Palmistry line of life and fate. Palmistry, there is no line of fate on the hand - is it good or bad? What does a mole on the palm of your hand mean on the line of fate

When you first get acquainted with the science of palmistry, you can immediately understand that the line of fate is almost the most important designation in our palm. There are many definitions of the character and fate of a person by the hand, because there are fortune-telling by the hands, there are by the fingers, but the most popular is fortune-telling by the hand, or rather by the palm of the hand. And those lines that we can see in the palm of each person bear a certain imprint, a pattern of fate, which palmists can read. And they usually begin to read from the line of fate, which ends at the hill of Saturn. Because of this, the line of fate has a second name - the line of Saturn.

So, the line of fate begins at the wrist in the middle of the base of the palm and moves up to the middle finger. First you need to find out whether it exists or not, and only then carefully decipher it. Or maybe criminals, drug addicts, homeless people do not have it, this indicates a lack of purpose. But it may not be for people who live their lives brightly, but their goals are constantly changing.


line of fate on hand

line of fate on hand

The line of fate on the hand is conditionally divided into intervals of five years. It intersects with the line of the heart and the line of the head, thus forming a kind of square. In some people, it almost touches the line of life. It happens that the line of fate on the hand is as close as possible to the hill of Jupiter or the Sun. This, in turn, indicates that the ambition and idealism of Jupiter will be maximally manifested in the character of the personality, in the second case, the talents of a person will be clearly expressed either in literature or in one of the arts.

The line of fate on the hand is able to tell about some trend in the existing reality, about all kinds of talents, but this does not mean the inevitability of their manifestation. It all depends on you, and only you can be the master of your own destiny, and it is up to you to sprout these talents or not. Therefore, such fortune-telling can be an adviser for you, and not a team. Although sometimes such talents are hidden in a person, and he does not even know about them, then a pointer will not hurt.

Palmistry and the line of fate are inextricably linked, since in terms of importance it takes second place after the line of life. Such a line can tell about the ups and downs at different stages of life, about the dangers that can happen. In general, if you are interested in palmistry, then the line of fate will insanely interest you in any person.

If the line of fate is visible deep and clear, then this means a great external influence. That is, a person does not try to take control of his life, but, as it were, goes with the flow and is completely dependent on external circumstances. If it is not so clearly expressed, then the person achieves everything himself, and does not wait for manna from heaven. It happens that the line of fate begins in the center of the palm and moves towards Saturn, this will tell about an ambitious person and a self-sufficient person who takes control of his life and creates his own destiny with his own hands.

The line of fate and its meaning can change throughout life. And this line of fate can form a very different drawing, but its meaning lies in the presentation of the prepared fate of a person, important dates and events in life, and how he will move along it. Maybe the line after the middle of its duration becomes less and less clear and visible, then by calculating how long it is in segments, you can determine after what years you will have stability and constancy. If such a vanishing line moves towards the hill of Saturn, then this will speak of a carefree and secure old age.

Sometimes the line of fate can be cut off, for example, at the line of the mind, then this will be a sign of the carelessness of a person who loves pranks and liberty, if the line turns into a torn one, consisting of several dashes, then it will be more likely to observe indecision or lack of will in a person’s life

If you need to transfer different events on the line of fate to a temporary value, then this can be done using the following method. The first segment often goes to the line of the head, and this symbolizes the first twenty years of the life path. The continuation from the head line to the heart line is another two tens, and then the rest of the period can be calculated by the end of the line.

Sometimes you can see that the line of fate forks, breaks and ends with a fork. This always speaks of the fact that a person has a choice in life. When his next step and decision will determine the direction and course of the rest of his life. At a certain time, a person will stand at a crossroads, and can mean very dramatic changes. A person can change the field of activity or retrain. And you can see how the line of fate bifurcates, that is, to which particular tubercle the branch goes, in such a new sphere a person will appear. After all, each tubercle has its own name and meaning.

Most importance plays the line of fate on the right hand. After all, on the left you can view only what is given at birth, and for the most part the past. On the right hand, it is read how a person manages his given resources and what direction in life he sets himself. If on the left one can read the desires of a person, then on the right only facts and events. Therefore, more often they look at the line of fate on the right hand, since it is more of a practical part and implementation. Not possibilities and theory.


Of course, it is very interesting for a person to know fate along the lines of the hand, because if only the line of fate can create such throwing and contradictions, which speaks of the decoding of all lines. Perhaps it is comparable to reading an exciting adventure book in which you are the main character. However, to know fate along the lines of the hand, to get acquainted with the existing vector of life, does not mean to make it such in reality. After all, the interest of the book in the future will depend only on your actions taken. The future is changing every minute, with every step we take, we enter into one of the variants of reality. And creating this reality is no less interesting than reading its messages on your hand!


In the palm of a person, you can read, understand and predict a lot. The life line will tell about its quality, mind - about career and success, marriage - about family and children. On the palms of some people there is a mark that practically crosses the palm across, it is called the line of Fate. It tells about the aspirations and successes of a person. What does the presence or absence of such a sign in life mean?

Most of the marks on the hands are mandatory, for example, lines characterizing life, family, and so on. In addition to such signs, there may be “optional” marks on the hands, such as the line of Fate.

Its absence, as well as vice versa - the presence, can tell a lot about the nature and capabilities of its owner.

Sometimes referred to as the line of Saturn, it originates near the wrist and points upward towards the fingers, usually passing through the central part of the palm. But the location is very relative and depends on the particular hand. It happens that the sign of Fate does not originate at the wrist, but from the middle of the palm and from the hill of the thumb.

The Mark of Destiny can have even outlines or vice versa - it can be intermittent and crooked. It can intersect with other lines, for example, Life or Mind. If you observe the sign of Fate on your hand, know that the so-called holding takes place in your life. Often the owners are able to short time make the right decisions in difficult situations, as if someone is whispering advice in their ear.

The age-old question about which hand should be read is decided by the right or left, it is solved simply: on the left - what we came into this world with is imprinted. Left hand is responsible for abilities, for opportunities, it predicts quite approximately, showing only the general. The right hand is more specific, because it reflects reality, which changes under the influence of human actions. For a more complete picture, experienced palmists look at both hands.

For example, if there is a line of Fate on the left palm, but not on the right, this may mean that at some point in life a person lost his potential, spent it in the wrong direction. It happens that it is not on the left hand, but is on the right, then we can assume that such a person has changed his potential by his actions, strengthened his abilities and he has a chance to succeed.

The meaning of the line of Fate

It means the desire of its owner to succeed, to achieve goals. Reading the hand, one can guess at what period of life a person will have the strength to implement his plans and ideas.

Previously, it was believed that the extent of the "fateful mark" depends on how successful its owner will be. Today it is considered differently. The length can indicate the outcome of his undertakings, time periods, but not success in general. Having it in the palm of your hand does not guarantee success as such, but only suggests its possible onset.

Palmistry researchers claim that in India, where there are either very rich or very poor people - many beggars, there is a good clear “mark” of Fate on the palms that crosses the entire palm. If such a line were to guarantee success, they would hardly be sitting on the porch with outstretched palms.

Everything is so, because such a sign of Fate shows the potential that you need to be able to keep, develop and constantly improve.

If there is no mark of Fate on the hand, this does not mean that failures will haunt him and he will end his life in poverty. In the practice of palmistry, there are a lot of cases when people, in the absence of such a sign of Fate, became rich, became famous and successful.

This happens because they work, do not stop, strive for wealth. The difference is that a person who has the sign of Destiny succeeds by striving for a specific goal, inspired by an idea and a dream. Such people have a life's work, they do not rush from one sphere to another.

Such a line indicates the ability of its owner to become successful by implementing his fix idea. If you have a desire for your dream and a clear line of Fate flaunts in the palm of your hand, be sure that you will be able to realize yourself and achieve what you want. You are endowed with the potential to achieve your goal.

The palms, on which there is no line of Fate, do not at all portend the life of a loser to their owners. On the contrary, in such cases people have freedom of choice, they can try themselves in various fields and fields of activity. The main thing is to make efforts and strive, therefore it does not matter at all whether there is a line of Fate on the hand.

How to interpret and decipher

In interpreting the meaning of the line of Fate, not only its presence is important, but also its appearance. For example, if the line is even, deep without breaks, you do not need to be a palmist to understand that this is good. Indeed, a straight line means that something invisible will support and guide a person on the way to his goal. Deals will be made, partners will be reliable, in general, things will go well.

If the mark is fuzzy, intermittent, breaks off and starts in a new place, this may mean that the person's path to his goal will be difficult. Each gap is a wrong turn, a loss of landmarks and goals. But, the new beginning of the line symbolizes that a person is gaining strength again and moving forward.

You need to understand that the line originates not far from the wrist, that is, below - the beginning of life, youth. At the intersection with the Uma line - 35 years come and so on. If it is thin and fuzzy at first, but becomes deeper and more direct as it goes up, this means that a person is learning from his mistakes. He moves in the right direction and successfully overcomes difficulties, with this kind of line - in the end, he will succeed.

If the line is constantly interrupted and does not represent clarity, this means that its owner is often not sure of his choice, he lacks self-confidence and aspiration.

If it “wags”, has several bends and breaks, this means that the owner of such a mark is not distinguished by reliability and honesty. He may not keep his word, constantly change goals and guidelines.

The end of the line of Fate - meaning

Important for interpreting the meaning of the mark of Fate is its ending. The line tends upward, originates not far from the wrist of the palm. If you look where it aspires, that is, in the direction of which hills, you can understand its meaning.

The hills are at the base of the fingers:

How is the contact of the line of fate with other lines interpreted

In addition to the location of the line, it is important to correctly interpret its contact with other lines, as well as the signs on it.

For example, a square located on the line of Fate always means protection, such a person is constantly protected and directed. His decisions are always correct.

Speaking fundamentally, there are about 14 threads in the palm of a person, which play both a primary and a secondary role in the fate and life of each of us. One of the main threads is the fateful trait. Sometimes it is poorly traced, in some cases it is not at all. In this part of the study "Palmistry, no line of fate", we will consider in detail whether people who have not found "their destiny" in themselves should be afraid or there is no reason for special concern.

Based on the knowledge of experienced palmists, as such, a fateful trait appears in a person in adolescence around 12-13 years old. Well, this is not a statement at all, since there are exceptions to general rule. There have been cases when the line of fate is absent in adolescence, but begins to manifest itself at about 19-20 years old, or even later. How to explain it?

Note. Most likely at young man or girls have already appeared a certain goal or direction after 20 years, or maybe just a dream. So, in any case, a person is already fully prepared for its implementation.

If young people do not trace the line of fate even at this age, then we can say with full confidence that a person is completely materially and psychologically dependent on his relatives.

The material will be useful to you:.

Presence of fate only on the passive hand

There is another option that is worth paying attention to. There are right-handed palms, where there is no line of fate on the right hand, but on the left it is.

Such a model can be interpreted as follows: in the process of life, a person completely changes his priorities, contrary to what is laid down at the genetic level, or the subject himself is the blacksmith of his own destiny.

In order to accurately assess the situation, you need to carefully study other hints. On plain language, this indicates laziness and passivity of a person, in general, an unwillingness to do anything, since in life he gets everything very easily.

The complete absence of the line of rock

If there is no line of fate on the right hand and the left too, then the person depends on the whole on the case that fate presents him and at one moment he can change everything. Such people are not predictable, at any moment luck turns away from them, which leads to bad consequences.

For example, a person will begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, slide into debauchery and lead a wild life. There are hands where other lines indicate the tendency of a person who does not want to accept generally accepted rules, they are not like everyone else.

Note. Personality prone to adventurous deeds. The subject often changes his goals and wants to live a bright, non-standard, but "his own" own life". That's the beauty, I'm not like everyone else.

Can a person be happy if there is no line of fate?

Lack of destiny - is it good or bad? This is the way to look at this issue. As a rule, such people simply do not know what they want from life and what they live for.

In search of the ideal and meaning of life, they are successful in their own way and lose their meaning without bright colors and new experiences. The word "permanence" is not for them.

In search of impressions and bright colors, the subject can often change partners and places of work. Each time changing the next area, he will not look back and regret something. So, this category of people, the absence of a line of fate on the hand, does not bother at all, they live their own lives.

The line of fate manifests itself in the process of life

There are cases when a person's thread of fate appears in the palm of his hand at some stage in life, or vice versa, becomes weaker, and then disappears altogether:

  1. In the first case, the subject finally finds a place in his life, can even become successful and get full satisfaction from the chosen goal.

  1. In the second case, a person can lose the purpose and meaning in life and just go with the flow. If after this the line of the head is clear and of normal length, the person through the mind will find strength in himself.

  1. There is one more point that should be paid attention to - a serious break in fate. The man lived normally, moved towards the goal and in an instant problems occurred. Fate in this case indicates a career or serious family troubles.

Slowly processing the information, we see that if there is no line of fate on the hand, then you should not be upset at all, since a person himself can consciously change his path, find a place in life and set his own bar. Our fate is in our hands - this is the main thing to remember.

What do real life examples tell us?

Somewhere I read interesting story from real life about a person who has a complete absence of a line of fate in the palm of his hand, more precisely by 2. But at the same time, the thumb is well developed in a man.

The man is 40 years old and almost all his life he copied other people's models of life from his environment, which suited him better and tried them on himself. At the same time, I felt absolutely happy.

What does it say?

  • A person has absolutely no individuality, but at the same time there is a desire to live brightly and in abundance.
  • Thanks to his will, he copes well without his own ideas and goals, this is indicated by a developed thumb.

Another real example a man who is already 45, and the line of rock is still not visible. He is self-sufficient, organized and disciplined. Walks through life with the slogan "I build my own destiny." So in this case, everything is trite, a person does not believe in palmistry at all and everything connected with fate. He believes that some of our successes or failures in life are the result of our own mistakes.

Additional material

Hello dear friends.

Today I would like to plunge into the world of palmistry with you again and open the veil of such an interesting topic as " line of fate on hand". For some of you, this information may well seem strange, but the line that I would like to pay special attention to today is not present in every person, although it is one of the main lines in the palm of your hand.

So, friends, I present to your attention - Fate Line(Saturn):

The line of fate is a line that is vertical, and very often crosses the line of the head (line of the mind). As a rule, the line of fate originates near the wrist and stretches upward, closer to the fingers. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the line of fate can originate at almost any point at the base of the palms and many nuances can depend on where it originates. But in most cases that I had to deal with during my work, the line of fate originates as close as possible to the center of the base of the palms and rushes to the finger of Saturn (middle finger) (see Fig. 1).

When there is a line of fate on our palms, this may indicate that during the period directly covered by the line of fate, its carrier will work on himself in every possible way to realize his desires and achieve his cherished goal or dream. This line speaks of a person's desire to succeed and the realization of his personal growth.

Previously, some palmists mistakenly believed that a person with a long and clear line of fate would definitely succeed. Now you and I perfectly understand and know that they were very wrong. By itself, the length of the line of fate is not always interpreted in this way. There are a lot of poor and impoverished people with a very long line of fate, but these people never had fame and fortune, and the length of their line of fate only says that these people have been doing one thing all their lives and devoted their whole lives to it.

People who have a line of fate on their palms often make the right decisions. It serves as a kind of guarantee of good luck and luck for them. Very often they say about such people that they are lucky, because almost always these people find the right way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. One gets the impression that these people are protected by higher powers, and they are told what to do in this or that situation in order to achieve the best result.


So, now let's talk about what the complete or partial absence of such an important line means - the line of fate on the palms of a person:

The absence, namely the complete absence of the line of fate on the palms of a person, as a rule, can be interpreted in different ways, but most often it is interpreted in such a way that a person does not have a goal for which he lives. Such a person can live a bright and crazy life. interesting life, but will never set itself the main life goal. These people can be compared to a ship without a rudder. Wherever the wind blows, the ship goes there.

Also, no less often, the line of fate is absent in people with addiction, whether drug or alcohol, in criminals and in mentally ill people.

Once, I had the opportunity to look and study the palms of a rich man. You have no idea how surprised I was when I noticed that there was no fate line on his palms. At that moment, everything turned upside down in my mind and I absolutely could not understand how this could be. But with further study of the palms and communication with this person, everything fell into place. As it turned out, this man achieved success by selling everything that could be sold. That is, if today he was offered to buy a small batch of socks at a bargain price - he bought and sold them, and after a while he was offered to buy a batch of washing machines at a low price - and he bought and sold again, making his fortune on it. That is, a person never adhered to a clear plan and did not limit himself to the areas of earnings, but earned on everything that could be earned.


When we see that the line of fate originates directly from the line of life (Fig. 2), then we can, with a high degree of probability, say that the bearer of such a line of fate, in young age there was a very huge influence on the part of his family members and close relatives, thereby shaping his character and worldview, which, quite possibly, have survived to this day.

Now let's talk about such a line of fate, which has absolutely no contact at the very beginning with the line of life, but originates directly in the middle of the palm (see Fig. 3). In most of all the cases that I somehow had to deal with, as a rule, if there are no additional signs on the palms that indicate the opposite, such an arrangement of the line of fate can be interpreted from the point of view that a person from an early age strove for independence. This person is used to making important decisions on his own without the intervention of anyone's help and all kinds of advice, who greatly appreciates his own independence and absolutely does not tolerate any control.

There are times when we can notice that the line of fate, or rather its beginning, is at a fairly large distance from the line of life (Fig. 4). In such cases, the independence of which I wrote above, takes on a much stronger meaning. As practice shows, people with such an arrangement of the line of fate very often choose a profession that is close to social activity.

Now let's consider such a moment when the line of fate originates in the wrist area (see Fig. 5). In this location, such a line indicates that its carrier has already early years set a goal for himself and chose the scope of his activity, and to this day he is doing it. For example, I want to tell you about my old childhood friend: I have a friend who, as a child, decided that he would be a policeman. It would seem that what boy at a young age did not want to be an astronaut, a policeman or a karateka ... But over time, of course, most of these guys radically changed their vision future profession... But not with him. He became a police officer and has been with him for about 20 years. Such people are insanely happy, because they have found their true calling.


So, my friends, I have prepared an image for you that will help you understand how the age is calculated from the palms, I will give you a diagram (see Fig. 6). The first 35 years of each person's life are indicated on the line of fate from the wrist to the line of the mind. And already from 36 to 49 years is a segment from the line of the mind to the line of the heart. The residual length after the line of the heart is the period that occurs after 50 years.

Many people ask me: - “Why does the line of fate in my palm end at 40 or 45 years old?” The answer is simple. As a rule, people who have reached this age have stable work, family and confidence in the future. The person has already reached his goal and now he simply lives for his own pleasure. That is, as you understand, there is nothing to worry about.


A lot of people who have contacted and are addressing me absolutely misunderstand such a meaning as a double line of fate. It is not surprising, because they are not palmists ... Most often, parallel to the main line, a thin line runs from the side of the thumb, which is a duplicate. People who have such a duplicate line are engaged in several things that are very significant for them at the same time. These are people who perfectly combine work and family values(believe me, it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance). Also, this line can speak of its carrier as a person with "golden hands".


A lot, a palmist can tell how and where the line of fate in a person ends. When you see that the line of fate ends directly under the index finger (see Fig. 7), then you have a person who is well versed in political issues and legally savvy. But as practice shows - in this place, under the index finger, the line ends in very rare cases.

Now let's move on to a more familiar location of the line of fate in the palm of your hand. In particular, when the end of this very line falls on the middle finger (Fig. 8). People who have just such an arrangement on their palms of the line of fate very often do things that are more familiar to us. This includes your personal small business, trade, etc.

If in your practice you have to face the end of the line of fate under the ring finger (Fig. 9), then you can be sure that you have a person of a creative profession and a creative state of mind (designers, artists, musicians, etc.)

Sometimes, I had to meet people whose fate line ended under the little finger (see Fig. 10). These people are very communicative. They can build a dizzying career if they choose the profession of an actor or a position associated with active sales. It is also interesting that such a person may not be as eloquent in a circle of close people, compared to how he owns his talent at work.

The trident at the end of the line of fate (see Fig. 11) is a rather favorable and good sign, the bearer of which will achieve a lot in life.

Friends, I also want to draw your close attention to such important points as breaks that can be located at any point on the line of fate (see Fig. 12). Such signs as breaks very often indicate that the carrier person during this period of life changed the scope of his activity, as well as such things as depression and similar conditions in which a person lives like a vegetable and he is absolutely not interested in anything and not up to which doesn't matter.

Sometimes I came across the line of fate, which, although it has an independent beginning, but later, at some point, comes into contact with the line of life, and then again goes to an independent level of development (see Fig. 13). Such people, as a rule, at one time sacrificed their dream for the sake of the family, putting the family in the first place.

And the last value for today is a square on the line of fate (Fig. 14). This square protects its wearer from all sorts of troubles and troubles. This is a kind of amulet.

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Palmistry gives answers to a lot of questions, while revealing secrets and bringing back forgotten memories.

Palmistry opens up new possibilities.

Palmistry will help you recognize the various traps and traps that await you on the path of life.

Palmistry will help you make right choice and get on the right track.

Palmistry contributes to your self-knowledge, and also helps you to reconsider the ideas you once accepted and develop new solutions.

Palmistry says - if you want to know how the fate of a person will turn out, look at his palms. If you are interested in what difficulties you will encounter along the way, and what successes you will achieve as a result, pay special attention to how the line of fate is shown on your hand. For someone, it can be clear and well-drawn, while for someone the line of fate is completely absent in the palm of your hand.


If you want to know how to correctly read fate by hand, first of all, you must learn to accurately determine the line of Fate. It is considered the most changeable of all those present in the palm of your hand and characterizes the life path of a person from the moment of birth to the day of death. Depending on how the branch looks and how long it is, the interpretation of the picture will differ.

Long even large lines of Fate adorn the hands of either very purposeful or conservative people who do not see the point in looking for more promising options, but go straight through life without turning anywhere.

The absence of the line of fate on both the left and right hands is observed in people who, on the contrary, have been trying all their lives to find their calling. Since, if you do not have a line of fate, then there is no specific life guide for a person, so he changes one job after another, trying to get settled in life.

dashes small size, let people know that fate has prepared for them life along an individual path, but a short length does not mean that the road will be cloudless. Big successes will replace failures and vice versa. In many ways, the change in fate will depend on the actions of the person himself, and any problem can always be corrected by the right actions.

A clear deep line of fate, regardless of its length, is found in a person who respects traditions and family values. Moreover, if all other elements and lines coming from the line of fate are less pronounced, then the owner of the hand is a self-confident and uncompromising person.

The branch is expressed weakly and shallowly, which means that its owner is an indecisive person who cannot even set a clear goal for himself, let alone follow it. Usually such people change one profession after another and are rarely determined with the main occupation.

When reading your hands, be sure to start a journal and keep a graph of the behavior of the branch of Fate, so you can quickly respond to the appearance of a new unfavorable branch, sign or birthmark and help normalize the situation with your actions. Remember that the line of Fate can disappear and reappear several times during a life, therefore, having found out that this feature is absent in yourself at the age of 20-30, you should not think that “it will never manifest itself in me.” The same applies to the analysis of children's palms.

If you don’t know on which hand of a person the lines of fate are more indicative, always be guided by the rule that the active hand is our external appearance, which we change depending on the situation, and the passive hand is our inner world, true face, secret side that we We don't always show it to others. Therefore, ideally, you need to read both hands and only by comparing the two values ​​\u200b\u200bto draw final conclusions about the fate of a person.

Where does it start

According to palmistry, the line of fate in the palm of your hand goes through the entire surface to the middle finger, at the base of which is the hill of Saturn. The segment begins in each case in different places:

  • On the wrist.
  • In the center of the palm.
  • On the hill of Venus.
  • On the hill of the moon.
  • And on the hill of Venus and on the hill of the Moon at the same time.
  • On the branch of Life.
  • On the branch of Uma.
  • On the branch of the Heart.

When deciphering the palm on your own, you must definitely take into account this parameter, since by where the line originates and in which direction it moves then, the palmist can read a lot about childhood and adolescence from the hand, and determine the fate of a person along the line of the palm for many years to come .

When the starting point of the line of fate is in the area of ​​​​the wrist, at some distance from the line of Life, a person understands from childhood what he will do in adulthood and purposefully from an early age builds his destiny in the chosen direction. Due to their innate responsibility and balance, the start of their journey will be quite successful.

If in people a branch begins in the central part of the palm, their youth cannot be called productive. Unlike the previous version, such dashes mean that at an early age a person has difficulties in choosing the type of activity. Making fateful decisions, he often turns to his parents for clarification and only after their advice makes his choice. If further the dash continues its course in the palm of your hand clearly and confidently, then, reading fate along the lines of the hand, know that a person a few decades after birth will be able to change the situation. He still decides life goals, and confidently begin to move in the planned direction. If you notice a weakly manifested line, then until old age a person will hesitate with the choice of a profession and be afraid to look beyond the redistribution of the comfort zone, without knowing how many real opportunities for self-realization exist in the world.

If the place of the beginning of the line of fate is a point on the hill of the Moon, this indicates that a person has no attachment to his parents, he either does not appreciate and does not respect them, or is an orphan. Such people do not accept generally accepted standards and opt for very unusual professions, as a rule, later associated with moving to another region.

They also think very outside the box, every now and then, challenging society. In some cases, the line of fate starting on the Mount of the Moon suggests that a person’s career will go up sharply after the help of a wealthy lover, but this will not prevent them from becoming completely self-sufficient individuals in a few years.

If the branch starts on the hill of Venus, then the owner of the hand, in his youth, was very shy and insecure. Such men and women have problems in communicating with the opposite sex. If in the next section there is a shift of the line of Fate towards Life, and these branches eventually intertwine, then a person with such a pattern in the palm of his hand will experience a strong dependence on his parents at the beginning of his life. As a result, most likely, he will find his calling in the political or creative sphere.

If the beginning of the line branches out and resembles a fork with two prongs of approximately equal length looking up, then the person is a great romantic, but at the same time he loves to receive sensual pleasures from life.

The lines of Fate, flowing into the branch of Life, are in the hands of people who are closely related to their parents. They usually trust their mother or father to choose their path.

The line that connects to the line of the head is a sign of a person who is guided in making decisions solely by reason. In life, they are able to achieve a lot, but only if they make a lot of their own efforts for this. Having started their life path with uncertainty, having reached the middle of the road, people will find their calling, after which they will make a successful career closer to old age.

When the line of Fate begins from the line of the Heart, the personal life of people brings them only positive emotions, marrying already in adulthood, they create strong families and value and honor their parents throughout their lives. But, on their way there are disappointments and problems, to survive which and change the fate of better side they can only through constant control over emotions.

How is it going

As having started in different ways, the line of fate can also flow differently in each specific case.

If the broken line of fate consists of separate fragments, it means that on the life path a person will meet ups and downs. The gap in the middle of the line of fate, says that people make important decisions carefully and very uncertainly, periodically changing priorities. In the case when each subsequent fragment is clearer than the previous one, it means that the problems are designed to temper the character of a person and, as a result of the path, great success awaits him. If, on the contrary, each new line is thinner and thinner, the tests will turn out to be unbearable, after a long and unsuccessful struggle, a person will sooner or later give up.

When the line on the hand is wavy, broken or curved, its owner cannot be called a reliable person. It costs nothing for such people to make a promise and not keep it.

If your line of Fate is expressed by two parallel dashes, consider yourself lucky with it, because success awaits you in several areas of life at once.

If not far from the main branch there is a small parallel dash, a person can be called universal. Whatever he does, it will definitely work out.

Palmistry line of fate on the hand (part 5)

The line of fate on the hand. All your destiny is in the palm of your hand. Palmistry The line of destiny. Palmistry

Corrective Palmistry. Lines of Fate on the hand.

Sometimes in the palm of your hand you can find many small stripes accompanying the line of Fate, they indicate that the owner of the hand can count on the material and moral help of loved ones. If the line of fate is crossed by short thin lines, then those around, on the contrary, will put spokes in the wheels.

If there is a dash on the branch of Destiny that goes towards the index finger, we can safely say that the person standing in front of you has excellent leadership qualities and can achieve great success in the position of leader.

How and where does it end

Just like the starting point, the end point plays a big role in the interpretation of Fate, while deciphering the palm, keep in mind that the end of this branch may be in the region of the hillocks of the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, or on the branches of the Mind and Heart. Therefore, when doing fortune-telling, you must definitely look at where your line of Fate ends, because depending on this, its meaning changes:

In the Sun - success, wealth, fame, especially when engaging in political or creative activity. If the line of Fate, having passed through the entire hill, is not interrupted, but goes beyond it and already ends there, this is a bad sign, having reached the pinnacle of glory, people can lose everything due to one failure.

On Jupiter - a successful career in leadership positions. The forked end of the line of fate, approaching the index finger, prophesies good luck in several industries at once. If you managed to recognize that the line of fate ends with a trident, you should know that this is a very happy sign. The trident at the end of the line of Fate means that its owners in adulthood can suddenly get rich and burn the end of their lives for their own pleasure.

On Mercury - success in the financial sector. These types of lines can be seen on the hand of an entrepreneur or financier. How easy it will be for them to earn money should be judged by the description of the line along the entire length: there are no gaps - money will be obtained easily and simply; line, torn - before you get rich, man will be tested bankruptcy, but by his actions he will be able to radically change the situation and get rich again. If at the same time the line of your Destiny ends with a fork, the business will flourish simultaneously in several industries. Double fork - in two, triple, respectively - in three.

On the line of the Mind - from the very beginning, the chosen path of life turned out to be wrong, as a result, the landmarks were lost, and good career failed to build. All further events go uncontrollably, as a person is not able to clearly formulate goals.

On the line of the Heart coming from the little finger - long love relationship as a result, they will end in a divorce, which will affect the course of all further events. When the line of Fate ends at the ring finger, it says that loneliness will negatively affect a career, a correction of fate is possible, but a person can cope with mental suffering only by making great efforts.


Palmistry says that the signs and intersections on your line of fate of another line have a huge influence on the interpretation of the palm pattern. They need to be able to decipher correctly. Among the main signs in the palm of your hand are:

  • Star - illness, nervous breakdowns, career problems, financial collapse.
  • Island on the line of fate: symbols at the beginning of the branch mean that progress along career ladder will be promoted by members of the opposite sex. The thicker the line of Fate that continues behind the sign, the more successful the cooperation will be. An island exactly in the center of the strip also has a very unfavorable meaning and promises separation from a spouse due to betrayal, departure or death.
  • A square on the line of fate always has the meaning of a talisman against enemies, from bankruptcy, from love experiences, but only in that period of life for which the segment marked with a symbol is responsible. If a square grows into a circle or a rhombus, this is not very good, it means that a person is obsessed with his safety.
  • A chain of several independent elements that are adjacent to each other - difficulties in the financial sector and in relationships with close relatives, if they have not yet begun, after seeing such a picture, know that problems are coming and try to prepare for the meeting.
  • The triangle is a very auspicious symbol, even the most complex plans and combinations will be successfully implemented and bring great profits.
  • Cross - there are serious troubles, the cause of which may lie in losses, illnesses, poverty, death of a loved one.
  • Mole - bankruptcy, disappointment in the love sphere. A change in the situation is possible only if the birthmark disappears, indicating the end of suffering and the beginning of a favorable period of life. But, remember, if you managed to change your line of fate, this does not mean that you can relax and let everything take its course. The nevus in the palm of your hand, as it disappeared, may reappear.
  • Fish - chirology, considers it a special gift sent to man by the will of the Higher Forces. It symbolizes wealth, prosperity, family happiness, fame.

How to date

Carrying out fortune-telling along the line of Fate, it is important to correctly calculate the dating. Only then will you be able to find out the date of the alleged events. Determining the approximate time along the line of Fate and calculating its work is not difficult even for beginner palmists. The main thing is to take the process carefully, because if you make a mistake even by a millimeter, the dating of the Fate line will not be done correctly and all the painstaking work will have to be redone.

So if you want to look at the line of fate of children and young people and find out their near future, analyze the site, from the beginning of the branch to its intersection with the line of the head. To know the exact time, starting point take the birthday of a person, and the end of the segment for his 35-year-old age. Accordingly, by dividing the first part of the Fate line into 35 equal parts, you can make a more accurate forecast.

The area responsible for maturity is located between the branches of the Mind and the Heart and it lasts 15 years. That is, at the moment the line of Fate crosses the line of the Heart, a person will be 50 years old. the last part the line of fate starts from the Heart and ends with the end point.

It is important that the segment called the line of Fate can be of different lengths, and in some cases, applying a time scale to it, you will notice that one millimeter of the palm contains information about 2-3 years of a person’s life at once. Therefore, in order not to be unfounded, when giving an explanation of the drawing, especially from the photo of the palm, take time with a margin and never tell the client the exact date of this or that event.
