Kim Joong: biography, filmography, personal life. The long-awaited victory of Kim Hyun Joong! The actor’s childhood and youth left pleasant memories for the rest of his life.

The article is not mine. But I really liked the presentation of the opinion. The author of the article puts Kim Hyun Joong's good deeds on the “other scale”, since all netizens are focused only on his bad deeds related to his personal life. She (the author) tells how many good deeds there were and how much love there was until the moment when the details of his personal life surfaced. And yet I agree with those who believe that personal life is personal life! And Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi needed to deal with it personally.

As required by internet etiquette, credits are listed at the beginning of the article with a direct link to the source.

Part 1. Kim Hyun Joong - a forgotten hero.

How time flies, on, we are celebrating the third anniversary of the Kim Hyun Joong Fan Club and now every week we will talk about his good deeds and his character. And his character is a big heart. His selfless love for friends, parents, fans. Being the manager of his fan club, I am honored to be him because I will be able to tell the whole world how proud I am to be his fan. I won't deny that at my age I felt humiliation outside of the fan club. But I do not care. Since the drama "Boys Over Flowers" in 2009, Kim Hyun Joong has become a part of our family. We have him everywhere in our house, from keychains to a cardboard statue of him in full height. My daughter loves him too and we spend time together watching videos with him or just talking and discussing him. We always smile and laugh when we tell each other our stories about him. We even went abroad to see him perform live. Kim Hyun Joong is an inspiration to all of us.

He became famous not only because of his appearance, excellent music and dancing, but the main thing is his character, and his HEART - that is why millions of people around the world love him. When the trial became known to the public, it broke my heart to see how he was suffering, and as an ordinary person I could not protect him, and there was nothing I could do to protect him. He now fights for truth and justice, and tries to clear his name while suffering alone. What are we doing? It hurt me so much to see him suffer, but I couldn't do anything for him. And so I decided to write all his good deeds, this will make many people understand how unfair society is to him, and how it humiliates him.

He is my family and my little brother, I will not judge him and I will not leave him, as many do, no matter what happens, he will still be with us, so take a little time to read and see his heart. This is our way to show what an honest, gentle and loving person Kim Hyun Joong is.

For the fan club's third anniversary, we present: “KIM HYUN JUN – GOOD DEEDS, OUR FORGOTTEN HERO”.

Philanthropy is an act of love for people. This is not just a decision of the heart, this is an instant response from a person who CARES about his friends. This is an act of selfless love that is rarely seen.

1) During his Asia tour in 2010, as an ambassador for cosmetics brand 'Face Shop', Kim Hyun Joong visited Asian countries to donate money. One of the countries was the Philippines, he donated $25,000 to them. He then visited the Philippines again to promote Face SHop, where his Adidas shorts were auctioned for $2,500,000, with the money going to the same university's charity, and he also added his own money.

2) During his first trip to Singapore, two life-sized statues of him were sold at auction and all the money went to charity. The first cost $6,500, the second $6,686 (Kim Hyun Joong's birthday). He also traveled to Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and donated money to many institutions. Fans from these countries were so grateful for his kind heart and generosity. From the depths of our hearts, we say to you: Kamsahamnida!

3) On February 11, 2010, a fan named Nana was in a hospital in Bangkok awaiting a kidney transplant. Kim Hyun Joong-shi was in Bangkok during SS501's "Asia Persona" concert and knew the whole situation. Kim Hyun Joong-shi bought a gift for Nana and wrote a letter of encouragement. To avoid publicity, his manager personally delivered the gift and letter to the fan. This became known to the public only recently.

4) On November 23, 2010, Kim Hyun Joong presented a check for 23 million won to the Women's National Football Team. Money from "Naughty Kiss" events plus Adidas totaling 60 million won.

5) Kim Hyun Joong has always been responsible for his fans. The sale of the second statue raised $6,686, for a total of $19,872 raised and donated to the Families in Poverty Fund.

6) On December 14, 2010, Kim Hyun Joong was invited to participate in the Hohoemi Charity Project. Without hesitation, he took part and sang the title song, written by the famous Japanese composer Komuro Tetsuya.

7) In November 2011 - before the start of his Japanese tour, Kim Hyun Joong donated $50,000, then added $50,000 to a fund that warms the homes of poor people, and another $50,000 to feed children in Fukushima who suffered after the earthquake. A total of $150,000. The Korean Red Cross said that as of December 3, Kim Hyun Joong had donated a total of 50 million won.

8) January 6, 2011 - he donated 10,000 coal briquettes and the same number of heaters. Together with their fans and staff from Keyeast, they delivered and distributed coal to poor areas of the city. The temperature that day was -10. He did the same on December 24, delivering coal to houses with a smile.

9) February 28, 2011 FC Men - football club, which features many stars including Kim Hyun Joong, was invited to a friendly match at Saimuk University. This event helped raise $10,000. And also FC Men won with a score of 4:3.

10) March 14, 2011 - news of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami thundered throughout the world. The consequences were dire. Kim Hyun Joong and Bae Yong Joon donated 1 billion won.

11) May 1, 2011 – Labor Day, day off! But our kind Kim Hyun Joong, instead of resting, participated in a 5 km marathon. Despite a very busy schedule. Together with Coupang, a commercial starring Kim Hyun Joong, 23 million won was collected and donated to the Cancer Center.

12) August 2, 2012 – Kim Hyun Joong’s “Powerful S. My Club” raised 10 million won. They were used to purchase 175 electric fans and 100 lightweight summer blankets for the elderly. After Kim Hyun Joong found out about this, he personally donated 50 million won.

13) He also donated his clothes, which he wore at the opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou, to charity.

14) He also donated his guitar to a charity auction, and left the inscription on it: “BE HAPPY ALWAYS!” The money was transferred to children in Africa. The first price was offered at 1,986,660 million won. Sold for 3 million won. (the guitar was bought by the author of this article - hyunlina).

15) 2012, Kim Hyun Joong was touched when his fan club Henecians raised 10 million won for people who live alone, he also added his 30 million. 20 million won was spent on scholarships. The total donation amount is 50 million won.

16) He also participated in summer campaigns to help single citizens.

17) May 14, 2013 - Kim Hyun Joong donated 100 million won for reconstruction and relief efforts after the earthquake.

“I felt it was very important to bring warmth into the house, in the middle of such cold winter" - Kim Hyun Joong.

While doing all these noble deeds, did we ever hear him talk about them? They became known to the public only because other people talked about them. He attended so many charity events, but we never heard about them from him.

Do I need to continue the list? After all, this is just a drop in the bucket. Now can you see his heart?

After we read about his selfless love, how can we not love a man who gives hope to those who have lost it? Who gives a reason to smile when it seems like there is no reason to smile? How can these people threaten to sue him and intimidate him?

How can they throw stones at him, they see their own dirt in him? How can they say such bad things about him if he makes the world a better place. A man who touches people's hearts and shows the importance of life! He's not perfect, BUT I WILL NEVER JUDGE HIM! Never! Only he knows why this happened to him, who are they to judge him?

I'm proud to be a fan of Kim Hyun Joong. No matter what happens, I will never leave him and will continue to pray for him!

Our fan club will continue to update news about Kim Hyun Joong and thank you all for your support.

“For all of us, it will be 2 very long years, but before we can blink, we will see him again. There is hope that he will return again the best person, I know that he can do this, even if he has sadness in his eyes and fear inside, I know that he can be a better person, because inside him beats a heart that shines and warms like the sun.”

Knowing all his good deeds, how could he break a girl’s rib?

How can we not love a man named: KIM HYUN JUN - A FORGOTTEN HERO.

P.S. These are just a few of the good things he did. How much more do we not know?!

Part 2. Love for your family.

Few Korean Wave stars feel as much gratitude and love for their parents as Kim Hyun Joong. Despite his success, he always shared his love and blessings for his family. What a wonderful son Kim Hyun Joong is!

He gave his parents a two-story house for 36 billion. won in Gangwondo style, and it was shown on SBS's "Midnight TV Entertainment". The love for his family is incredibly deep.

As a trainee, he was able to save 300 million won for his brother. He secretly put them in a book. When his brother was studying in America, he told his brother to read this book as it was a gift from him. To his surprise, his brother discovered 300 million won, he called his father and could not believe that Kim Hyun Joong, being a trainee, was able to accumulate such a sum.

Therefore, his brother was able to calmly continue his studies at Kyonggi University, Digital Music Department, without worrying about anything.

Another thanks to his parents is the opening of Jacksal Chicken restaurant on October 11, 2011, located in Ilsan. You can easily find it at the following address: Westerndom Block A No. 113, 867 Janghang-dong Goyang-si, Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

These are the few things to remember about him. About his love for his family. He has a big heart, just like his parents, who in his darkest hour did not turn away from him, but rather stood up to clear his name.

I want to salute the Kim family who remain loyal to each other. This good example for those who are going through difficult times right now. I won't forget the day his mom came to the interview to defend him despite her neck pain. His father, who also gave several interviews to defend his son, thereby showing the pain they are experiencing.

Kim Hyun Joong is a great son for his family and they always stay together no matter what. This is how children should be. I'm proud to be his fan!

The court concluded that numerous accusations made by Ms. Choi were false.

The scandal that erupted between the popular idol and his ex-girlfriend became one of the hottest topics in 2015. It was then that Ms. Choi announced that she had become a victim of violence at the hands of Kim Hyun Joong.

April 2012: Kim Hyun Joong meets Ms. Choi. The acquaintance happened thanks to their mutual friend.
January 15, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong agrees to star in the drama “The Age of Feelings.”
May 30, 2014: The first time Kim Hyun Joong beats Ms. Choi, the girl ends up in the hospital for two weeks.
July 12, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong repeatedly beats Ms. Choi. The girl suffers injuries to several ribs and spends six weeks in the hospital.
August 2, 2014: A case is being filed against Kim Hyun Joong.
September 2, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong is called in for questioning.
September 15, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong publicly apologizes to Ms. Choi via
September 17, 2014: Ms. Choi withdraws her accusations against Kim Hyun Joong.
September 20, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong visits the police station to have the charges dropped.
October 2014: Kim Hyun Joong offers his sincere apologies to Ms. Choi.
November 2014: Kim Hyun Joong gives Ms. Choi a surprise.
November 2014: The couple resumed their relationship.
December 24, 2014: The couple is spending Christmas holidays on Jeju Island.
December 29th, 2014: Kim Hyun Joong is summoned to the police station for questioning regarding a past case.
January 2015: Ms. Choi reveals that she is pregnant with Kim Hyun Joong's child.
January 19, 2015: Kim Hyun Joong pays fine in past case.
May 2015: Ms. Choi (now Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend) files a lawsuit against netizens, accusing them of defamation.
Beginning of May 2015: Ms. Choi files a lawsuit against Kim Hyun Joong, also demanding $1 million.
Mid-May 2015: News comes out that Ms. Choi had a miscarriage and she blames Kim Hyun Joong for it.
End of May 2015: Representatives of Kim Hyun Joong claim that Ms. Choi's claims are completely baseless.
June 2015: Kim Hyun Joong is preparing to file a counterclaim and also demand compensation.
July 2015: Ms. Choi reports the expected date of birth of the child whose father is Kim Hyun Joong.
September 2015: Ms. Choi refuses to do a DNA test.

Based on the provided report from OSEN, then we can safely draw the conclusion that a lot was fabricated. According to court reports:

  • Ms. Choi has never been pregnant.
  • The violent actions by Kim Hyun Joong (the beating in May 2014) are false.
  • The allegations that Kim Hyun Joong forced Ms. Choi to have an abortion are also false.
  • The Kakao Talk correspondence provided by Ms. Choi was fabricated to create false evidence against Kim Hyun Joong
  • Ms. Choi has never had a miscarriage.

Name: Kim Hyun Joong / Kim Hyun Joong / Kim Hyun Joong / 김현중
Occupation: singer, actor
Height: 182 cm
Date of birth: June 6, 1986
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Family: parents and older brother


  • Time for the young | Inspiring Generation (2014) Main role, Shin Jeong-tae
  • Dream High | Dream High (2011) Cameo role in the first episode
  • Naughty kiss | Playful Kiss (2010) Main role, Baek Seung Jo
  • Boys are more beautiful than flowers | Boys Over Flowers (2009) Main role, Yoon Ji Hoo
  • Spotlight (2008) Cameo role in the first series
  • Hotelier (Japan, 2007) Cameo role in the seventh episode
  • Can Love Be Refilled? (2005) Episodic role
  • Nonstop 5 (2004) Cameo role


Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong was born on June 6, 1986 in the capital of South Korea - Seoul. He has a brother, Kim Young Joong, who is one year older than him. Not romantic, but very charming, courageous and charismatic, Hyun Joon caused a lot of headaches for his parents in his youth. However, from childhood he was smart, responsible and purposeful.

Hyun Joon started walking when he was just 9 months old. Until this time, he could only sit or stand on his own, but not crawl, which made his parents very worried. However, at the age of nine months, he unexpectedly walked, skipping the crawling stage, which greatly surprised and delighted his parents. On his first birthday, during the Toljabee ("choice of fate"), Hyun Joon's parents deliberately placed a notebook, pen and brush right in front of him. The young genius chose a brush, meaning that he would become a scientist. Indeed, Hyun Joon grew up as a very smart and quick-witted boy. Both the school curriculum and additional classes in calligraphy and khanch writing, which his parents enrolled him in. Also in primary school In the qualifying exam, Hyun Joon was awarded the third level of mastery of hanja, which is beyond the capabilities of even many high school students. At that time, Hyun Joon's brilliant mind brought him many gold medals in various competitions. He also always ranked first or second in school. Two years before graduation, Hyun Joon began to become seriously interested in music. His father was against Hyun Joon becoming an artist, but still bought him a guitar. In just a few months of practice, Hyun Joon was able to achieve good results, and his guitar playing was in no way inferior to professionals who had been playing music for many years. Having decided to become a singer, Hyun Joon dropped out of school.

In 2001-2002, while working as a waiter in his parent's restaurant, Hyun Joon met the general director of a young management company. He and 4 other young men, who were supposed to perform as part of the same group, began training and preparing for their future debut. When the company asked the members to debut in China as a Hallyu project group, they refused, resulting in the group disbanding.

In 2005, Hyun Joon returned to school to complete his studies. That same year, he successfully auditioned for DSP Media (formerly DSP Entertainment) and signed a contract with it. On June 8, Kim Hyun Joong made his debut as the leader and main dancer of the group SS501 (the name stands for “(S)uperstar (S)ingers 5 members united as 1 forever”). The group entered the world of music with the mini-album “Warning” and immediately won the love and recognition of the public, receiving several awards at music awards. In December, SS501 released their second mini-album "Snow Prince" and created the group's official fan club, Triple S (SSS - "Super Star Supporters"). The same year, the group starred in MNet's documentary show SS501 M!Pick, which showed the members in their pre-debut days and the next 3 months after their debut. Hyun Joong also appeared on television and as an actor, starring in the sitcoms Nonstop 5 (cameo, 208 episodes) and Can Love Be Refilled?

In 2006, Hyun Joon graduated from school. In the same year, SS501 starred in the show “Thank You For Waking Me Up” and recorded their first studio album “S.T 01 Now”. The members (with the exception of Heo Young Saeng, who was ill at the time) lent their voices to the characters in the animated film “Shark Bait: Not So Scary Movie.” This year brought the group several more awards at music awards.

In 2007, Hyun Joong starred in the 71st episode of the musical series Syo! Eumak Joongsim." That same year, SS501 debuted in Japan with the single "Kokoro" (it started at number 5 on the Oricon chart and rose to number 3 the next day) and opened an official Japanese fan club there, Triple S Japan. The group released a full-length Japanese studio album "SS501" and two Japanese maxi albums: "Kokoro" and "Distance", and also made a cameo in the seventh episode of the Japanese series "Hotelier".

In 2008, SS501 made a cameo appearance in the TV series "Spotlight" and recorded 3 mini-albums, one of which was also featured in the Japanese version. In addition, the Japanese album “Lucky Days” was released in maxi format. In May, on the program “We Got Married” (eps 9-38), Hyun Joon became the husband of actress Hwang Bo, with whom he had previously starred together in one of the episodes of the show “X-Man.” In December, they left the show due to Hyun Joong's upcoming big project, Boys Over Flowers. In 2008, SS501 added three more awards, including winning the 22nd Japan Gold Disc Award in the “Best 10 New Artist” category. SS501 became the first Korean group to win this category. In the same year, at the 2008 MBC Entertainment Awards, for the show “We Got Married”, Hyun Joong received the award in the categories “Best Couple Award” (together with Hwang Bo) and “Best Brand of the Year Special Award” (together with the members of the show and film crew).

On January 5, 2009, the series “Boys Over Flowers” ​​began airing, where Hyun Joon played the role of one of the F4 members, Yoon Ji Hoo. When he was offered to star in the series, he was at a loss, since it was his first role of such a scale. Hyun Joon studied his character in detail in order to portray him more authentically on screen, but then decided that it was best to be natural. As a result, the image of Ji Hoo, a caring young man who hides his feelings deep in his heart, won the hearts of millions of viewers far beyond the borders of Korea. And the series itself was a stunning success; viewers eagerly awaited the release of new episodes, the ratings of which sometimes exceeded 30%. That same year, Hyun Joong, along with the rest of F4 members (Lee Min Ho, Kim Bum and Joon Kim), starred in the comedy special mini-series "Haptic Mission". In 2009, SS501 released their second Japanese studio album, All My Love, and two Korean mini-albums, Solo Collection and Rebirth. The group's list of victories for 2009 was supplemented by 8 achievements, and Hyun Joon received 6 more awards: at the 2009 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards - "Korea's Top Buzz Male Artist", "Taiwan's Top Buzz Korean Artist" and "Asia's Top Buzz Male Artist", at the 2009 Korea Junior Star Awards - "TV Drama Newcomer Award" ("Boys Over Flowers"), at the 2009 Baeksang Arts Awards - “Most Popular Actor (TV)” (“Boys Over Flowers”), at the 2009 Seoul International Drama Awards - “Popular Actor” (“Boys Over Flowers”).

SS501's mini-album "Destination" was released in May 2010. In June, after completing his contract with his company, Hyun Joong signed a new contract with KeyEast Entertainment. In September, the series “Naughty Kiss” began airing, starring Hyun Joon and Jeon So Min. Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min) is in love with the genius and handsome Baek Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong). But he doesn’t see anything outstanding in her: neither intelligence, nor figure. But despite this, Ha Ni gradually wins his heart. "Naughty Kiss" was a huge success in Korea, which is why it was also broadcast on Chinese television. Also, an official channel for the series was created on YouTube, where its fans could watch special mini-series that were not included in the main version. 2010 brought Hyun Joon 7 victories: in the categories “Male Popularity Award” (for the series “Naughty Kiss”, at the 2010 MBC Drama Awards), “Popularity Award” (at the 2010 Style Icon Awards), “Best Dresser Award” ( at the 2010 Sky Perfect TV Awards), "Most Influential Star" (at the Mnet 20's Choice Awards), "Hong Kong's Top Buzz Korean Artist", "Taiwan's Top Buzz Korean Artist" and "The Best Search Asia Buzz Award 2010" (at 2010 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards).

In 2011, Hyun Joon made a cameo in the series Dream High (1 ep). In June, he released his first solo EP, “Break Down,” which sold more than 100,000 copies. In October, he presented fans with his 2nd mini-album “Lucky”, which was also a great success. 2011 gave Hyun Joon several more victories: at the 2011 Style Icon Awards - “People’s Choice Award”, at the 2011 MTN (Bloomberg TV) - “Best CF Model”, at the 2011 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards - "Hong Kong's Top Buzz Solo Artist", "Taiwan's Top Buzz Solo Artist", "Korea's Top Buzz Solo Artist" and "Asia's Top Buzz Solo Artist", at the Mnet Asian Music Awards - "Best Male Solo Artist" (for the single “Break Down” from the album of the same name).

In 2012, Hyun Joong released a full-length Japanese album, Unlimited, which was later certified Gold by RIAJ in 2013. In the same year, Hyun Joong won in such categories as "Gold Medal" (at the 2012 Mnet K-Pop Idol Championship), "Single Daesang (Grand Prize)" (for the single "Heat", at the 2012 Tower Records' K-Pop Lovers! Awards), "Most Popular Overseas Singer" (at the 2012 Miguhui Awards), "Best Asian Artist Award" and "Best Artist Award - South Korea" (at the 2012 Asia Song Festival Awards), "Hong Kong's Top Buzz Solo Artist", "Taiwan's Top Buzz Solo Artist", "Asia's Top Buzz Solo Artist" and "Most Popular Artist of the Decade" (at the 2012 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards).

In 2013, Hyun Joong released the Korean mini-album "Round 3" and began filming the series "City Conquest", where he was to play the role of Baek Mi Ra. However, in the midst of filming, the project was canceled and closed. Viewers could only see the special zero episode of “City Conquest,” which was broadcast on the Japanese cable channel DATV. 2013 brought Hyun Joon 3 awards: “Creator's Factory Best Actor Award” (for the video clip “Lucky Guy”, at the 2013 Okinawa Movie Festival), “Most Searched Korean Artist” (at the 2013 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards), “Male” Solo Singer" (at the 2013 Korean Entertainment Awards in Japan).

In 2014, Hyun Joon presented Korean fans with a new mini-album, “Timing.” He also starred in leading role in the series “Time of the Young”. During filming, Hyun Joon completely transformed into his character, Shin Jung Tae. In addition to acting, Hyun Joon paid a lot of attention to physical training, thanks to which he received a lot positive feedback. Viewers were eagerly awaiting the premiere of the series, the filming of which left many scars on the hands of their favorite artist. That same year, Hyun Joon won the "Most Searched Asian Artist" category at the 2015 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards.

In 2015, Hyun Joon presented fans with his second Japanese studio album, Imademo. On May 12, he began basic training for military service. On June 19, he began serving in the border detachment of the city of Paju.

Personal life

Ideal type: Lee Hyo Ri.

I met a girl in school years. I broke up with her shortly before my debut.

Since Hyun Joon loves soju, he wants his girlfriend to be able to drink a lot. He wants a girl who will only look at him. Unlike his character in Boys Over Flowers, Hyun Joong is willing to fight for the girl he loves, even if it costs him his friendship. He will do anything to win her love.

In the summer of 2014, a scandal broke out involving Hyun Joon and his ex-girlfriend- a certain Miss Choi. In late August, he was charged with assault and battery against Ms. Choi. Photos of ex-lovers appeared on the Internet, as well as photographs showing bruises allegedly received by Miss Choi as a result of Hyun Joon’s attack. In September, the artist admitted that once there was a fight between him and Miss Choi. That same month, he formally apologized to Ms. Choi, after which she withdrew the accusation against him. In October, information appeared that the district police department, despite the withdrawal of all charges by the injured party, opened a criminal case against Hyun Joon. In January 2015, articles began to appear that the Seoul prosecutor's office had also brought charges against the artist. In February, it was revealed that Hyun Joon and Miss Choi were dating again and she was pregnant with his child. However, both the artist's agency and his ex-current girlfriend said that they do not intend to get married. There was also information that Miss Choi was previously pregnant with Hyun Joon's child, but lost the child due to a miscarriage. In May 2015, Hyun Joong stated that he denied Miss Choi had miscarried in the past. In the same month, after 2 delays, he went to military service to Army. In June on court hearing The parents have cast suspicion on Miss Choi's current pregnancy. Previously, they also asked her to visit a doctor together to confirm the pregnancy and obtain information about the development of the fetus, but Ms. Choi constantly postponed going to the hospital together. In July, Hyun Joong countersued Ms. Choi for defamation and allegations related to her pregnancy, and his lawyers also asked for a travel ban for Ms. Choi. That same month, Ms. Choi posted online to prove her accusations. intimate correspondence with Hyun Joon and made a statement that she broke up with Hyun Joon because of his cheating with a celebrity. After which, rumors appeared on the Internet that the third participant in this scandal could be actress Jin Se Yeon, with whom Hyun Joon starred in the series “Time of the Young.” The actress was furious at such unfounded statements addressed to her and on her page in social network asked not to involve her in this scandal, since she is not the celebrity in question, and she does not have a relationship with Hyun Joon. The actress's agency also threatened to take legal action against the "peddlers" of false rumors.

At noon on September 17, Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer Lee Jae Man held a press conference at his firm CheongPa, where he showed a letter from the singer himself, who this moment is on compulsory military service.

In his letter, Kim Hyun Joong sincerely apologizes and explains that the rumors about him refusing a paternity test are not true.

He writes: “I would like to apologize for all the stories that are circulating on the Internet. I'm terribly tired and I can imagine how hard this is for you. In order to avoid any misunderstanding, I thought it would be better if I said it in person."

Kim Hyun Joong mentioned his service, apologizing for not being able to properly say goodbye to everyone and becoming a “sinner.” “I have spent the past year under the public eye, but thanks to my instructors I am becoming more mature. I want to thank you and forgive me again.”

The singer also claims rumors in which Kim Hyun Joong allegedly refuses to take a paternity test. “I know that the baby’s due date was set for September 12th. I had no idea he was born in early September. I saw the news that the baby was born and I am supposedly avoiding a paternity test,” wrote Kim Hyun Joong, indicating that he had already prepared everything Required documents for a test and was just waiting to contact my ex or her parents.

“It's not because I doubted the child's existence,” the singer continued, “The reason I insist on the test is the opportunity to take legal responsibility for the child in any form. “I want to raise my child, but I also know that things cannot happen the way we want, this upsets me and therefore I can only say that I will fulfill my legal obligations.” "You may think I'm a hypocrite, but I will continue to fight for my child."

“Currently I have only been told the gender of the baby and nothing else. They constantly lie to me so I can't get close to the child. Although I am far away now, I will do anything for my child. They lie that they still don’t know the child’s blood type and therefore cannot tell me, but from my point of view this is complete nonsense. Do not tell such a simple thing as the blood type to the father of the child and thereby continue the court case. It’s true that I can’t help but think that there is only one motive here – money.”

Finishing the letter, he asked that information about the child not get into the media. “I hope you understand. See you again when I'm more mature."

Was born Kim Hyun Joong June 6, 1986 in Seoul, which South Korea. The actor's family consists of parents and an older brother. Since childhood, the guy's relatives and friends noticed his increased activity and energy. He was a versatile child, never stood still and always strived to achieve success in all his endeavors. Even at school, Kim showed good knowledge at mathematical Olympiads. He won and received awards for mental achievements more than once. From third grade Kim Hyun Joong started playing the guitar. Already at this time, teachers noted the guy’s talent and ability for music. Kim received his education in several educational institutions, among which:

  1. Hanyang Industrial High School;
  2. Kyonggi University;
  3. College of the Arts;

The singer's main specialty is Electronic Digital Music. Despite her successes in her career, studies and work, Kim is still improving. Since March 2011, he has been a student at Chungwoon University.

Talents and hobbies

Kim Hyun Joong plays the guitar and piano masterfully. In his free time, the artist attends dances and teaches acting. Some of Kim's favorite activities include:

  • swimming;
  • visiting the gym;
  • basketball;
  • soccer player

Personal life

Kim Hyun Joong is the idol of many young girls who not only listen to his music and watch films with his participation with bated breath, but also want to know everything about the star. Especially, fans are interested in the actor’s personal life, his preferences in girls and the duration of the relationship. Unfortunately, very little is known about the actor’s personal life, since he carefully hides his chosen ones.

Achievements in music

Kim Hyun Joong I found my calling in musical creativity, namely in rap. The rapper writes his songs in K-pop, J-Pop and the dance music genre. He was the leader and lead singer of the music group SS501. In 2007, as part of the group, the musician released a song performed solo called "Rize Up". The song was written and sung in Japanese. In 2009, another song by Kim, “Please Be Nice To Me,” was released as a solo performance, sounding on Korean. During the period from 2008 to 2012, with the participation of Kim, SS501 released 2 albums and 4 singles, including:

  1. Thank You - 2008 single;
  2. Break Down - mini-album 2008;
  3. Lucky - mini-album 2011;
  4. Marry Me / Marry You - single 2011;
  5. Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy - single 2012;
  6. Heat - single 2011.

Today Kim is studying solo career and is not a member of the group. The singer's debut solo album was "My Girl". And not so long ago, the world saw the singer’s second mini-album - “Escape”.


To date, the actor has taken part in 8 television series:

  1. Nonstop 5 - 2005;
  2. Is it possible to revive love? - 2005 year;
  3. Hotel owner - 2007;
  4. Spotlight - 2008;
  5. Boys Over Flowers - 2009;
  6. Mischievous kiss - 2010;
  7. Dream High - 2011;
  8. The era of feelings - 2014.

The drama brought fame and popularity to the actor. "Boys are more beautiful than flowers" (or "Boys over flowers"), released in 2009. In it, Kim played one of the main roles. In the series, his name was Yoon Ji Hoo.
The actor's last work was the series "The Age of Feelings" 2014. Despite the complexity of the stunts in this film, he himself performed all the tasks assigned by the director.

Prizes and awards

For his role in the series "Boys Over Flowers" at the Seoul's International Drama Awards Kim Hyun Joong received an award called "Best Actor". In addition, for his participation in this film at the 45th PaekSang Arts Awards, he won the category "Most Popular Actor". In addition to his acting achievements, Kim has awards as the most stylish Korean. It's impossible not to remember that Kim Hyun Joong is "icon" of style in Korea. His fashion example is emulated by many people in Korea.

All the monetary awards that Kim received throughout the years of his activity, which is 300 million won, he gave to his brother. The guy needed this money to pay for his studies in the USA. By today's standards, this is a significant amount of money, especially considering that Kim's parents are currently going through difficult financial times.

Kim Hyun Joong- this is a legendary man, whose achievements can be read more than once in glossy magazines and seen on the screen.
