Marketing or management - what to choose? Is it worth studying for an MBA program? Personal experience Is it difficult to study to be a manager.

You have been assigned to lead a team on a project. The project ended successfully, you are satisfied with your work, and your colleagues also praised you. It is possible that the question will arise before you: why not go to the managers? Not temporarily controlling others, but constantly managing people, developing and expanding your team.

The manager branch is a serious turn in your career, and to find the answer to the question “Should I go to managers?” many are not easy. Let's figure out what questions you should ask yourself and what you need to be prepared for when choosing this path.

Before understanding yourself, you need to understand: is your idea of ​​the work of managers not stereotypical? Not idealized? It may turn out to be wrong: there are many myths associated with the work of managers.

Myths about the work of managers

Here are some of the most common misconceptions about leadership jobs:

A good manager can only be an extrovert

The sign "extroversion-introversion" is not binary, but is a scale. There are not so many people at the ends of the scale - pure introverts and extroverts. Most people are somewhere in between, closer to one side or the other. Therefore, a piece of an extrovert and an introvert is in almost everyone.

What you need to be prepared for

We talked about myths, now about reality. What should you prepare for when choosing a managerial path?

To regular meetings

You will have more meetings with colleagues: you should always be aware of how your subordinates are doing, discuss something with other managers, learn company news, and report to management for your department. Getting used to the new schedule is hard: several meetings have passed, the working day is over, but there is no feeling of work done. Experienced managers say that over time, the brain relearns, begins to perceive meetings as work and stops panicking. But at the beginning of the managerial journey, almost everyone experiences such an existential crisis and does not feel useful.

As is often the case with anyone who has received some kind of diploma, the day and hour will surely come when someone appears with the question: “Is it worth going to study for this program / course? What did it give you?" And we often meet supporters of one or another theory on this matter, both in person and in various social networks.

I do not accidentally want to touch on the topic of MBA diploma. The fact is that it was precisely under this program that I myself was asked a question. And recently, a discussion about the choice and general expediency caught my eye business education. And that's what's interesting about all these questions, discussions and many articles... Whoever asks or tries to understand often tries to speak in terms of the result. What will I get after the MBA program? How will my salary level change? Can you change jobs? Can I open a business?

However, what is the result of learning, if we fully talk about this very result, moreover, regarding a specific person? To answer this question and many others, to begin with, I will reformulate the one that was at the very beginning: should I go to study at MBA program? I think that you immediately caught the difference.

How can you answer for someone? Who and how knows whether someone should do something? Should I have breakfast today? Maybe I should read this article? I don't know, it's up to you.

To delve further into the topic of measurable learning outcomes, it is worth paying attention to the duration MBA programs- now it is a year and a half or more. I studied for a little over two years, on the Executive MBA program. So, if we take into account the duration of the program, then the main thing is not the instant result that you get, as if waking up after two years, suddenly getting out of bed in the morning and seeing a title plate on your own wall. The main thing is the process of transformation of you as a person, as a person. Yes exactly. I have met many "consultants" who, having never studied such programs themselves, scream about their uselessness. Such cries can be immediately sent to the urn - one who has not seen it cannot say anything about the sea. But, of course, you can project your opinion about the sea onto yourself.

Someone is doing yoga. Tell me, does it change a person? Someone is painting. Tell me, does it change? Someone is engaged in music or vocals. Tell me, does it change? And the process of transformation, which is training and the subsequent defense of a dissertation, also changes.

Yes, there are those who, after two years of vocal lessons, try to sing - but it doesn't work out. Notice, however, that they plucked up the courage to start. And they will definitely succeed. Because the main thing is to start moving in the chosen direction.

And here's what else is important, if you answer the questions often asked about the advisability of studying on MBA program. Not everyone has a salary increase after they receive a diploma. And not everyone reaches the diploma: the reasons are different for everyone. Not everyone changes jobs or creates their own businesses. Not everyone can benefit from the connections that they have acquired at the institute ... But all this is about assessing the results of study “in the moment”, without assessing the impact of the knowledge gained on the future of a person. And without an assessment of the fact that the person himself has become different.

For me personally, the period of study for MBA program became one big program of change. In fairness, I note that the beginning was laid a little earlier - back in RUDN University, on the mini-MBA program, after which new training followed. At the moment, almost two years have passed since the defense of the diploma. So what can be said?

1) I better understand the media. Not all "theorists" are empty - there are excellent teachers. As well as not all "practices" deserve attention.

2) I understand that very valuable grains are hidden behind the not always skillful presentation of information. And it's more about practice. The ability to listen can also be learned, if desired.

3) I know that there are books of “one thought”, and there are those that I re-read many times, and each of them I find many, many new things. To understand this, I read a lot of books, and continue to read constantly.

4) I know the difference between the image of violent activity and really interested work. Therefore, I can distinguish good employees from those who have not yet decided on their future.

5) I often hear “between the lines”. When someone praises someone or scolds someone, this sometimes hides a desire to curry favor. And how to determine at an interview a leader with whom there will never be any prospects - you know?

6) I know how to assemble and rally a team. I understand that some "stars" belong in heaven, not in my organization.

7) There always comes a moment when you need to let go. And it also develops, but does not stop.

8) I see my past mistakes in building a career and business. About the future, of course, I can only guess.

9) And many, many more from different areas of knowledge about yourself and about the world around you.

10) And many, many more from different professional fields: economics, marketing, management, law, project activities... I applied all this in practice: I changed the structure, the motivation system, rebuilt sales, changed business processes and management processes. The result is better efficiency and effectiveness.

In general, the business school put me on a different track. And I definitely like it more than before. Yes, indeed, one book from the “MBA overnight” series is enough for someone - I read it in the evening and already updated in the morning. However, this is not my case.

Therefore, to study or not is a personal choice for everyone. And the evaluation of the results is strictly individual. I'm sure I won't open terrible secret when I say - to become a big boss, sometimes it’s enough just to be born in a family of “correct” parents or to successfully marry / marry. Well, or be a close friend/relative/classmate of someone who was born... (This list of conditions can be continued for a long time).

I repeat: the result, first of all, is not in the position. The result is inside. Therefore, I wish everyone to choose their own MBA program!

So, now in Russia such a profession as management is very popular. It gained its distribution thanks to a rather loyal system of admission to a specialty at a university. And many applicants prefer it. But is management really that good? What are its pros and cons? And in general, who to work on graduating from the university? Let's try to deal with you in this really difficult question.


What does the profession "management" mean? In general, if we translate this word from in English, then we get something like the value "manager". That is, this is actually a leader who is in charge of something. And this word is very attractive to applicants. No one wants to be a subordinate, only a leader.

But in fact, the profession of "management" involves the work of the most ordinary manager. In Russia, these are middle-level people who will work anywhere. And occupy completely different positions. It can be a manager, a salesperson, or even a cleaning lady. It all depends on where exactly you get a job. And now we will try to find out the pros and cons of the management profession, and then we will see how you can build a career by entering and graduating from this direction.

Positive sides

Let's start finding out what attracts applicants in our current specialty, as well as what positive sides she has. It is worth noting that not everyone imagines what they "subscribe" to when they enter. But, nevertheless, they still study hard in the direction.

The profession of "management" is available to almost everyone. For admission, now you need to pass exams in Russian and mathematics (non-core), as well as social studies. Simplicity when submitting documents is very important.

Also, this direction is not very expensive. For example, the profession "management" requires payment of 20,000 rubles per semester, and all other specialties in a particular university - from 40,000. That is, perhaps everyone can afford to become a manager.

With the right employment, you can occupy very high positions. And the ones you didn't even know existed. For example, to become the chairman of the board of directors or the rector. These are high-level professions. In Russia, you can find a job with them, you just have to try.

During the training process, you will be given only the information you need. Basically it's the economy. The profession of "management" is more economic than mathematical. There will not be a lot of algebra and geometry in it.

Also, the release manager will be able to find a job almost anywhere. Now this specialty, perhaps, is needed for the "crust". To just have at least some kind of "tower". And after graduation, you will be able to view the labor market and find yourself a suitable vacancy.


But the profession of "management" has a number of disadvantages. For some, they are insignificant. But many people doubt entering this direction after they find out what awaits them in the future. Let's find out about the disadvantages of the profession, so that later there are no surprises.

The first problem that you may encounter is a lot of competition when applying for a referral. There are quite a few budget places, but there are also plenty of applicants here. Fortunately, contract training is much easier to enter.

Managers are not well liked among the society. Many believe that this specialty is the lowest level of education, which has long since become unnecessary. And therefore, some individuals express their dissatisfaction and show disrespect for students and graduates of the "management" direction.

Building a good career as a manager is often very difficult. After all, people who are not accustomed to making their way "in the light" will continue to sit in the work where they take them. Moreover, society will assure that "management" is not the direction that will allow you to get good earnings and climb high up the career ladder.


And now it's worth finding out who you can work in the profession of "management". To be honest, there are a lot of options here. And we'll start with the less common ones. For example, after graduating from this direction, you can go to work as a logistician.

What does such an employee do? Your responsibilities will include managing the supply of goods. Develop a variety of directions, choose the best place to justify the firm (for example, where to build a store for maximum income), calculate the utility of the area, and so on.

In principle, logisticians are very valuable employees. And not everyone knows that they are obtained from the profession of "management". The salary of such an employee fluctuates, but remains at a fairly high level. Today it is from 25,000 rubles. In principle, not every graduate earns so much.


Another very interesting option development of events is a job in the field of marketing. That is, a marketer. Such employees are also highly valued in Russia. And if they additionally have an economic education, then employers will literally fight for such personnel.

What does a marketer do? To be honest, his duties include promoting the company in every sense. Here and research of the target audience of buyers, and the study of competitors, and the development of strategies for the behavior of your corporation in the labor market, and even the development of a "plan B" in case of unforeseen circumstances.

In principle, if you studied well at the university, then you will not have any problems with this job. Show your knowledge, be creative - and you are guaranteed good career marketer. You definitely won't be offended by the salary. It is approximately the same as that of logisticians - from 20,000 rubles.

middle link

In general, the description of the profession "management" includes such a concept as three links career development. We have already spoken about the higher. It is extremely difficult to get a job in such positions, and in addition, as a rule, they ask for a second higher education. Now we will find out who you can work with after graduating from "management" in the so-called "middle level".

Typically, this area involves positions of managers above the lower level. These are different bosses: sales department, senior managers in the company, heads of workshops, as well as deans. The salaries of such employees, to be honest, are also quite high. And anyone with an experience of approximately 3 years can apply for these vacancies. If you started your career as an ordinary manager, then over time you can "rise" to a senior. In principle, in most cases, the "middle link" is the main one in a particular company. It entrusts subordinates with work (sometimes their own), and then receives a higher salary than the "lower link".

Lowest link

The profession "management" reviews in general from applicants and graduates is quite positive. And the negative can be heard only from those who got a job as the "lowest link". To be honest, this is where many successful people start their careers.

What kind of managers are called inferior? These are sales managers, sellers in stores and supermarkets, sales representatives, cleaners, movers, fast food cafe workers, and so on.

The salaries of such employees, to be honest, are not very high. But the responsibility is huge. And there is plenty of work. Often, the "lower level" is assigned tasks that are not related to their duties, but they still have to fulfill the instructions.

Popular destinations

But what professions after graduation from the Faculty of Management are now popular and most common among graduates? This:

  • cashier;
  • Sales Manager;
  • worker in a fast food cafe;
  • loader;
  • Sales Representative;
  • senior manager;
  • cleaner.

These statistics do not at all indicate that after management you can forget about a career at all. Many people simply become self-employed, open their own business, and then develop quite actively and rapidly. If you have ideas, you can try to bring them to life.

Representatives of what profession today can be found in any company, regardless of its direction of activity, form of ownership and size? Without which specialist is it impossible to work both a small company and a huge corporation? Of course, without a person who manages the activities of the company, that is, without a manager. After all, without the correct organization of the work of a group of people striving to achieve a certain goal, it is impossible to achieve any noticeable results.

Representatives of what profession today can be found in any company, regardless of its direction of activity, form of ownership and size? Without which specialist is it impossible to work both a small company and a huge corporation? Of course, without a person who manages the activities of the company, that is, without a manager. After all, without the correct organization of the work of a group of people striving to achieve a certain goal, it is impossible to achieve any noticeable results.

It's easy to guess that managerial profession V modern world is not only one of the most sought after, but also incredibly popular among ambitious young people who think that being a manager is an easy job that does not require much work. And at the same time, they absolutely do not take into account the fact that the specialty of a manager, like any other managerial position, is a difficult and responsible job that has its own characteristics, which we will try to introduce you to today.

What is a manager?

A highly qualified specialist belonging to the top and middle management of the enterprise and exercising general management at a specific production site. The main defining feature of any manager is the presence of subordinates.

The name of the profession comes from the English manage (manage, manage). In other words, a manager can be called any boss who organizes work at an enterprise or in a company. The first managers appeared in the 19th century, when a large number of large enterprises, the owners of which could no longer cope with their management on their own. It was then that hired managers were needed, who used four actions at once in their work, which became the basis of management: planning, organization, motivation and control.

IN modern society managers are usually distinguished depending on the number and size of objects of management:

  • lower-level managers - junior bosses, which include heads of departments, foremen, heads of departments, etc.;
  • middle managers - leaders junior chiefs, which include the director of the branch, the head of the workshop, the dean of the faculty, etc.;
  • top managers - the general director of the enterprise, the director of the store, the rector of the university, etc.

In addition, managers are distinguished according to their line of work: sales manager, personnel manager, advertising manager, financial manager, content manager, office manager, tourism manager, etc.

The professional duties of a manager largely depend on the area of ​​his work. For example, a sales manager is responsible for increasing profits from sales of products, an office manager specializes in organizing the management activities of senior management, and a tourism manager does everything possible to attract as many tourists as possible to his agency.

However, in any case, officials manager duties imply the performance of managerial actions, which include: planning and organizing the activities of the enterprise within the framework of the production site subordinate to it, maintaining reporting documentation, solving personnel, organizational, technical, economic and socio-psychological problems in the team, monitoring the quality of work of subordinates, participating in development of an advertising strategy and innovative and investment activities of the enterprise, etc.

What personal qualities should a manager have?

Because manager job Basically, it consists in managing the production activities of employees of the enterprise subordinate to him, such a specialist must necessarily be distinguished by high organizational skills, leadership qualities and a well-developed sense of justice. In addition, a good manager should be:

  • resolute;
  • proactive;
  • self-critical;
  • sociable;
  • responsible;
  • active;
  • patient;
  • stress-resistant;
  • ambitious.

In addition to personal qualities, a manager must have a certain set of knowledge and skills, without which he will not be able to effectively perform his duties. In particular, a representative of this profession should be well "savvy" in the field of economics, social psychology, law, management, pricing patterns, marketing, taxation, commercial negotiation techniques, production organization, conflict resolution and advertising.

Benefits of being a manager

Main the advantage of being a manager, of course, is its prestige and great opportunities for self-realization. Therefore, today even preschoolers dream of being not pilots or long-distance sailors, but bosses at some large enterprise, and even better, a director in their own company.

Other benefits of this profession include:

  • demand - managers are needed in almost all spheres of human life;
  • business trips, including foreign ones, are a great opportunity to see the world;
  • a variety of acquaintances - communication with a variety of people allows you to significantly expand your horizons;
  • a high level of salary - the average salary of managers in Russia is about 40-45 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of being a manager

Despite all the attractiveness and prospects of this profession, managerial work is fraught with a huge number of shortcomings, due to which not every specialist can achieve professional success. And talking about disadvantages of the manager profession First of all, it is necessary to note the great responsibility. After all, the manager is responsible not only for the work done by his own hand, but also for the work of his subordinates.

It is also impossible not to say that the common belief that the manager only distributes responsibilities between employees, while he himself spends time in idleness, is not true. In fact, the work of a manager is very difficult and nerve-wracking, requiring complete dedication and a huge capacity for work: sometimes you have to work after hours, without the opportunity to get distracted and relax.

And all this in stressful conditions, when important decisions have to be made in emergency situations. At the same time, you need to constantly remember that even one is wrong. decision can negatively impact your career. Agree, not everyone is able to withstand such a crazy pace of work and the "burden" of responsibility.

Where can you get a job as a manager?

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - conducts a set of students to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Get a job as a manager today it is quite simple: almost every economic university has a faculty of management. In addition, you can learn this profession at specialized courses. True, in this case, it will be possible to successfully find a job only if you already have a higher education behind you.

Also, to become a manager, you can overcome a more difficult path. Often enough large companies independently train managers from among the most promising employees. Therefore, you can first get a job in a company, try to prove yourself with the most better side and then learn your favorite profession at the expense of the enterprise.

It should be noted that based on the current situation on the labor market in this area, we can say with confidence that graduates of such best economic universities in Russia, How:

  • Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
  • State University of Management (GUU)
  • All-Russian State Tax Academy (VGNA)
  • Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov (REA)

I'll start the topic with a letter from one of our future colleagues. This letter was the reason for writing this note.

Hello Pavel Evgenievich.

I am facing a difficult life choice. This year I need to enter the university (I'm from Ukraine) but I can't decide on the direction. I choose between marketing and management.

Could you describe these directions in more detail (in simple, understandable words). I want to go to these areas because I do not see myself as an ordinary "office rat", but I want to actively participate in the life of a firm, company, and so on ... I want to get a position in which my word will not be an empty place. I want to decide something, invent something. Maybe you have some specific tests, questionnaires, etc. which will help me decide. This is very important for me and I will be very glad to hear from you. Thank you in advance.

Thanks for your question. In fact, the question is worth a million, since the answer to it lays the vector of development, allows you to decide on a career and, as a result, allows you to make life better. Since I know the answer to this question, I will be happy to share this million with you.

Marketing: science and craft

Let's start with a paradoxical, at first glance: the profession of a manager exists, but the profession of a marketer does not! Marketing is a way of thinking, an approach to market activities that an individual and a company are engaged in.

Marketing thinking should have representatives of a fairly wide range of professions. Anyone who does something for the sake of the buyer, with the aim of making his life better, simplifying the choice of goods for the buyer, helping the buyer to get satisfaction about the services and products that the company offers, must have this special mindset. Thinking like a marketer must:

  • good sellers;
  • those who advertise goods and services;
  • those who design, plan, and create the goods and services needed by the market;
  • those who are interested in these goods and services, in order to help customers, come up with, plan and conduct promotions at points of sale;
  • those who create visual, video and audio communications (posters, videos, banners);
  • those who draw up points of sale and put goods on the shelves;
  • those who manage all the processes listed above (manager);
  • and so on.
All these and many other professions require special thinking, special treatment to everything that people in these professions do. Usually, without going into details, such professionals are called a marketer (marketer). Thus, no matter what the specialist does. In fact, those who are engaged in marketing have a huge number of professions. One thing unites everyone - work in the market and for the market, work in the company, but also for the buyer.

What is a specialist?

So do something: sell, shift papers on the table, write reports, plan work, predict the result, build relationships, contacts with the press, government agencies, stores, representatives of wholesale companies, draw advertising layouts, place ads, invent texts and engage in the web -mastering (website development) - all this diverse work - it is a special job or the work of a specialist.

Naturally, one person cannot do all the work listed, and many people (managers) work in companies. Each of them performs only a part of the work, and the result of this work is only a part of the overall result of the company's work.

Specialization of a specialist

In the company, all employees are grouped by areas. Traditionally, there are five directions (maybe more or less):

  • sale,
  • production,
  • logistics,
  • marketing,
  • finance.
Each of these areas has its own professions that require their own special knowledge and skills. Each of these areas has its own narrow specialists. Suppose, having a marketing mindset, the seller can be a specialist (possess special knowledge) in retail sales, or he can specialize in selling to state corporations under government contracts. These two specializations require completely different knowledge and experience.

Other marketing-oriented specialists, engaged in the promotion of goods (promotion) may specialize: one - in the promotion of goods through retail outlets, the other - through wholesale sales, using the experience and distribution system of other distribution companies. The hold of the first specialist is not applicable in the work of the second.

Each direction has a head-manager: the head of the department, the head of the group. Above all areas there is another group of managers - management of the general management. They call themselves top management or top management. These are special specialists - specialists in management.

What is a Marketing Specialist?

Marketer is a general and collective concept, meaning both special knowledge and skills in the field of a particular marketing specialization. I highly recommend reading the marginal note on what marketing is.

The marketer can:

  • Engage in sales and apply marketing ideas in your work.
  • He can build relationships of the company, its products and services with target audience;
  • May be engaged in the development of new advertising and information materials;
  • He can develop new products.

The main thing is that a marketer is a philosophy and attitude to market activity, a specialist in the science of marketing and a preacher of marketing ideas! Without this marketer does not exist. Take away the attitude, philosophy and empathy and only a specialist and good man, only God forbid let this into the market! Let him sit in the accounting department, turn the screws at the factory, or manage a team of specialists in the office.

What is a manager?

A manager is a specialist in management. This is not a specialist in marketing, in the development of creative layouts or in the specifics of printing. Manager is:

  • managing the creativity of others;
  • generation of meanings (why is this or that necessary) and management of other people-generators of meanings;
  • analytical work;
  • strategizing and planning;
  • managing people and processes...
A manager is a leader, a manager. The manager manages: processes, people, distribution, spending resources and earning money.

Market (marketing) management

Of all the groups in the section "Specialization (above), one is of interest to you and me - marketing: advertising and promotion. All employees of this group are called upon to bring knowledge about the product and about the company itself to the masses - to the market. Employees develop the most necessary products for the market and services, the development of simple and intelligible methods of communication with customers, partners, friends of the company, government officials, etc., with everyone who is interested in the product in one way or another, can affect its fate.

I would not say that this group of managers is the most creative and creative in the company. No less creativity, for example, in the work of sales staff or developers of new products in production. They experience no less drive from the result of their activities, but I will focus on work related to the market - the satisfaction of the needs of people who are willing to pay for this satisfaction.

manager without marketing

So, having learned, a student with a diploma of "manager" in his hands can lead! Can choose for himself one of the directions and specialize in one of the types of management. If a manager, doing a good job of financial planning, manages the process of production or development of an industrial enterprise, he simply does his job well and he is not a marketer. Managers without a marketing education perfectly manage the processes that take place within the company, they perfectly work out the management of communication with suppliers and counterparties, but it’s not worth allowing a manager without a marketing education and marketing thinking to buyers, customers, market intermediaries. Is it clear?

About marketing and institute

If marketing is a way of thinking and a philosophy, then it is really impossible to teach how to be a marketer at an institute. More precisely, you can get acquainted with the theory of marketing, you can learn the postulates of marketing, you can get acquainted with the works of marketing gurus ... but that's all. To understand what has been said, I will give an example: studying marketing at the institute is like learning to jump from a springboard, standing on the tiled floor of the pool! It's like learning to ride a bike by listening to lectures or driving circles around the school track! It's like preparing for motherhood by listening to your mom's stories about your feeding, raising and "didn't sleep at night."

Marketing teaches only the market!

Marketing is truly taught only by the one who sold this "damn" unsold product in the morning. The one who has already lost his mind in search of an answer to the question of how to get dealers to put a product on the shelf instead of a competitor's product. Who suffers at night over the design of the packaging of a new product. Professors with degrees in economics will never fill you with the excitement of the market struggle, they will not light the fire of marketing in your eyes, they will not teach you empathy. Only you yourself, only that team and those things that you have to plunge into, are able to develop your marketing thinking!

What do they teach in institutes?

- marketing management process - all the same management, but focused on marketing, on the management process marketing structures and marketing processes. Here, in order to understand why marketing is needed and how to manage marketing, it is very worth listening to lectures at the institute.

You will not get more systematic knowledge about the THEORY of marketing anywhere, and the practice of marketing without its theory is wandering in the desert and searching for answers to questions, the answers to which have long been found and formulated by the founders of marketing and marketing practitioners. But, and this is important, you can become a marketer in spirit only by plunging into the market with your head!

Marketing professions?

I described in more detail the specializations of marketing managers familiar to me in this note. I would like to add that this is somewhat an exhaustive list. If you are familiar with other management, for example, business card printing management, then this management is as close to marketing as the philosophy of marketing is close to those who are involved in this process.

What to choose: marketing or management?

In fact, the correct choice is worth:

  • between marketing management and
  • non-marketing management.
If in the future you want, for example, to concentrate on production management (build factories, dams and power plants, manage the RAU EU or Gazprom, for example, then the specialty of a manager is for you.

If you want to engage in financial management, your path to the profession lies through universities with departments of financial management.

Having received a marketing manager diploma, it is quite possible to become a manager at GAZPROM, although economists or lawyers are more favored there.

If you want to become managers in the field of marketing, then the faculties of management of universities with a strong department of marketing are for you. If you are interested in the prospects: developing a new product, implementing creative ideas, managing the development of industrial design, mastering new communications with people, creating new sales markets - if you are close to the ideas of marketing, then in addition to the management specialty, you will have to master one of the long list of marketing professions. The Faculty of Marketing will provide all this, but it will only be the beginning. Next, you have to choose and master one of the marketing professions and you will have to become a specialist in one of the areas of marketing, and later, and get in-depth special knowledge, you will have to become a specialist and.

Well, that's all for now. There will be questions, write on the forum of marketers, in the mail. I will always answer, even if not always hour-by-hour with your letter. Good luck.

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