How to save trees. Research activity on the theme "Project Save the tree!"

"Save the tree!"

Vorobieva Anastasia,

Ganzha Igor

MBOU Rassvetovskaya secondary school, grade 6.

Head: Andreeva Olga Timofeevna,

geography teacher MBOU Rassvetovskaya secondary school

Every year, at the end of each quarter, students, teachers and employees of our school do a general cleaning of classrooms and improve the school. A lot of used paper accumulates in cabinets. In addition, over the course of the year, we observed that at the end of the school day, up to 4 kg of paper waste ends up in school bins. After examining other classrooms of the school, home cabinets and tables, we came to the conclusion that the situation is the same everywhere. The question involuntarily arose: “Is it really necessary to carry all this paper to the garbage container, where there are already quite a lot of abandoned paper packaging, newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes and even books? Is it possible to treat used paper so lightly?

Comparing the amount of paper thrown away, the society's need for paper and the cost of its production, we realized that there is a problem: the amount natural resources used for paper production is declining, and such a valuable resource as waste paper is thrown into a landfill! What can you do with paper waste? The students of our 6th grade decided to look into this issue. This is how the idea of ​​the project “Save the Tree!” was born.

Objective of the project: drawing attention to the problem of inefficient use of paper and identifying ways to save paper in order to save the environment. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve severaltasks:

    explore ecological problems modern world associated with household waste;

    carry out work to study the composition of waste generated at school and at home and analyze the sources of their formation;

    develop an action plan for the collection of waste paper by school students.

At the first stage of the project, we theoretically substantiated its importance by revealing the history and technology of paper production. The use of waste paper can significantly save wood and reduce deforestation. When making paper from waste paper, energy consumption is two times lower, and water is a hundred times lower. Experts estimate that Russians annually throw away more than 100 million tons of paper, which is sent to landfills, increasing the amount of garbage around cities. We have developed recommendations “What can we do to save paper?” (Appendix 1).

The practical part of the project implementation is waste paper collection. One of the most effective ways to organize a large-scale collection of waste paper - to involve schoolchildren in this process. In order to collect more waste paper, it is necessary to attract as many people from the school as possible, and even better from the village. To activate their participation in the action "Save the tree!" we have developed campaign materials (Appendix 2) "The importance of the forest and its conservation" - leaflet, presentation and material for the radio newspaper (Appendix 3). We introduced the content of the materials to the students of the school on classroom hours. A radio newspaper on this topic was also held. As a result, 1500 kg of waste paper was collected.

18 classes took part in it. And at the beginning of the current academic year, students and teachers themselves turned to us with a request to organize the collection of waste paper in September, and not wait for May. The action was attended not only by students of the 23rd grade of the school, but also by all employees, headed by the director Alekseeva Vera Yakovlevna. During the autumn collection of waste paper, we collected 1400 kg.

Waste paper sent for recycling will save the life of 51 trees, i.е. one fifth of the trees in our school park. We saved about 700 cubic meters of water, i.e. half of its monthly use in our school and 4500 kWh of electricity, i.e. three months of energy use in our school.

The plan of our project can be implemented in other schools. Paper saving advice can be presented outside of school.

Action "Save the tree!" known and supported by the residents of our village. Materials about it were published in the monthly advertising, information and entertainment newspaper Rassvet and the regional newspaper Dialog.

Annex 1.

What can we do to save paper?

    Fill in notebooks in accordance with the requirements for the subject; use the notebook to the last page.

    Use for drafts and creative works blank sheets from old notebooks, as well as A-4 printed sheets filled on one side.

    Protect textbooks for future generations of students.

    Reduce the number of magazines you buy and share them.

    Use unnecessary magazines, newspapers, books for creativity.

    Print on the printer those documents that we really need.

    If possible, use a printer that automatically prints on both sides of the paper.

    Apply new technologies in the transfer and presentation of information: use email, presentations, slides, etc.

    Buy paper made from recycled materials.

    Get a paper waste box.

Appendix 2

"The meaning of the forest and its conservation"

Appendix 3

Material for the radio newspaper.

Take a look around: newspapers, magazines, advertisements in mailboxes, documents on the desktop, wallpaper on the walls - it's all made of paper, which is produced from different types of wood or paper waste - "waste paper".

The need for paper products is increasing every day, and deforestation is increasing every day. For example, America's forest area, which in the recent past was 900 million hectares, has now shrunk to 262 million hectares. Many floods, dust storms and droughts, pollution atmospheric air and inland waters, the loss of biodiversity are all sad consequences of deforestation. Every year, 13 million hectares of forest are lost, while only 6 grow! This means that every second a forest the size of a football field disappears from the face of the planet!

This situation needs to be corrected!

Everyone is talking about the ecological crisis, but in reality, almost no one is doing anything! How can we help? For example, collect waste paper! After all, the use of waste paper allows you to save wood. Do you want to do a good deed? Let's clean up our apartments - collect old newspapers, magazines, books and bring them to school. Collect waste paper and hand it in!

How much forest can you save this way? One ton of waste paper handed over for recycling is 10,000 notebooks, 230 cubic meters of water and 1,500 kWh of electricity saved in paper production. Guys, you and I must save at least one tree from death!

We announce in our school the action "Save the tree!"

Everyone to waste paper!

The project "Save the Tree" is aimed at educating the ecological culture of children preschool age, designed for 1 month (short-term). It is complex in nature - it includes research - creative, cognitive and practical activities. The methodology for working with children within the framework of the project was developed on the basis of an integrated approach. The project contains a set of measures aimed at improving environmental literacy all project participants.

This project is designed for preschool children. The material can be used by parents and educators.



Project type: short term, group

Project participants:pupils of the second junior group, educators, parents (legal representatives).

Project Manager:educator Lyadskaya Elena Alexandrovna.

Implementation period:1 month (October)

Project relevance:The question of the relationship between man and nature is still relevant. Children have little contact with nature. Often there is a careless, sometimes cruel attitude of children to nature, in particular to trees. Trees surround us everywhere, but children, as a rule, do not pay attention to them. In turn, trees are the best objects for observation, as they are endowed with pronounced seasonal changes. Thus, it follows that it is necessary to systematically acquaint children with trees, flora and to form a careful and conscious attitude towards nature.

Objective of the project: to form in children ideas about trees as living organisms that need to be treated with care.

Project objectives:

  1. Deepening knowledge about trees.
  2. Formation of ideas about the need for respect for nature, the desire to preserve and protect it.

Methods: visual; verbal; practical; gaming, information and communication.

Receptions: observations; modeling; problem situation; system-activity approach; educational games, ICT, etc.

Project object : trees in the kindergarten area

Project subject:the process of including children and their parents in getting acquainted with the trees, as a means of educating love and respect for nature.

Expected results:


1. Be able to apply consciously correct behavior to nature.

2. Be able to convey your impressions of nature to friends, parents in various forms: drawings, stories, fairy tales, etc.

3. Summarize knowledge about trees and their benefits to humans.


  1. Raise interest in expanding environmental knowledge.
  2. Get involved in your child's life kindergarten.

Trees are different, they can be planted in

Earth, in winter the tree has no leaves, birds

Nests are built on trees.


The study of fiction and educational literature;

visual material.

Why is it important to preserve and protect trees?

What is the importance of trees for humans?



Reading fiction;

Didactic games;

Board games, etc.

The study of trees on the site of the kindergarten in

Walk time



- target walk, excursions along the ecological path of the preschool educational institution;

Examining illustrations.

Informing parents about the project (goals and objectives)


Individual conversations, consultations;

Joint walks, promotions, competitions.

Creation of PPRS, necessary materials for the implementation of this stage:preparation of methodological support, photographic material, ICT, literary material.


(modeling a problem situation)

Purpose to motivate children:introduction to the game situation, setting and discussion of the problem situation. Search for solutions to a problem situation with the subsequent definition of a plan for the implementation of actions.

Forms: game situation "Ryabinka asks for help from the guys." During a walk in the kindergarten, the teacher notices that the mountain ash is crying (droplets of tears are hung on the tree trunk in advance). The teacher, together with the children, asks the mountain ash what happened. Rowan says that some of her branches are broken. Children find out why such a disaster occurred. The tree explains to the children that the branches broke not only due to the impact of weather conditions (wind, heavy rain, thunderstorm), but also from the careless attitude of man to nature.

Motive: the careless, sometimes cruel attitude of people to nature, in particular to trees, causes great harm to the world around us.

The teacher directs the children to find a solution to this problem: how can you help the mountain ash? What can children do to save trees?

Based on the search for solutions, children, under the guidance of an educator, must come to the conclusion that they do not know enough about the life of trees and respect for them.

Purpose to motivate parents:acquaintance with the problem situation, the ultimate goal of the distribution of activities.

Forms: individual conversations

Creation of PPRS, necessary material to implement this stage:kindergarten plot, tree (rowan), informational material in the parent's corner, droplets of tears.



Work with children



1-2 week of October

Getting to know the life of a tree

Conversations: “Hello, tree!”, “How do trees help a person?”

H/L Reading:

I. Semenov "Birch"

M. Ivensen "Herringbone"

I.E. Grabar "Ryabinka"

I.I. Shishkin "Oak Grove"

Excursion: looking at trees in the kindergarten

Educational situations:"Meet the Tree"

Didactic games:“What do trees need?”, “What are these different branches”

Observations: How do trees prepare for the cold?

Labor activity:raking dry leaves and branches to a certain place

Productive activity:KTD "Autumn Branch"

Experiences: "Wooden block"

3-4 week of October

Conversation: How to save trees?

H/L Reading:

O. Vysotskaya "Our Garden"

A. Prokofiev "Our Forest"

Examining reproductions with images of trees:

I. Levitan "Blossoming apple trees"

Excursion: visiting the ecological path

Educational situations: "Let's help the tree survive"

Didactic games:"Are the trees blooming?"

Observations: "Falling, Falling Leaves"

Labor activity:collection of colorful leaves

Productive activity:modeling "My favorite tree", drawing "Autumn leaves"

Experiences: "Tree branch in water"


Working with parents



1-2 week of October

Involving parents in joint productive activities

Contest: “Take nature by the hand…”

Exhibition of drawings: "Trees in autumn"

memo : "Trees - what are they?"

Layout making:"Wonder Tree"

Watching a video together:How to save trees?

3-4 week of October

Promotion: "Collect waste paper - save the tree!"

Workshop: "Walks with children in nature"

Folder-slider:"The Joy of Communicating with Nature"

Creating a mini-gallery:"Such different trees"

Creation of PPRS

Production of didactic, demonstration, handout, remote material. Preparation of the video film "How to save nature?" for sharing with parents.



Target: presentation of the results of productive activities in the form of a mini-gallery. Statement of a new problem situation.

Forms: organization of a mini-gallery "Such different trees".


Target: participation in the preparation of a mini-gallery.

Forms: mini-gallery "Such different trees".

Project products:

Developed memos, folders for parents;

Layout "Wonder Tree";

Systematized literary and demonstration material on the topic "Trees";

Collective work "Autumn branch";

Video "How to save trees?";

Participation in the campaign "Collect waste paper - save the tree!"

Quiz game "Trees".

Project conclusions:

  1. The knowledge of children about trees is systematized and expanded.
  2. Competent and safe models of human behavior in nature, the conscious attitude of children to the surrounding trees and flora have been formed.
  3. Activated cognitive interests: observation, comparative analysis, thinking.

Plan for the future:V spring period plan the planting of young seedlings in the territory of the kindergarten with the implementation of a systematic process of caring for them.

Used Books:

1. N.A. Ryzhov. Environmental education in kindergarten. M.: Karapuz, 2000.

2. V. Stepanov "Textbook for kids" native nature"", M.: "Flamingo", 2007.

3. I. Erofeeva "Seasons", M .: "Ling-book", 2008.

4. O.A. Voronkevich "Welcome to ecology", M .: "Prosveshchenie", 2005.

5. V.A. Dryazgunova "Didactic games to familiarize preschoolers with plants", M .: "Enlightenment", 1981.

6. O.M. Maslennikova, A.A.Filippenko " Environmental projects in kindergarten." Publisher: Uchitel, 2016

Information and electronic resources:

1. - Catalog educational resources the Internet.

2. - federal center information - educational resources.

A house made of glued laminated timber surrounded by trees, what could be more beautiful, is it possible to keep the trees in their original form during construction, let's look at the article.

First of all, it is necessary to make a topographic survey of the area., there is even a special concept of “tree shooting”, that is, all the plants that need to be saved are marked on the map of the site. This applies to those plants that have reached a height of at least 1.3 meters and have a diameter of at least eight centimeters. All other seedlings can be transplanted to another place where they will not interfere with the construction.

Do not forget that it is necessary to remove even those trees that grow at a distance of five meters from the border of the construction site. This is due to the fact that these trees must be taken into account when laying house communications (water pipes, sewerage).

The second point of the tree conservation plan is to contact a phytopotologist.

A plant pathologist is a specialist in trees, he can be compared to a veterinarian, only he works with trees.

He explores the map of the site, and also inspects the trees. Based on the inspection, he will tell you which trees can be easily removed due to his age or diseases. He will also tell the builders which trees they need to pay attention to, and give recommendations to the owners of the future home on replanting trees and shrubs on the site.

Knowing which trees can be removed from the site, and which ones need to be preserved, the builders choose the building area on the maximum free territory of the site.

For trees, the greatest damage, as a rule, is caused by the construction of the foundation. In this case, in order to protect the trees from damage, it is preferable to choose a pile-screw foundation. It is not suitable for all buildings, but for houses made of glued laminated timber it is ideal. A pile-screw foundation causes less damage to the fertile layer of the earth, which means there is less chance of damaging the roots of trees or depriving them of nutrition.

In order not to damage the trunks and the roots of trees protruding above the ground, it is necessary to install wooden shields at least two meters high, stepping back from the trees at a distance of 50 centimeters. Around the trees, decks are also laid out within a radius of one and a half meters to cover the roots of plants.

When laying paths, communications, building outbuildings, step back from the trees by at least two meters.

And also agree with the employees where you will store construction garbage so as not to spoil the soil. Since during construction, the team may use cement, solvents and other substances that will negatively affect the soil.

You also need to think about the storage of building materials in advance, determine the place where the materials will be stored.

The main rule is to always step back from the green space by at least two meters.

If, nevertheless, damage was caused to the root system of trees during construction work, try to immediately neutralize the damage. So that fungi and microorganisms do not penetrate into the wood, cover the damage with earth. Also, it is especially important to fertilize and water the plant so that it has enough nourishment to recover.

Excessive falling asleep with soil of the root system of a tree also leads to negative consequences. The earth did not reach to cover the neck of the roots. To do this, it is best to dig around an open or closed well with a height of 30 to 80 centimeters, the walls of the well can be laid out with bricks, the radius of such a well must be at least 50 centimeters, this will prevent falling asleep.

If you are in doubt during the laying of communications, be guided by the crown of the tree. To prevent damage to the root system, project the crown of the plant onto the ground and add one meter.

Trees on the site may suffer during construction, but growing new ones is a matter of decades. There are ways to save trees during construction. Let's look at a few ways that will help you save green spaces when building buildings and structures on the site.

Experts call forest areas the most difficult for construction. The forest is a separate ecological system, a rude human invasion with special equipment and building materials usually completely destroys it. If you decide to keep slender pines, lush spruces, centuries-old oaks and beautiful birch trees on the site you have inherited, you will have to solve a difficult task, which is far from always possible to complete 100%.

The first thing you should definitely think about is the geodetic survey of the site. There is such a thing as a tree topographic survey, when a clear plan is drawn up for all the plants available on the site. Such field shooting is necessary not only for drawing up a landscape design plan, but also for the general planning of the entire construction site, including the laying of engineering communications.

Usually, when shooting under a tree, all plants above 1.3 m with a trunk of more than eight centimeters are recorded. Small seedlings, of course, are easier to dig up and move to a safe place, for example, to the far corner of the future garden, away from the construction site, they usually take root well in a new place. Trees that are located at a distance of five meters from the border of your site are also filmed, this is important when planning the laying of pipes and other communications.

Second, there are specialists such as phytopathologists. They perform the same functions as veterinarians, but only in relation to trees. Such a specialist in plant diseases will tell you which tree can be cut down painlessly, because it is not advisable to save it due to age and the presence of diseases. After studying the plan drawn up by surveyors, phytopathologists will identify trees that should be preserved by any means and will give their recommendations on the possible transplantation of plants to another place.

It is clear that surveying and the services of phytopathologists will lead to additional costs. However, they are usually relatively small, and you definitely want the house to be surrounded by pine trees in order to enjoy healthy resin-laden air.

Of course, even before the start of construction, a clear plan should be drawn up based on geodetic surveys. Now that you know exactly which trees can be cut down and which ones will remain, you can carefully choose a place for the house on the site that is as free from plants as possible. It is advisable to involve an architect who will take into account your wishes, a typical house project on the site in this case is not very suitable.

The biggest threat to trees is the construction of the foundation. In this sense, a pile-screw foundation is much more preferable, as it will cause less damage to the soil and surrounding plants. Many people consider such a pile-screw foundation not very reliable, but it is well suited for wooden buildings, houses made of glued beams, frame buildings.

When starting construction, the trees remaining on the site should be protected from possible mechanical damage:

  • Protect trees with solid wooden shields. Their height should be at least two meters. Shields should be placed in a triangle at a distance of about 50 centimeters from the tree trunk. Of course, you can not nail shields directly to the barrel! They are attached to pegs hammered or dug into the ground.
  • The root system of a tree can be protected by decking, which is laid within a radius of one and a half meters from the trunk, in a circle.

The location of outbuildings, terraces, driveways, asphalt or tile coverage should be planned in such a way that holes with diameters of at least two meters remain around the tree.

Immediately agree with the builders where they will put the garbage, which will definitely appear in the process of building a house. Find a place for it so as not to spoil the soil around the trees. It is also necessary to store building materials at a distance of at least 2.5 m from the tree. The same principle applies to earthworks when laying communications - step back from the tree at least two meters.

If root system the tree was still damaged, special measures should be taken to save it. In particular, harmful organisms and fungi should be prevented from entering wounded roots. The site should be quickly backfilled with earth so that the roots do not remain outside. You can water and fertilize the tree, helping it mate with the injury.

It is equally important to prevent the tree trunk from falling asleep with soil above the root collar, a very important organ for plants. To prevent excessive falling asleep of the tree with earth, you can equip a dry well around the trunk - open or closed. The depth of such a well can be from 30 to 80 cm, the distance from the trunk to the wall is usually 50 cm. The walls themselves can be laid out of brick or stone.

If you are not sure at what distance from the tree you can safely build, focus on the projection of the crown and add about a meter to it, so as not to seriously damage the roots. So that builders and special equipment do not trample the soil, destroying it, it is advisable to organize wooden walkways for people, temporary road slabs or crushed stone pillows for cars.

We agree that such a tree conservation plan seems to be something complicated and costly. However, as the photos presented by us show, it is possible to save plants! Believe me, the trees will become the main decoration of your site, and the house will be comfortably located among nature, which has preserved its original appearance.
