dried. After cutting into 4 pieces, or into 6 pieces, it depends on the size of the apple. Get juice with a juicer.
  3. juice from pomegranate seeds. It can be prepared different ways, which were mentioned above.
  4. blackcurrant juice. Currants need to be separated from the branches, sorted out, washed and dried on a towel. After also get juice using a juicer. Currants can not be separated from the branches, but then the juice will be a little bitter.
  5. lemon juice. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass, but you can also use citric acid.
  6. after all the juices are ready, they need to be mixed and sugar added to taste
  7. bring to a boil, but do not boil
  8. pour into sterilized jars
  9. roll up with tin lids

Spicy pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice can be mixed not only with other juices, but also with various spices and spices. They give an unusual taste, make it unique and refined. This juice may not appeal to everyone, so before making it, make sure that your loved ones and relatives love certain ingredients.


  • pomegranate juice 1 l.
  • sugar to taste
  • almond kernels 50 grams
  • lemon peel
  • a pinch of cloves
  • nutmeg 30 grams
  • a pinch of cinnamon

Cooking instruction:

  1. first you need to cook, squeeze the juice from the pomegranate fruit. This can be done, again, in any of the above ways, which you like best.
  2. in an enamel bowl, you need to crush the nuts and add all these spices to them. After grinding or just mix
  3. this mixture must be poured into a deep container, or a pan with large edges
  4. add lemon zest, granulated sugar and nitrate in that order
  5. the resulting concentrated nitrate must be mixed and brought to a boil, but do not boil
  6. pour into jars
  7. roll up with iron lids

When preparing such stocks for the winter, you must first familiarize yourself with the technology of canning in order to avoid fermentation and product loss. It is also necessary to remember that seaming requires perfect cleanliness and sterility, so dust and extraneous dirt should be avoided. And use only boiled water.

Thanks to these recipes, you and your relatives and friends can enjoy the unique taste of pomegranate juice and get all the necessary vitamins in winter, all year round. winter period when the immune system is weakened and needs support! After all, pomegranate is very rich in all the substances necessary for this! Bon appetit!

For our readers, we have prepared other original and interesting recipes for delicious preparations for the winter:, and much more.

The pomegranate is a fruit that Eastern countries considered the "king of all fruits". With its color, taste, aroma, it has captivated the hearts of many gourmets. In this article, we will talk about flawless benefits of pomegranates and pomegranate juice, and also tell you in what cases it is forbidden to eat this fruit and its derivatives.

Pomegranates grow on shrubs. Their amazing feature is the fact that pomegranate bushes bloom for a whole summer, and the fruits ripen after that for almost half a year. This means that the people who grow this valuable human body culture, put a lot of effort and work to get a good harvest.

This is probably why the pomegranate entered the history of many peoples of the world as a fruit symbolizing wealth, abundance and fertility:

  • For example, Muslims are deeply convinced that it is pomegranates, and not apples, that grow in Eden. In their holy book it is written that it was with a pomegranate that the tempting serpent seduced Eve.
  • During archaeological excavations and many other studies conducted by historians, it was revealed that the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Arabs revered the pomegranate, considering it a healing fruit of paradise - the "sacred fruit of life." They depicted him on the walls of the pyramids, on expensive fabrics.
  • People who lived in the first civilizations drank pomegranate juice every day to not only improve their health, but also their spirit. The Greeks generally believed that pomegranate juice would grant immortality, because it was not in vain that the grains of this fruit were eaten daily by the gods of Olympus, according to myths and legends. known to the world the prophet Muhammad believed that eating a pomegranate can cleanse the soul and thoughts of a person from envy, hatred and evil.
  • Many peoples have many traditions and customs associated with pomegranate. For example, in Greece, at weddings, newlyweds must break a pomegranate so that a “love potion” pours out of it - the juice of the fruit, which, according to legend, was planted in Cyprus by the goddess of love and fertility, Aphrodite. By the way, in Turkey, many coffee houses sell pomegranate juice, presenting it to customers as a powerful aphrodisiac.

  • In China, newly-married husband and wife always eat sweet pomegranate seeds in order to strengthen family ties. Even guests who come to a Chinese wedding often bring a painting with a pomegranate in the center as a gift to the young. But before the wedding night, Armenian brides throw a pomegranate against the wall to see how many grains will fall out of it. Their number always indicates how many children a girl will have.
  • In general, every year on October 26, a grand public holiday dedicated to the pomegranate is held in Azerbaijan. Exhibitions of jam, wine, juice from this fruit are arranged, people have fun and rejoice. And this is no accident, because absolutely all varieties of pomegranate grow in Azerbaijan.

Now let's take a closer look, benefits of pomegranate juice. After all, this product is very popular and in demand among people today.

Pomegranate juice: benefits and harms

All properties of pomegranate juice now thoroughly studied by researchers. It was revealed that the composition of the pomegranate is saturated with vitamins and various useful trace elements that help a person maintain an excellent state of health.

IN chemical composition freshly squeezed pomegranate juice includes:

  1. Monosaccharides, which are easily absorbed by the body, improve metabolic processes in it, especially those related to the work of the heart, circulatory system and liver.
  1. organic acids, dilating blood vessels and thereby reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels:
  • Citric acid (helps with urolithiasis, rheumatic diseases and sciatica)
  • Tartaric acid (skin friendly)
  • Malic acid (cleansing gallbladder and ducts from excess bile)
  1. Phenolcarboxylic acids that strengthen the human immune system. These substances prevent the formation of cancerous tumors on internal organs and help in the cure of diseases associated with the human endocrine system.
  2. Amino acids
  3. Phenolic compounds:
  • Anthocyanins- the unusual purple color of the fetus depends on them
  • Tannins- give the taste of pomegranate astringency
  • Phytosterols– improve metabolism and rejuvenate the skin
  • Phytonicides- treat purulent wounds, colds and inflammatory processes in the body

  1. Vitamins:
  • B6 and B12
  1. Pectin - removes toxins and toxins from the body
  2. Minerals

In which cases pomegranate juice is contraindicated:

  1. With gastritis
  2. For ulcers (stomach or duodenal ulcers)
  3. With pancreatitis
  4. With increased acidity of the stomach
  5. For constipation
  6. With hemorrhoids
  7. If you are allergic to pomegranate juice
  8. With increased sensitivity of tooth enamel
  9. For low blood pressure

Important! There is a myth that pomegranate juice raises blood pressure, However, it is not. Pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure, so doctors often prescribe it to the elderly and anyone diagnosed with hypertension or low hemoglobin levels.

Benefits of pomegranate juice for children

Young children are often diagnosed with anemia by pediatricians. To prevent it, mothers can start giving their six-month-old babies homemade pomegranate juice, but only by checking in advance if the child is allergic to this product.

Introduce as complementary foods to infants pomegranate juice at home you need to be very careful - one teaspoon per day. The fact is that pomegranate juice can provoke constipation or other problems with the stool in the crumbs. If after the first application there were no negative reactions in the baby, then the volume of the juice portion for him can be increased. The main thing is to give the baby pomegranate juice to drink no more than twice a week and dilute it with a little water.

Pediatricians, as a rule, after the children are six months old, give mothers a special plate, which states how much of what can be given to the child as complementary foods. It also mentions how to drink pomegranate juice babies.

The formula for preparing a serving of juice for a child is as follows: the number of months of his life must be multiplied by 10. The result is a number indicating how much to drink pomegranate juice you can at one time the baby.

Benefits of pomegranate juice for women

According to numerous positive pomegranate juice reviews it is simply necessary for women to drink at least one glass a day, as it:

  1. It is an excellent prophylactic for breast cancer. American researchers from Ohio University came to this conclusion after a series of studies they conducted.
  2. It contributes to the smooth and proper functioning of the ovaries (hormones are produced in normal quantities, and the menstrual cycle is always stable).
  3. A must to drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy because thanks to this product, the expectant mother:
  • Hemoglobin will be normal
  • Edema will not appear
  • Improve overall well-being

  1. You can, but very carefully, drink pomegranate juice nursing women. It is advisable before you start using it, consult a doctor who, knowing all the characteristics of your body and health status, will accurately determine can you drink pomegranate juice you or not.

pomegranate juice for men

Scientists at the University of California have concluded that pomegranate juice has a beneficial effect on male power men:

  • First, it reduces the risk of prostatitis and prostate cancer;
  • Secondly, it improves potency and enhances libido (there is a surge of testosterone if you regularly drink one glass of pomegranate juice a day);
  • Thirdly, it increases efficiency and relieves stress.

Pomegranate juice: recipe

Pomegranate juice, in addition to being very useful, is very easy to prepare. Models such as Cindy Crawford often make it for themselves to keep their figure in shape (100 g of pomegranate juice has only 60 calories).

There are only three ways how to make pomegranate juice:

Method number 1:

  • Clear pomegranate
  • Put the grains in a sieve
  • Mash the grains with an ordinary potato crusher (it is better to use a wooden one)
  • Strain the prepared juice through cheesecloth

Method number 2:

  • Clear pomegranate
  • Put the grains in a blender and grind them
  • Strain the resulting slurry through cheesecloth

Method number 3 (suitable if you bought thin-skinned fruits):

  • Crush the pomegranate with your hands
  • Hit the fruit on a hard surface
  • Make a small hole in the pomegranate peel and release the juice through it.

Be sure to drink pomegranate juice, if possible, be healthy and full of vitality!

Video: “Healing drink. Pomegranate juice"

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate?

When buying "pomegranate juice" in stores, in most cases we get a fake. In independent broadcasts, the quality of such juices has been repeatedly checked. It turned out that they sell us a mixture of apple and cherry juice, but sometimes "pomegranate juice" still contains 5-10 natural pomegranate juice. Agree that this is negligible for the money and expectations that we want to receive.

Therefore, if a person wants to drink natural juice, it is better to prepare pomegranate juice at home.

But first you need to choose a ripe pomegranate. Personally, I choose a ripe pomegranate as follows:

You need to find a pomegranate with a dry crust, then press lightly on the pomegranate peel with your finger. The less effort is made to make the grain inside click, the more ripe the pomegranate is.

There are several ways to prepare pomegranate juice:

1. Cut the pomegranate in half, and squeeze the juice out of it with a manual citrus juicer. After the half of the pomegranate stops exuding juice, take it in your hands and squeeze it firmly with your palms on both sides.

2. Take pomegranate seeds. Put them in a fine sieve and start pressing over the dishes with a wooden pusher. When there are almost only pomegranate seeds left, pour them into cheesecloth and squeeze with your palms on both sides to squeeze out the remaining juice.

3. In the Caucasus, I was treated to pomegranate juice, which was prepared in a very original way. A ripe pomegranate is taken. They put it on the table and begin to roll it on the table, pressing with the palm of their hands. Pomegranate must be pressed gently so as not to damage the peel. When the pomegranate becomes soft, a hole is made in it with a knife. After that, with palms on both sides, juice is squeezed out of the pomegranate, which flows from the hole made.

4. This method of making pomegranate juice is useful only for patient people. The pomegranate is being cleaned. After that, the pomegranate seeds are crushed in a garlic press in several pieces. If you look carefully, you can buy a large garlic crusher, which will significantly speed up the process of making pomegranate juice.

5. For the lazy, there is another way. The pomegranate is cleaned, the grains are placed in cheesecloth and choked with hands.

6. But there is an easier way. We clean the pomegranate, throw its seeds into a small saucepan and crush it with a press. The resulting contents are filtered through cheesecloth. Then squeeze the rest of the juice out of it.

The acids contained in freshly squeezed pomegranate juice can irritate the stomach and corrode tooth enamel (this is another proof that we buy far from 100% pomegranate juice), so it must be diluted with water, at least one to two. Also, natural pomegranate juice can be very sour, so you can add a little sugar and honey to it. It makes no sense to make a lot of natural pomegranate juice at once, because it quickly deteriorates and loses its beneficial properties. It will be better if you prepare freshly squeezed pomegranate juice at a time.

Remember that in stores you will not be sold natural pomegranate juice for 60 rubles. Make your own pomegranate juice by choosing ripe pomegranates. Be patient before making pomegranate juice. Do not wear white and expensive things while making juice. There is a high chance that they will be damaged.

Pomegranate has many useful properties, chief among which are its antioxidant properties. But due to the fact that the grains are quite hard, it may not be comfortable to use it in the usual way. This is where pomegranate juice comes in handy, although some may not yet know how to squeeze pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant. It contains a high content of vitamins, the lion's share of which is vitamin C. Ideally, it is recommended to use it at least twice a week or every other day. Eating pomegranate or pomegranate drink will be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The main beneficial properties of pomegranate include:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • removal of free radicals and poisons from the body;
  • acceleration of the hematopoietic function of the brain;
  • prevention of stroke, heart attack;
  • level stabilization blood pressure;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the listed beneficial properties, regular use of pomegranate is recommended for people with a low hemoglobin content in the blood. Elderly people who have recovered from an illness and pregnant women will also benefit from this fruit. In addition to the high content of vitamin C, it also contains B vitamins, iron, beta-carotene, tannin.

Contraindications for drinking

Due to the fact that pomegranate has a high acidity and contains a large number of folic acid, it can adversely affect a group of people suffering from stomach or intestinal ulcers. However, this does not mean at all that this fruit is contraindicated for them. This product can be introduced into the diet, but it should only be consumed in a diluted form.

How to make juice at home

When there is no juicer at hand, and you really want freshly squeezed juice, then in the case of pomegranate, natural juice can be obtained by fairly simple and affordable methods without the use of additional devices.

There are several rules for obtaining a drink from a pomegranate. These include how to squeeze juice from a pomegranate without giving it bitterness, as well as how to get a pure product without pulp.

Squeezing with bare hands

From one medium-sized pomegranate, you can get a glass of drink with a volume of 250 ml. Again, it is unlikely that anyone will like a concentrated drink. It is usually diluted with some drinking water. This is especially recommended for those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To begin with, the pomegranate must be checked for integrity, that is, for damage to the peel, as well as for damage to the fruit. It would be useful to pay attention to the maturity of the fruit. As a rule, the ripe fruit has red or scarlet grains, and the resulting drink has the color of blood.

The peel should be washed and, if necessary, brushed. After that, the pomegranate is kept in warm water for a while so that the peel softens a little. Then it is rolled on the countertop several times from different sides - first the sides, and then the top and bottom - thereby kneading the pomegranate and squeezing the liquid out of the grains.

When the pomegranate becomes quite soft, you can additionally crush it in your hands. Here, the main thing is not to overdo it and not push through the peel, as in this case the juice will flow out. If, nevertheless, microcracks have formed on the peel and juice flows from them, then put the pomegranate in a plastic bag so as not to get dirty. The final step will be the direct squeezing of the juice into a glass. This must be done very carefully - when cutting a hole with a knife, the juice will immediately splash. Therefore, before you run the knife into the peel, substitute a glass under the pomegranate.

A hole is made on any of the sides of the pomegranate. This is where a little effort is required to completely squeeze the liquid out of the pomegranate, especially towards the end of the process. The resulting product can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and add sugar to taste. This method is very popular in those places where the pomegranate grows. Locals are very fond of quenching their thirst with this simple method.

Using a zip package

The method that was described earlier is not suitable for everyone. Many people may not have sufficient physical strength for this method. However, there is a more simplified version that everyone can handle.

The first thing you need to do is prepare the container. The pomegranate is also washed with cold water, after which an incision must be made on the peel across the fruit. It will allow you to break the fruit into two parts. This is necessary in order to extract the grains from the cavity of the fruit. This is done by tapping with a tablespoon or knife handle on the skin of the fruit, while constantly turning it in your hand. During this process, the grenade can splatter, so be prudent and put on an apron in advance, grenade stains are very difficult to wash off.

The resulting mass of grains is separated from the white membranes, which can get along with the grains. It is undesirable to leave them, because they will add bitterness to the drink. Then you need to pour everything into a zip package. If not, then you can use a regular plastic bag. Squeeze out all excess air and close it tightly (if it is a plastic bag, then make a good knot). Using a rolling pin, a small jar or a glass, crush the grains in the bag. Now it remains only to pour the resulting liquid and, if necessary, dilute with water.

There is an even more simplified way to get a drink that takes a minimum of time, but it can be called quite dirty. You need to cut off the crown of the fruit (top) and cut the pomegranate into two halves. Then, substituting the container, squeeze it like a lemon. This should be done slowly so that the juice does not splash to the sides.

The use of citrus juicers

Using a manual method to obtain a drink has its pros and cons, as well as the use of juicers of various configurations. As a rule, if you want to prepare one or two glasses to drink right away, then the method with a plastic bag or by "rolling" a pomegranate on the countertop is ideal. In this way, you will get the minimum amount of pulp in the drink and you will squeeze the juice from almost all grains.

If you need to process a large amount of fruit to get a liter or more, then it is better to use juicers. However, it is worth noting that the drink is likely to contain a lot of pulp and will have to be defended. The use of a press spin has another important plus. Pomegranate seeds are ground in it and the substances in them fall into the juice. And as you know, the bones also contain many useful substances.

Additional cooking recipes

Pomegranate juice can also be mixed with other fruit drinks. For example, it goes well with apple juice and currants. The ingredients for its preparation will be as follows:

  • granulated sugar (to taste);
  • black currant(1-2 kg);
  • several lemons;
  • strained pomegranate drink (1.5 l);
  • apple juice (1.5 l).

The recipe is quite simple. First, rinse all the currants with cold water and place them on a sieve to drain the water. After that, pour it into a blender and grind to a puree consistency. Then put this mass in cheesecloth and strain. Mix the resulting juice with freshly squeezed pomegranate (by hand) and apple juice. You can squeeze apple juice yourself from apples or buy it in a store.

Finally, it remains only to squeeze a certain amount of lemon and add sugar to taste. Most likely, the sugar will not dissolve well, so the juice will have to be warmed up a little, but in no case should it be boiled.

Juice with almonds and spices

To prepare this drink you will need:

  • about one hundred grams of almonds;
  • carnation (5 - 7 buds);
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • freshly squeezed concentrated juice 1 liter;
  • nutmeg (5g);
  • sugar or powder (to taste);
  • lemon zest (about 100 gr).

The first step is to prepare pomegranate juice in any way. You should get one liter of juice. Two medium pomegranate fruits will equal 250 - 300 ml. Accordingly, you will need about 10 ripe fruits. Set the juice aside for now. After that, you can start preparing the almonds. It is fried in a dry frying pan and then crushed. This can be done in a coffee grinder, but if you don't have one, use a rolling pin or mortar.

Mash the cloves and add to the almonds. Mix in the nutmeg, powdered sugar (sand) and cinnamon. Grate lemon zest and mix with all ingredients. Then pour the whole mass into pomegranate juice and put on fire to simmer for about 10 minutes. Choose the minimum power on the burner and do not allow the liquid to boil.

Pomegranate drink with honey

To make this drink, you will need the following ingredients:

Rinse the pomegranate and cut off the top. Then make a few cuts on the peel and break it into several parts. Prepare a suitable size container and use a tablespoon to remove the grains. This is done by tapping on the pomegranate peel. Together with pomegranate seeds, white membranes will inevitably fall into the plate. We do not need them, so we need to remove them.

In order not to suffer and not to catch them from the plate, pour the whole mass into cold water. The pomegranate seeds will float to the surface, making it easy for you to collect them.

There are several ways to extract juice from beans. The easiest is to put them in a bag, release the air and tie tightly. Then, using a rolling pin, squeeze the juice out of the grains. The resulting mass is laid out in gauze and filtered. Next, the juice must be poured into a saucepan, diluted with water and add honey. To completely dissolve, it must be heated over low heat.

It can also be mixed with vegetable juices. It can be pumpkin, celery, carrots, beets and cabbage. During the preparation of juice, do not rush to dispose of the pomegranate skin, it contains a large amount of useful substances. It can be cut into small pieces and laid out on a windowsill to dry. After drying, the peel can be used in tea brewing by simply adding a few pieces to the tea leaves.

A reasonable question may arise, why not buy a finished product, especially since a liter is not so expensive - about 80-100 rubles. The fact is that most pomegranates are no longer the first freshness, moreover, there are often juices that are a little bitter. This is due to the fact that in production, not only the pomegranate seeds themselves fall into the extraction, but also white membranes, which give the characteristic bitterness. In addition, there will be significantly less vitamins in a pasteurized product than in a freshly squeezed one.. During heat treatment and during storage, some of the vitamins are destroyed.

Housewives prepare delicious jam from almost any fruit, berries and even vegetables. In winter, this sweet delicacy helps to fill the deficiency of many vitamins. It can also be served with tea or used in the preparation of pies. In our article we will talk about how to cook delicious in pomegranate arena. We offer several recipes for this unusual delicacy to choose from.

The benefits of pomegranate jam

With the beginning of the autumn-winter period, it is time for oranges, tangerines, persimmons and pomegranates. Fruit or berry? What is this fruit? According to botanists, a pomegranate is a berry enclosed in a dense shell, which becomes dark red as it ripens.

Pomegranate fruits have unique beneficial properties:

  • contribute to recovery of cardio-vascular system, normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • are an effective prevention of atherosclerosis and the formation of malignant tumors;
  • restore hormonal balance in the body;
  • are a source of vitamins and amino acids important for the body (there are 15 in total).

How to cook pomegranate jam?

Introducing one of the most simple recipes sweet treat. It is prepared from sweet and juicy pomegranate. Fruit or berry - this has been debated for many years. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that pomegranate is a berry, under the skin of which there are many juicy sweet and sour grains with seeds inside.

Jam should be prepared from ripe fruits of dark red color. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Pour 3 cups of pomegranate juice into an enamel saucepan. Cover it with the same amount of sugar.
  2. Put the saucepan on medium heat. Boil the juice with sugar with constant stirring for 30 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the jam cool.
  3. Repeat the same steps two more times. Each time you need to cool the jam well, then it will turn out thicker.
  4. Lastly, add a glass of pomegranate seeds and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Boil the jam for another 20 minutes, then arrange it in glass jars. In total, you should get 1250 ml of a sweet treat.

seedless jam recipe

For people who do not like whole pomegranate seeds in jam, the following variant of its preparation is suitable. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Pour 650 g of grains, 100 g of sugar into a saucepan, pour 100 ml of pomegranate juice. Add the juice of a whole lemon.
  2. Put the pan on the stove and cook the berries over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Grind soft grains through a sieve, substituting a clean pan from below. The bones can be folded into a separate plate, and then squeezed again through several layers of gauze. Add another 100 g of sugar and continue to boil the pomegranate jam for 15 minutes.
  4. Arrange the finished delicacy in sterilized jars and cover with lids. Store the jam in the refrigerator until spring. This jam can be served with toast, pancakes or cheesecakes for breakfast.

Delicious jam with walnuts and pomegranate

This healthy delicacy has an original taste and is distinguished by a high content of vitamins. You can prepare pomegranate jam with walnuts in the following sequence:

  1. Take 3 ripe pomegranate berries. Clean them and disassemble them into grains. The amount of finished mass will depend on the size of the fruit.
  2. Set aside a fifth of the grains, and squeeze the juice from the rest with a juicer.
  3. Cook sugar syrup. To do this, you need to take 500 ml of pomegranate juice and 750 g of sugar. In an enamel saucepan, the syrup is brought to a boil and cooked without a lid for another 25 minutes.
  4. A glass of chopped (not flour) walnuts, pomegranate seeds, vanillin are added to the finished syrup.
  5. The jam is once again well mixed and poured into sterilized jars.

Pomegranate and apple jam

Jam can be harvested not only in summer, but also in winter. Jams from orange, pumpkin, tangerines, lemon are no less tasty and healthy than from berries and seasonal fruits.

Pomegranate and apple jam is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Peel apples (0.8 kg) and cut into small cubes directly with the peel.
  2. Using a juicer, squeeze the juice from 1 pomegranate.
  3. Put the apples in an enamel pan and cover with sugar (450 g).
  4. Add dry mixture for making jelly (2 tablespoons).
  5. Pour into a saucepan with apples and water (150 ml).
  6. Add vanilla if desired.
  7. Place the saucepan over medium heat, bring to a boil and continue to simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. Remove saucepan from stove. Using an immersion blender, puree the apples.
  9. Return the pot to the heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
  10. Arrange thick apple-pomegranate jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and cool. Keep refrigerated.