Breathing exercises for weight loss for beginners. Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen: exercises, proper breathing

In life, we inhale the air superficially and rapidly. In this regard, the average person has oxygen starvation: metabolism slows down and body fat accumulates, as a result, unnecessary kilograms appear. Regular exercise for 15-20 minutes a day and breath control will help you quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight.

How it works?

Most people, especially women, breathe in through their chests. During this, abdominal breathing is actively used, which increases blood flow in the organs, and diaphragmatic contractions additionally stimulate them. Also, deep breathing makes oxygen enter the blood faster, which helps to speed up the metabolism and burn fat deposits.

For two to three months of regular exercise, the volume of the lungs can increase by 0.3 liters.

Why is it effective?

Fat oxidation

The interaction of oxygen with fat cells is the first step to getting rid of excess weight. Once in the body, it oxidizes the accumulated fat deposits.

Breakdown of fat cells

The intake of sufficient oxygen in the body helps maintain the level of alkaline environment necessary for the breakdown of fat cells. Thus, weight loss occurs due to the rapid conversion of food consumed into useful energy.

Acceleration of the digestion process

Oxygen provides absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of useful elements obtained from products. Absorption decreases with shallow breathing nutrients by 72%, metabolism slows down by 30%.

Removal of harmful substances

Breathing exercises help to remove harmful substances from the body that accumulate in fat cells (preservatives, pesticides). With the help of deep breathing, you can reduce the harmful effects of toxins and toxins by 70%, remove them from the body in the form of gas.

It has been proven that toxins negatively affect the production of thyroid and adrenal hormones. The body, protecting itself from this harmful effect, accumulates fat cells and uses them as a storage for toxins. As a result, your weight increases.

Stabilization of the nervous system

Through deep breathing, you not only improve your body, but also improve your state of mind. Performing special exercises will help you concentrate, distract from everyday problems and be alone with your thoughts.

The fight against overeating

Stressful situations encourage many people to consume unnecessary calories in the form of chocolate and candy. When enough oxygen is received in the body for 10 minutes, the production of cortisol (stress hormone) is reduced by 50%.

Breathing exercises for weight loss dulls the feeling of hunger, helps food to be digested, promotes the breakdown of fat cells, soothes nervous system, strengthens the immune system, gives a surge of vigor and strength.

Varieties of breathing exercises for weight loss

The most popular today among the numerous respiratory methods of losing weight are bodyflex, the Oxycise complex and Chinese gymnastics jianfei.


This technique combined yoga exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominals with proper breathing.

The program was developed by 53-year-old American Greer Childers, who was able to return to the 44th clothing size after the birth of three children (after the 56th).

You should train strictly on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning). Another important rule- Refusal of strict diets or starvation, as energy costs will be colossal anyway. The scheme for performing all exercises is as follows: you go through four stages of breathing (exhale - inhale - exhale - pause), while holding your breath, take a certain position for a few seconds and only then inhale the air (fifth stage).

Five-stage diaphragmatic breathing

1. Exhale completely through the mouth. Round your lips, pull them forward, calmly and slowly exhale through your mouth. It is necessary to literally squeeze out all the air from the lungs and then tightly close the lips.

2. Quick breath through the nose. Take a sharp breath through your nose, taking oxygen into your lungs to capacity. If you did everything right, you should have a sound effect. Now hold all the air in.

3. Sharp exhalation through the mouth from the diaphragm. Open your mouth wide, sharply squeeze the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. Such an exhalation should be accompanied by a whistling sound of “puff” or “pah”.

4. Holding the breath. Tilt your head slightly towards your chest. Gradually pull the stomach under the ribs until a cavity forms. There should be a sensation of touching the spine. Try to stretch the whole process from three to eight measures with the following count (to yourself): one-one-one, two-two-two, and so on.

5. Inhale through the nose. When you count to eight (ideally), inhale. Relax all the muscles and allow the air to freely enter the lungs with a sound reminiscent of a sob: “sssh”.

The complex contains 13 exercises. We bring to your attention five poses for performing breathing exercises that are best for beginners.

"Cat". Get on all fours, lean on your hands and knees. Keep your head straight, back and arms straight. While holding your breath, draw in your stomach and tilt your head down while arching your back up. Go through three stages of breathing according to the bodyflex system, fix this position on holding your breath (fourth stage), then inhale (fifth stage) and return to the initial position.

"Boat". Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs wide, toes pointing to the ceiling. Put your hands behind your back, rest your palms on the floor. While holding your breath, move your hands forward, trying to bend as low as possible. Exhale, straighten up and put your hands behind your back. Do three repetitions.

Lateral stretch. Starting position standing. Lower your left elbow to your bent left knee. Pull the toe of the right foot and stretch this leg to the side, while the foot should not come off the floor. While holding your breath, raise your right hand up and stretch it to the left side (from the side you should feel how all the muscles stretch from the waist to the armpit). Do three to four repetitions on each side.

"Martin". Get down on the floor, lean on your elbows and knees. Extend one leg back with the heel up. In this case, your head should be raised, look forward. While holding your breath, squeeze your buttocks while counting to eight. Do three repetitions on each leg.

"Scissors". Lie on your back and straighten your legs. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks. The head lies on the floor, the lower back is also pressed: it should not come off the floor during the exercise. While holding your breath, lift your legs up 10 centimeters from the floor and make 10 quick wide swings. Do three to four sets.


  • severe cardiovascular pathologies,
  • increased intracranial pressure, cerebral aneurysms,
  • the presence of implants in the spine,
  • recent spinal surgery
  • the presence of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • tumor diseases,
  • bleeding of any localization,
  • pregnancy.


The complex differs from bodyflex in a softer and more gentle breathing system, without sharp inhalations and exhalations. Therefore, it is suitable for weakened people and pregnant women. Another advantage of this gymnastics is that it can be performed at any convenient time.

Breathing technique

During Oxycise exercises, the following breathing technique is used: inhale, three additional short breaths, exhale and three additional short breaths.

1. Inhale. Inhale slowly and calmly through your nose. The abdomen is inflated, the shoulders and chest are motionless. It is recommended to smile broadly so that the nostrils expand and more oxygen enters the body. When you feel that your lungs are full, tighten your buttocks and take three more short breaths.

2. Exhale. Pull out your lips and forcefully exhale the air. Try to keep your buttocks tight and smile. When you feel that all the air has come out, take three more short exhalations. Keep your buttocks pulled in and your head straight.

After mastering the breathing technique, you can start gymnastics. The Oxycise complex includes many exercises, we have selected the most effective ones according to reviews.

Press training. Stand up straight, pull your stomach in a little, point your buttocks forward. The knees should be slightly bent, the lower back should be even, the shoulder blades should be brought together. In this pose, inhale and exhale according to the mastered technique.

Squats along the wall. Lean back against the wall, clench your palms in front of your chest and slowly squat. When the thighs reach parallel with the floor, apply a special breathing technique. Do three sets.

Wall push-ups. At the moment of greatest tension, stand on your toes, straighten up and perform one breathing cycle.

"Rocket". Lie on your back and imagine that you are being pulled by your arms and legs in different directions. While sipping, inhale and exhale through the Oxycise system.

"Cobra". Roll over on your stomach, put your hands in front of you and bend back. After stretching the abdominal muscles, proceed to breathing exercises.


Chinese gymnastics allows you to quickly establish a metabolism. Recommended for those who are on a diet, as it dulls the feeling of hunger. A small complex includes only three exercises.

Chinese woman Rosa Yu Bin, only with the help of jianfei gymnastics, got rid of 10 extra pounds in a few months without dietary restrictions and sports loads.

Each of the three jianfei exercises has its own focus and can be used at different times and in different amounts.

"Wave": to reduce the feeling of hunger. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet flat. One palm should be on the chest, the other on the stomach. Start breathing exercises with a little help with your hands. Take a deep slow breath while drawing in your stomach and lifting your chest. Hold your breath for a few moments and exhale. When exhaling, try to draw in the chest, and, on the contrary, inflate the stomach.

"Frog": to restore the central nervous system. Sit on a chair, put your feet shoulder-width apart (under your knees - a straight or sharp angle) and put your elbows on your knees. Squeeze your hand into a fist (men - right, women - left) and grab it with the other hand. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and relax. Fully fill the stomach with air, alternate inhalations-exhalations through the mouth and nose, hold your breath for 1-5 seconds.

"Lotus": to relieve fatigue and internal tension, regulate metabolism, improve blood circulation. Sit on a low chair or in the "Buddha pose". Place your hands on your feet with your palms up (women put the left hand on top of the right, and men, on the contrary, put the right hand on top of the left). The lower back is straightened, the shoulders are lowered, the chin is tilted slightly down, the eyes are closed.

  1. For the first 5 minutes, breathing is deep, even, inhalations and exhalations are long. The chest and abdomen should rise imperceptibly.
  2. For the next 5 minutes, inhale the air naturally and naturally. As you exhale, relax completely and concentrate on achieving silent, even, deep breathing.
  3. For the last 10 minutes, breathe normally, paying no attention to depth and rhythm. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, relax and calm down.


In the presence of internal bleeding (menstrual or postoperative period), temporarily refrain from performing the Frog exercise. The rest of the exercises have no contraindications.

All three proposed breathing exercises for weight loss not only contribute to weight loss, but also have a general healing effect. This is a great option for people who, for whatever reason, cannot lead an active lifestyle and visit. With the correct implementation of the breathing technique and daily exercises, the results will not be long in coming.

Many people are concerned about finding programs to improve their well-being, lose weight, make the body slim and fit.

Breathing exercises bodyflex– excellent result without severe physical activity and hours of training. The program is suitable for women and men of different ages, physiques, degrees of training.

Bodyflex- a simple and effective method of healing the body, based on a combination of deep breathing and stretching of all muscle groups.

Special exercises developed by American Greer Childers. The mother of three children, after regular classes, managed to lose two dozen kilograms. Her metabolism improved, her muscles became toned and elastic.

Just 15 minutes a day - and you will feel the effect of training. In bodyflex there are no jumps, sudden movements, weight lifting. The basis is proper breathing and muscle stretching.

You don't have to sign up for a gym. Everyone can master the technique of proper breathing. Home workouts will save you time and money.

How bodyflex works for weight loss

Why do people gain weight? Not only from cakes and pastries. Most have a metabolic disorder. Consequence:

  • flabby, loose skin;
  • edema;
  • accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • unsightly "orange peel";
  • the appearance of extra pounds.

Oxygen starvation of cells- the main reason why malfunctions in the body begin. Extra oxygen entering the body, helps fight:

  • overweight;
  • slow energy metabolism;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness.

Why does deep breathing with bodyflex help restore oxygen supply to cells?

During classes, you need to hold your breath for 8 to 10 seconds. This is how carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood. Arteries expand, conditions are created for a more complete absorption of oxygen.

Basics and benefits of the bodyflex system for weight loss

The essence of bodyflex is to learn proper breathing. By changing the type of breathing, you will move to a new level of oxygen supply to the body. Aerobic respiration helps burn excess fat.

Supplement deep breathing special exercises:

  • Isometric. They cause tension in the muscles of one group.
  • Isotonic. Various muscle groups are involved.
  • Stretching. Give muscles elasticity.

Advantages of the bodyflex system:

  • improves metabolism;
  • the body more fully absorbs the additional volume of oxygen;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • the fat layer disappears, filling the space between the internal organs;
  • cellulite gradually disappears;
  • constipation and problems with the gastrointestinal tract stop;
  • the intestines remove toxins faster. The body is cleansed of toxins;
  • go extra pounds;
  • muscles become elastic;
  • the contours of the body are improved, the oval of the face is leveled;
  • the skin is in good shape.

It is difficult for overweight people to perform jumps, receive power loads, withstand 40-60 minutes of intense training. Bodyflex eliminates excess fat without overexertion, without painful activities, without violence against oneself.

Breathing exercises

The basis of the bodyflex technique is diaphragmatic breathing. Learning to breathe in a new way for 1-2 workouts will not work.

The aerobic type will become the norm for you after about 20-30 days of constant training.

The task is to saturate the cells well with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide as completely as possible.

Strictly follow the methodology. Start with a small number of attempts.

From an excess of oxygen can:

  • dizzy;
  • feel tingling in the hands;
  • darken your eyes.

Sometimes it will seem to you that there is not enough air, and you do not know how to breathe further.

Don't worry. This is a state of transition until the body gets used to the incoming volume of oxygen.

Remember the main rule: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth!

Breathing technique

Approach each stage responsibly. "Back" is not in your best interest.

First stage. Exhale through the mouth

Your task is to expel all the exhaust air with force. Started:

  • round your lips;
  • put them forward, as for a whistle;
  • calmly, smoothly exhale through the mouth;
  • Are you sure you exhaled completely? Close your lips.

Second phase. Rapid inhalation through the nose

Your task is to forget about the existence of the mouth. All eyes on the nose. Started:

  • the head is raised;
  • inhale sharply through your nose;
  • fill up the air. Imagine that you are working like a vacuum cleaner;
  • sound effect? You are doing the right thing;
  • fill your lungs with oxygen as much as possible;
  • bite your lips tightly. Hold the air in.

Is your breath silent? You're not doing well! Imagine that you have not been able to breathe deeply for a long time. Once again, forcefully draw in the air.

Third stage. Rapid and sharp exhalation from the diaphragm through the mouth

Your task is to get rid of all the air that filled the lungs. Started:

  • tighten your abdominal muscles;
  • open your mouth wide;
  • squeeze the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm at the same time. The lungs will contract sharply and push out the entire volume of air;
  • a whistling noise should come out, a pop, reminiscent of the sound of a busted tire;
  • focus on the diaphragm. It is always more developed than the abdominal muscles.

The final stage. Holding your breath

This part is the most difficult. Your task is to hold the exhalation for eight measures. Started:

  • close your lips and do not open until the end of the stage;
  • imagine that you have no nose and mouth;
  • tilt your head slightly towards the chest, concentrate on the abdomen;
  • tighten your stomach and count to yourself to eight. Slowly!
  • imagine that the stomach and all organs are gradually hiding under the ribs;
  • a hollow on a deflated ball - this should be your stomach.

In the first workouts, you are unlikely to hold out until the count of "eight". Most women stop at the three-four count. Be persistent. Can you count to eight? The preparatory part has been successfully mastered. Important! All exercises in bodyflex are performed at the stage of holding the breath with the abdomen drawn in.

The main set of exercises

Have you mastered the full breathing technique? Start learning stretching exercises.

Tip: learn to do the exercises accurately without using deep breathing. Only after feeling how your muscles work, after bringing the actions to automatism, proceed to full loads.

a lion

Strengthens the muscles of the face and neck. Fights wrinkles and sagging skin.

Legs shoulder width apart. Keep your hands just above your knees. Swear a little. Do a breathing exercise. Open your eyes wide, looking up.

Round your lips. Tighten the nasolabial folds. Lower closed lips. Set the language to the limit. Do not relax your lips!

Important! You should feel the tension of all facial muscles from the chin to the area under the eyes.

Ugly grimace

Eliminates the "double chin", strengthens the muscles of the neck.

Perform all movements accurately. Stand straight. push forward lower jaw, as in an overbite.

Stick out your lips as if you are trying to kiss someone. Tighten your neck.

The head looks up. Give your kiss to the ceiling.

You feel the strong tension of everything thoracic? A stretched string should go from the chin to the sternum.

Do you feel? You are acting right. Important: lean back slightly for balance.

Lateral stretch

Strengthens the lateral surface of the waist and hips.

Repeat 3 times left and right. Lower left hand on the bent knee of the left leg.

Stretch your right leg out to the side. The sock is stretched, the foot is pressed to the floor. Stretch your right hand up.

Stretch your arms as hard as you can. Your task is to stretch the muscles from the waist to the armpit.

Pulling the leg back

Strengthens the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks.

Starting position - on all fours. Rely on your knees and elbows. Bring your leg back. Knees are straight, fingers rest on the floor.

Hands in front of you, lean on your palms. Head straight. Inhale correctly, draw in the stomach well.

Raise your outstretched leg as high as possible. Connect the tense muscles of the buttocks. Squeeze-unclench them up to 10 times.

Exhalation. Lower your leg. Perform 3 times with each leg.


Strengthens the outer surface of the thighs. Gets rid of ugly "ears".

Get on all fours. Lean back as in the previous exercise.

Take your leg out to the side to a 90 degree angle.

Inhale, draw in your stomach. Pull your leg forward. Count to 10. As you exhale, lower your leg.

Important: the leg at the knee does not need to be bent.


Strengthens arm muscles.

Main stand. Close your hands in a ring. Raise your elbows high.

Slightly round your back. Rest your fingers.

Your task is to feel the tension from the hands to the sternum. Count up to 10.

Exhale. Repeat the exercise 3 times.


Strengthens the part of the body that is difficult to work out - the inner surface of the thighs.

Sitting on the floor, spread your legs apart. Pull your socks towards you. Heels pressed to the floor.

Lean behind you with straightened arms.

Imitating the movements of a rower, move your hands forward, put them in front of you and bend over.

Finish the exercise on the count of 10. Exhale. Take your hands behind your back again. Do 2 more times.


Forms beautiful waist, strengthens the outer thigh.

Sitting on the floor, the legs are maximally bent and crossed at the knees.

Important: the left knee is under the right. Pull your right knee up and towards you with your left hand.

Simultaneously turn to the right until you can see the wall behind you. Act carefully.

Slowly roll forward for a count of ten. Change your leg. Repeat three times.

Tip: try to reach your chest well with your knee.

Leg stretch

Strengthens the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Lying on your back. Keep your legs at a 90 degree angle. The abdomen is drawn in.

Grasp your calves or knees with your hands, socks pointing at you.

Stretch your muscles, pull your socks with force. Get good on the floor.

Hold this position for 8 cycles.

Abdominal Press

Helps to create a beautiful relief of the abdominal press.

Lie down on your back. Straight legs are stretched.

Raise your legs, bend your knees, place your feet 35-40 cm apart. Stretch your arms up.

The head is firmly pressed to the floor. Inhale, draw in your stomach.

Stretch your arms again, lift your shoulders and lift yourself off the floor.

Raise your shoulders up. Slowly lower yourself to the floor.

Tip: Tilt your head back. Otherwise, you risk injuring your neck.


Strengthens the lower abdomen.

"Scissors" are familiar to everyone in the complex of morning exercises.

Lying on your back, spread and bring your legs together like scissors.

Features: before swinging your legs, perform diaphragmatic breathing.

Legs are constantly tense. Tip: keep your feet 9-10 cm off the floor.


The final exercise of the complex strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back.

Get on all fours. The back and arms are straight. Deep breath, stomach drawn in.

Slowly lower your head, arch your back well, like a cat. Count to ten. Exhalation.

Relax your back muscles completely. Do it three times.

Important: do the exercises in the suggested sequence.

So you will work out all the muscle groups in order.

Rules for good results

How to practice for maximum effect? The rules are simple:

  1. Systematic classes. The constancy of loads is the key to a tangible effect for short term. Better daily for a quarter of an hour than an equal week for an hour.
  2. Proper selection of exercises. In bodyflex, each exercise or pose precedes the next. All muscle groups are involved, not individual zones. The whole body works.
  3. No need to reinvent the wheel. The bodyflex system takes into account the needs of every woman and her desire to be beautiful. The diet ends - kilograms return. Bodyflex does not get bored. For the entire period of your life, you can engage in an effective technique, be fit and slender.

The results of training on the bodyflex system. Reviews

Take the first month to master the technique of proper breathing and study a set of exercises. After a couple of months, the results will amaze you.:

  • lose a couple of kilos
  • the waist will decrease by 2-3 centimeters;
  • muscles are strengthened and tightened;
  • the manifestations of cellulite will decrease;
  • you will become more energetic and cheerful.

Few people know that with proper breathing, a person can improve their well-being, overcome certain types of diseases, and even, most importantly, lose weight.

We used to associate weight loss with various diets and physical activity, but such activities are tiring, and sometimes quite costly from a financial point of view. But to put your own breathing in order - such a method, fortunately, is completely free and quite affordable for everyone.

The benefits of breathing exercises

Diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss is necessary for the body to:

  • Improve blood circulation, that is, nutrition and the work of all organs and systems of the body;
  • Accelerate metabolism and increase the amount of absorbed nutrients;
  • Create an alkaline environment and accelerate the conversion of incoming food into energy, as well as start the process of splitting fat cells;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins, most of which are contained precisely in adipose tissue, but when oxidized they turn into gases and leave the body with exhalation;
  • Enrich the body with energy;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Reduce the amount of stress hormones and calm the nervous system;
  • Reduce the feeling of hunger.

A kind of abdominal massage will help speed up the process of losing weight - pinching the skin, which will also contribute to the breakdown of fat cells, as well as improve skin condition.

Rules for losing weight with breathing

☀ During exercise, control the abdominal muscles, they should be relaxed.

☀ Inhale only through the nose, the mouth should be completely closed at this moment.

☀ Exhale through a small gap between the lips.

☀ Diaphragm breathing helps to improve posture and pump up the press.

Breathing techniques for weight loss

All existing breathing techniques are aimed at improving the body as a whole, and not at getting rid of excess weight. Therefore, using them, you will get not only a slim figure, but also an excellent prevention of many diseases. Of course, you won’t be able to lose weight just by using proper breathing, you need to adhere to and pay attention, but with its help you will significantly speed up the process of burning excess fat and improve your health.

Consider the most popular breathing techniques currently used for weight loss.

࿋ Bodyflex, the author of the system is Childers Greer. Breathing in this complex is aerobic, that is, it saturates the body with oxygen as much as possible. It is necessary to use diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Thus, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, which contributes to the displacement of oxygen from hemoglobin and its direction to the places of localization of fats for their burning. In combination with proper breathing, it is necessary to perform exercises that contribute to the development of elasticity and strength. muscle mass, making the outlines of the body perfect.

࿋ Oxysize works on the same principle as bodyflex. But when it is performed, there are no sharp exhalations, which reduces the number of contraindications for such a workout.

࿋ Losing weight through breathing will also be possible when using Strelnikova's breathing exercises. It was originally intended to restore the voice opera singers, but subsequently began to be used to treat many diseases, including obesity. Breathing according to Strelnikova is a sharp and short breath through the nose, which is performed with a compressed chest.

࿋ Breathing exercises "Jianfei" (translated into Russian means "lose fat"), created in China. Its essence is to perform three exercises ("frog", "wave" and "lotus") in combination with abdominal breathing.

As you can see, breathing for weight loss is effective only when used in combination with various exercises. Nevertheless, such techniques are very useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are not ready for serious physical exertion.

Breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise number 1 (performed at a measured pace)

First inhale (mentally count to four), now hold your breath (for four counts), exhale (mentally count to four). This exercise must be repeated ten times.

Exercise #2

Draw in your stomach and take a deep breath. Gradually, jerkily exhale the air in small portions through tightly closed lips, while inhaling and exhaling relax and tighten the abdominal muscles. Exercise is done twenty times a day.

Exercise number 3 (strengthens the abdominal muscles)

Sit in a chair and straighten your back. Place your knees at a 90-degree angle with your feet firmly on the floor. Breathe into your belly, gradually tensing and relaxing your abdominal muscles. Start the exercise with ten times and increase the load to forty per day.

Exercise number 4

Lie on the floor, while bending your knees, and placing your feet on the floor, put your left hand on your chest, and your right hand on your stomach. When inhaling and exhaling lightly, alternately press your palms on your stomach and chest. Take a breath, straighten chest and draw in the stomach by pressing it. Now, on the contrary - when exhaling, inflate the stomach and release the air by pressing on the chest.

Such traditional methods have come down to us from the east, but they are constantly being modernized and improved.

It takes some time and systematic training to get used to the peculiarities of breathing. After you have fully mastered the initial complex, you can move on to a more advanced level.

Starting to master breathing exercises, you should be prepared for some discomfort, if after a few minutes of training you feel dizzy or short of breath, then you should not be afraid and stop studying gymnastics. After a while, the discomfort will stop visiting you, and you will experience only pleasure and feel a surge of strength during the lesson. Diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss will become a pleasant and useful habit for you.

With regular exercises, your body will gain harmony and flexibility in the shortest possible time, your muscles will get stronger, and you will always feel cheerful and cheerful.

Restrictions for breathing for weight loss

Losing weight through breathing improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger, heals the body and strengthens the immune system.

Breathing exercises can be done by everyone without exception. But before you start, you need to consult a doctor if you have problems with the spine, or if you have recently undergone surgery. People with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, lung diseases need to exercise less intensively.

Read more:

Hello dear readers! In this article I will tell you what breathing exercises are for losing weight in the abdomen. You will learn about several effective techniques taken from the schools of the East and from modern developments.

Information about breathing exercises for weight loss will be useful for men and women of any age. Also, this material will be useful to people who want to improve the health of their body and spirit.

Breathing exercises, what is it?

Almost all systems of breathing exercises and breathing exercises are based on "lower" or diaphragmatic breathing. During such breathing, all lobes of the lungs and are involved.

How does breathing exercises work?

The easiest way to feel this is to breathe in on a full chest, so that the stomach would swell - the diaphragm and muscle groups come into play, which are practically not involved in human life.

On the basis of such breathing, systems of breathing practices of gymnastics are built. At first glance, everything is very simple. Do not rush, understand the technique of execution and others important nuances and I will help you with this!

The history of the emergence of breathing practices

All breathing practices originate from Pranayama, which, in a simplified translation from Sanskrit, means "control or cessation of breathing." If we turn to the works of yogis, we will find out that Pranayama is the control of Prana with the help of breathing exercises.

What is Prana? According to the same texts, Prana is the vital energy that saturates and purifies the subtle and physical body person.

The benefits and harms of breathing exercises

Thanks to breathing, you can even out your weight, correct problems with digestion, with the cardiovascular apparatus. With the help of breathing, many other diseases can be cured. Also, with the help of breathing, you will be able to increase the tone of the body, increase endurance and muscle relief, which is our immediate goal.

Harm from breathing exercises can only be for an unprepared person. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time, then you should start breathing exercises carefully and gradually.

All breathing exercises are quite intense and the body, weaned from physical exertion, can react with dizziness, changes in blood pressure, nausea and other unpleasant surprises. This reaction is caused by an unusual excess of oxygen!

  • People recovering from serious illnesses.
  • Hearts and people with blood pressure problems.
  • People with circulatory disorders of the brain.

During the first month, until you get used to it, pay increased attention to how you feel and how your body reacts.

Technique and types of breathing exercises for weight loss

Let's move on to the analysis of breathing exercises techniques. I draw your attention to the fact that many practices are given in abbreviated form. However, this is quite enough to get acquainted with the technique and achieve results in losing weight on the abdomen!

And strengthening his muscles. Let me remind you that all the described exercises are suitable not only for girls and women, but also for men!

  1. Sit in a comfortable position on the floor or on a yoga mat. This can be a position on the heels, in the lotus or half lotus. You may need to place a small pillow under your buttocks. If it is difficult, you can sit on a chair, but your back should be straight and relaxed. The palms are on the knees, the shoulders and stomach are relaxed.
  2. The essence of the exercise is breathing with the abdominal muscles, not the lungs. Pull your belly inward, closer to your spine, and exhale through your nose. Do not strain too much, but do it sluggishly this exercise not worth it either. Find a balance.
  3. Relax your abdominal muscles. This will allow air to enter the lungs.

Repeat the above steps until you get used to the new sensations. Next, try to speed up the exercise as much as possible. The speed of movement of the abdomen is a feature of this practice.

It is important to remember that you breathe with the muscles of the abdomen, not the chest, control this.

Exercise is done at least 10 times. You can do 3-5 sets per day. After completing each approach, sit for a few minutes in peace, relax, feel peace.

Gymnastics Bodyflex

The system is based on diaphragmatic breathing. It is convenient to do this gymnastics in the pose of a volleyball player.

  1. Forcefully exhale all the air from your lungs.
  2. Inhale quickly and forcefully through your nose and inflate your belly.
  3. Exhale all the air sharply through your mouth and pull your stomach inward.
  4. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds and keep your tucked up stomach in the same position.
  5. Relax and start breathing normally.

For a flat stomach in women and the manifestation of abdominal pressure in men, 15 minutes of exercise per day is enough. After mastering breathing and developing a habit, you can complicate the exercises with special Bodyflex exercises.

Qigong technique

The respiratory system of Qigong is a powerful tool, thanks to which the figure quickly acquires a pleasant shape. Being engaged in this system, you can easily reduce the stomach and lose weight.

Consider the Dragon Breath exercise, which is performed in the morning on an empty stomach or an hour after breakfast. If you work out indoors, then it should be well ventilated. They are engaged in 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time of classes up to 20 minutes a day.

  1. Sit on your knees, calm your thoughts and gradually try not to think about anything at all.
  2. Slowly exhale through your mouth, while saying "ha-ah-ah-ah", tighten your stomach a little.
  3. Inhale slowly through your nose and hold your breath for 4-5 seconds.

Try to inhale for 20 seconds and exhale for 30.

If after Qigong you plan to do intensive exercise, then you should wait a bit and move on to the loads gradually.

Gymnastics according to Strelnikova

Diaphragmatic breathing is also involved in this gymnastics. You need to master the combination of deep, powerful and fast inhalation through the nose and the habitual full exhalation through the mouth. It is important to remain calm during breathing, you should not grimace, compress your lips, strongly protrude your chest and stomach, and raise your shoulders. All listed parts of the body should be as relaxed as possible.

The initial complex according to Strelnikova resembles a charge:

  • Hands.

The forearms are pressed to the body, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the palms are open. Squeeze your palms as you inhale, open them as you exhale. Six cycles of four breaths are performed with an interval between cycles of 3-4s.

  • Shoulder straps.

The brushes, clenched into fists, are at waist level. As you inhale, lower your arms down and reach for the floor so that you feel tension in your shoulders. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do 12 cycles with an interval of 3-4s.

  • Pump.

Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. You bow, but with the help of the pelvis, not the back. In the second phase of the movement, a breath is taken. Raise your torso a little and exhale, then bow again. Slopes should not be strong and sharp. Do 12 exercise cycles of 8 breaths each with an interval of 3-4 seconds.

Gymnastics by Pam Grout

This gymnastics is an extensive set of exercises. For weight loss of the abdomen, the “Beach” exercise is suitable for us.

Diaphragmatic breathing with a delay:

  1. We inhale through the nose for four counts.
  2. Hold your breath for a period of time four times longer than the inhalation lasted. In our case, at the expense of 16.
  3. Slowly exhale through the mouth for twice as long as the inhalation lasted. In our case, at the expense of 8.

In other words, the 1:4:2 breathing formula is easy to remember and count. Exercise is done in three sets of 10 times. It is most useful to do in the morning, after waking up, in the afternoon to increase working capacity and before going to bed to calm and relax the body.

Oksisize technique

Oksisayz (Oxycise) is translated as "oxygen exercises." This system similar to bodyflex, but Oxysize exercises are more intense - more muscles are involved and more calories are burned.

  1. Stand up straight, with your knees slightly bent and your body relaxed. Pull your stomach in about a third, while pushing your pelvis forward a little, which will allow your lower back to align. Pull your elbows back to straighten your shoulder blades. This is the starting position for breathing in this system.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose and push your pelvis forward, while tightening your abs and buttocks. Hold your breath and smile. Continue to increase the tension of the buttocks and abs.
  3. Take three sharp additional breaths. It doesn’t sound familiar, but after trying it, you will understand that everything is real and very simple. Such breathing is reminiscent of martial arts, and runners also breathe in a similar way.
  4. After the previous breaths, the lungs should have filled well, but that's not all. Fold your lips into a tube and take a long breath, while relaxing the buttocks and abs, return the pelvis to its place.
  5. Three strong breaths.

The four described cycles are considered one exercise, which is repeated 10-15 times per workout.

I picked up a visual video for you from a practicing trainer, Maria Korpan.

Hypopressive gymnastics

This system is based on powerful diaphragmatic breathing. The exercise is performed after a deep breath. It is necessary to draw in the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis, and at the same time arch your back. Excluded at run time jerky movements and body overload. The workout goes smoothly and gradually.

Gymnastics Mike Ryosuke

This technology came about thanks to Japanese actor Mike Ryosuke, who drew its foundations from the ancient texts of his homeland. Mike's technology allows not only to effectively get rid of fat on the abdomen and sides, to recover after childbirth, but also to put in order the lumbosacral spine, which is very important.

  1. It is necessary to take a starting position - a straight back, the feet are brought together, the shoulders are laid back, and the top of the head stretches up. We take a step forward with the right foot, while the weight of the body is transferred and fixed on the left foot.
  2. For two minutes, breathe as follows: On the count of "1-2-3". At the same time, hands are raised, and a deep breath is taken through the nose. Next, exhale slowly for seven seconds. While exhaling, it is necessary to strain the whole body. Lower your arms and relax.

The exercise is performed daily with alternating leg replacement. To get the result, perform within 2-3 months.

Preparing for gymnastics

  • Warm up.

For any of the above exercises and breathing exercises, no special preparations are needed, however, I recommend a light warm-up of all parts of the body: hands, elbows, shoulders, neck, pelvis, knees and feet. After warming up, you should feel light and in a good mood!

  • Equipment.

Clothing for training is loose, but if you like tight T-shirts and shorts, then light ones so as not to embarrass movement and breathing.

Before training, do not eat for at least an hour. If you ate hard to digest food (meat, legumes, etc.), then reschedule the workout. Do not sit down or lie down immediately after a workout, walk around for 10-15 minutes.

Workout Examples

Home workouts

Homework has one caveat - loved ones constantly interfere and the environment distracts. These are important factors that can completely ruin the enjoyment of a workout.

Approach class time responsibly, so that you have the opportunity to calm down, so that there are no distractions, and with a margin of time.

If you are only doing breathing practices, then warm up beforehand, tune in to the lesson, choose the technique that interests you and start the exercises.

If you combine several types of practices in one workout, then I recommend doing intense physical exercises first, and breathing practices at the end.

It is important that immediately after the end of the workout there is free time to move from useful activities to household chores.

Workouts in the gym

Classes in gym nothing special is different from home exercises. Unless it will be easier for you to tune in to the exercises, because everything in the gym was created just for this!

Breathing ensures the functioning of the body. Such gymnastics helps to get rid of excess weight at home. In the breathing of adults, the stomach is almost not involved. Because of this, the air does not reach the lower parts of the lungs, and the already processed oxygen is not completely removed. The body is not supplied with the necessary amount of oxygen. So many systems begin to function worse, which leads to body fat. Learn to breathe correctly to influence the work of the whole organism.

Want to lose weight? Looking for effective method get rid of excess fat on the stomach and sides? Breathing exercises - best method weight loss that you can master at home. Breathing exercises for the press will help you quickly achieve maximum results without resorting to exhausting workouts in the gym. And proper breathing contributes to the flow of oxygen into the body and starts the process of burning fat cells. How to do gymnastics for the abdomen and sides, you can learn from the article. The exercises do not require special equipment or the help of a trainer.

What is breathing exercises

The technique is considered to be the simplest and effective way strengthen abdominal muscles at home. The work of all internal organs becomes better. Performing breathing exercises will take very little time. As a result, you will gain a surge of energy and strength, rejuvenation and good health.

"Vacuum": correct breathing with the stomach (video)

  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Lower your hands to your lower abdomen. Breathe out through your nose.
  2. Breathe slowly. Control the lowering of the diaphragm with your hands. The belly will be rounded. The lungs will be filled with air.
  3. Don't pause. Exhale slowly. The diaphragm will rise, and the stomach will be pulled in as much as possible. The air will come out of the lungs.
  4. Help draw in the stomach due to the abdominal muscles. Fix the position and breath as much as possible.
  5. Regain your breath. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Gymnastics helps to increase metabolism. The volume of the stomach decreases due to the effective work of the abdominal muscles. Proper breathing helps to get rid of hunger.


Exercise "Frog" helps to improve the condition of the body. During its execution, only the stomach is mobile. Control your condition: if you feel any discomfort, take a break. Exercise for 15 minutes.

  1. Sit on a chair. The distance between the legs should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Place your elbows on your hips. Squeeze one palm, and place the other on top of the resulting fist. Rest your head in your hands. Relax.
  2. Breathe in slowly. Then exhale through your mouth. Hold for a few seconds when the stomach is slightly puffed up. Then slowly inhale and exhale again. Repeat the already mastered movement.
  3. On final stage take a deep breath, stretch.

Breathing exercise "Frog"


"Wave" can be done both lying down and sitting. It is important to choose a comfortable breathing rate for you. Exercises are classified as starting. Repeat it about 40 times.

  1. Lie down on a flat surface. Bend your legs in knee joints. Place one hand on your chest, place the other on your stomach.
  2. Practice correct breathing technique. When inhaling, straighten your chest, while exhaling - your stomach.

Breathing exercises for the press in the lotus position

  1. Straighten up. Sit in the lotus position. Keep your back straight. Do not use support. Drop your shoulders a little. Lower your head. Relax. Play gymnastics:
  2. The body must remain stationary. Breathe deeply for 5 minutes.
  3. For the next 5 minutes, don't think about how you breathe.
  4. Continue breathing naturally. Pay attention to your inhalations and exhalations. Exercise for at least 10 minutes.

To reduce the abdomen: standing vacuum exercise

Breathe according to the technique below. Every day, breathing exercises should be given 20 minutes. So you will do a decent job on the abdominal muscles.

  1. Stand straight. As you take a deep breath, tilt your torso slightly forward. Putting, while palms on the hips.
  2. Exhale all the air while pulling in the stomach as much as possible. You should feel that your internal organs slightly rise to the ribs. Tilt your head slightly down, lower your chin. As if you want to press him to your chest. But look straight ahead.
  3. Hold your stomach in for 20-30 seconds. Relax it slowly. Regain your breath. Do 3-5 breathing cycles.

  1. Sit on a flat surface. Bend your legs. Point one knee up, put your hand on the other. Leave your free hand behind your back.
  2. Exhale. Then inhale. Then exhale sharply, drawing in the stomach for 10 seconds. Take a breath.
  3. Do 5 reps for each side.

Breath types

  1. During chest breathing, the costal part of the sternum is involved.
  2. The diaphragm included in the work during abdominal breathing provides a deep and full breath. This is how humans breathe at birth. And then they begin to breathe from the chest.

Types of breathing exercises that can be mastered at home

  • Yogis open the channels of perception by doing gymnastics. The relationship between breathing and human development has been proven. The principle of yogis is to breathe exclusively through the nose. This system is called pranayama. This is how you achieve harmony and balance.
  • The essence of kapalabhati is the need to breathe in the stomach. Close your eyes and relax. Straighten your back. Inhaling, inflate the stomach. As you exhale, pull your belly towards your spine. Breathe like this 36 times.
  • Perform nadi shodhana - breathe through each of the nostrils in turn. thumb cover one of the nostrils. Breathe in and out through the other. Do five rounds. Then do the same with the other nostril. Then start breathing through both nostrils at the same time.
    When the technique is mastered, inhale and exhale through one nostril, then the other. Alternately cover the right and left nostrils. Do 10 cycles.
  • The “palms” exercise is quite simple to perform even for a beginner. Bring your hands up to chest level. Turn your palms away from you. Clench them into fists, performing sharp breaths and exhalations. Do 10 times.
  • To perform the “chauffeurs” exercise, the distance between the legs should be narrower than the width of the shoulders. Clench your hands into fists. Keep them around your waist. Inhaling, sharply lower your hands, unclench your fists. Concentrate tension in the shoulders and hands. Breathe for 10 cycles. Repeat 5 times.
  • "Pump". Straighten up. Take a breath. Tilt your body. Don't touch the floor with your hands. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Complete 5 series.
  • The breathing method of the Danish gymnast Müller is reduced to continuous and rhythmic breathing through the nose. As a result, you will gain healthy skin, endurance and muscle tone. Perform the exercise for 6 cycles. Play 5 episodes. Place your hands on your waist. Straighten your back. Straightened legs alternately raise and lower in different directions.

  • Do breathing exercises regularly. Increase the load gradually. Concentrate on doing the exercise.
  • An hour should elapse between training and eating.
  • Stretch your neck muscles before exercising. Make several turns with your head in different directions.
  • Relax your arms and shoulders.


Do not perform breathing exercises after a heart attack, stroke, or a recent operation. Consult your doctor before starting exercise.
