What is the use of fish during pregnancy? Fish on the menu of the expectant mother: good or bad

Unsafe Species

The deeper and longer the fish swims, the fatter it is. But it also accumulates a lot of mercury. This is why it is dangerous for the expectant mother and child. The following species should be especially avoided: shark, swordfish, mullet, golden perch, king mackerel. To a lesser extent, but unsafe and tuna. But canned - you can. In the US, even doctors recommend that pregnant women eat 200 g of canned food per week.

Although the results of a recent study by a French scientist, Dr. Gael Boudry, dealing with the role of Omega-3 acids in reducing dietary allergic reactions organism, showed that it is the reduction in the diet of pregnant foods with fatty acids that affects the development of food allergies in babies. "Thanks to Omega-3, the intestinal mucosa selectively passes into the bloodstream substances formed after the digestion of food. In this case, the immune system does not perceive potential food allergens as "strangers" and does not provoke inflammatory reactions," says the doctor.

Portion of fish

Pregnant women have one trait that really spoils their lives for all nine months - they tend to exaggerate. Moreover, one group of expectant mothers exaggerates the risks, the other, on the contrary, their absence. This also applies to nutrition. Some, before eating something, begin to count the amount of proteins, vitamins and microelements in every 100 g of the product (which, in principle, is VERY problematic if you are not an expert technologist or at least a nutritionist). Others go wild ("I want salty-sweet-sour!"), eating everything in their path. Therefore, we will not say how much fish should be eaten. Everything is individual. Immediately, as with citrus fruits and other exotic: we do not live on the Pacific coast, our genetically laid down eating habits are formed according to the "food set" that is familiar to these latitudes. Therefore, if you do not like fish, you do not need to stuff a two-hundred-gram portion of cod into yourself. If you are not one of those mothers who are drawn to salty 24 hours a day, do not buy yourself a herring, because it is necessary. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can also be obtained from vitamin complex prescribed by your doctor.

Reading 6 min. Views 2.2k. Published on 01/25/2019

Is fish allowed during pregnancy - this question causes a lot of discussion, both among homegrown experts and among professionals. Even studying official information, it is difficult to come to a clear conclusion.

Some sources claim that the diet of pregnant women without fish will not be complete and will not provide a future mother and baby with a complex of useful substances. Others - that this product is strictly prohibited. We can immediately say that smoked fish is prohibited during pregnancy, well, let's deal with the rest.

Fish is a protein, a complex of vitamins and minerals. She is much better than meat absorbed by the body. After a fish dinner, you are unlikely to feel heaviness in the stomach. But not all types of fish are good for a pregnant woman: consider the recommendations given in this article and be safe.

The benefits of fish

The body during the period of bearing a child needs an increased complex of vitamins and minerals. Fish contains phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, calcium. And sea fish is also supplemented with fluorine, vitamin D and iodine. All these substances play a significant role in the development of the child.

The main difference between marine and freshwater fish is a large amount of omega-3. This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, the use of which has a positive effect not only on the health of the skin, hair and nails. Omega-3s must be present in the menu of a pregnant woman, as they have a beneficial effect on the development of the brain of an unborn child.

IN sea ​​fish, which is bred in artificial conditions, contains more omega-6, but the inhabitants of natural reservoirs are rich in omega-3.

This is due to the fact that in natural conditions fish feed on small marine organisms, which in turn feed on algae. The fatty acid combines with algae and in this way forms large quantity omega 3. Our body is not able to produce omega elements on its own, so we need to get it from food.

Scientists have proven that polyunsaturated fat compounds are important for the proper development of the fetal central nervous system. Most of the omega-3s are the two acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

In the brain cells of the baby, DHA begins to accumulate from the 26th week and affects the proper functioning of neurons. Deficiency of this acid in the embryo leads to slow development of the brain.

A study by scientists from the United States showed that in babies whose mothers ate about 400 grams of fish per week during pregnancy, the development of the psychomotor system took place in a timely manner.

Omega-3 also affects the vision of an infant. Deficiency of these acids is dangerous in case of premature birth as there is a risk of developing respiratory failure.

In connection with the serious role of omega-3 in the development of the child, it is important to include 300 grams of sea fish per week in the diet of a pregnant woman.

Most EPA and DHA contain:

  • herring,
  • sardine,
  • mackerel,
  • salmon.

What kind of fish should not be eaten by pregnant women

There is a taboo on some types of marine fish.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding you can not eat sea bass, king marlin, shark and swordfish. This prohibition is associated with a high concentration of mercury, which kills the cells of the central nervous system of the fetus.

What kind of fish can be pregnant

The top list of the most useful fish for pregnant women looks like this:

  • sardine;
  • mackerel;
  • herring;
  • flounder;
  • cod.

Fish dishes are best steamed or baked in the oven. So you save everything useful and do not gain extra calories and carcinogenic substances that are released during frying.

Soup can be made from quality canned food.

Fish that should be in your diet during pregnancy are fatty species, except for perch and tuna.

Or at least limit their use. Tuna is a delicious oily fish, but accumulates mercury in itself, therefore, a maximum of two tuna steaks per week weighing 150 grams.

Canned tuna is not considered fatty, due to the canning process.

Restrictions on oily fish introduced due to contaminated environment(dioxins, pesticides and other harmful substances can be found in fish). But two portions a week will not bring harm and will be able to provide both mother and baby with useful minerals and vitamins harmlessly.

Fish with iodine deficiency and thyroid diseases

Do not get involved in fish dishes in case of problems with the thyroid gland. A decrease in thyroid function is a common problem in pregnant women, in which case the body needs an additional portion of iodine.

Where can I get it, except in fish? The source of iodine is seaweed, shellfish (scallops, squid, mussels). But the use of shellfish during pregnancy also requires caution: no dried and canned - only thermally processed seafood is safe for expectant mothers.

And in the case when the thyroid gland began to secrete an excess amount of hormones, additional iodine is contraindicated. If you suspect a malfunction of the thyroid gland, it is important to be examined by a doctor and get tested for hormones.

River fish for pregnant women

Freshwater fish from rivers and lakes are less oily than sea fish. And this is a minus, because the absence of healthy fats will not make any contribution to the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Helminthiasis during pregnancy can not only cause vomiting, but also miscarriage. Raw fish during pregnancy also endangers human health and sometimes life.

Fish recipes for pregnant women

The main requirement for the use of fish by pregnant women is sufficient heat treatment and the choice of the “right” varieties of the product. Choosing a good healthy fish is your task, and the Eats Kids team can provide you, dear readers, with simple, but original recipes fish dishes.

Soup with sardine


  • canned sardine - 1 can;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion bulb;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. We clean the vegetables, cut the potatoes into comfortable medium-sized pieces, carrots into cubes.
  2. Put a pot of water on the fire and cold water throw vegetables, when the water boils, salt it.
  3. After 15 minutes of cooking vegetables, put a whole onion in the pan. Pour the contents of the canned food into the pan, cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Serve the soup hot with white bread.

Baked hake with vegetables


  • hake carcasses - 4 pieces;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • salt, herbs, lemon juice - to taste.


  1. Defrost hake carcasses, rinse under running water. Then dry with a paper towel. Next, the fish should be wiped with lemon juice, herbs and salt. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. At this time, let's take care of vegetables, they need to be washed, peeled carrots. Cut the carrots in half lengthwise, cut the zucchini and tomatoes into large pieces.
  3. Put the fish with vegetables on a baking sheet, salt the vegetables a little. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.


To get from a fish that lives in a not very clean aquatic environment, maximum benefit, follow simple rules:

  1. Do not eat more than 400 grams of fish per week.
  2. Remember which types are prohibited during pregnancy.
  3. Don't forget the benefits of omega-3s for your baby.

Dear readers, we hope that our article was informative for you and you have concluded for yourself which fish is better to eat during pregnancy. . We are waiting for your comments about the benefits or harms of the product and your branded recipes.

Can I eat fish and seafood during pregnancy? The answers are often diametrically opposed. Some believe that fish dishes must be present in the diet of the expectant mother, while others classify them as “doubtful”. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. Let's figure it out together.

What are the benefits of sea fish and seafood for pregnant women?

Marine fish and seafood are a source of high-quality protein, which the body needs in the same way as animal protein. And yet - seafood contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. They support the health of the future mother, and also contribute to the harmonious development of the baby. Among them:

  1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6: have a beneficial effect on the mother's heart muscle, reduce the risk of preterm birth, help normal development nervous system and vision of the child.
  2. Vitamin D: helps the absorption of calcium and prevents its excessive loss from the mother's bones, and also provides the prevention of rickets in the unborn baby.
  3. B vitamins, in particular niacin (B6), folic acid(B9) and cobalamin (B12): stimulate the proper development of the neural tube and protect the mother from stress and mood swings.
  4. Calcium: necessary for the formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system, especially in late pregnancy, when the mother's own reserves of this chemical element in the mother's body are already depleted.
  5. Iodine: very important for the baby's thyroid gland and brain.
  6. Phosphorus: activates the growth and division of cells, protects the thyroid gland, protects against immunodeficiencies.
  7. In small amounts - iron, fluorine, magnesium and zinc: also important for development internal organs and systems of the fetus and are consumed by them in large volumes.

Most beneficial species fish for expectant mothers:

  • tilapia;
  • oily fish;
  • saithe;
  • flounder;
  • pollock;
  • sardine;
  • cod;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • trout;
  • halibut.

Is it possible to eat:

- smoked fish during pregnancy

Smoked, dried and dried fish for pregnant women is prohibited, since the processing of such products may not be sufficient to destroy all bacteria and helminths. Fish that have only been cold smoked are especially dangerous. In it, as in raw fish, listeria is often found - a rod-shaped bacterium that causes severe intoxication of the mother's body, fetal growth retardation and miscarriage. Hot smoked fish is considered more acceptable, as it undergoes heat treatment. However, another problem awaits here. Increasingly, unscrupulous manufacturers use special chemical compositions to give the product a pronounced "smoked" taste, smoky aroma and golden color. Such substances are definitely harmful, so it's not worth the risk.

- salted fish during pregnancy

Strongly salted fish for expectant mothers is also contraindicated. Excess sodium chloride only creates an additional burden on the woman's kidneys, increases arterial pressure and increase swelling of the extremities. It is preferable to buy unsalted or slightly salted fish products.

- red fish during pregnancy

Salmon, trout and other types of red fish are very useful for pregnant women. But due to the high fat content, it is worth consuming such fish no more than 1 time per week. It is also important to remember about the danger of allergic reactions. Red fish, like crustacean meat, contains a large amount of the amino acid histidine. It is she who is able to provoke a powerful release of histamine in the human body, up to anaphylactic shock.

- seafood during pregnancy

Seafood is a source of pure protein and valuable trace elements. But there is practically no fat in them, and they are very easily absorbed by the body. Also, seafood has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, stimulates appetite, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and improves the condition of the skin and hair, which often suffer during pregnancy. Therefore, it is highly desirable for expectant mothers to include seafood in their diet.

Squid, shrimp, scallops and crabs are rich in potassium, iodine and iron. And yet - they contain vitamins B, E and C, so necessary for the harmonious development of the baby.

Oysters are also a storehouse of protein and vital chemical elements, especially zinc. However, during pregnancy, they should be consumed in a very moderate amount, preferably only in the second trimester and, of course, after careful heat treatment. So no oyster bars with raw shellfish. It’s better to refuse mussels at all - they, like small filters, let tons of sea ​​water and can accumulate toxic substances.

Also, do not forget that seafood is always exotic for the inhabitants of the continent. Therefore, the risk of allergies cannot be ruled out. However, it often manifests itself for the first time during pregnancy. Always start your meal with a small piece of fish or seafood and keep a close eye on your body.

Which fish to choose: sea or river?

Precautionary measures

So, feel free to cook delicious fish dishes and do not deny yourself and your unborn baby a portion of "usefulness". And to avoid trouble, pay attention to these recommendations:

Fish is an indispensable product for a balanced diet of an expectant mother. But what if a woman has an allergy, or the smell and taste of fish suddenly become repulsive during pregnancy? Fish and seafood can be replaced with special preparations containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. At the same time, the choice food additive, the duration of the course and dosage are always within the competence of the doctor observing the pregnancy.

You can also vary your diet. sea ​​kale. It, like fish, contains: iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and group B. Not a single vegetable or fruit can boast of such a composition. It is best to purchase fresh, dried or frozen kelp, as already prepared pickled cabbage contains too a large number vinegar and salt.

Thus, fish and seafood are an important part of the expectant mother's diet. They ensure the normal development of the child, and give the woman herself strength and good mood for all 9 months of pregnancy.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

For a long nine months of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother becomes a kind of donor of useful elements for the baby. And this is understandable, because in no other way, besides the mother's body, the child can get the necessary for his development nutrients. That is why women are strongly recommended to reconsider their previous diet and try to enrich it as much as possible with those products that will be useful and necessary for a small organism. In addition, a deficiency of certain minerals may not have the best effect on the well-being and health of the woman herself.

We have all heard that during pregnancy, women often face problems with teeth, deterioration of hair and nails. Why is this happening? Most often, this is due to the formation of the child's skeletal system. In order for it to form properly, the need for calcium increases. As a rule, the calcium that the mother consumes is not enough for the baby, so he pulls it out of the woman's body. As a result, the mood of expectant mothers is overshadowed by the deplorable condition of hair, nails and teeth.

In order to protect yourself from calcium deficiency, the expectant mother should enrich her diet with certain foods. We all know from childhood that for good and strong teeth you need to eat dairy products and fish. That's the last thing we're going to talk about today. Is fish useful during pregnancy and should it be consumed?

What is a healthy fish during pregnancy and what can

Fish can be sea and river. There is nothing surprising in the fact that sea fish surpasses its river girlfriend in terms of the amount of nutrients at times. It contains various useful minerals, including microelements such as iodine, fluorine, copper and zinc. Present in the fish and extractive substances that stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands.

Extractive substances when cooking fish become part of the broth, therefore fish soups contraindicated in people with gastric problems, diseases of the duodenum, increased acidity of the stomach, diseases of the liver and pancreas. Boiled fish, unlike fish broth, is absolutely safe. However, fish broths may even be beneficial, especially for women suffering from low stomach acid. The broth stimulates the digestion of food and improves appetite.

Fish during pregnancy must be prepared properly. The most suitable cooking method is baking and boiling. Fried fish during pregnancy is categorically undesirable, as it is poorly digested and does not bring practically any benefit.

Fish goes well with various vegetable dishes and herbs. Try to buy, if possible, fresh fish, or even live. Of course, with the sea, things are more complicated. Choose trusted sellers, because if the fish is defrosted and frozen several times, due to improper storage, it can not only lose everything useful material, but also simply deteriorate.

Smoked and salted fish during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you will most likely have to forget about the existence of salted and smoked fish. The first is dangerous because it can retain water in the body and cause swelling, which almost all pregnant women already suffer from. In addition, improper salting of fish can give the worms and other organisms living in it a chance to survive. Agree that such a neighborhood is unpleasant for both you and the baby.

Smoked fish is generally a source of evil and bad health, so if you don’t want to get a couple of new problems, smoked fish must be abandoned.

Probably, there are no such people who do not know about the benefits of fish. It is not only delicious, but also very, very healthy. Vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids - this is what a fish can really boast of. True, not every pregnant fish can be eaten.

Note: what kind of fish can be pregnant

Of course, preference should be given to sea fish. All expectant mothers who are not allergic to this product are recommended a fish with an enviable content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. And there are leaders in this list.

So, during pregnancy are especially useful:

  • Salmon;
  • Trout;
  • Sardine;
  • Cod;
  • Flounder;
  • Keta.

However, the type of fish is also important, meaning the method of preparation. In smoked and salted form, in addition to useful properties, which are decreasing, there is also a lot of salt, other components that are not the most useful. Fish can be boiled, baked, stewed. The fish can be used in a salad or made into a delicious soup based on it.

Forbidden list: what kind of fish should not be eaten by a pregnant woman

And there is such a list, and you should not take it lightly. First of all, I would like to say that unambiguous harm will come from fish of unknown origin. More precisely, bought from someone with hands, that is, you can only guess about its freshness. It's like Bulgakov's sturgeon, there is no second freshness in fish.
