Undigested beet kale. Poorly digested food stool

About work digestive system can be judged not only by certain sensations in the stomach or intestines, but also by the sight, smell and color of feces. Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, for whom newborn feces are perhaps the most important indicator of the health of their children. But adults also have a lot to learn from inquisitive mothers, especially if certain changes were noticed in the stool.

Changes in the appearance of stool

Many people know firsthand about changes in the color, smell and consistency of stool, because every person has encountered such concepts as diarrhea, intestinal disorders or infections, constipation at least once in their life. And here undigested food in the stool of an adult For some, it can cause real panic. In normal condition, feces should not contain any inclusions, lumps or pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, etc.

Very small white inclusions may be present in the stool of both babies and adults and are usually not noticeable without excessive inspection of the stool. Such inclusions of undigested food are most often fragments of plant food - seeds, nuts, grains, peels of vegetables or fruits, etc. If a person feels well, then undigested particles in the stool of an adult should not cause any alarm and do not require specific treatment. If the pieces of food are large and noticeable without close attention, then this may be a symptom of a malfunction of the pancreas or an accelerated process of food evacuation.

Plant fiber in the human diet

As mentioned above, undigested food in the feces of an adult most often consists of food particles of plant origin, or, to be more precise, plant fiber that is not absorbed or digested human body. This is due to the lack of special enzymes in the body that are capable of breaking down plant fiber. The bulk of fiber is removed unchanged from the body and only a small part of it, under the influence of beneficial and healthy intestinal microflora, can be digested and excreted from the body in a different form - the usual consistency of feces.

Digestible and indigestible fiber

There are two types of fiber that can be found in the stool of an adult - digestible and indigestible. It should be noted that both species can be found in the stool of an adult.

In this case, digestible fiber most often appears in the stool due to a lack of hydrochloric acid, which separates the cells of the digestible fiber and with a lack of which particles of vegetables or fruits appear in the stool. Most often these are pieces of potatoes, carrots, beets, apples, and grapes. Nutrients from such fiber are therefore not absorbed by the body. In a healthy person, digestible fiber is not detected in the stool.

Indigestible fiber is precisely those particles of grains, legumes, skins of vegetables and fruits, hairs and vessels of plants that are often found in the feces of adults. Due to the fiber lengin included in the double-circuit shells, these products are not digested by the body and come out unchanged after the chewing process. Such fiber is found in the feces of an adult constantly, depending on the diet.

Undigested food in the feces of an adult is a consequence of low acidity of gastric juice, diseases of the pancreas, as well as accelerated evacuation of food from the intestines. In this case, the inclusion of such food is accompanied by diarrhea. In all other cases, temporary inclusions of undigested food are considered normal.

Stool disorders in a one-year-old child, unfortunately, are not uncommon, but what to do if undigested food particles appear in the stool? Such phenomena do happen and often become a cause of concern for new mothers. Experts often devote entire programs to bowel movements in children, for example, Dr. Komarovsky is one of them.

The saddest thing is that in most cases, it is the parents who are to blame for such violations, due to excessive efforts to “do everything for the baby.” Although there are also problems that require drug treatment, in such cases, contacting a specialist is mandatory! Today we’ll talk about why there are undigested food residues in a child’s stool and what to do in such a situation.

The digestive system of a small child takes a long time to develop, so bowel problems before the age of one year are common. At the same time, there are various disorders, and sometimes there are such troubles as the appearance of food residues in the stool. This can be peels from plant foods, small parts of nuts and much more. In this case, it is worth making allowance for the fact that the quality of the fruits and vegetables you purchase does not stand up to criticism. Moreover, if the act of defecation does not involve any unpleasant sensations, there is no reason to panic. You can avoid food particles in your child's stool by purchasing better quality products.

At the same time, there are certain signs that can reveal gastrointestinal tract disorders in a child. Such deviations include:

  • the presence of mucous or blood impurities in the stool;
  • pain during defecation;
  • an abundance of intestinal sounds during intestinal peristalsis and much more.

The cause of such phenomena can also be an incorrect diet, especially if we are talking about an excessive amount of fiber. It is important to know that food moves through the child’s gastrointestinal tract quite quickly, and there may not be enough enzymes capable of breaking down such substances. Then small lumps of undigested fiber may appear in the stool. In this case, there is also no serious cause for concern and there is no need to treat the baby with medical means. Such troubles can be eliminated by limiting the amount of plant foods in the diet.

The next problem that needs to be focused on is functional dyspepsia. The appearance of food particles in the stool is just one of the symptoms of this disease. Symptoms such as:

  1. Frequent belching.
  2. Decreased appetite.
  3. Loose stools.
  4. Mucous impurities in stool.
  5. Bloating, etc.

Among the reasons for such problems, one can note the mother’s refusal to follow a diet when feeding, lack of a diet, and too large portions when feeding. Also, such problems sometimes appear at the moment when the child begins to cut teeth or they are a consequence of taking certain medications. Also, to avoid troubles, do not rush to start feeding your baby food for which he is not yet functionally ready

Dysbacteriosis. It's a problem that adults can suffer from, but it's much more difficult for children. The fact is that when a baby is born, his intestines are sterile. It lacks both beneficial and harmful microflora. However, bacteria are colonized within several hours from the moment of birth. In this case, there may not be enough beneficial microorganisms. Such problems are manifested by changes in the color and consistency of stool, as well as the possible appearance of food particles due to intestinal disorders.

So, we have figured out the reasons for such phenomena, but what to do if they occur? We'll talk about this later.

We draw attention to the fact that medical assistance is not always needed. Of course, it would never be a bad idea to consult with a specialist, but in most cases the parents themselves are the culprits of the violations. Why is this so? We will talk about this in more detail.

First of all, when correcting digestive problems, the age and type of nutrition of the baby are important. Your child is on breastfeeding? This means that the mother needs to reconsider her own diet first. Professionals recommend following special diet which will help you fix chemical composition breast milk. To do this, it is advised not to eat:

If none of this helped, or you strictly adhered to the specified diet and limited yourself in food, then most likely the problem lies in the child’s gastrointestinal tract. There is only one way out of the situation - see a doctor.

Often the appearance of food particles in feces is associated with the beginning of complementary feeding of the baby and accustoming him to solid or mushy foods. Indeed, bowel movements may become more frequent, and bowel movements may change. Perhaps it is simply too early for your child to eat such food, or you are feeding him too large pieces. Let us repeat, do not rush to start complementary feeding, and if such problems begin, postpone it for a month. Did not help? Contact a specialist.

Don't overfeed your baby! Many parents often try to force-feed their baby, believing that he is not eating enough. Never try this! In infants, the gastrointestinal tract has not yet formed, and the stomach is small. Therefore, the baby himself knows how much food he needs in order to get enough. At the same time, overfeeding can lead to a whole range of all kinds of troubles.

Firstly, these include excess weight. The child should develop gradually; there is no need to try to speed up this process artificially. Secondly, you have a negative impact on the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, which is simply not ready to digest large volumes. In this case, not only digestive system disorders may appear at a young age, but also problems already at a young age. adult life. Be careful.

In general, we have listed the simplest situations that you can handle on your own. Feed your baby in adequate doses and on a schedule, then you can prevent a huge number of digestive problems. However, there are situations in which the problem does not go away. It seems that you are following the diet, and you are avoiding complementary foods for now, and you are also not overfeeding. Please note that if any trouble occurs, you must contact a specialist!

Only a professional doctor will be able to identify the cause of the disorders and help you cope with this problem. Most likely, there are serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which requires in-depth diagnosis and treatment. Don’t look for help on forums, and especially don’t treat your child. folk remedies! This can only make the situation worse. The specialist will refer the child for coprography, which will show the presence of deviations from the norm, and will also provide the opportunity to choose the right method for correcting problems with the digestive system.

Most people do not tend to carefully examine their own feces, and the design of modern plumbing often interferes with such research. If various kinds of impurities and inclusions are accidentally discovered in excrement, then it makes sense to be wary: some of them may be the first clinical manifestations of pathologies. Certain impurities are a good reason for visiting a doctor and further undergoing a medical examination, which necessarily includes testing.

Normal composition, color and consistency of stool

A healthy adult produces an average of 300 g of excrement per day, and defecation usually occurs once a day.

Note:Normally, stool has an almost uniform consistency.

The main components of excrement are:

In the absence of acute and chronic diseases, as well as intestinal disorders, the color of an adult's stool varies from light brown to dark brown.

A change in color is one of the signs of the development of pathology. A greenish tint is one of the symptoms of regional enteritis (Crohn's disease), gray color indicates problems with the pancreas, light gray or almost white indicates a violation of the functional activity of the liver (in particular, with Botkin's disease). A yellow tint indicates gallbladder disease.

What are the types of impurities?

The following impurities are most often detected in stool:

  • leftover food;
  • slime;
  • blood;
  • foreign inclusions;
  • pus.

The presence of impurities may indicate the development of diseases (sometimes quite serious pathologies of the digestive system), but it is often due to the nature of the diet.

Residues of food in stool

If you find whole corn kernels or seeds (for example, sunflower seeds) in your feces, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. Some foods are very difficult to digest, especially if they are poorly chewed. Also, digestive enzymes are completely unable to cope with the veins present in meat products, as well as fish bones and fragments of eggshells.

The reason for a visit to the doctor is the presence of undigested meat fibers, as well as cottage cheese or eggs, in the excrement. This sign indicates a lack of digestive enzymes.

Note:the presence of large particles of undigested food is called lientorrhea. When meat fibers are detected, they speak of creatorrhoea.

The reason for the lack of enzymes may be:

  • insufficient secretion of pancreatic juice (after resection of part of the pancreas or against the background of pancreatitis);
  • inhibition of enzyme secretion in the intestines;
  • pronounced atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

Residues of food may appear in the stool during its accelerated evacuation against the background of increased peristalsis. In this case, some foods simply do not have time to be digested and absorbed. This phenomenon is particularly characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome.

If the stool has an oily sheen, this is a sign of steatorrhea, i.e. the presence of a large amount of lipid compounds (fats).

Possible reasons steatorrhea:

  • a large amount of fat in the diet;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder and ducts (cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • pancreatic diseases (inflammation, strictures, ulcers and tumors);
  • hemochromatosis (accumulation of iron in organs due to metabolic disorders);
  • intestinal pathologies (inflammatory, autoimmune and tumor);
  • endocrine diseases and pathologies of the endocrine glands;
  • congenital (hereditary) diseases;
  • systemic manifestations of skin diseases;
  • Excessive consumption of laxatives.

Mucus in stool

the presence of some mucus in the stool (in the form of lumps or inclusions) is normal for young children who are breastfed. Mother's milk is characterized by high fat content, which the baby's digestive enzymes are not yet able to fully cope with.

In any healthy person, the cells of the intestinal wall produce mucus, which is necessary to facilitate passage feces along the lower parts of the digestive tract. A small amount of colorless (almost transparent) mucus is often normal and is not a cause for concern.

If the mucus is produced in large quantities or is brown or yellowish color, this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • increased intestinal motility;
  • inflammatory diseases of non-infectious origin;
  • acute intestinal infections (dysentery, typhoid fever, etc.);
  • benign or malignant formations;

Note:often a large amount of mucus is the first clinical sign of the development of regional enteritis (). The admixture of a significant amount of mucus is also quite often recorded in chronic constipation.

Based on the degree of distribution of the mucous component in feces, the height of the location of the pathological focus can be determined. If mucus relatively evenly permeates the excrement, then the inflammatory process is localized in the upper sections of the intestine, but if impurities are detected on the surface (usually in the form of lumps), then the lower sections are affected.

Bloody feces

The presence of blood in excrement is an absolute reason to consult a doctor, since it can be a clinical manifestation of the following diseases:

  • autoimmune intestinal pathologies ();
  • malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • benign tumors of the intestinal walls ();
  • ischemic colitis;
  • diseases of infectious origin (dysentery, etc.);
  • and ulcers of the rectum and rectal area;
  • intestinal angiodysplasia;
  • blood pathologies (clotting disorders);
  • some helminthic infestations (in particular, ascariasis).

Blood volume varies depending on the nature of the disease and the severity of the pathology. Feces often contain only small and inconspicuous streaks, but in case of serious pathologies, up to 200 ml or more can be released during defecation. In this case, we are talking about intestinal bleeding, which requires immediate action.

in some pathologies, during the act of defecation, only blood mixed with intestinal mucus is released.

The color of blood in the stool makes it possible to determine with a high degree of probability the approximate location of the bleeding site. The scarlet color and location of the blood on top of the feces indicates that there is a pathology of the sigmoid, descending or rectum. Fresh blood is also released from cracks anus and hemorrhoids. Darker blood and blood clots mixed relatively evenly with the stool indicate that the source of the bleeding is in the upper part of the large intestine (colon) or small intestine. Black coloring of the stool may indicate that blood is being secreted in the stomach or esophagus (the specific color is due to the fact that the blood has been exposed to hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice).

Note:a reddish tint to the stool or burgundy streaks are not always due to the presence of blood - be sure to remember if you ate beets the day before?

Foreign inclusions

The presence of films in feces may be due to a rather serious pathology of the large intestine - pseudomembranous colitis, often caused by long-term or irrational antibiotic therapy.

Fragments of necrotic tissue are found during the disintegration of malignant tumors, as well as during intussusception against the background of intestinal obstruction.

When taking pharmacological drugs in granular forms, their particles are also often detected in the stool. Activated carbon gives excrement a black color.

The so-called feces are sometimes detected. pancreatic, biliary and intestinal stone formations - coprolites. Intestinal compactions (stones) are not true stones, but are highly compacted feces formed due to chronic constipation. This pathology is more typical for elderly patients. True coprolites consist of an organic core with gradually growing mineral salts. The presence of such stones in the stool suggests diseases of the pancreas or bile ducts.

Pus in stool

The presence of pus in feces is unconditional evidence of the development of a pathology of inflammatory origin. In most cases, pus is detected in parallel with blood and mucus.

Pus may have a yellowish or greenish tint and appears in the following diseases:

  • proctitis;
  • infectious colitis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • decay (to late stages cancer);
  • breakthrough of an abscess into the intestinal lumen;
  • autoimmune intestinal damage (Crohn's disease).

Important:remember that if pus is released during defecation, then self-medication is strictly unacceptable. There can be no talk of a positive effect in this case.


The detection of most of the mentioned impurities is the basis for contacting a gastroenterologist at the clinic. The local physician can also refer the patient to a specialized specialist and prescribe a series of tests.

Specialists whose consultation may be needed:

  • proctologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • surgeon;
  • hematologist;
  • oncologist.

Important:If a large amount of blood is released against the background of a deterioration in the general condition, an ambulance should be called. Massive bleeding is a life-threatening condition and requires hospitalization of the patient in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

To establish or clarify the diagnosis, in most cases the patient is referred for examination to an endoscopist.

Plisov Vladimir, medical observer

If a person experiences discomfort, difficulty defecating, or pain in the abdominal area, then you should consult a doctor and have your stool tested. The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond it.

For example, if the day before you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grain products, do not be surprised that you can see undigested food in your stool. The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber.

Consumption of such food in large quantities leads to accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract simply does not have time to digest even the food that it is capable of breaking down completely.

Hence the remains of food in the stool. If your general health is not affected, there is no need to worry.

Mothers of young children are most often concerned about lumps of undigested food found in stool.

Looking into the pot and finding feces with pieces of food, every mother, due to the instinct of caring for her offspring, begins to suspect problems in her child.

However, it is quite possible for a child to have undigested food in his stool, since the child’s digestive system is in a state of formation.

The digestive ability of the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet developed enough to cope with large volumes of solid food. Well, what if undigested food is found in the coprogram of an adult? Should I be worried about this?

Usually healthy person It doesn’t occur to you to look for undigested food debris in your stool. The exception is situations when food pieces are visible to the naked eye.

If a person experiences discomfort, difficulty defecating, or pain in the abdominal area, then you should consult a doctor and have your stool tested.

The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond it.

For example, if the day before you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grain products, do not be surprised that you can see undigested food in your stool.

The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber. Consumption of such food in large quantities leads to accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract.

But if you experience discomfort and the regular presence of visible pieces of undigested food in your stool, you should consult a doctor.

About fiber

Plant fiber is essentially a mixture of complex polymer compounds, lignin and various polysaccharides that make up all the shells plant cells.

Such dietary fiber is not digested by gastrointestinal secretions.

Stool disorders in a one-year-old child, unfortunately, are not uncommon, but what to do if undigested food particles appear in the stool? Such phenomena do happen and often become a cause of concern for new mothers. Experts often devote entire programs to bowel movements in children, for example, Dr. Komarovsky is one of them.

The saddest thing is that in most cases, it is the parents who are to blame for such violations, due to excessive efforts to “do everything for the baby.”

Although there are also problems that require drug treatment, in such cases it is necessary to contact a specialist! Today we’ll talk about why there are undigested food residues in a child’s stool and what to do in such a situation.

The digestive system of a small child takes a long time to develop, so bowel problems before the age of one year are common.

At the same time, there are various disorders, and sometimes troubles such as the appearance of food residues in the stool occur. This can be peels from plant foods, small parts of nuts and much more.

Changes in the functioning of the digestive system may be reflected in the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the stool. In medicine, a similar process is called lientorrhea.

Undigested food particles in feces are not considered a pathology if you feel normal and eat fiber - some types of fiber are not completely absorbed by the body and are excreted unchanged. Lientorrhea becomes a pathological sign when other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction are associated.

Possible reasons

Diarrhea is a symptom of various diseases. It is necessary to establish the cause of diarrhea before starting a course of therapy. For diarrhea, treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Medical indications

There are 2 types of disease:

  • acute or infectious diarrhea;
  • chronic or hologenic diarrhea.

In medicine, the concept of lientorrhea is used to describe disorders of the digestive system, in which fragments of undigested food products are observed in the stool. Single manifestations are not classified as pathological changes.

This can happen if a type of fiber was consumed in food that is not digested by the digestive organs and causes rejection or malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract; a similar situation can occur with other types of hard-to-digest products.

Lientorrhea, as a pathology, can then become a cause for concern when two more symptoms are added to the identified problems, directly indicating malfunctions in the digestive system.

Like any disease, lientorrhea can have differences in forms of manifestation. This symptom has a number of signs that can appear either one-time, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, or constantly. A cause for concern may be the presence of mucus, blood clots or other manifestations in the stool that are not typical for the usual format of stool.

Undigested pieces with mucus in the stool

Diarrhea in an adult after each meal may be a sign of some disease. When contacting a doctor, you will need to talk in detail about the symptoms, so you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, and also remember the approximate period of time after which diarrhea occurs.

In addition to diarrhea, for correct setting When making a diagnosis, it is important to record the presence or absence of the following symptoms;

  • fever;
  • pain (in what place, what nature);
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • belching (sour, rotten);
  • heaviness in the stomach.

Reasons for the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the feces of an adult

Possible reasons

The process of digestion of chewed food occurs due to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and under the influence of accelerated peristalsis in two ways: wave-like, or gradually, so the reasons that caused failures in the system may differ.

  • In the first case, a failure occurs based on the nature and physiological characteristics of the body, manifested against the background of improper selection of food products or for other reasons, for example, swallowing unchewed pieces of food during meals.
  • Pathological changes occur against the background of chronic diseases, where lientorrhea is one of the symptoms.


What to do?

There are many reasons why the digestive system does not always cope with its functions efficiently. A situation where food particles come out along with feces can cause pathological changes, physiological and any psychological factors, for example stress, which increases the functioning of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs. In such cases, experts recommend independently investigating the cause of the failure.

  • Do not be distracted while eating and chew foods properly.
  • Reduce the amount of food by crushing.
  • Organize a diet using separate meals, for example: eat proteins with proteins and so on.
  • Eliminate from your diet drinks (alcohol, carbonated drinks) and foods (fatty meats and fish) that can cause problems with the digestive system.

When organizing meals, you should consider which foods are most suitable for consumption. Some of them are well absorbed, but there are also those that contain fiber that is not digested by the body.

Experts advise paying attention to the format of food, frequency of consumption and the amount of food eaten at a time. In the diagram it looks like this:

  • Use a crushed diet, increasing the number of meals up to 5-6 times a day.
  • Pay attention to the quality of chewing food.
  • Apply a separate method of nutrition, in which dishes are composed according to the content of substances, for example, products that contain carbohydrates separately, enriched with proteins separately.
  • Use baked or well-cooked foods in the menu, this will make them easier to digest.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and strong coffee.

Experts recommend excluding from the diet food that is difficult and not completely accepted by the body during assimilation, replacing it with an analogue of products taken from flora. You may need to use one of the diets that will help reduce body weight; this will also help partially solve the problem with the organization and restoration of normal functioning of the digestive organs.

Healthy lifestyle

How to treat?

Lientorrhea refers to specific manifestations, which are classified as a symptom, and in some cases as a disease. Treatment of lientorrhea includes a set of measures using medications that eliminate the consequences of the symptom. A preliminary stool test will be performed to help determine the cause of the enzyme deficiency.

Using a coprogram, you can accurately determine the type of microorganism that caused infectious lesion. Based on research, experts prescribe enzymatic preparations that help digest food and restore intestinal microflora.

Enzymatic preparations

Drugs of this type are designed to help break down food:

  • Pancreatin, Penzital, Mezim, Lycreaz, Creon. This type medicinal products are made from pig pancreas.
  • Degystal, Enzistad, Festal. The drugs are made from the pancreas of cattle.
  • Wobenzym, Orazu, Unienzyme, Pepphys. The supplier for the manufacture of medicines are medicinal plants.

All of these drugs have a complex effect on strengthening the digestive system and improving peristalsis.


All drugs of this type are prescribed by a gastroenterologist depending on the nature and form of the disease.

  • Bacterial damage to organs. It is recommended to take drugs with complex effects with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli: Linex, Bifidin, Bacteriobalance.
  • Fungal infection of organs. In these cases, drugs containing bifidobacteria are prescribed: Bifidobacterin, Biovestin, Probifor.
  • Viral organ damage. Experts recommend using a medicine (regardless of the form of the disease) containing lactobacilli: Biobakton, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus, Narine.

Folk remedies

To eliminate problems and malfunctions of the digestive organs traditional healers It is recommended to use a number of preparations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs in the format of tinctures.


Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system are considered difficult to treat, so experts advise adhering to certain rules and following doctors’ recommendations regarding their prevention.

  • Eating smaller amounts of food at a time helps in better processing of food. In this case, small and frequent meals will help, thus achieving two goals: overeating is eliminated, and the digestive organs do not work in an enhanced mode.
  • Use separate meals. It is better for the digestive organs to assimilate food from one group: proteins with proteins, carbohydrates with carbohydrates.
  • When eating food, it is important to focus on chewing food fragments: thoroughly chewed food will be processed faster by stomach enzymes.
  • Experts recommend not drinking water with food because it is difficult to digest in this form: gastric juice and hydrochloric acid in low concentrations or diluted with liquid reduce their effect on food that enters the stomach.
  • Daily consumption of fermented milk products will help to constantly maintain the body's microflora in good condition.
  • Application fasting diets in the form of fruit and vegetable dishes.
  • Be moderate in your consumption of alcoholic, carbonated and strong drinks (coffee, tea).

Overeating, incomplete meals on the go, eating quickly prepared food, overly salty or spicy dishes, this is far from full list factors that may adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts advise taking responsibility for your health: it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

The work of our digestive system is felt by us not only by certain sensations in the epigastric region, but also by the color, appearance and smell of feces.

Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, since the stool of a newborn is a significant indicator of the baby’s health.

But adults should also pay attention to the fact that there is undigested food in the stool.

Is this a pathology or a variant of the norm?

Stool disorders in a one-year-old child, unfortunately, are not uncommon, but what to do if undigested food particles appear in the stool? Such phenomena do happen and often become a cause of concern for new mothers. Experts often devote entire programs to bowel movements in children, for example, Dr. Komarovsky is one of them.

The saddest thing is that in most cases, it is the parents who are to blame for such violations, due to excessive efforts to “do everything for the baby.”

Although there are also problems that require drug treatment, in such cases it is necessary to contact a specialist! Today we’ll talk about why there are undigested food residues in a child’s stool and what to do in such a situation.

The digestive system of a small child takes a long time to develop, so bowel problems before the age of one year are common.

At the same time, there are various disorders, and sometimes troubles such as the appearance of food residues in the stool occur. This can be peels from plant foods, small parts of nuts and much more.

Changes in the functioning of the digestive system may be reflected in the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the stool. In medicine, a similar process is called lientorrhea.

Undigested food particles in feces are not considered a pathology if you feel normal and eat fiber - some types of fiber are not completely absorbed by the body and are excreted unchanged. Lientorrhea becomes a pathological sign when other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction are associated.

Possible reasons

The process of digestion of chewed food occurs due to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and under the influence of accelerated peristalsis in two ways: wave-like, or gradually, so the reasons that caused failures in the system may differ.

  • In the first case, a failure occurs based on the nature and physiological characteristics of the body, manifested against the background of improper selection of food products or for other reasons, for example, swallowing unchewed pieces of food during meals.
  • Pathological changes occur against the background of chronic diseases, where lientorrhea is one of the symptoms.


Like any disease, lientorrhea can have differences in forms of manifestation. This symptom has a number of signs that can appear either one-time, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, or constantly. A cause for concern may be the presence of mucus, blood clots or other manifestations in the stool that are not typical for the usual format of stool.

Undigested pieces with mucus in the stool

The digestive system is in very close contact with external environment, is often exposed to various pathogenic microorganisms, which disrupts its normal functioning and, as a result, causes stool upset. Other groups of factors also lead to the development of diarrhea: diseases of individual systems and organs.

Infectious processes (viruses, bacteria)

Reasons for the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the feces of an adult

Mothers of young children are most often concerned about lumps of undigested food found in stool.

Looking into the pot and finding feces with pieces of food, every mother, due to the instinct of caring for her offspring, begins to suspect problems in her child.

However, it is quite possible for a child to have undigested food in his stool, since the child’s digestive system is in a state of formation.

The digestive ability of the baby's gastrointestinal tract is not yet developed enough to cope with large volumes of solid food. Well, what if undigested food is found in the coprogram of an adult? Should I be worried about this?

Normal or sign of a problem

If a person experiences discomfort, difficulty defecating, or pain in the abdominal area, then you should consult a doctor and have your stool tested.

The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond it.

For example, if the day before you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grain products, do not be surprised that you can see undigested food in your stool.

The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber. Consumption of such food in large quantities leads to accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract.

About fiber

Plant fiber is essentially a mixture of complex polymer compounds, lignin and various polysaccharides, which make up all the membranes of plant cells.

Such dietary fiber is not digested by gastrointestinal secretions.

Possible reasons

Determining causes based on accompanying symptoms

It usually doesn’t occur to a healthy person to look for undigested food residues in the stool. The exception is situations when food pieces are visible to the naked eye.

If a person experiences discomfort, difficulty defecating, or pain in the abdominal area, then you should consult a doctor and have your stool tested. The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond it.

For example, if the day before you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grain products, do not be surprised that you can see undigested food in your stool. The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber.

Consumption of such food in large quantities leads to accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract simply does not have time to digest even the food that it is capable of breaking down completely.

Hence the remains of food in the stool. If your general health is not affected, there is no need to worry.

But if you experience discomfort and the regular presence of visible pieces of undigested food in your stool, you should consult a doctor.

First symptoms

The main symptom of gastric obstruction is vomiting. Food comes back out because it cannot be digested and is not absorbed. For this reason, the vomit contains semi-digested pieces that have a rotten smell.

The following symptoms may appear:

  • belching;
  • fast weight loss(with frequent vomiting, prolonged dyspepsia);
  • heaviness in the stomach, mainly after eating.

Frequent bowel movements are not the only symptom that accompanies diarrhea.

Diarrhea itself can be considered one of the main symptoms of any gastrointestinal disease.

The symptoms of diarrhea are numerous. The clinical picture may include both intestinal (when acute diarrhea is caused by poisoning) and extraintestinal signs (when diarrhea becomes prolonged due to a chronic disease).

Diarrhea in an adult after each meal may be a sign of some disease. When contacting a doctor, you will need to talk in detail about the symptoms, so you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, and also remember the approximate period of time after which diarrhea occurs.

In addition to diarrhea, for a correct diagnosis it is important to record the presence or absence of the following symptoms;

  • fever;
  • pain (in what place, what nature);
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • belching (sour, rotten);
  • heaviness in the stomach.


How long ago did the diarrhea appear? Do others in the family have diarrhea? How much and what foods were consumed the day before? Manifestation and nature of pain?

The localization and intensity of pain is established through an initial examination by palpation of the abdomen.

Laboratory tests include: Bacteriological analysis of stool, identification of pathogens intestinal infection.

A general blood test to determine dysfunction of the pancreas, liver, and the presence of allergies.

Biochemical blood test to check for hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and the presence of acute infection.

In addition, an external examination of the stool is performed, the composition of the masses, color, and design are studied.

Diagnosis of diarrhea is aimed, first of all, at identifying the reasons that caused this condition. A number of clinical, laboratory and instrumental procedures are used.

Clinical examination

Stool analysis indicators

Consumed food, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, is subjected to chemical and mechanical processing. This is where water is absorbed and nutrients into the blood and lymphatic system, as well as the formation and removal of all undigested food debris from the body in the form of feces.

Its density depends on how long it takes for the food bolus to pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract. During normal functioning of the digestive system, feces should not be too loose or too dense.

If the consistency of the stool is very different from the norm, and its smell is too strong, this is a reason to take a stool test to determine the digestibility of food.

If a person is healthy, the coprogram should not contain mucus, blood, digestible plant fiber, as well as starch, a large number muscle fibers and fats. And indigestible fiber in the feces of an adult can be in any volume. This indicator depends on your usual diet.


Lientorrhea refers to specific manifestations, which are classified as a symptom, and in some cases as a disease. Treatment of lientorrhea includes a set of measures using medications that eliminate the consequences of the symptom. A preliminary stool test will be performed to help determine the cause of the enzyme deficiency.

Using a coprogram, you can accurately determine the type of microorganism that caused the infection. Based on research, experts prescribe enzymatic preparations that help digest food and restore intestinal microflora.

Enzymatic preparations

Drugs of this type are designed to help break down food:

  • Pancreatin, Penzital, Mezim, Lycreaz, Creon. This type of medicinal product is made from pig pancreas.
  • Degystal, Enzistad, Festal. The drugs are made from the pancreas of cattle.
  • Wobenzym, Orazu, Unienzyme, Pepphys. The supplier for the manufacture of medicines are medicinal plants.

All of these drugs have a complex effect on strengthening the digestive system and improving peristalsis.


All drugs of this type are prescribed by a gastroenterologist depending on the nature and form of the disease.

  • Bacterial damage to organs. It is recommended to take drugs with complex effects with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli: Linex, Bifidin, Bacteriobalance.
  • Fungal infection of organs. In these cases, drugs containing bifidobacteria are prescribed: Bifidobacterin, Biovestin, Probifor.
  • Viral organ damage. Experts recommend using a medicine (regardless of the form of the disease) containing lactobacilli: Biobakton, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus, Narine.

Folk remedies

To eliminate problems and malfunctions of the digestive organs, traditional healers recommend using a number of preparations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs in the format of tinctures.

Treatment for diarrhea depends on the cause. In this case, both neutral, preventive agents and weak antibiotics against the growth of pathological microorganisms can help. In case of acute infection, a special strong drug is selected under the supervision of a doctor.

(and gastrolit) are general purpose drugs. Used for all types of diarrheal conditions. Restores the water-salt balance of the body. Frequent bowel movements in an adult lead to the rapid elimination of electrolytes such as sodium, calcium and potassium. The preparations contain these microelements for replenishment, as well as glucose.

The approximate price is 19 rubles for 1 sachet.

It is not advisable to restore fluid during attacks of vomiting.

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, bowel dysfunction... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

Considering that diarrhea is a consequence of many diseases, when choosing treatment tactics main role plays the identification and elimination of the underlying pathology. In this case, treatment of diarrhea in adults involves the use of complex therapy (diet, taking antibacterial and rehydrating drugs, etc.) depending on the type of diarrhea.

First aid for diarrhea in adults

First aid for diarrhea is not only to alleviate the patient’s condition, but also to eliminate the adverse effects on the body.

Treatment chronic diarrhea is based on changing the nutrition plan and the use of irrigation. The use of probiotics and drugs that help maintain intestinal motility is also recommended. Antibacterial medications also have a good effect. If medications are the cause of diarrhea in adults, then it is better to stop using them.

The main type of treatment for decreased pancreatic function is the complete exclusion of alcohol and other substances that can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Drug therapy is based on the initially discovered cause - insufficient production of enzymes. Therefore, in this situation, it would be advisable to prescribe replacement therapy drugs that compensate for the lack of enzymes.

Drugs such as Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte, Creon have a beneficial effect on food digestion by replacing the missing amount of enzymes.

There are a number of drugs that can affect the functioning of the gastric glands, namely, enhance their work.

If the concentration of gastric juice shifts to the alkaline side, it would be appropriate to administer meat broth or replacement therapy, which consists of managing gastric juice, before meals.

You can also provoke an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid using a number of drugs: Etimizol, Pentagastrin.

With accelerated evacuation of stomach contents, diarrhea may occur. This condition can be caused by the presence of foci of inflammation in the digestive tract, which require special research and prescribing a further course of treatment.

Therapeutic measures for diarrhea after eating in an adult are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • elimination of symptoms;
  • preventing dehydration;
  • detoxification of the body;
  • restoration of microflora balance.

In addition, depending on the identified cause, treatment will be anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiviral or other in nature.

Treatment for single diarrhea

Prevention of diarrhea

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system are considered difficult to treat, so experts advise adhering to certain rules and following doctors’ recommendations regarding their prevention.

  • Eating smaller amounts of food at a time helps in better processing of food. In this case, small and frequent meals will help, thus achieving two goals: overeating is eliminated, and the digestive organs do not work in an enhanced mode.
  • Use separate power supply. It is better for the digestive organs to assimilate food from one group: proteins with proteins, carbohydrates with carbohydrates.
  • When eating food, it is important to focus on chewing food fragments: thoroughly chewed food will be processed faster by stomach enzymes.
  • Experts recommend not drinking water with food because it is difficult to digest in this form: gastric juice and hydrochloric acid in low concentrations or diluted with liquid reduce their effect on food that enters the stomach.
  • Daily consumption of fermented milk products will help to constantly maintain the body's microflora in good condition.
  • The use of fasting diets in the form of fruit and vegetable dishes.
  • Be moderate in your consumption of alcoholic, carbonated and strong drinks (coffee, tea).

Overeating, incomplete meals on the go with quickly prepared food, excessively salty or spicy dishes, this is not a complete list of factors that can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts advise taking responsibility for your health: it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

washing hands before every meal; thorough washing of vegetables and fruits; proper heat treatment of vegetables, meat, fish, etc.; drinking clean drinking water; timely medical examination and timely examinations by relevant specialists.

Remember, self-treatment of diarrhea that lasts longer than 3 days can cause irreparable consequences to the body; consult your doctor for diagnosis.

Poor nutrition

When the causes are determined and treatment is prescribed, it is worth taking another important step on the path to recovery, namely, reviewing your diet. You should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

To make things easier on your stomach, you should take your food with a small amount of liquid.

Natural pectins must be present in food. They are found in large quantities in yogurt, banana pulp and applesauce. Foods that contain a lot of potassium (milk and dairy products, boiled potatoes, fresh fruits) help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Remember to salt your food and use enough salt. This component will help retain water in the body. The diet should contain protein foods. Eat boiled eggs, boiled chicken, fried turkey meat.

It is better to exclude raw vegetables from the menu, because fresh plant fibers can cause a deterioration in the condition. Before use, they are blanched or doused with boiling water. Firm vegetables (zucchini, asparagus, celery) are immersed in boiling water for several minutes.

The digestive tract is the most voluminous system of the body and many indications of a person’s health depend on its work.

The modern lifestyle and the amount of varied, not always healthy, food lead to the fact that people are increasingly experiencing various disorders of the digestive tract, and one of them is undigested food in the feces of an adult.

During normal functioning, food entering the stomach is completely broken down and then excreted from the body. In this case, there should not be any individual undigested pieces of food. The only exceptions are products that were obviously not intended for this purpose: fruit seeds, pits, and foreign bodies.

The presence of undigested pieces in stool may indicate the following problems:

  • dysfunction of the pancreas
  • insufficient amount of gastric juice or a change in acid-base balance
  • accelerated intestinal peristalsis, which does not allow food to be completely digested and undergo the necessary breakdown processes.

All of the listed pathologies require treatment, since aggravation of the situation can lead to disruption of trophism and the transition of the disease process to chronic.

Changes in stool characteristics

Violation of the color, smell and consistency of stool can speak volumes, since during normal intestinal function they should not contain mucus, blood, and especially the remains of undigested food.

The only exception to the rule is the digestion of fiber - this substance is the greatest number found in vegetables and fruits and mainly affects the formation of feces.

Prolonged bowel dysfunction is a reason to consult a doctor

For this reason, fibers or individual particles of vegetables and fruits can be excreted from the body in preserved form.

Also, seeds and cereals that have previously undergone heat treatment can be excreted undigested.

If you can detect residues of other food in your stool, then you should seriously think about visiting a gastroenterologist to eliminate the identified symptoms.

Treatment of pathology

The main type of treatment for decreased pancreatic function is the complete exclusion of alcohol and other substances that can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Drug therapy is based on the initially discovered cause - insufficient production of enzymes. Therefore, in this situation, it would be advisable to prescribe replacement therapy drugs that compensate for the lack of enzymes.

Drugs such as Pancreatin and Creon have a beneficial effect on food digestion by replacing the missing amount of enzymes.

Insufficient gastric juice can be caused by gastritis or decreased functioning of the gastric glands.

There are a number of drugs that can affect the functioning of the gastric glands, namely, enhance their work.

If the concentration of gastric juice shifts to the alkaline side, it would be appropriate to administer meat broth or replacement therapy, which consists of managing gastric juice, before meals.

You can also provoke an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid using a number of drugs: Etimizol, Pentagastrin.

With accelerated evacuation of stomach contents, a manifestation may be observed. This condition can be caused by the presence of foci of inflammation in the digestive tract, which require special examination and further course of treatment.

Treatment of inflammation of the colon and joint inflammation of the stomach and intestines is carried out by prescribing rehydration, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The term “intestinal dysbiosis” means

a complex failure in the normal performance of its function.

Dysbacteriosis syndrome manifests itself due to a violation of quantitative and quality composition microflora. In this case, various metabolic disorders and immunological disruptions occur, which manifest themselves in the form of gastrointestinal disorders.

Quite often, this condition occurs after long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Signs of dysbacteriosis are frequent or, on the contrary, a tendency to diarrhea. Sometimes flatulence or intolerance to certain foods appears.

The patient is often plagued by dyspeptic disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting and the symptoms described above. The stool contains particles of undigested food and greenish mucus.

Treatment for this pathological condition is to restore intestinal motility and stimulate the intestines themselves.

Experts will talk about the causes of bowel dysfunction in the video:

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