Let's find an effective way to solve the problem together. The easiest way to solve any life problems! How to find the root cause of the problem

How well you handle problems often determines your success and happiness. If you cannot figure out how to solve a problem, try to analyze it and break it down into several small parts. Consider whether you should approach the solution of the problem logically or through sensations and feelings? Find a creative approach to this situation by consulting with other people and looking at this problem from different points of view.


Approach the problem

  1. Define the problem. Think about what the problem really is, don't just look at the "symptoms" of the problem. In such a case, it is important to pay attention to the main essence, and not to extraneous sensations that are associated with this problem. You can analyze the accompanying feelings and emotions later. So, get familiar with the main problem and try to fully understand it.

    • For example, if your room is always a mess, the problem may not be that you are dirty. Perhaps you just don’t have enough drawers and shelves to neatly organize and spread out all your belongings.
    • When identifying the underlying problem, be as careful as possible. If it's a personal issue, be honest with yourself to find out what's wrong. If this is a problem that lends itself to a logical explanation, try to understand where and when it first arose.
    • Think about whether this problem is real, or you made it up? Do you need to solve this problem, or is this something you want? Putting the situation into perspective will help you navigate the problem-solving process.
  2. Make big decisions first. Think about what decisions you need to make, how and why they are important to solving your problem. Making decisions will help you move forward in solving problems, so first think about what to focus on, what needs to be done, how you are going to do it.

    • For example, you may have several problems that need to be solved. Therefore, you first need to decide which of them to solve first. Solve problems as they come - it will be easier and you will not worry about other problems.
    • Once you make a decision, don't doubt yourself. From now on, be prepared to look to the future without thinking about how things might have been if you had chosen a different option.
  3. Simplify the problem. too complex and global problem difficult to resolve. If there are several similar problems, break them down into smaller components and deal with them individually. Break the problem into smaller parts so you can understand it and find a solution.

    • For example, if you have many different assignments to complete in order to pass an exam, focus on how many assignments you need to complete and then start completing them one by one.
    • Whenever possible, try to combine the same type of problems and solve them together. For example, if you don't have time to study, try listening to a recorded lecture while you're driving to class (or take a quick look at your notes while you're waiting for lunch).
  4. Describe what you know and don't know. Review the information you already have. Then think about what information you still need. Find all necessary material and then properly organize it.

    • For example, if you are trying to take a test, find out what you already know and then decide what else you need to learn. First review what you already know, then start looking for and learning new information from your notes, notebooks and other sources that can help you.
  5. Try to predict the results. Come up with a plan B (maybe plan C will come in handy too) so you don't get caught up in just one option. When you come up with possible solutions, think about what each of them can lead to. Consider the possible outcomes and how they will affect you and those around you. Think about how things will play out in the best and worst case scenarios.

    • Pay attention to how these scenarios make you feel.
  6. Allocate resources. Resources include time, money, effort, travel, and so on. If solving a problem is a top priority for you, you may need to allocate more resources to solving this problem than if it were not a priority for you. Think about what resources you have and how you can use them to solve the problem.

    • For example, if you have a deadline, you might miss cooking dinner or working out a couple of times. gym to spend that time working on the project.
    • If possible, reduce those tasks that are not necessary. For example, you can save time by ordering groceries or meals online instead of going to the store. The time saved can be spent on other tasks.

    Approach problem solving creatively

    1. Have a brainstorm and come up with several solutions. Think of different ways to solve a problem. Knowing that you have several ways to solve this problem, you will have a choice. After thinking about alternative options, decide which ones are more realistic and which ones are best left out.

      • If you're making a difficult decision, write down a list alternatives. In this case, you will not forget any possible option and you can immediately cross out those options that seem unrealistic.
      • For example, let's say that you are hungry and therefore need something to eat. Think about whether you want to cook something for yourself, buy fast food, order food, or go to a restaurant or cafe.
    2. Try different approaches to the problem. If you are solving a specific problem, analytical and logical skills will help you the best. In other cases, you will have to rely on emotions to help you solve the problem. Often, solving a problem requires the ability to combine the skills of thinking, feeling, and even intuition. Don't be afraid to use all of these methods, try each one and see what works best for you.

      • For example, if you are considering a job offer that will pay well but leave you too little time for your family, you will need to approach this issue. different ways. Think about this sentence logically, but also pay attention to your feelings and thoughts, and also imagine how your decision will affect you and those around you.
    3. Ask for advice. If your problem is not solved overnight, seek advice from other people. Perhaps you know someone who has had a similar problem in the past and that person can give you some advice. It is not so important whether you follow his advice - it depends only on you. However, it can be helpful to get a different point of view.

      • For example, if you're buying a house or apartment and don't know how to make a final decision, talk to other homeowners, listen to their opinions about buying a house/apartment and their regrets.
    4. Track progress. If you are working towards a goal, keep track of how things are going. If you are moving forward and succeeding, keep going. If you find that you are not doing very well, consider solving the problem in a different way. You may need to come up with new strategies to solve your problem.

      • For example, if you are having financial difficulties, pay attention to how your efforts affect income and expenses. If the habit of budgeting helps you, keep going. If you don't know how to handle money, try something else.
      • Keep a diary, write in it about your progress, successes and problems. These entries can be read to increase motivation when you feel frustrated.

The black stripe can become a takeoff

We all face problems from time to time. Sometimes some situations and circumstances seem hopeless to us. I want to run away, close, forget everything that happened. But is it worth it?

After all, then the lesson will be repeated again. There is another way to get into a problem, think about it day and night, shed tears, pour it over, drink it or eat it, in general, disguise it with something. And find the culprit!

Complaining about the problem and looking for someone to blame will also only take away our strength and energy and lead us away from solving the problem.

It is also important to remember that the more we resist, the more the situation will escalate and become more complicated.

Need to find a way out! And it's better not to be alone. As the saying goes, There are at least three favorable exits from any hopeless situation..

What are the ways to solve problems, and how to choose the most suitable one, or maybe combine them?

1. View from the side.

This method involves an independent search for information. Throughout history, man has found solutions to a great many problems. And he recorded the results of his decisions on material media: papyrus, paper, stone, computer.

When solving a problem, it is advisable, first of all, to independently turn to sources of endless information.

2. Contact a specialist.

We live in a society, we are surrounded by thousands of people, each of whom is an expert in some field. Psychologist, tarot reader, astrologer, coach, psychic, there are even problem solvers.

The problem solver differs from them only in that he works with problems that require not extensive knowledge and great experience in a narrow area, but only quick wit, accuracy, common sense, some basic ideas, general skill in working with problems. and, of course, inspiration.

Undoubtedly, someone has already encountered the problem that you have. Most likely, they have already been solved by someone, and many times.

The work of a professional saves you time and nerves, but a good professional is expensive, and dependence on a psychologist can develop when a person has not solved his problems, and does not solve them.

3. Ask for help from people close to you.

This way of solving problems is one of the most traditional. The method is quite reliable, since these are people with whom you enjoy communication. Often such communication can reassure, give support.

Tell your family, friends, people you really trust. They will always be ready to help - with advice, deed. This is much better than drowning in negative thoughts and experiences.

This is a good opportunity to get an "outside view". The main thing is not to be intrusive and always be ready to provide such assistance yourself.

4. Change focus.

Often we are too close and too emotionally involved in a problem to see and appreciate it from a good perspective. Try to look at the problem as an outside observer. With a wider view, you will see more possibilities.

Often we think about the problem, savor it in the brain, focus on it, but it is not solved. We try to decide with the mind, drowning out intuition. In order for it to be solved, it is necessary to remove attention from the problem, remove importance.

The contents of automatic writing are very often drawings, incomprehensible signs, circles and, of course, texts.

All you have to do is write down whatever comes to mind. This should be done from 20 minutes to an hour. The main meaning and purpose of the process of automatic writing is to surrender to the flow of sensations you perceive.

Understanding the problem and a way out of it will come in the letter itself.

6. Ho'oponopono.

Hooponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Translated from the Hawaiian language, the word "hooponopono" means "correct a mistake" or "put everything in its place." There are four statements that you must repeat over and over again, non-stop:

"I'm really sorry".

"Please forgive me".

"I love you".

"Thank you".

If you don't like something in another person, then it is in you too. Your job is to get rid of it. When you succeed, the other person will also change.

When you use Ho'oponopono, you are not clearing a person, place, or event, but neutralizing the energy associated with that person, place, or event. The advantage of this method is that everything happens inside you, no intermediary is needed.

7. Constellations.

This method was developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. The breakdown is efficient method, which allows you to easily and visually identify the problem.

Using this method, it is possible to discover the reasons that bind a person to a certain system of relations, limit freedom of action and impede personal development, preventing him from building his own life.

With the help of the arrangement, you can analyze what is happening to you, find an effective solution in your situation and

8. Reincarnation.

« If there is a problem, you need to dive deep into it. Then you will either find the treasure, if it is there at all, or you will find a single void there. In both cases, you will be rich.

Finding a treasure will naturally make you rich. Finding emptiness, you end it all”, - this is Osho as if about reincarnation.

It is immersion in oneself, in one's memories, that this method presupposes. There can be no other people's answers, ready-made solutions. Reincarnation is looking for the root of the problem, and through time and space. And then it's up to the small - the decision.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev:

If we have the strength to create a problem or illness in our lives, then we have the strength to solve that problem.

Remembering past lives , you will realize that you have dealt with a similar problem more than once, and if not, then you will realize what result the approach that you have already used has led to. Perhaps the recurring situation lasts for more than one life.

Often the problem is block store resource, creative potential, the very treasure, having discovered which, you will no longer be the same. And no matter where and when you left it, it is yours, and you can use it at any time.

All you need to use this problem-solving method is trust in yourself, a good guide, and the Internet.

Reincarnation also involves self-help, self-immersion, which means you yourself can become a problem solver and help others.

There is always a way out. And the most amazing thing is that you know it. Do you know how to solve the most difficult problem How do you find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation.

It is possible and necessary to learn from problems, to create and discover those opportunities that otherwise would not be revealed.

Light and black stripes - this is the real pattern of our existence. But it happens that unexpectedly a difficult and long black stage appears, and each new day feels even worse than the previous one. Difficulties "piling up" on us literally from everywhere, and we do not have time to find rational solutions for them. How to solve relationship problems, family problems, problems at work and in yourself? In other words, there come such moments that you understand that effective psychotherapy is needed, because we only learning to solve problems.

In the event that now you think that the situation is too complicated and the condition is unstable or frankly unimportant, a psychologist's consultation is necessary. And in general, it's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start effective actions that will help restore the lost idyll of spiritual life. After all !

How can this be done?

Rule 1: Seek support from friends and family.

Never try to solve everything alone, finding the right solution together is faster and easier. In addition, the very awareness of help from the outside will give you energy and set you in a constructive way. If you no longer navigate own life due to difficulties, say "stop" and seek support from your friends or from. The psychologist is a person who solves problems, he has a job. Maybe it's time to stop self-medicating and trust a professional?

Law 2: Calm down.

Remember: the more frustrated and fussy you are, the more difficult it is, as a rule, to find the right solution. Especially since negative feelings tend to attract only negative thoughts. Try to abstract from problems, leave them unresolved for a short time, just cool down. Do not forget: .

Rule 3: Don't bring complexity at work into your family life.

In your personal life, your everyday difficulties of a working nature should ideally not be reflected. Adopt such a law, leaving work, "switch" to something else, we learning to solve problems work-related, workplace!

Rule 4: Don't try to solve all problems at once.

A common mistake of some is the desire to kill all the forces to solve all problems at the same time. As a rule, as a result, a person cannot really solve any problem properly. Teach yourself to prioritize here as well. Deal with the most important and urgent problems first, and only then move on to less important and secondary ones.

Law 5: Learn to deal with stress.

The main thing that gives rise to most problematic situations is stress, which, as you know, adversely affects our health and mood. And since we only get the negative impact of "bad stress", it is important to learn how to deal with it - this is a key skill in problem solving. It is precisely such things that bring us pleasure and a lot of positive experiences that remove stress from our lives. This, for example, is reading a fascinating book, picnics in nature with a cheerful company, traveling, playing chess, etc. If recently the circumstances of life have become very stressful, then it makes sense to devote more time to restoring your own strength, otherwise how can you find the right solution to your difficulties?

Rule 6: Look at difficulties from a different perspective.

When you calm down and stop being nervous, return to the problems that are bothering you again and make an attempt to evaluate and analyze them rationally, without unnecessary worries. You are just learning to solve problems (like every person on Earth), but it is very possible that now they will no longer seem completely unbearable to you. Often the difficulties of life seem unbearable to us precisely because there are too many of them and all of them require immediate action, this unsettles a person, into a state of stress in which it is difficult to act.

Set aside difficulties as something short-lived, which will certainly be defeated. And sign up, finally, for a consultation with a psychologist.

Who is he - a person who solves problems?

This is a psychologist or psychotherapist, a professional whose job it is to help other people solve problems and difficulties. This is not only his bread, but also a significant part of the meaning of his life, if, of course, this psychologist loves his job. And do not think that a psychologist at work is engaged only in "pleasant chatter" and "drinking tea." In fact good job psychologist is recognized as one of the most difficult professional areas in which specialist has to:

A) be constantly attentive and concentrated on the situation and speech of the client;

b) act as a psychodiagnostic, analyst and strategist at the same time;

V) overcome significant obstacles from his own unconscious, which strives to throw a couple of good memories of "how I had something similar in my life ...".

Therefore, non-professionals do not stay long in psychological counseling - it is too difficult. More difficult than it seems to the unenlightened at first glance.

The development of intuition. Exercise 3 28.06.2005,

The development of intuition. Exercise 3

Hassle free opportunity.

The purpose of this exercise is to tune in to the intuitive consciousness, that is, to a level of perception when you perceive your thoughts and feel more subtle, intuitive signals.

Intuitive consciousness is characterized by having positive thoughts and not thinking about problems. Mental "good" instead of "bad in the soul." Orientation to the future (What do I want?), Instead of orientation to the past "What do I not want?".

This exercise is an appendix to the article "How to develop intuition."

The main thesis of the article is that nothing needs to be developed. We have intuition from the very beginning - from birth. But over time, the communication channel becomes clogged with rubbish - negative thoughts, attitudes, memories, illusions (“Emotional junk”, by analogy with a cluttered apartment, where there is nothing, but you won’t find what you need during the day with fire). To hear intuition, you need to get rid of the above "junk".

Well, in the end, this exercise is designed to solve problems :-). Yes Yes exactly! If you have a problematic situation in your life, something doesn’t work and you can’t come up with anything, I recommend using this particular exercise.

Read the exercise first, understand how to do it, and then do it. At the beginning of the text there is an instruction with explanations. A summary of the exercise is given at the end of the article.

Exercise "Problemless Opportunity"

Step 1. Realize your "bad soul."

When there is a problem in life, everything is not very good, then the states in the soul are appropriate. Feelings in the soul are painful, thoughts in the head are meaningless, that is, those that do not bring anything positive, but only “load” more and more.

The first thing to do is to realize exactly this, "a problematic state of mind." You need to understand that you are not feeling well. Awareness is the first step. It is awareness that changes everything.

It would seem empty? Not at all. After all, if you don’t notice your feelings, then you can walk for a year or five, feel bad, but get used to it and consider this condition the norm.

So, "bored at heart" is not the norm. This is a pathology. Norma is “normal”, average, so calm. And the state “everything is very good” is a sign of mental healthy person, optimistic and full of energy.

Therefore, look into yourself right now, feel your soul and say, “How do you feel?”. Doesn't something bother you? Not worried? Isn't there some kind of burden?

If you understand, feel YES, somehow not very in your soul, then the exercise will help you right now. If everything is fine now, then you will need it in the future, but on condition that you are aware.

Awareness in our case is the ability to be aware of what is happening in my soul world now. "How do I feel?" An effective strategy would be "I felt that my heart was bad, I immediately undertook to change my state." And here is an article to help you.

Realize what life situation causes your spiritual “bad”?

"Bad at heart" does not appear just like that, out of nowhere. Everything has a reason, a reason. For mental suffering, there must also be a reason and we need to find it, even if until this moment we somehow didn’t think about it. We need to understand what in life causes “bad” in the soul.

After all, often the soul feels bad, and why is not clear, but we need to understand. The mistake is typical in this case for many people - they couldn’t figure it out, and they stopped figuring it out. We walk, we suffer with our souls, but we do not solve problems.

So, citizens, this is a direct path to mental depression, mental impotence and physical degradation. Mental suffering is a reason to understand that something is wrong in life. Therefore, we do not run away from suffering, but we do not enjoy it either, but in a businesslike way, rolling up our sleeves, we begin to deal with it.

And this trial goes something like this: we took a look at the past 2-3 months and looked ahead for a couple of months in order to realize what is “annoying” you. To do this, ask yourself the question “What worries me? What's stopping you from living?" They asked and answered - they found the cause of longing-burst.

Write down "My problem is that ....". What are you tired of and want it to end, in other words.

It just seems to be hard to figure out what's wrong. In fact, you just have to look at yourself and your life from the outside, and everything immediately becomes clear - here you are, but here is the problem, and it does not let you live, therefore it sucks in your soul. And you do not pay attention and hold on, they say, I'm healthy, and I'll overcome it.

Decide what you want instead.

So, we have something that does not suit. We have recognized the problem, but this is only the beginning, albeit an important one. The next mistake that about 70% of citizens make is that they know what they DO NOT want, but do not know what they WANT :-).

For example: "Everything is bad in my family, so I feel bad ...". Yes, it's good that you can honestly face the truth, but this is not enough! And besides the fact that this is not enough, you should not get stuck in a problematic state. If you are seasick in the car, then you need to be distracted, otherwise you will vomit.

Psychology has its own explanation of the "phenomenon" when a person knows what is bothering him, but does not know what he wants in return. This is called "focus". It is a habit to notice this or that in life. In this case, it is the habit of noticing what does not suit you. But there is no such habit to think about something else, about what you would like instead of what is unsatisfactory. Here we are now going to start it.

A. Answer the question "What do you want to stop or avoid in life?".

You already have an answer to this question.

B. Answer the question "What do you want instead of what you are tired of?".

Fill in the missing parts in the sentence: "Now I'm not satisfied with the fact that ..... Instead, I want to ....."

That's all, you have a positively formulated goal and, which is very useful, the motivation to do something.

The desire to get rid of the problem is the OT motivation - what I don't want. And what you want is motivation K - what I strive for. It is the combination of two types of motivation, OT and K, that creates a difference in potentials and simply squeezes you into action and into a better future.

Therefore, you do not need to forever abandon the thinking “What do I not want?”. We just add to this the thinking “What do I want?” and adjust our attention as follows: As soon as you realize what you don’t like in life, don’t like it, immediately start thinking about what you would like to have instead. This will change your state of mind.

After all, it is very easy to understand what will happen as a result: when you think about the “problem”, and the state of mind is appropriate. When you think "about good", the soul also sings. This is first.

Secondly, you are building a bridge to your future instead of being tied to the past. After all, the problems are already in the past. They have already happened, happened. What you have now is only their consequences, trail, haze. By changing the focus of attention from the “past” to the “future”, you create this future.

Thirdly, you remember, we work with intuition. Tell me, if a wallpaper hammer is knocking next to you and a compressor is rattling, will you hear a nightingale singing, for example?

How do you want to hear intuition if problematic thoughts are chattering and rattling in your head? Because of them, not only intuition, you won’t even hear yourself. Calming ourselves emotionally and changing our thoughts, we are transported from a dusty and noisy street to a calm and wide meadow ... Grass rustles ... Clouds gently float ... How good it is to think here ... Good things :-).

Answer the question: "What do you need to be in order to solve everything."

So we know what we want. That's great, but can we get it, that's the question. After all, the problem arose not just out of nowhere. Something in us caused this situation to arise. In other words, who we are now creates the life we ​​have.

It is logical to ask yourself the question: “What do I need to be in order for my life to be better?”, But this is quite global. Let's focus on solving our particular situation and ask ourselves, "How do I need to be in order to solve this situation easily, even without considering it a problem?".

The difficulty is to understand how to be EXACTLY ME. But what if you think first about an outsider. About someone who, if he were in our place, would solve all these little things in flight. It happens like that, you know? Everything seems to be useless, but someone comes and in an instant “resolves” the situation.

So, you have a task, think, remember, come up with a person (model) who, if he were in your place, would not even notice this complexity. Who could it be?

Write down the answer "If XX was in my place, he would easily figure it out ...".

An interesting aspect of using the “model” is that we have been using a familiar form of learning since childhood – modeling.

After all, how do children learn? To them, no one explains in words ALL the structure of relations between people. They learn by imitation, that is, by modeling. For some time, the child becomes the one whom he imitates and copies all his habits, habits, words and actions (for example, girls play "mother" and boys play "cars").

When we use a model to teach ourselves how to solve problems, we are on the fastest path to knowledge transfer - intuitive. After all, modeling, copying is a very fast process.

We put on the role of a model, and for a while we remain in it. We have thoughts and actions that are not characteristic of us. In life, it happens something like this: “What would Ivan Ivanovich do in my place? So…". This is modeling. You may not realize that you are doing this, but you do it anyway :-).

Now describe your model. Answer the question "What is it? What in his character makes him go through such situations so easily? What can he do and what knowledge does he skillfully use? and write down your thoughts.

I wonder if you understand that the goals that you set for yourself “What do I want to become?” These are the goals of your personal and professional growth. Realized?

In short, specific personal and professional skills are needed to achieve a specific goal. Well, for example, to become a writer you need:

1. Know and be able to use the laws of dramaturgy.

2. Know and be able to use the Russian language.

3. Have the perseverance to write at least 6 hours a day, 6 days a week.

4. Have the persistence to rewrite 20 times what didn't work out.

5. To be able to come up with new stories and characters - that is, to be a dreamer.

6. Be able to sell what he wrote - be a promoter of J.

7. Have a stable psyche so as not to fall under the blows of "benevolent criticism."

8. Etc. and so on.

I understand that when you read my list and try to compose your own beautifully, it doesn’t work right away. Why? It's simply unusual. You haven't thought that clearly up to this point, have you? Nothing, hard in teaching, easy in battle, but personal growth will be powerful.

Usually, the words “personal growth” mean something pointless - well, a person grows and grows for himself, but with us, you see, everything is expedient - a person grows for the sake of obtaining specific life results, and not just like that.

Rehearsal and premiere.

First play the role mentally, and then bring it to life.

As I said at the very beginning of our conversation, the goal of the algorithm you are learning is to set yourself up for easy resolution. life situations, but we did not have the task of coming up with various solutions. Why is that? Because we will do everything consistently. I will soon write an article “How to come up with ideas”, and for now you will just master the algorithm proposed to us.

What can be done right now so as not to wait "when it happens - personal growth"? After all, not all situations require such a “capital” approach. Right? Sometimes it is enough to calm oneself down, and thoughts “fall into place” by themselves, but it also happens that the life task is quite large-scale and great, and it is worth preparing thoroughly to conquer this peak.

If we are not talking about “conquering Everest”, and we just need to solve some life difficulty, do the following: play a role about how your model would behave in your place.

Is it unclear yet? Do you think you have the makings of an acting talent? Yes, yes, I'm sure of it. If not, you would never have got out of childhood and would have been MBC.

Modeling is akin to acting - you take on the image of a model, dress it up like an actor dresses a role, and live. But, unlike an actor, you do not dissect on the stage, but act in real life, therefore you are better than any, the most wonderful actor.

After all, what is interesting is that most of the actors on stage can play anyone, for example, a millionaire, but in life they get some pathetic roles - a poor actor, for example :-).

So, here's your assignment as the best of the best actors - imagine as if you were the model you chose. The person who would easily solve your situation if he were in your place. Put on this role and, first, mentally imagine that you are in this role, you are New, you act as you should, and everything works out for you.

Play this performance in your thoughts 5-7 times. This is acting practice. It's called "getting comfortable with the role." You mentally play a role and your emotions, your mind and reason get used to this game and to this role. And after you feel that you can easily imagine how everything will be, go into life and play in life. After all, life is a game, do you remember that?

And once again, briefly, the whole exercise:

1. We realize that the soul is bad.

2. We ask ourselves “Why is it bad? What is the reason?" and we find it.

3. We clarify "I'm tired of the fact that ..." and reformulate it into a positive "I want instead of what I'm sick of (tired of) to be ...".

4. Think about what kind of person would easily resolve this situation? It can be a hero from the screen, from a book, a real man real life or fictional character.

Friends, every person in his life faces problems.

It is important to understand that a problem is not something bad. On the contrary, it is an opportunity to become better and wiser. It is an integral part of our life path.

Let's find out how to quickly and easily solve your problems ... ツ

1⃣ Focus on the solution, not the problem. There is a problem and there is a solution. If we think only about the problem, then we often remain with this unresolved problem.

Conversely, if we focus on a solution, we are more likely to find a way out. After all, when we clearly see in front of us what we are striving for, then we purposefully move in this direction.

It's the same with problem solving - first understand what you need, and then start from there. That is, you need to recognize the problem, and then switch as quickly as possible to finding a solution instead of self-flagellation.

It makes no sense to drive thoughts in my head that “everything went wrong”, “how to live then”, “what the hell”. Instead, purposefully look for a solution, there is always one!

The brain does not always suggest the right things, because it does not have all the information. The brain is only logic: for example, with the help of it we can compare the pros and cons of some decisions.

But what if the brain is wrong because it does not see the whole picture? Or maybe even if you have all the necessary information, you still cannot decide on a solution to the problem?

Then just turn off your thoughts and feel first one decision, and then another. Just imagine that you did one thing first, and then another.

What do you feel? Which decision causes more positive emotions? It is likely that this solution to the problem will be correct.

Of course, in the modern rhythm of life, we have no time to listen to ourselves. Because of this, such a useful skill almost atrophied. But if you apply it, then each time your intuition will work more and more accurately. Try it!

4⃣ Kill it. Of course, this advice is not always applicable. And it should be used with great care, for example, when solving some very easy and unimportant problems.

So what can be achieved by scoring the problem? That the problem will resolve itself. Surely each of us had such situations when we relaxed and stopped thinking about some problem. And then they were happy to learn that there was no longer a problem, everything collapsed on its own. Remember this? Exactly.

This advice can be applied if you can completely cut the problem out of your life and not blow your mind about it. Hard to score. This is how we are the problem and let the world take care of us by solving the problem in the best possible way.

And you can also use it to speed up the process. Attention! Before applying tip #4, make sure you're risking nothing (or little) at all.

5⃣ Let yourself fantasize. To solve a problem, write down any thoughts that come to your mind. Make it seem stupid, make it seem impossible. It's OK!

Perhaps this inadequate solution is the key to solving the problem.

After all, the brain operates only with the information that is available to it. But that's not all! Therefore, you do not need to be limited to this limit.

This is where creativity comes in - the ability to think outside the box. So, dear readers of the Healthy Lifestyle, when solving a problem, never discard non-standard thoughts and ideas that seem to you. Perhaps this is the best solution.

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