Diseases of peppers in seedlings are pimples and curl. Diseases of seedlings of peppers and their treatment: white spots, twisted leaves, pimples, etc.

Getting a big harvest of beautiful peppers is the dream of every gardener. Dreaming is one thing, making your dreams come true is another. During the cultivation of a vegetable, there are two main dangers, the presence of which reduces all labor to zero. One of these dangers is disease. Moreover, the diseases are not only those that need to be protected from already in the garden, there by itself, but those that develop even in cups, when the seedlings are only getting stronger. What can threaten pepper seedlings at the stage of its cultivation?

Infectious diseases

black bacterial spot

At the beginning, small watery spots appear on the leaves, after some time the spots darken, a yellow stripe appears along the contour, then the leaves dry and die. To prevent the disease, you must:
- high-quality disinfect seeds, since black spot is transmitted precisely through planting material;
- near the seedlings, maintain the temperature at a level of plus 25-29 ° C;
- ventilate the room;
- spray young plants with Bordeaux mixture (1%).

If pepper seedling leaf disease is difficult to tolerate, preventive methods and simple means do not help, move on to more serious drugs. In this case, Bactofit, Fitolavin or Gamair will help to contain the disease, and if possible, completely get rid of it.


The most "popular" sore of young plants. At home, it may appear due to inattention or banal laziness, or “come” to a house with poorly disinfected soil. If these two points coincide, then the fungus will definitely be on the leg of the plant. What does this black leg look like? When the fungus is activated, a darkening in the form of a ring is formed on the leg near the ground itself, the ring rots over time, the plant dies. So that the disease does not appear at all, it is impossible:
- use the soil from the garden without processing;
- thicken plantings;
- water a lot;
- keep the soil in a hardened, not loosened state.

If the black leg appears, they move from prevention to treatment or suspension of the disease.

1. The soil is shed with a disinfectant - a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

2. After that, the soil in the places of infection is covered with calcined sand (preferably fine and river sand) so as to close the dark ring on the stalk. You can replace potassium permanganate with a solution (3%) of copper sulfate.

3. In the case when the plant does not want to recover in any way, it is removed.

After the preliminary procedures, first planting, and after a couple of days, the soil is treated with Fitosporin, Baktofit or Fitolavin preparations.

False powdery mildew(peronosporosis)

Perinosporosis for pepper seedlings is not a typical disease, but sometimes it manifests itself and you need to know what to do with it. When plants are infected, yellow spots of various sizes appear on the leaves, which increase over time, darken, the leaves, and then the plant disappear. The disease develops on thickened plantings in stuffy rooms. The first thing they do to diseased plantings is spray them:
- water with soda (2 tablespoons of soda are dissolved in a bucket of water);
- a solution of sulfur (20 grams of the substance are dissolved in 3 liters of water);
- Bordeaux liquid (1%).

Of the stronger means, they use Gamair, Ridomil Gold, Gliocladin or Kuproksat.

White rot (sclerotinia)

The disease is somewhat similar to the black leg. Only here, instead of a dark ring on the stem, a white coating of the fungus appears, gradually spreading up the plant. Infection of plantings occurs if the room with seedlings is cold (below plus 15 ° C), damp, and ventilation is not carried out. At the beginning of the disease, pepper seedlings are treated:
- fluffy lime, if there is none on the farm, then wood ash;
- whey (2 liters per 6 liters of water).

A neglected disease is treated with drugs "Oksihom", "Profit", "Previkur" or "Abiga-Peak". As a prophylactic against sclerotinia, a solution is suitable: water - 10 liters, copper sulfate - 2 g, - 10 g, zinc sulfate - 1 g. Solution for foliar top dressing.

Noncommunicable diseases

Pimples appeared on the leaves

Not always Bell pepper seedling leaf diseases are such that they need to be treated with folk or chemical means. Often there are problems, the solution of which comes down to correcting mistakes made during the care of landings. True, sometimes harmful living creatures “bring” plants to illness, but this is a separate conversation. However, in both cases, the seedlings are cured. But now about pimples and why they appear. May be:
- plants do not have enough sun and at the same time there is an excess of moisture;
- aphid settled on the leaves;
- landings were occupied by spider mites.

In the first case, treatment is reduced to restoring the conditions for the growth of seedlings. Regarding harmful living creatures, the methods for their destruction were discussed in a previous article. By the way, aphids and mites, in addition to pimples, can cause leaves to curl.

White spots on leaves

It happens that the rules of cultivation are observed, everything is done as it should be, and the leaves of young plants become stained. What is the reason? There are several reasons for such a problem.

1. Spots appear if the cups with seedlings are in the sun, and drops of water fall on the leaves during watering.

2. Drops of fertilizer that have fallen on the plant also lead to discoloration of the surface of the leaves. The plant gets burned. Only in the first case, when watered - sunny, and in case of careless handling of top dressing - chemical.

Insufficient amount of potassium in the soil is another reason for the appearance of light spots. To correct the situation, the introduction of a solution of potassium nitrate into the soil (1 tsp of fertilizer per 2 liters of water) helps. In the absence of such, a solution of wood ash is suitable (1 tablespoon without a slide per liter of water).

The leaves are curling

Sometimes the leaves of pepper seedlings begin to curl. Why?

First. Plants are missing something. In particular, if there is little potassium in the soil, the leaves simply curl. If phosphorus, then plus to twisting, they begin to turn yellow. This happens, for example, when the plantings forgot to feed. To restore the balance of trace elements, solutions will be required: the first is water (10 liters) and a teaspoon of potassium nitrate, the second is the same amount of water plus 600 grams of ammofoska.

Second. The entire leaf grows unevenly, that is, it twists due to the fact that solid veins lengthen faster, the pulp gains volume more slowly. But there is nothing to fix here, everything comes back to normal with time.

Third. Again spider mites and aphids. The vital activity of these harmful individuals on the plant leads to twisting of the leaves.

If, according to the gardener, leaf curl is not related to the listed reasons, then you should check the "components" of the microclimate in the room with seedlings - temperature, humidity, lighting. Deviation from the norm of anything will lead to a disease of seedlings of peppers with the subsequent waste of time necessary for its treatment.

The leaves are turning yellow

Pepper seedling leaves in cups or seedlings just transplanted into open ground, begin to turn yellow if:
- the glass is smaller than necessary, the roots have grown in a small volume, intertwined, began to die;
- plantings lack nitrogen, fertilizing with urea is required (a tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water);
- improper watering, little or too much water;
- landings are cold at night, the temperature is below plus 12 ° С;
- during transplantation into open ground, the roots were damaged.

For beginner gardeners. During the planting of pepper seedlings on the beds, one should not only be careful to root system was not damaged. Dropping the plant, the roots in the hole must also be leveled.

Seedlings are not growing well

The nuisance of those when the seeds were planted, the sprouts hatched, even a few leaves appeared, and that's it. Further, the pepper either does not grow at all, or very poorly. What influenced the growth and what to do?

1. Bad planting material. The seeds in the damp earth somehow germinated, and then - stop. There is nothing to help here, except to try to reanimate the plants with top dressing, although it is unlikely. It's better to move everything.

2. Regarding top dressing. Their excessive quantity, in principle, as well as their lack, constrain growth.

3. Improper planting of seeds, namely their deepening into the soil. Too deep planting, and the time of germination, and the further development of plants delays. Everything will work out if you choose a little soil from a glass of pepper.

Lack of light, improper watering (little or too much water), low air temperature (should be 22-26 ° C) will also not allow seedlings to be full.

Advice! According to practicing gardeners, if pepper seedlings have stopped growing, they immediately begin to grow as they should if they are transplanted into another container with fresh soil and poured with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tablespoon of nitrate per 10 liters of water).

Seedlings wither

Excluding pests and diseases, there are several reasons for pepper seedlings to become lethargic, but they are all at the level of the human factor, and therefore must be corrected. Plants wither when:
- all day long in direct sunlight;
- the soil is either very wet or dry;
- drafts “walk” in the room;
- high humidity;
- the soil is thin, there are no top dressings.

Clearly, there is nothing to treat here. Everything that is sick will grow as soon as the causes of the disease are eliminated.

Seedlings are pulled out

The disease is artificial, provoked by the person himself. Simply put, when plantings are not looked after, this is how they grow. Reasons for pulling seedlings.

First. The seeds were sown thickly in one container, not a small bed, but thickets turned out. With proper watering of light, the plants will not be enough, they will begin to stretch. It happens the other way around. If the seeds were planted according to the scheme, there is enough light for the grown peppers, but they are watered beyond measure, the plants will also stretch.

Second. For newly emerging sprouts, a certain air temperature is required. During the day 17-19 ° С, at night about 15 ° С. high temperature seedlings are rapidly growing.

Third. When everything is correct, and there is little lighting, the pepper will "look for the sun." Lighting is added by placing cups on the most “sunny” window, plus they put backlights.

Feeding is not the least important for the health of seedlings. In soil without anything, nothing grows. Rather, the plant stretches, but nothing comes out. The first feeding of peppers is carried out as soon as 2-3 leaves appear. For the first time, gardeners recommend fertilizer "". In the future, you can switch to "Shine-2", "" or "Epin".

On this disease, seedlings of peppers ended, from the main ones - that's all. Having understood the causes of a particular disease, it becomes clear that all diseases are to a greater extent provoked by the person himself, his laziness or carelessness. Therefore, paying attention first to the preparation of seeds and soil, and then to young plants that have grown, one can be sure that pepper seedlings will either not get sick at all, or very little.

Pepper leaves are an indicator of seedling health. They reflect any problems that have arisen due to improper care, infection or pest infestation. Those who are going to sow pepper seeds for seedlings for the first time should understand this and conduct regular inspection of young plants from germination to transplanting into the ground.

Pepper seeds are among the first to be sown. The exact dates depend on the variety and region, but most often summer residents get pepper seeds as early as February. In March, the dark green foliage of the seedlings cheerfully turns green on the windowsills and racks. Not everyone is lucky, sometimes the picture is very sad. Swellings appear on the seedling leaves, the leaves lose their elasticity, curl and, in the end, fall off.

There is no need to panic if the pepper has pimples. In this case, it is worth arming yourself with a magnifying glass and examining the leaves of problematic plants. In pimples, leaf plates are due to the following problems:

  • edema - edema;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

Causes of edema

Oedema (edema) is a physiological type of edema, not a disease. The reason for it is not infections and viruses, it is not contagious. There is a failure at the cellular level, in which the liquid consumed by the roots does not have time to assimilate in the cells of the leaf plate and accumulates there, causing the appearance of tubercles.

Sometimes even experienced gardeners do not understand why yesterday healthy seedlings look sad today because pimples appeared on pepper seedlings. Most common causes edema:

  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • hypothermia of the roots;
  • too humid and cold air in the room where there are boxes with seedlings;
  • a sharp change in temperature and light conditions caused by the transfer of seedlings to another room;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • dense planting or placement of more seedlings per unit area than is permissible.

Symptoms and treatment of pepper seedlings

The reasons are clear. Now we will clarify the symptoms by which physiological edema can be determined. First of all, this is the appearance of capsule-like formations located on both sides of the leaf. Usually they are green in color, but whites can also be found. If the spots spread over the entire surface of the sheet, they eventually die off and fall off.

There is no treatment, since it is not a disease if the pepper seedlings have pimples and leaves curl. It is necessary not to treat, but simply to take the following measures:

  1. Limit watering.
  2. Maintain air temperature 20 °C.
  3. Make drainage holes in the seedling container to drain excess fluid.
  4. Supplement daylight artificial light from fluorescent lamps.
  5. Arrange the seedlings away from each other for good ventilation.
  6. For a while, avoid the use of fertilizers of any kind.
  7. Control soil acidity.

Timely assistance can save plants. The main thing is not to miss the moment, and for this it is worth regularly inspecting the leaves and stems of sweet pepper.

Pepper pests

Seedlings have many enemies among insects. Sometimes the symptoms, the cause of which is the vital activity of pests and their larvae, are very reminiscent of pimples. back side a leaf with spots and swellings may indicate the presence of:

  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

Aphids on seedlings

You need to know the ways of infecting seedlings with aphids. Knowing them, you can use preventive measures to avoid the invasion of pests. Possible options ingress of larvae and adults on young plants:

  1. The larvae get with the earth typed in the garden or in the garden.
  2. Flying aphids flew into the balcony (loggia) through an open window.
  3. Bought a new one at the flower shop ornamental plant, infected with one of the aphid species.

The way the pest enters the room with young seedlings is understandable. Weakened plants, planted in poor-quality soil taken from the garden and not containing the necessary set of trace elements, suffer more.

The main method of prevention is the preparation of high-quality soil and its disinfection. The following soil disinfection methods are used for planting:

  1. Freezing in winter bags with planting soil.
  2. Warming up the earth for half an hour at a temperature of 70 ° C.
  3. Watering with boiling water.
  4. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate and pour it over the ground in boxes before planting.
  5. Use fitoverm solution for disinfection.

By the way, boxes and cups need disinfection if they are reused. For them, laundry soap will be the best disinfectant (72%). They need to thoroughly wash the containers before filling them with earth.

flower quarantine

Refrain from acquiring new flowers if there are young seedlings of peppers in the apartment. This also applies to cut, greenhouse flowers. Flower bouquets can be carriers of various forms of greenhouse aphids or thrips. Indoor flowers should be taken out to another room, or at least placed away from the boxes with peppers.

Pest Control Methods

Have you overlooked pests, aphid colonies appeared on young peppers or, even worse, thrips? What to do in this case? Run to the store for insecticides or fight folk methods using soap, ash, bitter, smelly herbs.

Before making a decision, look carefully at the plant and evaluate the degree of damage and the number of pests. If there are few of them on peppers, you can get by with folk methods.

Dissolve 20 grams of laundry soap in room temperature water and pour 1-2 tbsp. l. ash. When the solution is infused, you can wash the pepper leaves on both sides with it or spray it with a spray bottle. The number of insects on the leaves of the pepper will partially decrease. The treatment of seedlings after a few days must be repeated to consolidate the effect.

Some gardeners add a little instead of ash ammonia. A solution of ammonia fights pests on the leaves and serves as a good prevention, scaring away insects from healthy plants.

It is even easier to save seedlings from a tick. Plants are watered very well and immediately put on a plastic bag. The increased humidity in the bag kills the spider mite.

Chemistry against pests

Too lazy to rinse the leaves with soapy water - buy chemistry. Good feedback for drugs:

  • "Vertimek";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Akarin";
  • Sunmite.

A one-time treatment is indispensable here - it is necessary to process the seedlings at least 2 - 3 times with a seven-day interval. These drugs successfully fight not only with aphids, but also with thrips and mites. Processing of peppers is best done in the morning, before the sun has risen. If this is not observed, on the foliage of pepper, in addition to pimples, sunburn will also appear.

Seed treatment - disease prevention

Many problems can be avoided during the cultivation of young peppers by seed treatment, which is carried out on the eve of sowing. Potassium permanganate seed is most often disinfected - this is the cheapest and most affordable drug for growing healthy seedlings. Every summer resident has manganese in their first-aid kit.

A couple of manganese crystals and the water turns pink. We lower the pepper seeds for 15 minutes or a little more. After draining the solution of potassium permanganate, rinse them in water at room temperature and dry a little. The treated seeds are ready for planting.

In addition to potassium permanganate, effective treaters:

  • "Baktofit";
  • ash;
  • "Albite".

Preparations for the treatment of peppers should be used, adhering to the instructions printed on the package. Ash is added to 0.5 l 1 tbsp. l. - Pepper seeds are disinfected with this solution.

Knowing possible reasons twisting pepper leaves and pimples on them and using the suggested measures, you can save young peppers and grow healthy seedlings.

Kira Stoletova

The appearance of the leaves is the main indicator of the health of the plant, instantly giving out the presence of infections, pests or care errors. Pimples on pepper leaves occur quite often. They can be caused by various reasons, from completely harmless to leading landings to death.

  • Causes of education and symptoms

    Tubercles on leaf plates occur due to the presence of one of the following problems:

    • oedema (swelling of the leaves);
    • scab or aphid;
    • thrips;
    • spider mite.

    To correctly determine the source of the formation of tubercles, it is necessary to carefully examine the affected leaf plate with a magnifying glass. Moving pimples indicate the presence of aphids, stationary brown (less often green or cream) - scale insects. White or greenish wart-like bumps are a symptom of puffy foliage. White bubbles and cobwebs are formed when infected with a spider mite, and clarified spots on the stems and leaf plates - when infected with thrips.

    In addition to the color characteristics of the tubercles, each type of leaf lesion has a number of other symptoms. From them you can understand what the problems are connected with.


    The cause of physiological edema is a failure at the cellular level, due to which the liquid does not have time to be absorbed by the leaves and stagnates in the form of tubercles. This process can be triggered by the following factors:

    • excess moisture in the soil;
    • hypothermia of the root system;
    • lack of sunlight or additional light;
    • high air humidity;
    • stress due to a sharp change in temperature and light conditions;
    • too dense planting of sprouts to each other.

    With edema, green or white tubercles look like watery capsules, dense to the touch. If too much is formed on the sheet plates a large number of such pimples, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

    Shchitovka and aphids

    The main sign of damage by these pests is the presence of a sticky substance (padi) on the foliage, produced during the life of insects. Seedlings can become infected from the soil or due to proximity to already diseased crops.

    Symptoms of damage to pepper by aphids or scale insects:

    • stunting under proper care conditions;
    • twisting and yellowing of leaf plates;
    • slower growth of sprouts;
    • the presence of padi;
    • a large number of larvae and adult insects on the inside of the leaf.


    Basic outward sign pepper lesions by these insects are clarified spots, which eventually begin to merge into one. During the year, several generations of pests are formed at once. Seedlings infected with thrips quickly weaken and die without proper care.

    Thrips are masked on the sheet, located on its back side. Without a special examination, it is extremely difficult to notice the defeat of these insects at an early stage, but the larger the population becomes, the easier it will be to determine the infection by the yellow color and the openwork grid of the leaf plates.

    spider mite

    Spider mites mainly live on the lower part of the leaf blades, occupying the entire plant as they become infected. Adult individuals (10-20 days from the moment of laying eggs) migrate very quickly from one shrub to another, capturing the entire landing area.

    Tubercles, when infected with a spider mite, are located on the underside of the leaves, and a thin cobweb braids parts of the shrub. At the extreme stage of the lesion, the plant can be completely covered with cobwebs. It should be borne in mind that these pests are carriers of a large number of serious viral infections and fungal diseases that are dangerous to plant life.

    Fighting methods

    Pimples on pepper seedlings can be a harbinger of serious problems and even death of the plant. All the more important is the timely intervention and implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the culture.

    The choice of effective methods of struggle depends entirely on the causes of pimples. It is also important to consider the general condition of the plant. Sometimes pests have to be removed manually.

    Actions for swelling of the leaves

    Puffiness of the leaves is not a disease, therefore, it does not imply treatment, but the following measures should be taken to alleviate the condition of the seedlings:

    • limit the amount of watering;
    • maintain optimal temperature regime air (about 20°C);
    • organize drainage holes in containers with seedlings to remove excess moisture;
    • lengthen daylight hours by connecting fluorescent bulbs;
    • temporarily cancel fertilization;
    • control soil acidity;
    • distribute the seedling bushes in such a way that sufficient air circulation takes place and all sprouts get access to light.

    The complex of these actions helps to avoid the formation of pimples in the future, if they were caused by unfavourable conditions environment.

    Actions in case of pest infestation

    If the pimples on the leaves of the seedlings of the pepper appeared due to harmful insects, it is necessary to quickly carry out a set of measures to combat them:

    • Chemical measures - treatment of the plant with synthetic insecticides (preparations for the destruction of insect pests). This is the most effective method, potentially hazardous to human health, it requires additional security measures.
    • Physical measures - flushing with soapy water or an alcohol solution, or manual destruction of insects.
    • Biological measures - use against pests of their biological enemies (insects and birds) or the use of microbiological preparations.
    • Natural insecticides - folk recipes, tinctures and decoctions (based on garlic, onion, pepper, tobacco, laundry soap, ash, wormwood, ground red pepper, kerosene, ammonia, etc.).

    When treating a plant, the individual characteristics of each insect species should be taken into account. For example, trixes are extremely resistant to any control measures and require a minimum of 2 treatments during one season (using several drugs at the same time). It is much easier to get rid of a spider mite: it is enough to water the seedling abundantly and put a plastic bag on it for a couple of days, because these insects do not tolerate moisture very well.

    The decrease in the population of insect pests is also facilitated by a change external conditions: introduction of moderate watering, frequent airing, isolation of infected plants. The success of the struggle depends not only on the use of the right remedy, but also on when it began to be used.

    Prevention of the formation of pimples

    The problems associated with the formation of tubercles during the cultivation of pepper seedlings can be avoided by methodically conducting a complex preventive measures. We include:

    • disinfection of seed (potassium permanganate solution, ash, Baktofit or Albit);
    • thorough loosening and mulching of the soil;
    • preventive use of insecticides or folk remedies(twice a season);
    • development and use of an optimal irrigation and humidification system;
    • regulation of plant access to light, the use of sources of additional lighting;
    • Growing pepper. Why do peppers drop leaves and flowers. Spider mite and root rot. Video

      Peppers (part 12), we process from pests 27.04.2015


      Leaf bumps are a common sign of unhealthy seedlings. To provoke the appearance of pimples can damage the plant by pests or violation of the conditions of cultivation. In a timely manner Taken measures able to save pepper seedlings and contribute to the formation and maturation of a rich harvest.

      Beginning vegetable growers often face these problems. By adhering to the recommendations for care, they can be avoided.

    leaf scorch

    We will look at the most common problems in the cultivation of sweet and hot pepper- the main diseases of pepper seedlings, as well as pests that can easily destroy young plants.

    At the stage of germination and the very beginning of seedling growth, it can be destroyed by the disease. blackleg. To prevent it from appearing, do not thicken the plantings, do not allow excessive moisture soil, give seedlings normal lighting. Be sure to decontaminate the seeds before sowing. If all these conditions are met, then the black leg will not appear.

    A common occurrence is aphids on peppers. We discussed this problem and measures to combat it in detail in the article.

    Oedema, those same pimples on the leaves

    Very often, gardeners send such photos and ask what kind of pimples are on pepper leaves, what kind of disease is this and what treatment is needed? We hasten to please the authors of the question that this is not a disease, but a reaction to improper watering, most likely waterlogging with a small amount of sun. Her name Oedema. You don’t need to process anything, just try to water regularly and not very plentifully, everything will be restored. And give the seedlings more light.

    Spots can also form on pepper leaves - burns from the fact that water droplets that fall on the leaves during watering work in the sun like a magnifying glass and burn through the living tissue of the leaf. Try to water and irrigate the pepper leaves in the morning or evening hours, when there is no direct sunlight falling on the seedlings.

    spider mite

    If the pepper leaves began to deform like this as in the photo and you can see slight discolored dots on their surface, then this most likely appeared on the seedlings spider mite. It is difficult to see the tick itself, it is possible only through a magnifying glass. In this case, it is most reliable to spray with Fitoverm. This is an excellent tool that helps get rid of mites, thrips, aphids on seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. You need to spray the leaves on both sides.
    If you grow pepper seedlings in an apartment, on a windowsill, try to cover the batteries with something, as pepper does not tolerate dry air.

    What diseases affect bell pepper after landing in the ground, methods of treatment and what pests attack it, we will describe in the next article.
    If you notice that something is happening with your pepper seedlings and it needs help, post a photo of the problem plant in the comments, we will try to help you with advice.

    First, prepare for landing. Buy good soil, saturated with fertilizers. They buy seeds or take out the remaining ones from last year.

    Some prudent vegetable growers harvest their seeds. To do this, choose a large, ripe fruit and keep it in a dry, warm place. After it dries, the seeds are pulled out from the inside, washed and dried again. Placed in a paper bag and stored all winter, until the next season.

    Pimples appeared on the leaves of pepper

    The soul rejoices to watch how the first sprouts and leaves appear. Peppers sprout, grow together and require care. Unfortunately, plants are not immune from viruses and diseases. It's a shame when you make a lot of effort to get excellent seedlings and expect a harvest, and some kind of illness destroys it.

    Beginning summer residents, noticing that something is wrong with the plant, do not know what to do. Pets are often thrown away. But don't panic right away. Not all diseases lead to the death of the plant. Try to save the seedlings.

    Often, white or brown pimples appear on young pepper leaves. There are several reasons for their appearance. Watch for white bumps. If they do not move, these are rashes on the leaf. The movement of tubercles indicates the appearance of insects on seedlings. You can run your finger over the surface of the sheet. Pests will remain on the finger. Let's try to figure out the causes and their elimination, based on the advice of professional vegetable growers.

    It is known that prevention is better than cure. In order not to puzzle over why pimples appeared on the leaves of peppers, take preventive measures. Do not be too lazy to properly prepare the soil, disinfect the seeds for planting.

    Agronomists advise not to place pepper seedlings close to home plants. Flowers are sometimes infected and dangerous. It is better to identify seedlings in a separate room.

    For prevention, treat seedlings with special means. Spray flowers with them. 3-4 times a month will be enough.

    Tip: spraying is carried out in the morning or evening time when there are no direct rays. They can burn wet leaves. Burn spots will appear. This, too, is not pleasant.

    Hardening seedlings prevents disease. Keep in mind that pepper is sensitive to air temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to take pets to the balcony in warm, sunny weather for a short time.

    Do not be lazy, be observant and provide assistance to vegetable plants in a timely manner. Only in this case they will thank you with a wonderful harvest.

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