Martini cocktail with cherry juice proportions. Martini cocktails, or what juices goes with the famous drink? Strong martini sprite and vodka cocktail

It is important for connoisseurs of alcoholic cocktails to know what kind of juice martini is drunk with, how to mix drinks correctly and serve them beautifully to the table. There are several rules that everyone can master.

Why mix martinis and juice?

Although vermouth is considered a feminine drink, it belongs to the category of fortified wines and has a high strength (15-18% by volume). Therefore, in most cases, cocktails for women necessarily contain fruit juices, which not only reduce the strength of the drink, but also give it a particularly rich taste.

When choosing juice for making martini cocktails, it is important to consider which variety of vermouth belongs to. Producers produce 3 varieties of wine of this brand:

  • Rosso, or red, is usually served with meat and dessert dishes;
  • Rosato, or pink, goes well with different dishes, including desserts;
  • Bianco, or white, like the previous one, is combined with many products.

If it is customary to serve wine with the main dishes in pure form, then the dessert table allows the use of martini-based cocktails.

How to combine juice and martini in a cocktail?

To prepare a fragrant and tasty cocktail based on vermouth, you need to master 4 important rules making drinks. To prepare a successful martini cocktail, it is worth considering:

  1. The temperature of the drink when serving. Before mixing the martini cocktail, you need to cool it to + 10 ... + 15 ° С (put the bottle in the refrigerator in advance). Ice cubes are also used for cooling, but when melted, they can change the taste of the cocktail.
  2. The right amount of ingredients. The classic recipe for a martini cocktail with juice recommends a ratio of 1:1, i.e. for every 100 ml of wine, take 100 ml of fruit juice. But this proportion is not mandatory: if you need a less strong drink, then the amount of juice is increased according to your own taste.
  3. Fruit juice is a very rich drink, which in its pure form can irritate the gastric mucosa. For additions to a martini cocktail, it is best to dilute the liquid with tonic or lightly carbonated mineral water. If you don’t like sparkling drinks, then you can choose mineral water without gas.
  4. Suitable juice to mix with martini. The choice of juice is often the main difficulty in making a cocktail. But the determining factor should be the aroma of the non-alcoholic additive: it should not interrupt the grape note of the wine itself. The taste should be sour. The best additives are cherry and grape juices. Connoisseurs often recommend citrus fruits for diluting martinis: lemon, orange, grapefruit. Their aroma well interrupts the alcohol flavor of fortified wine.

When making drinks, it is best to use freshly squeezed fresh juice. He contains a large number of vitamins and biologically active substances, which significantly reduces the harmful effects of alcohol and alleviates the condition when it is abused. But for fast food Any store-bought juice with a minimum sugar content will do.

In order not to spoil the color of the cocktail, it is recommended to mix white martinis with lemon or orange fresh juice, light grape juice (Riesling, Chardonnay, etc.). The combination of vermouth and Muscat grapes with a rich aroma will be especially successful. Pink and red vermouth can be mixed with colored fresh juices (cherry or red grapes).

Can you break the rules?

Exotic cocktails are prepared with a slight violation of the rules: sometimes juices with pulp, peach or mango are chosen for this. The cocktail will lose transparency, and its appearance may not be as effective as those composed of clear liquids. But as an experiment, you can try such a non-standard recipe.

Very sweet martini cocktails and fresh juices with a high sugar content are considered fashionable combinations: apricot, apple, grapes or coconut milk. Not everyone likes them, but in the absence of rejection of such sweet combinations, you can break the rules in this.

Good combinations can be obtained with fresh exotic fruits. Tropical cocktails with kiwi, pineapple, pomelo will help enrich the range of martini drinks. The juice from these fruits has sufficient acidity, but makes the cocktail cloudy.

How to make a drink with martini and juice?

The simplest drink recipe - from apple juice and white martini - allows you to make it right in the glass. For proper serving, special highball containers are needed: on a high leg, with a bowl in the form of an inverted cone. Required:

  • freshly squeezed juice from green apples of sour varieties - 1 part;
  • white vermouth Martini - 1 part;
  • ice - 2 cubes.

Put ice in a glass and pour 2/3 of the apple juice. Top up with vermouth. It is not necessary to mix the cocktail, the liquids have approximately the same density and color, so the drink will be homogeneous without additional steps. Apple Martini cocktail is served with fruit desserts, you can drink it as an aperitif.

To make the cocktail look beautiful on the ceremonial table, the edges of the glass are decorated with decorative frost. To do this, you need to hold a piece of apple along the edge of the bowl, and then dip it in fine sugar or powder. When pouring liquid into a decorated highball, be careful not to wet the rim.

Cranberry or lingonberry cocktail is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 150 g frozen berries;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 150 g pink or red martini;
  • 300 ml of water.

Defrost the berries, mash and pour boiling water. Add sugar and refrigerate. Strain the liquid, mix it with martini and pour into glasses. Decorate with large cranberries put on a skewer.

Bianco orange cocktail is also easy to make:

  • put a few ice cubes in a highball;
  • pour in a white martini (50 ml) and add orange juice (about 150 ml), mix with a bar spoon;
  • Garnish with an orange peel spiral and serve.

Having mastered simple recipes, you can come up with your own original cocktails, and try to make other drinks with big amount different ingredients.


Going to a party where martini will be the main drink, do not forget to learn how to drink this vermouth correctly. Let's go through all the important points of this process.

There are many drinks, but "the king nightlife» one is a martini! The alcoholic drink received its title among bartenders, due to the fact that it is the main aperitif of club life and social events. But, losing sight of this fact, many still do not know how to drink a martini properly. They are often dissatisfied with the first acquaintance with this drink. Let's see how to fix this situation.

Martini is a specific type of vermouth, with a strength of 16-18%. And like all vermouths, in its composition it contains the main ingredient that distinguishes it from other drinks - this is wormwood. But in addition to wormwood, it contains up to 35 notes of various plants, which gives a certain bittersweet taste.

Martini has its own varieties, which differ not only in the grape variety, but also in those very additional herbs. Each manufacturer keeps their recipes in the strictest confidence. Only an experienced sommelier is able to distinguish the bouquet of aromas of each particular variety.

There are seven main varieties of martini, the first 4 types won the greatest popularity in Russia.

  1. Bianko is white, with a characteristic spicy aftertaste and distinct notes of vanilla.
  2. Rosso - red, has a bright, memorable aroma and a characteristic bitterness. A beautiful dark amber hue gives caramel vermouth.
  3. Rosato - pink. It includes 2 types of wine at the same time: white and red. Due to this, the drink has an unusual taste and color.
  4. Extra Dry - dry, alcohol content 18%. The color of the drink is straw, the sugar content is minimal. The main flavor notes are raspberry, lemon and iris.
  5. D'Oro is a dry white, with characteristic notes of caramel and citrus.
  6. Fiero - red, main notes - blood orange and Mediterranean citruses.
  7. Bitter is an alcohol-based martini with a touch of bitterness and sweetness. Color - ruby.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the glasses. It is really possible to fully feel the taste and delicate aroma of the drink only in cone-shaped glasses on long legs. They are sometimes called monkeys or watering cans. In the absence of such, they are replaced with whiskey glasses made of thick glass.

Martini is not only an alcoholic drink. This is a lifestyle, a tart taste of contentment. Therefore, the glasses in which it is served are the embodiment of sophistication, refinement and aesthetics. From such a bowl it is pleasant to drink in small sips, enjoying the delicious bouquet of the drink. For cocktails, it is recommended to use a straw.

You will not be able to appreciate vermouth if the temperature of the drink is too chilled or vice versa. The ideal temperature ranges from 10°C to 15°C. Usually, ice cubes or frozen berries are added to martinis, as a result of which desired temperature drink.

As a rule, a martini is served before a meal, due to the fact that it excites the appetite and perfectly quenches thirst. This is the perfect drink for social events and night parties. With a glass of vermouth, it is pleasant to maintain a measured conversation, enjoy romantic communication or while away a few hours of aesthetic loneliness.

The dilution of alcohol is the main point by which one can evaluate taste qualities vermouth. Most admirers of this drink do not appreciate the taste of a martini in its purest form. The bulk prefer cocktails with a milder taste or an increase in the degree.

But if you are not one of those, or if you want to try a martini as it is, know that you need to serve the drink with olives, a slice of onion, a slice of lemon or with ice. It is advisable to put olives on a toothpick or a special cocktail skewer, so your drink will be more pleasing to the eye. And what pleases the eye is certainly pleasant to the taste.

Some admirers of vermouth like to add slices of fruit or berries to the “clean” drink. This mix harmonizes especially well with Martini Bianko. Vanilla in combination with a berry-fruity note creates an amazing aftertaste.

There are a lot of options here. The first and main one is juices, mostly citrus fruits. Classics - freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit. Cherry juice is a great addition to red vermouths. A classic cocktail usually consists of 2 parts juice and 1 part martini. A one-to-one mix is ​​also possible: juice, alcohol and ice.

For those who like it stronger, there is an alcoholic classic of combining martinis with stronger drinks. Youth wanting to find easy way, prefers to dilute alcohol with all kinds of carbonated drinks. Greater preference is given to Schweppes and Coca-Cola. Some lovers dilute vermouths with mineral water.

How to drink different types of martinis

Martini Bianko is a classic in its purest form. Therefore, the additional ingredients here are classic: olives, lemon, ice, fruits, and so on. An excellent addition to alcohol will be a tonic or soda. To emphasize the strength of the drink, add vodka and ice. An excellent combination arises with the addition of dry gin. One part Martini Bianko and 2 parts gin is a true Martini Sweet.

A popular option is a mix of Martini Rosso and orange or cherry juice, in proportions of 2:1. Thanks to this taste solution, the cloyingly sweet taste disappears from red vermouth. A great addition is a slice of lemon. If you want an absolutely incredible taste, mix a martini with pomegranate juice and ice.

The richness of the taste of Martini Rosso is revealed in the Manhattan cocktail. Half a glass of vermouth, 1/5 whiskey and two ice cubes. A few drops of pomegranate or cherry nectar for softness and a couple of cherries to finish general image. And now you are already a resident of Manhattan with a glass of traditional expensive alcohol.

Martini Rosato is diluted with juice or water.

Martini Extra Dry is mainly consumed undiluted with ice. If it is too strong for you, add pear juice. In general, a slice of onion is ideally combined with this vermouth. Give the wine a little brew and try.

The Martini Dry cocktail is another classic of the genre. 10 ml Martini Extra Dry, 50 ml of the same dry gin and an ice cube. This very, very dry martini will not leave indifferent any admirer of this variety of vermouth.

Well, how to do without a mixture of martini varieties themselves? Extra Dry and Bianko with the addition of gin - a drink of legend, with the mysterious name "Medium". The secret of its preparation is simple: mix 10 ml of each vermouth and pour 40 ml of gin into them. Garnish it all with a slice of lemon and enjoy the delicious taste.

Well, the last point of drinking vermouth is an appetizer. There is little variety here. Usually these are crackers, nuts, olives or black olives. Special connoisseurs eat hard cheeses. But this does not mean at all that you need to adhere to such foundations.

In general, in everything related to martini, you need to start from the classical foundations and move on to personal desires. Perhaps you will bring your own special note of something exotic to this drink.

You will learn a lot of interesting things by reading about another alcoholic drink. Here are a few rules, like.

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Rating of the best martini cocktails according to the authors of the AlcoFan website. When compiling a list of recipes, we were guided by taste, popularity, availability of ingredients and ease of preparing drinks at home. If desired, the martini can be replaced with any other similar vermouth, for example, Cinzano, Delasy or Dolyan brands.

1. "Martini with vodka"

The legendary cocktail made famous by James Bond.

  • martini "Dry" (dry) - 10 ml;
  • vodka - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • olives - 1-2 pieces;

Recipe: fill the shaker with ice, add vodka, shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Add martini, shake again, then pour the resulting cocktail into a glass through a strainer (bar strainer). On final stage add a few drops of lemon juice, garnish with olives or lemon zest.

Dry martini with vodka

2. Martini 50/50

Cocktail captivates with ease of preparation. The taste is specific - tones of juniper from gin are intertwined with notes of wormwood from vermouth.

  • gin - 40 ml;
  • dry martini - 40 ml;

Recipe: in a glass with ice, mix gin and martini in equal proportions, pour the resulting mixture through a strainer into a glass for serving. To decorate, place an olive on a toothpick.

Martini with gin

3. Negroni

The recipe was invented by the Italian count Camillo Negroni. This is one of the most exquisite cocktails in the world.

  • martini Rosso - 30 ml;
  • gin - 30 ml;
  • Campari (Italian bitter with a strength of 28 degrees) - 15 ml;

Recipe: Fill a serving glass with ice, add gin, vermouth and Campari in the order shown. Slowly stir the drink with a spoon. Decorate with an orange slice.


4. "Martini and Sprite"

The sweetish taste of vermouth can be complemented by the tart taste of lemon soda.

  • martini Rose (pink) - 60 ml;
  • sprite (sprite) - 30 ml.

Recipe: Mix 2 parts Rose martini with 1 part cold Sprite. Slices of lemons or cucumbers are suitable as decoration.

martini with sprite

5. Champagne Martini

Sweet glamorous cocktail for a bachelorette party.

  • strawberry syrup - 30 ml;
  • martini Rosso - 100 ml;
  • champagne - 150 ml;
  • ice cubes.

Recipe: Add red martini, champagne and syrup to an ice-filled glass. Do not stir the cocktail, garnish with a mint leaf. Drink through a straw.

Martini with champagne

6. "Martini with cognac and tonic"

An interesting combination of vermouth with cognac or brandy.

  • martini Bianco (white) - 30 ml;
  • cognac (grape brandy) - 15 ml;
  • tonic - 60 ml.

Recipe: Mix well-chilled martini, cognac and tonic in a serving glass. Olive or lemon zest helps to give the drink a beautiful appearance.

Martini Bianco with cognac

7. "Martini with juice"

You can dilute martinis with mineral water or juices. In the second case, a whole group of delicious cocktails is obtained. Acidic freshly squeezed juices are ideal: orange, pineapple, lemon, cherry, etc.

  • martini - 100 ml;
  • juice - 100 ml;

Recipe: Mix a martini with your choice of juice and add a few ice cubes. The proportions of the ingredients can be changed at your discretion.

Bianco with orange juice

8. Americano

The cocktail was invented in Italy and named after American tourists.

  • Campari - 25 ml;
  • martini "Rosso" - 50 ml;
  • soda - 100 ml;

Recipe: Mix Rosso and Campari martini in a shaker. Pour the mixture through a strainer into a glass with ice, add soda and stir with a spoon.


Wine with a characteristic taste is one of the world's famous brands vermouth, produced in Italy (similar wines "Cinzano", "Bouquet of Moldova"). Martini (and other vermouths) is a special type of fortified wines made by complete or incomplete fermentation of the must with the addition of natural flavor and aroma components, as well as alcohol-containing products, to the wine. Martini is produced in three main varieties, distinguished by color: Rosso (red), Bianco (white), Rosato (pink), also Martini is distinguished by the category of dryness-fortress, sugar content and flavoring.

How and with what is it better to drink a martini?

Usually both as aperitifs (that is, drinks taken before meals) and digestifs (drinks taken with meals). Pure martini can be served with desserts, red - only with meat dishes from red meat or tuna or dessert, white and pink - with any dishes. Dry varieties (with less sugar content) are more suitable for meat and fish dishes. Martini is also used to make various cocktails. In the process of making cocktails, Martini is mixed with various other non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks (gin, vodka, rum, various liqueurs, tonics, etc.).

What is used to dilute a martini?

Martini - the wine is quite strong (the share of pure alcohol is 15-18%). For the preparation of refreshing light martini-based cocktails (especially in the warm season), non-alcoholic drinks are more suitable: carbonated and table water with a neutral taste (soda, for example), various tonics with citrus and other fruit flavors, as well as natural fruit juices (better fresh squeezed).

What is the best juice to mix martini with?

Martini goes well with some fruit juices, such as cherry or apple. Since Martini is originally a grape wine, this drink is well diluted with light grape juice from white European grape varieties with neutral flavors (for example, Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot, Sémillon, Sauvignon Blanc). Particularly fragrant interesting cocktails can be made with the juice of white or pink Muscat grapes.

Pleasant invigorating and refreshing Martini-based cocktails can be prepared using freshly squeezed citrus juices (lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, etc.). Martini cocktails with kiwi and pineapple juices also have very interesting tastes.

How to dilute a martini with juice?

Nutritionists, in principle, do not advise drinking undiluted juices, as they can act too aggressively on the gastric mucosa (especially citrus and other acidic juices). Based on this, when diluting Martini with juices, it’s a good idea to add table non-carbonated (or slightly carbonated) water or tonic to the cocktail in an amount of at least 1/4 of the total volume. And one more important point: in a cocktail, the taste of juices and other additives should not interrupt the taste of Martini, but only modify and complement it.

Martini is a legendary brand that is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world. There are several versions of the appearance of this drink, one of which attributes authorship to the bartender D. Thomas from the town of Martinez.

Vermouth - has long been made as a remedy used by Hippocrates to treat patients with problems digestive system. Modern vermouth is a more aromatic drink, in which the producers of the Italian brand have added more spices and herbs. The taste of Martini was appreciated by Winston Churchill and Alfred Hitchkol, for whom he was not only an alcoholic drink, but also a source of energy.

As part of this drink, several dozen different herbs and plants are used, which give it a special unique aroma and taste. Currently, Martini is considered the most popular drink for making cocktails, each of which is a real masterpiece. The variety of cocktails based on the legendary "Martini Bianco" delights with its diversity. Cream, juices, syrups, chocolate chips are added to them, mixed with vodka and tequila. It is customary to drink them only chilled, sometimes ice cubes are added to the cocktail.

Cocktail recipe with Martini Extra Dry

The Martini cocktail recipe is based on Extra Dry martini drinks and gin. Despite the fact that the cocktail is prepared on the basis of vermouth, its name is not related to the name of the drink. It is named after its author - Martini de Anna de Toggia.

Before making a martini cocktail, prepare ice and chill the glass.

Pour drinks into glass and stir lightly.

Decorate the aperitif cocktail with an olive or a slice of lemon.

Martini cocktails are usually served in a special martini glass. This glass on a high thin stem is shaped like an umbrella turned inside out.

Vodka and martini cocktail recipe

Martini cocktail with vodka "Konot martini" is a wonderful strong drink. Ease of preparation and delicate delicate flavor of vermouth made it one of the most popular men's cocktails.

  • Vodka - 75 ml
  • Dry vermouth - 25 ml
  • Grapefruit beater - 3 ml
  • Lemon - 15 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Pour the dry martini and vodka into a mixing glass.

Fill the glass with ice cubes and stir the drink well with a cocktail spoon.

Pour the finished cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass, add 2-3 drops of grapefruit, vanilla, cardamom, licorice or ginger bitters - to your taste.

Garnish the cocktail with lemon zest.

Cocktail with Martini Dry

The Dry Martini is the easiest drink to make at home in no time.

  • Gin - 75 ml
  • Dry vermouth - 15 ml
  • Lemon - 5 g
  • Olives - 5 g
  • Ice cubes - 150 g

Pour dry vermouth and gin into a mixing glass or shaker and mix.

Put ice in the glass and stir until frost appears on the walls of the glass.

Pour the drink into a chilled cocktail glass, squeeze the lemon zest over the cocktail and run it along the rim of the glass.

Garnish the original cocktail with a green olive on a skewer.

Martini Cocktail with Rosé Cherry Juice

Simple martini bianco cocktail recipes will help you diversify your holiday menu. It will take you no more than 5-10 minutes to prepare them, and your guests will be able to enjoy a variety of different drinks to their taste.

Martini cocktail with Rosé Cherry juice is an incredibly tasty and beautiful drink. It will certainly appeal to all lovers of bright fruit drinks, and especially to young women.

  • Cherry juice - 150 ml
  • Cherry - 15 g
  • Mint - 1-2 leaves
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to the top, pour over the pink martini vermouth and cherry juice.

Stir the drink with a cocktail spoon and garnish with three cherries on a skewer and a fresh mint leaf.

Martini Bianco cocktail recipe

Bianco martini cocktails are simple but incredibly delicious. "Bianco tonic" can be prepared not only for a friendly party, but also for relaxation in the family circle. The drink is perfectly refreshing and invigorating, so you can drink it not only in the evening, but also during the day.

  • Martini Bianco - 50 ml
  • Tonic - 150 ml
  • Lemon - 30 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to the very top, pour in the martini and tonic water.

Stir gently with a bar spoon and garnish with two lemon wedges.

Cocktail "Martini Royale" with champagne

A martini cocktail with champagne will decorate any holiday and family celebration. A great drink is also suitable for a friendly party, bachelorette party and just a romantic evening for two.

Cocktail "Martini Royale" is prepared very simply, for this you need to take:

  • Martini - 75 ml
  • Champagne dry - 75 ml
  • Lime - 30 g
  • Mint - 1 g
  • Ice cubes - 160 g

Fill a wine glass to the top with ice cubes, pour in the white martini and champagne.

Squeeze a quarter lime into the drink and gently stir with a cocktail spoon.

Garnish the cocktail with a lime wedge and mint sprig.

Cocktail recipe "Martini Royale" with "Martini Prosecco"

IN classic recipe Cocktail "Martini Royale" includes any dry sparkling wine. However, if you want to make a truly amazing drink, use Martini Gold drinks and Martini Prosecco Champagne. Prosecco martini cocktail is not only incredibly fragrant, but also insanely beautiful.

  • Vermouth "Martini Bianco" or "Gold" - 75 ml
  • Champagne "Martini Prosecco" - 75 ml

Fill the glass with ice to the brim, pour vermouth and champagne into it. Squeeze the juice from half a lime into your drink and stir lightly with a spoon.

You can decorate the cocktail as you like - with a sprig of mint, strawberries, cherries, olives or a slice of pineapple.

Cocktail recipe "Martini Royale" with "Martini Rosso"

The Martini Royale cocktail recipe for a gala event is slightly different from the classic one.

  • Strawberry syrup - 10 ml
  • Martini Rosso - 50 ml
  • Champagne - 100 ml
  • Ice - 30 g

Put an ice cube in a thin chilled glass, pour strawberry syrup on top.

Without stirring, carefully pour the martini and champagne along the wall. You can decorate with strawberries, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint.

Cocktail "Martini Royale" is ideal for celebrating various events - weddings, anniversaries or new years.

Dry martini cocktail with orange juice

Bianco Orange dry martini cocktail is a light alcoholic drink that is perfect for a friendly party.

  • White vermouth Bianco - 50 ml
  • Orange juice - 150 ml
  • Orange - 5 g
  • Ice in cubes - 150-200 g

Fill a highball glass to the top with ice cubes, pour in dry white vermouth and orange juice to the rim.

Stir with a bar spoon and garnish with orange zest.

Bianco martini-based cocktails are the most popular mixed drinks, without which no gala reception or event takes place.

This drink deservedly gained immense popularity due to its unique, but at the same time universal taste, which is liked by everyone without exception.

"Arno" - a cocktail with gin and "Martini"

A cocktail with gin and martini "Arno" will perfectly complement any romantic dinner, cheer up the company, quench your thirst or warm you up on a cold winter evening. The cocktail is perfect for a party and for any festive feast.

  • Gin - 30 ml
  • Peach liqueur - 30 ml
  • Dry vermouth martini - 30 ml
  • Lemon - 15 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Pour the peach liqueur, dry martini vermouth and gin into a mixing glass.

Fill the glass with ice cubes and stir the drink with a cocktail spoon.

Pour the cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass, run a lemon zest along the rim of the glass and toss it into the glass.

Cocktail recipe with martini and rum

A cocktail with martini and rum "Sweet Memories" is a very beautiful and delicate drink that will decorate any holiday table.

  • White rum - 30 ml
  • Orange liqueur - 20 ml
  • Dry vermouth martini - 30 ml
  • Pineapple leaves - 1 piece
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Pour the orange liqueur, dry martini vermouth and white rum into a shaker.

Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake the drinks well.

Pour the cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass and garnish with a cherry and pineapple leaf.

Dry martini cocktail with sprite

Cocktail with martini and sprite "Sweet Apple Dry" is a light and airy low-alcohol drink. Perfectly refreshing and suitable for summer holidays and youth parties.

  • Dry vermouth martini - 50 ml
  • Apple juice - 100 ml
  • Sprite - 50 ml
  • Green apple - 60 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to the very top, pour in dry martini vermouth and apple juice.

Pour the drink with the sprite to the coloring glass and gently stir with a cocktail spoon.

Garnish the cocktail with three thin apple slices.

Recipe for an alcoholic cocktail from Martini, vodka and juice

"Milano Breeze" - a cocktail of martini, vodka and juice. Despite the fact that it contains vodka, the drink is incredibly tasty and aromatic. The combination of fruit juice and fragrant martini will appeal to both men and women.

  • Vodka - 25 ml
  • Pink vermouth martini - 25 ml
  • Cranberry juice - 100 ml
  • Grapefruit juice - 50 ml
  • Grapefruit - 30 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes and top with vodka, pink martini vermouth, grapefruit juice and cranberry juice, to the brim.

Stir and garnish with a grapefruit wedge.

Like other alcoholic cocktails with martinis, Milano Breeze is perfect for a festive mood and special occasions.

A simple martini cocktail with an olive

Simple martini cocktails usually consist of two or three main ingredients, so they are much easier and faster to prepare than others. However, this does not make them less popular. The brighter taste of martini gives cocktails a special charm and is ideal for lovers of this spicy drink.

An olive martini cocktail is the easiest drink to make with vermouth.

In undiluted form, a martini can be drunk as an aperitif with an olive on a skewer or berries - this is the easiest and fastest cocktail. Just put 1-2 green olives in a glass with a drink.

When mixed, a pink and red martini goes great with fruit juices, while a white martini can be drunk with soda, tonic, or with vodka and gin. The easiest way to make a cocktail is to mix two drinks in a 1:1 ratio.

Before preparing a martini cocktail, cool all drinks well in the refrigerator, hold vodka, gin or whiskey for several minutes in the freezer.

Dirty martini cocktail recipe

The Dirty Martini is the most famous vermouth drink. Fame for this drink was brought by President Franklin Roosevelt, who in 1933 prepared and drank this cocktail in front of millions of television viewers. It was this cocktail that became a symbol of the abolition of the Prohibition.

  • Gin - 75 ml
  • Vermouth dry - 15 ml
  • Olive pickle - 10 ml
  • Olive - 1 piece

Chill the cocktail glass and mixing glass.

Pour in vermouth, gin, olive brine, stir.

While holding ice in a mixing glass, carefully pour the drink into a cocktail glass.

Dip an olive on a skewer into the bottom of a cocktail glass.

Strong martini cocktail with tequila

The Tequila Martini cocktail is a simple but very original drink. The cocktail is quite strong, but very fragrant, it is considered a man's drink.

  • Golden tequila - 60 ml
  • White vermouth martini - 30 ml
  • Lemon - 5 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Pour white martini vermouth, golden tequila into a shaker and fill with ice.

Shake the drinks well and strain through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest.

Vodka Martini and Amaretto Cocktail Recipe

Easy Vodka Martini Cocktail Recipe Golden autumn» will appeal to fans of extraordinary drinks. A very fragrant and incredibly tasty drink will appeal not only to men, but also to women. Due to the special bouquet, the taste of the drink is very light and it is a real pleasure to drink it.

  • Vodka - 30 ml
  • Amaretto liqueur - 5 ml
  • Apple liqueur yellow - 15 ml
  • Dry vermouth martini - 15 ml
  • Kumquat - 10 g
  • Lime - 20 g
  • Cocktail cherry red - 5 g
  • Ice in cubes -200 g

Pour into a shaker in turn: amaretto liqueur, yellow apple liqueur, dry martini vermouth and vodka. Drip the juice squeezed from a lime quarter on top, add ice to the top and mix well.

Pour the cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass and garnish with a kumquat and cocktail cherry.

Cocktail of cognac and martini with apricots

The Apricot Mulled Wine Cognac Martini Cocktail is a wonderful family drink that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.

  • Cognac - 20 ml
  • Red dry martini - 150 ml
  • Orange - 60 g
  • Lemon - 10 g
  • Apricot - 60 g
  • Apricot jam - 15 g
  • Cinnamon sticks - 5 g
  • Cloves - 1 g

Put the apricot jam, orange quarter and lemon zest into the pitcher.

Pour dry red martini and cognac, add cloves and cinnamon stick.

While stirring, heat this mixture, but do not bring to a boil.

Pour into an Irish coffee glass and garnish with skewered apricot halves.

Martini cocktail with Matador whiskey

Whiskey martini cocktail is prepared quite often and there are several interesting options this cocktail.

Cocktail "Matador"

  • Scotch whiskey - 40 ml
  • Sour cherry liqueur - 10 ml
  • White vermouth martini - 10 ml
  • Orange beater - 1 ml
  • Grenadine - 1 ml
  • Orange juice - 20 ml
  • Orange - 20 g
  • Orange blossom water - 1 ml
  • Cocktail cherry red - 5 g
  • Ice cubes - 360 g

Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes, pour orange juice, sour cherry liqueur, white martini vermouth and Scotch whiskey into a shaker.

Add one drop each: orange bitter, grenadine and orange blossom water.

Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake, pour through a strainer into a rocks glass and garnish with an orange wedge and a cocktail cherry.

Martini Rosatto Cocktail Recipe

Cocktail "Rob Roy"

  • Scotch whiskey - 60 ml
  • Martini Rosato - 40 ml
  • Angostura bitter - 1 ml
  • Orange - 3 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes, stir with a cocktail spoon and drain.

Pour in order: martini rosato, angostura and scotch whiskey.

Stir the cocktail with a bar spoon and pour through a strainer into a chilled glass.

Rosato martini cocktails go great with orange flavor, so garnish the Rob Roy with a piece of zest.

Martini Cocktail with Cherry Rose Juice

Martini Cocktail with Cherry Juice "Rose with Cherries" is a delicate soft drink with an amazing taste of amaretto. It will appeal to all lovers of elegant drinks with a delicate almond flavor.

  • Amaretto liqueur - 10 ml
  • Pink vermouth martini - 50 ml
  • Cherry juice -150 ml
  • Cocktail cherry red - 5 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Fill a highball glass with ice cubes, amaretto liqueur, pink vermouth martini and cherry juice. Mix the finished cocktail lightly and garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Extra dry martini cocktails are light alcoholic drinks that are very easy to make at home.

How to make a martini cocktail with orange juice

The Bronx Orange Juice Martini Cocktail is a delicious drink with a delicate citrus aroma.

  • Gin - 30 ml
  • Red vermouth - 15 ml
  • Dry vermouth martini - 15 ml
  • Orange juice -20 ml
  • Ice cubes - 150 g

Pour orange juice, red vermouth, martini dry vermouth and gin into a shaker.

Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake well.

Pour the finished drink through the strainer into a chilled cocktail glass.

Espresso martini cocktail recipe

The Espresso Martini cocktail is a wonderful alcoholic drink, the basis of which is not vermouth, but coffee.

  • Vodka - 35 ml
  • Coffee liqueur -15 ml
  • Vanilla syrup - 5 ml
  • Ground coffee -20 g
  • Coffee beans -2 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Pour into a shaker: cold espresso, vanilla syrup, coffee liqueur and vodka.

Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake the drink very well.

Pour through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with coffee beans.

Cocktail of "Martini" and Schweppes "Broken Heart"

Schweppes and martini cocktail "Broken Heart" is a surprisingly gentle and pleasant drink. It is prepared from dry martini bianco and vodka.

  • Martini bianco - 100 ml
  • Vodka - 100 ml
  • Schweppes - 50 ml

Pour all drinks into a shaker, add ice and shake well.

Pour into a chilled glass, add a few ice cubes and garnish with strawberries.

Cocktail "Martini Orange" with tangerine liqueur

Cocktail "Martini Orange" has a pleasant citrus taste and a pleasant light orange color. Perfect for a cocktail party and for treating guests at the festive table.

  • Gin - 40 ml
  • Tangerine liqueur (orange) - 20 ml
  • Red vermouth martini - 30 ml
  • Lemon - 15 g
  • Mint - 1 g
  • Cocktail cherry red - 5 g
  • Ice in cubes -200 g

Pour into a shaker, in order: gin, tangerine or orange liqueur, and red martini vermouth.

Fill a shaker to the top with ice cubes and shake well.

Pour through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass, squeeze the zest from the lemon wedge and garnish with a cocktail cherry and mint leaf.

How to make a martini and bacardi cocktail

The Mallorca martini and bacardi cocktail will take you to a tropical island. The delicate exotic taste of white rum and spicy martini will give you an unforgettable feeling of warmth and happiness.

  • White rum Bacardi - 25 ml
  • Banana liqueur yellow - 15 ml
  • Drambuie - 15 ml
  • Dry martini vermouth - 20 ml
  • Kumquat - 10 g
  • Mint - 1 g
  • Cocktail cherry red - 5 g
  • Ice cubes 200 g

Pour into a shaker: yellow banana liqueur, dry martini vermouth, drumbuie and Bacardi white rum.

Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake the drinks well.

Pour the cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass and garnish with kumquat, cherry and mint

Recipe for a delicious cherry martini cocktail

Cherry martini cocktail is an incredibly tasty and fragrant drink. It's easy to make, so you can surprise your friends with this amazingly rich-tasting cocktail.

  • Vodka -15 ml
  • Cherry cherry liqueur - 10 ml
  • Sour cherry liqueur - 5 ml
  • Dry vermouth martini -10 ml
  • Orange beater - 1 ml
  • Lime -10 g
  • Orange blossom water -1 ml
  • Ice in cubes -200 g

Pour into a mixing glass: sour cherry liqueur, cherry liqueur, dry martini vermouth and vodka.

Add a drop of orange bitter and orange blossom water.

Fill a cocktail glass with ice cubes and stir with a bar spoon.

Pour through a strainer into a chilled glass, run a lime wedge around the rim of the glass and garnish with lime zest.

This Cherry Martini recipe can be modified to use gin instead of vodka.

Apple martini cocktail recipe

Cocktail "Apple Martini" is a very beautiful bright drink that will become a worthy decoration on the festive table.

  • Gin - 15 ml
  • Apple liqueur green - 40 ml
  • Dry martini vermouth - 25 ml
  • Green apple - 20 g
  • Ice in cubes - 200 g

Pour green apple liqueur, dry martini vermouth and gin into a mixing glass.

Fill the glass with ice cubes and stir thoroughly with a cocktail spoon.

Pour the drink through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with thin green apple slices or a peel curl.

Delicious martini cocktails will cheer you up and even give you an unforgettable feeling of happiness and comfort.

Easy Dirty Martini Cocktail Recipe

The second recipe for the Dirty Martini cocktail, which will help you choose the most suitable version of the classic drink.

  • Vodka - 60 ml
  • Dry vermouth bianco - 1 tbsp
  • Olive pickle - 2 tbsp
  • Green olives - 2 pcs
  • Ice - 4-5 pieces

Pour alcoholic beverages into a mixing glass filled with ice cubes. Pour in the olive brine in a thin stream. Gently stir the cocktail with a bar spoon, strain into a chilled glass and put green olives on a skewer.

This martini bianco cocktail is considered one of the simplest and is very popular with party lovers.

Delicious cocktail with Asti Martini

Asti martini cocktails are refreshing summer drinks perfect for an outdoor party.

  • Martini Asti - 50 ml
  • Raspberry - 35 g
  • Red currant - 32 g
  • Crushed ice -200 g

Place raspberries and redcurrants in a rocks glass and muddle.

Fill up a glass of rocks crushed ice to the top and pour over martini asti.

Stir with a cocktail spoon and add some crushed ice.

Cocktails with asti martini "Rosso Berry Crush" are decorated with fresh berries.

Strong martini sprite and vodka cocktail

A cocktail of martini, sprite and vodka is a strong but very tasty drink. Great for preparing for the holiday and for a friendly party.

  • Martini Bianco - 30 ml
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml
  • Vodka - 10 ml
  • Sprite - 30 ml

Fill the glass with ice, pour in the vodka and martini, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and pour over everything with sprite. Garnish with a slice of lemon or orange, you can add a few drops of orange liqueur.

Look at the photo of martini cocktails and it will be easier for you to choose the drink you are going to make.

Various recipes for alcoholic martini cocktails will help you choose and prepare a drink to your taste.

Martini-based cocktails are great drinks that are equally perfect for treating guests at the festive table, and for secluded relaxation.
