Sergey green is the founder of google. How Sergey Brin founded the world's largest search engine Google

Die Geschichte von Google begann 1995 an der Stanford University. Larry Page überlegte, an der Uni Stanford zu studieren, und Sergey Brin, der bereits Student dort war, sollte ihm den Campus zeigen.

Einigen Erzählungen zufolge konnten sie sich während ihres ersten Treffens auf schier gar nichts einigen – doch schon im folgenden Jahr begannen sie ihre Zusammenarbeit. In ihren Wohnheimzimmern entwickelten sie eine Suchmaschine, die mithilfe von Links die Wichtigkeit einzelner Webseiten im World Wide Web ermittelte, und nannten diese BackRub.

Kurze Zeit später wurde BackRub (zum Glück!) in Google umbenannt. Dieser Name basiert auf einem Wortspiel mit der mathematischen Bezeichnung für die Ziffer 1 mit 100 Nullen und steht für die Mission von Brin und Page, die Informationen der Welt zu organisieren und für alle zu jeder Zeit zugänglich und nutzbar zu machen.

Im Laufe der nächsten Jahre begann sich nicht nur die akademische Welt für Google zu interessieren, sondern auch Investoren im Silicon Valley wurden auf die Suchmaschine aufmerksam. Im August 1998 stellte Andreas von Bechtolsheim, einer der Gründer von Sun Microsystems, Brin und Page einen Scheck über 100.000 $ aus. Google Inc. wurde officiell registriert. Dank dieser Investition zog das neu eingetragene Unternehmen aus dem Studentenwohnheim in sein erstes Büro – die Garage von Susan Wojcicki (Mitarbeiterin Nr. 16 und aktuell CEO von YouTube) im kalifornischen Menlo Park. Klobige Desktop-Computer, eine Tischtennisplatte und leuchtend blaue Auslegware bestimmten nun die Arbeit von den frühen Morgenbis in die späten Abendstunden. Die Tradition einer Arbeitsumgebung hält bis heute an.

Bei Google ging es von Anfang an eher unkonventionell zu: Der erste Server wurde aus Legosteinen gebaut, und das erste "Doodle"(1998) bestand aus einem Strichmännchen im Logo, das Besucher der Website darauf hinwies, dass sich das gesamte Team freigenommen hatte und zum Burning Man Festival gefahren war. Unser Leitsatz "Tu nichts Böses" und " Unsere zehn Grundsätze"Reflektieen Unsere Unkonventionellen Methoden. In Den Folgenden Jahren Begann Das Unternehmen, Rasch Zu Expandieen, Stellte Informatiker Ein Egrüßte Mit Yoshka Den Ersten Google-Hund Im Team. Die Garage Wurde Schnell Zu Klein, und Google Zog in Seineen derzeitigen Unternehmenssitz, den Googleplex im kalifornischen Mountain View, um Der Wunsch, die Dinge anders anzugehen, zog mit Und Yoshka auch.

Die unablässige Suche nach besseren Antworten steht nach wie vor im Mittelpunkt unseres gesamten Schaffens. Inzwischen beschäftigt Google über 60.000 Mitarbeiter in 50 verschiedenen Ländern und stellt Hunderte Produkte her, die von Milliarden Menschen weltweit genutzt werden, von YouTube über Android bis hin zu Gmail und natürlich der Google-Suche. Obwohl wir die Lego-Server abgeschafft und uns noch ein paar Hunde zugelegt haben, hat sich auf unserem Weg von der Garage zum Googleplex bis heute eins nicht geändert: Wir wollen weiter Technologien für alle Menschen entwickeln.

Internet entrepreneur and specialist in the field of computer technology Sergey Mikhailovich Brin was born on August 21, 1973 in Russia, in Moscow. In 1971, Brin, a native of a family of Soviet mathematicians and economists, fleeing the persecution of Jews, emigrated to the United States with his family. After graduating in mathematics and computer engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park, Brin entered Stanford University, where he met Larry Page. At that time, both defended doctoral dissertations in computer technology.


At Stanford University, Brin and Page begin research project to create a search engine that sorts information by the popularity of the pages they are looking for, based on the conclusion that the most popular pages, in most cases, are the most useful. They call their search engine "Google" - from the mathematical term "google", which means the number 10 raised to the hundredth power - wanting to express their intention to organize the huge amount of information available on the network.

With the help of family, friends and investors, with the help of a start-up capital of one million US dollars, in 1998 the friends found their own company. Headquartered in the heart of California's Silicon Valley, in August 2004 Brin and Page unveil Google, which makes its creators billionaires. Since then, “Google” has managed to become the most popular search engine in the world, receiving, according to 2013 data, 5.9 billion searches per day.

Birth of YouTube

In 2006, Google acquires YouTube, the world's most popular website for streaming user-generated videos, for US$1.65 billion.

In March 2013, Brin is ranked 21st on the Forbes Billionaires List and 14th on the American Billionaires List. As of September 2013, Brin's network was valued at $24.4 billion, according to Brin is now Director of Special Projects at Google and continues to oversee the day-to-day operations of the company alongside Page, Google's CEO, and Eric Schmidt, the company's chief executive.


“Big problems are easier to solve than small ones.”

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Sergey Mikhailovich Brin (August 21, 1973, Moscow, USSR) is an American businessman, scientist in the field of information technologies, developer and co-founder of Google. The story of Sergey Brin is an example of how creativity, scientific talent, courage and innovative solutions paved the way for success.

Childhood, youth

Sergei was born into a family of mathematicians. He is Jewish by origin. At the age of 6, the boy moved to the United States with his parents. His father, a former researcher at the NIEI at the USSR State Planning Committee, began teaching at the University of Maryland, and his mother worked at NASA. Sergey's grandfather was also a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and taught at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. In an interview, Sergey Brin said that he was deeply grateful to his parents for taking him to the States. In America, Brin attended a Montessori school. Now he believes that studying here helped him achieve success.

In 1990, Sergei took part in a 2-week exchange trip to the USSR. He later admitted that this trip awakened his childhood fears of the authorities. After that, he thanked his father for moving from Russia to the United States.

Sergey Brin studied at the University of Maryland. He received a diploma in the specialty "Mathematics and Computer Systems" ahead of schedule. In addition, Sergei was a scholarship holder of the National scientific fund USA. He primarily explored technologies for collecting data from unstructured sources. In 1993, Brin entered Stanford University. Already during his studies, he began to take a serious interest in Internet technologies and became the author of research on the topic of extracting information from large data sets. In addition, he wrote a program designed to process scientific texts.

Success story or how Google was created

Sergey Brin is not like many of today's billionaires. This can be seen in the corporate slogan he promotes, "Do no evil!", in his unorthodox corporate structure, and in his amazing philanthropy. And in one of the interviews, he noted that, first of all, he wants to be a highly moral person who brought real changes to the world. Was Brin able to realize his credo? This can be judged by looking at the history of Google.

In 1998, Brin founded Google with L. Page. Larry Page, like Sergei, was a mathematician and graduate student at Stanford University. Together they worked on the scientific work "Anatomy of a large-scale hypertext Internet search system", which contained the prototype of the Google idea. Brin and Page demonstrated the validity of their idea using the university search engine as an example. In 1997, the domain was registered. Soon the project left the university walls and collected investments for development.

The name "Google" came about as a result of a change in the word "googo" (10 to the hundredth power), which is why the company was originally called "Googol". But the investors to whom Brin and Page pitched their idea mistakenly wrote a check to Google.

In 1998, the founders of Google were actively developing their technology. The data center was Page's dorm room, while Brin's was the business office. Friends wrote a business plan and started looking for investors. The size of the initial investment was $1 million. The first office of the company was a rented garage, and the number of employees was 4 people. But even then, Google was included in the list of 100 best sites in 1998.

Brin was convinced that in terms of marketing, Google should rely mainly on users and their recommendations. In addition, in the early years, search results were not accompanied by advertising.

2000 - Google became the largest search engine in the world.

2003 Google Inc. became a leader in search.

2004 - The founders of Google entered the list of billionaires.

2006 Google Inc. acquired YouTube.

2007 - Brin's company began to pay more and more attention to new advertising markets, namely mobile advertising and special projects related to healthcare computerization.

2008 - Market value of Google Inc. estimated at $100 billion.

The foundation of Google's success was the global mindset of its founders. With the help of innovative technologies, they sought to make information accessible to everyone. And now Google has become a grandiose system that covers directories, news, advertising, maps, email and much more. At the same time, Brin notes that Google has remained a technology company that is trying to apply technology to media. Now self-education, career and health of people depend on information, so the influence of Google is becoming stronger.

In 2007, Brin married Anna Wojcicki. She is a Yale University graduate and founder of 23andMe. In 2008, the couple had a son, and in 2011, a daughter.

Sergey Brin has written dozens of publications for leading American academic publications. In addition, he regularly speaks at various business, scientific and technological forums. He also often participates in television programs.

Brin is a philanthropist. He recently announced that he plans to spend $20 billion for this purpose over 20 years. Sergey believes that charity will become more effective if such projects become part of the company. In 2011, Sergey Brin donated $500,000 to Wikipedia.

Brin once said that Russia is a kind of Nigeria in the snow, where bandits control the supply of world energy. He later denied these words.

In 2012, Brin called Facebook and Apple the enemies of the free internet. He also spoke out against Internet censorship in China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. He is no less negative about the attempts of representatives of the entertainment business to strengthen the fight against piracy. In particular, Google opposed the anti-piracy bills SOPA and PIPA, which would have allowed the authorities to censor the Internet.

Sergey Brin, despite his wealth (in 2011, his personal fortune was equal to $16.3 billion), behaves modestly. So for a long time he lived in an ordinary 3-room apartment and drove a Toyota Prius equipped with an environmentally friendly engine. In addition, he likes to visit the Russian Tea Katya (San Francisco). He often recommends to his guests to try borscht, pancakes and dumplings.

The founder of Google is also somewhat eccentric. So, in 2005, he purchased a Boeing-761 for personal use (the aircraft is designed for 180 people). He acted as a producer of the film "Broken arrows", which was filmed by R. Gershbein. In 2007, Brin and Page offered $20 million to anyone who could build a private spacecraft to travel to the moon. In 2008, Brin announced his intention to become a space tourist.

What company was founded by Sergey Brin, who was his partner. Interesting Facts from the life of a billionaire and biographical information. Financial condition of Sergey Brin.

It is impossible to use the Internet and not have an idea what Google is. With the help of this search engine, people around the world are looking for answers to their questions. The famous search engine was created by two friends Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

It is interesting to know how a simple resource could evolve into one of the most common search engines in the world and how did this affect the financial condition of Sergey Brin?

Sergey Brin: what is famous for

Sergey Brin was one of those who had a hand in the creation of Google. He conceived the search engine together with like-minded Larry Page when they were still students. Brin is an American specialist in computer science, information technology and economics.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page started working on a search engine together and are still part of the same team

In 2016 experts Forbes magazine placed Brin in 13th place in the list of the richest people in the world. His fortune was estimated at that time at 39.8 billion dollars. In 2018, his financial fortune grew to $49.6 billion.

The fortune of partner Larry Page is estimated at approximately the same amount, i.e. about 48.5 billion dollars.

Google is known for its charitable projects:

  1. In 2004, the company created a non-profit charitable offshoot of with about $1 billion in start-up capital. The activities of this branch concern the resolution of problems in the following areas:
    • climate change;
    • global health.
  2. Since 2007, the company has been a sponsor and active participant in several gay pride parades in San Francisco, New York, Dublin and Madrid.
  3. In 2008, she presented a project where everyone can offer ideas, and then jointly choose those that will change the world and help in any way possible. more of people. During the voting, five groups of ideas were selected, and the company allocated $10 million to help implement them.
  4. In 2010, the company donated $2 million to support Wikipedia.

Google is no stranger to philanthropic projects

The life story of Sergey Brin and the creation of Google

The biography of Sergey Brin is related to the USSR. The fact is that the future billionaire was born in Moscow in 1973. His parents are Mikhail Brin and Evgenia Krasnotskaya. They graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, their life in the future was connected with scientific activities.

Sergey Brin's father is a graduate of Moscow State University

Sergey Brin did not live long on Russian soil. When he was five years old, his parents decided to move to the States.

Upon arrival in the United States, they were employed:

  • father - at the University of Maryland in the city of College Park;
  • mother - in the National Agency for Aeronautics and Space Research.

Since childhood, Sergey was interested in everything related to mathematics and computer technology. In this he followed in the footsteps of his father.

Sergey Brin showed a penchant for mathematics as a child

In 1990, Brin entered the University of Maryland and successfully graduated ahead of schedule. Then he received a grant to continue his studies computer systems and mathematics at Stanford University. It was here in 1995 that he met Larry Page, who became not only his close friend and associate, but later the CEO of Google.

From 1995 to 1998, Brin and Page generated ideas to make it easier to search the Internet:

  1. Implemented the BackRub project, which explored backlinks.
  2. We improved the search algorithm, calling it PageRank. The updated program evaluated and ranked web pages by importance.
  3. In 1996, they created the first server of the project, which consisted of four 10-gigabyte hard drives. In this case, the body was assembled from Lego.
  4. In 1997, she gave the project the name "Google".

The origin of the word Google originates from the mathematical term googol - one followed by one hundred zeros. This is a conditional number, which on the scale of the Universe can only be compared with infinity.

Sergey and Larry set up a data center and office in their university rooms. They tried to sell the project, but no one was interested in them. Then the young people decided to create a business plan and find money to develop their own project. In a short time, they managed to raise $1 million. Then in the same 1997, they rented a garage in Menlo Park, California and hired a few people.

Future billionaires worked on the Google project, first in university rooms, then in a rented garage in California

In 1999, they moved to a new office in Palo Alto and found investors, thanks to which they expanded even more. In the same year, the Google search engine became one of the most popular in the world.

In the summer of 2004, the company's shares reached their peak value. Then Brin and Page joined the ranks of billionaires. Every year the profit from the project only grew. And the company itself has expanded.

Google's owners became billionaires in 2004

Currently, in addition to the search engine, Google owns various online services. The most popular among them are the following:

  • Gmail
  • Google Docs
  • Google maps.

The company owns the notorious YouTube video hosting and Picasa online photo editor.

In 2015, Google Inc was transformed into the Alphabet Inc Asset Management Company, which combined many assets. Among them:

  • the Google search engine itself;
  • the Calico life extension program;
  • smart home developer Nest Labs;
  • Verily Health Research Center;
  • system integrator of broadband Internet access Fiber;
  • developer of self-organizing software X;
  • investment company Google Capital and venture - Google Venture.

Video: Google's secret to success

More about the billionaire

The following facts about Sergey Brin are known:

  1. At school, he often surprised teachers. For example, I did my homework on a computer and printed it out on a printer.
  2. Practiced as a student different types sports. Roller skating, skiing, gymnastics - this is still an incomplete list of his hobbies.
  3. In 1998, Sergey Brin and his partner offered Yahoo to buy Google for $1 billion. In response, they received a refusal. In 2005, Google was already worth $80 billion, and the company's annual profit rose to $1.5 billion.
  4. In the early days of Google, its leaders introduced the "20% time on projects" rule. It was understood that the employed only 20% of the time were engaged in current tasks, and the rest work time generated ideas.
  5. In 2012, Brin named social network Facebook and Apple are the main enemies of the free internet.
  6. Interestingly, already in 2017, the European Commission fined Google $2.42 billion for being too dominant in the search engine market.

As a child, Sergey Brin often surprised teachers

Here is how the founder of Google spoke about the different components of professional success:

  1. About motivation. Money shouldn't be your motivation. Many startups don't create anything useful. It feels like people spend five minutes thinking about an idea and then years working on it. If they took a little more time to think, I think they could create something more useful.
  2. About the importance of the small. A thousand results are not necessarily as useful as ten.
  3. About the image. Everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be remembered as a true innovator - very reliable and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world.
  4. About ambition. We want Google to become the left side of your brain.
  5. About the main thing for survival. We wouldn't have survived if people didn't trust us.
  6. The importance of being first. When I was a schoolboy, I always knew that I would be the first in the class in mathematics. And that gave me a lot of self-confidence.
  7. About perception. I notice existential fear in young people. I didn't have that. They see huge mountains where I saw a small hill that had to be climbed.
  8. About looking at the world. Finding solutions for big problems is easier than for small ones.
  9. About failures. The more you stumble, the more likely you are to stumble upon something worthwhile.
  10. About employees. We just want the best to work for us.

Works written by the founder of Google

Brin co-wrote with Page treatise"The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertext Internet Search System". It is believed that in this work you can find a reference to their future idea. It is also known that Brin is actively published in periodicals.

The life of billionaire Sergey Brin today

In 2007, Sergey Brin married Ann Wojcicki, whose major is biology. However, the couple divorced in 2015.

The reason for the divorce was the relationship of the billionaire with Amanda Rosenberg, who was on the staff of the company.

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin is an entrepreneur and IT specialist, co-founder of the Google empire.

Childhood and youth

The future billionaire was born in Moscow into an intelligent Jewish family. Grandfather, Israel Abramovich, taught at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Father, Mikhail Izrailevich, graduated with honors from the mechanics and mathematics department of Moscow State University, worked as a researcher at a research institute under the State Planning Commission. Mother, Evgenia Krasnokutskaya, worked as an engineer at the Institute of Oil and Gas.

Despite the outward well-being of the family, Sergei's parents could not count on promotion career ladder because of the anti-Semitism that took place in Soviet scientific circles. They were obviously not infringed, but the party committee did not recommend enrolling Mikhail Izrailevich in graduate school, he was not allowed to go on business trips abroad.

In 1979, as soon as the opportunity arose, the family emigrated to the United States. The Brins settled in Maryland in the eastern United States and rented a house. Mom found a job at NASA, where she deals with meteorology, and her father received a professorship at the University of Maryland. Sergei's grandmother specifically passed on the right to take her grandson to school.

The son was sent to a prestigious private school Montessori. At first, learning in a foreign language was difficult for the boy, but in six months he fully adapted and soon became one of the best students. He communicated with his parents and still communicates in Russian.

For his nineth birthday, his father gave Serezha a computer, which at that time was a rarity even for Americans. Sergey quickly mastered the miracle technique and began to surprise parents and teachers with his superpowers for programming. Soon he was transferred to a high school in Greenbelt, where the teenager mastered the college program in three years.

After graduating ahead of schedule (in 3 years) from the University of Maryland, the talented young man received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computing, earned a prestigious scholarship to continue his education and thought about his future career. Sergey decided to move to Silicon Valley and enter Stanford University. There was a fateful meeting that changed his life.

Birth of Google

In the early 90s, he met a young scientist, Larry Page. According to one version, Page was instructed to show Sergey the campus and tell how everything works there, and during the tour they found a common language. Another version says that at first Page and Brin, as is often the case with people of equal intelligence, disliked each other and competed.

One way or another, the acquaintance took place, and then grew into a strong friendship and fruitful cooperation. At that time, Brin was passionate about developing a search engine that would greatly simplify the use of the Internet. He was amazed that Larry not only supported his idea, but also made some useful corrections and suggestions.

The friends abandoned the rest of their affairs and directed all their creative energy to the implementation of their project. Soon a trial search engine, BackRub, appeared, which not only found the necessary pages on the Internet, but also systematized them by the number of requests. It only remained to find an investor who would believe in their development and invest a tidy sum in it.

Stanford refused to pay for the experiments of young programmers: not only did their search engine “gobble up” half of the state-owned Internet traffic, it also issued documents intended purely for official use to ordinary users. The friends were faced with a choice: to abandon the brainchild and continue working on a doctoral thesis, or to look for an investor for their project.

It was Andy Bechtolsheim, a businessman and founder of Sun Microsystems, who allocated one hundred thousand dollars to young scientists. They collected the rest of the necessary million from relatives and friends. September 7, 1998 is considered the official birthday of Google, and the first office of the future giant of the IT industry is located in the garage of Brin's friend Susan Wojcecki.

There is a popular tale that Brin and Papage wanted to name the company "Googol" (in honor of ten to the hundredth power), but the investor wrote them a check in the name of Google, and the friends decided to leave everything as it is. It's not, but what an interesting legend!

Sergey and Larry took a sabbatical from the university and devoted themselves entirely to the project. Two years later, their site received the prestigious Webby Awards. In the early 2000s, developers created an algorithm that helped advertisers suggest products to users based on their search queries (we now know this algorithm as "targeted ads"). In 2004, the names of young scientists appeared on the Forbes list of billionaires.

The reason for the divorce was Sergei's affair with a young employee of his company, Amanda Rosenberg. In order to get closer to the boss, the insidious homeowner rubbed herself into the confidence of his wife and even became her close friend. As a result, Amanda managed to destroy their marriage, but she never managed to become the legal wife of a millionaire.

Sergey Brin now

Sergey Brin is one of the twenty richest people on the planet. In 2017, he was ranked 13th with $39.8 billion (Larry Page was 12th with $40.7 billion). Brin is co-president of Alphabet Holding (Google's parent company).