How to celebrate Valentine's Day - romantic options. How to celebrate Valentine's Day with your significant other How to spend Valentine's Day better

Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday that all lovers try to celebrate. On this day, it is customary to give each other memorable romantic gifts and souvenirs and arrange romantic evenings. But sometimes you want something special, something that would be remembered for a lifetime and even after many years would evoke Nice memories and a soft smile.

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 and is dedicated to St. Valentine, a priest who secretly married men and women who loved each other. If you believe the legend, the Emperor of Rome Claudius II introduced a ban on the registration of marriages, citing the fact that having a family can distract a man from full-fledged marriage. military service. That is, if a man has a wife and child, then he will not be able to sacrifice himself on the battlefield.

But one day the emperor learned that the priest Valentin was secretly marrying couples, he ordered him to be seized and placed in prison in order to subsequently execute him. Valentin, already in prison, met the daughter of the prison guard, whose name was Julia, and fell in love with her. Before his execution, he was able to send his beloved a note of recognition and signed it “Your Valentine.” The priest was executed on February 14, and notes with declarations of love began to be called Valentines and Valentine's Day was celebrated on this day.

In Russia, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently, but every year its popularity only increases. This holiday can safely be called one of the most favorite holidays among young people, including married couples.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated around the world?

Despite the fact that there is still snow on the street and the frosty wind often howls at night, Valentine's Day can be attributed to the first holiday of spring. From mid-February, the days become longer and the nights shorter, and the imminent arrival of bright spring days can be felt. It is generally accepted that spring is a time of love and romance, new emerging feelings. Valentine's Day just gives such a lyrical mood that makes you feel the imminent awakening of nature.

Even if you don’t have a loved one yet, the general mood will still not leave you indifferent and will give you hope that next holiday you will not meet alone.

Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world and the traditions of its celebration are sometimes very educational and original.

  • In Italy, Valentine's Day is also called Sweet Day, and it is customary to choose various sweets as gifts.
  • On this day, the French congratulate not only lovers, but also all their loved ones and loved ones: relatives and friends. Jewelry is considered a traditional gift; it does not have to be expensive, a small pendant or a simple chain is enough.
  • In America, red roses, valentines and sweets are given on Valentine's Day. Moreover, young people prefer handmade valentines.
  • Residents of Denmark send anonymous valentines to their loved ones. If a girl recognizes the sender and agrees to a romantic relationship with him, then in return she must give him a chocolate egg, although this gift will only be given on Easter. But true love won’t suffer from a little waiting, right?
  • The Germans generally believe that Saint Valentine was the patron saint of the mentally ill. On this day, with the help of church services and special events, it is customary to draw attention to the problems of life of this... mentally unstable cell of society. On the other hand, true love can drive anyone crazy, don’t you agree?

How to celebrate February 14th with your loved one

How to prepare for such a romantic day, what gift to choose, or maybe just arrange a romantic evening?

Doubts, worries and excitement - faithful companions every lover. I would like to organize everything so that your loved one once again understands how much he is loved and loves you even more deeply.

If you are worried that you won’t be able to prepare for this holiday on your own, then take note of a few ideas for celebrating that may be useful to you:

  • Leisure. If you and your significant other are adherents healthy image life and the weather on this day are favorable, then spend this day at the skating rink or a country walk through the forest on skis. You can take a picnic basket, a thermos of hot chocolate and have a snack in private under the softly falling snow. The main thing is to dress warmly and enjoy the opportunity to spend more time alone with your loved one.
  • Cultural recreation. Do you like theaters and exhibitions? Select an interesting event in advance, the theme of which would suit the romantic mood. You can go to a live music concert, visit a museum or exhibition that you went to at the very beginning of meeting your lover. This way, you will be able to enjoy art and remember the most pleasant moments of your relationship.
  • Dance night. Or maybe you like to go to clubs and dance until dawn? On this day, many establishments organize themed events and you have the opportunity not only to enjoy fiery dances, but also to take part in various competitions for couples in love.
  • Short vacation. Do you miss the warmth of the sun and the singing of birds and do you have the opportunity to organize a short trip? Give your lover a short trip to warmer climes, for example, to the shore Mediterranean Sea. Could there be anything more memorable than a romantic dinner under the night sky, where you can admire the stars and the gentle surf? The main thing is to arrange your trip and tickets in advance.
  • Idea for homebodies. Don’t like walking in the cold and don’t have the opportunity to fly to hot countries? Then just give your loved one your whole day. Start it with a romantic breakfast in bed and give a gift. Romantic quests at home are very popular among couples. It is enough to hide your gift somewhere in the apartment, and arrange the “path” to it in the form of small hint tasks that your loved one will carry out. Sometimes something very funny can turn out, but the main thing is that such a gift will be remembered for a long time. And at the end of the day, dinner by candlelight, slow dancing to lyrical music and a night full of passion.

It is very important to remember that Valentine's Day is not just a holiday for which it is customary to give valentines and chocolate hearts. This day is needed to once again remind your chosen one why you love him and how strong your feelings are.

Don’t forget to give each other love and care not only on Valentine’s Day, but every moment of your life together. The more care and affection you give to your life partner, the happier he will be and the stronger your relationship will be.

February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. We tell you where the holiday came from, and why you can’t stammer on this day, but you need to give valentines.

1 Where did Valentine's Day come from?

The “culprit” of the holiday is considered to be the Christian priest Valentine, who lived around 269. At this time, Claudius II ruled the Roman Empire. The emperor believed that marriages were evil because a married legionnaire thought about the family, not the empire. By special decree, Claudius forbade legionnaires from getting married. But Valentin began to marry them secretly. The emperor, having learned about this, ordered the execution of the “violator.”

Later, as a Christian martyr, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th Valentine's Day. Since 1969, a reform was carried out in the liturgy, and Saint Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church along with other Roman saints, information about whose lives is contradictory and unreliable.

Legend has it that Valentine himself was in love with the jailer’s daughter. The day before the execution, the priest wrote a farewell letter to the girl, where he told about his love, and signed it “Your Valentine.” This is probably where the custom began to write love notes - “Valentines” - on Valentine’s Day. The girl read the letter after he was executed.

The creation of the first “Valentine” is also attributed to the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He sat in prison and, struggling with boredom, composed love letters to his own wife. “Valentines” reached their greatest popularity already in the 18th century, when they took on the form of beautiful heart-shaped postcards.

03 Who should you congratulate on Valentine's Day?

Despite the fact that this is a holiday for lovers, recently there has been a fashion to congratulate everyone for whom you have different kinds of love - friends, girlfriends, colleagues, parents. However, initially this day was intended specifically for lovers, so first of all, only life partners should be congratulated.

On Valentine's Day 2018, don't forget to congratulate Valentines and Valentines. After all, on February 14 they will celebrate their name day.

4 What is customary to give on Valentine's Day?

Since ancient times, young men on Valentine's Day sent their beloved gifts, as well as letters and poems in which they expressed their feelings and wishes. In addition to the famous “Valentines”, it is customary to give other gifts on Valentine’s Day. For example, chocolate, flowers, jewelry, memorabilia. According to modern traditions, on February 14, lovers have a romantic dinner.

Valentine's Day, love, romance.

5 What should you not give on Valentine's Day?

It is believed that there is no need to give useful and expensive gifts on Valentine's Day.

According to popular wisdom, some gifts should absolutely not be given on Valentine's Day. It is believed that:

  • sharp objects - to the accumulation of negative energy and trouble,
  • watch - to a quarrel and even separation,
  • slippers - to illness,
  • a towel - in the old days it was given to those who saw off the deceased for the last time,
  • pearls symbolize the tears of widows and orphans,
  • a mirror can bring trouble,
  • alcohol is considered a bad gift, as it takes away health,
  • men's underwear - to betrayal,
  • scarf - to separation from loved one,
  • gifts with images of birds will attract anxiety and troubles,
  • a gift made of glass threatens separation,
  • shampoo or shower gel can “wash away” a loved one from your life.

If you accidentally break a mirror on Valentine's Day, this is lucky in love. This folk sign indicates that soon the troubles in your personal life will break like this mirror.

If you leave the house on Valentine's Day and remember that you forgot this or that thing, then your significant other will soon tell you good news.

Stumbling on Valentine's Day means misunderstanding between lovers.

Don't be late for a love date. This sign foreshadows a breakup or quarrel in a relationship.

Since the Middle Ages, people have dedicated one of calendar days in the year to celebrate the most amazing, beautiful and mysterious thing that the world has given us - love. Finding the roots of the Valentine's Day tradition is almost impossible. Some go back to the times before our era, others talk about the nineteenth century. But whatever the exact date, no matter who the first knight or princess was who sent a paper heart by carrier pigeon, the main thing is that we still pay tribute to this all-powerful feeling that created and destroyed entire empires.

Of course, the holiday of February 14 causes a lot of controversy among moralists. They say this is pure commerce, a way to make money on teddy bears, cards, sweets and jewelry. Besides, is it really only necessary to say that sweet “I love you” to your significant other only once a year? But on the other hand, you can look at this day as another reason to make a confession, to become bolder, freer, closer. Like a day when the streets are filled with the aromas of love and kindness. Therefore, if you are on the side of those who celebrate Valentine’s Day with pleasure, then below we have prepared for you 5 best scenarios how to do it.

1. Weekend away

The script is suitable for: romantics, tired of the hustle and bustle, those who crave solitude.

Even though this year February 14th falls on a Sunday, this does not mean that Valentine’s Day cannot be extended over almost the entire weekend. You can start the holiday on Saturday evening at your home or by renting an apartment for two days. Meet your loved one at home in a chic dress, with impeccable makeup and hairstyle, and at the same time you won’t even have to worry that the wind outside, for example, will ruffle your hair. But under no circumstances should you cook dinner yourself! It’s better to discuss your menu with your man in advance, buy all the necessary ingredients and cook together. It's a great way to bond, learn something new about each other, and just have a lot of fun. And if any of you don’t know how to cook, then you will certainly benefit from this. And, of course, a candlelight dinner prepared by you together will be a thousand times tastier and more romantic.

Actually, after dinner, have an unforgettable night. Buy seductive lingerie, scented candles in advance, select suitable music and, of course, do not forget about contraception. Be careful that the evening is not ruined, for example, because of someone’s forgetfulness.

And on Sunday, turn into real sloths. Put away all the alarm clocks, forget about work and just spend the day in peace and comfort, lying in a warm bed. Music or cinema will be the best companions during this time.

2. Not sitting for a minute

The script is suitable for: extroverts who love active recreation and communication.

First, you should get a good night's sleep, because the day awaits you long and incredibly active. If you and your lover are one of those who cannot sit in one place, then you should definitely spend your day in an extraordinary way! Go skiing, ice skating, roller skating or rock climbing. In addition, you can order a master class that will be useful and interesting for both of you: dancing, pottery, drawing, playing the banjo, wine tasting, making candy, etc. The choice is endless. What is the essence of such a pastime? You will definitely get to know each other better. At a minimum, what is interesting to someone and what is not. By working in pairs, you will become closer, and the level of mutual trust will increase significantly.

After such an active pastime, it’s worth continuing the evening in some cozy cafe with live music, where you can dance. Don't limit yourself to overly sophisticated restaurants where it will be uncomfortable even to cough loudly. Choose a place where you feel comfortable and won't feel embarrassed. As soon as you feel that you don’t have enough strength not only to dance, but even to finish your salad, take a bottle of good wine and go home for privacy and a romantic end to Valentine’s Day.

3. For the first time

The script is suitable for: unfamiliar to those who have just started dating.

If you have just recently started a relationship and this is your first Valentine's Day, you should not immediately dive headfirst into all the delights of the holiday. There is no need to rush in a relationship, even if we are talking about such a holiday. Try to use this day as an opportunity to discover something new in your partner and to open up yourself. Therefore, skip the options of going to the cinema or theater: you are unlikely to be able to socialize there. But any kind active rest will good option. We invite you to visit the quest room. This is a new entertainment that involves you being locked in a room for about an hour full of riddles and tasks that you must solve in order to escape the room. This is the best choice when you don't know each other well because you won't have awkward pauses in communication or the need to talk about the weather. You are united by a common goal and enjoy the fact that you are going towards it together.

4. Escape from routine

The script is suitable for: married couples, couples who live together, those who are tired of everyday life.

When you have been living together for several days and spend enough time together, a holiday within the four walls of your home or a standard trip to a cafe will seem like some kind of cliché. To diversify your life, bring something new into your relationships and get away from all your problems and worries, go to another city or even country for the weekend, if you have the opportunity. There is no need to plan this trip much in advance. Just google which trains go where, choose any route still unknown to you and go! The only thing that needs to be provided is housing. But given the many apartments for daily rent, hotels and hostels that exist in every city today, this will not be a problem. And already on the way you can decide what you want to see, where to go, what to do. Chaotic enough to shake off the burden of routine!

5. In the style of Andy Warhol

The script is suitable for: creative personalities, connoisseurs of art and time spent with meaning.

On this day, combine two of the most beautiful things in our world: love and art. Go to a contemporary art exhibition or art museum. Visit the most extravagant galleries you can find. Spice up your day with a stroll through the historic city center and some good coffee. And after everything, go home for a movie night. Choose a film topic that will be close to the two of you: for example, films of a particular director, the filmography of your mutual favorite actor, travel or biographical films. And don't worry about preparing a special dinner. Order pizza or Chinese food, buy regular fast food or vegetarian goodies. Give your time exclusively to each other.

There are many options for how to spend this Valentine's Day, and everyone can find something to their liking. But the main thing is that you will be together on this holiday. Don't forget to tell your significant other how much you love and appreciate them.

Valentine's Day can be spent in different ways. You can get stuck in a pizzeria, go to a movie, or cook dinner for two. But it’s unlikely that your significant other will be delighted with such a holiday, everything is too casual. A fresh idea is needed, and we are ready to offer it. Even several, choose to your taste.

1. Dancing

This does not mean an ordinary disco in a club, but lessons in salsa, rumba, tango and other passionate dances that will ignite your senses with new strength. The right music will create the right atmosphere.

The tune from the movie Dirty Dancing is ideal, especially if it is performed live by musicians.

2. Ghost tour

Visit several places that are legendary. The essence of the event is to wander around the city and look at the world from a different perspective. You'll be lucky if you can find a place where real ghosts live. Even if it's crowded, you'll have a great time hunting ghosts.

3. Ice skating

Even if you've never been on skates before, trying to keep your balance will bring you closer. When you get it right, you can ride holding hands. Afterwards, you can reward yourself for your efforts with a glass of mulled wine or champagne in a cozy, warm cafe. Do you feel your heart melting?

4. Wine promenade

Sitting at a bar is boring. What if you go to several bars, drink a glass of wine in each and grab a crispy taco for the road? It's a completely different matter!

5. Scavenger Hunt

This is popular American game, which is originally called Scavenger Hunt. The idea is to find and collect all the items on the list in one place within a certain time. You can arrange such a game anywhere.

6. Themed trip to the museum

Some museums offer special programs on this day. The event takes place after closing. Chocolate truffles and champagne await you, accompanied by live music.

7. Movie night at home

Watching an old film with Audrey Hepburn in the company of a loved one - what could be better? And if you accompany such an evening with a plate of spaghetti and homemade meatballs, the pleasure will be even greater.

8. Retroradio evening

Turn off the lights, light the candles and turn on the radio playing retro music. Immerse yourself in this wonderful atmosphere. Such an evening will be remembered for a long time, although there is nothing complicated in organizing it.

9. Roller skating

The effect is the same as ice skating, but in a retro style. Many skating rinks are decorated festively for Valentine's Day. Visit such a place - and the evening will not be in vain!

10. Burlesque show

This event is not for every day, but on a festive evening you can quite afford a little flirtation and coquetry. Or maybe striptease - who knows how brave the producers of such show programs are...

11. Poetry evening

Visit the library together, write a real love letter to each other, read poetry together. Don't forget a bottle of wine, which will make reading more inspired and sensual.

12. Karaoke duet

Avoid the company of friends and go to karaoke only with your chosen one. Sing classical duets, it will bring you closer and allow you to hear each other.

13. Second acquaintance

Travel to the place where it all began. Remember how it was, go back in time, order the same products, listen to the same music, gather the same company. Remember where your first kiss was and repeat it. Compare your emotions to those you felt at the beginning of your relationship.

14. Comedy show

Visit a comedy club and have some fun. Many establishments offer piquant programs on this day with jokes on the topic of family relationships. Try to treat the words without quibbling, do not take them seriously. Let humor rule the evening.

15. Relax at the spa

Many spa centers are reducing their prices on Valentine's Day. Take this opportunity to rest well. You will understand each other better, tension will go away, grievances will be forgotten. When the body rests, the soul also rests. Comprehensive relaxation programs for lovers will bring double pleasure and will not ruin the family budget.

16. Tandem bike ride

Bicycles can be rented in most major cities. Payment is usually hourly. There are special dual bikes. With such a ride, you can learn to feel your partner better and quickly find a path to mutual understanding.

17. Night at the hotel

Sometimes it is useful to free yourself from boring surroundings, familiar walls and dirty dishes and immerse yourself in a world where almost any service is available. Many hotels offer special rooms for lovers on Valentine's Day, creating a romantic atmosphere. It will help awaken your feelings that have slightly cooled down over time.

18. Exploring an unfamiliar area

Dedicate this day to exploring new places. There are even such in your city, and if not, then go to any other one. Spend Valentine's Day at a state park or museum. Why not? A great idea that your significant other will surely love.

Don't be afraid to fantasize and bring your ideas to life! Holidays are meant to relax and discover something new. Start together and create your own path to happiness. These will be your joint memories that will unite you even more, inspire you to take active steps and give you new sensations.

In this article we will look at seven options for how to spend Valentine's Day to truly surprise.

I really want to be eloquent and original when pronouncing dear person: “Everything is for you!” That even every year in almost all countries they celebrate Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s Day. Cards with a secret confession without a signature, chocolates, holiday sets of sweets, gifts and presents, dinner by candlelight, and hearts, hearts, hearts... If all these holiday attributes do not evoke romantic anticipation in you and have even become commonplace, here are seven original options for you , how to spend at least one day a year so that admiration and surprise will last a lifetime.

Non-trivial dinner

Dinner in a restaurant for one couple is just a first acquaintance, for another it is the apotheosis of a relationship, promising a long and happy life together. One way or another, they are preparing for this evening, they are waiting for it, they are pinning their hopes on it. For some, dinner on Valentine's Day has become a good tradition, but not everyone manages to maintain the romantic flair and solemnity of the holiday.

Arranging a dinner at home with delicious dishes on the table is a task with simple solution. Many restaurants today offer catering services. The service is not that expensive, and may even be free if the order amount is substantial. The cost of the dishes corresponds to the restaurant menu, so it is easy to make your choice several days in advance. Dinner with champagne, chocolate dessert, and a hot dish starts from $20.

It is unlikely that it will become commonplace to meet in a restaurant where you have never been before. To make the evening a success, it would be nice to book a table in advance. In famous restaurants you have to reserve a table a week in advance, or even earlier. Surely, the best table reservation will be yours if you leave a small deposit in advance at the restaurant - a financial guarantee of your visit and order. You can also make sure that there is a special serving of dishes, among which your gift (for example, a piece of jewelry) may be included.

However, it is not necessary that this restaurant be in hometown. Why not invite your partner for dinner in Paris or Abu Dhabi, or some other romantic place?

On the bridge of lovers

Surely there is such a bridge in the smallest town, and it doesn’t matter whether there is a river flowing there. It’s easy to recognize a local landmark: couples in love always leave locks here - symbolically uniting their hearts forever with one key.

If you have already hung such a lock in your city, there is no reason not to repeat the ritual again, perhaps in a more sentimental place. Let's say, on the White Bridge over the Rioni River, in the center of ancient Kutaisi. How many legends about love are there! Create your own beautiful story love to the melodies of a saxophone over a romantic dinner in a restaurant right next to the bridge. By the way, this bridge was brought from the city of Paris itself more than a hundred years ago. Maybe this is the reason for such a romantic flair of this place?

To find out if this is true, you will have to go on a trip. Flights to Kutaisi are regular, so you can make it in one day. The price is from $200 for flights and about $20 for dinner with a glass of wine in a restaurant (approximate cost, for two).

In the city of love

How to spend Valentine's Day? Do you want to go to Paris again? Of course, such an occasion - a holiday of loving hearts - will revive again the dream of visiting a city shrouded in the mystery of love. Traditionally, the French capital is chosen for a honeymoon, honeymoon almost half of the newlyweds.

Well, those who have not yet stepped down the aisle, but are just deciding to take such a step, choose Parisian charm to make a marriage proposal in a beautiful and romantic way. Dinner in Montmartre, a selfie with a bird's eye view of the Eiffel Tower, a walk along the Champs Elysees. This Parisian romance is only separated by a couple of hours of flying (if you have a Schengen visa or have a paid hotel voucher and plane tickets in hand, figuratively, which may be asked at the border). How much Parisian souvenirs and gifts will cost is a matter of taste, and the trip there and back will cost at least €400 for two.

How to spend Valentine's Day: Another option

And those who have already visited Paris or who are suddenly not captivated by its charm can safely go to the town of true love - the Georgian pearl of Sighnaghi. A mosaic of tiled roofs, narrow cobbled streets against the backdrop of endless expanses, sunlit even in winter, snow-capped mountain peaks under high blue sky- even Parisians will envy such an idyll. And you won’t hear as many good-natured, sincere wishes for happiness as here anywhere else. Even when secluded at a table in a restaurant for a romantic dinner, you will probably hear an incredibly beautiful toast, glorifying the pure feelings of warm hearts. The way here lies through Tbilisi, where airlines fly there in about two hours (and $300-500 for two people there and back).

On the beach of lovers

How to spend Valentine's Day? On the beach of lovers! This perfect place for privacy and romance. Nature itself hid the cave pool crystal clean water from huge waves Pacific Ocean, exposing to the sun's rays, as if on the palm of your hand, a strip of golden sand.

Playa del Amor on Marieta Island in Mexico, at the mouth of Bahia de Banderas, is one of the best beaches in the world and a completely unique place on the planet. Until recently, less than a hundred years ago, the archipelago was uninhabited (that is, no human had ever set foot here). That’s why there are still so many penguins, water and underwater birds here, and the greenery is colorful bright colors fragrant flowers. The beauty of these places was quickly appreciated in social networks the Internet, thanks to which the place received its romantic name.

The path to the beach is no less romantic: under the arched vaults of the cave, sailing on a boat towards the opening arc of golden sand, illuminated by the sun's rays - you will not see such a sight in any movie. You will have to rent a boat; the price (about $100 per adult) can (and should) be negotiated lively in Puerto Vallarta. Well, you’ll have to fly here by plane, with two transfers.

You can choose a flight by price (from $800) and by the service of airlines that will deliver to Mexico in a matter of hours: Iberia, Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Lufthansa, American Airlines, etc. Or you can simply buy a tour package from a travel company - and give yourself and your loved one a trip from winter to summer (from about $2,500 for two for a week, including flights). Moreover, at this time, carnivals are held throughout Mexico - spectacular events that everyone strives to attend.

If the cost of travel seems high, make allowances for the fact that this is also an incredible opportunity to see whales on the Whale Watching quest, snorkel with more than 100 species of colorful fish and the diversity of the underwater world, and take a boat trip along the island.

On lovers' rock

This rock is special. Pettia de los Enamorados is like the face of a lying man: he seems to be looking into the sky, lying over a picturesque valley between the town of Archidona and the Antequera dolmen complex in southern Spain, near the city of Malaga. Legend and historical facts here are closely intertwined in romantic story. The rock became the last test of love between a young Christian and the daughter of a rich Moor: tired of hiding their feelings and deciding to escape, the lovers, hugging each other, jumped from the top of the rock, not wanting to end up in the hands of the retinue of an angry rich Moor.

History preserves in its chronicles the fact that the Arab ruler of these lands and the Christian king Fernando stopped fighting after the desperate act of lovers Tello, a knight of the royal army, and Tashgona, the daughter of a Muslim ruler: together they stepped off a cliff into eternity, wanting to stay together forever.

It is best to admire the rock from the heights of the Arab fortress-alcazaba, although it is visible from everywhere in the large valley. The rock became part of the Antequera dolmen complex, declared a site World Heritage UNESCO in 2016. And then, after admiring the views of Malaga from the Mirador de las Almenillas and walking along the Paseo de las Barbacanas boulevard, dine at a restaurant on the embankment under the whisper of the sea waves. Your Spanish love story will cost no more or less: airfare - about €250 for one, dinner in a restaurant with a glass of wine - from €50 for two.

At St. Valentine's

It would be strange on such a day not to remember Saint Valentine himself. And it would be quite logical to visit the holy monastery where his incorruptible relics rest. At least in Poznan (a pretty town in Poland) there are a lot of people on this day with hope in their eyes and faith in their hearts. Hanging above the main entrance to the Poznań metropolis miraculous icon Saint Valentine, to whom lovers turn for blessings. Happy couples come to thank the saint, and still single people come with a prayer to meet their soulmate. They dedicate their pilgrimage to the saint, who will certainly help.

The road here is relatively easy. You can get there by bus or by plane with a transfer, if you need it faster. Of course, provided that you do not need to apply for a visa.

Now you know how to spend Valentine's Day. Good luck!
