Useful properties and rules for cooking dorado fish. What kind of fish is Dorada Dorada crucian carp

The very fish that can often be found on fish counters is called “golden spar” or crucian carp, as well as small dolphin and small dorado in the language of science. But we are closer to dorado or dorado. The basis for the name (Port. "dorado", Spanish "dorada", French "daurade" - golden, golden) was the presence of a yellow strip between the eyes. This is a relatively small, by sea standards, commercial fish. However, record specimens can reach 17 kg with a body length of 70 cm. Habitat - Mediterranean Sea and East.

It is curious that the history of eating dorado for food has more than one millennium. So, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome were great connoisseurs of this fish, who even grew it in salt ponds. It remains an object of fish farming in our time. Fish farmers in Mediterranean countries, such as Spain, successfully continue the work of ancient Roman colleagues. But cunning Maltese jewelers in ancient times found another use for fish. They made rings with dorado fangs, passing them off as magical snake teeth.

The question often arises: dorado is a feminine noun or male? And here lies the most interesting. The fact is that the small (or small?) Dorado is a protandrous hermaphrodite. This rare phrase means that the body changes its sex during life. In dorado, this is expressed in the fact that until the age of 1-2 years, the individual has a male sex, and after that it becomes able to spawn. So the question of sex rests only on finding out the age of the fish.

However, do not confuse the Mediterranean dorado with another inhabitant of the tropical and subtropical parts of all oceans, although it is also a dorado. We are talking about a larger brother of the golden spar - tropical dorado, which the British call dolphin fish, the Italians lampuga, and in the countries of the Indian Ocean - mahi-mahi. Moreover, only males are called in mahi-mahi, and females are called "dorad". That's right, Dorad - this is not a typo.

Unlike its marine counterpart, mahi-mahi is not an object of commercial fishing with nets; rather, it is a coveted trophy object. The steep-browed individuals of this species reach 80 kg and have a length of up to 2 m. The world record is 87 kg. But average weight fluctuates between 10-15 kg, with a length of 1 meter. Lampuga is a schooling pelagic fish, that is, living in the water column and closer to the surface, so it can rarely be found in shallow water near the coast. It has an amazing blue-green-yellow color, quickly fading after death. The value in terms of fishing lies in its speed.

A swift swimmer and acrobat, the tropical dorado can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h over short distances, stubbornly resisting the fisherman and throwing themselves out of the water with dizzying candles. Mahi-mahi prefers flying fish to all other delicacies, which it attacks at the moment it falls into the water. You can take advantage of this by using rigs with real flying fish to catch him.

An interesting way to catch this fish is used by Japanese fishermen, using its manner of hiding under floating reeds and other debris. They deliberately scatter reed mats across the water, luring fish. , making his famous on "Kon-Tiki" routes of the ancient Polynesians, drew attention to the fact that throughout the campaign flocks of mahi-mahi were relentlessly near the reed raft. This observation served as an answer to the question about the nutrition of sailors during long voyages.

The varieties described above are still related species, they belong to the genus Corifen. But in fresh waters South America many, where there is another fish that has little in common with the previous ones. The locals call it the "river tiger". The huge head of this fish is 1/5 of the total size and is equipped with powerful jaws with sharp teeth.

The golden color of the scales of this tireless and furious predator determined its name. Incredibly, it is also tautologically called the golden dorado. In the Amazon basin, there is a whole culture of harvesting this fish, a favorite pastime for tourists. Like the great dolphin, the sea tiger is a pelagic predator, which determines the methods of catching it: fly fishing and spinning. It feeds on fish, amphibians and even small birds. Despite their relatively small size(world record - 25 kg), this dorado has such a monstrous resistance that special strength is required from gear.

But despite the differences, all sea doradas are united by one very positive common feature - their gastronomic attractiveness. This is the case when "the spool is neither small nor expensive."

/ September 3

Continuing the theme “Fish on our table”, we will get acquainted with the pearl of Mediterranean cuisine, a fish with a beautiful name - sea bream. Only yesterday only tourists from the Mediterranean and the East Atlantic, or visitors to expensive Russian restaurants, could enjoy its taste, but today we can buy chilled sea bream in an ordinary store...

Dorado or dorado(lat. Sparus aurata) - crucian carp, fish of the genus sparus (lat. Sparus). The Romanesque name of the fish (golden fish) comes from the golden strip between the eyes (d'oro - gold). It lives in the coastal waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Single individuals sometimes enter the Black Sea, but this happens extremely rarely. Juveniles stay near the shore, adults prefer deeper waters, 30 m and even 150 m during the breeding season.

There is some confusion with the name of this fish, firstly, crucian carp, a species of which is the gilthead, is much more common than the gilthead, some even call the gilthead golden spar, defining hallmark sea ​​bream - a gold mark. Secondly, dorada is called dorado (Mahi-Mahi, Dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus), a much larger fish, ubiquitous in tropical zone world ocean. Their only similarity is the peculiar structure of the head with a pronounced "forehead", giving a slightly haughty look to these fish.

There is confusion in the name of this fish, that's far from full list: Gilthead, Sea bream (English), Dorade royale (French), Goldbrasse (German), Orata (Italian), Dorada (Spanish). In Russian, it’s more correct, and even more harmonious, to call her - Dorada.

Not without a legend ... "Talisman of love" - ​​this is how dorado fish is often called in the Mediterranean countries. An old legend says that it was this inhabitant sea ​​depths the gods called to help lovers. And so that the fish does not forget about its purpose, the lord of the underwater kingdom himself painted a golden speck between the eyes of the sea bream. They say that those who are unlucky in love should touch this very spot with their index finger three times - and then they will certainly find their soul mate. But Italian chefs say that for complete happiness, it is best to simply treat the object of adoration with tender fragrant dorado meat (and it is advisable to catch the fish with your own hands).


Adults reach up to 70 cm in length and can weigh up to 3-5 kg. The body is oval, laterally flattened torso with a steep head profile, there is a distinct sharp protrusion above the eyes. The most noticeable sign is a wide golden ribbon (see the name!), between the eyes, after death it turns pale.

Large serrated scales, head also covered with scales. Gill cover without spines, edge of preoperculum smooth. Small lower mouth. The jaws are only slightly pushed forward, upper jaw somewhat longer. Both jaws have 4-6 strong fishing teeth in front, followed by sharp, crooked teeth, followed by two rows of chewing teeth. Vomer and palatine bones without teeth.

Long, undivided dorsal fin with 12 spiny rays and 9-11 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spiny rays and 8-9 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spiny ray and 5 soft rays. Colour, silver grey. Fins with a pink tint. Caudal fin with a dark border in the middle and white tips. At the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin there is a small, red-brown spot that disappears after death.

It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans and molluscs. It can also eat seaweed.


Dorada is a proteandry, that is, it is able to produce, at the expense of special sections of the ovary, first spermatozoa, and then eggs fertilized by these spermatozoa. All Dorados are born males and live like this for the first three years. In the fourth year they turn into females.

Dorada spawning time is the summer months. The eggs and larvae are in a swab. With a length of 5-9 mm, the larvae have a characteristic bony edge above the eyes and a spiny gill cover; only at a length of about 1.5 cm do they take on an adult form and move closer to the coast.


The ancient Romans were engaged in farming dorada, who built special pools and ponds for this purpose. sea ​​water. Currently, dorada breeding is widespread in France, Italy, Turkey, Greece and other countries. To make the fish really healthy, with tender meat and excellent taste, it is bred in exceptional conditions: indoors with special light that imitates a certain season. Dorada is found in the purest water and fed with special food. As a result of these efforts, dorado gets dense white meat, which has a delicate aroma. In view of such exceptional advantages, this fish is by no means cheap.

The popularity of the sea bream is growing rapidly, which annually increases the number of fish farms that grow this delicious fish. Dorada is usually presented in sizes from 300 to 600 grams, however, French producers can offer quite large fish - more than 1 kg. The most popular are 2 types of dorado: royal and silver / gray. The royal gilthead has a more delicate taste of meat, with a pinkish tint.


Dorada will be appreciated by lovers healthy lifestyle life and adherents of low-carbohydrate diets, since the sea bream contains an average of 1.8 grams of fat per 100 grams of fillet.

The nutritional value

(per 100g of product):

Water - 74.9 g

Calories - 96 kcal

Protein - 19.7 g

Fat content - 1.9 g

Omega-3 - 0.4 mg


Dorada is one of the most valuable fish in the Mediterranean countries and neighboring regions. Dorado can be cooked in absolutely any way, or even eaten raw, with any side dishes and almost any sauces. By the way, an interesting point, the taste of the sea bream is similar to the taste of the sea wolf (sea bass), so in most recipes these fish are interchangeable.

Dorada meat is slightly pink, after cooking it becomes white. The meat is juicy, but dense and very sweet, it has a delicate taste. The crucian carp is especially good when it is soaked in wine before cooking, as well as stuffed and baked. It can also be grilled. The fillet pieces are usually small, and the fish becomes much tastier when it is cooked whole (with or without the head) with the spine, especially since there are relatively few bones in the sea bream.

A small fish looks very nice, cooked whole, or stuffed, you can say this is the main dish from this fish, at least it is advised to start with it. Before frying, cuts must be made on the skin. They carry a functional load - thanks to them, the fish will not be deformed during cooking. During the frying process, liquid accumulates in the core of the fillet, due to which a mother-of-pearl shade appears on the cut. This is the ideal option, the optimal degree of readiness.

Dorada belongs to those fish that are very difficult to spoil with cooking, the only point is that you need to try not to overdry the meat. In addition, it is important to take into account the seasonality of the dorada catch, the most delicious fish is caught from July to November. It is best to cook chilled fish, or frozen, but not older than 4 days from the moment of catch. Although an adult sea bream can reach 70 cm, gourmets prefer small specimens, weighing 300-400 g. Of all the existing types of sauces, they are most suitable for her based on white wine, olive oil and lemon juice. Accompanying fish is also better with white, refreshing wine.

Overview of Russian imports of Dorada to Russia in the first quarter of 2010 and in 2009

Imports of fresh and chilled sea bream made a significant jump in the first quarter of 2010.

Q1 2010

The volume of imports of fresh and chilled sea bream in the first quarter of 2010 to Russia amounted to 366 tons, which is more than 5 times more than 69 tons in the first quarter of 2009. The cost of imports increased 4.5 times from 14.3 million rubles to 63.5 million rubles. The average import price in the first quarter of 2010 decreased by 17% from 205 rubles/kg to 173 rubles/kg.

The main volume of imports in the first quarter of 2010 came from three suppliers - Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. The volume of imports from Greece in 2010 jumped 121 times from 1.7 tons to 203 tons (for the whole of 2009, 320 tons were imported from Greece). Imports from Turkey also rose sharply to 134 tons, compared with 249 tons for the whole of 2009. The volume of imports from Cyprus decreased by 2.8 times from 62 tons to 22 tons.

Imports of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in the first quarter of 2010-2009 by country
Name Amount (rub) Net weight (kg)
2010 2009 2010 2009
GREECE 36504693,67 385527,86 202922 1680
Türkiye 20212555,72 134368
CYPRUS 5035365,59 12061188,07 21869 61740
TUNISIA 1116826,19 692,58 4793 3
FRANCE 574514,28 328272,28 2103 1572
SPAIN 34587,63 1463591,17 130 4560
MOROCCO 2683,26 26119,55 9 54
ITALY 13552,9 30

In the first quarter of 2010, the number of importers of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia increased significantly. Significantly increased the import of the company LLC "SK Ryba" - 132 tons, while for the whole of 2009 it imported 256 tons. The company "La Mare" in the first quarter of 2010 increased imports by 24 times from 4.6 tons to 110.6 tons.

However, the volume of imports of such a large supplier as Jetriko LLC decreased from 62 tons to 5.8 tons.

Importers of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in the first quarter of 2010-2009
Name Amount (rub) Net weight (kg)
2010 2009 2010 2009
LLC "SK FISH" 19840826,8 132318
OOO "LA MARE" 19732952,92 1489710,72 110655 4614
OOO BAKALEIA IMPORT 15134795,09 84996
RUSPRODIMPORT LLC 3009329,43 12570
STATUS 1 LLC 2069596,62 10120
OOO "JETRIKO" 1381051,06 12061880,65 5827 61743
FISHERIS LLC 1038290,14 385527,86 4780 1680
OOO GALATEA 521188,52 328272,28 1976 1572
SEAFOOD IMPORT LLC 274787,83 1142
INEXRESERVE LLC 205824,61 800
LLC "SONIKA" 188954,85 820
OOO PRIME FISH 83628,47 190
LLC "AKVISTO" 13552,9 30

year 2009

The volume of imports of fresh and chilled sea bream in 2009 to Russia amounted to 804 tons. The value of imports amounted to 157.6 million dollars. The average import price was 196 rubles/kg. It should be noted that the volume of sea bream imports to Russia for the first six months is at a stable level and in the second half of the year begins to increase with falling prices. This is due to the seasonality of the production of this fish in the main producing countries, as well as an increase in demand in Russia closer to the New Year.

Import of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in 2009
Month Customs status of the goods (Thousand rubles) Net weight (T) Average cost (Thousand rubles)
No data 101,911 0,41 248,563
January 4474,017 23,832 187,731
February 5045,035 23,601 213,764
March 4759,862 22,206 214,350
April 5006,633 24,226 206,664
May 5904,607 27,496 214,744
June 8638,491 37,009 233,416
July 16867,975 80,615 209,241
August 23387,084 115,848 201,877
September 18510,853 92,418 200,295
October 19729,608 102,33 192,804
November 19215,901 102,689 187,127
December 25950,95 151,456 171,343
Total: 157592,927 804,136 195,978

The largest supplier of gilthead bream to Russia in 2009 was Greece with 320 tons, followed by Turkey with 249 tons and Cyprus with 168 tons.

Import of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in 2009 by countries
Name Amount (rub) Net weight (kg)
GREECE 63466081,09 319748
Türkiye 40196091,67 248800
CYPRUS 36793794,4 167715
TUNISIA 10406129,96 45815
SPAIN 5917231,56 18810
FRANCE 700527,24 2987
MOROCCO 77021,35 133
PORTUGAL 21692,88 95
ITALY 14652,18 33

About 84% of the total imports of sea bream to Russia in 2009 came from three suppliers.”

2040140,9 7366 LLC "AKVISTO" 14652,18 33

Dorado recipes

Dorado fillet in ginger, mustard and honey sauce

Preparation: 30 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 8 dorado fillets NIREUS
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • Ground pink or black pepper

For sauce

  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, grated
  • 1 egg
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) olive oil

For the marinade

  • 6 tablespoon sunflower oil
  • 4 tablespoons sesame oil 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 5 spoons of soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons ginger, grated

Mix all marinade ingredients, dip into it fish fillet and leave to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature. At this time, mix all the sauce ingredients in a blender and carefully add the oil until a slightly thick consistency (like mayonnaise). Remove the fish fillet from the marinade and fry in a preheated pan, first from the skin side (for 3 minutes), then fry on the other side for 2 minutes. Arrange the dish on plates and pour over the sauce. Use basmati rice as a side dish.

Grilled sea bream with wine sauce

Preparation: 35 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 4 dorada NIREUS, scaled and entrails removed.
  • 3 lemons
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil

For wine sauce:

  • 250 ml (1 cup) white wine
  • 250 ml (1 cup) tarragon vinegar
  • 250 ml (1 cup) water
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2-4 green onion stalks, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons spicy mustard
  • 1 tablespoon cornmeal
  • 3 tablespoons fresh milk
  • 20 gr white pepper
  • coarse ground sea salt, freshly ground black pepper

Make 2 parallel oblique cuts on each side of the sea bream, salt and pepper inside and out. Cut 8 thin lemon slices and place them in the cuts. Marinate the fish in the zest and juice of the remaining lemons for 30 minutes at room temperature. Pour wine, vinegar, water, onion into a saucepan, white pepper, salt, pepper and cook until the liquid boils away by 2/3. Strain and squeeze out the solid ingredients so that they transfer their flavor and aroma to the broth. Add cornmeal mixed with milk, as well as mustard, then mix the sauce. Cook the fish in the "Grill" mode for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees C, pouring it with marinade from time to time. Serve immediately with wine sauce.

Maria Dobromyslova

In preparing the article, materials from the encyclopedia, were used, analytical data were provided by FISHNET LLC,, recipes were provided by La Mare LLC,

Dorado (golden spar, aurata) is a sea fish of the spar family that lives in the waters mediterranean sea, as well as in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. This is a relatively large fish, which reaches seventy centimeters in length and seventeen kilograms of weight. But small individuals go on sale, weighing from 300 grams to a kilogram, it is believed that the most delicious fish does not reach half a kilogram. This article is about the benefits and harms of dorado fish.

In addition to the natural habitat from which the golden spar is caught, it is actively grown in artificial conditions. The main countries of production of this valuable variety sea ​​fish are: Türkiye, Italy, Greece and Spain. This geography is explained by the fact that breeding dorado requires certain climatic conditions. In captivity, this fish eats special food that allows it to grow to the right size and be less susceptible to diseases. The full cycle of growing one individual is about a year and a half. Since the conditions of its maintenance are quite difficult, this cannot but affect its value.

Currently, the most popular types of dorado are: "gray" and "royal". The second type, whose name speaks for itself, is the most refined and delicious. The profile of the head of this fish is steep, and there are noticeable sharp protrusions above the eyes. Dorado, translated from Spanish means golden, this name went to the crucian carp, due to the presence of a golden strip between the eyes.

Although this type of fish is not a curiosity, it remains a delicacy. Dorado meat is white, with a pleasant and delicate aroma that distinguishes it from other representatives of waterfowl. The body of the "sea crucian" is covered with silvery scales, the correct oval shape. The mouth of the aura is lowered down, the upper part is noticeably larger than the lower one. Both jaws of this fish have 4 or 6 sharp teeth, behind which are two rows of chewing teeth.

Description of dorado fins

  • The tail fin of the dorado has a dark frame with white tips.
  • The back is quite long and has an indistinct number of spines and rays. Red-brown spot at the base of the last ray - distinguishing feature this type of fish.
  • The rear fin has three spines and 11 rays.
  • The pectoral has one spiny ray and 5 soft ones; this fin has a pinkish tint.

Vitamins and trace elements contained in dorado

The crucian carp is famous not only for its exquisite palatability, but also an impressive set of vitamins, trace elements and useful substances. The main substance that dorado is famous for is polyunsaturated acid (Omega-3). Also, this fish is rich in B vitamins, vitamin A and PP. The iodine content is one of the highest among marine fish.

100 grams of golden spar contains about 450 milligrams of potassium, 750 milligrams of vitamin B5 and slightly less vitamin B5. Dorado also contains a large number of phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and calcium. The composition of this fish is not deprived of such trace elements as zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, sulfur, iron and potassium. In combination with low calorie content and low levels of cholesterol and fats, this fish is an excellent, easily digestible product.

Advantages of dorado fish

  • A large amount of meat, with a minimum presence of bones. Unlike crucian carp, with which it is often compared, dorado has a greater actual weight, ready to eat, of the product. His “named brother” cannot boast of this.
  • Low calorie. A serving of fish contains very little fat, and even this small amount does not affect the figure, but benefits its consumer.
  • Dorado, almost 20% consists of pure and healthy protein, which is easily digestible.
  • Despite its “royal origin”, this fish gets along easily and goes well with any food. It can be cooked with just about anything.

Disadvantages of dorado fish

  • High price, which means inaccessibility to a wide range of consumers.
  • The presence of small bones does not allow introducing it into the children's diet.

Compared with the huge number of advantages that are inherent in the crucian carp, the disadvantages are not such a significant factor.

Useful properties of dorado

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular vascular system. They have the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. A deficiency of this component in the body can affect the immune and nervous systems, the state of the liver and joints, and can also lead to depression.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids are responsible for lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, forming an insoluble complex with the latter, preventing it from settling on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Potassium is essential for human body, trace element. Its main task is to normalize the work of nerve impulses, as well as supplying brain cells with oxygen and stimulating thought processes. Also, potassium contributes to the normalization blood pressure and strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Calcium is responsible for increasing skeletal mass and preventing bone fragility.
  • Iodine is an essential element for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  • The iron contained in dorado is necessary to supply the cells of the human body with oxygen, and is also involved in the formation of lymphocytes and erythrocytes. Iron is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, physical development and growth.
  • Zinc is involved in most processes occurring in the human body. This trace element is indispensable for the formation of a strong immune system, growth and development. Zinc also directly affects the production of insulin, and is also responsible for the full functioning of the male reproductive system.
  • Manganese helps all vitamins and trace elements to be better absorbed in the body. Besides this, thiscomponent is required for normal operation nervous system, as well as to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Manganese is the prevention of diabetes.
  • Phosphorus and vitamin PP have a positive effect on mental abilities.

Contraindications to the use of dorado

There are no special and categorical contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to any component. It should also be remembered that this fish is of exotic origin and may be unusual for the body of a Russian resident. It is necessary to introduce it into your diet, extremely carefully, since risks are not excluded. allergic reaction. This is especially true for people prone to food allergies.

Small children and the elderly should not eat this fish or do so with extreme caution due to the presence of small bones. It is better to twist the dorado in a meat grinder and cook cutlets.

Despite all the undeniable advantages of this fish, you should not abuse its quantity. An excess of vitamins or trace elements can cause no less harm than their lack.

Dorado is kept in the purest water and fed with special food. As a result of these efforts, dorado gets dense white meat, which has a delicate aroma. In view of such exceptional advantages, this fish is by no means one of the cheapest. The popularity of the sea bream is growing rapidly, which annually increases the number of fish farms that grow this delicious fish. Dorada is usually presented in sizes from 300 to 600 grams, however, French producers can offer quite large fish - more than 1 kg. The most popular are 2 types of dorado: Royal and gray. The royal gilthead has a more delicate taste of meat, with a pinkish tint.

Dorado will be appreciated by lovers of a healthy lifestyle and adherents of low-carbohydrate diets, as dorado contains an average of 1.8 grams of fat per 100 grams of fillet.

Dorada meat is dietary - it is completely lean, but rich in protein (100 g of the product contains 21 g of protein and only 8.5 g of fat). In cooking, these fish are almost universal. The Greeks are most fond of cooking them on the grill, preferring the natural taste and marine aroma of the product to the “abstract” smell of spices, marinade and other ingredients.

You can cook dorado in all possible ways - this fish perfectly retains its unique delicate taste. It turns out great on the grill, baked in salt and in the oven. On the stove, it is desirable to cook it in sauce to achieve juiciness. The classic blend of olive oil, dry white pepperoncino wine and garlic will give the fish a wonderful taste. You can add olives, tomatoes, artichokes and capers. I recommend putting herbs in the abdomen, for example, sage, rosemary and basil.

Dorada goes well with vegetables and potatoes. Surprisingly tasty is fish cooked in a potato crust (we cover the carcass with finely grated raw potatoes and baked in the oven with the addition of olive oil). Vegetables can be baked simultaneously with fish in a gravy medium, and also served as a separate side dish, steamed or grilled.

A good addition to sea bream and sea bass is a sauce based on fish broth with the addition of vegetables and olive oil.

Dorado or crucian carp (bream) is a fish of the spar family, which is caught mainly in the Mediterranean, a small part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean.

This is a fairly large fish with a forked tail and a long fin on the back. It has beautiful blue scales with a green or yellow tint. Dorado meat has been valued since ancient times. In ancient Rome and Greece, they even came up with a way to artificial cultivation in backwaters and seawater basins, which is still used today.

Useful properties of dorado

The benefits of dorado were recognized in antiquity, because its meat is not fatty and rich in vitamins and microelements.

According to doctors, such fish is great for any diet. By eating it 2-3 times a week, you can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, the likelihood of a heart attack, as well as normalize cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

It contains boron, iron, fluorine, lithium, iodine, copper, manganese and many other elements that are needed for the full functioning of the thyroid gland.

Dorado's low calorie content (96 kcal), high protein content (20 g per 100 g of product) and the absence of carbohydrates make it ideal for diabetics and healthy eaters.

Contraindications to the use of sea bass

Fish is brought to Russian counters from afar, so you need to carefully monitor that the meat is elastic, even in color, and the head and tail do not sag if you keep the fish on weight.

You should not allow small children to eat it on their own. small bones are found in the pulp.

Some people have intolerance to this family of fish, so allergy sufferers need to be careful.

Features of cooking dorado

The dense pinkish meat of this fish is considered a delicacy. Its delicate aroma, sweetish aftertaste and low bones make it an excellent main dish.

When choosing, be guided by the length (25-40 cm) and breed: silver and royal individuals are considered the most delicious. Note that a dead fish will lose color, so it should just be gray and shiny.

Cooking it is very easy and fast. It is extremely important to keep track of time:

  • In the oven, dorado comes in 5-10 minutes, depending on the temperature;
  • For a couple about 15 minutes;
  • Grill and fry for up to 2 minutes over high heat, until a pearlescent shade is visible on the cut.

Such an exquisite seafood product is best combined with oil sauces with lemon juice, white wine or grated olives with tomato. And as a side dish, shoots of boiled asparagus, long and brown rice, as well as vegetables are suitable.

Garlic olive oil sauce works well. The abdomen can be stuffed with sage, rosemary or basil.

In Spanish and Maltese restaurants, it is customary to bake the whole dorado, covering it with salt. This allows you to keep the juiciness and fragrant meat. The Greeks, on the other hand, believe that it is most important to preserve the marine aroma of dorado fish, so they quickly fry it on a hot grill and serve it with dry white wines.

About another delicious and useful fish, salmon, can be read in our website.

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