A mystic goes there to communicate with the dead. Magic and mysticism: how to talk with a dead person

Relatively recently, a method of communication with the dead has become widespread - instrumental transcommunication (ITC) or the phenomenon of electronic voices (EPG).

Its essence lies in the fact that almost every person is able to contact the afterlife and communicate with the soul of a deceased loved one. You don't need to have any psychic abilities to do this. magical rituals with the call of otherworldly forces. Everything is quite simple ... and at the same time difficult to understand, since this phenomenon has not yet been studied ...

To communicate with the subtle world, it is enough to have a little patience, to own a computer at the level of an average user, to have a microphone and headphones.

There are many developed methods of transcommunication, but they are all based on the same basic principles - the recording and processing of audio signals. The source material can be white noise of radio waves or an overlay of several audio broadcasts of radio stations online (from 4 to 8), for example, on English language, or phonemic audio blanks.

I want to focus on the experience of using only multitrack method, which, in my opinion, is the most accessible, understandable and best in terms of quality of perception. This technique, based on the Audacity audio editor, with all the settings, is described in detail on the Svitnev family website ( - article dated 08.10.2011), so there is no point in reprinting it here. But first, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my practice of ITK.

How it works in 2 words: set up the appropriate software, connect a microphone and turn on the phonemic preset (I used a recording of 8 English-language radio stations, mixed into one). Next, bring the microphone to the speaker at the maximum distance BEFORE the background appears in the speakers. Mentally or aloud ask questions and start recording. After that, you process the received recorded sound with any audio editor (in our case, free Audacity) and listen through headphones.

Important nuances and personal observations:

1. When listening, you must use in-ear headphones that are inserted into the ear (vacuum).

2. It is advisable to use a desktop computer with a separate plug-in microphone.

3. Be sober, rested and emotionally calm.

4. Communication is carried out unilaterally, that is, first you ask a question, then you process and listen to a 20-30 second recording, and this takes 5-10 minutes.

5. It is advisable to personally know the interlocutor during his lifetime and ask him to get in touch. Otherwise, you may simply be frightened or offended by individuals from the lower layers of the subtle world.

6. This is a connection for one person. It happens that you clearly heard a phrase and let a friend or relative listen to the recording, but he does not hear it or hears something completely different. Nobody really knows why this happens. Probably, this is somehow still connected with telepathy, as well as individual characteristics of perception. But it is already reliably known that it is the interlocutors of the subtle world that form the communication channel with us, it is they who adapt to the maximum to the characteristics of our mind and specific equipment.

7. In recordings made by the multitrack method, voices are almost always heard, duplicating or clarifying information from the main interlocutor. They can go as if in the background or foreground of the main voice.

8. On the other side there are so-called "stations" - groups of entities with whom you can also communicate. Through them, you can ask to get in touch with a deceased loved one. In Russia and the countries of the former CIS, the most popular station is Sanchita. They communicate in Russian with voice-over voices. Of the Russian-speaking ones, there are also Energetika, Cosmos, Time Stream, etc.

Examples of communication with the dead (communication with Sanchita from 01/09/2014)

Records were processed in the same way. For better perception in each file I duplicated the phrase 4 times.

1. The question was asked about what kind of world they have - wave or material.
Answer: You will be surprised at our world, our world as usual (better), only differently. (male and female voices speaking)

2. I asked if the theory of corpuscular-wave dualism is correct?
Answer: This is nonsense, you understand?

3. Sanchita, this is Sanchita. (Several voices sound at once in the foreground and background)

4. End of communication.

5. Shared uncut audio track. There are many interesting things in it. At the end, part of the phrase is even in English: “After all | let "s meet late at night | better." Translation: let's meet late at night.

It is believed that when a person dies, he leaves his body and continues to exist in the form of a spirit, soul, consciousness, a bunch of energy. The etheric body enters another form of reality that cannot be seen from the world of the living. It is very difficult to feel the presence of a deceased person with the help of five senses, but this does not mean that it is impossible to communicate with him.

After a person's spirit reaches the "other side", he still remains in emotional contact with the people who loved him in life. Many try to send word that they are all right.

How do they do it?

After the spirit only gets to the “other side”, it most likely does not yet know how to contact the people left on earth. But, probably, other inhabitants of the other world, deceased relatives, angels and spiritual mentors give a hint on how to do this. But the fact that the spirit of the deceased will send a message does not mean that someone will be able to receive and understand it.

It is very difficult to imagine how a deceased person feels, watching the suffering of loved ones, not being able to calm them down.

As time passes, the spirit of the deceased person tries to signal that it still exists. There are a lot of signs sent from the “other world”. The most common signs are flickering light bulbs, changing the position or falling of a photograph hanging on the wall, malfunctioning household appliances, deviations in the behavior of pets, the appearance of butterflies or birds, the appearance of smells that the deceased person loved, special songs that sound on the radio, etc. .

The most common method of communication used by deceased people is communication through sleep. Quite often, people have dreams in which loving person and sends the message. Such a dream seems very distinct and real.

During sleep, the mind and consciousness of a person are relaxed and open to the perception of information. It is much easier for the spirit to make contact than during daytime wakefulness, when there is a “porridge” of thoughts and emotions in a person’s head.

Not all dreams in which the image of a deceased person is present are real contact. Very often, the subconscious can itself cause such dreams in a person. As a rule, with real contact with the spirit of the deceased, a message of love, confidence and emotional connection is transmitted. Often, dead people convey knowledge or warning about the future.

How to independently contact the other world?

You can contact a loved one simply by referring to him mentally. The fact is that the souls of loved ones are able to hear the thoughts of a person. There is no guarantee that at the very moment they are addressed, they are not busy and listening. But, with due perseverance, you can wait for an answer. Such a response, as a rule, will come with some delay in time.

Communicating with the spirit of the deceased in real time can be quite difficult. This is exactly what professional mediums do. Without proper training and talent, it is quite difficult to make such contact on your own.

There is a way to communicate with the spirit yourself. To do this, you need to relax, imagine a well-lit place in which pleasant music plays and mentally invite the deceased to a conversation. If everything succeeds, then the person will have the opportunity to ask a few questions to the spirit.

The difficulty lies in not confusing real contact with your imagination. But this can also be easily verified. With real contact, things will be discussed that are hard to think of and present in Everyday life. Images and pictures of unfamiliar things will appear in your head. Thoughts will come from outside.

It is hard enough to live, realizing that you will never be able to communicate with your loved one again. But you should not be upset in advance. The dead do not leave us forever, they just change the form of existence.

Humanity is approaching the moment of realizing that death is an illusion. How to get in touch with deceased relatives and friends? You can do it right now!

A new look at the age-old question!

Many people feel sadness for a long time when death takes people. Suddenly, many words are remembered that should have been spoken and which will remain unsaid: it is traditionally believed that there is no opportunity to get in touch with the dead.

Often they continue to feel alive: people can feel their presence nearby. The logical mind explains this as an old memory, an ordinary habit.

Latest Scientific research they say that the feeling of the deceased really means the presence of his soul!

It is known that a person has a soul¹, an energy-information shell that continues to live after death physical body; it carries the individuality and memory of the deceased, the core of his essence.

The conducted studies showed that the devices actually recorded some radiation that remained after the death of a person. After some time, this radiation was noticed next to the close people of the deceased person.

This is what is perceived by the living, as a feeling of the presence of the deceased next to them!

A safe way to communicate with deceased relatives has been found!

Initially, this mysterious sensation of the presence of the deceased must be recognized as real.

Our mind is too logical: there are too many “incredibles” for it. And at the same time, he cannot know everything: it means that this "incredible" can actually exist.

As said, the latest research confirms the existence of the soul. And if it is felt nearby, then you can get in touch with the deceased!

The described method is based on the experience of our practitioner, the author of this article. Initially, this experience happened to him by chance: at the age of 13, the author got in touch with his deceased father.

He managed to improve this method, learn to manage it, and at the age of 33 he consciously got in touch with his mother's soul.

Technique of communication with the dead people

To restore communication with a deceased person, it is necessary, first of all, to be patient and calm. The most important thing is to understand that only the body of a person dies, his soul is alive along with all the memories.

With the moment of death close person goes to another world; for the convenience of perception, we can imagine that this world is separated from our reality by an invisible partition.

Thus, in order to establish communication between the worlds, it is necessary to find an opportunity to overcome this barrier.

1. The practitioner lies down and assumes a comfortable position. He closes his eyes, relaxes the muscles of the body: "passes" attention to all parts of the body.

After a person begins to calm the mind, clear it of thoughts. It is recommended to concentrate on your breathing: without interfering with its course, feel how the air enters and exits the lungs.

2. Then you need to create the necessary emotional state so that the contact can take place.

To do this, the practitioner recreates in his imagination the image of the person with whom he wants to get in touch.

He is immersed in memories of him; how communication took place when the person was alive. It is necessary to remember the state of mind, emotions and thoughts that caused communication with him. The more memories and the more realistic the emotions are, the more likely it is that a connection with the deceased will be established.

3. The practitioner creates the effect of the presence that the soul right person at this very moment is next to him.

You really need to feel his presence! This is the most important thing in this practice. By remembering your inner state, you will learn how to restore it instantly without having to enter a meditative state for a long time².

4. A person recreates this state of mind. When a feeling of inner comfort, naturalness appears, you can begin to communicate.

It is necessary to mentally ask the initial question, for example: “Are you really with me?” After that, you need to let go of expectations, immerse yourself in the feeling of the described emotional state of the presence of the soul next to you. Having received the first answer, one can develop communication with the soul of the deceased³.

It should be immediately warned that answers may come different ways:

  • you can hear the familiar familiar voice of a deceased person;
  • the soul can answer figuratively: in this case, the practitioner just needs to look at those mental images that will appear on, and perceive the meaning inherent in them;
  • contact can be like a full movie, where the practitioner will see different pictures, see the person and how he talks.

In order to get in touch with a dead person similar to live communication, an ordinary person needs to train his mind and consciousness: to strengthen

From user All people are enemies

but I swear at them.
you foolin the closet

In general, when you physically feel the presence of a dead person, you need to curse him. at least that's how they do it in our village
well, I had to. something that can't be put into words.

It so happened that for 2 years I lived with my stepfather, and my mother and brother in another apartment. relations with him all his life were simply unbearable, but when he was cut down by another stroke and everyone abandoned him, something changed. in general, for the last 2 years, I apparently became dear to him, and therefore, already knowing that the end, he was waiting for me in the hospital. died in my arms. I understood a lot at that moment, the main thing is that death is not scary and that *there* is life. ...okay... more pink snot and thoughts about life

A day after the funeral, I took all his things to the trash, and in the morning I found his house slippers in the entrance at my door. I thought I had dropped it and carried it back. the next morning, the slippers were again at the door and again, already with goosebumps on my back, I threw them out. On the third morning they again stood in the entrance, brought them into the apartment ...

In the evening, falling asleep, I heard as if my stepfather was shuffling them on the floor, attributing everything to a sick imagination, I fell into a dream ...

The next night turned out to be more terrible, dishes were added to the shuffling of slippers and I didn’t sleep anymore.

After this sleepless night, the next one came, everything was getting cold inside, sleep was breaking and again on this verge, when you were still awake, but already falling asleep, I felt that someone sat down next to me. I remember how scary it was to open my eyes, but it was even scarier to see the outlines of my stepfather sitting next to me ... he talked to me, but I was silent

This was repeated every night, and it didn’t frighten me so much, probably even more from what I inspired myself: this cannot be, because this cannot be, these are hallucinations and stress, these are such waking dreams. I already believed in it so much that I could talk to him. kanesh not with a voice, but in my head I ask, does he answer, or does he ask ....
I shared with my mother, she said that it was a dream, that same night my stepfather asked me to convey to her words that were understandable only to the two of them .... when my mother heard them, she was shocked.

I understood that all this was not normal, but in a strange way I delayed my trip to my grandmother or to a psychiatrist until my stepfather's visits became more aggressive every night. he was *nervous*, *yelling* at me, and one day I experienced such an attack of suffocation that I ran out of the apartment in horror.

Grandma told me to *swear* him out loud, loudly, the next time he comes, which I actually did ... *his* sounds were heard in the apartment for about 5 minutes, then a non-burning light bulb burst in the kitchen and since then I have never had a stepfather saw.

A week later I moved to Yekaterinburg. in that apartment for 9 years was only 3 times. it scares me very much.

Do you know how to talk to the soul of a dead person and open a portal to the afterlife? Since ancient times, people have tried to establish a connection with other dimensions, in various ways to call the souls of the dead for dialogue. But is it really possible or is it just a fantasy?

In the article:

How to talk to the soul of a dead person?

Everything unknown and mysterious throughout the history of mankind attracted people. And what could be more amazing and unreal than a dialogue with the deceased? That is why for a long time fortune-tellers, sorcerers and magicians tried to find the most effective way in order to connect with the soul of the deceased.

In some cases, a person can enter into a dialogue even against his will. Perhaps the spirit of the deceased will come to speak on his own and the person will not have to make any effort for this. To date, there are a lot of stories about how living people receive messages from the subtle world.

The deceased can come into your dream of his own free will, on his own in order to convey some important information. In addition, you can call a person into your dream. It is enough before going to bed to ask the deceased for help, to tell him to come to you.

Spiritualism as a way to contact the soul of the deceased

One of the most popular and sought-after (due to its simplicity and effectiveness) ways to contact the other world is a seance. Several variants of this ritual have survived to this day.

Often performed in the company of several people. To do this, you need a special board (with a pointer) on which the letters of the alphabet, the numbers of the word will be displayed: “Hello”, “Farewell”, “Yes”, “No”.

However, there are many variations of this method. Instead of a pointer, they can, a special charmed needle, a saucer. Often, instead of a professional board, a sheet of paper is used, on which all the necessary signs and words are written in a circle.

Experts still recommend resorting to such a method not on their own, but in the company of a person who has already made contact with the other world. At least it will keep you safe. In addition, more experienced understand better the mood of the spirit, his readiness to talk, will be able to compose the right questions and better decipher the answers received.

How to open a portal to the underworld?

Probably the easiest way to open a portal to the afterlife is to perform a ceremony using a mirror. For those who are familiar with magic and have been involved in the invocation of any entities, this method is familiar.

Very important:
if you use this method, be sure to protect yourself in advance. Standing in front of a mirror, draw a protective circle around you using salt or chalk. This is necessary, since anyone can come after the called soul from the other world. This "anyone" can not only quietly slip into our world, but also attack you.

Next, you need to peer into your reflection in the mirror, and then say who you are calling and for what. Wait a few minutes and listen to your feelings. Some people say that after that they began to see another reflection in the mirror, the silhouette of the called person.

Others claim that the fact that the soul has come can be felt. You will feel the presence of another person in the room, you may even hear the characteristic smell with which this person is associated, you may even hear her voice.

The spirit can announce its presence in any way, so listen to all your feelings. After the spirit appears, you can talk to him, ask what you want.

Very important
: when the dialogue is over, the spirit must be sent to another world. Often, if you get in touch with a person with whom you had a good relationship, then he understands that he cannot linger in this world and leaves on his own. However, for safety net, it is better to say goodbye to the soul and ask her to leave.
