Who opens the beauty of native nature. The beauty of nature - composition (reasoning)

The beauty of our nature is a miracle that fascinates us all with its splendor and diversity at different times of the year and at any time of the day. She gives us everything we need to live. Summer pleases with a variety of colors, exciting smells and warmth. Autumn leaf fall can be described and drawn endlessly. Winter is snow-white, swirling and falling snowflakes. The comfort of home warmth after a cold street and patterns from frost on the glass make you fantasize. Beginning to come alive spring nature. Everything rejoices and rejoices at its coming. We are part of nature and much depends on us to preserve it.

We live on amazing planet. We are surrounded by plants, animals, seas, oceans, insects, birds and people. Wherever we look, we will see breathtaking landscapes. Who among us has not admired the sunset, the rainbow after the rain, or a butterfly on a flower collecting nectar? And how beautiful is the view of snow-capped mountains or blooming chamomile field. Every day brings something unusual and bright into our lives.

plant world

It is impossible to even imagine how many plants and their species exist on our earth. Poppies burning brightly in the sun, delicate lilies, fluffy dandelions and sparkling snowdrops. Millions of beautiful flowers adorn our world. Make it even more amazing.

Each of us walked through the forest. What did we see there?

  • slender birches;
  • firs swaying in the wind;
  • cedar with a squirrel sitting on it;
  • beautiful rowan;

And how easy it is to breathe in the forest, the air is all saturated with freshness and morning dew. I want to stay and enjoy the sounds of singing birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.


It is very interesting to watch the animals as they play with each other, store food for the winter and hunt for prey. Each animal has its own unique appearance, behavior, habits. A fearless eagle soaring high in the sky and a small gray mouse sitting in its cozy mink are the complete opposite of each other. Have you observed the behavior of the cat? She is independent, smart, moderately cunning, but at the same time, affectionate with her master. If you dare to offend her, then she is able to defend herself. People should treat animals with care and understanding, love them and protect them. They are the same inhabitants of this world, just like you and me.

We are all very lucky, we can enjoy the beauty of our nature, every minute, at any time of the year. See the changing scenes of the seasons golden autumn, snowy winter, awakening spring and colorful summer. Wake up early in the morning with a great mood and fall asleep late at night. Do not forget to take care of, and make sure that everything that surrounds us always brings only happiness and positive emotions.

The beauty of nature is so extraordinary that sometimes it seems that there is nothing more beautiful in the world. At all times, poets, artists and composers admired her, sang about her in their great works. Nature is amazing not only at any time of the year, but also at any time of the day. Suffice it to recall the morning, when the day wakes up, the sun rises, and the soft haze that enveloped the city at night dissipates. And what a beautiful sunset! The sun majestically hides behind the sky, and its rays, still unwilling to say goodbye to the day, paint the sky in a bright orange color.

Nature must be able to understand, to capture its mood. Nature is very wayward: sometimes she is angry, sometimes she is agitated, and sometimes she is happy like a child.

Man is an integral part of nature, which is his home. Therefore, he cannot but notice her beauty, cannot but admire them, see their diversity and originality. It is no coincidence that man dedicated his best creations to nature - paintings, poems, songs.

Unfortunately, not everyone considers themselves children of nature and not everyone considers it their duty to serve her. Many destroy it for their own gain, for the sake of personal comfort. At the same time, they do not think that by their actions they cause irreparable harm not only to nature itself, but also deprive their children, grandchildren and many subsequent generations of something very important.

In the modern technogenic world environment is already in danger, so our task is to learn to live with it in peace and harmony in order to preserve it for our descendants.

Updated: 2012-06-05

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Alimirzaeva Zukhra, 7th grade student.

Each person has a favorite form of recreation. One goes to the theater, the other to the stadium, the third to a concert, the fourth to friends. But with all sorts of entertainment, we all love to visit nature. Nature is man's friend! it not only heals us, but also teaches us a wise attitude to life.



Beauty of nature.

Each person has a favorite form of recreation. One goes to the theater, the other to the stadium, the third to a concert, the fourth to friends. But with all sorts of entertainment, we all love to visit nature. Nature is man's friend! it not only heals us, but also teaches us a wise attitude to life. She is like a mother to us.
Sometimes the beauty of nature is simply mesmerizing, it seems that there is nothing more beautiful in the world. The beauty of the world cannot be compared with anything. Many artists and poets try to sing the beauty of nature in their works. How beautiful she is. In every season, nature is beautiful in its own way, whether it be summer, autumn, winter, or spring. But this applies not only to the seasons, but also to the time of day. Nature is especially beautiful at dawn and at sunset. It is at these moments that you feel some kind of magic, as if nature reveals its whole soul to you.
You need to be able to capture the mood of nature. Sometimes she is excited, sometimes angry. Man is a part of nature, and he cannot but admire it, its diversity and originality. How many paintings, how many poems, songs were written in honor of nature. But, unfortunately, many do not appreciate nature.

Every year in autumn and spring, my class and I often go to the forest or in the vicinity of the village, where schoolchildren, youth and adults usually gather for May Days. It brings us closer, so our class is very friendly. And all our trips are interesting. And this time at the beginning of autumn, when our teacher announced to us, if the weather is sunny tomorrow, let's go to our glade! We all rejoiced with joy. Asiyat Nabievna, our class teacher and Pari Nasrudinovna, a history teacher, they introduced us to the instructions on the rules of conduct on the excursion. The next day, we all gathered near the school and 10:00 am. According to the plan, we slowly walked to the Rostov-Baku highway, sang songs along the way, played various outdoor games, and took pictures. I always like to go ahead of everyone, so even from a distance, I was the first to see this wonderful clearing. Here we will stop! - said our teacher. The place was convenient near water, brushwood to kindle a fire for barbecue. To our surprise, the clearing looked like a garbage dump. I was so offended for nature, how cruelly man treats nature, Do people really not have even a modicum of conscience. Our mood has deteriorated, they came to rest, but there is no place to sit here. And then we decided to do a good deed, started cleaning the clearing from garbage. At the request of our teachers, a car arrived, the full car was sent to the garbage dump.

A person loves to walk in the forest, pick wild berries in it. And he, this man, probably believes that everything around him - both the cool forest and the emerald grass - is all that has always been and will be. What will happen from a thrown tin can, and black plastic bags? Such "little things" do not concern him. Here in the forest, we had the idea to create a volunteer group for the protection of the environment.On The next day, at a biology lesson, we talked with the teacher, Zarema Alievna was very happy. We first signed up volunteers. A work plan was created, they gathered for a meeting once a week. They made different decisions and appeals. Magomed Gadzhiev, a 11th grade student, was asked to lead the group.

Many times I saw homeless people running around the streets of my village, kittens abandoned by someone. Why refuse and throw these little pets out on the street? Give them to good hands! The heart shrinks from pain when a tiny defenseless lump meows plaintively, rubs against its legs, looks into your eyes with such confidence, as if it wants to say: “Take me, I'm good.” And it is wonderful that in our village there are many good people, which pick up and do not allow small kittens to die of hunger and cold. At a meeting of the volunteer circle, it was decided to select and identify homeless kittens to those who will shelter them.

At our school, a beautiful acacia grew recently under our window, but in the spring it was completely broken off. It is a pity and sadness that people often do not appreciate what surrounds them. Our acacia dried up and had to be cut down. Now small, thin branches have appeared from the root - sprouts. And I hope that the tree will come to life and will delight us again with its pleasant smell and flowering. We made such a decision to instruct each class to plant three trees, and share a place under the front garden to plant roses. There are already results, some classes completed their task in the winter.

…Recently on class hour Our teacher read us the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". Main character Books carefully looked after his planet: every day he cleaned volcanoes, fell out sprouts of baobs, the roots of which, growing, could destroy a small planet. In gratitude for the tender care, a wonderful flower grew.

Yes, it's just a fairy tale But I believe that we will learn to protect nature and look at the world with love.

At one meeting of our circle, an appeal was adopted to the villagers "To equip all the streets of the village with the whole world." The idea was supported. As expected, everyone was notified in advance about the time of collection. Many residents of the village responded to the good deed, but schoolchildren turned out to be the most active. Armed with rakes, shovels, axes and saws, they set to work together. They felled and chopped old dried trees, loaded and took away garbage. The work was arguing ... Everything that they planned, they did. They were satisfied with the result of joint work. Order and cleanliness were pleasing to the eye. It became more pleasant to walk along the clean streets of my native village. Schoolchildren entered every house, warned the villagers not to throw garbage anywhere .
We also wrote a letter to the village administration, to allocate a tractor for garbage disposal.

The biggest problem in our village is the problem - clean water. And here our group had to work hard. When they stopped the flow of water into the canal. All high school students of our school went to clear the canal of debris. As we left, we put up a sign saying, “Don't wash cars! we drink this water”, do not pollute the canal!

What should we do, how to protect nature?, how to clean the village? - this poll remains the main one for us.

WITH early childhood you need to teach kids to take care of all living things: do not tear wild flowers, do not break branches, do not throw garbage on the asphalt, do not burn bonfires anywhere.

- First of all, the village administration should be responsible for cleanliness in the village. They should attract all the villagers to clean up near their houses. They say that it's clean not where they clean, but where they don't litter. To make the village better and cleaner, you need to love it with all your heart.

The older generation, by their example, should teach the youth a respectful attitude towards the world around them. After all, at home we do not allow ourselves to throw waste under our feet!

The culture of the people plays a big role. The streets would not be so dirty if there were no people who litter them. It is often necessary to hold a meeting and give a lecture to citizens (cleanliness is a guarantee of health)

Punish the owners of enterprises that drain industrial waste into a canal or soil.

When we asked our grandparents how they lived in the old days. They told us that they felt many times better then, because the air was clear, the rivers were clean, and all products were only natural.

If we do not take care of the nature around us, then the general ecology will be getting worse. Think about it.

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Nature fascinates with its fantastic landscapes, pleases the human eye, brings a lot of positive emotions. The beauty of nature is unique at any time of the year.

Snowy winter paints extraordinary pictures that even the most talented artist cannot repeat. Amazing snowflakes circle above the ground and each of them is unique and special. The patterns on the glasses simply amaze the human mind. winter mountains dazzle with their magnificence. Paths covered with crisp snow, trees and bushes dressed in beautiful white clothes, icicles of unprecedented size - all this is the beauty of winter nature.

Spring awakens the desire to live and love. Buds are blooming, the first flowers are breaking out from under the snow, gradually the trees are dressed in green clothes. Birdsong is heard everywhere, and aromas are heard from flowering trees. All this cheers up, gives inspiration, brings new ideas, fills life with meaning.

Summer, the most desired time, the time of holidays and summer holidays, picnics and incredible journeys. summer nature simply divine, the soul rejoices at the incredible bright colors and endless rainbow fields. The warm sun warms with its rays. Everywhere you can feel the breath of life. Seascapes, fresh air, the murmur of streams, do not leave anyone indifferent human body. Sunsets and sunrises strike on the spot with their unimaginable colors and unspeakable beauty. Fresh fruits, vegetables and berries saturate the body with vitamins.

Autumn, not everyone loves this time, but for artists, poets and photographers, it is of great value. Fallen leaves lie on the ground like a beautiful carpet, the brightness and variety of colors of which is amazing. Coolness, the smell of rain and mushrooms, thunderclouds, disturbing cries of birds excite the human mind.
Nature is picturesque, sometimes its beauty is simply impossible to describe in words. Every corner of nature is fraught with a magical and mysterious feeling. Take care of nature, take care of it, it delights souls and makes people happy.

The beauty of nature has no boundaries, it gives people bright unforgettable moments, makes them enjoy every minute, every new day.

Essay beauty of nature

From an early age we love being outdoors. In the park, the sea, in the forest, it is interesting to observe nature, animals. For a person, the natural environment is, first of all, something new, unknown, something that causes a strong impression. We love to touch each new flower, smell it, and pluck it if possible. Contact with the beauty of nature is an excellent source of inspiration for a person.

Over time, we cease to notice the beauty of the nature of the area where we live. And only trips to the sea or to other distant lands make you pay attention to the beauty of nature in a particular area. A similar situation occurs with those who come to you. What you no longer pay attention to people from another area can make a big impression.

Even depending on where a person lives, whether in the city or in the countryside, his communication with nature is very different. Contact with nature of people living in the city is limited. Therefore, having got out, even a few kilometers from the city, he begins to see the beauty of nature and appreciate it.
We are all very sensitive to the beauty of nature. However, the most important thing is that the beauty of nature stimulates the imagination, becomes the material for fantasy and imagination.

The beauty of nature lies not only in beautiful scenery and sea surface. Everything that happens on earth is all the work of nature (even skyscrapers and asphalt roads), because man is part of nature and everything he does is actually everything from nature.

But the beauty of nature is not only what is done on earth, atmospheric variations are often met with great enthusiasm by people, as well as diversity in life. They love falling rain, snow that creates drifts. People like to look at the stars and the moon.

The beauty of nature provides a person's imagination with new elements taken from reality, stimulates him to creative activity.

Composition reasoning Beauty of nature

Nature is so diverse in its manifestations. At every time of the year and day, she never ceases to amaze and delight a person with her beauties. And, she is good in any of her appearance.

Many people's favorite time of the year is summer. Of course, during this period everything grows and blooms, full of colors. This is the time of the riot of life of nature. Flowering meadows, forests - all this is beautiful.

But, here comes autumn. Everything begins to wither and prepare for winter rest. And here nature does not lose its attractiveness. And at this time she looks delightful and solemn. A little sad, but everything looks beautiful and proud. There is a special and unique beauty in the leaden hue of the sky, and in the flying trees, and in the gray rainy days. And what a feeling can be evoked when, walking through the forest, you meet a late flower in a pile of leaves. He stands alone in this pile of natural gold. At the sight of him, he will become sad, and warm feelings will stir in his soul.

Winter is coming. And again you never cease to be amazed at the beauty. First snow. A little later - already huge silvery snowdrifts in place of recent green carpets. Clear frosty sky. Snowfalls. All this is amazingly beautiful.

Spring. She always evokes a feeling of excitement. Especially when its imminent arrival is already beginning to be felt. The air is filled with some special aroma, inherent only in nature. No perfumer could replicate it.

Nature can be admired and admired endlessly. And what power does she have, since she is able to inspire the ministers of art to great creations? After all, nature is a muse for both artists and poets. Even any prose work will become more alive, it is only worth mentioning its beauties in it.

How is she able to bewitch, inspire and delight so much? Maybe because she is always diverse, she manages to do it. One picture is constantly replaced by another. And each of them is so saturated with natural colors that involuntarily any artist will note for himself that his brush will never be able to create anything like this. But, wanting to convey at least a part of this splendor, he will again and again select colors and shades. It turns out that nature is not only an inspirer, but also a teacher.

And you don't even have to have any talent. You can just stare at it endlessly. But, involuntarily, nevertheless, observing these natural wonders, lines come to mind, or images arise even among people who are far from art. Let it not even be poetry, but simply good words who want to say close person. Here's another one amazing property nature. She pushes people to good and bright thoughts.
