Calendar for transplanting home flowers for the year. When is the best time to repot indoor flowers?

Young gardeners will be surprised to learn how many mistakes can be made when planting a tree. How to plant a tree without making these annoying mistakes, most of which cannot be corrected. Let's take a closer look at the landing rules.

When to plant trees

It is best to plant trees in early spring. Only in the south, where winters are warm, can seedlings be planted in autumn without risk. The reason is simple. When digging seedlings out of the ground, most of the small roots break off, namely through them the trees receive food.

In order for new branches to grow after planting, it takes time (2 months) and heat, which is in short supply in autumn. Young trees do not have time to take root and die in winter.

Plant trees early autumn- also not an option. Seedlings should be removed from the soil after the end of the growing season (after the leaves fall). In autumn, you can safely plant plants that have root system closed. It is only necessary to remember that a closed root system is when a plant is grown in a pot, and not dug yesterday and stuck in a bucket of earth.

Seedlings acquired in the fall, it is wiser to dig in for the winter and plant in the spring. This way they are better preserved.

How to plant a tree

From the best seedlings, you can not wait for a good harvest if they are not properly planted. The most common mistake when planting a tree is over-burrowing.

Almost everyone knows the basic rule of planting - deepen to the root neck. And where it is located is determined erroneously. Many people consider the grafting site to be the root collar, and the grafting is 15 centimeters higher than the roots, and planting at such a depth dooms the tree to gradual death.

In order to properly plant a tree, you need to clearly know that the root neck is the specific place where the trunk ends and the roots begin. You can't deepen it!

Deepening inevitably leads to rotting of the bark. The process of decay is slow, ring damage to the trunk is not noticed for a long time. Trees can grow and bear fruit, but gradually become depressed. It seems that they do not have enough food. Trying to feed the plants hard does not help. Nutrition does not come from the roots to the crown due to ring damage to the bark at the root collar.

Root cancer of the roots.

Before planting a tree, check the roots for growths. Growths are small and

quite large. This dangerous bacterial disease is root cancer. With the timely removal of growths, the tree develops normally in the future.

But sometimes they are located at the root neck, where it is impossible to cut them out. You can’t leave it either - the seedling will gradually die and infect the soil, so planting it is pointless.

Injured, crushed ends of the roots are cut to a healthy place.

Landing holes.

On well-cultivated soils or on chernozems, you can do without special planting pits, making only recesses according to the size of the roots. On poor lands, large planting pits are prepared and, before planting a tree, they are filled with fertile soil with the addition of fertilizers.

This is done to ensure favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants in the early years. The larger the pit, the longer the auspicious period will be. Subsequently, the roots will go beyond it, so do not count on the contents of the pit to provide the seedling with food for life.

The main mistakes when planting trees are shown in the figures:

  1. Error: the seedling is deeply buried. (the worst mistake is figure 1) And it is already useless to start digging out the root neck, creating a recess. Moisture will accumulate in such a funnel and cause decay and death of the bark.
  2. Error: deepening of the entire hole, that is, the level of the ground in the hole is below the level of the edges of the planting hole. This is the result of planting in a freshly dug hole. The soil settled along with the seedling. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and fill the planting pits in advance so that the soil has time to settle.
  3. Error: after planting the tree, a void remained under the root collar ( White spot in figure 1). Without contact with the soil, the roots in this place will become moldy and gradually die off. Voids will not form when landing on an earthen mound (Figure 2). If there are many roots, distribute them evenly along the walls of the mound, trying so that they do not stray into one pile. In the process of planting, water the seedling, add soil and water again, shake it by pulling it up.
  4. Error: sloping walls near the landing pit (Figure 1). The shape of the pit can be any (round, square), but always make the walls sheer (Figure 2). The subsidence of the earth in a cone-shaped pit is not uniform, which contributes to the deepening of the trunk.
  5. Error: the roots of the seedling rest against the walls of the pit (Figure 1). This will make it difficult for the formation of callus on the roots, and hence the survival of the tree. Do not level the walls of the planting hole with a shovel. On the contrary, loosen the bottom and walls as much as possible.
  6. Error: the peg is too small. The stake should be driven deeper into the ground (Figure 2) so that the wind does not sway the plant.
  7. Error: the tree is tied tightly to a peg. Be sure to make the garter a figure-eight (Figure 2) - so it can absorb the effects of the wind. Choose a peg that is not high so that the crown of the tree is not injured about it in the wind.

How far apart are trees planted?

When planting between trees, the following distances should be:

  • between apple trees, pears 5 - 6 m.
  • columnar apple trees 2 - 2.5 m.
  • plums, cherries 3 m.
  • felt cherry 1.5 m.
  • shrubs 1 - 1.5 m.
  • ornamental plants 2 - 3 m.
  • ornamental plants with a narrow crown (thuja, yew) 1 m.
  • in a single-row hedge 0.3 m.
  • in a multi-row hedge 0.5 m.

Distance between trees and buildings on the site:

  • from the house and other buildings 5 ​​m.
  • from the edge of the track 1.5 m.
  • from the power supply pole 4 m.
  • from underground utilities 1.5 - 2 m.

Distance from trees to neighbours' plot:

  • tall trees 4 m.
  • medium-sized trees 2 m.
  • shrubs different 1 m.

Planting fruit trees on the hills

Landing fruit trees on hills and ramparts, recommended in low areas where groundwater is close to the soil horizon. In stagnant groundwater, natural air exchange is disrupted and carbon dioxide, which is detrimental to the root system, accumulates.

The roots gradually rot, signaling this by dryness, that is, the drying of the branches on the tops of the plants. No iron sheets or slate placed under the roots when planting trees will help, since they do not prevent the penetration of moisture. The roots of seedlings in the process of growth bypass obstacles, deepen and rot.

In low waterlogged areas, it is necessary to organize soil drainage, constantly raising the soil level and planting fruit trees on shafts and high ridges.

It is not necessary to bring land by cars of dubious quality you can do everything yourself. At first, such work may seem very laborious, but it can be done in the fall in one week, and in the spring to start planting the garden.

At the site of the proposed tree planting, a trench is being dug. The upper fertile and lower infertile layer of the earth, lay on opposite sides of the ditch. The trench is filled with unnecessary logs, old boards, branches, grass. All this is first covered with barren earth, and from above - dark, good.

So the ground level rises, and the soil under the trees is saturated with humus. Hills are prepared in a similar way. Every summer they throw grass, leaves on them and thus expand them. The diameter of the hills is made at least two meters. But even when trees are planted on hills, the root neck should not be lower than the soil level.

Everyone who is deeply involved in planting and transplanting knows that for some indoor plants there are special days. A special lunar calendar compiled for each phase of the moon, as well as the positions of the zodiacs, will help to identify them.

Nowadays, modern calendars are written by the best astrologers, recording calculations, presenting information about favorable and unfavorable days in detail. The calendar is arranged according to the days of each month.

Plant transplant calendar 2016

  • January

January will begin with a waning moon on the 2nd in the constellation of Libra. In a month, the moon will pass its phase, being in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces (09.01 - 12.01), and Leo (01.23 - 01.25), are unfavorable days for working with plants, the rest are favorable. From 3.01 to 5.01, 29.01 and 31.01 it is recommended to start planting bulbous and tuberous; curly ones are best planted on the 20th, and seeds on 01/18 and 01/22. Transplantation should be done on January 13, January 14 and January 18, and cuttings on January 18, 22.

  • February

In February, there are only a couple of unfavorable periods: from Aquarius to Pisces (February 7 - February 9) and from Leo to Virgo (February 21 - February 23). It is advised to plant bulbous and tuberous plants on February 5, February 6, February 25, February 26, February 28 and February 29. Curly will be best on the days: 16.02 and 17.02. For planting seeds - 14.02, 15.02, 18.02, 19.02. Take care of the transplant on 10.02, 14.02, 29.02. Root cuttings on days such as February 14, 18 and 19.

March is the most interesting month, bringing a solar eclipse on the same day during the new moon on the 9th. It is recommended from 6.03 to 10.03 (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries), as well as from Virgo to Libra (22.03 - 24.03) not to deal with plants, but simply to support them. On other days, sowing of seeds is recommended - 12.03, 13.03, 17.03 and 21.03. Planting curly - 14.03, and bulbous with tuber 4.03, 5.03, 13.03 and 26.03. Transplanting is most suitable - 12.03, 13.03, 21.03, and rooting - 5.03, 12.03, 13.03 and 17 March.

  • April

Favorable and unfavorable days will divide the month of April in half. It is not advised to "slow down" the plants on such days: 2.04, 3.04 (Aquarius); from Leo to Taurus (6.04 - 8.04); 21.04 - 23.04 (Libra, Virgo); 29.04, 30.04 (Aquarius). If you want to transplant your indoor pride, then don't miss April 9, April 17 and April 18. And if there is a need for rooting cuttings, then 9.04, 13.04 and 20.04 are best suited. It is necessary to plant seeds on 13.04, 17.04, 18.04, 20, curly - 11.04 and 20.04, and tuberous and bulbous - 1.04, 27.04 and 28 April.

May is the most successful month for sowing and planting, and transplanting too. Therefore, start sowing on 10.05, 15.05, 17.05 and 18.05. For planting curly, as well as for rooting, only a couple of days are allocated: May 17 and 18. Tuberous and bulbous plants need to be planted only on the same day - the 25th. As for the unfavorable days, we note the following - 1.05 (Pisces), 6.05 - 8.05 (Taurus, Gemini), 21.05 - 23.05 (Sagittarius), 27.05 and 28.05 (Aquarius). The rest of the days, just take care of the plants.

June is a hot month. You need to pay attention to moisture and, if necessary, replenish it. You can do this on unfavorable days for planting, sowing, transplanting: June 4 - June 6 (Gemini, Pisces), June 19 - June 24 (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius). Prepare seeds for sowing on the following days: 06/07, 06/11, 06/13, 06/14 and 18 June. Curly take care of 06/13 and 06/14 - good days for planting them. Plant tuberous and bulbous plants on one of the days - 2.06, 3.06, 17.06 and 30.06. The days are favorable for rooting - 06/07, 06/13, 06/14, and transplanted so that the plants start better - 06/11, 06/16 and June 17.

The sun is baking, time to relax, but the plants will not plant themselves in the month of July. You can plant seeds on days such as 07/08, 07/09, 07/11 and 16 July. It would be nice to transplant - 8.07, 9.07, 13.07, 14.07, 18.07, 28.07. Plants need to be rooted: 11.07, 18.07 and 28.07. Climbing plants will want to be planted on 7/11 or 30th. The most whimsical tuberous and bulbous - only the 28th is a good day. Astrologers do not advise to deal with plants from July 3 to July 5 and from July 19 to July 22.

  • August

August is a great time for room green beauty. Take care of her care on such days as 2.08 - 4.08, 17.08 - 19.08, 31 August. The following days are suitable for transplantation: 5.08, 9.08, 14.08, 15.08. If you need rooting, then you can do it on 7.08, 8.08, 14.08 and 15.08. New seeds can be planted on 5.08, 7.08, 8.08, 12.08 - 15.08. To engage in planting curly - 7.08 or 8.08, and tuberous or bulbous - 23.08 or 24 August.

  • September

September - the temperature gradually begins to fall and behave unpredictably, so the unfavorable days will be - 1.09, 2.09, 13.09 - 18.09 and the 30th. These days, it's best to just take good care of the plants. But, despite the bad days, you can plant seeds on 3.09, 4.09, 8.09, 11.09. In the first couple of days it is also possible to root or plant climbing plants. 19th and 20th - the time of planting bulbous and tuberous. Leave the transplant on the 6th or 7th.

  • October

As the year progresses and the auspicious time ends, further planning must be done very carefully: time is becoming less and less. October has bad days: 1.10, 2.10, 10.10 - 12.10, 15.10 - 17.10, 30.10 and 31.10. It is possible to plant seeds and root on October 6th or 8th. Plant curly - only on the 20th, and bulbous and tuberous - only on the 28th. 3.10, 4.10, 13.10 - numbers for plant transplantation.

  • November

November is an even worse month, unfavorable on the days: 1.11, 7.11, 8.11, 13.11 - 15.11, 28.11 - 30.11. This month, climbing plants are no longer favorable to plant, you will have to wait for the next year. November 4th and 5th are the days when you can do transplanting, rooting cuttings and planting seeds. Tuberous and bulbous plants will wait for their landing on the 24th, 25th.

  • December

The end of the year is the worst for gardeners. December makes it possible only to take care of the plants and wait for a better time. Experts appointed unfavorable days on such dates of the month as 4.12, 5.12, 13.12 - 15.12, 28.12 - 31 December. Curly, tuberous, bulbous will also expect another year - there are no favorable days. Only on 2.12 and 11.12 there is an opportunity to sow, transplant and root cuttings.

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WHAT INDOOR FLOWERS SHOULD I PLANT AT HOME? Properly selected flowers improve not only the energy of the house, but also the life of the owners themselves. Improve their spiritual and physical well-being. According to Feng Shui, the following potted plants have positive energy: amaryllis, hippeastrum (Hippeastrum hybrids), orange or lemon tree ( different kinds Citrus), flowering begonias (Begonia species), geraniums (Pelargonium hybrids), dracaena (Dracaena), camellia (Camellia species), Chinese rose, or "flower of love" (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), butterfly orchid (Oncidium papilla), ivy (Hedera helix), tree crassula (Crassula arborescens), ficus (Ficus lyrata), bush and potted chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum species), cyclamen , alpine violet (Cyclamen species). 1. Azalea maintains the vigor of the owners, strengthens the positive energy of the house. 2. Amaryllis is a donor flower. It is enough to cozy up next to him, slowly stroke his leaves, and soon your strength and good mood will return to you. 3. Ivy is an excellent stimulator of positive energy, helps to find balance and find a way out of a difficult situation. 4. Primula is a balanced flower, and therefore perfectly neutralizes negative emotions. 5. A rose opens hearts. Still would! After all, she has the most subtle and highest vibration of all plants. Especially during flowering. Also, the queen of flowers stimulates love for the world, promotes romantic and friendly relations. 6. Rosemary promotes good sleep , helps the body to relax and unwind, relieves fatigue, removes the feeling of anxiety, fear. 7. Geranium is an excellent means of correcting energy. It gives a person endurance, helps to overcome obstacles that stand in the way, and to achieve the desired goal as soon as possible. It also improves the energy background of the room. It is enough to be near this plant for 10 minutes, and you will gain energy and strength. 8. Tradescantia - an indicator of the energy well-being of the house. In a place where the energy is negative, this plant begins to turn yellow and shed its leaves. 9. Violet does not tolerate scandals. In addition, she is a great children's therapist, able to extinguish aggression. 10. Ficus creates a favorable, calm atmosphere. Quarrels, irritability, showdown are not to the liking of the ficus, he will take care to save the owners from them. 11. Cyclamen creates harmony and energy order in the house. There are a number of plants that have both positive and negative effects, depending on how and where to place them: 1. Aechmea emits energy impulses similar to arrows. May be exciting. At the same time, it is an excellent assistant for people who do not know how to defend themselves. 2. The longer and sharper the spines of cacti, the more aggressive the energy of plants. Cacti perfectly repel attacks from the outside. Place them on a windowsill or balcony and they will protect your home from intruders. It is undesirable to place cacti near people, as well as in the southwestern part, which is responsible for your relationships with others. After all, by doing this you will scare away your friends from your home, and “expel” your potential customers from your office. The positive thing about cacti is that, having a strong energy, they are able not only to “vampire”, but also to “take away” heavy negative energy. 3. Neoregelia with its thorns sets you up for aggression, but directed from your apartment helps to keep people who are negatively disposed towards you at a distance. 4. Yucca brings tension to relationships between people. But as soon as it is taken out of the door, the yucca immediately becomes a vigilant guardian, protecting the house from uninvited intrusions. Choleric people should be especially careful with yucca. They are contraindicated to be near this plant at home or in the office. After all, yucca can bring them to a nervous breakdown. By the way, as for people of different temperaments, then ... It is reasonable for melancholic and phlegmatic people to place plants with bright red, orange, yellow flowers in their apartment. Choleric and sanguine people are more suitable for flowers of bluish, purple, white tones and delicate greens. 1. You should be careful with climbing wall plants. They should not be placed in the matrimonial bedroom. This may affect your love relationships! And in other rooms, climbing plants are best directed upwards. Thus, they will be able to provide energy for growth, and they will bring peace and harmony to your relationships (especially climbing plants with oval leaves!). Sometimes you can even allow climbing plants hanging down, especially ivy and bindweed. But this is subject to the correction of the protruding corners of the walls and furniture. 2. In niches, corners, areas of energy stagnation, plants with sharp, elongated leaves can also be placed. But not in places where people stay for a long time. 3. Conifers, as well as plants with reddish, purple foliage, with bright red flowers, with leaves that look like triangles or flames, can be placed in the south (support for the Fire sector). 4. Place white flowers in the west. Plants with a white edge of leaves, silvery spots (for example, begonia) are also suitable here. 5. By the way, recently so popular orchids "vampire" your energy, which is especially dangerous for weak and indecisive people. 6. Ferns also absorb energy, but unlike orchids, they absorb negative energy well.


As you know, the movements and phases of the moon affect the behavior of living beings and terrestrial objects containing water. Since ancient times, people began to pay attention to the processes that occur with plants in one or another phase of the moon and gradually systematized their phenological observations. This is how the lunar calendar appeared, which helps to choose the best dates for picking fruits, for transplanting plants, for watering flowers, for pruning and pinching.

The accumulated knowledge and useful observations make it possible to compile an annual calendar with dates suitable for transplanting, propagating, feeding, pruning plants at home. Many flower growers use the lunar calendar of houseplants to grow their home collection.

❶ For example, on a full moon, life energy actively rushes from the root system of a plant to shoots, leaves and fruits. This period is very favorable for a safe transplant, and after the procedure, the plant takes root faster in the new soil. Fruits harvested on a full moon contain the largest number vitamins and useful substances. If you grow lemon tree, mango, kiwi and other fruit-bearing crops at home, you can easily choose according to lunar calendar the most successful date for harvesting fruits.

❷ But in the new moon, it is not at all desirable to transplant flowers and decorative leafy plants, since vital energy actively flows into the roots, and in the aerial part of the plant, the circulation of juices and other processes is extremely slow. But for crown formation, pruning and pinching, the new moon is the most favorable period. On the new moon and on the waning moon, you can collect seeds if you plan to use this method of propagating your flowers. The seeds collected during this period concentrate energy for active growth and, after planting, give quick shoots that actively develop and do not die.

❸ Passing through different signs Zodiac Moon influences the growth and development of indoor plants in different ways. For example, for transplanting bulbous and tuberous plants (tuberous begonia, domestic gloxinia or synningia, oxalis oxalis, hippeastrum, European and Persian cyclamen, beautiful and cinnabar clivia, amaryllis belladonna, eucharis Amazonian lily), it is best to choose the period when the waning moon moves along the constellation Scorpio, and increasing - according to the constellation Capricorn.

❹ For the transplantation of many ornamental leafy plants (rubber and Benjamin ficus, dracaena, asparagus, peperomia obtuse or shriveled, dieffenbachia, monstera, chlorophytum), it is advisable to choose dates in the lunar calendar when the waning moon is in the constellation of Cancer, and the waxing moon passes through the constellation of Pisces , Scorpio, Libra, Gemini.

❺ For transplanting ampelous indoor species (campanula bell, petunia) and climbing vines, it is best to choose dates in the lunar calendar when the waxing moon is in the constellation of Gemini, and the waning moon is in the signs of Virgo and Sagittarius.

❻ Houseplants do not absorb moisture well and nutrients when the Moon is in the constellation Aries according to the lunar calendar. It is not advisable to fertilize the soil, water, treat the plant with pest and disease control agents when the Moon is in the constellation Leo.

❼ Sowing seeds is best done during the waxing Moon in Virgo or the waning Moon when it crosses the constellation Scorpio or Cancer. Effective rooting of cuttings occurs during the growing moon, when it passes the constellation of Aries, Cancer, Taurus, Libra. Pruning and pinching to form the crown of a houseplant is best done during the waning moon in Aquarius or Gemini lunar.

Lunar calendar of flower growers for indoor plants for 2016

Unfavorable dates for planting or transplanting indoor flowers in 2016:

9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25;
7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23;
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24;
2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30;
1, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28;
4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24;
3, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22;
2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 31;
1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 30;
1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31;
1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30;
4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Planting and caring for flower crops should be at the allotted time and days that are scheduled in the gardener's (lunar) calendars. On which day it is better to transplant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and quickly takes root.

At first, the fact that the moon influences the growth and development of flowers was only a guess. Later, scientists proved that the fact of the relationship between plants and the moon takes place. After that, lunar calendars appeared, focusing on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to transplant indoor flowers and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to transplant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with a high stem and wide leaves are recommended to be transplanted during the period before full moon. During this period, the juice of the plant is directed upwards from the root, therefore, slight damage to the root during transplantation will not affect the general condition of the plant;
  • It is better to prune flower buds on waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is better to transplant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the fact that the plant will adapt for a long time in a new place or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and other bulbs are best sown on waning moon. Then they quickly sprout and take root well.

What time of day is best to transplant houseplants?

In order for indoor flowers to grow well and bloom, it is necessary to remember a few subtleties when it is better to transplant indoor flowers, and at what time.

When is the best time to transplant indoor flowers:

  • most favorable time is the interval from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • the best days for transplantation, the first or second day after the formation of a new moon is considered;
  • Do not transplant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) and at noon.
  • most favorable seasons in order to transplant flowers are early spring and autumn.

Flower transplant calendar 2016

In the calendar of the summer resident and gardener (lunar) of 2016, the dates are exactly given in which month it is better to transplant indoor plants, on what days to sow vegetables, when they need to be cut and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, you can achieve good germination and high yields.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, it is worth taking into account not only better days for transplantation, but also unfavorable.

On which day it is better to transplant indoor flowers figured out, now a little about unfavorable days. There are bad days five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for transplanting indoor plants

To focus on the moon when planting and transplanting plants or not is everyone's business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that cannot be argued with. After all, it was not in vain that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.
