Psychology of how to convince your husband to stop drinking. How to force your husband to stop drinking without his consent

So you got married, the merry wedding died down. Oaths were taken “For richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health.” Everyone wished happiness, more children and prosperity. You had ideas about married life. You made joint plans and dreamed about the future. Mutual love inspired me. And now, apparently, the time has come to support in difficult times and confirm the words of the oaths.

Women are more resilient than men. It is not for nothing that it is written about them “and he will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” A woman’s destiny is also to force her husband to stop drinking if such a problem occurs in your family. Having seen a terrible diagnosis - alcoholism, a woman must begin to act. Of course, there are difficulties on the way to this, since in rare cases an alcoholic admits his illness and sees a reason for treatment.

Today was a holiday at work, we washed our feet, yesterday we congratulated new car colleague. Tomorrow is the boss's birthday. On Saturday I need to dig around in the garage. Patch up the bathhouse, clean the engine. You can't do it alone, you have to call friends. Well, then you can sit and relax. You can't do without a hundred grams. It would seem that the reasons are valid, but how can you not have a drink? Everything is like everyone else.

Sound familiar? In fact, it goes like this. First, the husband drinks for some reason. Then the craving for alcohol, the desire to drink becomes the driving force for searching for such reasons. Gradually, thoughts are filled only with this very search.

It is difficult for a co-dependent person to admit to himself that there is a problem of alcoholism in the family. The wife believes in the very “reasons” that made it impossible to refuse and offend friends. And my husband feels good and has fun. He is the center of attention, cheerful, sociable, with a sense of humor. Will always support the company in raising a glass. Once the eyes are opened, the problem will be solved. Only sensitive and loving wife can make a husband stop drinking.

From a woman, at such a moment, patience, love, and understanding are required. It’s easier to leave an alcoholic husband, but to help your loved one get rid of an illness, make life happier - this is called a family, for which it’s worth fighting.

Helping my husband stop drinking: looking for the causes of alcoholism

Usually, a man makes excuses with all his might: he drank less than everyone else, broke up with a cheerful company before everyone else, the reason was serious. My wife believes it’s so convenient for both of them. This circumstance is the first sign that a man has become dependent and alcoholism is beginning.

Here are the first signals to take a closer look at what is happening to your husband:

Circumstances that prevent you from drinking are perceived negatively. The circumstances for drinking are positive.

  • If an alcoholic hears about an upcoming drinking binge, he rejoices and his mood rises. He is in a state of anticipation. Strive to get out of business earlier.
  • Priorities lean heavily in one direction. Only the upcoming drinking party can make you happy.
  • The norm now is alcohol intoxication. The state of sobriety becomes unusual and leads to constraint in communication. Leads to excessive stress.
  • A person who is addicted sincerely believes that he can stop drinking at any moment. Criticism is met with hostility. The fact of illness is denied.

First changes in the body

In addition to the emotional changes that occur as a result of incipient alcoholism, there are also physiological ones. In no case should they be ignored, as they lead to incorrigible diseases and damage to internal organs.

These signs are:

  • Stopping the gag reflex. This reflex protects our body from excess alcohol in the blood and from poisoning. Everyone has it healthy person gag reflex is present.
  • A serious increase in the dose of alcohol.
  • The “stop” button in the body breaks down. The person stops noticing that the dose has exceeded the permissible limit.

Have you noticed such changes? Sound the alarm, start taking action. You can lose your husband by closing your eyes to the impending danger.

Accidents in this case are extremely rare. Finding the reasons will help you cope with your husband’s alcoholism. Getting your husband to stop drinking is not an easy task. Eliminate the causes of abuse, this will alleviate the situation.

Important aspect! Often, relatives, friends, wife, adult children pay attention to the problem of the onset of alcoholism quite late. They seek help late. There seems to be no reason to worry, since all the men around him drink. The first signs go beyond the eyes. That is why a wife needs to closely monitor her husband and not wait for chronic alcoholism. Keeping your finger on the pulse is what is important to avoid this problem. Here's how to help your husband stop drinking.

There are quite a lot of reasons for a husband to start drinking too much. Let's look at some of them.

What to do if there is a tradition of drinking frequently at work?

For example, your husband works in a team where everyone “doesn’t mind drinking.” Moreover, no one is looking for special occasions, it’s just customary to have a glass or two in the evening. Such relaxations can be practiced every evening. Slowly, everyone in the company becomes an alcoholic. In this situation, it will not be possible to force your husband to stop drinking. Try to convince him of the need to change jobs.

Wife nags

A hostile family environment also leads to drunkenness. Quarrels, constant dissatisfaction with the wife, tension - stress for a man. A man stops rushing home after work to such a wife. He wants to linger. He enters the bar. This situation must be corrected by the wife. Find the strength to admit the fact that you are the stress factor that triggers your husband’s unwanted behavior. Yes, of course, you have your reasons. Little children who are sick, work, household. If you want to be happy, remember the good things. Prove to your man that you still love him, that he is important to you, that he is needed. Let your husband know that you respect him. Create comfort - this is a direct woman’s responsibility.

Middle age crisis

Very often, after 35-40 years, many men begin a depressive period, especially if there is no career growth, self-fulfillment, work seems unsuitable, and your husband may begin to drown his anxiety and lack of joy in life with alcohol. It turns out that alcohol becomes a source of joy. In this case, you won’t be able to simply force him to stop drinking - it’s best to consult a psychologist, have a heart-to-heart talk, perhaps change the environment and fill the gray days with some bright experiences.


Having a lot of free time also leads to addiction. The habit of missing a drink every day worsens over time and turns into a disease. Harmless, at first, relaxation in the evenings leads to a dangerous diagnosis - chronic alcoholism. Only alcohol starts to make you happy. It’s important to find things for your husband to do. Constantly asking to do something. To get your husband to stop drinking, make sure he doesn't have time for it. Start repairs, find a part-time job.

Nervous work, constant stress

Our reality forces us to do our best at work. Work hard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This
often become the cause of alcoholism. At work you need to always be on your toes, take the heat, solve issues and problems with customers, and take responsibility for everything. A man sees one way to relax - to drink. At first, nothing bad, but then it gets addictive. In such cases, to help your husband stop drinking, you need to show him other ways to relax. Learn how to massage. This will give you the opportunity to keep your husband from alcoholism.

If you accurately determine and eliminate the cause, select a replacement or seek professional help, you can overcome the disease. Or perhaps prevent it.

How to figure out a potential alcoholic husband in advance?

To prevent a future spouse from becoming a “gift,” girls need to remember to be careful, listen to little things, and not ignore the facts. Experts have identified three types of men who can quickly fall asleep:

If your chosen one is on this moment is an example healthy image life, but his parents or grandparents suffered from alcoholism - this is a high-risk area. A man with bad heredity, faced with difficulties, may start drinking, despite all his correct lifestyle now. Just remember this when marrying such a person.

The second type of men are storytellers. “I can’t live without you”, “You are my life”, “No one will ever make me as happy as you.” Have you heard something like this addressed to you? Run! This is an infant clean water unable to take responsibility. He will shift it onto you, and then he will blame you for all his misfortunes. Such a man cannot independently fill his life with interesting events.

The third type is “Kings”. A lot of money, a lot of power, satiety with life and pleasures often leads to alcoholism. Promise luxurious life in reality they take on the shape of a golden cage and domestic terror. Such men are authoritarian, they quickly drink themselves to death, and never admit that they have an illness.

The bottom line is this: getting your husband to stop drinking is a difficult task. Sometimes it’s better to persuade someone to turn to professionals. With the support of your wife, you can “jump out” in time.

Keep yourself in check

If, nevertheless, trouble knocks on your home, try to calm down. Emotions are overwhelming, behave correctly it becomes very difficult. Scandals begin, which, in fact, will only worsen the situation. Those around you also contribute to this: “Oh, why is your guy so drunk?”, “And how do you tolerate it?” and such phrases “help” a lot in aggravating the problem.

Your dreams of a happy marriage have drowned in your husband’s glass, and the “prince” is sleeping, exuding a “pleasant” fume aroma throughout the entire apartment.

Of course, a wave of resentment hits. But here a decision needs to be made. Is it important for you to save your family? Remember the pleasant moments, remember the one you fell in love with a few years ago. Get together, act, fight. Put aside your grievances and don’t take your husband’s harshness while drunk personally. Your happiness is in your hands. This person once made you happy. Give it back.

Bring your husband to talk

Calm down yourself, find the right moment. Bring your husband to talk. Remember that you need to speak sober. Conversation during a hangover or, worse, a binge, will not entail the necessary conclusions. Ask your husband to wake up, look around, and realize what is really happening.

Focus on what is important to your husband. For example, his non-drinking friends practically stopped communicating with him. Losing weight in a group setting can also be a good motivator. Talk about your feelings. Say that you miss those times when you were happy and that you want them back.

Be tactful. Information presented too harshly and harshly will also not bring the desired result. He must see for himself Negative consequences drinking alcohol.

Prepare yourself for the fact that after the first conversation it may not work out. Beware of scandals, they definitely won't help. At this point, you have not lost the entire war. Remember, alcoholism is a disease. It's like scolding someone with a high fever.

Be on the lookout. There is a lot of information garbage in the vastness of the Runet. Many promise quick and 100% relief from addiction, without even requiring the patient’s consent. Self-medicating, mixing something into food and drink is generally dangerous.

Contact the clinic for help. It will be more beneficial. If you don’t have enough funds, the state drug treatment clinic will help you. The downside is registration. Anonymity is guaranteed by paid clinics.

Give the treatment to specialists, and do it yourself:

  • Talk to your husband, convince him to see a doctor;
  • Lead by example, do not drink yourself and do not support him in drinking;
  • Calm atmosphere, interesting hobby, tasty food– leave this to your husband.

In this article we will talk about how to get your husband to stop drinking.

What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking?

What to do if the husband does not comply with either persuasion or threats?

In this article you will find 5 non-obvious tips on how to help your husband stop drinking?

When the husband is sober, he:

  1. Apologizes and asks for forgiveness;
  2. Promises that this will not happen again;
  3. Really feels guilty.

However, enough days pass and he breaks down again, and again there is drunken nonsense. It's as if he becomes a different person.

The situation is not pleasant. Moreover, this person is your husband.

When you met, he was a completely different person - the same as you fell in love with him.

Now you see that your husband cannot stop drinking on his own: the man has an alcohol addiction. But you don’t know what to do in such a situation. How to get your husband to stop drinking when all the methods you've tried don't help?

  1. Stop ignoring your husband's addiction.

First: understand that your husband has an alcohol addiction.

The main criterion for addiction is that your husband loses control over what he drinks.

I wrote about how to accurately determine whether a person is dependent or not in the article “”.

Your husband denies his addiction. He says something like:

  • "I'm fine",
  • "I'm just relaxing"
  • "I have everything under control."

No matter how your spouse justifies his addiction, he himself will never admit that he has problems with alcohol. But before you force your husband to stop drinking, you need to understand this.

Your husband is an alcohol addict and that makes it difficult for him to stop drinking.

Addiction does not go away on its own. If you do nothing, it will only get worse:

  • the husband will not stop drinking and will drink more often,
  • become more aggressive
  • lose control more often
  • to be destroyed mentally and emotionally.

You have noticed that in sobriety your husband is often withdrawn, tense, depressed and even aggressive. These signs are the consequences of alcohol dependence, manifested in sobriety.

I also wrote about this in the articles “” and “”. I recommend to read.

You need to give up illusions:

  • “Can everything get better on its own?”
  • “Maybe my husband will change?”

It's time to stop turn a blind eye to the fact that your husband really has an alcohol addiction and start doing something about it.

  1. Stop forgiving

You have been accustomed since childhood to forgive and accept. But in the case of your husband, who drinks and knows no limits, you make things worse for the man himself. By forgiving him every time, you show that alcohol addiction is normal and contribute to further use. This prevents my husband from quitting drinking.

Is not The best way How to get your husband to stop drinking.

All my husband's promises drink in moderation or stop drinking will remain unfulfilled.

Let him feel that you don’t accept him like that when he’s dependent - he’s a stranger. He remains addicted even when sober.

He drinks and knows that he will “chat” you in the morning, because you will endure everything and forgive everything. This is very selfish of him.

Be ready to accept him as your own only if he begins to lead a completely sober lifestyle.

  • The next day after a party is not sobriety. Let 3-4 weeks pass, and if the person does not break down, we can talk about a temporary restoration of the relationship.
  • By showing your harsh attitude towards the fact that he drinks, you will make a person think that his loved ones do not accept him when he drinks and is dependent.
  • Then the husband will think about quitting drinking alcohol.

Don’t put your husband to bed drunk - let him sleep where he fell. Don't bring water or take care of him when he's hungover. He must feel and experience the feeling of shame.

By the way, I have a separate video course on how to help your husband stop drinking. It is available here at this link. Well, we move on.

  1. Give up alcohol yourself

Understand that if you want to force your husband to stop drinking, you yourself need to give up alcohol.

Perhaps you say, “I drink in moderation, I know when to stop,” “My husband has the problem, not me.”

If you demand something from another person, first decide for yourself to stop drinking completely.

How can you force your husband to stop drinking if you yourself continue to drink sometimes?

Remember there is no moderation, there is no such thing as cultural drinking. Only complete abstinence from alcohol is the main condition for sobriety.

  1. Create favorable conditions for sobriety

There are many reasons that prevent a husband from quitting drinking. But the best approach is to consider alcohol dependence separately from all causes.

A person goes into alcohol addiction, as if into his own other world, because he feels uncomfortable living in the real world.

If we are talking about how to help your husband stop drinking, then you need to change the position from “I want him to stop drinking” to another position:

Ask yourself questions:

  1. What can I do to get him to stop drinking?
  2. How can I change myself so that my husband stops drinking?

You can create favorable conditions in reality.

When your husband is sober and everything is fine, then:

  • Stop putting pressure, blaming a person, squeezing a person.
  • Blame for all sins.
  • Stop smothering yourself with responsibilities.

This way you will remove one of the reasons why a person runs into alcohol addiction.

Perhaps you will object:

  • He's a man.
  • He must do
  • He should help
  • Be responsible
  • And generally “drag”
  • He must, must, must...

Okay, but do you need a man who drinks several times a week and very often loses his normal state?

I think no.

  • Just stop blaming him.
  • Shift the focus away from him as the “core problem.”
  • Stop focusing on this problem.
  • Take care of yourself. You forgot about yourself.

You forgot about your life.

But, I suggest, start with yourself.

Start changing yourself in better side, then your husband, looking at you, will change.

Take care of yourself.

The truth is that we cannot change another person. You cannot fundamentally influence your husband. Much depends on himself. That's why you often feel hopelessness, which causes severe pain.

Therefore, move the vector towards yourself. You can only change yourself.

And don't agree to be humiliated anymore.

  1. Deliver information calmly and constructively

Often we get angry, offended, everything is boiling inside us, but the person just doesn’t understand.

But sometimes, a person simply has no idea what we are thinking, because he does not know how to read minds.

Learn to speak calmly, convey information not in the form of aggression, and not from the position of a victim, but constructively - like a diplomat. Even with my husband. Take your emotions away.

The position of the aggressor and the position of the victim are two extreme positions.

Either defend or attack - the two positions you use when trying to get your husband to stop drinking.
But understand, there is a third position - the position of constructive communication.

This is when you can explain your point of view and convey it in a calm tone.

Without fear and without attacking. But for this you need to be aware of yourself and not let your emotions control you during a conversation.

Practice. It won't work right away. Learn to express your point of view in a clear and constructive manner.

  • If you don't like your husband drinking.
  • If you find this unacceptable.
  • You're not going to continue living like this unless he starts to change.
  • You will make the decision.

It's better to speak now than to plan an escape. Your husband may not be aware of your strong disapproval of alcohol. Invite him to a conversation and calmly, looking him in the eyes, without fear, explain that you are not going to tolerate this, and you will plan changes if the situation on his part does not change.

In a calm tone. Even in a friendly tone. Instead of aggression give the opposite reaction of calm and kindness, but leave the content of the message.

A man believes that if you are still with him, then everything suits you.

Put yourself in your own position, respect yourself, love yourself. You deserve better.

Yes, this is your husband, but you are also a person - worthy of a good life and respect.

Don't be afraid to just talk. Don't turn this into a conflict. And start talking calmly, without giving vent to your emotions. Get your thoughts across. You can write down on a piece of paper some approximate words of what you want to say.

Conclusion on how to get your husband to stop drinking

Don't worry. In such a situation, do not forget about yourself.

Remember that if we want to change another person, first of all, we must ask ourselves “how can I change my attitude? what can I do in this situation?

Then you gain power over life.

Give up the position of a victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself - this will not help either yourself or your husband.

We cannot get into another person's head and change his behavior as we want. Every person comes to the realization that they need to stop drinking on their own. You can simply create favorable conditions for such a decision and awareness.

Also, before you force your husband to stop drinking, better learn about the nature of addiction, study the information on this blog so that you can convey information about alcohol addiction to your husband in a calm manner and, as it were, between the lines.

This is the basic advice on how to get your husband to stop drinking, and how to help your husband stop drinking completely.

Write your situation in the comments, share your opinion, tell us about your difficulties.

You can also take my video course “Sobriety Companion” on how to help your husband stop drinking. Take the course >>

Arseny Kaisarov

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Arseny Kaisarov


The husband is a drunkard. What could be the worst punishment for a woman? How to convince your husband not to drink when you’re away, if you know that you’ll probably have to literally drag him home with you? How to get your husband to stop drinking? And these constant coming home drunk, when you have to babysit him all night. And it’s good if you just babysit, otherwise many men in this state wake up with unmotivated attacks of aggression when they have to take refuge with neighbors or on the street.

Alcoholism is a serious disease, and you cannot cope with it alone. Therefore, immediately understand that your struggle to sober up your husband will be long and difficult. You should decide whether you are ready to spend so much effort and nerves on the person you want. In general, you are not a mother, but just a wife whom he must take care of. But Russian women are mysterious creatures.

First of all, you need to establish a dry law at home. In other words, you should not have stocks of alcohol even for family holidays and New Year. The same applies to you. You will also have to give up this little pleasure.

Remember, it is useless to force your husband to stop drinking, making scandals and swearing. This person is sick. And the patient has no control over his illness. To cope with alcohol addiction. You need to gently but persistently put this thought into his head. Only when he can realize the extent of his addiction can he somehow begin to fight it.

Sometimes a man starts drinking in an attempt to escape from life and home problems. Try to provide him with help and support in resolving them. Ask what exactly bothers him and how he thinks it should be dealt with. Show him that you are ready to be with him in a difficult situation.

When your husband comes drunk, film his behavior on a video camera or phone and threaten to post this recording on the Internet and send a link to it to all his contacts in in social networks if this happens again.

Talk to him about his addiction. Try to convince him that he needs treatment, do not tell him that you want to force your husband to stop drinking. Let it be his decision.

Tell him about in different ways treatments that exist and encourage him to choose the one that suits him best. Very often, men are afraid to admit to themselves their illness, since the word alcoholic is associated with the image of an unattractive, degenerate person.

Try to protect him from those companies, after communicating with which he comes home drunk. On the contrary, involve his friends and relatives in your fight for your husband. Let them also understand that he should not be given alcohol when he comes to visit.

What to do if your husband drinks every day

Unfortunately, in our country people’s craving for alcohol is not decreasing. The number of alcoholics is only growing. Wives, children and close relatives suffer from this. If you find yourself in such a difficult situation and are wondering how to get your husband to stop drinking, then use these tips.

First, bring your husband to his senses so that he soberly perceives all your actions and words. In order to convince your husband not to drink anymore, you yourself will have to forget about even a small amount of alcohol, that is, now there is a prohibition law in your family. Please note that no concessions can be made. Whether it’s a holiday or a name day, there should be no alcohol on the table.

You must gain strength and patience, and show the seriousness of your intentions. Show him in every way that you are determined and if he fails, he will be in serious trouble. Perhaps he will feel all your severity and think about the consequences. There are several ways to get your husband to stop drinking, including medical intervention.

Partial separation from your husband would also be a good option. Show your attractiveness and sexuality, but do not let him get close to you, citing the fact that you will not sleep with an alcoholic. But you shouldn't overdo it too much. You need to make him think that this is a purely personal decision, and you simply helped with this. Do not humiliate yourself in front of him under any circumstances. He doesn't deserve to be beautiful woman was on her knees in front of him. Your task is to push him to take this step.

If he is still not inclined to take your advice, then try to stop all housework. Stop cooking for him, tidying up, and doing his laundry. Surely, in a few days he will understand that a boycott has been declared in the house, and it is time to take action.

Jealousy is also a good way to make your husband nervous and think about his behavior and ultimately force your husband to stop drinking. But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

You can try to film your husband when he is drunk again. And when he comes to his senses, show all the footage to his relatives. Surely he will be ashamed of his behavior, and he will take the first step in the fight against alcoholism.

If nothing helps, then hint at divorce. This usually works, but not for long. During this time, while he is sober, take your husband to the clinic. Every day they help hundreds of people like them.

Important point! After you have achieved your goal, you should take up its activities. Often, after a spouse gives up this addiction, after a while he takes it up again. The whole point is that he simply has nothing to do. In addition, his drinking companions will begin to turn away from him, after which he takes up the bottle again. There is a way out of this situation. It is necessary to provide a person with a job or some activity to his liking. For example, buy him all the wood burning tools or better yet, get him a job.

Please note that after giving up alcohol, dependent people change their behavior very much. This can cause fights or aggression in children. Therefore, it is worth taking care of his psychological state. Buy him calming pills or go on vacation together to the sea.

In order not only to force your husband to stop drinking, but also to prevent him from returning to alcohol, you should stop going to various events where there will be a feast. This whole situation is very stressful for the person who just recently stopped drinking and it’s not a fact that he won’t relapse. And it is already known that even a small drop of alcohol can ruin all the months of work. Protect your husband from friends too. Explain that all this is for the sake of your family and for the sake of your spouse’s health.

Thousands of women every day solve the problem of how to get their husband to stop drinking. And even if you haven’t achieved your goal, don’t waste your time on him and get a divorce.

In general, it should be borne in mind that many alcoholics do not consider themselves such at all and think that they drink only because they want to, and if they don’t want to, they won’t. We can immediately say that practically nothing can be done with such alcoholics, and they will drink until they themselves understand the harmfulness of this habit. Therefore, if you do not suffer from masochism in a particularly perverted form, then run far away from such a husband.

However, there are also those who are already quite tired of this lifestyle, and over time, their health begins to fail more and more often. At this stage, they already understand that they will not be able to deal with alcoholism on their own, and therefore they are ripe to accept the help of others. If your husband is at this stage, then you can try to deal with this problem and get your husband to stop drinking.

Of course, many have heard about various drugs that are incompatible with alcohol and are filed in the form of a capsule or taken orally. However, these products should be used with extreme caution so as not to cause irreparable harm to health.

Remember that treatment for alcoholism must be comprehensive. It involves both drug therapy to relieve withdrawal symptoms and reduce pathological cravings for alcohol, and psychological assistance. And if many women cope with the first part of treatment very well, then as far as psychology is concerned, everything is much worse.

In fact, this is not surprising, because a woman married to an alcoholic gradually falls under his influence and becomes psychologically codependent. Psychologists even have such a term - the wife of an alcoholic. That is why, if you really want to help your spouse, force your husband to stop drinking and return peace to your family, seek help from specialist psychologists.

Classes in so-called Alcoholics Anonymous groups also have a good effect. However, before joining such a group, you should study as much as possible more information about it, in order not to fall for the bait of scammers or some sect.


Literally every third family in our country knows firsthand how terrible alcoholism is when a close and dear husband becomes addicted. Thousands of women are thinking about how to get their husband to stop drinking, especially when the man is not aware of the problem and is not trying to fight the disease on his own. Let's talk about what techniques you can resort to so that you have a chance to rid yourself and your spouse of alcoholism.

What is alcoholism?

There is an opinion that you can recover from alcoholism with a simple willful decision, and if a person drinks, then he simply does not want to change anything. First of all, let's challenge this theory, since alcoholism is a real disease. Dependence can be characterized as either physical or psychological.

From a physiological point of view, the body is exposed to toxic substances, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted and everyone suffers. internal organs. The brain degrades, and along with it the central nervous system. An alcoholic suffers from poor health in the intervals between drinking alcohol, perceives reality inadequately, suffers from memory loss, etc.

From a psychological point of view, the alcoholic “swamp” is no less dangerous - an alcoholic who drinks every day gets used to the state of carelessness and euphoria that he feels when taking ethanol, and his sense of responsibility is erased. Often, dependent people lose face and moral character, after which the people around them turn away from them. The lot of drunkards who could not be cured or saved is dirt, the same alcoholics around them, and death in the future.

Obviously, no person voluntarily wants his life to turn into such a nightmare. So, alcoholism is a disease! If your husband is an alcoholic and you love him, be patient and help him cope with the disease.

Inner strength to quit alcohol

Let's return to the theory that states that any alcoholic can quit drinking forever on his own and without outside help; this requires only willpower and strength of character. The statement is only partially true in cases where the addiction is purely psychological and has not yet triggered physiological changes in the body.

It is possible to wean your husband off alcohol and drunkenness at home only when drinking alcohol has not turned into uncontrolled, systematic binges, without which a person feels bad and is ready to sell his soul for an intoxicating drink. If alcoholism has turned into physical affection, people, as a rule, do not want to fight it. Alcohol returns them a feeling of euphoria and moral satisfaction, erases poor health and falsely normalizes blood pressure, heart rate and mental clarity. As soon as ethanol begins to be eliminated from the body, the malaise returns, and the drunkard again reaches for the treasured liquid and drinks alcohol. In such cases, in order for a person to stop drinking, the intervention of specialists is necessary.

So, can an alcoholic stop drinking on his own?

No, if drinking alcohol has taken the form of alcoholism, and does not consist of ordinary, frequent everyday drinking.

What psychological help can be effective?

If you decide to stop your husband from drinking, first of all think about what prompted him to drink. As a rule, only those people who are deeply unhappy and experience their fears and problems silently, inside, go on a binge. To convince your husband to stop drinking in the future, you need to get to the root of the problem and try to eradicate it:

  • Try to devote more time to your loved one and do not hide how much he means to you. Come up with activities you can do together and remember what your husband did before his addiction.
  • Do not blame your husband under any circumstances, do not blackmail, do not threaten or shout - you will only achieve the opposite effect and the person will withdraw into himself even more. Don’t think about how to teach your husband a lesson for drunkenness, but think about how to help your spouse.
  • Try to have a heart-to-heart talk and tell them how glad you would be if your spouse chose a sober lifestyle again.

A person who feels important and useful is more likely to want to give up alcohol.

To convince your husband to stop drinking, you need to get to the root of the problem.

If we talk about the need for professional help, first you will still have to figure out how to persuade your husband to stop drinking, because it is almost impossible to force a person to change without his consent. In rare cases, the alcoholic himself agrees to treatment, because it means that the disease is obvious and completely controls the drunkard. Your success will be more likely if you are patient and stock up on kind words and support for my husband.

Let's say you convince your husband to seek professional help. Let's talk about what methods are considered effective and are practiced in the fight against alcoholism.


Surely everyone has heard about coding alcoholics using hypnosis. The essence of the procedure is to introduce the dependent person into a trance state and further instill certain programs. With the help of real hypnosis, an experienced, qualified doctor can do a lot: get rid of fears and uncertainty, block depression, get to the bottom of the root cause of alcoholism.

If you choose hypnotherapy, take care of finding a good, qualified specialist who has earned a name in this field. Remember that among doctors there are swindlers who not only will not help, but can also harm your husband.

Read more about this direction in the article “Coding with hypnosis for alcoholism.”

Let's look at the most effective and popular hypnosis techniques:

  1. Autogenic training.
  2. Hypnosuggestive therapy.
  3. Anchor method.

Each of them deserves attention and is famous for its effectiveness.

Autogenic training

This type of training is based on the processes of self-hypnosis, because within each individual there is hidden enormous potential and powerful energy force. The method involves minimal intervention from a psychotherapist - the doctor only teaches the alcoholic the basics of self-hypnosis. His task is to give an impetus and direct the patient’s thinking in the right direction.

After learning the basic techniques, the result of treatment depends solely on the alcoholic himself and his desire to recover. Autogenic intervention is productive only in the first stages of alcoholism, or after more serious psychological and medicinal assistance has already been provided.

Hypnosuggestive therapy

The following technique is based on treatment carried out during a hypnotic trance or so-called sleep under hypnosis. In this case, it is very important that the alcoholic is aware of the problem, sincerely wants to get rid of it and trusts the specialist.

The session includes several stages.

  • First of all, it is important to install trusting relationship between an alcoholic and a specialist, because to be introduced into a trance, a person must be relaxed and should not resist.
  • After a normal conversation, the specialist resorts to psychological techniques aimed at distracting the patient’s attention. At the same time, it is important to keep the conversation going. To put a person into sleep, one or two techniques are enough.
  • After the alcoholic is immersed in a trance, the doctor begins to instill certain programs aimed at giving up alcoholism.

The effectiveness of this method is individual and depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the degree of suggestibility of the patient. Some relatives of alcoholics noted that the effect began to appear after the first session, when others required a course that included 3-6 visits.

Anchor method

This technique differs in that it is not necessary to put a person into a hypnotic sleep.

The therapist’s goal is to find and program the alcoholic’s consciousness for certain, “cause-and-effect” unconscious actions. To put it simply in simple language, a simple example can be given: the anchor is programmed for a word or memory, upon “collision” with which the alcoholic experiences certain emotions. Positive sensations encourage the patient to perform certain actions, negative anchors cause negative sensations and play the role of a kind of stop signal.

The anchor method is effective in combination with drug treatment and only when the alcoholic interacts with and trusts a specialist.

Group psychotherapy

Another way to stop your husband from drinking alcohol is to send him to group psychotherapy sessions, known throughout the world as Alcoholics Anonymous.

The principle of operation of such groups is simple - classes in a group of patients with the same illness show the alcoholic that he is not alone and that there are many people with the same problem. “If they can do it, then so can I,” the addict thinks and the ice breaks. Alcoholics communicate with each other, share experiences and problems, and support each other. Being in such a society is useful for self-analysis and maintaining self-esteem.

The therapist uses play techniques to help alcoholics feel like part of a team, which is also an important part of recovery.

The course of psychotherapy lasts several years, the optimal number of people in the group is from 5 to 10. The method is lengthy, but very effective.

Family therapy

Family groups are considered no less effective, the goal of which is to wean people from drunkenness with the help of care and attention, as well as to teach the wives of drinking husbands to support and understand their significant other.

Families of addicted people, together with alcoholics, gather in small groups and spend time together, which is especially valuable during the period when a person has just completed the course drug treatment and it is very difficult for him to “restore” himself in society. At first, therapy is accompanied by the constant presence of a specialist who teaches wives to support and re-respect their husbands, and also practices various trainings aimed at reducing anxiety. It is important to clearly remember the psychologist’s advice and show understanding. Another advantage of this method is interaction with other families with an identical problem: both the alcoholic husband and his wife see that they are not alone in their abyss, feel that they belong to society, and become more relaxed, purposeful and friendly.

All of the techniques we have listed relate to psychological assistance, but often therapy cannot completely eradicate the problem of alcoholism and is practiced exclusively in combination with medications.

Drug treatment of alcoholism

Let’s talk about how to deal with your husband’s drunkenness if he doesn’t want it and is not ready to voluntarily turn to “shrinks.”

Often the wives of alcoholics complain that their drinking husband categorically does not want to be treated and does not believe that he is sick at all. In such cases, there can be no question of professional psychological help, because even if you manage to agree with your alcoholic husband to go to a psychotherapist, he will do it as a favor and will not support the specialist’s efforts with feedback and the desire to be cured.

The solution to such situations is medication and hospital treatment.

Let's consider common methods of such treatment in more detail:

  • Coding. The principle of encoding is to instill in an alcoholic the information that drinking alcohol will lead to poor health and even death. For this purpose, injections, tablets and alcohol blockers, as well as electrical pulse therapy are used. The method is effective at any, even the most severe stage of alcoholism. Wives have a new lever - they try to scare their husbands, constantly reminding them that ethanol will lead to torture and death. Some even try to cure their husband of alcoholism without his knowledge by adding drugs to food. This absolutely cannot be done, because it is possible allergic reactions. More detailed information is presented in the article “Coding for alcoholism.”
  • Vitamin therapy. The fact is that during binge drinking the body suffers from intoxication, losing useful material and enzymes. By again giving the body what it needs, the pangs of alcohol withdrawal are significantly reduced, and the person has new strength to fight the addiction. The drugs offered to an alcoholic contain a large number of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, PP - they have a tonic effect and improve the well-being of an alcoholic.
  • Acupuncture is another one effective method recovery from alcoholism. After diagnosing the stage of the disease, the specialist acts on various points of the body with acupuncture needles. This activates the process of cleansing the body and weakens psychological dependence. Detailed information is presented in the article “Acupuncture for Alcoholism.”
  • Plasmapheresis is a hardware therapy that works by purifying blood plasma. The blood is passed through a special filter and returned to the alcoholic’s body. The method is not in great demand, since many are afraid to fight the disease so radically.

Coding is effective at any, even the most severe, stage of alcoholism

All of the above methods are suitable for compulsory treatment, which is agreed upon and planned without the knowledge of the husband. It is important that the alcoholic is constantly monitored by specialists and treatment is carried out exclusively by professionals.

If you want to study this area of ​​the issue in more detail, pay attention to the article “Treating alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient.”

Traditional treatment of alcoholism using non-traditional methods

It is important to mention the fight against alcoholism with folk remedies. These include all kinds of tinctures and decoctions from many plants. Here are some of them:

  • Centaury.
  • Lovage root.
  • Lavrushka.
  • Apple.
  • Clefthoof root.
  • Soda.
  • Plants that have an emetic effect.

Also popular are these folk remedies, like extracts and infusions of worms and insects. The question is very extensive and deserves a separate publication, so pay attention to the article “The most effective folk remedies for alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient”

Advice from psychologists and literary publications to help in the fight against alcoholism

If your husband realizes that he is an alcoholic and is willing to make an effort to fight it, the battle can be considered won. Medical and psychological direction offer alcoholics books that help them fight any addictions, among which alcoholism is in first place.

There are also a huge number of private offices where you can turn to professionals for help.

Has everything gone too far and the husband does not want to admit the problem? Be sure to read the article “Forced treatment for alcoholism” and take the necessary measures.

We looked at what needs to be done to get my husband to stop drinking. The prognosis for recovery depends not only on the individual characteristics of the alcoholic’s body and his desire to recover, but also on your support and participation. Under no circumstances try to teach your husband a lesson for drunkenness with rudeness and anger, because this will have the opposite effect and your drunkard will only become convinced that he is not loved and understood.

How to get your husband to stop drinking alcohol? Admit that he is sick, convince your husband of this and prove to him that you are not indifferent to his fate.

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Unfortunately, the problem of alcohol consumption by the head of the family is not uncommon. Consequences such as quarrels, scandals, and fights are not uncommon. It is unlikely that you deliberately married drinking man. Most likely, some circumstances pushed him to take this step. Divorcing such a spouse and living elsewhere will solve your problem, but will not solve him. If this is not about you and you are full of patience and determination to help your spouse, then the information will be useful.

Before moving on to methods of dealing with alcohol, it is important to consider the signs, factors influencing addiction and consequences.

Like any disease, alcohol addiction has its own symptoms:

  • desire to drink alone;
  • concealment of facts of alcohol consumption;
  • loss of interest in hobbies and life;
  • in the absence of the opportunity to drink, nausea, trembling, and sweating appear;
  • memory lapses occur;
  • severe irritability for no reason.

It is also important to note the reasons why this disease may occur:

  1. Gene level, heredity.
  2. Age at which alcohol was first consumed: Adolescents aged 15 years who try hard liquor for the first time are thought to be more susceptible to the disease.
  3. A bad habit is smoking, which has a predisposition to alcoholism.
  4. Depression, stress - firstly, a hormone (cortisol) is produced, which provokes the use of strong drinks, secondly, patients begin to consume alcohol as an antidepressant.
  5. The environment, if there are people suffering from addiction nearby, this can contribute to the development of the disease.
  6. Facilities mass media often show bright life, where alcohol is an integral attribute.

The body produces alcohol itself, but in the quantities in which it needs it. The liver cannot cope with the amount of alcohol that is consumed consciously, so alcohol, when ingested, reaches the intestines, is absorbed into its walls, enters the blood, and then into the brain. What does this lead to?

A person feels constant fatigue, vision is impaired under the influence of toxins, eye muscles weaken, the risk of developing diabetes and a number of cancers increases, and activity is impaired. nervous system, problems in the functioning of the heart muscle, etc. Consequences outside the body include problems with the law, domestic violence, involvement in car accidents.

Methods to combat alcohol: advantages and disadvantages

Currently, many methods have been developed to combat this disease. By resorting to their help, the patient can be returned to normal life, even if he falls into the category of an advanced or hopeless case. The methods include different techniques and are combined into three directions, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Psychological assistance is considered the most common and effective method: a negative perception towards alcohol is formed, and an attitude towards leading a healthy lifestyle is given. However, not all patients are suggestible. This method requires strong motivation from the patient.
  2. Drug treatment is a fast and effective method; Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment may range from prescribing vitamins and restoratives to potent medications. But such drugs are usually expensive and not everyone can afford them. Also, in this case, the problem of the occurrence of dependence (cause) is not solved, i.e. There is no guarantee that after completing treatment a person will not return to drinking alcohol.
  3. Alternative medicine. Here, herbs and herbs are used as medicines, which help cleanse the liver and saturate the body with nutrients. Used only at an early stage of the disease. It will not help in advanced cases.

It is important to consider each method in detail. After all, the result will depend on the correct approach to solving this problem.

Psychological help

In simple words, the entire range of psychological measures is aimed at putting things in order in the patient’s head. The main goals of psychotherapy are: eliminating discomfort in the patient’s condition, suppressing the desire for alcohol, interrupting and withdrawing from binge drinking. Psychological methods include the following forms:

  1. Hypnotherapy. Before starting the procedure, a number of psychological tests are carried out to help the specialist understand the patient’s level of sensitivity to such a procedure, as well as its effect on the activity of the nervous system. During a hypnotic session, the psychotherapist relaxes the patient and after that gives him a verbal instruction aimed at understanding the destructive effects of alcohol. Afterwards, a refusal to drink alcohol is instilled.
  2. Group psychotherapy. Not only the specialist, but also the participants of such groups and communities help each other. Having described his situation to his comrades, it becomes easier for a person, because he finds understanding among people like him. The effectiveness of this technique is typical only in the initial stage of the disease.
  3. Autogenic training. Aimed at self-hypnosis, they allow you to restore personal qualities destroyed by alcohol. All self-hypnosis formulas lead the patient to absolute indifference to alcoholic beverages. After attending such sessions, the patient experiences a decrease in emotional stress.
  4. Family therapy. Involving a wife in a treatment program not only helps to improve the husband’s active attitude, but also increases the likelihood of not having a relapse. One of the methods of such therapy is joint journaling; such entries help clear the mind of addiction.

Drug treatment

A big advantage would be to place the patient in an inpatient setting. In an institution of this kind, doctors constantly monitor patients, which minimizes the risk of drinking alcoholic beverages. In order not to worsen the patient's condition, the medical specialist must identify the presence of other diseases before starting the treatment process.

  1. Prescription of vitamin preparations, antidepressants, therapeutic agents, sedatives.
  2. Coding. The application of the method is to develop an aversion to alcohol in an addicted person by introducing drugs into the body that reduce cravings for alcohol.
  3. Bioxen therapy. The patient lies down on the couch, and a xenon mixture is supplied through the oxygen mask in which he is located. The patient breathes for several minutes. This method does not have side effects. This therapy helps restore mental performance, memory, thinking and emotional disturbances. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, stimulates blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain, and reduces blood viscosity.
  4. Pyrotherapy. Artificially increasing the patient's body temperature, the body's immune response is produced.
  5. Acupuncture. The dislike of alcohol is established through the influence of a specialist on biologically active points.

Alternative medicine

Medical nutrition. The affected body needs vitamins and nutrients. It is important to include vegetables in your diet - they will provide fiber, grains and cereals will increase energy levels, fruits will be saturated with microelements. Such nutrition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body: the kidneys, liver, heart vessels are cleansed and their activity is normalized, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

Conspiracies, prayers, spells. Treatment is based on faith in a higher power. And despite the distrust of many, according to statistics, about 80% of patients are cured of alcohol addiction in this way. Appropriate rituals are carried out, prayers are read, both the person himself and the alcohol are spoken.

Medicinal mixtures, herbs. The following plants are used: wormwood, cloves, St. John's wort, calendula, tansy, celandine, thyme, centaury, etc. Decoctions of vegetables and fruits: apple, pumpkin, cranberry. Several recipes for preparing herbal decoctions and tinctures:

  1. Pour 20 grams of thyme into a glass of hot boiled water and leave for about 20 minutes. Give the patient one tablespoon, three times a day. This herbal infusion gives an effect even with chronic illness.
  2. A decoction of centaury has a good effect. Fill with water and boil for 10 minutes, 3 tablespoons of dry herbs. Leave for 2 hours, then strain. The patient should take the decoction daily for a month (2 times a day, half a glass).
  3. Bay leaf and the root of this plant quickly cause aversion to alcohol and help get rid of drunkenness. These ingredients, in the amount of 250 grams, need to be poured with vodka and left to infuse in a cool place. Then give the person a drink. The effect is noticeable after the first use.

Bee products. They are a rich source of potassium, the lack of which causes cravings for alcohol, according to some doctors. Eating these foods is believed to reduce the desire to drink.

Any treatment method is based on the patient’s desire to get rid of addiction. Psychologists give some advice to wives on how to persuade their spouses to undergo treatment.

If your husband is a good father, make him an incentive for the child's future. Talk to him about this topic and explain what prospects await your child if you don’t make efforts to fix the problem. Is your spouse a pragmatist? The incentive is money. Touch on the financial side of the issue, calculate how much is spent Money for alcohol, explain, for example, what kind of car could be purchased due to savings. Tell your husband about the diseases that he acquires from drinking alcohol, about how much worse he has become and what serious consequences this can lead to.

Remember that the support of close relatives is important not only when a person is already sick, but also when he is healthy. Don't expect miraculous healing without making any effort. You shouldn’t wait for alcohol addiction to fully develop; sound the alarm earlier!

Video: how to help a person stop drinking if he doesn’t want to
