Narcissus is a bulbous plant. narcissus flower

It is impossible to imagine a spring garden without blooming tender daffodils. These sunny, bright yellow and dazzling white flowers herald the arrival of spring. Their grace and delicate enchanting aroma have long conquered the hearts of connoisseurs and lovers of natural beauty. After all, it was not for nothing that even in ancient times people sang this fragile beautiful flower, considering it a love talisman. In different peoples of the world, many rituals, holidays and ceremonies are associated with narcissus.

There are many varieties of daffodils - more than thirty thousand.

What kind of flower is a narcissus?

Narcissus is a popular perennial bulbous plant from the Amaryllis family.

These flowers prefer sunny and rather open places, but successfully withstand partial shade, with good water and air permeability of the soil.

They bloom in April-May. Narcissus flower consists of 6 tepals simple. Each of them gives an outgrowth that forms a crown, inside which there are 6 stamens and a style. There are varieties with one-color and two-color, simple and double flowers, with various form crowns, smooth or corrugated edges of the petals.

Daffodils are winter hardy and are especially valued for this.

Varieties of daffodils. Classification

All decorative varieties of daffodils, which are currently more than 12 thousand, are divided into the following groups.

  1. Tubular (Trumpet). They have one flower on the peduncle, the crown is tubular, its length is approximately equal to the length of the petals. The flowers are white or yellow, one-color or two-color.
  2. Large-crowned (Large cupped). The flowers are solitary, one-color or two-color (white or yellow). The crown is cup-shaped, its length is from a third of the length of the petal, to equal to it.
  3. Small-crowned (Small-cap). The flowers are solitary, white and yellow, one-color or two-color. The crown is cup-shaped, the length of the crown is less than a third of the length of the petal.
  4. Terry (Double). A late variety with more than six perianth segments. The flowers are yellow, white and bicolor.
  5. Triandrus, triandrous (Triandrus). Flowers drooping, solitary or collected in umbellate inflorescences of 2-5 pieces. Petals are curved. The crown is cup-shaped, the length is about half the length of the petals.
  6. Cyclamenoid (Cyclamrneus). Flowers drooping, solitary, petals strongly recurved. Crown length from a third of the length of the petal to equal to it.
  7. Jonquilla: flowers have a pleasant aroma, their number in the inflorescence can be from 2 to 6, the petals are elongated, the crown is cup-shaped. The length of the crown is two thirds of the length of the petal or more.
  8. Tatsetnye or multi-flowered - the earliest variety, on one peduncle grows a whole bouquet of flowers (up to 20), which have a very rich aroma. beautiful flowers of medium size are located on a high peduncle (about 45 cm), the color is yellow and white, the crown is orange or white.

    This variety is not very hardy and resistant to weather changes, so it prefers a mild climate.

  9. Poetic (Poeticus) - differ in rather large single flowers, which have a sharp, but rather pleasant aroma. The petals are white, and the flat little crowns are orange, yellow-orange, and red, much shorter than the petals. The latest variety.

How to grow daffodils, how to care for them? When to plant daffodils?

Planting and caring for daffodils

Landing time

The best landing time in the middle lane is the end of August and the first ten days of September.

Landing place

For planting daffodils, it is preferable to choose a sunny or slightly shaded place, sheltered from drafts. Tatsetny daffodils must be planted in a sunny place, otherwise their flowering will not be plentiful. Hybrid varieties with a red, pink and orange crown, on the contrary, are best planted in partial shade to protect against fading.

You can plant daffodils in rows or groups on an alpine hill, lawn, flower beds, between trees and shrubs, or along paths.


In general, daffodils are undemanding to soils. However, it is desirable that the soil in the garden or flower bed should be quite fertile and light. When planting daffodils, sand is added to clay soils, and humus is added to poor soils. Also, when planting, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil: superphosphate and potassium salt.

How to plant daffodils

On heavy soils, the bulbs are deepened by 5-7 cm when planting; shelter is necessary for the winter. On light soils, the planting depth is not more than 15 cm, otherwise the daffodils do not bloom, the buds form, but fade without blooming.

The distance between the rows should be 20-30 cm, and in the row between the bulbs - 15-25 cm. The bulbs are chosen not too small - from 1 cm in diameter. It is noticed that the bulbs with a tight fit are larger, and with a rare one they form more children.

After 10-14 days, the top layer of the earth above the planting is leveled and sprinkled with leaf humus or peat with a layer of 3-5 cm.


Daffodils need enough moisture overdrying can cause poor flowering. The soil in the garden should be regularly loosened to reduce the evaporation of moisture, and also weeded in time.

top dressing

For good growth during the summer, daffodils need to be fertilized. For this, it is convenient to use liquid mineral fertilizers. The first top dressing is applied after the appearance of the entrances, the second - when the peduncles appear and the buds form. When choosing a fertilizer, it should be borne in mind that with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the flowering of daffodils worsens: buds form, but do not bloom. In such cases, phosphorus mineral fertilizers or ash are applied to the soil. Ash is added at the rate of 100 g per 1 sq. m.

Digging and transplanting

Daffodils can grow in one place from 3 to 10 years. When the planted bulb has overgrown with children and turned into a large bush, and it has become poorly blooming or has stopped blooming altogether, a transplant is made.

It is recommended to dig and replant daffodil bulbs annually if the site is located on peat soils, because. in such conditions, by the spring of the second year, the bulbs may be so deep that they will not produce flowers.

Also, every year, some flower growers transplant terry and tubular varieties of daffodils, so they better retain varietal characteristics.

They start digging up the bulbs as soon as the leaves of the daffodils dry up (usually this happens in July). Then they are dried for three weeks, thoroughly cleaned of the earth and old roots and put in storage before planting. Store the bulbs indoors, dry, well ventilated and not too hot.

If you have already prepared a place for daffodils, they can be planted immediately after digging, without drying and removing the roots. They will tolerate such a transplant perfectly even during flowering.

daffodils after flowering

After the end of flowering, the leaves of faded daffodils are not cut off, but they are waiting for them to dry. During this period, storage nutrients in bulbs. What to do with the plants next depends on whether you are going to plant them or leave them on. next year in the old place.

In the first case, they are dug up and prepared for transplantation, as described above. If the bulbs are left in the old place, then after flowering, you need to feed with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Do I need to cover daffodils for the winter?

Daffodils are considered quite unpretentious plants that do not need shelter for the winter. However sometimes it is desirable to take care of shelter. Firstly, if the planting of daffodils was made after September 15 (during late planting, the plant does not have time to take root properly and dies in the event of a cold and little snowy winter. It is also recommended to cover large-flowered varieties of daffodils (tacetaceous, triandrus, cyclamen and jonquillium), more vulnerable to frost For shelter use a layer of dry leaves about 15 cm thick.

A little about terry varieties

Terry varieties of daffodils endure frost worse. When planting in the fall, the planting time must be calculated in such a way that the plants have time to take root well before the onset of cold weather. For the winter, it is advisable to cover such daffodils with a layer of fallen leaves. Another feature of terry daffodils is their high demands on the soil. They grow better and bloom more luxuriantly in light sandy soils than in heavy ones.

Reproduction of daffodils

It is easiest to propagate daffodils by children after digging. Hybrid varieties can only be propagated in this way. Wild daffodils can also be obtained from seeds. After flowering, if the flower is not removed, a fruit is formed, which, after maturation, produces seeds.

Daffodils in a bouquet

Decorative daffodils look great when cut. To keep the flowers fresh longer, you need to cut them in the morning in a state of bursting buds. Their peduncles should be broken out at the surface of the soil, and not cut off. It is necessary to immediately put them in water, and if this is not possible, then temporarily wrap them in moistened paper. It is important that the cuts do not leak juice, so they must be kept cut up before being placed in water.

Types of daffodils in nature

    Jonquilla Narcissus (Narcissus jonquilla L.)

    Widespread, very decorative. The height of a thin cylindrical peduncle is 20-30, sometimes up to 40 cm. The leaves are green, in the amount of 2-4 pieces.

    The flowers have a pleasant citrus aroma, usually collected in umbrellas of 2-6 pieces, but can be single. Each flower is about 3 cm in size. The petals are bright or pale yellow. The crown is cup-shaped, bright yellow.

    This is a winter-hardy species, withstands temperatures of about -30 degrees.

    The jonquill daffodil is often used for forcing.

    Narcissus tazetta, bouquet (Narcissus tazetta L.)

    Another highly decorative look. Peduncle height 25-45 cm, flattened shape. The flowers are 3-5 cm in diameter, the number in the inflorescence is 4-8 pieces. Petals are white, with curved edges. Crown color from bright yellow to yellow-orange.

    This species requires growing in open, well-lit areas. It belongs to heat-loving and drought-resistant, and does not differ in high frost resistance, hibernates at a temperature not lower than -12 degrees. Therefore, in areas with harsher winters, it requires shelter or digging and storing the bulbs indoors.

    Narcissus tasset is one of the main species used to develop new varieties of daffodils.

    Narcissus poetic, white (Narcissus poeticus L.)

    A rather tall species, height 35-50 cm. The peduncle has a two-sided shape. The number of leaves is 2-4 pieces. The flowers are large, 4.5-7 cm in diameter, with a pleasant smell, arranged singly. Petals are white, yellow at the base. The crown is flat, wide, yellow in color, has a red or orange corrugated border around the edges.

    It is frost-resistant, hibernates at a temperature of about -30 degrees.

    It serves as the basis for the selection of new varieties.

  • Narcissus incomparable, incomparable (Narcissus x incomparabilis Mill.)

    It is a natural hybrid of the poetic narcissus and the false narcissus.

    Plant height 30-45 cm. Leaves are gray-green, 3-4 pieces. The peduncle is dihedral, flowers are singly located on it, the size of the flowers is 5-8 cm in diameter. Petals are light yellow. The crown is orange-yellow, cupped, with wavy edges.

    Resistant to frost down to -30 degrees.

The species described above are most widespread in culture, in addition to them, the following are known:

  • Minimal Narcissus (Narcissus asturiensis (Jordan) Pugsley.)
  • Narcissus bicolor (Narcissus bicolor L.)
  • Bulb Narcissus (Narcissus bulbocodium L.)
  • Cyclamenoid Narcissus (Narcissus cyclamineus D.C.)
  • Small narcissus (Narcissus minor L.)
  • False narcissus (Narcissus pseudonarcissus L.)
  • Narcissus triandrus L., tears of an angel (Narcissus triandrus L.)

Useful properties of daffodils

The flowers of daffodils contain essential oils, and the bulbs contain alkaloids, so they have been used in medicine and perfumery since ancient times. For example, Eastern healers treated mastitis with bulbs, and eye diseases with a medicine obtained from false narcissus. However, one should not try to use daffodils for medicinal and cosmetic purposes on their own, because These plants contain toxic substances in their composition.

At first glance, all daffodils are exactly the same: an easily recognizable flower with six perianth lobes and a characteristic outgrowth in the middle. They don’t spoil the color variety either, white and yellow colors are traditional, sometimes with the addition of pink, orange, red. But one has only to plunge a little into the "narcissus" world, as it turns out that each variety has its own "face", its own unique look.

To date, there are more than 30 thousand varieties and every year this figure increases thanks to the work of breeders. Selection work with daffodils is concentrated mainly abroad: in the UK, USA, New Zealand and other countries. There are few varieties of domestic selection. The recognized international authority on daffodil fashion is The Royal Horticultural Society in London, England. Every year, during the flowering period of daffodils, leading companies exhibit their products at a special exhibition of this society. Here you can see and get acquainted with the latest achievements of breeders, as well as with other, less valuable varieties. This is where it becomes clear that the varieties of daffodils are very diverse in appearance: the shape and color of the flower, the number of flowers on the peduncle; and on qualitative grounds: the height and strength of the peduncle, the scope (forcing, cutting, landscaping), resistance to diseases and pests.

To systematize such a number of varieties, a unified international classification of garden daffodils was introduced. This division is largely arbitrary, since modern varieties occurred as a result of distant hybridization of various wild species. Currently, all garden forms and varieties of narcissus are united under the common name Narcissus x hybridus short. According to the modern garden classification, they are divided into 13 groups: 12 groups of garden daffodils (including hybrids Narcissusbulbocodium- 10 group), 13 group - natural species and forms.

Let us recall once again that the narcissus flower has a very unusual shape. It consists of six perianth lobes, which can be of different shapes and colors of white, yellow or cream. The diameter of the flower is from 2 to 10 cm. In the middle of the flower there is an outgrowth, which is called a tube (crown). The crown can be of various diameters (0.8-6.0 cm) and heights (0.5-6.0 cm), with a smooth or wavy edge. Painted in white, yellow, orange, pink or red. Sometimes along the edge of the crown there is a border of a different color or shade of different widths. The flower is on a smooth peduncle 10 to 50 cm high. The peduncle can have from one to seven flowers, depending on the variety. The leaves are narrow, linear, up to 35-50 cm long, green or bluish in color.

In order to navigate this diversity, we present short description main groups of garden daffodils, crown shapes and color options.

Group 1. Tubular daffodils

On the peduncle there is one large flower, a tube of the same length with the perianth lobes or longer than them. The color is white, yellow, one- or two-color (perianth and tube of different colors). Plants have a noble, classic appearance, bloom early, suitable for landscaping (planting in a mixborder, single planting on a lawn) and for winter forcing.

Group 2. Large crowned daffodils

Probably the same daffodils that were depicted on Soviet postcards by May 1. There is one flower on the peduncle, the crown is longer than 1/3 of the perianth lobes, but less than the length of the perianth. To put it simply, the crown does not look like a long "gramophone" pipe, like in varieties from the first group, but not small, like in varieties from the third group. In this group, the most diverse combination of colors of the crown and perianth lobes. Perianth white, yellow, cream. The crown is white, cream, yellow, orange, orange-red, pink. Many varieties with a border of different widths of orange, pink or red, the edge of the crown can be wavy, corrugated, bent back, similar to airy lace.

Group 3. Small crowned daffodils

The name of the group speaks for itself. The crown of varieties from this group is low, no more than 1/3 of the length of the perianth, there is one flower on the peduncle. Perianth white, cream or yellow. The crown is often bordered, yellow-orange, apricot, pink, red, greenish. They bloom later than varieties from the first and second groups, grow well.

Group 4. Terry daffodils

Completely different from the traditional daffodil. On the peduncle one or more flowers, with a double perianth or a double crown, or a combination of both. One or two colors: white, yellow with red, orange, pink. They appeared a long time ago, the first plants - thanks to spontaneous selection, then the breeders of daffodils purposefully set about breeding varieties with a double flower. Widely known since the end of the 19th century, but not immediately singled out as a separate group, since the number of terry varieties could be counted on the fingers. A significant drawback is the drooping of peduncles when wet. After rain or heavy watering, heavy, moisture-saturated flowers do not stay on the peduncles, the peduncles lean towards the ground and often break.

Group 5. Triandrus daffodils

On a low (25 cm) peduncle there are two or more flowers, the perianth lobes are slightly thrown back, the flowers are drooping (hanging). The color of the flower is white, yellow, golden. They bloom early, are suitable for planting among stones, and blend well with other early flowering bulbs.

Group 6. Cyclamenoid daffodils

On a low (15-20 cm) peduncle, one graceful flower, similar to a cyclamen flower. The perianth segments are very strongly bent back, the flower is located at an acute angle to the peduncle, with a short pedicel, the crown is narrow, long. White, yellow perianth, crown white, yellow, orange. It blooms early, suitable for decorating rocky hills, borders, planting with muscari, crocuses, blueberries and other spring-flowering plants.

Group 7. Jonquiliform daffodils

There are five flowers on the peduncle (sometimes eight), perianth lobes prostrate or bent back, a cup-shaped crown. Usually its width is greater than its length. The flowers are fragrant, the leaves are narrow. Coloring yellow, white. They bloom late, the peduncle is high (50 cm), they look good in a mixborder.

Group 8. Tacetoid daffodils

Usually they have several flowers (more than three) on a strong thick peduncle. The perianth segments are prostrate, not tilted back, the flowers are usually fragrant, the aroma is specific. Petals are rounded, with a folded surface. The leaves are wide. Coloring white, cream, yellow. Suitable for forcing, cutting.

Group 9. Poetic daffodils

Usually one flower per peduncle, perianth segments pure white, crown folded, disc-shaped, usually with a green or yellow center and a red border around the edge (sometimes one-colored). The flowers are usually fragrant. Suitable for long-term cultivation in one place without a transplant, bloom late.

Group 10. Hybrids N. bulbocodium

There is one flower on a low (10-15 cm) peduncle, the perianth lobes are very small, almost not developed, the crown is of a specific bell-shaped shape, large (they are called “crinolines” daffodils, since the flower resembles a lady’s skirt worn on a hoop). They winter relatively successfully in the middle lane, but in severe winters they can freeze out and require shelter. Very good on rocky hills, suitable for pot forcing.

Group 11. Split-crowned daffodils

There is one flower on the peduncle. The crown (tube) is more than half divided, adjacent to the perianth. The flower resembles an orchid. Color options for a split crown (tube) are varied: white, yellow, crown red, pink, orange. Plants from this group will decorate the garden, suitable for bouquets and for cutting.

Botanical description

These are herbs equipped with dense bulbs and ribbon-shaped leaves of various widths. Flowers sit on the tops of leafless stems dressed in a membranous veil, one or several. Perianth petaloid, in the form of a tubular funnel, passing at the top into a horizontally spread or bent down limb, consisting of 6 equal parts. In the vent there is a crown in the form of a bell or a more or less deep saucer, solid or lobed. Stamens, of which there are 6, are attached in 2 rows at the top of the tube; ovary lower, trihedral; ovules sit in several rows in each nest, attaching in the inner corners. Style filiform, stigma obtuse. The fruit is a three-celled capsule, bursting along the valves into 3 parts. There are few or many seeds, they are spherical and with protein.

The most common types

The genus includes up to 20 species distributed in Europe, mainly in Mediterranean countries, especially western ones; one species grows in Asia to Japan and China. Several graceful species of narcissus have long been a spring decoration of gardens and are expelled in winter for rooms. Of these, the following are especially common:

1) Narcissus Taceta (Narcissus tazetta) - wild in Southern Europe, differs in that its flowers are collected at the top of a leafless arrow, from 30 to 40 cm long, with an umbrella of 8 and up to 10. These flowers are yellowish-white, with a small saucer-shaped crown the same color and very fragrant. They do not withstand the Russian climate in the open air, but work well in greenhouses and rooms. The bulb should be planted in October or early November. There are several varieties, including terry.

2) Narcissus pseudonarcissus- differs by a large crown, flowers are single, fragrant, yellow or the perianth is white, and the crown is yellow. Hardy and can be bred outdoors even in central Russia.

3) Daffodil yellow or jonquilla ( Jonquille) - flowers are collected 2-3 at the tops of the arrows, golden yellow, saucer-shaped crown, small.

4) Narcissus ordinary (Narcissus poeticus) - flowers are single, rarely paired, fragrant, pure white, their crown is in the form of a saucer, yellowish with or without a red edge. It grows well in the open air and even runs wild in central Russia. Bulbs are planted in autumn, from September to early November; planted at other times, they fail. Narcissists are generally content with any fresh soil. They are propagated by separating young bulbs (children) from an old bulb annually; this can be done, however, by removing the bulbs only every 4 years. It is inconvenient to breed narcissus with seeds, because they germinate very difficult - sometimes after 2-3 years, and then even before flowering you have to wait until the plant gets stronger, which takes from 5 to 12 years, depending on the species.

In addition to those named, there are many other very elegant, but less common daffodils in horticulture.

garden classification

The registration of daffodil cultivars is handled by the Royal Horticultural Society.
According to the Royal Horticultural Society, the following classes are distinguished:

  • Trumpet
  • Large-cupped
  • small-cupped
  • Double
  • Triandrus
  • Cyclamineus
  • Jonquilla and Apodanthus
  • Tazetta
  • Poeticus
  • Bulbocodium
  • Split Corona: Collar
  • Split Corona: Papillon
  • Miscellaneous
  • Species

Agricultural technology

Daffodils grow best in areas with loamy soils and moderate shade. They can grow up to 6 years without the need for a transplant. 3-4 weeks before planting, the soil is dug up and fertilized, if necessary, lightened by introducing a mixture of sand and peat. Acidic soils are alkalized with chalk or dolomite flour. Planting daffodils in Central Russia is carried out in the second half of September, so that the bulbs have time to take root before the onset of frost. During the growing season, daffodils need additional watering, approximately 3-5 times depending on the level. natural rainfall. Top dressing is carried out three times: when shoots appear, when budding and during flowering. In the conditions of Siberia and the Non-Chernozem zone, daffodils must be covered for the winter. For these purposes, you can use peat, straw and other heat insulators. For forcing daffodils, healthy bulbs of at least 27 g are used. Plants are dug up 40-70 days after flowering, the bulbs are washed, cleaned of stems and leaves, kept in a disinfectant solution and dried for 3-4 days at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. The period and temperature of storage of bulbs depends on required time distillation.

Diseases and pests

Diseases of daffodils

  • Fusarium (pathogen - Fusarium okusporum f. narcissi ).
  • Sclerocial rot (pathogen - Sclerotinia narcissicola).
  • Viral diseases.

Pests of daffodils

Aromatic properties

Like many other plants in this family, narcissus flowers have a strong intoxicatingly sweet smell. That is why the word "narcissus" has the same root as the word anesthesia.

In past essential oil narcissus has had some use in perfumery, but due to its high cost and the emergence of closely related synthetic fragrances, it is now largely unused.

Narcissus in culture and ethnography

The daffodil is a symbol of Wales.

see also



  • E. N. Zaitseva, E. T. Novikova Introduction of daffodils // Introduction and methods of culture of flower and ornamental plants. - M .: Nauka, 1997. - 168 p.
  • V. Chub. Terry daffodils. // Floriculture, No. 3, May/June 2007.


  • A guide to daffodils. Alexandrov K., On-line newspaper "Gardener Academy"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

These bright, joyful heralds of spring bloom among the grass on lawns, around ponds, liven up the space under hedges or add rigor to a formal border.

If tulips are considered to be a symbol of Holland, then more moisture-loving daffodils are the unconditional favorites of the British. Golden buds of daffodils among the fresh greenery of narrow long leaves can be considered a symbol of spring. By choosing the right varieties, in central Russia you can admire daffodils from early to mid-April to early June. Each bulb produces one or more peduncles topped with one or more flowers. The flowers are 2.5 to 10 cm in diameter, with a central crown surrounded by six tepals ("petals"), which may be narrow, tortuous, or broad, flat. The color of the perianth varies from greenish and white to various shades of yellow, orange-red or pink. Often there are two-color daffodils, and in some varieties the crown is colored paler than the petals.

Although most daffodils reach 40-60 cm in height, there are also lower varieties and dwarf forms that do not exceed 10-20 cm. The basal leaves are more or less belt-like, they appear simultaneously with the flowers. After the flowers wither, the leaves begin to lengthen; they should not be removed for at least six weeks after the end of flowering (it is better to wait until they begin to die off on their own). This will allow a mature bulb to form for next year's growth. Most daffodils do well in mass plantings under trees or shrubs; smaller varieties look good on the front of borders or in rock gardens. The most powerful varieties can naturalize among the lawn.

With the exception of true tatsetas and some jonquil daffodils, most are quite cold-resistant plants. Some varieties, especially smaller ones, are suitable for winter forcing in pots or containers.

tubular daffodils

The crown is in the form of a long tube, which is equal in length to or exceeds the length of the tepals. On the peduncle, as a rule, one flower is formed. Winter hardiness is good. Height - 40-60 cm.

"Arctic Gold"

Beautiful yellow flowers; the edges of the crown are wavy, the tepals overlap with their edges.

Biscayne «

Variety with yellow flowers.



High grade with white "petals" and a yellow tube.

"Dutch Master"

A time-honoured, golden yellow hybrid with broad, smooth "petals".


Vigorous, profusely flowering plant with creamy yellow flowers and a crown with slightly ruffled edges.


The variety belongs to the "reverse" daffodils, in which the crown is lighter than the perianth. Petals are yellow. The crown at the beginning of flowering is lemon yellow, but after a few days it turns white.

Feeling Lucky

An amazing hybrid with a bright red crown and yellow "petals".

Feeling Lucky

"Golden Aura"

Beautiful golden yellow flowers.

"Golden Aura"

"Ice Falls"

Vigorous plant flowers with creamy white "petals" surrounding a wide-opening yellow crown that gradually fades to cream.

"Ice Falls"

"Ipi Tombi"

Hybrid with large flowers with yellow "petals" and a fringed orange crown.

"Irish Minstrel"

"Loch Owskeich"

The flowers are large, with yellow "petals" and an orange crown.

"Loch Owskeich"


Wide pointed white "petals" and a long pale pink crown. The pink color intensifies as it blooms.



Daffodils with yellow "petals" and an orange-red crown.



Pure white "petals" and a crown with a pink edge.


Saint Keverne

The flowers are golden yellow; these daffodils are resistant to root rot.

Saint Keverne


Pure white petals and a peach-pink crown that intensifies over time.


The "petals" are bright yellow, the crown is orange.


Large crowned daffodils

The most popular class of daffodils, which includes the most varieties. The shape of the crown may be different, but its length should be at least one third of the length of the "petals", while the crown should not exceed the length of the tepals. Usually on peduncles is located on one flower. Winter hardiness is good. Height-40-60 cm.

Read also:

Plant Snowdrop / Galanthus: photo, types, cultivation, planting and care

Empress of Ireland

Variety with extremely large white flowers.

Empress of Ireland

"Golden Rapture"

Large golden-yellow flowers of a beautiful shape.

"Golden Rapture"


Excellent resistant variety with deep yellow flowers.


"Little Beauty"

A magnificent miniature plant only 15 cm high with creamy "petals" surrounding a pale yellow tube.

"Little Beauty"

"Little Gem"

Early flowering dwarf hybrid about 15 cm high with small yellow flowers.

"Little Gem"

Mount Hood

Vigorous plant with large creamy white flowers.

Mount Hood

"Rijnveld's Early Sensation"

Extremely early blooming daffodil with large yellow flowers on peduncles about 30 cm high.

"Rijnveld's Early Sensation"


The flowers are sulphur-yellow when they first open, but gradually fade to cream.


"Ulster Prince"

Golden yellow flowers.

"Ulster Prince"

W. P. Milner

The flowers of the undersized variety are very light, creamy yellow, drooping, on peduncles 30 cm high. The variety takes root very well. Due to its origin, this daffodil is sometimes referred to as Cyclamen or even Botanical daffodils.


A variety up to 30 cm high, with bright yellow rounded flowers and a bright orange crown with reddish edges. Great fragrance.


Small crowned daffodils

The varieties of this class are characterized by a short crown, which is not more than one third of the length of the tepals. There is usually one flower per peduncle. Although there are relatively few varieties in this class, among them you can find an exquisite aroma, the brightest colors and the most elegant flower shape. Small-crowned varieties are among the most frost-resistant daffodils. Height - 40-60 cm.


Pure white "petals" and a yellow crown with a red edge.


Sabine Hay

Golden "petals" and an orange crown.

Sabine Hay


Strong dwarf hybrid (20 cm tall) with white "petals" and a lemon yellow crown. Sometimes this variety is referred to as Botanical daffodils.


The flowers are white, in a dwarf hybrid.



Variety 18 cm high. Tiny (4 cm) sparkling white flowers. This variety is somewhat more sensitive to frost than most others.


Terry daffodils

Terry is considered to be flowers in which the number of tepals exceeds the usual (for daffodils - 6). Terry can occur in several ways. For example, some of the stamens are turned into “petals”, and then the crown will turn out to be terry. Another option is to increase the number of tepals. At the same time, some varieties in the center will retain a crown with stamens inside, while others have the entire middle occupied by “petals” and crown elements. The class is very heterogeneous in origin, so there can be either one or several flowers on the peduncle. Winter hardiness varies. Height - 40-60 cm.


In flowers, wide “petals” are pure white, orange-red elements of the crown are visible in the center.



On the peduncle 1-3 small double fragrant cream and pale yellow flowers. Due to the fact that this variety was obtained by hybridization of Poetic and Tacet daffodils, it blooms later and has a slightly lower frost resistance.


"Double Fashion"

The flowers are large, beautiful, with light yellow tepals and corrugated elements of the crown of a rich orange color that contrast with them.

"Double Fashion"


Dwarf hybrid, reaching only 18 cm in height, with 1-2 small yellow double flowers.


Rip Van Winkle

Old, easy to grow in gardens and at the same time very early blooming variety. Its height is about 30 cm, its flowers are double, greenish-yellow, with very thin "petals". In central Russia, the bulb often becomes smaller, and this causes the variety to stop blooming. This variety with equal success can be attributed to Botanical daffodils.

Rip Van Winkle

Sir Winston Churchill

A multi-flowered variety with white "petals" and light yellow crown elements. Strong sophisticated fragrance.

Sir Winston Churchill


Durable peduncles with large "petals" of rich golden color and an orange-red crown, divided into many segments. The variety is good for cutting.

"Telamonius Plenus" ("Van Sion")

A variety known since the 16th century. An early flowering double yellow narcissus, highly resistant to weather changes. Terry can be either only a crown or the entire flower.


Large rounded flowers with white tepals and yellow crown lobes.

"White Lion"

Vigorous hybrid with pointed white "petals" and creamy yellow crown elements.

"White Lion"

"Yellow Cheerfulness"

A yellow variant of 'Cheerfulness'. Sometimes there is a "return" to the original white variety.

"Yellow Cheerfulness"

Three-starred daffodils

This class includes varieties of daffodils created on the basis of N. triandrus (N. three-stamen). On the peduncle they usually have two or more drooping flowers with "petals" bent upwards. In shape, they resemble fuchsia. Winter hardiness in the middle lane is quite satisfactory. This class of daffodils is not yet widespread, but it is quite promising for creating gardens in a natural style. They bloom from the second half of May. Height - 40-60 cm.

Arish Mell

The variety has up to four white flowers.

Arish Mell


The bulb gives several peduncles no more than 18 cm high with 3-5 small light yellow flowers. In the conditions of the middle zone, the bulbs often become smaller, and the flower stalks become lower from year to year, and the number of flowers is reduced to one. Interesting for alpine slides.


"Ice Wings"

Variety with 2-3 white flowers of medium size with a long crown.

"Ice Wings"

"Liberty Bells"

Lemon-yellow flowers of a beautiful shape.

"Liberty Bells"


On a 30-centimeter peduncle there are 3-7 small drooping white flowers.


Rippling Waters

The variety is distinguished by grayish foliage and 1-3 white flowers.

Rippling Waters


The flowers of the most popular variety are star-shaped, pure white. The variety is very stable in the middle lane.


Cyclamen daffodils

Varieties of this group were obtained by hybridization of N. cyclamineus (N. cyclamen). Usually there is one flower per peduncle. The flower has a short pedicel, it sits at an acute angle to the peduncle, and its "petals" are strongly bent back, which gives it some resemblance to a cyclamen flower. Many of these varieties and hybrids bloom very early. They can be placed under shrubs or among lawn grasses. Differ in early flowering. Winter hardiness depends on the variety. Height - 30-60 cm.

Read also:

Sternbergia plants: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care in the garden

"Charity May"

"Charity May"

Dove Wings

Dove Wings

"February Gold"

"February Gold"

"February Silver"

"February Silver"



"Jack Snape"

"Jack Snape"


Flowers with pointed creamy white "petals" and an expanding lemon crown that gradually brightens as it blooms. Varieties of this group were obtained by hybridization of N. cyclamineus (N. cyclamen). Usually there is one flower per peduncle. The flower has a short pedicel, it sits at an acute angle to the peduncle, and its "petals" are strongly bent back, which gives it some resemblance to a cyclamen flower. Many of these varieties and hybrids bloom very early. They can be placed under shrubs or among lawn grasses. Differ in early flowering. Winter hardiness depends on the variety. Height - 30-60 cm.

"Charity May"

An early flowering cultivar with light yellow flowers.

"Charity May"

Dove Wings

Variety with white "petals" surrounding a lemon yellow crown.

Dove Wings

"February Gold"

An early flowering cultivar with intense flowers. yellow color. One of the most powerful varieties of this group, which gives the earliest cut of daffodils in central Russia.

"February Gold"

"February Silver"

Very long lasting large flowers with almost flat white "petals" surrounding a yellow crown.

"February Silver"


White "petals" and salmon-pink crown.


"Jack Snape"

White "petals" and a short yellow crown. The variety perfectly adapts to new conditions. Well established in central Russia. Reproduces quickly.

"Jack Snape"


Flowers with pointed creamy white "petals" and an expanding lemon crown that gradually brightens to cream as it blooms. Sufficiently winter-hardy variety.


Vigorous hybrid with yellow flowers that turn bright orange over time. Winter hardiness is high.


"Little Witch"

The variety is not higher than 30 cm; flowers are small, golden yellow. These daffodils look good among the lawn.

"Little Witch"

Peeping Tom

Flowers with a length, expanding golden yellow crown and recurved "petals".

Peeping Tom


Bending back white "petals" and a lemon-yellow crown.


jonquil daffodils

These favorites of the XIX century are now grown less and less.

At the heart of all varieties:

N. jonquilla (N. jonquil, or N. rush)

The leaves are very narrow, rather rounded than flat, bright green in color. The foliage vaguely resembles a curtain of rush (uncus), from which the name of the species comes. On one peduncle 1-3 very fragrant flowers are formed. "Petals" widely diverging, but not bent back.

This group of daffodils needs full sun.

They bloom in the second half of May, when most varieties of the previous classes have already faded. Winter hardiness varies, but there are varieties that are resistant in the middle lane. Height-30-40 cm.

"Bell Song"

The variety has up to three white flowers with small pink crowns. Winter hardiness is good, but the bulbs in the middle zone often become smaller, which is why the variety turns into a dwarf one.

"Bell Song"


The flowers are drooping, "reverse", 1-2 on the peduncle, with lemon-yellow "petals" and a lighter crown - it turns white at the end of flowering. Winter-hardy variety.


2-3 fragrant yellow flowers with long crowns. It freezes in severe winters.


"Sun Disc"

The variety produces tiny single yellow flowers, the "petals" of which gradually fade to cream. Peduncles about 20 cm high. In the conditions of the middle lane, the bulbs shrink from year to year.


An early variety with 1-2 small yellow flowers on a 20 cm peduncle.



1-4 dark yellow flowers with orange crowns. Winter hardiness is good.



Variety with small single golden, very fragrant flowers.



Variety with light lemon-yellow flowers. Freezes out in some years.


Tatsetas and their hybrids

The ancestor of this class is N. tazetta (N. tacet). Tatset and related species are common in the warm regions of the Mediterranean, so varieties based on it are quite thermophilic. When grown in the Russian climate, it is necessary to distinguish between tacets proper, which do not winter in the middle lane, and hybrids of tatsets with poetic narcissus (N. poctkus) - poetic daffodils, which have good frost resistance. On each strong peduncle there are from 3 to 40 flowers (depending on the variety). Flowers with a pleasant strong aroma, reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. Blooms very late compared to other varieties. The leaves are wide, bluish-green. Height-40 cm.


Greyish leaves and up to seven tiny pure white flowers with yellow crowns on each 25 cm tall spike. In central Russia, it blooms only in the first year after planting. In subsequent years, the bulbs survive but do not bloom. Sometimes this narcissus is classified as Botanical.


Terry variety of tatsets. It is also very fragrant, but does not hibernate in the climate of the middle zone. Nevertheless, it can often be found on sale. It can be recommended to dig up the bulbs in early September, dry them and store them in a frost-free cool room, and plant them again in May. open ground. This technique will extend the flowering of daffodils until mid-June. Sometimes this variety is referred to as terry daffodils.


Powerful hybrid with 3-4 pure white wide flowers and bright orange crowns. A fairly reliable and winter-hardy variety.



2-4 tiny creamy-yellow flowers on a peduncle about 25 cm high. Winters, but flowering in the middle lane is irregular. Sometimes it is referred to as Botanical daffodils.


"Paper White" (syn. N. papyraceus)

A well-known early variety of daffodils of this group, usually used for winter forcing. On each peduncle up to 10 small pure white flowers with a strong aroma. In the middle lane, it does not hibernate even under cover.

Daffodils are flowers that most people associate with the arrival of spring. Although they are not the first to appear after the winter, they are very long-awaited and loved. There are quite a lot of people who do not have a soul in daffodils. Not everyone decides to grow them, but those who nevertheless decide do not regret at all and enjoy the fragrance and beauty of these.

Characteristics and description of the flower

Narcissus (Narcissus) belongs to the genus of plants of the Amaryllis family, which includes about 50 primary and 60 hybrid species. The name itself comes from the Greek narcao - "to stupefy". Most likely, it is connected with the rich aroma of flowers.

These plants are perennial, herbaceous, bulbous. They have basal, linear leaves and rather large white or yellow flowers, located singly or in racemes. The flowering period is April-May.

Narcissus consists of 6 perianth petals, the outgrowth of each of which forms a crown with 6 stamens and a style. There are varieties with one-color and two-color flowers, smooth and double petals, with different crowns.

Flower growers especially appreciate this flower for winter hardiness, ease of care and beauty.

Varieties of daffodils

According to the international classification, these plants are divided into 12 groups. In total, there are more than 12 thousand decorative varieties. Depending on the species, daffodils look different:

By combining different varieties of daffodils on the site, you can create a unique design. Flowers look beautiful in groups: in flower beds, between shrubs, individual islands.

Popular varieties

A variety of varieties of daffodils obtained as a result of long-term work of breeders. The first hybrids of these plants were created in the XVIII century. Today, flower growers can choose from 12 thousand varieties of any to your taste. The following species are most often bred:

Whatever variety of flowers is chosen for planting, it will certainly please the grower after germination, it will look beautiful both on the site and in the design of bouquets.

Growing flowers

To make bouquets, flowers should not be cut, but broken at the surface of the soil. Immediately you need to put them in water, and if this is not possible, wrap them in damp paper. The main thing is that the juice does not flow out of the slices. Therefore, before placing daffodils in water, you need to keep them with their flowers down.
