Dorado river or sea. Dorado fish - benefits and harm

1. General description of Dorado fish

The most common fish names are Dorada (not to be confused with Dorado): Golden Spar, Aurata, Sea Carp, Sea Bream (Latin: Sparus aurata). Hebrew: דניס (denees), צ’יפורה.

The body is oval. The body is flattened laterally, with a steep profile of the head; there is a distinct sharp protrusion above the eyes. The scales are large and jagged, and the head is also covered with scales. The operculum is without spines, the edge of the operculum is smooth. The head is more than 2 times the diameter of the eyes.

The mouth is small with thick lips located at the bottom of the head. The jaws move forward only a little, upper jaw somewhat longer. Both jaws have 4-6 strong teeth at the front for catching prey, followed by a row of crooked but sharp teeth, followed by two rows of chewing teeth. Vomer and palatine bones without teeth.

Long, undivided dorsal fin, with 11 spiny and 13-14 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spiny and 11-12 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spiny ray and 5 soft rays.

The color is silver-gray. Fins with a pink tint. The caudal fin has a dark border in the middle and white tips. At the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin there is a small red-brown spot that disappears after death.

2. Distribution and habitats of sea crucian carp

The dorada fish lives in the salt water of the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Great Britain to Senegal and throughout. Cases have been recorded of sea crucian carp being caught in the waters of the Black Sea. Since 2000, cases of detection of sea crucian carp in the Black Sea have become significantly more frequent.

Born in October-December in the open sea, young Dorada individuals move towards coastal waters rich in food closer to early spring. There they can often be found in lagoons and even in marine estuaries of brackish water rivers. At the end of autumn, having fattened up, the sea crucian returns to the open sea.

In the open sea, sea bream or seabream is most often found on a rocky bottom with vegetation, but this fish is just as often caught on a sandy bottom. Young Dorada individuals prefer depths of up to 30 m, while older individuals live at an average depth of 50 m. There are cases when large individuals were caught at a depth of about 150 m.

3. Age and size of Dorado fish

According to " International Association Sports Fishing" (IGFA - the record for catching Dorado fish was recorded in 2001 at Fort Lauderdale in the USA. The caught fish sample weighed 17.2 kg. The maximum recorded length is 70 cm. The average size fish about 35 cm. Maximum lifespan is about 10-11 years.

Angler: Mr, Miquel-Angel Collell Urbano, SPAIN.

Juveniles of Dorada up to 35 cm usually live in shallow waters up to 30 meters. Older representatives from 35 cm can live at depths of over 30 meters. The largest individuals can descend to depths of up to 150 m.

4. Lifestyle of the fish Sparus aurata

Dorada fish or sea crucian lead a sessile, bottom-dwelling lifestyle. They are found both alone and in small flocks. The most favorable climate for life is subtropical with water temperatures up to 26 °C.

4.1 Reproduction - time and characteristics of spawning

Dorada fish is a hermaphrodite. All fish born are male. Then, after reaching an age of more than 2 years, they turn into women. Puberty in men occurs between 1 and 2 years with a fish size of 20-30 cm, and in women between the ages of 2 and 3 years with a size of 33-40 cm.

4.2 Diet – what does Dorada eat?

Dorada fish (sea crucian) are mainly carnivorous, but if there is a shortage of food, they can supplement their diet with plant foods. The main sources of food are: shellfish (mussels, oysters, which it can easily crush with its powerful jaws), crustaceans (small crustaceans), fish, sea worms, and, if necessary, seaweed.

5. Catching Dorad. How, what and when to fish Dorada (denis) in the Mediterranean Sea

The section requires significant revision and addition. If you have something to say on this issue, do not be lazy, share information with us in the comments, and I will be happy to add it to the article, leaving you the authorship.

For lovers of fishing sea ​​waters We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed information about the Mediterranean Sea, its weather conditions, relief, water temperature, water currents and inhabitants -

5.1. Biting calendar - when the Dorado fish bites

In the Mediterranean Sea, Dorada fish begin to bite from April to December inclusive.

5.2. What gear to use for catching sea crucian carp

Any bottom gear is suitable for catching Dorad.

5.3. Baits for catching Dorado

On this moment no information on this issue. If you have information about what baits are used and how they are used when catching sea crucian carp, I would be very grateful if you share this information in the comments.

5.4. What baits and baits to fish Dorada (Denis)

To catch Dorado fish, bait of animal origin is most often used. Below are the baits with which I personally managed to catch Dorada in the Mediterranean Sea.

  1. cinnamon

There is information, but not personally verified, that Dorada fish are caught using the following baits.

Dorado or sea crucian (bream) is a fish of the spar family, which is caught primarily in the Mediterranean, a small part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean.

This is a fairly large fish with a forked tail and a long fin on the back. It has beautiful blue scales with a green or yellow tint. Sea bream meat has been valued since ancient times. In Ancient Rome and Greece they even came up with a way to artificial cultivation in creeks and pools with sea ​​water, which is still used today.

Useful properties of dorado

The benefits of dorado were recognized in ancient times, because its meat is not fatty and rich in vitamins and microelements.

According to doctors, such fish is excellent for any diet. Eating it 2-3 times a week can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, the likelihood of a heart attack, and also normalize cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

It contains boron, iron, fluorine, lithium, iodine, copper, manganese and many other elements that are necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland.

The low calorie content of dorado (96 kcal), high protein content (20 g per 100 g of product) and the absence of carbohydrates make it ideal for diabetics and adherents of a healthy diet.

Contraindications for eating sea bass

Fish is brought to Russian shelves from afar, so you need to carefully ensure that the meat is elastic, even in color, and that the head and tail do not sag if the fish is held suspended.

You should not allow small children to eat it on their own because... There are small bones in the pulp.

Some people are intolerant to this family of fish, so allergy sufferers need to be careful.

Features of cooking dorado

The dense pinkish meat of this fish is considered a delicacy. Its subtle aroma, sweetish taste and low bone count make it an excellent main dish.

When choosing, focus on the length (25-40 cm) and breed: silver and royal individuals are considered the most delicious. Please note that dead fish lose color, so it should just be gray and shiny.

It is very easy and quick to prepare. It is extremely important to keep track of time:

  • In the oven, the dorado takes 5-10 minutes depending on the temperature;
  • Steam for about 15 minutes;
  • Grill and fry for up to 2 minutes over high heat until a pearlescent hue is visible on the cut.

This exquisite seafood product goes best with sauces made from butter with lemon juice, white wine or olives grated with tomato. Boiled asparagus shoots, long and brown rice, as well as vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

Sauce from olive oil with garlic. The belly can be stuffed with sage, rosemary or basil.

In Spanish and Maltese restaurants it is customary to bake the whole dorado, covering it with salt. This allows you to preserve the juiciness and aroma of the meat. The Greeks believe that the most important thing is to preserve the sea aroma of dorado fish, so they quickly fry it on a hot grill and serve it with dry white wines.

About another tasty and healthy fish, salmon, can be read on our website.

In contact with

Often, fish used in cooking, in addition to its high taste, also has beneficial properties. This type of product is the dorado fish (sometimes pronounced “dorada”), which has been eaten by the peoples of the Mediterranean for centuries. The benefits of this seafood and how to prepare it will be discussed in this publication.

What it looks like and where it is found

Dorado (Sparus aurata) also has other names - golden spar and sea bream. It belongs to the Sparov family and the Spara clan.

The maximum officially registered size of an individual is 70 cm in length with a weight of 17 kg, but specimens of much smaller size and weight, on average 400–500 grams, are usually available for sale.

The body of this fish is oval, flattened laterally, the jaws are slightly pushed forward and are equipped with strong teeth. The dorsal fin has spiny rays.

The color of the scales is silver, the fins have a pinkish tint, and there is a golden stripe between the eyes. There is a brown spot on the tail that disappears after the fish dies. Life expectancy reaches 11 years.

Did you know? The name of this fish comes from the Spanish word dorado, which can be translated as “golden” or “gilded.” It received this name because of the characteristic golden marking between the eyes. The ancient Greeks believed that this mark was left by the goddess of love Aphrodite. In this regard, there is a belief that if a person in love touches this mark three times, then his chosen one or chosen one will definitely reciprocate.

This species lives in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean - off the coast of North Africa, Spain, France, and the British Isles. Since the late 90s of the last century, small flocks and single individuals have appeared off the coast of Crimea, mainly in the Balaklava area.

Composition and calorie content

This fish is a low calorie product. This figure may fluctuate somewhat, but usually it does not exceed 96 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The same amount of fish fillet contains:

  • proteins - 19.0 g;
  • fat - 2.0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

The composition of vitamins in dorado fillet is as follows (per 100 g of product):

  • retinol (vitamin A) - 53 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 20 mcg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 70 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.76 mg;
  • adermin (B6) - 0.4 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 6 mcg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP or B3) - 6.1 mg.

In addition, the product contains various microelements in abundance, namely (per 100 g of fillet):

  • potassium - 417 mg;
  • phosphorus - 144 mg;
  • sodium - 88 mg;
  • magnesium - 31 mg;
  • calcium - 16 mg;
  • iron - 0.9 mg;
  • iodine - 65 mcg.

Benefits and harms

Like any food product, dorado meat has both beneficial and harmful properties. Let's take a closer look at the positive and negative qualities of this fish.

Important! Low fat and no carbohydrates, and high taste qualities determined the popularity of dorado as a light and healthy dietary food. It is especially appreciated by lovers of various diets for weight loss or weight control.

Beneficial features

Beneficial features The benefits of this seafood can be fully realized if it is fresh and consumed regularly, approximately two to three times a week.

In this case, the following positive effects may be observed:

  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improvement of the digestion process;
  • normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • stimulating brain function and improving the functioning of the nervous system.

Harmful properties

There are very few contraindications to consuming dorado; it is not without reason that it is classified as a dietary product.

The following can be noted:

  • individual intolerance to sea fish, which manifests itself in the form of various allergic reactions;
  • the presence of small bones - this can harm small children.

Is it possible for dorado

As mentioned above, dorado meat is dietary. However, there are situations when even dietary foods need to be consumed with caution. Let us take a closer look at the possibility or impossibility of consuming this seafood in some specific situations.

During pregnancy

During this period, this product is recommended to be consumed, unless, of course, there is individual intolerance. Set of vitamins, microelements and others useful substances contributes to both the normal development of the fetus and the support of the mother’s body.
It is important that it does not contain certain substances that can be dangerous during pregnancy, for example, mercury, which accumulates in tuna or mackerel. Dishes from steamed, stewed, baked fish are allowed. It is recommended to exclude fried or grilled fish from the diet.

When breastfeeding

After the birth of the baby, in the first month of his life, it is advisable for the mother to eat it only steamed, with a small amount of salt. It is recommended to start with small portions and also take a closer look at the child’s reaction.

If within 24 hours after consumption he does not experience bloating, colic, allergic reaction, then this product can be safely introduced into the diet.

For pancreatitis

People suffering from this disease need a source of animal protein that is easily absorbed by the body and contains a large number of amino acids. The dorado has all these qualities.

The meat of this fish contains a lot of macro- and microelements (potassium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.), as well as essential fat-soluble vitamins, which are often insufficient in other dietary foods. In addition, it belongs to the category of seafood with minimal fat content (less than 1%).

If you have pancreatitis, this product should be taken regularly, preferably at least twice a week, to enrich the body with the necessary protein. In addition, it qualitatively diversifies the patient’s menu, which has a positive effect on his psychological mood.

When losing weight

Dorado can be safely included in a weight loss diet.

The minimum amount of fat, the absence of carbohydrates in meat with maximum saturation of proteins and microelements, as well as excellent taste - all this makes it easier for an overweight person to tolerate dietary restrictions, which is very important for overall health.
In addition, this seafood goes well with vegetables, and when preparing it you can do without spices, which is important for diets.

How to cook dorado in the oven: the simplest recipe

This fish can be baked, fried, stewed, grilled, combined with various sauces and vegetables - there are a lot of recipes. Signs of freshness include clean red gills and moist fins and tail.

Most often, carcasses weighing 400–500 grams are used; they are usually cooked whole, along with heads, tails and fins. As an example, let’s look at one simple recipe for cooking dorado in the oven.

Important! The taste of dorado is similar to the taste of sea bass (also known as sea bass or sea pike perch), so sea bass recipes are suitable for this fish and vice versa. As for alcoholic drinks, only dry white wine is served with the prepared dish.

Required Ingredients

For cooking of this dish The following ingredients are used:

  • whole dorado carcasses - 4 pcs.;
  • salt, ground black pepper, fish seasoning - to taste (you can get by with just salt);
  • olive oil - one tablespoon.

For ease of cooking, it is advisable to have a special silicone brush that can be used to grease baking sheets and fish carcasses with oil.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

The sequence of actions when preparing a dish is as follows:

  1. We clean and gut the fish carcasses.
  2. Rub their sides, as well as the inside, with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasoning. We prepare the mixture directly on the carcass - first we salt it, then we pepper it, then we add seasoning and lightly rub the resulting mixture with our hands.
  3. Leave the prepared carcasses for an hour.
  4. Add olive oil to the bottom of a baking sheet or suitable container and spread it evenly over the bottom.
  5. We also put fish carcasses there.
  6. Place the container with the fish in an oven preheated to approximately +180 °C and keep it there for about 40 minutes.
  7. Remove the container with fish carcasses from the oven and, using a silicone brush, grease the carcasses on one side with the mixture of fish juice and olive oil that has accumulated in the container.
  8. The container with the carcasses is placed in the oven again, this time for 5 minutes.
  9. Serve the prepared dish on the table with tomatoes and herbs.

As we see, the dorado is dietary product with a lot of useful properties and great taste.

Did you know? On the island of Malta, local artisans insert dorado teeth into rings, bracelets and other jewelry and amulets. It is believed that the fang-like teeth of this fish have magical properties and protect people from evil spirits. Sometimes dealers in esoteric products pass off these teeth as snake teeth.

There are practically no contraindications to its use, except perhaps individual intolerance. This seafood can be recommended to everyone, including children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

/ September 3

Continuing the theme “Fish on our table” we will get acquainted with the pearl of Mediterranean cuisine, a fish with a beautiful name - bream. Just yesterday, only tourists from the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic, or visitors to expensive Russian restaurants, could enjoy its taste, but today we can buy chilled sea bream in an ordinary store...

Dorada or dorado(lat. Sparus aurata) - sea crucian carp, fish of the genus sparus (lat. Sparus). The Roman name for the fish (golden fish) comes from the golden stripe located between the eyes (d’oro - gold). It lives in the coastal waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Single individuals sometimes enter the Black Sea, but this happens extremely rarely. Young animals stay near the shore, adults prefer deeper waters, 30 m and even 150 m during the breeding season.

There is some confusion with the name of this fish, firstly, sea crucian carp, a variety of which is sea bream, is much more common than sea bream, some even call it sea bream Golden spar, defining hallmark sea ​​bream - a gold mark. Secondly, sea bream is the name given to coryphaena (Mahi-Mahi, Dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus), a much larger fish, ubiquitous in tropical zone world ocean. Their only similarity is the peculiar structure of the head with a pronounced “forehead”, giving these fish a slightly arrogant appearance.

There is confusion in the name of this fish, but it is far from full list: Dorada, Dorado, Sea bream, Sea bream, Golden spar, Sparus aurata (Latin), Gilthead, Sea bream (English), Dorade royale (French), Goldbrasse (German), Orata (Italian), Dorada (Spanish). In Russian it is more correct and more harmonious to call her Dorada.

There was also a legend... “Talisman of love” - this is how the dorado fish is often called in the Mediterranean countries. An ancient legend says that it was this inhabitant depths of the sea the gods called to help lovers. And so that the fish would not forget about its purpose, the ruler of the underwater kingdom himself drew a golden spot between the eyes of the sea bream. They say that those who are unlucky in love should touch this spot with their index finger three times - and then they will certainly find their soul mate. But Italian chefs claim that for complete happiness it is best to simply treat the object of adoration to tender, aromatic dorado meat (and it is advisable to catch the fish with your own hands).


Adults reach up to 70 cm in length and can weigh up to 3-5 kg. The body is oval, the body is flattened laterally with a steep profile of the head, there is a distinct sharp protrusion above the eyes. The most noticeable sign is a wide golden band (see name!) between the eyes, which turns pale after death.

Large jagged scales, the head is also covered with scales. The operculum is without spines, the edge of the operculum is smooth. Small lower mouth. The jaws move forward only slightly, the upper jaw is somewhat longer. Both jaws have 4-6 strong teeth in front for catching, followed by sharp, gnarled teeth, followed by two rows of chewing teeth. Vomer and palatine bones without teeth.

Long, undivided dorsal fin, with 12 spiny rays and 9-11 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spiny rays and 8-9 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spiny ray and 5 soft rays. Color, silver-gray. Fins with a pink tint. The caudal fin has a dark border in the middle and white tips. At the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin there is a small, red-brown spot that disappears after death.

It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Can also eat seaweed.


The dorada is proteandry, that is, it is capable of producing, through special sections of the ovary, first sperm, and then eggs fertilized by these sperm. All sea breams are born males and live this way for the first three years. In the fourth year they turn into females.

Spawning time for sea bream is the summer months. The eggs and larvae are in the tampon. With a length of 5-9 mm, the larvae have a characteristic bony edge above the eyes and a spiny gill cover; Only when they are about 1.5 cm long do they take on an adult form and move closer to the coast.


The ancient Romans were engaged in farm cultivation of sea bream, who built special pools and ponds with sea water for this purpose. Currently, sea bream breeding has become widespread in France, Italy, Turkey, Greece and other countries. In order for the fish to be truly healthy, with tender meat and excellent taste, it is bred in exceptional conditions: indoors with special light that simulates a certain time of year. Dorado is kept in the purest water and fed with special food. As a result of these efforts, dorado receives dense white meat that has a delicate aroma. Due to such exceptional benefits, this fish is by no means cheap.

The popularity of sea bream is growing rapidly, which annually increases the number of fish farms raising this delicious fish. Typically, sea bream comes in sizes from 300 to 600 grams, but French producers can offer fairly large fish - more than 1 kg. The most popular are 2 types of sea bream: royal and silver/gray. Royal dorada has a more delicate taste of meat, with a pinkish tint.


Dorada will be appreciated by fans healthy image life and adherents of low-carbohydrate diets, since sea bream on average contains 1.8 grams of fat per 100 grams of fillet.

The nutritional value

(per 100g of product):

Water - 74.9 g

Calories - 96 kcal

Protein - 19.7 g

Fat content - 1.9 g

Omega-3 - 0.4 mg


Dorado is one of the most valuable fish in the Mediterranean countries and neighboring regions. You can cook dorada in absolutely any way or even eat it raw, with any side dishes and almost any sauces. By the way, an interesting point: the taste of sea bream is similar to the taste of sea bass, so in most recipes these fish are interchangeable.

Sea bream meat is slightly pink, but after cooking it turns white. The meat is juicy, but dense and very sweet, with a delicate taste. Sea crucian is especially good when it is soaked in wine before cooking, as well as when stuffed and baked. It can also be grilled. The fillet pieces are usually small, and the fish becomes much tastier when it is cooked whole (with or without the head) with the spine included, especially since there are relatively few bones in sea bream.

A small fish, cooked whole or stuffed, looks very beautiful; one might say this is the main dish of this fish, at least it is recommended to start with it. Before frying, you need to make cuts on the skin. They carry a functional load - thanks to them the fish will not be deformed during cooking. During the frying process, liquid accumulates in the core of the fillet, causing a pearlescent tint to appear on the cut. This is the ideal option, the optimal degree of readiness.

Dorada is one of those fish that is very difficult to spoil by cooking, the only point is to try not to dry out the meat. In addition, it is important to take into account the seasonality of sea bream fishing, the most delicious fish caught from July to November. It is best to cook chilled or frozen fish, but not older than 4 days from the date of catch. Although an adult sea bream can reach 70 cm, gourmets prefer small specimens weighing 300-400 g. Of all the existing types of sauces, those made with white wine, olive oil and lemon juice are most suitable for it. It is also better to accompany the fish with white, refreshing wine.

Review of Russian imports of sea bream into Russia in the first quarter of 2010 and in 2009

Imports of fresh and chilled sea bream in the first quarter of 2010 made a significant jump.

1st quarter 2010

The volume of imports of fresh and chilled sea bream in the first quarter of 2010 to Russia amounted to 366 tons, which is more than 5 times more than 69 tons in the first quarter of 2009. The value of imports increased 4.5 times from 14.3 million rubles to 63.5 million rubles. The average import price in the first quarter of 2010 decreased by 17% from 205 rubles/kg to 173 rubles/kg.

The main volume of imports in the first quarter of 2010 came from three suppliers - Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. The volume of imports from Greece in 2010 jumped 121 times from 1.7 tons to 203 tons (for the whole of 2009, 320 tons were imported from Greece). Imports from Turkey also rose sharply to 134 tonnes, up from 249 tonnes imported from that country in all of 2009. The volume of imports from Cyprus decreased by 2.8 times from 62 tons to 22 tons.

Import of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in the first quarter of 2010-2009 by country
Name Amount (RUB) Net weight (kg)
2010 2009 2010 2009
GREECE 36504693,67 385527,86 202922 1680
Türkiye 20212555,72 134368
CYPRUS 5035365,59 12061188,07 21869 61740
TUNISIA 1116826,19 692,58 4793 3
FRANCE 574514,28 328272,28 2103 1572
SPAIN 34587,63 1463591,17 130 4560
MOROCCO 2683,26 26119,55 9 54
ITALY 13552,9 30

In the first quarter of 2010, the number of importers of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia increased significantly. The company "SK Fish" LLC significantly increased imports - 132 tons, while for the whole of 2009 it imported 256 tons. The La Mare company in the first quarter of 2010 increased imports 24 times from 4.6 tons to 110.6 tons.

However, the volume of imports from such a large supplier as Jetrico LLC decreased from 62 tons to 5.8 tons.

Importers of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in the first quarter of 2010-2009
Name Amount (RUB) Net weight (kg)
2010 2009 2010 2009
SK RYBA LLC 19840826,8 132318
LLC "LA MARE" 19732952,92 1489710,72 110655 4614
LLC "GROCERY IMPORT" 15134795,09 84996
RUSPRODIMPORT LLC 3009329,43 12570
STATUS 1 LLC 2069596,62 10120
JETRICO LLC 1381051,06 12061880,65 5827 61743
FISHERIS LLC 1038290,14 385527,86 4780 1680
GALATEA LLC 521188,52 328272,28 1976 1572
SEAFOOD IMPORT LLC 274787,83 1142
INEXRESERVE LLC 205824,61 800
LLC "SONIKA" 188954,85 820
PRIME FISH LLC 83628,47 190
AKVISTO LLC 13552,9 30

year 2009

The volume of imports of fresh and chilled sea bream in 2009 to Russia amounted to 804 tons. The cost of imports amounted to 157.6 million dollars. The average import price was 196 rubles/kg. It is worth noting that the volume of imports of sea bream into Russia is at a stable level for the first six months and begins to increase in the second half of the year with falling prices. This is due to the seasonality of the production of this fish in the main producing countries, as well as an increase in demand in Russia closer to the New Year.

Import of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in 2009
Month Customs status of goods (Thousand rubles) Net weight (T) Average cost (Thousand rubles)
No data 101,911 0,41 248,563
January 4474,017 23,832 187,731
February 5045,035 23,601 213,764
March 4759,862 22,206 214,350
April 5006,633 24,226 206,664
May 5904,607 27,496 214,744
June 8638,491 37,009 233,416
July 16867,975 80,615 209,241
August 23387,084 115,848 201,877
September 18510,853 92,418 200,295
October 19729,608 102,33 192,804
November 19215,901 102,689 187,127
December 25950,95 151,456 171,343
Total: 157592,927 804,136 195,978

The largest supplier of sea bream to Russia in 2009 was Greece with a volume of 320 tons, followed by Turkey with 249 tons and Cyprus with 168 tons.

Import of fresh and chilled sea bream to Russia in 2009 by country
Name Amount (RUB) Net weight (kg)
GREECE 63466081,09 319748
Türkiye 40196091,67 248800
CYPRUS 36793794,4 167715
TUNISIA 10406129,96 45815
SPAIN 5917231,56 18810
FRANCE 700527,24 2987
MOROCCO 77021,35 133
PORTUGAL 21692,88 95
ITALY 14652,18 33

About 84% of the total import of sea bream to Russia in 2009 came from three suppliers.”

2040140,9 7366 AKVISTO LLC 14652,18 33

Dorado recipes

Sea bream fillet in ginger, mustard and honey sauce

Prep: 30 minutes, cook time: 20 minutes

Ingredients (makes 4 servings):

  • 8 pieces of bream fillet NIREUS
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • Ground pink or black pepper

For the sauce

  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, grated
  • 1 egg
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) olive oil

For the marinade

  • 6 spoon of sunflower oil
  • 4 tablespoons sesame oil 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 5 spoons of soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons ginger, grated

Mix all marinade ingredients and dip into it fish fillet, and leave to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature. At this time, mix all the sauce ingredients in a blender and carefully add the oil until it reaches a slightly thick consistency (like mayonnaise). Remove the fish fillet from the marinade and fry in a preheated frying pan, first on the skin side (for 3 minutes), then fry on the other side for 2 minutes. Place the dish on plates and pour over the sauce. Use Basmati rice as a side dish.

Grilled dorada with wine sauce

Prep: 35 minutes, cook time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 4 pieces of dorada NIREUS, cleaned of scales and entrails.
  • 3 lemons
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil

For the wine sauce:

  • 250 ml (1 glass) white wine
  • 250 ml (1 cup) tarragon vinegar
  • 250 ml (1 cup) water
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2-4 stalks green onions, finely chopped
  • 2 spoons hot mustard
  • 1 tablespoon corn flour
  • 3 spoons of fresh milk
  • 20 g white pepper
  • coarsely ground sea salt, freshly ground black pepper

Make 2 parallel oblique cuts on each side of the sea bream, salt and pepper inside and out. Cut 8 thin slices of lemon and place them on the cuts. Marinate the fish in the zest and juice of the remaining lemons for 30 minutes at room temperature. Pour wine, vinegar, water, onion into a saucepan, white pepper, salt, pepper and cook until the liquid has evaporated by 2/3. Strain and squeeze out the solid ingredients so that they impart their flavor and aroma to the broth. Add cornmeal mixed with milk, as well as mustard, then stir the sauce. Cook the fish in the “Grill” mode for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees C, pouring marinade over it from time to time. Serve immediately with wine sauce.

Maria Dobromyslova

When preparing the article, materials from the encyclopedia, were used, analytical data was provided by FISHNET LLC,, recipes were provided by La Mare LLC,

Sea crucian carp, belonging to the genus Sparus, has many names: golden spar, sea bream, aurata. Almost all names mention one of the main features of this fish - the presence of a golden stripe, which is located between the eyes. The habitat of the golden spar includes the entire Mediterranean Sea, eastern part Atlantic and in some cases it is found in the Black Sea, but such cases cannot be called frequent. Adults prefer deep waters, while young animals prefer shallow coastal waters.

Appearance of Dorado fish

Sea bass is a fairly large fish. The length of its body can reach seventy centimeters and its weight seventeen kilograms.
The body of the sea bream has an oval shape and a steep head profile. Above the eyes you can see a sharp protrusion of jagged scales. There are no spines on the gill cover; its edge is smooth. This fish has a lower mouth, which indicates that it feeds on bottom-dwelling organisms. The jaws move forward slightly, with the upper one slightly longer than the lower one.

The dorsal fin is long and undivided. The caudal fin has a dark border and light ends. The general body color of the spar is silver, and the fins have a pinkish tint.

Features of life

Dorada feeds on fish, mollusks and crustaceans, and seaweed. In captivity, she is fed with special granulated food.
Golden spars breed from October to November, when they spawn. Sexual distribution is typical for species with protandric hermaphroditism. Juveniles are males in the first two years of life, then become females as they mature.

Sea breams are objects of farm breeding. This fish was familiar to people already in Ancient world. The ancient Romans valued the meat of sea bream and fattened it in special pools. Breeding and husbandry techniques developed in the Middle Ages and later. The method of growing in captivity is still actively used today.

Properties of Dorada meat and its preparation

For the maintenance of sea bream they use especially clean water. They feed her special food. All tricks allow you to get meat white, dense and with a subtle aroma. All these aspects do not make the cost lower, but the popularity of sea bream meat is increasing.
Sea bream meat is low-calorie - the calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is only ninety-six kilocalories. The same amount of meat contains less than two grams of fat.

This fish is prepared in the most different ways. The most commonly used methods are baking or grilling. If you cook this fish on the stove, you should use sauce to make the meat juicier. Low fat content leads to excessive drying. The classic sauce consists of dry white wine, olive oil and garlic.

Sea bream meat goes well with vegetables. It can be baked in a potato crust or served separately as baked, fried, or stewed vegetables.

Cutting Dorado fish - Video

Golden Dorado

Despite the name, it has nothing to do with the sea fish of the same name. It belongs to the characins and is rather a relative of the African tiger fish. And it got its name from the legendary El Dorado, by association with its gold.
