Skiing lessons for beginners. How to ski? Skating technique

Skiing is one of the most popular sports today. This active view rest not only strengthens health, but also gives a lot of thrills, charging with positive. The skiing technique is quite complicated. But having learned its basic rules, any beginner will become a real professional.

Ability to stand properly

For those who do not know how to ride at all, you should start by learning the stance. The stance is a dynamic element of skating. Being in in constant motion, changing the shape and size of turns, it is necessary to constantly balance, maintaining balance, hence the stance also changes. It should be simple and functional in order to maintain energy efficiency and strength.

According to instructors and professional skiers, the correct stance should be high. It is in this position that the entire load falls on the skeleton, it is given an elongated and more stable shape, this reduces muscle fatigue and gives strength to the skier. With slightly bent legs and relaxed muscles, the skier has an increased range of motion and a sharper muscle response.

Speaking about the correct stance, instructors use such a thing as centering in the longitudinal direction. When in a centered stance, body pressure is distributed along the entire length of the ski, which allows you to use the entire ski and maintain stability.

Be aware of the distance between the skis. It should not impede control, but at the same time it should be sufficient for free work legs. The correct distance is slightly less than the width of the shoulders.

Hands should be in front of the body. This will allow you not to deviate back and maintain control in motion.

Movement Basics

After mastering the basics of the correct stance, you can safely proceed to learning elementary skiing movements. The main one is skating. This classic mode of transportation is used for driving on flat surfaces, climbing low slopes and. If the skier feels balanced and calmly balances, then mastering this style of skiing, which consists in single-point sliding, will not be difficult. The key to success for beginners is the ability to properly occupy the basic stance:

  • moderately bent knees;
  • slight forward tilt
  • heels are brought together at the right angle;
  • socks are separated.

The technique of movement is to move one foot forward while pushing the other foot off the surface. Legs change with the transfer of body balance.

For beginner skiers, this technique seems difficult. A clear understanding of the elementary rules will help facilitate its study:

  • correct initial stance;
  • pushing with the supporting leg;
  • maintaining a rigid body;
  • low lifting of skis when changing legs.

There are several ways of skating (semi-skating simultaneous, skating simultaneous two-step, skating simultaneous one-step, skating alternate). The difference between these methods matters only. For beginners, it is important to master the basic principles of this style of movement.

Braking Basics

For those who have mastered the basics of skating, you should learn how to properly brake. For beginners, it seems that there is nothing complicated in this. But, the main thing is not just to slow down, but to be able to orient yourself in a specific situation in order to make this braking safe. There are three braking techniques, each of which is good in specific cases.

Plow technique

This is the easiest way to slow down and be able to stop. Its essence lies in the fact that when descending, the front parts of the skis come close, and the backs are bred as wide as possible. In this case, the legs should be bent at the knees and body pressure is directed to the heels. The disadvantage of this method is a long braking distance and low controllability. Suitable for braking at low speeds on flat slopes.

Stop braking

The basis of this style is the transfer of body weight to the higher ski. At the same time, the lower leg is placed on the inner edge so that the angle with it and the direction of the descent is 90 degrees. However, the emphasis should be on the leg that is higher. The advantage of this type of braking is a short braking distance and a rapid decrease in speed. This method is used by professionals, and it takes some practice for beginners to master it.

U-turn stop

The essence of this method is a synchronous turn perpendicular to the direction of motion. In this case, the main pressure of the body is directed to the ski located on top. This type of braking is suitable for professionals who are able to fully control the movement, and feel the need for a quick release of speed.

SkiGrom 2016 winner Anton Suzdalev explains in detail what types of classic moves are and how they differ, and also shows five exercises to help you master this move.

Skiing is the most useful and safe sport. When running, there is a load on the musculoskeletal system, but here everything is leveled by skis. When skiing, 95% of the muscles work, everything is harmoniously strengthened: back, arms, legs. Skiing does not require special training - as in running, where you start with a kilometer, on skis, at first you just need to walk, train, alternate running with walking. Running is dangerous by overestimating your capabilities, injuries, while skiing, the possibility of getting injured even with the wrong technique is minimized.

Types of moves

There are three main travel moves: alternate two-step move, simultaneous stepless move, and simultaneous one-step move. Alternate two-step travel is usually used on steep or gentle climbs or when you need to pick up speed across the plain from the start. At the same time, the stepless move is used on the plain - it provides good glide - and also on gentle slopes, if there is strength. At the same time, a one-step move is used in case of poor gliding to maintain speed, when it is difficult to go at the same time, and alternating is no longer effective.

Alternate two-step stroke

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For correct execution technique requires the second leg to be off the ground, but due to lack of balance, people slide on two legs - this is a major beginner mistake. You need to push off, get on a straight supporting leg and roll. Accordingly, the first phase is the phase of free sliding on one leg, it lasts from the moment of pushing with the foot until the stick is placed on the snow. Arms and legs work diagonally, left leg in front, right behind. We push, the sliding phase begins: the pushing leg goes back, we slide on the supporting leg. Then comes the straight leg. Next comes the phase of crouching with the supporting leg, the swing of the free leg and the transfer. The main thing is to go out on a straight leg, that is, to transfer the center of gravity forward. If the leg is slightly bent, the weight of the body will remain behind - in this case it will not work to slide. You need to push off and go to the supporting leg so that the weight of the body moves forward.

The back should be slightly tilted forward. Hands work alternately diagonally, opposite to the leg. The arm is almost straight, slightly bent at the elbow joint and turned outward for more powerful leverage. If the elbow is lowered down, there will be no rigidity - we will simply attract the stick towards us, but there should be pressure from top to bottom with it. One of important nuances is setting sticks in the snow. Sticks should always be placed at an acute angle to the snow, while it is necessary to push off with your hand and body. If you put the stick at a right angle, you will not be able to push off. This is also one of the most common mistakes when sticks are either carried far forward or placed in front of them, which makes the push phase impossible and the sticks have to be carried out again. Footwork technique: you need to feel pressure on the heel of the ski for as long as possible in order to crush the holding block.

Simultaneous stepless running

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It is the fastest of the three moves. It is also called double-poling - double repulsion. This move is common in competitions when the course is more or less easy and everyone is trying to run at the same time without a step. Also, this move is widely used by skiers during marathon starts. Main features: only the upper shoulder girdle works, the legs are no longer involved in the clean and jerk. You need to push only with your hands and the upper shoulder girdle: the abdominal muscles, the latissimus dorsi and pectoral muscles. There are two phases - push and free slide. First, push, take out the arms and move the body forward, the elbows are spread outward, the whole body presses on the sticks. It is necessary to feel that the weight of the body is not left behind, when pushing, you need to transfer to the front. The jerks depend on the speed of movement - at high speed the jerks are short, for example in competitions, when all movements are fast, sharp. Hands should not go below the knee. The legs work like springs - you need to squat a little. When you put sticks on the ground, you need to put pressure on them not only with your hands, but also with your upper shoulder girdle. Then comes the repulsion phase and the free sliding phase.

The most common mistakes are incorrect placement of sticks on the snow and incorrect hand work. With this move, it is necessary to slightly bring the elbows outward so that there is a rigid system. It is necessary to feel the crushing of the sticks with the whole weight of the body, as if we are falling on them. You need to use not only your hands, but the entire shoulder girdle - the lever in this case will be much more powerful.

Simultaneous one-step move

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Unlike the previous move, there is the help of one leg here. For one phase of the push with the hands, there is one phase of the push with the foot. This is a combined move - there is a phase from an alternating move (leg push) and a phase from a simultaneous move (hand push). Phases: we move our hands forward, push with our left foot, put sticks on the snow at an acute angle and swing our legs. Next comes the sliding phase: moving the arms forward, pushing with the right foot (squatting), again moving the arms forward and swing.

This is the most difficult move - in order to practice it, you need to master the previous two moves. The main mistakes that are most often encountered here are the incorrect placement of sticks on the snow and the breakdown of repulsion, when a person does not repel, but moves only due to the swing of his leg. You need to do a squat (push), and then a swing, but many people make the mistake of taking their leg back and doing a swing without a squat phase. In addition, it is necessary to crush the sticks with the whole body, and not just with your hands, as beginners mistakenly do.

Lead up exercises

Exercises must be performed until a sense of balance appears and you learn to stand freely on one leg for five seconds without falling on the other leg. It is necessary to develop coordination, develop the correct movements of the arms and legs.

Exercise number 1. Strength exercise

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The main emphasis here is not on the legs, but on the correct work of the hands. The arm is carried forward, bent at the elbow joint and turned outward, and not lowered down. pay attention to correct setting sticks - they stand at an acute angle to the ground, pressure on the stick from top to bottom.

Exercise number 2. Work without sticks

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Emphasis on proper footwork: squatting, pushing, single-leg sliding on one leg, swing and shifting body weight forward. There should be no double bearing sliding.

Exercise number 3. Scooter

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This is one of the basic exercises for beginners. Remove sticks and one ski. Here you need to push with one foot and try to ride on the second supporting leg as long as possible. This is an exercise for balance, coordination, for the development of the “feeling of the ski”. Then you need to change your leg.

Cross-country skiing is a popular winter sport and recreational activity. Differing from alpine skiing both in their technique and equipment, cross-country skiing allows you to cover large expanses of flat snow or gentle slopes. They can be used both for upper and lower body training, as a means of transportation or as an opportunity to enjoy the winter landscape. Most people start with the traditional, classic way cross-country skiing, but it will be easier to ski if you already have experience in skating or rollerblading.


Classic cross-country skiing

    Practice on the paved track. Any cross-country skiing destinations should have smooth, groomed trails, often with two lanes for a pair of skis. This The best way learn to cross-country ski. Off-piste or off-piste skiing requires considerably more effort and is only recommended once you feel comfortable on the piste and have a powerful pair of skis.

    • If you are not in a prepared ski area, choose a flat area with powdered snow without any obstacles.
  1. Get in the right position. Stand on level ground with your skis parallel. Bend forward at the ankles and slightly at the knees. Keep your torso straight without bending at the hips. This position helps to properly distribute the weight on both legs.

    Slide your feet across the floor until you can move comfortably. Move sharply forward one track at a time to get a feel for how much force you need to apply without losing balance or bending over your hips.

    Learn to rise and fall. Every skier falls, so learn how to get up right at the beginning of your workouts. Set the sticks aside after the fall. Adjust your skis so they are parallel to each other, rolling on your back if you need to untangle them. Place your skis on the snow on one side of your body and crawl forward until your feet are behind you. Get on your knees on top of your skis and lift yourself up using your poles.

    • If you fall on a hillside, lift your skis into the air and lower them on the slope below you to get a more stable position. Crawl on level ground before climbing up. Keep your skis to one side as you crawl, not directly underneath you, or you could push them downhill with your weight.
  2. Practice the push-and-slide movement without ski poles. Set your ski poles aside for now to practice this new move without relying on arm strength. To start moving, push your right foot down into the snow, swinging your arms so that your right hand is in front and your left is behind. Immediately shift your weight onto your left ski and lift your right ski slightly higher than the slope, sliding forward, leaving your right ski behind. Bring your right foot back under you, then push off with your left foot and glide on your right ski. Alternate legs to keep moving. Try to find a rhythm where the legs alternate in wide strides and the hips move from side to side.

    Push off with ski poles. After the "push and slide" movement is more or less automatic, take ski poles. Immediately after you push your right foot forward, putting your weight on your left foot, stick your left stick at an angle back and push off with it to give your glide extra speed. Use the right stick to accelerate after pushing off with the left foot.

    Use the "herringbone" method when climbing a mountain. Point your feet outward to form a V-shaped ski behind you, then tuck your ankles slightly inward to push the edge of the skis into the snow for a tighter grip. Raise one ski all the way off the ground and keep walking. Balance with the ski pole on the same side as the ski you are walking on. Alternate skis and poles on different sides.

    Slide or step down a slope. As a beginner, slide down only gentle slopes that have ski tracks. Lean forward slightly over your skis as you slide to avoid falling on your back. If you're not sure you're going down a certain section of the hill, point your ski tips inward in front of you and tilt them so that the edge closest to you sticks into the snow. [Come down with small steps, keeping your balance.

    • If you need to suddenly stop halfway down the slope, crouch low to the ground and lean back, letting your skis slide out from under you. Keep the sticks behind you at all times so that you don't hurt yourself on them and fall on top of them.
  3. Ski on a suitable surface and with equipment. Skating consists of powerful, angular movements of the ski to increase speed. This is rarely possible away from trails where there is a hard snow surface. Specialized skis can also be useful for extra strength and control, although skating can also be done on regular cross-country skis.

    • Note: While most skiers who use skating ski on pistes, you can't ski pistes by cutting the pistes. Ski on the surface of the track itself, next to the ski tracks.
  4. Get in position. Bend at the ankles and knees, but keep your upper body straight and relaxed. Bend your elbows and keep your hands in front of you.

    Put down your ski poles. When you first get into the technique, it's worth practicing without ski poles so you can focus on your leg movements. Ski poles will add extra speed later, but should not replace strong leg movements.

    Point the ski toes outward and practice proper leg movement. The skis should be pointing out in front of you in a V position. Turn your right foot on your little toe, placing the outer edge of the ski on the snow. Rotate your ankles as if you were lightly pressing on the snow so that the skis return to a horizontal position, ready to slide forward. Return your right leg to the starting position and then practice this movement a few times with each leg.

  5. Movement sequence V-1: "1st leg raise, 1st leg and sticks on the ground, triple take-off, 2nd leg raise, 2nd leg lower".
  6. You can time the stick to match your left foot or right foot, whichever is most comfortable for you.
  7. Learn about other riding methods if you want to race or go faster. The "V-1" technique described above will allow you to move faster than using classical style cross-country skiing. However, as you gain experience, especially if you develop an interest in racing, you can learn a few more techniques. Perhaps the most common of these is the "V-2" style, in which you stick both poles in and push off just before placing each foot on the snow. Experienced skiers tend to use it on level ground to get faster speeds and only use the "V-1" technique above when climbing hills.

    • Movement sequence V-2: "left leg lift, both sticks in, push, left leg down, right leg up, both sticks in, push, right leg down."
  • Start cross-country skiing on prepared snow that will allow you to glide smoothly over the surface without being too hard. In general, you should try skiing on powdered snow without ice, avoiding areas with rocks, roots, or other obstacles.
  • Unlike alpine skiing, on cross-country skiing, only the front of the boot is fixed, leaving the heel to hang freely. This gives more freedom of movement for your feet.

Hello sports lovers. On the Video Teacher portal, we have prepared a video skiing course. We invite everyone to familiarize themselves with this video course called how to learn to ski.

In this training video course called how to learn to ski, you can effectively learn, and most importantly, practical, easy and painless to ski. The video course offers all novice users to learn skiing and enjoy this winter sport.

Lesson 1

In the first lesson, we will talk about the characteristics and design features of skis. Basic principles of skiing.

Lesson 2

From the second video lesson of the course “How to learn to ski”, the instructors will show and also talk about all the features of the position of a working skier. Learn how to control your body and skis.

Lesson 3

The third video lesson will show the basic movements of a skier on the descent with the technique of turning, as well as controlling the speed on the descent. Learn from the video how to correctly determine the direction of ski movement on different terrains of the descent.

Lesson 4

In the fourth video lesson of the training course called “How to learn to ski”, the instructors will tell and show how and in what way to switch from wedge skiing to parallel skiing. Parallel skiing is a basic skiing technique and once you master it, you will feel more confident on any slope.

Lesson 5

the fifth video lesson will teach you how to improve your movement technique in order to prepare for the descent on the blue and red slopes.

Lesson 6

And in this sixth lesson, the instructors will reveal the secrets of carving technique to you. Learn what carving skis are and how they can be used for skiing.

Lesson 7

The seventh lesson from the video course "How to learn to ski" will show and talk about short turns. You will see the technique of sliding, quick change during the movement of the turn and most importantly, learn how to help downhill with ski poles.

Lesson 8

The eighth lesson will talk about fan carving and snowblades. You will learn the basic techniques of snowblading and see the main turns in the carving movement technique, but with the help of snowblades.

Lesson 9

Video lesson number nine will show and tell you about the passage of slopes with complex terrain. Instructors will teach how to effectively pass hillocks and depressions. Control the body and work it on a difficult descent. The instructors will explain how to behave properly on trails with loose snow.

Lesson 10

Ten video lessons from the training course "How to learn to ski" will consider in detail the situation of common mistakes when descending a skier using an example. The instructors will talk about how to maintain balance and control over the skis during the descent. Learn a few practical advice how not to get into such situations and how to get out of it correctly.

Lesson 11

The last final eleventh video lesson will dwell in more detail on the features of skiing and downhill skiing for women. The instructors will tell you what is the best equipment for women to have. How to behave on the slope and how to motivate yourself.

Winter has come, we are in a hurry to get our skis to take a walk through the forest or go down the mountains at high speed. This sport will always be one of the most popular. Once you learn to ski, you will never forget how to slide on the snow. Cross-country or mountain, wide or narrow - there are many types, and the riding technique is different, but the pleasure and health benefits are present in any case. In the article we will talk about the ways of skiing.

The first stages of training

Skiing can be done as early as three years old. Early training will help strengthen the muscular skeleton, increase endurance. A child can be sent to a specialized ski section from the age of six. Here, coaches will help to grow, if not a champion, then a healthy and physically developed person.

How can you learn to ride as an adult if you didn’t practice this sport as a child? With hard work, anyone who wants to will soon become a confident ski enthusiast. For beginners, walking is better than running. Better first start training with walks in the forest no more than 5 kilometers about 2-3 times a week. Skiing for beginners can be done with any type of ski. But if you want to fly rapidly from a steep mountain, avoiding obstacles and jumping from springboards, then in this situation it is better to use mountain ones.

How many lessons will it take to learn how to confidently stay on the snow? How successful skiing training will be depends on the degree of fitness of the skier. Often, already at the first lesson, a beginner is able to master the descent from a gentle slope in a plow, learn how to use a lift, and also control the speed.

The second and subsequent lessons include the development various kinds turns and improving skating techniques. As soon as the athlete begins to confidently stay on a small slope, then you can move on to higher hills. Skiing lessons are the processes of memorizing and bringing complex skills to automaticity. Also, a beginner should come to an understanding of the driving conditions and to master the options for using different technical elements.

Skiing styles. Basic techniques

There is a classification of different types of driving methods. So, the tourist style includes a vacation at the ski base with the opportunity to master the slopes. Skating skiing is often used in competition on relatively flat surfaces. Sports are represented by downhill skiing, slalom, giant slalom. This is a competitive style, which consists in overcoming the course without errors, taking into account the time. The slope is equipped with flags that athletes go around.

Another type of skiing is freeride. This style is used only by professionals. It is characterized by skiing on unprepared slopes, in areas far from the ski industry.

An extreme riding style that combines ski jumping and hill riding is called freestyle. It is subdivided into ski ballet, aerial acrobatics and moguls. The initial elements are not so difficult, they can be mastered by all fans of this sport. One of the youngest styles of skiing is new school. He combined the techniques of mogul and snowboarding with the performance of acrobatic elements. Athletes ride on different boxes, railings, walls, or in equipped parks. In this case, special skis with curved heels are used.

There are two teaching methods in the world - French and Austrian. The second includes methods of movement with a plow and an emphasis. The first teaches you how to immediately ride on parallel skis. The classic alpine skiing technique includes at least three types: easy Christian, modern Christian and Italian turn.

The first type is a turn on parallel skis with their simultaneous unloading, which is carried out due to rotational movement of the shoulders and intense extension. The second type is a rotation with unloading due to the bending and rotational movement of the pelvis. This species is also called mogul. The technique of skiing "Italian turn" was systematized by the Cotelli brothers. Half a century later, she was reborn as a carv. Its essence lies in the wide spread of the legs and the implementation of the turn with the edging of two skis.

Where to begin?

So you've decided to learn how to ski. Where do we start? First, you need to decide on a small gentle slope that will be safe for the first steps. Secondly, the skiing lesson begins with the ability to wear them.

To do this, you first need to clean the soles of the boots from snow in order to avoid improper operation of the bindings. Then you need to put skis next to you, and sticks to your right or one on each side. Next, put your foot in the sock mount. We make sure that the toe sank into the front of the device, then we lower the heel. Rear end fasteners are snapped into place.

If you are on a slope, you need to press your skis into the snow to prevent them from slipping down. On a hill, the sports device must be laid across. In this case, the lower ski is put on first, and then the upper one. Skiing is carried out with sticks. To take them, you need to pass your hand through the loop from the bottom up. Next, pull the strap along the handle and clasp it.

Correct stance

Quality skiing is based on a special position of the body. The right stance includes:

  1. Widely spaced hips.
  2. Bent knees.
  3. Bent ankles, with the shins just touching the front of the boot.
  4. We disband the weight on the feet.
  5. The gaze is directed forward, the head is held straight.
  6. Straight or slightly rounded back.
  7. Relaxed shoulders.
  8. Relaxed arms, slightly bent at the elbows.
  9. The sticks do not touch the snow, they are directed slightly to the sides and back.

The main task of the future athlete is to achieve the unity of the body and the ski complex. The correct stance will allow you to use small movements of the body when controlling turns, in time to respond to changes in the situation.

First steps

Alpine skiing, especially the first movements, is better to start without the help of poles. This lesson will teach you how to properly transfer weight from one leg to another. The heels do not come off the ground, so it is better to take small steps, otherwise you can fall. When the skier learns to move confidently, poles can already be used. They serve to prevent unwanted slipping, as well as to maintain balance. Never forget to follow the rule: the right hand goes forward at the same time as the left foot.

stingray line

The term refers to the shortest line from the top down the slope. The athlete is pulled along by gravity. If you put the skis at right angles to the slope line, they will not slip, and when it is necessary to accelerate, they are rearranged to a longitudinal position. On the way, the direction may change, which is associated with slight changes in the slope itself. Such deviations must be taken into account.

For unwanted sliding, ski edges (sides) are used. For example, by turning the ski to the upper edge during the descent, you can stop the movement. Skis at the same time strongly pierce into the snow.

Climbing the slope

Skiing includes and different ways climbing the hills - "ladder" and "herringbone". The first option is used to climb the slope for short descents, then this method will be used for manoeuvring.

How to move "ladder"? Skis must be placed parallel across the slope line. You need to step up, placing your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. The first step should start with the top ski, while maintaining a parallel position of the legs. The top stick must be rearranged higher up the slope. Next, you need to transfer the weight to the upper ski and attach the lower one to it.

The alpine skiing lesson includes the use of another method - "herringbones". In this case, the socks are widely separated, the heels are at a small distance from each other. The upper ski is higher than the lower one; when moving, you need to rely on the inner edge. Sticks are placed behind the fixtures. The body should be tilted forward. This type of lift is often used on high slopes.

Skiing technique. U-turns and taxiing

This type of exercise is best to start on a flat surface. The first way of turning is called "star". It allows you to turn your face in any direction. To do this, you need to turn the skis in a circle and make sure that each step keeps an angle of 20 degrees. When making a full turn around its axis, the skis will leave a trace similar to a star in the snow. It must be remembered that when doing this exercise on a slope, you must always turn face down. In this case, the sticks must be placed so that they do not interfere with the rearrangement.

The skiing technique includes the "bull turn" which can be performed on steep slopes. It is expressed in the alternate turn of the skis on the toes and on the heels. The action must be carried out until the device is directed down the slope line.

The rules of skiing also cover the "steering" technique. This includes turns to the right, to the left, which are carried out with the help of the work of the muscles of the legs. To feel the essence of the method, you can sit on a chair at home and twist your feet left and right. Foot steering is used to correct the direction of travel.

You can also move your legs. This type of taxiing is much more efficient than the first one, as it mainly involves the quadriceps. This technique is used when riding on hillocks, heavy snow and steep slopes. A sure sign of proper steering will be the tendency of the toe of the inner ski to move away from the outer, while the device gently smoothes the snow. To improve the skill of movement, you can use the following exercises:

  1. Slipping in boots. Taking off the skis, carefully slide down on the soles of the shoes. When even and symmetrical traces remain, you can try to make a few turns.
  2. Side slip. In this exercise, you need to make a 180-degree turn and lead the skis parallel to the snow.
  3. When descending a hill, when making turns, you need to lift the inside ski a few centimeters. Thus, a turn is made in the right direction.
  4. When descending across the slope, you need to start turning, ruddering with your skis to the line of the slope. It is not necessary to completely end the movement, but it is necessary to spin them back, returning to the traverse. The maneuver must be repeated from one edge of the hill to the other.

Loosely laced boots can lead to steering problems, as the transmission of movement from the legs and feet to the skis is disrupted. The same result will be when using shoes of large size.


One of the fastest descents is "shus". The term means sliding straight down on skis. For the first attempts, you need to find a gentle hill with a flat exit area. Next, "turning the bull" put the skis on the slope line. A beginner needs to stand in the main stance and look ahead. Gently and carefully you need to direct the skis down, while not forgetting to keep them parallel. There may be bumps and holes along the way. They need to respond with hips, knees and ankles, the upper body remains motionless. For better stability, the hips should be kept wide apart.

To more confidently stay on skis, you can perform a number of exercises:

  1. During the descent, you need to change the position of the body, leaning forward, slightly back, squat slightly, vary with the width of the legs.
  2. When riding, try to lift the snow on the go.
  3. Pass under a vertical pole held at the height of the skier's shoulders by another person.
  4. Lift each ski in turn.
  5. Go down the hill without sticks.

Skiing is always accompanied by a fall, especially at the first stage. To avoid injury, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. When falling sideways, you need to turn your knees so as not to hit them on the snow.
  2. At high speed, you need to try to roll after the fall.
  3. Can't use sticks to stop. They are only needed as a speed controller.

After falling, you must rise. But how to do that? When the skis are unfastened, you need to collect them, check the bindings and put them on. You need to start with the bottom ski. If the athlete is on virgin soil, then the dressing area will have to be trampled to avoid snow getting into the bindings.

If the skis are on your feet, you need to sit above them. It is necessary to settle down across the slope line. You need to take the sticks in one hand and rest them on the snow just above the knee. With a quick push, we move forward in the direction of the skis. So that the sticks do not fall into deep snow, they need to be crossed.


One way to control the speed is the "plough". This method makes it possible to use edges for braking, which are pressed into the snow with force until they come to a complete stop. It is necessary to load the side line as little as possible so that the skis do not cross.

You can brake using the "emphasis" method. It is used when descending obliquely. When resting, the skier shifts the weight of the body to the upper ski, and moves the lower one to the following position: heel to the side, toes together, ski on the inner edge. Braking enhances the increase in the angle of abduction and canting. Body weight should be on the top ski.

When stopping by side sliding, the athlete, moving obliquely, slightly crouches and straightens forward with a sharp push forward. At the same time, he puts the skis flat and brings the heels to the side. Helpers in this technique will be sticks. For sharp braking, the skis are placed across the slope line. In cases where a quick stop is necessary, a deliberate fall is used. In this case, you need to sit down and start to fall back, to the side, on the thigh and on the side. Skis must be deployed across the slope. Hands with sticks should be placed at the top. From this position it will be easy to get up and continue on your way.

Gradually mastering a variety of sliding techniques, methods of climbing and turning, a novice skier will soon become a real amateur athlete. Diverse ski resorts give the opportunity to have a good rest, skiing in this case can be carried out with the help of instructors. For enjoyable skiing, you need to know and follow the following rules of skiing:

Observing the rules, respecting other athletes, you will definitely get real pleasure from a high-speed winter sport.
