How to cook scrambled eggs simple recipe. Puff and tomato sauce

One of the fastest meals is scrambled eggs. It is usually prepared from chicken eggs. But you can use the product from quails, ducks, geese and even ostriches. Many housewives know how to fry quickly delicious scrambled eggs. Today we will show you some recipes. Even the person who does not have cooking skills will master them.

Egg selection

From the beginning, you need to make the right choice of eggs. It is worth taking the freshest products. You can check for freshness by pouring into a container cold water put an egg in there. If it sank to the bottom horizontally, then it is absolutely fresh. If it sank to the bottom a little at an angle, then it was laid down by a chicken about 7-8 days ago. If it did not sink, but turned out to be afloat, then the product is dangerous to eat.

If the egg previously lay in the refrigerator or was brought from the cold, then it must be allowed to lie down. Does not work tasty dish from cold foods. Tip: The product is then washed thoroughly. Then put it on a paper towel and let it dry a little.

Oil free

You can cook a delicious dish in a pan without oil. To do this, take a small piece of cotton wool or a napkin. Then it is slightly moistened with sunflower oil. Before frying, you need to wipe the surface of the pan with this sponge slightly soaked in oil. Place the skillet over medium heat. Next you should take:

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • salt;
  • spices.


Heat up the pan. Drive fresh products onto it, salt, sprinkle with spices. Fry for a few minutes. Before serving, you can lightly sprinkle with chopped herbs. Bon appetit!


For classic recipe you need to take a thick ceramic or cast iron pan. For 2-3 eggs, a frying pan is taken small size, for 8-10 pieces - large. To avoid burning food, you should fry in sunflower or butter. If you combine these two types of oils, then the dish will become original and unique in taste.

Drive the product into a well-heated frying pan. To fry scrambled eggs, the fire must be at a medium level. If you fry over high heat, then the dish will burn along the edges, and it will still be damp in the center.


  • 4 eggs;
  • a spoonful of sunflower oil;
  • sausage;
  • some salt;
  • greenery.


Heat up a skillet well. A classic dish should be a must with any sausage. Cut the sausage into small pieces and lightly fry in sunflower oil. When the scrambled eggs are fried, it should be salted. To properly fry a classic scrambled egg, you need to salt only the protein, without touching the yolk.

After fully prepared dishes should be put on a beautiful plate, decorated with herbs.

fried eggs

For many housewives, she is a frequent dish on the table. To fry fried eggs, you need to take:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 slices of bacon or ham;
  • 1 large bell pepper;
  • 15 grams of butter;
  • a little salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking method:

    1. Wash peppers, dry. Cut out 2 circles from the middle, having a thickness of one and a half to 2 centimeters.
    2. Cut the ham or bacon into small pieces.
    1. Put a frying pan on the fire, fry on each side for 2 minutes chopped pieces of pepper.
    1. Connect the two parts of the pepper, putting the ham or bacon in the middle. Fry for 3 minutes.
    1. Crack 1 egg into the surface of the pepper. Cover and fry until the dish is ready.
  1. Turn off the heat, the dish is infused for 2 minutes, so that the cooked products are behind the surface of the dishes.
  2. Put the finished dish on a plate. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.


Multicooker in last years becomes a popular device. Housewives love to fry delicious and original dishes to pamper your family. For cooking, you need to take:

  • 5 eggs;
  • half-smoked sausage - 5 pieces;
  • cream cheese - 5 pieces;
  • one piece of large bell pepper;
  • salt;
  • parsley;
  • dill.

Peppers are washed, peeled and cut into rings. The bowl is washed and peppers are placed in rings, which are then fried on each side in the “Frying” mode.

Sausage, cheese are placed on each pepper, poured with a beaten egg and sprinkled with finely chopped parsley and dill. Turn on the device in the “Frying” mode, fry food at a temperature of 160 degrees for 10 minutes. After the dish is completely ready, sprinkle with small herbs on top.


In parallel with the scrambled eggs, you can cook toast. Under the conditions of cooking the air grill, it will not burn.

To prepare, take:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 25 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 PC. pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of green beans;
  • 25 grams of dill and parsley;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

    1. Take 5 eggs and milk, mix, salt and pepper, depending on taste preferences.
    2. Tomatoes and peppers are peeled.
    1. All vegetables are cut into cubes, garlic is squeezed out, parsley and dill are finely chopped.
    2. Everything is mixed, beans are added.
  1. A mixture of vegetables with beans is poured into the mold, poured with an egg-milk mixture.
  2. Grate the cheese and sprinkle over the scrambled eggs.
  3. In an air grill, you can fry for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. Put the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle lightly with herbs.


It is necessary to buy special dishes for microwave ovens, on which you can fry in the microwave.

A little oil is applied to the surface of the plate. Crack the eggs and season with a little salt. Put inside the microwave, cover the plate with a lid. After 2-3 minutes, the eggs are ready.

With vegetables

For breakfast, you can cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and other vegetables. We offer you delicious food. For him you should take:

  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 piece of bell pepper;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • some greenery;
  • spices;
  • a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few peas of black pepper.


    1. Wash and clean vegetables and herbs.
    2. Then cut the prepared vegetables into small cubes.
    3. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil.
    1. Fry the onions in hot oil, then add all the other vegetables and cook until they are soft.
    1. Ready vegetables need to be salted, peppered, sprinkled with spices and eggs are broken on them. The dish is fried until the protein becomes crystal white.
  1. Put the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle with a small amount of greens on top.

with sausages

For breakfast, you can fry scrambled eggs with sausage or sausages. For her, you should take:

  • 3 sausages;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • greenery;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

    1. Put the pan on the fire. Pour sunflower oil or you can fry scrambled eggs in butter.
    1. Cut the sausages into circles and place on the pan in a single layer. The sausage is fried until browned on both sides.
    2. Break the eggs. Salt, sprinkle with other spices depending on taste.
  1. Cover the skillet with a lid. Fry, scrambled eggs on fire until cooked for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Decorate the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

in bread

A simple and quick dish to prepare is scrambled eggs in bread. It can be fried for breakfast or lunch.

Have to take:

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • 15 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 25 grams of butter;
  • a little salt, spices, chopped herbs.

Cooking method:

    1. Take the crumb out of a piece of bread.
    1. Lubricate the "frame" with butter and fry until it is browned.
    2. Crack an egg into the center of the bread.
  1. To reduce the risk of burning, reduce the heat. So that the scrambled eggs do not burn, a little sunflower oil is added. In order not to spread the egg, you must do this carefully.
  2. Salt the eggs, sprinkle with spices.
  3. Put the finished scrambled eggs on a plate, sprinkle with herbs and serve warm.

Fried eggs are one of the most common dishes that a huge number of people cook every day.

The dish is simple, does not require any special skills in the cooking process, time, etc.

We will tell you how to cook fried eggs, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs in the oven and microwave. And also share the tricks and useful tips during the cooking process.

In order for the scrambled eggs to turn out really juicy and tasty, you need to know the recipe, the sequence of steps and some subtleties.

So, if you love to cook and want to learn all the secrets of making delicious scrambled eggs, we invite you to read this article, which will surely teach you how to make scrambled eggs simply and tasty.

Types of scrambled eggs and basic cooking methods:

Fried egg

One of the most common egg dishes is fried eggs. main feature such a dish is that the yolks remain whole and liquid.

What kitchen utensils will the chef need to prepare this dish?
- frying pan;
- Silicone heat-resistant or wooden spatula.

1. Traditional recipe for fried eggs

You will need to heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan. You can replace it with duck or pork fat, creamy or olive oil.

Tip: to check that the pan is already heated to the desired state, put a drop of water on it: if it boils, then it's time to start cooking.

Carefully break 3 eggs, pour their contents into the pan so that the yolks remain intact.

Salt and pepper to taste.

In the process of frying, pay special attention to the edges of the scrambled eggs - the protein should harden. At the moment when the protein around the yolks remains transparent, and the edges harden, remove the scrambled eggs to a plate with a prepared spatula.

The dish is ready to serve!

2. Low Calorie Fried Egg Recipe

How to fry fried eggs with fried eggs in a different way? Make lean eggs.

To do this, you will need to heat a little vegetable oil in a pan or use a Teflon pan.

The next step is to crack the eggs onto the hot skillet.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Immediately add 1-2 tablespoons of water to the pan and cover tightly with a lid. Thus, due to the evaporation of water, the fried eggs will cook evenly and will not burn.

Reduce heat to medium heat.

After 2 minutes, the eggs are ready.

The dish is ready!

The following recipe is original, one might say the most delicious way to cook scrambled eggs.

So, you will need:
- 2 fresh eggs (serving);
butter(20 gr.);
- balsamic vinegar (a couple of drops);
- salt, pepper to taste.
- greenery

Preheat the oven to 245-250 degrees Celsius.

Crack the eggs carefully and separate the whites from the yolks.

Put a cube of butter in a heated frying pan and melt it completely.

Add salt and pepper.

Pour all the protein into the pan and place in the oven for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the protein will acquire a jelly consistency.

Then pour the yolks into the middle and place the scrambled eggs in the oven for another 2-3 minutes.

Remove the skillet and drizzle the top of the fried eggs with a few drops of balsamic vinegar.

Decorate with greenery.

The dish is ready!

Did you know that you can also fry scrambled eggs in a slow cooker? Using the same ingredients, you can easily cook scrambled eggs in this multifunctional kitchen appliance by selecting the desired option from its menu.

Fried eggs or scrambled eggs in a slow cooker are even more juicy, fragrant and lush than those cooked in a regular frying pan.

You will need:
- 2-3 eggs;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
- parsley or basil - a sprig;
- salt and pepper to taste.

Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into slices.

Heat up the pan. Pour in oils.

Fry the tomatoes for 5 minutes (stirring regularly) until the excess moisture is rendered and the oil begins to separate.

Salt, pepper to taste.

Then carefully beat the eggs over the top of the tomato so as to break the yolk.

Lightly salt the eggs.

Continue frying for a couple of minutes until the protein thickens. The yolk should remain liquid.

When serving, you can decorate with herbs.

You will need:
- 2-3 eggs;
bell pepper- 1 PC.;
- tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
- olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons;
- green onions or leeks;
- greens to taste;
- salt and pepper to taste.

Bulgarian pepper cut into strips.

Cut the tomatoes into slices.

Finely chop the onion.

Saute bell peppers, tomatoes and onions in olive oil for 5 minutes until the oil begins to separate.

Salt, pepper to taste.

Gently beat in the eggs, lightly salt.

Serve sprinkled with herbs


What is the secret to making a delicious and fluffy omelette? To do this, you need to beat the eggs with milk, and the omelet itself is cooked in the most heated pan, preferably with a thick bottom under the lid.

You can also make an omelet by mixing eggs with water, broth, cream, curdled milk or sour cream.

If you want your omelet to turn out not airy, but more dense, you can add a little flour or starch to it.

You will need:
- 2 eggs;
- green onion - a couple of branches;
- a clove of garlic;
- milk / water - 1-2 tablespoons;
- butter 10 grams;
- olive oil 10 grams;
- aromatic herbs - to taste.

Chop the green onions, mince the garlic cloves and add some aromatic herbs of your choice to them. It can be: basil, parsley, cilantro, dill, etc. Sauté this herb mixture in olive oil and butter for 1 minute until softened.

Whilst greens are frying, beat eggs with milk or water. Salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the prepared mixture into the fried greens. Stir the mixture lightly so that the greens are evenly distributed in the omelette.

Cover with a lid and continue to fry over low heat for a couple of minutes.

The dish is ready!

You will need:
- 3 eggs;
- butter - 15-20 grams.
- salt, pepper to taste;
- parsley or basil - a couple of branches;

Whisk the eggs until thick (lifting the mixture with a fork, you will notice that it stretches) with salt and pepper.

Wait 5-6 seconds for the eggs to stick.

A real French omelet should be slightly runny inside.

Shaking the pan continuously (so that the omelette does not bake from below, but remains light), actively mix the omelet with a fork so that the eggs thicken.

After the omelet has thickened on the bottom and remains liquid on top, separate it with a fork along the edges from the pan.

Keep shaking the pan and move the omelette in the opposite direction from you.

Then fold the edge closest to you towards the middle of the pan.

Carefully place on a plate so that the omelet retains its shape.

Sprinkle with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Another type of omelette is the cheese omelet.

You will need:
- 4 eggs;
- milk 2 tbsp. spoons;
- grated cheese 100 grams;
- flour 1 tbsp. spoon;
- butter 25 grams;
- salt;
- parsley

Beat eggs with grated cheese, milk and flour, salt to taste.

Heat up the pan, add oil.

Bake the omelet on both sides until fully cooked.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

You will need:
- 3 eggs;
- milk 2 tbsp. spoons;
- mushrooms 2-3 pcs.;
- shallots 1 pc.;
- butter 10 grams;
- olive oil 10 grams;
- salt and pepper to taste.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a mixture of olive oil and butter.

Add chopped mushrooms and fry until golden brown.

Salt, pepper to taste.

Whisk eggs with milk.

Pour in the mushrooms and stir.

Cover with a lid, reduce the fire. Continue to fry until tender (about a couple of minutes).

The dish is ready!

Microwave scrambled eggs

1. Microwave Fried Egg Recipe

You will need:
- 1-2 eggs;
- olive oil;
- salt and pepper to taste.

There is probably nothing easier than a cooked scrambled egg in the microwave.

This method is suitable for both lazy and especially busy people.

So, to fry scrambled eggs in the microwave, take a plate, grease it with oil, break 1-2 eggs into it, salt and pepper to taste and put in the microwave for 1 minute.

The dish is ready!

You will need:
- 2-3 eggs;
- olive oil;

- salt to taste.

Grease a mold with high sides vegetable oil.

Beat eggs with milk or broth.


Fill in the mold and bake in the microwave for 1 minute.

The dish is ready!

You will need:
- 2-3 eggs;
- bacon 50 grams;
- olive oil for greasing the mold;
- milk or broth 2 tbsp. spoons;
- salt and pepper to taste.

Chop the bacon.

Lubricate the mold with oil.

Put bacon on the bottom.

Crack the eggs on top.

Cook 2-3 minutes. Depends on the power of your microwave.

Salt, pepper to taste.

How long to fry an egg?

Cooking time for scrambled eggs varies from 2 to 7 minutes. In the microwave from 1-3 minutes. It all depends on your preferences and the desired state of the yolk (liquid, solid). Accordingly, if you like a liquid semi-cooked yolk, you should cook the scrambled eggs for 3 minutes, just long enough for the protein to turn white and harden.

When to salt an egg?

It is better to salt scrambled eggs either at the beginning of the cooking process, or in the middle. You should not salt the scrambled eggs at the final stage of cooking, as the grains of salt may not dissolve.

The eggs are dry. What to do in this case?

If the scrambled eggs turned out dry, do not be sad, the dish can still be saved.

You can season it with chopped tomatoes and reheat (tomato juice will soften the scrambled eggs and give it more juiciness).

Or you can serve scrambled eggs with sauce (cheese, meat, mushroom).

What is the main secret in cooking scrambled eggs?

Like any other dish, scrambled eggs have their own secret, and more than one!
- You need to choose the right pan (ideally, it should be of medium size, Teflon coating and a thick bottom);
- Spices will give the scrambled eggs a special aroma and refined taste;
- Do not neglect side dishes, salads and sauces at the time of serving this dish on the table.

If you have questions, ask in the comments. Let's help, we'll tell you.

There is nothing easier than cooking scrambled eggs - an undeniable fact. Nevertheless, the result, from case to case, may be different: sometimes the dish succeeded, and sometimes the cook fails - not only to feed others, to eat it yourself is reluctant. Yes and appearance it happens not on the level: one kind of culinary tear. So, how to cook scrambled eggs, so that both tasty and beautiful? I hope the tips from our recipe will help you raise your culinary rating, go ahead!

  • First you need to say a few words about the pan: a quality product from a well-known brand will dramatically increase your chances of getting into the top of the list of “scrambled egg masters”. Size is also important: a large frying pan is best used for a large portion, otherwise one or two eggs can spread over a large area and the layer will be very thin, and no one needs it (well, unless it's your exclusive creative idea). For small portions (bachelor option) it is best to take medium and small pans. But when it comes to a noisy company, then for cooking the “grand scrambled eggs” a large frying pan is just right.

As for the material - there is no specifics, you can cook both on Teflon and on ceramics, but I am a supporter of the old school: I prefer a cast-iron pan with a thick bottom - waste!

  • So, first of all, you need to heat the pan over low heat, adding oil to it. In choosing oil, adhere to your personal standards: after all, some simply cannot imagine scrambled eggs without fragrant fried lard, while others, sternly shaking their heads and raising their index fingers, weightily pronounce the sentence: “only butter”, while still others will not cook fried eggs without their favorite vegetable oil - and they will all be right, because "there is no scrambled eggs for taste and color." As for the amount of oil: for two or three eggs, you can take a tablespoon of oil or fat.
  • Another thing is more important here - to optimally heat the pan (it should be heated together with the oil): with a weak warm-up, the scrambled eggs can absorb a lot of fat, but when the oil warms up enough and starts to sizzle (or “sizzle”), you can put the eggs in the pan. Although, there is an opinion of experts that you must first carefully break the eggs into a plate, and only then into a pan. We will not discuss this method, but rather focus on the egg breaking method.
  • It is better to break it not on the pan, as some have a manner, but with a knife, sharply hitting the edge of the shell, but without hitting the yolk. I think any chef can easily pass this qualification. And do not forget to wash the eggs before cooking - this is a must.

It should be noted that when preparing this dish, you need to master the "art of controlling the lid", that is, experimentally find out how long to cover the scrambled eggs. If you overexpose the eggs under the lid, the yolk will become cloudy and become soft, if not covered at all, the yolk will be beautifully yellow, soft. To arm yourself with a lid or not - the choice is yours.

  • It is better to salt the scrambled eggs at the end of cooking or even after (this applies to seasonings, pepper), with fine salt (having hit the yolk, coarse salt can cause the walls of the yolk to break, and it can leak out.) If your yolk is broken and you decide to cook an omelet -scrambled eggs (eggs are mixed before cooking), then here you can add salt at the beginning.
  • Fried eggs cook quickly: 3-5 minutes (plus or minus the size of the stove flame). A good visual indicator of readiness is the appearance of a bright golden crust around the edges of the protein - this means that it's time to cook a plate. Please note that the cooking time for the yolk is longer: the protein will fry faster. If scrambled eggs are being prepared, you can not wait here for a long time, but after mixing the scrambled eggs a couple of times, turn off the stove, and cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew.
  • A huge plus of scrambled eggs are additives, thanks to which this quick dish becomes a favorite (many, of course, love just a simple scrambled egg). There is already a place for your imagination to roam: scrambled eggs with bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, just with potatoes (a very popular option), bright and outrageous: in general, we risk hanging on the Internet for a long time, listing possible options this folk dish. In short, we can summarize: additives are prepared exactly “before”, fried in advance to the desired consistency, and then eggs are poured. The most popular additive is flour and milk, they turn scrambled eggs into an omelette.
  • It is necessary to serve scrambled eggs “hot-hot”, prying it with a spatula. It is this freshly prepared dish that will taste perfect. The dizzyingly intoxicating aroma of freshly cooked fried eggs will lift even those who by nature find it very difficult to wake up!

Well, friends, go for it! Cook this perfect breakfast with love, with mood (if the stomach is not empty - this is a minus: go to cooking scrambled eggs with aging, let you have a sharp appetite), and most importantly - experiment, find your own, branded (family) recipe! Enjoy your meal!

Plain scrambled eggs are the most common dish on Earth! It is especially popular among those who want to eat tasty, but with minimal time and money: students and business children. However, the child will cope with the recipe for scrambled eggs.


Classic Fried Egg Recipe

There are several options for preparing regular scrambled eggs. The classic and fastest is to put the pan on high heat, after 20 seconds pour vegetable oil into it, then wait until it starts to sizzle and then beat in the eggs. Slightly reduce the heat, salt, fry for about 5 minutes, turn off the heat and serve. This is a fried egg recipe.

Why preheat the pan? This is done so that the eggs do not stick to the surface of the dishes. In fact, modern frying pans allow you to cook as you like and food does not stick. Therefore, you can simply pour oil into a frying pan, drive eggs into it, and only then put it on fire. Therefore, in the following recipe, we will use this tip to save time.

Spice up your scrambled eggs with a serving of toasted bacon or sausage!

Recipe for fried eggs with herbs

Wet a frying pan with vegetable oil, drive eggs into it, put it on low heat. After 1-2 minutes, salt the scrambled eggs, add greens (parsley, dill, basil), pepper to taste, increase the heat and wait another minute or two. When the transparent egg white turns white and the yolk stops spreading, turn the eggs over with a wooden spatula or fork (be careful not to scratch the non-stick coating!)

If you guessed right with the moment of hardening of the yolk, then the eggs in the scrambled eggs will remain intact and retain their rounded shape. If not, it’s okay, they just “spread out” and the scrambled eggs will be a little shapeless, but no less tasty. We wait a couple of minutes until the second side is fried, if desired, turn over several times for better frying.

When the appearance of the scrambled eggs becomes acceptable for you (usually no more than 10 minutes, if the fire is strong, then faster, but it is better to fry over medium heat - to prevent burning) - turn off the heat and serve it on the table. Fried eggs are good to eat with ketchup, a salad is a good side dish.

scrambled eggs recipe

How to properly cook scrambled eggs the best recipe. Secrets and subtleties of cooking. How to choose products and what to serve such a breakfast dish on the table.

7 min

285 kcal

5/5 (1)

How to cook an ordinary scrambled egg in a pan? Despite the seeming banality of this issue, many young people actually face certain difficulties in the process of making this famous dish.

For each of the scrambled eggs recipes I offer, you can cook both in a pan and in the oven - it all depends on your personal taste and preferences. The guide is also suitable for microwave oven. So, let's start implementing the first one, so simple and at the same time unusual recipe scrambled eggs.

scrambled eggs

Kitchen tools

To cook amazingly fast, tasty and satisfying scrambled eggs as quickly as possible, you need to keep the following appliances, tools and utensils on hand: a Teflon-coated pan, preferably cast iron (if you cook in the oven, choose a small baking sheet), a sharp knife, several forks, teaspoons and tablespoons, kitchen potholders, measuring utensils or ordinary kitchen scales, a cutting board, two or three deep bowls with a volume of 220 to 950 ml and a metal whisk.

If you want to minimize the amount of time used to prepare the perfect scrambled eggs, prepare a food processor or blender.

Did you know? To prepare excellent scrambled eggs, try to thoroughly wash all the utensils used with a detergent that has a degreasing effect. Old fat left on appliances and containers from old products can adversely affect the aroma and taste of the dish.

Required Ingredients

  1. In the middle of the slices of bread, cut out circles using a cup or mold.

  2. We put the pan on medium heat and wait until it warms up well.
  3. After that, pour sunflower oil on it and wait for it to begin to bubble.

  4. We place the prepared bread in the pan and fry it on one side.

  5. Then carefully pour the egg into each bread circle, sprinkle with black pepper and salt.

  6. While the products are fried, grind in a blender or grate a little cheese.

  7. After about three minutes, sprinkle the toasts with grated cheese on the egg.
  8. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another minute.

Important! If this is your first time frying scrambled eggs in a skillet, be sure to heat it over medium heat, as too much heat on the stove can cause the product to burn. It is much easier for beginners to control the process by cooking on medium or even low heat.

Ready! Serve our delicious treats with fresh green onions, cherry tomatoes or cucumber and kale salad - at least my family chooses these products as an unusual side dish for scrambled eggs with bread.

French eggs

Cooking time: 6 - 8 minutes.
Servings: 1 – 2.
Calories per 100 g: 140 - 220 kcal.

Required Ingredients

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 5 g black ground pepper.

Did you know? The recipe for classic French eggs allows the use of additional spices in addition to ground black pepper. For example, in my opinion, ground curry, a little dried garlic, or a teaspoon of fragrant dried basil are great for such scrambled eggs. You can also use finely chopped cilantro or parsley as a decoration.

Cooking sequence

Made! Such a hearty and fragrant omelet is sure to please even those who usually do not respect scrambled eggs. Serve your product hot, pouring mayonnaise or sour cream, and you can also take canned bell peppers or green peas as a side dish.

scrambled eggs

Cooking time: 7 - 10 minutes.
Servings: 1 – 2.
Calories per 100 g: 120 - 230 kcal.

Required Ingredients

  • 30 - 50 g of butter;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 15 - 20 g of cheese;
  • 3 slices of bread for toast;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 6 g black ground pepper.

Did you know? Instead of bread for toast, for this recipe, you can take the usual wheat bread, but do not take rye: it does not go well with chatterbox. In addition, use only hard cheese, mozzarella or suluguni will not work.

Cooking sequence

That's all! Serve your delectably mouth-watering sandwiches with sliced ​​pickles and white sauces. You can also sprinkle bread with chopped herbs and dried garlic.
