Make domain mail on Yandex. Yandex corporate mail - instructions for the transition, the pros and cons of the solution

Life cannot be imagined without the use of electronic gadgets and means of communication. Gone are the days when free email was a novelty, it seems. Now you rarely meet people who do not have it. Sometimes, when exchanging email addresses, people ask only for the main letters of the address, and the domain name is most often one of the most common mail services (, Yandex or Google). This is quite convenient, because we are hostages of our habits and stereotypes.

But what if you want the email name to be non-standard? How to make it different from hundreds and thousands of others? In this case, it is better to register mail with your domain.

What is it for

The need to create an email with your own domain for business arises for the following reasons:

  • giving the addresses of employees or the company an element of corporatism that unites the contacts of the company;
  • increasing the company's recognition, the desire to combine the brand with business correspondence;
  • adding originality, emphasizing the difference and creating a positive associative array with the image or with the type of activity of the company.

For personal purposes, mail with its own domain is created for uniqueness, since each person wants to be different in some way. This method is no worse than the others. A personal name for mail indicates that its owner has the knowledge and skills of web programming.

Before you create mail with your domain, you need to come up with a name. The solution to this issue is an individual, creative matter, but it is recommended to do this based on such factors that it:

  • includes Latin characters, so it is advisable to check the name for consonance;
  • creates an association, not a meaningless set of characters;
  • it is better to limit the length, because the shorter the name, the easier it is to remember and the set of the address is simplified;
  • check for consonance, write the whole name, including the characters that come before the domain name.

Setting up mail with a unique domain is easy. Make it easier using popular search engines from Google and Yandex. You can do this using hosting if you have registration.

Creating a unique domain in Yandex

The easiest free way to create an email with a unique domain is the services provided by Yandex. Moreover, the resources provided by the service allow solving both personal and corporate tasks. Among the main indicators are:

  • the amount of available disk space is 10 GB;
  • the minimum number of mailboxes is one thousand, it is possible to increase them free of charge;
  • easy to understand and manage interface;
  • it is acceptable to use your own company logo;
  • mailbox sizes are not limited;
  • there are more additional options (working calendars, notes, etc.).

Let's take a look at the step-by-step steps on how to start mail with the original domain:

  1. We register with subsequent authorization on this resource.
  2. We go to the page "Mail for Domain".
  3. In the field that opens, enter the selected domain name. Click "Add Domain". We are waiting for the service to check if such a domain name is free.
  4. Click the "Connect domain" button, wait for the connection to occur. Depending on the type of browser, this process can take up to three hours.
  5. Open notepad, copy the encoding that the service gives out there.
  6. We create the proposed file name, save.
  7. We place the file in the root directory of the site.
  8. The next step is to check again, click the "Check Now" button.
  9. We are waiting for verification (it will take no more than ten minutes).
  10. We are setting up MX records. This setting is made in accordance with the algorithm provided by the hosting.
  11. After Yandex has verified the name, we fill in the data of the MX records on the same page. Click "Add", waiting for the next verification confirmation. To do this, we periodically update the page.
  12. Fill in the login that will be in front of domain name email, click Add.
  13. Next, you need to enter Yandex and add your new mail. To do this, enter the data, and also indicate that mail from old addresses should come to a new mailbox.

Setting up MX records

One of the most important steps before starting mail with a custom domain is setting up MX records. This process must be carried out according to the instructions provided by the hosts, since some of them have certain features in their settings. And if they are not followed, then mailing cycles may occur, when the postal address becomes looped on itself and letters will not be sent.

Although there are some differences, most of these instructions include steps:

  • hosting account authorization;
  • deletion of all MX records available on the hosting;
  • creating a new MX record. Here, a necessary condition is the presence of the “dot” sign in the extreme right position (if the control panel field does not provide for its default setting);
  • it is necessary to set the priority "10", if this is not provided for in the interface, then you need to put down any other non-zero one;
  • enter the name of the subdomain (usually this is the "@" sign or the created domain name);
  • pending DNS changes.

That's it, now the task of creating a personal domain is completed. Email with all the advantages and an unusual address at the complete disposal of its owner.

In the Internet. DNS servers, software and hardware systems (applications) ensure the operability of this condition. Despite the complexity of the name, the process is accessible to a person who does not have the skills of a programmer.

Domain connection - why is it needed?

Suppose that you have already purchased, for example,, and there is a desire or need to check mail on other services, such as Yandex. But the question arises: how to use this domain with the following familiar functions:

  • The convenience of the application.
  • Translation of text from one language to another.
  • Familiar interface.
  • Calendars and storage.
  • Secure storage of information.
  • Spam filtering and protection.

The first solution is to set up mail forwarding within the hosting. Mail registered under the domain will be sent to a different address, for example,

The other two options are more difficult. They are suitable for such cases:

  • Creation of corporate mailboxes (a mailbox of this type is registered for each employee: [email protected]).
  • For mailing lists from an existing domain, you must ensure that emails that are not identified as spam are delivered.
  • To create mailboxes by users who are registered on the portal with an identical domain name.

Connecting mail for business: an example of Yandex hosting

In order to connect a specific position to mail for the Yandex domain, you can use two solutions:

  • By confirming the right to own the domain, after which the MX record setting will become available. In this case, DKIM and SRV records are not automatically written.
  • Domain delegation to Yandex. In this case, the site will become unavailable for up to three days, so the option is suitable for newly installed domains.

How to delegate a domain?

In order to perform domain delegation on Yandex, you need the following:

  • Registered domain.
  • An account in Yandex, which is registered at

  • The domain must be connected to

The domain that is connected has DNS registered:


After three days, an A-record with the server IP address is indicated in

How to attach a domain?

This method is suitable for hosted domains (the site is already located there). To attach a domain you will need:

  • Registered domain.
  • Yandex account.
  • Entering and connecting a domain in
  • Confirmation of ownership of it in the following ways: a file is uploaded to the site directory (recommended); CNAME record is added; by changing the address of the mailbox at the registrar; delegation (not suitable for repurchased domains).
  • Get test results.
  • prescription
  • Waiting for connection to end (takes up to 72 hours).
  • Checking the status of the domain (information about the successful completion of the connection and delegation of the domain is indicated).

Nuances to remember

  • When delegated, the site will be blocked for 72 hours, so the method is best used for new domains.
  • Attaching MX records activates the DNS editor, but changing this editor does not apply.
  • The availability of Yandex functions in the mail will become possible after attachment. It is worth noting that three positions are an exception and are limited - these are Yandex.Money, Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Music.
  • Mailings within corporate mail are allowed.

Removing a domain from delegation

Hosting has the right to remove this or that domain from delegation. This procedure ignores the specified DNS servers. If the domain is removed from delegation, then access to it is impossible. Both the owners and the registrar can initiate a withdrawal.

The reason that affects the domain redelegation may be the fact that the initiator of the removal - the owner - independently sets the UNDELEGATED status for sites and services that need to be disabled.

If the initiator is the registrar, then the withdrawal occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • the registration period has expired, is blocked for the period specified in the registrar's rules and is removed from the register upon its expiration);
  • detection of a virus that makes content substitution, resulting in a phishing page;
  • data confirming the right to own the domain was not provided;
  • DNS servers are not working correctly;
  • court decision to cancel the registration.

The reasons for redelegation are clarified when contacting the technical support of the registrar, if the rules for using hosting established by him are not violated.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the user can independently check the delegation of the domain. Services have been created on the Internet to help find out this information. It is easy to work with them, and the procedure takes only two minutes. The user needs to enter the domain name in the appropriate field and click the "Check" button.

Connect mail for domain

You can create mail on your domain or choose a name in the free zone In the first case, you will need to confirm that you are the owner of the domain and set up mail. In the second, you can immediately use Yandex.Mail for Domain: you don't have to confirm or configure anything.

Select administrator account

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Register".
  3. Sign in to your account, which will be the domain administrator.

Administrator mail must be created on and located on the,,, or domains.

Create a project

If you connect mail to

  1. Click "Create Project".
  2. Enter a project name.
  3. Confirm that you are not a robot.
  4. Check the consent boxes.
  5. Click "Create Project".

You will be taken to the for Business administration interface.

If you connect mail on your domain

  1. Go to the domain connection page.
  2. Enter a domain name.
  3. Click Connect.

You will be taken to the domain verification page.

Verify domain

If you create mail on your domain, you must confirm that you are its owner. This can be done in one of four ways: DNS check, HTML file, meta tag, and DNS transfer.

Select the desired method on the confirmation page and follow the prompts. We have also prepared instructions for each method for popular registrars.

Domain update settings take up to 72 hours. You can close the page and check the result later. If you manage to confirm the domain, the next time you log in to, the administrator interface will open.

After the domain is verified, set up MX records. They are in charge of postal services.

After setting up MX, you will be able to create mailboxes on the .

If you are having problems connecting your domain, please use our

The Yandex search engine, in addition to the usual mail service, also has a corporate one. It's called Mail for domain and is located at They give free e-mail boxes for the site in the amount of up to 1000 pieces. Or even more upon request to the support team.

Differences between corporate mail and regular mail

When we register a regular box, Yandex offers to choose a name for it - login. It must be unique - one that does not yet exist in the system. But the problem is that most simple logins are taken. And such names as info, manager, reklama cannot be used.

The Yandex site will always be indicated in the name of the mailbox:,, And this is not very good if you need the address for business. It can scare away some customers, because it is immediately clear that the box is free.

Regular mail address

Corporate mail adds the address of your site to the login. That is, instead of there will be @your_site. And you can register any login, even a very simple one.

Corporate mail address

You can create as many such boxes as you like - for any purpose. Each of them will be a separate full mail.

What you need to connect corporate mail

1. Regular mailbox on Yandex.

Through it you will manage all the settings. Create and delete mailboxes, change passwords.

2. Domain, that is, the address of your site.

It will be added to the name of each mailbox after the @ sign.

Let's say my company has a website with the address Here is a domain. And this address will be at each corporate mailbox. If I create a mail called info, its address will be [email protected]

What to do if there is no domain

Without a domain, corporate mail cannot be opened. Will have to buy it.

In the .ru zone, a domain costs about 200 rubles a year. You can buy it through some registrar or hosting company. It is better to take from trusted registrars, for example, from

How to connect corporate mail

To do this, go to your usual mailbox on

In the "Domain name" field, type the address of your site and click "Add Domain".

3. We confirm ownership of the domain.

The system offers two options. First: delegate the domain to Yandex. This is suitable when the address is empty. That is, when there is no site on it.

The second option is a little more complicated: you need to verify ownership of the address (Step 1) and set up MX records (Step 2). This is suitable if the domain has a website.

After confirmation, you will have to wait until the settings take effect. This usually lasts about a day, but can take longer (up to 72 hours).

4. Create a box.

To do this, simply specify the desired login, password and click "Add".

Be sure to go to the box after creating it!

There you will need to make the initial settings: specify the first name, last name and other standard data.

How to enter the box

You can enter the corporate mailbox through the usual login form on home page Yandex. We print there the full address (together with the domain) and the password.

Or add an address. To do this, click on the avatar in the right corner of the form.

Hello everyone!

Probably, every site owner wants to have mail like [email protected] (well, or a bit different) and you are no exception, since you are here. Indeed, mail with its own domain brings some prestige to the owner of the site, increases the trust of visitors. Agree, the end of the postal address like,, does not inspire any confidence. Until now, I am amazed at sites where instead of a normal mailing address with a domain, a regular mail address is indicated.

If you are subscribed to my blog mailing list, then you know that my email address looks like this: info@site. I created it using hosting (great hosting, I recommend). There are other, more common, ways to create mail for a domain.

As you all know, both Yandex and Google have their own mail services:

  • Google has Gmail;
  • Yandex has Yandex.Mail.

But we will only work with Yandex, since Google has made the use of corporate mail like [email protected] paid. Let's go!

Setting up Yandex.Mail for a domain

If you are not yet registered with Yandex, then register faster, it will not take you much time, a maximum of 5 minutes. Well, for those who have an account in Yandex, we continue.

  1. Go to the following address:
  2. Enter the domain of your site (I will indicate the address of another of my blogs) and click on the "Add domain" button: Next, the domain connection will be checked, which can take a long time, but usually it happens instantly;
  3. Then you need to verify ownership of the domain. There are three ways to do this, but the first one is much more preferable: using an html file:
    You will need to create an HTML file with the name specified in the instructions and enter the text there, which is also indicated here. For this purpose, you can use a simple notepad or other editors. I'm using Sublime Text 3 (I like the black background with colorful tags). It turned out like this:
  4. The newly created file must be uploaded to the root of the site (where all the files and folders of the site are) through an FTP client, or through the hosting file manager;
  5. Then you need to make sure that you did everything correctly. To do this, click on the "Check Domain Ownership" button:
  6. If everything is done correctly, then you will only have step number 2, which will require changing the MX record. This is done where you registered the domain, I have it, but in order to create a new MX record with the specified parameters, you will need to place your site on their hosting. However, is hosted by, so you will need to create an MX record there. It is created through DNS zone management;
  7. As soon as the procedure for creating an MX record is completed, you can safely proceed to creating mail for the domain. Specify login and password:
  8. That's all, now the mail setup for the Yandex domain is over. It remains to enter it:
    Next, you need to log in:
  9. And finally, we complete the registration procedure by filling out a simple form:

Great! Now the mail setup for the domain on Yandex Mail is finished. Enjoy!
