Deadly poisonous plants table. vegetable poisons

Author V.I. Petrov, T.I. Revyako

The beginning of the study of plant poisons was laid by the German pharmacist Zertuner, when in 1803 he isolated morphine from opium. In subsequent decades, natural scientists and pharmacists isolated - primarily from exotic plants - more and more poisons. Since these poisons had the same basic character for all of them - they were similar to alkalis, they received the general name of alkaloids. All plant alkaloids have an effect on nervous system humans and animals: in small doses they act as a medicine, in larger doses they act as a deadly poison.

In 1818, Kavant and Peletier isolated the deadly strychnine from the emetic nut. In 1820, Desos found quinine in cinchona bark, and Runge found caffeine in coffee. In 1826, Giesecke discovered conii in hemlock. In 1828, Possel and Ryman isolated nicotine from tobacco, and Main in 1831 obtained atropine from belladonna.

Approximately two thousand different plant alkaloids were still waiting for their discovery - from cocaine, hyoscyamine, hyoscine and colchicine to aconitine. Some time passed until the first alkaloids made their way from still small laboratories and scientists' offices to doctors, chemists and pharmacists, and then to a wider circle of people. Of course, it turned out that at first it was doctors who used not only their healing, but also poisonous properties. But pretty soon these poisons ended up in completely different hands, which led to a constant increase in the number of murders and suicides committed with their help. However, each murder and suicide once again proved that plant poisons lead to death, leaving, unlike arsenic and other metal-mineral poisons, no traces in the body of the deceased that could be detected.

All plant poisons are soluble in both water and alcohol. In contrast, almost all substances human body- from proteins and fats to the cellulose of the contents of the stomach and intestines - they are not soluble either in water or in alcohol, or in both of them together. If you mix human organs (after they are crushed and turned into a pulp) or their contents with big amount alcohol, to which acid is added, then such acidified alcohol is able to penetrate into the mass of the material under study, dissolving plant poisons - alkaloids - and entering into compounds with them.

If you subject the slurry soaked in alcohol to filtration and let the alcohol drain, then it will take with it, in addition to sugar, mucus and other substances of the human body dissolved in alcohol, and poisonous alkaloids, leaving only those substances that are insoluble in it. If, however, this residue of substances is repeatedly mixed with fresh alcohol and the filtration is repeated until the alcohol no longer absorbs anything from it, but flows clean, then you can be sure that the vast majority of poisonous alkaloids found in the gruel from the crushed organs of the deceased , turned into alcohol. If you then evaporate the alcohol filtrate to a syrupy state, treat this syrup with water and filter the solution obtained in this way repeatedly, then those components will remain on the filter human body, which are insoluble in water, such as fat, etc., while alkaloids, due to their solubility in water, flow down with it.

In order to obtain even purer solutions of the desired poisons, free from "animal" substances, it is possible and necessary to evaporate the resulting aqueous extract repeatedly and re-treat with alcohol and water until a product is finally formed that will completely dissolve both in alcohol and in water. But this solution is still acidic, and the acid binds the plant alkaloids in it. If you add an alkalizing substance to it, say, caustic or caustic potash, the alkaloids will be released.

In order to lure "free" plant poisons from an alkaline solution, a solvent is required, which, when shaken with water, would form an emulsion for a while, and after settling, would again separate from the water. Ether is such a solvent. Ether is lighter than water, it mixes with it when shaken, and then separates from it again. But at the same time, the ether absorbs the plant alkaloids that have become free. Distilling the ether with great care, or letting it evaporate on a saucer, we will end up with an extract containing the alkaloid we are looking for, if, of course, it was contained in the solution at all.

By adding ammonia in the last phase and using chloroform and amyl alcohol instead of ether, the most important opium alkaloid, morphine, can also be isolated from the human body.

In the second quarter of the 20th century, as natural plant alkaloids were studied, artificial ones were created. synthetic products, similar both in their therapeutic and poisoning effect to plant alkaloids or even superior to them.

Known plant poisons have been supplemented by a real stream of "synthetic alkaloids". It intensified even more when, in 1937, the first antihistamines were released in France - artificial active substances against allergic diseases of all kinds - from asthma to skin rashes. In a few years their number exceeded two thousand, and of this number at least a few dozen quickly gained wide popularity as medicines.

Of the 300 thousand species of plants growing on the globe, about 700 can cause severe or fatal poisoning in humans.

The toxic properties of poisonous plants are associated with their active principles, which are presented as individual physically active substances, and a mixture of chemical compounds, between the gradients of which potentiation and summation of effects can occur.

The active toxic principle of poisonous plants are various compounds that are mainly related to alkaloids, glycosides, vegetable soaps (saponins), acids (hydrocyanic, oxalic), resins, hydrocarbons, etc.

According to the degree of toxicity, plants are divided into:

1. Poisonous: white acacia, elderberry, oak anemone, honeysuckle, May lily of the valley, buttercup, ivy, etc.

2. Strongly poisonous: foxglove, common oleander, broom, nightshade, etc.

3. Deadly poisonous: aconite, colchicum, black henbane, belladonna, poisonous milestones, wolf's bast, common dope, Cossack juniper, tick-borne, etc.

It is difficult to imagine how many mysteries the Russian land is fraught with, and how many dangers it is fraught with is even more difficult to imagine. We will talk about the most dangerous and poisonous plants growing in Russia.

In fact, plant poison, if collected in massive scale, could partly replace the chemical, biological weapons.. and simple weapons in some cases. There are stories when dedicated people used plant poisons for inhumane, selfish purposes, for example, eliminating the enemy.

IN Ancient Greece with the help of hemlock juice (a plant, which, by the way, is quite common in Russia), death sentences were carried out. Socrates, according to reports, was sent to the Other World with the help of hemlock juice, according to other sources - spotted hemlock. Both plants live safely in Russia.

As the legends say, earlier, during the capture of villages by enemies, the Russians, fleeing to save their lives, poured juices of poisonous plants stored in cellars into barrels of wine - belladonna, henbane, etc.

Many herbs have healing properties, but there are those that can bring not only healing, but also death. The paradox is that almost all poisonous plants are used for the preparation of medicines along with useful ones, only the raw materials are carefully dosed.

As they say (the words of Paracelsus, a brilliant physician of all times and peoples): "Only the dose makes a substance a poison or a medicine."

Very often, the juices and raw materials of poisonous plants are used to treat the heart, stop bleeding, and relieve pain.

As antidotes (naturally for mild poisoning, and not when a person convulses), they used potato juice (and also juices of various vegetables, berries: sorrel, currants, beets, cucumbers, cabbage, cranberries), beaten egg white with raw milk, powder from dried orchid tubers, valerian root, elecampane root.

In total, about 10 thousand poisonous plants are known in the world, a lot of them grow in the tropics, subtropics, but also on Russian land almost all the time there are flowers and greenery that, under certain conditions, can harm a person. It’s just that we don’t eat and take all the plants in our hands - this saves us from the consequences. However, when visiting the forest, especially with children, one should not forget how much danger can lurk among the grass, because it is children who often suffer from plant poisons.

Consider the most common poisonous plants in Russia.

In the photo, milestones are poisonous

Milestone poisonous (or hemlock)

“Veh poisonous (spelling and pronunciation of milestones is allowed) (lat. Cicúta virósa) - a poisonous plant; a species of the genus Vex of the Umbelliferae family, common in Europe.

Other names: hemlock, cat parsley, vyakha, omeg, omezhnik, water rabies, water hemlock, mutnik, dog angelica, gorigola, pig louse.

The active toxic substance is cicutoxin. When taking hemlock juice in non-lethal doses (up to 100 grams of rhizome), symptoms begin in a few minutes. intestinal poisoning, then - foam at the mouth, unsteady gait, dizziness. At higher doses, convulsions leading to paralysis and death.

It is easy to confuse hemlock with safer plants - this is its main danger. It tastes like parsley, rutabaga, celery, sweetish, cloying, which again makes hemlock harmless.

In Russia, it is found in nature almost everywhere. The most common-looking plant, which is very easy to confuse with a harmless one.

Pictured hemlock

hemlock spotted

“Spotted hemlock (lat. Conīum maculātum) is a biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the hemlock genus (Conium) of the Umbrella family (Apiaceae).

In Russia, it is found almost throughout the European part, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia.

Poisonous properties are determined by the alkaloids coniine (the most poisonous), methylconiine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin, conicein. Hemlock fruits contain up to 2% alkaloids, leaves - up to 0.1%, flowers - up to 0.24%, seeds - up to 2%.

Coniine is the most poisonous substance of hemlock, when taken in large doses, it first causes excitation and then stops breathing.

“The first symptoms of poisoning are nausea, salivation, dizziness, impaired swallowing, speech, blanching of the skin. The initial excitation is accompanied by convulsions and turns into depression of the central nervous system. Characteristic is ascending paralysis, starting with lower extremities accompanied by loss of skin sensitivity. The pupils are dilated and do not react to light. Increasing suffocation can lead to respiratory arrest. In contact with the skin, the juice causes dermatitis.

Antidote is milk with a solution of potassium permanganate - pink. In order to “die” a hemlock, you need to eat a lot - a couple of kilograms, there are known cases of the death of starving livestock. But the poisons isolated from the leaves and parts of the plant can be fatal in a much smaller volume.

However, hemlock is also used as a medicinal plant, it is considered almost sacred to traditional healers- they are treated for cancer, heart problems, etc.

Outwardly, it looks like a hemlock, there are spots on the stem, which is why it is named accordingly.

Pictured is a poisonous buttercup

Buttercup poisonous

“Poisonous buttercup (lat. Ranunculus sceleratus) is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant; species of the genus Buttercup (Ranunculus) of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). Very poisonous."

There are many species of buttercup, poisonous is similar to safer species.

Active toxic substances: gamma-lactones (ranunculin and protoanemonin), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, etc.).

There are known cases of animal poisoning, and the milk of cows that ate buttercups is also poisonous.

In humans, when gruel from parts of the plant gets on damaged skin, burns appear, and when it comes into contact with mucous membranes, sharp pain, spasms of the larynx. When taken orally in small doses, hemorrhagic lesions of the gastric tract occur. With more impressive doses and constant intoxication with poisons - violations of the heart, kidney damage, vasoconstriction.

On the photo is henbane


"Bellena (lat. Hyoscýamus) is a genus of herbaceous plants of the family Solanaceae (Solanaceae)."

Active toxic substances: atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine.

“Symptoms of poisoning (confusion, fever, palpitations, dry mouth, blurred vision, etc.) appear after 15-20 minutes.”

All parts of the plant are poisonous.

In the photo belladonna


This poisonous flower got its name from the formation of two Italian words " beautiful woman”(Bella donna), as the Italians put the juice of the plant in their eyes to dilate the pupils and make their eyes shine.

With mild poisoning (coming in 10-20 minutes), tachycardia, delirium, agitation begin, pupils dilate, photophobia. In severe poisoning - convulsions, heat, a fall blood pressure, paralysis of the respiratory center, vascular insufficiency.

Pictured raven eye

Crow's eye four leaf

“Crow’s eye four-leafed, or Crow’s eye ordinary (lat. Pāris quadrifōlia) is a species of herbaceous plants from the genus Crow’s eye of the Melantiev family (previously this genus belonged to the Lilein family). poisonous plant."

The plant is deadly poisonous. Often children suffer, because the berry is quite beautiful and attractive in appearance.

“The leaves act on the central nervous system, the fruits on the heart, the rhizomes cause vomiting. Symptoms of poisoning: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness attacks, convulsions, disruption of the heart until it stops. The use of the plant for medicinal purposes is prohibited.

In the photo castor bean

Castor bean

« Castor bean (Ricinus commúnis) is an oilseed, medicinal and ornamental garden plant. Used to decorate parks. According to sources, deaths from ingesting parts of the plant are rare, but the castor bean is considered a highly poisonous species.

Active toxic substances ricin, ricinin.

« All parts of the plant contain the protein ricin and the alkaloid ricinin and are poisonous to humans and animals (LD50 is about 500 mcg). Ingestion of plant seeds causes enteritis, vomiting and colic, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, disturbance of water and electrolyte balance and death after 5-7 days. Damage to health is irreparable, survivors cannot fully restore health, which is explained by the ability of ricin to irreversibly destroy proteins in human tissues. Inhalation of ricin powder similarly affects the lungs."

It is amazing that castor oil, so popular in medicine, is made from castor beans. To neutralize the poison, the raw materials are treated with hot steam.

Castor oil is considered one of the most poisonous plants in the world.

In the photo Chemeritsa Lobel

Hellebore Lobel

“Hemeritsa Lobelya, or Hellebore Lobelieva (lat. Verattrum lobeliánum) is a plant species of the genus Hellebore of the Melantiev family. Medicinal, poisonous, insecticidal plant.

Contains toxic substances alkaloids: yervin, rubyervin, isorubiyervin, germine, germidine, protoveratrin.

Hellebore is a very poisonous plant, its roots contain 5-6 alkaloids, of which the most poisonous protoveratrin, which is able to suppress the central nervous system, has a harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

If you use the plant inside, it starts to burn the throat, a severe runny nose appears, then psychomotor agitation, weakening of cardiac activity, hypotension, bradycardia, shock and death (when using high doses of root juice), usually consciousness persists until death occurs - at high concentrations of poison, death can come in a couple of hours.

In the photo dope

Datura common (stinky)

Poisonous substances: atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine.

“Symptoms of poisoning: motor agitation, sharp pupil dilation, redness of the face and neck, hoarseness, thirst, headache. Subsequently, speech impairment, coma, hallucinations, paralysis.

In the photo aconite

Aconite, or wrestler

One of the most poisonous plants. Extremely dangerous even when used externally.

The active toxic substances are aconitine, sonorine.

The taste is burning, immediately causes neurological disorders, including tachycardia, tremor of the limbs, dilated pupils, headache. Then convulsions, clouding of consciousness, delirium, respiratory failure, if no help is provided - death.

Pictured wolfberry

Wolf bast, or wolf berry

For a fatal outcome, according to information from medical sources, it is enough for an adult to consume 15 berries, for a child 5. Causes severe poisoning, death if no help is provided.

Active toxic substances: diterpenoids: daphnetoxin, meserein; coumarins - daphnin, daphnetin.

In the photo, rosemary

Ledum marsh

The active toxic substances are ledol, cymol, palustrol, arbutin.

Negatively affects the central nervous system.

“Symptoms: dry mouth, numbness of the tongue, speech disturbance, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, impaired coordination of movements, clouding of consciousness, increased or decreased pulse, convulsions, agitation, CNS paralysis is possible after 30–120 minutes.”

In small doses, it is used as a medicine for lung diseases.

In the photo autumn colchicum

Colchicum autumn

In parts of the flower is a deadly poison - colchicine, which acts like arsenic. The process of damage to the body can take up to several days and weeks. Even if it comes into contact with the skin, the poison causes severe burns.

Pictured is an oleander


In Russia, the plant is found mainly in decorative growing form in offices and apartments. Beautiful, but very poisonous shrub.

“Oleander juice, taken orally, causes severe colic in humans and animals, vomiting and diarrhea, and then leads to serious problems in the activity of the heart and central nervous system. The cardiac glycosides contained in it can cause cardiac arrest. Due to the poisonousness of the plant, it is not recommended to place it in children's institutions.

In the photo dieffenbachia


Widespread in Russia indoor plant. Mainly causes dermatitis. However, deaths have also been reported from ingestion of the plant's juice.

Plants such as sweet clover, tansy, lily of the valley, wormwood, sage are less toxic than, for example, aconites, however, in large doses and with constant intake, they can cause irreversible damage to the body.

For example, lily of the valley juice affects the heart muscle, sage and wormwood contain substances that can cause psychosis, tansy is very toxic when taken in large doses. Sweet clover contains the poison coumarin, dicoumarin, when taken in large doses, it prevents blood clotting and causes bleeding.

Cerberus is also grown in Russia - one of the most beautiful flowers with a jasmine scent. True, only in a decorative form, on the windowsills. In hot countries, this plant is called the "suicide tree": in parts of the flower there is an extremely dangerous poison cerberin - a glycoside, it blocks the conduction of electrical impulses, disrupts the heart rhythm. Even the smoke from burning the leaves of the plant is dangerous.

In ancient times, when there were no pistols and modern technologies, to eliminate enemies with might and main used natural poisons. They lubricated the arrowheads of the bow with the juice of poisonous plants, which guaranteed the death of the enemy, they actively used the same aconite.

Poisonous plants in Russia actually grow everywhere. Their danger is mainly not that they grow everywhere - after all, people do not eat them en masse, but that they are similar to others, edible, and that many are beautiful: for example, they are simply confused with useful plants, which fraught.

Nature, unfortunately, is fraught with not only joy, but also danger. There are many poisonous plants in the forest, in the field, in the meadow. Not knowing about their existence or not being able to distinguish an edible berry from an inedible one, you can get poisoned. The most frequent poisoning in children is precisely because of their greater inexperience, as well as the habit of many to drag everything that comes to hand into their mouths. Sometimes children eat poisonous berries or seeds of plants that attract them with their appearance, bright colors. This article contains titles, description and photo the most common poisonous plants in Russia. Knowing dangerous plants “by sight”, you can protect yourself from the risk of poisoning. The information will also help write a memo "Signs of poisonous plants" by doing homework in 4th grade on the subject "Environment".

List of poisonous plants in Russia

Names of the most common:

  1. Belladonna (beauty),
  2. henbane black,
  3. hemlock spotted,
  4. Milestone poisonous (hemlock),
  5. wolf ordinary (wolf's bast),
  6. raven eye,
  7. Datura ordinary,
  8. May lily of the valley,
  9. Buttercup caustic (night blindness),
  10. doll,
  11. Aconite (wrestler)
  12. wild rosemary,
  13. calla,
  14. Yellow acacia.

Reminder Pictures

Description of some of them (with photo)


The most severe poisoning causes henbane. Mistaking its seeds for poppies, the children, playing, make “porridge” from it, feed each other with it. Black henbane is a widespread weed that grows along roads, in household plots, and in yards. The plant has a thick, branched stem, it is covered with thin sticky hairs, and emits an unpleasant odor. Dirty yellow flowers with purple veins. The fruit that usually attracts children is a jug-shaped two-nested box filled with small brownish-gray and black seeds. Henbane contains potent alkaloids, toxic substances that affect the central nervous system. It is enough to swallow 10-15 seeds to get sick.

Symptoms of poisoning appear after 40 minutes - an hour. The excited state of the children is striking: they rush about, run, scream (hence the expression “henbane overeat”). The face and neck are reddened, the pupils are wide, the eyes are shining. The lips and mucous membranes of the mouth are dry. A sharp excitation is replaced by depression of the nervous system.

Belladonna (Belladonna)

A poisoning of a similar nature occurs with the use of belladonna (Belladonna, sleepy dope). This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a branched stem and flowers - brown-violet, less often yellow bells. Belladonna grows in forests, ditches, along river banks. Children are tempted by its berries - black, shiny, the size of a large pea.

raven eye

In terms of the shape and color of the fruit, belladonna resembles the "crow's eye" - a very poisonous plant that usually grows in forests. All parts of this plant are poisonous, but especially the berry is black, shiny, located in the center of a four-leafed whorl. It ripens at the same time as blueberries. Children who have never seen blueberries often mistake the "crow's eye" for it.

Lily of the valley

And the well-known elegant lily of the valley is not at all such a harmless plant as it seems at first glance. The one who tastes its leaves, stems and berries, especially the berries - very beautiful, red, juicy, pea-sized, beautifully hanging from the stem - is bad. Even the water in which the flowers of the lily of the valley were standing causes a serious condition.

Veh poisonous

Along the banks of rivers and lakes, in damp swampy places, there is a “poisonous milestone” - a plant reminiscent of parsley in smell. Its flower looks like an umbrella, consisting of white small flowers collected in small umbrellas. The stem is hollow, expanding downwards. The rhizome is thick, in appearance it also resembles parsley. The poisonous part of the plant is the rhizome, divided inside. on the cavity and containing a very poisonous yellowish resin - cicutotoxin. Children, playing near water bodies, often dig up roots and chew them. After a few minutes, they complain of a burning sensation in the mouth, nausea, and severe pain in the stomach.

yellow acacia

The yellow acacia is widespread. You should know that small pods, from which children like to make whistles, are filled with poisonous seeds. Poisoning with this "pea" can be serious.

The fruits of poisonous plants can enter the body in different ways. So, children love to shoot from tubes. Having collected a mouthful of berries (no matter what, as long as they slip through the tube), the children enthusiastically shoot them. But among the berries can be poisonous. Even single fruits crushed in the mouth or accidentally swallowed can cause poisoning.

First aid for poisonous plant poisoning

What to do if the child was poisoned or there is a suspicion that he ate poisonous plants:

  1. First of all, the immediate intervention of a doctor is necessary. Medical assistance must be provided immediately! And the sooner it is provided, the less the danger of a severe outcome.
  2. Before the doctor arrives, we must try to help the child ourselves, to remove the poison from the body as soon as possible. Try to support or induce vomiting. Cleanse your child's intestines.
  3. Put the child to bed, put heating pads on the legs and arms.
  4. The antidote that the doctor will use is different for different poisons. Therefore, before the doctor arrives, try to find out which plant could cause poisoning. Maybe the name of the poisonous plant will be told by the child's friends with whom he played.
  5. What poisonous plants grow nearby? Examine the clothes - berries or pieces of the plant may remain in the pockets. Eaten seeds or berries may also be vomited.

There are about 300,000 plant species on the globe. More than 700 of them can cause acute poisoning. A significant part of poisonous plants are also found in our republic.

The toxicity of plant poisons is different. The possibility of using some of these poisons for military purposes is not ruled out, since in their toxic properties they are tens and hundreds of times superior to all known and most toxic poisonous substances.

According to the views of US and British military experts, among the toxins of plant origin, ricin can have the greatest military significance, which in its toxic properties significantly exceeds nerve agents.

Poisoning with poisons of plant origin quite often occurs in Everyday life from the consumption of plants as food. This usually happens during the warm season. When eating unfamiliar plants or unknown mushrooms, especially by children younger age who are attracted by the beautiful view and bright color inedible berries and plants. Poisoning by poisonous plants occurs in various ways. In most cases, when using certain parts of plants, fruits, seeds, leaves, the toxicity of which is not known. Most often, poisoning occurs when poisonous plants are consumed, similar in their morphological features to non-poisonous ones (henbane seeds are similar to poppy seeds, crow's eye fruits are similar to blueberries, etc.). Contact with the bark or flowers of some plants (wolf's bast, caustic buttercup, cow parsnip) causes severe burns. Enough common cause acute poisoning with plant poisons can be the use of tinctures and decoctions of herbs for the purpose of self-treatment.

There are actually poisonous plants and cultivated plants, which poisoning is possible due to changes in their chemical composition or damage by fungi if stored improperly. For example, grain, potatoes that have overwintered in the field become poisonous.

Poisonous plants are those whose contact with or ingestion, even in small quantities, causes a health disorder. There are actually poisonous plants, for which toxicity is a permanent or temporary sign of their normal development, characteristic of the species and genus. There are plants that have a toxic effect in the presence of specific conditions. All plants for which poisonousness is a random sign, and occurs due to various circumstances, are conditionally poisonous plants.

Various chemical compounds serve as the active toxic principle of poisonous plants. which belong mainly to alkaloids, vegetable soaps (saponins), glycosides, acids (hydrocyanic, oxalic), resins, hydrocarbons, etc.

Alkaloids are complex organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Their salts are soluble in water and quickly absorbed in the stomach and intestines.

Glycosides easily break down into a carbohydrate (sugar) part and several other toxic substances.

Classification of poisonous plants according to the primary damage to organs and systems

Poisonous plants, the most common in the Republic of Belarus in terms of predominant damage to body systems, can be divided into the following groups:

I. Plants causing predominant damage to the nervous system

1. Aconite (borea, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root) - neurotoxic (curare-like), cardiotoxic effect.

2. Belen - cholinolytic syndrome.

3. Belladonna (Belladonna) - cholinolytic syndrome.

4. Spotted headaches (spotted omega) - nicotine-like syndrome.

5. Cicuta (poisonous milestone, water hemlock, water omega) - nicotine-like syndrome.

6. Datura - cholinolytic syndrome (causes mental disorders in the form of intoxication psychosis with a sharp psychomotor agitation, turning into a state of stunning or coma).

7. Indian hemp (hashish, plan, marijuana, marijuana) - psychotropic action.

8. Tobacco - neurotoxic effect.

9. Celandine - psychotropic action.

10. Chilibukha (emetic nut).

11. Grape seed - neurotoxic effect.

12. Horsetail - nicotine-like syndrome.

II Plants that cause predominant damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

13. Colchicum

14. Wolf's bast

15. Castor oil (Turkish hemp, castor oil)

16. Buckthorn

17. Euphorbia

18. Nightshade.

III. Plants that cause predominantly heart damage

19. Lily of the valley

20. Foxglove

21. Hellebore

22. Adonis.

IV. Plants that cause predominantly liver damage

(cause jaundice, hemorrhagic rashes on the skin, liver enlargement)

23. Heliotrope

24. Gorchak pink

25. Cross.

V. Plants predominantly causing skin lesions

26. Hogweed

27. Nettle.

Also, skin lesions cause wolf's bast, caustic ranunculus, spotted hemlock.

Many poisonous plants that have a toxic effect on several organs or body systems simultaneously:

A) on the central nervous system and heart - aconite;

b) heart and gastrointestinal tract - hellebore, foxglove;

V) liver and kidneys - heliotrope, cross;

G) on the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system - bittersweet nightshade, wolf's bast, etc.

The most common poisonous plants growing in Belarus are: henbane, hemlock, wolf's bast, dope, nightshade, hemlock, hemlock, hellebore, poisonous ranunculus.

As mentioned above, overwintered in the field or sprouted and green potatoes can become toxic, in which a lot of corned beef alkaloids are formed, causing severe dyspeptic disorders. Similar phenomena develop when eating raw beans, mainly white, as well as raw beech nuts. Honey collected by bees from plants that have poisonous pollen, such as wild rosemary, can become toxic. Such honey causes fever, vomiting, diarrhea.

Depending on the toxicity, plant poisons are divided into:

1. Particularly toxic - aconite, ricin, phalloidin (lethal dose upon admission per os up to 0.001 g)

2. Highly toxic - anabazine, atropine, verotrin, nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, cicutotoxin (lethal dose upon admission re os 0.001 - 0.05 g).

3. Highly toxic - strychnine (lethal dose 0.05-2 g upon admission per os).

4. Toxic - caffeine, ergot, quinine (lethal dose 2.0 - 20.0 g upon admission per os).

The toxicity of poisonous plants can change dramatically depending on the stage of their development, local ecological, climatic, soil, and other conditions.

The sensitivity of humans and animals to the action of poison is different. A horse and a dog tolerate 10 times, a dove 100 times, a frog 1000 times greater doses of opium alkaloids than a person (per 1 kg of body weight).

Let's say right away - this is not a poisoning manual - this is information about which plants and which parts of them are poisonous and where you can meet them. It is designed to protect you and your loved ones, especially children from accidents.

No one is safe from meeting with poisonous plants, you can encounter them not only in the wild, but also in your own dacha, and it will be no coincidence that poisoners have sneaked in - you can plant harmful and deadly poisonous pets on the site with your own hands, without even knowing it.

From a practical point of view, it is not the strength of the poison that matters, but how real the possibility of it getting into the body is.

With some deadly plants, an encounter in the garden is simply unlikely.

Where can poisonous plants grow?

So, henbane usually grows in wastelands, hemlock (veh) and hemlock- in reservoirs, only collectors grow belladonna. And the terrible aconite, although not uncommon in gardens, is also not dangerous: it is unappetizing in appearance, and even a small child would not think of eating it, much less digging up roots for this.

But the most common potato has many victims. It is enough to eat green tubers - and you're done. They can accumulate up to 700 mg of alkaloids per 1 kg, and a dose of 400 mg is considered lethal for an adult.

They are also pickled with its green berries, and at the same time with unripe fruits of related vegetables - eggplant, physalis, black nightshade and red, even green tomatoes should not be abused, at least in its raw form.

Except side effects food crops, the resemblance of poisoners to food plants becomes a common cause of accidents. According to statistics, children under 6 years of age predominate among the victims. What attracts them? First of all, berries, which are always associated with food.

Fortunately, most harmful berries, although they look tempting, taste disgusting, which makes it difficult to eat a large toxic dose. A dozen berries will only cause indigestion. Dangerous fruits of most species honeysuckle, snowberry, asparagus, red elderberry, joster and buckthorn, privet, euonymus and, finally, the destructive power of which is greatly exaggerated.

The cardiac glycosides of lily of the valley are poorly absorbed in the intestines and may not have a strong effect when swallowed. Where bright red fruits will affect arizema or aronika.

Their juice immediately causes pain and swelling of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and esophagus, which makes breathing difficult.

You should not rely on chance, and if there are small children in the house, it is better not to grow such especially dangerous plants. They can also be counted moonseed, stepping stone, raven eye, and especially often poisoned by the magnificent lakonos. Although its berries cause a burning sensation in the mouth, this does not always stop children, and a handful is enough to cause convulsions, upset stomach and vision. Serious harm is caused by the fruits, wolfberry And .

They are especially insidious, their mature pulp is completely harmless, but the seeds contained in it are toxic and infect the body when chewed. Some are happy to eat sweet seedlings yew, but who can guarantee that the deadly seed will not fall on the tooth?

They are poisoned not only with berries, but also with dry fruits, reminiscent of such tasty nuts and peas. beans yellow acacia, lupine, ornamental beans , hyacinth bean are unpleasant for many, but, as you know, the taste and color ...

eaten in in large numbers, they will cause serious problems: clouding of consciousness, convulsions, suffocation. However, the most dangerous - plants in this group - castor bean And .

Already three castor seeds cause symptoms of poisoning, six are fatal for children, and 20 for an adult. Treatment for such poisoning is difficult and lengthy.

horse chestnut very bitter and you can't eat much of it, but one nut is enough to cause painful indigestion. A large dose will lead to disruption of the nervous system.

Adults can also be caught on the resemblance of plants, and bulbs that mimic onion: daffodils, hyacinths, colchicum.

The worst poisoning colchicum leading to a painful, protracted illness that can end in paralysis. Therefore, the symptoms that appear immediately - numbness of the lips, tongue and throat - should alert and force you to postpone food.

In colchicum, not only the bulb is poisonous: a portion of salad from its leaves can be fatal. Such cases are known and the reason for them is the similarity of the leaves of this plant with wild garlic.

You need to take a closer look at fragrant herbs from umbellate. Among the parsley and dill, weeds can hemlock, buten stupefying and kokorysh. They act no worse than the popular hemlock and eating them can end badly - paralysis and suffocation.

They are distinguished by an unpleasant smell (hemlock, kokorysh) or its complete absence (buten), purple spots and bristles on the stem, which do not exist in food herbs.

The appetizing whorls of ferns can entice those who have heard that they are eaten. However, there is, and then little by little, you can only bracken, and shieldmen and nomads contain neurotoxins that remain even after cooking.

You have to be vigilant in the garden at all times. The frivolous habit of chewing twigs can lead to stomach problems if a twig comes across yew, boxwood, thuja, already mentioned privet and wolfberry.

A special group is made up of plants whose juice causes damage to the skin, mucous membranes and is dangerous if it gets into the eyes. Cut them carefully, and do not rub your eyes with your hands stained with juice.

The milky sap of many plants is directly irritating, for example milkweed, milkweed, molokan, celandine.

Indirectly, increasing the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and provoking burns, the juice of the famous hogweed Sosnowski and handsome ash. At the same time, allergic dermatitis is often attached as a bonus. And on especially hot sunny days, you can also suffer from garden friends in the same way: lovage, parsley, rue, celery.

✓ Note:

A hastily assembled salad may contain other random ingredients that, although not lethal, will provide a few unpleasant hours. Among them are ordinary garden plants: aquilegia, anemones and other buttercups, as well as irises, hellebore, sedum.

First aid for poisoning with an unknown plant

The methods used to cleanse the body, like antidotes, depend on which plant caused the poisoning, which is not always known, especially in cases with children.

Inappropriate means will not help, and even aggravate the action of toxins, so we will limit ourselves to the most general information about first aid for mild disorders of the digestive system.

If the victim's breathing, heartbeat are disturbed, fainting and paralysis begin, then an urgent need to consult a doctor, without wasting time on amateur performance.

First of all, you should quickly clear the stomach, because after 1 - 2 hours any poison enters the bloodstream.

For this, the victim is given plenty of warm, salty (3 teaspoons of salt per glass), water and induce vomiting. This method is not recommended for general weakness, fainting and convulsions, as the patient may suffocate. It is useful to give laxatives, such as vaseline oil.

Antidotes are given after cleansing the stomach. Activated charcoal is universal, but it is effective only in the first 30 minutes after poisoning. In many cases, potassium permanganate will help in the form of a 0.1% solution. It can be used for poisoning with henbane, hemlock and milestone. Such popular remedies as egg white or strong tea help only in specific cases, and milk will even harm with fat-soluble poisons (ferns).

If, after cleaning the stomach, the victim feels tolerable, then, having taken activated charcoal, he can limit himself to rest and a glass of strong tea. But do not lose vigilance: in some cases (for example, with yew and castor beans), symptoms may appear a day after poisoning.

If the juice of hogweed and the like gets on the skin, it is urgently washed off with soap and water and a sunscreen bandage is applied. If the irritation has already begun, then it is washed with an antiseptic and a bandage is applied with hydrocortisone ointment or anesthesin. If the juice gets into the eyes, then after thorough rinsing, black glasses are worn for at least a week.

Note: Beware of poison!

The gardener should familiarize all ignorant households and guests with potentially dangerous plants. planting material, especially bulbs that like to be kept in the refrigerator with food, should be provided with a warning label. In the garden, food crops are best grown separately from ornamental ones, and if you want to decorate the garden, then choose safe plants for this.

List of poisonous plants that can be found in the garden

Aquilegia(Aquilegia) All parts of the plant
Aconite (aconite) All parts of the plant
Arizema (Arisaema Fruit
Eggplant (Solanum melongena) unripe fruits
Colchicum(colchicum) bulbs and leaves
Henbane(hyoscyamus) All parts of the plant
Belladonna(Atropa belladonna) All parts of the plant
Euonymus(Euonymus) Fruit
Privet(Ligustrum) Fruits, bark and leaves
hemlock(conium) All parts of the plant are poisonous
Hogweed Sosnovsky(Heracleum sosnowskyi) Juice causes burns
elderberry red(Sambucus racemosa) Fruit
Buten is stupefying(Chaerophyllumtemulum) All parts of the plant
Vatochnik(Asclepias) Juice
Anemone(Anemone) All parts of the plant
Daphne(Daphne) Fruits, korai leaves
raven eye(Paris) Fruit
Hyacinth(Hyacinthus) bulbs
hyacinth bean(Dolichos label) fruits in abundance
yellow acacia(Caragana arborescens) fruits in abundance
Honeysuckleordinary(Loniceraxylosteum) fruits in abundance
Joster (Rhamnus) Fruit
Iris(iris) Leaves
Potato(Solanum tuberosum) Green tubers, berries
castor oil(Ricinus communis) Fruits and seeds
Kokorysh(Aethusa cynapium) ground part of the plant
horse chestnut (Aesculus) Fruit
kochedyzhnik(Athyrium) All parts of the plant
Buckthorn brittle(Frangula alnus) Fruits and bark
Lakonos (Phytolacca) Fruit
Lily of the valley (Convallaria) Fruit
Moonseed(Menispermum) Fruit
Lovage (Levisticum) Juice
Lupine(Lupinus) Poisonous fruits in large quantities
Molokan (Lactuca) Juice
Euphorbia (Euphorbia) Juice
Narcissus (Narcissus) bulbs
Omezhnik water(Oenanthe aquatica) All parts of the plant
stonecrop(Sedum acre) Juice
Nightshade red and p. black (solanum) unripe fruits
Stepping stone (Bryonia) Fruit
podophyll(Podophyllum) Fruit
Ruta Juice
Boxwood (Buxus) Ground part
Snowberry(Symphoricarpos) fruits in abundance
Asparagus (Asparagus) Fruit
Tiss(taxus) Ground part and seeds (pulp is harmless)
Thuja Bark and needles
Decorative beans(Phaseolus) fruits in abundance
Physalis (Physalis) unripe fruits
Cicuta (veh)(Cicuta)
Hellebore (Veratrum) All parts of the plant
Celandine (Chelidonium) Juice
Shield(Dryopteris) All parts of the plant, especially the rhizome
Ash tree (Dictamnus) Juice

Released strictly according to the recipe!

Since ancient times, the medical truth has been known: “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose. Among garden plants used in traditional medicine, many poisonous. In the hands of an experienced herbalist, they will be useful, but the difference between curative and dangerous doses is very small. Therefore, in no case should they be used for self-treatment. Here are some of these plants.


In old reference books, digitalis purpurea is often mentioned as a remedy for tachycardia and heart failure. True, one of the main active ingredients - digitoxin - is very poisonous. It was believed that a safe dosage could be found. However, later it turned out that digitoxin can accumulate in the body, which ultimately can lead to an overdose. Therefore, digitalis extracts are now included only in the composition of potent drugs that are used under strict control.


This is another well-known remedy "from the heart." But with such heart diseases as cardiosclerosis, endocarditis and some other preparations of lily of the valley will only lead to a rapid deterioration in the condition. Also, tinctures of leaves and flowers of lily of the valley are recommended for neurosis, insomnia, epilepsy, glaucoma, but the slightest non-compliance with the dosage leads to severe poisoning.


Some time ago, Caucasian hellebore became a fashionable remedy for weight loss, as well as cleansing and general healing of the body. But this plant actually has an irritating effect on the intestines. So to lose weight, maybe it will work out, but to get healthier - big question. Hellebore poisons, like digitalis, accumulate in the body and, if taken for a long time, can lead to dangerous consequences.


Aconite blue and variegated occasionally found in flower beds. The plant is quite elegant, a bit like a delphinium, but all its parts are highly poisonous. In ancient times, the tips of spears and arrows, sword blades were smeared with aconite juice. Various sources recommend the use of aconite preparations for injuries, pains, as well as very serious diseases, up to tuberculosis and oncology. Although the slightest carelessness in application may not speed up recovery, but cause the opposite effect.


This plant not only looks like aconite, they are "relatives", both belong to the buttercup family, generally famous for their poisonous "abilities". As ornamental plant the delphinium does not pose much harm, but it should not be used for the treatment of the liver, kidneys, and even more so malignant tumors without the supervision of a doctor.


Rudbeckia purpurea, or echinacea, is grown in flower beds, and is also used to restore the body after long-term use of drugs, in the treatment of non-healing wounds and burns. However, it is contraindicated in autoimmune diseases and is incompatible with many drugs.


Colchicum autumn is very similar to spring crocuses, but blooms in autumn. Even a colchicum transplant must be carried out with gloves so as not to get burned. The poison colchicine, which accumulates in all parts of the plant, kills like arsenic. So do not try to treat them yourself for rheumatism, gout, kidney disease.

castor bean

This unusual plant fell in love with flower growers for its size and spectacular carved leaves. The famous castor oil is squeezed out of castor bean seeds, which is widely used in cosmetology and for constipation. Purified industrial oil will not cause much harm. But direct use Seeds and fruits of castor beans are very dangerous, since the poisons they contain are not inferior in strength to cyanides. Do not make decorations from castor beans, do not let children play with them!

More than once I had to see the picture: Small child, once in the country, he picks off the flower he likes and pulls it to his face - either to sniff 4, or to try “by the tooth”, For some, this picture is touching, but if you know how dangerous our green friends are, then it’s time to beat anxiety! At the very least, it would be useful to have information about plants that threaten the health of not only children, but also adults.

The very name of this flower, common in nature, speaks of its evil force- fierce! Another name for a small plant with yellow flowers is night blindness. It is not accidental: ranunculus juice causes eye irritation up to temporary loss of vision. When it enters the digestive tract, there are pains in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases, convulsions and even clouding of consciousness.

All this applies to the greatest extent to wild plant species. And it seems that if weed control is carried out on the site, then there is no danger? But this is not so: there are species of buttercups (ranunculus) that are specially bred in gardens. Their flowers - simple or double - may look like

live on peonies, poppies and even roses. And although they are less toxic than their wild relatives, these plants can also cause trouble, especially for children.


The desire to have the earliest flowers on the site, which throw out their white bells already at the end of March, must be commensurate with the possibility of poisoning by this plant. Where there are small children, it is better not to plant it at all. All parts of the plant, especially bulbs and fruits, are poisonous. Symptoms of poisoning: profuse salivation, rare heartbeat and dizziness. In large doses (it is enough for a child to eat a few onions), it causes nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, hair loss, bleeding disorders and kidney damage.

This graceful fragrant flower can be found in almost any garden plot, which cannot but cause alarm. Toxic substances are found in almost all parts of the plant, the concentration of poison in red fruits, which are of interest to children, is especially high. Attempts to try such berries end with bouts of nausea, alternating with vomiting, pain in the abdomen, weakness, slowing of the heartbeat, lowering blood pressure, clouding of consciousness, and in severe cases, cardiac arrest.

Lily of the valley poisoning can also occur during treatment with drugs based on this plant. Therefore, you should never deviate from the dosage prescribed by the doctor!


In autumn, another danger may lie in wait in the garden in the form of delicate lilac colchicum flowers. All parts of this plant are poisonous, but especially the bulbs and seeds. Only 6 g of a plant can cause the death of an adult, and for a child, the lethal dose is only 1.5-2 g.

In case of poisoning, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, watery or bloody diarrhea, a burning sensation in the throat, a decrease in blood pressure, a weak pulse, a decrease in body temperature, weakening of breathing until it stops are observed.

Better play it safe

Elderberry, aconite, foxglove, castor bean, wolf's bast, belladonna are also poisonous. It is unlikely that we will be able to protect fidget children from them. This means that it is better to play it safe and not only not to plant them on the site, but also to prevent their penetration from wildlife.

Not herbs, but POISON!

Please note: apple and apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, medicinal herbs like belladonna, lily of the valley or foxglove can easily kill if you exceed the dose or use the wrong part of them. But there are also fly agarics, grebes, henbane, wolf's bast and other poison! Try to miss her this summer ... However, first things first.

Insidious FOXGLOVE.

What a garden without purple foxglove! This very unpretentious and long-flowering plant is very popular with gardeners. Not only is it beautiful, it is also healing: it helps with heart ailments! Just do not try to be treated with foxglove, if suddenly your heart seizes, and there are no pills from it at hand.

Even the Roman physician Galen, who lived in the 2nd century, liked to repeat that any plant can be both poison and medicine - it's all about the dose. So, in foxglove, the threshold of "poisonousness" is very low. In its 4,000 years of use in medicine, it has known both universal acceptance and periods of neglect caused by fears of the unpredictability of its action. All parts of foxglove are poisonous: only leaves are used for treatment, and even then not any, but plants collected in the first year of life and dried in a special way.

When poisoned by it, the pulse slows down, there is a feeling of interruptions in the heart (extrasystoles), flies flash before the eyes, it hurts and the head is spinning - up to fainting, blood drains from the face, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance, and while she is driving, rinse the stomach and take activated charcoal dissolved in water (one tablet per 1 kg of weight): it will bind the excess of cardiac glycosides that disrupt the heart. After that, you need to take a laxative: it will help the intestines get rid of toxins and reduce the severity of poisoning. With a decrease in pressure, you can drink coffee or strong tea with sugar.

May Maya. How beautiful is the MAY LILY OF THE VALLEY! And also known for a long time medicinal properties. About his tincture in Rus' they wrote that it is "more expensive than gold and worthy of all ailments."

But at the same time, the lily of the valley is deadly poisonous: all parts of the plant are toxic, but especially the flowers and red berries that ripen in summer. Adults are unlikely to feast on them, but children pull these bright balls into their mouths, “earning” poisoning with cardiac glycosides with the same symptoms as with digitalis intoxication, and the help is the same, but it would be better for none of your loved ones needed!

Crazy cherry. So in the old days they called belladonna - BELLADONNA ORDINARY. And they also called it a mad berry, sleepy dope and magic grass. Why magic is not difficult to understand! In the old days, Italian women put belladonna juice in their eyes to make them sparkle, and the pupils dilated and became bottomless.

They rubbed the cheeks with berries to make them redden. As a result, any ugly woman turned out to be a beautiful woman - in Italian “belladonna”. And in Rus', the belladonna was nicknamed the rabid, because the atropine contained in the plant causes strong emotional and motor excitement, reaching rabies, and sometimes convulsions.

Poison panicle. This powerful and juicy perennial grass blooms for the first time on the 15th year of life, and lives up to 50 years literally everywhere - from the tundra to the subtropics! Her stem is thick and tall - up to 1.5 meters, decorated with several large oval, as if corrugated leaves and panicles of small white, yellow-green or dark purple flowers. Ego CHEMERITSA is a representative of the Melantiev family, close

[ideological. The plant is very poisonous and should be handled

carefully. Hellebore poisoning causes severe agitation, perspiration, increased salivation, vomiting, slow pulse, weakness and convulsions. At the first such signs, it is necessary to act, as in the case of foxglove.

Interestingly, hellebore is not deadly poisonous for everyone. In the Altai mountains, wild deer and spotted deer feast on it without any health consequences.

In small doses, hellebore can also be a medicine, but not for internal use! Tinctures, decoctions and ointments from its rhizomes are used as an external analgesic for neuralgia, skin diseases and for wound healing, and the powder from the rhizomes is used to kill insects. However, a specialist should prepare these funds. The rest is better to admire this beautiful poisoner from a distance.

Umbrella with a trick. A familiar story: we went to the forest, and returned with burns on our legs? The reason for this is hogweed - a plant of the umbrella family. In central Russia, there are three of its species. A medium-sized plant - Siberian hogweed - can often be found in meadows and along roadsides. It has wide lobes of dissected leaves and yellow-green flowers in complex umbels. Siberian hogweed is completely harmless, it is even used as food (as a seasoning for borscht).

Burns can be caused by two other species of this plant - Sosnowsky's hogweed and Mantegazzi's hogweed, which, however, is very rare. These are perennial rhizomes herbaceous plants up to three meters high with thick stems and petioles of leaves and a huge (up to a meter in diameter) complex umbrella of white flowers. They bloom in July-August, bear fruit in September.

Why does contact with it cause burns? Yes, it’s just that hogweed juice contains furocoumarins - chemical compounds that have photo-enhancing properties, that is, the ability to increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. A few hours after exposure to open areas of the body of hogweed juice under the action of sunlight, a burn will occur: the skin will turn red and blister. How severe her defeat will be depends on how much juice splashed onto the affected area, how long this place was exposed to solar insolation and whether it was hot, whether sweat appeared on the skin. If it was wet (from sweat, after swimming in a pond), furocoumarins penetrate the skin faster, and the toxic reaction is more severe.

Rinse off the juice on the skin immediately with water and hide in the shade. Apply a sterile bandage to the affected area and consult a doctor. If this is not possible, do not self-medicate and, most importantly, in no case pierce the bubbles! After 2-5 days, the burn will pass by itself, and in its place a brown pigmented spot will form, which can last from a month to a year.

One flower, two flowers

Some people react with a burn not only to hogweed juice, but also to sandalwood oil, St.

And nettle, for example, does not even need the sun to make the skin of any person blister, because experts consider its juice an obligate poison, that is, one that is dangerous for everyone. In addition to nettle, obligate skin irritants that cause burn-type dermatitis include acrid ranunculus, spurge, poison star anise, ash and croton.

There are also optional skin poisons that threaten dermatitis not for everyone without exception, like nettles, but only for those people who are sensitized to them, that is, they have developed an allergy. This is a favorite country primrose - primrose, as well as poisonous sumac, geranium, rhododendron, garlic and figs. Well, let's say that figs do not grow in the middle lane, but our gardeners grow primrose in large quantities, and it can turn out to be poison for them. Toxic contact dermatitis is only caused by decorative varieties of this plant - indoor and Chinese primrose. At the same time, not only fresh plants, but also wilted or dried ones, can sensitize and cause irritation on the skin. But you can safely breed a pharmacy primrose on the site: it will not cause you any trouble.

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