The psychology of colors in advertising. Color information function

First, let's do a little experiment. Here is a set of colors: blue, green, orange, yellow, red. Close your eyes and imagine something associated with these colors. And now we will try to guess your associations. So, in order: sky, foliage, orange, sun, blood. If none of the points matched, then you are either an incredibly creative genius with rich life experience, or color blind, and this text is unlikely to be useful to you. If we hit the mark in at least one case, then we suggest that you, together with TAM.BY, dive into the study of color perception and see examples of how famously marketers use one of the most powerful tools of influence.

Surely you have heard at least once in your life about such a concept as “color psychology”. This branch of psychology studies how we perceive color, depending on cultural, social, physiological, emotional and a number of other factors. In addition, every person has personal experience associated with the profession, hobbies and situations that happened to him in life. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how someone will react to a certain color: no matter how much they say that yellow causes joy, you will ignore this color if you do not like it or cause the opposite emotions. However, in a world where 85% of shoppers cite color as their number one reason for choosing a product, marketers and designers cannot accept this “impossible”. We will try to uncover their plot and tell you how to stop responding to colors in the way that is expected of us.

Why do we choose certain colors?

There are many theories about why we prefer certain colors. For example, evolutionary theory suggests that women like red because, since the time of gathering, they should have been able to see ripe berries and fruits in green foliage. Men, on the contrary, were engaged in hunting and fishing, respectively, they are closer to blue, the color of water, or the colors of the animals they tracked down: brown, gray, black.

Supporters of the linguistic approach are sure that even the name of a color evokes certain feelings, because unconsciously we react to advertising and suggestion of “color stereotypes” to us. For example, the transmission of red objects as indicators of determination, seductiveness and success. Having met the words “Ferarri” or “lipstick” in the text, we will automatically color them in the imagination in scarlet, because we have seen these objects in this color a thousand times.

At the same time, red says something to pay attention to because it is different: it costs less, it looks brighter, it tastes sweeter. For example, many companies encourage their customers to buy using labels that say “Red Price”. There's also a study showing that shoppers prefer more sophisticated color names over generic ones. You'd rather prefer mint to plain blue or marsala to dull burgundy.

Another thing that influences the choice is our gender. According to Joe Hallock's famous 2003 study, most men and women are similar in their love of blue and green and their dislike of brown and orange, but they were divided about purple: among women, only 8% called it unloved, while among men 22 % are not his fans.

There are sciences, for example, color science, which analyze the processes of color perception based on physical, physiological and psychological reactions. It is thanks to the work of scientists from this field that we know how colors affect mood or state - the same red makes breathing faster and the heart beat faster.

Understanding the huge impact that the right color choice can have on attracting new customers, advertising departments around the world study the studies and books of florists. Let's look at examples of how they try to manipulate us with the help of color.


The most popular and most meaningful color in advertising. No other evokes such a range of emotions and associations as red. According to surveys, for many people this color is associated with danger, anxiety, rage and fear. It seems that these are not very good emotions to associate your brand or product with them. But the fact is that these feelings are abstract, that is, they cause representation on a subconscious level. But many brands use other aspects to create a story around color.

For example, Coca-Cola made red the color of Christmas, pleasure and pleasant anticipation. Other companies use this, because it is more profitable for them to adapt to the idea that you already have formed than to create a new one. Clothing manufacturers often use red in winter collections because it is easier to sell during this period. Who needs a yellow or purple reindeer sweater?

It has been proven that red causes an unconscious feeling of hunger, which is why all known fast food chains have red in their names. Another sustainable use of red is to draw attention. Therefore, all kinds of “promotions”, “discounts” and “sales” are written either in red or on a red background. It arouses interest, calls for action, so if you see an abundance of this color in the store, be sure that they are trying to sell you at least something. Tempted by the illusion of activity and determination, in fact, you are simply following the bright bait.


Perhaps the second most popular color. In addition to being as bright as red, and just as much used to grab attention (when you're in the store, look at the color of the discount labels), yellow has its own line of associations. You will probably name them yourself, so let's check the lists: joy, warmth, energy, sun, childhood, positive. The smiling emoticon is not blue or pink for nothing.

The color of lightning and taxis all over the world, yellow is associated with something fast and impetuous. Now look how yellow in combination with other colors affects the perception of speed:

Because of the brightness and sunshine, children love yellow - and manufacturers of children's goods regularly use this, convincing parents that yellow jars are a great choice. At the same time, the compositions are often unsafe for babies, so we urge moms and dads to pay attention not only to appearance but also on the content.

This color is also associated with home and life. Detergent packs, rubber gloves and dish sponges are traditionally made yellow, so on purpose or not, manufacturers reinforce the connection between yellow and household chores in our minds, so choosing between yellow and purple window cleaner, we may unconsciously choose the first - simply because that are already used to.


The color of life, nature, movement and harmony. Strongly associated with health benefits and the right choice, and therefore became one of the most beloved by some unscrupulous manufacturers. There was even the concept of "green camouflage" or "greenwashing" (from the English. Green - green). This is one of the marketing methods that creates a "green" image around a product or service, when in fact there is no reason for this.

There are quite harmless examples of greenwashing - for example, the image of a green leaf and the inscription “100% natural” are placed on the packaging of buckwheat. Yes, this can be done so that you prefer this particular package, but globally it will not harm you - after all, it's just buckwheat. However, there are also really dangerous examples when marketers, trying to promote a product by speculating on the topic of usefulness and environmental friendliness, can sell products that are harmful to health like household chemicals, hiding behind uncertified eco, bio and organic badges. In order not to fall for this bait, learn to understand the composition of products and read them carefully.

Remember another image that arises when you mention the color green? That's right, American dollars, which combined the idea of ​​"green" and wealth. Therefore, many banks draw up their corporate identity in green.


Is there at least one person who has not heard the statement that blue causes peace? We doubt. However, this is too categorical if you use the phrase without context: in one case, blue will indeed be the color of calm and confidence (no wonder many airlines choose it for their logos), but in another it can be associated with fear - for example, if we are afraid depths and think about the ocean. Blue is also the only color that is unnatural in food and can cause discomfort and even nausea if found in food.

Studies note that blue and its shades are the favorite of the majority of the population, and thanks to several popular social networks, blue has also become the color of communication. Indeed, this color is rarely used for "imposition", it is rather associated with something neutral, calm, with water and intelligence. However, these representations can also be used for manipulation: for example, if an unknown company wants to earn your trust, it will most likely resort to blue for its logo.

Because of the stereotypes that have surrounded us since childhood, blue is considered the color of boys, and blue is the color of men, and marketers cleverly use this when they want to sell a “male” product, such as shampoos or shower gels, although they are nothing in composition. different from the rest.

Today we have analyzed the so-called primary colors, which are most often used in advertising. We will continue the conversation next week, but for now, send us your examples of using “color stereotypes” and become more conscious with

Psychologists have found that color significantly affects the emotional and physiological state of a person. It can attract and repel, soothe and excite, create a warm or cold environment, give volume. A lot of research has been devoted to the influence of color on the psychology of perception of advertising messages.

The Swiss scientist Max Lüscher proved that color not only causes the corresponding human reaction, but also in a certain way shapes his emotions. With the help of certain color combinations, you can control the relationship consumer to advertising. By creating a color environment, it is possible to evoke the required emotions in a person. Red color acts as exciting, stimulating and activating. Red is an expression of vitality and self-confidence. At the same time, objects that indicate danger are painted with it. In the M. Luscher test, red was chosen by emotional, amorous people who want to be leaders. Red does not cause a negative reaction if it is balanced by cool colors. It is the signature color of the Coca-Cola Company. Color tests showed its appeal to children. The combination of red and white creates a festive atmosphere. Thanks to intense advertising, many children consider Coca-Cola to be an integral part of any celebration.

In the same time Red color not suitable for advertising products intended for the elderly. His aggressiveness does not cause them positive emotions. It is known that taste and color are interconnected. Psychologically, red is associated with the sensation of sweetness. In advertising and packaging confectionery it must be balanced with blue and green, otherwise they will seem cloying. Orange is associated with pleasure. In ancient times, it was considered the color of health. It is a cheerful and impulsive color. It enhances activity, relieves depression, creates a feeling of warmth and well-being. Orange lovers prefer travel and adventurers. In advertising, orange is best suited for travel services, medical supplies, and children's products. In combination with blue, it can be used to pack various appliances and tools.

Yellow causes a feeling of joy and lightness. It is considered the color of illumination, has a cleansing and liberating effect. It is chosen by creative people, as well as those who love power. Warm yellow is perceived as friendly and pleasant. It can be used as a background for any advertising texts. As studies by the advertising corporation Young & Rubicam have shown, colors have varying degrees of memorability. According to this indicator, yellow is in the lead, especially if it is adjacent to black.

Green- update color. It soothes, relieves pain and fatigue, personifies freshness. For example, in an advertisement for Orbit chewing gum, green color emphasizes the freshness of mint. Green is chosen by capable and balanced people. It is suitable for advertising dairy products, dental services, pharmacies and health centers. Psychologists recommend using dark green in combination with gold to advertise banking services. However, the green color is static and large quantities creates a lethargic atmosphere. Therefore, most often it is used in combination with white.

Blue helps relieve stress. It is preferred by melancholics. In combination with pink, it is suitable for advertising. jewelry, cosmetics and perfumery.

Blue helps concentration and does not cause negative emotions. It corresponds to a state of contentment and security. In advertising, it is most often used together with white and orange.

Violet obtained by combining red and blue. He is able to attract and repel viewers in equal measure. He is especially appreciated by extraordinary people with a rich imagination. Purple promotes inner focus. It reduces activity and eliminates feelings of anxiety. Recommended for advertising elite goods, as well as products intended for creative people.

Brown softens arousal and causes a feeling of stability. It is chosen by those who do not want to change anything in their lives. The combination of brown with beige and white is considered harmonious. This combination is usually used by insurance companies.

Pink: very feminine color. It is associated with a feeling of tenderness and some mystery. Pink neutralizes aggressiveness and enhances positive feelings. It is suitable for advertising cosmetics and perfumery, as well as services of marriage agencies and family centers. So, the French company Lancome often uses pink in its advertising. Pink should not be overused, as in large quantities it creates a feeling of some sweetness.

White- the color of openness. It symbolizes festivity and solemnity, as well as loyalty to traditions. White does not cause discomfort. Often the name of the advertised product is written in white, placing it on a bright elegant background.

Color information function

Color not only creates a certain mood, but also performs an informational function. So, a red box of cigarettes indicates that they strong; blue and white - lungs; green - with menthol. Golden color is associated with high quality. The choice of color solution is carried out based on the main advertising theme. The combination of colors also matters. According to the degree of deterioration in perception, they are arranged as follows: blue on white; black on yellow; green on white; black on white; green on red; red on yellow; red on white; orange on black.

Red, yellow, orange visually bring closer and, as it were, “warm up” the object, increasing its volume. Blue, blue, purple, black - visually move away, "cool" and reduce the object. Special studies It has been established that the number of colors used directly affects the effectiveness of the advertising message. So, if the perception efficiency of a black and white image is taken as 100%, then the use of red in the headline will increase it by 20%, the use of red, blue and yellow - by 40. Usually in print advertising it is recommended to use no more than two colors of the spectrum. However, they can be diversified due to related shades. It creates feeling color consistency and does not irritate the eyes.

Thus, color is considered as one of the most important psychological components. advertising effectiveness. When promoting goods to different regions, it is necessary to take into account their national and religious characteristics. This is extremely important in the development of packaging and labels, the design of billboards, catalogs and booklets, as the colors of the spectrum have different symbols in different cultures. For designers it is necessary to find compromise solutions that are adequately perceived by consumers in the widest possible geographical area. For outdoor advertising and design of exhibition stands great importance has their illumination. It improves the aesthetic perception of the object, allows you to focus on the most important elements. Forms and lines in print advertising significantly affect its perception. In this case, the symbolic meaning of geometric figures should be taken into account.

Outside the window is gray autumn, and it's time for our third article.
Let's try to at least slightly improve the mood with the help of color.
Today we’ll talk about yellow - the sunniest, positive, cheerful
and at the same time the most informational, consumer and "cheap" color.

Every day should contain a bright deed.

Even the most ridiculous.

Even if it's a yellow scarf

tied to a birch.

Joseph Emets

Facts you may know:

  • Yellow is the color of the sun, so it often symbolizes warmth,
    happiness and pleasure. This color is light and warm, it makes a person
    positive emotions, associated with joy and fun, fills
    energy and gives vitality. If you think you are not loved,
    do not understand, or you are oppressed by a feeling of inner enslavement,
    use yellow!
  • This color stimulates mental activity. The preference for yellow means the desire for independence, the search for new knowledge.
  • Yellow has a warm, invigorating effect. Yellow
    helps us to hope and expect the best, but the data of many
    studies show that yellow in large quantities causes
    excitement in the brain and is reflected in human behavior.
  • This is the most bright color spectrum.
  • The words "yellow", "green" and "gold" are of the same origin.
    The word "green" was formed on the basis of the common Slavic zelen and is
    related to the adjective "yellow". In addition, the word "yellow" and
    also German Gold - "gold", "ash" (because the ash is gray-yellow) of the same
    root, which is "gold". Over time, ideas about color often change,
    and the ancient alternation of the sounds "g" and "z" goes back to the Indo-European
  • Yellow - female color, is the color of intuition inherent in the feminine
    beginning. In ancient Egypt, yellow represented a woman. In Greek
    mythology, this color belonged to Aphrodite, Athena, and in the East, yellow and
    white is interchangeable and yellow means feminine Yin.
  • In Brazil, this color is a symbol of despair, among the Muslims of Syria -
    death symbol. In China, yellow is very popular and has been
    was considered sacred, as it is a symbol of empire, power and
    magnificence. Yellow for America means prosperity. For Russian
    yellow color is a sign of separation and betrayal.
  • During mass diseases and quarantine in Europe, they hung a yellow
    flag. Until the 12th century, yellow was associated only with joy and
    happiness, but after the XII century it became yellow clothes were given to the victims
  • According to Confucius, "the sign of faith is enclosed in yellow". Yellow -
    a symbol of deity, wealth, good luck and achievements in many world
    religions (Buddhism, Judaism, Tantrism, Islam).
  • IN English language yellow is associated with cowardice. IN
    Arabic "yellow smile" is called insincere. in french
    "yellow laughter" (rire jaune) - artificial, made.
  • After the release of the magazine "Yellow Book" in England, yellow color for a long time
    became a symbol of everything strange and eccentric, denoting
    an entire era associated with the names of Oscar Wilde and Aubrey Beardsley. Yellow
    Oscar Wilde's sunflower found its continuation in an orange carrot,
    decorating the costume of Alexei Kruchenykh. And Mayakovsky invariably caused a sensation
    with her famous yellow blouse. The appearance of this unusual costume
    explained by chance: "I never had costumes. There were two blouses -
    ugliest kind. A tried and tested way is to decorate with a tie. No money.
    I took a piece of yellow ribbon from my sister. Tied up. Furor. So the most
    noticeable and beautiful in a person is a tie. Obviously increase the tie
    furor will increase. And since the sizes of ties are limited, I went for
    trick: made a tie shirt and a shirt tie.
    Quote: "I am an impudent one, for whom the highest pleasure is to tumble in, putting on
  • jacket, in a gathering of people who nobly protect modesty and decency under dignified frock coats, tailcoats and jackets.
  • Currently, yellow emoticons are recognized all over the world.
  • Graphite pencils are colored yellow. This is due to the fact
    that historically the best graphite was in China and only painted yellow
    Chinese pencils.
  • By decree of Nicholas I, which legalized in pre-revolutionary Russia
    prostitution and brothels, prostitutes were charged with the obligation to have
    special "yellow ticket", which, in particular, described in detail
    their state of health.
  • Yellow light has minimal dispersion in the atmosphere, so
    used as a signal, warning color. Often goes to
    combined with black oblique stripes to enhance contrast.
  • A yellow traffic light means that it is forbidden to start
    movement along the intersection, but you can continue the movement that has already begun.
    A yellow card in football means a warning.
  • The expression "yellow jersey leader" refers to a person who
    ahead of everyone else. The yellow jersey was the first
    introduced at the 1903 Tour de France. The yellow color of the jersey is associated with
    newspaper L'Auto, which sponsored the Tour and was printed on yellow paper.
    Now the yellow jersey is used in many other cycling races, in skiing
    sports and biathlon.
  • The yellow press refers to low-quality publications chasing
    sensations and gossip. The term comes from the comic book The Yellow Kid,
    published in the years 1894-1898 in the newspapers New York World and New York
    Journal American. Both newspapers were known for reporting on
    murders, accidents, etc., to amuse readers. Except
    In addition, they started a controversy among themselves over the authorship of the comic. Third
    the newspaper called them "yellow press", and the expression became winged.
  • The yellow house is a colloquial term for psychiatric
    hospital. The walls in such establishments were often painted yellow.
    It was believed to have a calming effect on patients.

shades of yellow

100% Yellow - the most bright shade yellow, it is completely absent
the other three components are CMYK. A simple formula makes this shade
the most common.

Golden yellow is obtained by adding a little to yellow
magenta. This is a group of yellow-orange hues, characteristic, for example, of
natural amber or honey. Compared to pure yellow, this color
perceived as more friendly and natural due to its warmth.
It is more common in nature. It is most often used to mimic
golden color

Lime is a shade between yellow and green, named after the color of the fruit. He
obtained by adding a small amount of blue to yellow. This
a colder and fresher shade, undeservedly rarely used in
advertising and branding.

Olive is a dark shade of yellow. Close to the color of green fruits
olive tree. Can be formed by adding a small
amounts of black into yellow paint. With further addition of black
olive turns into ocher. Color promotes calmness and
appeasement. It is often used in interiors, despite the fact that it
absorbs a lot of light, darkening the space, and requires
bright lighting.

Lemon is a lighter shade of yellow. It can be obtained by slightly diluting yellow with white.

Yellow is widely used in advertising because the human eye
notices it first and it stays in memory longer than other colors. But these
yellow acquires wonderful properties only in the vicinity of saturated,
colors that contrast with it. The most profitable neighbor for yellow is,
of course black. In terms of contrast, this pair surpasses even
black and white combination.

Yellow with black is the brightest and most aggressive color combination, we
We meet in objects that require increased attention. In nature it is
the color of poisonous, life-threatening animals. In a person's life, increased
Attention is required, for example, on roads or at a construction site, when in a hurry:
taxis, barrier tapes, working equipment, navigation signs,
warning signs, etc. And all because this combination is one of
most easily visible to the eye.

Yellow with white is the embodiment of light and warmth. in advertising as
an independent combination, it is rarely used, because. has a weak
contrast, but found in the design of goods or interior, if necessary
create a feeling of warmth and comfort, tenderness and friendliness.

Yellow and green is the most fun combination. The two most "non-serious"
open colors in the neighborhood create a summer, very sunny mood. TO
moreover, this combination is clearly associated with the flags of such sunny
countries like Jamaica, Brazil and many African countries. With this
the combination is easy to overdo, in large quantities it will irritate
and inspire distrust.

Blue is a bright color contrast for yellow. The combination contains
brightness and depth at the same time. It is very noticeable and often used.
for consumer goods, and also often found in
sports goods.

Red enhances the qualities of yellow, such as positivity and warmth,
it makes for a very friendly mix. This combination is often used for
creating associations with accessibility and simplicity, for example in the industry
fast food. Often found among entertainment brands:
Chupa-Chups, M&M`s (Red and Yellow), Disney characters, Ronald the Clown
McDonald, etc.

Examples of using yellow in communications


Yellow is read faster than other colors by the brain, so it is actively
use, if you need to highlight something, quickly convey information
or just to get attention. It is to attract attention, not to declare
a leadership position or speak aggressively about yourself in a way that allows
make red. In order for yellow to work harder, often
dark substrates are used - especially the combination of yellow + black. Here
how it works.

The history of the iconic Yellow Pages telephone directory dates back to
1883. In one of the printing houses that printed telephone
reference books, plain color paper has run out. Then they had to
use the only remaining paper - yellow. This release
handbook attracted the attention of a huge number of people and had
incredible success. It was this coincidence that inspired the
Reuben Donnelly, who created the Yellow Pages brand in 1886, becoming
founder of an entire industry.

Classic note paper has been manufactured by 3M since 1968
(under the name Post-it - since 1980). Fortune magazine included her in the list
most important inventions of the 20th century. In its most common form, of course,
the same yellow color and has dimensions of 76 by 76 mm.

Yellow Cab was founded by John Hertz in 1915. By this time on
There were many taxi companies in the market.
The competition was incredibly high, and to differentiate from competitors
was practically impossible. To achieve their business goals, Hertz
hired consultants who convinced him that yellow was the most
conspicuous and eye-catching color. Consultants advised
repaint all taxi fleet cars in yellow. Thus, companies
Hertz managed to win the competition and perpetuate the tradition of "yellow
taxi ", which exists to this day. And in 1929 Hertz decided to establish
own car rental company. Convinced of
practice in the prospect of yellow, he decided to reschedule
famous color scheme and on the logo of his new company Hertz

An interesting example is Nikon, whose primary colors are black and
yellow. At the same time, they chose yellow for rooftop installations.
logo writing. Few people dare to take such a step - because in the afternoon this color
almost invisible against the background of the sunny sky, but at night all the risks
justified and Nikon signs at night are more noticeable than all the others!

International non-governmental organization Amnesty International
draws attention to violations of human rights and advocates for the observance
international standards. Its mission is to mobilize the public
to put pressure on people who violate human rights. Branded
the colors of the organization - bright yellow and black - are the best to attract

Simplicity, accessibility, discounts

Yellow is a very common color used by companies dealing with direct
sales to attract attention. The most common color for
inscriptions about discounts and various promotions, of course, yellow. Even IKEA
when you need to draw attention to discounts or promotions, can adapt
colors of their logo, using a combination of yellow and black.

Best Buy first introduced its famous yellow
price tag logo in 1987, it represents low cost and
friendly customer-oriented brand policy.

BIC's mission is to make life easier for consumers. BIC Products
provide affordable solutions to everyday needs. This is how it goes
since the creation of the first product, the BIC Cristal ballpoint pen,
simple and reliable at the same time.

Two more examples of the use of yellow by automakers in
mass segment: Renault and Opel. These are affordable cars, though not
position themselves as such.

Energy, vivacity, speed

Let's start with one of the most striking examples - DHL. Brand
uses a combination of warm yellow and red colors in its logo.
Yellow color perfectly emphasizes the values ​​of the company, its speed,
energy and dynamism. And as if in confirmation of our words, while we
wrote this article, DHL released advertising banners with the slogan "Yellow -
speed color.

Another example of using yellow for a speed declaration is Western
union. The values ​​of this brand are speed, trust, reliability and
convenience, which allows the company to always be close to its customers,
when they need support.

The Lipton Company was founded at the end of the 19th century by Thomas Lipton in
Glasgow, Scotland. Under the slogan "from the plantation straight into the cup" Lipton wanted
to make tea a popular and affordable drink for everyone - a product
high quality but reasonable price. From the very beginning of sales to the market
Three varieties of Lipton teas have been offered. The best of them was called Quality-1,
it was sold in yellow packaging with a red Lipton emblem. Now this
the variety is known worldwide as Lipton Yellow Label. Lipton tea with yellow
packaging is distributed in 150 countries, but it is not sold in
Great Britain itself. The main product advantage of products
tea brand Lipton is the content of theanine, which promotes
stimulation of brain activity, energy production and good
moods. That is why the Lipton brand positions itself as a drink,
causing a surge of vivacity and creative inspiration.

Friendliness, communication, fun

Yellow is a very positive, friendly and open color. Even in
categories where it is traditionally considered to emphasize
seriousness and professionalism, there is a place for yellow.

Italian bank "new generation" CheBanca! It is based on
consulting-training model. In branding, he uses a very rare
combination of white and yellow; in interior design - absolutely
transparent walls, rooms without partitions and mobile offices with bright
yellow backlight, which can be easily installed anywhere. All this in
combined with completely new standards of customer service
(for example, the manager and the client are on the same side of the table and communicate
as good acquaintances) forms the image of a friendly, understanding and
available to every bank.

Raiffeisen Bank - good example of how traditionally "dangerous"
the combination of yellow and black can be turned into a very friendly one. His
a vivid emotional image shows that the bank is not something formal,
cold and unfamiliar, but on the contrary - warm and close. Bank slogan:
"Difference in attitude".

And one more bank, which is positioned as a friend bank -
New Zealand ASB. He communicates as equals and speaks with clients on the same
language. All his communication is built on the nuances of communication and turnovers.
colloquial speech.

Now the representative of the communications sector is Beeline, familiar to everyone.
After the rebranding in 2005, many promised a short life for the new design and
did not believe that a "dangerous" combination of colors could bring any
useful fruits. However, the idea embedded in the brand was able to overcome
stereotypes in the minds of people, and now the yellow-black image of Beeline is firmly
associated with brightness, simplicity, friendliness and positive

Australian wine brand Yellow Tail has carried out a real
revolution in the wine market. This wine brand has completely changed the attitude towards
categories. For Yellow Tail, wine is an affordable, easy drink for
everyone. The philosophy of the brand is also reflected in the image: it is a bright, concise
packaging, a friendly and dynamic kangaroo (brand symbol), and
simple flavor combinations and texture. The Yellow Tail brand pays special attention to
attention to the segment of young, active and sociable wine consumers.

shocking, superiority, sarcasm

Yellow color can also be used if you need to emphasize your difference, disobedience, disagreement.

Lamborghini cars are strongly associated with bright yellow.
The impetus that forced the manufacturer of tractors of his own design
Ferruccio Lamborghini, develop sports supercars,
served as a conflict with Enzo Ferrari. Lamborghini is interested in sports
cars and visited the office of the manufacturer Ferrari, intending to order
own car and fix some shortcomings and shortcomings in the model
Ferrari 350 GT. But Enzo Ferrari did not want to listen to a man who had
experience and their fertile ideas that can significantly increase
car performance. Not only that, Enzo sent him to study
"our own business" with the remark that "Lamborghini will never be worthy
rival to his cars." A year after the events described, in 1963
at the Turin auto show, Lamborghini presented to the public its first
Lamborghini 350 GT.

Since its inception, the Euroset company has attracted
attention with outrageous advertising and PR. And of course, the main color of this
brand - bright yellow - played into his hands, supporting the defiant image.
Euroset has staked out this color so strongly in its market,
that even the rebranding of 2011 and a clear softening of the image aside
greater friendliness was not touched by this color.

Hooligan inscriptions on yellow posters advertising French
shoe brand ERAM, are very frivolous and frivolous. In short, then
they have one meaning: for the sake of shoes, the price of which is only 40-50 €, people went
for various sacrifices. And you must be crazy to pay

Here we decided to add Wonderbra. This company, known
with his outrageous advertisements, he also actively uses the color yellow in his

industrial yellow

Technique and transport services

For the "quick read" reason already mentioned, yellow has become
traditional for various kinds of special equipment and service
Services: Karcher, Dyson, Stanley tools. Signal, distinguishable
from afar, the yellow color of technology is indicated in many color guides as
Caterpillar Yellow.

Selective Yellow (Selective Yellow) - the color of the fog car
headlights The use of this shade of yellow in the headlights is due to its
the ability to improve visibility by removing the blue color from headlights, so
how light in the blue range is difficult to see
person. Selected yellow does not blind the driver in rain, fog, snow
and does not create glare on wet roads. This shade lies outside the RGB gamut -
such a pure yellow cannot be achieved with RGB means.

Energy industry

Since yellow gives "warmth and heat" to any combination of colors, it is traditionally used in the energy field.

food industry

Yellow color stimulates appetite, so it is often used along with red.
used in the food industry. McDonalds giving up
red in favor of green, retained yellow.

national color

Yellow is far from the most favorite and widespread national color.
color. You can distinguish a persistent combination of red and yellow,
associated with Spain. The yellow-green combination is typical for
Brazil and Lithuania. Yellow combined with blue will be strong for many
associate with Ukraine. Yellow is an important state color for
Vietnam, Romania and Moldova, Macedonia, many South American and
African countries.

Despite the absence of yellow on the flag of Thailand, it is the color
His Majesty, and this is the second most important color for the country.

The most famous Swedish brands IKEA (which, however, is no longer
very Swedish) and METRO in their logos use the combination
blue and yellow, identical to the flag of the country. You can also add here
pharmaceutical brand of AstraZeneca, Swedish postal operator Posten, global
leader in the production of equipment, materials for welding and cutting ESAB.

We love the yellow color and the Germans, who have red-yellow-black
National flag. This color underlies the style not only already
mentioned German brands Karcher and Opel, but also national
Deutsche Post, the Berlin transport company BVG, and
also Commerzbank, the second largest bank in Germany. UHU adhesives,
energy company Yellow Strom, a manufacturer of electrical
Harting connectors, German airlines Condor and Lufthansa also
use yellow.

There are no trifles in selling copywriting. At all. Never. Even what seems insignificant to you personally can become the main motive for making a purchase for the buyer.

However, the wrong selection of colors for the design of the selling text can easily become a reason for the unconscious rejection of your offer.

How important is it to use correct colors when designing sales texts? Very important. It's incredibly important. It is the colors that sometimes play a decisive role in. Scare away - the buyer will leave even the most beautiful selling text. You will be able to create comfortable color images - the reader will forgive you even numerous flaws in the text and failures in the presentation of information.

We have already touched on the importance of using colors in the design of sales texts. Today I would like to conduct a workshop and introduce you to the correct use of colors in advertising. In our case, this will be the practice of designing selling pages and landings.

How to use colors in sales text?

Remember that for each type of goods there are "their" colors. Your task is to decide which colors are suitable for your material. We have to repeat ourselves: you can create incredibly powerful text about baby diapers, but fail miserably just because you allowed the use of black and red shades in the design of the material.

So, let's deal with each of the colors in more detail:

Red in advertising . This is the color of energy and will, it carries a powerful sexual connotation and stands out from any other colors. The red color in the selling text is almost mandatory, but remember that if there is too much of this color, it begins to become a source of aggression and danger. Too much red is already bad.

Due to its catchiness, it is often used in sales and as in the sale of goods for men (bright sexual overtones). Most often used in the design of the main elements of advertising material. Pairs well with white.

Orange. It is the color of cheerfulness, fun, optimism. The color is positive and attractive. Perfect for headings and subheadings. Orange is a warm color and is very popular with children. Great for designing sites and texts designed to advertise children's products, medicines, health care.

Yellow. The color of sociability, openness and good nature. It symbolizes affection and sociability. Not as bright as red and orange, and therefore more often used either as a background or as a means of decorating minor details. It is also perfect for decorating selling texts about children's goods, creativity, relaxation (a symbol of the sun and idleness). Yellow goes well with blue and green.

Green color. Green is the color of health, relaxation, freshness. Such a text carries a huge charge of confidence (remember the green checkboxes and the “order” buttons). Often associated with lightness and wealth. Green color somewhat visually reduces the amount of text. Try writing a call to action on a red background. That's right, it will only alienate the reader, unconsciously causing a feeling of anxiety. And now carry out the same procedure using green. A completely different picture: you already believe such an appeal!

Pink color. It has long been firmly established as the best color for expressing a romantic and tender relationship. Advertising driveshafts or all-terrain vehicles on a pink background will look ridiculous, but selling texts advertising women's products, dating sites, perfumes and cosmetics - that's it! Oddly enough, pink color has practically no effect on men, but children and women love it.

Blue. Blue is the color of harmony, purity and sublimity. This color perfectly calms the reader, removes the feeling of danger, convinces the buyer of the veracity of what was said, gives a sense of the integrity of the image. Often used to design texts about business and earnings. Used to advertise medicines, goods for children, perfumes, innovative products.

Blue color. Blue is the color of clarity, concentration, peace. Attracts attention, but does not repel. Does not cause a feeling of negativity or aggression. Almost universal color, can be used to design any texts. Naturally, it is necessary to ensure that there is not too much color.

Black color. The color of mystery, saturation, complexity, elitism. As the main design element of the selling text, it is destructive, because in in large numbers causes depressive associations, in addition, reading on a black background is very tiring. It goes well with white, yellow and many other "light" colors. It is used in the design of texts where it is necessary to emphasize the elitism, prestige and high cost of the service.

White color in advertising. Associated with purity, freshness, sincerity, innocence, peace. Symbolizes knowledge, openness, simplicity. Perfectly harmonizes with yellow, blue, black, red and green. As a background for a sales text, it is almost ideal, since it carries a completely neutral message, inviting the reader to make a personal choice on his own, therefore, it does not press on a subconscious level. It is used in selling services everywhere.

Examples of color combinations in advertising

As you understand, the possibilities of designing selling texts are completely endless. You can experiment endlessly, constantly achieving new results. In order for you to immediately have some initial capital, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with those color combinations in advertising that have already proven themselves well. Try, add, fantasize!

Red on white;

Yellow on black;

Green on yellow.

White on blue;

Black on yellow;

White on black;

Blue on yellow;

Blue color on white.

Good luck to you, friends!

People rarely think about the fact that colors greatly affect the perception of certain objects that may be encountered in life. But who, if not advertising agencies, is well aware of this fact. Regardless of what you mean, color is very important in this area. So how to evoke the desired emotions in the consumer with the help of colors?

In almost any type of advertising, there are all sorts of elements that are perceived visually: all kinds of announcements, leaflets, catalogs, signs on the Internet. As part of the corporate identity, visual components can be considered frames, trademarks, any eye-catching text moments. It is clear that in this case it is logical to assume the effectiveness of color. It is the selection of which color to choose for advertising that takes a lot of time.

The main functions of colors in advertising

For color, as a component of corporate identity, several main functions have been identified:

  • facilitating the understanding of the idea that the creators wanted to convey with their goods and services. So, for example, if the question arises of how to most effectively express the taste of this or that ice cream in advertising. Of course, this is easiest to show with color. The human memory reacts very quickly to such visual effects, as if comparing the real taste with what is visually perceived through advertising posters. Such is the psychology of color in advertising.
  • increase in the percentage of memorability of an advertising campaign. According to statistics, black-and-white advertising is remembered by consumers by 40%, two-color advertising by 45%, but full-color bright advertising by all 70%. You can immediately recall how people identify the trademarks of many companies by color: Beeline, Coca-Cola, and so on.
  • highlighting the dominant moments of advertising. Advertisers first of all have to decide which components will be accents in advertising. Statistics show that 70% of customers pay attention to advertising dominated by illustrations, and 40% to text ads. Regardless of how much attention is paid to text advertising, it is the font and similar nuances that professionals pay the most attention to. Fine readable text promotes better memorization and assimilation of advertising. There are special color combinations in advertising, in which the font will look most impressive. The best option is to use 2 or 3 colors, which can be supplemented with all sorts of shades.
  • Emphasis on the unique properties of the advertised products and services. Each color attracts certain buyers. In order to reflect the color scheme high quality products, you can use combinations of black with red or blue with silver.
  • the formation of positive emotions regarding the seen advertising. Everyone knows that the influence of color on the perception of advertising in relation to the expression of emotions is very large. Some shades cause aggression, and some, on the contrary, are conducive to calm and peace. Advertising designers always pursue one goal with regard to color combinations: the location of positive emotions. It is goodwill and positivity that will subsequently encourage customers to purchase a particular product.

In this regard, there are some rules for the use of colors:

- two complementary colors always look very attractive and increase the effectiveness of advertising;

- According to statistics, the difference between paying readers' attention to color and black-and-white advertising almost reaches 80%;

- consumers pay more attention to advertising made in light colors than in dark ones;

The influence of colors on the emotions of customers

As in every field of activity, you can highlight some main points, so you can highlight the main colors in advertising. It is worth understanding what a person feels when he sees certain shades on an advertising poster, what ideas and thoughts visit his head, is he sad or happy?

  1. Red is the most active and popular color in advertising.. It evokes a "storm" of emotions in people, is associated with invincible willpower, energy, dynamism. This color most encourages the acquisition of purchases. In addition, the red color also carries with it some kind of sexual activity, so it is often used in advertising for the stronger sex.

All kinds of variations of red are also often used in advertising, they cause much less negative emotions. Pink color is perceived by many people even as a symbol of tenderness. In a word, advertising, which somehow uses red or colors close to it, attracts a lot of attention.

  1. Bright orange color almost every person is associated with activity and vigor. This color is also very popular, but its excess can quickly tire a person. Orange is very fond of children, so advertising of any toys or other children's products is accompanied by these shades.
  2. Yellow color, which is not for nothing that children from an early age associate with the sun. This element, like no other, greatly stimulates brain activity, has a positive effect on mood, and encourages communication. Yellow is the lightest color on the spectrum, so writing on black will be easy to read and remember. The use of these shades will also be effective in advertising for children, advertising for travel agencies, as well as various entertainment programs and events.

In addition, yellow color goes very well with other colors. So, for example, in combination with blue, it carries a charge of some youthful energy, with purple it resembles something aristocratic, and with green it evokes a feeling of cheerfulness (people can also associate this combination with rebirth).

  1. Green color is a symbol of spring, the personification of health and some freshness. This color usually makes people feel calm, relaxed, up or down. Most often it is used as a background. This color and its shades can usually be seen in advertising of any medical subject.
  2. Blue color also evokes a feeling of calmness and peace. A person perceives this color as something quiet and distant. Shades of this kind will not attract as much attention to themselves as, for example, shades of red, but at the same time, they are guaranteed not to cause negative emotions.
  3. Purple color always symbolizes something solemn or mysterious. People perceive it as an incentive to any creative ideas. The best option for using purple in advertising is to promote creative products and services, emphasizing their originality and uniqueness.
  4. Gray color is the personification of neutrality, rigor, solidity. Even if there is a lot of it in the brochure, it will not cause irritation in the observer.
  5. Almost everyone associates white with purity. Like green, white is mainly used as a background. It is used in advertising where they just want to convey information about the product, without trying to induce a person to show any emotions.
  6. And finally, one of the main colors is black.. This color, of course, is the main one for fonts, as if emphasizing their sophistication. Also, black color complements other shades well and is used as a frame. It is very contrasting, it is not for nothing that they say that next to black, other colors seem to begin to glow. However, this color cannot be used as a background color. And if this background is also chosen for a long text, reading can be very long and tedious.

Of course, it is impossible to choose color combinations for advertising for all occasions. It is worth remembering that different people have different perceptions, which depend on the person himself, his gender, age, and so on. In addition, you can take into account people of different nationalities, since many simply have different symbols. For example, for Europeans White color it is purity and new beginnings, but Eastern people consider this color to be mourning.

You can sum up and make a list of criteria that will help in choosing the color scheme in advertising:

- what image should be created;

- potential consumers who will be attracted by this advertisement, their gender, age, profession, and so on;

- the influence of colors on psychophysiological characteristics;

- the possibility of building a composition using color;

- the environment, which affects the perception of advertising, and, accordingly, colors;

Thus, taking into account all the possibilities and features described above, you can create an advertisement that will attract many more customers who are lured by their favorite colors and shades..

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