What is the dose of folic acid in the 1st trimester. Folic acid dosage during pregnancy

Women planning to become pregnant should carefully and consciously prepare for this period: healthy image life, please yourself, don’t get upset over little things. In addition, you need to start taking special medications. One of these is folic acid for pregnant women.

When is folic acid supplementation indicated during pregnancy?

Folic acid or vitamin B9 plays an important role in the formation of new blood cells. A lack of such a substance often leads to anemia, and the use of the drug is also important for replication, cell growth, and antimicrobial therapy. Often, at an appointment with a gynecologist when a substance is prescribed, women ask why take folic acid during pregnancy? According to experts, every pregnant woman needs B9, because it is able to prevent some defects in the development of the baby’s central nervous system.

It is advisable to start using the drug while planning pregnancy, because all processes involving the drug that occur during the formation of the fetus occur in a short period of time - that is, when future mom doesn't even know about the child. During pregnancy, it is necessary that folic acid enters the female body in the first weeks, since this period is the main one during the formation of the neural tube in the embryo.

What are the benefits of folic acid for pregnant women?

Vitamin B9 stimulates the formation nucleic acids, which are the basis of all cells in the body. The drug is necessary for all rapidly dividing tissues in humans. Besides, beneficial properties substance is that it:

  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • blocks the formation of cancer cells;
  • restores muscles during pregnancy;
  • participates in the creation of the placenta;
  • promotes normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • participates in metabolism.

How to take folic acid during pregnancy

It is advisable for all expectant mothers to take Vitamin B9 to prevent anemia (up to 12 weeks). The decision on how to take folic acid during pregnancy is approved only by a gynecologist. In our country, the standard for women expecting a child is 1000 mcg - this is one tablet, but some mothers may be prescribed high doses based on test results. This applies to patients whose examination revealed defects in fetal development.

In tablets

A popular drug with a low price, folic acid for expectant mothers satisfies all vitamin needs. The drug can only be prescribed by a doctor: based on the characteristics of pregnancy, you need to take 1-3 tablets once or three times a day. To prevent the disease, take only one 1 mg capsule; the dosage of the drug in women with vitamin deficiency is greatly increased - up to 5 mg.

Vitamin B9 is found in almost all multivitamins that a gynecologist prescribes during pregnancy. When taking such complexes, there is no need to take folic acid separately if there is no indication for this. Folio is considered one of the most popular drugs for expectant mothers - this complex contains vitamin B9 (400 mg) and iodine (200 mg). You need to take one tablet per day. Multivitamins that contain vitamin B9:

  • Multitabs-prenatal contains 400 mg of the substance;
  • Materna and Elevit contain 1 mg of the substance;
  • the composition of Pregnavit will provide 750 mcg of the substance;
  • Vitrum Prenatal contains 800 mg of the vitamin.

Vegetarians, as a rule, are not familiar with vitamin B9 deficiency, because it is found in green leaves and vegetables. Other people with insufficient intake of plant foods (especially in winter) should definitely take additional vitamin complex. Important element contained in:

  • green leaves of spinach, lettuce, onion, asparagus, parsley, cabbage;
  • green peas;
  • avocado;
  • cheese, kefir;
  • citrus fruits;
  • baked goods made from wholemeal flour;
  • pumpkin;
  • caviar;
  • fruits: apricots, melon, peaches;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • beans;
  • yeast;
  • egg yolk;
  • walnuts;
  • powdered milk, cottage cheese;
  • beef liver.

How much folic acid should pregnant women take?

For normal functioning, an adult should drink 0.2 mg of vitamin B9, but when carrying a baby, the need for the substance increases. The daily dose of folic acid for pregnant women is 1000 mcg - this is one tablet. Many women are confused by such numbers, but there is no need to worry. An overabundance of the substance occurs only when a person drinks 25 tablets at a time. In other cases, excess vitamin is excreted without any particular consequences.

In case of health problems (diabetes mellitus, intestinal diseases, epilepsy) and a severe deficiency of the substance in a woman, the doctor may prescribe strong drugs that contain vitamin B9: Apo-folic (price 200 rubles) or Folacin (price 125 rubles). One tablet of such products contains 5 mg of folacin, and this is already considered a therapeutic dose.

Norm of folic acid during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

The first months of gestation are the most important period, because... further pregnancy, formation and development of the fetus depends on it. In the 1st trimester, you should make sure that the female body receives the required amount of all minerals and vitamins. This is especially true for folic acid, which can prevent the development of damage at an early stage nervous system baby. Only a small part of the substances can be absorbed from foods, so it is necessary to take medications with vitamin B9.

When carrying a baby, the daily dose of the drug may be different; in the first 3 months it is necessary to take 0.4 mg 2 times a day. Often the substance is part of complexes, but it is better to take it separately. The tablets should be taken at the same time and preferably before meals. They must be washed down with clean, plain water. It is not recommended to use the drug with coffee, tea or packaged juices.

Until what stage of pregnancy should I take it?

Expectant mothers are introduced to the drug, which contains a beneficial element, at the first consultation. Many doctors believe that as a separate remedy it should be taken only for the first 3 months, then you should switch to a vitamin complex for pregnant women. Although there are experts who claim that B9 is needed female body throughout your life, and during pregnancy you should not stop taking it after 12 weeks. In any case, only a gynecologist should prescribe the dosage and time of use.

Side effects of taking folic acid

For humans, vitamin B9 is completely non-toxic, the drug has virtually no side effects. An overdose of a drug during pregnancy can occur only if the daily dose is exceeded 100 times. Rarely, the drug causes allergies, which may occur due to individual intolerance to the substance. Long-term use of high doses can negatively affect the health of the woman and baby. The instructions for the medicine say that when its concentration is high in the body, the following occur: side effects:

  • the content of cyanocobalamin in the blood decreases, which can cause anemia in the pregnant woman;
  • changes in kidney function;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.

Price of folic acid during pregnancy

Vitamin B9 preparations are sold in tablets without a prescription at any pharmacy. The average price for a medicine ranges from 30 to 80 rubles. You can buy folic acid inexpensively in large supermarkets where there is a pharmacy, and in addition, the vitamin can be bought and ordered in an online pharmacy. In this case, the cost of the product will depend on the company in the country of origin and the form of release.

Almost all women during pregnancy are prescribed folic acid, since this component is necessary for planning and pregnancy. initial stage fetal development. Even active opponents of any medications view this remedy favorably. It is important that the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is correct and does not exceed the permissible limit.

The fact is that a lack of this vitamin provokes Negative consequences. Folic acid plays a role in DNA synthesis, as well as in the process of cell growth and division. It is vital for the development of the fetal nervous system. Thanks to this element, it is possible to prevent the appearance of defects in the brain, neural tube, etc.

This component belongs to the B vitamins. It is also called vitamin B9. This is an important component for the human body, but it is often lacking. The deficiency is especially common in pregnant women and young children. Initially, this may not be noticeable, but over time, loss of appetite occurs, fatigue, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting appear, the mouth becomes covered with ulcers, and hair falls out. In advanced cases, megaloblastic anemia occurs, most often leading to death.

Folic acid, which is found in foods, breaks down quickly when exposed to sunlight and heat treatment, so it is often prescribed in tablet form. The daily dose of folic acid for pregnant women should be determined by a doctor.

Why is its use so important? The explanation consists of several points:

  • It is involved in DNA synthesis. Without it, cell division is impossible. In other words, this vitamin is a necessary element that is responsible for the development of tissues and organs. This is especially important for the formation of the embryo.
  • Important for hematopoiesis. Participates in the formation of blood elements such as red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets.
  • Necessary for the creation of nucleic acids involved in the transmission of hereditary characteristics.
  • Participates in the formation of the fetal brain and neural tube.

Folic acid is removed from the body of a pregnant woman faster than usual. Taking some medicines increases the need for this component, for example, estrogens, antacids, anticonvulsants and zinc preparations.

In addition to the fact that the vitamin is involved in the creation of cells of the nervous system, it is necessary to replace approximately 70 trillion mother cells, because they are constantly renewed. Its deficiency can be passed on to the child during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In many countries prerequisite The best way to take this important vitamin is during pregnancy planning and for three months upon pregnancy. This recommendation is also combined with dietary folate supplementation. Studies have shown that mothers who follow these tips have a reduced risk of having children with birth defects.

There is one drawback to folic acid, due to which it is prescribed only in the early stages of pregnancy. The point is its ability to accumulate in fatty tissues. As a result of long-term use, the component may be contained in excess in the body, causing the muscles to become very elastic, and this is an undesirable effect before childbirth.

What medications contain folic acid?

Some foods contain some folic acid. But the problem is that when cooking, a significant part of it is destroyed. Because of this, you should resort to medicinal method administration of the drug.

There are several types of medicines that include this component:

  • Folic acid tablets. They contain 1 mg of the substance. This is the best option, because the cost of the tablets is affordable for everyone. There folic acid is contained in the dose required during pregnancy. In other drugs it is higher. For a woman to get the norm, one tablet per day is enough. During the planning period and the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes 2-3 tablets per day. It is believed that such an overdose cannot happen; the consequences of a deficiency are much worse.
  • Folacin . It contains 5 mg of the substance. But in this form, folic acid during pregnancy can cause an overdose. There will be no harm to the body, but no more harm either, since the excess amount will be excreted.
  • Apo-filik . It contains 5 mg of the substance. This dosage is not preventive, but therapeutic. That is why folic acid for pregnant women in this dosage is prescribed only in case of obvious deficiency.
  • Folio . It contains 40 mcg of folic acid, as well as 200 mcg of iodine. This is why the drug is convenient - it contains two important element. This folic acid is indicated for pregnant women as a preventive dosage. It will meet the needs of mother and child if there is no deficiency.
  • such as Materna, etc. All of them have a prophylactic dosage. If there is no deficiency, it is enough to take complexes where folic acid is present in the dosage required during pregnancy.

Foods with folic acid

The main source is wholemeal flour. There is a lot of vitamin in spinach, green peas, parsley, lettuce and beans. Significant amounts are also found in citrus fruits, avocados and asparagus. Among animal products, the richest is liver. Folic acid is present in small quantities in meat, fish and cheese.

Despite the fact that vegetarians do not eat meat, they do not have a deficiency. After all, they eat a sufficient amount of plant products, including greens. If you do not take them in large quantities, then you need to supplement your diet with folic acid in tablet form. In this case, it is difficult to meet the daily requirement with food. This is especially true for the cold season.

To retain enough folic acid in vegetables, you need to eat them raw. You can also steam it. The intake of this vitamin through the consumption of natural products prevents the risk of developing cancer and affects the transmission of hereditary information into DNA.

If a person’s microflora is in order, then folic acid can be independently synthesized in small quantities. But strong tea removes it from the body.

Folic acid dosage during pregnancy

Doctors say that every second pregnant woman needs vitamin B9. Therefore, it is so important to know what dose of folic acid for pregnant women is indicated for a particular mother. The daily dose increases during pregnancy. The minimum dosage of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy is 400 mcg per day. But in most cases, twice as much is required - 800 mcg. If, as a result of the tests, it turns out that the deficiency is severe, then the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy in tablets reaches 5 mg.

How to take folic acid during pregnancy

  • The most common tablets are those in which folic acid, necessary during pregnancy, is contained in a dosage of 1 mg. One such tablet per day may be enough. In this case, an overdose cannot occur.
  • If a woman has a pronounced deficiency, then she will need stronger drugs - for example, Folacin or Apo-folic. One such tablet contains folic acid therapeutic dose for pregnant women – 5 mg.

How to prevent an overdose?

You should clearly know in what dosage to take folic acid for pregnant women in order to prevent an overdose, although it is not toxic to humans. An overdose can only occur if the drug is taken in a dose one hundred times higher than the normal dose. For example, 25-30 tablets per day.

Long-term use of high doses can be harmful for both mother and baby. There is a decrease in vitamin B12 in the blood, which causes anemia. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract may appear, kidney function changes, and nervous excitability increases. This can happen if you take 10-15 mg of the drug daily for three months or more.

Symptoms of excess folic acid during pregnancy:

  • The appearance of a metallic taste and bitterness in the mouth.
  • Increased excitability, sleep disturbance and irritability.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Deficiency of zinc and vitamin B 12.

Scientists from Norway conducted an experiment showing that women with a high content of vitamin B9 were 1.5 times more likely to have children who were prone to asthmatic diseases. But scientists were unable to name the dosage that leads to such consequences.

How long to take folic acid during pregnancy

It is important to know that pregnancy and folic acid are inseparable, but the dosage should only be determined by a doctor. Already at the first consultation with a gynecologist, the expectant mother is introduced to this element.

  • Some people believe that it should only be taken for the first three months. Next you should switch to a vitamin complex.
  • Other experts are sure that it is necessary to take folic acid for early stages pregnancy at the prescribed dosage, but also at other times.

It has been proven that even representatives of the stronger sex who are preparing to become fathers benefit from the use of this substance.


The drug is sold in any pharmacy and always remains affordable. The cost may vary depending on the manufacturer and form of release. Before purchasing, you should check with your doctor what dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is required in your individual case. You should not make a decision about taking this drug on your own. Despite all its benefits, it is important that the doctor himself determines the required dosage for a pregnant woman. It is important to take your situation seriously, then the baby will be born absolutely healthy!

Useful video about folic acid and pregnancy planning

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Folic acid during pregnancy is an essential substance for a woman’s body and pregnancy.

A deficiency of folate compounds or vitamin B9 is dangerous and leads to changes in the blood composition of the expectant mother and child, and disturbances in the development of the placenta. The consequence is the birth of premature babies or children with developmental pathologies.

Importance for the body

Folic acid is found in foods:

  • broccoli;
  • green pea;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • citrus;
  • leafy greens;
  • yeast;
  • bread products, etc.

A balanced diet is required to receive the required amount of B9. But even in this case, the development of vitamin deficiency is possible.

The reason is the rapid destruction of folic acid during food storage. Moreover, a pregnant woman’s body’s need for the vitamin increases significantly.

Other causes of folic acid deficiency:

  • low dietary intake;
  • genetic diseases (the body does not have enzymes for the absorption and processing of folate);
  • chronic diseases of the intestines or stomach (normal absorption of the substance is disrupted);
  • passion for alcoholic drinks;
  • the use of certain medications - sulfonamides, oral contraception, anticonvulsants, antacids, anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Folic acid during pregnancy

Lack of vitamin B9 is a scourge among pregnant women these days. If the expectant mother has constant weakness, increased fatigue, anemia, dizziness and headaches, irritability, perhaps the reason is a deficiency of folic acid.

The importance of the vitamin in the body is enormous for the production of proteins and nucleic acids. It is necessary for the regeneration of cells and tissues, maintaining the normal state of all organs, and preventing the transformation of cells into cancer.

An even greater role of folic acid during pregnancy. It ensures normal growth and development of the fetus.

Adequate folate levels are important in the 1st trimester. During these months, all organs and systems of the embryo are formed, and most importantly, its nervous tissue and placental vessels.

Why is deficiency dangerous?

The main danger of vitamin B9 deficiency during pregnancy is insufficient development of the neural tube in the embryo.

This leads to the following developmental defects:

  • fading of pregnancy, that is, fetal death in utero;
  • hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the brain;
  • anencephaly, that is, the embryo completely lacks a brain;
  • spina bifida;
  • brain herniation;
  • impaired mental function;
  • physical underdevelopment.

The importance of folic acid for vascular system in the uterus. Consequences of a lack of substance:

  • premature placental abruption;
  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Folate deficiency affects the well-being of a pregnant woman. The manifestations are:

  • toxicosis in the early stages;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • digestive disorders;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • leg cramps.

For this reason, doctors recommend drinking folic acid already at the stage of pregnancy planning. In reality, women often find out about conception at 5-6 weeks, and it is during this period that the embryo is especially susceptible to vitamin deficiency.

How to use?

Folic acid is available in tablet form in pure form or in combination with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) or ascorbic acid. They also produce vitamin complexes and biological supplements containing B9.

The tablets are taken without chewing and washed down with plain water. Take regardless of food.

When to start?

It is better to start taking folic acid before conception. This will prevent possible pathologies.

WHO – World organization Health recommends that all pregnant women take folic acid and iron supplements. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor managing the pregnancy. The woman’s medical history and the presence of any chronic diseases must be taken into account.

Until when should you drink it?

Folic acid during pregnancy is especially important in the first trimester, that is, from conception to 12 weeks.

Then you can stop taking the drug, provided that there are no manifestations of its insufficiency. In some cases, a woman is prescribed a vitamin and then in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

It is advisable to start drinking folic acid when planning pregnancy, then until childbirth and completion. breastfeeding.

The dosage varies depending on the timing:

  • The period of planning conception – 400 mcg daily.
  • First trimester of pregnancy – 600 – 800 mcg.
  • From the 13th week until the end of pregnancy - 800 mcg per day.
  • During breastfeeding - 400 - 600 mcg per day.

If necessary, the gynecologist can increase the daily dose:

  • For miscarriages, fetal death, birth of children with developmental defects - 4 mg per day.
  • At diabetes mellitus or epilepsy in a woman – 1 mg.
  • When taking certain medications - 800 mcg - 4 mg per day (anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, alcohol-based medications, anti-tuberculosis, etc.).


Folic acid is produced both in pure form and in the form of preparations:

  • Folic acid tablets. Contains 1 mg vitamin B9. For prevention, the recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day.
  • Folio. Contains 400 mcg folate combined with 200 mcg iodine. Taking it prevents the lack of B9 and iodine in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Folacin. The content of the active substance in the tablet is high – 5 mg. Therefore, it is used not for prevention, but for the treatment of deficiency.
  • Gendevit. Polevitamine in the form of dragees. One contains 300 mcg of folic acid.
  • Mom is complimentary. Multivitamin complex. One capsule contains 400 mcg of vitamin.


Folic acid during pregnancy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • allergic reaction or individual intolerance to folic acid;
  • cancer in close relatives;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Video about folic acid

Consequences of overdose

An overdose of vitamin B9 during pregnancy is difficult to achieve, since it is a water-soluble substance. Its absorption by the body occurs only in the right amount, and the excess is excreted through the kidneys.

However, the symptoms of folic acid overdose are as follows:

  • causeless irritability;
  • disorders digestive system– nausea and vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, lack of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • impaired renal function.

An overdose of folic acid is said to occur when a daily dose of more than 15 mg enters the body.

Folic acid during pregnancy is a vitamin necessary to maintain the body of the expectant mother and the proper development of the fetus. B9 deficiency leads to irreversible consequences in the form of defects in the embryo. To prevent complications, it is advisable to start taking folic acid already at the stage of pregnancy planning and continue until the 12th week, and even better until childbirth and the end of breastfeeding.

Folic acid is one of the most common substances prescribed to expectant mothers. This acid will be an excellent assistant when planning pregnancy. It is involved in many fundamental processes of fetal development. The body does not produce it, so when planning and becoming pregnant, the doctor prescribes its use.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a special B vitamin designed to activate many processes in human body. It is not synthesized in the blood on its own. Its deficiency is observed in the body of almost every second woman. The substance is found in some foods, but it cannot be said with certainty that people are guaranteed to take enough of it every day.

Otherwise, psycho-emotional instability, decreased performance, and even the development of many serious ailments, such as anemia, may occur. We must definitely fight these problems. It is necessary to take this substance from the first week of pregnancy. It is advisable to start at the planning stage.

When is the drug prescribed?

Many people do not know about the benefits of the medicine and do not understand why doctors prescribe it so often. Folic acid is recommended for all pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters, as well as for those who are still planning to have a child. This is an essential substance and its sufficient quantity in the body is a determining factor in the process of formation of the fetal neural tube.

In addition, its benefits for the proper functioning of the placenta are noted. Women who take folic acid for a long time reduce their risk premature birth or miscarriage. Vitamin B9 is involved in the formation of white blood cells and promotes normal iron absorption.

Lack of folic acid provokes the development of the following diseases in the unborn baby:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • delayed muscle and brain development;
  • other pathologies and defects.

What is the daily dose?

Normal folic acid content in the body healthy person is 200 micrograms. However, a woman must provide double the amount of the substance during pregnancy. Both when planning and when expecting a future baby, the dosage of folic acid should be from 0.8-0.9 mg to 3.5-4 mg per day. In the early stages, its amount is less than in later stages. The specific amount is prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary not to exceed the dosage, as this will harm the woman’s body and the fetus.

Instructions for use and dosage

Folic acid is convenient to use because its use does not depend on food intake. It is necessary to take the drug with plenty of still water at the appropriate time. If you need to use 2-3 times a day, it is better to choose the same hour every day. The drug is prescribed at the planning stage of the child. Many people wonder until what week of pregnancy to take folic acid. As a rule, a woman does not stop taking vitamins even after the birth of her baby.

When planning

Folic acid will be beneficial if you start using it 1-2 months before pregnancy. It is useful for both future parents.

If the pregnancy was unplanned, you need to start taking it from the first weeks. The dosage is prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body. Detailed advice should be obtained from a specialist.

1st trimester

As a rule, the 1st trimester involves taking the drug twice a day at a dosage of 400 mcg in the morning and in the evening. It is best to choose the same time every day for this. This is especially important at the beginning of pregnancy, since during this period all critical processes. It is not recommended to take the drug with juices, tea, or coffee. Regular still water is more suitable.

2nd trimester

As the embryo develops, doctors recommend increasing the dosage of vitamin B9. In the 2nd trimester it should increase to 600 mcg per day. This will help maintain the mother’s well-being and prepare the body for the upcoming birth. It is important not to stop taking the medication and strictly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the doctors.

3rd trimester

Despite the fact that the 3rd trimester is relatively stable, you need to continue to improve your own health and take vitamins. At this stage, the daily dose of folic acid increases to 800 mcg.

The required amount of the drug is a purely individual indicator. When writing a prescription, the doctor is based on the results of ultrasound examinations and tests. If there is an increased risk of developing fetal defects and pathologies, the dose will be slightly higher.

What are the dangers of an excess of folic acid in the body?

Despite the fact that vitamin B9 is an essential substance for the body of every person, especially a pregnant woman, you need to take it with great attention and caution. An overdose of folic acid can cause unpleasant symptoms and diseases. Among the most common:

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, diarrhea;
  • unreasonable anxiety, worry;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state;
  • restless sleep or insomnia;
  • provocation of vitamin B12 deficiency in the blood.

Overdose of the drug during pregnancy is rare. The body absorbs folic acid in the required amount. Its excess is partially removed by the liver, the rest leaves the body through the kidneys. In almost 100% of cases, taking folic acid is not accompanied by any side effects.

Contraindications and side effects

The big advantage is that folic acid is not toxic at all, so side effects are extremely rare. However, before you start drinking it, you should consult a competent specialist. He will explain how many times a day and in what quantity to take tablets according to the individual characteristics of the body and test results.

Before you start taking it, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications that folic acid has. The drug is not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pernicious anemia.

Admission should be excluded for those whose immediate relatives had malignant tumors. It is recommended that people with vitamin B12 deficiency avoid taking folic acid. A natural contraindication is an allergy to this drug.

Experts note the absolute non-toxicity of folic acid and the safety of its use. Hence the low percentage of side effects. There is a small chance of occurrence allergic reactions, which are provoked by individual intolerance to the substance.

Side effects can only occur if you systematically exceed the recommended dose of tablets. These include 5 main problems:

  • hyperexcitability;
  • insomnia;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • changes in kidney function;
  • a decrease in the content of cyanocobalamin in the blood of a pregnant woman, which can subsequently cause anemia.

What foods contain folic acid?

The human body can obtain folic acid naturally, without taking pills. Fruits and vegetables are especially rich in vitamin B9. If it is necessary to increase its content in the body, you need to increase the consumption of cucumbers, carrots, bananas, oranges and apricots. Beetroot and legumes. It is necessary to take decoctions of blackcurrant leaves, nettles, mint and dandelions.

Nuts contain a large amount of folic acid - up to 240 mcg useful substance. Forest products - mushrooms and berries - are rich in folic acid. The most popular among them is raspberry. It contains a large number of vitamins, including B9.

The above products can be consumed raw, but it is better to prepare a full meal from them. To prevent them from losing their properties, they need to be subjected to minimal heat treatment.

Preparations with folic acid

Folic acid is contained in the drug Folio. It contains vitamin B9 and iodine - two very useful elements are combined in one medicine. The drug helps to minimize the likelihood of pathologies and defects internal organs baby.

Folic acid and iodine are essential substances for every person. Many doctors talk about the benefits contained in Folio and recommend using it systematically. Vitamin B9 enables normal development of the fetus, and iodine ensures stable health and well-being throughout pregnancy. This is exactly what the expectant mother is waiting for. You can find out how much Folio costs in pharmacy catalogs.

Another product that contains this acid is Foliber. It is relatively safe, rarely causes side effects, but can be taken as prescribed by a doctor. When undesirable reactions are observed, use should be discontinued.

Drug prices vary depending on the region. Until what stage of pregnancy should I take folic acid? It should be taken into account that the drug will be needed after the birth of the child. If you follow all the instructions and prescriptions of doctors, pregnancy will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.
